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Which Generation Am I?

by bill - 2025-01-01 05:03:17 ( in culture, research, people, generations) [php version] rebuild

I found this interesting...

"Where were you when the space shuttle Challenger exploded?

The answer to that question is just one example of how generations identify with a shared experience. Baby boomers may have watched from a break room at the office or heard about it on the radio. Many Generation X kids sat in a classroom and watched live on television as the first space-bound teacher, 36-year-old Christa McAuliffe, perished with six fellow astronauts. The earliest millennials may have witnessed this moment, too, but would probably be too young to remember.

Then there's the rest of us − the roughly 44% of Americans living today (and growing) − who were born after the disaster in January 1986 and did not share the impact it had on the country."

Read the rest here: Gen Z, millennial, zillennial? Find your generation — and what it means — by year

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