My wife Tara has written up our adoption story in response to that woman (not far from us, unfortunately) who returned that boy to Russia a couple weeks ago. With the recent headline news about the Russian adoption that went very very wron ... read more
Franklin has been adopted!Our daughter was sad to see him go, but he's now in a good home. And they're close to us, so she might get to visit sometimes. ... read more
I'm sure it's just a coincidence! :)Five months after Congress voted to remove country-of-origin labeling from pork and beef, the NFL is warning that meat produced in Mexico and China may contain a substance banned as a performance enhanci ... read more
Just warms your heart, doesn't it? Not. It turns out that the good times are even better than we thought for American chief executives. Read, listen or watch the rest her ... read more
A powerful, pesky weed can potentially replace all of your medications, and it's probably growing in your backyard. Backyard Weed That Might Replace ALL Your Medications ... read more
My checklist for this year's vegetable garden:Soil tilled? Check! Top soil added? Check! Plants bought? Check! Seeds for plants not available for purchase? Check! Plants planted? Check!Now the watering ... and waiting begins! Oh, you're wo ... read more
Something I've always hated about working for someone else (in the corporate setting, at least) is that you're expected to believe (or convincingly pretend) that the people in positions above you are in fact superior to you. It's just one ... read more
Clay and his adopted daughter Jenna look forward to their upcoming "homeland tour" to Russia. His intentions are pure. Hers, not so much. When she goes missing, he goes looking, only to find she is not the innocent little girl he thought she was. Not even close. His only hope is to get her on the Last Train Out.
first few lines
Zenya was just two-and-a-half when two very strange people came to visit her orphanage. They talked funny, she thought, as if almost able to speak properly, but with such horrible accents it was difficult to understand them. She assumed they were stupid. Gloopy, in Russian. They were there to see her, though – just her! – so she let it go.
She was devastated when they stopped coming after one week. It was not fair! They had been coming every day, and she had bows in her hair and wore a pretty dress eve... Give your own review HERE! Blurbs, links and more at William Arthur Holmes dot com.
bitchute/video/OUuSbbx68Xrc/Wish I could be there. Also wish Americans would do this. Of course, the footage from this video is all faked and never really happened (according to the BBC). Maybe they will have another even bigger non-existe ... read more
I like a headline that demands attention!It's official, I'm a parent. Elizabeth had her first bowel movement since we've had her, and it was on my watch! Tara was unable to put Elizabeth down for a nap while I was out walking around town l ... read more
We're going to attempt to ride the Metro subway to Red Square today. Wish us luck. The exits aren't numbered, they are listed by name ... in Cyrillic. Of course, the overhead announcements are in R ... read more
The links to both 1 and 2 are here. Part 1 has been updated slightly, in case you want to watch it again. Part 2 might be updated eventually, too, if more pictures come in. Here are the links: ... read more
If you ever wondered how strong your furry friends' love is for you, here's your answer. Hearing 'I love you' from their owner makes pups' heart rate skyrocket by 46 percent, study shows... ... read more
By B. N. Frank Even though more schools worldwide are banning kids use of personal cell phones (see 1, 2, 3) that may not be enough... Teens Using Smartphones 4 Hours/Day at Risk for Psychiatric, Sleep, Musculoskeletal, and Eye Problems, ... read more
Fabric softener sheets are one of the most unnecessary dangerous chemicals that you may be using in your home, and it's important that you stop. We have been gravely misinformed and maybe we believe there are some kind of standards set b ... read more
I'm sure it's just a coincidence! :)Five months after Congress voted to remove country-of-origin labeling from pork and beef, the NFL is warning that meat produced in Mexico and China may contain a substance banned as a performance enhanci ... read more
So far, CropMobster has managed to distribute nearly half a million kilograms of food, which has brought in close to a million dollars in revenue for small producers. ... read more
Yee-Haw The only newsletter we do!Vol. 6, No. 7, December 29, 1994Belinda Has Puppies!Another one of Lucy's dogs has gone and had a litter of pups. This time the mother is Belinda, a Rottweiler, and she gave birth to a litter ... read more
Fish Stories Best when lightly buttered, with just a pinch of lemon. Vol. 6 No. 4June 28, 1994 Tiffany wins awardsTiffany and her horse, Rocky, of Tracy, CA, competed in a local horse show a couple of months ago. See how current this new ... read more
the NEWSLETTER Vol. 2, No. 11, August 13, 1990 Doug makes pilgrimageDoug, aka Sluggo, made a pilgrimage to the Mormon church's genealogical library in Salt Lake City over a week ago and hasn't been seen since! Several theories have been ... read more