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Do What Is Right, No Matter The Cost

by doug - 2023-04-03 03:04:13 ( in education, research, emails, conspiracies) [php version] rebuild

I hope you will listen to this man who is very inspirational because he's facing a 20 year prison sentence instead of caving to a plea deal that is a complete lie by the justice department.

He's very well spoken, knows a lot about being an American and I think everyone could find something to apply to their own life, such as the subject -- do what is right, no matter the cost.

If people all had this sense of integrity, honesty and moral character, this world would be amazing.

Glad you loved the interview. I enjoyed doing it.

I believe you were at X at the time of the paperbag photo.

Yes, David Rossouw passed away many years ago from cancer after having survived= being shot on Hollywood Blvd!

Good memory on the male messengers.

Love Janis

Janis GradyCell: 702 604 8123

On Friday, April 7, 2023 at 01:48:48 AM


Just finished watching your interview and loved it.

I never heard of the WDC members taking a picture with bags on their heads. Must have been after I was gone.

Yea, there really weren't many males in the CMO. Aside from me and DM, there was Marc Yaeger, my roommate Jim Cupp, Justin whose real name was Scott (I think), a young kid from England named Andrew, I think (brother of a girl already at the base -- can't remember her name, but was chubby), then Nelson, and a guy named Gary (oriental who was also from Sacramento) but none of them ever stood watch with LRH that I recall. But wasn't David Rousseau also in the CMO but on loan to be director for Gold? I think Sinar told me he died of cancer years ago. Janis

Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 9:56 PM

Stefan W

Cc: Rowland

Do what is right, no matter the cost=

Janis GradyCell: 702 604 8123

On Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 09:26:43 PM


Hi Janis,

Do you have a handy link? Janis

Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 4:09 PM

Stefan W

Cc: Rowland

Do what is right, no matter the cost= -- I was just interviewed on it with Aaron Smith Levin. Great channel -- very informative.

Janis GradyCell: 702 604 8123

On Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 03:54:56 PM


on= youtube there's growingupinscientology and blownforgood

if you want to keep up on the fight against the sociopaths

On 4/4/23 18:22:

Wow, , thanks for that. I agree with the 'basically bullsh-t' assessment of the OT levels. They never rang true for me. I don't remember the details.



Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 5:30 AM

Stefan W

Cc: Janis Grady;Marc Headley; Rowland

Do what is right, no matter the cost


Hi Stefan,


You asked for my story.


I joined a local mission in Sacramento in about 1974 or 75 (maybe will remember exactly -- cc). I was a sophomore (2nd year of highschool) or maybe a freshman and fairly soon started working on staff as the cleaning person. It was one of my three simultaneous jobs at that time.


By the time I turned 18 in 1977 I joined the Sea org and went to the Flag Land Base in Clearwater. I worked in Unimed who had just made The Case He Couldn't Crack (CHCC). I helped making set walls. I went on tour around North America with that film as a "road show manager" and soon after I got back, most of Unimed was moved to Indio and combined with the film crew at SHQ -- summer HQ (Janis Gilliam Grady can correct me if it was WHQ -- Winter HQ -- I forget). I got trained as a gaffer and we filmed many movies with "the boss" (LRH) directing.


Not long after, Dede Reisdorf, the CO of CMO, approached me to ask if I'd like to become a messenger and I agreed. While in the EPF I cleaned the home of LRH. Can't remember what it was called but it was near the crew and filming areas. I just remembered it was called "Rifle."


We left in the middle of the night at some point and escaped to Gilman Hot Springs. You probably know that later became known as the Int Base. I was one of the first to live there, shortly after it'd been purchased.


Aside from training as an investigator in the CMO, but still in the EPF, I was on a rotation to be an "on watch" messenger which means I directly helped LRH and remember how he'd take walks in some remote place not too far from Hemet. When his film was used up I'd quickly load up another roll for him, etc. We all wore wigs to disguise ourselves.:)


So maybe once a month I'd spend a week at the apartment complex where he lived and the rest at Gilman Hot Springs (GHS). I also was in charge of showing him a movie before he went to sleep. I'd record them every day off TV. I became a huge fan of classic movies. Charles Laughton was one of his favorite actors and became one of mine, as well.


Eventually we started shooting still images, like clay figures, at GHS. But it must have also been movies because we were recording sound. I was one of the "Cine" (film) watch messengers each time he came, always at night.


We eventually packed up everything into U-Hauls and I never saw him again. Then I starred in one of the "training films" as " Keene". The name of the film escapes me but they also were numbered and I think it was training film 9. I had the lead role of an auditor who was not serious enough and by the end I finally realized something which made me a better one. Sinar Parman was the personal chef for LRH and before Sinar died he told me the correct title of the film. I just don't remember it now.


We still heard from the Boss and he publicly complimented my acting. Boy, I'd sure love to get my own copy of that film.


Anyway, by his order we got rid of a bunch of staff, calling them "dead wood" or something like that, and I was included in that. It must have been Jan 1982. I was "off loaded" and my world was shattered. I made a bunch of money and started taking courses at the Loseles org. I think it's called complex -- the former hospital. I hoped to work my way back into the Sea org.


Then David Mayo and many others started "splinter" groups in Santa Barbara and Riverside, etc. I got auditing, my grades 1-4, clear, then OT2 or 3. All those were pretty bullsh-t, actually.


But I never regretted my time in Scientology. The basic things like being a spirit and reincarnation have remained my viewpoints. And quite separately and on her own, my wife became very spiritual, at which point about a year or two ago I finally told my wife and kids my story which I never shared in any detail. I just said stuff like I worked in a small film company making training films.


Boy, I don't remember ever telling anyone my story before. It's about 40 years ago.


Now, as you can see from my frequent emails, I'm fighting for humanity against the globalist agenda of depopulation and utter slavery.


Stefan W

Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 2:11 AM

Do what is right, no matter the cost


At least a year ago she seemed to be:


May I ask about your Scn-history?


Mine is that I as a 22 years old in beginning of 1979 came in thru my brother and after 3.5 intensive years left in october of 1982. Was at Flag twice in 1982 doing ot3 and ot4drd.

Celebrated 40 years out last autumn:-)

I=C2=B4m glad I was a part of a little group at that time in Stockholm that kind of saw thru the crap with RTC, Finance Police and stuff and it just wasn=C2=B4t funny any more! Maybe we were about 10-15 people who left and we saw later on what happened to the rest who remained! Not funny for them!

Then it was Free Zone for some 5-6 years. (even a couple of months with Captain and Sven Petersen and RON=C2=B4s org...!)


ARC, KRC and ML:-!




On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 8:33=E2=80=AFAM someone wrote:

So she's a current scientologist?



Stefan W

Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2023 12:55 PM

Do what is right, no matter the cost


She=C2=B4s been covered several times at Tony=C2=B4s blog.


On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 9:37=E2=80=AFPM someone wrote:

I didn't realize that about her. She's a fireball.


I've heard about her fairly recently.


And saw her for the first time in April 2020 when she spoke about the scamdemic at the Capitol in California.


Stefan W

Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2023 11:10 AM

Do what is right, no matter the cost


Wonder what happened to Leigh Dundas, Scientologist attorney and Capitol rioter?


On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 8:41=E2=80=AFAM someone wrote:

I hope you will listen to this man who is very inspirational because he's facing a 20 year prison sentence instead of caving to a plea deal that is a complete lie by the justice department.


He's very well spoken, knows a lot about being an American and I think everyone could find something to apply to their own life, such as the subject -- do what is right, no matter the cost.


If people all had this sense of integrity, honesty and moral character, this world would be amazing.




Glad you loved the interview. I enjoyed doing it.

I believe you were at X at the time of the paperbag photo. =

Yes, David Rossouw passed away many years ago from cancer after having survived= being shot on Hollywood Blvd!

Good memory on the male messengers.

Love Janis

Janis GradyCell: 702 604 8123

On Friday, April 7, 2023 at 01:48:48 AM

Just finished watching your interview and loved it.

I never heard of the WDC members taking a picture with bags on their heads. Must have been after I was gone.

Yea, there really weren't many males in the CMO. Aside from me and DM, there was Marc Yaeger, my roommate Jim Cupp, Justin whose real name was Scott (I think), a young kid from England named Andrew, I think (brother of a girl already at the base -- can't remember her name, but was chubby), then Nelson, and a guy named Gary (oriental who was also from Sacramento) but none of them ever stood watch with LRH that I recall. But wasn't David Rousseau also in the CMO but on loan to be director for Gold? I think Sinar told me he died of cancer years ago. From: Janis

Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 9:56 PMStefan W

Cc: Rowland =

Janis GradyCell: 702 604 8123

On Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 09:26:43 PM

Hi Janis,

Do you have a handy link? From: Janis

Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 4:09 PMStefan W

Cc: Rowland = -- I was just interviewed on it with Aaron Smith Levin. Great channel -- very informative.

Janis GradyCell: 702 604 8123

On Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 03:54:56 PM

on= youtube there's growingupinscientology and blownforgood

if you want to keep up on the fight against the sociopaths

On 4/4/23 18:22

Wow, , thanks for that. I agree with the 'basically bullsh-t' assessment of the OT levels. They never rang true for me. I don't remember the details.



Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 5:30 AMStefan W

Cc: don;Janis Grady;Marc Headley; Rowland


Hi Stefan,


You asked for my story.


I joined a local mission in Sacramento in about 1974 or 75 (maybe will remember exactly -- cc). I was a sophomore (2nd year of highschool) or maybe a freshman and fairly soon started working on staff as the cleaning person. It was one of my three simultaneous jobs at that time.


By the time I turned 18 in 1977 I joined the Sea org and went to the Flag Land Base in Clearwater. I worked in Unimed who had just made The Case He Couldn't Crack (CHCC). I helped making set walls. I went on tour around North America with that film as a "road show manager" and soon after I got back, most of Unimed was moved to Indio and combined with the film crew at SHQ -- summer HQ (Janis Gilliam Grady can correct me if it was WHQ -- Winter HQ -- I forget). I got trained as a gaffer and we filmed many movies with "the boss" (LRH) directing.


Not long after, Dede Reisdorf, the CO of CMO, approached me to ask if I'd like to become a messenger and I agreed. While in the EPF I cleaned the home of LRH. Can't remember what it was called but it was near the crew and filming areas. I just remembered it was called "Rifle."


We left in the middle of the night at some point and escaped to Gilman Hot Springs. You probably know that later became known as the Int Base. I was one of the first to live there, shortly after it'd been purchased.


Aside from training as an investigator in the CMO, but still in the EPF, I was on a rotation to be an "on watch" messenger which means I directly helped LRH and remember how he'd take walks in some remote place not too far from Hemet. When his film was used up I'd quickly load up another roll for him, etc. We all wore wigs to disguise ourselves.F0=9F=98=86


So maybe once a month I'd spend a week at the apartment complex where he lived and the rest at Gilman Hot Springs (GHS). I also was in charge of showing him a movie before he went to sleep. I'd record them every day off TV. I became a huge fan of classic movies. Charles Laughton was one of his favorite actors and became one of mine, as well.


Eventually we started shooting still images, like clay figures, at GHS. But it must have also been movies because we were recording sound. I was one of the "Cine" (film) watch messengers each time he came, always at night.


We eventually packed up everything into U-Hauls and I never saw him again. Then I starred in one of the "training films" as "Keene". The name of the film escapes me but they also were numbered and I think it was training film 9. I had the lead role of an auditor who was not serious enough and by the end I finally realized something which made me a better one. Sinar Parman was the personal chef for LRH and before Sinar died he told me the correct title of the film. I just don't remember it now.


We still heard from the Boss and he publicly complimented my acting. Boy, I'd sure love to get my own copy of that film.


Anyway, by his order we got rid of a bunch of staff, calling them "dead wood" or something like that, and I was included in that. It must have been Jan 1982. I was "off loaded" and my world was shattered. I made a bunch of money and started taking courses at the Loseles org. I think it's called complex -- the former hospital. I hoped to work my way back into the Sea org.


Then David Mayo and many others started "splinter" groups in Santa Barbara and Riverside, etc. I got auditing, my grades 1-4, clear, then OT2 or 3. All those were pretty bullsh-t, actually.


But I never regretted my time in Scientology. The basic things like being a spirit and reincarnation have remained my viewpoints. And quite separately and on her own, my wife became very spiritual, at which point about a year or two ago I finally told my wife and kids my story which I never shared in any detail. I just said stuff like I worked in a small film company making training films.


Boy, I don't remember ever telling anyone my story before. It's about 40 years ago.


Now, as you can see from my frequent emails, I'm fighting for humanity against the globalist agenda of depopulation and utter slavery.


Stefan W

Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 2:11 AM


At least a year ago she seemed to be:


May I ask about your Scn-history?


Mine is that I as a 22 years old in beginning of 1979 came in thru my brother and after 3.5 intensive years left in october of 1982. Was at Flag twice in 1982 doing ot3 and ot4drd.

Celebrated 40 years out last autumn:-)

I=C2=B4m glad I was a part of a little group at that time in Stockholm that kind of saw thru the crap with RTC, Finance Police and stuff and it just wasn=C2=B4t funny any more! Maybe we were about 10-15 people who left and we saw later on what happened to the rest who remained! Not funny for them!

Then it was Free Zone for some 5-6 years. (even a couple of months with Captain and Sven Petersen and RON=C2=B4s org...!)


ARC, KRC and ML:-!




On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 8:33=E2=80=AFAM someone wrote:

So she's a current scientologist?



Stefan W

Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2023 12:55 PM


She=C2=B4s been covered several times at Tony=C2=B4s blog.


On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 9:37=E2=80=AFPM someone wrote:

I didn't realize that about her. She's a fireball.


I've heard about her fairly recently.


And saw her for the first time in April 2020 when she spoke about the scamdemic at the Capitol in California.


Stefan W

Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2023 11:10 AM


Wonder what happened to Leigh Dundas, Scientologist attorney and Capitol rioter?


On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 8:41=E2=80=AFAM someone wrote:

I hope you will listen to this man who is very inspirational because he's facing a 20 year prison sentence instead of caving to a plea deal that is a complete lie by the justice department.


He's very well spoken, knows a lot about being an American and I think everyone could find something to apply to their own life, such as the subject -- do what is right, no matter the cost.


If people all had this sense of integrity, honesty and moral character, this world would be amazing.




Glad you loved the interview. I enjoyed doing it.

I believe you were at X at the time of the paperbag photo. =

Yes, David Rossouw passed away many years ago from cancer after having survived= being shot on Hollywood Blvd!

Good memory on the male messengers.

Love Janis

Janis GradyCell: 702 604 8123

On Friday, April 7, 2023 at 01:48:48 AM

Just finished watching your interview and loved it.

I never heard of the WDC members taking a picture with bags on their heads. Must have been after I was gone.

Yea, there really weren't many males in the CMO. Aside from me and DM, there was Marc Yaeger, my roommate Jim Cupp, Justin whose real name was Scott (I think), a young kid from England named Andrew, I think (brother of a girl already at the base -- can't remember her name, but was chubby), then Nelson, and a guy named Gary (oriental who was also from Sacramento) but none of them ever stood watch with LRH that I recall. But wasn't David Rousseau also in the CMO but on loan to be director for Gold? I think Sinar told me he died of cancer years ago. From: Janis

Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 9:56 PMStefan W

Cc: Rowland =

Janis GradyCell: 702 604 8123

On Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 09:26:43 PM

Hi Janis,

Do you have a handy link? From: Janis

Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 4:09 PMStefan W

Cc: Rowland = -- I was just interviewed on it with Aaron Smith Levin. Great channel -- very informative.

Janis GradyCell: 702 604 8123

On Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 03:54:56 PM

on= youtube there's growingupinscientology and blownforgood

if you want to keep up on the fight against the sociopaths

On 4/4/23 18:22

Wow, , thanks for that. I agree with the 'basically bullsh-t' assessment of the OT levels. They never rang true for me. I don't remember the details.



Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 5:30 AMStefan W

Cc: don;Janis Grady;Marc Headley; Rowland


Hi Stefan,


You asked for my story.


I joined a local mission in Sacramento in about 1974 or 75 (maybe will remember exactly -- cc). I was a sophomore (2nd year of highschool) or maybe a freshman and fairly soon started working on staff as the cleaning person. It was one of my three simultaneous jobs at that time.


By the time I turned 18 in 1977 I joined the Sea org and went to the Flag Land Base in Clearwater. I worked in Unimed who had just made The Case He Couldn't Crack (CHCC). I helped making set walls. I went on tour around North America with that film as a "road show manager" and soon after I got back, most of Unimed was moved to Indio and combined with the film crew at SHQ -- summer HQ (Janis Gilliam Grady can correct me if it was WHQ -- Winter HQ -- I forget). I got trained as a gaffer and we filmed many movies with "the boss" (LRH) directing.


Not long after, Dede Reisdorf, the CO of CMO, approached me to ask if I'd like to become a messenger and I agreed. While in the EPF I cleaned the home of LRH. Can't remember what it was called but it was near the crew and filming areas. I just remembered it was called "Rifle."


We left in the middle of the night at some point and escaped to Gilman Hot Springs. You probably know that later became known as the Int Base. I was one of the first to live there, shortly after it'd been purchased.


Aside from training as an investigator in the CMO, but still in the EPF, I was on a rotation to be an "on watch" messenger which means I directly helped LRH and remember how he'd take walks in some remote place not too far from Hemet. When his film was used up I'd quickly load up another roll for him, etc. We all wore wigs to disguise ourselves.F0=9F=98=86


So maybe once a month I'd spend a week at the apartment complex where he lived and the rest at Gilman Hot Springs (GHS). I also was in charge of showing him a movie before he went to sleep. I'd record them every day off TV. I became a huge fan of classic movies. Charles Laughton was one of his favorite actors and became one of mine, as well.


Eventually we started shooting still images, like clay figures, at GHS. But it must have also been movies because we were recording sound. I was one of the "Cine" (film) watch messengers each time he came, always at night.


We eventually packed up everything into U-Hauls and I never saw him again. Then I starred in one of the "training films" as "Keene". The name of the film escapes me but they also were numbered and I think it was training film 9. I had the lead role of an auditor who was not serious enough and by the end I finally realized something which made me a better one. Sinar Parman was the personal chef for LRH and before Sinar died he told me the correct title of the film. I just don't remember it now.


We still heard from the Boss and he publicly complimented my acting. Boy, I'd sure love to get my own copy of that film.


Anyway, by his order we got rid of a bunch of staff, calling them "dead wood" or something like that, and I was included in that. It must have been Jan 1982. I was "off loaded" and my world was shattered. I made a bunch of money and started taking courses at the Loseles org. I think it's called complex -- the former hospital. I hoped to work my way back into the Sea org.


Then David Mayo and many others started "splinter" groups in Santa Barbara and Riverside, etc. I got auditing, my grades 1-4, clear, then OT2 or 3. All those were pretty bullsh-t, actually.


But I never regretted my time in Scientology. The basic things like being a spirit and reincarnation have remained my viewpoints. And quite separately and on her own, my wife became very spiritual, at which point about a year or two ago I finally told my wife and kids my story which I never shared in any detail. I just said stuff like I worked in a small film company making training films.


Boy, I don't remember ever telling anyone my story before. It's about 40 years ago.


Now, as you can see from my frequent emails, I'm fighting for humanity against the globalist agenda of depopulation and utter slavery.


Stefan W

Sent: Monday, April 3, 2023 2:11 AM


At least a year ago she seemed to be:


May I ask about your Scn-history?


Mine is that I as a 22 years old in beginning of 1979 came in thru my brother and after 3.5 intensive years left in october of 1982. Was at Flag twice in 1982 doing ot3 and ot4drd.

Celebrated 40 years out last autumn:-)

I=C2=B4m glad I was a part of a little group at that time in Stockholm that kind of saw thru the crap with RTC, Finance Police and stuff and it just wasn=C2=B4t funny any more! Maybe we were about 10-15 people who left and we saw later on what happened to the rest who remained! Not funny for them!

Then it was Free Zone for some 5-6 years. (even a couple of months with Captain and Sven Petersen and RON=C2=B4s org...!)


ARC, KRC and ML:-!




On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 8:33=E2=80=AFAM someone wrote:

So she's a current scientologist?



Stefan W

Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2023 12:55 PM


She=C2=B4s been covered several times at Tony=C2=B4s blog.


On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 9:37=E2=80=AFPM someone wrote:

I didn't realize that about her. She's a fireball.


I've heard about her fairly recently.


And saw her for the first time in April 2020 when she spoke about the scamdemic at the Capitol in California.


Stefan W

Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2023 11:10 AM


Wonder what happened to Leigh Dundas, Scientologist attorney and Capitol rioter?


On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 8:41=E2=80=AFAM someone wrote:

I hope you will listen to this man who is very inspirational because he's facing a 20 year prison sentence instead of caving to a plea deal that is a complete lie by the justice department.


He's very well spoken, knows a lot about being an American and I think everyone could find something to apply to their own life, such as the subject -- do what is right, no matter the cost.


If people all had this sense of integrity, honesty and moral character, this world would be amazing.




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