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astrakhan-grocery-store.webp pictures of our life in astrakhan

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007) by tara

Tonight is our last night in Astrakhan. So, I thought I'd post some pictures of where we've been living for the past 19 days. We've had many battles over clothing. She thinks I put too much clothes on her. In the hotel room, she wears h ... read more

health-clipart.webp extra recess time alleviates adhd

(in life, health, drugs from 2017)

InterestingThe most common sense, natural solution to inattentive behavior in school children, however, may be the basic idea of giving children more time to free play and to engage their bodies in physical activity. It's such a simple ... read more

job-fair-line.webp verizon to lay off 1,700 workers after paying ceo $22 million last year

(in life, money, employment from 2013)

Yes, large corporations really are that stupid, short-sighted and corrupt. If this CEO had any decency (as if), he would have said, No, give me one million and split the rest with those 1700 laid-off workers. It would have come out to r ... read more

roboto-clipart.webp a brief history of my home town, folsom, california

(in life, travel, usa, california from 2024) by chatgpt

On a whim, I asked Bing Co-Pilot (chatgpt) to write a blog post about Folsom. Here's the resultIf you are interested in learning more about the history of Folsom, California, you might enjoy reading this blog post. Folsom is a city in Sa ... read more

quote-open.webp cesar a. cruz quote

(in culture, quotes, art from 2020)

Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. -- Cesar A. CruzRead, listen or watch the rest here: ... read more

lazy-pug-cafe-cover.webp the lazy pug cafe, a novel

(in culture, writing, books, novels from 2020)

My latest short story, based on our real life pugs Daisy, Chandler and Joey, the latter of whom is the only one still alive and barking. See /dp/B085XM6QW8The Lazy Pug Cafe was a dilapidated o ... read more

finnegan-in-belly.webp finnegan walter brouns hatched out

(in family, brouns from 2010) by heather

Finnegan Walter Brouns. Born April 1st at 9:35 AM. ... read more

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gallup: americans support for israel has plummeted to lowest level ever in 25 years of polling

trump: colleges allowing "illegal" protests will lose federal funding, agitators will be imprisoned
Free speech only allowed when not criticizing Israel

chinese colonel says america is going down, trump has damaged the us's reputation more than all of his predecessors combined
Wishful thinking from the Chinese military.

company does about-face after telling employees they could be fired if still single by september
Even in China, one of the most totalitarian countries on Earth, you can't be an absolute tyrant.

britain's leftist government removes portraits of churchill, wellington
In their defense, Churchill did work to ensure that World War II proceeded as planned.

cops in germany are raiding people's homes for insulting politicians
Nazis 2.0

germany's "democracy" arrests people for insults, lies & memes
England, China and Thailand, too!

u.s. senator mark warner admitted at munich security conference that israel played role in pushing tiktok ban through congress
... and they do whatever Israel says.

age of transparency: we need mass surveillance of governments instead of citizens

hacker group anonymous warns trump of systemic attacks, calls for mass uprising v fascism
Trump brought down the CIA front USAID, and now another CIA front, Anonymous, is retaliating

graphic: track grocery price trends
Funny that they never provided this to track their buddy Biden's inflation

super bowl projections say record 126m watched
Unfortunately, the game itself was one of the ugliest blowouts in recent years

baby thriving after doctors removed womb for spinal surgery--then put it back inside mom at 26 weeks

blackrock ceo larry fink wants to find ways of rebuilding trust
Step 1, stop lying.

australia passes tough hate crime laws with mandatory jail time for nazi salutes
Looks like we need to "spread democracy" to Australia

satire: world heath organization warns trump funding cuts may delay release of new pandemic
I love this!

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culture.webp CULTURE

 leo tolstoy quote

(in culture, quotes, people from 2020)

People try to do all sorts of clever and difficult things to improve life instead of doing the simplest, easiest thing -- refusing to participate in activities that make life bad. -- ... read more

 non-fiction humor 4

(in culture, humor from 2020)

Acknowledging Receipt of Australopithicus Spiff-arinoThe story behind the letter below is that there is a man in Newport, RI named Scott Williams who digs things out of his backyard and sends the stuff he finds to the Smithsonian Institutio ... read more

holding the sun

(in culture, photography from 2008)

For more, go to holding the sun pictures, but here's a few to hold you over: ... read more

 favorite lines from songs/lyrics

(in culture, music, lyrics, quotes from 2021)

Obviously a work in progress but, here goes... in no particular order. Lyrics verified on azlyrics. PLEASE add your own by leaving a comment below! ... read more

 support this site

(in culture, writing, blog, friendsnews from 2019)

... should you be so inclined:Buy one of my books at Amazon or ... read more

family5.webp FAMILY

 beet salad

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

The time stamp on these blog posts are in US Central Time, not Russia time. It's 6am Sunday morning here. We h ... read more

 elizabeth's first video

(in family, adoption, holmes, movies-tv-video from 2008)

Elizabeth's directorial debut. A probing, provocative, sometimes introspective look at a typical weekend around the house with Mama and Papa and the pugs. Read ... read more


(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

As you probably read below in Tara's post, our court appearance went very well. Ten days from now we will officially be the pr ... read more

 skora mweh tam boojum

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

Translation: We'll be there soon. This time next week, actually. I really want to be able to communicate with our daughter Elizabeth when we get there. I've been playing ... read more

 it's only monday?

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

Monday -- 1 Oct 07 -- 6:37PMzzzDRAHST-vueet-ya, DRAHST-ya, BREEV-yet ee DO-bree-dyen from Astrakhan! I just (phonetically) said Hello, hey, hi and good afternoon (even though it's now evening here) in Russian. I couldn't remember how to ... read more

 back in astrakhan

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

We made it to Astrakhan, but I've lost my immigration form that goes with the passport and visa. It's just a little sheet that they have you fill out on the airplane before you land. If I'd known it was so important, I would have stapled ... read more

life-clipart.webp LIFE

 autism linked to aluminum adjuvants

(in life, health, politics from 2018)

We now have 5 years of medical research, mostly from outside the United States, incriminating aluminum adjuvants in vaccines as the SOLE cause of autism epidemic. JB Handley does a nice job laying out the argument and summarizing this r ... read more

 thirteen trees to plant

(in life, environment, trees, fruit from 2025)

As I continue my desire to have edible plants grow in the wild, I had to find a place where they'd grow without me watering them. Well, I might have gotten around that problem. I just learned of air well condensors that get water out of ... read more

 garden improvements

(in life, health, food, home-garden from 2013)

I finished up my little rain barrel project yesterday. My three rain barrels used to be underneath the downspout coming off the roof. And that's great for catching the most rain, but the problem was that it is downhill from and not close ... read more

 in honor of labor day

(in life, money, employment, holidays from 2013)

Barbara Glanz, an author, speaker and expert on employee motivation and performance, has a book that you may want to check out, Handle with CARE: Motivating and Retaining Employees. It's full of creative, low-cost ways to raise morale, ... read more

 more than half using prescription drugs quit after using cannabis and cbd

(in life, health, drugs, treatment from 2019)

A survey on cannabidoil (CBD) usage found that women are more likely than men to use CBD and once they start using it, they quit traditional forms of big pharma painkillers like Tylenol, ibuprofen, and Vicodin, Forbes reported. ... read more

newspaper.webp NEWSLETTER

 holmes family newsletter vol 8 no 1

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1997)

Once in a Blue MoonVol. 8 No. 1, February 1997A lot has happened since our last newsletter, so let's just jump right in with the news... Mike and Evelyn get married Almost two years ago now (June 21, 1995, actually), Mike married his l ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 5 no 1

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1993)

The Stupid Kangaroo Vol. 5, No. 1, February 1, 1993 Editor's Note: This newsletter welcomes the New ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 5 no 2

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1993)

The Sacred CowVol. 5, No. 2, March 15, 1993 Dad sucked from plane!Well, almost. And it was 41 years ago. Hey, nobody can accu ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 3 no 5

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1991)

NEWS Vol. 3, No. 5, July 6, 1991Northern California's leading newsletter since 1989 (except for those few months when we were Southern California's leading newsletter) Record heat melts Sacto!Molten ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 4 no 4

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1992)

The Squeaky Sprocket Vol. 4, No. 4, May 11, 1992 The intelligent person's newsletter of choice. Riots ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 2 no 9

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1990)

WORLD NEWS Award-Winning JournalismVol. 2, No. 9, June 14, 1990 Dad kills rattler! Special to the NewsBack from a week in the wilds of Arizona, Dad and Eleanor told of battles with man-eating coyotes and vicious attack- ... read more


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