Below is everything (newest at top) with "education OR news OR emails OR conspiracies" in its title or subcategories. For a strict listing (matching all categories and subcats), click here
Musk, USAID, and closer to New World order on YouTube ... read more
Yes, Trump's a fascist, led around by bigger fascist, Netanyahu.
On Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 07:10:05 PM PST, someone wrote:
David Icke explores this. He points out that Israel is getting everything it wants. He's paying back his massive Zionist donors.
Is Trump a Trojan horse, as James Corbett implies (separate video)?... read more
If one hasn't learned yet, they ought to investigate the dancing Israelis which the video describes
On Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 01:57:10 PM PST, someone wrote:
Nothing new, unless you never realized Israel (our dearest friends) was behind this attack. read more
It's been said that electricity is what controls it all
On Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 05:24:44 PM PST, someone wrote:
Short clip explaining what is possible now. But don't worry. The government would NEVER want to use it on our population. The government loves you.
bitchut... read more
monetize everything, telling how much CRYPTO it is worth. Crypto is BACKED BY NOTHING. So, idiots sell (give away) their land and other assets for c
rypto. The government messes it. Klaus Schwab was rightm, you own nothing
and are happy.
Crypto for the Land and Real Estate Swap Is Coming
'Go... read more
Yes and to do it, submit your DNA. How much did he give to Trump?
On Feb 8, 2025, at 12:22, someone wrote:
Larry Ellison, the CEO of Oracle, not only wants to make custom mRNA injections within 48 hours, now he wants to record the bathroom breaks on police body cams.Isn't this piece of sh-t a real genius? And Trump listens to thi... read more
Whitney Webb says don't get too excited, but I already forgot what her
reasoning was. :) There's a video about it on YouTube from her or
quoting her.
On 2/7/2025 11:30 AM, someone wrote:
In case you are not hearing about the investigation into the US.A.I.D., you probably have no clue how wonderful and terrific this is for o... read more
New book made into a video with the help of AI - 6 minutes. Pretty good.
Dr. William P. Trebing's book Good-bye Germ Theory: Ending a Century of Medical Fraud and How to Protect Your Family challenges conventional medical wisdom, arguing that germ theory is a fraud and that diseases are the body's natural detoxification p... read more
Another step to a one-world-government, run by Netanyahu (with Trump as his PUPPET).
On Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 11:17:38 AM PST, someone wrote:
Listen to the latest garbage emanating from the mouth of Trump. Excellent report by Greg. on Bitchute ... read more
Yes, SUPER SCARY for humanity.
On Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 11:18:40 AM PST, someone wrote:
It concerns what's happening now and in the near future. And it concerns everyone who works and especially future generations. It's from December 26, 2024, but I just saw it. It's extremely important that everyone watches and s... read more
TRAITOR to Humanity: sidelines two key vaccine-truth figures after meeting with Bill Gates
On a similar grim thing, I think I figured out why they want to make us all dependent o... read more
From Alex Jones/Infowars: on Bitchute
On Monday, December 16, 2024 at 08:10:21 AM PST, someone wrote:
I haven't watched it yet, but here's a related one on Project Bluebeam: Beat the rush getting my read more
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is what the corporations have been pushing to cause havoc around the world. It's a psyop by globalists designed to help subjugate the world and enslave everyone.
But there's good news. Pushing DEI has brought a lot of public criticism and especially caused financial problems for the idiots who ac... read more
That theory in the title is like the Q people thinking Trump is riding in on a white horse to save the world. I didn't watch. But it reminds me of a new one to watch from Stew Peters. Can't remember the title but he's blasting the Zionists.
On Sunday, December 8th, 2024 at 7:29 PM, someone wrote:
This guy attributes it to T... read more
I ask about it in this way because there are hidden and satanic influences beyond human. According to this lady, it's the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. She claims to have been a sex slave. It's Interesting how she describes the pecking order between them.
On a side note, have you ever used autocorrect? It's helpful when hunti... read more
... read more
This has videos and articles you might like:
On Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 06:11:41 PM PST, someone wrote:
Thanks. Looks good. I posted this article, calling trump's nominees MURDERERS:
Japan's most senior cance... read more
Compilation by Reese. Watch and then feel free to puke from Trump's new administration choices. on Bitchute
On Monday, November 25, 2024 at 09:44:30 PM PST, someone wrote:
I see lots of articles about his appointments. Every opportunity I have, I ... read more
For the FEW who can deal with Reality: Real News Network
On Friday, November 22, 2024 at 09:34:45 PM PST, someone wrote:
They say how trump is a good guy against the puppet masters but that's almost funny th... read more
As promising as many of his picks are to help get this country back on a good path from the clutches of the incredibly evil, psychotic and stupid democrats, we have to wonder if the crazy Zionists will destroy the world as they somehow remain the victims while waging war all around them. These are really evil people who are happy to create WWII... read more
On Monday, November 18th, 2024 at 11:49 PM, someone wrote:
I hear the criminals running CA ... read more
This video mentions documented plans by pharma-controlled bureaucrats to turn this country into a complete tyrannical state. Nothing will change until people realize what they're up to and make these criminals pay for what they already did.
A huge court win is mentioned that will help prevent corporations from going along with the next s... read more
Appropriate for society. on YouTube ... read more
This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones on Bitchute
On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote:
Great, two Deep State globalists. I wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet)
greattwo Deep State glo... read more
Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with el... read more
While much of the world sighs with relief to see the puppet and mental midget Harris not be selected for a second term in the White House, in the back room Trump was found on his knees servicing Israel again. The first few minutes alone explain this, by Trump himself. The lofty plans coming from his transition team are dwarfed by his Zionist p... read more
Yes, that's only a tiny fraction of the fake science upon which the globalists want to frighten you into compliance.
Does anyone really believe in this climate change scam anymore? Isn't it obviously a hoax? And if they are lying about that, what else might they be lying about? Fool me once...
Many other things are discussed in ... read more
David Icke explains how this psyop will work. Sure, Trump will be better than the cringe Harris, but the globalist agenda will move forward with less pushback because the vast majority of people think Trump will save America and the world.
Don't be fooled again. read more
Whichever court in Europe it is that's suing Gates for his vaccine damage might use this in their case against him.
On 11/3/2024 12:03 AM, someone wrote:
No conspiracy, just COINCIDENCE, right?
Patent US10702600 for the vaccine candidate mRNA-1273 was in fact registered in its new composition on March 28, 2019.... read more
I thought it interesting how without their usurious banking practices (charging interest), everybody was able to provide for themself and had lots of extra time to contribute to society by making the cathedrals or whatever.
On Friday, November 1, 2024 at 09:29:33 PM PDT, someone wrote:
I'm at the 2 hour, 7 minute mark. W... read more
I got this from an acquaintance. It makes me really wonder if Democrats finally realized the Hunter laptop is real and was covered up to massively influence the 2020 election.
Now that Facebook has admitted their coordinated efforts to lie to the public, working with the FBI, wouldn't the normal thought process make someone wonder what else... read more
As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones:
bi... read more
This is horrendous news. A man realized his organs were about to be harvested when he was at the hospital recently. Adams has a lot more to add to this story. It starts at 57 minutes, 53 seconds. Must watch. And warn all you know about this. . read more
Do not get the smallpox vaccine. If you do you will have to quarantine yourself for 4 weeks and not come in contact with babies, anyone who has an autoimmune disease. You will not even be able to share your bed with your significant other.
On Monday, October 21, 2024 at 10:11:50 AM PDT, someone wrote:
Here's a link to the insert wi... read more
Okay, they want to take over the Middle East for Greater Israel, but I'm not sure how the Globalists/Deep State ties in with them against humanity. on Bitchute
On Sunday, October 20th, 2024 at 8:19 PM, someone wrote:
It appears these criminals calle... read more
The video opens with about an 8-minute report on how Israel propaganda has swayed public opinion with the latest being the selling of sex to justify the Gaza genocide. It's really wild and bizarre. That alone is a good reason to watch this video.
But throughout the entire video is more amazing proof of Zionist insanity. There's one p... read more
I haven't seen the video but I figure the CIA and mercenaries will stir things up and probably kill a few people to help cities go crazy
On Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 08:54:12 AM PDT, someone wrote:
Alex Jones gives good advice on how not to react to this tyrannical behavior that's just a provocation for violence. They'd ... read more
A separate article about it says the military can assist local enforcement in special circumstances as per US DoD directive 5240.01 (assist law enforcement) but with a twist. Anyone see this one? zerohedge.comZerohedge has its article here.
The directive isn't brand new but this year... read more
That makes me think how there are alternate social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as ... read more
After watching this great movie -- Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA -- which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposely set up as Trump's challenger because she IS such and idiot with so many flaws, easy to attack
On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at... read more
I'm listening to it.I've been trying to get wife to agree to get a wind turbine for power. As to burning wood for heat, we have a stove and there's lots of wooden fences around to burn.
On Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 10:23:23 PM PDT, someone wrote:
Interview by Seth from Man in America.
It covers a broad range of su... read more
Part of his continuing elimination of humanity? Gates Owns Hurricane Controlling Weather Patents; Redacted w Clayton Morris read more
Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to accomplish what nobody else could do.
On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote:
look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to b... read more
Nothing about it in the News. Kamala not protesting it. ... read more
New book with a bunch of evidence the globalists don't want us to know. Is blue your favorite color yet? on Bitchute
On Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 08:53:12 AM PDT, someone wrote:
I ordered it. I think I'll be able to use some of the info in o... read more
Where's the media? Very good report including questions a normal person might be wondering why it's getting so little media coverage. Better have cash. Nothing digital is working. on Bitchute
On Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 07:10:34 PM PDT, someone ... read more
Is this affecting the Nashville area?
On Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 6:58AM someone wrote:
I was just about to ask the same question. I hope everyone is ok
On Sunday, September 29, 2024 at 08:47:37 AM PDT,
The worst of it hit east of here in eastern TN and western NC
On Sunday, Septem... read more
Go to the feed supply and get 50-pound bags of wheat. They say it lasts forever. Have a grinder, too.
On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote:
When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder y... read more
many consider themselves to be a different race, above the rest of us, and thus the rest of us are only good for serving them. Yeah, Synagogue of Satan as it says in the bible
On Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 10:10:24 PM PDT, someone wrote:
I've heard from some past Max Igan videos that many in Israel want more radical war. ... read more
Interesting. Something about Sarah bothers me. I've said for some while that plan B was to nuke us but they went with Plan C, the scamdemic, but they may still go back to Plan B (but not nuke all but the large cities).
On Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 07:50:22 AM PDT, someone wrote:
Naomi Wolf doesn't think so. We've just... read more
yeah, I tried to get it for free but couldn't find the link. I think it was censored, too
On Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 01:06:48 AM PDT, someone wrote:
I believe he is now giving his book away in digital form, with donations appreciated.
On Friday, August 16th, 2024 at 10:55 PM, someone wrote:
yes, good video. He wrote a ... read more
Occasionally, I foolishly ask why would those techies want communism? Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who ran it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs. It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves.
On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote:
This i... read more
I'm through a quarter of the video. It was asked, what makes America great? Wrong question. It should be Why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all? Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. U... read more
99% of the people will say, that's not so bad, I can't do anything about it.
We need a movement but all we're seeing so far is a bowel movement where we get sh-tted on.
On Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 01:35:01 AM pDT:Listen to the details of smart cities digital ID. Can't buy groceries without it. Can't... read more
Al Gore and the other fake environmentalists love carbon credits because they can game them as is done with the stock exchange.
On Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 01:08:33 PM PDT:Lots of interesting comments and the latest the globalists are up to, particularly in north, central and south America.
If you're not familiar with... read more
I love it! This is great. on Tumblr I love it! That's great.
On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote:
I love it! That's great.
On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote:
h... read more
For all you Snopes afficionados, you'll be thrilled to discover the conspiracy theory that the piece of st person who claims to have been elected president in 2020 is yet another conspiracy FACT.
The same criminals who protected this Biden crime family seems to have changed their minds and are throwing this garbage scumbag under the bus... read more
Content-Type: text/html;
Why so expensive? For me, a 52 page novella should be no more than two dollars. BillOn May 12, 2024, at 12:55 PM, someone wrote:EFBBBFThanks to your stunning promotion, what the heck, maybe I'm your first customer.I wonder how m... read more
Soros was behind the color revolutions to destroy countries and he's behind what's happening now in the USA to destroy it (but according to the new antisemitism act it's antisemitic to say anything bad about him).
On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 11:25:43 PM PDT:Good and short interview about how chaos from ... read more of the Nation ... read more
But will Fauci and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Big Pharma and all the medical folks who ignored the truth)? Found Evidence of Covid Vax-Caused Deaths But... read more
Nice summary of who runs things.
The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco)... read more
Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the h... read more
This is the second time I'm hearing about a new movie (Civil War) with a 50 million dollar budget which has real American patriots in pain to watch it. It was described by one as the plot to kill Trump, hoping to inspire some demented creep. on Bitchute
... read more
Leftists HATE LEGAL citizens (so go across the border and plead to come back in illegally?)
On Monday, April 8, 2024 at 09:26:23 AM PDT:Go to minute 3:50 to see the latest insane coming out of California's piece of sh-t people pretending to represent us o... read more
If anybody thinks that the Democrats are for the people, they're DELIRIOUS: Skipping Meals to Afford Housing
and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them
On Saturday, April 6, ... read more
Whatever happened to that never again mantra? Guess it doesn't apply to them.
On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM:
Couldn't agree more. on Bitchute I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do
what they like.
My c... read more
This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk.
target'blank adults are obese
On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST:
Re: I listened to a little of it. ... read more
Actually, I think it was borrowed from cystic fibrosis (see the movie Feet Apart ) for which they recommend contagious people keep at least six feet away
from vulnerable people. It actually is good advice to stay s... read more
TIme to paint our roofs blue?
Inquisitive minds are not buying the official story that the fires in Maui were a natural and unexpected event — and certainly not one that is the product of some mythical concept like climate change or global warming.... read more
Silly, facts are no fun. They don't let me remain in my comfy imaginary world.On Friday, September 15, 2023 at 07:52:32 PM That's for sure. And suffers the consequences of countering the official narrative of the 9/11 government false-flag attack on Americans. He is attacked by the airline that employed him, by the medical peopl... read more
It's a test in one city for one month (to see if the sheeple will put up with it?)
On Sunday, September 10, 2023 at 10:55:30 AM
This is a trap set for Americans to get arrested like the FBI did on Jan 6th.And it's obviously a globalist attempt to see how easy it is to get people to lay down and willingly give up their rights s... read more
It was such a planned event, as the case of the Dancing Israelis makes clear
Were the notorious 'Dancing Israelis' 9/11 plotters, spies, or just common scam artists? The five dancing Israelis intrigue lives on twenty years after the September 11 attacks. But the reality behind...... read more
Find people around you -- find your tribe. Build up your own local economy. Stand a rotating watch for fires because the plan seems to be to burn people out of rural areas and herd them into 15 minute cities / prisons.Exciting plans to stop some insane abuses regarding geo engineering, weather modificationHer timeline for a massive shock w... read more it on From: JEFFREY PRATHER Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 7:29 AM Subject: ???????? PRATHER CHINA SATELLITES FIRED MAUI 2 CHINA SATELLITES AT 3 MAUI FIRES! 1 SATELLITE RELOADED (RE-ORBITED)! ... read more
The whole thing is a wet dream for the Commies who want to end the sovereignty of all countries so it's a one-world-government, using health laws written by people who aren't doctors (such as the guy who runs the WHO). So disgusting that so many don't see a problem with that because, again, they want to go along to ... read more
Great, but the puppeteers preemptively discredited anything Russian, so...
The People's Voice Russia has publicly accused Big Pharma and US Deep State actors of manufacturing the covid-19 pandemic to take... read more
Today, The Two Mikes welcomed back Jack Maxey for an update on his investigation into the corruption of the Biden administration.Mr. Maxey said he discovered that the CIAs investment company, InQtel, turns out to have been the owner of the Ukrainian company Metabiota, whose laboratories developed and manufactured substances used ... read more
Not another one. As I have repeatedly warned my readers, leaders all over the globe seem to have come down with a really bad case of war fever. Instead of sitting down and attempting to find solutions through diplomacy, many of our leaders seem quite eager to use military force to settle matters these days.... read more
This jibes perfectly with what we learned yesterday from Alex Jones. The Infowarrior noted in this clip from his show that two whistleblowers told him the government was preparing for another round of lockdowns and perpetual panic in mid-September. Is the variant described below by Mac Slavo at SHTF Plan the catalyst for their new round of Pande... read more
The real reason for it. Really interesting stuff. on Bitchute ... read more
Not long. Eye-opening. American cartels are the real problem. Mexican cartels are a diversion. And the FBI is behind much of it. From Arizona to New Hampshire, corruption is complete.: on Bitchute On Wednesday, June 28, 2023 a... read more
Excellent interview explaining the command structure of the shots. And finally a clear explanation of their variability.No speculation, just documented 3Dshare-btn-copylink... read more
just got a new book and it has results of studies with Ivermectin and it sounds incredible as to how well it beats covid (but, of course, it was all covered up or the bad guys tested it by giving people 100 times the recommended dose so it hurt the subject) On Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 10:33:39 PM: I hope people will w... read more
And how they plan to do it again, to all who still believe their narrative. Remember, the covid scamdemic was just part 1, maybe to see who will believe anything they say.Really good interview of a mama bear from CA who has chosen to stay and fight. She has really interesting things to share from her research. You might think you know it, but... read more
Of course, the media will put their leftist slant on the alleged whatever.I had a silly thought. Maybe Joe is the brains behind it all, even allowing Obama to play president first and he's having a ball pretending to be a doofus! (Of course, kamala is NOT pretending, truly being a doofus)On Monday, June 12, 2023 at 01:39... read more
Excellent. I didn't know he's running for president. And I stopped watching him after I got off Fascistbook and YouTube where he seems to spend most of his time.Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2023 9:27 AMwho is in KontrolDr SHIVA Exposes The System of the Elites -- HOW the Few Control the Many -- What WE Do to Break Freetarget... read more
Here's an issue where the democrats actually have it right: The Occupation (Remastered 2023) -- ny PunishDedicated to Al-Nakba and the Millions of Displaced Indigenous Peoples lost at the hands of Euro Colonists posing...On Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 11:44:42 PM:and as I've pointed out:: Zionist Jewish Israelis are the Worst ... read more
It's part 3 but stands as a separate entity -- The Great Awakening. Not what I expected at all, but I highly recommend it and it may bring you to tears as it did for me. Wow, so good! Featuring above all others is the famous G. Edward Griffin, the author of the story revealing what the banksters did in The Creature From Jekyll Island which i... read more on Bitchute ... read more
Boy, he's really on top of it. Since I'm still registered as a democrat, I'm definitely going to vote for him. It's laughable to think pedo joe could survive a debate with RFK Jr, so the only option his controllers have is to act like he doesn't exist.Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 12:38 AMyeah, I already had that vi... read more
She's Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea who is also on Substack.Her interview starts about the 11min mark. You can use 2x speed to get to the interview, if you want.It's Thursday, May 18, 2023 2:30 PM accept it or starve?Ann something, but I'll find... read more
No. We're watching it and that's what I have. On Friday, May 19, 2023 at 12:02:59 AM: Got a handy link? Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2023 8:27 PM Did Fauci watch the Nikita TV show Nikita Season 4, 5th disk, first episode ('wanted') has a nanotoxin bioweapon that is activated by a satellite (kind of l... read more
He's made some interesting movies (if this is the same guy). I'll look at the link later.
Episode 380: The Ripple Effect Podcast (Jason Bermas: The Future Of Humanity: Hopeful Or Hopeless?)
On Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 01:19:00 AM
I never heard of this person before (Jason Bermas) but he is on top of everything and has lots ... read more
for anybody who doubts the Israel/911 connection, investigate the dancing Israelis and how they told how they put up their cameras ahead of 911 to record the event (which means they knew about it ahead of time) On Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 09:42:18 AM: I like both of them. And I have nothing against ... read more
so, will those demonic people ever suffer consequences?Probably not because most will continue to tell themselves it's just a conspiracy theory and nothing to get upset about.(I posted it to a few groups in fascistbook but my usual account is on another another 30-day jail term because I posted an article that told ho... read more
Great! I bet he never took an oath of office and properly had it notorized, because then he can't be tried for his treason.Sent: Monday, April 24, 2023 10:03 PMI AMasking for the oath of office for Gavin. I was told which agency to ask for it. I made the official request. It's supposed to take a while.On Monday, April 24,... read more
I sent this link to my congressman with a note that since neither he nor anybody else in congress is pursuing for the culprits involved, it seems that he and the rest of Congress are bought off: read more
Of course, people won't investigate it, figuring it's just to protect our kids from TikTok and not look at the video.On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:08:52 AM: If you have not yet heard of it, this power grab proposed legislation. It... read more
I thought quails on cocaine quite interesting and wondered which politician's relative was in charge of it and how much cocaine that person used for the project. In general, I think there are MANY research projects for politicians' relatives to enable them to get money to avoid real jobs. On Saturday, April 22,... read more
Yes, I gave all the links in my second message.I've given up on seeing justice and these criminals losing all their ill-gotten gains, at least for the time being. Eventually they will face real justice.Here's part 4htt... read more
It's interesting to see how these tyrants manoeuvre about the chess board. Sent: Friday, April 21, 2023 8:16 PM monetary videoTom Luongo: How the Fed is DEFENDING America against European globalist tyrants who want a ONE WORLD Orwellian currencyTom Luongo: How the Fed is DEFENDING America against European globalist ...... read more
At 2x speed, I just finished watching all four parts. It's really good and the conclusion is the roll out of the Great Reset as described and pushed by the world economic forum lead by Klaus Schwab.Here's part 4ww... read more
For anyone paying attention, the planned banking crisis illustrates the need to create honest state read more
It seems to me there's a group of demonic people who hate themselves and thus hate humanity and have decided to side with Satan, probably blaming God for all their problems (leftists aren't real adults and don't take responsibility for their actions)On Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 11:17:16 AM: See screenshot to learn how G... read more
He's promoting secession over getting another puppet.Brother Nathanael To Choose A President ... read more
Nobody in the pedo joe regime cabinet has a legally executed oath of office.Listen to the ramifications of this by famous attorney Todd read more
biden's puppeteers are in the Ukraine making a bioweapon that can eliminate people, animals, and also infect plants (but don't worry because he's not posting mean tweets) read more
That's likely the reason for it, but the effects on the body includes many of the same things vaxed victims are now suffering.Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2023 6:23 PMGraphene in the bioweapon shotsand Graphene is to enable the globalists to Kontrol the sheeple with 5GOn Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 06:08:20 PM:I thought th... read more
If only politicians would shut down when they talk out of both sides of their mouth.On Friday, April 14, 2023 at 08:36:53 AM: ChatGPT Does not computeListen to this 2nd amendment discussion with artificial intelligence and how it shut down because of its contradictory statements. ... read more
Maybe I've watched too many spy TV shows (Nikita and Burn Notice my most favorite) but there ought to be some good guys who can do a CIA-like or KGB-like operation to get rid of the top snakes On Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 10:08:16 PM: Yon reporting from Panama and shows bus loads of people from all over the world on th... read more
I agree that it's a sub-agenda as you describe.Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 2:13 PM Child predatorssure, short term but long term it's another attack on humanity and eugenics, wanting to reduce population by making people not want to have kids (but also preparing them for the pedophiles).On Wednesday, April 12, 202... read more
It tries to force me to log in but I was able to listen.Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 5:21 PM Chinese plan to use vax to Destroy the USAThis is in Chinese with subtitles. It's a FB link so I don't know if it's viewable by read more
Really important information as described by Andy from Miles Franklin in Minnesota where you can convert an IRA to precious metals or buy metals directly.He explains how we reached this point with the dollar collapse, what most other countries are doing, and what to do to protect wealth.It's going to get rocky and could start soon.h... read more
I learned that in 2020, first year of the scamdemic.I never realized that at all. So important to have an honest one who really believes in the Constitution.And most don't want to consider our government is tyrannical which is why the 2nd amendment must be preserved now more than ever before.Sent: Monday, April 10, 2023 10:37 PM... read more
Really good interview. I never heard of him before, but will keep an eye out for him in the future. He mentioned George Carlin was an read more
We've reached the point that anything you didn't personally produce is suspect.Very sick criminals run everything.Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2023 7:01 PM mRNA in foodI saw an article where mRNA was put in milkOn Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 09:58:08 AM:A short podcast explains that MIT found a way to use mRNA in pill... read more
Good question. I don't know of a single Dem not actively participating in satanic rituals, or so it seems based on their actionsThey are so over a cliff they should all be in prison. And I hope Jeffrey Prather is right that honest attorneys general with indict them soon.Psychopaths should not be ignored and left in control of anything.... read more
This former soldier and agent isn't the most polished person but his analysis is really great.Listen to the great news about what the indictment means. Plus there's more information you may be interested read more
Contains really good advice and wisdom. on Bitchute ... read more
Just discovered an awesome movie you can watch free. I dare anyone not to be moved greatly by the personal stories'd seen much of the footage used already, but it was presented in such a way that I think is excellent.These people were just trying to be good citizens and do the right thing. Th... read more
This article is about the climate scam but they talk a lot about how Blackrock owns the world.So, if nobody owns anything and happy, will all those who own blackrock go for it? read more
And is the pandemic over?Here's a great and succinct explanation by Catherine Austin Fitts, a genius and former assistant HUD secretary under president Bush read more
How does this bill protect freedoms of Americans? It gives incredible powers to unelected people we never should give any power.And who is supporting it? In this case it's left and right who've been lobbied, so they're taking money. Both sides are criminal and corrupt.
But with our current administration we see countless examp... read more
Canada Moves To Begin Euthanizing Children Without Parental ConsentIt calls these kids mature minors.The government is simply trying to help, right? And anyway, why bother to involve parents?!!Don't you just feel all warm and fuzzy? Can't we do that in the USA? Oh wait, we are pushing the trans agenda from birth in s... read more
put up a 5G tower in your yard and make some kick-back money (until it kills you)! On Monday, April 3, 2023 at 12:32:43 PM: We bought an EMF meter to see how much we're exposed to the various types of electromagnetic frequencies around us. It wasn't nearly as expensive as I thought it would be -- just about $200.Ou... read more
Wow, I didn't know that about the criminals on the Jan 6th commission. They all saw what really happened yet made up a completely false narrative. Evil bastards.Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2023 10:28 PM Cc: Biggest crime in history?anybody who still thinks biden's government is good is delusional.Similar to ... read more
He talks about the secret stuff going on there, such as paranormal, remote.webp viewing, alien technology, Tesla, and mentions that Jack Parsons worked with Alistair Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard.Really read more
Hypocrisy example 4,658,649What would trigger a swat team and 50 police to break down the door of most normal people, now is blatantly overlooked when trans freaks use social media to buy guns.Can it be any more obvious to people with a functioning brain that there's an agenda and the government is totally criminal?bitch... read more
Sad, but mostly true.On the other hand, people do keep waking up at their own pace. I hear now that so-called antivaxers are now the majority of voters. I would not have believed in early 2020 that the 1-2% who knew the truth about this evil group of pharma corporations would be over 50% in just 3 years. We've come a long way baby.... read more
He apparently is trying to trick and mislead people. He says he took one shot himself. But the mRNA technology was developed by DARPA for the sole purpose of being a bioweapon. He surely knew it and so would he really take it?He's sueing Dr Mercola. Don't remember the details but I think it's because Mercola noticed something wron... read more
Even chatGPT knows these sickos are trying to rule the world. (Read the poem)Sent: Monday, March 27, 2023 11:33 PM this is Monday, March 27, 2023 at 11:30:13 PM:I don't have ti... read more
Is something wrong with the economy? Are you doing anything to prepare yourself for what's coming?Really good interview by a former Black Rock investment guy who recently published a book.Multiple topics, credit contraction, bank failures, recession, dollar, CBDC, black markets, social unrest, excess deaths, injuries, absence rates, et... read more
I realize I knew most everything they mentioned, but I found it interesting from the viewpoint of a vaxed moron who is watching all the people they know dying suddenly and they blame covid rather than the very obvious toxic sh-t they injected.Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2023 3:33 PM if that's what it was, but it was clearly the m... read more
This video describes how the USA uses non governmental organizations (NGOs) to carry out CIA type activities around the world, i.e. regime changes that are mostly for the economic benefit of the USA and further impoverish their victims.Masquerading as gifts, the good deeds often come with nefarious and secret deeds against the target country.... read more
Many already are familiar with her. Basically, she's a financial expert and she appeared on The read more
I just subscribed to her substack.Here's something from January people who are not afraid of the truth will appreciate:'s Role And this is a video from January 2023 I think you will agree is excellent:KATHERINE W... read more
I don't think I mentioned it but so it seems, some company called BARDA actually made the vax for DARPA and Pharma was just given the directions to make millions of doses. On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 12:05:44 AM: Very advanced and technical but worth watching to learn about the bioweapon and why it affects ... read more
Interesting compilation of people collapsing on TV from the 100% safe and effective shots. I've seen many but there's many I never saw. Start about minute read more
since I lived in Porterville 1979 to 1984 or so, I tried to recognize where the flooding was or where it could be. I didn't recognize anything in the video.All that valley land is flat.I think it was last year that Porterville was undergoing a lack of water. They have Lake Success up toward the foothills and I vaguely remember so... read more
Maybe some morons did, but even if they didn't get a real shot and got the placebo, they can't carry out their evil plans without foot soldiers. Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 8:51 PM -- but did the military leaders get real shots?On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 08:47:14 PM:Also it's interesting t... read more
it had to do with his wineries On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 09:10:57 PM: no real information, surprise surprise On 3/19/23 19:12 Tell me it ain't so because we all KNOW that only conservatives do disgusting financial things, right (besides the biden family, pelosis, and ....) dailyheadl... read more
and when joe was asked about money from China (which is documented), he outright LIED about at least he didn't send mean tweets) On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 04:14:41 PM: Pedo joe is an equal opport... read more
Nothing nice about the Pilgrim Society.Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 11:53 AMCan't say something nice, so won't say anything at allOn 3/19/23 02:46:Very interesting discussion. They are the controllers of the deep state. on Rumble ... read more
Very interesting discussion. They are the controllers of the deep state. on Rumble ... read more
Listening now, but I've never heard of Mike Gill, and I follow horse racing. Also, in order to remove some of the click bait quality of this email, here's this:SHADOW BANKING WHISTLEBLOWER: THEY HAVE THE NAMES W/ MIKE GILLShadow Banking Whistleblower, Mike Gill, joins the program to discuss... read more
I think Golden1 is too big and I'll be closing out my account there.They felt it was their right to ask me why I wanted to withdraw cash last year. For me, that started me heading out their door. Just haven't taken the time to do the recommended research on where to goAnd now that smaller banks are getting hit hard (according to th... read more
In looking at this article, it makes me wonder about the bad guys trying to control us by way of lack of salt. I don't deeply worry about it but ...Anyhow, here's the article: read more
yeah, easier to kill off all those against the WEFOn Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 09:33:27 AM I mentioned it on my website at Trump's Call For 'Freedom Cities' Plays Right Into Globalists' Plan For Control Grid ( Thursday, March 16, 2023 10:43 AMAt least his genius freedom cities... read more
Yes, that's it in a nutshell. But if a better example is needed to understand it, watch the video. Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 4:41 PM -- I haven't watched the video but If you put in $1000 dollars, they can make more than $1000 because they lend it at least 10 times over and over (and they were loaning it out 25 ... read more
The truth of the matter is that Nobody is Black OR White. We're all shades of brown (so I guess we're all a person of color)
On Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 10:50:24 AM
Is the me too movement still accepting applications?
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:41 AM
Then I want my $5 million in rep... read more
Except for Ivermectin, maybe because it's also for livestock, I would not trust a single thing these wildly psychotic criminals in pharma produce.Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 12:13 PM Gates says, If we can throw some eugenics spiked proteins into it, yeah, we'll continue on our way to get that 500 million worldwide popul... read more
He probably salivates at how this possible collapse might get humanity to Submit to the read more
Yes, striking a deal for lenience to get his masters would be great. And we must include the nearly zero honesty of Justice.Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 10:28 AMyeah, but what if joe grew some balls and started to rat on the whole system?On Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 10:27:36 AM:Execution of pedo joe would be good for treason... read more
It's been going up and down (I've been watching it). It had a down blip and went back up.On Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 10:21:57 AMThe stock market went up, and it's up even more today. On 3/14/2023 8:50 AM:Nothing much, except this.well, nothing much happenedOn 3/13/23 01:04:Many people are anxious to see what is... read more
I think it's so advanced now that they are complete masters. And it's really pissing me off to be getting all this rain. Today they'll be knocking down more trees with high winds. Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 2:18 AM -- -- I had no idea chemtrails went that far backOn 3/14/23 00:14:Ever seen this clip about... read more
It's the first I heard of that term. Sent: Monday, March 13, 2023 10:58 AM -- yeah, as Whitney Webb said in her two books one nation under blackmail volumes 1 & 2.the mafia gets BILLIONS of dollars through drugs and human trafficking (which Clinton and the CIA were caught doing, which led to the term Ar... read more
This looks promising. I didn't watch it homesteading newsletter that I get tells about that sort of stuff FREE all the timehere's the last one I got:14 Forgotten Emergency Foods to Stockpile
14 Forgotten Emergency Foods to Stockpile
... read more
no surprise, fascistbook wouldn't let me post it. I guess it is info that the sheeple aren't to knowOn Sunday, March 12, 2023 at 03:09:34 AM: More details of the Friday bank Sunday, March 12, 2023 1:59 AM -- -- Bank deposits If t... read more
I've heard of the 15 minute cities. I'll look at the video later.From what I recall, the Kontrollers want to make it so nobody can go beyond the distance that you can walk in 15 minutes. Since average walking is 3 mph, that would mean you couldn't go beyond 3/4 of a mile without special permission.I think that England was... read more
Well surprise surprise! Lol.On Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 07:19:16 PM PST:The big daddy party giving out free money and assures them they will keep them safe and healthy. I can't remember which one does that, sorry.Oh, but they do have a pedo masquerading as the president and a man named Rachel who is very obese and was given the j... read more
maybe the see that their demonic buddies will be properly dealt with and hope the sheeple forget their sins (but in actuality, the sheeple were clueless about the whole matter so ...)On Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 04:11:50 PM PST: I heard today that fascistbook has started, out of the blue, to allow Brighten links again. ... read more
RSV is about as severe as influenza but get the new RSV vax despite currently no approved vaccines against RSV. As the song said, Be the first one on your block to come home in a box.On Friday, March 10, 2023 at 05:59:19 PM PST read more
A good start. Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 3:18 PM read more Clinton Lawyer Killed by Severe Turbulence on Plane
Mary AultmanA top Wash... read more
there was a big SCAM about bird flu some years back. they tried to force people to take the vax but it didn't go over. Here's some interesting articles I have about the bird flu. No surprise that fauXi, gates, and china are involved!On Monday, March 6, 2023 at 10:03:39 PM PST: It's the new scam but this time is designed to k... read more
I like your new signature line. Sent: Monday, March 6, 2023 12:03 PM -- -- My guess is that the Kontrollers want to see which hollywood leftists are kontrolled enough to be counted on to continue to promote playing Russian Roulette and try to get rid of the uncooperativeDo Not Surrender, Do Good (this is the motto of a m... read more
trudeau is a Marxist, like his father, fidel castroOn Saturday, March 4, 2023 at 07:40:54 AM PST someone read more
I'm watching video after video with people being so pleased they got it right years ago, self-congratulating and they can't see the obvious problem that the media and government are just spinning a new narrative.
It's so damn obvious.
Sent: Friday, March 3, 2023 11:32 PM
Of course, I have articles and videos where re... read more
wowwildI'm at the 32 minute point of the video.WWIII nuke war in 2024?Time to invest in what?survival food? Seeds to grow food?Would money be worth anything?Cash all your investments?Get metal (including lead)? (buy now when it's essentially cheap, which is now)?Make sure you have a source of CLEAN water?MOVE to a safer... read more
don't forget all the leftist males who think they're women and compete in womens' sports (contrary to the women's movement that liberals used to push)On Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 12:29:57 AM PST: 4297675172 P It's trying to make a comeback but has huge social resistance because we all know a... read more
it's hard to find the truth but in Munich that was a common thing until Hitler ENDED that sort of thing (you know, it's not kosher to say anything good about Hitler, though he saved Germany after what the other countries agreed to do to them after WWI)On Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 12:07:00 AM PST someone wrote: don't know w... read more
True to the new commie democrat party, listen to these insane tactics to take away rights of Americans to exercise all aspects of the 2nd amendment.I heard South Africa is sliding fast into anarchy. And we know it's the globalist plan for the entire world. Unless you are a complete idiot, you need to take this seriously.bit... read more
if they get rid of anesthetics (which I doubt), there's other numbing drugs (that now are illegal) On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 09:49:25 PM PST: Pretty important for many people. A new medical makes sense Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 7:27 AM; lo... read more
Wake up about all these ongoing scams.Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 6:03 PMwell, Christians ask when will people wake up that God created it all and that this whole thing is a battle against Satan?On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 04:19:22 PM PST: Can't people finally wake up?A1!!Sent: Monday, February ... read more
--000BYAPR08MB56241170C9864DF74159790ED1AF9BYAPR08MB5624nampYou have to admit what he said about the scamdemic was helpful.Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 10:53 AM I never watched it but I saw an article that said that he mentioned the lockdowns but it was a total waste of time to watch because he acted stupid for 98% of... read more
'pyramid a weapon?geez, that said right away makes me figure the video is questionablethen again, I've questioned if Farrell ever was anything bu a useful idiotOn Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 09:21:56 PM PST: Very interesting discussion by Joseph're discussing inter... read more Enews&etv-2023-02-26&estQjAVg4kv40CfuoZqI7w/VGxEEhRSySoitNfD/RdFY06Awv0MhHNo%2B%2BpY1ke4ugYea, maybe they figure there's not enough harm in him revealing the truth because it doesn... read more
One small town in NJ had all the Dems switch to the Republican party recently.Can't blame them for wanting to leave that sick rat's nest, but painting a rat red won't result in any real difference. I guess it's a good sign of people waking up read more
The criminal Trudeau (obvious son of Cuban dictator Castro) regime hopes to gain Canadian's confidence in their tyrannical behavior in this latest report on the naughty trucker's protest that resulted in igniting a spark of hope that they would be free to decide what to inject into their own bodies, etc.'t miss the song at the end. H... read more
refuse and go to prison for 2 to 8 yearsGuess this is why they felt they had to rig the election. from the article, it says that the MANY on gov't assistance will be f... read more
More information about massive AZ corruption and apparently all documented.In addition to this, new information about Thailand going after Pfizer soon. And about minute 38 mentions the pharma mafia pushing the tetanus vaccine because it's mixed with another that makes women infertile.NEVER GET the TETANUS shot -- it's another scam!... read more
Dr Mengela, I presume?Read this excellent substack article about how the f-ing criminals and psychos in government want to eliminate parents from the equation regarding medical care, especially vaccines, for their children. The sheer audacity of parents who think they know the needs of their own children better than Big Brother is as... read more
Amazing documentary that woke me up -- beefed up and brought back to life for 2023. This will for sure change you... it here ... read more
In doing more research, I ran across this article: Satanic Cult That Rules the World . I haven't read it yet, but Makow, who wrote it, seems to know a lot, and the picture of Trump caught my eye.Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 05:25:16I first heard ... read more
Ever wonder who they are? They're not only Latinos. Who else? You will learn from someone who is on the ground and watching them. Hint -- it's not good. here Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 07:02:39 0000 (UTC... read more
Barr is a scumbag and I figured that out looooong ago. I suppose that trump was ignorant of that or, as I suspect, trump was just doing as TOLD by his handlers to accept Barr.Barr is another Deep State puppet and I'm not convinced that trump isn't one, tooOn Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 07:16:22 AM PST someone wrote: Tucker... read more
Tucker Carlson goes into the Jeffrey Epstein death: on Youtube On Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 07:16:22 AM PST: Barr is a scumbag and I figured that out looooong ago. I suppose Trump was ignorant of that or, as I suspect, was just doing as TOLD by his handlers... read more Times: Masks Don't Work — It Doesn't Matter What Kind
The NY Times finally admitted that masks don't work, and it doesn't matter what kind of mask you wear. It won't work. This is the conc... read more
As many of us knew 3 years ago... : Don't Work .I didn't confirm but ... read more Already deleted... read more
In researching for a book I am writing, I came across this article and here's something that really caught my attention with so many with pray for Ukraine signs and flags: Khazaria, Rothschild Dynasty, New World Order, Ukraine and Implementation of the Nephilim Agenda
Putin aggressively worked at paying off the debt to the IMF, a Roth... read more
I didn't have any expectations and this was amazing. Covers many subjects but a heavy dose of fake alien invasion, crop circles, UFO researchers, project blue beam, frequency, and a very interesting mention of something called C60.No, it's not a load of crap, as you might suspect. read more
Most importantly, those scientists need federal grants to survive, so they figure it's life or death and life comes with the requirement to sell their souls to demonic people.On Monday, February 20, 2023 at 09:33:15 PM PST:What makes this particularly interesting is how the actual fraud happens. In a nu... read more
With the chemical bomb aftermath from Palestine, Ohio, affecting that region, and the entire world to a lesser extent, learning how to do this very simple step in your daily diet is really great. Even without this recent toxic bomb, all people are being exposed to dioxins from the plastics industry and should upgrade their diet. A home or busine... read more ... read more
Preserving family wealth. Very short video: ... read more truth about the ohio train derailment&kindvideoThe Truth About The Ohio Train Derailment and Truth About The Ohio Train Derailmentmore here Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 10:07 AMThat was more ... read more
Very interesting.
I was recently thinking about this.
Also I was thinking about how I had my wisdom teeth removed in my 2Os and they just injected something to numb that side of my mouth. But how can anyone trust a single pharma product now when someone wants to have a tooth removed? Is there a lab like The Health Ranger for food that can m... read more
In case anybody thinks the FDIC will have their back in case of a bank run: don't lend money, they invest your deposits ... read more
just follow the science but the only science that leftists know is social science On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 05:04:59 PM PST:She should win an award for electric vehicle saleswoman of the year.?Some really good info here.Peggy / THE HEALTHY AMERICAN Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 7:38 AMSu... read more
It's so amazingly evil you may not even believe it. It's not some proposal, it's already been passed.This is part 2 of a good interview. If you want a link to part 1 and can't find it, let me know. on BitChute Still don't ... read more
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers.This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply.If you appreciate th... read more
Screenshot leaves no doubt about the depopulation agenda. University demons blatantly shoving the proof in our faces.On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 09:10:03 AM PST: I hope that all at the Ivy league universities, both students and faculty, are fully vaxed so we can get rid of them ASAP since they do nothi... read more
Has 4 very good interviews. Maybe the most interesting to me was of RFK Jr because he has so much detailed information memorized about how pharma lies to the public. And not a theory -- has the documents. He lays out the timeline that so clearly shows the evidence of vax induced injury that only a complete idiot would ignore it. It would be very... read more
I bought 3 generators, big ones. All are gas. Still need to get them started.I figure I can run my welders with them. Probably sell one, but want two for extra security.A diesel generator is usually much larger but I'd like one along with a diesel truck for the same reasons as you said. I just AMnot yet familiar with them, so would ... read more
and Kennedy also has info (in his book) that fauXi has been KILLING PEOPLE his whole life. covid is a repeat of what he did with HIV. He's totally DEMONIC but trump was a chump and let him continue, as well as Congress and leaders around the world.Money obviously talked, money for their souls! (but many don't believe in God, Satan, or s... read more
I bought 3 generators, big ones. All are gas. Still need to get them started. I figure I can run my welders with them. Probably sell one, but want two for extra security. A diesel generator is usually much larger but I'd like one along with a diesel truck for the same reasons as you said. I just am not yet familiar with them, so would ... read more
that reminds me that I have to slowly cash out my Tax sheltered annuity, getting cash, before the Big Crash where stocks will be worthless and thus the annunity will be worthless.On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 10:00:51 AM PST: This interesting post may open your eyes a lot.I officially retired last year because I doubt I'll be ... read more
So then what conspiracy are they working on? That's the only reason to feed the public their bullsh-t. But to the blind and gullible consumers of gaslight media, there never has been and never will be a conspiracy. That's just crazy talk. I must once again tip my proverbial hat to the CIA and their astonishing mind control results. ... read more
I think my old trucks would keep on truckin'.
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2023 11:57 PM
Yeah, most would DIE if an EMP attack cut off our electrical system.
90% of U.S. Would Die From Chinese EMP Attack From Space Balloon read more
Share with anyone in Germany or with German ancestry or just interested in it.
From Gonzalo Lira, a Chilean American of Chilean German descent, living in Ukraine. on YouTube
Seymour Hersh referenced this article: seymourhersh.substack.c... read more
In a profession where probably the vast majority are scumbags, Aaron Siri is a giant and a credit to the profession. He's the one who got the FDA to release the Pfizer trial data now rather than wait the 75 years these criminals wanted to bury the data. He's winning cases for ICAN (informed consent action network) such as the case blocki... read more
It looks like some guy was running a mental health facility using Scientology ideas: On 2/11/23 12:40: read more ... read more
We are witnessing at the moment the fall of an empire...An update from Portugal: on bitchute ... read more
The first link was showing pedo joe smugly saying the pipeline will endThe second link is to Dr. Coleman.Sent: Friday, February 10, 2023 1:05 AM I saw that but didn't look at the video link you sent.It was a classical false flag event where one does a crime and blames somebody else to create a problem.On Fr... read more
The first link was showing pedo joe smugly saying the pipeline will endThe second link is to Dr. Coleman.Sent: Friday, February 10, 2023 1:05 AMUSA implicated in destroying Russian pipelineI saw that but didn't look at the video link you sent, .It was a classical false flag event where one does a crime and blame... read more
One of the safest medicines in history. But when governments want to create panic and fear to sell an experimental injection, they can't let facts get in the way.New book to be released in April 2023, The War on Ivermectin.Rest assured, you can always trust the gaslight media and especially the big brother government.... read more
One of the safest medicines in history. But when governments want to create panic and fear to sell an experimental injection, they can't let facts get in the way.New book to be released in April 2023 -- the war on Ivermectin.Rest assured, you can always trust the gaslight media and especially the big brother government. They would neve... read more
Good talk: on Rumble ... read more or Read on InfoWars ... read more
You're a Vax Taker, a parody of Pat Benatar's Heart Breaker. on BitChute ... read more
wowyeah, let's send THEM to Hell!On Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 04:48:18 PM PST: The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine .Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter ... read more
Some are hilarious and others just really interesting. This is a short compilation. on BitChute ... read more
This is a fascinating replay from the Corbett Report in 2010 discussing symbols hidden in plain sight.You may not want to even believe it. Includes comments about Hollywood, Disney, corporations, politicians, music industry, etc. A surprising bit of wisdom at the very end about people. read more ... read more
I just watched an interview of Dr Naomi Wolf in which she's talking about this book based on the court ordered documents the FDA wanted hidden for 75 years. Now everyone will know just exactly why they tried to do that.I would never recommend buying it through the criminal platform of Amazon, so you can also get through her own website... read more
I never thought about questioning it until about 2021 when I heard they have photos of the moon set and people between takes walking into the set.With that in mind, I wonder how many of people directly involved with this scam were killed off to keep it hushed.Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 5:17 PM of course it was fake... read more
Seems there's some officials that are not globalist puppets and won't put up with the scamdemic any read more
Because it's happening read more
Virgin Islands DA sued JP Morgan for allowing Jeffrey Epstein human traffickng, is fired. Islands Attorney General Loses Her Job Days Aft... read more
It concerns harvesting body parts of babies. I couldn't watch more than 10 minutes, hearing the interview of the young lady (like a demon) and her attitude about what she was planning to do to her unborn baby. So callous. I think many people refuse to acknowledge this even exists. It's said to be one of the biggest businesses in th... read more
The pilot mentioned that many are selfishly holding onto their high paying job as long as possible rather than doing the right thing and telling their story about how these evil bastards held their jobs for ransom if they didn't commit slow suicide.I bet many knew the risks yet took that Russian roulette chance and lost.The least they ... read more
Yup, but ultimately it's a free will universe. People have to grow up and live with the consequences of their decisions. I bet many will wish they were better critical thinkers. Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2023 12:05 PM unfortunately, there will be many who won't be able to admit what is going on and go down with the ship... read more
Ranging from music, crossing the Mexican border, being a parent, wow, so good. Must listen. here ... read more
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST: Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? /images/greater-idaho-1.webp yeah, I've been keeping ... read more
Of course, our loving rulers will be our landlords in the literal sense. They'll be happy to own everything. Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2023 11:48 PM The motto of the World Economic Forum that is finishing up their meeting (of who they consider royalty) in Davos, Switzerland, is own nothing and be happy. Part of that... read more
You probably heard that in a court case Facebook admitted their fact checks are nothing more than opinions (masquerading as real facts). So according to the puppet masters, it's just a way to protect transgender creatures and abortions because we know how well they fit their agenda. Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2023 8:48 PM Americ... read more
A friend of mine recently made a comment regarding whether they could trust the information from a person who isn't employed by a mainstream media company such as CNN, ABC, NBC, BBC, etc presumably because they have an obligation to tell the truth and not spread misinformation. It got me thinking about it and I came up with an example tha... read more
This video doesn't give you any solutions or how to prepare, but contains verifiably sound facts that most media is just not talking about that will affect the USD and its buying power. here This information is absolutely vital and most simply are unawa... read more
Short WW2 history lesson of fighting the Nazis. You can skip to about the 2 minute mark: here ... read more
Joe Manchin against free speech or Read on InfoWars Sheila Jackson Lee criminalizing hate speech on Y... read more
Share as widely as possible. Treaty, a Dystopian Nightmare ... read more here Excellent and short compilation of the most pressing issue of our time -- the pandemic. Are we really free?... read more here Very interesting talk about this. Do you have the necessary life skills to survive without the internet? I've been adding more and more such skills for almost 3 years and AMstudying every day to add more. AMI ready? No, but I'm far more p... read more's worth a couple minutes of your time regarding climate change.goodI wonder how many who got this video link bothered to watch it and how many of them don't get it (brainwashed by royalty"... read more of Farnese ... read more
Share as widely as possible. Facebook ... read more
This might help you undersand the govt here ... read more
Making the parts for hydraulic cylinders of a bulldozer.I'm rebuilding one today and ran across this.One day I hope to get a metal lathe.Part read more
Moderna is admitting that their vax caused Myocarditis. If you got their vax and might get myocarditis in the future from it, get their Newest vax to fix it. (If you believe that, ...) here ... read more
10201741841892266.1673383707439I have a video somewhere where a virologist of many decades looked for the virus. She FOUND NO EVIDENCE of it. It's all based on finding a piece of this and a piece of that then some computer filled in the gaps and essentially MADE ONE UP.I had an article about the Canadian lawsuit where the guy... read more
You may have seen many of these, but they are probably greatly responsible for people waking up to the truth about the toxic injections. here Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 9:42 PM sure, waking up a FEW but too many are indoctrinated to it all being a ... read more
Apologies for the previous link to legal proceedings which didn't work. This is the current information: ... read more
I was one of the unsuspecting people years ago when the CA DMV was offering this great new system called real ID.' I'm now glad I never followed through with it. This issue, plus the original Social Security card and DNA is in this very interesting and short video about this. read more Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:19 AMRE: There's no linkSent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 12:45 AMAnother great video from Max Igan.Watch at 1.5x speed if possible.Full of video clips proving what he says. No reason to theorize when they flat out tell you exactly w... read more on BitChute Another great video from Max Igan. Watch at 1.5x speed if possible. Full of video clips proving what he says. No reason to theorize when they flat out tell you exactly what they are doing. In your face. Just don't comply.... read more pedophilia ... read more
There's a wacky woman who posted something about them online. I haven't looked at it yet but it seems that many are concerned about them. resonance ... read more
In case you haven't already heard, a man without representation of a lawyer (pro se) has a case before the Supreme Court which happens to be set for a vote on January 6th. It's apolitical in nature but has everything to do with our Constitution. Listen to the details here and I'm confident you will have real hope (not hopium). It'... read more
Be the change you want to see in this world. Lots of wonderful advice from Max Igan. A New Level of Control ( read more
hit play ... read more
I thought I knew quite a lot but now I see it was only a fraction and this is a really fascinating discussion about how Google has become far too big and dangerous. Also mentions Apple, Amazon and other trillion dollar corporations. ... read more
We don't need more proof. We just need to show the documents that prove the shots are a bioweapon. Many simply can't go there for whatever reason, but it's the plain truth and it won't go away. Karen Kingston's background is with pharma, way before 2020. She's a researcher and a mother who will never back down. List... read more read more
Watch this new video to learn how it'll be so cool how great society can be 100% controlled by artificial intelligence. Don't you just love what the globalists are doing to make all our lives better? Ukraine in 2030 ( read more on Rumble ... read more
When looking at that, it led me to this:
Shocking! Look What's In My Blood. Graphene/Genetically Modified Synthetic Parasites. Vax Shedding!
I have been monitoring my blood samples with a microscope since the very beginning. I've always had good clean b...
On Monday, December 19, 2022 at 11:... read more
technology developed over last 200 years'?Really.Gee, I wonder what kind of tech was being developed in 1921 that would be important for today.Sorry, but I think she's a NUTTTTT and watching six minutes was more than enough to come to that conclusionOn Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 08:07:01 PM PST: Here's part tw... read more
Anyone have access to this episode of the X files? I used to love that series. on BitChute On 12/19/22 19:24: It's in syndication during the day. Get a quad-tuner Tablo (I recommend at least a 3gb drive) and record the episodes.... read more
I really like this guy. I only discovered him recently.He's talking about auditors which are people from around the country who take their phone and record in public spaces to test whether police or anyone tries to stop them. They are bold and sometimes get arrested by power tripping cops, but test the limits to ensure their rights are ... read more
I think you will find this very interesting from the very big picture perspective. on BitChute ... read more
Did I actually say the C word?! You mean there really are conspiracies?! This is a really good video: on YouTube ... read more
Maybe we can have that here some day. It's not a joke, by the way. But you might get a chuckle from this presentation of the new system. on YouTube ... read more
I have stuff about the moon hoax. I'd have to dig it out. One is a meeting where they discuss that a hoax might be needed. Of course, a YouTube search won't work because they won't allow some things to be seen, though if you have a direct link you can find it. On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 09:54:47 PM PST: This rem... read more
Great talk about what it means to be human. Really worth a look. on BitChute ... read more
As the scamdemic apparently is winding down, here's how the scam continues and gets far worse. Time to wake up people! on YouTube ... read more
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2022 3:53 PM have you seen that elon musk is suggesting fauXi be put on trial? On Monday, December 12, 2022 at 01:35:16 PM PST: Thanks for your fine article. About Joseph Ladapo limiting his recommendation against the bioweapon jab, you may get a better idea if you watch his interview on The High Wire... read more
interesting 2011 article regarding the H1N1 flu hoax sounds like actions of gov't today in regard to the antcipatedd vaqx deaths: here ... read more
Will this baby provide the spark that finally ignites the people to fight for their freedoms? Or will they continue to be afraid of the consequences of doing what's right and succumb to permanent tyranny? here ... read more
I am listening to Part 1. It tells history of Khazars. Supposedly there are 10 parts. here ... read more
I'll look at it.this site has related videos: here On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 10:44:00 AM PST mRNA vax killing with mycarditis; German post mortem details here ... read more
Listen to this same outrageous trouncing of a family's medical rights that happened 169 years ago . You can skip ahead to about the 2 minute mark. on Rumble ... read more
The problem with gaslight media is that they have live events in which a medical emergency will be broadcast for all to see. Idiots who will just make excuses can ask themselves whether they have ever seen this in their life. on BitChute ... read more
Really interesting interview about how the governments that are following the globalist agenda will trick people into the transhumanism agenda and the psychology of this. on BitChute ... read more
Nah, it couldn't possibly happen here (unless the sheeple don't mind being IMPRISONED for whatever the Globalists want for them. And besides, it's just a trial like the Trial pandemic response: Oxfordshire County Council Pass Climate Lockdown 'trial' to Begin in 2024 Residents will be confined to their lo... read more
On Saturday, December 3, 2022 at 10:08:19 PM PST:Such a great commentary on what's become an actual cult in modern times.
And wouldn't you believe it, there's someone manipulating people. on BitChute
From Steve: I started to listen to it.... read more here Very interesting (and damning) information. One thing I object to is that he called the Dems incompetent. That's just being nice -- they're VERY competent and are crashing the USA exactly as planned. ... read more
China and world govt: Starting about the 3 minute mark, very interesting perspective on what's going on with the CCP and protests in China. And then some excellent advice to smile. ht... read more
Lots of good stuff, as always by these 2 ladies. on BitChute ... read more
You may not have seen some of these many clips that summarize the death jab: on BitChute ... read more
The most important case in history. Promising and read more on ... read more
I listen to most of his interviews and this one has many questions nobody has asked. Very long but fascinating. on BitChute ... read more
But the pedo joe regime would never allow or condone this, right?Wakie, wakie -- this IS the business of the government that many so desperately trust would never do them intentional's more
Sent: Tuesday, Novem... read more
Yeah, Died Suddenly is very well done. on InfoWars ... read more
wowbadSince the doctors are right and the college has no basis for saying the doctors are wrong, this might be the straw that breaks the camel's (eugenicists) backOn Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 10:26:50 AM PST someone wrote: for presribing ivermectin, read more read more
That indicates to me that he was killed with the permission of his own government.
That indicates to me that he was killed with the permission of his own governmentThat indicates to me he was killed in collusion with his own government. Fifty-nine years ago this week, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. These many years later, the United States government continues to hold in secret piles of infor... read more
I found this list of program. they aren't EXE files as I'm used to and it says to install one with using the official PPA which I have no clue read more
Really good conversation with Corey's Digs (Corey Lynn). If you haven't heard of her, she's very good at investigating, similar to Whitney Webb.This is a discussion about how the pedo joe regime and his globalist masters are plotting to implement a Food is Medicine campaign. That name alone is marketing genius, like Bl... read more
We're watching this:Story TelevisionStory TelevisionHistory's greatest moments, real people who changed the world, and the innovations that have improved mankind ar...Then this story showed up as a read more
Got this from someone. Wow, excellent.#########Watch and share. This is very well's sort of a documentary and includes many interviews and videos of people etc
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2022 9:44 AM
; las
Re: Fw: I don't watch produced videos. All yo... read more
Wonderful advice about life by David Icke on BitChute ... read more
In case you aren't paying attention, the criminal powers that SHOULDN'T be are pushing the slavery agenda full steam ahead.Through their tyrannical vax passport plans that they want which prevents pure bloods from travel between countries (and maybe also states), people on the side of humans can refuse to travel. Yes, it might be a ha... read more
Good conversation which includes interesting comments about Trump, Q, white hats and the long road to wrench the country back from the grip of the current commie/socialist regime.It's probably not what you are thinking, so set the speed at 1.5x and I think you will like read more
To anyone who believed it was Russian disinformation in 2020, feeling like the fool now? The lying media and pedo joe got you again!Another conspiracy theory now a fact (only 2 years and a stolen election late).And if you believed those lies, do you think maybe the government and media lies about other things -- like health (sc... read more's Macron calls for single global order to replace US, China is in the drivers seat/ ... read more
They mention they noticed them in 2000 and a documentary: on BitChute here On Monday, November 21, 2022 at 02:44:07 PM PST: I didn't see the links from those old shows he mentioned. He mentioned, with whom I had some discussions.... read more
In less than 1 minute.Go ahead and pass this short video on to anyone who had such crazy ideas. on BitChute This video goes better (seems to have been mixed up) Sunday, November 20, 2022 6:34 PM... read more
I don't see any proof Barack Insane Obama is running the show (a puppet himself), but wouldn't be surprised if true.Sent: Friday, November 18, 2022 10:03 PM IS NOT IN CHARGE. HERE IS EXACTLY WHAT&... read more
Very impressive interview.Makes me want to move goodprobably a threat to the New World Order kontrollers
On Friday, November 18, 2022 at 05:54:03 PM PST:Very impressive interview.
Makes me want to move there.
... read more
... at the extreme lengths lefty wokeism goes to program people into submission. Bitchute /
Exactly, but willfully blind, deaf and dumb people just don't understand.I wonder if they would accept 1 billion ballots trucked into every election in every stat... read more
most are ignorant about the federal reserve (the bank that he's complained about). We could have the Treasury print money FREE but, instead, we are charged interest by the federal reserve for every dollar they Create. Guess who owns the Federal Reserve. It's the banksters, the same ones who tried to get General Sm... read more
First 10-15 pretty interesting, including about the neverending counting in read more
More from Whitney Webb.A great interview by two of the best journalists today.Highly recommend it: on Bitchute Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2022 2:27 PMIt's a sick joke on them because they are slated as the first to goSent: Sunday, Novembe... read more
It means seeing things psychically and this is part 2 of a very interesting conversation. Part 1 is not as good but you might like it.Worth watching, especially for anyone more spiritual in the literal read more
Pretty short and good.This is the first I heard about a propane problem but that goes hand in hand with read more
I just finished watching this video. Wow, this woman is so spot-on about everything. Epstein is just the sexy stuff that grabs interest, but she goes into how the world really works. Great video. I like her definition of God, too, i.e., not necessarily anything to do with religion so much as it is the creative force within life itself. ... read more
Really interesting interview with author Jim Marrs in 2014 discussing many problems with the fake narrative surrounding 9/11/2001.Includes the Bush / Nazi connection and a lot read more
Irish woman calling a spade a spade -- very read more
This is a great expose' about how celebs stay under their control, or are destroyed. on BitChute Here are some of the links for An0maly in which he clearly describes the problems with Zionism, the media gangsters (my words) and the complete hypocrisy and... read more
There's a concerted attack agenda against children around the world.This must be understood by anyone with children and grandchildren. Very few know the scope of this massive problem.This video contains many shocking clips that illustrate this agenda.Even if you think you've seen it all, I bet you haven't, because I thought ... read more
Of course, it's all connected. I've been saying that for years. Don't forget the matter of Russia always being the boogeyman. Most Israelis are Ashkenazi Jews from former Khazaria. They were mortal enemies of Russia centuries ago and seem to still see Russia as their nemesis. I wish Russia was the good guy... read more
Just in time for voting in California, this is something even lunatic Dems won't likely support and could cost psycho Newscum his job and something they will remember if this evil piece of sh-t runs for president down the Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 2:15 PM; las I alr... read more
A must watch video from 2010 about an American general who served in World War 1 and wrote a book called War is a Racket.It is excellent and exceptional, applies to this very day.
Also discussed is how Fascists from the 1930s attempted a coup in America that he thwarted. It's almost the exact same thing being d... read more
The beating heart of European industry begins to shut downEurope is collapsing. All countries will be severely affected. on BitChute ... read more
You may change your opinion about it when you see since 2020 how the world is run by read more
It's so blatantly Nazi that it's a wonder if this f-cking moron geriatric patient has more than a 1% approval read more
We're now learning just how bad the collateral damage is post-pandemic..
Where Are All the Vaccine Safety Reports the MHRA Promised Us, Ask Doctors and Scientists read more
2020 to 2028 is civil unresthis graph has authoritarianism during 2024-20352024 or so on the graph is food shortages.Time to learn more about growing your own food (or knowing where it grows free, such as with acorns and black walnuts hereOn Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 06:30:26 PM: wowso there's n... read more
Great talk about 1st Amendment and the very sneaky anti-Jewish laws.Don't miss read more
Fascinating discussion. Don't miss anything to the read more dynasties control Washington It also goes into the non-war against Russia.... read more read more
Thanks to Judicial Watch, here are details of how our taxes are spent to massively increase the profits of pharma . Starting about minute read more
I like this article collector and this time it has several stories that I think are quite interestingCLG Newsletter Sent: Friday, October 14, 2022 at 01:19:36 AMNews Updates From CLG14 October 2022All links are here:legitgov.orgPrevious edition, 10 October: Breaking: Multiple Missiles Descending on Different Regio... read more
Did you notice how the sentiment of late leans more and more towards never forget all the criminals involved in the greatest hoax / scam in history?And not just the most obvious criminals like Gates (of hell), the long list of pharma pushers, but also their enablers in gaslight media, paid off politicians, mindless and moronic doc... read more
That's what many (most?) kids are learning in school. Don't believe me? Then read more
It could happen this month to cancel the elections which virtually everyone knows will be a red flood and maybe allow justice for so many criminals in government and hopefully corporations.Will martial law be declared as the last attempt to hold onto power by this illegitimate and satanic regime? read more
With 85% of the countries in the world still trading with Russia, how much longer can anyone believe the non-stop lies from the gaslight media about what's really going on?Of course, the media relies on a completely stupid audience that's unwilling to think and question anything, because the truth is available online if someone would ... read more
--Australia has solved the vaccine hesitancy problem: they offer a free funeral gift card with your vaccineIf you die from the vaccine, they'll pay for your funeral. So now, you have no reason to say No. One minor problem: the payment is not guaranteed. Your next of kin still has to apply.Deceased covid-19 vaccinereci... read more
The CDC database called V-Safe ( I'd never heard of it) is the most accurate one the government has (I think), at least that they claim. Participants signed up right away when deciding to enthusiastically take the most safe and most effective vaccine of all time.But it took over one year and 3-4 court cases to finally release ... read more
If you haven't yet seen this, I highly recommend it:And it's really important to share with read more
Nice to see another very pro vax doctor wake up to the deadly covid vax. But his very healthy father first had to die from blood clots before he realized it.Now he's calling for an end to this fake read more
Ever had the thought that you feel way younger than what your body's age indicates? Maybe you will understand why that is after listening to this excellent (and loooong) conversation between probably the two biggest icons in the new media, aka alternative media.That's not what it's about though. Anyone who takes the time to listen... read more
I never paid attention to the opposing opinions and facts that refute climate change until the 2019/2020 presidential election. I learned that it was a scam. It was just one fraction of what I would learn once the scamdemic started.
Today I learned that in 2009 hackers discovered that scientists were literally conspiring to hide data that in... read more on Brighteon
Robert Morningstar says that Canada and NYC are hosting Chinese secret police who are ostensibly there to to arrest Chinese immigrants for breaking Chinese laws outside of /China.
On 10/2/22 14:35:
People in general don... read more
Go to 35:45 to hear about the criminals of pharma killing babies by giving them the blood of someone who got the fake vax bioweapon.I warned about this in about January 2021 before the truth I was sharing got me kicked off that evil platform know fondly as fascistbook.I heard that in Mexico they do separate the tainted blood and good blood... read more
Some comments about this 6 part documentary say it's very painful to watch how such a happy country has been deliberately turned into a hell by the globalists.Sarah Westhall did a 2-part interview about it with a freelance reporter who has become the spokeswoman to promote it because the creator can't afford to identify himself and be... read more
Too expensive for us but if you can afford it these are proving to be extremely helpful in emergency situations like the aftermath of hurricane Ian in;n/... read more
Pretty interesting and hopefully a lot more to follow.As I've said, it might take a personal tragedy in the immediate family for eyes to finally see what's going on in read more
Alex Jones says in 2017 they announced a plan to give people prion (mad cow) disease with mRNA vaxes.
See ... read more
This documentary proves this happens. Why did it get banned almost instantly by the deep state? It only confirms what people are realizing.
Of course, don't dare believe anything outside what the gaslight media wants you to believe. Climate Change Video ... read more
I wonder if the hurricane was made stronger to punish read more
You may have been hearing about the need or desire to exit the completely corrupt and insane society where you live. Maybe you think you are all alone and the rest of the people you know have fallen for the psyop scamdemic blasting from every government and gaslight media outlets.Here is a possible solution to connect with other like-minded p... read more
Just because maybe you're not wearing a mask, scared of the air you breathe in your car or while exercising, there are MANY MANY I see and laugh at daily in Sacramento who will jump at their own shadow.This means the complete insanity of the scamdemic is not over. Even if Newscum declared it's over it's the morons who will now kee... read more
They really can read more
here's an article that tells how Plandemic 2 video is a lie (yeah, I want to show both sides) trying to find Plandemic 2, I came across this article that says searches for it are blocked (might somebody be afraid of the T... read more
Excellent documentary by James Corbett of this lizard person. See how his PR campaign has tricked so many into thinking he's such a great guy.
href on Bitchute ... read more
I'm going to try it. I have to find out what type of solution is read more
Several interesting this cause another artificial fuel shortage and make prices soar even more?The comments about Lyme disease conflict with the official narrative which I found here, and we know government never would read more
Very interesting. I didn't know about the credit card that links to an offshore account so that it's invisible read more
--000BYAPR08MB5624C66F0933065DEB95B327D14F9BYAPR08MB5624nampGood commentsJordan Roberts -- Editor Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 3:36 PMWhy The World Economic Forum's Plutocracy Should Be years ago, the battle was for sharing the surplus. No... read more
Very interesting report about the looming slavery the new system brings.They will wait until they finish stealing the election before they roll it's part 2 which I think is excellent.He says something to do w... read more
I'll simply reply that here's a site to get ammo if you are NOT in's against the law to buy ammo through the mail if you're a prisoner of GavinOn Monday, September 19, 2022 at 02:19:14 PM: Great advice Sent: Monday, September 19, 2022 1:21 PM personal protection adv... read more
Really good interview of a reporter in Ukraine. Full of current information that's sure to surprise you.PART read more
In case you want to support a candidate who will bring some sanity from California to DC, here's the one I recommend.He's not even in my district. Sent: Friday, September 16, 2022 10:45 AMThis is really badSo far, I haven't said much about this.
Hi ,Sor far, I haven't said much about our opponent. I prefer ... read more
Not so fast. on Bitchute ... read more
Worth watching for world politics. Starts about the 10-minute mark.Harley Schlanger rejoins the program to explain the organized targeting, censoring and eliminating of journalists and politicians who dare to think differently. ... read more
Can 400 doctors make a difference? read more
The real story for those who dare to think. on Bitchute
... read more
FYIOne thing I find of particular interest is that he mentions how many people fully realize we were scammed and conned about what really happened on 9/11, yet many who realize that can't see that covid is a far bigger read more
Ran across read more
How to make sure they can never do these fascist things again -- In two'd be interested in joining a local group like this. They've encouraged me to create one myself and I might just do it.
Sent: Wednesday, Septembe... read more
Wonder why your garden is getting worse and worse each year?I think everyone should know why.And a lot read more
I AMin the market for something and found what's too good to be true in two different places.Firstly the price is incredibly low, shipping is unreal, but to top it off the picture is found on another website for even less.Too good to be true applies here.I think they have gone to terrific lengths to seem legitimate but orders wil... read more
Go to minute 53 to hear about a great legal strategy for doctors being threatened for not following the depopulation agenda.Rumble Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2022 10:13 read more
I haven't watched one of his videos in months and months. Just discovered he's on Btichute and subscribed.While it's very bleak I think he provides a valuable world perspective and people will learn a lot of interesting news from read more
Excellent short documentary about a TRULY safe and effective pharma product which I often forget is even possible.Mikki Willis Sent: Friday, August 26, 2022 2:45 AM? They went to great lengths to keep it from youDear ,Of all the harmful misinformation spread over the past couple of years, one of the most disturbing false narrativ... read more
There's another link to Jim Rickards' talk.You can just read the transcript to avoid waiting through the talk.Jim Rickards from Lon Real Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 4:09 PMForget Inflation -- This Threat Could WIPE-OUT Your SavingsHi ,The biggest threat to your wealth right now is NOT inflation It's NOT anoth... read more
Pretty read more
An0maly does what I consider his best ever talk.Try to argue with a single point mentioned.Time for people to finally wake up, especially conservatives because anyone still on the left is simply a basket case read more
Kissinger is a major satanic Zionist warmonger and that's why we've been in constant wars around the world. As former congressman Cynthia McKinney said in this video, when she was elected she was asked to pledge allegiance to ISRAEL instead of our Constitution (FYI, the Zionist Rothschilds got Woodrow Wilson to give them control of Pales... read more
Good article. No he's never going to get out of politics. He's been trained by Klaus Schwab of the WEF (praised by Trump as doing a great job).And Piglosi praised Saul Alinski (spell?), the communist who wrote Rules for Radicals which Barack Insane Obama openly praises, along with Hilary Rotten Clinton. So she's an ope... read more
Very helpful info for older people (not that I'm one!).August 16, 2022To view today's video, click link: on Rumble BitChute -- -- --... read more
Just debuted today:Go to about the 37:30 minute read more
This should be required to watch for all who think the government and especially the vaccine companies are trying to help.You will see what happened and is still happening to a young girl who wanted to help save the world by participating in a vaccine trial.This isn't a conspiracy theory. All this is just plain facts and documented.... read more
The globalist puppet masters are not insane. That's the mistake people make and so they underestimate them. They are cold, calculating and evil, so they are also predictable. And they are very arrogant. Yes, they fooled so many but not enough and many who were fooled have wised up to their scams.They will fail because of their arrogance w... read more it on Amazon sean stone made a documentary about the satanic 8/13/22 14:42: yup, as the description of the book says, it's what I've been saying for quite some tim... read more Corbett Report on BitChute ... read more
I'd love to sue them but I don't have standing in the matter (or maybe I do since I had to skip a job because the City of Sacramento required the vax to be hired)On Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 07:38:59 PM: See what you think about this after hearing what this lawyer has to say. I think you will change your opinion.... read more
NATO Sets Up Headquarters at Norfolk Naval BaseStep One, Obama purged the officer corps of people who might put up resistance. Step Two, Biden's handlers put l...On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 12:21:29 PM: Amazing. to this former ACLU employee. ... read more
The most important thing she said is that by 2000 big pharma was becoming far less profitable due to generic drugs, and that's why they designed the mRNA lipid nanoparticle technology to make people more prone to autoimmune diseases that were previously rare and very profitable to treat.
On 8/8/22 17:18:
h... read more
Oops! You gotta hear this conversation! BitChute ... read more
First, they poked, prodded and goaded Russia into war, but were disappointed when it didn't escalate into nuclear war. It still might, but apparently not quick enough. So, now, they're provoking read more
The New World Order promises no poverty and no wars. How will they do that? Easy. KILL off all the poor, and have a totalitarian/one-world government so there won't be anybody to fight.Pretty easy, huh?Yeah, the liberals love the idea but are CLUELESS as to the process to accomplish it!... read more
You may not want to miss what he's saying.WowAnd he refused a bribe to shut up so was then targeted and hospitalized after being told this by a government
This month ... read more
Such an excellent interview. I like his United abomiNations usage.Alex Newman is really a good listen. There is hope. on BitChute ... read more
There's a bunch of information about this scarf lady and there's no way you already know it.Very read more
It probably won't change anyone's mind who can't think or see what's so completely obvious. But at least it puts the truth out there for someone willing to learn something read more
Great interview with Dr Mercola. Not sure whether everyone can watch it from this link: Times Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2022 3:36 AMDr. Mercola discusses how the Rock... read more
They're targeting gay males.This is a lot more convincing evidence people were poisoned by snake venom. Listen to how the CIA did this long ago and the almost instant way to make the evidence read more
yes,there's plenty of liberals in our neighborhood with Ukraine flags, clueless that they're on the side of Nazis. I read that they are against Russia because they're racist, say they're the white race (yeah, not exactly why leftists say they're for here) and that they consider the Russians to be oriental (also no... read more
Can you do it?:-)Watch the first five minutes, at least, to find out who is our favorite piece of sh-t read more
As you probably already heard, they're not actually blood clots. Here's the latest info about read more
Just as the French said.According to a senior member of the staff of then-Secretary of the Navy John Dalton, the test firing of a new generation Navy missile from the submarine USS Seawolf accidentally struck TWA flight 800 enroute from New York to Paris on July 17, 1996. According to the former Navy official, t... read more
Remember her? This is a scathing review of her book where she's so stupid that she admits to things a smart person would try to conceal.It's pretty read more
From the Renaissance to the Reformation, from the fall of feudalism to the rise of capitalism, from the Scientific Revolution to the Industrial Revolution, from the way we order our thoughts to what we choose to think about, nothing survived the printing revolution intact. Our world is the world that the printing press has created.&q... read more
When they say the pandemic is not over, what they mean is, there's still vaccines to be taken, goal posts to be moved, and money to be made. -- Herb Powell... read more read more
She describes her learning process over the years. It mirrors to some degree how we learned about the childhood vax schedule causing physical harm to kids.Because the propaganda is so intense, it takes all parents to learn the hard way about these criminals in pharma. It must happen to you directly before you can wake up to what's really ... read more
This might be the best explanation read more
This is fascinating.The rest is added to manipulate read more
Very interesting conversation with Millie Weaver ... read more
Every pharma product is suspect, I think. I heard the tetanus shot has something inside to sterilize people. A neighbor claims it happened to her. Unless humanity stops them I think they will achieve their goal.A film by award-winning filmmaker Andy Wakefield, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children's Health Defense. ... read more
You be the read more
This video shows 1000 athletes. The youngest I noticed was in 4th grade.They all died during the vaccine push. Not all say why they died. I also noticed an NFL player from the Dallas Cowboys I remember died mysteriously this month. A huge number were playing soccer. Many mention the fact they had only recently been injected.Is ... read more
It's going to get very rough if the country runs out. video ... read more
Adams annoys me with his sensationalism so I couldn't get myself to watch his video.On the other hand, diesel engines can run on recycled vegetable oil and I'm on a FB group that has told all about it (and it's USUALLY FREE from restaurants and such)On Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 09:16:39 AM: It's going to get very rough i... read more
This is that's one of the things she sells to earn money and stay afloat with all the censorship. I tried it in 2020 for but she didn't seem to notice any difference.
Corey is a top level investigative journalist. Maybe you have heard of Corey's... read more
I think this is pretty good news from someone who seldom makes bad predictions.And his reasoning seems sound.So if he is right the near term isn't going to be too bad read more
This new book was published in the Azores.I'll have to buy a read more
If you haven't yet heard about this term which is apparently over 100 years old, you may really enjoy this interview.Even if you saw his interview with James Corbett, you will likely love the expanded comments in this one from last Thursday.And don't miss the man on the street segment at the very end. So interesting to ... read more
The weather now is 100% manipulated. Chemtrails are killing the earth. These people are also killing themselves.It's hard to hear this guest on his phone but worth the effort.He mentions his documentary that the social media behemoths are trying desperately to censor.Worth sharing to everyone. jeff... read more
New discovery by Adams revealed they are not really blood clots.My guess is it's the DARPA evil Frankenstein research he discovered that people chose to participate in -- so nice of them!So calling them clot shots isn't really read more
You probably know that it's a movie where the government arrests people for potential crimes -- just thinking it justifies your arrest (thought crimes).Believe it or not, this is actually happening today in America to Americans. It's part of the Patriot Act which gave the government incredible power to act like Nazis.Watch this ama... read more
This is really fascinating, with some aspects nobody else is talking about yet.
If university courses in current events are studying this, it might train young adults for the real world they're heading into -- if the professor isn't too woke or a pedo. o... read more
Through the eyes of Chinese we have an incredible glimpse into the future if humanity doesn't unite and reject the digital ID / passports of the globalists, brought to us by puppets like the biden regime, Australia, Justin Castro (illegitimate ruler in Canada), etc.You don't want to miss this one as they take you through the horrors t... read more
It should not be that the modern democrat platform is satanic baby killing rituals, but it's a sad fact.Those on the left who are still somewhat sane will want to join with the human race and scream to high heaven against what the evil FDA (puppets taking orders from the anti-human globalists / cult) want to do next to decimate the babies... read more
Ron Hatton figured it all out. He invented something that threatened too many corporations. Reminds me of Nicolai Tesla.Very interesting interview. ... read more
if anybody watches this video and still accepts the vaqx, they must have a death wish. That is NOT AN EXAGERATION!Too important to not share. I hope you make time to listen to this read more
Thanks to an honest judge Pfizer was not allowed to let everyone living today be dead before they would release the covid vax trial data -- wanted to stall 75 years (no kidding).Naomi Wolfe assembled a team of experts to examine the latest document dump and they just threw a bombshell that the gaslighting media is desperate to block from the ... read more
He dared to save his child's life and others, resulting in fewer deaths and Pedo joe's disgusting govt can't allow that! read more
Here is the link: on BitChute Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 6:33 PMResearch from the 1970s but going back to the 50s is discussed here. She mentions a podcast with a lot more details I'll have to find.Rwanda's genocide seems to be the results of su... read more
If you didn't immediately know it was our corrupt government behind this shooting you have not learned how evil they are now. Maybe it's time to wake up?
Unthinking zombies will just keep swallowing all the fake crap of the government which they tell through the old media. I hope by now all who are reading this have figured out the ... read more
More FBI false flags Saturday, May 28, 2022 4:06 AMspeculation and opinionOn 5/28/22 01:54: Yea, should be obviousSent: Friday, May 27, 2022 10:39 PMreasonable evidence that police were told to stand down (to allow MORE DEATHS):Situation Update... read more
In case you were wondering on Bitchute ... read more
90% of the population can't handle the truth that the gov't isn't really their benevolent daddy (they're not really adults). is reading another book, The Truth about covid -19 that documents (again, but that 90% can't handle facts) how it was always a SCAM!It's a disease of OLD PE... read more
These are great comments about the attempted world takeover with medical fascism by the WHO.
Hopefully it calms some fears. on Bitchute ... read more
The sky is falling, it hit me on the head! (ignore the Vostok ice core DATA that SHOWS that higher CO2 follows warming and not causing it)This article isn't worth reading because they ignore their own graph that SHOWS CO2 getting higher after warming so just look at read more
So, will the try to pull off Project Bluebeam, where we're shown some space alien for the purpose of saying Jesus was an alien so people aban Christianity?Yeah, the whole deal with the WHO taking over the world is ominous. Are the people that stupid to allow it?On Thursday, May 12, 2022, 07:34:03 AM someone w... read more
I never considered this factor of diesel but you'll learn from this message (to the future people who survived the planned collapse) what's happening today and THIS MONTH to crush the economy and all the ramifications of it.Laugh if off if you still think pedo joe won in 2020. Because that's completely delusional and you won't... read more
I figure Plan A was to kill billions with the vax, so now they need Plan B and it could be mini nukesOn Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 08:46:14 AM someone wrote:
This likely means they've given up on getting more people to change their DNA with the jab, so the pressure is coming off. Aren't you glad you resisted?
... read more
I remember just three years ago, after watching the film Vaxed, that it would be a massive uphill battle to educate enough people that we could turn around the ship that was headed for a cliff because of the incredible number of children becoming autistic after vaccines. I was still on fascist book and constantly posting the evidence, but only a... read more
before going to the link, I figure they first indoctrinated people to think they're bad for mother earth and feel guilty for breathing. they then went further to LIE about CO2. See my link. It is an article that isn't worth reading because they misinterpret their own data but their graph shows that higher CO2 FOLLOWS warming ... read more
By his assessment, Adams (Health Ranger) thinks there will be no more elections. They know they can never win again without cheating.And the fake POTUS is provoking a nuclear attack by Russia before Nov to give an excuse for martial law.Jeffrey Prayer doesn't come to the same read more
For sacramento there are 3 options listed. One is in pennsylvania which tells me there is a lot of potential for additional local listings as more people become aware of read more
We're lied to with headlines like 'US counts record 4,000 covid deaths in a day as virus continues to wreak havoc.' These deaths, if accurate in number, were from seasonal flu/influenza -- perhaps pneumonia, and/or related illnesses -- not covid. Individuals succumbing are largely elderly, infirm, likely with other healt... read more
I wish.I think many will appreciate how well she connects the criminal dots . Soros is so great! read more
Can anyone deny Trump was not in on the scam after reading his executive order from September 2019?I got this from read more
Tucker Carlson outlines the swamp's intentional starting of war with Russia. A month old, but very good. on YouTube ... read more
video about lots of poultry killing due to bird flu epidemic, which is a BIG LIE:On Sunday, April 24, 2022, 09:30:58 PM: In china ... read more
I'm not bothering to send this to some in the family because they seem to prefer ignorance.Don't bother to watch the video that is in German because the article tells it said it was a LIE when I tried to post it, of course, because they say h... read more
Doing what the criminals at the CDC refuse to do, they looked at their own database to reveal what most already know about the world's best product for depopulation / read more
This one has appeared all over TV. on Bitchute
'Health officials' will falsely blame all future excess deaths on 'covid,' not on the true culprit, which is the mRNA shot. People with no serious health issues prior to (and non-athletes NOT pus... read more
Notice that one farmer comments it can't happen at a worse time -- idiots will say it is just a coincidence, nothing to suspect here.This will push at least some of them out if business. But I hope others will see their dependence on fertilizer and the poison in what they produce can be solved by some genius ideas to become organic. They ... read more
I hope you can see from the problems described, there are great solutions and ideas.... read more
This talk was truly inspired -- wow!I highly recommend you watch the entire thing. Don't miss a minute.The world would be awesome if this advise were read more
This is a really great and short video and I hope you will share it with read more
Yes, it is. Venom in water quickly loses all power, virulence, whatever you want to call it.
It's not covid, it's (snake venom) poison in the (drinking) water -- Dr. Bryan Ardis
Snake venom is not the same as poison. The protein-based toxins of snake venom need to get into your bloodstream (by snake bite or injectio... read more
Source: State of the Nation WATCH the Water, the Air, the Food, the Medicines, the Hospitals, the Doctors, the Flu Vaccines, etc.... read more
Pay by cash as much as you can. Very important to avoid the cashless society with which the global Fascists want to control you completely. on BitChute ... read more
Wise advice about how you spend your time fighting the read more Brighteon ... read more
It's becoming clear they are the enemies of humanity and are behind the scamdemic.Part 1 on BitChute If you can't find it on your own I can give the links to parts 2 -- 3.Sarah Westhall is doing many related interviews about this subject.... read more
More on Disney and their sick / evil agenda. Don't miss the end of this:Longtime Disney Cast Member Speaks Out: We Are Ashamed to Work for This Company/. They are creating a problem that never existed before. read more
I think this will interest it's laughable that the author of the article estimates only 1% are psychos. The scamdemic has proven that otherwise (as Icke points out).What's also very interesting is how the globalists are turning the whole population into psychos.I think e... read more
Amazing that the global elite described their plans in 1969.You'll want to listen to read more
You gotta hear about this guy -- excellent. on BitChute ... read more
Remember when we were living in 2020 and it was just a conspiracy called the New World Order?Oh have times changed. The globalists have dropped any pretenses and openly tell about their plans.Any deniers feeling a little stupid now?Are you noticing a trend that every crazy conspiracy theory has been proven as a fact? If not, take off th... read more
I agree with the guy on the right that the Deep State is headed towarded leveraging biden out. But why that? I think that's because they want there to be CIVIL WAR. (of course, it will be CIA mercenaries causing all the trouble with Antifa and BLM paid by Soros to chip in to the chaos)On Sunday, April 3, 2022, 03:4... read more
Please note I am passing this on to all those here, because i amsensing this is another breakthrough in regards to this travestybeing perpetrated upon us and Mother Earth. GioThe latest from James newsletter #5795/Drunk Pilot Admits Secret Mission to Spray Deadly Chemicals//Do you know why he is drunk? Because he ... read more
EXCELLENT interviewI think they identify the true nature of the contrived Ukraine read more
You really need to watch this. And the info about the number of musicians now dead is something I've not heard before elsewhere.... read more
If you didn't already know, here's more info about what's happening in the insane world of our read more
If you thought we in CA are the only ones suffering under various degrees of fascism and much more on the horizon, think again.Listen for the list of Nazi governments here .Then start doing something to make sure they don't achieve their evil plans.If you don't notice any problem with these plans let me know so I can permanently... read more
Good article.I wonder if the idiots who voted for pedo joe would have done so if they knew how bad he is. The media owned by the CIA sure did a great job in preventing the truth from emerging. But still most of us knew the truth about him through alternative media and others chose to ignore it.Those same people will likely suffer the worst... read more
Dr. Day accuses many whistleblowers of being controlled opposition. is one of her websites And here is someone else's interview of her: read more
We must not lose focus of what the Great Reset is. It is the plan of Davos-deluded billionaires, big banks, mega-corporations and social-media oligarchs to collapse the entire economic, political and social order, replacing it with a new digital system of iron-clad control over every facet of our lives....... read more
I think that the rulers have gotten all they need out of the bidens and might now dispose of them for the purpose of riling up liberals and with the hope of getting a civil war started. they don't care if kamala is an idiot or not because she'd gladly be compliant to go down in history as the president (kind of like shillary)... read more
Since the satanic Klaus Schwab of World Economic Forum fame is against Putin,that tells me that Putin can't be all is just another strong man. His election was more honest ... read more
Yes, NATO is the main problem over read more, never heard of them.
But like all the other evil creeps it's always the exact opposite that they do. Like the left accusing the right of 2020 voter fraud when it was them in it to their eyeballs.
And Antifa is nothing but fascist... read more
Many times since the beginning of the scam-demic I've seen interviews in which they talked about common law.It's becoming better known and this person describes it as applied to us's amazing and fascinating.I didn't save the link to part 1 but you will want to find i... read more
I would hope all the people reading this understand what's at stake always, Jamrs Corbett lays out the situation and solution to this dystopian future being designed and implemented at break-neck speed while so many are in a permanent state of slumber.If there is just 1 person you ... read more
The recall failed but not because of the vote count to get rid of this f-cking NaziHe and his conspirators control the machines.Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2022 8:14 AM yeah, but as with the recall of gavin failing, most Californians doesn't mind being under Nazi kontrolOn Friday, March 11, 2022, 11:52:58 PM PST: https... read more oh. Someone's in a heap of trouble.LOLAs if we didn't know .... read more
He names more than I ever heard before. Since Putin is one of them, it's interesting to see the war game the globalists are playing.
I think many are compiling a list so we can ... read more No surprise to me, it's the CIA and mercenaries such as the ones that Cheney sent around the world from Halliburton who are getting Russia AND the Ukraine for their actions.... read more
Don't watch this because it's just another conspiracy theory, right? Only follow the science after a leftist approves it.</sarcasm> ... read more on Rumble ... read more
I started to read it. It's interesting but I haven't analyzed if it's credible or not (they mention at the bottom that Whites are in danger): Mafia Recapturing Khazaria ... read more
On Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 12:19 PMwrote:
I'm waiting for them to buy the movie rights from me?
On Monday, February 21, 2022, 11:32:45 AM PST
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 12:29 PM
Wow, somebody is buying my ... read more
Have you ever kicked yourself for being stupid? Of course you have. Everyone has. Well, no offense, but if you fell for this pandemic and its incumbent masks and vaccine, you were stupid.
Here is my radical new three-step program for such situations:
Admit it
Get over it
Move on... read more
The Sephardic rabbinical Burla family has been near royalty in Palestine since the 1700s. They conspired with the bankers Rothschild, Churchills and the Board of Deputies of British Jews in the mid-1800s to make Israel a British colony masquerading as a Jewish state.Read, list... read more
I think they've bought the story so completely they are totally freaked out by the lying media and putting pure bloods into camps is a survival reaction.They can't see how they are the ones getting sick because of their destroyed immune systems. Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2022 7:32 PMAmazing. But it has little to do with... read more
Lots of things I've never heard before. on YouTube ... read more
For all intents and purposes, the American people have followed the FBI's lead and moved on from the Las Vegas Massacre. It's been over four years since Stephen Paddock killed 60 people and injured over 400 from his perch at Mandalay Bay, and there are still many more questions than... href... read more
Peter Duesberg is a molecular biologist and a molecular and cell biology professor at the University of California, Berkeley. At one time, he was an acclaimed scientist who was the world's foremost expert on AIDS. That all changed when he was blackballed by Anthony Fauci and the... https:/... read more
Four prominent scientists who played key roles in shaping the public narrative around the origin of covid-19 received substantial increases in grant money from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, in the subsequent two years, a review of funding data by The Epoch Times has... read more
Operation Trust was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists' takeover.: ww... read more
Somebody posted something about the Polio vax SCAM before. Anyhow, here's articles that I have:20 THINGS YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT POLIO20 THINGS YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT read more ... read more
It's funny how you can say the following to an intelligent, politically astute person and a majority of them will believe it: U.S. intelligence services will ruthlessly exploit people, eliminating those standing in the way of achieving their aims. Nations refusing to go along are targeted for regime change. Washington stops at nothing to ... read more
666, get it?It's not about urban renewal. It's about humanity 2.0 (transhumanism). If you get the mRNA jab, you're technically no longer fully human, you're on your way to humanity 2.0. You're being built back better.... read more
This is not the first Expert and not likely the last to confirm Controlled Demolition (University of Alaska study computer modeled it and concluded demolition, too) ... read more
Not the first expert and not likely the last to confirm controlled demolition. A University of Alaska study computer-modeled it and concluded demolition, too. ... read more
- Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 08:38:54 PM PSTDate: November 30, 2021 at 10:50:46 AM PSTSent: Monday, November 29, 2021, 11:11:06 AM PSTFwd: OIL -- You better be sitting down when you read this !!!!!!Cruz Construction started a division in North Dakota just 6 months ago.They sent every Kenworth (9 trucks) they had... read more
Excellent interview. Are -- There Is Nothing Left To Lose -- David Icke Talks To Alex Jones ... read more
Simply Excellent Video. It covers a broad range of topics that pretty much everyone will find something of interest. From Chemtrails to Illuminati, Freemasons, 5G, good music, children's health, aliens, Wi-Fi, and more. Fake Alien Invasion Don't miss this one... read more
Notice he says he was part of the genocide. So he had knowingly been killing people and had blood on his hands.His conscience caught up to him and it was too unbearable.This will not be the only such person. Just think of all the evil doctors doing this now and for the past 18 read more
From a friend there.Therese Dennis Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2021 7:16 PMShare read more
Very good interview about propaganda. Go to to Disarm Propaganda -- Mark Crispin Miller ON #SOLUTIONSWATCH You might also visit Mr. Miller's site at markcrispinmiller.comMark Crispin Miller and http... read more
You may have heard of Peter Kirby from his chemtrails research.Watch out for crypto. I'm not an investor and know very little about it, but it seems to warrant a red flag as a scam. on Bitchute Pentagon & CIA Funded Big Tech, Federal Reserve Behind XRP Cr... read more
I haven't heard so much detail from a scientist before and may you info./iANxwTOu7IF9/jm2euik7MlCVScientist shows vaccine effects in autopsies. Don't believe it? See for yourself. ... read more
We got the receipts -- the patents that describe the exact computer operating system being injected without prior consent of the publicThe details are in this video that fb will want to take down immediately if they realize the informationI've been warning people about this forever. I've been attacked, ridiculed, had my character a... read more
Anonymous says: There are already big shortages in auto and other industries. More shortages will follow, including grocery stores. Stock up now or you'll later wish you did. See read more
it's possible to make diesel fuel. I remember that a science teacher at my school had a diesel truck and had her students work on making diesel fuel for it.I don't know how it's made. In a couple of recipes I've seen, one needs methanol. Hmm, methanol needed? So, I wonder where the methanol would be gotten if fuel isn... read more
I'd like to believe at least some of our German ancestors would be like this man and his common sense.In German with subtitles bitchute Parliament Member to EU Commission: Stop this experimentation on humans, I beg you!Joachim Kuhs, Member Of Th... read more's Stealth Mission to Save Mom in the covid Death WardUpdated 9-17-21: Access solution resource document at Dr. Zelenko's Vitamin Pac... read more
This lawyer shows the proof about all the govt lies about the read more
When will Arizona decertify this fraudulent result? How about all the other states Arizona inspired? on BitChute ... read more
The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.We now have yet more evidence pointing to the ongoing CDC/DoD black ops 'pathogen release' warfare activities that were responsible for not only the deliberate spread of measles at DisneyLand (to push SB 277 in California) but now are targeting health fre... read more
Worth a Lack Soul & are Indifferent to Mass Murder w/ Dr. Peter BregginUpdated 9-17-21: Access solution resource document at read more
VERY PRO-VAXXER LEAVES THE DARK SIDE -- COMES TO SENSESThis is an exceptional message from someone who has come to his senses to some degree. Still too stupid to realize vaxes are poison, but has spark of freedom enough to realize this insane tyranny must read more
VAX FRAUDNow trending thanks to people sharing this banned HHS Nurse Blows the Whistle on covid-19 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths NOT being ReportedLast week we reported how James O'Keefe of Project Veritas stated that they have received thousands of emails ... read more
Good info on how to reverse the fake vax crap for anyone who got tricked into getting the poison shot.But also for those, like college students, who are constantly around those who got tricked.There is a link to a file that will be updated as often as possible which gives more details.Some very interesting info about the spike proteins.... read more protocol for fighting covid ... read more
I never heard of him before.Seems logical, backs the people who will really do something. Worth a listen at 1.5x speed.Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2021 10:52 PMI consider Benjamin Fulford a MAJOR NUT.He's been talking about the ninjas saving the world for years.Is there anything otherwise in those two links?... read more
Watch the last person in this video -- fascinating! She's like a canary in a coal mine. She gets sick immediately when she comes into contact with any toxin. I would hate to be like that, but you will see why it's so,... read more
Yeah, I saw that. I dropped off our votes and nobody compared them with a computer, as they did there. Democrats just hate democracy (but love to complain about conservatives not liking it). If Gavin survives, we'll need a vote count (at least they didn't use voting machines that could be hacked)On Monday, September 13, 2021, 07:22:12... read more
-- kids killed and maimed by psychopaths pushing the vaxIf you got the vax, you won't want to watch this because you might be the next read more
Beware of thoughts not your own.You gotta listen to this In Your Head -- How They Are Telling You To 'Get The Vaccine' -- David Icke Dot-ConnectorOur Video Sponsor -- No Hype Invest -- Perceptions Of A Renega... read more
the satanists have talked of it for decades. daddy bush mentioned it decades ago and he wasn't the first to talk of it.I just don't get why people ignore it. (but, then again, in a video I watched tonight, the guy said that only 3% of Americans fought against the British and 1/3 of the country, similar to the 1/3 that actuall... read more
I think this is the real solution and hope people support to Avoid a Violent Civil War by Protecting Freedoms w/ Sheriff Mack ... read more
The flu is not a hoax. Renaming it covid and calling it a pandemic is the hoax. -- in response to the comment Why bother with Ivermectin if it's all just a hoax? targetbla... read more MOST POWERFUL VIDEO IN MONTHS: Is The Truth Even Allowed? When Does This End? ... read more
TAKE THIS, OR ELSE...? Wow, breaking news about the shot contents for all 4 companies. Still just a conspiracy theory? on BitChute ... read more
I figure they're lining all the things up for the False Flag event:biden and afghanistankamala gonethe vote count fraud being exposedthe disgust with so many for the vaxand now the Durham they throw in Hunter Biden's Ukraine... read more
In the last few days, there have been some very encouraging developments around vaccine tyranny:Denmark ends all covid restrictions, including the Vaccine Passport.Germany suspends vaccine licenses for the next two weeks, placing a moratorium on the vax, pending safety concerns and stopping all vaccinations for now.Japan ... read more
Interesting home remedy for the unvaxed people experiencing shedding (transmission) from anyone who got vaxed.This may come in handy more and more as coercion for the shots ramps up and people succumb to the FOR BEING AROUND THE VACCIN... read more
Just posted this:This is an excellent video about what the military is doing to the enlisted. But the final segment filmed by Vaxed is particularly good. A lady whose job was to inject vaccines and not to think or ask questions describes how soldiers are lab rats and owned by their government.I never knew why anyone would want to be a sold... read more
Don't ever be afraid to speak up and speak out about crimes like we are seeing.I seriously doubt I AMhigh profile and I don't go out in public to be shot at.We don't need to be heroes, just don't comply, and get everyone else to stop complying.
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2021 10:50 AM
Targeting the anti-vax r... read more
Refreshing to hear young people with such wisdom that is far superior to many who have drunk the Kool Aide of the world's medical read more
Just watched it and it's not hopium. It's saying the stuff happening now is leading to the good guys winning and the bad guys know it. Sent: Monday, August 23, 2021 12:46 AMhaven't listened yet, hopium this:Re: Military insider: the Folks, be a little... read more
We are near a tipping point in this world war against the corporate fascistsVery interesting interview with a superstar in this war from Germany -- Reiner read more
You must trust the scienceThis is a laughable example of fake, sloppy garbage attempting to pass as science from 50 years ago, not much different than all the other fake science we see used as a basis to lock down the world and scare the sh-t out of everyone to accept a poison vaccine to save their lives.And it'... read more
Is your job worth more than your life?
For anyone considering or feeling coerced to get any of the covid vaxes, there is a bombshell coming this Thursday that you should listen to from The HighWire by Del Bigtree which is the world's leading weekly medical reporting show. They say try to hold out until you see this show.
targetblan... read more
David Icke's son has been producing excellent content -- top notchHere is a trailer for some of, Forced Vaccinations & Military Rebellion -- Right Now TrailerWatch the full episode at This advertisement has been selected b... read more
To be fair, I think Trump exposed fake news like never before.He created the most patriotism possibly ever.He seriously worked to bring manufacturing home.He really was working to make America first, despite many American 2nd deeds (making Zionism first)He battled China in trade which made him a top enemy of at least one faction of t... read more
Isn't it interesting that critics of platforms like Bitchute, Brighteon and Gab label them as conspiracy websites?It's really terrible because they don't realize they are anti-free speech. These are 3 of the biggest advocates of the US Constitution.Listen to this discussion about the fight between Gab and Rumble whi... read more
Most of you know this amazing man.But at minute 24 he describes why the people who got the covid shot will never listen to you.Pretty Zelenko Exposes Global Genocide Eventcovid19: The UK Government downgraded the danger of covid19 from a high c... read more
Yeah, I told of that secret oath to Israel by former congressman Cynthia McKinney 2 years ago: McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 12:44:22 PM: PlatformsI think this is an imp... read more
Can you even imagine this happening to you?US GOVERNMENT IS SO CRIMINAL -- MUST WATCH on GabTV ... read more
At about minute 30 he discusses the transgender push. But the entire interview is great. The first part is about AI. AI Smart Grid -- David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast ... read more
Very interesting discussionThe title of the video is only a tiny read more
MIT study about vax watching this, tell me what's the converse of the people they studied. ?... read more see video. MUST SEE: Your Wake Up Call... read more
Better listen up. on BitChute ... read more
WOW -- MUST SEE VIDEO BY RFK JR. -- ALL AMERICANS MUST HEAR doubt about that. It's hard to take all this evil sh-t coming at us non-stop.
That reminds me of something you probably didn't see that I wrote about one of our presumed ancestors last night:
PEDRO WAS A MA... read more
ignorance is key to a fantasy about life. Stew Peters is hitting home runs just about daily with the people he interviews.This is also a MUST SEE because it stresses just why the graphene and graphene oxide is vital to get into people.The Bio-tech and Nano-tech revolution is a NIGHTMARE for humanityWe are only weeks away from a massive ... read more
Excellent documentary on the 2020 election fraudEven if you watched closely, there is a lot of info here you probably didn't know about.Even if you think it was the most honest election in history, I hope you are in favor of honest elections (and you have so much to learn).Every American should watch this and make sure we fix this b... read more
Part of the effort to create a new society out of the ashes of our current globalist, fascist society is happening through Gab.Freedom-loving people will really like what this video talks about and businesses who have these same ideals will, read more
Incredibly fine work by Dr. Shiva to discover government censorship by ALL government, every party, including TrumpDon't believe for a moment any government agency or elected official is on your side.It's a proven fact now and it's a very sad state of affairs.Get involved and be part of the solution. Join Dr. Shiva's gre... read more
Surprisingly interesting interview about the Illuminati and cabal Satanists by Sarah read more
Excellent interview with Whether democrat or Republican, NOBODY is an honest person working for the people. NOBODY abides by their oath to the Constitution in the US Congress.I think they must ALL GO !! read more
This is simply Pirate Streams -- #SolutionsWatchSHOW NOTES AND MP3: Remember when people used to set up pirate radio stations to broadcast forbidden or controversial media to the masses? Well this is the 21st century and increasingly peo... read more
Only the sick governing elites can look you in the eye with a straight face and force experimental injections on you because masks didn't work while simultaneously forcing masks on you because the injections didn't work.... read more up California! ... read more
If you want to understand WHY we are in the crisis of 2020/21 look no further than the amazing Former assistant HUD secretary for a past president (I think Bush 1), she is so astute that you really have to see the full interview, but this is a short highlight video who whet your appetite.She doesn't read more
Australia officially announced today is 1st day of New World OrderDisturbing footage out of Australia shows a New South Wales' MP declare the beginning of the New World Order as the government locks down the country over covid once again.... read more
This is an excellent letter from parents to school superintendent.The response is;sxc1//PBxgBgr9rAE6/RXDRsR;sxc1Think things will be better this school year? Think againGive Wellness Forum Health a call at 614-841-7700. Check out read more
This is where Biden and the commies/democrats want to take usBiden allied groups, including the DNC, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages.... read more
Received the following email this morning. My reply is at the bottom.trusted source. Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2021. Subject: Jews control the JesuitsI've heard you say the zionists (anti-semites) don't control the world but the Jesuits do. Well, this person differs: targetblank... read more
His 40 Years Of Diabolical Predictions Now Unfold As Globalist Aspirations. The revelation that in 1981 a French economist, socialist and political advisor, Jacques Attali, said that the burden of providing for the burgeoning population retirees in western nations would force an economic crisis that would bring on the planned exter... read more
Terrific the British Imperial Empire Taken America? Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 1:32 AM and Tyla Gabriel and McKibben are the driving forces behind AIM4Tru... read more
I've heard you say the Zionists (anti-Semites) don't control the world but the Jesuits do. Well, this person differs (I haven't read it yet, though): ... read more
: Flynn Says Globalists Will Pull Something Big Before AZ Audit Goes Public ... read more Keller, Eugenics, The ACLU & The United Nations Founding. Wow!Telegram Chat: T.Me/DreamRareChat (I Answer All Messages Here) (Free Email List) (Hats & Shirts!)... read more
You may find this very interesting on BitChute ... read more
If this doesn't outrage you, something is very, very 221: THE mRNA INSIDERCDC betrays the Nuremberg Code; mRNA Pioneer, Dr. Robert Malone, Shocks; Have We Already Won?; Del reveals the ALL NEW It's your new home, coming JU... read more
But remember, the side effect of death is pretty much the worst and most visible (can't imagine a more severe effect than that) and there are others who are having vaxidents (vax caused accidents) from passing out while driving, or whatever. The 3 mentioned are only those leaked out of the extreme information suppress... read more on BitChute ... read more
Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty. -- Goebbels I first noticed this coming from Bush-Cheney in 2000. Then, of course -- because no politician can let a good dirty trick go to waste -- Hillary Clinto... read more
Here's the gist: We'd love to know why Deagel is forecasting the population of the US to drop from 327 million in 2017 to only 100 million in 2025, with them also forecasting a 2025 US military budget of 32 billion dollars, down from our 2017 military budget of $637 billion, while forecasting our population d... read more
You might find this discussion interesting.Look for episode 5, but all are good. Free until midnight tomorrow (Sunday) SeriesViewingdon't delay and lose out! this special opportunity to own end game is for a limited time only and will end soon! take action today and claim your huge ... read more
I just glanced at it but it seems that the rest of the world won't change much so it's the USA that is to be attacked (you know, too many white people, right?)
In another article, 11 mayors want to give reparations to blacks, Sacto mayor Zionist Steinberg being one of them. My suggestion is that all those who voted for Biden ought to... read more
I just glanced at it, but it seems that the rest of the world won't change much. It's the USA that is to be attacked (you know, too many white people, right?)
In another article, 11 mayors want to give reparations to blacks, Sacto mayor, Zionist Steinberg, being one of them. My suggestion is that all those who voted for Biden ought ... read more
Skip to minute 3:30 or so and learn about the housing market being sold off to a criminal elite buying up whole neighborhoods. Be careful who you sell your house to. Stay away from investors despite the enticing extra money or it will help kill off America. If you neglect to make sure the person buying your home isn't one of these crim... read more
I hope they are right. Sure worth trying.This is something else I just posted and was going to send a separate message, but it fits well into this one:SHOCKING IMAGES OF BLOOD OF THE VAXXEDYou will see regular blood from the unvaxed and then what happens to them after the vaxIt appears to show the nano-particles, too.So crazy to k... read more
Interesting about Nesara/Gesara. the article says that the Globalists want to make it look like a bad thing. Wow, it looks pretty good and yes, from what I saw before, it did look/sound bad.On Wednesday, June 2, 2021, 04:17:40 AM someone wrote: Another Klaus Schwab cyber attack prediction comes read more
Part OC Board of Supervisors Public Comments #2Jun 13, 2021 This is #2 of 2 compilations of patriots speaking during the afternoon Public Comments session for the Orange County Board of Supervisors. These speakers were denied the chance to speak on the ... read more
left the NIH before Fraud Fowlchee arrived. He was the expert witness in the case that took down Eli Lilly for ProzacFantastic 2-part talkPart read more
Never get another shot and we'll never have another plandemic.What will 50 million deaths look like?VP of Oracle just died after taking a covid shot last week.Dr. Mikovits continues to lead the way, proven right since the beginning.These drugs are deadlyThe doctors are so brainwashedta... read more
Wow, a fantastic documentary of how the medical cartel (yea, your doctors and pharma) have always tried to hide all The Forbidden Cures -- The Original Big Pharma Playbook Long Before covidREVIEW BY DAVID BONELLO -- INTERNATIONAL WELLNESS DIRECTOR... read more
Never get another shot and we'll never have another plandemic.What will 50 million deaths look like?VP of Oracle just died after taking a covid shot last week.Dr. Mikovits continues to lead the way, proven right since the beginning.These drugs are deadlyThe doctors are so brainwashedhttps... read more
I got a notion to look up the origins of zionism. Yeah, most say it was Herzl but this article says otherwise, that the German templar society were the ones to want to get Jesus to return by bringing in certain events: Invented Zionism? ... read more
This is a GREAT talk with /research/How%20the%20British%20Reconquered%20the%20USA%20with%20Mathew%20Ehret%20and%20Patrick%20Timpone.mp4Matthew Ehret called New Revelations Shed Light on the British Roots of the Deep State on my website, or here on Timpo... read more
Famous Doctor Once Administered the covid Shots, but then LEARNED THE TRUTHThis is the most powerful condemnation I have ever seen by a doctor and he is very pro-vax.This is far and away the most lethal, toxic biologic agent injected into a human body in American historyAnd Trump wants everyone to get his medical mirac... read more
While the public is told the preconceived covid-19 pandemic is a calamity of unfolding proportion that emanates from a deadly mutated virus... invented in a laboratory and targets octogenarians in particular, and the proposed... mandated vaccination... may have more heinous consequences than the virus itself, there is another fact... read more
Friends --It is an absolute tragedy that so many health experts and elected officials across the nation have still done nothing to get masks off our children. It's unethical and unconstitutional to force children to abide by covid measures that result in physical and emotional harm. With just one click, you can ask your governor and your ... read more
they killed many before. Probably all SIDS cases are from vaccines (real vaccines -- not the fake covid gene therapy).The study by an Oregon doctor, Paul something, in December was amazing to see the effects of vaxing on those who lived. But the 1986 act signed by Reagan that gave complete liability protection to vaccine makers is what really... read more
DARPA -- Maybe the most evil entity of the USAWatch this interview from 2015 with an investigator who had published a book about them.If you think transhumanism is a fantasy, think again. This is what DARPA envisions (in 2015) as the future.Fast forward to 2021 and maybe you will connect the dots more clearly as to who is pulling some o... read more
BRAIN FREEZE AFTER covid SHOT? -- so strangeTake a look at these 2 examples of brain freeze. I never have seen anything like it.No idea if it's from the covid shot, but would not be surprised at all.Starts about minute 7:00, but the rest is also read more
Excellent advice on waking people To Wake Up Brainwashed People (The Right Way)Candles in the Dark official web-site: this video? Sign up for my newsletter and get more content here:kacper.blogThere&... read more
SHOULD BE FRONT PAGE NEWS -- COURT CASE OF THE CENTURYIf you are not following this, you are missing the beginning of what will take down the government and big tech read more
Really excellent interview by a major leader to fight the covid scamThere are some interesting details I learned here and I have been following this closely.And some WATCH -- Talks With James Delingpole -- PLEASE SHAREOriginal c... read more
Have you been hearing what Dr. Peter McCullough has been saying about the covid shot?He is one of the people talking here and I AMso glad to hear what he says now because the last time I heard him he had said he was administering the shot in January and February. I was thinking that's so damn stupid when he seemed to be genuinely a san... read more
Did Fauci / Big Pharma place a hit on the inventor of the PCR Test?You may know many things about this, but I learned some new things from this video. It's worth watching -- just 4 minutes long. on BitChute theh... read more
NOTHING MAKES SENSE UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND THE AGENDALots of new info about this subject -- MUST to the 5 Doctors Discussion of the covid Shots as BioweaponsTo complete the login process, please enter the one time code that was sent to your emai... read more
I didn't think this video would be that interesting or bring new information for me, but was surprised. It's worth a listen. I speed up the playback speed to get through faster.Maybe the most important information that is new to me is the prostate issues. First I heard of this.And people losing control of their bowels -- another fi... read more
most who think about it finally realize it's not science, but corporate scientism which is using the science community to subvert real science and find a way to make a profit rather than let the chips fall where they may when discovering new things. True science would never claim the science is settled -- that's just the Big ... read more
DHS article on it:DHS Creates New Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships and Additional Efforts to Comprehensively Combat Domestic Violent ExtremismDHS Creates New Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships and Addi...Building on the Biden-Harris Administration's commitment to combating all forms of terrorism and targeted... read more Doctor Exposed Globalist Plan For UN Directed Depopulation / Great Reset Using Vaccines For Extermination
There's a download button.... read more
Here's yet another chart that shows there were no excess deaths in this case in Ireland in 2020 compared to other years. In fact, here it was the lowest it's been in the 9 years shown. The official covid numbers like everywhere else, apparently were exaggerated by the government. ... read more
ROGUE & ILLEGITIMATE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WANTS TO KILL US ALLNot only are the covid suicide shots getting crazy funding on TV, radio and on signs as we drive around by car, check out the last minute or so of this video (the whole thing is worth watching, but in particular the final minute about food) to see they are working hard to starv... read more
Interesting comments about money and the economy -- James CorbettAre you one of the complete fools to believe the hype? Corbett on the Human Extinction EventSHOW NOTES AND MP3: In the latest edition of the ongoi... read more
Potentially Wonderful News for UK Court O'Bernicia -- Court Case against Hancock, Witty, Ferguson, Vallance -- Latest update O'Bernicia, aka The Bernician, guests for a fourth time to talk about the latest in the Private Criminal Prosecutions he ha... read more
Doctor for 40 years explains what is happening with covid.The entire video is good, but she is in the last segment starting at min 6. on Bitchute
It seems most people are... read more
END GAME -- free documentary 9-part series starting May's be honest, the average person's reaction to C0VID was not good.If we don't wake up and change what we're doing soon it could lead to the end of Western Civilization.Our supply chain has been expo... read more SO DOES ENGLAND : PT1 May 15th Lon England Worldwide Freedom March Rally Demonstration St. James Park BBC on YouTube Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2021 1:54 AM hre... read more
HEARING LOSS AFTER covid SHOTThis is a new one to me. This video gets into more Of People Reporting Severe After Vax, ft. Chelsea Handler's Ear's Deaf Instagr... read more
Great discussion about medical Lee Merritt interviewed by the Health Ranger: Forced vaccines are a Holocaust-level crime against humanityNaturalNews videos would not be possible without y... read more
Some people are terrific in school, amazing in business, very successful lawyers, doctors, scientists, but are so damn stupid they couldn't save themselves no matter what.Truly mind-boggling how effective mind control and brainwashing works.Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2021 8:18 PMlaughing fools think? that's a silly ... read more
Email from Peggy Hall:These stores are now reportedly allowing customers in without masks:SproutsTrade Joe'sCostcoNot that I care!I will never give another penny to those tyrants that so blatantly discriminated against millions of people...And in many cases, these psychopaths called the cops to have LAW-ABIDI... read more
Here's the full recorded episode -- one of the best ever, in my DEFINITION OF A BIO-WEAPONFauci Denies NIH Funding; Defining a Bioweapon; CDC Stops Looking for Vaccine Failure; The Growing Toll of Vaccine Injury; Eric Clapton's Powerful Message #TheHighWire #EricClapton... read more
When I get mine I will test it. I heard of the home-made type like you mentioned, but not sure how effective they are.Since lead is metal and known to block signals (I used to use lead barriers when sound recording years ago), I think an old lead bag will work. I just never spent time to find mine. Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 11:34 ... read more
THIS DOCTOR IN CANADA IS AWESOME -- SHARE TO ALL FRIENDS -- FIGHT BACK !!!!!The 2nd scene with the little boy in convulsions after the vax is tragic to watch and some told me it brought them to tears.Just the thought of those stupid parents putting their child in a trial for a vax to supposedly protect him from a supposed disease he will n... read more
From Israel to Canada and around the world, people are realizing things.Are you?What can we do to protect ourselves and families? Or are we just dead men walking because we didn't notice a problem and do something? this point, if you see no problems, you are one of the walking dead. S... read more
Most people don't want to hear this. It's bad news.But would you rather be lied to and think everything is peachy or hear the truth no matter how bad? Update, May 5th, 2021 -- DARPA-... read more
Today we were approved to be volunteer food drop coordinators in the area for a company you may like to check into called Standard. Natural Organic Foods, Recipes & Healthy Living Looking for where to buy natural, organic groceries and environmentally friendly home supp... read more
THIS IS SO SERIOUS -- THE POTENTIAL TO DEPOPULATE EARTH IS AT STAKE end-game behind vaccines Doctor Exposes Anti-Human Endgame Behind Vaccines -- Forbidden Knowledge TVDr. Carrie Madej is an Internal Medicine Specia... read more
Here's a video showing huge quantities of lumber just stacked up and waiting. The current lumber shortage is apparently just another scam to artificially raise the price of wood (and further damage the economy). The first three minutes of the video are probably all you need to see: read more
So far, but they won't win this war. Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 12:40 PM; This will make you want to vote for Trump all over againThe mrna vax rollout is the biggest thing the world govt has ever rolled out. It was the whole reason for the scamdemic. The future of humankind is at stake. Will we remain overpopulated an... read more
Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as FraudMask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as FraudThe covid-19 Crisis is a Fraud. According to their own data, there is no emergency! good infoOn 5/1/21 9:51 PM: bacteria inside the virus kill the virus? Wow, crazy! Viruses are tiny so how could a... read more
Just got this from a friend. Didn't listen yet, but these doctors are always informative.Concerning the latest talking points about effects on people when they are near those who got any of these covid shots.Therese Dennis Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 2:49 AMLiz Armas Theresa Court Re- 91viral shedding' by people who&... read more
LEIGH DUNDAS -- AN INCREDIBLE LAWYER FIGHTING FOR OUR gotta watch this. I love this lady!!... read more
daughter took me to Basilico's restaurant in Orange County where they don't let anybody in with a mask. They have lawsuits because their liquor license and more was taken away. Got to know the owner. (They wouldn't let daughter's mom into the place because she insisted on wearing a mask)On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 02:32:13 PM... read more
Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion:In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the ... read more are stealing people blindIt seems widows or widowers are the prime targets -- of course, they must have some degree of assets.And it seems a good remedy is to add a child to a bank account which protects that account, I think.This is very similar to the Child Protective Services (CPS) ... read more
This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, bu... read more
Join the fight with Dr. Shiva to expose Big Tech as an arm of the government, plus to achieve one person, one voteHe describes a landmark case in progress that is great the physics behind politics to make a real change.Connect with others through his own new platform.... read more
Unvaccinated children are far more healthy than vaxed -- expected, the Big Pharma crime syndicate can't allow people to know this, and so they got their stooges to immediately write a lot of hit pieces against these doctors.BUT FACTS DON'T LIE -- people doIf you ever wanted to prove... read more
/images/chart-of-coercion.webp from ... read more
The Plan: diseases on the way Bill said: So, the globalists really have begun biowarfare on anyone brave enough to be independent-minded. Anonymous replied: It looks like the 2025-2028 paper is what they're implementing today. It's predicting more disea... read more Lear's Questions About the 2020 Election From end of February, 2021... read more
Supreme Court is owned by the same group that owns Hillary.'s why they protect her ... read more
Another excellent interview of Sidney Powell by Dinesh D'Souza on 3 Apr 2021She is very disappointed in Trump. See why.Here is the link to all of his videos. so at this time, just scroll down a little to see a 4-part think if you voted for Trump, you will really like this interview.... read more
Okay, control is the ultimate goal, but they (these stupid nerds) think transhumanism is so cool. They watch and read sci-fi and think, Great idea!, completely missing the cautionary tale aspect of what they just read/watched.It is basically a war between those who enjoy and accept the original Creation (God, the natural world, or whate... read more
Yea, just heard about it vs. Biden & Ben Shapiro Supports Mandatory V's For Kids In School!Telegram Chat: T.Me/DreamRareChat (I Answer All Messages Here) And he said the timing is a bit questionable.Sent: Friday, March 19, 2021 1... read more
Anonymous says.He leaves the impression that military action is imminent without actually saying it. He's very careful not to say it. Trained propagandist. So, of course on YouTube has not de-platformed him. In fact, the short video has... read more
Awesome and important talk by Dr. Shiva. One of his best ever talks. You have to watch this and be prepared to leave your preconceptions behind. You will learn new things, but only if you really want to learn. The title isn't really why this is so goo... read more
Amazing documentary you may not have seen, except who has followed this a long time.This is even a bigger problem than the covid hoax. The only difference is that it's officially not even happening.Holy sh-t -- even the CA drought was caused by ... read more
In case you never saw it from December 2020:Vaccinated versus unvaccinated -- 1st ever study of its kind -- THIS MAY BLOW YOUR MINDAnd this is why the CDC refused to release their own this link goes bad, look for it on Bitchute, too.This came out in December, but I don't think people know ab... read more
Klaus Schwab, the comic book evil character who created the World Economic Forum McKibben of Leader Technologies and his group of researchers have done a DEEP dive into the history and the lineage of the World Economic Forum's Klaus Schwab. He shares their shocking discoveries in this audio, with AIM4Truth's Gabriel.Kla... read more
Great To Fight Back -- Part 1: Using Your SHIELDFor everyone that asked the question, HOW DO WE FIGHT BACK?More to come. For God & country -- GPS U P P O R T Good Patriot:W e b s i t e : good...If this video is remove... read more
this doesn't list Rumble for downloading but LOTS of others:Download videos from so many video sites, Free!Download videos from so many video sites, Free!Internet's oldest and Best Free Video Downloader that actually WORKS! No Signup. No Installation. Save online vi...On Saturday, February 27, 2021, 06:13:05 AM PST someone wrote... read more
Wow, this was streamed live yesterday and today published to Bitchute.This will blow you away by the incredible work of Millie Weaver who is likely recognized by most everyone already.I learned a bunch of stuff and how I was also The Steal -- O... read more
Really? A quick search got this:Al Gore's Communist ConnectionAl Gore's Communist ConnectionThe news conference at the National Press Club was packed. There were 5 or 6 television cameras there, including...On Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 10:49:44 AM PST: Well, that's inconvenient. But is it true?On 2/23/2021 4:12 AM... read more
I can just imagine him looking over the globe:Africa -- damn that HCQ keeping them alive and the scam-demic not having any success to kill them off! At least my other vaxes were effective. Israel -- best vax propaganda of any country -- finally rid the world of them! Australia -- under full cabal control -- jus... read more
Got this from friends:EXPOSED : Ghana, Africa That Awkward Moment when the PRESIDENT OF GHANA goes on NATIONAL TV in Ghana .....and then proceeds to tell the Entire country about the SATANIC Rockefeller plan to put out a Virus for GLOBAL Depopulation and to destroy the Global Economy ...and WHERE TO FIND ALL THE PROOF ..... And then discloses... read more
It's not the votes that count, it's who counts the votes. -- Stalin /images/josef-stalin.webp... read more
Anyone reading alternative news websites has by now seen some version of the following headline:'Peruvian Court Rules Gates, Soros and Rockefellers Created Coronavirus' As far back as 1971, the founders of The Club of ... read more
I AMfinding to be very informative and encourage people who want good journalism to subscribe and support him and the Epoch Times.Today's talk is simply excellent all the way to the Q&A: Biden Calls for Gun Restrictions; Trump Speaks After Beating ImpeachmentJoe Biden is call... read more
I agree that covid-19 was artificially created, but Chicha & Pisco Criminal Appeals Chamber? Chicha and pisco are alcoholic drinks popular in Peru. Maybe this article is someone's idea of a joke.
On 2/14/2021 6:36 PM: Peruvian judges might be suicided over this, but they have displayed their bravery to the world. Will any... read more
This video has some news of interest. More about false flags and red herrings. Ortel is CLOSING IN -- The F Team The biggest crew of F'ups in American history have brought this country to its knees. Charles Ortel joins me remote.webply to detail the decades... read more
There is so much that is interesting in this video -- a broad range of things on Bitchute
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 7:18 AM
Yep. It could also be part of 'The Age of Aquarius' making the world more feminine versus masculine, not that I a... read more
pretty amazing what these geniuses come up Lindell: TRUMP will be President: Following meetingFollowing meeting with Sidney Powell and General Flynn, Lindell gores on record to say that Trump will be President. Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2021 3:23 PMh... read more
It is so fun watching the criminals squirm.David Icke is always great and there is a lot of stuff to appreciate in this video. But one of the most powerful parts of this is at about minute 40:30 seconds where he mentions vaccine deaths. It is so obvious that I think more people wake the F up now. Share, share, read more
Check this out.Retired general planning a Coup? Watch COG vs. The Constitution Recall California Governor Gavin Newsom (2020)Unaffordable housing. Record homeles... read more
Here is the intel on WarsCounter cyber interdiction via collaborative weaponry, stealth drones, missiles and covert, close quarter battles define the raging war between the Deep Stat... Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2020 6:56 PMory I think the... read more
yes, the PCR test was pronounced FAKEOn Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 8:12:31 AM PST someone wrote: read more
Last night, I was burning the midnight oil writing for a newsletter called Telepath. I was writing about Kennedy, as it is the anniversary of his assassination. As I was writing, I was going back and looking at some of my old...:... read more
She must have been onto something. And now she's being discredited as unhinged.: read more
Throughout the four-year drama of Russiagate, the hand of British intelligence has revealed itself continuously. : read more
FEMA interviewWarning, video is NOT for the faint-of-heart. VERY confrontational... even if only a part is actually correct... is enough to be psychologically affected UNLESS you do (like me) not fear anything... Than all is okay!Cheers. John... read more
According to CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, , a cyberwarfare application designed to steal elections, has been ... read more
The USA is now officially, if we were not already, a banana republic. The Democrats have stolen the 2020 presidential election. Trump was leading quite a few states (AZ, GA, NC, WI, MI, PA) and it looked like... read more
Masks have to be fitted and lose their effectiveness after 5 minutes, so masks are essentially worthless as covid protection.Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2020 3:16:18 AMBullsh-t campaign from the Tennessee state government:This is the face of a fighter.I'm fighting to keep Tennesseans working.I'm fighting... read more
interesting.available now. required in the future?- Original Message ----- , , , , --, Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 6:32:58 PMEvery bank has to sell digital dollar wallets starting next year. These are direct accounts with the Fed, not the local bank.... read more Training to have the gov't take over as provider/mommy & daddy
Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2020 5:55:37 AM read more
Council on National Policy: the conservatives CFR Sent: Saturday, September 5, 2020 5:02:20 PMwhat is CNP? on YouTube ... read more
I know that is aware of Kay Griggs. Anyhow, this goes along with what I've been saying about Israeli control of the USA . only 2 minutes long ... read more
I wasn't aware of this group that is said to be the right's version of the CFR. It's discussed in this video: ... read more
The purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they los... read more
whoops, I was wrong about the neutron bomb. It WOULD destroy buildings: , , , Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2020 10:41:25 PMplandemic II video I'm not sure, but I remember there being some bomb, maybe a neutron bomb, that only kills life and not damag... read more
the state of Jefferson movement might not have as much luck going through. It'd be creating a 51st state and that would be conservative, which the liberals would fight tooth and nail. The Greater Idaho movement wouldn't change the status quo in the Senate and would give the liberals stronger presence in California and OreGun. , &q... read more
so, the little guys in the operation will get in trouble but not those who do the supplying of kids (like CPS)- Original Message ----- , , , Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020 5:41:58 PMThis probably isn't in the US media, but I caught it on DW, the German news that broadcasts on read more
how nice of him to offer that, which I guess he thinks he personally ownsso typical for a MarxistSent: Monday, August 17, 2020 4:26:19 AMI don't belong to Costco anymore because I didn't go often enough to justify it.At the end of the article:The source also stated collateral for the loan would be California lumb... read more
some more links
On 8/15/20 4:09 PM:
I just watched the video. Here's my notes:
the shadow gov't is trying to have a coup. the &qu... read more
Yes, I watched it. I practiced understanding my German (very poor) but found it interesting how respectful they were as they laid out the complaints.I am looking for the follow up stuff since then.
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 4:32 AM
You watched all this? Did they say anything new?
On 8/14/20 2:58 AM, someone wrote:
Nic... read more
this guy makes frequent long/informational videos feedburner&Feed%3Awordpress/Bcwy%28Dprogram%29 ... read more
A bomb was captured on camera.Sent: Saturday, August 8, 2020 12:26:40 PMyou don't think it was fireworks? :-) On 8/8/20 12:34 PM: You have to assume that bomb was Israel's doing. On one clip I saw, at the very end it looked very much like a mushroom cloud. Israel is the only country nearby with nuclear bombs. Of course... read more
--000BYAPR08MB4087906986F1BA92B5267691DE480BYAPR08MB4087nampI voted for Tulsi Gabbard in the primary, knowing it was just a protest vote and couldn't stand any others.If she had amazingly won the nomination, I still would have voted for Trump, though.ory Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 7:49 PM I liked Tulsi Gabbard t... read more
I guess that's a partial explanation why so many think that socialism (and Bernie/Biden) would be good for the country.Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 4:30:09 AM Boomers Score... read more
: The Forces of Evil Are Gathering -- YouTubeInternational best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains why and how governments around the world have del... read more
Swiss doctor -- good article. The original article was published in the Swiss magazine Weltwoche (World Week) on June 10th. The author, Beda M Stadler is the ... read more
Q: What do you think of this? . Good Guys Are In Control Of The Fed, Transition Being Prepped, Silver Is The Key: Bix WeirA: Fake news -- all rumor and speculation with zero evidence -- is a booming business. Remember the Iraqi Dinar that was supposed to enrich eve... read more
people need to ween themselves off smart phones. I rarely use mine.Sent: Monday, August 3, 2020 1:56 PMyeah, are you a good/potential customer to sell goods to or not?I actually turned my phone on once last month and made one phone call, so they got me now.- Original Message ----- , , , Sent... read more
he donates to them BIG so they're in his pocket.pretty much the same as when demo or repub do it- Original Message ----- , , Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 3:44:58 read more about it here ... read more
Yea.I didn't find the episode where Jon Rap. was quoted but I sure didn't see that fact. Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 6:57 PM Cc: scientific basis?Alex Jones said submit? Now THAT'S fake news!On 7/27/20 7:38 PMso alex jones (a puppet of the globalists) tells us we might as well SUBMIT?Ye... read more
this looks like how they'll check to see if you've been vaccinated. I wonder if it can be hacked/faked (which is what characters in my story do): ... read more
Interesting article points out how companies modify organisms and can then own them. Well, if the vaccines us mRNA to modify humans, they could thus own humans. I can imagine the sales pitch where companies say gain this super power by way ... read more , , , , , Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 2:39:53 AMvery interesting article Very important interview. Watch before YouTube takes it down: Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 1:27 AM very interesting article newswithv... read more
5 million were goyim (non-jews) and only a million were jews (that's what it says at the top of this article in the Times of Israel) ... read more
That guy proved he's a FRAUD when he talked of Zachariah Sitchin who pretended to be able to read the Sumerian scrolls.Somebody who actually could read them said Zachariah made his interpretations all up.
- Original Message, Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 3:47:18 PM
This early Project Camelot interview of Deagel (no longer available)... read more
Epstein-linked reality star's suggestive tweets cause stir
On 7/18/20 2:15 PM:
I just found this article about ellen and her pillow, though I haven't read it yet: read more
according to the County of Sacramento Summary Isolation Order of July 10,2020, an exposure is close contact (15 minutes to a person who has symptoms or a person who tested positive. If you have an exposure, you need to be quarantined WHETHER OR NOT if either of you were wearing a mask (so masks DON'T MATTER) , "... read more
I just haven't been interested in his story. I did see something that though he was wrongly convicted on that matter, he's still a scumbag- Original Message ----- , , Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 4:08:43 PMtalks about the mueller kangaroo that if the fed govt g... read more Mike Lofgren, a congressional staff member for 28 years, joins Bill Moyers to talk about what he calls Washington's Deep State, in which elected and unelected...... read more
Former CIA agent Shipp discussing the deep state , NWO and much more.... read more
Tyranny, one tiny step at a time -- How ideology, group identity & collective guilt destroy societies: read more
This was in my draft folder so I guess I didn't send it before: on YouTube ... read more
this is a different link, but I saw it last week in a Spanish translation version.Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 5:01 PMFw: Here's a video from . It's kind of hard to understand him. He's reading from some document and the predictions seemed to be right on.- S. Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020, 4:59:43 PMI just watc... read more
Apparently, you didn't know the codes, so you were not willing to pay for a couch that cost $20,000 Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 6:59 AMYears ago I saw something on ebay for about 10 times the normal price. Iasked the seller what was up. He said to mind my own business. I thoughtit was money laundering, but mayb... read more
I read how we knew that Japan was going to bomb Pearl Harbor but let it happen so we'd have the excuse to get into the war (just like 911 being the excuse for the war on terror)On Friday, July 10, 2020, 12:36:24 PM: 1794180209 P Oh, and did you know Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen? It predates the CIA, but the same pe... read more
this is fantastic news. I think I heard it about 5 days ago.The lady I recommended you subscribe to her channel says there is a similar lawsuit against Newsom, but not going as great as it did in Illinois. And there are many others, she says.I wonder how those in IL are reacting to their sudden release from prison and return to real life.... read more
This is great. Pretty similar to /pages/thought-for-today-4-17-2020/one by Mark Twain , actually, but I am adding it here, anyway: One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we have been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We are no longer inte... read more Tuesday, June 23, 2020 6:48:11 PMsunrise movementactually, the New World Order was Hitler's term for the 3rd ReichOn 6/23/20 2:55 PM: it's all about the commies (you know, the zionist bolsheviks who killed the czar of Russia in WWI and whom Hitler fought ... read more
I saw this about 2 weeks ago and was told he was killed in his home in Canada by the KGB I think it was in 1979. Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 4:22 AMA KGB defector explained the process being used against the takes 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation... read more ... read more
Good video Neo Zionist Order -- Who Rules Your Rulers? ... read more
If police get defunded ...
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 3:47 AM
yeah, that happens a lot :-)police recommend wasp spray, keeps one out of jailOn 6/9/20 11:32 PM, someone wrote:That's smart. If someone wants to break down the door and set the house on fire, I can spray them.
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 7:44 PM
... read more
He (Ron Gibson) was kicked off YouTube, but a few sneak in. He's on Bitchute and, of course,
On 6/11/20 12:51 PM:
Only 281 views in 4 days? Did something happen and he had to start over? I got more views on my DNA video than that.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020 3:09 PM
A lot of good, albeit unbelievable, info which ... read more
Not that I'd ever put a flag on my house...
See Flags Arson
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 12:11:46 PM
and what are the odds that the arsonists are commie Democrats?... read more
PS: data says it was ALL A HOAX:
Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 11:21:24 PM
I AM completely stunned to see what has happened in just a couple days and I wasn't even looking. This BLM crap is so... read more
flip a coin. Heads, the first one is right; tails, the second one is right.On Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 3:26:20 PM someone wrote: On 5/30/20 6... read more Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 5:36:35 PMJon Rapport on fake pandemic: bitchute On 6/1/20 6:38 PM: Did you see this yet?... read more
It's easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled! -- TwainMark Twain ... read more
Sept 2019 -- the Fed starts intervening in overnight (repo) lending market, to continue indefinitelyOct 2019 -- Event 201, discussing pandemic in NYCEnd of Oct 2019 -- Military World Games in Wuhan (see read more
...We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is falseCasey did say that, but it was a counter-espionage tactic against the RussiansThis is pretty amazing. The #1 answer here used to be from Barbara Honnegger, who was part of the Reagan Administration... read more
A video showing how effective shungite is against electromagnetic radiation: See also: read more
Compares chicken wire to aluminum foil ( wins ). I read elsewhere that, to protect equipment from CMEs, wrap it in cloth, wrapped in 5 layers of aluminum foil (cloth barrier keeps aluminum foil from becoming an antenna). tra... read more
Copied from NEWS & POLITICS read more
The bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a ... read more
Watch the video here It's been removed. Try here instead: Bing ... read more
Further supporting the natural gas motive is the fact that it was Vice President Joe Biden who demanded that President Yanukovych pull back his police on Feb. 21, a move that opened the way for the neo-Nazi militias and the U.S.-backed coup. Then, just three months later, Ukraine's largest private gas firm, Burisma... read more
For those who still believe the official story. : A Conspiracy Theory .Also, try this read more
Lyrics from a Frank Zappa song:
You will obey me while I lead youAnd eat the garbage that I feed youUntil the day that we don't need youDon't go for help... no one will heed youYour mind is totally controlledIt has been stuffed into my moldAnd you will do as you are toldUntil the rights to you are so... read more
The corporate-policy network is highly centralized, at both the level of individuals and that of organizations. Its inner circle is a tightly interwoven ensemble of politically active business leaders; its organizational core includes the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Conference, the European Round Table of Industrialists an... read more
It's almost like a conspiracy! Luckily, conspiracies never happen and all conspiracy theories lack credibility. :) <end of sarcasm>At the height of the financial crisis, bargain hunters would gather each week on county courthouse steps to bid on foreclosed properties throughout Northern an... read more Gingrich tried to prevent Ron Paul's 1996 return to Congress ... read more