A good tool to see how well your local hospitals rate as far as MRSA/sepsis-caused deaths is this CMS government website. To make it more readable, you can narrow down the columns to just Hospit ... read more
I've decided the world in fact DOES owe me a living. But until it pays up, I'll keep working. A novel is the fine art of never getting to the point. Stay loose, keep moving, stay true to yourself... always. All the lies we deal wi ... read more
I thought it'd be fun to come up with a list of the all-time best movie lines. Use the comments section below comments open again for your suggestions. Try and do it from memory. Don't worry about getting it exactly right. Here's what c ... read more
You will not believe what I've been through! :) Okay, maybe it's not been that bad. You single parents out there are laughing at me, I'm sure. But I went an entire week taking care of Elizabeth, our 4-year-old, while Tara not only had to ... read more
I emailed this to my siblings, and the following conversation ensued... On Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at 03:22:31 PM PST: Stumbled across this great old photo of our dog Stein attacking a strange man in the back yard of the Edison house ... read more
The minimum wage, popular with the public, but not the donor classfrom The Minimum Wage: Popular With the Public, But Not the Donor ClassOne of the best proposals to come out of ... read more
The Lazy Pug Café was a dilapidated old farmhouse abandoned years ago. A massive, ancient oak tree, Ol' Lightnin', lurked out back while the house itself served as a sad but charming reminder of days gone by. Locals were grateful someone was finally bringing the old girl back to life. Come meet pugs Daisy, Chandler and Joey! There are cats and humans, too, but it's all about the pugs! Pugs rule!
first few lines
As recently as a few months ago, the Lazy Pug Café was nothing but a dilapidated old two-story farmhouse. Set back forty yards from the road, there was a beautiful old weeping willow in front and massive ancient oak tree out back. Abandoned years ago, the estate's only purpose lately was to serve as a sad but charming reminder of days gone by. Locals witnessing its resurrection were grateful someone was finally bringing the old girl back to life.
VARIOUS WRITERS' RULES Write a draft. Then let it rest. -- Stephen KingRead a lot. -- KingNever use a long word when a short one will do. -- George OrwellNever use the passive voice when you can ... read more
I ain't much for shopping,Or for goin' into townExcept at cattle-shipping time,I ain't too easily found. But the day came when I had to go -I left the kids with Ma. But 'fore I left, she asked me,Would you pick ... read more
Did I mention I've written a few novels/novellas?Another Way: Beyond the Status QuoA politically-incorrect manifesto. Anti-corporate crusader Dobie Pokorny wants to save the world. His old boss, Colonel Charonne, ... read more
... the Holocaust didn't start with death camps. Instead, it began with propaganda, scaremongering, scapegoating, segregation, and exclusion. Then, it was an easy next step to strip further rights, dehumanize, and brutally extinguish tha ... read more
Franklin has been adopted!Our daughter was sad to see him go, but he's now in a good home. And they're close to us, so she might get to visit sometimes. ... read more
I'm just writing this post to get something new on the blog other than that free ad for Windows 7. :)We drove up to be with my wife's side of the family today for Father's Day. An extra special treat upon returning home was to discover ... read more
Translation: We'll be there soon. This time next week, actually. I really want to be able to communicate with our daughter Elizabeth when we get there. I've been playing ... read more
We made it. The flight was horrible. I think I slept about 30 seconds out of the 11 hour flight. It was not a full flight, and half the people around us were able to take up two or three seats, but we weren't quick enough. The other mov ... read more
Although this pup's owners were frantic with worry over his disappearance, he was found only days later living like a king amongst the local prisoners... Read, listen or watch the rest here: ... read more
Set up by food activists during lockdown, Farms to Feed Us connects people with farmers and growers across the country Farm to fork: the open database that lets people buy food direct from source... Farms to Feed Us is an open database of ... read more
Apparently, those bastions of capitalism are in fact socialists, at least when it works for them. As a result of substantial enhancements we have made to our Subsidy Tracker database, it is possible for the first time to estimate the share ... read more
As more states and countries attempt to send children back to school amid the covid-19 pandemic, we have seen some utterly horrifying... Read, listen or watch the rest here: ... read more
According to this gardening video (What Vegetables Can I Still Plant in August? IN ANY CLIMATE), there's still time (60 days before first frost) to grow these FROM SEED: ... read more
Hometown NewsVol. 2, No. 13, October 20, 1990Editor's Note: This is most definitely the last issue. Bill graduates!After seven months, Bill has finally comple ... read more
Old stuff, but some of it's still funny ... It's basically the precursor to this website. Click the links in the table of contents, above. Otherwise, just do a search in the home page's search b ... read more
HARD COPY Vol. 2, No. 1 Hard-Hitting JournalismJanuary 3, 1990 formerly known as The Holmes Family Newsletter Predictions for 1990 Elvis Presley will still be dead. Vice-President Quayle will be kicked out of offi ... read more
the NEWSLETTER Vol. 2, No. 11, August 13, 1990 Doug makes pilgrimageDoug, aka Sluggo, made a pilgrimage to the Mormon church's genealogical library in Salt Lake City over a week ago and hasn't been seen since! Several theories have been ... read more