![]() GREG AND JUNE'S TRIP TO THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDSfrom 2024 in ( life / animals / wildlife / galapagos )/images/galapagos-blue-footed-booby-on-nest.webpBlue-footed Booby on her nest -- The animals on the Galapagos Islands are so tame, you can walk right up to them. /images/galapagos-blue-footed-booby-feet.webpBlue-footed Booby -- I think they are proud of their blue feet. t... read more ANOTHER NIGHT WALKING THE DOGfrom 2023 in ( culture / humor / blog / animals )It was just another night out walking our Boston terrier, Cleo. Or so I thought. I put my boots on instead of the usual sneakers because of the recent rain. I like to keep both pairs tied but loose enough to slip on. Still, I have to wedge them on, using my fingers as a shoehorn. I should probably just buy an actual shoehorn... or a targ... read more ALLIGATOR CAPTURED OUTSIDE SCHOOLfrom 2022 in ( education / news / animals )It's South Carolina. They're used to it there.(UPI) Police in South Carolina shared video of an unusual situation that resulted when a studious alligator walked up to a school. The Charleston Police Department said officers responded Tuesday when a gator was spotted walking right outside of Daniel Island Scho... read more NEW HORSE ARRIVES AT HARMONY HAVENfrom 2021 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )We sold Miracle and got a new mare, TBIRD. /images/t-bird-horse.webp I told the girl to give Miracle 30 days and, if it doesn't work out, we'll take her back. Fingers crossed. harmonyhaven.wo... read more COWS ESCAPE CALIFORNIA SLAUGHTERHOUSE, STAMPEDE THROUGH NEIGHBORHOODfrom 2021 in ( life / animals / livestock )Hurray for the cows! Showing more backbone than most humans, as evidenced by the latter allowing themselves to be pressured into getting one of these unnecessary (and unwise) covid shots. title click for larger image href/images/conspiracy-cow.webp The... read more ADORABLE ECHIDNAS ARE DOING THEIR PART WITHOUT REALIZING ITfrom 2021 in ( education / science / animals )Australian echidnas are one of the only two types of mammals that lay eggs for babies, and despite their spiky appearance, they're rather adorable.Thankfully, the native Australian echidna has become part of the solution because of its very own animal instincts. This particular animal love to dig furrows, pits, a... read more GENETIC MATERIAL FROM 6.7 MILLION EARTH SPECIES MAY BE SENT TO THE MOONfrom 2021 in ( education / science / animals )Extinction insurance for planet earth is envisioned by sending sperm and egg samples from 6.7 million species to the moon for safekeeping. How could earth species be destroyed to require a backup? Genetic modification gone... technocracy.news/to-the-moon-genetic-material-on-6-7-million-earth-s... read more SCIENTISTS ARE RETHINKING ANIMAL COGNITION AS MORE EVOLUTIONARY BEHAVIORS EMERGEfrom 2021 in ( education / science / animals )Humans have always considered ourselves much different animals, and we look at our apparent superior intellect, analytical mind, self-awareness, and expanded consciousness as the dividing line between us and them. Primates for example, have always been considered our closest cousins, and while we do credit them with being intelligen... read more COUNTERFEIT SERESTO COLLARS LINKED TO PET DEATHS AND INJURIESfrom 2021 in ( family / animals / pets / safety )
If we can't depend on the EPA to warn the public about something so thoroughly documented, should we depend on the agency...Read the activistpost.com/2021/03/flea-collars-linked-to-thousands-of-pet-deaths-and-injuries-to-pets-and-humans-epa-still-wont-warn-public... read more IN SUPPORT OF TURTLESfrom 2021 in ( life / animals / wildlife / reptiles )My mom is retired, & she spends her winters volunteering at a sea turtle rescue center in south Texas. The cold snap is stunning the local turtles & they're doing a lot of rescues. She sent me this photo today of the back of her Subaru. It's literally turtles all the way ... read more WICKLOW MOUNTAIN GOLDEN RETRIEVER RESCUEfrom 2021 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )I love this kind of story! The family made a thorough search. They left a laundry basket of unwashed clothing near the spot they'd last seen Neesha on the chance she'd home in on the familiar scent marker. They even resorted to drones and took to the Internet to ask for help in finding Neesha, but there was s... read more THE WORLD'S LONELIEST ELEPHANT MOVING TO SANCTUARY WITH OTHER ELEPHANTS, THANKS TO CHERfrom 2020 in ( life / animals / wildlife / elephants )A lonely elephant at a zoo in Pakistan is finally moving to an animal sanctuary where he will be able to socialize with other elephants.: sunnyskyz.com/good-news/4051/The-and-039-Worlda... read more DEER STEALS HUNTER'S GUN, FLEES INTO WOODSfrom 2020 in ( life / animals / wildlife / humor )Of course, the deer is now considered to be armed and dangerous. Be on the look-out. A hunter in the Czech Republic now called Czechia was charged by a deer that snagged his gun on its antlers and fled into the woods with the weapon... Read, listen or watch... read more EAGLE SENDS DRONE TO WATERY GRAVE IN BRAZEN ATTACK OVER LAKE MICHIGANfrom 2020 in ( life / animals / wildlife / birds )Michigan state officials said a drone that was mapping shoreline erosion in the Upper Peninsula was sent to a watery grave in a brazen attack by a bald eagle.: upi.com/OddNews/2020... read more MAGNIFICENT ANIMALS FACE CULLINGfrom 2020 in ( life / help / charity / animals ): dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8488903/Magnificent-animals-famous-Twycross-Zoo-face-CULLING.htmlhere , twycrosszoo.org/donate/here , and/or facebook.com/TwycrossZoo/here ... read more INDIAN RAILWAY COMPANY USING BEE SOUNDS TO WARD OFF ELEPHANTSfrom 2020 in ( life / animals / wildlife / elephants )Officials with an Indian railway company said they have started using the recorded sound of buzzing bees to keep elephants from wandering onto the tracks...: gephardtdaily.com/what-the/ind... read more A NEW IDEA ON FOSTERING PETSfrom 2020 in ( life / help / animals / pets )This is so great!A Mississippi hotel lets guests foster dogs during their stay and now more than 60 have found forever homes.: news./mississippi-hotel-lets-guests-foster... read more NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE WARNS OF FALLING IGUANAS ON COLD NIGHT IN MIAMIfrom 2020 in ( life / animals / wildlife / humor )The National Weather Service on Tuesday warned people in South Florida of the possibility of falling iguanas in advance of cold weather. 'This isn't something we usually forecast, but don't be surprised if you see iguanas falling from the trees tonight as lows drop into the 30s and 40s,' the Miami National Weathe... read more ELEPHANT CLIMBS 5-FOOT WALL TO STEAL MANGOES FROM LODGEfrom 2020 in ( life / animals / wildlife / elephants )An elephant in a Zambian national park was caught in camera climbing over a wall to steal some mangoes from a safari lodge...: targetblank hrefupi.com/Odd-News/2020/01/13/Elephant-climb... read more GIRL HAD ONLY BEEN VOLUNTEERING AT PET SHELTER FOR TWO DAYS WHEN SHE WAS REUNITED WITH LOST CATfrom 2020 in ( life / help / charity / animals )Hannah Rountree had not seen her cat Spunky in three years-at least until he reappeared at the animal shelter she had only just started volunteering....: targetblank hrefgoodnewsnetwork.... read more TENNESSEE SAFARI PARKfrom 2019 in ( life / animals / wildlife / rescue )Drove past tennesseesafaripark.comthis place a month ago on my way to tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g44719-Activities-NewMadridMissouri.htmlNew Madrid (just because). It looked interesting and is apparently getting search.brave.... read more DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ALPACAS AND LLAMASfrom 2019 in ( life / animals / wildlife / humor )In case you were wondering, as I was... Click the image for a larger version titleClick for larger image href/images/meme-alpaca-vs-llama.webp See also, search.brave.com/search?qa... read more ELEPHANT POACHING FALLS DRAMATICALLYfrom 2019 in ( life / animals / wildlife / elephants )Some good news for a change: sciencemag.org/news/2019/05/elephant-poaching-falls-dramatically-africaelephant-poaching-falls-dramatically-africa Elephant poaching in Africa has dropped significantly from a peak in 2011, according to a new analysis of annual surveillance data. ... read more DONATION TO HARMONY HAVENfrom 2019 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )We just donated to harmonyhaven.wordpress.com/donations/Harmony Haven Therapeutic Riding and Horse Rescue . This recent snowstorm knocked down fencing, along with their shelter. And don't forget these guys: facebook.com/SRFHorsesAdopt-a-horse here or targe... read more WHEN COYOTES (TRY TO) ATTACKfrom 2019 in ( family / animals / pets / dogs )Well, I had an exciting morning. Who needs coffee to wake up? It was around 5:30 when I let our pug /images/joey-on-lap.webpJoey out in the backyard. I'm standing there keeping an eye out for critters (there is no fence) when, sure enough, a couple of coyotes start trotting toward us, all casual-like as if out ... read more DRAFT HORSES PULL BIG RIG UP HILLfrom 2018 in ( life / animals / horses )A Minnesota couple harnessed their Belgian draft horses to help a semi truck driver whose vehicle was stuck on an icy driveway.: upi.co... read more ANIMALS RESCUED FROM WILDFIRESfrom 2017 in ( life / animals / wildlife / rescue )UC Davis has been caring for dozens of animals that were displaced or injured in the California wildfires over the past two weeks. /images/cat-injured-2.webp Read, listen o... read more GOT YELLED AT TODAYfrom 2017 in ( life / animals / wildlife / birds )I got yelled at today... by a quail. I was crossing an empty lot toward the soccer field (for my daughter's game) when I heard squawking. I looked down, and there it was, protecting its nest, obviously telling me to get lost. So I did. I am nothing if not considerate.... read more HORSE VERSUS GOOGLE STREET VIEWfrom 2016 in ( education / tech / computers / animals )I like horses. I like Google maps street view. The two don't like each other. See dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3558028/And-s-Hilarious-moment-rider-thrown-saddle-Google-Street-View-car-causes-animal-bolt-Finland.htmlGoogle Street View car ... read more DOLPHINS SPEAK IN HOLOGRAPHIC LANGUAGEfrom 2015 in ( education / science / animals / language )Very cool! : newspunch.com/scientists-reveal-that-dolphins-speak-in-a-holographic-language/scientists-reveal-that-dolphins-speak-in-a-holographic-language/ UPDATE: The commenters are mostly unconvinced.... read more MY SISTER'S HORSE RESCUEfrom 2015 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )My sister's Harmony Haven horse rescue and riding therapy operation has a titleHouse the Horses hrefharmonyhaven.wordpress.com/donations/donation page! I hope you've got some pocket change you can titleHouse the Horses hrefharmonyhaven.wordpress.com/donations/don... read more PLEASE DONATE TO HARMONY HAVENfrom 2014 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )harmonyhaven.wordpress.com/donations/Please DONATE to Harmony Haven Therapeutic Riding & Horse Rescue's fundraiser to build better shelter for the winter. Thanks. Please donate harmonyhaven.wordpress.com/donations/by clicking here. Thank you!Or go here: ... read more JUST CUZ YOU CUT OFF ITS HEADfrom 2014 in ( life / animals / wildlife / reptiles )Just 'cuz you cut off its head... don't assume it's harmless. Chef dies after spitting cobra he was cooking bit him on the hand... 20 minutes after he had cut its head off. : titlespitting cobra hrefdailymail.co.uk/news/article-... read more FERAL CATS FIND A NEW USEfrom 2013 in ( family / animals / pets / cats )In case you're in the market for a barn cat, this is for you: petguide.com/blog/cat/in-nyc-feral-felines-get-a-second-chance-at-life-as-working-cats/petguide.com .Maybe other cities near you have a similar program.... read more SAVED A LIFE TODAYfrom 2013 in ( life / animals / wildlife / reptiles )Probably. You never know about these things. Anyway, I had forgotten to buy cat food and that is what allowed me to be there in time to save a life. Taking my daughter to school this morning, I had to turn south on Nolensville Rd because Old Hickory was backed up. I was running late, and there'd be no way to make up time taking my usual rout... read more HARMONY HAVEN (12/23/2010)from 2010 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )You can watch it here: titleclick the image hrefvimeo.com/18194031vimeo.com/18194031 Please donate harmonyhaven.wordpress.com/donations/by clicking here. Thank you.Other sites, articles and pages regardi... read more DETECTION DOGSfrom 2010 in ( family / animals / pets / dogs )These are no hounds. These are highly trained detection dogs used by biologists to canvass for animals, scat, rare plants and invasive weeds that are easily missed by humans.: articles.latime... read more HARMONY HAVEN (10/24/2010)from 2010 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )We spent the better part of Friday here at titleHarmony Haven hrefharmonyhaven.wordpress.comHarmony Haven Therapeutic Riding & Horse Rescue in titleCottonwood CA hrefmaps.google.com/maps?q40.331726,-122.413702&num1&sll40.331278,-122.413759&sspn0.006295,0.00... read more HOUSE THE HORSESfrom 2010 in ( life / help / charity / animals )Please donate harmonyhaven.wordpress.com/donations/by clicking here. Thank you. We are always trying to raise money so we can build a barn for our wonderful horses. Some of the horses are older and need more shade or storm protection to be comfortable. /images/harmony-haven-hor... read more BIRD IN THE HOUSEfrom 2010 in ( life / animals / wildlife / birds )Woke up this morning to a bird in the kitchen. I had a hunch /images/joey-sitting-on-sunny.webpthe cat Sunny had brought something inside because, while still half asleep, I heard her banging around outside of the bedroom somewhere.Anyway, I walked into the kitchen, and there was a bird perched on the c... read more SNAKE IN THE CREEKfrom 2010 in ( life / animals / wildlife / reptiles )I almost stepped on a snake as Elizabeth and I came out of the creek. Yes, we were in the creek. Anyway, I yelled, Aaaah when he slithered past me toward her and into the water. She wanted to get a better look at him as he lay there half in the water, half out. It was only three feet long, but I didn't know if it was ... read more LEAVING YOUR MARKfrom 2008 in ( life / help / charity / animals )We welcome all the visitors and students to harmonyhaven.wordpress.comour center, Harmony Haven . Our mission statement: We rescue and rehabilitate horses so they can rescue and rehabilitate the people who need them most.It's all about leaving your mark or hoof print. Help others and have a bette... read more HARMONY HAVEN THERAPEUTIC RIDING AND HORSE RESCUEfrom 2008 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )We have started our non-profit organization in Cottonwood. Harmony Haven Therapy Riding and Horse Rescue. We will add you to our mailing list if you want updates (we now have 3 horses for our riders). Hope to hear from everyone. -- Jeannie, 2008 /images/harmony-haven-2.webp... read more HARMONY HAVEN (2008)from 2008 in ( life / animals / charity / rescue )My sister and her daughter have started a harmonyhaven.wordpress.comtherapeutic riding and horse rescue! Don't forget to donate by clicking on the DONATE button. Please donate paypal.com/donate?token7XVYaUW-jXVKSikbOJpwOIBRcDI5VBHcLiKnJe0umxc3wtTwasnTuMfdP4H67eiw... read more |