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website-clipart.webp which website would you choose?

(in culture, people, internet from 2013)

If you were on a deserted island with an Internet connection and a pug, but could only access ONE website, which site would it be?(BTW, the pug is irrelevant, I just like pugs!)Facebook -- 3 votesGoogle -- 2 votesKindle -- 1 votesTwitter -- ... read more

groucho-clipart.webp non-fiction humor 3

(in culture, humor from 2020) by joker

How do these people survive? Recently, when I went to McDonald's I saw on the menu that you could have an order of 6, 9 or 12 Chicken McNuggets. I asked for a half dozen nuggets. We don't have half dozen nuggets, said the teenager at t ... read more

writing-clipart.webp how does writing affect your brain?

(in culture, writing, health from 2013)

Interesting ... to me, anyway. Most of us write a little something everyday. It might be a grocery list, a poem, or a write-up on the infographic of the day. As we go through this daily ritual, however, we are probably not aware of the ... read more

van-morrison.webp van morrison quote

(in culture, quotes from 2021)

Remember, those who are shutting down our economy haven't missed a paycheck since lockdown began. We are not in this together. -- Van Morrison ... read more

website-clipart.webp blog content

(in culture, writing, blog, internet from 2013)

I'm as guilty as anyone about trying to add content to my blog just for the sake of content (because search engines look for and rate highly based on how fresh your blog's content is). But someone whose blog/newsletter I subscribe to has ... read more

carl-sagan.webp being bamboozled

(in culture, quotes, conspiracies from 2020)

This is great. Pretty similar to one by Mark Twain, actually, but I am adding it here, anyway: One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we have been bamboozled long enough, ... read more

sheremetyevo-airport-moscow-russia.webp we're in moscow

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

We'll be spending the night in Moscow, after all, and flying down to Astrakhan tomorrow afternoon. I was stressed out without an internet or even a usable power connection. But I'm obviously connected now. I had the power converters, but ... read more

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gallup: americans support for israel has plummeted to lowest level ever in 25 years of polling
They are the new South Africa.

trump: colleges allowing "illegal" protests will lose federal funding, agitators will be imprisoned
Free speech only allowed when not criticizing Israel.

chinese colonel says america is going down, trump has damaged the us's reputation more than all of his predecessors combined
Wishful thinking from the Chinese military.

company does about-face after telling employees they could be fired if still single by september
Even in China, one of the most totalitarian countries on Earth, you can't be an absolute tyrant.

britain's leftist government removes portraits of churchill, wellington
In their defense, Churchill did work to ensure that World War II proceeded as planned.

cops in germany are raiding people's homes for insulting politicians
Nazis 2.0

germany's "democracy" arrests people for insults, lies & memes
England, China and Thailand, too!

u.s. senator mark warner admitted at munich security conference that israel played role in pushing tiktok ban through congress
... and they do whatever Israel says.

age of transparency: we need mass surveillance of governments instead of citizens

hacker group anonymous warns trump of systemic attacks, calls for mass uprising v fascism
Trump brought down the CIA front USAID, and now another CIA front, Anonymous, is retaliating

graphic: track grocery price trends
Funny that they never provided this to track their buddy Biden's inflation

super bowl projections say record 126m watched
Unfortunately, the game itself was one of the ugliest blowouts in recent years

baby thriving after doctors removed womb for spinal surgery--then put it back inside mom at 26 weeks

blackrock ceo larry fink wants to find ways of rebuilding trust
Step 1, stop lying.

australia passes tough hate crime laws with mandatory jail time for nazi salutes
Looks like we need to "spread democracy" to Australia

satire: world heath organization warns trump funding cuts may delay release of new pandemic
I love this!

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culture.webp CULTURE

 humor amid official overreaction

(in culture, humor, covid from 2020)

Half of us are going to come out of this quarantine as amazing cooks. The other half will come out with a drinking problem. I used to spin that toilet paper like I was on Wheel of Fortune. Now I turn it like I'm cracking a safe. Homeschoo ... read more

 good news for church-goers

(in culture, people, religion from 2020)

The ruling comes after the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn sued the Democratic governor of New York over his executive actions restricting church attendance earlier this month. In their 5-4 decision, the majority struck down the regu ... read more

 non-fiction humor 3

(in culture, humor from 2020)

How do these people survive? Recently, when I went to McDonald's I saw on the menu that you could have an order of 6, 9 or 12 Chicken McNuggets. I asked for a half dozen nuggets. We don't have half dozen nuggets, said the teenager at t ... read more

 another great quote

(in culture, quotes, conspiracies from 2017)

The bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and ... read more

 cinco de mayo

(in culture, food, restaurants, holidays from 2013)

It was Cinco De Mayo, so we tried Moe's Southwest Grill. After ten minutes with very little movement (the line was so long), we left. Next ... read more

family5.webp FAMILY

 franklin has been adopted

(in family, adoption, pets, dogs from 2012)

Franklin has been adopted!Our daughter was sad to see him go, but he's now in a good home. And they're close to us, so she might get to visit sometimes. ... read more

 much better visit today

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

Elizabeth (a. k. a. Masha) was much happier today. We were told that the orphanage caretakers probably were not ... read more

 adoption videos

(in family, adoption, holmes, movies-tv-video from 2007)

OK, so it took a year, but here they are, finally:Part 1 ... read more

 down by the creek

(in family, holmes, elizabeth, bicycles from 2009)

Elizabeth and I went down to the creek this cold fall morning. With all the recent rain, Indian and Mill Creeks both had a lot of rushing water. We walked along the edge of Mill Creek. Usually, we stick to the closer Indian Creek. Eliza ... read more

 eleven rottweiler puppies

(in family, pets, dogs from 2010)

Help her come up with names starting with the letter B by leaving comments below! comments closed ... read more

life-clipart.webp LIFE

 mass layoffs begin at california fast food chains as $20 minimum wage law takes effect

(in life, money, employment, politics from 2024)

This result shouldn't surprise anyone. Inflation has driven up operational costs for businesses across the US and shrunk profit margins for major... ... read more

 the 2010 nashville flood

(in life, environment, weather, disaster from 2023)

On the first weekend of May, 2010, the Nashville, Tennessee area was hit with some serious flooding. Here's Wikipedia's entry on the subject. Below, are a few of the pictures my wi ... read more

 the spice that prevents fluoride from destroying your brain

(in life, health, food, treatment from 2020)

Spoiler alert: It's curcumin. Fluoride is found everywhere today, from antibiotics to drinking water, no stick pans to toothpaste, making exposure inevitable. All the more reason why research proving this common spice can... ... read more

 adjusted to winter

(in life, health, environment, weather from 2016)

You know you've adjusted to winter when you walk outside to 45F degrees and think It's not bad out here! ... read more

 money, retirement planning

(in life, money, retirement, planning from 2023)

I'm listening to Corbett's older video that he mentioned and I think it's a great idea to pay attentionSolutions Watch: InvestingOn Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at ... read more

newspaper.webp NEWSLETTER

 holmes family newsletter vol 6 no 1

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1994)

Itchy Trigger FingerVol. 6, No. 1, February 6, 1994Earthquake in Southern California!We're sure you've heard all about it on the news, but we just wanted to mention it in case you've just recently emerged from a cave. It happened at 4: ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 2 no 13

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1990)

Hometown NewsVol. 2, No. 13, October 20, 1990Editor's Note: This is most definitely the last issue. Bill graduates!After seven months, Bill has finally comple ... read more

holmes family newsletter vol 5 no 5

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1993)

the rabblerouser Vol. 5, No. 5, August 8, 1993Bill moving to NashvilleBill is moving to Nashville, Tennessee to pursue his boyhood dream of being a country singing star! Oh wait, that's Do ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 6 no 3

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1994)

The Obtuse Moose Vol. 6, No. 3, April 21, 1994 Jeannie finds dog Jeannie and John have a ranch in Tracy, California. To help pay the bills, they board a few horses. One of those horses, a fat old gray Arabian mare, had been particularly ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 6 no 4

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1994)

Fish Stories Best when lightly buttered, with just a pinch of lemon. Vol. 6 No. 4June 28, 1994 Tiffany wins awardsTiffany and her horse, Rocky, of Tracy, CA, competed in a local horse show a couple of months ago. See how current this new ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 4 no 4

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1992)

The Squeaky Sprocket Vol. 4, No. 4, May 11, 1992 The intelligent person's newsletter of choice. Riots ... read more


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