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Mitt Romney, Monsanto Man

by bill - 2012-09-18 00:00:00 ( in education, civics, politics) [php version] rebuild

Introduced in the Bain years with Bain boosting, Roundup's supposedly "biodegradable" and "nontoxic" claims have led to false advertising findings in France and by the Attorney General of New York. Studies are also now beginning to link Roundup to cancer and birth defects, the first indication that it may be going the way of Lasso, another Monsanto herbicide endorsed by Bain that was forced from the market because of health hazards.

Read, listen or watch the rest here: Mitt Romney, Monsanto Man

"Though Mitt Romney has been campaigning for president since 2006, it's alarming how little is known about critical chapters of his business biography. Nothing spells that out more clearly than his ties to Monsanto -- the current target of a mid-September Occupy nationwide action -- whose dark history features scandals involving PCBs, Agent Orange, bovine growth hormone, NutraSweet, IUD, genetically modified (GM) seed and herbicides, reaching back to the 1970s and '80s."

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