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Updating "about-friendsnews-page"
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About FriendsNews Page
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<p>title="Our amazing webmaster. He types 60 words per minute!" href="/images/webmaster.webp"><img style="float:left; margin: 10px 10px; padding:3px;" src="/images/thumbs/thumb_med_webmaster.webp" alt="our webmaster"> This is quite possibly THE COOLEST SITE ON THE INTERNET! Why? Because we let you come and go as you please without being bomb
Post content (longtext):
<p><a title="Our amazing webmaster. He types 60 words per minute!" href="/images/webmaster.webp"><img style="float:left; margin: 10px 10px; padding:3px;" src="/images/thumbs/thumb_med_webmaster.webp" alt="our webmaster"></a> This is quite possibly THE COOLEST SITE ON THE INTERNET! Why? Because we let you come and go as you please without being bombarded with pop-ups asking you to join any sort of lists; our pages aren't 90% ads, like so many others; and, we don't use one of those annoying scripts that detects when you are moving your mouse to click away from the site.<p>Please feel free to <a title="Email Us" href="/contact/">email us</a> and have us create an account for you to contribute to this blog! <p>FriendsNews.com (aka FriendNews.com) is a family- and friends-oriented open access website. Our goal is to be a family-friendly source for useful information as well as entertainment. Almost nothing is out of bounds, other than porn, violence and stupidity. Still, the editor/webmaster reserves the right to be the final judge of what is acceptable.<p><a title="Click here to email us" href="/contact/">Click here to email us!</a><p><strong>Disclosure</strong>: Some links on this site are affiliate links, which means we earn a tiny (and I do mean tiny) commission if you make a purchase after clicking that link. We try to keep the ads unobtrusive and a good fit for whichever article they're in, and only recommend them if we personally have found them useful.<p><a target="_blank" href="/pages/history-of-friendsnewscom">Click here for historical copies of this site</a><p><a title="Click here for one of our test sites" target="_blank" href="https://sites.google.com/site/holmes3804/home">test site</a><p><a title="Click here for another backup site" target="_blank" href="https://friendsnews.wordpress.com/">backup site</a><p>AFFILIATE/ASSOCIATE MARKETING DISCLOSURE: We are a participant in the following: <a target="_blank" href="https://www.4kdownload.com/?ref=billholmes">4K Download</a> || <a target="_blank" href="https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/">Amazon Services LLC Associates Program</a> || <a target="_blank" href="https://endurance.clarip.com/privacycenter/?brand=bluehost&-ga=2.139203827.1911640191.1580153425-1968238706.1580153425">BlueHost</a> || <a target="_blank" href="https://www.conversantmedia.com/legal/privacy">Commission Junction</a> || <a target="_blank" href="https://www.dreamhost.com/legal/privacy-policy/">DreamHost</a> || <a target="_blank" href="https://www.filterwater.com/?affid=10504">FilterWater</a> || <a target="_blank" href="https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads">Google Ads</a> || <a target="_blank" href="https://www.hotelscombined.com/AboutUs/Privacy">Hotels Combined</a> || <a target="_blank" href="https://rakutenmarketing.com/legal-notices/website-privacy-policy/">Rakuten</a> || <a target="_blank" href="https://nordic-backup.com/pid=303">Nordic Backup</a> || <a target="_blank" href="https://shareasale.com/legal/optOut.cfm">ShareASale</a> || <a target="_blank" href="https://www.shareaholic.com/privacy/">Shareaholic</a><p>... all of which are designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to them, though none of them provide all that much. :(<p><a target="_blank" href="/images/friendsnews-nibbler-report.webp"><img align="right" src="/images/thumbs/thumb_med_friendsnews-nibbler-report.webp"></a>
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About FriendsNews Page, home, about,
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