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Beet Salad

by bill - 2007-12-01 21:00:00 ( in family, adoption, holmes, travel) [php version] rebuild

The time stamp on these blog posts are in US Central Time, not Russia time. It's 6am Sunday morning here.

We had lunch the other day with Nancy, Joel, Vika and Liena at a Western-themed restaurant called The Horseshoe down the street from the hotel. I ordered some sort of goulash and a salad that Vika said was a traditional Russian dish. I should've known by now that it was basically beet salad. But it was not bad. I commented that the only time I've ever liked beets was in Russia. Vika said it must be my new surroundings that have made me like beets. I don't plan on ever eating them again back home, but they're not bad over here. I paid for Vika's and Liena's lunch that day, then Vika's and Galina's lunch yesterday. They all hesitated when I offered, until I reminded them that there's no chance of it looking improper now that the court date is over and we've been approved.

Today, Russia votes for a new president. I'm not even sure who's running, but everyone seems to like the guy who Putin hand-picked as his successor. I think that they genuinely like him. Ignore the American media that tries to make Putin out to be a dictator. He's actually turned this country around and taken it away from the Russian mafia ("oligarchs") that took over when Communism fell. Most of those oligarchs have run away to England, America and Israel.

Last night, I dreamt about paperwork. Actually, it was a nightmare. :)

My Russian speaking is getting better. I can tell people that I don't speak it, but now several of those same people have told me that I speak it very well. I couldn't actually understand their words, but I inferred from their body language and facial expressions that they were complimenting me. Vika's translation confirmed that. Now, I just need to learn to carry on a conversation with Elizabeth. That's the key to breaking the ice with her, which we have to do for a few minutes every time we visit. She gets a day off from us today, so that she can go vote. :)

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Comments (We enjoy free speech. Try not to offend, but feel free to be offended.)

    Interesting. I had my students last year follow him as he was doing some crazy stuff. It's very interesting to hear that the people support his successor. YOu have to wonder if they truly like him or if they are used to the "Sheep" mentality and follow whom they are told to follow and like it. Hmmmmm.... You ought to learn to say you are KGB. Watch the people scatter! LOL! No, that's mean. Better yet, learn how to say "Beets are wonderful! May I have more, Comrade?" Love you guys!

- Auntie Em, 2007-12-01 15:23:59

    That "sheep" mentality happens everywhere. That's why I have stopped supporting political parties, and vote only for the candidate himself, based on his or her qualifications. ---- English I love beets. May I have more, comrade? Russian Cyrillic (might not display properly for you) Russian phonetic Ya lyublyu sveklu. Mogu li ya imet' bol'she, tovarishch?

- bill, 2007-12-01 21:43:14

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Here is the complete blog of the adoption experience in paperback form, Russian Adoption: From Nashville to Astrakhan and Back (PDF). And here is the fictionalized, future "homeland tour" (action adventure) version in various forms: on Kindle, various electronic formats, and in paperback.

This Time Next Week -- Preparation for Our First Trip to Russia -- Travel Day -- The Day Before -- Tuesday (10/2/2007) -- In the Air -- We're in Moscow -- Adoption Videos -- -- First Time in Moscow -- It's Only Monday? -- Check-Out Time -- We're in Astrakhan -- What a Day -- It's a Girl It's a Girl -- Great Visit -- Sights of Astrakhan -- Wednesday in Astrakhan -- Last Visit for a While -- Thursday in Astrakhan -- Another Great Visit -- We're Home -- Back in Atlanta -- Round Two -- Skora Mweh Tam Boojum -- Elizabeth's Room -- Internet Access -- Back in Moscow (11/26/2007) -- Tuesday (11/27/2007) -- Mweh Yeddum V Aeroport Eta Ootra -- In the Air Again -- Back in Astrakhan -- Comments Welcome -- Russian Adoption Consultant -- Russian Bureaucracy -- It's Showtime -- And the Judge Says -- Success -- Went for a Walk -- Much Better Visit Today -- The Day After -- Beet Salad -- Saturday Morning -- It's Going to Be a Good Week -- She's Warming Up to Us -- Light at the End of the Tunnel -- Picture of Us Before Court -- She's Ours -- The First Hours of Parenthood -- More Pictures (12-09-2007) -- Bowel Movement -- Nothing Much to Update About -- Sleep, What a Concept -- Here's Your Update -- 51-1/2 Hours -- Back in Moscow (12/18/2007) -- Pictures of Our Life in Astrakhan -- Just Another Week to Go -- Riding the Metro, Part Deux -- Update to the Update's Update -- Moscow Update Continued -- Can't Leave Early -- To the Embassy -- Still in Moscow -- Riding the Metro -- We're Home! (For Good, this Time) -- A Few Pictures -- Stay Tuned -- Summary of Our Russian Adoption Experience -- Baby Shower -- Doctors Say She's Normal -- Recent Photos of Elizabeth -- Holmes Russian Adoption Videos -- Elizabeth's First Video -- A Few More Videos -- Adoption Videos Updated -- Our Russian Adoption Story -- Our Adoption Story -- Gotcha Day and Merry Christmas

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