How to find those hard-to-find movies and TV shows on Netflix:Netflix secret codes: how to browse hidden films and TV showsUPDATE: Not sure th ... read more
Wow! All you need to do is ... Eliminate all simple carbohydrates and gluten Eliminate processed food (wait, is that even possible?) Eat more vegetables and fruits Eat wild-caught fish Meditate twice a ... read more
I generally feel better a lot better! Before the wireless purge I was waking up five-six times a night, walking to the bathroom only to urinate minimally and returning to bed sometimes falling back to sleep, sometimes not. In the weaning ... read more
This is a story in the style called rapthat'll surely encourage an afternoon napof a family of seven, their kids and their wivesand something regarding their travels and lives. Now first there was Greg, a Brooklyn-born ladand then it was L ... read more
Went hiking with my daughter, Elizabeth, yesterday evening. There's a nice little park in Thompson's Station with fairly extensive walking trails on its south end, near the water tower. We saw an owl, so, with her new birthday-gift SLR ca ... read more
Engaged... finally!Tara and I are finally getting married. We've felt married, but now we're making it official, just for the sake of making it official. :) The actual wedding will be August 22, which we've always celebrated as our ann ... read more
Long before winning the lottery and running for president, Benny was living in L.A. working as a word processing temp. He thought his latest assignment was just another gig, never anticipating Venelia and the Dynamos. The what?
first few lines
Benny was on the elevator of a building he'd never been in before. It was climbing fast. Too fast. "It didn't stop on those floors," he said, looking at the still-lit numbers as it sped upward.
When no one replied, he looked to see if anyone heard him. Apparently not.
To his right stood an attractive blonde woman, thirtyish, in a blue blazer, matching skirt and white silk blouse. Seeing the crazed look in his eyes, she turned away and clutched her purse with both hands.
covid-19 was a pandemic of cowardice, a pandemic of hypocrisy, a pandemic of ignorance and decadence, a pandemic of collaboration, a pandemic of horrific betrayal in a nutshell, covid-19 was a pandemic of evil that makes the blood run cold. ... read more
(Natural News) As a prepper, you may already know that foraging is a useful skill to have, especially if you're always looking for more ways to add to your food supply when SHTF. Knowing how to forage is a good way to save money on food e ... read more
Spam number 1Salute,A novel location of Pack Worker of our package association was unblocked. Our business offers a vast fee and training bundle to make you as a teammate of our team's expanding 'n' favorably influential fellowship. We une ... read more
I've taken a job here as a Russian adoption consultant. The hours are long, and the pay is in barter, but you gotta do what you gotta do, seein' as how I can't leave the country. :)But seriously, the Children ... read more
I spent all day today wondering how I was going to tell our 5-year-old that our cat, Sunny, was no longer with us. Literally. After being awakened last night at 2:30 a. m. by the sound of a VERY close coyote, and then not finding Sunny a ... read more
We had a scare a couple of Wednesdays back with Elizabeth. She was at pre-school/daycare when she tripped and fell head-first onto the pavement outside as everyone was told to get in line to go back inside. We figure, being so competitive ... read more
Franklin has been adopted!Our daughter was sad to see him go, but he's now in a good home. And they're close to us, so she might get to visit sometimes. ... read more
Christmas night, Diane, on the way to a party, found herself in the fast lane of the freeway with a car stopped in front of her and the brakes not working due to a patch of black ice. With cars and trucks honking on the right side, she had ... read more
Q: Which food preservatives allowed in the United States are the most damaging to one's health and should be avoided? Left unsaid was the part where other, smarter countries have outlawed some of this. A: Several food preservatives allowed ... read more
I can't imagine anyone could disagree with the subject. It's very important for your own sanity. Division is the opposite of what people ever need. Here's a very short discussion about it. You can start about 2 minutes into it. ... read more
Please donate by clicking here. Thank you. We are always trying to raise money so we can build a barn for our wonderful horses. Some of the horses are older and need more shade or storm protectio ... read more
The headline is purposely misleading (a la my old newsletter), just because I can. My brother and his wife just returned from their 16-day trip to Dubai, Egypt and Jordan. It was a great trip and at no ... read more
The Holmes Family Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 10 -- Worldwide Circulation -- December 6, 1989 Newsletter sold! The Holmes Family Newsletter was involved in a hostile takeover. A group of Japanese investors have taken control of the Ne ... read more
The Holmes Family Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 5, September 5, 1989 Jeannie breaks elbow Placed on Disabled ListLathrop -- While attempting a sling-shot maneuver during a roller derby match last month with teammates Tiffany and Thomas, Jeanni ... read more
WORLD NEWS Award-Winning JournalismVol. 2, No. 9, June 14, 1990 Dad kills rattler! Special to the NewsBack from a week in the wilds of Arizona, Dad and Eleanor told of battles with man-eating coyotes and vicious attack- ... read more
news from La-La Land HAPPY NEW YEAR!!Vol. 3, No. 1, January 4, 1991Newsletter editor murdered!The editor of this newsletter was apparently murdered some time over the weekend according to police. We think it was ... read more
Fish Stories Best when lightly buttered, with just a pinch of lemon. Vol. 6 No. 4June 28, 1994 Tiffany wins awardsTiffany and her horse, Rocky, of Tracy, CA, competed in a local horse show a couple of months ago. See how current this new ... read more