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by steve - 2023-06-15 20:19:41 ( in education, research, conspiracies) [php version] rebuild

easier to kill more faster when you have them all in chicken coopsI figured that Plan A was nuking humanity that was to be in 2020Then they got plan B, the killer vax.Not enough died with the vax and too many wised up so it wouldn't surprise me if they're going back to Plan A with mini nukes in cities (which supposedly happening in the Ukraine now).Or they could go to Plan C, which they keep hinting at, which is Project Bluebeam whereby they have some fake flying saucer land, have some fake alien exit to he's Jesus, and get christians (little "c" Christians) get so dismayed that they aban Christianity, become agnostic or atheist, and are then swayed over to be Satanists

On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 11:03:36 PM


It'd be interesting to hear from someone who knew. Seems like what happens inside a microwave oven when metal is inside.

Surely part of the globalist plan to chase people out of rural areas and into the 15 minute cities.

Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 11:00 PM

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What REALLY Is Causing the CANADIAN FIRES?= DEW -- Directed Energy Weapon?

On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 10:39:35 PM


This will blow your mind.

A forensic arborist who has studied how fires burn shows pictures from over the past few years of the California fires.

Something like 107 fires and only 3 of them are natural.

What's baffling is how they are burning. It defies physics such as trees burning from the inside. Things made of metal are burning the wood around it.

No explanation given, just the strangest thing you'll ever see.

Something you will want to share.


Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 11:10 AMWhat REALLY Is Causing the CANADIAN FIRES?= Forensic arborist shows us the clues to look for



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My guest in this interview is Robert Brame, who is a "forensic arborist." that means he studies trees and how they burn and/or die. Robert has analyzed 38 California fires and has made over 100 visits to fire aftermath locations in California and has taken photographic evidence of IMPOSSIBLE normal fire behavior. Let's use this information to help us look for CLUES in the CANADIAN fires to see if the same anomolies exist.

















What Could REALLY Be Causing the CANADIAN FIRES?



This video also answers the questions: Why would "they" start the fires -- or benefit from them?
















FREE Online SUMMIT Starts July 11, 2023







If you are ready to sigh a BREATH of relief now that the cooties hogwash is starting to recede, be sure to hop on this comprehensive collection of interviews with dozens of leading voices in the freedom movement.

I'm honored to be a part of the speaking panel, and my topic is about how to stand up for your rights and persevere in the face of oppression.

With the release of= The End of covid,= a 90-part virtual educational summit beginning on July 11th, 2023, the era of germ theory and virology is coming to a close.I feel privileged to have contributed to this monumental effort spearheaded by= Alec Zeck.There will be a wide range of speakers at this event, some of whom you may know already and others who will be new faces, all with the objective of revealing the deception that has been perpetrated on our society for decades.

Sign up here for FREE now, in advance of this online event that kicks off on July 11.















Join us

On SunDAY JULY 9, 2023

11:00 am

NORTH BEACH, San Clemente



We love getting together with our Healthy American Family for Beach Church!

Pastor David gives about a 20-minute sermon (and I speak for about 20 minutes with legal updates and positive encouragement in these stormy seas). And we occasionally have guest speakers touching on social/current events, and sharing their own stories of triumph over the tyrants!

Bring a beach chair, shade, water, etc -- and then join us as we head out to lunch afterwards for fellowship, fun, food, friends and FREEDOM!

The location is "North Beach" San Clemente, at "Via Estacion."= Parking is free

On Sundays (in the parking lot for the Amtrak station). Note: this is NOT at the Pier; it is at NORTH BEACH.

After you cross the train tracks, look for our group at the North end of the beach.

See you then!

















The Healthy American, 205 Avenida del Mar #681, San Clemente, California 92674, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time. ?




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