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Terrific Gardening Info

by doug - 2024-10-12 07:47:53 ( in life, health, food, gardening) [php version] rebuild

Packed with so many great tips and information, you might have to watch it 3 times and stop to take notes. Don't miss it.

Watch on Bitchute

On Friday, October 11, 2024 at 04:06:20 PM PDT, someone wrote:

I've mentioned how I plant food elsewhere since our garden isn't big enough. Our carrots went to see and thus they filled one planter box. I thought I'd try to plant them along the river where they'd get natural watering. They didn't do too well, so it seemed, but now 2 weeks later, I'm seeing them sprout. A lot of the ones in our planter box are super small so today I decided to plant a lot of them on the bank of the river.

On Fri, Oct 11, 2024 at 11:40=E2=80=AFPM someone wrote:

That's so cool of you.

On Friday, October 11th, 2024 at 11:34 PM,

If nothing else, the wildlife will appreciate it.

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