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Thirteen Trees To Plant

by steve - 2025-01-30 06:38:49 ( in life, environment, trees, fruit) [php version] rebuild

As I continue my desire to have edible plants grow in the wild, I had to find a place where they'd grow without me watering them. Well, I might have gotten around that problem. I just learned of "air well condensors" that get water out of the air at night to water plants. Here's a picture of one.That might not be possible but as I pondered it on my bike ride, I wondered if using ground up glass (or sand) might also work.

On Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 10:32:34 PM PST, someone wrote:

Very cute tree. Hard to believe it's strong enough to hold all that fruit.

On Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 at 3:37 PM, someone wrote:

I love that you are doing guerilla gardening! More for the urban foragers. Have you heard of this foraged fruit map? Falling Fruit

For the elderberry syrup, I think it's simmering berries, straining and adding honey? I'm sure there's variations in recipes.

So, for the space limited indoors, we have the cutest tiniest little "cocktail" lemon tree! Can't get much smaller than that for a tree. haha

On Jan 29, 2025 at 4:24 PM wrote:

Cool.As I've said before, we don't have much garden space so I want to grow things in "wild" places. Today I'm going to start the Indian corn and peanuts in little containers with the hopes that I can grow them in the wild (I chose Indian corn because wild animals might be less apt to eat it than sweet corn)

As to elderberries, the gov't transplanted dozens of them to nearby because down river they took a lot out and an "endangered" (yeah, again) beetle lives on them. I think Jeannie said you can't just eat them off the tree so I guess I'll finally try syrup (any hints as to go about it appreciated)

On Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 01:17:17 PM PST, someone wrote:

very cool! we have these from the list:

  • Apple trees - some for cider, some for eating
  • Cherry trees - one died so we need to replace it!
  • Pear trees - just planted last year
  • Oak trees - just one but a different kind of oak? no acorns!
  • Mulberry trees - this one came up by itself!
  • Ginko - I didn't know this one's medicinal! don't have it
  • White Willow - what aspirin is made of! we don't have one yet. they like to be near water and it's super shady by our creek...
  • black walnut - we have a small tree. no nuts yet. though so many folks are willing to donate them to us. lol. it takes three rinsings to get the bitterness out so we probably won't do that again. someday I'd like to dye with it!
  • elderberry - we found one amongst our trees last year! made a small amount of syrup. Dan wants to take cuttings to propagate it!
  • hazelnut - these ones died immediately :(
  • we also have peach, nectarine, wild plum, paw paw, hardy almond and hardy pecan but almost all of our trees are very young. hope we live long enough to enjoy the fruit!! at least our elderberry is mature! and we have a lot of pine trees. I'd like to make pine needle tea sometime... I heard it's full of vitamin C!

    On Jan 29, 2025 at 4:07 PM wrote:


    I'm ordering some Burr oak acorns which is sweeter. I might be able to grow them by the bike trail without anybody ripping them out but I know it takes YEARS for them to be mature enough to make acorns

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