![]() TRUMP CONVERTED TO JUDAISM IN 2017from 2025 in ( education / research / religion )This is why he didn't put his hand on the bible when inaugurated: youtube.com/watch?vuIAQkgTJyKAWatch on YouTube ... read more TRUMP WANTS YOU VAXEDfrom 2025 in ( education / research / conspiracies )TRAITOR to Humanity: dailynewscycle.com/trump-team-sidelines-two-key-vaccine-truth-figures-after-meeting-with-bill-gates-naturalnews-com/Trump sidelines two key vaccine-truth figures after meeting with Bill Gates On a similar grim thing, I think I figured out why they want to make us all dependent o... read more FANTASTIC VIDEO ON HOW TO USE WATER MANAGEMENT TO PREVENT WILDFIRESfrom 2025 in ( education / research / water / fire )But, will anyone with influence listen to him? youtube.com/watch?vsnN1yb3jDi4&t622sWatch on YouTube ... read more WHICH GENERATION AM I?from 2025 in ( culture / research / people / generations )I found this interesting...Where were you when the space shuttle Challenger exploded?The answer to that question is just one example of how generations identify with a shared experience. Baby boomers may have watched from a break room at the office or heard about it on the radio. Many Generation X kids sat in a classroom and w... read more HYPOCRITICAL DEMOCRATS WANT TO DEPORT MUSK BUT NOT THE MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL ALIENSfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics ): citizenwatchreport.com/elon-musk-proposes-a-new-law-requiring-all-bills-in-congress-to-be-publicly-accessible-online-at-least-7-days-before-any-vote-democrats-call-for-biden-to-deport-elon-musk/Elon Musk proposes a new law requiring all bills in Congress to be publicly accessible online at l... read more LOTS OF INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE DRONE PSY-OPfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )From Alex Jones/Infowars: bitchute.com/video/ogjiovyfxqpuWatch on Bitchute On Monday, December 16, 2024 at 08:10:21 AM PST, someone wrote: I haven't watched it yet, but here's a related one on Project Bluebeam: Beat the rush getting my amazon.com/Pr... read more DEMOCRAT PARTY IS GOING EXTINCTfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )It's about time. What a bunch of f--king criminals!!! This is according to Martin Armstrong. The reason seems to be with the blanket pars of so many people, many with no official allegations against them, why are they even being pared if they are not convicted? So it's because nobody can even trust them. They're finished. He ... read more WILL TRUMP'S RHETORIC BECOME JUST HOT AIR?from 2024 in ( education / research / politics )This Infowars 10-minute clip with Alex Jones is really good to hear. I don't think it's just empty words. Trump means it. He seriously seems to want to investigate the cause of autism and release the Jan 6th prisoners. At the same time, he doesn't mind Israel killing other kids in Gaza and Lebanon - is he schizophrenic? A... read more ISRAEL IS THE DEEP STATE?from 2024 in ( education / research / politics )And Trump is their puppet. Watch this great report by Max Igan on all the sh-t Israel is doing to people around the world. They are the leader of surveillance technology. And they are testing on the Palestinians things they sell to other governments. It's such a depraved country and people living there who support what the government... read more EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT ROGER VERfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )It's a horrific story of persecution from the various criminals in US government such as the IRS and the DOJ. You really need to hear and share this interview by Mike Adams because this person faces a bogus lifetime sentence completely fabricated and it could easily happen to everyone on the list of this criminal government. He's a ... read more WHICH HUMANS ARE AT THE TOP OF PEDOPHILIA?from 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I ask about it in this way because there are hidden and satanic influences beyond human. According to this lady, it's the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. She claims to have been a sex slave. It's Interesting how she describes the pecking order between them. On a side note, have you ever used autocorrect? It's helpful when hunti... read more COMMANDER TRUMP ARTICLEfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )HEROARCHETYPE ON SUBSTACKfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This has videos and articles you might like: substack.com/@heroarchetype On Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 06:11:41 PM PST, someone wrote: Thanks. Looks good. I posted this article, calling trump's nominees MURDERERS: Japan's most senior cance... read more PAINFUL REMINDERS OF THE BIOWEAPON PUSHERSfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Compilation by Reese. Watch and then feel free to puke from Trump's new administration choices. bitchute.com/video/0gsmgpegwv1hWatch on Bitchute On Monday, November 25, 2024 at 09:44:30 PM PST, someone wrote: I see lots of articles about his appointments. Every opportunity I have, I ... read more REALLY SMART REMARKS BY RON PAUL ABOUT ILLEGALSfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )Worthwhile advice and warnings about how to handle this massive problem. bitchute.com/video/nrxqfudiipgWatch on Bitchute On Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 11:16:42 AM PST, someone wrote: He worried about martial law following, which I've mentioned. ... read more THE PUPPET MASTERSfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )For the FEW who can deal with Reality: tierneyrealnewsnetwork.substack.com/p/what-the-heck-is-really-going-on-35cTierney Real News Network On Friday, November 22, 2024 at 09:34:45 PM PST, someone wrote: They say how trump is a good guy against the puppet masters but that's almost funny th... read more ...AND THEN MARTIAL LAW?from 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )thedailybs.com/2024/11/18/trump-confirms-he-will-declare-national-emergency-use-military-assets-for-mass-deportationtrump-confirms-he-will-declare-national-emergency-use-military-assets-for-mass-deportation On Monday, November 18th, 2024 at 11:49 PM, someone wrote: I hear the criminals running CA ... read more GOOD REMINDERS OF ABSOLUTE TYRANNY OF BUREAUCRATSfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies / covid )This video mentions documented plans by pharma-controlled bureaucrats to turn this country into a complete tyrannical state. Nothing will change until people realize what they're up to and make these criminals pay for what they already did. A huge court win is mentioned that will help prevent corporations from going along with the next s... read more ROD SERLING SPEECHfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Appropriate for society. youtube.com/results?searchqueryrodserlingdictatorspeechWatch on YouTube ... read more TRUMP CAUGHT ON HIS KNEES FOR ISRAEL... AGAINfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )While much of the world sighs with relief to see the puppet and mental midget Harris not be selected for a second term in the White House, in the back room Trump was found on his knees servicing Israel again. The first few minutes alone explain this, by Trump himself. The lofty plans coming from his transition team are dwarfed by his Zionist p... read more CLIMATE MODELING BASED ON 100 NONEXISTENT WEATHER STATIONSfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Yes, that's only a tiny fraction of the fake science upon which the globalists want to frighten you into compliance. Does anyone really believe in this climate change scam anymore? Isn't it obviously a hoax? And if they are lying about that, what else might they be lying about? Fool me once... Many other things are discussed in ... read more TRUMP WAS ALLOWED TO WIN, BEWARE THE GLOBALIST AGENDAfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )David Icke explains how this psyop will work. Sure, Trump will be better than the cringe Harris, but the globalist agenda will move forward with less pushback because the vast majority of people think Trump will save America and the world. Don't be fooled again. bitchute.com/video/o8q0upajlcv0Wa... read more PATENT 9 MONTHS PRIORfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Whichever court in Europe it is that's suing Gates for his vaccine damage might use this in their case against him. On 11/3/2024 12:03 AM, someone wrote: No conspiracy, just COINCIDENCE, right? Patent US10702600 for the vaccine candidate mRNA-1273 was in fact registered in its new composition on March 28, 2019.... read more A HISTORY OF CENTRAL BANKING AND THE ENSLAVEMENT OF MANKINDfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies / banks )I thought it interesting how without their usurious banking practices (charging interest), everybody was able to provide for themself and had lots of extra time to contribute to society by making the cathedrals or whatever. On Friday, November 1, 2024 at 09:29:33 PM PDT, someone wrote: I'm at the 2 hour, 7 minute mark. W... read more DO YOU STILL BELIEVE WE WEREN'T MANIPULATED?from 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies / elections )I got this from an acquaintance. It makes me really wonder if Democrats finally realized the Hunter laptop is real and was covered up to massively influence the 2020 election. Now that Facebook has admitted their coordinated efforts to lie to the public, working with the FBI, wouldn't the normal thought process make someone wonder what else... read more BILL GATES AND HIS SATANIC BUDDIESfrom 2024 in ( education / research )Bill Gates has SATANISTS as buddies: grandmageri422.me/2021/02/17/bill-gates-madame-blavatsky-alice-bailey-the-lucis-trust-and-the-occult-connecting-the-dots/BILL GATES, Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, The Lucis Trust, and the OCCULT: CONNECTING THE DOTS Although this article was written in... read more JOE ROGAN INTERVIEW OF DONALD TRUMPfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )In case you want to watch the Joe Rogan interview of Trump. It was interesting, I think. Click here: youtu.be/hBMoPUAeLnYJoe Rogan Experience #2219 - Donald Trump - 3 hrs On Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 10:05:58 PM PDT, someone wrote: I can't imagine that it'd be worth my 3 hours of t... read more NEVER BE AN ORGAN DONORfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This is horrendous news. A man realized his organs were about to be harvested when he was at the hospital recently. Adams has a lot more to add to this story. It starts at 57 minutes, 53 seconds. Must watch. And warn all you know about this. . bitchute.com/video/lavpuiawqr7xWa... read more ACAM 2000 POLIO VAX WARNINGfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Do not get the smallpox vaccine. If you do you will have to quarantine yourself for 4 weeks and not come in contact with babies, anyone who has an autoimmune disease. You will not even be able to share your bed with your significant other. On Monday, October 21, 2024 at 10:11:50 AM PDT, someone wrote: Here's a link to the insert wi... read more DEEP STATE VS. ZIONISTS?from 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Okay, they want to take over the Middle East for Greater Israel, but I'm not sure how the Globalists/Deep State ties in with them against humanity. bitchute.com/video/irvzfz1rkdecWatch on Bitchute On Sunday, October 20th, 2024 at 8:19 PM, someone wrote: It appears these criminals calle... read more PROOF OF ZIONIST INSANITYfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The video opens with about an 8-minute report on how Israel propaganda has swayed public opinion with the latest being the selling of sex to justify the Gaza genocide. It's really wild and bizarre. That alone is a good reason to watch this video. But throughout the entire video is more amazing proof of Zionist insanity. There's one p... read more DEMOCRATS PLAN TO IGNORE VOTES AND INSTALL HARRISfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I haven't seen the video but I figure the CIA and mercenaries will stir things up and probably kill a few people to help cities go crazy On Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 08:54:12 AM PDT, someone wrote: Alex Jones gives good advice on how not to react to this tyrannical behavior that's just a provocation for violence. They'd ... read more MILITARY AUTHORIZED TO KILL AMERICANSfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )A separate article about it says the military can assist local enforcement in special circumstances as per US DoD directive 5240.01 (assist law enforcement) but with a twist. Anyone see this one? zerohedge.comZerohedge has its article here. The directive isn't brand new but this year... read more BE AN ACTIVIST?from 2024 in ( education / research / politics )Here's a site you can go to where they will help you create a letter to send to the governments to fight the CRIMES we've endured for quite some time: 10letters.org/Ten Letters ... read more BILL GATES CONTROLLING HURRICANES?from 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies / weather )Part of his continuing elimination of humanity? youtube.com/redactednewsBill Gates Owns Hurricane Controlling Weather Patents; Redacted w Clayton Morris bing.com/search?qBillGatesOwnsHurricaneControllingWeatherPatents&gslcrpEgRlZGdlKgYIABBFGDkyBggAEE... read more SEVERAL SHORT VIDEO CLIPS FROM HURRICANE HELENE SURVIVORSfrom 2024 in ( education / research )a glimpse of what it'd be like with kamala/walz but likely WORSE (but they don't post mean things) On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 09:24:14 PM PDT, someone wrote: They describe what's really happening and the real condition of things in the hurricane zone. You won't get this from the criminal government nor the puppet med... read more UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INCfrom 2024 in ( education / research / silly )It's a religious non-profit supremelaw.org/cc/usa.inc/Division%20of%20Corporations%20-%20Online%20Services.htmSupremeLaw.org Copied below since it looks like that site is about to crash... Entity Details THIS IS NOT A STATEMENT OF GOOD STANDING File Number: 2193946... read more ISRAELI WAR CRIMES IN GAZA DOCUMENTEDfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )hmmm, no talk about it from ANYBODY in the upcoming election On Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 08:19:06 PM PDT, someone wrote: Very good report by Al Jazeera showing the insane IDF soldiers and the commands they were given to genocide the population. It runs 80 minutes, but I couldn't take more than 30. So I don't know what el... read more WELCOME ONE WORLD ORDER?from 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Nothing about it in the News. Kamala not protesting it. globalresearch.ca/one-world-order-un-pact-future/5869162GlobalResearch ... read more OCTOBER SURPRISE?from 2024 in ( education / research / politics )Will Walz be Clintoncided so Shillary can replace him, followed by Kamala being Clintoncided? On Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 06:09:49 PM PDT, someone wrote: Will there be one? This short video talks about some from the past. Pretty interesting. bitchute.com/video/hvqtl3fgiaksWat... read more FEMA MONEY TO HURRICANE VICTIMS?from 2024 in ( education / research / politics )
Oh, this is why Kamala can't have FEMA help hurricane CITIZENS, and liberals think she has good skills at prioritizing? americanwirenews.com/mayorkas-says-fema-doesnt-have-enough-funds-for-hurricane-season-after-nearly-1-billion-given-to-illegals-report/FEMA supposedly out of money But that... read more MORE ON THE LAHAINA FIRE IN MAUIfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )New book with a bunch of evidence the globalists don't want us to know. Is blue your favorite color yet? bitchute.com/video/3tsb9sbxgmo9Watch on Bitchute On Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 08:53:12 AM PDT, someone wrote: I ordered it. I think I'll be able to use some of the info in o... read more DEVASTATION IN APPALACHIAfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Where's the media? Very good report including questions a normal person might be wondering why it's getting so little media coverage. Better have cash. Nothing digital is working. bitchute.com/video/iqoo0hinwx2bWatch on Bitchute On Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 07:10:34 PM PDT, someone ... read more GOOD INTERVIEW WITH GEN FLYNNfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )Great and Informative Video that needs to be Shared On Monday, September 30, 2024 at 07:51:20 AM PDT, someone wrote: He's got interesting things to say about America, including all the official states of emergency which are totally insane. But he's so pro Israel that he's fooling himself. Completely duped Worth watching. ... read more GREAT COURT DECISION NEWSfrom 2024 in ( education / research / legal )It does something at the ionic level, which converts fluoride into something non-toxic. On Friday, September 27, 2024 at 09:03:27 PM PDT, someone wrote: exchange fluoride for what? On 9/27/2024 8:13 PM, someone wrote: I just remembered what the fluoride filters are called. It's ion exchange. On Friday, September 27, 202... read more WHY ARE THESE S. DAKOTA RANCHERS BEING TARGETED?from 2024 in ( education / research )disgusting but it's no surprise as a Biden appointee is involved On Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 07:05:57 PM PDT, someone wrote: Don't forget the attack on food factories over the past few years of this criminal government regime. Here's a variation of that. Now the criminals running the government are finding new and bul... read more BEST EVER DAVID ICKE INTERVIEW?from 2024 in ( education / research )I'm listening to the start. It looks like so many other videos by him of him awakening us all. He likes being a guru.I skipped ahead and it was more of his explaining the typical energies that he talks about all the time.That was enough for me On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 06:49:32 PM PDT, someone wrote: I... read more IS ISRAEL A TERRORIST STATE?from 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )many consider themselves to be a different race, above the rest of us, and thus the rest of us are only good for serving them. Yeah, Synagogue of Satan as it says in the bible On Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 10:10:24 PM PDT, someone wrote: I've heard from some past Max Igan videos that many in Israel want more radical war. ... read more IS RELIGION ANOTHER CONTROL MECHANISM?from 2024 in ( education / research / religion )Are the required beliefs of any given religion acting as a cul-de-sac in regards understanding this human experience? Are you trying to throw off the shackles of tyranny by government only to bow down in some other way? Explained adeptly by David Icke: bitchute.com/video/linjupv5bp79Watch on Bitchute... read more WHY MODERN DAY JEWS HAVE NO LEGITIMATE CLAIM TO ISRAELfrom 2024 in ( education / research / religion / politics )Pretty interesting historical argument by Adams: bitchute.com/video/Id2Yz9P2cPecWatch on Bitchute Israelis are NOT the Jews of the bible. They were from Khazaria (Ukraine) so their ancestors did not formerly occupy it. On 9/6/2024 12:29 AM, someone wrote: No one has a legitimate claim to a... read more TRUMP OWES BANKSTERS, BIG TIMEfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )We're surrounded by liberals with kamala signs here. I'm tempted to make a Walz brother is for Trump sign and wonder how long it'd last on our lawn. Other people who had Trump signs on their lawn were attacked. Gee, who are the HATERS? On Monday, September 2, 2024 at 10:03:55 AM PDT, someone wrote: Yea, exactly the lazy as... read more HOW WILL THE US MILITARY FARE IN WAR?from 2024 in ( education / research / politics )the zionists tell congress, you're either with us or against us (and if you're against us, ...) On Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 10:41:20 PM PDT, someone wrote: Accurate account of the degraded condition of the US military and it's ability to wage war. While these congress people talk in terms of military defense, anyone payi... read more A FUTURE WITH KAMALA/WALZfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )You'll get to experience Marxist re-education camps and look forward to Klaus Schwab's own nothing and be happy : thedailybs.com/2024/08/30/china-convicts-journalists-over-illegal-ideologies-in-landmark-hong-kong-case/thedailybs.com ... read more HOW YOU MIGHT LOSE YOUR HOMEfrom 2024 in ( education / research )if the banks take the houses, what will they do with them? Rent them back? will burning banks become a new sport? On Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 11:21:43 AM PDT, someone wrote: Right, there will be pushback, but how many just listen to everything they are told? Law enforcement doesn't imply doing what is right. Police could just be... read more WILL WE HAVE A 2024 ELECTION?from 2024 in ( education / research / politics / conspiracies )Interesting. Something about Sarah bothers me. I've said for some while that plan B was to nuke us but they went with Plan C, the scamdemic, but they may still go back to Plan B (but not nuke all but the large cities). On Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 07:50:22 AM PDT, someone wrote: Naomi Wolf doesn't think so. We've just... read more ANTI-ZIONISMfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )I'm listening but most important is that he said that Skyhorse is the place to get controversial stuff published. On Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 02:49:50 PM PDT, someone wrote: So, even the CIA started out on the right track, only to be subverted by infiltrators/traitors. On 8/22/2024 1:56 PM, someone wrote: There are some ... read more GREAT NEW INTERVIEW WITH DR SHIVAfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )By Mike Adams. Really good. Should watch it. bitchute.com/video/ygJnVixmU5NhWatch on Bitchute On Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 07:23:27 PM PDT, someone wrote: yes, great video but most aren't that interested in the LIE we've been told ... read more NEWSOM BARRED FROM STAGEfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )Americans look past the propaganda and see the truth? Funny, since you are owned by the Zionists with their globalist propaganda. PS: In case you think that's antisemitic, well, most NY Jews are against Zionism: youtube.com/results?searchqueryjewsagainstzionismWatch on YouTube ... read more IN CASE OF INTERESTfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )yeah, I tried to get it for free but couldn't find the link. I think it was censored, too On Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 01:06:48 AM PDT, someone wrote: I believe he is now giving his book away in digital form, with donations appreciated. On Friday, August 16th, 2024 at 10:55 PM, someone wrote: yes, good video. He wrote a ... read more OFF-GRID WATERfrom 2024 in ( education / research / water )Yeah, I heard of that method. I can't do it because of all the water involved would flood our liberal neighbors. I've tried to see how low the water table is and it's iffy. I think that you need a pump if the water is more than 25 feet deep and it's likely more here, maybe as much as 35 feet. On Friday, August 16, 2024 at 07... read more WAR WITH IRANfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )In case you haven't been following the latest psychotic actions of Israel expansionism, check out this 5 minute summary by Nick Fuentes: bitchute.com/video/TFq8GIi6vqNBWatch on Bitchute On Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 02:23:32 PM PDT, someone wrote: Netanyahu is a warmonger and pulls the ... read more THE FAUCI MURDERSfrom 2024 in ( education / research )It was in RFK Jrs. book. On Sunday, August 4, 2024 at 04:57:39 PM PDT, someone wrote: Good compilation of clips exposing the fraud called Fauci bitchute.com/video/MNloPijYCX2H .... read more CHRISTIAN ZIONISTSfrom 2024 in ( education / research / religion / politics )That's exactly what I copy and paste on israeli FB sites all the time. On Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 07:27:47 PM PDT, someone wrote: I don't know that I'd write something like that to some politically fervent Jew, but if others reading it can learn something it's probably worth it. On Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 2... read more GOD, RELIGION AND NATURE OF REALITYfrom 2024 in ( education / research )I skimmed through it. Rather bizarre but I remember when Icke was telling us about the British royalty being reptilians who took off their fake human look when not watched On Thursday, August 1, 2024 at 08:14:39 PM PDT, someone wrote: Deep dive into As he states, most of the alternative media won't go this far down the rabbit tr... read more INTERVIEW ABOUT KAMALA BY BLACKSfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )Interesting interview about VP x.com/SpartaJustice/status/1817163846533911033offensive to kamalaOffensive to Kamala ... read more GULLIBILITY IS NOT GOODfrom 2024 in ( education / research )This is an excellent discussion about gullibility and how it's actually dangerous. Maybe we can define gullibility as accepting any information without question. Someone who just believes anything is considered gullible. Maybe someone like that comes to your mind. So many things have happened since 2020 (the first year of the scamdemic) th... read more BODY PARASITESfrom 2024 in ( education / research )can we spray it over DC to get rid of all those parasites? On Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 06:18:03 PM PDT, someone wrote: Very fascinating discussion about parasites and much more They describe how CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) eliminates parasites from the blood. From the Medical Rebel: rumble.com/v58ywph-dangerous-dames... read more JAPAN APOLOGIZESfrom 2024 in ( education / research )I keep seeing posts of FB by AARP to promote the vax. I called them on what seemingly is a desire to KILL their clients. Some idiot said I was wrong. Since AARP is a disgusting organization (which told them) maybe all of them ought to keep getting vaxed and end up six feet under On Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 08:43:33 AM PDT, someone wrote: ... read more GRID DOWN SCENARIOfrom 2024 in ( education / research )he said his book II is free to download from his site but I can't see it on his site:Survival & Preparedness BooksResourcesGrid Down Consulting Survival & Preparedness BooksResourcesGrid Down Consulting Will you be prepared when disaster strikes? Discover best-selling books from author and Grid Down Consulting own.... read more DOES ISRAEL INFLUENCE AMERICANS?from 2024 in ( education / research / politics )netanyahu us a warmonger and lots of israelis don't like him for that.he wants to exterminate the Gazans to STEAL the oil reserves off the coast.congress gave him a massive BOW to him during that speech of his except for two of them (both parties/parts of the UniParty) Kind of related to demonism, in the Olympics that had that mock... read more BIDEN IS SUDDENLY 5 INCHES TALLERfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )Fake president Pedo Joe has suddenly gotten way taller. This is pretty surprising. I haven't heard anyone else mention this yet. bitchute.com/video/uIGytB5hmUkWatch on Bitchute On Friday, July 26, 2024 at 05:10:09 PM PDT, someone wrote: Likely due to a load off his mind and the weig... read more PRESIDENTIAL MASKSfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics )Is piece of sh-t Biden dead? This is an excellent report about masks from Reese. bitchute.com/video/24BxQcKEUmLuWatch on Bitchute On Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 01:24:58 PM PDT, someone wrote: Yeah, the masks they have can fool anybody and one mask creator pulled one over on George Bush in t... read more WHY WOULD YOU CHOOSE THE 666 NUMBER AS YOUR ADDRESSfrom 2024 in ( education / research )If you own the whole block and pretty much can choose any address that you want, why would you choose the satanic 666 number as your address? Timeline on Jared Kushner, Qatar, 666 Fifth Avenue, and White House Policy Ryan Goodman, Julia Brooks A comprehensive account of Jared Kushner, 666 Fifth Avenue, and White House support for the... read more JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE?from 2024 in ( education / research )CIA, Mossad, or they'll bring back Wilkes Booth? On Monday, June 24, 2024 at 08:22:02 PM PDT, someone wrote: I never thought I would hear this . Will the CIA kill him now? bitchute.com/video/QwKgp5lSQw/ .... read more IS THERE REALLY A FOOD CRISIS?from 2024 in ( education / research )it's about FEAR and we need to bow and worship them and MAYBE they'll let us live On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 08:53:53 PM PDT, someone wrote: This short video attempts to discuss this subject. You can decide: I'd be interested to know what you think. We bought rural acreage, so maybe you can guess what I've concluded. ... read more CHICKEN POX WAS A GOOD THING?from 2024 in ( education / research )neurosciencenews.com/glioma-brain-cancer-chicken-pox-3942/Brain Cancer Risk May Be Reduced in Those With History of Chicken Pox maybe more so now since the fake vax destroys immunity that is giving many cancer... read more READY TO REALLY GO AFTER FAUCI FOR MPOX GAIN OF FUNCTION NOW?from 2024 in ( education / research )Kevin, You and the rest of congress blew it by not honestly going after fauci for the killer vax (9th circuit court declared it wasn't a vax at all but a medical procedure) but will you honestly go afer him now or let him KILL MORE PEOPLE?childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/fauci-agency-hid-plans-mpox-virus-congress-media-rtk/... read more THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC HAS FALLENfrom 2024 in ( education / research )In case you are not paying any attention, demon people, mostly who identify as Democrats, are mindlessly cheering the complete charade scam trial of Trump. It's so hopelessly insane that only a moron can't see by now we have no equal justice under the law. The very next day these same insane criminals in the government have been try... read more EXERCISE TECHNIQUESfrom 2024 in ( education / research )that Seth guy annoys me On Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 10:33:42 PM PDT: Really interesting video showing the right and the wrong way to exercise, no matter how old. Worth watching. rumble.com/v4y3cec-exposed-how-the-diet-and-fitness-industry-conspires-to-keep-you-fat-and-sic.html ... read more GOVERNMENT MAFIAfrom 2024 in ( education / research )as he said, it's time for those who did the wrong thing to come over and do the right thing.MANY don't have the moral fortitude to do it, though On Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 07:59:20 PM PDT: Fir those who recognize the government is way out of control, you might really appreciate this talk from earlier this year: ru... read more SHORT SUMMARY OF MASTERPEACEfrom 2024 in ( education / research )so they're trying to sell something?Uh, no thanks On Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 03:08:10 PM PDT: Just a few minutes long, in case you never heard about MasterPeace before. It was recently banned in Canada - just can't let people be healthy when there's a depopulation agenda to accomplish. rumble.com/v4w6kc2-poison... read more IVAN RAIKLIN, MORE STRATEGY DETAILSfrom 2024 in ( education / research )Nice. Hope it can be pulled off. I posted it in several FB groups. On Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 11:35:45 PM PDT: Arresting the deep state criminals sounds possible. See rumble.com/v4wvufl-ivan-on-chosen-generation-radio-with-pastor--may-22-2024.htmlivan-on-chosen-generation-radio-with-pastor ... read more DIGITAL ID TYRANNY IN AUSTRALIAfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )99% of the people will say, that's not so bad, I can't do anything about it. We need a movement but all we're seeing so far is a bowel movement where we get sh-tted on. On Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 01:35:01 AM pDT:Listen to the details of smart cities digital ID. Can't buy groceries without it. Can't... read more MEET AN ALPHA MALE, TONY ROMANfrom 2024 in ( education / research )Do you think you would be trusted by him? rumble.com/v4waaoo-italian-restaurant-owner-who-rejected-lockdowns-and-mandates-reacts-to-cuom.htmlWatch on Rumble ... read more GOVERNOR KAMALA HARRIS?from 2024 in ( education / research / politics )Kevin, When will you address before Congress how the WHO wants to take away the sovereignty of the USA and the rest of the world for a New World Order? Or, is that not important enough for you? On Friday, May 17, 2024 at 01:05:51 PM PDT, Kevin Kiley someone wrote: Hi, I've just published a new blog post: Could Get Worse... read more SNAKE VENOM AND THE CORRUPTION OF HUMAN DNAfrom 2024 in ( education / research )I found his Youtube site: youtube.com/ardishealingcenterArdis Healing Center On Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 10:35:56 PM PDT, someone wrote: I tried to find Dr. Ardis' site with his free video but couldn't find it (though Youtube blocked a related video, which I figure means it's too... read more ANOTHER GOOD WHITNEY WEBB INTERVIEWfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Al Gore and the other fake environmentalists love carbon credits because they can game them as is done with the stock exchange. On Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 01:08:33 PM PDT:Lots of interesting comments and the latest the globalists are up to, particularly in north, central and south America. If you're not familiar with... read more THE NEWS IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT (2017)from 2024 in ( education / research )but, but, but ... it IS the news, though On Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 03:18:26 PM PDT, someone wrote: Words of wisdom -very short bitchute.com/video/OFhUQnJxOPn1/Watch on Bitchute ... read more BLACKLEG DISEASE IN COWSfrom 2024 in ( education / research )I looked at it to see if it mentioned Ivermectin. No, it didn't.I'm very busy looking at a pile of science journal articles On Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 01:52:15 PM PDT, someone wrote: mentioned that in Texas beef cattle ranchers vaccinate for blackleg. I ran across this research paper describing what they do in Zimbabwe. I ... read more GOOD SUMMARY OF ZIONIST LAWfrom 2024 in ( education / research )unfortunately most people never learned stick and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me (Oh yeah, they are being given permission to IMPRISON those who exercise their First Amendment right with the blessing of our lame Congress) On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 01:16:50 PM PDT, someone wrote: The antisemitism la... read more ORCHESTRATED CHAOSfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Soros was behind the color revolutions to destroy countries and he's behind what's happening now in the USA to destroy it (but according to the new antisemitism act it's antisemitic to say anything bad about him). On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 11:25:43 PM PDT:Good and short interview about how chaos from ... read more TRUMP TRUTHfrom 2024 in ( education / research )giving the USA to the banksters is another way of giving it to the Zionists (anybody surprised?) since the zionists OWN the banks! On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 06:55:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: You've probably seen at least some of these video clips of Trump. So who should be president? Pedo joe asshole and deep state gofer?... read more FREE SPEECH / ANTI-SEMITISMfrom 2024 in ( education / research )Yeah, women are lower class and treated like property, but that's not a problem. sarcasm There's plenty of stories of women marrying Muslims or going there and pretty much becoming slaves, but that's okay because they don't see being a slave to the NWO a problem, either. On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 04:12:59 PM PDT, someon... read more LOTS OF INTERESTING ARTICLES ON THIS SITEfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )stateofthenation.co/?p137995State of the Nation ... read more KEVIN KILEY SPOKE TO CONGRESS ABOUT SCAMDEMICfrom 2024 in ( education / research )Kevin Kiley Remembers Rona Hysteria Kevin Kiley Remembers Rona Hysteria E281A3and hypocrisy My Book: New York City 2020: amazon.com/New-York-City-... Barnes and Noble:... read more A BRUTAL DOSE OF REALITYfrom 2024 in ( education / research )Biden's climate crisis is the biggest problem and there's so many ignorant and loving it people that they might go along with it On Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:02:57 PM PDT: By Jeffrey Prather, retired soldier, DEA agent, DIA agent, whistle blower and analyst. He sees things through that le... read more HOLLYWOOD PLANS TRUMP ASSASSINATION?from 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies / hollywood )This is the second time I'm hearing about a new movie (Civil War) with a 50 million dollar budget which has real American patriots in pain to watch it. It was described by one as the plot to kill Trump, hoping to inspire some demented creep. bitchute.com/video/v65iADNpSPz8/Watch on Bitchute ... read more ROBOT DYSTOPIA IS NOWfrom 2024 in ( education / research )I just saw a video on FB where robots were the farmers. what if people got too dependent on them for farming and other things for humanity to survive and they were shut down?(but don't worry, that's just in movies and a conspiracy theory) On Friday, April 19, 2024 at 11:39:26 PM PDT: I'm still watching it. Full... read more HIV CREATION BEING PUBLICIZEDfrom 2024 in ( education / research )it's all in the book the real anthony fauci by RFK Jr. On Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 02:20:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: He's right. That was an early Fauci depopulation scandal. What the government learned from that brought us to the bird flu scamdemic, and Ebola and the other crap these psychos are up to. ... read more WOW, MORE SPYING ON USfrom 2024 in ( education / research )geewhat's the problem? I don't do anything subversiveIt's just those people who educate themselves and try to educate others who are the problem. we don't want education. ignorance is bliss! On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 01:14:55 PM PDT: Look at what these f--king criminals in government plan to make into law: h... read more NEWS FROM CANADAfrom 2024 in ( education / research )it's Australia and New Zealand, too, which shows me that mental illness runs deep from the Brits On Monday, April 15, 2024 at 01:32:08 PM PDT: Pretty interesting how far the country has fallen: bitchute.com/video/IS4kFPgLQWkh/... read more RECOMMENDED VIDEOfrom 2024 in ( education / research )I suspect that the zionist CIA is behind the claimed attack by Iran on Israel On Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 02:51:19 PM PDT: Great interview about what's happening today with Zionists and around the world. Interesting historical facts, especially the Visigoths in what is now Spain and Portugal. bitchute.com/... read more A NICE GUY, TED TURNERfrom 2024 in ( education / research )and very dangerous in that he probably sides with gates as to make land (he owns MANY ACRES) to be wild instead of FEEDING HUMANITY (another mentally ill leftist, hating what is good for him and the rest of humanity - I guess it's all about him, the philosophy that started in the 70s) On Friday, April 12, 2024 at 09:56:18 PM P... read more CA ASSEMBLY BILL 1840from 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Leftists HATE LEGAL citizens (so go across the border and plead to come back in illegally?) On Monday, April 8, 2024 at 09:26:23 AM PDT:Go to minute 3:50 to see the latest insane coming out of California's piece of sh-t people pretending to represent us bitchute.com/video/7FtCOl09QFT6/Watch o... read more ARE YOU BEING MANIPULATED?from 2024 in ( education / research )no need to watch it.Look at TV ads. they do research into how to best MANIPULATE people. they probably use techniques that DARPA and some other agencies developed. On Monday, April 1, 2024 at 02:08:33 PM PDT: Most people would probably say no but I believe we are all being manipulated and to see what I mean, check out t... read more CHEMTRAILS/GEOENGINEERING NOW ILLEGAL IN TENNESSEEfrom 2024 in ( education / research )Good news! Conspiracy Theory No More? Tennessee Senate Passes Banning Chemtrails/Geoengineering (friendsnews.com)... read more LEECHES DIED AFTER SUCKING VAXED BLOODfrom 2024 in ( education / research / vaccines )I skimmed through the video and didn't see that. On Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 12:30:38 AM PDT:Min 54. It's subtitled but claims to show some Asians doing an experiment with leeches and they (the leeches) all died after sucking vaxed blood. Pretty interesting if it's true. I think it's true because they are putting them ... read more A DISCUSSION ON FICTION WRITINGfrom 2024 in ( education / research / writing )On Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 10:59:08 PM PDT:I found this video interesting as they discussed fiction. Some of you are writers. bitchute.com/video/zWGBT4fNkrEd/Watch on Bitchute ... read more FASCINATING SCIENCEfrom 2024 in ( education / research )liberalism is a mental illness and mentally ill people can't make up their mind (No, they're on pins and needles, anxious to be TOLD what they need to believe) On Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 04:24:13 PM PDT: You must admit that it's amazing how science changes over time. Remember when it was complete heresy to say ... read more REALLY INTERESTING VIEWPOINTfrom 2024 in ( education / research )it's simple. we have a uniparty in congress, all owned by globalists, controlled by way of Rothschild money On Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 09:53:59 AM PDT: Only 1 minute bitchute.com/video/8MTZa7DEel4/... read more NEW GAZA GENOCIDE DOCUMENTATIONfrom 2024 in ( education / research )As Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the Bible say, they're the synagogue of Satan. On Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 12:15:32 AM PDT: For anyone still doubting how evil Israel and their military is: bitchute.com/video/HUT10C8FYTPV/Watch on Bitchcute ... read more TERMINAL CANCERfrom 2024 in ( education / research )others have had stage 4 and eliminated it with Ivermectin (but , we know that only works for horses, so don't misinform any liberals about it) On Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 12:18:19 PM PDT: Super interesting comments about his by the first person in this video. Doctors said it's stage 4 and there&... read more GOOGLE TERMS OF SERVICE - HMMMfrom 2024 in ( education / research / internet )Most people think, I'm not a criminal so I don't have to worry about any of that (being spied and for being Kontrolled in the future) On Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 06:43:06 PM PST, someone wrote: Once we finish moving I plan to buy an Above Phone which is deGoogled. I'm sort of locked into Google with my An... read more COMPLETE LAWLESSNESS IN OAKLANDfrom 2024 in ( education / research )wowI just skimmed through it but what I saw was that most did something criminal On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 10:02:28 PM PST: I agree with you on this one, as I live in Oakland. Here is an article about the history of our last dozen police chiefs that last about a year each: In-depth history of Oakland's police chief... read more THE TRUE RULER OF UKRAINEfrom 2024 in ( education / research )Victoria Nuland is a total demonic POS puppet of o'bama and his puppeteers, which is likely the zionist fake Semites. Where is the KGB when you need them? On Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 01:22:57 PM PST: This American reporter paid with his life to tell the truth about what's really happening in Ukraine. bitch... read more INTERESTING STORY OF DEMOCRAT STRONGHOLD IN CONNECTICUTfrom 2024 in ( education / research / politics / corruption )More liberal criminality. Yeah, conservatives also do plenty of crime, but it seems election fraud is a liberal specialty. On Monday, January 22, 2024 at 01:33:07 PM PST:Gomes, I'm guessing of Portuguese from Cabo Verde descent, tells really interesting details about what happened to him when he ran against the Democrat incumbent. A ... read more GOYIM TVfrom 2024 in ( education / research )I can't remember who sent me this link.Anyhow, I finally started to look at the videos on it and saw a number on Adam Green, who always talked against the zionists but the videos here talk of him being a shill, besides Alex Jones and Brother Nathaniel. (I haven't watched them yet to decide if they're credible) ----- Sent: S... read more TX GETS OUTSIDE HELP ON BORDER INVASIONfrom 2024 in ( education / research )time for jail for joe for TREASON.Of course, it's not on the news, which most people count on (ignorance is bliss, as usual) On Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 02:58:30 PM PST: Interesting 4 minute video about it. Includes TN. bitchute.com/video/6ALRcbwVma7G/ And this is how CBS news frames the story.: ... read more A VERY SMART CHIROPRACTORfrom 2024 in ( education / research )Ivermectin gets rid of parasites.I don't believe in chiropractors but they work for some people On Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 08:15:41 PM PST: This guy is amazing. This talk is packed full of good information. I'm very interested in getting rid of parasites which apparently everyone has. He says they are the cause of full... read more FIRST AMENDMENT ATTACKED ON JAN 6THfrom 2024 in ( education / research )Here's the real video:theepochtimes.com/epochtv/the-real-story-of-jan-6-documentary-4596670?Morningbriefmb-2022-07-22&est3q5c3Jil2pn69iz6UBq46pdCSKQ%2Fop2Z0maXrPO7mWeZf4yDUgG0Uc37Ikcm7fM%3D On Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 08:18:10 PM PST, someone wrote: Unfortunately, those two video are just previews of the real t... read more WEF WITCHCRAFTfrom 2024 in ( education / research )twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1747726039139107033 thedailybs.com/2024/01/18/native-woman-invited-to-blow-on-world-economic-forum-panel-is-most-bizarre-thing-you-will-see-all-day/ ... read more IS THIS OKAY?from 2024 in ( education / research )mrctv.org/blog/nick-kangadis/jim-jordan-reveals-fed-govt-advised-banks-flag-transactions-including-maga-trump It seems like Commie kontrol to me as in the old Soviet Union or China, but it seems that liberals don't have a problem being put under Commie kontrol... read more DAVID ICKE PROVEN RIGHT BY SCIENCEfrom 2024 in ( education / research )I'm pretty sure that the spike proteins and mRNA HAVE been Proved to be very involved. So, that makes me wonder about Icke, who long ago was pushing UFO and reptilian theories. (No, I haven't looked at the video and might skin through it) On Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 10:15:55 PM PST: Excellent discussion about ... read more FURTHER PROOF FAUCI HAS ALWAYS BEEN FULL OF ITfrom 2024 in ( education / research / conspiracies / covid )Actually, I think it was borrowed from cystic fibrosis (see the movie imdb.com/title/tt6472976/?refnvsrsrsg0tt4nm0qfive%2520feet%2520apartFive Feet Apart ) for which they recommend contagious people keep at least six feet away from vulnerable people. It actually is good advice to stay s... read more REALLY NICE DISCUSSION ABOUT HAPPINESSfrom 2024 in ( education / research )A very important thing, I'd suggest. By James Corbett: bitchute.com/video/BCjAhXmwNmG7/... read more THE GREAT TAKING BY DAVID ROGERS WEBBfrom 2024 in ( education / research )People who own things MUST be aware of this incredible scam documented in this free book in PDF format. And if you didn't already watch it, do yourself a big favor today. As someone else said, the only way to prevent this is for enough people to be aware of it. Otherwise they will be able to pull it off. ... read more DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA UNDER ZIONIST PUPPETSfrom 2024 in ( education / research )That Steve doesn't care thing is what I wrote in my Baby/Life Book in high school, which I guess I dusted off and included in my biography for the adoption agency. But, just so you know, I consider myself the rightful heir of wherever I go, so you might not want to invite me to your house. :) wife's joke about that scuffle made me ... read more WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT CELL TOWERS NEAR US?from 2024 in ( education / research )everybody in Sacramento was mandated to get a water meter. those meters continually monitor our water use and send signals back to the city. I don't know how strong any one is, but it's EVERYBODY's meters together that I wonder about On Saturday, January 6, 2024 at 04:08:56 PM PST: In case you don't know, cell towers... read more JAN 6THfrom 2024 in ( education / research )The Pelosis and FBI were the problem: theepochtimes.com/epochtv/the-capitol-hill-tapes-5452868 ... read more GREAT VIDEOfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Ah, just now opened up your email. Yes, excellent coverage of what's really going on in CA. Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2023 8:48 PM 'Bill' . totally contrary to the globalist plan for humanity ( or or our Texas cousins, maybe you can do som... read more NY WOMAN CREATES CA PARADISE BUT MUST MOVE TO TXfrom 2023 in ( education / research )yeah, that's the one that I sent out On Friday, December 29, 2023 at 02:08:04 PM PST: Really great interview, lots of interesting observations. Her story and mine have a lot of parallels. You will understand how CA is killing itself. Hope you watch it: theepochtimes.com/epochtv/how-californias-policies-forced-me... read more GROCERY SHOPPING THESE DAYSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )many will welcome being Kontrolled by AI, probably feeling it's an improvement of Kontrolled by the slavemaster government On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 12:49:52 PM PST: For good or for bad, they'll be dead or enslaved and controlled by artificial intelligence. Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2023 12:47 PM ... read more EXTREMELY IMPORTANT VIDEO ABOUT EMFfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Watch at least the first 10 minutes and I'll wager most will then want to watch the entire thing. It is from about 5 years ago and the scientific research mentioned might shock you. I knew it was bad but not this bad. I think maybe this is what killed Don. Under no circumstances should anyone decide to start shooting or in any way ruining th... read more AFTER 800 DAYS, THE VAX TRUTHfrom 2023 in ( education / research )theepochtimes.com/health/final-batch-of-pfizer-documents-released-showing-fda-knew-safety-monitoring-system-was-not-sufficient-5544925?refsharefacebook&rsSHRNCMMW... read more IS JESUS MORE FAKE NEWS?from 2023 in ( education / research )This is a very interesting video that explains it. Note the very limited distribution. bitchute.com/video/PbjH7GqYMxA1/... read more WHAT IS AGENDA 21?from 2023 in ( education / research )This is a great intro to this question. I searched Google and found all the buzz words you'd expect from the globalists, like equity and sustainable development. But it's nothing more than propaganda, of course (if you realize how Google works). After watching this interview I realize I need to Investigate what our county in Missouri is do... read more HEALTH DEVICE - JUVENTfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Check this out. Maybe it'll help you... if it's not too expensive. Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2023 6:51 PMReally interesting thing you stand on that looks like a scale. Used for rehab and by pro athletes. Worth a watch. bitchute.com/video/iC8BAmjeSR3T/Watch on Bitchute ... read more DO WE REALLY NEED ELECTIONS?from 2023 in ( education / research / politics / voting )Some think not: See bitchute.com/video/BFyUGxII3YGb/Elections Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2023 9:16 AM We don't need politicians, just sane laws and sane enforcement of those laws, with THE PEOPLE making and voting to keep or remove those laws. So, we do need voting... counted by hand... read more UNI-PARTY PASSES SPYING ON AMERICANSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Warrantless spying gets passed with the help of many on the right who pretend to be America first. bitchute.com/video/Mqcf9EgbxOw/... read more GOLDBACKSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )When the federal reserve is cut out of the entire process, they won't be happy campers. How dare we exit their slave system!!! Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 5:40 PM -- -- looks like a great concept to me. I wonder how the globalists will react to them. That's the on... read more THIEVES IN UNIFORMfrom 2023 in ( education / research )the Dems and the GOP are the left and right BUTT CHEEKS of the UniParty Deep State On Monday, December 11, 2023 at 09:44:41 PM PST: Maybe you've seen them already. They are such people as your local sheriff. They refuse to stop being criminals because they're getting so rich from stealing from the public. And asshole Trump is ... read more REALLY INTERESTING DISCUSSION ABOUT ESGfrom 2023 in ( education / research )No, it's not some chemical. It's how the globalists want to take away our freedom, linked directly to the climate change scam. bitchute.com/video/lW7bo0dcHGwi/... read more UPDATE ON THE BEVERLY HILLS SAFE DEPOSIT BOX CASEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Exactly Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2023 12:46 PM -- -- I would NEVER put anything of value in a safe deposit box. The gov't has total access to them to STEAL whatever they want On Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 11:28:53 AM PST: More crimes by the FBI and theft of Am... read more JUDGE FINDS ENOUGH ILLEGALLY CAST BALLOTS TO OVERTURN ELECTION RESULTSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )It says the entire election. They have to redo it. Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2023 12:49 PM -- -- yeah, but as I recall, it was just the election for Sheriff On Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 11:21:09 AM PST: Finally real justice from Louisiana. Still, blind people won&... read more ALEX JONES AND TUCKER CARLSON UNLEASH ON CENSORSHIP CULTURE AND GLOBALIST WARMONGERSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Every American patriot will love this interview. It keeps getting better and better. So if you hate this country, don't watch it. bitchute.com/video/9a4pFmyeF48l/... read more OREGON SENATOR WITH A FUNCTIONING BRAIN?from 2023 in ( education / research )I assumed the politics in Oregon were as insane as what we're seeing happen to the formerly beautiful city of Portland. But this senator is not one such moron. Quite a nice surprise: bitchute.com/video/UTQOaQC4uFvD/... read more MOON LANDINGSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )yes, it was a LIE.Right now we can only go to earth orbit.They mentioned what I always point out that there werer no divots below any lander that the retrorockets would have created for a soft landing On Saturday, December 9, 2023 at 04:11:19 PM PST: Can anyone explain these questions a... read more BALFOUR DECLARATION - LAWRENCE OF ARABIAfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I haven't watched the video but as I remember it, the Rothschilds told the Brits that if they allowed the takeover of Palestine, they'd get President Wilson to join with England for WWI. Wilson campaigned about not going to war, but was somehow convinced to go along but later in life said he had done a mistake.That was followed by the Tra... read more SENATOR DICK DURBAN OF ILLINOISfrom 2023 in ( education / research )As dirty as the day is long. How do you like this mafia running the government? Maybe Newsom can team up with him for a marriage from hell bitchute.com/video/Wp99DJ4I5YFt/... read more SATELLITE PHONE FOR EVERYONEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )This interview has finally convinced me to buy a satellite phone ASAP and create an emergency plan for SHTF. I think it'll be needed in 2024. Pay attention especially to about the last quarter of this talk, but the whole thing is good. bitchute.com/video/x45jW0AA9Jxp/... read more NEW ZEALAND WHISTLEBLOWERfrom 2023 in ( education / research )More about his arrest bitchute.com/video/kk7eS9G7DuRy/ Sent: Sunday, December 3, 2023 4:28 AM -- -- don't worry, it's a good old World Economic Forum commie reaction On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 10:46:42 PM PST: All hell has come down on th... read more VOTE BY TWEETfrom 2023 in ( education / research )--000BYAPR08MB5624C18C70EAB4DD07F82063D184ABYAPR08MB5624namp charsetus-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Yes, very serious and why using humor is a great way to communicate the hypocrisy of these insane tyrants to those not paying attention. Sent: Tuesday, Dece... read more TAXES, MURDER, CONSPIRACIESfrom 2023 in ( education / research )If you kill someone, that's murder. If you take someone's money, that's theft. But if the government does these things it's war and taxation. bitchute.com/video/BFVLzUlUXs16/... read more INTERESTING NEWS FROM IRELANDfrom 2023 in ( education / research )bitchute.com/video/IPz03gIVINzI/... read more TEXAS SUES PFIZER / KIDS PROTEST HILARYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )almost every day! I especially like making them with the walnut bread from Costco On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 12:24:09 AM PST: Wow, you are still making those? That means for about 50 years you have been eating that. Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 11:11 PM Cc: -- -- personally, I think my di... read more EMF AND VIRUS THEORYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Really interesting discussion about the true cause of illness. rumble.com/v3z2qm1-critically-thinking-with-dr.-t-and-dr.-p-episode-169-5-docs-nov-30-2023.html... read more FAKE SILVER FROM CHINAfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Important information if you are interested in silver. Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2023 1:44 PM Be careful who you buy your silver from. Some of the counterfeits are getting better. youtu.be/0G3dkxOTb9s... read more NEW BOOK, MOVIE, TV SERIES SOUNDS AMAZINGfrom 2023 in ( education / research )bitchute.com/video/Gv4VAH14Tu7E/ Professor and Author, Chad Stewart, joins the program to discuss his international bestselling Britfield series of books for children. He shares how his blockbuster series taps into the natural creativity of children. We also discuss the well documented destruction of creativity and critical thinking... read more LOTS OF INFO ABOUT EMF AND STEPS TO AVOID ITfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Electromagnetic frequencies may be the most important reason for sickness. Really interesting conversation: bitchute.com/video/vFCuLrnANLMo/... read more 2016 TV SHOW PREDICTED THE FUTURE?from 2023 in ( education / research )That reminds me of what will be in my next story, space aliens, and having that Alien Nation TV show some while back was a test to see how humans would react to living with space aliens (no, I'm not saying that was so, just a similar idea) On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 12:15:05 AM PST:Predictive programming from X F... read more TRUMAN SHOW AS RELATES TO THE PANDEMICfrom 2023 in ( education / research )and 99.99% of humanity is happy in the FAKE WORLD they're living in On Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 10:26:27 PM PST: Really interesting discussion with novel conclusions. Forward to about minute 14 for the sound to start. rumble.com/v3xtp7s-lee-merritt-md-live....html... read more KAISER DOCTOR SPEAKS OUTfrom 2023 in ( education / research )it's all about MONEY. wife's old boss doctor still wears masks at meetings and if they go against the LIES, they miss out On Money (billions of dollars from joe) On Wednesday, November 22, 2023 at 09:43:37 PM PST: These people have no morals and I wonder how they can live with themselves. Sent: Wednesday... read more PSYCHOPATHIC ISRAELfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Yes, that pinpoints the exact people. Zionism should be fully exposed so people can properly ridicule them. Some say ban or outlaw them, but that's how things backfire on us. No, let the Marxists, communists, pedophiles etc explain how wonderful their ideas are for all to see. Sent: Wednesday... read more HYPERBARIC CHAMBERSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Really interesting discussion about the use of hyperbaric chambers to improve health, including dementia and many other things. They are surprisingly affordable. I'm going to get one before the criminals outlaw them. rumble.com/v3wkc5d-lee-merritt-md-interviews-ted-fogarty-on-grwn.html... read more TESLA RELATED SCIENCEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Fascinating discussion by scientists: bitchute.com/video/48OwzXykUMAp/... read more AMAZING CIA INFOfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Very short story you should hear bitchute.com/video/4MjcFwyzUjkE/ Still trust the government after hearing this?... read more 5G TECHNOLOGYfrom 2023 in ( education / research / tech / 5g )Just ran across this interesting tidbit of information. 5G has been in existence since at least 2003, but not yet introduced to the public. 6G and 7G already exist but are in waiting. See Minute 30 or so: bitchute.com/video/RhNvoyfKboop/Watch on BitChute ... read more GASLIGHT, THE MOVIEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Such an excellent replay of his 2013 podcast about this phenomena. We've all been gaslighted and there's nobody who hasn't been a victim of it, speaking for myself. bitchute.com/video/iLKkpT0PWPdr/... read more DIG IT #207, WITH JOHN DYSLINfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Some pretty interesting things mentioned, beyond the religious beliefs: bitchute.com/video/zjrnI4obYfZ3/Watch on BitChute ... read more SHOT DEAD THE MOVIE - 1 HRfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Over and over I tried to warn people on FB about the jab and how Ivermectin could save them but biden told FB to CENSOR such things so biden and FB are complicit in the MANSLAUGHTERS (but, luckily he didn't send out mean tweets as trump did) On Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 09:26:36 AM PST, someone wrote: certain people w... read more TWENTY DOCUMENTED CONSPIRACIESfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I'm listening to Corbett's older video that he mentioned, and I think it's a great idea to pay attention corbettreport.com/mp4/solutionswatch-investing.mp4Investing On Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 09:24:20 PM PST How do we plan for this with so much uncertainty? Will th... read more REALLY INTERESTING TALK ABOUT PSYCHOLOGY AND HABITSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Includes comments about being a writer and more. Worth a listen. bitchute.com/video/ae1GtvE4chze/... read more SPACE BANKINGfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Yes, and they have a scheme where they can sidestep privacy laws by having it go through another country and then back to them for their big data gathering. Disgusting pieces of sh-t. Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2023 5:01 PM -- -- is this the one where they store all the info in s... read more BURN BACK BETTERfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Playbook of the globalists -- Lahaina and maybe Acapulco (all recent direct energy weapon targeted places) New book. bitchute.com/video/1Z6F4JUoY6kL/... read more WHERE TO MOVE WHEN SHIT HITS THE FANfrom 2023 in ( education / research )They will be seen, or word of their coming will precede them, so some will be hit. But then forces will likely join up (if things went right, the National Guard would do something but I wouldn't count on them) On Monday, November 6, 2023 at 09:10:42 PM PST Yes, but how will that prevent a gang of terrorists from attacki... read more MARTIN ARMSTRONG ON WORLD EVENTSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Surprising predictions worth hearing. See what happens in 2024. Governments around the world pay attention to what he says. And visit Europe soon if you want because lockdowns are coming that will prevent it later. bitchute.com/video/70dEbJ8Je6Nu/... read more FAKE PANDEMIC BUSINESS - H1N1from 2023 in ( education / research )They sure perfected it for the greatest scam in history of 2020. Sent: Friday, November 3, 2023 10:15 PM -- yeah, it was a practice Scamdemic that didn't pan out then On Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 07:43:43 AM PDT: Nice short video remembering H1N1. w... read more DR SHIVA GIVES AMAZING INTERVIEWfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I was wondering whether it would be allowed on fascistbook. Sent: Friday, November 3, 2023 9:33 PM -- -- I'm listening to it part 1 wasn't banned in FB but part 2 is banned Yeah, it's good and ALL (who can deal with reality) ought to watch it On Thursday, No... read more BEAT LAWYERS AT THEIR OWN RACKETfrom 2023 in ( education / research / legal )This guy is absolutely awesome. In this video he talks about how the American Bar Association gets into everyone's life, and how you take control again. Must watch if you want to save your assets. youtu.be/-oI1wKWZghE?si3DfvYh-0qv5c4vm8iWatch on YouTube ... read more PROJECT PAPERCLIPfrom 2023 in ( education / research )yeah, disgustingin you've ever wondered how our military became so demonic, this video will enlighten you: On Monday, October 30, 2023 at 09:35:44 PM Extremely important part of our history and presented very well in this mini documentary. Now we can understand why the Nazis never went away. And if you're observant you s... read more HOW TO HAVE HEALTHY PETSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Interesting cast of rogue characters which includes Trump. It becomes more and more clear that Trump is controlled opposition. Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2023 8:33 PM -- -- while researching, I found this WEF water group: WEFTEC -- WEF Announces Graduates of 2023 Wat... read more WEF YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Yes, but people will usually be surprised what their names are and where they are from. Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2023 8:06 PM -- a bunch of scumbags who want to destroy humanity, while thinking they have god status over humanity On Saturday, October 28, 2023 at ... read more WHILE YOU WERE OCCUPIED BY OTHER EVENTSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )The W.H.O. is demonic and the guy leading it is NOT A DOCTOR! On Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 04:19:46 PM Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2023 3:34 PM While you were occupied by other events... twitter.com/BretWeinstein/status/1717586725667557773On Twitter The public tr... read more WHILE YOU WERE OCCUPIED BY OTHER EVENTS. . from 2023 in ( education / research )the WHO is demonic and the guy leading it is NOT A DOCTOR! On Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 04:19:46 PM PDT, someone wrote: FYI Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2023 3:34 PM . twitter.com/BretWeinstein/status/1717586725667557773 The public tracks one ca... read more PFIZER GOING DOWN?from 2023 in ( education / research )It's hard not to be outraged after what these demons have done (and keep doing). So it's also hard not to become what they are when exacting revenge. Max igan had a good idea -- put them all on an island and leave them to rot. In the meantime, hit them in the wallet by winning in court. ... read more HIGHLAND PARK SHOOTING WAS A FALSE FLAG OPERATION?from 2023 in ( education / research )MK Ultra victim, most likely. Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 8:05 PM as I said, kcra.com/article/lewiston-maine-mass-shootings/45666185?utmmedium3Demail3DEmail - Afternoon Headlines&3D653c722900cdd732727798b628e9d5a8&brzu3Dbc260606cbd613c0f40cd1c1dded675dc1cf85210895692... read more EUROPE IS A LOST CAUSEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Can America be the example all other countries look to? That's what this member of German parliament thinks. rumble.com/v3rwcf1-christine-anderson-europe-has-already-fallen-all-eyes-are-on-america.html... read more GOOD ANTI-CENSORSHIP VIDEOfrom 2023 in ( education / research )theepochtimes.com/epochtv/you-dont-get-to-outsource-censorship-sen-eric-schmitt-on-taking-biden-admin-to-supreme-court-atlnow-5516921 Sorry, I hope I didn't OFFEND anybody by defending the First Amendment... read more HEALING FROM VAX INJURIESfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Maybe for someone you know? bitchute.com/video/3UhczUuVHw3x/... read more COVID VAX 0% EFFECTIVE (BUT KILLED AND INJURED)from 2023 in ( education / research )theepochtimes.com/health/researchers-find-pfizer-excluded-clinical-trial-deaths-from-fda-covid-vaccine-eua-request-5511880?News&srcsrcNewsbreaking-2023-10-24-1&srccmpbreaking-2023-10-24-1&ctaNews&estrd0W%2BJrsfLg4p2YOet6TIxSweO8fT3DDFqR3SRYcFPOIGSszzSTpAtT%2FIvvJDA%3D%3D... read more PALESTINE/ISRAEL CONFLICTfrom 2023 in ( education / research )No way do I trust any elections these days. So I doubt he was legitimately elected. Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 10:42 PM yes, netanyahu is another demonic warmongering zionist. I read he's not too popular in israel but they re-elected him Syrian Girl is mentioned. I enjoyed her vid... read more DELUSIONAL?from 2023 in ( education / research )yes, and don't forget Hunter, the first son who is a crack head and put lots of porn on his laptop that the NY Times finally had to admit was NOT a Lie. And yet, liberals seem to be as delusional as he is On Monday, October 23, 2023 at 11:46:33 AM Pathetic scumbag Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 11:44... read more SHIT ABOUT READY?from 2023 in ( education / research )yeah, again the zionists, rothschilds, and biden are also mentioned On Sunday, October 22, 2023 at 11:17:54 PM Listen to this short report from a cab driver and his passenger. bitchute.com/video/rLjlC1nBPAmz/... read more HEALTH TIPfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Sure.Being the numbers nut that I am, I have my exercise data in a spreadsheet to compare. On Sunday, October 22, 2023 at 08:27:41 PM PDT: Sounds good. If you do it, let us know how it goes for you. Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2023 7:03 PM sounds worth checking out: ... read more BLOOD LINESfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Yea, there's always a chance that the person has a different perspective or interpretation of facts, but in general he is oh so right. This gets into genealogy and tracing various lineages and that's what I was so interested in documenting until it became clear the good uses of DNA have been also adopted by evil pieces of sh-t for nefariou... read more MISCELLANEOUS INTERESTING STUFFfrom 2023 in ( education / research )story on American Military NewsYeah, you can become a battery for your devices? Somebody would really want that? (remember the Matrix movie)Sure, it's a good thing to power your devices (but instead of you powering devices, it's more likely that YOU will be Controlled by SOMEBODY's device:americanmilit... read more FREE SPEECH HORRORfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Can you imagine this happening to yourself? Wow, we better do something about it soon. rumble.com/v3pwngg-what-may-be-coming-next-and-why-you-should-care-about-it.html... read more INFORMATIONAL ARTICLE ABOUT ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR (FALSE FLAG OPERATION)from 2023 in ( education / research )globalresearch.ca/second-israel-nakba-start-monumental-destruction-middle-east/5836627... read more INCREDIBLE BRUTALITY OF ISRAELfrom 2023 in ( education / research )great video about zionism and israel, . I've been trying to educate people about it on FB and any article that mentions antisemitism with what I've been posting about the matter from the last 110 years being the same thing On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 11:14:42 PM Another good but very short mini documentary abo... read more YOU OK WITH SEVERE TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS?from 2023 in ( education / research )what totally annoys me is that there's people (most liberals) who know they're too immature to make Adult decisions and thus feel they need daddy to run their lives and don't want to admit that there are many Real Adults who don't need their choice of Daddy and they outnumber the Real Adultls so we're their Childish ... read more SAFE AND EFFECTIVE DEATH TOLLfrom 2023 in ( education / research )More athletes died from conspiracy theories. If they had only listened... But don't worry, conspiracy deniers are bound to be right at least one time, eventually. bitchute.com/video/ebhlSF50GCuJ/... read more POWERFUL STATEMENT FROM A HOLOCAUST SURVIVORfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Yes, very refreshing. Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2023 9:11 PM -- -- wow, a jew who is honest about how disgusting israelis against palestinians. On Sunday, October 15, 2023 at 08:27:38 PM PDT: Just listen for about 12 minutes bitchute.com/video/... read more NEED A GOOD LAUGH?from 2023 in ( education / research )Go to minute 50:00 or so to watch a collection of BBC clips that could have you breathless from laughter. The entire podcast documents many examples of how the BBC is the government mouthpiece for propaganda. bitchute.com/video/RzavD5BUgwKC/... read more MORE DETAILS ABOUT THE WAVE OF PEOPLE THRU MEXICOfrom 2023 in ( education / research )NYC people keep doing suicidal things. Is it due to living like RATS? On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 08:09:32 PM Genius policies, as usual. Sent: Friday, October 13, 2023 7:17 PM -- -- as this article tells, NYC folks get to be second class to ILLEGALS at hospitals: Even More American Citizens Turned... read more REST IN PEACEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I doubt it, but hearing how many Jews are ok with complete genocide of Palestinians, we must realize there's plenty of psychos around and our own installed government is full of them. Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 10:06 PM -- -- Plan A was to nuke us all. Plan B... read more EVERYWHERE BUT USAfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Seen over a billion times now, but blacked out in America. Now why would that be?! Very interesting conversation with Dr David Martin. bitchute.com/video/ZwGmHg0azh8S/... read more GREAT HISTORY LESSONfrom 2023 in ( education / research )as the attached file shows, I've been collecting stuff about the ConCon (and I think that's a super appropriate abbreviation of it) for quite some time and the biggest pusher has been Mark Levin, who is supposed to be some great patriot but I think he's another Trojan Horse: On Sunday, October 8, 2023 at 10:42:10 PM ... read more GOOGLE CAUGHT RED HANDEDfrom 2023 in ( education / research )This man is documenting how Google is influencing elections with millions of voters.They never thought anyone could catch them because how it flashes on people's devices and leaves no trace it ever happened. But this man, a Democrat by the way, figured out what they're doing and how to prove itReally amazing.Must see if interested ... read more MEDICINE SUPPLIES RUNNING OUTfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Something like 95% of pharmacies are reporting shortages.Most drugs and vitamin supplements come from China.What if you could find natural ways to maintain your health? This is a really great discussion about information being compiled for this very purpose. All you have to do is look:bitchute.com/video/Gn04L6v37Rq4/... read more OUR MISSOURI OZARKS HOMESTEADfrom 2023 in ( education / research )More about food forests: morningchores.com/food-forest/ There's a company I ran across that creates one for you. I'll find the link if interested. I'm more interested in learning how to do it myself. Sent: Friday, October 6, 2023 11:43 AM all sounds good as to fertilizers, I did a minimum with them and see o... read more NEW SONG AND NEW LABELfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Reminds me of Don. I know he'd appreciate these awesome lyrics.bitchute.com/video/rYoLyvPCetTE/... read more WATER PURIFIER TABLETSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Really great prepping itemEven makes bananas and veggies last longerUsed by city water companies, sold to UN, and the country of Dominican Republic practically mandates it.bitchute.com/video/yDpxlqiLF7om/... read more INSPIRATIONAL SHORT TALK PREVENTING CANCERfrom 2023 in ( education / research )bitchute.com/video/GK44VwD9xV6F/... read more CALIFORNIA LAW REPEALEDfrom 2023 in ( education / research )he's a DEMONIC ASSHOLE who wants to be God, like so many others, especially those in the Deep State that are against humanity but loved by Democrats.It amazes me that anybody still is for them but since the media won't tell the facts and most don't have interest in the facts because they're all conspiracy theories, the w... read more OCTOBER 4TH FEMA TEST WARNING, UPDATED 5G POLL RESULTSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Same for us.Sent: Sunday, October 1, 2023 9:09 AMI don't expect it to be anything but I'll stay away from tech for those couple of hours (no big deal for me)On Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 07:01:03 AMI think it'll be nothing except maybe a diversion.Sent: Sunday, October 1, 2023 12:11 AMI mentioned this before... read more CANCER TREATMENTSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )So, you get vaccinated against polio and then get polio over and over again. Just think how bad it could have been if not vaccinated!!! sarcasm Need me to spell it out further? The first 30 minutes is about a bunch of natural remedies, especially something called Chlorine Dioxide. rumble.com/v3lv8ps-critic... read more UNBELIEVABLE TESTIMONYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )admitting one's error is an adult thing and as I've repeatedly said, adultism isn't a typical trait of liberals On Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 07:46:57 PM Did you pay attention to the past 3 years enough to remember all the vax and mask mandates? Yet the sh-theads on the left are trying to gaslight everyone and s... read more BIDEN SENT $120 BILLION TO UKRAINEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Doesn't look to good to me but what do I know? ingsreport.com/u-s-taxpayers-subsidizing-ukraines-economy-paying-all-of-their-first-responders/Taxpayers Subsidizing Ukraine ... read more BIDEN SENT $120 BILLION TO THE UKRAINEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Doesn't look to good to me but what do I know?billingsreport.com/u-s-taxpayers-subsidizing-ukraines-economy-paying-all-of-their-first-responders/... read more BLACK LIVES MATTERfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Reality is such a bitch. Liberals were for Antifa and killing babies, taking the killer vax, and so many other insane things.On Monday, September 25, 2023 at 07:53:52 AMIt's like the modern Democrats are only those who decided not to think anymore. They're on autopilot. Some call them NPCs (non-player characters) a term from video ... read more HOUSING CRASH IN PROGRESSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Very simple . I'm dealing with it now. Create an LLC and you are now permanently tax free from capital gains. I can share the details.we have a second house, the one that bought very long ago and we rented it out while in our new house but we've talked of selling it and using the money to buy a house or property outside of California... read more FIRESfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Since when do the nails burn but not the wood post? Yea, very obvious. We're being attacked by the government using microwaves on us Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2023 9:29 PM Re: I'm finally watching this. Wow, it's rather obvious (unless you call everything s... read more NURSE SPILLS THE BEANSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )yeah, but she's making it all up because she's just another conspiracy nut!On Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 04:35:56 PM Listen to the nurse about half way into this video. About 10 code blue alarms per shift each day only after the shots came out. Way up from before. bitchute.com/video/Ku... read more ONESOLfrom 2023 in ( education / research )--000000000000959b310606135c15 --000000000000959b310606135c15 --000000000000959b310606135c15----00000000000028376606061c7c5a Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I used to send video to after every show. He would tell me what he thought about the performance. This was emotional for me. The first show after his death. ... read more EARLIEST DAYS OF THE CIAfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Wow, what a gem podcast about a man involved in the DoD and CIA since the 1940s. And he describes some details how they operate. Real insider info. bitchute.com/video/IFsJps4WLijr/Watch on Bitchute ... read more DR. KAREN DEVORE TESTIMONYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Amazing observations by Dr. Karen DeVore, Dermatologist in South Carolina. Has been prescribing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for 30 years, for off label treatment. What she is seeing in her patients, starting at 8:50.Very nice to hear such a thing presented to lawmakers. bitchute.com/video/2IwNqMoXs... read more A LITTLE TRUTH?from 2023 in ( education / research )Banned On YouTube -- Nine Eleven By Hibbeler Productions -- Full Documentary (2019) bitchute.com/video/Gru4BAJGqmlZ/Watch on Bitchute ... read more IN-DEPTH LOOK AT BLACKROCK, OWNER OF THE WORLDfrom 2023 in ( education / research )And now a follow up about how to defeat BlackRock:bitchute.com/video/HEjGOwklAdsd/Sent: Monday, September 18, 2023 9:47 PMI presume you already have heard of BlackRock, but if you haven't, this is a wonderful opportunity to catch up on a vital pheonema today.This is an outstanding look at this gargantuan beast:htt... read more REMOTE VIEWING SUGGESTS YEAR-END TROUBLEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )The military coined the term remote.webp viewing and runs their operations.Another private group is doing it for the public. Check it out. bitchute.com/video/VxSiOLnfE1oD/Watch on Bitchute On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 03:10:36 PMI'll look at it later. I remember that ou... read more WEATHER IN CA AND AUSTRALIA - 13 MINUTESfrom 2023 in ( education / research )wow, NOT a conspiracy theory? How annoying that it can't be written off as one.I sent it to Kevin Kiley to educate him since he represents California On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 01:05:59 AM Fascinating look at how storms are created.bitchute.com/video/okqdAYGia8Wm/... read more TN AND AR PUSH BACKfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Scamdemic enthusiasts will be deeply troubled by these two states (Tennessee and Arkansas) not playing along with the globalist's agenda.bitchute.com/video/AbYw9tGbsFgw/... read more IS THIS WHY BLUE CARS, UMBRELLAS AND OTHER BLUE THINGS DIDN'T BURN IN THE MAUI FIRES?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies / fire )Inquisitive minds are not buying the official story that the fires in Maui were a natural and unexpected event and certainly not one that is the product of some mythical concept like climate change or global warming.... globalresearch.ca... read more LARA LOGAN (FORMERLY OF 60 MINUTES) LATESTfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Really interesting project.Don't miss her final comments.Amazing lady and a rare journalist.bitchute.com/video/X9otd9lkr41T/... read more ONLY 8 MICEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )This was on the CDC VAERS site, but it has no value (sarcasm): globalresearch.ca/cdc-vaers-records-more-deaths-covid-vax-assembly-lines-total-all-previous-vaccines-combined/5831678GlobalResearch CDC VAERS Records More Deaths from covid Vaccines Than Total of All Previous Vaccines Combin... read more PILOT SPEAKS OUTfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Silly, facts are no fun. They don't let me remain in my comfy imaginary world.On Friday, September 15, 2023 at 07:52:32 PM That's for sure. And suffers the consequences of countering the official narrative of the 9/11 government false-flag attack on Americans. He is attacked by the airline that employed him, by the medical peopl... read more DUTCH FARMERS AND FISHERMEN UNDER ATTACKfrom 2023 in ( education / research )This is a terrific report about how the government there is going after the food suppliers. bitchute.com/video/YYMdumLO23df/Watch on Bitchute On Friday, September 15, 2023 at 10:27:49 AMSounds like the Dutch are so limp that they let it happen to them. I wonder how far behind that the USA is (and... read more 15-MINUTE CITIES COMING TO CALIFORNIAfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Not enough WATER? Not a problem for LIBERAL mayors because they're wacko (or more likely, those who elect them are wacko, proving again that liberals aren't adult enough for real societal matters). Since with each development, they collect ENORMOUS FEES and for 20 years the development won't need any fixing, they get FREE MONEY for ... read more EVEN WORSE TEACHER SHORTAGE COMING?from 2023 in ( education / research )well, yeah, the vax has been PROVEN to reduce one's immunity. As I've been saying liberalism is a mental illness with a failure to survive component.If enough liberal Canadians don't make it, it might change the political there enough to get rid of Marxist son of Castro, Trudeau. On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 11:55:34 PM ... read more ARCHITECT TELLS THE TRUTH ABOUT 9/11 PSY-OPfrom 2023 in ( education / research )sure, a thinking person (but I think it's all a conspiracy, right? On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 10:42:15 PM After talking about bldg 7 being a planned demolition, they talked about the two towers with facts that a thinking person should be willing to question after all these years. S... read more ARCHITECT TELLS THE TRUTH ABOUT 9/11 PSYOPfrom 2023 in ( education / research )sure, a thinking person (but I think it's all a conspiracy, right? On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 10:42:15 PM PDT, someone wrote: After talking about bldg 7 being a planned demolition, they talked about the two towers with facts that a thinking person should be willing to question after all these years. ... read more FAKE CLIMATE CHANGE DISASTERSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )This video has a bunch of false flag disasters from around the world being blamed on climate change.We're experiencing a full blown attack on humanity now. And it appears that many are fully aware it's all manipulation of the weather and DEWs. At the very beginning of this video is a young man creating a laser beam weapon at home. You ha... read more WHAT IF THERE IS MORE TO THE 9/11 STORY?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies / 9-11 )It was such a planned event, as the case of the Dancing Israelis makes clear Were the notorious 'Dancing Israelis' 9/11 plotters, spies, or just common scam artists? The five dancing Israelis intrigue lives on twenty years after the September 11 attacks. But the reality behind...... read more DISCUSSION WITH REINETTE SENUMfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Find people around you -- find your tribe. Build up your own local economy. Stand a rotating watch for fires because the plan seems to be to burn people out of rural areas and herd them into 15 minute cities / prisons.Exciting plans to stop some insane abuses regarding geo engineering, weather modificationHer timeline for a massive shock w... read more WHAT IF THERE IS MORE TO THE 9/11 STORY?from 2023 in ( education / research )it was such a planned event, as the case of the Dancing Israelis makes clear: Were the notorious 'Dancing Israelis' 9/11 plotters, spies, or just common scam artists? - The Grayzone Were the notorious 'Dancing Israelis' 9/11 plotters, spies, or just comm... David Sheen The five danci... read more PROOF THAT CHINA FIRED FROM SATELLITES ON MAUIfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )jeffreyprather.com/breaking-china-satellites-fired-maui/Watch it on jeffreyprather.com From: JEFFREY PRATHER Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 7:29 AM Subject: ???????? PRATHER CHINA SATELLITES FIRED MAUI 2 CHINA SATELLITES AT 3 MAUI FIRES! 1 SATELLITE RELOADED (RE-ORBITED)! ... read more LAWYER TALKfrom 2023 in ( education / research / civics / legal )While most lawyers are themselves dishonest and lowlifes, it's very refreshing to listen to a group chat about how they are already taking down our massively corrupt, dishonest and blatantly evil government and corporations.If this inspires you, please help them help us, even if not with donations but by sharing this group to Make America... read more DE-GOOGLED PHONESfrom 2023 in ( education / research )And other privacy talk -- really really great info.If you've ever wondered how your smart phone kills your privacy, just listen to all that a de-googled phone does to protect it lAnyone else considering getting one?bitchute.com/video/nUfDNJcDS2QD/... read more HARD HITTING VIVEK INTERVIEWfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I think he did well and that surprised me. bitchute.com/video/t6Kj73K5ps/... read more UNIQUE TAKE ON FINANCIAL CRISISfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Maybe a pile of US dollars won't become worthless.I also had the idea to have smaller s like 1s and 5s , especially since they are removing more and more cash from the system. bitchute.com/video/hXGglHhWVr71/Watch here ... read more INTERNATIONAL FINANCEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )This interview reveals the immunity that they operate under. They're clearly the head of the snake in many ways. bitchute.com/video/hXGglHhWVr71/Watch here ... read more PLAN FOR LEGITIMATE ELECTIONSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Do you think this plan will actually work?I think it might help in some instances but like DOJ justice this criminal regime will never willingly give up power. bitchute.com/video/y807KQ4LQ0S1/Watch here I think that I Pakistan or some s... read more NWO AGENDA FROM 1992from 2023 in ( education / research )Coleman wrote about the committee of 300 and all the things we call globalism that have come to pass, especially since 2020.Very interesting bitchute.com/video/meCdecyKTXdC/I never heard of them until very recently.Sent: Sunday, September 3, 2023 7:40 PMNWO agenda from 1992I'll look ... read more BIO-WARFARE HISTORY DISCUSSIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The whole thing is a wet dream for the Commies who want to end the sovereignty of all countries so it's a one-world-government, using health laws written by people who aren't doctors (such as the guy who runs the WHO). So disgusting that so many don't see a problem with that because, again, they want to go along to ... read more BITCHUTE CREATOR INTERVIEWfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Really interesting to hear his story about how he managed to protect free speech as YouTube kicked people off.Look for Paychute coming soon -- valuable idea. bitchute.com/video/f3QGnOvyyPCv/Watch here ... read more ARE PILOTS SMART?from 2023 in ( education / research )I know a Southwest pilot who was forced against his will to take the vax and he COLLAPSED that evening (he ran a marathon not long ago, so fitness wasn't an issue). Other pilots have had episodes and the airlines lowered a health standard because so many began to fail it but the pilots won't tell their doctors for fear of los... read more DISCUSSION ABOUT FIRESfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Maybe this is the ultimate discussion about fires in general. He covers Maui but many California fires, tooIf you watch the evidence shown, there's no way you can say it's just normal. It's completely unnatural. bitchute.com/video/XHaX2l6cQYxT/Watch ... read more MAYBE THE ULTIMATE DISCUSSION ABOUT FIRESfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Maybe this is the ultimate discussion about fires in general. He covers Maui but many California fires, tooIf you watch the evidence shown, there's no way you can say it's just normal. It's completely unnatural.bitchute.com/video/XHaX2l6cQYxT/... read more TUCKER CARLSON - ADAM CAROLLA - 1 HRfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Really interesting interview and insights from Tucker. Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 12:41 PM Tucker Carlson -- Adam Carolla -- 1 hr Tucker Carlson on His Interview with Trump, FOX Firing & America's Future youtu.be/q89Rzl9J5v4... read more IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT WEATHER HOAXfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I started to listen and even signed up with her but I started skimming through and decided it was a waste of time. She's too weird for me.On Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 08:32:52 PMHer name is Barbara Taveres (probably a corruption of the Portuguese name Tavares) and she's very wise to the globalist weather scams and manipulation.... read more CA DICTATORSHIP LOCKDOWN 2.0from 2023 in ( education / research )I went to the site.Yeah, the video is true.Of course the virus didn't go away. Viruses NEVER GO AWAY. It reminds me of when I worked for the Cal Dept of Food and Ag's control and eradication unit. NOTHING was ever eradicated so it was a perpetual job for the higher ups. PS (have any flu viruses ever gone away? (NO). Do we LIVE W... read more FOR THE GREATER GOOD... SUPPOSEDLYfrom 2023 in ( education / research / sociology )It's the mentality of the hive mind, weak minds. No free thinking allowed. Borg. Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2023 8:17 PMyeah, I guess that since it's on FB, you have to log into FB to see it. But it tells how all that we were FORCED to do for 3 years was for the greater good and if you think otherwise, you're a c... read more FORMER NEVADA CITY, CA MAYOR ON VARIOUS DISASTERSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )wow. Amazing report on FEMA.I tried to research her and there wasn't even anything about her and Katrina. On Sunday, August 27, 2023 at 08:04:32 PM: She's got a very interesting personal story about various disasters and links between them after dealing with FEMA -- Katrina, Paradise, Santa Rosa and now Lahaina.Plus she... read more READY FOR NEXT WEEK?from 2023 in ( education / research )Oh, that's easy when the entire thing is another phase of their SCAM.Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2023 12:22 AMready for next week?a nurse was talking about how she was told by the hospital to EXPECT a new virus to hit next week. amazing how they are told when it will hit!On Saturday, August 26, 2023 at 11:57:45 PM:pa... read more BEST REPORT YET ABOUT MAUIfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Another great report on the truth in Lahainabitchute.com/video/xL9tLYk7FDk/Sent: Friday, August 25, 2023 11:12 PM- Best report yet about Mauidisgusting interviews by residents telling how the gov't seemed to want to KILL PEOPLE (but it's just a Conspiracy)On Friday, August 25, 2023 at 10:53:07 PM:It... read more DISCUSSION ON FINANCE AND SOCIETAL COLLAPSEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Finance and societal collapse -- a cabin in the woods is great, but neighbors that you know who are heavily armed is better.bitchute.com/video/ZyBuiUrgcI5I/... read more USING TECHNOLOGY TO YOUR ADVANTAGEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Interesting conversation. Mentions Linux.Also talks about a de-googled phone for real privacy.bitchute.com/video/HbUqk8qWsl8r/... read more LAHAINAfrom 2023 in ( education / research )another coincidence, right (but that's just a Conspiracy theory)?nypost.com/2023/08/21/conspiracy-theorists-ripped-over-simpsons-maui-fire-claim/... read more PRETTY FUNNY SPONSORSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Fun way to ask for more sponsors. bitchute.com/video/0Tui5cKmFIdi/... read more SICK FROM BOOSTERS?from 2023 in ( education / research )Smuggling ivermectin into hospitals is really a great idea mentioned. Maybe no longer needed now that that FDA admits it is great for people.This talk is really great for anyone but maybe especially for people who fell for the bioweapon shots and have health issues now. Of course, those issues have nothing to do with the toxic sh-t injected .... read more ALTERNATIVE COMMERCE SYSTEMfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Really great discussion that can solve the problems that will arise once CBDCs arrive and you decide not to take booster 66 demanded for all slaves, for example.bitchute.com/video/4auFMJFWezHf/... read more VIVEK RAMASWAMY - COLION NOIR - 25 MINfrom 2023 in ( education / research )first of all, there is a UniParty with the left and right branches (Dem and GOP)I never and still don't trust trump but biden is just the place holder for o'bama's third term.Vivek and Nikkie Halley are Deep State puppets.If we could get rid of the Deep State folks Kontrolling the DOJ, maybe we could finally start getting rid of all ... read more ANA TOLEDOfrom 2023 in ( education / research )since the CIA/deep state Kontrol FB, it's too bad that we can't use FB to get a movement to deal with those causing these problems On Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 11:22:21 AM: Look at the end to hear what she says about using a megaphone as an easy way to detect what the covid injections are doing to someone.I... read more MORE LAHAINA STUFFfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Maybe they're counting on enough fools to trust them, even though only complete morons still do, and they can use the trusty conspiracy theorist label that people have now become immediately dismissive.Nothing to see, they claim. We're from the government and we're here to help (help you die).Sent: Wednesday, Au... read more VERY INTERESTINGfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Pretty good interview worth watching on various topics: bitchute.com/video/UprLO8fK9W4I/... read more MIRA LOMA ALUMNI NEWSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )------3715057623027110.1692805271976 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I went to both Folsom and Mira Loma 52nd (thanks to the scamdemic, not the 50th) reunions. I associate more wiith Folsom since I went there from 2nd to 10th grade On Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 08:05:17 AM PDT: I just figured wife might be int... read more FB CENSORING INFO AGAINfrom 2023 in ( education / research )there is a site that lists all the worst FauXi batches and I was going to post it here for somebody but the SATANISTS here don't want people to know if they'll SOON DIE from the one they got.But you never know. maybe this ACTUAL SCREENSHOT is just another conspiracy!there is a site that lists all the worst FauXi batches and I w... read more RUSSIA RELEASES REPORT ON MANUFACTURED COVID PANDEMICfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies / covid )
The People's Voice Russia has publicly accused Big Pharma and US Deep State actors of manufacturing the covid-19 pandemic to take... fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/russia-releases-2000-page-report-proving-deep-state-big-pharma-manufactured-covid-pandemic/314244... read more SETTING THE STAGE FOR PLANDEMIC 2.0: HIGHLY MUTATED STRAIN from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies / covid )This jibes perfectly with what we learned yesterday from Alex Jones. The Infowarrior noted in this clip from his show that two whistleblowers told him the government was preparing for another round of lockdowns and perpetual panic in mid-September. Is the variant described below by Mac Slavo at SHTF Plan the catalyst for their new round of Pande... read more RICH MEN NORTH OF RICHMOND - SONGfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Wow, so powerful!Brought tears to my eyes.youtu.be/zSIgQNarGWs?si3DKUFMCp4djzh0ds;You've probably already seen the video / heard the song. This is a compilation of reaction videos; seems to resonate.America REACTS to Rich Men North Of Richmond by Oliver Anthonyyoutu.be/zSIgQNarGWs... read more STOLEN IDENTITY - INCREDIBLEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )That's considered the stone age of ID theft by today's standards.Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2023 6:51 PM- -- Stolen identity -- incredibleMy identity was stolen back in 2005. What a hassle it was to straighten that out! Fortunately, they caught the perpetrator and he was sentenced to 3-1/2 years. He was caught with multiple ... read more NEW MOVIE, "THE JONES PLANTATION"from 2023 in ( education / research )The Jones Plantation -- really interesting interview. They say it's the creation of a new genre.Anyone see it yet? I'm looking forward to it.bitchute.com/video/aejCqKdOoJRo/... read more NEW BOOK, "THE DREAM"from 2023 in ( education / research )This interview goes into some detail regarding David Icke's latest book. It's a really great discussion. The first part is similar to many previous talks but by the second half it goes into the new book and it really sounds groundbreaking.Most will be too stuck in their beliefs to openly listen, but the truth is always available to th... read more LITIGATING THE PANDEMICfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Good news on making sure the scamdemic can't be repeated -- winning in court.bitchute.com/video/cekoRS2LFQJq/... read more PANDEMIC SUMMARYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Good summary of the scamdemic in a series I'm just starting to watch.bitchute.com/video/zzOtb1zLTmLT/... read more STILL WEARING MASKSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Wow. I'm surprised that it's rising anywhere. Well, I'll donate to them. On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:13:24 PM: Seems insane, but scared people will have no critical thinking skills. We are seeing a relatively few wearing masks here. Idiots abound, but it's nothing like Sacramento. hre... read more ARIZONA DIRTY POLITICSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )In case of interest. An elected official was expelled because she wanted to clean up all the fraud.It's a uniparty with scumbags on all sides who just want to hold onto their power.She says it's more than just AZ.bitchute.com/video/pc8NcxTW1UlM/kind of related:I saw a GREAT interview that Tucker Carlson did of... read more DISTILLED WATER MAKERfrom 2023 in ( education / research )this is the one I haveI've had it for years. when the city messed with the water line, there was some residue that caked on the sides. I got some citric acid to get rid of it but that stuff just started to flake off so I didn't bother with the citric acid.After quite a few years (with NO maintenance by me) the heating element konked out... read more TRUTH CAN BE DANGEROUSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Dr Shiva has always warned against rfk Jr saying he's controlled opposition.But I still hope he wins the Dem primary -- fat chance unless he's just another puppet.Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 5:01 PM- yeah, I saw that.The CIA is known for assassinating enemies.I don't understan... read more FDA FINALLY ADMITS IVERMECTIN IS OKfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I have a different opinion about that. Opposites must exist. There can't be just awesome beauty without great ugliness, or good without bad, ying and yang, love and hate. It's a choice we all have. Fools can't think for themselves, so are just listening to liars and too lazy to think.We can't appreciate the great weather reall... read more VIDEO ABOUT THE WEF ATTACK ON LAHAINAfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Just saw that Peggy Hall covers it well and mentions DEW.bitchute.com/video/nIATkrikQ5XH/Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 7:28 PMI was thinking more along the lines of what said. Microwaves heat up organic matter, so it seems like the trees in that case would be reduced to jelly.From:Sent: Sunday, ... read more PRETTY INTERESTING STUFFfrom 2023 in ( education / research )He wants us to believe that but people are starting to suspect he's controlled opposition and a CIA operative.He admits openly that he's worked for DARPA.Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 11:34 PMokaythanksI thought malone was one of the ones fighting the vaxOn Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 10:29... read more GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )An example like that was given, money for buying a car and the police officer can say they don't believe it and just take it. Can you even imagine?!!!Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2023 1:31 PM- Guilty until you prove otherwiseyeah, I heard of a guy who had something like $20,000 cash for something he was going to buy, he was pulled... read more EMF RESEARCHERS DISCOVER NANOTECH PATENTSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )It mentioned they are the real silicon valley and elsewhere I heard they are at the center of all digital data and spying on everyone.Sent: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 9:27 PMEMF researchers discover nanotech patentsIsrael again?am I surprises? (no)On Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 09:16:14 PM:Here's part 2 with court docume... read more CLEVER POWER IDEAfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I like and invested in Flower wind turbines. I'd like to get them, instead of solar cells. They're made in Texas. (they're also pretty so they'd kind of look like an art object on your house) On Monday, August 7, 2023 at 09:36:59 PM: Lots of things mentioned here. One is using the PTO of a tractor with something you ... read more TAXESfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Are they really as certain as death?Some might find this interesting:bitchute.com/video/RyHF20zPosOr/... read more VERY INTERESTING FINANCIAL ADVICEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Isn't that just convenient that the FBI refuses to release all the hours of footage because it might show all their agents in the crowd helping to create their false flag eventAnd the CIA still won't release all the JFK assassination files even when everyone associated with it are long dead. But don't dare question any... read more MAGA JABS AND CONSPIRACIES DEBUNKEDfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I've watched half the first one. Yeah, idiocracy to the max is the only way to describe what is being FED to those who are blissfully IGNORANT On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 11:20:22 AM: Ok, mea culpa. If I'm wrong, I big enough to admit.So here's two links debunking major conspiracy theories that I hope you will share ... read more DOES THE GOVERNMENT OWN YOUR KIDS?from 2023 in ( education / research )I've been saying for years that I don't trust him.I couldn't stand that TV show he had and consider him to be a Pompous Ass. I wouldn't be surprised if he's in on all the whole SCAM we've been having for six years but we don't have decent choice (I don't trust DeSantis, either) On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at... read more CAN WEATHER BE MANIPULATED?from 2023 in ( education / research )many people aren't competent enough to be adults so they need a father and since they don't believe in God, the gov't takes the place of an adult for them On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 08:18:54 PM: Lots of great documented proof of this. The earliest presented was from 1952.Watch for the mention of a man f... read more FBI ARRESTS PEDOPHILESfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Here's the synopses of my stories. They's on Amazon. I'm working on Part 3, which is future, which takes more ceativity/imagination:Control of the Islandsynopsis: A few people to go an unmarked island in the Bermuda Triangle to doDNA research. The original reason was to bring back ancient animals but thegovernment gets the researc... read more PMAS, ONE SOLUTION TO GOVT. TYRANNYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Can't buy raw milk? Can't receive health care without taking the suicide shot?Very interesting solution.bitchute.com/video/9DheZ8q86EgC/... read more HELP WANTED EVERYWHEREfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Why are there so many job vacancies?This investor is gathering the data but nobody in government is willing to explain it. And it will lead to collapse and deflation.bitchute.com/video/OuolyB1Bk6WG/... read more THE REAL REASON FOR THE 2008 FINANCIAL CRASHfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The real reason for it. Really interesting stuff. bitchute.com/video/MFZ9dP2sCE73/Watch on Bitchute ... read more FITTS AND WOLF - GREAT DISCUSSIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research )great! On Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 06:30:09 PM: Gets into ivy league corruption and so much more. Catherine Austin Fitts / Naomi Wolf.bitchute.com/video/PwjATeaUa88U/... read more FROM 1996 - MUST LISTEN (VERY SHORT)from 2023 in ( education / research )He nailed it.But also listen to what Catherine Austin Fitts says nextbitchute.com/video/loiJqTCSgc3O/... read more MODERNA CRIMESfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Yup, but at least the general population should realize it. And we're not at that point yet.Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2023 8:09 AM- -- they (fauXi, gates & walenski) knew it all along so they ought to be jailed for the deaths but they won't because the DOJ is owned by the same demonic peopleOn Sunday, July 23, ... read more FEDERAL RESERVEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )this looks like more Fed Kontrol/spying on our lives. I wrote to my credit union and told them that before they join up, they ought to query us OWNERS of the credit union if we want to join:frontline.news/post/federal-reserve-set-to-oversee-bank-transactions... read more CLIMATE INSANITYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )biden is thinking of cooling the planet:politico.com/news/2023/07/01/white-house-cautiously-opens-door-to-study-blocking-suns-rays-to-slow-global-warming-ee-00104513earth is in a COOLING period:sciencetimes.com/articles/20972/20190504/expert-says-the-earth-is-actually-cooling.htmdon't fall for the insanity... read more THIS IS HOW TO DEAL WITH CONSPIRACY THEORISTSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Great advice on what to do and what not to do: bitchute.com/video/hYa70vMzpYMd/... read more FOOD FORESTS - FOOD ABUNDANCEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Wow, this is amazing. Growing a huge percentage of your food anywhere. He calls himself a food harvester instead of a farmer because very little must be done.This can change the world, he says.bitchute.com/video/zjdO8mDO6LLj/... read more PHOENIX NOWfrom 2023 in ( education / research / cities / phoenix )Having lived there, I remember it well at the Capitol building. We have pictures of us picking oranges from the many trees right at the Capitol.Listen to this absolute horror now. Thanks to the fascist regime in control, especially the depopulation agenda, it's clear why this is happening in Phoenix and many large Democrat-run cities nowa... read more BEST INFORMATION ABOUT RFK JRfrom 2023 in ( education / research / civics / politics )New book. And this guy is interviewed about it.I think he'd (RFK JR.) make a very good president and plan to donate to his campaign by tomorrow, which is the deadline at this stage. bitchute.com/video/r2hpg7mfr6OX/Watch on Bitchute ... read more WHISTLEBLOWERS EXPOSE HUMAN SEX TRAFFICKING AT US BORDERfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Not long. Eye-opening. American cartels are the real problem. Mexican cartels are a diversion. And the FBI is behind much of it. From Arizona to New Hampshire, corruption is complete.: bitchute.com/video/v0ZVp1j49tmT/Watch on Bitchute On Wednesday, June 28, 2023 a... read more ALIENS, SOUTH POLE, 1952 SURRENDER TO NAZIS, ETCfrom 2023 in ( education / research )In case of interest, this touched on many subjects. Lots of deep state deception and bullsh-t mixed in with truth -- what to believe? Eisenhower's warning to Americans. bitchute.com/video/GeZvlVLzhOFe/... read more PHARMA WHISTLEBLOWER FROM UKRAINEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Excellent interview explaining the command structure of the shots. And finally a clear explanation of their variability.No speculation, just documented factstheepochtimes.com/exposing-the-vaccine-military-machinery-behind-the-global-covid-19-response-sasha-latypova5335644.html 3Dshare-btn-copylink... read more INTERESTING ARTICLE ABOUT TRUMPfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Maybe the biggest surprise to me was that the two groups fighting to Kontrol the USA (world) were both corporate. Neocons against Trump (who had the zionists with him)globalresearch.ca/u-s-foreign-policy-and-the-campaign-to-destabilize-the-trump-presidency/5565825... read more PFIZER DOCUMENTfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )just got a new book and it has results of studies with Ivermectin and it sounds incredible as to how well it beats covid (but, of course, it was all covered up or the bad guys tested it by giving people 100 times the recommended dose so it hurt the subject) On Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 10:33:39 PM: I hope people will w... read more BITCOINfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I'm hearing about crypto currency attacks by our criminal rogue government, but not sure what this means. Adams pays close attention to this type of thing so I'll wait to hear his interpretation of this. He's saying that Bitcoin is a great on-ramp to crypto, then easily convert it to Monero or soon an even better one. ... read more HOW THEY DID ITfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )And how they plan to do it again, to all who still believe their narrative. Remember, the covid scamdemic was just part 1, maybe to see who will believe anything they say.Really good interview of a mama bear from CA who has chosen to stay and fight. She has really interesting things to share from her research. You might think you know it, but... read more FBI WHISTLEBLOWERfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Of course, the media will put their leftist slant on the alleged whatever.I had a silly thought. Maybe Joe is the brains behind it all, even allowing Obama to play president first and he's having a ball pretending to be a doofus! (Of course, kamala is NOT pretending, truly being a doofus)On Monday, June 12, 2023 at 01:39... read more #1 COUNTRY SONG? (CATCHY AND TRUE)from 2023 in ( education / research )I just heard about it today. YouTube has been falsely reducing the views, so it has broken the million views mark many different times, according to the artist. Here's the song: youtu.be/mkA2nijiyE It reached the top of iTunes as of mid-March. And the artist was interviewed on this show which I found was interesting: https:/... read more WHO IS IN CONTROL?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies / politics )Excellent. I didn't know he's running for president. And I stopped watching him after I got off Fascistbook and YouTube where he seems to spend most of his time.Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2023 9:27 AMwho is in KontrolDr SHIVA Exposes The System of the Elites -- HOW the Few Control the Many -- What WE Do to Break Freetarget... read more EUGENICS DOCUMENTARYfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies / movies-tv-video )Here's an issue where the democrats actually have it right: The Occupation (Remastered 2023) -- ny PunishDedicated to Al-Nakba and the Millions of Displaced Indigenous Peoples lost at the hands of Euro Colonists posing...On Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 11:44:42 PM:and as I've pointed out:: Zionist Jewish Israelis are the Worst ... read more NEW DOCUMENTARY RELEASED TODAYfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies / movies-tv-video )It's part 3 but stands as a separate entity -- The Great Awakening. Not what I expected at all, but I highly recommend it and it may bring you to tears as it did for me. Wow, so good! Featuring above all others is the famous G. Edward Griffin, the author of the story revealing what the banksters did in The Creature From Jekyll Island which i... read more 5-PART SERIES FOR BUILDING A SHEDfrom 2023 in ( education / research / survival )Maybe you will find this interesting. I'll probably do something like this soon, except I'll pour a concrete foundation and run electricity, and insulation for a laundry room and workshops. Plus I'll have windows for natural lighting. youtu.be/rPVbQdDUixEPart 1 https... read more SAY NO TO PROSTATE TESTINGfrom 2023 in ( education / research / health / conspiracies )bitchute.com/video/PeIZTiBnvHqg/Watch on Bitchute ... read more FBI QUESTIONED BY CONGRESSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Yes, that must have been pretty awkward for her, but her answer confirmed she is a complete sellout scumbag.Sent: Monday, May 29, 2023 8:09 PM -- -- FBI questioned by Congressshe can't admit to being 'torn about how the FBI has gone down the toilet because she wants to continue getting more promotions (and... read more BIG TIME WRESTLINGfrom 2023 in ( education / research / sports / wrestling )There's a professional wrestler at church and I chatted with him today. Are the matches choreographed? Kind of but not totally. The ref has a microphone and kind of does the choreographing as the match goes on. He caters to the crowd to get them to react. Maybe one person is to do great and beat up some bad guy but maybe the bad... read more WHAT IS AN ANTISEMITE?from 2023 in ( education / research / history )First of all, antisemite is a ridiculous term.Israel is a country;Zionism is a political movement;Judaism is a religion;Semite is an ethnicity.The true antisemites (you know, the ones who created Israel and worked with Hitler on the transfer agreement) call anybody an antisemite if they'... read more THE ANTHRAX DECEPTION (2014)from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Boy, he's really on top of it. Since I'm still registered as a democrat, I'm definitely going to vote for him. It's laughable to think pedo joe could survive a debate with RFK Jr, so the only option his controllers have is to act like he doesn't exist.Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 12:38 AMyeah, I already had that vi... read more MORE HOPIUM?from 2023 in ( education / research )White Hats in the military are surely coming to protect us.I feel so relieved now.How can anyone keep believing this forever?!Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 11:31 AMmore Hopium?Nazi Bushes, Warren Buffet On Notice, SCARE EVENT, Ol' Joe Going Down! Ep. 16 5/10/23Nazi Bushes, Warren Buffet On Notice, ... read more QUEBEC MILITARY TRIBUNALfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Good to hear, but the question is always whether anyone is punished.Like the Durham results, he proved crimes left and right, in your face stuff, and the criminals just are laughing and thinking what is anyone going to do about it?Sent: Monday, May 22, 2023 9:59 AMFw: The is announcing its first Assembly for th... read more QUEBEC MILITARY TRIBUNAL ANNOUNCING ITS FIRST ASSEMBLY FOR HEARINGS ON THE COVID-19 RESPONSEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Good to hear, but the question is always whether anyone is punished. Like the Durham results, he proved crimes left and right, in your face stuff, and the criminals just are laughing and thinking what is anyone going to do about it? Sent: Monday, May 22, 2023 9:59 AM The Quebec Military Tribunal is announcing its first Assembly for ... read more ANOTHER CONSPIRACYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )It seems pretty certain that the deep state is attacking outspoken doctors and people in the alternative health care space by using bioweapons. I've heard comments for several years now from these outspoken people. They attend an event and very soon their health takes a drastic dive.Now one such person has died pretty young and very suspi... read more INTERESTING NEW TECHfrom 2023 in ( education / research / tech )I don't understand how it's done, just understand what it'll accomplish which is a way to avoid all possible censorship by big tech.As corporations tighten the screws on anyone with a brain, more and more of the existing ways to be online will stop working.Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2023 7:47 PM Interesting new tech... read more IMMIGRATION GRAPHfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Fascinating to see. bitchute.com/video/mTaOudS7dIc4/... read more ESG REPORTfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Don't know what that means?Criminal banksters, like JP Morgan Chase, are pushing their insane agenda and corporations need investment capital from these banksters and are willing to lose a percentage of their customers when they do the crazy sh-t like push the transgender agenda in order to qualify for the investment money they need.In... read more ACCEPT IT OR STARVE?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )She's Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea who is also on Substack.Her interview starts about the 11min mark. You can use 2x speed to get to the interview, if you want.It's hydrogel.jeffreyprather.com/true-terrifying-trans-plan/Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2023 2:30 PM accept it or starve?Ann something, but I'll find... read more DID FAUCI WATCH THE NIKITA TV SHOW?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )No. We're watching it and that's what I have. On Friday, May 19, 2023 at 12:02:59 AM: Got a handy link? Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2023 8:27 PM Did Fauci watch the Nikita TV show Nikita Season 4, 5th disk, first episode ('wanted') has a nanotoxin bioweapon that is activated by a satellite (kind of l... read more ARTICLE ABOUT DESANTIS BOWING TO ZIONISTSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )globalresearch.ca/united-states-moving-capital-jerusalem/5819356 ... read more INTERESTING INTERVIEW WITH JASON BERMASfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies / movies-tv-video )He's made some interesting movies (if this is the same guy). I'll look at the link later. Episode 380: The Ripple Effect Podcast (Jason Bermas: The Future Of Humanity: Hopeful Or Hopeless?) On Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 01:19:00 AM I never heard of this person before (Jason Bermas) but he is on top of everything and has lots ... read more RFK JR. CONVERSATION WITH RUSSELL BRAND, 21 MINUTESfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Fascinating information (I think some is actually new) about the CIA killing JFK.rumble.com/v2nkwsg-they-were-involved-rfk-jr.-reveals-shocking-untold-truths-about-jfks-assass.html... read more RACHEL WALENSKY IS A MASS MURDERERfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )for anybody who doubts the Israel/911 connection, investigate the dancing Israelis and how they told how they put up their cameras ahead of 911 to record the event (which means they knew about it ahead of time) On Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 09:42:18 AM: I like both of them. And I have nothing against ... read more HEALING WITH CLO2 SOLUTIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research )This short video shows how easy it is to make your own supply of this amazingly helpful solution.odysee.com/@New-Earth-Healing:4/Prepare-CDS:8Sent: Saturday, May 6, 2023 3:58 PM -- -- Healing with clo2 solution,I have a bunch of links from a friend and in one person's testimonial I got the impression ... read more PREPARATION VIDEOfrom 2023 in ( education / research )worldviewweekend.com/tv/video/world-map-reveals-globalist-plan-massive-depopulation... read more LATEST FROM ED DOWDfrom 2023 in ( education / research )invest in hospitals for all the people who lost their immune systems? (that's probably what fauXi and other demonic people have been doing and will continue to do) On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 01:18:59 AM: rumble.com/v2lqx92-cv19-bioweapon-vax-a-black-sawn-event-ed-dowd.htmlHe crunches the latest numbers on inju... read more BEHIND THE SCENES AT FOXfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I wonder if I have an ESG rating and what it is? (joking but the demonic ones want to spread China's social credit system of Chinese to the world.) On Saturday, May 6, 2023 at 12:09:53 AM: Very interesting report. Hope the link works for you if you don't have a subscription.theepochtimes.com/tu... read more OREGON PRO-CHOICE LAWMAKERS FALL OFF CLIFFfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Maybe subconsciously they have by agreeing to the bioweapon shots.Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2023 11:01 AM -- Oregon pro-choice lawmakers fall off cliffI think I read an article about it. To me, it proves that liberalism is a mental illness (they've been taught to hate themselves and then hate humanity for the sake of &q... read more ILLEGAL IMMIGRATIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research )This is an inspirational message from a war correspondent speaking from the Darrien Gap in Panama. He talks about the invasion of the southern border but also places around the world where it's happening. Diseases are being spread this way, such as hepatitis. And he describes the many paths foreigners can take depending on how much money the... read more WAY TO GO, JOEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )gotta get the whole world pushed to the eventual TransHuman agenda:bizpacreview.com/2023/05/02/biden-admin-giving-500k-grant-to-teach-english-to-transgender-youth-in-pakistan-1355203/?bizpac&utmcontent3DNewsletter&utmmedium3DNewsletter&3DGet Response&utmterm3DEMAILTHE TRANSGENDER AGENDA / THE TRANSHUMAN AGENDA? ? ... read more LATEST PFIZER SECRET DOCUMENT RELEASEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )so, will those demonic people ever suffer consequences?Probably not because most will continue to tell themselves it's just a conspiracy theory and nothing to get upset about.(I posted it to a few groups in fascistbook but my usual account is on another another 30-day jail term because I posted an article that told ho... read more NEW INTERVIEW DOWNLOADED - ABOUT THE ORIGINAL MESSESNGERSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Hi Janis,I enjoyed that. Claire, Annie and you, all looked pretty much the same about 8 years later when I was there. It's interesting that Claire and Annie were also the senior messengers at X in Hemet when I stood watch.I'm looking forward to the next one you make.And it's surprising you have so many pictures of yourself, ... read more WE ARE READY, A WORLDWIDE SHOW OF SOLIDARITYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )It suggested people hosting events in their city. Are you going to do it?On Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 10:28:22 PM:In case you haven't already heard, the globalists will have a Bilderberg meeting in Portugal on May 20th.You can share this link about what honest humans will be doing on that day.weareready.world/... read more FINANCIAL INFOfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Many interesting things mentioned, but one clever thing is that Saudi Arabia is accepting Chinese Yuan for their oil and then using that to buy gold. In effect they are selling oil for gold, but through a back door.Anyone here doesn't realize we're living in a banana republic?bitchute.com/video/dUo4Q97EnV65/... read more NO OATHS OF OFFICEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Great! I bet he never took an oath of office and properly had it notorized, because then he can't be tried for his treason.Sent: Monday, April 24, 2023 10:03 PMI AMasking for the oath of office for Gavin. I was told which agency to ask for it. I made the official request. It's supposed to take a while.On Monday, April 24,... read more BILLIONAIRES BEHIND THE TRANSGENDER MOVEMENTfrom 2023 in ( education / research )It's about eugenics, reducing the world's population and only having enough SLAVES as needed to Serve the royalty.On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 07:33:07 PM: They're sure on board, but it's all part of the no gender, no natural human reproductive movement of these non-humans. Once nobody can have ch... read more TUCKERED OUTfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Haha. I like The Babylon Bee's headline: Fox News fires the only reason anyone watches Fox News()From:Sent: Monday, April 24, 2023 4:45 PM ; -; ; -Subject: Tuckered outAm I the first to say that? In case you like seeing the implosion of Fox news.bitchute.com/video/QmdrqyaEu9Q/... read more CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITYfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies / crime )I sent this link to my congressman with a note that since neither he nor anybody else in congress is pursuing for the culprits involved, it seems that he and the rest of Congress are bought off: drtrozzi.org/2023/04/22/dr-trozzi-alert-theres-dna-in-the-rna-shots-lots/dr-trozzi-alert-th... read more WE FINALLY KNOW THE TRUTHfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I found it: BARDA Joins DARPA in Examining Moderna Contracts for Disclosure Problems. A second government agency, the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), is now scrutiniz...On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 09:48:26 AM: I previously posted that there was a department behind the DOD's creation of covid but I ca... read more GOVERNMENT BLOOPERS?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I thought quails on cocaine quite interesting and wondered which politician's relative was in charge of it and how much cocaine that person used for the project. In general, I think there are MANY research projects for politicians' relatives to enable them to get money to avoid real jobs. On Saturday, April 22,... read more COVID SCAM PART 1from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Yes, I gave all the links in my second message.I've given up on seeing justice and these criminals losing all their ill-gotten gains, at least for the time being. Eventually they will face real justice.Here's part 2bitchute.com/video/dEubmx3qsX2g/Part 3bitchute.com/video/REq2vMZ7tbXn/Part 4htt... read more MONETARY VIDEOfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )It's interesting to see how these tyrants manoeuvre about the chess board. Sent: Friday, April 21, 2023 8:16 PM monetary videoTom Luongo: How the Fed is DEFENDING America against European globalist tyrants who want a ONE WORLD Orwellian currencyTom Luongo: How the Fed is DEFENDING America against European globalist ...... read more YOUR CITY OF SACRAMENTO PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST #23-1472 HAS BEEN OPENEDfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Great Sent: Friday, April 21, 2023 6:24 PM Fw: To go along with the video: BREAKING: SMOKING GUN PROOF OF BIDEN'S TREASON? -- Todd Callender Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA sgtreportgold/ Noble Gold is Who I Trust Attorne... I made a request for the Mayor of Sacto ... read more GOOD NEWS FOR 2ND AMENDMENTfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Try not to cry too hard if you're anti-constitutional. bitchute.com/video/28Z1OlsmwBM/... read more DECEPTION IN 2020from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )At 2x speed, I just finished watching all four parts. It's really good and the conclusion is the roll out of the Great Reset as described and pushed by the world economic forum lead by Klaus Schwab.Here's part 2bitchute.com/video/dEubmx3qsX2g/Part 3bitchute.com/video/REq2vMZ7tbXn/Part 4ww... read more CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS EXPLAINS NEED FOR STATE BANKSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )For anyone paying attention, the planned banking crisis illustrates the need to create honest state banks.bitchute.com/video/xY01nrWavz3A/... read more PUBLIC HEALTHfrom 2023 in ( education / research )It's all to protect us. Can't you see that? If you haven't already so, subscribe to her Substack. Here's a quote from the article I've forwarded below:In violation of all principles of well-ordered government, the American people have been incrementally brainwashed in recent decades to believe that State ... read more TAX DAY - INTERESTING COMMENTSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )bitchute.com/video/mL6B8f1xaYjq/... read more HOW CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC GRID COLLAPSES?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )It seems to me there's a group of demonic people who hate themselves and thus hate humanity and have decided to side with Satan, probably blaming God for all their problems (leftists aren't real adults and don't take responsibility for their actions)On Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 11:17:16 AM: See screenshot to learn how G... read more MALARIA VACCINEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )-- Do the French realize the Euro will crash before the USD? At least, according to the genius Martin Armstrong.From: Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 1:44 PMTo: malaria vaccineif you've been saving up to make a big purchase, I suggest that you buy it before the MASSIVE INFLATION that many financial people are predicting ... read more HOW TO CHOOSE A PRESIDENTfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )He's promoting secession over getting another puppet.Brother Nathanael realjewnews.com/?p1575How To Choose A President ... read more HOW TO CHOOSE A PRESIDENT (NEW +BN VIDEO!)from 2023 in ( education / research )He's promoting secession over getting another puppet ----- Brother Nathanael .com Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 at 09:49:03 PMHow To Choose A President (New BN Video!) How To Choose A President @realjewnews.com/?p3D1575Donate Here!Mail: Brother Nathanael FoundationPO Box 547, Priest River ID 838... read more CO2 & TN GUN CONTROLfrom 2023 in ( education / research )2 interesting topicsLooks like TN governor sold out from the trans shooter false flag.And these climate change legislators are morons which means they are very dangerous to have any legislative power.bitchute.com/video/FBwXI4F7-vI/... read more REALLY INTERESTING LEGAL SCREW UPfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Nobody in the pedo joe regime cabinet has a legally executed oath of office.Listen to the ramifications of this by famous attorney Todd Callender:bitchute.com/video/kgahc0Bsc8Vf/... read more BIDEN IS COMING FOR USfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )biden's puppeteers are in the Ukraine making a bioweapon that can eliminate people, animals, and also infect plants (but don't worry because he's not posting mean tweets):sputnikglobe.com/20230412/us-working-on-universal-genetically-engineered-bioweapon-russian-parliamentary-investigation-1109381193.html... read more GRAPHENE IN THE BIOWEAPON SHOTSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )That's likely the reason for it, but the effects on the body includes many of the same things vaxed victims are now suffering.Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2023 6:23 PMGraphene in the bioweapon shotsand Graphene is to enable the globalists to Kontrol the sheeple with 5GOn Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 06:08:20 PM:I thought th... read more INTERESTING CONVERSATION WITH AIfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )If only politicians would shut down when they talk out of both sides of their mouth.On Friday, April 14, 2023 at 08:36:53 AM: ChatGPT Does not computeListen to this 2nd amendment discussion with artificial intelligence and how it shut down because of its contradictory statements. ... read more INVASION FROM THE SOUTHfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Maybe I've watched too many spy TV shows (Nikita and Burn Notice my most favorite) but there ought to be some good guys who can do a CIA-like or KGB-like operation to get rid of the top snakes On Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 10:08:16 PM: Yon reporting from Panama and shows bus loads of people from all over the world on th... read more CHILD PREDATORSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I agree that it's a sub-agenda as you describe.Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 2:13 PM Child predatorssure, short term but long term it's another attack on humanity and eugenics, wanting to reduce population by making people not want to have kids (but also preparing them for the pedophiles).On Wednesday, April 12, 202... read more CBDC AGAINfrom 2023 in ( education / research )allegiancegold.com/... read more CHINESE PLAN TO USE VAX TO DESTROY THE USAfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )It tries to force me to log in but I was able to listen.Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 5:21 PM Chinese plan to use vax to Destroy the USAThis is in Chinese with subtitles. It's a FB link so I don't know if it's viewable by others:facebook.com/.peck.1426876/videos/2124890334371623... read more CONVERSATION ABOUT THE DOLLAR COLLAPSEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Really important information as described by Andy from Miles Franklin in Minnesota where you can convert an IRA to precious metals or buy metals directly.He explains how we reached this point with the dollar collapse, what most other countries are doing, and what to do to protect wealth.It's going to get rocky and could start soon.h... read more ALL AMERICANS DESERVE A SHERIFF LIKE THISfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I learned that in 2020, first year of the scamdemic.I never realized that at all. So important to have an honest one who really believes in the Constitution.And most don't want to consider our government is tyrannical which is why the 2nd amendment must be preserved now more than ever before.Sent: Monday, April 10, 2023 10:37 PM... read more JIMMY DORE, COMEDIANfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Really good interview. I never heard of him before, but will keep an eye out for him in the future. He mentioned George Carlin was an influence.rumble.com/v2he246-liberty-is-just-a-hobby-for-these-people.html... read more MRNA IN FOODfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )We've reached the point that anything you didn't personally produce is suspect.Very sick criminals run everything.Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2023 7:01 PM mRNA in foodI saw an article where mRNA was put in milkOn Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 09:58:08 AM:A short podcast explains that MIT found a way to use mRNA in pill... read more AI MURDERfrom 2023 in ( education / research )As you already know, these AI systems are indeed programmed by liberals and the proof comes from certain types of questions you can ask it. So whatever it says is grossly biased.Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2023 6:54 PMAI murdermost likely a liberalOn Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 11:59:42 AM:True, but imagine artificial intelligence ... read more JFK AND RFK JRfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Good question. I don't know of a single Dem not actively participating in satanic rituals, or so it seems based on their actionsThey are so over a cliff they should all be in prison. And I hope Jeffrey Prather is right that honest attorneys general with indict them soon.Psychopaths should not be ignored and left in control of anything.... read more UNIQUE PERSPECTIVE ABOUT TRUMP INDICTMENTfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This former soldier and agent isn't the most polished person but his analysis is really great.Listen to the great news about what the indictment means. Plus there's more information you may be interested in.rumble.com/v2g7188-breaking-trump-precedent-trap-sprung-now-indict-them-all.html... read more SATANIC SYSTEMS OF CONTROLfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Contains really good advice and wisdom. bitchute.com/video/PMpjRASeznIj/Watch on Bitchute ... read more EXCELLENT CRROW777 INTERVIEWfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Contains really good advice and wisdom.bitchute.com/video/PMpjRASeznIj/... read more ANECDOTALS MOVIEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Just discovered an awesome movie you can watch free. I dare anyone not to be moved greatly by the personal stories shared:anecdotalsmovie.com/I'd seen much of the footage used already, but it was presented in such a way that I think is excellent.These people were just trying to be good citizens and do the right thing. Th... read more EYES WIDE SHUTfrom 2023 in ( education / research / economy )It's my opinion that people who rely on TV for all their information, or major newspapers and radio, will refuse to believe the severity of the looming financial crash being orchestrated right now. Notice that gold shot above $2000 in the last couple days? Silver went up, too. A 20% higher silver spot price in just a month. Supplies drying u... read more GREAT RESETfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This article is about the climate scam but they talk a lot about how Blackrock owns the world.So, if nobody owns anything and happy, will all those who own blackrock go for it?globalresearch.ca/the-climate-co2-hoax-and-the-control-matrix-mega-banks-and-corporations/5814943... read more DATA OF 3,794 MILITARY DEATHS SECRETLY ERASEDfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Yea, good ol' gaslight media is simply awesome. Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 11:39 AM ; Re: so sad we have a friend who is a pilot for Southwest. after he got the jab, he collapsed. He's still piloting. I got that free book and signed up for the thing advertised, which gave me 1 ... read more OH WELLfrom 2023 in ( education / research )-- There's no way these bastards will miss a chance to poison everyone, like Monsanto and big chemical have been doing at least since most doctors smoked Camels and DDT is so safe you can be sprayed down with it.Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 5:47 PMbut the insects that they're pushing eating won't be a ... read more WHY CBDC?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )And is the pandemic over?Here's a great and succinct explanation by Catherine Austin Fitts, a genius and former assistant HUD secretary under president Bush 1:bitchute.com/video/micqaFHNjofl/... read more INSIDE PEOPLE'S HEADSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I often like to understand what people who disagree with me are thinking. Recently I've engaged democrats who think they did the right thing by injecting the unknown ingredients of the so-called covid vaccines. I'm making this political only because nearly all democrats got these shots, whereas Republicans are far less likely to have don... read more RESTRICT ACT/TIKTOK BILLfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )How does this bill protect freedoms of Americans? It gives incredible powers to unelected people we never should give any power.And who is supporting it? In this case it's left and right who've been lobbied, so they're taking money. Both sides are criminal and corrupt. But with our current administration we see countless examp... read more CANADA CONTINUES A SELF DEPOPULATION AGENDAfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Canada Moves To Begin Euthanizing Children Without Parental ConsentIt calls these kids mature minors.The government is simply trying to help, right? And anyway, why bother to involve parents?!!Don't you just feel all warm and fuzzy? Can't we do that in the USA? Oh wait, we are pushing the trans agenda from birth in s... read more LEARN ABOUT EMF (RADIATION)from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )put up a 5G tower in your yard and make some kick-back money (until it kills you)! On Monday, April 3, 2023 at 12:32:43 PM: We bought an EMF meter to see how much we're exposed to the various types of electromagnetic frequencies around us. It wasn't nearly as expensive as I thought it would be -- just about $200.Ou... read more BIGGEST CRIME IN HISTORY?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Wow, I didn't know that about the criminals on the Jan 6th commission. They all saw what really happened yet made up a completely false narrative. Evil bastards.Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2023 10:28 PM Cc: Biggest crime in history?anybody who still thinks biden's government is good is delusional.Similar to ... read more FORMER JPL SCIENTIST INTERVIEWfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )He talks about the secret stuff going on there, such as paranormal, remote.webp viewing, alien technology, Tesla, and mentions that Jack Parsons worked with Alistair Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard.Really interesting.bitchute.com/video/UM6z7wBKG2zQ/... read more DO WHAT IS RIGHT, NO MATTER THE COSTfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )I hope you will listen to this man who is very inspirational because he's facing a 20 year prison sentence instead of caving to a plea deal that is a complete lie by the justice department.He's very well spoken, knows a lot about being an American and I think everyone could find something to apply to their own life, such as the subjec... read more LAW ENFORCEMENT HYPOCRISYfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Hypocrisy example 4,658,649What would trigger a swat team and 50 police to break down the door of most normal people, now is blatantly overlooked when trans freaks use social media to buy guns.Can it be any more obvious to people with a functioning brain that there's an agenda and the government is totally criminal?bitch... read more WISHFUL THINKING?from 2023 in ( education / research )yeah.most are atheist and worship mother earth On Saturday, April 1, 2023 at 07:45:47 PM PDT: I think the climate crisis believers, deep down, consider humanity itself to be a pollutant. On 3/31/23 19:52: Hard to believe any thinking person would fall for the climate change hoax. I admit, I also did, until... read more INTERNAL EMAILS TIMELINEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Sad, but mostly true.On the other hand, people do keep waking up at their own pace. I hear now that so-called antivaxers are now the majority of voters. I would not have believed in early 2020 that the 1-2% who knew the truth about this evil group of pharma corporations would be over 50% in just 3 years. We've come a long way baby.... read more ADVICE FOR CHILDREN FROM THE WHOfrom 2023 in ( education / research )people who know who they are are difficult to boss around; the more confused children are, the easier they are to programOn 3/30/23 13:40:yeah, yeah, sexually prepare kids for the pedophiles they'll soon have accosting them. maybe we can get more kids mentally messed up, taking gender drugs, and shooting up schools?... read more DETOX FROM SPIKED PROTEINSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )He apparently is trying to trick and mislead people. He says he took one shot himself. But the mRNA technology was developed by DARPA for the sole purpose of being a bioweapon. He surely knew it and so would he really take it?He's sueing Dr Mercola. Don't remember the details but I think it's because Mercola noticed something wron... read more THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCERfrom 2023 in ( education / research )wife survived it more than once by improving her diet (less meat) On Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 06:22:25 PM:New information about cancer and how to survive it starts tomorrow, Wednesday.Mentioned here: bitchute.com/video/ZHPxglcfDuTM/Watch on Bitchute or go... read more DOD IS RUNNING MEDICAL FASCISMfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Even chatGPT knows these sickos are trying to rule the world. (Read the poem)Sent: Monday, March 27, 2023 11:33 PM this is related:asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relations/Indo-Pacific/Trilateral-Commission-calls-2023-Year-One-of-new-world-orderOn Monday, March 27, 2023 at 11:30:13 PM:I don't have ti... read more EDWARD DOWD - 47 MIN INTERVIEWfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Is something wrong with the economy? Are you doing anything to prepare yourself for what's coming?Really good interview by a former Black Rock investment guy who recently published a book.Multiple topics, credit contraction, bank failures, recession, dollar, CBDC, black markets, social unrest, excess deaths, injuries, absence rates, et... read more LOOKING AT THE NUMBERS, ED DOWD - DR. DREW - 1.5 HRfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I realize I knew most everything they mentioned, but I found it interesting from the viewpoint of a vaxed moron who is watching all the people they know dying suddenly and they blame covid rather than the very obvious toxic sh-t they injected.Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2023 3:33 PM if that's what it was, but it was clearly the m... read more BEWARE TROJAN HORSE NGOSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This video describes how the USA uses non governmental organizations (NGOs) to carry out CIA type activities around the world, i.e. regime changes that are mostly for the economic benefit of the USA and further impoverish their victims.Masquerading as gifts, the good deeds often come with nefarious and secret deeds against the target country.... read more FORMER FBI AGENT EXPLAINS UFOSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )interesting what he said about the bloodline families running everythingOn 3/25/23 15:22I've been following him for a while. Thanks.On 3/25/2023 1:11 PM:youtu.be/U06GkT6mx04Great interview. I first heard of him in the first year of the scamdemic and he even accepted my friend request on Facebook.He alway... read more CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS INTERVIEW ON THURSDAYfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Many already are familiar with her. Basically, she's a financial expert and she appeared on The HighWire:bitchute.com/video/9tzqGCl0nIkK/... read more MEET KATHERINE WATTfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I just subscribed to her substack.Here's something from January people who are not afraid of the truth will appreciate: open.substack.com/pub/bailiwicknews/p/on-trumps-role-and-secret-militaryTrump's Role And this is a video from January 2023 I think you will agree is excellent:KATHERINE W... read more INJECTION DOCUMENTARY (SORT OF)from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I don't think I mentioned it but so it seems, some company called BARDA actually made the vax for DARPA and Pharma was just given the directions to make millions of doses. On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 12:05:44 AM: Very advanced and technical but worth watching to learn about the bioweapon and why it affects ... read more NEVER FORGET WHAT THEY DIDfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Interesting compilation of people collapsing on TV from the 100% safe and effective shots. I've seen many but there's many I never saw. Start about minute 33:15bitchute.com/video/hSZLEaMY7p1U/... read more LOOKING AT THE NUMBERS, ED DOWD - DR. DREW - 1.5 HRfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I realize I knew most everything they mentioned, but I found it interesting from the viewpoint of a vaxxed moron who is watching all the people they know dying suddenly and they blame Covid rather than the very obvious toxic sh-t they injected. Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2023 3:33 PM Re: if that&... read more CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA RAMPING UPfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I'm okay with a totalitarian global government so long as I'm the one in charge. Sent: Friday, March 24, 2023 1:42 PM it's all about power, wanting to feel like God, because once you're a multi-millionaire or higher, what do you do for a challenge? (can't actually use your money to HELP homeless, vets, or people to en... read more NEW SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMfrom 2023 in ( education / research )being install all over the US:unlimitedhangout.com/2023/03/investigative-reports/cia-and-mossad-linked-surveillance-system-quietly-being-installed-throughout-the-us/I'll look at it later.I see it's another Whitney Webb article, which is good On Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 05:59:43 PM being install all ... read more CA FLOODS HIT FOOD CHAINfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )since I lived in Porterville 1979 to 1984 or so, I tried to recognize where the flooding was or where it could be. I didn't recognize anything in the video.All that valley land is flat.I think it was last year that Porterville was undergoing a lack of water. They have Lake Success up toward the foothills and I vaguely remember so... read more WELCOME TO SINALOAfrom 2023 in ( education / research )-- I remember that from my Baby Book.Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 12:52 PM It was mostly me but you were there .I remember one blew up very close and my ear was ringing. You asked if you could listen to the ringing and put your ear up to my ear. Our mom recorded it as something worthy of being in your baby book. It was so cute... read more HOW TO DEAL WITH WHITE COLLAR CRIMINALSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I love this guy. He should be the next mayor of DC instead of the woman Fauci was with. I saw a chart last year showing that Blacks were much smarter -- less likely to get that shot -- than Whites.Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 12:43 PMTo: ; -; -; Subject: How to deal with white collar criminalsThis man knows the truth and didn'... read more KAREN KINGSTON - PFIZER CONTRACT VIOLATIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Maybe some morons did, but even if they didn't get a real shot and got the placebo, they can't carry out their evil plans without foot soldiers. Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 8:51 PM -- but did the military leaders get real shots?On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 08:47:14 PM:Also it's interesting t... read more GAVIN TIED TO SILICON VALLEY BANK (ANYBODY SURPRISED)from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )it had to do with his wineries On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 09:10:57 PM: no real information, surprise surprise On 3/19/23 19:12 Tell me it ain't so because we all KNOW that only conservatives do disgusting financial things, right (besides the biden family, pelosis, and ....) dailyheadl... read more SCOTT RITTER 2 MINUTE VIDEOfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )and when joe was asked about money from China (which is documented), he outright LIED about it:ingsreport.com/joe-biden-finally-answers-questions-about-money-from-china-beclowns-himself/(but at least he didn't send mean tweets) On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 04:14:41 PM: Pedo joe is an equal opport... read more PILGRIM SOCIETY, CITY OF LONDONfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Nothing nice about the Pilgrim Society.Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 11:53 AMCan't say something nice, so won't say anything at allOn 3/19/23 02:46:Very interesting discussion. They are the controllers of the deep state. rumble.com/v2dfrf2-sourcing-the-sabotage.htmlWatch on Rumble ... read more SAN FRANCISCO - WEFfrom 2023 in ( education / research )They are trying to stoke a race war, like Biden did with his remarks about lynching. They should pay homage toCharles Manson for the plan. Manson was an mk-ultra victim, so the plan comes down from on high.On 3/18/23 21:20This article came out this week:bizpacreview.com/2023/03/15/san-franciscans-line-up-to-suppor... read more LIVE OR RECORDED?from 2023 in ( education / research )Below is another message I received that was meant for 'friends' at 'foxnews.com' but the sender addressed it to 'fox' and 'friendsnews.com.' I am sooo tempted to tell her everything they say or do these days is fake, misleading, or just plain wrong.From: wendy Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 7:10 AMTo: fox.... read more BANKING WHISTLEBLOWER: THEY HAVE THE NAMESfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Listening now, but I've never heard of Mike Gill, and I follow horse racing. Also, in order to remove some of the click bait quality of this email, here's this:SHADOW BANKING WHISTLEBLOWER: THEY HAVE THE NAMES W/ MIKE GILLShadow Banking Whistleblower, Mike Gill, joins the program to discuss... read more FAUCI VS FAUCIfrom 2023 in ( education / research )twitter.com/TexasLindsay/status/1636106320486047744?s&fbclidIwAR2wB3yxlVKicn4uU8U4OyQCQnNuuLCd9KFfLNUnHOJZVtjJ7k2bj9fBH4 ... read more CRYPTO CONTAGION BANKS GET THE RUNS - #NEWWORLDNEXTWEEKfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Apparently, the postal employees credit union in Sacramento was shut down by the state in 2011. So, you might want to find a different credit union. California Department of Financial Institutions Orders Closure and Liquidation of Sacramento District Postal Employees Credit UnionThe Department of Financial Protection and Innovation Bill Se... read more LACK OF SALTfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )In looking at this article, it makes me wonder about the bad guys trying to control us by way of lack of salt. I don't deeply worry about it but ...Anyhow, here's the article: notthebee.com/article/the-world-health-organization-warns-that-millions-will-die-if-they-dont-take-away-your-salt-before-2030... read more TRUMP BECOMING UNHINGEDfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )yeah, easier to kill off all those against the WEFOn Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 09:33:27 AM I mentioned it on my website at Trump's Call For 'Freedom Cities' Plays Right Into Globalists' Plan For Control Grid (friendsnews.com)Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 10:43 AMAt least his genius freedom cities... read more SOMETHING ELSE THAT MAKES ME WONDER ABOUT TRUMPfrom 2023 in ( education / research )yeah, easier to kill off all those against the WEFOn Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 09:33:27 AM I mentioned it on my website at Trump's Call For 'Freedom Cities' Plays Right Into Globalists' Plan For Control Grid (friendsnews.com)Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 10:43 AMAt least his genius freedom cities... read more SALTfrom 2023 in ( education / research ),In looking at this article, it makes me wonder about the bad guys trying to control us by way of lack of . I don't deeply worry about it but ...Anyhow, here's the article: notthebee.com/article/the-world-health-organization-warns-that-millions-will-die-if-they-dont-take-away-your--before-2030 I remember long ago se... read more HMMMfrom 2023 in ( education / research )------1107005773730425.1678987674618 yeah, easier to kill off all those against the WEF On Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 09:33:27 AM PDT: I mentioned it on my website at Trump's Call For 'Freedom Cities' Plays Right Into Globalists' Plan For Control Grid (friendsnews.com) From: Sent: Thursday, March... read more FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKINGfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Yes, that's it in a nutshell. But if a better example is needed to understand it, watch the video. Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 4:41 PM -- I haven't watched the video but If you put in $1000 dollars, they can make more than $1000 because they lend it at least 10 times over and over (and they were loaning it out 25 ... read more WHAT IS OUR GENEALOGY, DOUG?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The truth of the matter is that Nobody is Black OR White. We're all shades of brown (so I guess we're all a person of color) On Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 10:50:24 AM Is the me too movement still accepting applications? Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:41 AM Then I want my $5 million in rep... read more AMAZING NEW CANCER DRUGfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Except for Ivermectin, maybe because it's also for livestock, I would not trust a single thing these wildly psychotic criminals in pharma produce.Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 12:13 PM Gates says, If we can throw some eugenics spiked proteins into it, yeah, we'll continue on our way to get that 500 million worldwide popul... read more KLAUS SCHWABfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )He probably salivates at how this possible collapse might get humanity to Submit to the WEF:globalresearch.ca/looming-quadrillion-dollar-derivatives-tsunami/5811784... read more TIME FOR EXECUTION FOR TREASONfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Yes, striking a deal for lenience to get his masters would be great. And we must include the nearly zero honesty of Justice.Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 10:28 AMyeah, but what if joe grew some balls and started to rat on the whole system?On Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 10:27:36 AM:Execution of pedo joe would be good for treason... read more SILVER PRICESfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )It's been going up and down (I've been watching it). It had a down blip and went back up.On Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 10:21:57 AMThe stock market went up, and it's up even more today. On 3/14/2023 8:50 AM:Nothing much, except this.well, nothing much happenedOn 3/13/23 01:04:Many people are anxious to see what is... read more CLIP FROM AN LBJ SPEECHfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I think it's so advanced now that they are complete masters. And it's really pissing me off to be getting all this rain. Today they'll be knocking down more trees with high winds. Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 2:18 AM -- -- I had no idea chemtrails went that far backOn 3/14/23 00:14:Ever seen this clip about... read more INTERNET PRIVACYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Full interview: home.solari.com/solution-series-securing-your-privacy-from-big-tech-with-rob-braxman/ From: Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 3:13 PM -- Sounds really good. Very short. bitchute.com/video/r20yvAQ3I364/ ... read more MONDAYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )it's been going up and down (I've been watching it). It had a down blip and went back up:Silver Price Silver PriceWhere the world checks the gold priceOn Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 10:21:57 AM The stock market went up, and it's up even more today. On 3/14/2023 8:50 AMNothing much, except this.Screenshot ... read more CANADIAN POLITICSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )It's the first I heard of that term. Sent: Monday, March 13, 2023 10:58 AM -- yeah, as Whitney Webb said in her two books one nation under blackmail volumes 1 & 2.the mafia gets BILLIONS of dollars through drugs and human trafficking (which Clinton and the CIA were caught doing, which led to the term Ar... read more WILD MEDICINEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )This looks promising. I didn't watch it yet.brighteon.com/931e8196-ad90-453f-a03c-2d161b587728that homesteading newsletter that I get tells about that sort of stuff FREE all the timehere's the last one I got:14 Forgotten Emergency Foods to Stockpile 14 Forgotten Emergency Foods to Stockpile ... read more BANK DEPOSITSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )no surprise, fascistbook wouldn't let me post it. I guess it is info that the sheeple aren't to knowOn Sunday, March 12, 2023 at 03:09:34 AM: More details of the Friday bank collapse:brighteon.com/dc0b2578-8844-4583-b505-2bceb0051af5Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2023 1:59 AM -- -- Bank deposits If t... read more GLIMPSE OF HOPE FOR CANADAfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I've heard of the 15 minute cities. I'll look at the video later.From what I recall, the Kontrollers want to make it so nobody can go beyond the distance that you can walk in 15 minutes. Since average walking is 3 mph, that would mean you couldn't go beyond 3/4 of a mile without special permission.I think that England was... read more PIERS MORGAN IDENTIFIES AS BLACK LESBIANfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Well surprise surprise! Lol.On Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 07:19:16 PM PST:The big daddy party giving out free money and assures them they will keep them safe and healthy. I can't remember which one does that, sorry.Oh, but they do have a pedo masquerading as the president and a man named Rachel who is very obese and was given the j... read more TRUTH ON FASCISTBOOKfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )maybe the see that their demonic buddies will be properly dealt with and hope the sheeple forget their sins (but in actuality, the sheeple were clueless about the whole matter so ...)On Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 04:11:50 PM PST: I heard today that fascistbook has started, out of the blue, to allow Brighten links again. ... read more FDA WARNS AGAINST PFIZER VAXfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )RSV is about as severe as influenza but get the new RSV vax despite currently no approved vaccines against RSV. As the song said, Be the first one on your block to come home in a box.On Friday, March 10, 2023 at 05:59:19 PM PST tgptruth.com/fda-warns-guillain-barre-syn... read more WORLDWIDE ATTACK ON FOOD SUPPLYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I tried going to a Children's Health Defense link the other day and the browser, Edge, warned that it was an 'unsafe' site, which is complete b.s. Edge is made by Microsoft, which is still dominated by Gates, who has clearly gone mad with power, and doesn't want people knowing too much.From:Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2023 3:... read more NEW JAN 6TH FOOTAGEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Anderson Cooper, the gay guy On Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 09:09:16 PM PST:Learned today that Tucker Carlson's father was in the CIA. Someone from the CIA that everyone can appreciate, no matter your politics. Of course, the idiot Dems love their CIA agent with the albino look -- Gloria Vanderbilt's son (can... read more IDAHO CRIMINALIZING MRNA VAX!from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )A good start. Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 3:18 PM msn.com/en-us/health/medical/idaho-lawmakers-want-to-criminalize-mrna-vaccines-heres-what-happens-if-their--passes/ar-AA17Q3hB... read more HILLARY WAS HEREfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )bing.com/search?qAtopWashingtonlawyerwhoservedtheClintonandObamaadministrationshasbeenidentifiedasthepassengerkilled&gslcrpEgRlZGdlKgYIABBFGDkyBggAEEUYOagCALACAA&FORMANCMS9&PCU531Former Clinton Lawyer Killed by Severe Turbulence on Plane Mary AultmanA top Wash... read more BIRD FLUfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )there was a big SCAM about bird flu some years back. they tried to force people to take the vax but it didn't go over. Here's some interesting articles I have about the bird flu. No surprise that fauXi, gates, and china are involved!On Monday, March 6, 2023 at 10:03:39 PM PST: It's the new scam but this time is designed to k... read more NOT ALL IN HOLLYWOOD ARE PSYCHOSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I like your new signature line. Sent: Monday, March 6, 2023 12:03 PM -- -- My guess is that the Kontrollers want to see which hollywood leftists are kontrolled enough to be counted on to continue to promote playing Russian Roulette and try to get rid of the uncooperativeDo Not Surrender, Do Good (this is the motto of a m... read more 1983-1987 FORD F-250 / F-350 DIESEL TRUCKfrom 2023 in ( education / research / tech / auto )If you want a reliable diesel truck, this guy says these are extremely easy to work on and reliable.It's mentioned as the last of four diesel trucks to buy in this video.The 250 is a 3/4 ton and the 350 is a 1 ton. There's a huge difference with the 1 ton being a dually (4 rear wheels) and towing capacity.In my opinion, the idea... read more TRUDEAU PRO CHINAfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )trudeau is a Marxist, like his father, fidel castroOn Saturday, March 4, 2023 at 07:40:54 AM PST someone wrote:youtu.be/XjK7EEoUDgw... read more NOW EVERYONE BELIEVES THE GOVERNMENT?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I'm watching video after video with people being so pleased they got it right years ago, self-congratulating and they can't see the obvious problem that the media and government are just spinning a new narrative. It's so damn obvious. Sent: Friday, March 3, 2023 11:32 PM Of course, I have articles and videos where re... read more GREG HUNTERfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Says vax injuries just startingusawatchdog.com/cv19-bioweapon-vax-bell-has-rung-cv19-vax-dead-piling-up-and-inflation-economy/... read more RISE OF THE NEOCONS - NEW BOOKfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )wowwildI'm at the 32 minute point of the video.WWIII nuke war in 2024?Time to invest in what?survival food? Seeds to grow food?Would money be worth anything?Cash all your investments?Get metal (including lead)? (buy now when it's essentially cheap, which is now)?Make sure you have a source of CLEAN water?MOVE to a safer... read more GOOD DISCUSSION ABOUT EMFfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Some things you might want to know. bitchute.com/video/IOxuvoQx0Ikt/... read more ANDREW TATE?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )don't forget all the leftist males who think they're women and compete in womens' sports (contrary to the women's movement that liberals used to push)On Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 12:29:57 AM PST: 4297675172 P It's trying to make a comeback but has huge social resistance because we all know a... read more PRAY FOR UKRAINE?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )it's hard to find the truth but in Munich that was a common thing until Hitler ENDED that sort of thing (you know, it's not kosher to say anything good about Hitler, though he saved Germany after what the other countries agreed to do to them after WWI)On Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 12:07:00 AM PST someone wrote: don't know w... read more 2ND AMENDMENT BEING ATTACKEDfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )True to the new commie democrat party, listen to these insane tactics to take away rights of Americans to exercise all aspects of the 2nd amendment.I heard South Africa is sliding fast into anarchy. And we know it's the globalist plan for the entire world. Unless you are a complete idiot, you need to take this seriously.bit... read more AMAZON ALTERNATIVE, FYIfrom 2023 in ( education / research )amazon alternativethenewamerican.com/stop-giving-money-to-people-who-hate-you-the-new-anti-woke-amazon-like-alternative/... read more SNOW DAYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )that's a dumb guess. my problem is that evil people will use them for nefarious purposes (this or that to make them unable to grow food or otherwise survive) On Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 09:28:24 AM PST:So it seems your biggest objection is not that chemtrails exist but you can't tell them apart from contrails. ... read more NOBODY ELSE IS TALKING ABOUT THISfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )if they get rid of anesthetics (which I doubt), there's other numbing drugs (that now are illegal) On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 09:49:25 PM PST: Pretty important for many people. A new medical threat.bitchute.com/video/0MXcuUxRIB4b/That makes sense Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 7:27 AM; lo... read more NIKKI HALEYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )she was Trump's ambassador to the UN and governor of N or S CarolinaOn 2/28/23 01:41: I've heard her name here or there and now that she wants to run for top puppet but haven't looked into her past. Anybody have any comments about her?newswithviews.com/nikki-haley-and-the-hegelian-dialectic-trick/Not sur... read more PUTTING MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH ISfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Wake up about all these ongoing scams.Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 6:03 PMwell, Christians ask when will people wake up that God created it all and that this whole thing is a battle against Satan?On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 04:19:22 PM PST: Can't people finally wake up?A1!!Sent: Monday, February ... read more WOODY HARRELSON ON SATURDAY NIGHT LIVEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )--000BYAPR08MB56241170C9864DF74159790ED1AF9BYAPR08MB5624nampYou have to admit what he said about the scamdemic was helpful.Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 10:53 AM I never watched it but I saw an article that said that he mentioned the lockdowns but it was a total waste of time to watch because he acted stupid for 98% of... read more GEO POLITICS AND PYRAMIDSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )'pyramid a weapon?geez, that said right away makes me figure the video is questionablethen again, I've questioned if Farrell ever was anything bu a useful idiotOn Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 09:21:56 PM PST: Very interesting discussion by Joseph Farrell.youtu.be/YWoeniSKm80They're discussing inter... read more I ALWAYS THOUGHT SHE WAS A NUTfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Election denier Sidney Powell allegedly got her information from a headless time-traveler. See businessinsider.com/sidney-powell-voter-fraud-claims-headless-time-travel-dominion-fox-2023-2?op1... read more SCHOOL LIBRARIAN PUSHING GAY PORN TO BOYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )there's only one thing wrong with the USA, the Democratic partyOn 2/27/23 12:11: schools tend to be leftist and leftists don't seem too high on morality, so .....On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 10:06:25 AM PST wrote: Libs of TikTokoyoutube.com/watch?vbD6k363ffuk... read more HOW AZ ELECTIONS WERE STOLENfrom 2023 in ( education / research )More information about massive AZ corruption and apparently all documented.In addition to this, new information about Thailand going after Pfizer soon. And about minute 38 mentions the pharma mafia pushing the tetanus vaccine because it's mixed with another that makes women infertile.NEVER GET the TETANUS shot -- it's another scam!... read more GREAT VIDEO OF THE TIMESfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )theepochtimes.com/victor-davis-hanson-the-chinese-spy-balloon-orwellian-newspeak-and-the-top-down-revolution-engulfing-america5051212.html Enews&etv-2023-02-26&estQjAVg4kv40CfuoZqI7w/VGxEEhRSySoitNfD/RdFY06Awv0MhHNo%2B%2BpY1ke4ugYea, maybe they figure there's not enough harm in him revealing the truth because it doesn... read more RATS ABANDONING SHIPfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )One small town in NJ had all the Dems switch to the Republican party recently.Can't blame them for wanting to leave that sick rat's nest, but painting a rat red won't result in any real difference. I guess it's a good sign of people waking up dailyrecord.com/story/news/2023/02/08/east-han... read more CANADA INCHES TOWARDS A POLICE STATEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The criminal Trudeau (obvious son of Cuban dictator Castro) regime hopes to gain Canadian's confidence in their tyrannical behavior in this latest report on the naughty trucker's protest that resulted in igniting a spark of hope that they would be free to decide what to inject into their own bodies, etc.'t miss the song at the end. H... read more NEW BRAZIL VACCINE LAWfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )refuse and go to prison for 2 to 8 yearsGuess this is why they felt they had to rig the election. twitter.com/ChildrensHD/status/1626765113633001472 from the article, it says that the MANY on gov't assistance will be f... read more HOW AZ ELECTIONS WERE STOLENfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )More information about massive AZ corruption and apparently all documented.In addition to this, new information about Thailand going after Pfizer soon. And about minute 38 mentions the pharma mafia pushing the tetanus vaccine because it's mixed with another that makes women infertile.NEVER GET the TETANUS shot -- it's another scam!... read more CDC AND THE WHISTLEBLOWER KILLERSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Amazing documentary that woke me up -- beefed up and brought back to life for 2023. This will for sure change you... rumble.com/v23tdxo-phantom-of-the-cdc-and-the-whistle-blower-killers-cdc-scientist-that-expose.htmlWatch it here ... read more RESEARCHING THE SABBATEANSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )In doing more research, I ran across this article: savethemales.ca/thesataniccultthatrulesth.htmlThe Satanic Cult That Rules the World . I haven't read it yet, but Makow, who wrote it, seems to know a lot, and the picture of Trump caught my eye.Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 05:25:16I first heard ... read more WHO IS COMING HERE FROM MEXICOfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Ever wonder who they are? They're not only Latinos. Who else? You will learn from someone who is on the ground and watching them. Hint -- it's not good. bitchute.com/video/XWytoYuDhz8W/Watch here Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 07:02:39 0000 (UTC... read more TUCKER CARLSON PROVES MAINSTREAMMEDIA ISCOMPLETELY FAKEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Barr is a scumbag and I figured that out looooong ago. I suppose that trump was ignorant of that or, as I suspect, trump was just doing as TOLD by his handlers to accept Barr.Barr is another Deep State puppet and I'm not convinced that trump isn't one, tooOn Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 07:16:22 AM PST someone wrote: Tucker... read more TUCKER CARLSON PROVES MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS COMPLETELY FAKEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Tucker Carlson goes into the Jeffrey Epstein death: youtube.com/watch?vASp4KiVqNDQWatch on Youtube On Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 07:16:22 AM PST: Barr is a scumbag and I figured that out looooong ago. I suppose Trump was ignorant of that or, as I suspect, was just doing as TOLD by his handlers... read more AS WE KNEW THREE YEARS AGOfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )independentsentinel.com/ny-times-masks-dont-work-it-doesnt-matter-what-kind/NY Times: Masks Don't Work It Doesn't Matter What Kind The NY Times finally admitted that masks don't work, and it doesn't matter what kind of mask you wear. It won't work. This is the conc... read more NY TIMES: MASKS DON'T WORK -- IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT KINDfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )As many of us knew 3 years ago... : independentsentinel.com/ny-times-masks-dont-work-it-doesnt-matter-what-kind/Masks Don't Work .I didn't confirm but ... read more SOVEREIGN MAN/WOMANfrom 2023 in ( education / research )They mentioned court cases, so I'll wait to hear from them in the future. Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 7:22 AM Re: won't hold up in court On 2/21/23 14:02: Good discussion about common law as applied by people in Oregon. bitchute.com/video/AoNY8rV0yUt6/ ... read more SOVEREIGN MAN/WOMANfrom 2023 in ( education / research / legal )Good discussion about common law as applied by people in Oregon. bitchute.com/video/AoNY8rV0yUt6/Watch here Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 7:22 AMwon't hold up in courtDate: Wed, 22 Feb 2023 16:42:20They mentioned court ... read more PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING & OHIO TRAIN WRECK VIDEOfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )banned.video/watch?idcef9989e3bdde37b44c28d7UPDATE: Already deleted... read more PUTIN, KHAZARS & UKRAINEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )In researching for a book I am writing, I came across this article and here's something that really caught my attention with so many with pray for Ukraine signs and flags: Khazaria, Rothschild Dynasty, New World Order, Ukraine and Implementation of the Nephilim Agenda Putin aggressively worked at paying off the debt to the IMF, a Roth... read more AMAZING SEAN DAVID MORTON INTERVIEWfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )I didn't have any expectations and this was amazing. Covers many subjects but a heavy dose of fake alien invasion, crop circles, UFO researchers, project blue beam, frequency, and a very interesting mention of something called C60.No, it's not a load of crap, as you might suspect. bitchute.com/v... read more CLIMATE CHANGEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Most importantly, those scientists need federal grants to survive, so they figure it's life or death and life comes with the requirement to sell their souls to demonic people.On Monday, February 20, 2023 at 09:33:15 PM PST:What makes this particularly interesting is how the actual fraud happens. In a nu... read more DIOXIN DETOXIFICATIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )With the chemical bomb aftermath from Palestine, Ohio, affecting that region, and the entire world to a lesser extent, learning how to do this very simple step in your daily diet is really great. Even without this recent toxic bomb, all people are being exposed to dioxins from the plastics industry and should upgrade their diet. A home or busine... read more YUP, SWEET POTATOESfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )homesteadsurvivalsite.com/if-i-could-only-grow-one-crop/if-i-could-only-grow-one-crop ... read more SOLID FINANCIAL ADVICEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Preserving family wealth. Very short video: bitchute.com/video/QqOT40Ju6MrZ/bitchute ... read more VERY INFORMATIVE VIDEO ABOUT THE RAILROAD EXPLOSIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )bitchute.com/search/?querythe truth about the ohio train derailment&kindvideoThe Truth About The Ohio Train Derailment and rumble.com/search/all?qThe Truth About The Ohio Train Derailmentmore here Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 10:07 AMThat was more ... read more VERY INFORMATIVE VIDEO ABOUT THE RR EXPLOSIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research )That was more interesting than I expected. Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 10:07 AM The Truth About The Ohio Train Derailment s.yimg.com/nq/storm/assets/enhancrV2/23/logos/youtube.png The Truth About The Ohio Train Derailment ... read more SAFE BLOOD TEST?from 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Very interesting. I was recently thinking about this. Also I was thinking about how I had my wisdom teeth removed in my 2Os and they just injected something to numb that side of my mouth. But how can anyone trust a single pharma product now when someone wants to have a tooth removed? Is there a lab like The Health Ranger for food that can m... read more SAFE BLOOD TEST?from 2023 in ( education / research )Very interesting. I was recently thinking about this. Also I was thinking about how I had my wisdom teeth removed in my 2Os and they just injected something to numb that side of my mouth. But how can anyone trust a single pharma product now when someone wants to have a tooth removed? Is there a lab like The Health Ranger for food that can m... read more FDIC SAFETY?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )In case anybody thinks the FDIC will have their back in case of a bank run: hrefrumble.com/v29xj2o-banks-dont-lend-money-they-invest-your-deposits.htmlBanks don't lend money, they invest your deposits ... read more THE ZERO EMISSIONS MYTHfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )just follow the science but the only science that leftists know is social science On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 05:04:59 PM PST:She should win an award for electric vehicle saleswoman of the year.?Some really good info here.Peggy / THE HEALTHY AMERICAN Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 7:38 AMSu... read more CALIFORNIA LAW ALLOWS BABIES TO BE KILLED AFTER BIRTHfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )It's so amazingly evil you may not even believe it. It's not some proposal, it's already been passed.This is part 2 of a good interview. If you want a link to part 1 and can't find it, let me know. hrefbitchute.com/video/rB5AvCMzNfih/Watch on BitChute Still don't ... read more SASHA LATYPOVA INTERVIEWfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers.This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply.If you appreciate th... read more UNIVERSITIES SHOVING IT INTO OUR FACESfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Screenshot leaves no doubt about the depopulation agenda. University demons blatantly shoving the proof in our faces.On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 09:10:03 AM PST: I hope that all at the Ivy league universities, both students and faculty, are fully vaxed so we can get rid of them ASAP since they do nothi... read more VACCINES REVEALED, PART 1from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Has 4 very good interviews. Maybe the most interesting to me was of RFK Jr because he has so much detailed information memorized about how pharma lies to the public. And not a theory -- has the documents. He lays out the timeline that so clearly shows the evidence of vax induced injury that only a complete idiot would ignore it. It would be very... read more EXAMPLE OF THE NEED TO STARTfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I bought 3 generators, big ones. All are gas. Still need to get them started.I figure I can run my welders with them. Probably sell one, but want two for extra security.A diesel generator is usually much larger but I'd like one along with a diesel truck for the same reasons as you said. I just AMnot yet familiar with them, so would ... read more VACCINES REVEALED PART 1from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )and Kennedy also has info (in his book) that fauXi has been KILLING PEOPLE his whole life. covid is a repeat of what he did with HIV. He's totally DEMONIC but trump was a chump and let him continue, as well as Congress and leaders around the world.Money obviously talked, money for their souls! (but many don't believe in God, Satan, or s... read more EXAMPLE OF THE NEED TO START PREPPINGfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I bought 3 generators, big ones. All are gas. Still need to get them started. I figure I can run my welders with them. Probably sell one, but want two for extra security. A diesel generator is usually much larger but I'd like one along with a diesel truck for the same reasons as you said. I just am not yet familiar with them, so would ... read more YOUR IRA IS HOW YOU WILL BE A SLAVEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )that reminds me that I have to slowly cash out my Tax sheltered annuity, getting cash, before the Big Crash where stocks will be worthless and thus the annunity will be worthless.On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 10:00:51 AM PST: This interesting post may open your eyes a lot.I officially retired last year because I doubt I'll be ... read more YOUR SENSE OF SMELLfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )So then what conspiracy are they working on? That's the only reason to feed the public their bullsh-t. But to the blind and gullible consumers of gaslight media, there never has been and never will be a conspiracy. That's just crazy talk. I must once again tip my proverbial hat to the CIA and their astonishing mind control results. ... read more ANYBODY SEE A NEED FOR A GENERATOR YET?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I think my old trucks would keep on truckin'. Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2023 11:57 PM Yeah, most would DIE if an EMP attack cut off our electrical system. 90% of U.S. Would Die From Chinese EMP Attack From Space Balloon s.yimg.com/nq/storm/assets/enhancrV2/23/logos/youtube... read more ANYBODY SEE A NEED FOR A GENERATOR YET?from 2023 in ( education / research )I think my old trucks would keep on truckin'. Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2023 11:57 PM Yeah, most would DIE if an EMP attack cut off our electrical system. 90% of U.S. Would Die From Chinese EMP Attack From Space Balloon s.yimg.com/nq/storm/assets/enhancrV2/23/logos/you... read more A MESSAGE TO GERMANSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Share with anyone in Germany or with German ancestry or just interested in it. From Gonzalo Lira, a Chilean American of Chilean German descent, living in Ukraine. youtu.be/ja5wpk7LMBgWatch on YouTube Seymour Hersh referenced this article: seymourhersh.substack.c... read more A MESSAGE TO GERMANSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / politics / europe )Share with anyone in Germany or with German ancestry or just interested in it. From Gonzalo Lira, a Chilean American of Chilean German descent, living in Ukraine. youtu.be/ja5wpk7LMBgWatch on YouTube Seymour Hersh referenced this article: seymourhersh.substack.c... read more AMERICA'S FINEST LAWYER?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )In a profession where probably the vast majority are scumbags, Aaron Siri is a giant and a credit to the profession. He's the one who got the FDA to release the Pfizer trial data now rather than wait the 75 years these criminals wanted to bury the data. He's winning cases for ICAN (informed consent action network) such as the case blocki... read more 2017 SCIENTOLOGY KIDNAPPINGfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )It looks like some guy was running a mental health facility using Scientology ideas: allthatsinteresting.com/scientology-kidnappingallthatsinteresting.com On 2/11/23 12:40: tennessean.com/story/news/health/2014/10/13/state-cites-woodbury-living-center-license-viola... read more NORDSTREAM, HOW AND WHYfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )southfront.org/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream-pipeline/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream-pipeline ... read more NORDSTREAM, HOW AND WHYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )southfront.org/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream-pipeline/... read more FORMER JUDGE RUI CASTROfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )We are witnessing at the moment the fall of an empire...An update from Portugal: bitchute.com/video/2JU3Nm337bqk/watch on bitchute ... read more USA IMPLICATED IN DESTROYING RUSSIAN PIPELINEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The first link was showing pedo joe smugly saying the pipeline will endThe second link is to Dr. Coleman.Sent: Friday, February 10, 2023 1:05 AM I saw that but didn't look at the video link you sent.It was a classical false flag event where one does a crime and blames somebody else to create a problem.On Fr... read more U.S.A. IMPLICATED IN DESTROYING RUSSIAN PIPELINEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The first link was showing pedo joe smugly saying the pipeline will endThe second link is to Dr. Coleman.Sent: Friday, February 10, 2023 1:05 AMUSA implicated in destroying Russian pipelineI saw that but didn't look at the video link you sent, .It was a classical false flag event where one does a crime and blame... read more THE ANTI-IVERMECTIN FRAUDfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )One of the safest medicines in history. But when governments want to create panic and fear to sell an experimental injection, they can't let facts get in the way.New book to be released in April 2023, The War on Ivermectin.Rest assured, you can always trust the gaslight media and especially the big brother government.... read more THE IVERMECTIN FRAUDfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )One of the safest medicines in history. But when governments want to create panic and fear to sell an experimental injection, they can't let facts get in the way.New book to be released in April 2023 -- the war on Ivermectin.Rest assured, you can always trust the gaslight media and especially the big brother government. They would neve... read more UH-OH, ALDRIN ADMITS IT WAS ANIMATIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research )the video is real short, I think it's less than a minute.yeah, it's the Deep State/globalist demonic people who thrive on war and hate humanity (deaths and wars are blood sacrifices to Satan)On Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 09:59:13 AM PST: I didn't watch it yet but secrecy of their crimes / scam was so high that man... read more ANYBODY REALLY CARE WHAT'S BEHIND UKRAINE?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Good talk: rumble.com/v289giy-sunday-special-the-truth-about-ukraine.htmlWatch on Rumble ... read more GATES AND EATING BUGSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )infowars.com/posts/video-woman-eats-live-spiders-as-bill-gates-moves-to-dominate-the-food-supply/Watch or Read on InfoWars ... read more BEGINNING OF THE END OF WORLD FASCISM?from 2023 in ( education / research )wowyeah, let's send THEM to Hell!On Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 04:48:18 PM PST: The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine .Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter ... read more YOU'RE A VAX TAKERfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )You're a Vax Taker, a parody of Pat Benatar's Heart Breaker. bitchute.com/video/H072ZdHOvYpw/Watch on BitChute ... read more GOOD NEWS SONG REMAKEfrom 2023 in ( education / research )bitchute.com/video/H072ZdHOvYpw/ ... read more BEGINNING OF THE END OF WORLD FASCISM?from 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )wowyeah, let's send THEM to Hell!On Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 04:48:18 PM PST: The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine .Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter ... read more FASCINATING LIES BY GOVERNMENTfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Some are hilarious and others just really interesting. This is a short compilation. bitchute.com/video/C8chH6K3bTrQ/Watch on BitChute ... read more MYSTERY SCHOOL / FREEMASON SYMBOLISMfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This is a fascinating replay from the Corbett Report in 2010 discussing symbols hidden in plain sight.You may not want to even believe it. Includes comments about Hollywood, Disney, corporations, politicians, music industry, etc. A surprising bit of wisdom at the very end about people. bitchute.com... read more INSPIRING AND WONDERFUL NEWSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )This video is from the awesome Peggy Hall and the best part is near the middle where she reads from some personal letters she received -- from kommunist California, no less! youtube.com/live/5V-p-Ql1kaIWatch on YouTube Share it with everyone who doesn't like what's going on these days. Every... read more AUSTRALIAN TOWN EXPLODES IN VIOLENCEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / people / aborigines )On 02/02/2023 23:11: 2gb.com/watch-inside-the-weekend-of-crime-and-chaos-in-alice-springs/crime-and-chaos-in-alice-springs best I can figure out is that minority youths (Aborigines) are getting drunk and randomly attacking people and property. Aborigines were separated from the rest of human... read more POT CALLING KETTLE BLACK? (DESANTIS IS A RINO GLOBALIST?)from 2023 in ( education / research )Former President Donald Trump took to Truth Social to launch an attack on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis whom he dubbed a 'RINO globalist.' bizpacreview.com/2023/02/01/trump-takes-a-shot-at-rino-globalist-desantis-after-slick-response-to-ongoing-criticism-1329398/t... read more FAKE MOON LANDINGfrom 2023 in ( education / research )I never thought about questioning it until about 2021 when I heard they have photos of the moon set and people between takes walking into the set.With that in mind, I wonder how many of people directly involved with this scam were killed off to keep it hushed.Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 5:17 PM of course it was fake... read more TRANSHUMANISM KONTROLfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/big-pharma-tech-transhumanism-healthcare-cola/childrenshealthdefense.org ... read more ANOTHER IMPORTANT BOOKfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I just watched an interview of Dr Naomi Wolf in which she's talking about this book based on the court ordered documents the FDA wanted hidden for 75 years. Now everyone will know just exactly why they tried to do that.I would never recommend buying it through the criminal platform of Amazon, so you can also get through her own website... read more FAKE MOON LANDINGfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I never thought about questioning it until about 2021 when I heard they have photos of the moon set and people between takes walking into the set.With that in mind, I wonder how many of people directly involved with this scam were killed off to keep it hushed.Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 5:17 PM of course it was fake... read more GOOD NEWS FROM THAILANDfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Seems there's some officials that are not globalist puppets and won't put up with the scamdemic any further.bitchute.com/video/Hz3o2j12DK2U/... read more HEART CONDITION FROM COMMON COLDfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Those all seem logical to me!I mean, just as logical as the bullsh-t from the media.My own favorite assumption is it's racism.Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2023 4:31 PM personally, I think it's from Climate Change (or global warming or aliens from the back side of the moon)On Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at 03:59:07 P... read more SPEAKING OF MOVINGfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Here's something to get you started. youtube.com/watch?vhK1FaXcqUgcOn 1/31/2023 1:51 PM: That's a great law. Sure beats the CA law to inject poisonous substances and throw away the constitution.Tuesday, January 31, 2023 12:00 PMI hope you're aware of the law that if you move there, you have to learn how to... read more HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR GIVES WARNINGfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Because it's happening again.thehighwire.com/videos/lessons-from-a-holocaust-survivor/... read more INTERESTING STORY ABOUT AI ROBOTS IN JAPANfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Lol Never heard that one -- so true Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2023 3:04 PM Re: stupid 19 is the other virus that infected the world On Sunday, January 29, 2023 at 02:52:59 PM PST:I can see why people would have a hard time believing covid 19 is just the flu, because ... read more EPSTEIN SUITfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Virgin Islands DA sued JP Morgan for allowing Jeffrey Epstein human traffickng, is fired. msn.com/en-us/news/crime/virgin-islands-attorney-general-loses-her-job-days-after-suing-jpmorgan-chase-in-connection-with-the-jeffrey-epstein-probe/ar-AA15THZZVirgin Islands Attorney General Loses Her Job Days Aft... read more CALIFORNIA LIBERALS ARE SO RACIST (ANTI-WHITE)from 2023 in ( education / research )ingsreport.com/teacher-demands-california-schools-ignore-white-voices-curriculum-be-more-anti-white/Didn't watch yet but often it's amazing the level of self-loathing. These people a certifiable.Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2023 6:40 PM billingsreport.com/teacher-demands-california-schools-ignore-wh... read more AREA 51from 2023 in ( education / news / research / aliens )Video on area 51 online-updates.net/area-51-employee-got-drunk-and-disclosed-what-he-knows-about-aliens-and-ufos-video-9248/ ... read more MUSK REGRETS JABfrom 2023 in ( education / research )yeah, I heard he was in pain for 2 weeks and some relative got myocarditis On Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 11:52:59 AM PST someone wrote:youtube.com/watch?vg42nkJGGJVE ... read more VERY DISTURBING DOCUMENTARYfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )It concerns harvesting body parts of babies. I couldn't watch more than 10 minutes, hearing the interview of the young lady (like a demon) and her attitude about what she was planning to do to her unborn baby. So callous. I think many people refuse to acknowledge this even exists. It's said to be one of the biggest businesses in th... read more INSPIRING SPEECHfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Created for the Prague freedom rally, David Icke knocks it out of the park. bitchute.com/video/WVJcI88aVjUz/Watch on Bitchute Share worldwide.... read more INSPIRING SPEACHfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Created for the Prague freedom rally, David Icke knocks it out of the park.bitchute.com/video/WVJcI88aVjUz/Share worldwide.... read more HEALING WITH SOUNDfrom 2023 in ( education / research / treatment )It's said to heal various things. Very interesting. bitchute.com/video/wf5nrLntjPji/click here Pretty amazing. I'm going to look for a place near us and try it out.bitchute.com/video/9rSmZJdDcaHP/Pretty amazing. I'm going to look for a place near us and try it out.... read more WHAT DO THE ULTRA-RICH KNOW?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The pilot mentioned that many are selfishly holding onto their high paying job as long as possible rather than doing the right thing and telling their story about how these evil bastards held their jobs for ransom if they didn't commit slow suicide.I bet many knew the risks yet took that Russian roulette chance and lost.The least they ... read more WHAT DO THE ULTRA-RICH KNOW?from 2023 in ( education / research )The pilot mentioned that many are selfishly holding onto their high paying job as long as possible rather than doing the right thing and telling their story about how these evil bastards held their jobs for ransom if they didn't commit slow suicide.I bet many knew the risks yet took that Russian roulette chance and lost.The least they ... read more TRUTH IS SEEPING OUT THROUGH BBCfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Yup, but ultimately it's a free will universe. People have to grow up and live with the consequences of their decisions. I bet many will wish they were better critical thinkers. Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2023 12:05 PM unfortunately, there will be many who won't be able to admit what is going on and go down with the ship... read more MAX IGAN - FASCINATING CONVERSATIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Ranging from music, crossing the Mexican border, being a parent, wow, so good. Must listen. bitchute.com/video/m3wfj6ePa5y0/click here ... read more US DOLLAR DANGERfrom 2023 in ( education / research )In case you didn't already hear the huge news.rumble.com/v26d2a2-january-19-2023.html... read more FAKE NEWS AWARDS FOR 2022from 2023 in ( education / research )Reminds me that I plan to send him some money to support his top notch work. One of the very best. Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2023 12:31 AM Another great/funny Corbett Report! On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 09:06:25 PM PST: As they are being prepared for their grand presentation, here's a flashback to the 2021 'winners... read more NORTH AMERICAN UNIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research )You probably heard that in a court case Facebook admitted their fact checks are nothing more than opinions (masquerading as real facts).So according to the puppet masters, it's just a way to protect transgender creatures and abortions because we know how well they fit their agenda.Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2023 8:48 PMif y... read more REST IN PEACE, DIAMONDfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Maybe you heard of this very popular duo called Diamond and Silk.She died suddenly recently and many speculated about the cause.Looks like our speculation was correct. One more duped Trump supporter bites the dust. He must be such a proud father of the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine. bitchute.com... read more GREATER IDAHO STATUS / OREGONfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST: Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? /images/greater-idaho-1.webp yeah, I've been keeping ... read more W.E.F.: OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPYfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Of course, our loving rulers will be our landlords in the literal sense. They'll be happy to own everything. Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2023 11:48 PM The motto of the World Economic Forum that is finishing up their meeting (of who they consider royalty) in Davos, Switzerland, is own nothing and be happy. Part of that... read more NORTH AMERICAN UNION?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )You probably heard that in a court case Facebook admitted their fact checks are nothing more than opinions (masquerading as real facts). So according to the puppet masters, it's just a way to protect transgender creatures and abortions because we know how well they fit their agenda. Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2023 8:48 PM Americ... read more WHO CAN WE TRUST?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )A friend of mine recently made a comment regarding whether they could trust the information from a person who isn't employed by a mainstream media company such as CNN, ABC, NBC, BBC, etc presumably because they have an obligation to tell the truth and not spread misinformation. It got me thinking about it and I came up with an example tha... read more DOLLAR COLLAPSE APPROACHINGfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This video doesn't give you any solutions or how to prepare, but contains verifiably sound facts that most media is just not talking about that will affect the USD and its buying power. bitchute.com/video/UAQBaVwB6Wly/click here This information is absolutely vital and most simply are unawa... read more WILL YOU DARE TO BE BRAVE?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Short WW2 history lesson of fighting the Nazis. You can skip to about the 2 minute mark: bitchute.com/video/nUKHzly9ZG1C/click here ... read more DEMS AGAINST DEMOCRACYfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Joe Manchin against free speech infowars.com/posts/dem-sen-manchin-claims-open-press-a-problem-in-ama-walks-back-remark-after-backlash/Watch or Read on InfoWars Sheila Jackson Lee criminalizing hate speech youtube.com/watch?vN4eXeIMUYWatch on Y... read more THIS IS SERIOUSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Share as widely as possible. fb.watch/i6afaMEFPB/Pandemic Treaty, a Dystopian Nightmare ... read more PANDEMIC COMPILATIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )bitchute.com/video/Wb7QPqOrxUFY/click here Excellent and short compilation of the most pressing issue of our time -- the pandemic. Are we really free?... read more EXCELLENT SPEECH TO WOKE STUDENTSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )notthebee.com/article/if-there-is-a-single-video-clip-on-climate-change-that-you-ever-watch-make-it-this-oneIt's worth a couple minutes of your time regarding climate change.goodI wonder how many who got this video link bothered to watch it and how many of them don't get it (brainwashed by royalty"... read more COULD YOU SURVIVE WITHOUT INTERNET?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )bitchute.com/video/if8ex2ngZ0Fo/click here Very interesting talk about this. Do you have the necessary life skills to survive without the internet? I've been adding more and more such skills for almost 3 years and AMstudying every day to add more. AMI ready? No, but I'm far more p... read more EXCELLENT SPEECH TO WOKE STUDENTSfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )notthebee.com/article/if-there-is-a-single-video-clip-on-climate-change-that-you-ever-watch-make-it-this-oneIt's worth a couple minutes of your time regarding climate change.goodI wonder how many who got this video link bothered to watch it and how many of them don't get it (brainwashed by royalty"... read more SAN FRAN & TRIANGLE OF HELLfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HouseofFarneseHouse of Farnese ... read more WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION'S DICTATOR-STYLE POWER GRABfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Share as widely as possible. fb.watch/i6afaMEFPB/On Facebook ... read more CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCY (CBDC)from 2023 in ( education / research )People in denial about the various aspects of the scamdemic are also inclined to ignore these warnings of their approaching enslavement.Little do they realize this part is one of the biggest reasons for the scamdemic roll out.Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 1:26 AM Re: I posted the video on FB, we all know it's just a Con... read more MLK WAS A MARXISTfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Very interesting discussionbitchute.com/video/s11CIQ9ALLc/Sent: Monday, January 16, 2023 9:35 PMI thought that MLK was a conservativewhere is info that he was a marxist?On Monday, January 16, 2023 at 09:20:56 PM PST: Just learned that.Interesting that the USA celebrates at the national level such a per... read more SATANIC INVERSIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research )This might help you undersand the govtbiblicalprophecyperspective.substack.com/p/satanic-inversion... read more SATANIC INVERSIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This might help you undersand the govt biblicalprophecyperspective.substack.com/p/satanic-inversionclick here ... read more GREAT VIDEO USING A METAL LATHEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Making the parts for hydraulic cylinders of a bulldozer.I'm rebuilding one today and ran across this.One day I hope to get a metal lathe.Part 1youtu.be/bpMD48wb3sPart 2youtu.be/psA1H0VyAI... read more MODERNA HELPfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Moderna is admitting that their vax caused Myocarditis. If you got their vax and might get myocarditis in the future from it, get their Newest vax to fix it. (If you believe that, ...) billingsreport.com/moderna-pioneers-mrna-vaccine-to-treat-heart-failure-ceo-says/click here ... read more THE LEADER OF SCIENTOLOGYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )These are stories about the leader of the church from a guy who was there. Thousands of people follow him just because, after L Ron Hubbard died, he declared himself the new leader and beat up anyone who disagreedyoutube.com/watch?vKsveAbIAbSYWatching it, you may wonder what planet you're on :-)... read more RAND PAUL SOLD OUTfrom 2023 in ( education / research )He puts on a good show by attacking fraud and criminal Fauci, knowing he'll never have enough support to arrest him for crimes against humanity. But, the proof of his loyalty to pharma is in his accepting $1,000,000 -- just like Trump, what an amazing coincidence.: bi... read more WHO IS MORE AT RISK FROM VAX?from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )10201741841892266.1673383707439I have a video somewhere where a virologist of many decades looked for the virus. She FOUND NO EVIDENCE of it. It's all based on finding a piece of this and a piece of that then some computer filled in the gaps and essentially MADE ONE UP.I had an article about the Canadian lawsuit where the guy... read more WE WON THE WAR IN 2030from 2023 in ( education / research / future )The globalists have collapsed. Watch this backcast from 2030 to learn how we did it. The Solari Report with Catherine Austin Fitts is always excellent. home.solari.com/coming-tuesday-2030-backcasting-with-catherine-austin-fitts-solari-allies-and-solari-series-hosts/click here ... read more COVID AIDSfrom 2023 in ( education / research )You may have seen many of these, but they are probably greatly responsible for people waking up to the truth about the toxic injections.bitchute.com/video/J198HBz0PDdg/Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 9:42 PMsure, waking up a FEW but too many are indoctrinated to it all being a ridiculous conspiracy theory a... read more COVID AIDS!from 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )You may have seen many of these, but they are probably greatly responsible for people waking up to the truth about the toxic injections. bitchute.com/video/J198HBz0PDdg/click here Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 9:42 PM sure, waking up a FEW but too many are indoctrinated to it all being a ... read more AUSTRALIAN COVID MANDATES CLASS ACTIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Apologies for the previous link to legal proceedings which didn't work. This is the current information: acmclassaction.com/acmclassaction.com ... read more REAL ID AND DNAfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I was one of the unsuspecting people years ago when the CA DMV was offering this great new system called real ID.' I'm now glad I never followed through with it. This issue, plus the original Social Security card and DNA is in this very interesting and short video about this. bitchute.com/... read more KEVIN MCCARTHY IS A TRAITORfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Good conversation about McCarthy, Trump, the pathetically weak Maga movement, etc bitchute.com/video/Z8wbiYclmrw/ Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2023 12:04 PM las Re: This gaslight media article mentions how scumbag McCarthy was blaming trump for the fake riot on January 6th. Jus... read more MCCARTHY AT THE WEF CONFERENCE IN 2018from 2023 in ( education / research )Here's Kevin McCarthy at the WEF conference in Davos in 2018. spreely.video/v/2742417838/McCarthy-Speaks-at-the-World-Economic-Forum-With-Mitch-McConnell-s-WifeMcCarthy at the WEF Here's a current article about Trump supporting McCarthy: flagandcross.com/gaetz-... read more KEVIN MCCARTHYfrom 2023 in ( education / research )Here's McCarthy at the WEF conference in Davos in 2018:spreely.video/v/2742417838/McCarthy-Speaks-at-the-World-Economic-Forum-With-Mitch-McConnell-s-WifeHere's a current article about trump supporting mccarthy:flagandcross.com/gaetz-boebert-take-ugly-shots-donald-trump-mccarthy-support/Yeah, I hope there is a decent... read more REPLACING GOD WITH AIfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Woopsbitchute.com/video/LUtpGJFKjkQj/Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:19 AMRE: There's no linkSent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 12:45 AMAnother great video from Max Igan.Watch at 1.5x speed if possible.Full of video clips proving what he says. No reason to theorize when they flat out tell you exactly w... read more REPLACING GOD WITH A.Ifrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )bitchute.com/video/LUtpGJFKjkQj/Watch on BitChute Another great video from Max Igan. Watch at 1.5x speed if possible. Full of video clips proving what he says. No reason to theorize when they flat out tell you exactly what they are doing. In your face. Just don't comply.... read more W.E.F. PROMOTES PEDOPHILIAfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )stopworldcontrol.com/wef-pedophilia/WEF pedophilia ... read more SCHUMANN RESONANCESfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )There's a wacky woman who posted something about them online. I haven't looked at it yet but it seems that many are concerned about them. lawofheartcoherence.com/schumann-resonance-influence-brainwaves-behavior/Schumann resonance ... read more REAL HOPEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )In case you haven't already heard, a man without representation of a lawyer (pro se) has a case before the Supreme Court which happens to be set for a vote on January 6th. It's apolitical in nature but has everything to do with our Constitution. Listen to the details here and I'm confident you will have real hope (not hopium). It'... read more MAKE 2023 A YEAR OF CHANGESfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Be the change you want to see in this world. Lots of wonderful advice from Max Igan. A New Level of Control (bitchute.com)... read more BIDEN CHILD TRAFFICKINGfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )hit play mrouley.com/mrouley.com ... read more REALLY INTERESTING DETAILS ABOUT GOOGLEfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I thought I knew quite a lot but now I see it was only a fraction and this is a really fascinating discussion about how Google has become far too big and dangerous. Also mentions Apple, Amazon and other trillion dollar corporations. bitchute.com/video/EgSr9F5BCs05/bitchute. ... read more 2023 - THE YEAR OF ACTIONfrom 2023 in ( education / research / conspiracies )We don't need more proof. We just need to show the documents that prove the shots are a bioweapon. Many simply can't go there for whatever reason, but it's the plain truth and it won't go away. Karen Kingston's background is with pharma, way before 2020. She's a researcher and a mother who will never back down. List... read more WHITNEY WEBB PART 2from 2023 in ( education / research / history )unlimitedhangout.com/unlimitedhangout.com is her website, for the news behind the news Relatively short. Interesting comments about Musk, Trump and much more. youtu.be/ZR63dl1LHhUWatch on YouTube unlimitedhangout.com/ is her website, for the news... read more WHITNEY WEBB, PART 2from 2023 in ( education / research / history )Relatively short. Interesting comments about Musk, Trump and much more. youtu.be/ZR63dl1LHhUWatch on YouTube unlimitedhangout.com/unlimitedhangout.com is her website, for the news behind the news... read more VERY INTERESTING/INFORMATIVE VIDEO ON UKRAINE/RUSSIAfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )rumble.com/v22i5r0-foc-show-lara-logan-deep-dive-into-the-ukraine-nazis-cia-and-united-nations.html... read more UKRAINE 2030from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Watch this new video to learn how it'll be so cool how great society can be 100% controlled by artificial intelligence. Don't you just love what the globalists are doing to make all our lives better? Ukraine in 2030 (bitchute.com)... read more VERY INTERESTING, INFORMATIVE VIDEO ON UKRAINE/RUSSIAfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )rumble.com/v22i5r0-foc-show-lara-logan-deep-dive-into-the-ukraine-nazis-cia-and-united-nations.htmlWatch on Rumble ... read more THE TRUTH FROM AN OLD MANfrom 2022 in ( education / research )2023 predictions and his attempt to wake people up. bitchute.com/video/VdhabcATMUat/Watch on BitChute ... read more SOVEREIGN BANKfrom 2022 in ( education / research / finance / banks )In this video that somebody passed along, it says Tennessee has a sovereign bank. Do either of you use it? rumble.com/v21oohc-us-government-in-full-scale-implosion-because-of-corruption-catherine-austi.htmlus-government-in-full-scale-implosion-because-of-corruption-catherine-austi.html Sent: Sun... read more 2023-24 SURVIVAL GUIDEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )As the globalists keep being backed into a corner there's no limit to the evil they will unleash to maintain control.But as she says, it boils down to knowing your locals -- neighbors, farmers, bankers, sheriff, etc on a region by region basis.It makes no difference who the POTUS is. We've been financing a criminal cartel since 196... read more 2023-24 SURVIVAL GUIDEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / survival )As the globalists keep being backed into a corner there's no limit to the evil they will unleash to maintain control.But as she says, it boils down to knowing your locals -- neighbors, farmers, bankers, sheriff, etc on a region by region basis.It makes no difference who the POTUS is. We've been financing a criminal cartel since 196... read more SPIRITUAL ENTITIES PULLING THE STRINGSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )technology developed over last 200 years'?Really.Gee, I wonder what kind of tech was being developed in 1921 that would be important for today.Sorry, but I think she's a NUTTTTT and watching six minutes was more than enough to come to that conclusionOn Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 08:07:01 PM PST: Here's part tw... read more PRETTY INTERESTINGfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )When looking at that, it led me to this: Shocking! Look What's In My Blood. Graphene/Genetically Modified Synthetic Parasites. Vax Shedding! I have been monitoring my blood samples with a microscope since the very beginning. I've always had good clean b... On Monday, December 19, 2022 at 11:... read more SPIRITUAL ENTITIES PULLING THE STRINGSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )technology developed over last 200 years'?Really.Gee, I wonder what kind of tech was being developed in 1921 that would be important for today.Sorry, but I think she's a NUTTTTT and watching six minutes was more than enough to come to that conclusionOn Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 08:07:01 PM PST: Here's part tw... read more PRETTY INTERESTINGfrom 2022 in ( education / research )when looking at that, it led me to this:Shocking! Look What's In My Blood. Graphene/Genetically Modified Synthetic Parasites. Vax Shedding! Shocking! Look What's In My Blood. Graphene/Genetically Modified Synthet... I have been monitoring my blood samples with a microscope since the very beginning. I've always had good cle... read more INTERVIEW WITH WHITNEY WEBB: NATIONAL SECURITY STATEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / history )WOW, such a great discussion with maybe the best journalist alive, a young lady named Whitney Webb. Most people believe, correctly, that the disgusting CIA is responsible for murdering president JFK. In their efforts to cover up this fact, they very successfully created the term conspiracy theorist for anyone who dared not beli... read more INTERESTING EPISODE OF THE X-FILESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Anyone have access to this episode of the X files? I used to love that series. bitchute.com/video/FrfLE1MypDld/Watch on BitChute On 12/19/22 19:24: It's in syndication during the day. Get a quad-tuner Tablo (I recommend at least a 3gb drive) and record the episodes.... read more MORE WHITNEYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / history )This week's interview with the brilliant investigative journalist Whitney Webb seeks to help the Solari audience understand how America really works. Whitney and I go beyond Hollywoodized depictions of mustachioed mafiosi and sneaky spies to show that organized crime -- and its fusion with intelligence agencies and central banking -- is Amer... read more TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOTfrom 2022 in ( education / research )I really like this guy. I only discovered him recently.He's talking about auditors which are people from around the country who take their phone and record in public spaces to test whether police or anyone tries to stop them. They are bold and sometimes get arrested by power tripping cops, but test the limits to ensure their r... read more TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOTfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )I really like this guy. I only discovered him recently.He's talking about auditors which are people from around the country who take their phone and record in public spaces to test whether police or anyone tries to stop them. They are bold and sometimes get arrested by power tripping cops, but test the limits to ensure their rights are ... read more IF YOU ARE SPIRITUALLY INCLINEDfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I think you will find this very interesting from the very big picture perspective. bitchute.com/video/McdjfhdHOre4/Watch on BitChute ... read more FASCINATING NEW INFORMATION ABOUT THE JFK CONSPIRACYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Did I actually say the C word?! You mean there really are conspiracies?! This is a really good video: youtu.be/nKhk3nErskWatch on YouTube ... read more "NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS" REWORDEDfrom 2022 in ( education / research )The words are genius!Also the latest news from Arizona.jeffreyprather.com/watchlive/Click on the first possible link, I think.... read more CANADA'S AMAZING HEALTH CAREfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Maybe we can have that here some day. It's not a joke, by the way. But you might get a chuckle from this presentation of the new system. youtu.be/w5M9elm5jdwWatch on YouTube ... read more BELIEVE BUZZ ALDRIN?from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I have stuff about the moon hoax. I'd have to dig it out. One is a meeting where they discuss that a hoax might be needed. Of course, a YouTube search won't work because they won't allow some things to be seen, though if you have a direct link you can find it. On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 09:54:47 PM PST: This rem... read more FREE ENERGY FUTUREfrom 2022 in ( education / research / energy )Here's what the distant future looks like as to energy. You'd probably have to be less than 30 now to be alive by the time we get there. bitchute.com/video/619PR9P5ttw1/Watch on BitChute ... read more UNIQUE ICKE VIDEOfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Great talk about what it means to be human. Really worth a look. bitchute.com/video/oCg1N5yxvyLY/Watch on BitChute ... read more HOW THE SCAM CONTINUESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )As the scamdemic apparently is winding down, here's how the scam continues and gets far worse. Time to wake up people! youtu.be/ms3xYXqZvUcWatch on YouTube ... read more GOOD ARTICLE WITH LOTS OF REFERENCESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Sent: Monday, December 12, 2022 3:53 PM have you seen that elon musk is suggesting fauXi be put on trial? On Monday, December 12, 2022 at 01:35:16 PM PST: Thanks for your fine article. About Joseph Ladapo limiting his recommendation against the bioweapon jab, you may get a better idea if you watch his interview on The High Wire... read more PREPPINGfrom 2022 in ( education / research )This video is about prepping and is such a good discussion. Don't get caught being unprepared. bitchute.com/video/Xc8R8BdAyokQ/ ... read more HISTORY REPEATSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )interesting 2011 article regarding the H1N1 flu hoax sounds like actions of gov't today in regard to the antcipatedd vaqx deaths: gizmodo.com/are-coffins-being-stored-in-atlanta-for-a-high-casualt-5860519click here ... read more VIDEO ABOUT PREPPINGfrom 2022 in ( education / research / preparation )This video is about prepping and is such a good discussion. Don't get caught unprepared. bitchute.com/video/Xc8R8BdAyokQ/click here ... read more BABY WILL OF NEW ZEALANDfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Will this baby provide the spark that finally ignites the people to fight for their freedoms? Or will they continue to be afraid of the consequences of doing what's right and succumb to permanent tyranny? bitchute.com/video/vHTuIiqSRdb7/click here ... read more HISTORY OF CABALfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I am listening to Part 1. It tells history of Khazars. Supposedly there are 10 parts. fallcabal.com/fallcabal/the-sequel-to-the-fall-of-the-cabal/click here ... read more MRNA VAX KILLING WITH MYCARDITIS, MALES & FEMALESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I'll look at it.this site has related videos: fallcabal.com/click here On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 10:44:00 AM PST mRNA vax killing with mycarditis; German post mortem details youtube.com/watch?vjDdSMn55cAclick here ... read more 169 YEARS AGOfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Listen to this same outrageous trouncing of a family's medical rights that happened 169 years ago . You can skip ahead to about the 2 minute mark. rumble.com/v1z2pbq-vaccination-policies-in-19th-century-britain.htmlWatch on Rumble ... read more ANOTHER VIDEO FOR "DIED SUDDENLY"from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The problem with gaslight media is that they have live events in which a medical emergency will be broadcast for all to see. Idiots who will just make excuses can ask themselves whether they have ever seen this in their life. bitchute.com/video/PyJuiXVgOtmP/Watch on BitChute ... read more GREAT PREPPING ROUNDTABLEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / preparedness )This is a really good discussion and if you have not yet done anything to prepare for the coming manufactured crises, I'd say this is a must. Anyone else have or considering a sat phone or Bibi stick? Must share with anyone you care about. bitchute.com/video/IuvddQ9IMpib/Watch on BitChute ... read more TRICKING PEOPLEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Really interesting interview about how the governments that are following the globalist agenda will trick people into the transhumanism agenda and the psychology of this. bitchute.com/video/eHwAEqcIbuqB/Watch on BitChute ... read more W.H.O. TIGHTENS SCREWS OF GLOBAL MEDICAL DICTATORSHIPfrom 2022 in ( education / research )brighteon.com/embed/4690d7cd-64f5-4467-b3ce-8457f43cf5c4/ On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. bitchute.com/video/iuEctFEspuPQ/... read more W.H.O. TIGHTENS SCREWS OF GLOBAL MEDICAL DICTATORSHIPfrom 2022 in ( education / research / politics )This explains how it's happening and how to fight it.bitchute.com/video/iuEctFEspuPQ/brighteon.com/embed/4690d7cd-64f5-4467-b3ce-8457f43cf5c4/ On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. bitchute.com/video/iuEctFEspuPQ/brighteon.c... read more EASTERN TNfrom 2022 in ( education / research )rural TN is different from Nashville and surrounds. People might take exception being passed, as if you're criticizing them or something., Knoxville has poorer employment prospects than Nashville, and more snow. Cookeville is a good in-between, cheap housing, but enough businesses like chain stores and restaurants.On 12/5/22 ... read more CLIMATE LOCKOWN?from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Nah, it couldn't possibly happen here (unless the sheeple don't mind being IMPRISONED for whatever the Globalists want for them. And besides, it's just a trial like the Trial pandemic response: Oxfordshire County Council Pass Climate Lockdown 'trial' to Begin in 2024 Residents will be confined to their lo... read more JEWISH CULTfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )On Saturday, December 3, 2022 at 10:08:19 PM PST:Such a great commentary on what's become an actual cult in modern times. And wouldn't you believe it, there's someone manipulating people. bitchute.com/video/yzqADjGwk1Qc/Watch on BitChute From Steve: I started to listen to it.... read more SELECTION IN BRAZILfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )eutimes.net/2022/11/brazilian-military-declare-bolsonaro-true-president-of-brazil/click here Very interesting (and damning) information. One thing I object to is that he called the Dems incompetent. That's just being nice -- they're VERY competent and are crashing the USA exactly as planned. ... read more CHINA - JUST SMILEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )China and world govt: alt-market.us/why-china-sucks-its-a-beta-test-for-the-new-world-order/alt-market.us Starting about the 3 minute mark, very interesting perspective on what's going on with the CCP and protests in China. And then some excellent advice to smile. ht... read more GREEN SCAM FINANCESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Lots of good stuff, as always by these 2 ladies. bitchute.com/video/KJhxKx7WamCI/Watch on BitChute ... read more GOOD SUMMARY OF BIOWEAPON VAXfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )You may not have seen some of these many clips that summarize the death jab: bitchute.com/video/gjoZioSnmHid/Watch on BitChute ... read more SUPREME COURTfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The most important case in history. Promising and exciting.bitchute.com/video/1uvtNxNG6lUD/... read more INTERESTING LAROUCHE ARTICLE ON JFKfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1976/eirv03n14-19760405/eirv03n14-19760405025-thejfkhittherockefellerbuck.pdfPDF on LarouchePub.com ... read more GREAT QUESTIONS FOR DAVID ICKEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I listen to most of his interviews and this one has many questions nobody has asked. Very long but fascinating. bitchute.com/video/Z3Aoye1SVxlL/Watch on BitChute ... read more HOT 22-YEAR-OLD HYBRID :-)from 2022 in ( education / research / aliens )youtube.com/watch?vXlQYDy5Wc-0Linda Moulton Howe With Anunnaki Hybrid ... read more CHILDHOOD SEX TRAFFICKINGfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )But the pedo joe regime would never allow or condone this, right?Wakie, wakie -- this IS the business of the government that many so desperately trust would never do them intentional harm.bitchute.com/video/HRlV8kS3yFc/Here's more bitchute.com/video/A4h-kwfwyew/ Sent: Tuesday, Novem... read more MRNA DEATHSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Yeah, Died Suddenly is very well done. infowars.com/posts/died-suddenly-watch-live-premiere-of-groundbreaking-covid-vax-assembly-line-expose/Watch on InfoWars ... read more CANADIAN DOCTORS LOSE LICENSESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )wowbadSince the doctors are right and the college has no basis for saying the doctors are wrong, this might be the straw that breaks the camel's (eugenicists) backOn Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 10:26:50 AM PST someone wrote: for presribing ivermectin, etc.brighteon.com/26cc07bf-5bc9-448c-83ff-fcb37efcbd1... read more SUPER VIDEO ABOUT COVIDfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )globalresearch.ca/video-people-get-jabbed-watching-video-they-beyond-saving/5751364... read more PRESIDENTS TRUMP AND BIDEN KEEP JFK ASSASSINATION RECORDS SECRETfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )
That indicates to me that he was killed with the permission of his own governmentThat indicates to me he was killed in collusion with his own government. Fifty-nine years ago this week, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. These many years later, the United States government continues to hold in secret piles of infor... read more INSTALLING LINUX DRAWING PROGRAMfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I found this list of program. they aren't EXE files as I'm used to and it says to install one with using the official PPA which I have no clue about:fossmint.com/best-painting-software-for-linux/... read more TEAM HUMANITY IS WINNINGfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Really good conversation with Corey's Digs (Corey Lynn). If you haven't heard of her, she's very good at investigating, similar to Whitney Webb.This is a discussion about how the pedo joe regime and his globalist masters are plotting to implement a Food is Medicine campaign. That name alone is marketing genius, like Bl... read more SPACE STUFFfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )We're watching this:Story TelevisionStory TelevisionHistory's greatest moments, real people who changed the world, and the innovations that have improved mankind ar...Then this story showed up as a link:siamtoo.com/22018/... read more SOMETHING TO BE THANKLESS FORfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Got this from someone. Maybe you already saw itVery powerful. And it answered something I'd never heard about but had been wondering -- indeed many babies who lived to be born have severe abnormalities. So sad and disgustingly evil.Hope you share it. odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:9/Died-Suddenly -- (20... read more SOfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Got this from someone. Maybe you already saw it Very powerful. And it answered something I'd never heard about but had been wondering -- indeed many babies who lived to be born have severe abnormalities. sad and disgustingly evil. Hope you share it. odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:9/Died-Suddenly-(2022):2b ... read more TRUMP A FREEMASON?from 2022 in ( education / research )Pretty convincing evidence bitchute.com/video/YdaJL8b0S97y/ ... read more GREAT RESET DOCUMENTARYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Got this from someone. Wow, excellent.#########Watch and share. This is very well done.bitchute.com/video/3knlIn9czkLE/It's sort of a documentary and includes many interviews and videos of people etc Sent: Friday, November 25, 2022 9:44 AM ; las Re: Fw: I don't watch produced videos. All yo... read more THE THEFT OF SCIENTOLOGY IN THE 1980Sfrom 2022 in ( education / research )from Lois Reisdorf who was thereyoutube.com/watch?vLWYVLrqVvmEbasically, the great wise man allowed himself to be manipulated by a garden variety psychopath into betraying everyone he'd trusted for decades... read more PROFOUND WISDOMfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Wonderful advice about life by David Icke bitchute.com/video/fpMRgod6yFd0/Watch on BitChute ... read more WE BETTER NOT COOPERATEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )In case you aren't paying attention, the criminal powers that SHOULDN'T be are pushing the slavery agenda full steam ahead.Through their tyrannical vax passport plans that they want which prevents pure bloods from travel between countries (and maybe also states), people on the side of humans can refuse to travel. Yes, it might be a ha... read more WORDS OF HOPEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Good conversation which includes interesting comments about Trump, Q, white hats and the long road to wrench the country back from the grip of the current commie/socialist regime.It's probably not what you are thinking, so set the speed at 1.5x and I think you will like it.bitchute.com/video/7RJqQD4fcTun/... read more HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP SCANDALfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )To anyone who believed it was Russian disinformation in 2020, feeling like the fool now? The lying media and pedo joe got you again!Another conspiracy theory now a fact (only 2 years and a stolen election late).And if you believed those lies, do you think maybe the government and media lies about other things -- like health (sc... read more NEW WORLD ORDER NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )realfreedomtalk.com/frances-macron-calls-for-single-global-order-to-replace-us-china-is-in-the-drivers-seat/France's Macron calls for single global order to replace US, China is in the drivers seat/ ... read more HOSPITAL MURDERfrom 2022 in ( education / research )odysee.com/$/embed/hospital-govt-genocide:8?lide190bf155587aa5b67ce8d0dfe104e11ac301f77... read more NEW WORLD ORDER DEBUNKEDfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )In less than 1 minute.Go ahead and pass this short video on to anyone who had such crazy ideas. bitchute.com/video/cReGqK8mDek/Watch on BitChute This video goes better (seems to have been mixed up).bitchute.com/video/CMKPzRui45I/Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2022 6:34 PM... read more THE WORLDfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I don't see any proof Barack Insane Obama is running the show (a puppet himself), but wouldn't be surprised if true.Sent: Friday, November 18, 2022 10:03 PM thegatewaypundit.com/2022/10/wayne-root-biden-not-charge-exactly-happening/BIDEN IS NOT IN CHARGE. HERE IS EXACTLY WHAT&... read more TENNESSEE BANKINGfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Very impressive interview.Makes me want to move there.bitchute.com/video/1orciobcnxV4/looks goodprobably a threat to the New World Order kontrollers On Friday, November 18, 2022 at 05:54:03 PM PST:Very impressive interview. Makes me want to move there. bitchute.com/video/1orciobcnxV4/ ... read more BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )To David Icke as he turned 70 -- an awesome person. bitchute.com/video/WkQYxuQCmTqc/ ... read more SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO LAUGH . . from 2022 in ( education / research )Exactly, but wilfully blind, deaf and dumb people just don't understand. I wonder if they would accept 1 billion ballots trucked into every election in every state picking Republicans, obviously fraudulent, and be happy to accept those votes. I suspect they might cry foul. So the question is whether they really want a real elect... read more SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO LAUGH AT LEFTIESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )... at the extreme lengths lefty wokeism goes to program people into submission. bitchute.com/video/OIZ2Je1QfiMKOn Bitchute / Exactly, but willfully blind, deaf and dumb people just don't understand.I wonder if they would accept 1 billion ballots trucked into every election in every stat... read more SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO LAUGH from 2022 in ( education / research )Exactly, but wilfully blind, deaf and dumb people just don't understand. pI wonder if they would accept 1 billion ballots trucked into every election in every state picking Republicans, obviously fraudulent, and be happy to accept those votes. I suspect they might cry foul. So the question is whether they really want a real electio... read more THE REAL PROBLEMfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )most are ignorant about the federal reserve (the bank that he's complained about). We could have the Treasury print money FREE but, instead, we are charged interest by the federal reserve for every dollar they Create. Guess who owns the Federal Reserve. It's the banksters, the same ones who tried to get General Sm... read more GENERATION ZEROfrom 2022 in ( education / research / people / generations )Seems they just refuse to work. If their parents don't keep supporting them, they'll all be beggars, muggers and prostitutes on the street in the coming years: youtube.com/watch?vm8D42LtavvQWatch on YouTube And of course, they'll be crying for a guaranteed minimum wage...Sent: Thursd... read more FTX BANKRUPTCYfrom 2022 in ( education / research )chris martenson video on ityoutube.com/watch?vCoJpiVMVl9M... read more MORE ELECTION FRAUDfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )First 10-15 pretty interesting, including about the neverending counting in Arizona.bitchute.com/video/jzS46LNepOf1/... read more GEOFFREY EPSTEIN AND THE INTEL AGENCIESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )More from Whitney Webb.A great interview by two of the best journalists today.Highly recommend it: bitchute.com/video/gqgg9X1pal2J/Watch on Bitchute Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2022 2:27 PMIt's a sick joke on them because they are slated as the first to goSent: Sunday, Novembe... read more SCARY TO ME (VAX)from 2022 in ( education / research )dontspeaknews.com/2022/11/15/lack-of-mrna-in-c19-vials-and-new-insights-on-shedding-with-live-blood-analysis-dr-ana-mihalcea-interview/ ... read more REMOTE VIEWINGfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )It means seeing things psychically and this is part 2 of a very interesting conversation. Part 1 is not as good but you might like it.Worth watching, especially for anyone more spiritual in the literal sense.bitchute.com/video/zKi0SE55ofR9/... read more ENERGY DISCUSSIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Pretty short and good.This is the first I heard about a propane problem but that goes hand in hand with gas.bitchute.com/video/EZXRpncenBKQ/... read more FLORIDA SURGEON GENEREAL RECOMMENDS AGAINST MRNAfrom 2022 in ( education / research )youtube.com/watch?v74yBnzT0fOE... read more 5 SCARIEST CULTSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )very good breakdown:youtube.com/watch?vDPsaGY-1HKIHere's a 2-part video about the Alamo Christian Ministries cult that is fascinating, especially from a psychopathy point of view.youtube.com/watch?vCT6ptPAhbBoyoutube.com/watch?vAKsJR9QsbvIOn 11/14/22 05:02 someone wrote: Mormonism is... read more EPSTEIN AND THE INTEL AGENCIESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I just finished watching this video. Wow, this woman is so spot-on about everything. Epstein is just the sexy stuff that grabs interest, but she goes into how the world really works. Great video. I like her definition of God, too, i.e., not necessarily anything to do with religion so much as it is the creative force within life itself. ... read more 9/11 SCAMfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Really interesting interview with author Jim Marrs in 2014 discussing many problems with the fake narrative surrounding 9/11/2001.Includes the Bush / Nazi connection and a lot more.rumble.com/v1t0ou6-dark-journalist-the-banned-jim-marrs-interview-on-911.html... read more THE REAL TERRORISTSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Irish woman calling a spade a spade -- very shortbitchute.com/video/nNpA7ny9jIJO/... read more AREA 51 INVESTIGATOR RAIDEDfrom 2022 in ( education / research )thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/fbi-agents-raid-home-owner-popular-website-tracks-everything-secret-air-base-area-51/Gab&websitesharingbuttons... read more 9/11 SCAMfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Really interesting interview with author Jim Marrs in 2014 discussing many problems with the fake narrative surrounding 9/11/2001. Includes the Bush / Nazi connection and a lot more. rumble.com/v1t0ou6-dark-journalist-the-banned-jim-marrs-interview-on-911.html ... read more DISINFO SPECIALIST FOR CIA EXPLAINS HOW HE DID ITfrom 2022 in ( education / research )youtube.com/watch?v-md6CQHx2-E... read more INSIDE THE JEWISH MEDIA MAFIAfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )This is a great expose' about how celebs stay under their control, or are destroyed. bitchute.com/video/EQ9A7ahzan6a/Watch on BitChute Here are some of the links for An0maly in which he clearly describes the problems with Zionism, the media gangsters (my words) and the complete hypocrisy and... read more 2022 US QUARTERfrom 2022 in ( education / research / money )Sent: Monday, November 7, 2022 5:31 PMmore proof that those running the country are against itOn Monday, November 7, 2022 at 04:52:02 PM PST: It's in Spanish, huh?Sent: Monday, November 7, 2022 6:41 PMRE: Nothing nefarious. It's part of the US Mint's Celebrating Women campaign, and one of ... read more AMAZING FARMfrom 2022 in ( education / research / farming / homesteading )Very inspiring. I just may start a homestead. bitchute.com/video/he7U8zNj9sks/Watch on BitChute I get emails from Homestead Survival SiteHomestead Survival SiteIf you're going to homestead, make sure you do it right. Learn everything you need to know about homesteading an...they have ... read more PETER MOON INTERVIEWfrom 2022 in ( education / research )talks about free energy from time dilationyoutube.com/watch?vTFtd-EmH62Q... read more FACEBOOK CHARGED WITH CAMPAIGN VIOLATIONSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )youtube.com/watch?vR-n91vtTxPs... read more PER JEFF RENSEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )many vaccine exemptions, not about his sources thoughbitchute.com/video/sFu6QPyMMFvj//... read more POSSIBLE RETALIATION FOR NORDSTREAM?from 2022 in ( education / research )British internet cable severed, perhaps in retaliation for Nordstreamyoutube.com/watch?vAMgbZbHFrug... read more FOLSOM MEMORIESfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Yes, that's right. There were also catfish and bass in the big pond, and bluegill in the creek. On 11/6/2022 5:02 AMwrote: I recall perch and bluegill in the big pond and pike in crawdad creek On 11/5/22 22:42: as bad as those machines that put pictures or whatever on pennies? On Saturday, November 5, 2022 a... read more DAVID ICKE BANNED FROM EUROPEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Icke says this:youtube.com/watch?vcoWwVw6fQdMOn 11/4/22 18:53 someone wrote: He's been declared a Level 3 Terroristvice.com/en/article/5d3qa8/david-icke-european-banDavid Icke interviews FEMA whistleblower bitchute.com/video/ChMh2qTRLTyG/ On 11/5/22 20:37: Typical projection... read more ALL PARENTS WORLDWIDE MUST SEE THISfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )There's a concerted attack agenda against children around the world.This must be understood by anyone with children and grandchildren. Very few know the scope of this massive problem.This video contains many shocking clips that illustrate this agenda.Even if you think you've seen it all, I bet you haven't, because I thought ... read more TV NEW ALTERNATIVE?from 2022 in ( education / research )NTDyoutube.com/watch?vBGM--RJtQE... read more OLD NEWS ON OBAMA? OH WELLfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Obama's Ah I Mean Barry's Coincidences!Obama's Ah I Mean Barry's Coincidences!Coincidence? By Fredrick Via Joan Swirsky June 26, 2013 Any one of these 'coincidences' when taken singu...... read more 1ST AMENDMENT PROBLEMSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Of course, it's all connected. I've been saying that for years. Don't forget the matter of Russia always being the boogeyman. Most Israelis are Ashkenazi Jews from former Khazaria. They were mortal enemies of Russia centuries ago and seem to still see Russia as their nemesis. I wish Russia was the good guy... read more VOTE ON VOTING DAYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Just in time for voting in California, this is something even lunatic Dems won't likely support and could cost psycho Newscum his job and something they will remember if this evil piece of sh-t runs for president down the road.bitchute.com/video/F4lJgM60mNFN/ Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 2:15 PM; las I alr... read more AMNESTY FOR FAUCI, GATES, AND THE REST?from 2022 in ( education / research )NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! (Atlantic is a commie publication)The Atlantic is proposing Pandemic Amnesty where we forgive and forget the covid tyranny. I have another idea.The Atlantic is proposing Pandemic Amnesty where we forgive and forget...Remember how officials and public figures forced your loved ones to die alone... read more TRANSHUMAN AGENDAfrom 2022 in ( education / research )------32575151944274414.1667331475128 two web sites for the guy were mentioned:vaxxchoice.comand dradvocates.comwhen I went to the latter one, I was warned (see attachment). I went ahead and went to the site (and AMalive to tell that). On Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 12:10:39 PM PDT:as he said, it's a spiritual battle... read more Q-ANON SPECULATIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research )from Kerry Cassidy speculates on midterms and civil warprojectcamelotportal.com/2022/10/29/nino-rodriguez-and-kerry-cassidy-juans-prediction-and-the-war-among-us/... read more SMEDLEY BUTLER'S "WAR IS A RACKET"from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies / war )A must watch video from 2010 about an American general who served in World War 1 and wrote a book called War is a Racket.It is excellent and exceptional, applies to this very day. Also discussed is how Fascists from the 1930s attempted a coup in America that he thwarted. It's almost the exact same thing being d... read more WARfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Must watch video from 2010 that is about an American general who served in world war 1 and wrote a book called is a Racket. It is excellent and exceptional, applies to this very day. Also discussed is how fascists from the 1930s attempted a coup in America that this general thwarted. It's almost the exact same thing bein... read more EUROPE IS COLLAPSINGfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The beating heart of European industry begins to shut downEurope is collapsing. All countries will be severely affected. bitchute.com/video/4HZOFiwi94lA/Watch on BitChute ... read more EUROPEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )The beating heart of an industry begins to shut down is collapsing -- all countries will be severely affected.bitchute.com/video/4HZOFiwi94lA/... read more MICHAEL MOORE EXPOSES GREEN ENERGY AS A SCAMfrom 2022 in ( education / research )sadyoutube.com/watch?vZk11vI-7czEI think the reason the globalists allowed this documentary to be made at all was because many of the conclusions include the depopulation agenda they are actively working on. The filmmakers realized the green energy scam but still fall for the climate change scam. But they sure thre... read more FEEL FREE TO SHAREfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Pre-pandemic coronavirus simulation was devised at infamous World Economic Forum in Davosopen.substack.com/pub/dossier/p/pre-pandemic-event-201-coronavirus?r3D17udoy&3Dios&3Dpost-///-Event 201: organisers of WEF-Gates pre-simulation warned of 'similar pandemic in the future'.Just weeks prior to the onset of c... read more ORIGIN OF HALLOWEENfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )You may change your opinion about it when you see since 2020 how the world is run by satanists.bitchute.com/video/kWsxSTBcsc9S/... read more SUPREME COURT JUSTICE AGAINST VAX MANDATESfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Pfizer pricing cashing in quick.twitter.com/i/status/1583524892091158529British PM Rishi Sunak -- WEF Front Man algora.com/Algorablog/2022/07/19/would-be-british-pm-rishi-sunak-wef-front-man-///-VICTORY: JUDGE STRIKES DOWN NYC VACCINE MANDATE FOR ALL CITY WORKERSWe just defeated the vaccine... read more COVID POLL: A PULSE CHECK OF AUSTRALIAfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Truth Bombs from American Politician:'You see these soccer players who have the healthiest hearts on the planet, and they're dropping dead on the field after these shots.'You're seeing people who've had no health problems after they get the shots; they all of a sudden have a plethora of health problems...h... read more BIG NAME PERFORMERS COLLAPSEDfrom 2022 in ( education / research )I've not been paying attention and so AMsurprised to see so many poor fools biting the dust recently.bitchute.com/video/FxiqKUJYGEQZ/... read more MUST-SEE VIDEO ABOUT OUR FAVORITE BIOWEAPON SHOTfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Packed with information, fully documented. It's still hard to believe what these criminals have done and still plan to do. Also, proof that anyone who got TESTED has potentially been given some of the bioweapon.: bitchute.com/video/SbDJjYB4pzyw/bitchute.com/video/Sb... read more WHY ISRAELIS THINK AS THEY DOfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Very interesting facts. I wonder how a Jew would respond to this. Since so many parts are quotes from Jewish texts, that might not go so well for them. Also interesting to hear Jewish media from 1987 which is exactly what Kanye West has recently brought up today. I don't agree with all presented, but it was well done. ... read more 80 DEAD DOCTORSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )martial law in Canadabrighteon.com/144a1a8e-ab9b-4a56-9ead-e6d75f4fc343On 10/21/22 20:17 someone wrote: maybe that's why he banned hand guns:twitter.com/JustinTrudeau/status/1583502468839018496?refsrctwsrctfwOn 10/21/22 10:44: yeah, I've seen itI have to wonder if the Canadians are ignorant ... read more TIME TO CHANGE DIRECTIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Sudden kidney failure, RemDEATHavir, and hidden signalsHEALTH EMERGENCY (a real one) -- is MA DOH incompetent or corrupt?open.substack.com/pub/coquindechien/p/sudden-kidney-failure-remdeathivir?r3D17udoy&3Dios&3DpostExcerpt:The graph blow shows age groups for N17.9 'Acute renal failure.' The year 2022 in ... read more PSYCHIC PREDICTIONSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )I notice that she has quite a bias towards alt-right thinking, and any bias interferes with accurate predictionsOn 10/22/22 07:28 someone wrote: bitchute.com/video/fGEeT9U9tptC//... read more CONSPIRACIES..?from 2022 in ( education / research )Watch The Depopulation Agenda 10 mins. well spent.youtu.be/Pcvxqur5Gf4-///-Thread examining the role of the various global organisations and how this new form of global governance by these unelected international technocracies are forming under the cloak of this 'crisis'.twitter.com/SimonElmer2022/s... read more HEALTH UPDATESfrom 2022 in ( education / research )open.substack.com/pub/popularrationalism/p/science-public-health-policy-and?r3D17udoy&3Dios&3DpostAn excerpt:The use of PCR to detect specific sequences is trivially non-controversial, if it is done in an expert manner. First, the primers are chosen computationally to match only the target species (or quasi-species, in the c... read more A FEW MORE IMPORTANT UPDATESfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Dr. Fleming-Dutra presented today at the CDC's Advisory Committee meeting regarding the covid vaccines and claimed high efficacy. So I wanted to remind you what her data showed about the efficacy of those vaccines rapidly diminishing to zero and belowafter 6 months making vaccinated people of all ages more likely to get covid.... read more ANOTHER BIDEN NAZI FBI RAIDfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )It's so blatantly Nazi that it's a wonder if this f-cking moron geriatric patient has more than a 1% approval rating.bitchute.com/video/fsYyh33OiI8/... read more WE'RE NOW LEARNING JUST HOW BAD THE COLLATERAL DAMAGE IS, POST-PANDEMICfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )We're now learning just how bad the collateral damage is post-pandemic.. twitter.com/maher/status/1582440984868048897?s3D20&t3DEG3jN40rVpBTvCfY8nFAQ Where Are All the Vaccine Safety Reports the MHRA Promised Us, Ask Doctors and Scientists dailysceptic.org/2022/10/19/where-are-all-the-vaccine-safety-reports-th... read more MARTIN ARMSTRONGfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )2020 to 2028 is civil unresthis graph has authoritarianism during 2024-20352024 or so on the graph is food shortages.Time to learn more about growing your own food (or knowing where it grows free, such as with acorns and black walnuts hereOn Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 06:30:26 PM: wowso there's n... read more VAXED VERSUS UNVAXEDfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Isn't that the real question? Not surprisingly to those who know the truth, that's exactly what big pharma NEVER wants the public to know because if the public were to find out the unvaxed are FAR more healthy that would crash their business model. Their desire to create sick customers for life would almost entirely end.Of course, pha... read more THIS COULD BE THE START OF SOMETHING GREATfrom 2022 in ( education / research )yeah, it's the zionists (which biden claims to be) but everybody has been convinced that zionist 3D jew 3D semite 3D israeli and they know nothing about ashkenazi (fake predominant jew of israel) khazars On Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 06:41:07 AM PDT: I haven't watched it, but here's something from this morning fro... read more PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIESfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Pfizer boss Albert Bourla backs down completely and now maintains that the mRNA vaccine technology was not sufficiently proven when they launched the covid one.twitter.com/i/status/1581650848223924225He says they convinced him but he wasn't sure.YOU ARE RECOGNIZING THAT IT IS NOT SAFE-///-They know they ... read more KANYE WEST HAS STIRRED UP A HORNETS NESTfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Great talk about 1st Amendment and the very sneaky anti-Jewish laws.Don't miss it.bitchute.com/video/Nt1XKWRL0To/... read more WORLD BANKSTERS AND HOW THEY OPERATEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Fascinating discussion. Don't miss anything to the endbitchute.com/video/rJyrV3VdXGi5/... read more MIKE ADAMSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )good info on vax corruptionbrighteon.com/99a7abe3-cb81-4769-a725-baf54a40b492... read more THE Q PSYOPfrom 2022 in ( education / research )rumble.com/v1nwrag-the-q-deception-full-release-q-unmasked.html... read more COMMUNITY ORGANIZERfrom 2022 in ( education / research / politics )Since many believe Obama is running the Marxist Biden administrationWe might want to look at a history of comnunist organizing, euphemistically called a community organizingtemple.manifoldapp.org/read/philadelphia-communists-1936-1956/section/c5cbd6e3-ed24-4bcb-97b0-da424fc58416/the communist as organizer/In the period b... read more GETTING UNELECTED BUREAUCRATS OUT OF OUR LIVESfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Queensland parliament on APHRA fb.watch/gaX0ttSnsi/EU opens probe into vaccine dealsazerbaycan24.com/en/eu-opens-probe-into-vaccine-deals/The European Union prosecutor's office has launched an investigation into the bloc's procurement of ions of covid-19 vaccine doses, amid allegations of corru... read more BANKSTER CONTROL OF THE WORLDfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )globalresearch.ca/how-private-interests-banking-dynasties-control-washington/5796169Banking dynasties control Washington It also goes into the non-war against Russia.... read more AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL IMMUNOLOGY VOLUME 7ISSUE 32022from 2022 in ( education / research )An Australian Review: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology Volume 7Issue 32022Excellent detail in the complete article.opastpublishers.com/open-access/covid-19-vaccines-an-australian-review.pdfSummary:After millions of people have been vaccinated as often as four times within a year, the effects of thes... read more FRENCH POLITICIANfrom 2022 in ( education / research )I think that most of you won't agree, but it's a war for kontrol of earth. God created earth, Satan is jealous of God, and Satan wants to destroy God's creation and there's plenty of people who also don't believe in God and thus don't mind being bought off by Satan and Satan's soldiers. It's all in the bible, though ... read more MUSIC INDUSTRY BEHIND THE SCENESfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Very interesting information. An indictment of America today. bitchute.com/video/A6Snq5Qd-dQ/ ... read more DIGITISATION OF HUMANSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )EU -- This is what the green pass/vaccine passport was really about. Their vision is nearly complete. The state will control you because the state will own you. Resist with every fibre of your being. x.com/CraigKellyPHON/status/1580822325817057280?mx2See Twitter post here and href... read more FYI - WIZARD OF OZfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )millionstories.com/money-smarts/the-wizard-of-oz-is-a-story-about-the-dangers-of-the-gold-standard/... read more BENEFITS OF BOOSTERSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Paul Offit admits on video there are no benefits of the new booster shotskirsch.substack.com/p/paul-offit-admits-on-video-thereWatch this video where one of the world's most respected vaccinologists admits that there are no benefits to the boosters. He's not taking the boosters. Why should you?Dr. Paul Offit, MD is the D... read more FOIA REQUEST REVEALS DEEP CORRUPTIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Thanks to Judicial Watch, here are details of how our taxes are spent to massively increase the profits of pharma . Starting about minute 2:45:bitchute.com/video/rBqdF8hTjlom/... read more POLITICIANS MUST DISCLOSE THEIR CONNECTIONS TO ORGANISATIONS SUCH AS THE WEFfrom 2022 in ( education / research )PANDA POSITION REVIEW -- covid-19 VACCINESPANDA's comprehensive multidisciplinary review has found that mass covid-19 vaccination has been a failed experiment.In case you didn't know, I'm one of the original members of PANDA.A group of multi-disciplinary professionals, who perceived the global reaction to covid, and... read more PFIZER EXEC ADMITS COVID SHOT WAS NOT TESTED FOR PREVENTING TRANSMISSIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I like this article collector and this time it has several stories that I think are quite interestingCLG Newsletter Sent: Friday, October 14, 2022 at 01:19:36 AMNews Updates From CLG14 October 2022All links are here:legitgov.orgPrevious edition, 10 October: Breaking: Multiple Missiles Descending on Different Regio... read more WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLDfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Welcome, to the real worldWelcome, to the real world. So you just heard it from the horse's mouth, Pfizer never tested the vaccines for reducing transmission. Now that you're here, there are a few other things you should know.Firstly, it's true. Pfizer didn't test the vaccines for reducing transmission, and the regula... read more NEVER FORGETfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Did you notice how the sentiment of late leans more and more towards never forget all the criminals involved in the greatest hoax / scam in history?And not just the most obvious criminals like Gates (of hell), the long list of pharma pushers, but also their enablers in gaslight media, paid off politicians, mindless and moronic doc... read more FIRST, DO NO HARMfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Alex Antic has been all over it from the get go!fb.watch/g7cJPsb6D8/-///-Full article:open.substack.com/pub/kimberlymilhoanmd/p/first-do-no-harm?r3D17udoy&3Dios&3Dpost...Any compulsory administration of the covid 'vaccine' products is absolutely inconsistent with our oath to 'first, do no ha... read more NEW CALIFORNIAfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Not holding my breath but would sure be nice! bitchute.com/video/i690p05ilTZW/ ... read more WHERE ARE WE GOING?from 2022 in ( education / research )Black Sheep Truth Media: YOUR Money, will it remain YOUR Choice? Important:fb.watch/g7b6AppLw/-///-On Vax Mandates: the question everyone should be asking:twitter.com/justfor13133944/status/1576821716675796992?s3D20&t3DrllMI6NkfB8zR4bqPXCfIA-///--///--///-Huh?Soros-backed NGO says it wants... read more KYLE: LIES ARE UNBEKOMINGfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Make sure you watch each part of the 3-part series included in this article below.open.substack.com/pub/unbekoming/p/kyle?r3D17udoy&3Dios&3Dpost... read more PATHOGENIC PRIMING AND PFIZERfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Pathogenic Priming, My Predicted Nightmareopen.substack.com/pub/popularrationalism/p/pathogenic-priming-my-predicted-nightmare?r3D17udoy&3Dios&3DpostCase Report: Subacute thyroiditis after receiving inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (BBIBP-CorV) ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9355607/Pi L, Lin J, Zheng... read more CORONA UPDATESfrom 2022 in ( education / research )SARS-CoV-2-like Spike Protein Sequences with Affinity to hACE2 Were Present in the Public Databases in 2005. Plus, a Hint on SARS-CoV-2 Laboratory OrigiLau et al. published three sequences with an interesting legacy that involves genetic manipulation by Ralph Baric published in 2008.The implications are profound; Why is everyone igno... read more LATEST NEWSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Several articles worth reading:Begin forwarded message:NewsletterMan Paralysed by AstraZeneca Vaccine Tells His StoryBy Will JonesThousands of people in the U.K. have reported suffering serious adverse reactions to the covid-19 vaccines. Vaccine Injured and Bereaved U.K. (VIBUK) is a group of individuals injur... read more DO YOU GET IT YET?from 2022 in ( education / research )Why are we vaccinating children?metatron.substack.com/p/why-are-we-vaccinating-children?3Dpost&3Dweb&3DdirectHugh McCarthy is a retired Headteacher with 50 years of experience in education. He lectured in leadership at the Ulster University and served on two of N. Ireland's education councils. He is a colleague of mine in... read more CRUNCH THE NUMBERSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )20 million saved or 20 million killedpeterhalligan.substack.com/p/20-million-saved-or-20-million-killed?3Dpost&3Dweb&3Ddirecttruth is treason in the empire of liesAn article in the Lancet claims that 20 million lives were saved with the use of injections. (Note, the injections are not 'vaccines', they are gene t... read more DESANTIS STRIKES AGAIN!from 2022 in ( education / research )You gotta love what he's doing. bitchute.com/video/E6epMVr3kHPM/ ... read more CATHERINE FITTSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )timeline of a global takeoverbitchute.com/video/Gb60vIxN0zK3/... read more WORLD VIEW REPORTfrom 2022 in ( education / research )brighteon.com/6dee51ea-7042-4697-b9a7-fbbb518d92e8... read more AMERICA SUCKS AND WE NEED SOCIALISM/COMMUNISMfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )That's what many (most?) kids are learning in school. Don't believe me? Then watch.bitchute.com/video/CDytyXPDPn8/... read more DR HARARIfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Dr Harari... read more DOCTORS, DATA AND BIOLOGYfrom 2022 in ( education / research )World Economic Forum Dr HarariInterview: statistics and analysis of injury, disability, life expectancy and death post inoculations.facebook.com/100075943695622/videos/811113569934518/-///-Utopia 2020: a coincidental storyfb.watch/g39vtwwAlY/-///-covid, consent, and the code of conduct. How A... read more BEWARE THE VERY POSSIBLE FALSE FAGfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )It could happen this month to cancel the elections which virtually everyone knows will be a red flood and maybe allow justice for so many criminals in government and hopefully corporations.Will martial law be declared as the last attempt to hold onto power by this illegitimate and satanic regime?bitchute.com/video/vo2SYCZhsS6a/... read more 85% OF COUNTRIES STILL TRADING WITH RUSSIAfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )With 85% of the countries in the world still trading with Russia, how much longer can anyone believe the non-stop lies from the gaslight media about what's really going on?Of course, the media relies on a completely stupid audience that's unwilling to think and question anything, because the truth is available online if someone would ... read more STILL TRADING WITH RUSSIAfrom 2022 in ( education / research )With 85% of the countries in the world still trading with Russia, how much longer can anyone believe the non-stop lies from the gaslight media about what's really going on?Of course, the media relies on a completely stupid audience that's unwilling to think and question anything, because the truth is available online if someone would ... read more RUSSIAfrom 2022 in ( education / research )With 85% of the countries in the world still trading with , how much longer can anyone believe the non-stop lies from the gaslight media about what's really going on? Of course, the media relies on a completely stupid audience that's unwilling to think and question anything, because the truth is available online if someone would s... read more FREE FUNERAL GIFT CARD WITH YOUR VACCINEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )--Australia has solved the vaccine hesitancy problem: they offer a free funeral gift card with your vaccineIf you die from the vaccine, they'll pay for your funeral. So now, you have no reason to say No. One minor problem: the payment is not guaranteed. Your next of kin still has to apply.Deceased covid-19 vaccinereci... read more NO WONDER CDC HIDES DATAfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )The CDC database called V-Safe ( I'd never heard of it) is the most accurate one the government has (I think), at least that they claim. Participants signed up right away when deciding to enthusiastically take the most safe and most effective vaccine of all time.But it took over one year and 3-4 court cases to finally release ... read more US MILITARY JAB MOST TOXICfrom 2022 in ( education / research )brighteon.com/549bfd8a-f8c6-4649-ab8d-05e10aceb735Wow, 3 months ago. It's the 1st I heard that they started producing Comirnaty. An FDA approved product doesn't have a liability shield, as if they actually cared anyway. Sent: Saturday, October 8, 2022 4:25 PM ; Subject: brighteon.c... read more NEW DOCUMENTARYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )If you haven't yet seen this, I highly recommend it:And it's really important to share with everyone.theepochtimes.com/safe-and-effective-a-second-opinion-documentary4774346.html... read more ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUSTfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Nice to see another very pro vax doctor wake up to the deadly covid vax. But his very healthy father first had to die from blood clots before he realized it.Now he's calling for an end to this fake vax.bitchute.com/video/mL6PRlzRW3PS/... read more 9/11 INVESTIGATION BY NIST WAS WRONGfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Very good. I suppose the truth censors on YouTube haven't yet noticed it and removed it as loony bin stuff. It's way overdue for everyone to wake up to these continual scams and psyops. Sent: Saturday, October 1, 2022 12:58 AM Fw: wow, somebody from NIST actually looked into the ... read more BIDEN LAUNCHING NEW BIOWARFARE DISEASE/VAXfrom 2022 in ( education / research )infowars.com/posts/un-treaty-creates-medical-dictatorship-under-biden/ ... read more GREAT INTERVIEW OF ICKE BY ALEX JONESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Ever had the thought that you feel way younger than what your body's age indicates? Maybe you will understand why that is after listening to this excellent (and loooong) conversation between probably the two biggest icons in the new media, aka alternative media.That's not what it's about though. Anyone who takes the time to listen... read more 2009 CLIMATE FRAUDfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies / weather )I never paid attention to the opposing opinions and facts that refute climate change until the 2019/2020 presidential election. I learned that it was a scam. It was just one fraction of what I would learn once the scamdemic started. Today I learned that in 2009 hackers discovered that scientists were literally conspiring to hide data that in... read more SOCIAL CREDITfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )brighteon.com/1783a49d-4169-40bd-852f-082650855b09Watch on Brighteon Robert Morningstar says that Canada and NYC are hosting Chinese secret police who are ostensibly there to to arrest Chinese immigrants for breaking Chinese laws outside of /China. On 10/2/22 14:35: People in general don... read more DEATH BY BLOOD TRANSFUSIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Go to 35:45 to hear about the criminals of pharma killing babies by giving them the blood of someone who got the fake vax bioweapon.I warned about this in about January 2021 before the truth I was sharing got me kicked off that evil platform know fondly as fascistbook.I heard that in Mexico they do separate the tainted blood and good blood... read more HOW SWEDEN BECAME A HELL HOLEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Some comments about this 6 part documentary say it's very painful to watch how such a happy country has been deliberately turned into a hell by the globalists.Sarah Westhall did a 2-part interview about it with a freelance reporter who has become the spokeswoman to promote it because the creator can't afford to identify himself and be... read more SATELLITE PHONES AND BIBBI STICKSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Too expensive for us but if you can afford it these are proving to be extremely helpful in emergency situations like the aftermath of hurricane Ian in Florida.bitchute.com/video/qt55efAgY;n/... read more STORY OF A DOCTOR WAKING UPfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Pretty interesting and hopefully a lot more to follow.As I've said, it might take a personal tragedy in the immediate family for eyes to finally see what's going on in pharma.rumble.com/v1m1e9m-why-a-doctor-changed-his-mind.html... read more FLORIDA HURRICANE MANIPULATION?from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies / weather )This documentary proves this happens. Why did it get banned almost instantly by the deep state? It only confirms what people are realizing. Of course, don't dare believe anything outside what the gaslight media wants you to believe. bitchute.com/video/dhVE8QC7WnV4/Man-Made Climate Change Video ... read more GOOD NEWS ABOUT BANKSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )bitchute.com/video/8SBMj433CGoL/ ... read more HURRICANE CONTROL?from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I wonder if the hurricane was made stronger to punish DeSantis:americanwirenews.com/desantis-faces-big-moment-as-ian-bears-down-on-florida/?... read more BETWEEN NOW AND 2030from 2022 in ( education / research )here's a video I'm watching about Jesuits:This Mans Interview Tells It All -- 21st Century Crusade To Take Over The World This Mans Interview Tells It All -- 21st Century Crusade To Take Over Th... On Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 04:41:56 PM PDT someone wrote:I doubt it, but people decide what they want to believe f... read more PARALLEL ECONOMY / SOCIETYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )You may have been hearing about the need or desire to exit the completely corrupt and insane society where you live. Maybe you think you are all alone and the rest of the people you know have fallen for the psyop scamdemic blasting from every government and gaslight media outlets.Here is a possible solution to connect with other like-minded p... read more LIVING IN FEARfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Just because maybe you're not wearing a mask, scared of the air you breathe in your car or while exercising, there are MANY MANY I see and laugh at daily in Sacramento who will jump at their own shadow.This means the complete insanity of the scamdemic is not over. Even if Newscum declared it's over it's the morons who will now kee... read more LETTERS TO CONGRESSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )They really can work.bitchute.com/video/BMrI9WF49LBK/... read more PLANDEMIC 1from 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )here's an article that tells how Plandemic 2 video is a lie (yeah, I want to show both sides):thequint.com/news/webqoof/plandemic-2-video-sequel-continues-trend-spouts-misinformation#read-moreIn trying to find Plandemic 2, I came across this article that says searches for it are blocked (might somebody be afraid of the T... read more INVISIBLE ATTACKSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )People filmed looking up to the right, then they spin and fallconvulsing... WHAT is happeningI just came across ANOTHER video showing the same behavior. I havenot found any articles but so many videos. Some say they dieafterwards. It's been suggested that people believe theel ofdeath is seen, or demons, or something? I will po... read more WHO IS BILL GATES?from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Excellent documentary by James Corbett of this lizard person. See how his PR campaign has tricked so many into thinking he's such a great guy. href bitchute.com/video/YidDP208DoC4/Watch on Bitchute ... read more RED STATES GOT THE WORSTfrom 2022 in ( education / research )howbad.info/states.html ... read more GROW POTATOES IN THE AIR?from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I'm going to try it. I have to find out what type of solution is usedthebetterindia.com/281269/how-to-grow-potatoes-using-aeroponics-at-home-yield/... read more OHIO REFINERY, LYME DISEASE ORIGIN, ETCfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Several interesting topics.bitchute.com/video/nf39J3WRVMns/Will this cause another artificial fuel shortage and make prices soar even more?The comments about Lyme disease conflict with the official narrative which I found here, and we know government never would lie:medicine.yale.edu/news-article/ancient-history-o... read more HOW THE PANDEMIC CRIMINALS GET PAIDfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Very interesting. I didn't know about the credit card that links to an offshore account so that it's invisible here.bitchute.com/video/SJyF9JCS2ao3/... read more PLEASE, SHARE WIDELYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )--000BYAPR08MB5624C66F0933065DEB95B327D14F9BYAPR08MB5624nampGood commentsJordan Roberts -- Editor Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 3:36 PMWhy The World Economic Forum's Plutocracy Should Be Dissolvedgatestoneinstitute.org/18908/world-economic-forum100 years ago, the battle was for sharing the surplus. No... read more FARMINGfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Very inspirational video for me. Hope you also like it. bitchute.com/video/X0Ywlzn7O6DG/ ... read more COLLEGE DEBT - MUST SEEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )And maybe he will also make you smile youtu.be/ldDVVEoNig ... read more ZE BIG ENCHILADAfrom 2022 in ( education / research )This is very interesting. I couldn't see how to share the link so you can just click to it from this email.Maybe just ignore what he says about aliens at the beginning but stick around for many interesting things he says.on behalf of Forbidden Knowledge TV Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 5:14 AM3D117088&csoffset... read more NEW BANKING SYSTEM IN NOVEMBERfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Very interesting report about the looming slavery the new system brings.They will wait until they finish stealing the election before they roll it out.bitchute.com/video/eowFzbrbFyeO/--000BYAPR08MB5624ED78C78B10C1C51E8045D1519BYAPR08MB5624nampHere's part 2 which I think is excellent.He says something to do w... read more HOW EMF AFFECTS YOUR BODYfrom 2022 in ( life / health / tech / research )Must see. There's some eye-opening information here about smart devices you must hear. As great as it is, this scientist misses the big picture of the scamdemic. bitchute.com/video/KKo1ztUM1NnU/Watch on BitChute ... read more LOTS OF VIDEOSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Jay Weidner, who writes on odd topics:youtube.com/channel/UCN7Hdc3Rb3YBMHwdqi-DpQ/videos... read more PERSONAL PROTECTION ADVICEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I'll simply reply that here's a site to get ammo if you are NOT in California:ammoseek.com/It's against the law to buy ammo through the mail if you're a prisoner of GavinOn Monday, September 19, 2022 at 02:19:14 PM: Great advice Sent: Monday, September 19, 2022 1:21 PM personal protection adv... read more TRUMP TOO PIG-HEADED TO RENOUNCE VAXfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Trump's kinda dumb. That's his strength, too, because he's too dumb to come off as a politician and not say what he thinks -- with his limited vocabulary -- the main determinant in an IQ test is vocabulary.On 9/19/22 18:01: Looks like he's a lost cause.Check out part 1 of this good interview, but here's part 2... read more STRANGE BLOOD SINCE 2021from 2022 in ( education / research )good information. I think if someone got a co vid shot they should get chelation therapy to take out the metals and othere toxins, and also wear a nicotine patch to avoid sudden adult death syndrome.On 9/19/22 17:10: Pretty graphic images -- not for the squeamish.bitchute.com/video/PxgZt4AYrqKs/... read more GONZALO LIRAfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Really good interview of a reporter in Ukraine. Full of current information that's sure to surprise you.PART 1bitchute.com/video/Gbe9qpQKSIbu/PART 2bitchute.com/video/IWE6jzDvvKhO/... read more KEVIN KILEYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )In case you want to support a candidate who will bring some sanity from California to DC, here's the one I recommend.He's not even in my district. Sent: Friday, September 16, 2022 10:45 AMThis is really badSo far, I haven't said much about this. Hi ,Sor far, I haven't said much about our opponent. I prefer ... read more EVIDENCE MODERNA CREATED COVID-19from 2022 in ( education / research )I gave up poring through it, thoughexpose-news.com/2022/03/14/documents-published-confirming-moderna-created-covid/... read more COVID PIRATES, DOMESTIC TERRORISTSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )rumble.com/embed/vn4bqr/... read more SLOVENIAN NURSEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )a Slovenian speaker I know says the subtitles on the video are accurate, so there are 3 versions of the shot, at least in Slovenia. All the US officials who say they got the shot, probably got the placebo, which means, if they knew, that they are conspirators in genocide.bitchute.com/video/WEnEy0jEjhDJ/On 9/14/22 18:23... read more JAN 6TH PROVOCATEURfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Ray Epps is on video urging the protestors go into the capitol but the congressional committee is covering up for himnews./ray-epps-capitol-riot-figure-140228875.htmlyoutube.com/watch?vylYF6-sZkgM... read more HARD TO WATCHfrom 2022 in ( education / research )good points maderealize, though, that since 95% of Democrats took the jab, if SADS kills them all, it will bring down the US govt and maybe western civilizationRemote viewer Lyn Buchananan said he foresaw that scenario in the back in 1990sOn 9/14/22 01:49: Besides all the blatant death caught on camera, there's some other... read more MIKKI WILLIS INTERVIEWfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Fascinating discussion bitchute.com/video/v3N2emLzsoYh/... read more LONG LIVE THE KING?from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Not so fast. bitchute.com/video/uCK6G2LROBvf/Watch on Bitchute ... read more MAX IGANfrom 2022 in ( education / research )has a lot of interesting things to say about the worldbrighteon.com/e256690a-fe79-476d-a00a-ac67881ad77e... read more GOOD PRESS OF TRUMP NOW ILLEGALfrom 2022 in ( education / research )In case that link stopped working: bitchute.com/video/HYd72b01SA4x/ Sent: Monday, September 12, 2022 9:37 AM las No kidding bitchute.com/video/HYd72b01SA4x/ ... read more VERY GOOD CONVERSATION WITH HARVEY SCHfrom 2022 in ( education / research / politics )Worth watching for world politics. Starts about the 10 minute mark. bitchute.com/video/mrGMGq619Jq9/ ... read more VERY GOOD CONVERSATION WITH HARVEY SCHfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Worth watching for world politics. Starts about the 10 minute mark. bitchute.com/video/mrGMGq619Jq9/ ... read more 9/11 DOCUMENTARYfrom 2022 in ( education / research )The real story for those who dare to think. bitchute.com/video/vupWkSWWaG4u/Watch on Bitchute ... read more SEPT 24THfrom 2022 in ( education / research )DefaultWhat are they planning on 24 September 2022Video in Germanstateofthenation.co/?p133328Translation below.A legislator in Germany took to the floor of the Bundestag this pastweek, and let slip a date: September 24.Dear colleagues, this 24. of September 2022 will be a day remainingin our memories as a da... read more 400 DOCTORS WORLDWIDEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Can 400 doctors make a difference?dailysceptic.org/2022/09/10/400-doctors-and-professionals-declare-international-medical-crisis-due-to-covid-vax-assembly-line-injuries-and-deaths/... read more 9/11 DOCUMENTARYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The real story for those who dare to think. bitchute.com/video/vupWkSWWaG4u/Watch on Bitchute ... read more LATEST SECRET SPACE PROGRAM TALL TALE TELLERfrom 2022 in ( education / research )------1987383462828713.1662856086056 It's moving along: 'Put on that mask,' a womanshouted at a boy who was riding his bike. 'Why?' the kid stopped his bikeand asked. 'Didn't your parents tell you thatthere's a killer virus and everybody needs to wear a mask to protect everybodyelse from it?' ... read more 9/11 TRUTHfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )FYIOne thing I find of particular interest is that he mentions how many people fully realize we were scammed and conned about what really happened on 9/11, yet many who realize that can't see that covid is a far bigger scam.bitchute.com/video/yySqJ0ySZXTR/... read more 9/11 TRUTHfrom 2022 in ( education / research )FYI One thing I find of particular interest is that he mentions how many people fully realize we were scammed and conned about what really happened on 9/11, yet many who realize that can't see that covid is a far bigger scam. bitchute.com/video/yySqJ0ySZXTR/ ... read more UNIQUE VEHICLE DESIGNfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Ran across thismacsmotorcitygarage.com/the-truck-with-a-hinge-in-the-middle-the-willock-swivel-frame/... read more UC DAVIS AND NWOfrom 2022 in ( education / research )youtube.com/watch?vndUJl6aNsMAI watched 20 minutes so far and it makes me wonder where she's going with it all as she talks of the fired chancellor of UCD, Katehi (she mentioned the Jesuits and I wonder if that will go somewhere) On Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 06:24:49 PM : I'm watching and it is exce... read more REALLY GOOD NON-PARTISAN DISCUSSIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )How to make sure they can never do these fascist things again -- In two parts:bitchute.com/video/llXMikty9ElU/bitchute.com/video/erNi2y9opfqJ/I'd be interested in joining a local group like this. They've encouraged me to create one myself and I might just do it. Sent: Wednesday, Septembe... read more MKULTRA AND THE VAXfrom 2022 in ( education / research )govt admits remote.webp mind control is real:youtube.com/watch?v9q0r9GwvtCcOn 9/5/22 16:20: beware thoughts not your own as Icke says Monday, September 5, 2022 7:00 AMRobert Morningstar told the tale of a woman driving on the freeway in Connecticut and the overhead text signs said Stop, Get Vaccinated, ... read more GOOD INTERVIEW WITH DR JUDY MIKOVITZfrom 2022 in ( education / research )she says DMG can be taken to counteract the glyphosate in most food: shop.therealdrjudy.com/behavior-balance-dmgtm-120.html On 9/4/22 23:54: What an interesting story she told about her work. And , of course, the Fascist Bureau of Investigation raided her lab which proves the scam further. Sunday, Septemb... read more GERM THEORY VIDEO ALMOST LAUGHABLEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / health )On Odysee.com here: odysee.com/@spacebusters:c9/Final-The-End-of-Germ-Theory:8The End of Germ Theory and bitchute.com/video/Ch8v4TVL9yq0/Bitchute here Sunday, September 4, 2022 9:23 PM laughable because they kept trying to prove existence of germs but ALWA... read more CA BILL TO DISCIPLINE MDS WHO DISAGREEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )sharylattkisson.com/2022/09/an-approved--in-california-legislature-would-discipline-doctors-for-spreading-covid-19-misinformation/... read more GEOENGINEERNG INTERVIEWfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Wonder why your garden is getting worse and worse each year?I think everyone should know why.And a lot more.bitchute.com/video/Cnuomp4xe6U7/... read more BEWARE SCAM WEBSITESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I AMin the market for something and found what's too good to be true in two different places.Firstly the price is incredibly low, shipping is unreal, but to top it off the picture is found on another website for even less.Too good to be true applies here.I think they have gone to terrific lengths to seem legitimate but orders wil... read more GOOD FINANCIAL INFOfrom 2022 in ( education / research )bitchute.com/video/ImUh7GR4mMVb/ ... read more COMMUNISM AND DEMONSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )youtube.com/watch?vXeXsTgqBKeYhaven't listened yet but supposedly interesting... read more CLINTON CHILD TRAFFICKINGfrom 2022 in ( education / research )good documentary, Suicidedrumble.com/embed/v17knce/... read more CRITICALLY THINKING WITH DR. T AND DR. P EPISODE 109from 2022 in ( education / research )they tell you to go here:prosecutenow.io/On 8/28/22 16:40: Go to minute 53 to hear about a great legal strategy for doctors being threatened for not following the depopulation agenda.Rumble Sunday, August 28, 2022 10:13 AMCriticallyThinking: Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P Episode 109 5 DOCS -- Aug 25 202... read more CRITICALLYTHINKING: CRITICALLY THINKING WITH DR. T AND DR. P EPISODE 109 5 DOCS - AUG 25 2022from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Go to minute 53 to hear about a great legal strategy for doctors being threatened for not following the depopulation agenda.Rumble Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2022 10:13 AMsp.rmbl.ws/i/mail/alerts/daily/rumble.com-logo.webp sp.rmbl.ws/i/mail/alerts/daily/update-clipart.webp?t3D1661706791&k3D26kamiq1rbcjmhivbl... read more CANADIAN DOCTORSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )... required to take 4th shot, dropping dead. sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/V/9/3/v/V93vf.gaa.mp4Watch on Rumble ... read more BLEAK PREDICTIONS BY DR VERNON COLEMANfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I haven't watched one of his videos in months and months. Just discovered he's on Btichute and subscribed.While it's very bleak I think he provides a valuable world perspective and people will learn a lot of interesting news from him.bitchute.com/video/KPzf9BOGdcw5/... read more THEY WENT TO GREAT LENGTHS TO KEEP IT FROM YOUfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Excellent short documentary about a TRULY safe and effective pharma product which I often forget is even possible.Mikki Willis Sent: Friday, August 26, 2022 2:45 AM? They went to great lengths to keep it from youDear ,Of all the harmful misinformation spread over the past couple of years, one of the most disturbing false narrativ... read more BOYD BUSHMANfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Discusses magnetism and anti-gravity. youtube.com/watch?v3KuDNagHS4Watch on YouTube ... read more AERIAL SPRAYING FOR DEPOPULATIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research )vaccines are to be sprayed over US cities:brighteon.com/b5a90793-d447-43f4-8e78-82033d9adcfa... read more FORGET INFLATION, THIS THREAT COULD WIPE OUT YOUR SAVINGSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )There's another link to Jim Rickards' talk.You can just read the transcript to avoid waiting through the talk.Jim Rickards from Lon Real Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 4:09 PMForget Inflation -- This Threat Could WIPE-OUT Your SavingsHi ,The biggest threat to your wealth right now is NOT inflation It's NOT anoth... read more FDA ATTACKS ORGANIC AMISH FARMfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Pretty interestingtv.gab.com/channel/warrenvmyers/view/on-tucker-is-the-government-trying-63043133aded3c266a029318... read more FAUCI AND TRUMPfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )An0maly does what I consider his best ever talk.Try to argue with a single point mentioned.Time for people to finally wake up, especially conservatives because anyone still on the left is simply a basket case now.bitchute.com/video/u-Rs5J73fPI/... read more SEAN DAVID MORTONfrom 2022 in ( education / research )sorry projectcamelotportal.com/2022/04/13/sean-david-morton-sands-of-time-book-4-timerunner/ I may have posted this back in April, though On 8/22/22 19:52: I LOVE that guy!... read more EMF DISCUSSIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research )This is a real great discussion explaining some science behind frequency healing and harm, direct energy weapons, etc. I think anyone willing to learn new things will really like this one. rumble.com/v1gkj9h-critically-thinking-with-dr.-t-and-dr.-p-episode-108-aug-18-2022.html ... read more HENRY KISSINGERfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Kissinger is a major satanic Zionist warmonger and that's why we've been in constant wars around the world. As former congressman Cynthia McKinney said in this video, when she was elected she was asked to pledge allegiance to ISRAEL instead of our Constitution (FYI, the Zionist Rothschilds got Woodrow Wilson to give them control of Pales... read more KISSENGERfrom 2022 in ( education / research )he's a major satanic zionist warmonger and that's why we've been in constant wars around the world. As former congressman Cynthia McKinney said in this video, when she was elected, she was asked to pledge allegiance to ISRAEL instead of our Constitution (FYI, the zionist Rothschilds got Woodrow Wilson to give them kontrol of Palestin... read more VERY INTERESTING CONNECTIONSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Good article. No he's never going to get out of politics. He's been trained by Klaus Schwab of the WEF (praised by Trump as doing a great job).And Piglosi praised Saul Alinski (spell?), the communist who wrote Rules for Radicals which Barack Insane Obama openly praises, along with Hilary Rotten Clinton. So she's an ope... read more SHOCKING SKELETONS OF TRUMPfrom 2022 in ( education / research )I listened and it's good, nothing I didn't already know, though. Like Boris son, he's another populist who sold out his followers to curry favor with the establishment. I wish Icke would do a piece on son.On 8/18/22 22:27: Can't you find a few minutes to watch (at high speed)? Thursday, August 18, 2022 7:53 PM... read more DOJ PROTECTS CCP ELECTION INTERFERENCEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )infowars.com/posts/report-ccp-linked-us-firm-providing-election-data-to-communist-chinese-government/... read more WHISTLEBLOWERfrom 2022 in ( education / research )says Biden admin is child-trafficking on the southern border, 2 to 5k a week:infowars.com/posts/nightmare-bombshell-dhs-whistleblower-confirms-biden-illegally-smuggling-children/... read more THE REAL STORY ABOUT BONE HEALTHfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Very helpful info for older people (not that I'm one!).August 16, 2022To view today's video, click link: rumble.com/v1g461r-the-real-story-about-bone-health.htmlWatch on Rumble BitChute -- bitchute.com/channel/PBxgBgr9rAE6/Rumble -- rumble.com/c/c-641957Brighteon --... read more MICHAEL SHRIMPTON ON 4TH REICHfrom 2022 in ( education / research )robertmorningstar.substack.com/p/espionage-german-design-sabotageThis is more clear: In this interview, conducted by Miles ston, spy writer Shrimpton opens with a discussion of means and methods employed by elements of the German Intelligence services in staging assassinations and sabotage, specifically conducted ... read more GREAT NEW SONGfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Just debuted today:Go to about the 37:30 minute markbitchute.com/video/ZL4P2XXFXMs/... read more STORY FROM VAX TRIALfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This should be required to watch for all who think the government and especially the vaccine companies are trying to help.You will see what happened and is still happening to a young girl who wanted to help save the world by participating in a vaccine trial.This isn't a conspiracy theory. All this is just plain facts and documented.... read more TRUMP AND UFOSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The globalist puppet masters are not insane. That's the mistake people make and so they underestimate them. They are cold, calculating and evil, so they are also predictable. And they are very arrogant. Yes, they fooled so many but not enough and many who were fooled have wised up to their scams.They will fail because of their arrogance w... read more WHITNEY WEBB BOOK ON EPSTEINfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )amazon.com/One-Nation-Under-Blackmail-Intelligence/dp/1634243013Find it on Amazon sean stone made a documentary about the satanic eliteseanstone.info/bestkeptsecretOn 8/13/22 14:42: yup, as the description of the book says, it's what I've been saying for quite some tim... read more VAX WHISTLEBLOWER MURDEREDfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Dr. Andreas Noack did not have a heart attack but was MURDERED shortly after making his video.IBWIFE OF DR ANDREAS NOACK REPORTS HIS MURDER 4 DAYS AFTER VID ON NANO-RAZORS OF GRAPHENE HYDROXIDE/B/IMOVseed132.bitchute.com/FPuXuQf53s7M/TPZwCxnVVw5W.mp4/MOV/QUOTE... read more ARMED, EXPANDED IRSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )enough law to put you in the federal slammer if you don't payI remember asking a lawyer at a gun show if there's a way to not pay taxes as some people there were saying, and he said he's never seen that actually workOn 8/10/22 17:04: Something tells me they won't be armed with the actual law that allows them to ... read more KEITH KNIGHT PRESENTS THE VOLUNTARYIST HANDBOOKfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )bitchute.com/video/dDG7aC4GX4zh/Watch Corbett Report on BitChute ... read more SOME GREAT NEWSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I'd love to sue them but I don't have standing in the matter (or maybe I do since I had to skip a job because the City of Sacramento required the vax to be hired)On Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 07:38:59 PM: See what you think about this after hearing what this lawyer has to say. I think you will change your opinion.... read more INTERESTING NEW BOOKfrom 2022 in ( education / research )bitchute.com/video/dDG7aC4GX4zh/ ... read more GLOBALISTS TOOK OVER U.S. NAVY IN VAfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )NATO Sets Up Headquarters at Norfolk Naval BaseStep One, Obama purged the officer corps of people who might put up resistance. Step Two, Biden's handlers put l...On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 12:21:29 PM: Amazing. bitchute.com/video/0wTWmIxQq0mE/Listen to this former ACLU employee. ... read more LIVE STREAM - JEFFREY PRATHER STARTED A LIVE STREAM!from 2022 in ( education / research )metabunk.org/threads/body-bags-leaving-the-white-house.12515/On 8/9/22 12:54: The body bags leaving the white house came from two different videos this past week. I can't remember where but in the first case a lady mentioned a friend who always watches the live feed of the white house and sent her a copy showing tw... read more CV19 VAX NOTHING SHORT OFHORRIFICfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The most important thing she said is that by 2000 big pharma was becoming far less profitable due to generic drugs, and that's why they designed the mRNA lipid nanoparticle technology to make people more prone to autoimmune diseases that were previously rare and very profitable to treat. On 8/8/22 17:18: FYI h... read more FATHER OF CHILD WITH MYOCARDITIS RECORDS PHARMACIST ADMITTING PARENTS AREN'T WARNED ABOUT SIDE EFFECTSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Oops! You gotta hear this conversation! bitchute.com/video/FiMxOmyi049e/on BitChute ... read more THE TRAPfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Good find Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2022 1:00 PM Re: Here's an interview with David Icke about his new book. youtube.com/watch?v3D-61jOcDKUy4&t3D165s On 8/4/2022 12:22 PM: He talks about it here: bitchute.com/video/2kcjBtCK8GKN/ ... read more OOOPS!from 2022 in ( education / research )births down, deaths up, since covid vax youtube.com/watch?vu77qc2zBwC8 On 8/7/22 21:00: You gotta hear this conversation! bitchute.com/video/FiMxOmyi049e/ ... read more U.S. MISLEADERS ARE TRYING TO START WWIIIfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies / wwiii )First, they poked, prodded and goaded Russia into war, but were disappointed when it didn't escalate into nuclear war. It still might, but apparently not quick enough. So, now, they're provoking globalresearch.ca/us-risks-provoking-north-korea-kim-holding-drills-simulating-his-assassination/5789008N... read more A NEW WORLD ORDER FUTUREfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The New World Order promises no poverty and no wars. How will they do that? Easy. KILL off all the poor, and have a totalitarian/one-world government so there won't be anybody to fight.Pretty easy, huh?Yeah, the liberals love the idea but are CLUELESS as to the process to accomplish it!... read more FUNERAL DIRECTOR COMMENTSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )You may not want to miss what he's saying.WowAnd he refused a bribe to shut up so was then targeted and hospitalized after being told this by a government official.bitchute.com/video/fSkYjVUJikQv/freedom-demokrasi-and-civilised-humanity.com/2022/07/27/let-mums-be-mums-1-dr-luke-mclinton/ This month ... read more COMMENTARY ON THE UNITED ABOMINATIONSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Such an excellent interview. I like his United abomiNations usage.Alex Newman is really a good listen. There is hope. bitchute.com/video/WJFlOLsYv4B8/Watch on BitChute ... read more MAKE YOUR ASSETS INVISIBLE TO SHAKEDOWN ARTISTSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / investing / advice )This video, below, explains that you're better off with an offshore trigger trust, outside the reach of US courts (which may rule that the trust and the trustee are legally the same).Watch it here: youtu.be/Zj863oFxK7coffshore trigger trust ... w... read more THE POWER OF THE SWAMPfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Trump's 4-year presidency was a demonstration of the power of the Swamp. I wrote to TN senator Blackburn about Biden spying on Tucker Carlson, but, unlike other times, I got no response. I hear on Coast radio that she's in the pocket of big pharma, passing legislation to protect the producers of opioids such as Walgreen's and Pur... read more BIRX - WOW!from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )There's a bunch of information about this scarf lady and there's no way you already know it.Very interesting.bitchute.com/video/wUQVy4711D1w/... read more POWERFUL NEW FILMfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )It probably won't change anyone's mind who can't think or see what's so completely obvious. But at least it puts the truth out there for someone willing to learn something new.bitchute.com/video/4YLOaGmYZdki/... read more CDC CAUGHT HIDING DATA, VACCINE GUIDANCE FOR TODDLERSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Great interview with Dr Mercola. Not sure whether everyone can watch it from this link: theepochtimes.com/beyond-shocking-vaccine-guidance-for-kids-98-of-parents-ignore-cdc-recommendations-dr-mercola4629102.htmlEpoch Times Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2022 3:36 AMDr. Mercola discusses how the Rock... read more BENEFITS OF LITHIUM OROTATEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )supposedly it cures dementia, but I've been taking it because of my brain surgery. But I just found out lithium can cause kidney damage:kidney.org/atoz/content/lithium20mg a day (for brain health) is way too low a dosage to harm the kidneys, though On 7/30/22 19:26 someone wrote:supposedly it cures dement... read more MAYORKAS AND OPEN BORDERSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Dave Paulides talks to border patrol agents who say Mayorkas is a traitoryoutu.be/9Oy9RkXdV14... read more MORE ABOUT VENOMfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )They're targeting gay males.This is a lot more convincing evidence people were poisoned by snake venom. Listen to how the CIA did this long ago and the almost instant way to make the evidence vanish.bitchute.com/video/PEtpeFezq4dt/... read more WHAT YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT UKRAINEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )yes,there's plenty of liberals in our neighborhood with Ukraine flags, clueless that they're on the side of Nazis. I read that they are against Russia because they're racist, say they're the white race (yeah, not exactly why leftists say they're for here) and that they consider the Russians to be oriental (also no... read more SPOT THE LIEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Can you do it?:-)Watch the first five minutes, at least, to find out who is our favorite piece of sh-t criminal.bitchute.com/video/Pr6I0t3BY4/... read more CUTTING EDGE RESEARCH INTO CLOTSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )As you probably already heard, they're not actually blood clots. Here's the latest info about them.bitchute.com/video/cLIV7l3J7Ujy/... read more U.S. NAVY BROUGHT DOWN TWA 800from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Just as the French said.According to a senior member of the staff of then-Secretary of the Navy John Dalton, the test firing of a new generation Navy missile from the submarine USS Seawolf accidentally struck TWA flight 800 enroute from New York to Paris on July 17, 1996. According to the former Navy official, t... read more SCARF LADYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Remember her? This is a scathing review of her book where she's so stupid that she admits to things a smart person would try to conceal.It's pretty funny.bitchute.com/video/uw2JS1Fl87v3/... read more THE PYRAMIDS WERE GIANT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / science / sound )Cool! /images/wallpapers/ancient-sphynx-pyramid.webp Ancient people used sound power. It's less power than what we are used to, but ten thousand years ago this would've been revolutio... read more PFIZER VAX MADE IN CHINAfrom 2022 in ( education / research )sixthtone.com/news/1007409/chinese-firm-signs-deal-to-produce-pfizer-biontech-vaccinegee, might that be a problem?China Has a History of Selling Dangerous Products to U.S. Consumers China Has a History of Selling Dangerous Products to U.S. Consumers y Stewart China has long been a catalyst of consumer product scare... read more IVANA DEATH BY VAXfrom 2022 in ( education / research )here's an expose of that website:rumble.com/embed/vlckuq/On 7/19/22 18:42: Lol, we can always wish such websites told some truth. Tuesday, July 19, 2022 4:38 PM; Re: thanksOn 7/19/22 12:56: That website has no credibility. Further down the page is this article: Military Convicts and Executes S... read more PLANNED CLIMATE LOCKDOWNSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )youtube.com/watch?vgD9JulHePh8... read more 9/11 CONFESSION BY CIA AGENTfrom 2022 in ( education / research )defence.pk/pdf/threads/cia-agent-confesses-on-deathbed-of-blowing-up-wtc7.586167/2017 article I told Dad that if he wanted to go out with a bang, he ought to confess to killing JFK (Of course, not really) On Friday, July 22, 2022 at 06:48:44 AM , someone wrote:Crazy stuff but not surprising On Fr... read more DNA DETAILS LIKE YOU NEVER HEARDfrom 2022 in ( education / research )In view of the alarming and increasing number of sudden deaths among adults, including young adults, leading American neurologists are urging that each of these cases be autopsied immediately. The aim is to exclude a possible connection with the vaccination or vice versa. People under the age of 40, in particular, are increasingly s... read more THE GUTENBERG CONSPIRACY (THE MEDIA MATRIX - PART 1)from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )From the Renaissance to the Reformation, from the fall of feudalism to the rise of capitalism, from the Scientific Revolution to the Industrial Revolution, from the way we order our thoughts to what we choose to think about, nothing survived the printing revolution intact. Our world is the world that the printing press has created.&q... read more GREAT GARDENING TIPfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )thegrownetwork.com/rescue-garden-grazon-contamination/... read more STORY OF A FAMILY DOCTORfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )She describes her learning process over the years. It mirrors to some degree how we learned about the childhood vax schedule causing physical harm to kids.Because the propaganda is so intense, it takes all parents to learn the hard way about these criminals in pharma. It must happen to you directly before you can wake up to what's really ... read more THE OCCULT INFLUENCES OF FIVE MODERN PROPHETSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / religion )/images/nostradamus.webp I discuss five popular figures from the last 500 years, each of whom displayed prophetic characteristics, namely socialstudent.co.uk/understanding-max-webers-ch... read more THIS IS GOODfrom 2022 in ( education / research )nothing new: shots are destroying blood/brain barrier, causing dementia, strokes, myocarditis, , they knew this ahead of time, that's why they wanted to hide the ingredients for 75 yearsOn 7/14/22 15:53: was there actually anything NEW in the video (I started to watch it and it sounded like it was going to just be more of the ... read more THE END GOALfrom 2022 in ( education / research )minimalistquotes.com/karl-marx-quote-19037/... read more NATURE OF REALITYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This might be the best explanation yet.bitchute.com/video/1pGZP8FvF4Fz/... read more EMMY VADNAIS INTERVIEWS JEFFREY MISHLOVE ABOUT THE GRAND PRIZE BIGELOW INSTITUTE ESSAYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / religion )Mishlove's book seems to be available here: nonlocalmind.org/2022/02/12/emmy-vadnais-interviews-jeffrey-mishlove-about-the-grand-prize-bigelow-institute-essay/ Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 10:23 PMJeffrey Mish... read more WHAT THE BIBLE REALLY SAYSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This is fascinating.The rest is added to manipulate people.bitchute.com/video/WiaPiOQ2ITdv/... read more ALIENS, ILLUMINATI, J6 SCAM, ETCfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Very interesting conversation with Millie Weaver youtu.be/F2NOUdwzeScyoutu.be/F2NOUdwzeSc ... read more CURE FOR THE CUREfrom 2022 in ( education / research )seems ivermectin helps with surviving the covid vaxredvoicemedia.com/video/2022/05/amazing-new-discoveries-for-treating-the-vaccine-injured-dr-kory-dr-marik-break-down-their-findings-video-interview/also, in an emergency, nicotine. On 7/2/22 23:44: Could instead be just evil, like the current regime S... read more I WANT MY COUNTRY BACKfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Unless you're just plain stupid, what she says here any American will agree with. Happy Independence Day. rumble.com/v1amcjs-fighting-for-doctors.html ... read more JESUITSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )In2015 Leuren Moret lays out the Jesuit plan for the U.S. No real sources beyond hearsay from personal contacts, but pretty interesting.youtu.be/D1J5-4d4Td0... read more MOST IMPORTANT COURT CASE IN MODERN TIMES?from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )You be the judge:bitchute.com/video/lAJzhJoReC1r/... read more ONE THOUSAND ATHLETESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This video shows 1000 athletes. The youngest I noticed was in 4th grade.They all died during the vaccine push. Not all say why they died. I also noticed an NFL player from the Dallas Cowboys I remember died mysteriously this month. A huge number were playing soccer. Many mention the fact they had only recently been injected.Is ... read more A BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF SOCIETYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / people )It is incredibly critical that people are aware of all the details explained in this video.Without this understanding people will be in the dark and have no clue about what is going on.bitchute.com/video/iC3cxmS0mDlU/... read more DIESEL ENGINE OIL SHORTAGEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )It's going to get very rough if the country runs out. bitchute.com/video/j4eXjnCMaZMI/bitchute.com video ... read more DIESEL ENGINE OILfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Adams annoys me with his sensationalism so I couldn't get myself to watch his video.On the other hand, diesel engines can run on recycled vegetable oil and I'm on a FB group that has told all about it (and it's USUALLY FREE from restaurants and such)On Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 09:16:39 AM: It's going to get very rough i... read more WHY NO ARRESTS?from 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )This is why.rumble.com/v194amt-when-can-we-expect-nuremberg-trials.htmlYea that's one of the things she sells to earn money and stay afloat with all the censorship. I tried it in 2020 for but she didn't seem to notice any difference. Corey is a top level investigative journalist. Maybe you have heard of Corey's... read more THE COMING MONTHSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I think this is pretty good news from someone who seldom makes bad predictions.And his reasoning seems sound.So if he is right the near term isn't going to be too bad .bitchute.com/video/IJcmjbQ48/... read more PEOPLE WHO STILL SUPPORT BIDEN BE LIKEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Funny youtu.be/uE3EFV5DE18 on behalf of JP Sears Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 6:27 AM Let's just blame Russia. Hey Freedom-Fighter! In this segment of Lies You Can Trust, we take a break from committee coverage of the insurrection that never happened&quo... read more PEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Funny youtu.be/uE3EFV5DE18 p pon behalf of JP Sears pSent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 6:27 AM p pLet's just blame Russia. p pHey Freedom-Fighter! pIn this segment of Lies You Can Trust, we take a break from committee coverage of the insurrection that never happened to bring to you t... read more AZORESfrom 2022 in ( education / research )I bought a copy. I figure he deserves it and maybe it is a simple enough story for dense people to wake up On Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 02:36:08 AM PDT:This new book was published in the . I'll have to buy a copy. bitchute.com/video/ozlz4DaURA5z/ ... read more X22 REPORTfrom 2022 in ( education / research )About a year and a half ago I filled a bunch of 5gal containers with gas because it was cheap then. I was afraid it might have gone bad,because I never put Stbil in it, but it didn't go bad, smells fine, and is running fine in my car.On 6/21/22 19:21: remember that gas can go bad but there are extenders"... read more NEW BOOK PUBLISHED IN THE AZORESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This new book was published in the Azores.I'll have to buy a copy.bitchute.com/video/ozlz4DaURA5z/... read more FIND A SPRINGfrom 2022 in ( education / research )found this tooIf you see water flowing in follow it and youll find spring. Make sure though that it does not rain for the last 24 hours. A week without rain is betterHow to INSTALL YOUR OWN WELL with a Sledge Hammer for FREE OFF GRID WATER (7:50)Drill a WELL in YOUR BACKYARD YOURSELF in a day with basictools. Step by step ... read more MASS FORMATIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )If you haven't yet heard about this term which is apparently over 100 years old, you may really enjoy this interview.Even if you saw his interview with James Corbett, you will likely love the expanded comments in this one from last Thursday.And don't miss the man on the street segment at the very end. So interesting to ... read more STARVED BY CHINESEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )which explains why Biden wants a war with Russia, to occupy our military while China kicks our assesOn 6/18/22 17:49 someone wrote: a year ago Psychic Bonni told me we were already in WW3 with China, but that it was a covert war so far.On 6/18/22 5:46 PM someone wrote: zerohedge.com/markets/another-food-plant-... read more AUSTRALIA PROVES VAXES HARMFUL, INEFFECTIVEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )expose-news.com/2022/06/16/australia-proves-covid-vax-assembly-lines-dont-work/ ... read more DR ROBERT YOUNG ON VIRUSESfrom 2022 in ( education / research )it's all BS:drrobertyoung.com/post/copy-of-there-are-no-new-diseases-and-no-new-viruses... read more BLOOD CLOTSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )New discovery by Adams revealed they are not really blood clots.My guess is it's the DARPA evil Frankenstein research he discovered that people chose to participate in -- so nice of them!So calling them clot shots isn't really accurate.bitchute.com/video/VSbwR2t1gnng/... read more SUNSHINE AND CANCERfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Very interesting bitchute.com/video/KMMHqFli8TU6/ ... read more MINORITY REPORT IS NOT JUST FICTIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )You probably know that it's a movie where the government arrests people for potential crimes -- just thinking it justifies your arrest (thought crimes).Believe it or not, this is actually happening today in America to Americans. It's part of the Patriot Act which gave the government incredible power to act like Nazis.Watch this ama... read more SOME GMO HISTORYfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Really good example of evil corporations bitchute.com/video/PBU778t2cVWK/ ... read more THE TRUTH ABOUT INFLATIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research )bitchute.com/video/JevzUqgpmOY/ ... read more USA COMMERCE SITUATIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This is really fascinating, with some aspects nobody else is talking about yet. If university courses in current events are studying this, it might train young adults for the real world they're heading into -- if the professor isn't too woke or a pedo. bitchute.com/video/rIfRjq2rmTD5/Watch o... read more GLIMPSE THIS FUTUREfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Through the eyes of Chinese we have an incredible glimpse into the future if humanity doesn't unite and reject the digital ID / passports of the globalists, brought to us by puppets like the biden regime, Australia, Justin Castro (illegitimate ruler in Canada), etc.You don't want to miss this one as they take you through the horrors t... read more KILLING BABIESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )It should not be that the modern democrat platform is satanic baby killing rituals, but it's a sad fact.Those on the left who are still somewhat sane will want to join with the human race and scream to high heaven against what the evil FDA (puppets taking orders from the anti-human globalists / cult) want to do next to decimate the babies... read more RON HATTON INVENTIONSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Ron Hatton figured it all out. He invented something that threatened too many corporations. Reminds me of Nicolai Tesla.Very interesting interview. bitchute.com/video/Q1PE63U7Hmy8/bitchute.com ... read more CHECK OUT THIS STORY FROM THE EPOCH TIMES!from 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )if anybody watches this video and still accepts the vaqx, they must have a death wish. That is NOT AN EXAGERATION!Too important to not share. I hope you make time to listen to this interview.:m.theepochtimes.com/pfizer-moderna-jj-vaccines-should-be-immediately-pulled-off-the-market-dr-peter-mccullough-and--leake4516519... read more INVENTIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research )This guy invented something that threatened too many corporations. Reminds me of Nicolai Tesla. Very interesting interview. bitchute.com/video/Q1PE63U7Hmy8/ ... read more SCHOOLSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Excellent short interview about schools at every level. Highly recommend. plandemicseries.com/education/ ... read more PFIZER BOMBSHELLfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Thanks to an honest judge Pfizer was not allowed to let everyone living today be dead before they would release the covid vax trial data -- wanted to stall 75 years (no kidding).Naomi Wolfe assembled a team of experts to examine the latest document dump and they just threw a bombshell that the gaslighting media is desperate to block from the ... read more SCUMBAG GOVT GOES AFTER A HEROfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )He dared to save his child's life and others, resulting in fewer deaths and Pedo joe's disgusting govt can't allow that!bitchute.com/video/W-2mEz8jwhU/... read more USING FREQUENCIES TO MANIPULATEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Here is the link: bitchute.com/video/FChnyfYUiwri/Watch on BitChute Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 6:33 PMResearch from the 1970s but going back to the 50s is discussed here. She mentions a podcast with a lot more details I'll have to find.Rwanda's genocide seems to be the results of su... read more FBI OPERATION IN TEXASfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )If you didn't immediately know it was our corrupt government behind this shooting you have not learned how evil they are now. Maybe it's time to wake up? Unthinking zombies will just keep swallowing all the fake crap of the government which they tell through the old media. I hope by now all who are reading this have figured out the ... read more FBI OPERATION IN TEXAS SCHOOL SHOOTINGfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )More FBI false flags revealed:bitchute.com/video/Ih0If1Eyqcuy/Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2022 4:06 AMspeculation and opinionOn 5/28/22 01:54: Yea, should be obviousSent: Friday, May 27, 2022 10:39 PMreasonable evidence that police were told to stand down (to allow MORE DEATHS):Situation Update... read more BLATANT MEDICAL FRAUDfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )90% of the population can't handle the truth that the gov't isn't really their benevolent daddy (they're not really adults). is reading another book, The Truth about covid -19 that documents (again, but that 90% can't handle facts) how it was always a SCAM!It's a disease of OLD PE... read more WHO HOT AIRfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )These are great comments about the attempted world takeover with medical fascism by the WHO. Hopefully it calms some fears. bitchute.com/video/69BYiRzEJn9P/Watch on Bitchute ... read more THE TUCKER CARLSON SHOW THE OTHER NIGHTfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The sky is falling, it hit me on the head! (ignore the Vostok ice core DATA that SHOWS that higher CO2 follows warming and not causing it)This article isn't worth reading because they ignore their own graph that SHOWS CO2 getting higher after warming so just look at it:globalchange.umich.edu/globalchange1/current/labs/Lab10... read more THE ALIEN CARDfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )So, will the try to pull off Project Bluebeam, where we're shown some space alien for the purpose of saying Jesus was an alien so people aban Christianity?Yeah, the whole deal with the WHO taking over the world is ominous. Are the people that stupid to allow it?On Thursday, May 12, 2022, 07:34:03 AM someone w... read more SOCIETAL COLLAPSEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I never considered this factor of diesel but you'll learn from this message (to the future people who survived the planned collapse) what's happening today and THIS MONTH to crush the economy and all the ramifications of it.Laugh if off if you still think pedo joe won in 2020. Because that's completely delusional and you won't... read more "ELITES" WALK BACK COVID ALARMISMfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I figure Plan A was to kill billions with the vax, so now they need Plan B and it could be mini nukesOn Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 08:46:14 AM someone wrote: This likely means they've given up on getting more people to change their DNA with the jab, so the pressure is coming off. Aren't you glad you resisted? ... read more PROOFfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Vote fraud proof. If you ever had any doubt that the criminal biden family stole the 2020 election, this new movie proves it completely. Only a complete moron and liar would dare to claim otherwise after watching this: bitchute.com/video/UGQElfIi5pU3/ ... read more THE RULING CLASSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )If you haven't read her book, here's a lot of it: Cathy O'Brien: The Tranceformation of America trance.movie trance-formation.com Cathy O'Brien was sold into Project Monarch, one of the 149 known sub-projects of the CIA'S MK ULTRA Experiments that began in 1953. These secret programs were ini... read more THIS WOLF IS SHARPfrom 2022 in ( education / research )So well written. We all wants to have justice. It's fundamental to society. Someone can't steal my stuff or cause harm and not have any consequences, right? Most will applaud what Neomi Wolfe someone wrote:rumble.com/v139go7-its-time-for-justice.html ... read more WORLD AWAKENSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )I remember just three years ago, after watching the film Vaxed, that it would be a massive uphill battle to educate enough people that we could turn around the ship that was headed for a cliff because of the incredible number of children becoming autistic after vaccines. I was still on fascist book and constantly posting the evidence, but only a... read more FITTS TOMORROWfrom 2022 in ( education / research )In case you missed it. bitchute.com/video/jKBY9eX5OAnA/ Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 10:22 PM I always like to listen to her. bitchute.com/video/dynm5lWsy7Yl/ ... read more LEADING PHYSICIST DEBUNKS CLIMATE HYSTERIAfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )before going to the link, I figure they first indoctrinated people to think they're bad for mother earth and feel guilty for breathing. they then went further to LIE about CO2. See my link. It is an article that isn't worth reading because they misinterpret their own data but their graph shows that higher CO2 FOLLOWS warming ... read more NO MORE ELECTIONSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )By his assessment, Adams (Health Ranger) thinks there will be no more elections. They know they can never win again without cheating.And the fake POTUS is provoking a nuclear attack by Russia before Nov to give an excuse for martial law.Jeffrey Prayer doesn't come to the same conclusion.bitchute.com/video/0PMzLcm1jauF/... read more ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY INCREASED FROM MRNAfrom 2022 in ( education / research )bitchute.com/video/5AzTltZRIxQU/Watch on Bitchute ... read more JUSTICE STARTS IN UTAH?from 2022 in ( education / research )Always excellent to hear from David Martin. vrevealed.com/c19/sneak-peek/david-martin ... read more LOCAL FARMERSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )For sacramento there are 3 options listed. One is in pennsylvania which tells me there is a lot of potential for additional local listings as more people become aware of this.bitchute.com/video/ludTVc80m7bb/... read more SOROS ON TRIALfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I wish.I think many will appreciate how well she connects the criminal dots . Soros is so great! Lolbitchute.com/video/3sgengf5mdXU/... read more SATANIC HOLLYWOODfrom 2022 in ( education / research )SO SICK!bitchute.com/video/lVGByUQeEfOF/VIEWER DISCRETION -- HOLLYWOOD EXPOSED -- EVERYONE SIGNS A CONTRACT WITHOUT READING THE FINE PRINTIn order to become a star, to become famous, there is a MASONIC LUCIFERIAN contract to sign. Most have no idea what's in the Fine Print. Hollywood is 100% controlled by the Elite Pedop... read more SCAMMER NAMED TRUMPfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Can anyone deny Trump was not in on the scam after reading his executive order from September 2019?I got this from An0maly:trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-modernizing-influenza-vaccines-united-states-promote-national-security-public-health/... read more INTENTIONAL WAR WITH RUSSIAfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies / war )Tucker Carlson outlines the swamp's intentional starting of war with Russia. A month old, but very good. youtube.com/watch?v1PC7DzTRS7AWatch on YouTube ... read more STARVATION PLANfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )video about lots of poultry killing due to bird flu epidemic, which is a BIG LIE:On Sunday, April 24, 2022, 09:30:58 PM: In china bitchute.com/video/uC97uib19uKw/bitchute.com/video/uC97uib19uKw/ ... read more GRAPHENE DIOXIDE KILLS IN VAXESfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I'm not bothering to send this to some in the family because they seem to prefer ignorance.Don't bother to watch the video that is in German because the article tells it all:seemorerocks.is/german-whistleblower-dr-andreas-noack-was-murdered/Fascistbook said it was a LIE when I tried to post it, of course, because they say h... read more WALGREENS OUT-PERFORMS CDCfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Doing what the criminals at the CDC refuse to do, they looked at their own database to reveal what most already know about the world's best product for depopulation / health.bitchute.com/video/1iVCMdNWoamD/... read more HOW ALIENS TAKE OVER PLANETSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / aliens )Penny Kelly explains how evil aliens take over planets youtube.com/watch?vzUXYDNiicn4Watch on YouTube ... read more FEDS FORCING REDUCTION OF FERTILIZER SHIPMENTS TO FARMERS (STARVE US?)from 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Notice that one farmer comments it can't happen at a worse time -- idiots will say it is just a coincidence, nothing to suspect here.This will push at least some of them out if business. But I hope others will see their dependence on fertilizer and the poison in what they produce can be solved by some genius ideas to become organic. They ... read more TERRIFIC ARTICLE ABOUT FOODfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I hope you can see itm.theepochtimes.com/why-food-prices-are-expected-to-skyrocket4410862.htmlAside from the problems described, there are great solutions and ideas.... read more AGING - LIFETIME OF WISDOMfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This talk was truly inspired -- wow!I highly recommend you watch the entire thing. Don't miss a minute.The world would be awesome if this advise were taken.bitchute.com/video/ZZbKeGdjGEKT/... read more ALL ABOUT EGGSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / food )Lots of info you probably didn't know. youtu.be/--Rx7EZyC7sWatch on YouTube ... read more ALWAYS ENTERTAININGfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Sean David Morton talks about his new book, but also about Russia, NWO projectcamelotportal.com/2022/04/13/sean-david-morton-sands-of-time-book-4-timerunner/projectcamelotportal ... read more MESSAGE ESPECIALLY TO CALIFORNIANS BUT APPLIES TO MOSTfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This is a really great and short video and I hope you will share it with everyone.youtu.be/aLqlYca8js4... read more IS THE SNAKE VENOM IN MUNICIPAL WATER STORY A PSY-OP?from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies / fraud )Yes, it is. Venom in water quickly loses all power, virulence, whatever you want to call it. It's not covid, it's (snake venom) poison in the (drinking) water -- Dr. Bryan Ardis Snake venom is not the same as poison. The protein-based toxins of snake venom need to get into your bloodstream (by snake bite or injectio... read more DR. ARDIS, VENOM, PART 2from 2022 in ( education / research )Also a bit where it is said that trump pushed the KILLER Remsdesivir:rumble.com/v1190ho-testing-the-venom-theory-with-bryan-ardis-and-zak-paine-on-sat.-night-lives.html... read more PSYOP ALERT THERE'S DEFINITELY SOMETHING VERY WRONG WITH THE WATCH THE WATER VIDEOfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Source: State of the Nation WATCH the Water, the Air, the Food, the Medicines, the Hospitals, the Doctors, the Flu Vaccines, etc.... republicbroadcasting.org/news/psyop-alert-theres-definitely-something-very-wrong-with-the-watch-the-water-video/... read more USE CASH TO SAVE YOUR ASSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Pay by cash as much as you can. Very important to avoid the cashless society with which the global Fascists want to control you completely. bitchute.com/video/nhHAxVTakBGh/Watch on BitChute ... read more WISE ADVICEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Wise advice about how you spend your time fighting the scam-demic.bitchute.com/video/T5GjFhCRqalV/... read more GOOD ARTICLE ON UKRAINE FROM FRENCH PERSPECTIVEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )unz.com/article/is-it-possible-to-actually-know-what-has-been-and-is-going-on-in-ukraine/ ... read more ANOTHER COVID 19 KING COBRA VENOM VIDEOfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies / covid )brighteon.com/dc8f6219-379f-478a-91d8-8e0beb55312eOn Brighteon ... read more ALTERING DNAfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Looking in my sent folder, I didn't send a link to everybody about the Water video (figuring that others would just call it another conspiracy theory but here it is anyway and it has info (scary info) related to this email from : rumble.com/v10miez-world-premiere-watch-the-water.html On Wednesday, Ap... read more BILL MAHER CALLS FOR COMMON SENSEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?118351--Maher-Stops-Holding-Back-in-Explosive-New-Joe-Rogan-Interview... read more ANOTHER COVID 19 COBRA VENOM VIDEOfrom 2022 in ( education / research )brighteon.com/dc8f6219-379f-478a-91d8-8e0beb55312eWatch on Brighteon ... read more HOW THE DOJ ALWAYS WINSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )secure.brownstoneresearch.com/?cidMKT602858&eidMKT607609&srcLockerdome&lockerdomeclickid114997912954234908&assetIdAST221726&page1 ... read more THE KHAZARIAN MAFIAfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )It's becoming clear they are the enemies of humanity and are behind the scamdemic.Part 1 bitchute.com/video/m9fLjavfCntJ/Watch on BitChute If you can't find it on your own I can give the links to parts 2 -- 3.Sarah Westhall is doing many related interviews about this subject.... read more DISNEY IN TROUBLEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )More on Disney and their sick / evil agenda. Don't miss the end of this:Longtime Disney Cast Member Speaks Out: We Are Ashamed to Work for This Company/. They are creating a problem that never existed before. theepochtimes.com/us/florida-lawmaker-says-disney-st... read more CANADA, WORLD TRAVEL AND MOREfrom 2022 in ( education / research )------678911773750764.1649612525508 I saw that the message/reply that I sent only went to . Well, now you all know more about a stressful aspect of my life due to a mentally ill (yes, mother says everybody is mentally ill and thus to me that's an admission that she is).wife saw animal skulls on display at m... read more PSYCHOPATHS - EXCELLENT DISCUSSIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )I think this will interest you.bitchute.com/video/IP5tcoiAnhrm/And it's laughable that the author of the article estimates only 1% are psychos. The scamdemic has proven that otherwise (as Icke points out).What's also very interesting is how the globalists are turning the whole population into psychos.I think e... read more KISSINGER TELLS GAME PLANfrom 2022 in ( education / research )rense.com/general11/ksss.htm... read more 1969 - RICHARD DAYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Amazing that the global elite described their plans in 1969.You'll want to listen to this.bitchute.com/video/Rw4XTwj43TzE/... read more KHAZARIA AND UKRAINEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )I don't give a lot of credence to anything mentioning the khazarian mafia, but this is interesting:disclosurenews.it/khazarian-mafia-space-aliens-clif-high/I just started to listen to this (and then quit soon afterward) and it seems like it's similar with the above Khazarian theory above:Astrotheologi... read more COMEDIAN ALEX STEIN ON WAKING PEOPLE UPfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )You gotta hear about this guy -- excellent. bitchute.com/video/2EfACkD14HId/Watch on BitChute ... read more COMEDYfrom 2022 in ( education / research )You gotta hear about this guy - excellent. bitchute.com/video/2EfACkD14HId/ ... read more ALL PRETENSES ARE OVERfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Remember when we were living in 2020 and it was just a conspiracy called the New World Order?Oh have times changed. The globalists have dropped any pretenses and openly tell about their plans.Any deniers feeling a little stupid now?Are you noticing a trend that every crazy conspiracy theory has been proven as a fact? If not, take off th... read more SANITY COMING SOON?from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )EU FINALLY EXPOSING FAKE PANDEMICEU FINALLY EXPOSING FAKE PANDEMIC'The Brand23' -- Original video: bitly.ws/pXVf Bitchute: bitly.ws/pXVu... read more INFORMATIVE CARLSON SHOWfrom 2022 in ( education / research )commie(but that's okay with liberals) On Monday, April 4, 2022, 07:34:06 PM PDT someone wrote:youtu.be/S851BvJgBfI ... read more LAPTOP FROM HELLfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I agree with the guy on the right that the Deep State is headed towarded leveraging biden out. But why that? I think that's because they want there to be CIVIL WAR. (of course, it will be CIA mercenaries causing all the trouble with Antifa and BLM paid by Soros to chip in to the chaos)On Sunday, April 3, 2022, 03:4... read more A CHEMTRAIL PILOT SPILLSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies / chemtrails )Please note I am passing this on to all those here, because i amsensing this is another breakthrough in regards to this travestybeing perpetrated upon us and Mother Earth. GioThe latest from James newsletter #5795/Drunk Pilot Admits Secret Mission to Spray Deadly Chemicals//Do you know why he is drunk? Because he ... read more 1988 WHITEHOUSE, KISSINGER, ETCfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )EXCELLENT interviewI think they identify the true nature of the contrived Ukraine war.bitchute.com/video/HTNJFnvT83TK/... read more THE PASSPORT FROM HELL IS CLOSER THAN EVERfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )You really need to watch this. bitchute.com/video/tEfXz2oVLFUl/bitchute.com/video/tEfXz2oVLFUl/ And the info about the number of musicians now dead is something I've not heard before elsewhere.... read more SYSTEMATIC DAMAGE FROM VAXfrom 2022 in ( education / research )from Pfizer's own documents:brighteon.com/260143ec-e668-47fa-9925-eac12115b88aGood one But did you notice the plug at the end about the Birch Society? I believe it's one of the many satanic eugenics groups. Sent: Sunday, April 3, 2022 6:57 AM brighteon.com/260143ec-e668-47fa-9925-eac1211... read more CANADA SUPPORTS UKRAINIAN NAZI AZOV BATTALIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research )wsws.org/en/articles/2021/12/03/uknz-d03.html ... read more OUR TOTALITARIAN MILITARYfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )If you didn't already know, here's more info about what's happening in the insane world of our military.rumble.com/vz1ago-vaccines-and-the-military.html... read more RED STATES ARE TRAITOROUS TOOfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )If you thought we in CA are the only ones suffering under various degrees of fascism and much more on the horizon, think again.Listen for the list of Nazi governments here .Then start doing something to make sure they don't achieve their evil plans.If you don't notice any problem with these plans let me know so I can permanently... read more GRAPHENE DISCSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )in the suicide vaxbitchute.com/video/wPsBT5K0MUdy/... read more MUSIC TO MANIFEST MIRACLES IN YOUR LIFEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )this is a good sound track for visualizing meditationyoutu.be/RCZwbaVyKok... read more KERRY CASSIDY RE ETS ON EARTHfrom 2022 in ( education / research / aliens )projectcamelotportal.com/2022/03/29/overview-of-et-intervention-on-planet-earth-copy/The Annunaki and the Jews, ETs on Earth ... read more WHAT IS TO BE DONE?from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Good article.I wonder if the idiots who voted for pedo joe would have done so if they knew how bad he is. The media owned by the CIA sure did a great job in preventing the truth from emerging. But still most of us knew the truth about him through alternative media and others chose to ignore it.Those same people will likely suffer the worst... read more WEIRD BLOOD ARTIFACTSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )kirsch.substack.com/p/the-blood-of-covid-vaccinated-people?sr... read more SOME PROVOCATIVE WORDS BY LORRAINE DAY, M.Dfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Dr. Day accuses many whistleblowers of being controlled opposition. goodnewsaboutgod.com/Here is one of her websites And here is someone else's interview of her: buzzsprout.com/677031/8818276-te-63-revealing-information-about-wh... read more KASPERSKY ANTIVIRUSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I think that the rulers have gotten all they need out of the bidens and might now dispose of them for the purpose of riling up liberals and with the hope of getting a civil war started. they don't care if kamala is an idiot or not because she'd gladly be compliant to go down in history as the president (kind of like shillary)... read more STEVEN GREER ON ET INTERVENTIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research )youtube.com/watch?v2BjImPUbpf4... read more PUTIN GOOD OR BAD?from 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Since the satanic Klaus Schwab of World Economic Forum fame is against Putin,that tells me that Putin can't be all bad:thegatewaypundit.com/2022/03/klaus-schwabs-world-economic-forum-cuts-off-relations-russia-scrubs-putin-wef-website/Putin is just another strong man. His election was more honest ... read more GOOD ARTICLE ABOUT UKRAINE AND NAZISfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Yes, NATO is the main problem over there.globalresearch.ca/nato-arming-training-nazis-ukraine-us-floods-russia-neighbor-weapons/5774032... read more PERMANENT DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIMEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )It's an idea whose time has come ... and gone. Nixon tried this and parents objected to their kids standing in the dark every morning at the bus stop.cnn.com/2022/03/15/politics/senate-daylight-saving-time-permanent/index.htone of the problems with growing old is that you see how stupid people are nowI suspect M... read more AUSTIN-FITTS ON UKRAINEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )as well as covidcame out todaybitchute.com/video/u8dfCvhMrLzZ/yes, GREAT video (but most people don't mind remaining ignorant about the world) On Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 06:23:29 PM someone wrote:as well as covid came out today bitchute.com/video/u8dfCvhMrLzZ/ ... read more EDGAR CAYCE - RUSSIA WILL BE THE HOPEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )we know that the two Parties are just the left and right wings of the Globalists (which is why I went toward trump because both parties were against him) On Monday, March 14, 2022, 11:39:30 AM PDT someone wrote:They love China's slave economy. But I was mostly talking about the Democratic Party, which loved Russia until ... read more DUCK DUCK GO CENSORING MENTION OF COMPETITIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Default Looks like DuckDuckGo shot itself in its own footblacklistednews.com/arti...d-russian.htmlAm rather disgusted that DDG would do such a thing. So in response Ithought I'd search DDG for derogetory phrases (during the past hour)and found quite a few sites offering lots of alternatives to DDG.Then searched DDG... read more GROUP TO REPLACE CIAfrom 2022 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )williamblum.org/chapters/rogue-state/trojan-horse-the-national-endowment-for-democracyWow, never heard of them. But like all the other evil creeps it's always the exact opposite that they do. Like the left accusing the right of 2020 voter fraud when it was them in it to their eyeballs. And Antifa is nothing but fascist... read more COMMON LAWfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Many times since the beginning of the scam-demic I've seen interviews in which they talked about common law.It's becoming better known and this person describes it as applied to us here.bitchute.com/video/QHdN8SfVEDSK/It's amazing and fascinating.I didn't save the link to part 1 but you will want to find i... read more JIM RICKARDS ON UKRAINE WARfrom 2022 in ( education / research )He Explains how Russia can't allow Moscow to be encircled and how a Russian default almost brought down the entire world economy in the late 90s Longterm Capital Mgmt crisisyoutube.com/watch?vqHVcCyDmzgA... read more CHILD TAKEN BY NAZI POLICEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )that's kind of like what happened to . Not long ago, I retrieved from a high level eating disorder (psych) place near Pasadena (Reasons). Arrangements were made for her to get into a lower level place in Fair Oaks. The first day, she wouldn't sign a paper that said she'd go along with what a psych place (Akua) had as conditions to be th... read more THE ROAD TO DYSTOPIAfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I would hope all the people reading this understand what's at stake here.bitchute.com/video/QDBFKh7Usk7z/As always, Jamrs Corbett lays out the situation and solution to this dystopian future being designed and implemented at break-neck speed while so many are in a permanent state of slumber.If there is just 1 person you ... read more CA NOW FULL NAZIfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The recall failed but not because of the vote count to get rid of this f-cking NaziHe and his conspirators control the machines.Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2022 8:14 AM yeah, but as with the recall of gavin failing, most Californians doesn't mind being under Nazi kontrolOn Friday, March 11, 2022, 11:52:58 PM PST: https... read more TROUBLE (ON BITCHUTE)from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )bitchute.com/video/CGzJv8cU9j2D/Uh oh. Someone's in a heap of trouble.LOLAs if we didn't know .... read more TROUBLEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )bitchute.com/video/CGzJv8cU9j2D/ Uh oh. Someone's in a heap of trouble. LOL As if we didn't know . ... read more COACH RED PILL ON UKRAINEfrom 2022 in ( education / research )youtube.com/watch?vgT70DfngiXA... read more FAKE UKRAINE NEWSfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Stewart Swerdlow has a lot of Russian contacts, and exposes the fake news on the war:vimeo.com/684886420... read more WEF'S YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / politics / conspiracies )He names more than I ever heard before. Since Putin is one of them, it's interesting to see the war game the globalists are playing. : bitchute.com/video/LcxpDhsaVZFO/bitchute.com/video/LcxpDhsaVZFO/ I think many are compiling a list so we can ... read more PROSTATE TREATMENTfrom 2022 in ( education / research )tIred of sitting down to pee 'cos it takes so long? :-) For cancer, I've been taking Fenbendazole: amazon.com/s?kfenbendazole&crid2RSZC0DRIRAHO&sprefixfenbenda%2Caps%2C337&refnbsbssts-doa-p18 In this dosage: once a day for 3 days in a row (then off for the other 4 days of the week) -- maybe Fri S... read more INTERESTING VIDEO: RUSSIA AND UKRAINEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )iconnectfx.com/view/bf0ed762-4797-ec11-9969-0050568299de?mcvalceniconnectfx.com No surprise to me, it's the CIA and mercenaries such as the ones that Cheney sent around the world from Halliburton who are getting Russia AND the Ukraine for their actions.... read more IVERMECTIN AS A POSSIBLE CURE FOR CANCERfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Don't watch this because it's just another conspiracy theory, right? Only follow the science after a leftist approves it.</sarcasm> rumble.com/vvvypf-does-ivermectin-cure-cancer.htmldoes-ivermectin-cure-cancer ... read more WHAT CONSTITUTES A JEW, ANYWAY?from 2022 in ( education / research / religion / judaism )title tweaked to avoid offending the too-easily offended...a Jew is, by definition of 3,000 years, only a person born to a Jewish mother or converted to Judaism according to normative Judaic law... -- Dov Fischer, spectator.org/antisemitism-jews-bernie-sanders-j-street/here ... read more IVERMECTINfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Don't watch this because it's just another conspiracy theory, right? (only follow the science when a leftist approves it first):rumble.com/vvvypf-does-ivermectin-cure-cancer.html... read more ANOTHER INTERESTING UKRAINE-RUSSIA VIDEOfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )rumble.com/vvshup-jimmy-dore-the-truth-about-ukraine.html?mref6zof&mrefc2Watch on Rumble ... read more INTERESTING UKRAINE-RUSSIA ARTICLEfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I started to read it. It's interesting but I haven't analyzed if it's credible or not (they mention at the bottom that Whites are in danger): renegadetribune.com/the-chabad-mafia-is-recapturing-khazaria/Chabat Mafia Recapturing Khazaria ... read more ANOTHER GOOD/FUNNY JP VIDEOfrom 2022 in ( education / research )rumble.com/vvvogt-6-facts-about-trudeau-thatll-make-your-blood-boil.htmlWatch on Rumble ... read more 5G AND THE ARTIFICIAL EARTHfrom 2022 in ( education / research )very interesting, illuminates the Mark of the Beast prophecyyoutube.com/watch?vKBYBcESBt18... read more COVID TUNNEL VISIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research )He probably thinks you're part of what Hillary called the vast right wing conspiracy. When people convert their beliefs to incontrovertible facts, (e.g. vaccines save lives) then extrapolate from those facts, people do horrific things without remorse. For instance, forcing people to take history... read more IN THE MONEY?from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies / novels )Wonderful On Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 12:19 PMwrote: I'm waiting for them to buy the movie rights from me? On Monday, February 21, 2022, 11:32:45 AM PST Great! Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 12:29 PM Wow, somebody is buying my ... read more DEATH - THE NEW GROWTH STOCKfrom 2022 in ( education / research )bitchute.com/video/RWp7CN7AUSwo/ VERY INTERESTING Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund donations used for DNA testing ... read more ASTOUNDING MILITARY VACCINE INJURIESfrom 2022 in ( education / research )the full storybanned.video/watch?id61fc65ebaf1ca401408a92e5On 2/13/22 14:19 someone wrote: kunstler.com/clusterf--k-nation/wake-up-call/ Total Number of Diseases & Injuries Reported By Year(Hospitalization) up 37% Diseases of the Nervous System By Year up 968% Malignant Neuroendocrine Tumor Reports By... read more GLOBAL GENOCIDE BY ISRAEL ABRAHAM BURLAfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The Sephardic rabbinical Burla family has been near royalty in Palestine since the 1700s. They conspired with the bankers Rothschild, Churchills and the Board of Deputies of British Jews in the mid-1800s to make Israel a British colony masquerading as a Jewish state.Read, list... read more MAJORITY OF LIBERALS WANT CAMPS FOR UNVAXED?from 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I think they've bought the story so completely they are totally freaked out by the lying media and putting pure bloods into camps is a survival reaction.They can't see how they are the ones getting sick because of their destroyed immune systems. Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2022 7:32 PMAmazing. But it has little to do with... read more JFK, STANLEY KUBRICK, AND THE SECRET SPACE PROGRAMfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Lots of things I've never heard before. youtube.com/watch?vIy4iV2-CVWsWatch on YouTube ... read more MINDY ROBINSON REFUSES TO GIVE UP ON TRUTH ABOUT LAS VEGAS MASSACREfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )For all intents and purposes, the American people have followed the FBI's lead and moved on from the Las Vegas Massacre. It's been over four years since Stephen Paddock killed 60 people and injured over 400 from his perch at Mandalay Bay, and there are still many more questions than... href... read more FREE DOWNLOAD EXPOSES FAUCI AND GOVERNMENT TECHNOCRATSfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Peter Duesberg is a molecular biologist and a molecular and cell biology professor at the University of California, Berkeley. At one time, he was an acclaimed scientist who was the world's foremost expert on AIDS. That all changed when he was blackballed by Anthony Fauci and the... https:/... read more MUSK ENDORSES CANADIAN TRUCKERS PROTESTfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Speaking of things to hide, here's a free download about Fauci's involvement in the AIDS epidemic: Inventing the AIDS Virus Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2022 8:24 AMTo: it's not the liberals, it's people who think that when the FDA refuses to reveal the ingredients of the mRNA jabs, they know it means it's because... read more SCIENTISTS PAID TO LIE FOR GOVERNMENTfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Four prominent scientists who played key roles in shaping the public narrative around the origin of covid-19 received substantial increases in grant money from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, in the subsequent two years, a review of funding data by The Epoch Times has... read more SOLDIERS DISCUSS VARIOUS ALIENS THEY'VE SEENfrom 2022 in ( education / research / astronomy / aliens )Soldier talks about aliens. See video here: youtube.com/watch?vH-GwioWmBQSoldier talks about aliens ... read more PROSTATE INFOMERCIALfrom 2022 in ( education / research )Half way through it but I'm sending it to you while I still have the link:prostastream.com/home/?hoppanchoval... read more JUNG'S FOUR STAGES OF CHARACTER TRANSFORMATIONfrom 2022 in ( education / research / people )A robust character hinges on eight core virtues: courage, moderation, wisdom, justice, curiosity, honor, humility, and humor. These virtues will all be needed to navigate the four stages of transformation. wakingtimes.com/jungs-four-stages-of-character-transformation/... read more Q-ANON BEARS STRIKING RESEMBLANCE TO BOLSHEVIK PSY-OP FROM 1920Sfrom 2022 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Operation Trust was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists' takeover.: ww... read more POLIO VAX SCAMfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Somebody posted something about the Polio vax SCAM before. Anyhow, here's articles that I have:20 THINGS YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT POLIO20 THINGS YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT POLIOwhale.to/a/scobey2.html... read more MORE DEAGEL/EUGENICSfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )archive.ph/nAHJKarchive.ph internationalman.com/articles/-casey-on-the-shocking-2025-deagel-forecast/InternationalMan.com newstarget.com/2021-12-23-the-depopulation-smoking-gun.htmlNewsTarget ... read more POLIO INFOfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Very interesting: courses.jchristoff.com/blog/20-things-you-don-t-know-about-polio ... read more ONE CONSPIRACY THEORY CAN BE BELIEVED BUT NOT ANOTHER BASICALLY SIMILAR THEORY?from 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies / vaccines )It's funny how you can say the following to an intelligent, politically astute person and a majority of them will believe it: U.S. intelligence services will ruthlessly exploit people, eliminating those standing in the way of achieving their aims. Nations refusing to go along are targeted for regime change. Washington stops at nothing to ... read more 6UILD 6ACK 6ETTERfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )666, get it?It's not about urban renewal. It's about humanity 2.0 (transhumanism). If you get the mRNA jab, you're technically no longer fully human, you're on your way to humanity 2.0. You're being built back better.... read more ONE-PARTY CONSENTfrom 2021 in ( education / research / rights )I was wondering about the legality of recording a conversation in TN. It's OK as long as you're part of the conversation. Good to know if you get pulled over. See recordinglaw.com/united-states-recording-laws/one-party-consent-statesOne Party Consent ... read more CYRIL WECHT VALIDATES CONTROLLED DEMOLITION THEORY IN AE911TRUTH DOCUMENTARYfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This is not the first Expert and not likely the last to confirm Controlled Demolition (University of Alaska study computer modeled it and concluded demolition, too) ae911truth.org/news/802-famed-forensic-pathologist-cyril-wecht-validates-controlled-demolition-theory-in-ae911truth-s-new-ae911truth.org ... read more CYRIL WECHT VALIDATES CONTROLLED DEMOLITION THEORY RE 9/11from 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Not the first expert and not likely the last to confirm controlled demolition. A University of Alaska study computer-modeled it and concluded demolition, too. ae911truth.org/news/802-famed-forensic-pathologist-cyril-wecht-validates-controlled-demolition-theory-in-ae911truth-s-new-docAE911Truth.org ... read more ALIEN CHANELER DENOUNCES CHANNELING AS MIND CONTROLfrom 2021 in ( education / research )youtube.com/watch?vnmawDxtDTAUWatch on YouTube ... read more ROBERT O YOUNG ON GRAPHENEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )He's the one who proved there's no covid in the population. He analyses the vaccine for grapheneprojectcamelotportal.com/2021/12/08/dr-robert-o-young-graphene-vaccines/... read more MORE ON EVERGRANDE COLLAPSEfrom 2021 in ( education / research / finance )...kind of After the '08 crash, Wall Street decided the next thing would be residential rentals The Fed keeps the stock market up so the stakeholders can buy up the entire economy On 12/9/21 3:12 AM: Interesting to talk about the real estate industry which seems to be forever booming. Isn't Black Rock jus... read more ISRAEL VAX LAWSfrom 2021 in ( education / research )brighteon.com/b405f91a-151a-48a1-942a-0e34f81142e3/... read more US-OIL: YOU BETTER BE SITTING DOWNfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )- Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 08:38:54 PM PSTDate: November 30, 2021 at 10:50:46 AM PSTSent: Monday, November 29, 2021, 11:11:06 AM PSTFwd: OIL -- You better be sitting down when you read this !!!!!!Cruz Construction started a division in North Dakota just 6 months ago.They sent every Kenworth (9 trucks) they had... read more BOB LAZAR INTERVIEWfrom 2021 in ( education / research )No, he's too famous to killHere's the linkyoutube.com/watch?v-akoihqVwosOn 11/29/21 11:43 AM: You provided no link. But, if Lazar was truly a whistleblower on something this big, he'd be killed by now. Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 10:23 AMSubject: supposed to be goodhe's th... read more THANKSGIVING WEEK TRIP TO THE GULF COASTfrom 2021 in ( education / research / usa / southeast )Just getting the rental car (minivan) in the first place was a bit of an adventure. Because we were leaving Monday morning, we wanted to pick it up Sunday night, but all local enterprise.com/en/home.htmlEnterprise offices are closed on Sundays, which I find weird, given that travel-and-leisure-... read more PURGING HUMANITYfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Excellent interview. bitchute.com/video/JCppcGDKgDzV/They Are -- There Is Nothing Left To Lose -- David Icke Talks To Alex Jones ... read more EARTHfrom 2021 in ( education / research )if the last 5 years has taught us anything, i9t's that the leadership of virtually EVERY organization or business is controlled by the globalistsOn 11/25/21 5:59 PM: Yea.And it reminds me of all the environmental groups like Nature Conservancy, Greenpeace, Sierra Club that are probably now controlled by these globalists. I ... read more FAKE ALIEN INVASION AND MOREfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Simply Excellent Video. It covers a broad range of topics that pretty much everyone will find something of interest. From Chemtrails to Illuminati, Freemasons, 5G, good music, children's health, aliens, Wi-Fi, and more. bitchute.com/video/rtKTLNVfC0C1/ Fake Alien Invasion Don't miss this one... read more AUSTRALIAfrom 2021 in ( education / research )And a little more: redvoicemedia.com/2021/11/breaking-aboriginals-hunted-by-military-kids-jabbed-by-force-stew-peters-airs-disturbing-video/ redvoicemedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2021.11.24-09.45-redvoicemedia-619eb28041e3f.jpg BREAKING: Aboriginals HUNTED BY MILITARY, Kids JABBED BY FORCE - Stew Pe... read more ANALYSES SHOWS TRUMP GOT MORE VOTESfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Votes for Trump flipped or lost. bitchute.com/video/LqUpn7xKU7lS/Watch on Bitchute ... read more THERE IS GRAPHENE OXIDEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )in mrna shots, according to former pfizer employeebrighteon.com/f6336d85-8ed9-4e22-81b4-9f9fc1df7e5b... read more GENOCIDE AND SUICIDEfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Notice he says he was part of the genocide. So he had knowingly been killing people and had blood on his hands.His conscience caught up to him and it was too unbearable.This will not be the only such person. Just think of all the evil doctors doing this now and for the past 18 months.stessnews.online/2021/11/17/germany-dr--jendg... read more GREAT ARTICLE WITH DATA - CO2 NOT CAUSE CLIMATE CHANGEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )actually, the food industry is complaining of a severe CO2 shortage nasdaq.com/articles/uk-carbon-dioxide-shortage-spilling-over-into-rest-of-europe-nippon-gases-says-ft-2021-09 everything you hear in the corporate media or govt is false On 11/21/21 2:37 AM: Didn't watch yet, but it's amazing to demonize CO2 whe... read more SEAN DAVID MORTON, LATESTfrom 2021 in ( education / research / aliens )Talks about alien invasion, here: projectcamelotportal.com/2021/11/17/sean-david-morton-android-invasion/sean-david-morton-android-invasion ... read more NURSE DANIfrom 2021 in ( education / research )sorrybrighteon.com/85c37589-6ed0-4db6-8f4a-ff05cbbd2daeOn 11/20/21 2:45 PM: There was no attachment Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2021 12:41 PMSubject: explains why she quit to avoid jab... read more MICHAEL FLYNN ON GLOBALIST CONSPIRACYfrom 2021 in ( education / research )banned.video/watch?id619548cf269aa852508b7d97... read more HOW TO MITIGATE THE EFFECTS OF THE MRNA JABfrom 2021 in ( education / research )yes, it's designed to make your body create spike proteins, and the ivermectin and hcq help your body overcome thatOn 11/16/21 5:54 AM: .. which, I guess, is an indication that the vax really is designed to make things worse. Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 4:24 AM Subject: Protocols to Mitigate/Minimise... read more BRIGHTEON ON ROKUfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Also, Peter Breggin and Lee Merrit are hosting shows on Brighteonbrighteon.com/a41eefc9-e7cc-48e4-9839-2c53253e7d95He mentions above that Fauci was doing experiments on beagles. That is exactly what Cathy O'Brien says the illuminati was doing down in the Huntsville NASA building.... read more TERRAFORMING EARTHfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Biden confiscating midwest farmlandyoutube.com/watch?vzaO1asFmVx8On 11/10/21 10:50 AM: it sounds (the few seconds that I listened to) he watched and believed too many Star Trek episodes. It's more evidence to me that he's gone over the edge.On Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 08:27:58 AM PST wrote: a... read more DR DOSHIfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Great video youtu.be/3aZd6aTCAkM ... read more MELBOURNE PROTESTSfrom 2021 in ( education / research )forbiddenknowledgetv.net/goodbye-premier-dan-andrews-the-melbourne-rebellion-has-begun/... read more UFOSfrom 2021 in ( education / research )I think you will all like this: bitchute.com/video/6ILUQS9CRfWE/ static-3.bitchute.com/live/coverimages/1Ez5eVnVz1yY/6ILUQS9CRfWE640x360.jpg Alien Disclosure Deception, Social Engineering, Metaphysics and more w/ Charles Upton Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund donations used for DNA ... read more MEDICARE NEED TO KNOWfrom 2021 in ( education / research )If you're already past 65't read this. But if you'll be turning 65, when you're required to sign up for Medicare, here's something I learned through recent experience.You have to choose one or the other, and will never be able to change your mind. The least coverage but lowest monthly cost, is Medicare Advanta... read more GOOD ARTICLE ABOUT COVID IN AUSTRALIAfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )From a friend there.Therese Dennis Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2021 7:16 PMShare awayquadrant.org.au/opinion/public-health/2021/10/we-cant-vaccinate-this-pandemic-away/... read more HOW TO DISARM PROPAGANDA - MARK CRISPIN MILLER ON #SOLUTIONSWATCHfrom 2021 in ( education / news / research / conspiracies )Very good interview about propaganda. Go to bitchute.com/video/DKt98gJbkKIa/How to Disarm Propaganda -- Mark Crispin Miller ON #SOLUTIONSWATCH You might also visit Mr. Miller's site at markcrispinmiller.comMark Crispin Miller and http... read more KIRBYfrom 2021 in ( education / research )You may have heard of Peter from his chemtrails research Watch out for crypto. I'm not an investor and know little about it, but seems to warrant a red flag as a scam. bitchute.com/video/rwmKv8uQ9rzX/ static-3.bitchute.com/live/coverimages/1Ez5eVnVz1yY/rwmKv8uQ9rzX640x360.jpg Pentagon & CIA Fun... read more PROPAGANDAfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Yes, that was a very good interview. Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 8:15 AM We were taught the main propaganda techniques in high school, such as bandwagon (everyone's doing it) used on the vax. On 10/26/21 3:39 AM: Terrific talk about propaganda. I realized some of my own mistakes ww... read more PENTAGON VS ZOMBIESfrom 2021 in ( education / research )not a jokeallthatsinteresting.com/conop-8888... read more SCIENTIST EXPLAINSfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I haven't heard so much detail from a scientist before and may you neither.bitchute.com/video/jm2euik7MlCV/Great info./iANxwTOu7IF9/jm2euik7MlCVScientist shows vaccine effects in autopsies. Don't believe it? See for yourself. ... read more MORE ON MITOCHONDRIAL DNAfrom 2021 in ( education / research )For those of us who ARE NOT related to chimps, Eve was 6,000 years ago:Secret to human history (Part 5)Secret to human history (Part 5)at the 24-minute portion of the video, it starts to talk of the 200,000 year THEORY and tells why it's WRONG!On Monday, October 25, 2021, 12:13:47 AM: 5112804271 P Yea, didn'... read more DEMONIC VAX?from 2021 in ( education / research )Energetic ViewpointDo covid Vaccines Replace the Soul? by Paul(henrymakow.com)October 10, 2021/AI- The Plan to Invade Humanity/Source: youtube.com/watch?vprbc4308O3QCyrus Parsa claims that with the interface and operatingsystem constructed inside the body by virtue of the vaccine,the... read more ALL WILL HAVE TO MAKE SACRIFICESfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )We got the receipts -- the patents that describe the exact computer operating system being injected without prior consent of the publicThe details are in this video that fb will want to take down immediately if they realize the informationI've been warning people about this forever. I've been attacked, ridiculed, had my character a... read more SACRIFICESfrom 2021 in ( education / research )All will have to make sacrifices. We got the receipts - the patents that describe the exact computer operating system being injected without prior consent of the public The details are in this video that fb will want to take down immediately if they realize the information I've been warning people about this forever. I've bee... read more SUPPLY CHAIN DOWNfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies / economy )Anonymous says: There are already big shortages in auto and other industries. More shortages will follow, including grocery stores. Stock up now or you'll later wish you did. See zerohedge.com/economics/we-cannot-survive-here-over-1000-crew-members-are-stranded-cargo-ships-globally-withoutzerohedge.co... read more BUY AN EXTRA LAWNMOWER OR CHAINSAW NOWfrom 2021 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )it's possible to make diesel fuel. I remember that a science teacher at my school had a diesel truck and had her students work on making diesel fuel for it.I don't know how it's made. In a couple of recipes I've seen, one needs methanol. Hmm, methanol needed? So, I wonder where the methanol would be gotten if fuel isn... read more CHINA PICTUREfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Clif High talks extensively about China's ongoing war with the U.S.and the role of covid. It's very good: bitchute.com/video/6UoprWnLdauSWatch on Bitchute ... read more GREAT NEWSfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Pretty great news contained here. I'll let you figure out what I mean.bitchute.com/video/NyPeudhIfwNT//PBxgBgr9rAE6/NyPeudhIfwNTMedicare Data for covid-19Give Wellness Forum Health a call at 614-841-7700. Check out makeamericansfreeagain.com/.... read more VIDEO TO MP3from 2021 in ( education / research )I don't watch many videos. I prefer to convert them to mp3 and listgen on a pocket mp3 player.Sometimes if you click on the Rumble or Video button you can get a URL from the Embed button that you can download using youtube-dl on the command line (I think it's a multiplatform program) youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-form... read more KUNSTLERfrom 2021 in ( education / research )always worth a read:kunstler.com/cluster-nation/the-big-tell/ The Big TellFor your reading pleasure Mondays and FridaysSupport this blog by visiting Jim's Patreon PageAnd thanks to all my Patrons for your supportThe Arizona election audit climaxed Friday in the new mode of history-in-the-making: direct deposi... read more FOOD SHORTAGES COMINGfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Adams tells about it and gives info on on how to build a gravity feed hydroponic system that requires no power and is the simplest system for growing food of all of themugetube.com/watch/situation-update-the-dark-winter-die-off-2021-09-27--adams-video-mp4h9FcdzpMwTJX5eD.htmlhydroponic systemctahr.hawaii.edu/oc... read more MEMBER OF EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT PLEADS FOR WITHDRAWAL OF EXPERIMENTAL COVID VACCINESfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I'd like to believe at least some of our German ancestors would be like this man and his common sense.In German with subtitles bitchute.com/video/QkGohYijV5an/on bitchute Parliament Member to EU Commission: Stop this experimentation on humans, I beg you!Joachim Kuhs, Member Of Th... read more STORY ELEMENTSfrom 2021 in ( education / research )I learned these in 8th grade in Rancho Cordova. I had to say what the theme of Robinson Crusoe was, and I couldn't figure out what a theme was. I thought it might be a moral as in Aesop's fables. So I said the theme was that when hard work is applied you can succeed, or some BS like that. I had to live a lot longer and ... read more INSPIRING HOSPITAL STORY YOU WILL WANT TO HEARfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )bitchute.com/video/E9Rom7kT7M6d/./1Ez5eVnVz1yY/E9Rom7kT7M6dFamily's Stealth Mission to Save Mom in the covid Death WardUpdated 9-17-21: Access solution resource document at sarahwestall.com/important-proven-solutions-to-keep-from-getting-sick-even-if-you-have-the-mrna-shot/ Dr. Zelenko's Vitamin Pac... read more THIS LAWYER SHOWS THE PROOFfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This lawyer shows the proof about all the govt lies about the vaxbitchute.com/video/4AG2lLSrJTiS/.... read more MARICOPA COUNTY, AZ AUDIT COMPLETE - A COMPLETELY FRAUDULENT ELECTIONfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )When will Arizona decertify this fraudulent result? How about all the other states Arizona inspired? bitchute.com/video/f9b8TK7qM7x5/Watch on BitChute ... read more ARIZONA VOTEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )MARICOPA COUNTY, AZ AUDIT COMPLETE -- A COMPLETELY FRAUDULENT ELECTIONWhen will Arizona decertify this fraudulent result? How about all the other states Arizona inspired?bitchute.com/video/f9b8TK7qM7x5/.... read more UNDERSTANDING THE ELITEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )similarities between 9/11 and pandemic youtube.com/watch?vCXnycu90COI On 9/23/21 8:53 AM:It's all just good versus evil, going back millennia, no matter which names you prefer to use for the various players (Jesus, Yahweh, Satan, good spirits, evil spirits, good energy, bad energy). Basically, ther... read more REALLY GOOD CONVERSATION FROM A MEDICAL EXPERT WHO PUBLISHED A BOOKfrom 2021 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Worth a listen.bitchute.com/video/xPd8G0GftDoh//1Ez5eVnVz1yY/sktXAP2Iq3nN6yxBZRXan36EGlobalists Lack Soul & are Indifferent to Mass Murder w/ Dr. Peter BregginUpdated 9-17-21: Access solution resource document at sarahwestall.com/important-proven-solutions-to-keep-from-getting-sick-even-if-you-have-the-mrna... read more FROM A VERY PRO-VAXERfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )VERY PRO-VAXXER LEAVES THE DARK SIDE -- COMES TO SENSESThis is an exceptional message from someone who has come to his senses to some degree. Still too stupid to realize vaxes are poison, but has spark of freedom enough to realize this insane tyranny must end.bitchute.com/video/n9XtQFdaMav6/.... read more FROM A VERY PRO-VAXERfrom 2021 in ( education / research )VERY PRO-VAXXER LEAVES THE DARK SIDE -- COMES TO SENSESThis is an exceptional message from someone who has come to his senses to some degree. Still too stupid to realize vaxes are poison, but has spark of freedom enough to realize this insane tyranny must end.bitchute.com/video/n9XtQFdaMav6/.... read more COVID ORIGIN LINKS TO US DEFENSE DEPTfrom 2021 in ( education / research )news./wuhan-scientists-planned-release-skin-145326380.htmlactually, the DoD comes out looking good on this.Fauci ask them for funding to develop a super killer virus and they turned him downOn 9/22/21 10:14 PM: and fauXi lied about it to Congress, which ought to get him a 5-year prison term, but though Rand Paul is ... read more NURSE BLOWS WHISTLE ON COVID SHOT INJURIES, DEATHS NOT REPORTEDfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )VAX FRAUDNow trending thanks to people sharing this banned videobitchute.com/video/pyrYwU5uaXq3/Government HHS Nurse Blows the Whistle on covid-19 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths NOT being ReportedLast week we reported how James O'Keefe of Project Veritas stated that they have received thousands of emails ... read more SHARYL ATKISSONfrom 2021 in ( education / research )covid vaccine report:sharylattkisson.com/2021/09/exclusive-summary-covid-19-vaccine-concerns/... read more HOW TO BE HEALTHYfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Good info on how to reverse the fake vax crap for anyone who got tricked into getting the poison shot.But also for those, like college students, who are constantly around those who got tricked.There is a link to a file that will be updated as often as possible which gives more details.Some very interesting info about the spike proteins.... read more LACK OF SELF RESPECTfrom 2021 in ( education / research )what about brains? timeline: tracking deaths from killer virus that has a lower mortality rate than the season flu must develop a vaccine for this killer virus! well, the death rate has dried up, so we're not tracking the deaths anymore, we're tracking CASES! well we'd better get everybody vaccinated to rein in... read more MEDICAL PROTOCOL FOR FIGHTING COVIDfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )href-americasfrontlinedoctors.org/treatments/hydroxychloroquine/treatment-protocols/medical protocol for fighting covid ... read more REPORTER BASED IN JAPANfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I never heard of him before.Seems logical, backs the people who will really do something. Worth a listen at 1.5x speed.Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2021 10:52 PMI consider Benjamin Fulford a MAJOR NUT.He's been talking about the ninjas saving the world for years.Is there anything otherwise in those two links?... read more VAX PRISONSfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Well, the would be for the un-vaxed to be killed in prison and the vaxed to become Humanity 2.0.On 9/16/21 9:50 PM: but the vaxed will just roll their eyes and say it's a conspiracy theory and since it's happening to those others and not them (yet), they won't pay attentionOn Thur... read more KEEPING YOUR JOBfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )MUST HEAR -- EXCELLENT LETTER -- MAYBE YOUR JOBrumble.com/vmgobn-a-letter-from-a-concerned-and-aware-viewer.html.... read more CANARY IN A COAL MINEfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Watch the last person in this video -- fascinating! She's like a canary in a coal mine. She gets sick immediately when she comes into contact with any toxin. I would hate to be like that, but you will see why it's so interesting.bitchute.com/video/sRvNjNiqHdFY/,... read more WHAT HAS SAVED USPS WORKERS IS THEIR UNIONfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Yeah, I saw that. I dropped off our votes and nobody compared them with a computer, as they did there. Democrats just hate democracy (but love to complain about conservatives not liking it). If Gavin survives, we'll need a vote count (at least they didn't use voting machines that could be hacked)On Monday, September 13, 2021, 07:22:12... read more EMPLOYMENT LAWYER ON EMPLOYER FACCINE MANDATESfrom 2021 in ( education / research )He's Canadian but the points he makes sound valid here:youtu.be/a3LGOAFGX9g... read more LOST FUTURESfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )-- kids killed and maimed by psychopaths pushing the vaxIf you got the vax, you won't want to watch this because you might be the next victim.bitchute.com/video/2BerT5rLnGwB/.... read more BEWARE OF THOUGHTS NOT YOUR OWNfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Beware of thoughts not your own.You gotta listen to this one.bitchute.com/video/gVKJAVwqsSYk//weBLW8e6mgIB/gVKJAVwqsSYkWords In Your Head -- How They Are Telling You To 'Get The Vaccine' -- David Icke Dot-ConnectorOur Video Sponsor -- No Hype Invest -- nohypeinvest.com Perceptions Of A Renega... read more FASCINATINGfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Beware of thoughts not your own. You gotta listen to this one. bitchute.com/video/gVKJAVwqsSYk/ static-3.bitchute.com/live/coverimages/weBLW8e6mgIB/gVKJAVwqsSYk640x360.jpg Words In Your Head - How They Are Telling You To 'Get The Vaccine' - David Icke Dot-Connector Our Video Sponsor - No Hype... read more NWO SATANISTSfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )the satanists have talked of it for decades. daddy bush mentioned it decades ago and he wasn't the first to talk of it.I just don't get why people ignore it. (but, then again, in a video I watched tonight, the guy said that only 3% of Americans fought against the British and 1/3 of the country, similar to the 1/3 that actuall... read more MILITARY VACCINE WALKOUTfrom 2021 in ( education / research )He said that his father, a serving airman, had reported that a text message had been sent out in the evening of 8 Sept by the Department of Defense to all active military personnel, that they had to get the 'vaccine' by 10 am or else they'd be court-martialed.As a result of that, 12 F-22 pilots, the most high-... read more THE REAL SOLUTIONfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I think this is the real solution and hope people support this:bitchute.com/video/MlXUJqLsheKV/.Strategy to Avoid a Violent Civil War by Protecting Freedoms w/ Sheriff Mack ... read more NWOfrom 2021 in ( education / research )the satanists have talked of it for decades. daddy bush mentioned it decades ago and he wasn't the first to talk of it.I just don't get why people ignore it. (but, then again, in a video I watched tonight, the guy said that only 3% of Americans fought against the British and 1/3 of the country, similar to the 1/3 that actually v... read more ELECTRIC SCOOTERSfrom 2021 in ( education / research )I got a Shell scooter. xpensive, but well builtSurprisingly difficult to get the hang of, with my balance problem. Also, the is very aggressive so it requires a light touch to avoid doing a wheely. But it will develop my balance, and even muscles which I haven't been using lately.On 9/2/21 10:19 AM: I don't know anythin... read more ANONYMOUS QUOTE OF THE DAYfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )The flu is not a hoax. Renaming it covid and calling it a pandemic is the hoax. -- search.brave.com/search?qanonymous-quote-of-the-day&iawebanonymous in response to the comment Why bother with Ivermectin if it's all just a hoax? targetbla... read more POWERFUL ARGUMENTfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Excellentbitchute.com/video/d8yX3kt1Jdc/./yi2SDYsnwrWe/d8yX3kt1JdcMY MOST POWERFUL VIDEO IN MONTHS: Is The Truth Even Allowed? When Does This End? ... read more FALL OF COMMIE EDUCATION?from 2021 in ( education / research )ie is 8 now. That's 3rd grade, but he does 4th and 5th grade level math. Sent: Monday, September 6, 2021 8:21 AM Re: ok how old is he? On Monday, September 6, 2021, 12:25:16 AM PDT:I bet wife would take you up on that for ie. She's great, but having a tutor of some kind mi... read more COVID ANTIVAX REGRETS - WATCH THE VIDEOfrom 2021 in ( education / research )------3032539593765897.1630826734183 I just found this article about the CDC prescribing Ivermectin to people headed to the USA: cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/guidelines/overseas-guidelines.html Here's a screenshot of where it says it On Saturday, September 4, 2021, 11:20:22 PM PDT:besides the fact that th... read more ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THOSE VACCINESfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )TAKE THIS, OR ELSE...? Wow, breaking news about the shot contents for all 4 companies. Still just a conspiracy theory? bitchute.com/video/HkJEF6wSyWZw/Watch on BitChute ... read more COMPREHENSIVE SEAN DAVID MORTON INTERVIEWfrom 2021 in ( education / research )money is the god for many who don't believe in God On Monday, August 30, 2021, 09:20:59 PM PDT:9061381586 P Yup, it all finally came together marvelously. Money sure can be like grease and get people to sell their souls. Sent: Monday, August 30, 2021 6:41 PM Yes, 'strike while the iron is ho... read more BREAKINGfrom 2021 in ( education / research )TAKE THIS SHIT, OR ELSE ... Wow, news about the shot contents for all 4 companies. Still just a conspiracy theory? bitchute.com/video/HkJEF6wSyWZw/ . ... read more DURHAM INVESTIGATION IS FINAL DUCK IN A ROW?from 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I figure they're lining all the things up for the False Flag event:biden and afghanistankamala gonethe vote count fraud being exposedthe disgust with so many for the vaxand now the Durham investigation:patriotwise.com/-durham-investigating-if-fbi-was-misled-with-fabricated-evidence/(will they throw in Hunter Biden's Ukraine... read more SITE WITH MANY ARTICLES ABOUT CHEMICAL REACTIONS (SUCH AS FROM THE JAB)from 2021 in ( education / research )chemicalviolence.com/# ... read more ENCOURAGING DEVELOPMENTS AROUND VACCINE TYRANNYfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )In the last few days, there have been some very encouraging developments around vaccine tyranny:Denmark ends all covid restrictions, including the Vaccine Passport.Germany suspends vaccine licenses for the next two weeks, placing a moratorium on the vax, pending safety concerns and stopping all vaccinations for now.Japan ... read more HOME REMEDYfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Interesting home remedy for the unvaxed people experiencing shedding (transmission) from anyone who got vaxed.This may come in handy more and more as coercion for the shots ramps up and people succumb to the pressure.bitchute.com/video/STKyUXmUn51h//vWIqTOkHdfuQ/eoOC87fr3aPVE6xdEAPXgUTJCURE FOR BEING AROUND THE VACCIN... read more VIDEO ON THE MILITARYfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Just posted this:This is an excellent video about what the military is doing to the enlisted. But the final segment filmed by Vaxed is particularly good. A lady whose job was to inject vaccines and not to think or ask questions describes how soldiers are lab rats and owned by their government.I never knew why anyone would want to be a sold... read more EXCELLENTfrom 2021 in ( education / research )In the last few days, there have been some very encouraging developments around vaccine tyranny: Denmark ends all Covid restrictions, including the Vaccine Passport. Germany suspends vaccine licenses for the next two weeks, placing a moratorium on the vaxx, pending safety concerns and stopping all vaccinations for now. Japan recalls 1.6... read more MILITARYfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Just posted this: This is an excellent video about what the is doing to the enlisted. But the final segment filmed by Vaxxed is particularly good. A lady whose job was to inject vaccines and not to think or ask questions describes how soldiers are lab rats and owned by their government. I never knew why anyone would want to be a so... read more NAZIS AHOY! (AB 455 HIJACKED TO NOT ALLOW UNVAXED INTO PLACES)from 2021 in ( education / research )capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/ab-455-to-isolate-unvaccinated-from-society-being-rushed-through/ ... read more FDA VAX APPROVAL LINKfrom 2021 in ( education / research )I looked up both drugs and they don't seem the same at all (and I can't find any article comparing them) On Friday, August 27, 2021, 03:32:42 PM PDT:0788330768 P I forgot to mention that Fauci's Remdesivir is the equivalent of Midazolam. So people were prescribed this execution drug by a different name. Watch the video.... read more ANTI-VAX FALSE FLAGfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Don't ever be afraid to speak up and speak out about crimes like we are seeing.I seriously doubt I AMhigh profile and I don't go out in public to be shot at.We don't need to be heroes, just don't comply, and get everyone else to stop complying. Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2021 10:50 AM Targeting the anti-vax r... read more ANTVAX FALSE FLAGfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Don't ever be afraid to speak up and speak out about crimes like we are seeing. I seriously doubt I AMhigh profile and I don't go out in public to be shot at. We don't need to be heroes, just don't comply and get everyone else to stop complying. From: Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2021 10:... read more YOUNG PEOPLE WITH WISDOMfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Refreshing to hear young people with such wisdom that is far superior to many who have drunk the Kool Aide of the world's medical cartel.bitchute.com/video/wdCy7bdijgsb/.... read more INVENTOR OF MRNA SHOT SAYS FDA APPROVED THE WRONG VACCINEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Dr. Malone Says the FDA Did NOT Approve the Pfizer Vaccine, But Approved a SECOND (future) Vaccine Instead! (needtoknow.news)'Dr. Robert Malone, the purported inventor of mRNA vaccines, stated that the mainstream media is lying about the Pfizer vaccine receiving FDA approval. FDA issued two separate and distinct letters showing that the... read more WISE YOUNGSTERfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Refreshing to hear young people with such wisdom that is far superior to many who have drunk the Kool Aide of the world's medical cartel. bitchute.com/video/wdCy7bdijgsb/Watch on Bitchute ... read more CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTUREfrom 2021 in ( education / research )We have two children in the home schooling setting and I am preparing to purchase materials for them from this website. I mentioned this before after I watched The Corbett Report (James Corbett) and saw another episode of today called Solutions Watch which I highly recommend.Take a look through the book titles if you want to get more materi... read more TRY TO GET COVIDfrom 2021 in ( education / research )--000BYAPR08MB575047610D80E25AD635C872DEC59BYAPR08MB5750namp charset Not totally true about the test because it's not being used correctly in the first place. That is why fruit and animals got a positive result. you mentioned malpractice and it reminded me that you said you got whatever it is they are calling covid, which means yo... read more THE "ELITES" HAVE LOSTfrom 2021 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Just watched it and it's not hopium. It's saying the stuff happening now is leading to the good guys winning and the bad guys know it. Sent: Monday, August 23, 2021 12:46 AMhaven't listened yet, hopium probablyyoutube.com/watch?v3DuoREKB5KUswfound this:Re: Military insider: the Folks, be a little... read more TIPPING POINTfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )We are near a tipping point in this world war against the corporate fascistsVery interesting interview with a superstar in this war from Germany -- Reiner Fuellmichbitchute.com/video/Sn6B8afPBrpJ/.... read more YOU MUST TRUST THE SCIENCEfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )You must trust the scienceThis is a laughable example of fake, sloppy garbage attempting to pass as science from 50 years ago, not much different than all the other fake science we see used as a basis to lock down the world and scare the sh-t out of everyone to accept a poison vaccine to save their lives.And it'... read more TO BE 100% CLEARfrom 2021 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Is your job worth more than your life? For anyone considering or feeling coerced to get any of the covid vaxes, there is a bombshell coming this Thursday that you should listen to from The HighWire by Del Bigtree which is the world's leading weekly medical reporting show. They say try to hold out until you see this show. targetblan... read more MORE ON THE SUBJECT OF MASKSfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Was it determined that your tumor was cancerous? This video discusses how masks will cause cancer which has never been mentioned by anyone else that I know about: bitchute.com/video/3iE0bHTbbQVs/bitchute.com/video/3iE0bHTbbQVs Plus, I AMhearing rave results from people lately regarding ch... read more SCIENCEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )You must trust the This is a laughable example of fake, sloppy garbage attempting to pass as from 50 years ago, not much different than all the other fake we see used as a basis to lock down the world and scare the sh-t out of everyone to accept a poison vaccine to save their lives. And it'... read more DAVID ICKE'S SONfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )David Icke's son has been producing excellent content -- top notchHere is a trailer for some of it.bitchute.com/video/MkINO0IDTn9l//weBLW8e6mgIB/MkINO0IDTn9lAfghanistan, Forced Vaccinations & Military Rebellion -- Right Now TrailerWatch the full episode at ickonic.com. This advertisement has been selected b... read more TRUMP DID AT LEAST EXPOSE FAKE NEWSfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )To be fair, I think Trump exposed fake news like never before.He created the most patriotism possibly ever.He seriously worked to bring manufacturing home.He really was working to make America first, despite many American 2nd deeds (making Zionism first)He battled China in trade which made him a top enemy of at least one faction of t... read more ICKEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )David 's son has been producing excellent content -- top notch Here is a trailer for some of it. bitchute.com/video/MkINO0IDTn9l/ static-3.bitchute.com/live/coverimages/weBLW8e6mgIB/MkINO0IDTn9l640x360.jpg Afghanistan, Forced Vaccinations & Military Rebellion -- Right Now Trailer Watch the fu... read more TRUMPfrom 2021 in ( education / research )To be fair, I think exposed fake news like never before. He created the most patriotism possibly ever. He seriously worked to bring manufacturing home. He really was working to make America first, despite many American 2nd deeds (making Zionism first) He battled China in trade which made him a top enemy of at least one faction... read more AUSTRALIA UPDATE / YOU WILL NEVER DIEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )There are people who raised this question immediately in March 2020. They concentrated on autosomal DNA markers. But that was for the flu called covid. I think they probably have done secret studies on who is most affected immediately by their fake vax. But they will probably never reveal it at their Nuremburg 2 trials and probably have an acci... read more HATE SPEECHfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Isn't it interesting that critics of platforms like Bitchute, Brighteon and Gab label them as conspiracy websites?It's really terrible because they don't realize they are anti-free speech. These are 3 of the biggest advocates of the US Constitution.Listen to this discussion about the fight between Gab and Rumble whi... read more WHO WON WORLD WAR 2?from 2021 in ( education / research )I AMlistening to this 2018 interview that mentions Eisenhower and who won WW2, which I mention because I talked about it recently in another thread.Many will shoot this down because they are stuck in the 5 senses, so it requires an awareness that there is more to the universe than these 5 senses. youtu.be... read more WHO WON WW2 ?from 2021 in ( education / research )I AMlistening to this 2018 interview that mentions Eisenhower and who won WW2, which I mention because I talked about it recently in another thread. Many will shoot this down because they are stuck in the 5 senses, so it requires an awareness that there is more to the universe than these 5 senses. youtu.be/RbLXl0OqWNA h... read more YEADONfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Yea is very pro-vax and I fault him for that. But he describes why the covid vaccine doesn't fit the real definition of a vaccine. bitchute.com/video/TIsQvoI2aGCn/ static-3.bitchute.com/live/coverimages/r8wq75doLqKP/TIsQvoI2aGCn640x360.jpg Yea Former Pfizer VO Message On Vaccines MUST SEE ... read more PG&E POWER OUTAGEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )We will be losing our power from 6:00 tonight until Thursday noon. We areprepared with generators. We have a scary fire to our west so it's agood thing because winds will be strong heading our way.Prayers please. Love E29DA4EFB88F to everyone. We won't have home phones but cellphones sometimes work when we don't hav... read more THE AMAZING ZEVfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Most of you know this amazing man.But at minute 24 he describes why the people who got the covid shot will never listen to you.Pretty amazing.bitchute.com/video/MhPucYDfuEiF//r8wq75doLqKP/MhPucYDfuEiFDr Zelenko Exposes Global Genocide Eventcovid19: The UK Government downgraded the danger of covid19 from a high c... read more GOOD VIDEO OF KALIFORNIA LIFEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )I often watch him -- usually funny and clever. Great lesson in history that applies today more than you may think bitchute.com/video/6i8AiKHmRzT9/ . Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 1:02 PM What It's Like Living in California Now s.yimg.com/nq/storm/assets... read more FREE SPEECHfrom 2021 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Yeah, I told of that secret oath to Israel by former congressman Cynthia McKinney 2 years ago: youtube.com/watch?vImFMcbF2MYYCynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 12:44:22 PM: PlatformsI think this is an imp... read more THE TOTAL END OF A FREE SOCIETY - AF DOCUSERIES EPISODE #1from 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Can you even imagine this happening to you?US GOVERNMENT IS SO CRIMINAL -- MUST WATCH tv.gab.com/channel/officialamericafirst/view/the-total-end-of-a-free-6113d9951cff062f95f3d9e9Watch on GabTV ... read more THE AI SMART GRID, WITH DAVID ICKEfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )At about minute 30 he discusses the transgender push. But the entire interview is great. The first part is about AI. bitchute.com/video/x0IFeUxsEQFW/The AI Smart Grid -- David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast ... read more CANADA - WORTH WATCHING AT 1.5 SPEEDfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Very interesting discussionThe title of the video is only a tiny partbitchute.com/video/PIssOyLMjbWn/.... read more MIT STUDYfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )MIT study about vax hesitancybitchute.com/video/gcUpCy8cSyBJ/After watching this, tell me what's the converse of the people they studied. ?... read more ANOTHER WOW - CHINAfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )bitchute.com/video/br4dYtInaIkg/Must see video. MUST SEE: Your Wake Up Call... read more A RARE VIDEO FROM SPIROfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Better listen up. bitchute.com/video/leMjRx8TXlL/Watch on BitChute ... read more RFK JR. - MUST SEEfrom 2021 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )WOW -- MUST SEE VIDEO BY RFK JR. -- ALL AMERICANS MUST HEAR THISbitchute.com/video/0RZJCcHxp01G/.No doubt about that. It's hard to take all this evil sh-t coming at us non-stop. That reminds me of something you probably didn't see that I wrote about one of our presumed ancestors last night: PEDRO WAS A MA... read more SPIROfrom 2021 in ( education / research )A rare video from - better listen up bitchute.com/video/leMjRxx8TXlL/ . ... read more CANADA - WORTH WATCHING AT 1.5 SPEEDfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Very interesting discussion The title of the video is only a tiny part bitchute.com/video/PIssOyLMjbWn/ . ... read more STEW PETERS AGAINfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )ignorance is key to a fantasy about life. Stew Peters is hitting home runs just about daily with the people he interviews.This is also a MUST SEE because it stresses just why the graphene and graphene oxide is vital to get into people.The Bio-tech and Nano-tech revolution is a NIGHTMARE for humanityWe are only weeks away from a massive ... read more THE BIG QUESTION - ARE YOU A TRUE AMERICAN?from 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Excellent documentary on the 2020 election fraudEven if you watched closely, there is a lot of info here you probably didn't know about.Even if you think it was the most honest election in history, I hope you are in favor of honest elections (and you have so much to learn).Every American should watch this and make sure we fix this b... read more ILLUMINATIfrom 2021 in ( education / research )I finally watched this. It's interesting that she said that Jesus saved her. It's easy to dismiss it all as some fabrication. I know a woman who said she was put through something similar because of her family's craziness. On Tuesday, August 3, 2021, 02:47:42 AM PDT:#yiv0360588301 P margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0; Surpr... read more A SANE NEW SOCIETYfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Part of the effort to create a new society out of the ashes of our current globalist, fascist society is happening through Gab.Freedom-loving people will really like what this video talks about and businesses who have these same ideals will, too.tv.gab.com/channel/a/view/advertising-on-gab-610c4c10e29beda402e7930etv.gab... read more STATUS OF THE 1ST AMENDMENTfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Incredibly fine work by Dr. Shiva to discover government censorship by ALL government, every party, including TrumpDon't believe for a moment any government agency or elected official is on your side.It's a proven fact now and it's a very sad state of affairs.Get involved and be part of the solution. Join Dr. Shiva's gre... read more SURPRISINGLY INTERESTING INTERVIEW ABOUT THE ILLUMINATIfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Surprisingly interesting interview about the Illuminati and cabal Satanists by Sarah Westallbitchute.com/video/XUx0ZbNVgC3f/.... read more SHERIFF MACKfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Excellent interview with Whether democrat or Republican, NOBODY is an honest person working for the people. NOBODY abides by their oath to the Constitution in the US Congress.I think they must ALL GO !!bitchute.com/video/t3ad6i88406i/.... read more AMAZING DOGfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Amazing dog -- amazing!Also, lots of covid hoax stuff.bitchute.com/video/2vzMvJtuGHnd/bing.com/th?id3DOVF.9ctxI9CwaT6Lm%2bMcXsieqw&pid3DApiFAUCI, CNN NOW SAY VACCINATED ARE SUPER SPREADERS -- SORRY, THE VACCINES DON'T WORK -- FOOD SHORTAGELINK TO RUMBLE FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT VIEW THIS ... read more GENIUS IDEAfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This is simply geniusbitchute.com/video/KdPby-KjR6Y/YouTube Pirate Streams -- #SolutionsWatchSHOW NOTES AND MP3: corbettreport.com/?p3D42184 Remember when people used to set up pirate radio stations to broadcast forbidden or controversial media to the masses? Well this is the 21st century and increasingly peo... read more LAUGH THERAPYfrom 2021 in ( education / research )besides , I recommend that everybody visualize tumor shrinking, shrinking, shrinking, and popping into non-existence On Monday, August 2, 2021, 10:51:52 PM PDT:5599568751 P Laugh therapy -- it is hard not to laugh with this man bitchute.com/video/RNaWf9WBFIqE/ Sometimes You Just Have To Laugh At The She... read more SOMEBODY FIGURED IT OUTfrom 2021 in ( education / research )the text: Demons and AI Dem,ons & AI Computers have a vibrational compatibility with demons. Demons have a vibrational incoompatibility with Humans. What we call aliens are of the demonic vibration.Pure human consciousness can be calledChrist Concsciousness. People with christ consciousness have a vibrational... read more LISTEN UP, CALIFORNIAfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )bitchute.com/video/n09CtIPXFLKc/Listen up California! ... read more CAL STATE U SYSTEM TO REQUIRE COVID-19 VACCINATIONS IN ADVANCE OF FULL FDA APPROVALfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Mr. Hutchinson,This is CRIMINAL to coerce students and offer a $100 gift card to commit suicide from this poison vax.There will be many who die immediately, others who are rendered infertile, and many more who will suffer life-changing physical damage such as myocarditis from the effects of this poison.Mark my words, you and the others ... read more CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTSfrom 2021 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )If you want to understand WHY we are in the crisis of 2020/21 look no further than the amazing Former assistant HUD secretary for a past president (I think Bush 1), she is so astute that you really have to see the full interview, but this is a short highlight video who whet your appetite.She doesn't disappoint.youtu.be/2LOIA... read more LISTEN UP, CALIFORNIAfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Listen up California! bitchute.com/video/n09CtIPXFLKc/Watch on Bitchute ... read more BEWARE THE VAXED, SICK AGAIN, MIGHT BE WHYfrom 2021 in ( education / research )I don't know. I might hav e actual covid. I just got out of the hospitalDon't know if you already saw this: lethal Graphene Oxide is in the suicide vax bitchute.com/video/u6JeQTtUqv6S/ But it's proprietary and so it's not listed in the patent. Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2021 ... read more AUSTRALIA OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED TODAY IS 1ST DAY OF NEW WORLD ORDERfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Australia officially announced today is 1st day of New World OrderDisturbing footage out of Australia shows a New South Wales' MP declare the beginning of the New World Order as the government locks down the country over covid once again.... read more EXCELLENT LETTER TO SCHOOLfrom 2021 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )This is an excellent letter from parents to school superintendent.The response is chilling.bitchute.com/video/RXDRsR;sxc1//PBxgBgr9rAE6/RXDRsR;sxc1Think things will be better this school year? Think againGive Wellness Forum Health a call at 614-841-7700. Check out makeamericansfreeagain.com/.Do... read more TOTALLY BIG BROTHERfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This is where Biden and the commies/democrats want to take usBiden allied groups, including the DNC, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages.... read more IF YOUR EMPLOYER OR SCHOOL REQUIRES A VACCINEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )oops, forgot the school onehome.solari.com/employer-school-disclosure-form-for-covid-19-injections/On 7/4/21 7:33 PM someone wrote: This reportedly gets them to back off immediately:pandemic.solari.com/form-for-employees-whose-employers-are-requiring-covid-19-injections/... read more THE PROBLEM WITH ASSIGNING BLAME TO ANY ONE GROUPfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Received the following email this morning. My reply is at the bottom.trusted source. Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2021. Subject: Jews control the JesuitsI've heard you say the zionists (anti-semites) don't control the world but the Jesuits do. Well, this person differs: targetblank... read more WILD PROGNOSTICATIONSfrom 2021 in ( education / research )youtube.com/watch?vtjtCYDIa3uY... read more DIABOLITICIAN CALLS THE SHOTS ON THE EXTERMINATION OF HUMANSfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies / covid )His 40 Years Of Diabolical Predictions Now Unfold As Globalist Aspirations. The revelation that in 1981 a French economist, socialist and political advisor, Jacques Attali, said that the burden of providing for the burgeoning population retirees in western nations would force an economic crisis that would bring on the planned exter... read more HOW ONLINE CENSORSHIP WORKSfrom 2021 in ( education / research )This guy made a youtube that the FBI didn't like. So they put him in prison on a bogus charge and delayed his trial until he relented and pled guilty months later. His cell mate said he wanted to go to trial, so they delayed his trial another year. Flagrant violation of the speedy trial provision of the constitution, ... read more HAS THE BRITISH EMPIRE TAKEN AMERICA?from 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Terrific interview:forbiddenknowledgetv.net/has-the-british-imperial-empire-taken-america/Has the British Imperial Empire Taken America?truthbitsblog.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/ymca-is-human-trafficking.mp3 Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 1:32 AM and Tyla Gabriel and McKibben are the driving forces behind AIM4Tru... read more JEWS CONTROL THE JESUITSfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I've heard you say the Zionists (anti-Semites) don't control the world but the Jesuits do. Well, this person differs (I haven't read it yet, though): luis46pr.wordpress.com/2018/04/16/jews-control-the-jesuits/ ... read more REMEMBER VENICE BEACH?from 2021 in ( education / research )I went to Venice Beach on my 21st birthday. I tried to buy a 6-pack of beer, but the liquor store worker said I had to beover 21. So I went without any beer that day. Then, for some reason there was a riot on the beach. I left and drove home.On 6/28/2021 7:30 PM: yeah, Epoch Times had an article on that.It doesn't sur... read more FLYNN WARNING ABOUT AZ AUDITfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies ): infowars.com/posts/warning-america-gen-flynn-says-globalists-will-pull-something-big-before-az-audit-goes-public/Gen. Flynn Says Globalists Will Pull Something Big Before AZ Audit Goes Public ... read more PROVERBS 1:22-21from 2021 in ( education / research / religion / christianity )I don't think Jesus would ever adopt such a cold stance. It's probably someone pretending to be quoting Jesus while writing a passage for inclusion in the officially accepted version of the Bible. Just my opinion. :)How long will you simple ones love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery ... read more HELEN KELLER - THE DARK TRUTHfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )bitchute.com/video/mzTgYa3uSg//yi2SDYsnwrWe/mzTgYa3uSgHellen Keller, Eugenics, The ACLU & The United Nations Founding. Wow!Telegram Chat: T.Me/DreamRareChat Patreon.com/RareTalk (I Answer All Messages Here) StayInTouchWithMe.com (Free Email List) DreamRare.com (Hats & Shirts!)... read more DOTS TO CONNECTfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )You may find this very interesting bitchute.com/video/iiGcjCfjN6w/Watch on BitChute ... read more INTERESTING DOTS TO CONNECTfrom 2021 in ( education / research )You may find this very interestingbitchute.com/video/iiGcjCfjN6w/static-3.bitchute.com/live/coverimages/D7jTmDC4y779/iiGcjCfjN6w640x360.jpgPay Attention To Britney SpearsProtect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA noblegoldinvestments.com/gold-silver-ira-lp-v2/?offertype3Dgold&affiliatesource3Daff... read more SEE WHAT THE CDC HAS NOW DONE TO CHILDREN!from 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )If this doesn't outrage you, something is very, very wrong.bitchute.com/video/zxOH2J3PHh1t//okiFK5CwQrZS/zxOH2J3PHh1tEpisode 221: THE mRNA INSIDERCDC betrays the Nuremberg Code; mRNA Pioneer, Dr. Robert Malone, Shocks; Have We Already Won?; Del reveals the ALL NEW TheHighWire.com. It's your new home, coming JU... read more IVERMECTIN FOR VACCINE VICTIMSfrom 2021 in ( education / research )yes, you can get it for horses...Last night Joe Rogan broadcast what he uniquely called an emergency podcast, the only one he's ever done, with Bret Weinstein and Dr Pierre Kory. It's quite long and is ALL about Ivermectin, from start to finish.At 2:11:45, Dr Pierre Kory starts talking about the post-... read more BRITISH AIRWAYS PILOTS DEAD 3 DAYS AFTER THE SHOTfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )But remember, the side effect of death is pretty much the worst and most visible (can't imagine a more severe effect than that) and there are others who are having vaxidents (vax caused accidents) from passing out while driving, or whatever. The 3 mentioned are only those leaked out of the extreme information suppress... read more GREAT TALK BY DAVID ICKEfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )bitchute.com/video/xa74Qz7GpPxJ/Watch on BitChute ... read more SUCH A GREAT TALK BY DAVID ICKEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )bitchute.com/video/xa74Qz7GpPxJ/ . ... read more DEAGEL FORECASTING POPULATION OF USA TO DROP FROM 327 TO 100 MILLION IN 2025from 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Here's the gist: We'd love to know why Deagel is forecasting the population of the US to drop from 327 million in 2017 to only 100 million in 2025, with them also forecasting a 2025 US military budget of 32 billion dollars, down from our 2017 military budget of $637 billion, while forecasting our population d... read more MIKOVITS VACCINE ANTIDOTEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Suramin in pine needlesbitchute.com/video/nMvfXDD2KZaU/... read more FINANCIAL DISCUSSIONfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )You might find this discussion interesting.Look for episode 5, but all are good. Free until midnight tomorrow (Sunday).endgameseries.com/viewing?ep3D5EndGame SeriesViewingdon't delay and lose out! this special opportunity to own end game is for a limited time only and will end soon! take action today and claim your huge ... read more DEAGEL'S PREDICTIONSfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I just glanced at it but it seems that the rest of the world won't change much so it's the USA that is to be attacked (you know, too many white people, right?) In another article, 11 mayors want to give reparations to blacks, Sacto mayor Zionist Steinberg being one of them. My suggestion is that all those who voted for Biden ought to... read more DEAGEL POPULATION FORECASTfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I just glanced at it, but it seems that the rest of the world won't change much. It's the USA that is to be attacked (you know, too many white people, right?) In another article, 11 mayors want to give reparations to blacks, Sacto mayor, Zionist Steinberg, being one of them. My suggestion is that all those who voted for Biden ought ... read more INTERNATIONAL CRIMINALS BUYING UP AMERICAN HOMESfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Skip to minute 3:30 or so and learn about the housing market being sold off to a criminal elite buying up whole neighborhoods. Be careful who you sell your house to. Stay away from investors despite the enticing extra money or it will help kill off America. If you neglect to make sure the person buying your home isn't one of these crim... read more IF YOU GOT THE VACCINE AND REGRET IT (ARTICLE)from 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I hope they are right. Sure worth trying.This is something else I just posted and was going to send a separate message, but it fits well into this one:SHOCKING IMAGES OF BLOOD OF THE VAXXEDYou will see regular blood from the unvaxed and then what happens to them after the vaxIt appears to show the nano-particles, too.So crazy to k... read more SEAN STONE INTERVIEWfrom 2021 in ( education / research )fascinating expose of satanic bloodline practicesbitchute.com/video/N9P1OafF5kBd/... read more CYBER ATTACK HITS MEAT SUPPLYfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Interesting about Nesara/Gesara. the article says that the Globalists want to make it look like a bad thing. Wow, it looks pretty good and yes, from what I saw before, it did look/sound bad.On Wednesday, June 2, 2021, 04:17:40 AM someone wrote: Another Klaus Schwab cyber attack prediction comes trueprojectavalon.net/forum4... read more ERIC CLAPTONfrom 2021 in ( education / research )What has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt is that there is a global government that can force every country to do as it says. And that means every economic or political problem in the world is intentional on the part of this global government because they are all-powerful.On 6/16/21 9:05 PM: and most of those for the scam didn... read more OC (ON BITCHUTE)from 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Part 2bitchute.com/video/tlNaXgT3ffY0//bWZSESyGIP2E/tlNaXgT3ffY06-8-21 OC Board of Supervisors Public Comments #2Jun 13, 2021 This is #2 of 2 compilations of patriots speaking during the afternoon Public Comments session for the Orange County Board of Supervisors. These speakers were denied the chance to speak on the ... read more DR. PETER BREGGINfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )left the NIH before Fraud Fowlchee arrived. He was the expert witness in the case that took down Eli Lilly for ProzacFantastic 2-part talkPart 1bitchute.com/video/LlHUjl4ELsrf/Part 2bitchute.com/video/LTPbF5O8PZua/.... read more OCfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Part 2 bitchute.com/video/tlNaXgT3ffY0/ static-3.bitchute.com/live/coverimages/bWZSESyGIP2E/tlNaXgT3ffY0640x360.jpg 6-8-21 Board of Supervisors Public Comments #2 Jun 13, 2021 This is #2 of 2 compilations of patriots speaking during the afternoon Public Comments session for the Orange County Board of ... read more HOW THE FDA DOES BUSINESSfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Of course, zlheimer's can be reversed with 20mg of lithium orotate a day, so who cares?Re: Medical MafiaMember of FDA's expert panel resigns over controversial Alzheimer'stherapy approvalby Andrew JosephJune 8, 2021statnews.com/2021/06/08/...mers-approval/Following the Food and Drug Adminis... read more SPIKE PROTEINS MAY KILL 50 MILLIONfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Never get another shot and we'll never have another plandemic.What will 50 million deaths look like?VP of Oracle just died after taking a covid shot last week.Dr. Mikovits continues to lead the way, proven right since the beginning.These drugs are deadlyThe doctors are so brainwashedta... read more PROF DOLORES CAHILL ON MAGNETIC INJECTIONS, BLUETOOTH SIGNALS?from 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Wow, a fantastic documentary of how the medical cartel (yea, your doctors and pharma) have always tried to hide all cures.bitchute.com/video/mugee0sjo5nx//HlyeDvlqcVJm/mugee0sjo5nxCancer: The Forbidden Cures -- The Original Big Pharma Playbook Long Before covidREVIEW BY DAVID BONELLO -- INTERNATIONAL WELLNESS DIRECTOR... read more WHAT WOULD 50 MILLION DEATHS LOOK LIKEfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies / covid )Never get another shot and we'll never have another plandemic.What will 50 million deaths look like?VP of Oracle just died after taking a covid shot last week.Dr. Mikovits continues to lead the way, proven right since the beginning.These drugs are deadlyThe doctors are so brainwashedhttps... read more KNIGHTS TEMPLAR AND ZIONISMfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I got a notion to look up the origins of zionism. Yeah, most say it was Herzl but this article says otherwise, that the German templar society were the ones to want to get Jesus to return by bringing in certain events: americanthinker.com/articles/2013/11/whoinventedzionism.htmlWho Invented Zionism? ... read more MATTHEW EHRET INTERVIEW BY PATRICK TIMPONEfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )This is a GREAT talk with /research/How%20the%20British%20Reconquered%20the%20USA%20with%20Mathew%20Ehret%20and%20Patrick%20Timpone.mp4Matthew Ehret called New Revelations Shed Light on the British Roots of the Deep State on my website, or here on oneradionetwork.com/Patrick Timpo... read more ENLIGHTENED DOCTORfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Famous Doctor Once Administered the covid Shots, but then LEARNED THE TRUTHThis is the most powerful condemnation I have ever seen by a doctor and he is very pro-vax.This is far and away the most lethal, toxic biologic agent injected into a human body in American historyAnd Trump wants everyone to get his medical mirac... read more CULLING THE POPULATION TO BALANCE THE BOOKSfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies / covid )While the public is told the preconceived covid-19 pandemic is a calamity of unfolding proportion that emanates from a deadly mutated virus... invented in a laboratory and targets octogenarians in particular, and the proposed... mandated vaccination... may have more heinous consequences than the virus itself, there is another fact... read more IMPORTANT CALL TO ACTION: OUR KIDS NEED YOU TO TAKE A STAND!from 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Friends --It is an absolute tragedy that so many health experts and elected officials across the nation have still done nothing to get masks off our children. It's unethical and unconstitutional to force children to abide by covid measures that result in physical and emotional harm. With just one click, you can ask your governor and your ... read more WUHAN FENTANYL HEADQUARTERSfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Don't know what a Trump ventilator is, but maybe this is the treatment they gave Boris son to make him see the light (get with the program).On 6/3/21 11:50 PM: Amazing story.I wondered what happened to all the Trump ventilators and now we see they are indeed key to the entire scam. Wednesday, June 2, 2021 4:14 AM ... read more UFO BSfrom 2021 in ( education / research )UFO BULLSHIT / FALSE FLAG PLANS BY CIA / DEEP STATE The Dark Journalist is a leading researcher into UFOs and this video has great info If you didn't already hear, this will be a fake event / false flag to get more emergency powers like happened for 9/11 (another false flag, of course) and this will be something similar to t... read more AMAZON SIDEWALKfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Amazon is greatly increasing their surveillance network, and if you have an Amazon surveillance device such as Ring or Echo they will automatically sign you up in a week (June 8th) unless you opt out. It uses your wifi for your neighbors' Amazon devices and their wifi for yours. Here's mhow to opt out:msn.com/e... read more SOCIAL CREDIT IMPLEMENTED IN SPAINfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Source: youtube.com/watch?vbD5N8dJsSro What this law includes:- Creation of personal profiles that include: personal, movement, economical, work reliability, political, biometrical and GENETICAL data. This will be done also generationally.- Complete erasing of the right of privacy and image, by allowing the placemen... read more KNIVES - PRETTY FUNNYfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )they killed many before. Probably all SIDS cases are from vaccines (real vaccines -- not the fake covid gene therapy).The study by an Oregon doctor, Paul something, in December was amazing to see the effects of vaxing on those who lived. But the 1986 act signed by Reagan that gave complete liability protection to vaccine makers is what really... read more MIKE ADAMS THREATENEDfrom 2021 in ( education / research )must listen to first 5 minutesbrighteon.com/embed/161e3639-fb19-45f9-a215-58c78f384ab9/... read more DARPA, THE MOST EVIL ENTITY IN THE USAfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )DARPA -- Maybe the most evil entity of the USAWatch this interview from 2015 with an investigator who had published a book about them.If you think transhumanism is a fantasy, think again. This is what DARPA envisions (in 2015) as the future.Fast forward to 2021 and maybe you will connect the dots more clearly as to who is pulling some o... read more DARPAfrom 2021 in ( education / research )- Maybe the most evil entity of the USA Watch this interview from 2015 with an investigator who had published a book about them. If you think transhumanism is a fantasy, think again. This is what envisions (in 2015) as the future. Fast forward to 2021 and maybe you will connect the dots more clearly as to who is pulling some... read more RECENT UFOSfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )IF YOU ARE WONDERING ABOUT ALL THIS RECENT UFO STUFF, HERE IS THE TRUTHyoutu.be/Tf0VW12yGyg.... read more BRAIN FREEZE - SO STRANGEfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )BRAIN FREEZE AFTER covid SHOT? -- so strangeTake a look at these 2 examples of brain freeze. I never have seen anything like it.No idea if it's from the covid shot, but would not be surprised at all.Starts about minute 7:00, but the rest is also good.bitchute.com/video/CXFd5FC8oga6//vWIqTOkHdfuQ/Qw6DrOZocjPLSMO... read more EPSTEIN, GATES AND OTHER SCUMfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Excellent podcast about Epstein, Gates and scum like that who push transhumanism: bitchute.com/video/v5OmpV30Gkt3/Watch on Bitchute ... read more GATES, ETCfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Excellent podcast about Epstein, Gates and scum like that who push transhumanism bitchute.com/video/v5OmpV30Gkt3/ . ... read more MOVIE TRAILER GRAY STATEfrom 2021 in ( education / research )the second American revolution may not be rememberedthe movie was never made because the producer, his wife and child were found murdered in their home.youtube.com/watch?vGy7FVXERKFEHere is another mention of the movie that never was. youtu.be/RR4DH-iFJoQ i.ytimg.com/vi/RR4DH... read more WAKING UPfrom 2021 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )Excellent advice on waking people upyoutu.be/ppx0YE-rAcsvi/ppx0YE-rAcs/hqdefault.webpHow To Wake Up Brainwashed People (The Right Way)Candles in the Dark official web-site: attendcandles.com---Like this video? Sign up for my newsletter and get more content here:kacper.blogThere&... read more 3 GROUPS OF PEOPLE - FASCINATINGfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Fascinating discussion by David Icke He describes 3 groups of people bitchute.com/video/vaHaVDNkh9LE/ ... read more COURT CASE OF THE CENTURYfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )SHOULD BE FRONT PAGE NEWS -- COURT CASE OF THE CENTURYIf you are not following this, you are missing the beginning of what will take down the government and big tech criminalsyoutu.be/POhesSdjwM... read more NEW LAWSUIT AGAINST THE COVID SCAMfrom 2021 in ( education / research )bitchute.com/video/4IIK5zV21XM2/ ... read more REINER FUELLMICHfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Really excellent interview by a major leader to fight the covid scamThere are some interesting details I learned here and I have been following this closely.And some news.bitchute.com/video/u4jenkjyF9JB//r8wq75doLqKP/u4jenkjyF9JBMUST WATCH -- Talks With James Delingpole -- PLEASE SHAREOriginal c... read more GOOD FREE MOVIE SUPPOSEDLYfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Rik Mayall -0ne By One (His final message?)I stumbled across a film recently. Couldn't quite believe I hadn'tever heard of it before, but after a little digging, there's verylittle of its existence out there really, which is no surprise givenits content.In 2014 Rik Mayall released a film which he also starred in, calle... read more PCR TESTS DANGEROUSfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Slovakia hospital determines they are contaminated with hydrogel that cause blood clots and cancerprepareforchange.net/2021/04/24/from-slovakia-hospital-covid-pcr-tests-found-to-be-tool-for-genocide/bitchute.com/video/Kv1SoNxARuTY/... read more DR. PETER MCCULLOUGHfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Have you been hearing what Dr. Peter McCullough has been saying about the covid shot?He is one of the people talking here and I AMso glad to hear what he says now because the last time I heard him he had said he was administering the shot in January and February. I was thinking that's so damn stupid when he seemed to be genuinely a san... read more THE INVENTOR OF THE PCR TESTfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )Did Fauci / Big Pharma place a hit on the inventor of the PCR Test?You may know many things about this, but I learned some new things from this video. It's worth watching -- just 4 minutes long. bitchute.com/video/fgYSL1TSgiHR/Watch on BitChute theh... read more PCR TESTfrom 2021 in ( education / research )Did Fraud Fauci / Big Pharma place a hit on the inventor of the PCR Test?You may know many things about this, but I learned some new things from this video.It's worth watching -- just 4 minutes long.bitchute.com/video/fgYSL1TSgiHR/.... read more MUST SEE - LOTS OF NEW INFOfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )NOTHING MAKES SENSE UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND THE AGENDALots of new info about this subject -- MUST WATCHbitchute.com/video/DJJvTZQxMaNK//HlyeDvlqcVJm/DJJvTZQxMaNKFollow-up to the 5 Doctors Discussion of the covid Shots as BioweaponsTo complete the login process, please enter the one time code that was sent to your emai... read more SANTA CLARA COUNTYfrom 2021 in ( education / research )if you get arrested for not getting a shot, then you'll have to get a lawyer or maybe try the ACLUin any event, they might back down because they are violating the constitution, especially Roe v WadeOn 5/24/21 3:26 PM: (Silicon Valley, etc) bewareAs California goes, so goes the rest of the statesA... read more UK WHISTLEBLOWER - WOWfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )I didn't think this video would be that interesting or bring new information for me, but was surprised. It's worth a listen. I speed up the playback speed to get through faster.Maybe the most important information that is new to me is the prostate issues. First I heard of this.And people losing control of their bowels -- another fi... read more DR. COLEMANfrom 2021 in ( education / research / emails / conspiracies )most who think about it finally realize it's not science, but corporate scientism which is using the science community to subvert real science and find a way to make a profit rather than let the chips fall where they may when discovering new things. True science would never claim the science is settled -- that's just the Big ... read more BIDEN ACTIVATES GESTAPO PROGRAMfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )DHS article on it:DHS Creates New Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships and Additional Efforts to Comprehensively Combat Domestic Violent ExtremismDHS Creates New Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships and Addi...Building on the Biden-Harris Administration's commitment to combating all forms of terrorism and targeted... read more UN DR EXPOSED VACCINATION DEPOPULATIONfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies / covid )banned.video/watch?id60a802f818295441e0eb99cbWhistleblowing Doctor Exposed Globalist Plan For UN Directed Depopulation / Great Reset Using Vaccines For Extermination There's a download button.... read more SOLAR GENERATOR LOOKS PRETTY GOODfrom 2021 in ( education / research )No, we got this one from Home Depot: homedepot.com/p/NATURE-S-GENERATOR-3600-Watt-Solar-Powered-Portable-Generator-w-4-Solar-Panels-Power-Pod-and-Wind-Turbine-Kit-HKNGPTELW/313930671 images.thdstatic.com/productImages/bb3fe0c7-ab44-4221-84f1-a8d7b23ce0da/svn/nature-s-generator-solar-generators-hkngptelw-641000.jpg... read more REMOTE VIEWING 2050from 2021 in ( education / research )DIA remote.webp viewer Lyn Buchanan talks about massive population reduction by 2050:youtu.be/J3MP6KQL5bo?t892... read more HOW TO DEAL WITH EMPLOYER PRESSURE TO BE VAXXEDfrom 2021 in ( education / research )In case anyone you know might be interested in this information:Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 12:39 PMlgs Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 10:25 AMA link on an example letter you can write, if you are being told by your employer to get va... read more ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU WANT TO BE CATHOLIC?from 2021 in ( education / research )Actually, their timeline in 2019 was to have a fake alien invasion by the end of 2022 -- and the fake aliens will win. That's why Mark McCandlish was probably killed.projectcamelotportal.com/2021/05/18/the-mysterious-death-of-mark-mccandlish-tribute-show-with-robert-morningstar/On 5/21/21 1:53 PM someone wrote: mayb... read more A WARNING ABOUT FOODfrom 2021 in ( education / research / conspiracies )ROGUE & ILLEGITIMATE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WANTS TO KILL US ALLNot only are the covid suicide shots getting crazy funding on TV, radio and on signs as we drive around by car, check out the last minute or so of this video (the whole thing is worth watching, but in particular the final minute about food) to see they are working hard to starv... read more CDC VACCINE CARDfrom 2021 in ( education / research )feeling pressured but don't want the jab?begunpost.net/blank-covid-vax-assembly-line-card-how-to-downloa |