Below is everything (newest at top) with "education OR civics" in its title or subcategories. For a strict listing (matching all categories and subcats), click here
Yeah, Hunter Biden was pardoned by dear old dad but now he can't plead the fifth (self-incrimination) and may have to TESTIFY AGAINST DEAR OLD DAD:
See Biden May Face Congress After Pardon Removes 5th Amendm... read more
Marxist democrats hate the of Rights
1 - free speech
2 - bear arms
3 -
4 - search and seizure
5 - self-incrimination
6 - speedy trial (unless you're ACCUSED from the Jan 6th usurpation)
7 -
8 -
9 -
... read more
On Saturday, July 20, 2024 at 07:31:30 PM PDT, someone wrote:
This young guy is super well spoken. It's about 15 minutes long and I found it interesting to listen to a different viewpoint than my own. I agreed with some things and not others. I'm not voting like him but can completely understand why he decided on his choice. It... read more
Sadly, true. Only the monied interests are represented.
Since mankind's dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so, they took our power. By doing nothing, we gave it away... read more
On 1/12/2024 11:39 PM:
It's your lucky day if you like Dr Shiva.
He reveals that Trump was selected as president in 2016, placed there by Zionists.
He shows how the election process is manipulated. And has a story of how one of his volunteers in KY was arrested for collecting signatures to place Dr Shiva on the ballot in that sta... read more
I don't know about Kevin Kiley. Before he was actually voted in, I warned him about Israel, even giving him the link to Cynthia McKinney's video of how Israel wanted her to pledge to Israel instead of the Constitution: McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pled... read more
While most lawyers are themselves dishonest and lowlifes, it's very refreshing to listen to a group chat about how they are already taking down our massively corrupt, dishonest and blatantly evil government and corporations.If this inspires you, please help them help us, even if not with donations but by sharing this group to Make America... read more
speaking of rights, it's so sad that the whole case against trump was that he SPOKE. So it seems, leftists don't like that those with ideas contrary to their beliefs dare to use their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to speak their opinion. I they get away with it for trump, the rest of us could be next (of course, some will say that th... read more
New book. And this guy is interviewed about it.I think he'd (RFK JR.) make a very good president and plan to donate to his campaign by tomorrow, which is the deadline at this stage. on Bitchute ... read more
I read opposite things about the war, but I figure the one from leftist Yahoo news is the wrong one: Anyhow, here's a related article that I'm NOT bothering to read: read more
And in case that's a surprise to you, ever wonder who controls politicians or how much money it takes to buy a senator?OMG's new undercover recording includes this and way more. James O'Keefe is back and letting criminals describe their own crimes.BlackRock Recruiter Who Decides People's Fate Says ... read more
This is a great explanation of the background of the EU. Gets into the history and symbolism it uses.It's important to read more
Happened in Franklin county. Might find it interesting. on Bitchute ... read more
By the famous Martin Armstrong. He speaks so much truth that the criminal Zelensky has threatened his life.There is so much information packed into this article that you may want to take your time to absorb it.Zelensky is desperate to start WW 3 and is begging for money from everyone. armstrongeconomi... read more
Of course, people won't investigate it, figuring it's just to protect our kids from TikTok and not look at the video.On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 10:08:52 AM: If you have not yet heard of it, this power grab proposed legislation. It... read more
Ask them for their signed and notorized oath of office.Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 10:41 AMKamala and many of Biden's folks are NOT LAWFULLY appointedI'm wondering if the local politicians (mayor and leftist congressman) are legal. I need to watch the video again to see what particular document to ask to see. (is gavin lega... read more
Which Amendment right is the single most important right that protects all the rest of them? on BitChute ... read more
Dr Mengela, I presume?Read this excellent substack article about how the f-ing criminals and psychos in government want to eliminate parents from the equation regarding medical care, especially vaccines, for their children. The sheer audacity of parents who think they know the needs of their own children better than Big Brother is as... read more
Has arrived in Portuguese soccer: on BitChute ... read more
How many millions of lives we could have saved if people knew the truth. That number will probably be billions within the next 2 years. Censorship death and so the censors are responsible for mass death far beyond anything in the past. on BitChute ... read more
Great! Now do that for the rest of the country.
Great! Now do that for the rest of the country... as this guy wants .
Republicans will push the Biden administration to re-enlist all service members who were discharged for re... read more
I was going to send this as a separate email but it ties into the subject of the constitution.This is an awesome example of a restaurant owner keeping his wits while police raid his business in . Listen to what he tells them. Very inspiring. And it's such a great and CURRENT example of what's wrong with our country. Hope you can share... read more
In my voting district in Williamson County, Tennessee, you show an approved state-issued photo ID; get a long, blank piece of paper; the helper person does something that tells the touch-screen computer/voting system (didn't notice the maker) which specific ballot should show up on the screen; you insert your piece of paper; make your choice... read more
They need to be reminded they work for the public, not the corporations or politicians.
The people who run things in this country don't deserve your respect or allegiance. They are at war with you. They want you and your children dead. Welcome to the New Age, where authority has no authority and does not deserve to act with any authority, but will act as if it read more
Worth watching for world politics. Starts about the 10-minute mark.Harley Schlanger rejoins the program to explain the organized targeting, censoring and eliminating of journalists and politicians who dare to think differently. ... read more
These past few years have made it clear it's the haves against the have-nots; the governments/corporations/groups against the individuals; the controllers versus the controlled. Here's a great article on the subject: A... read more
Here's what I sent Dinesh D'souza in hopes the ideas might propagate without my having to join social media. I told him he could borrow/steal it, and that I only had a 2-year degree in the 1970s when college education was a real thing.If Democrats aren't racist, then why are they calling people who a... read more
In case you're interested... Right Now -- Playwright & Historian Michael Gray Griffith Us About His Freedom Fighting Tour ... read more
News to take them away. on YouTube ... read more
Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his military to seek and destroy US-Deep State bio-labs engaged in top-secret zoonotic and infectious disease research in dozens of locations across Ukraine.Meanwhile, the US embassy in Ukraine has been caught scrubbing evidence of biolabs in Ukraine while mainstream media and fact ch... read more
: .The last five minutes is an ad for another streaming service called Thanks to fromth... read more
Just enforce the Bill of Rights and all unlawful activity will come to a halt. This is what our true founders from the uprising of April 19, 1775 intended.: of Rights Common ... read more
... so don't underestimate the power of refusing to comply.When people realize that they individually strengthen the State by submitting to its lies, people then understand that the whole artifice of the system survives purely through their individual consent.Good point! See ww... read more
Note that not one Western leader has condemned the actions of Justin Trudeau, which indicates they all plan to de-bank and disenfranchise their own people soon enough. With the trampling of peace-loving grandmothers on Saturday in Ottawa by apparent private contractors...Canadians are known around the wor... read more
Take Action For Medical Freedom.These bills have been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee and House Civil Justice Committee. Make your support known to members of these committees and ask them to vote YES on this bill. read more
It's the college-educated who are most supportive of corporate/government totalitarianism, but it's the blue collar workers who are saving us from it. See UPDATE: I just donated to the Canadian Truckers. ... read more
Out of respect for those before us who fought for our country. Now for ... everyone who continues to fight for our country. Sadly, our fight is more important than ever... Stay strong and warrior on.... read more
: A Bipartisan Affliction, by Ron Paul If neoconservatives and progressives truly understood fascism, they would stop using the word as a smear t... read more
You might appreciate this! ... read more
You don't need medical school to read /images/mask-no-protection.webpthe back of the box where it says, Will NOT protect against viruses.Daniel Goodwyn is an American political prisoner. Daniel Goodwyn live-streamed his trek inside the US Capitol on Jan. 6. Police off... read more
He stood as a beacon of courage against the covid lockdown scam, but this latest from him is disgusting. I know, I know, never expect a politician to have a spine, but this is downright un-American. You can't ban criticism of a foreign country. You can't ban criticism, period. Crap like this is why I cannot stand Israel, its supporter... read more
Get your county to join CSPOApocatellochubbuckob/2021/06/14/elko-nevada-becomes-second-county-in-nation-to-join-cspoa-vow-protection-of-all-constitutional-rights/... read more
Contact List For All U.S. State Legislators and Governors Contact List For U.S. Mayors read more
...Circuit Court of Boone County declared that all of Governor Andy Bashear's emergency orders and actions are unconstitutional and void. The ruling was in the state-court challenge to the governor's emergency powers executive orders, filed by Wiest on behalf of Beans Cafe & Bakery. Dr. Stephen Petty, an actual expert i... read more
Only for the new boss to be same as the old boss. His replacement supports illegal settlements. Still, this needs to be an international holiday! Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's longest-serving scumbag/leader, was reportedly ousted as Prime Minister today. Rival parties say they have reached a coalition to name ... read more
Incredible Court Case by Dr. Shiva to fight Government, Twitter and Big Tech.The judge predicts this lawsuit will be taught in every future law class.Get caught up to date on this amazing victory for Americans and the Constitution.THE MEDIA REFUSES TO COVER THIS HISTORIC CASE -- YOU GOTTA WONDER WHY. y... read more
An alternate juror on the Derek Chauvin trial told a local news that she did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and was concerned about people coming to her house if they were not happy with the verdict. The juror, Lisa... read more
My family was at this event 2 weeks ago. There is another this Saturday starting in Citrus Heights at the Leatherby's there.You can see a picture of the last event if you visit the group -- BACK TO NORMAL NOWMost people who get this are not in the Sacramento area, so keep this in mind for something you can do in your own area. Notice t... read more
Since the (as James Corbett says) powers that should not be don't like the US Bill of Rights and have no qualms violating it, maybe they should know they're also violating the UN's own titleclick here Decl... read more
The title of Dr. Vernon Coleman's latest video inspired me to write this today. him on Brand New Tube -- simply an awesome soul. The two prior world wars involved older technology and were guns and bombs. This war may morph into that, especially if the globalists... read more
The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion.Great news! On Thursday, DeSantis sued the Biden administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the CDC's role in locking down the cruise industry, one of his state's most important sources for jobs a... read more
Yippee! This will really piss off the Dems. On 4/8/21, Bill someone wrote:So, according to the article, there are already 30 states that don't require a gun permit, and 20 ... read more
Excellent interview of Sidney Powell by Dinesh D'Souza on 3 Apr 2021She is very disappointed in Trump. See why. Here is the link to all of his videos. scroll down a little to see a 4-part series I think if you voted for Trump, you will really like this interview.... read more
I just sent this to my U.S. Senators. You should do the same. Here are the links to your representatives: . I added Remember the Code ? and the... read more
By Neenah Payne covid Vaccine On Trial -- Webinar Review! shows that the world-renowned physicians, scientists, lawyers, activists, etc.who participated in the The covid Vaccine On Trial: If You Only Knew webinar on February 10 questioned the need for the... naturalbla... read more
On Thursday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee will hold a nomination hearing for Dr. Rachel Levine, formerly the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Pennsylvania was one of the states that sent covid patients into nursing homes. At the same time covid patients were sent into n... read more
A hundred years too late, and nothing will come of it, but it's nice to seeA Palestinian court has declared as invalid the Balfour Declaration, a document issued by the British government in 1917 that paved the way for the creation of Israel, as it violates the rules of international law.... read more
Article I, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution states: All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. In other words, NOT the president and his or her executive orders and mandates. See ... read more
What follows is just the tip of the iceberg of the massive betrayal of Donald Trump by his lifelong friend, Rudy Giuliani. Just like Giuliani was used by the Mafia to get rid of the Sicilian Mafia in the 5 boroughs of New York City when he was... read more
Some might say it ALWAYS sucks to be Canadian. Anyway... Here's what Trudeau has done now:Today, travel restrictions to and from Canada have taken an even more draconian turn for the worse. P.M. Trudeau announced that travelers returning to Canada must take a PCR test at the airport and then go immediatel... read more
It breaks my heart to see black culture reduced to strippers yelling about dollar bills and designer shoes. Of course I love it in a trivial and ironic way... But the Worldstar tendency, in which ignorance and stupidity and self-destructive clownishness have become aspirational lifestyle choices -- that's truly evil. ...There... read more
Let's get some support going for our latest bill, SB 0320. It's about liberty, contrary to what some might say.What will this bill do functionally? Well, if passed, it would prohibit business owners from forcing consumers to wear masks, or perhaps even take a vaccine to enter the establishment, primarily... read more
Barring a miracle, maybe from the declassifications including Obamagate and 9/11 (if that is even true), we have to do more and spread the word to the American patriots to make positive changes.So here is a list I may revise from time to time:Take off your F---ing mask, or don't EVER wear it. If you just don't want to make waves,... read more
How ironic! I wonder if they'll have their Twitter and Facebook accounts suspended for saying so?...Amazon is fighting for an in-person election because it is the best approach to a valid, fair and successful election... conducted manually, in-person...... read more
One man's response ( a comment on ) to the January 6, 2021 incident at the Capitol in Washington, DCby Seventeen RaccoonsI was at the DC rally, first Trump spoke... read more
See also /pages/life/health/covid/newcategoryindex.phplife/health/covid . Of the thirteen states where masks are NOT mandatory, state-wide, all but one of them has a Republican governor. Coincidence? I don't think so. Sources: read more
West Virginia's attorney general said:Governor Justice just said that he does not have the right to legislate or deem criminal charges on people. We agree and elaborate further on this issue.: target... read more
Here's a sample of submitted evidence. Their page takes a while to loadMicrosoft Designed Election Fraud Software Used By Dominion Nationwide Historical Context 22/11/2020 01:36 PM Michigan elections process: What happens to ballots after you vote Michigan Historical Context 22/11/2020 01:37 PM ... read more
In the end, to accept Joe Biden as our legitimate Chief Executive, we must believe the voters hammered the Democrats in congressional, state, and local elections, yet decided to elect the leader of their party president. We must believe that he dramatically underperformed among minority voters, yet received 10 million more votes t... read more
Obama's tough-on-Israel stance was quite possibly his only policy I agreed with. :'s new book Barack O... read more
Another brilliant mind on the Internet revealed how votes were shifted from President Trump to Biden in the 2020 election. This Internet sleuth shared his results on Twitter. This is what the Trump team just announced today at their press conference! An expert on...R... read more
If there is one thing we learned this year, it should be this: Governors have WAY too much power. Actually, the entire top-down governance model needs to go.UPDATE: And now, in light of the supply chain issues, I'd say EVERYONE in charge of ANYTHING that affects our way of life has way too much power. We need alternatives to everyth... read more
This (below) is great. Will probably never happen, but wouldn't it be great if counties could secede from one state and join another... as long as they're connected?Here are a couple of renderings: /images/greater-idaho-1.webphere and /images/greater-idaho-2.webphere . Of... read more
Here's that map: /images/2020-voting-house-reps.webpMap of House of Representatives voting And we're supposed to believe all of these Republican voters voted for Biden?In a related story, read more on Twitter gave a long list of what Trump has accomplished while in office. I appreciate that because I keep forgetting what he's good for, exactly. Anyway, I took his list and removed what probably would have happened without Trump, as well as things I don't conside... read more
Saying Philadelphia's election system had collapsed under a massive scheme by Democrats to steal a State Senate election in November, a Federal judge today took the rare step of invalidating the vote and ordered the seat filled by the Republican candidate.Read, ... read more
You might want to read this first: Reade exposes truth This is Beth Reinhard from The Washington Post. You have come forward with a sexual assault allegatio... read more
Trump said governor Walz and attorney general Ellison were totally lax toward Black Lives Matter rioters who had torched and looted Minneapolis in August, but tried to suppress his outdoor MAGA rally because they're left-wing hypocrites.... read more
The U.S. government has finally issued an official policy on the inadmissibility of foreigners affiliated with Communist or totalitarian parties. The critical new rule appears to be the Trump administrations response to an epidemic of Communists, mainly from...Read, ... read more
Western government-funded intelligence cutouts trained Syrian opposition leaders, planted stories in media outlets from BBC to Al Jazeera, and ran a cadre of journalists. A trove of leaked documents exposes the propaganda network. Leaked documents show how UK...Read,... read more
Childrens Health Defense Team -- Even with the mixed results for late use, some clinicians have described clear-cut and dramatically positive clinical responses in individuals...: wakingti... read more This article was first published on 11 June, when advice on wearing masks was rest... read more
The age of total dominance of Israel over the US Congress is likely over, and hopefully, this time, for good.Good News from Washington: AIPAC, Israel Losing to Progressive Democrats...: www... read more
The United States and Russia are not enemies and cannot afford to stop talking to one another, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov has said. Speaking on Russia-US relations during a video conference organized by the Washington-based Center for the National Interest on Wednesday, he said: There is an ongoing debate on who i... read more
Not content to sabotage Cuba's domestic health sector, the Trump administration has been attacking Cuba's international medical assistance, from the teams fighting coronavirus to those caring for underserved communities in 164 countries...Read, listen or w... read more
Looks like a worthy cause for the sake of world peace. An annual conference series traditionally held at the National Press Club before the annual meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Since 2015 the annual IsraelLobbyCon conference series at the National Press Club explores the latest r... read more
This pretty well sums up the stupidity known as Russia-gate: cartoon .And, can we please stop adding gate to the end of every scandal? Millennials are too young to remember Watergate, the original gate.Thank you for your coopera... read more
In response to . Reprinted without permission from ... read more the film the didn't want you to see.... read more
Just thought I'd put some click bait out there with the words in it to see if it generates any hits.UPDATE: It didn't. :(... read more
I'm working on an arrangement with my employer whereby I flip off Trump's motorcade, get photographed doing it, get fired for it, then have a fund me campaign pay me $100K. Wish me luck!THIS JUST IN: read more
What a pinhead. King supports dog fighting because ... humans are allowed to fight, so dogs should be, too. The difference, obviously, is that humans can choose whether or not to fight, and dogs cannot. Also, many dog fights are to the death, or the loser is executed after their excruciating fight, anyway.... read more
As a top propaganda outlet pushing the New Cold War, The New York Times paints life in Russia in the darkest hues, but this one-sided depiction misses the reality of the increasingly vibrant country that Gilbert Doctorow sees.... read more
Long article (transcript) of Putin speech from 2013. Too long to read now, so this is essentially a bookmark: read more
Further supporting the natural gas motive is the fact that it was Vice President Joe Biden who demanded that President Yanukovych pull back his police on Feb. 21, a move that opened the way for the neo-Nazi militias and the U.S.-backed coup. Then, just three months later, Ukraine's largest private gas firm, Burisma... read more
I asked the policeman for the ordinance number being violated, because they can't put handcuffs on you if they cannot tell you why they're detaining you.: titledistributing leaflets hrefht... read more
/images/money-clipart.webp titlemoney is NOT speech ... read more
titleTIME magazine's status quo bias The World According to TIME Magazine . For those who still read TIME magazine.... read more
titleoligarchy is an oligarchy not a democracy, says scientific study Of course, astute observers have known this for years. Still, it's nice to see it officially recognized. Then again, this country NEVER WAS a democracy, it's a republic. An actual d... read more
Many hemp supporters feel that the DEA has been used as an attack dog of sorts to prevent competition with major industries where American-grown hemp products would create serious market competition: Cotton, Paper/Lumber, Oil, and others.Read, list... read more
She pretty well sums it up!: titleburning bridges I'm burning my last bridge with Obama .... read more on Credit and Surveillance -- NAFTA Origins, Part Two: The Architects of Free Trade Really Did Want a World Government of Corporations It's amazing what you find in the Congressi... read more
I used to think Putin was a thug/autocrat I should say I assumed he must be, but that's what it takes sometimes. That being said, he does seem to have Russia's (and his own) interests at heart. I like what he's done to the oligarchs internally and his management of the Russian ship of state internationally ... so far... read more
The text of the agreement has been shrouded in secrecy. But we know from leaked documents that the TPP would let corporations monitor our online activities, cut off our Internet access, delete content and impose fines.... read more
Icelanders forced their entire government to resign after a banking fraud scandal, overthrowing the ruling party and creating a citizen's group tasked with writing a new constitution that offered a solution to prevent corporate greed from destroying the country.... read more
... the main issue here is that it is delusional if not moronic for persons who describe themselves as progressive to insist upon copping out to the Lesser-Evil candidate for fear of losing an election, rather than to support -- whatever the odds -- a candidate they will admit to possessing superior intelligence, moral courage... read more
... a state whose real goal is, and always has been, the transfer, forced immigration or utter subjugation and impoverishment of Palestinians inside Israel and the occupied territories.: w... read more¤tpage1#bookmarkA Simple Reform Could Save America From Wall Street and Boost the Economy: What's Washington Waiting For? We're talking about... read more
I hope they do. Maybe then we'll be rid of them once and for all. Israel has been screaming since 1985 that Iran is just months away from nuclear weapons.... read more
Both conservative Republican voters and liberal Democrat voters wash their consciences by blaming the other party for the evils of American politics. But they are the only ones to blame, because they keep electing to public office people like McCain, the Bushes, the Clintons and Obama htt... read more
Prevented from passing out free copies of the Constitution to his fellow students. Free copies. Of the Constitution. On Constitution Day. WTF?? Constitution Banned on Constitution Day in Californ... read more
... on purpose, is what he seems to be implying without saying so in so many words. Elite Destroying Our Economies -- Robin Hahnel ... read more
news./-obama-visits-jay-leno--%E2%80%98odds-of-dying-in-a-terrorist-attack-are-a-lot-lower-than-they-are-of-dying-in-a-car-accident%E2%80%99--014131667.htmlObama himself says , The odds of dying in a terrorist attack are a lot lower than they are of dying in a car accident. And he's right, for a change... read more
The Labor Department ruling also means that if laid-off boeing.comBoeing workers need to travel, say to California, for a job interview, the government will reimburse 90 percent of the costs. : targetbl... read more
... it would lessen the supposed need to spy on Americans, which is unacceptable under any circumstances, but can only be sold with endless fear-mongering about terrorism. So it's a win-win-win, except for the corporations that profit from weapons, war and global violence. Then there's the National Security Agency (NSA), ... read more
Told ya! :)In short, the new study by Wood and Douglas suggests the negative stereotype of conspiracy theorists -- a hostile fanatics wedded to the truth of their own fringe theories -- more accurately describes people who defend the official account of 9/11, not those who dispute it.... read more Who are the true patriots of today? Not the flag-wrapped politicians who send other people's children off to be killed or disabled in wa... read more
Terrorists Already Knew about the Programs … The Only People Who Were Kept In the Dark Were the American People: read more
PRISM looks like that Cronkite moment: The moment when even the staunchest Obama supporter admits they've been taken for a ride. : read more
Why is Boston 'terrorism' but not Aurora, Sandy Hook, Tucson and Columbine?Glenn Greenwald asks in latest column , Why is Boston 'terrorism' but not Aurora, Sandy Hook, Tucson and Columbine? Can... read more'I'm sick to my stomach': anger builds in Illinois at Bain's latest outsourcing plan The Sensata plant in Freeport is profitable and competitive, but its majority owner, Bain Capital, has de... read more
Nice!Interest in Bitcoin has surged along with its valuation. Last week saw its exchange rate soar past $100 for the first time ever, landing the virtual currency on the front pages of The Washington Post and the Financial Times. Yet the media frenzy, which has focused on the rapidly rising valuation and its possible... read more
Instead of analysing actions, checking through the consequences of those actions and chatting through the decisions made, leaders too often rely on impulsive decision-making -- and this is when hubris can set in. : www... read more
Public social banking works, even for otherwise conservative people. Is Socialism Doing So Darn Well in Deep-Red North Dakota? North Dakota's thrivi... read more
We demand a budget that makes sure that the wealthiest Americans and most profitable corporations pay their fair share. : read more
If , that's actually in Obama's favor in my opinion, though I'm not a fan of either oone. ... read more
We need a new Antitrust Act ! (or enforce the one we've got). Limit, by statute, the allowed size of any company. Having too much of the economy controlled by too few corporations translates out to not enough jobs! Screw economies of scale!It's ac... read more
Reuters states ... Putin ... has pushed through laws which critics say can be used to stifle dissent -- tightening controls of the Internet ... and broadening the definition of treason. Post: Russia Ou... read more . Great idea!A bailout of the people by the people is a Strike Debt project that buys debt for pennies on the dollar, but instead of collecting it, abolishes it. Together we can liberate debtors at random through a campai... read more
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan organization, we work to give all ballot-qualified local and presidential candidates the opportunity to debate important political issues in public forums.: href... read more
The fatal meningitis epidemic sweeping the United States can now be traced to the failure of then-Gov. Mitt Romney to adequately regulate the Massachusetts pharmaceutical company that is being blamed for the deaths.: t... read more, Romney same police state: Third party debate up-close (FULL VIDEO) ... read more
When the government remains unresponsive to egregious attempts to suppress the vote, such as mass mailings to ex-felons falsely telling them they are not allowed to vote, there certainly is a need for someone to step in to document the scandal and demand the issues be rectified. Read, liste... read more
I think Gov. Romney maybe hasn't spent enough time looking at how our military works. You mentioned the Navy, for example. And that we have fewer ships that we had in 1916. Well, governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets because the nature of our military has changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers where pl... read more and Equal -- Presidential Debate . These candidates might discuss ACTUAL issues, not corporate-sponsored issues.... read more
The disturbingly shocking HBO documentary DEMOCRACY bravely tangles with our nation's ills at the heart of democracy.... read more
CNN Poll: 47% Chose Neither After 2012 Presidential Debate! See To Include 3rd Party. Ya think?... read more
Who's his national security advisor, Wile E. Coyote? is a timeline of dire warnings since 1979 For more than quarter of a century Wes... read more
Further proof of Romney's stupidity.I'm grateful to Romney for formulating his stance so clearly because he has once again proven the correctness of our approach to missile defense problems, Putin told reporters, according to Russian news agency RIA Novosti.... read more
Introduced in the Bain years with Bain boosting, Roundup's supposedly biodegradable and nontoxic claims have led to false advertising findings in France and by the Attorney General of New York. Studies are also now beginning to link Roundup to cancer and birth defects, the first indication that it may be going the way of Lasso, another ... read more
In light of Mitt Romney's resurfacing, a reminder: If you don't read it, it explains vulture capitalism and how Romney is the poster child for that. Basically,Romney borrowed millions (with little of his own money) from others to buy sick companies, such as KB Toys. Then somehow shifted those millions in debt onto the companies, and furt... read more
... the GOP presidential hopeful was a key architect of what has become known as the Bain model. And as president, it can be expected that he would govern the country using the values that governed Bain Capital. see for the entire story... read more
/images/upcoming-election.webp posted without permission, but we hope they don't mind... read more
The lawmakers, many of whom held leadership positions and committee chairmanships in the House and Senate, changed portions of their portfolios a total of 166 times within two business days of speaking or meeting with the administration officials. The party affiliation of the lawmakers was about evenly divided between Democrats and ... read more lawmakers -- including Speaker of the House John Boehner -- got inside information during the 2008 financial crisis -- and immediately changed their investment portfolios -- 12160 The la... read more
RB: I think this government is broken and unfixable, and it needs to be tossed out and replaced with a parliamentary government. This one is just a whored-out bunch of prostitutes who work for big money. Big money is what's in the saddle and the citizens of this country are down on all fours. JH... read more Bush Found Guilty Of War Crimes Too bad nothing will come of it, but it's nice to see, anywayIn what is the first ever conviction of its kind anywhere in the world, the former US President and seven key members of his admi... read more
Great video ... and .! Stay informed, subscribe to our mailing list: Buy the DVD w/ 50 mi... read more
To call Mitt Romney a Goldman Boy is an understatement. Goldman Sachs is quite the player in politics. In fact, it would be fair to say that Goldman and politics are joined at the hip.: targetblank... read more declares emperor has no clothes: nullifies NDAA Good for Virginia!And it looks like Tennessee may follow suit.... read more OfficialWorried About Voter Fraud Is Convicted of Voter Fraud Irony Still Not Dead Dept: Indiana's ousted top elections official, former GOP Secretary of State Charlie White has been convicted of six felony counts of vote... read more
What if you are only allowed to vote because it doesn't make a difference? What if no matter how you vote, the elites get to have it their way? What if one person, one vote is just a fiction created by the government to induce your compliance? What if democracy is dangerous to personal freedom? What if democracy erodes the p... read more
/images/corruption-1.webp See Supporter Chairman of Belfast Maine Caucus Calls State GOP to Confirm Vote Tally, result not even clo... read more
Judge Napolitano: how to get fired from Fox Business in under 5 minsJudge Napolitano -- How to get fired from fox.comFox Business in under 5 mins .... read more
U.S. taxpayers likely lost $1.3 billion in the government bailout of Chrysler, the Treasury Department announced Thursday.: read more
Some possible good news, for a change:... any federal law purporting to require local or state law enforcement agencies to act at the direction of the federal government or the United States military is beyond the authority granted to the federal government pursuant to the United States Constitution, is not recog... read more' Idea: Replace Congress -- Washington Wire -- WSJ Finally, there's a cause that Americans of all political persuasions can rally behind: It's time to dump every member of ... read more
And Gingrich thinks he's the intellectual one among his competition...I was honored and delighted last night when she said if she were in South Carolina, she'd vote for Newt Gingrich.......I would ask her to consider taking a major role in the next administration if I'm president...... read more
Here's Lieberman's trail of slime, for example: Search Legislation in Congress UPDATE: Here is a list of alternative search engines/sites:... read more
Everybody already knows that Ron Paul placed second in the New Hampshire 2012 Republican Presidental Primary. But, at 7 o'clock tonight, the New Hampshire Secretary of State published the full results of the primary, including write-ins, and Ron Paul also won the #2 spot in the Democratic Primary. ... read more!WHO ARE THE IDIOTS VOTING FOR MITT ROMNEY? .... read more
SIX TRAP DOORS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE ELECTION PROCESS1. Removed safeguards for its same-day registration system. 2. Ignores the law on ballot-stuffing safeguards3. Breaks the chain of custody4. Conceals vote-counting from the public, in violation of Article 32 of its own Constitution5. Removed candidate recount rights 20096. Made it... read more
Applicants must get 6 answers out of 10 in an oral exam to pass the test. you pass a US citizenship test? ... read more Gingrich tried to prevent Ron Paul's 1996 return to Congress ... read more Paul Craig Roberts: Congress is Repealing the Constitution : Information Clearing House There is a bill in the Senate that is attempting to keep torture alive as an interrogation technique. The National Defense Authorization Act ... read more
Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear. -Harry S. Truman... read more
... injecting water into deep rock formations causes earthquakes ...: read more
Somewhere, a US government official is reading through a list of those who sent or received an email from Jacob Appelbaum, a 28-year-old computer science researcher at the University of Washington who volunteered for WikiLeaks. Among those listed will be my name, a journalist who interviewed Appelbaum for a book about the digital re... read more
What sort of democracy are we living in when the government can refuse to even say how it's interpreting its own law? That's not democracy at allWe've been covering for a while now how Senators Ron Wyden and Mark Udall have been very concerned over the secret interpretation the feds have of one piece of t... read more
Copied from titleLiberty Underground hrefmailto:libertyunderground@yahoogroups.comLiberty Underground :Thirteen doctors and nurses who treated anti-government protesters during demonstrations in Bahrain earlier this year have been jailed for 15 years for crimes against the state. Seven other medical professionals were given sentenc... read more
?¤tPage1¤tPageallGary Johnson, Republican Presidential Candidate: Politics: GQ If you're seeking t... read more He goes two steps further, taking America's political loonies as he calls them to the woodshed and, avoiding the term ... read more
titlesuper committee The bipartisan super committee created by the d... read more ... read more
Like I've been saying for years, this author agrees. Lesser evil voting has been one of the primary causes of the decline of American democracy CTRL Click to follow link read more
In another era, we would have seen Congressional hearings on this matter within days, yet a year has passed and...nothing. This type of fraud never grows old.: read more
... there will, no doubt, be mentally handicapped people out there who, while standing at a podium with an American flag draped in the background, and a lone eagle soaring in the sky above, will state emphatically in their best sounding red, white, and blue voice, So what if the government is spying? We are not violating any laws.... read more
Judicial Watch released its 2010 list of Washington's Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians. While there may be some surprises, readers will note that ...: read more
Minnesota Republicans are pushing legislation that would make it a crime for people on public assistance to have more $20 in cash in their pockets any given month. that's what they mean by th... read more officials pushed products deemed unsafe by China When it comes to protecting consumers, American politicians in China don't always practice what they preach, unpublished U.S. diplomati... read more
During the Revolutionary War than Congress Today... read more
According to in-house memos now circulating, the DHS has issued orders to banks across America which announce to them that under the Patriot Act the DHS has the absolute right to seize, without any warrant whatsoever, any and all customer bank accounts, to make periodic and unannounced visits to any bank to open and inspect the ... read more
Washington, DC -- January 6, 2011Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it filed a motion on December 17, 2010, with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, asking the court to force the Federal Housing Finance Agency (F... read more
Rhode Island's new governor has killed crucial measures to crack down on illegal immigration for the sake of statewide economic growth and prosperity in immigrant-rich areas. Just a few days on the job, Democrat Lincoln Chafee wasted no time issuing executive orders to accommodate illegal aliens, assuring that hr... read more
During a public relations campaign touting upcoming probes of the Obama Administration, the new chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee said the president wont be investigated for a bribery scandal because his party is guilty of the same crime. ... read more
As if it weren't enraging enough that the U.S. government made $125 billion in faulty payments last year, a new report says the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has for years neglected its legal responsibility to recover $643 million paid fraudulently after natural disasters.... read more
The far-reaching tentacles of the bloated U.S. government will control a cherished public school fundraiserthe bake saleunder Michelle Obamas precious new law to combat childhood obesity. Signed this week by her husband, the $4.5 billion measure ( Healthy, Hunger-... read more
While local governments work to curb the ravaging effect of illegal immigration, a major U.S. city is helping its undocumented aliens by creating an alternative banking system and giving them official government identification cards. The northern California city of Oakland...... read more
Previous argument/post, continued:FIRST POINT OF VIEW:Yes, it's an excellent justification for not paying attention to what is going on in politics right now. I think W. proved very nicely that they are NOT all alike, and not making even a small effort to select who might be a little less worse is abdicating one's responsibility... read more
By his own admission, Cantor appears to be a traitorous dumb ass: ... read more
By Jeff Sharlet, The Huffington PostAmerica's oldest and most influential Christian conservative political group doesn't publish voter guides or buy ad time or even make endorsements. For the Family, it's all about the relationships, the kind forged beyond the din of the vox populi, as the group's founder put it-beyond t... read more
By Sean J. Miller, The Hill, October 28, 2010Louisiana Sen. David Vitter again confessed he had committed serious sins but said the strong forgiveness he received has allowed him to carry on and seek reelection.Read, listen or watch the res... read more
I guess they didn't call it The Great Depression during that depression, did they? We shouldn't be surprised they're not honestly calling this one . Or, in current parlance, maybe, G-Dep-2. It's only The Great Recession. As if those of us out of work (or in my case, under-employed) and facing such ... read more
titleelection guide ... read more
Fresh start! Reboot! Recycle! Whatever you want to call it. Sure, the 5% who are good will have to find a real job for 2-6 years, but they can run again next time. It'll keep them from screwing up the economy because they know they will soon be back in it. It's the best way to stop the corruption, also known as cronyism. Governme... read more
The nickname is an insult to dogs. Vote out anyone of these people who voted for doctors while at the same time voting against the unemployed. read more
Time to go, Carl. Read here: Who is he trying to impress glaring down his long nose over those granny glasses, anyway?... read more . Here's fairly recent evidence of Schumer's lack of character/humanity: ... read more
The epitome of slime, of course, it's long BEEN time for Joe Lieberman to go: --... read more
This pinhead is calling the unarmed victims of Israeli aggression terrorists?Vote him out! read more ... read more
Funny how these conservatives want less government, but only when it's convenient for their corporate masters. : read more
?This law set the foundation for the carelessness that caused the BP oil disaster:titlevoted to go easy on oil industry ... read more
The last straw was when they killed innocent peace activists on the Gaza flotilla. Anyone, such as that retard Joe What's the big deal? Biden, who still supports them has lost all touch with humanity and really needs to go ... to hell.... read more
Rep Alan Grayson Introduces the War Is Making You Poor ActMay 21, 2010 -- Uploaded by Alan GraysonGrayson v. Broun on the Constitution ... Watch the Speech the Republicans Don't Want You to See ... read more
A Bill Moyers show from a few months ago, but still worth watching. ... read more
/pages/education/news/politics/Politics-related posts ... read more
Don Subject: Your Supreme Court statementThis analysis, written by a California attorney, is a challenging read, but worth wading through...Q: I'm not a lawyer and I don't understand the recent Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore. Can you ... read more