Back In Moscow (11/26/2007)by bill - 2007-11-28 13:00:00 ( in family, adoption, holmes, travel) [php version] rebuildWe made it. The flight was horrible. I think I slept about 30 seconds out of the 11 hour flight. It was not a full flight, and half the people around us were able to take up two or three seats, but we weren't quick enough. The other movie on the flight was Next with Nicholas Cage and Julianne Moore. It's about a guy who can see two minutes into his own future. Not bad. I never could find those power connections for the laptop that one of my travelling salesman co-workers mentioned being under the seat. He lied! Salesmen. :) We might go to the McDonald's across the street for dinner, just because several of Tara's friends and family wanted to know what it was like. Our driver Vitaly, who has been to the U.S., said it's not much different, except maybe the bun/bread. We fly down to Astrakhan tomorrow afternoon. The weather here is a "lovely" mixture of rain and snow. Outside our seventh floor window, it's snow, but by the time it lands it's rain. It's not too terribly cold, though. The room itself is actually too hot. I had to turn the thermostat on the radiator-style heater all the way down. We didn't go to McDonald's for dinner. Instead, we had a very expensive buffet dinner in the hotel restaurant. It was good, but not THAT good. Oh well, at least breakfast will be free. Tara and I have been discussing what to say to the judge in Court on Thursday. We're told that the judge traditionally addresses the husband directly instead of the "lowly" woman. :) Maybe not this time, though, since the judge is a woman. It'll probably be the same questions that the Minister of Education and her assistant asked us last time ... twice. I'm trying to get it straight in my mind without sounding rehearsed when it's showtime. I'm not too worried, actually. similar posts here ... and elsewhere
Comments (We enjoy free speech. Try not to offend, but feel free to be offended.)Leave your own comment:Here is the complete blog of the adoption experience in paperback form, Russian Adoption: From Nashville to Astrakhan and Back (PDF). And here is the fictionalized, future "homeland tour" (action adventure) version in various forms: on Kindle, various electronic formats, and in paperback.This Time Next Week -- Preparation for Our First Trip to Russia -- Travel Day -- The Day Before -- Tuesday (10/2/2007) -- In the Air -- We're in Moscow -- Adoption Videos -- -- First Time in Moscow -- It's Only Monday? -- Check-Out Time -- We're in Astrakhan -- What a Day -- It's a Girl It's a Girl -- Great Visit -- Sights of Astrakhan -- Wednesday in Astrakhan -- Last Visit for a While -- Thursday in Astrakhan -- Another Great Visit -- We're Home -- Back in Atlanta -- Round Two -- Skora Mweh Tam Boojum -- Elizabeth's Room -- Internet Access -- Back in Moscow (11/26/2007) -- Tuesday (11/27/2007) -- Mweh Yeddum V Aeroport Eta Ootra -- In the Air Again -- Back in Astrakhan -- Comments Welcome -- Russian Adoption Consultant -- Russian Bureaucracy -- It's Showtime -- And the Judge Says -- Success -- Went for a Walk -- Much Better Visit Today -- The Day After -- Beet Salad -- Saturday Morning -- It's Going to Be a Good Week -- She's Warming Up to Us -- Light at the End of the Tunnel -- Picture of Us Before Court -- She's Ours -- The First Hours of Parenthood -- More Pictures (12-09-2007) -- Bowel Movement -- Nothing Much to Update About -- Sleep, What a Concept -- Here's Your Update -- 51-1/2 Hours -- Back in Moscow (12/18/2007) -- Pictures of Our Life in Astrakhan -- Just Another Week to Go -- Riding the Metro, Part Deux -- Update to the Update's Update -- Moscow Update Continued -- Can't Leave Early -- To the Embassy -- Still in Moscow -- Riding the Metro -- We're Home! (For Good, this Time) -- A Few Pictures -- Stay Tuned -- Summary of Our Russian Adoption Experience -- Baby Shower -- Doctors Say She's Normal -- Recent Photos of Elizabeth -- Holmes Russian Adoption Videos -- Elizabeth's First Video -- A Few More Videos -- Adoption Videos Updated -- Our Russian Adoption Story -- Our Adoption Story -- Gotcha Day and Merry Christmas |