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Happy Ides of March!

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home-canned-tomato-sauce.webp emergency preparedness food storage

(in life, health, food from 2011)

Emergency Essentials -- Be Prepared Emergency Preparedness Food Storage. That's the Boy Scout motto, isn't it? Never hurtsBePrepared is the world's largest dedicated online ma ... read more

astrakhan-grocery-store.webp we're in astrakhan

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007) by tara

After a nerve-wracking trip to the airport and getting through the airport security we finally made it to our plane. We were told that our Rep, Galina, would be flying with us. We never saw her until we were already on the plane. She was ... read more

animated-environment.gif conservation: at least 28 bird and mammal species have been saved from extinction since 1993

(in life, health, environment from 2020)

Researchers from the UK analysed some of the world's most threatened species and predicted how many would have gone extinct were it not for conservation... Read, listen or watch the rest here: ... read more

tv-clipart.gif ordering a pizza in the near future (like, maybe next month)

(in culture, humor, movies-tv-video from 2020) by joker

A man learns how tough it is to order a pizza in the not-too-distant future. Read, listen or watch the rest here: How to ... read more

good news for bad references

(in life, money, employment from 2013)

Picture this scenario: you've been seeking new employment at a company, but without success. Your employment credentials are excellent and while you've been able to land the interviews -- sometimes more than one with a prospective employe ... read more

blue-waterdrop.webp korean research team may have found the secret to water desalinization

(in life, health, water from 2021)

Could the holy grail of turning salt water to drinkable water finally be upon us? A new report from Interesting Engineering seems to suggest that could be the case detailing a new nanofiber membrane developed by Yunchul Woo and his team ... read more

adoption-video-frame.webp holmes russian adoption videos

(in family, adoption, holmes, movies-tv-video from 2008)

The links to both 1 and 2 are here. Part 1 has been updated slightly, in case you want to watch it again. Part 2 might be updated eventually, too, if more pictures come in. Here are the links: ... read more

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gallup: americans support for israel has plummeted to lowest level ever in 25 years of polling
They are the new South Africa.

trump: colleges allowing "illegal" protests will lose federal funding, agitators will be imprisoned
Free speech only allowed when not criticizing Israel.

chinese colonel says america is going down, trump has damaged the us's reputation more than all of his predecessors combined
Wishful thinking from the Chinese military.

company does about-face after telling employees they could be fired if still single by september
Even in China, one of the most totalitarian countries on Earth, you can't be an absolute tyrant.

britain's leftist government removes portraits of churchill, wellington
In their defense, Churchill did work to ensure that World War II proceeded as planned.

cops in germany are raiding people's homes for insulting politicians
Nazis 2.0

germany's "democracy" arrests people for insults, lies & memes
England, China and Thailand, too!

u.s. senator mark warner admitted at munich security conference that israel played role in pushing tiktok ban through congress
... and they do whatever Israel says.

age of transparency: we need mass surveillance of governments instead of citizens

hacker group anonymous warns trump of systemic attacks, calls for mass uprising v fascism
Trump brought down the CIA front USAID, and now another CIA front, Anonymous, is retaliating

graphic: track grocery price trends
Funny that they never provided this to track their buddy Biden's inflation

super bowl projections say record 126m watched
Unfortunately, the game itself was one of the ugliest blowouts in recent years

baby thriving after doctors removed womb for spinal surgery--then put it back inside mom at 26 weeks

blackrock ceo larry fink wants to find ways of rebuilding trust
Step 1, stop lying.

australia passes tough hate crime laws with mandatory jail time for nazi salutes
Looks like we need to "spread democracy" to Australia

satire: world heath organization warns trump funding cuts may delay release of new pandemic
I love this!

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culture.webp CULTURE

 some of my favorite actors

(in culture, movies-tv-video, people, entertainers from 2024)

... plus a few I have a picture of (for other articles), so I included them. It's not my fault the women are all beautiful. ... read more

 stephen hawking quote

(in culture, quotes, science, aliens from 2022)

If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans. ... read more

 fastest trooper

(in culture, humor, jokes, non-fiction from 2010)

In most of the United States there is a policy of checking on any stalled vehicle on the highway when temperatures drop to single digits or below. About 3 a. m. one very cold morning, Montana State Trooper Allan Nixon responded to a call. ... read more

 happy 2/22/22 tuesday

(in culture, humor, calendar from 2022)

A day like today has GOT to be special! Make it a good one! ... read more

 people who still support biden be like

(in culture, humor, politics from 2022)

Funny!What We DON'T Want You To Know! - News Updateon behalf of JP Sears Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 6:27 AMLet's just blame Russia. In this segment of Lies You Can Trust, we take a ... read more

family5.webp FAMILY

 yesterday at home

(in family, holmes, elizabeth from 2010)

Tara had a busy day off. Her basic schedule consisted of: 1) taking our pug Chandler back to the vet (for the fifth or sixth time the past month) to check on his ulcerated cornea 2) awaiting delivery of ... read more

 hiking with elizabeth, part 2

(in family, holmes, elizabeth from 2019)

continued from Hiking with ElizabethThe scariest part was when we stopped. Then he stopped. I had my phone in hand, looking at the map. There was a tense moment until he smiled and said, Y'all lost?Just ... read more

 watch tara the hero cat attempt to throw a ceremonial first pitch

(in family, pets, cats, dogs from 2014)

Watch Tara the Hero Cat attempt to throw a ceremonial first pitch. The first pitch video is now missing from the Times, so there's now a link to the origina ... read more

 nothing much to update about

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

She's just driving us crazy. Luckily, Tara is taking the brunt of it. I had to get out and walk around town in the freezing cold, just for the sake of getting out. I was at least useful, coming back with some groceries. Elizabeth's swee ... read more

 picture of us before court

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

... from several days ago, the morning ... read more

 baby shower

(in family, adoption, holmes from 2008)

Tara's female family and friends threw Elizabeth a baby shower last weekend. I was the only man there. The only reason I went was so that any other men showing up wouldn't be the only man. Oh well. I was able to get a lot on video, and ... read more

life-clipart.webp LIFE

 alternatives to paypal (and venmo)

(in life, money, online, alternatives from 2022)

In light of PayPal running amok, I thought I would provide a list of online payment system alternatives: ... read more

 give your liver a break

(in life, health from 2019)

The study tested the urine of four diverse American families in Oakland, Minneapolis, Atlanta, and Baltimore after eating their typical diet of conventional food for six days and then after a controlled diet of all organic food for six day ... read more

 letter to a former co-worker

(in life, money, employment from 2010)

I'm glad you and Cathy are doing well. Our daughter Elizabeth is doing well, too. She spent last night with a cousin north of town so she can attend that little girl's birthday party today. Elizabeth's own birthday party was last month. ... read more

battling the corporate "elite"

(in life, money, employment from 2011)

... one major role of the US government in the corporatocracy is to serve as a scapegoat to deflect rebellion against the corporate elite. Read, listen or watch the rest here (prepare for so many popups, t ... read more

 sit up straight

(in life, health, advice from 2013)

... like my father always said. Apparently, there's more than just a physical benefit. Body language is closely related to posture -- the way we mo ... read more

newspaper.webp NEWSLETTER

 holmes family newsletter vol 1 no 7

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1989)

The Holmes Family Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 7, October 5, 1989Let's face it, these things are going to just keep coming. Steve arrested Steve received his first-ever speeding ticket recently. Of course, this is the first car he's ever had ... read more

holmes family newsletter vol 1 no 6

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1989)

The Holmes Family Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 6a, September 17, 1989Everyone seems to be on a diet these days. Lucy and Jeannie are trying a low carbohydrate/high protein diet. Don's trying good old reliable starvation. Eleanor is on the Nu ... read more

holmes family newsletter vol 3 no 5

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1991)

NEWS Vol. 3, No. 5, July 6, 1991Northern California's leading newsletter since 1989 (except for those few months when we were Southern California's leading newsletter) Record heat melts Sacto!Molten ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 5 no 7

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1993)

The Rotten Apple Journalism with visible holesVol. 5 No. 7, December 1, 1993 Mike Rolls Car!LIVINGS ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 3 no 4

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1991)

the Evening Star Post-Tribune Dispatch (we couldn't decide on a name) Vol. 3, No. 4, June 4, 1991 Bikers ride to YosemiteOn Mother's Day, John, Jeannie, Don and Diane (collectively known as Hell On Wheels) rode their motorcycle ... read more

holmes family newsletter vol 2 no 9

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1990)

WORLD NEWS Award-Winning JournalismVol. 2, No. 9, June 14, 1990 Dad kills rattler! Special to the NewsBack from a week in the wilds of Arizona, Dad and Eleanor told of battles with man-eating coyotes and vicious attack- ... read more


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