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Updating "picture-of-us-before-court"
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Picture of Us Before Court
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<p>title="Bill and Tara before Court" href="/images/bill-and-tara-before-court.webp"><img width=300 height0 align="right" valign="middle" src="/images/thumbs/thumb_med_bill-and-tara-before-court.webp" alt="Bill and Tara before Court"> ...from several days ago, the morning of our court appearance. Taken by the other adoptive family in town fo
Post content (longtext):
<p><a title="Bill and Tara before Court" href="/images/bill-and-tara-before-court.webp"><img width=300 height0 align="right" valign="middle" src="/images/thumbs/thumb_med_bill-and-tara-before-court.webp" alt="Bill and Tara before Court"></a> ...from several days ago, the morning of our court appearance. Taken by the other adoptive family in town for their <em>first</em> trip, the Mees. <p>We have one more visit today before we pick her up Monday. Our ten day wait is over tomorrow, but because that's Sunday, we wait until Monday. Then we start the process of getting her passport and visa, and wait <em>another</em> 5-7 days. We've already changed our return flight to Moscow in expectation of that second wait time being 7 days, but we'll change them again if we get to leave even earlier, although that's unlikely because of the weekend.<a target="_blank" href="/images/adoption-video-frame.webp"><img src="/images/thumbs/thumb_med_adoption-video-frame.webp" align="left"></a>
Keywords (varchar(200)):
Picture of Us Before Court, family, adoption, holmes
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