Below is everything (newest at top) with "culture OR arts-crafts" in its title or subcategories. For a strict listing (matching all categories and subcats), click here
Art Should Comfort The Disturbed And Disturb The Comfortable...: ... read more
Here's my goodbye letter to Zazzle. Yes, it's awfully bitter and conspiracy theory-ish, but I was upset. :) Your new policy sucks, big time. And when I tried to create something new before the deadline after which they start charging monthly fees, it was so freaking difficult to post it for sale, I gave... read more
If you've ever felt the need to do it yourself when it came to one of your crafty/artsy ideas, you might try and make something exactly as you want it.Yes, we'll get a small commission.... read more
/pages/palickovanie/Jana's Palickovanie art ... read more
Artwork we found interesting enough to mention here.
titleJulian Beever sidewalk art Beever's Sidewalk Art
Jana's titleThis link IS safe, despite that 'signature' warning some browsers give. hrefwww... read more
/natalia.htm , my niece. NOTE: She no longer does this.... read more
/palickovanie.htmlSlovak art by Jana In the Slovak language, this textile art is called palickovanie (Pronounced: PALL-eech-ko-vah-nyeh)See also /sk-gift.html/sk-gift.html ... read more