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money-clipart.webp jon ashley on the corporate prosecution registry

(in life, money, employment, crime from 2020)

The Justice Department regularly announces corporate crime settlements with deferred and non prosecution agreements. Sometimes they make the agreements public, sometimes they dont. And over the years, corporate crime defense attorneys ha ... read more

facebook.webp the quest for a facebook replacement continues

(in culture, tech, internet, social from 2020)

I keep joining these other social networking sites, only to be disappointed. The main problem is they insist I upload my contact list, which I refuse to do. You're welcome. :) Maybe this one -- Parler ... read more

iphone.webp no service

(in culture, humor, phones from 2021)

No Service. That's what my phone said when I arrived at the restaurant to pick up my teenage daughter. I couldn't text her to say I'd arrived. I would have to do the unthinkable: Get out of the car, physically walk in, and risk human int ... read more

cat-injured-1.webp animals rescued from wildfires

(in life, animals, wildlife, rescue from 2017)

UC Davis has been caring for dozens of animals that were displaced or injured in the California wildfires over the past two weeks. ... read more

cuomo-eating.webp nyc restaurants to ban cuomo from dining

(in culture, food, restaurants, politics from 2020)

Serves him right! No pun intended. Struggling restaurant owners city-wide are permanently banning New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo from setting foot into their establishments. Effective immediately... ... read more

movies-forrest-gump.webp charleston and savannah

(in life, travel, usa, blog from 2000)

Charleston, SCWe drove ... and drove ... and drove -- 10 hours or so- from Nashville until finally reaching Charleston, South Carolina. Along the way, we stopped in Asheville, North Carolina at the Biltmore ... read more

christopher-hitchens.webp christopher hitchens quote

(in culture, quotes from 2022)

Don't take refuge in the false security of consensus and the feeling that you're bound to be okay because you're safely in the majority. -- Christopher Hitchens ... read more

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gallup: americans support for israel has plummeted to lowest level ever in 25 years of polling
They are the new South Africa.

trump: colleges allowing "illegal" protests will lose federal funding, agitators will be imprisoned
Free speech only allowed when not criticizing Israel.

chinese colonel says america is going down, trump has damaged the us's reputation more than all of his predecessors combined
Wishful thinking from the Chinese military.

company does about-face after telling employees they could be fired if still single by september
Even in China, one of the most totalitarian countries on Earth, you can't be an absolute tyrant.

britain's leftist government removes portraits of churchill, wellington
In their defense, Churchill did work to ensure that World War II proceeded as planned.

cops in germany are raiding people's homes for insulting politicians
Nazis 2.0

germany's "democracy" arrests people for insults, lies & memes
England, China and Thailand, too!

u.s. senator mark warner admitted at munich security conference that israel played role in pushing tiktok ban through congress
... and they do whatever Israel says.

age of transparency: we need mass surveillance of governments instead of citizens

hacker group anonymous warns trump of systemic attacks, calls for mass uprising v fascism
Trump brought down the CIA front USAID, and now another CIA front, Anonymous, is retaliating

graphic: track grocery price trends
Funny that they never provided this to track their buddy Biden's inflation

super bowl projections say record 126m watched
Unfortunately, the game itself was one of the ugliest blowouts in recent years

baby thriving after doctors removed womb for spinal surgery--then put it back inside mom at 26 weeks

blackrock ceo larry fink wants to find ways of rebuilding trust
Step 1, stop lying.

australia passes tough hate crime laws with mandatory jail time for nazi salutes
Looks like we need to "spread democracy" to Australia

satire: world heath organization warns trump funding cuts may delay release of new pandemic
I love this!

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culture.webp CULTURE

 emanuel pastreich quote

(in culture, quotes, covid from 2022)

covid-19 was a pandemic of cowardice, a pandemic of hypocrisy, a pandemic of ignorance and decadence, a pandemic of collaboration, a pandemic of horrific betrayal in a nutshell, covid-19 was a pandemic of evil that makes the blood run cold. ... read more

 quote of the day (4/6/2010)

(in culture, quotes from 2010)

For life to work well for most people today, the universe has chosen an unlucky few for whom nothing works at all. :) Try and keep that in mind as you go through your day. -- ... read more

 our 25th year

(in culture, writing, blog, friendsnews from 2024)

Can you believe we've been online since 1999!?!? Even more unbelievable, we STILL have almost no audience! Truly amazing. Shouting into the void for a quarter century. Quite impressive, no? Anyone rea ... read more

 joseph goebbels quote

(in culture, quotes, conspiracies, politics from 2021)

Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty. -- Joseph GoebbelsI first noticed this coming from Bush-Cheney in 2000. Then, of course -- because ... read more

 tom mullen quote

(in culture, quotes, politics from 2021)

We even have an organization that styles itself, AntiFa, its chief means for fighting fascism being to dress all in black and beat its political opponents with clubs. -- Tom Mullen ... read more

family5.webp FAMILY

 we're in moscow

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

We'll be spending the night in Moscow, after all, and flying down to Astrakhan tomorrow afternoon. I was stressed out without an internet or even a usable power connection. But I'm obviously connected now. I had the power converters, but ... read more

 eleven rottweiler puppies

(in family, pets, dogs from 2010)

Help her come up with names starting with the letter B by leaving comments below! comments closed ... read more

 went for a walk

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

... in the freezing cold, we were THAT bored. I'm starting to hate this place. There's just nothing to do when we're n ... read more

 bowel movement

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

I like a headline that demands attention!It's official, I'm a parent. Elizabeth had her first bowel movement since we've had her, and it was on my watch! Tara was unable to put Elizabeth down for a nap while I was out walking around town l ... read more

 still in moscow

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

We're in a different hotel, the Holiday Inn -- Moscow Sokolniki, for the rest of our stay. This is the one that was originally reserved for our return from Astrakhan. It has ... read more

 moving to missouri

(in family, holmes, doug, humor from 2024)

The adventure begins. A quiet, unassuming young man and his devoted wife and kids set out for parts unknown, unless you count Missouri as known. ... read more

life-clipart.webp LIFE

 how to sell your car to a private party when it's not paid off yet

(in life, money, selling, cars from 2024)

Full disclosure: This comes from a Bing Copilot answer to my question. I hate to admit it, but that thing is pretty useful. An existing loan balance can make things a bit more complex, but it's definitely doable. Here are more detailed s ... read more

 bayer to end u.s. residential sales of glyphosate-based herbicides

(in life, health from 2021)

In a move that environmental groups celebrated as a historic victory following years of campaigning to remove Roundup and similar weedkillers from store shelves, Bayer on Thursday announced that it will halt the sale of glyphosate-based he ... read more

 the effects of fluoride

(in life, health, water from 2020)

See articles below on the effects of fluoride. Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ -- Published in Federal Gov't Journal ... read more

 leaving your mark

(in life, help, charity, animals from 2008)

We welcome all the visitors and students to our center, Harmony Haven. Our mission statement: We rescue and rehabilitate horses so they can rescue and rehabilitate the people who need them most. It's a ... read more

 million pollinator garden challenge

(in life, health, environment, home-garden from 2015)

Looks like a worthwhile project. Click the link/badge below for more info. Pollinators are responsible for 1 out of 3 bites of food we take each day, and yet pollinators are at a critical point in their own survival. ... read more

newspaper.webp NEWSLETTER

 holmes family newsletter vol 3 no 3

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1991)

and now... THE NEWS Vol. 3, No. 3 (yes, only No. 3)April 26, 1991 Doug returns from Hungary On March 21, ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 2 no 14

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1990)

The Daily Gargoyle Vol. 2, No. 14, November 16, 1990 Just when you thought it was safe to open the mailbox!Editor's note: For those of you who actually believed, or hoped, ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 2 no 9

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1990)

WORLD NEWS Award-Winning JournalismVol. 2, No. 9, June 14, 1990 Dad kills rattler! Special to the NewsBack from a week in the wilds of Arizona, Dad and Eleanor told of battles with man-eating coyotes and vicious attack- ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 4 no 8

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1992)

The Leaping Lizard Vol. 4, No. 8, October 20, 1992 EDITOR'S NOTE ... After Grandma's recent birthday party (see article b ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 4 no 7

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1992)

The Belching Frog Vol. 4, No. 7, September 16, 1992Thomas should like this name. Doug returns again O ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 4 no 5

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1992)

The Broken Record Vol. 4, No. 5, June 25, 1992Predictable, irritating. Really, no redeeming qualities whatsoever. ... read more


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