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e-at-airport.webp more pictures of elizabeth in california

(in family, holmes, elizabeth from 2008)

Bill on Rosie, while Jeannie, Tara, even Shayden, fall for Elizabeth's attention-getting antics. ... read more

gray-haired-bearded-business-owner.webp your community business blueprint: key steps to launch and thrive

(in life, employment, entrepreneurship, advice from 2024) by elijah dawson

... read more

devices-microscope.webp non-fiction humor 4

(in culture, humor from 2020) by joker

Acknowledging Receipt of Australopithicus Spiff-arinoThe story behind the letter below is that there is a man in Newport, RI named Scott Williams who digs things out of his backyard and sends the stuff he finds to the Smithsonian Institutio ... read more

wood-carving-river-city-saloon.webp visiting old sacramento

(in life, travel, usa, california from 2018)

Observations while walking around Old Sacramento with Elizabeth:Jul 14, 2018 2:38pmAs I sat on a bench in touristy Old Sacramen ... read more

hubbard-rand.webp how hubbard and rand got their ideas

(in culture, movies-tv-video, humor from 2012) by joker

According to this video, this must be how it happened. Rand, in bed with Hubbard: We can take the most wealthy, privilege ... read more

is psychiatry fake science?

(in life, health, mental from 2024)

With the seemingly endless fear-generating narratives of the corporate-owned mass media in relation to catastrophic CO2-induced climate change virus pandemics nuclear war or whatever else they can come up with to keep you shivering under y ... read more

boss-arrows.gif selfish ceos

(in life, money, employment from 2013)

CEOs who lay off the most people rake in the profitsUPDATE: The above article is gone, but here's ... read more

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gallup: americans support for israel has plummeted to lowest level ever in 25 years of polling

trump: colleges allowing "illegal" protests will lose federal funding, agitators will be imprisoned
Free speech only allowed when not criticizing Israel

chinese colonel says america is going down, trump has damaged the us's reputation more than all of his predecessors combined
Wishful thinking from the Chinese military.

company does about-face after telling employees they could be fired if still single by september
Even in China, one of the most totalitarian countries on Earth, you can't be an absolute tyrant.

britain's leftist government removes portraits of churchill, wellington
In their defense, Churchill did work to ensure that World War II proceeded as planned.

cops in germany are raiding people's homes for insulting politicians
Nazis 2.0

germany's "democracy" arrests people for insults, lies & memes
England, China and Thailand, too!

u.s. senator mark warner admitted at munich security conference that israel played role in pushing tiktok ban through congress
... and they do whatever Israel says.

age of transparency: we need mass surveillance of governments instead of citizens

hacker group anonymous warns trump of systemic attacks, calls for mass uprising v fascism
Trump brought down the CIA front USAID, and now another CIA front, Anonymous, is retaliating

graphic: track grocery price trends
Funny that they never provided this to track their buddy Biden's inflation

super bowl projections say record 126m watched
Unfortunately, the game itself was one of the ugliest blowouts in recent years

baby thriving after doctors removed womb for spinal surgery--then put it back inside mom at 26 weeks

blackrock ceo larry fink wants to find ways of rebuilding trust
Step 1, stop lying.

australia passes tough hate crime laws with mandatory jail time for nazi salutes
Looks like we need to "spread democracy" to Australia

satire: world heath organization warns trump funding cuts may delay release of new pandemic
I love this!

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culture.webp CULTURE

 stalin quote

(in culture, quotes, conspiracies, politics from 2021)

It's not the votes that count, it's who counts the votes. -- Josef Stalin ... read more

 so-called experts

(in culture, quotes from 2021)

Remember these when the news media holds someone up as an authority or expert in their attempt to make you go along with the program, whatever that program is:Make three correct guesses consecutively and you will establish a reputation a ... read more

 how hubbard and rand got their ideas

(in culture, movies-tv-video, humor from 2012)

According to this video, this must be how it happened. Rand, in bed with Hubbard: We can take the most wealthy, privilege ... read more

 christmas jokes

(in culture, humor, jokes, christmas from 2020)

A Christmas StoryOne day, this past December, I was rushing around trying to get some last minute shopping done. I was stressed out and not thinking very fondly of the Christmas season right then. It was dark, cold, and wet in the parking ... read more

 thomas sowell quote

(in culture, quotes, politics from 2023)

It doesn't matter what rights you have under the Constitution of the U. S. if the government can punish you for exercising those rights. And it doesn't matter what limits the Constitution puts on government officials' power if they can e ... read more

family5.webp FAMILY

 down by the creek

(in family, holmes, elizabeth, bicycles from 2009)

Elizabeth and I went down to the creek this cold fall morning. With all the recent rain, Indian and Mill Creeks both had a lot of rushing water. We walked along the edge of Mill Creek. Usually, we stick to the closer Indian Creek. Eliza ... read more

 a warning to pet owners with kids

(in family, holmes, pets, dogs from 2010)

I had to take our dog Chandler (my best puppy, the big man, or Chanva as our daughter Elizabeth used to call him) to the vet Thursday. I had discovered while giving him a bath what looked like a blood ... read more

 the day after

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

Well, we're much more relaxed now that we've gotten past the court appearance. The problem now is getting Elizabeth to lik ... read more

 california invades tennessee

(in family, holmes, travel, usa from 2023)

June 20th 2023 -- The Road Warriors, head out from Cottonwood/Anderson California on a mission from God. Thomas, Finnegan, Skyla, and I left at 5:00 AM Pacific Time to start our 5,400 mile road trip in my 2019 Subaru Forester. We knew it ... read more

 51-1/2 hours

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

That's how long before we leave Astrakhan for Moscow. Not that we're counting or anything. The bad thing about these in-country flights is that they don't use jetways, those expandable tubes that protect you from the weather as you get ... read more

she's ours

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

We have her in the hotel now. I tried typing that sentence earlier but she shut the computer down as I was typing! I don't kno ... read more

life-clipart.webp LIFE

 russia completely bans gmos in food production

(in life, health, food from 2015)

That's it! We're moving to Russia! Just kidding (because it kinda sucks over there unless you're rich ... like almost everywhere else, actually). Still, this is good news for humans:This is a bold move by the Russian government, and it ... read more

 how to replace a headlight bulb in a honda accord

(in life, help, maintenance, auto from 2011)

How to Replace a Headlight Bulb in a Honda AccordI just followed the ... read more

 st. louis trip

(in life, travel, usa, blog from 1999)

Tara and I made a quick trip (if you can call a five-hour road trip quick) to St. Louis over the Labor Day weekend. We visited their historic Old Town district along the river where they were hosting the Big Muddy Blues Roots Festival. ... read more

 walmart, 50 years of gutting america's middle class

(in life, money, economy, shopping from 2012)

This (below) is why we hate Walmart. Its explosive growth has gutted two key pillars of the American middle class: small businesses and well-paid manufacturing jobs. Too many people just want low prices no matter the overall, long-run ... read more

 lessons in the art of living

(in life, help, advice from 2013)

Good guidelines. The snippet below is the most useful part:In DBT dialectical behavior therapy, the skill is encapsulated in a mnemonic device known as... Read, listen or wa ... read more

newspaper.webp NEWSLETTER

 holmes family newsletter vol 1 no 6

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1989)

The Holmes Family Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 6a, September 17, 1989Everyone seems to be on a diet these days. Lucy and Jeannie are trying a low carbohydrate/high protein diet. Don's trying good old reliable starvation. Eleanor is on the Nu ... read more

holmes family newsletter vol 3 no 5

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1991)

NEWS Vol. 3, No. 5, July 6, 1991Northern California's leading newsletter since 1989 (except for those few months when we were Southern California's leading newsletter) Record heat melts Sacto!Molten ... read more

holmes family newsletter vol 1 no 7

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1989)

The Holmes Family Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 7, October 5, 1989Let's face it, these things are going to just keep coming. Steve arrested Steve received his first-ever speeding ticket recently. Of course, this is the first car he's ever had ... read more

holmes family newsletter vol 1 no 4

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1989)

The Holmes Family Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 4, August 1, 1989 Largest Tri-Weekly Newsletter Circulation in the West! tri-weekly (tri-week'lee) 1. we TRY to get it out weekly) Editor's Note: This will probably be the last issue. See article ... read more

holmes family newsletter vol 2 no 15

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1990)

NEWS, ETC. Vol. 2, No. 15, December 18, 1990Christmas Issue Lucy to Host ChristmasLucy will be having Christmas at her house this year. It's a potluck affair. Only those with food will be allowed in. Says Lucy, It'll be very inform ... read more

family newsletter

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 2008)

Old stuff, but some of it's still funny ... It's basically the precursor to this website. Click the links in the table of contents, above. Otherwise, just do a search in the home page's search b ... read more


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