Last Visit For A While
We'll be leaving in a few minutes for our last visit to the orphanage this trip. I'm practicing asking for my baggage back from the hotel baggage room. Baggage actually sounds like "boggage." "Please" is pa-ZHAL-sta. Fascinating, I know. I thought about getting a parting video shot of the lobby as we sit here waiting for our ride. But then I thought, "why?" They have hotel lobbies back home, too. :)
We fly out tonight, get into Moscow a little late, then depart Moscow around 1pm, I think. It'll be good to get home. I need a nap. :) I think I'll suggest just taking our daughter (who we'll be naming Elizabeth, by the way) with us. You know, while we're here, and all. Otherwise, we have to wait until the court date which could be anytime from 6-8 weeks from now.
That'll be the hard part, but at least the waiting will be in familiar territory ... home.
Here's a screenshot of the entrance
UPDATE: Recently discovered this map showing the entrance of the orphanage on