28 Sept -- 3:55pm CDT -- We're in the air on our way to Moscow. A little bit of good news is that it's only a 10 hour flight instead of 12 as we had thought. ... read more
Fenbendazole dosage guide. Complimentary cancer treatment. Fenbendazole 222 mg. Take 1 capsule three days a week, once a day after a fatty meal. Then take no fenbendazole for four days. Repeat this cycle every week. Bio-Available Curc ... read more
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. -- Buckminster Fuller ... read more
Hallelujuah! I've been trying since late October to transfer my IRA away from the too-big-to-fail Merrill Lynch, owned by the about-to-fail Bank of America. Any c ... read more
Even corporate America is blocking Alex Jones / InfoWars these days. Trying to read an article online during my lunch break, I get the following censorship notice: Block Reason: Content Filtering. Category: questionablePathetic, but at le ... read more
If you are too weak to give yourselves your own law, then a tyrant shall lay his yoke upon you and say 'Obey! Clench your teeth and obey!' And all good and evil shall be drowned in obedience to him. -- ... read more
A beautiful young black ops agent on her first assignment tries to turn a complete stranger into an asset, just to prove she can. When he loses both his job and girlfriend, she thinks he's all hers. Then he decides to go out with a bang, and she's afraid she's overplayed her hand.
first few lines
Riva's gray eyes reach out and grab anyone careless enough to look directly at her. Her flawless skin glows in contrast to her long black hair.
She knows the effect she has on men and is not afraid to use it... most days. Not today. Her hair is a tangled mess, eyes bloodshot, skin a sickly pallor from whatever ailment has befallen her as she holes up in a 4-star high-rise hotel on LA's west side. She hates waiting on anyone or anything, but is now awaiting the arrival of her boss and mentor, Serge. ... Give your own review HERE! Blurbs, links and more at William Arthur Holmes dot com.
The media's version of the truth, anywayBy B. N. Frank Activist Marion Stokes was so concerned about American broadcast networks disposing archives, as well as the influence that television was having on... ... read more
Credit Card BillIn March, 1992, a man living in Newtown near Boston, Massachusetts received a bill for his as-yet unused credit card stating that he owed $0. 00. He ignored it and threw it away. In April he received another and threw that ... read more
If science can't be questioned ... it's propaganda. -- Quarterback Aaron RodgersCritically-thinking Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers was a guest on the Pat McAfee Show this week and he spoke about Big Government/Big Pharma/Bi ... read more
This is fast and easy. It is good over rice or noodles. frac14 cup butterfrac14 cup lemon juice2 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce2 tablespoon soy sauce1 frac12 teaspoon dried oregano1 large clove garlic, crushedCombine all ingredients and p ... read more
Although this pup's owners were frantic with worry over his disappearance, he was found only days later living like a king amongst the local prisoners... Read, listen or watch the rest here: ... read more
Chandler's a good dog. He's been through a lot in this life (before we adopted him) and will probably never fully recover. Never fully trust anyone again. I know the feeling. Maybe that's what we have in common. Whatever it is, I just ... read more
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001, 2:59 PMTara McKinneySubject: rescheduled againBetter not bring any boyfriends home tonight. I'll be here, after all. It's been rescheduled for tomorrow. Got a call from TekSystems-Huntsville. They'v ... read more
... lying in bed, social networking on my laptop, listening to my wife and daughter fight/tease each other in the other room, while I've got the cat cuddled up on my left and two out of three pugs cuddled up on my right. ... read more
Well, I finally had my epidural steroid injection that I seem to need every 3 or 4 years for my bulging/ ruptured/ herniated disc (between L4 and L5, for you medics out there). I just got the shot yesterday at the P ... read more
Woo-hoo! I took the old cookie (coin) jar to the Coinstar machine today (11. 9% fee, are you kidding me?!). I came away with $93. 54! It rejected a few coins, repeatedly, forcing me to just pocket them. One of those was a ... read more
Hoot and a HollerVol. 5, No. 6, September 28, 1993 -- Nashville editionJournalism at its finest! -- Yearly subscription rate: $135 Brouns family buys propertyLATHROP, CA -- John, Jeannie, their kids, Tiffany and Thomas, John's sister and ... read more
news from La-La Land HAPPY NEW YEAR!!Vol. 3, No. 1, January 4, 1991Newsletter editor murdered!The editor of this newsletter was apparently murdered some time over the weekend according to police. We think it was ... read more
HARD COPY Vol. 2, No. 1 Hard-Hitting JournalismJanuary 3, 1990 formerly known as The Holmes Family Newsletter Predictions for 1990 Elvis Presley will still be dead. Vice-President Quayle will be kicked out of offi ... read more
Once in a Blue MoonVol. 8 No. 1, February 1997A lot has happened since our last newsletter, so let's just jump right in with the news... Mike and Evelyn get married Almost two years ago now (June 21, 1995, actually), Mike married his l ... read more