A Dilemma We All Now Faceby bill - 2021-05-25 05:30:08 ( in culture, humor, covid, vaccines) [php version] rebuildWith all of these offers of free stuff coming out of Corporate America to encourage everyone to get this unnecessary (for 99% of us) and unwise covid "vaccination," it presents us all with a dilemma: A free order of fries (or joint here and here) versus the possible adverse effects of this medical experiment. Tough call! See also This "Vaccine" similar posts here ... and elsewhere
Comments (We enjoy free speech. Try not to offend, but feel free to be offended.)Leave your own comment:DISCLAIMER: We are not medical professionals but can comprehend the various articles linked on this site. Think for yourself. Make up your own mind. Those of us with reading comprehension skills and healthy immune systems are much better off trusting our own body rather than the profit-driven pharmaceutical industry.
Read the rest at corbettreport.com/november-open-thread/#comment-96787 |