Must see. There's some eye-opening information here about smart devices you must hear. As great as it is, this scientist misses the big picture of the scamdemic. Watch on BitChute ... read more
Went to Home Depot today for one of those door-closer things for screen doors. I'd left ours propped open all night by accident, and the wind weakened its hinges. When I pushed to close it, a bracket snapped, and the door flew open instea ... read more
I grate about half an apple in the pancake mix (Arrowhead Mills Organic Gluten Free). Plus, add cinnamon spice. To my almond milk, I add about a teasp ... read more
Packed with so many great tips and information, you might have to watch it 3 times and stop to take notes. Don't miss it. Watch on BitchuteOn Friday, October 11, 2024 at 04:06:20 PM PDT, so ... read more
Standard wheat harvest protocol in the US is to drench the wheat fields with Roundup several days before the combine harvesters work through the fields because withered, dead wheat plants are less taxing on the farm equipment and allows fo ... read more
Immigration laws are criminally enforced not just against individuals, but also against corporations. For individuals, federal immigration prosecutions are a mass phenomenon. More than a third of the federal criminal docket nearly 40,000 ... read more
Had to park under an overpass this morning to avoid tornadoes. No problems for me but one did touch down right near work. Someone said it hit Macy's (just across the Interstate). ... read more
Clay and his adopted daughter Jenna look forward to their upcoming "homeland tour" to Russia. His intentions are pure. Hers, not so much. When she goes missing, he goes looking, only to find she is not the innocent little girl he thought she was. Not even close. His only hope is to get her on the Last Train Out.
first few lines
Zenya was just two-and-a-half when two very strange people came to visit her orphanage. They talked funny, she thought, as if almost able to speak properly, but with such horrible accents it was difficult to understand them. She assumed they were stupid. Gloopy, in Russian. They were there to see her, though – just her! – so she let it go.
She was devastated when they stopped coming after one week. It was not fair! They had been coming every day, and she had bows in her hair and wore a pretty dress eve... Give your own review HERE! Blurbs, links and more at William Arthur Holmes dot com.
Subject: Why can't I own a Canadian? Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination accord ... read more
The bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and ... read more
We made it this far! The plane ride was terrible for several minutes when we had to fasten our seat belts, which Elizabeth did not want to do. She SCREAMED loudly for quite a while, ticking off everyone nearby. Luckily, part of it was dro ... read more
Where to begin... The original plan was for us to go to the Minister of Education and submit our dossier and then formally receive our referral. What really happened:Galina called the ministry this morning only to find out that they were ... read more
I'm wondering about internet access now that we've tentatively planned to stay in a weekly apartment in Astrakhan instead of the hotel the entire time. We'll probably want/need that internet access for the sake of something to do. Normall ... read more
Got my genealogy DNA test results back. I have bits from all over the world:1% E. Central Africa1% Native American (Chile)5% Middle Eastern91% Europe (Portuguese, Flemish, German, Hungarian, Slovak)That leaves 2%, which I' ... read more
Researchers from the UK analysed some of the world's most threatened species and predicted how many would have gone extinct were it not for conservation... Read, listen or watch the rest here: ... read more
... after you remove it, of course. Apparently, they cause cancer. No kidding! Women who wore their bras 24 hours per day had a 3 out of 4 chance of developing breast cancer. Women who wore bras more than 12 hour per day but not to bed ... read more
I hate Walmart. It's a company run by slimy executives who don't care about the mom-and-pop businesses they destroy, and its stores are frequented by the lowest class of people. I always feel the need for a shower after ... read more
It's on my doctor's advice because of my high PSA count in my blood test. That's supposedly an indicator of possible prostate cancer, but I doubt it. They said it only means that 10-15% of the time. No matter what they find, I intend to ... read more
the NEWS Vol. 2, No. 6, April 16, 1990Back in spite of popular demand. WORLD NEWS Mike is back from Germany and looking very European. (Fancy haircut, pale complexion, but otherwise healthy. ) He's having trouble getting used to speakin ... read more
A Face in the CrowdVol. 5, No. 3, May 25, 1993Eleanor Gets LicenseAfter taking the DMV driving test every year since the age of 16, Eleanor has finally passed and been given her drivers license!It just goes to show that perseverance pays ... read more