DianeThe answer is yes, but not through parasite worms. Mostly through bringing live animals into the house and letting them loose so you can encounter them whilst sitting on the commode. BillThat, or they wake you up every two hours du ... read more
Ah, yes, the good ol' Nigerian prince (with a Hungarian email address, for some reason) scam, just looking for somewhere to park my money! First of all, their numbering system is messed up. File number 180 out of 86? Anyway... ... read more
As more states and countries attempt to send children back to school amid the covid-19 pandemic, we have seen some utterly horrifying... Read, listen or watch the rest here: ... read more
Before we left, I took Austin to his Grandma Joy's house. We had a good visit and he took to her immediately. I left him on Friday morning and drove back to Nashville. I was supposed to get my ear drums cut open for the plane ride becaus ... read more
Please donate by clicking here. Thank you. We are always trying to raise money so we can build a barn for our wonderful horses. Some of the horses are older and need more shade or storm protectio ... read more
Japan's Ancient Forestry Technique Produces High-Grade Lumber With No Need to Chop Down Trees. The daisugi technique, like bonsai, is a forestry technique that involves heavily pruning the mother tree which allows narrow saplings to shoot ... read more
When faced with too many expenses and not enough income and you have run out of expenses to reduce, rather than firing employees, the fair and socially responsible way to cut costs is NOT to fire employees who had nothing to do with those ... read more
Clay and his adopted daughter Jenna look forward to their upcoming "homeland tour" to Russia. His intentions are pure. Hers, not so much. When she goes missing, he goes looking, only to find she is not the innocent little girl he thought she was. Not even close. His only hope is to get her on the Last Train Out.
first few lines
Zenya was just two-and-a-half when two very strange people came to visit her orphanage. They talked funny, she thought, as if almost able to speak properly, but with such horrible accents it was difficult to understand them. She assumed they were stupid. Gloopy, in Russian. They were there to see her, though – just her! – so she let it go.
She was devastated when they stopped coming after one week. It was not fair! They had been coming every day, and she had bows in her hair and wore a pretty dress eve... Give your own review HERE! Blurbs, links and more at William Arthur Holmes dot com.
Serves him right! No pun intended. Struggling restaurant owners city-wide are permanently banning New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo from setting foot into their establishments. Effective immediately... ... read more
4 large skinless chicken thighs or breasts3 potatoes cut into chunks1 medium onion cut into small pieces1 bag baby carrotsfrac14 cup maple syrup1 teaspoon saltfrac12 teaspoon pepperCombine all ingredients in roasting pan and toss to coat. ... read more
It's not a tree's purpose in life to stand around being picturesque. Not this tree, at least. Maybe that weeping willow up front, or my old friends ruthlessly cut down in their prime when this place was built, but a mighty oak like me, a ... read more
After stopping at Tara's sister's house in Smyrna to pick up a newly-refurbished Kindle Fire her husband had put together for her, we had dinner at a nearby Mexican restaurant, Mi Tierra. Now Chago's ... read more
Pop culture today is obsessed with the battle between good and evil. Traditional folktales never were. What changed?Read, listen or watch the rest here: ... read more
Preparing to take Elizabeth to a skating party, I said, Here, take some money. Go ask your mom for more. I thought I had at least a $10, but only had $6. When she returned I asked how much she had now. Forty-six dollars. What?! Yea ... read more
After a nerve-wracking trip to the airport and getting through the airport security we finally made it to our plane. We were told that our Rep, Galina, would be flying with us. We never saw her until we were already on the plane. She was ... read more
Elizabeth's directorial debut. A probing, provocative, sometimes introspective look at a typical weekend around the house with Mama and Papa and the pugs. Read ... read more
Here's an ad (different versions) now showing up in my email (outlook) program. Will the stupidity never end? Yes, a mask MIGHT help if you are actively sneezing and coughing AND you're infected, but otherwise (99% of the time), no. Sent: ... read more
Spoiler alert: It's curcumin. Fluoride is found everywhere today, from antibiotics to drinking water, no stick pans to toothpaste, making exposure inevitable. All the more reason why research proving this common spice can... ... read more
Good article here. Read the quote from the lifelong Republican who was a victim of a mass layoff and now can't find a job. blog. aflcio. org/2010/06/01/its-the-jobs-stupid/ ... read more
The Holmes Family Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 10 -- Worldwide Circulation -- December 6, 1989 Newsletter sold! The Holmes Family Newsletter was involved in a hostile takeover. A group of Japanese investors have taken control of the Ne ... read more
Hometown NewsVol. 2, No. 13, October 20, 1990Editor's Note: This is most definitely the last issue. Bill graduates!After seven months, Bill has finally comple ... read more
Old stuff, but some of it's still funny ... It's basically the precursor to this website. Click the links in the table of contents, above. Otherwise, just do a search in the home page's search b ... read more
Big News Other Stuff Vol. 2, No. 5 Yeah, another new name. March 19, 1990 Mike to return earlyMike has had a change of plans and expects to return from Germany at the end of March, assuming his mom can afford the return airfare. Othe ... read more