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The Day After

by bill - 2007-12-07 12:19:52 ( in family, adoption, holmes, travel) [php version] rebuild

Well, we're much more relaxed now that we've gotten past the court appearance. The problem now is getting Elizabeth to like us again. Today, she cried for the first time. She let me hold her, but my Russian words were not much consolation. She calmed down once our interpreter Liena returned to the room. Liena then commented that she was sorry that Elizabeth like her so much over us. I had to burst Liena's bubble and tell her that Elizabeth prefers anyone who speaks Russian. I'm doing my best to learn the language, but it's a slow process.

Thanks for your comments here. It's more fun when it's interactive like that, though I do wish that some of you would tone down the religious comments.

We like our new room MUCH better. It doesn't reek of smoke and we've got a view of the Volga again, like last time. Just now, the manager, an American named Robert, gave us a discount (not much, but we'll take it) because we'll be staying so long. He was surprised that we would be staying the entire time, but we explained that leaving and coming back would be even more expensive. Besides, we need a lot of time to reconnect with Elizabeth. I don't want her screaming the entire trip back.

One of the most remarkable things I've noticed about Russians is their ability to deal with adversity and life's daily aggravations. Pedestrians crossing the street are barely missed by passing cars, and they don't say anything. Almost nothing here is done the same way two times in a row, but they don't get angry. One bureaucrat tells a person to go see another bureaucrat down the hall, only to be told by the second one that today is not their day to work even though they're in the office, and the customer just laughs it off. People here just never get angry, at least not in public. They probably should, for their own mental health, but they don't. Anyway, I"m just impressed with how flexible they are.

Well, Tara's probably wondering where I am (I have to come down to the first or second floor lobby to blog because the wireless signal only goes that high).

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Comments (We enjoy free speech. Try not to offend, but feel free to be offended.)

    Bill and Tara,
I just came back from a quick trip to Columbus, OH, to judge a Rottweiler show, so I haven't had time to make comments, but I have been keeping up with your blog. I'm so happy everything went well in court!
I think it's good that you will be able to visit Elizabeth daily to connect with her before the trip home. Keep working on your Russian!

- Lucy, 2007-12-02 14:53:26

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Here is the complete blog of the adoption experience in paperback form, Russian Adoption: From Nashville to Astrakhan and Back (PDF). And here is the fictionalized, future "homeland tour" (action adventure) version in various forms: on Kindle, various electronic formats, and in paperback.

This Time Next Week -- Preparation for Our First Trip to Russia -- Travel Day -- The Day Before -- Tuesday (10/2/2007) -- In the Air -- We're in Moscow -- Adoption Videos -- -- First Time in Moscow -- It's Only Monday? -- Check-Out Time -- We're in Astrakhan -- What a Day -- It's a Girl It's a Girl -- Great Visit -- Sights of Astrakhan -- Wednesday in Astrakhan -- Last Visit for a While -- Thursday in Astrakhan -- Another Great Visit -- We're Home -- Back in Atlanta -- Round Two -- Skora Mweh Tam Boojum -- Elizabeth's Room -- Internet Access -- Back in Moscow (11/26/2007) -- Tuesday (11/27/2007) -- Mweh Yeddum V Aeroport Eta Ootra -- In the Air Again -- Back in Astrakhan -- Comments Welcome -- Russian Adoption Consultant -- Russian Bureaucracy -- It's Showtime -- And the Judge Says -- Success -- Went for a Walk -- Much Better Visit Today -- The Day After -- Beet Salad -- Saturday Morning -- It's Going to Be a Good Week -- She's Warming Up to Us -- Light at the End of the Tunnel -- Picture of Us Before Court -- She's Ours -- The First Hours of Parenthood -- More Pictures (12-09-2007) -- Bowel Movement -- Nothing Much to Update About -- Sleep, What a Concept -- Here's Your Update -- 51-1/2 Hours -- Back in Moscow (12/18/2007) -- Pictures of Our Life in Astrakhan -- Just Another Week to Go -- Riding the Metro, Part Deux -- Update to the Update's Update -- Moscow Update Continued -- Can't Leave Early -- To the Embassy -- Still in Moscow -- Riding the Metro -- We're Home! (For Good, this Time) -- A Few Pictures -- Stay Tuned -- Summary of Our Russian Adoption Experience -- Baby Shower -- Doctors Say She's Normal -- Recent Photos of Elizabeth -- Holmes Russian Adoption Videos -- Elizabeth's First Video -- A Few More Videos -- Adoption Videos Updated -- Our Russian Adoption Story -- Our Adoption Story -- Gotcha Day and Merry Christmas

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