Below is everything (newest at top) with "education OR civics OR politics OR opinion" in its title or subcategories. For a strict listing (matching all categories and subcats), click hereI had to read this message through my browser so it would translate it for me. Anyway, I mostly agree with Doug that the author is mostly wrong. Trump is rude and obnoxious, and I wish he had more class, but at least he occasionally speaks the truth, unlike 99% of politicians. He's a natural negotiator/manipulator and should not be taken a... read more
It breaks my heart to see black culture reduced to strippers yelling about dollar bills and designer shoes. Of course I love it in a trivial and ironic way... But the Worldstar tendency, in which ignorance and stupidity and self-destructive clownishness have become aspirational lifestyle choices -- that's truly evil. ...There... read more
Fresh start! Reboot! Recycle! Whatever you want to call it. Sure, the 5% who are good will have to find a real job for 2-6 years, but they can run again next time. It'll keep them from screwing up the economy because they know they will soon be back in it. It's the best way to stop the corruption, also known as cronyism. Governme... read more