... and are afraid of offending anyone... Simon Sinek says, Bad leaders may edit the truth for fear of causing discomfort. Good leaders accept that the truth is often uncomfortable. ... read more
Three and a half hours in the Pep Boys waiting room is always time well-spent, wouldn't you agree? :) I'm home now, appreciating the comfort of my office chair, but Pep Boys seriously needs to ... read more
If you are too weak to give yourselves your own law, then a tyrant shall lay his yoke upon you and say 'Obey! Clench your teeth and obey!' And all good and evil shall be drowned in obedience to him. -- ... read more
GlassDoorSearch company reviews and ratingsWe're serving up trusted insights and anonymous conversation, so you'll have the goods you need to succeed. ... read more
Because 80% have sold out to mega food giants who are in charge of the bad (poisonous) food quality in the USA. I hope nobody is stupid enough to disagree with that. But there are still organic food companies that are independent you migh ... read more
I went to another job interview yesterday. It was downtown Nashville in the once trendy Cummins Station building. I've had a few consulting clients there over the years. The company interviewing me shall remain ... read more
The bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and ... read more
Anti-corporate crusader Dobie Pokorny wants to save the world from oligarchs like Colonel Charonne. On his speaking-truth-to-power tour, he meets and falls in love with Kaylie while enduring attacks at every turn. They each think the other is out of their league, but there's a connection. Can they outrun Charonne and his minions? And, what's up with Semmy, the little blue alien?
first few lines
Dobie Pokorny was on tour in support of his manifesto, Another Way: Beyond the Status Quo.
Driving north from Tennessee, after an angry mob in Indianapolis, he veered southwest. With stops in Illinois and Missouri – things got interesting in Missouri – followed by Oklahoma and Texas, it got downright weird in New Mexico.
His latest book was an anti-corporate diatribe born of a lifetime of people-watching and corporate employment. He never had a career. Just employment. One job a... Give your own review HERE! Blurbs, links and more at William Arthur Holmes dot com.
The ascendancy of crowds indicates the death throes of a civilisation. Crowds are only useful for destruction. -- by Gustave Le Bon in The Psychology of Crowds ... read more
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it. Judge a man by his questions, rather than by his answers. Every man is guilty ... read more
by JeannieJoseph wore many hats in his life,the first one was of son,next an officer, a Dutch Marine,that to him was funIn Maastricht, in '49,he married his childh ... read more
After catching a cricket and putting it into her bug cage (yes, she has a bug cage), my six-year-old daughter Elizabeth asked, Can you ... um ... look on the Internet and see what crickets eat?I just laughed and said, Yes, I can actual ... read more
Here are some photos from today of the hotel and the closest major street to us. We didn't get very far on our walk because it was too cold. ... read more
I delegated the responsibility of reading Elizabeth her bedtime story to her son. :) By the way, she slept great! I put her to bed at 8:15 and she was asleep by 8:30. We woke up at 8:00 this morning. ... read more
continued from Hiking with ElizabethThe scariest part was when we stopped. Then he stopped. I had my phone in hand, looking at the map. There was a tense moment until he smiled and said, Y'all lost?Just ... read more
I'm hearing about crypto currency attacks by our criminal rogue government, but not sure what this means. Adams pays close attention to this type of thing so I'll wait to hear his interpretation. He's saying Bitcoin is a great on-ramp to ... read more
Good info. I wonder if Ace Hardware stores are any better? Probably need to buy my plants from the farmer's market. Honey bees are up against a lot these days, no thanks to a lack of acti ... read more
My insurance company, Aetna, which denied a $10,000 medical claim last year, has finally reversed its decision (after my second appeal) and decided to process the claim again. Woo-hoo!Let's see how it actually sh ... read more
It doesn't matter if managers are introverted or extroverted, timid or bold, loud or quiet, as long as they are making people feel like they are growing, appreciated, and confident in their future at the company ... ... read more
Australian researchers have been astonished to discover a cure-all right under their noses -- a honey sold in health food shops as a natural medicine. Far from being an obscure health food with dubious healing qualities, new research has s ... read more
The Happy Hairball(something we keep coughing up) Volume 5, Number 8 December 20, 1993 Publisher: This guy -gtgt Editor: Same guy Distributor: Brave little delivery boys and girls worldwide Address: Nashville, TN 37215 ... read more
The Newsletter Vol. 2 No. 12, September 17, 1990Your Only News Source It's a girl!!We asked Denise if she could hurry up and have the baby because we wanted to put out this issue. And, sure enough, she had the baby two weeks e ... read more
NEWS Vol. 3, No. 5, July 6, 1991Northern California's leading newsletter since 1989 (except for those few months when we were Southern California's leading newsletter) Record heat melts Sacto!Molten ... read more
Fish Stories Best when lightly buttered, with just a pinch of lemon. Vol. 6 No. 4June 28, 1994 Tiffany wins awardsTiffany and her horse, Rocky, of Tracy, CA, competed in a local horse show a couple of months ago. See how current this new ... read more