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netflix.webp action films on netflix

(in culture, movies-tv-video, humor from 2017)

Almost half of all action films on Netflix have a variation of this description: He thought he was retired, but has to do One. Last. Job! ... read more

lottery-president-cover.webp i am now a published author

(in culture, writing, books, novels from 2013)

It's SELF-published, but still ... It's called Lottery President. Hopefully, it's at least slightly entertaining. Tell a friend! ... read more

mowing-lawn-clipart.webp employees surprise hardworking 13-year-old with new lawnmower

(in life, money, employment from 2020)

A Lowe's home improvement store in Tennessee surprised a hardworking 13-year-old with a brand new lawnmower after his mower broke down. Read, listen or watch the rest here at ... read more

sheremetyevo-airport-moscow-russia.webp back in moscow (11/26/2007)

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

We made it. The flight was horrible. I think I slept about 30 seconds out of the 11 hour flight. It was not a full flight, and half the people around us were able to take up two or three seats, but we weren't quick enough. The other mov ... read more

gustave-le-bon.webp gustave le bon quote

(in culture, quotes, people from 2021)

The ascendancy of crowds indicates the death throes of a civilisation. Crowds are only useful for destruction. -- by Gustave Le Bon in The Psychology of Crowds ... read more

another-way-cover-new.webp dobie pokorny quotes (from another way: beyond the status quo)

(in culture, quotes, books, novels from 2020)

If you're not a conspiracy theorist these days, you're just not paying attention. Sure, some scoff at the mere thought of conspiracy, but ask any detective, lawyer or judge -- if you can find an honest one -- and they'll tell you conspi ... read more

thumbs-up-clipart.webp don't take potassium iodide unless already exposed to radiation

(in life, health, advice, treatment from 2011)

Click below: dont-take-potassium-iodide-unlessHere's a website all about nuclear energy, courtesy of my brother: ... read more

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united airlines plane strikes kite while landing at reagan national airport in 'scary' incident-- just months after fatal mid-air crash
That is one airport I will be avoiding from now on.

iowa bill would strip vaccine makers of some liability protection for injuries

one of putin's limos blew up
Just a few days after Zelensky said Putin would be dead soon.

tulsi gabbard revokes security clearances of biden, harris, hillary, more
That should be standard procedure for all former government employees.

jd vance arrives in greenland: it's cold as s--t here -- nobody told me'
What kind of dumbass couldn't have guessed it would be cold in Greenland in March?

swalwell: pete hegseth and mike waltz should no longer be in the government
Says the guy caught in a Chinese honey trap.

over half of senior canadians want liberal government, youth skew conservative
That's because seniors need social services more than young people do.

rubio says people should be proud we have a president promoting peace and the end of conflict on this planet
Unless you count Israel and Yemen.

islamist sentenced for attempting to bomb hospital
Only Israelis are allowed to bomb hospitals.

gallup: american support for israel has plummeted to lowest level ever in 25 years of polling
They are the new South Africa, and something both Lefties and Righties can agree on.

trump: colleges allowing "illegal" protests will lose federal funding, agitators will be imprisoned
Free speech only allowed when not criticizing Israel.

chinese colonel says america is going down, trump has damaged the us's reputation more than all of his predecessors combined
Wishful thinking from the Chinese military.

company does about-face after telling employees they could be fired if still single by september
Even in China, one of the most totalitarian countries on Earth, you can't be an absolute tyrant.

britain's leftist government removes portraits of churchill, wellington
In their defense, Churchill did work to ensure that World War II proceeded as planned.

cops in germany are raiding people's homes for insulting politicians
Nazis 2.0.

germany's "democracy" arrests people for insults, lies & memes
England, China and Thailand, too!

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last-train-out-cover.webp Last Train Out

Clay and his adopted daught­er Jenna look forward to their up­coming "home­land tour" to Russia. His intent­ions are pure. Hers, not so much. When she goes mis­s­ing, he goes looking, only to find she is not the innocent little girl he thought she was. Not even close. His only hope is to get her on the Last Train Out.
first few lines

Zenya was just two-and-a-half when two very strange people came to visit her orphanage. They talked funny, she thought, as if almost able to speak properly, but with such horrible accents it was difficult to understand them. She assumed they were stupid. Gloopy, in Russian. They were there to see her, though – just her! – so she let it go.

She was devastated when they stopped coming after one week. It was not fair! They had been coming every day, and she had bows in her hair and wore a pretty dress eve... Give your own review HERE! Blurbs, links and more at William Arthur Holmes dot com.

culture.webp CULTURE

 humorous quotes, page 3

(in culture, quotes, humor from 2020)

Somethin' to think about Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun. How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on. I have noticed that the people who are late are often so muc ... read more

 another way: beyond the status quo

(in culture, writing, books, novels from 2022)

Anti-corporate crusader Dobie Pokorny wants to save the world from corporate titans like Colonel Charonne. The latter and his henchmen are determined to stop him. On Dobie's speaking truth to power tour, he meets and falls in love with ... read more

 daniel horowitz quote

(in culture, quotes, conspiracies, covid from 2021)

Only the sick governing elites can look you in the eye with a straight face and force experimental injections on you because masks didn't work while simultaneously forcing masks on you because the injections didn't work. ... read more

 our 25th year

(in culture, writing, blog, friendsnews from 2024)

Can you believe we've been online since 1999!?!? Even more unbelievable, we STILL have almost no audience! Truly amazing. Shouting into the void for a quarter century. Quite impressive, no? Anyone rea ... read more

 life is meant to be enjoyed

(in culture, quotes, philosophy, religion from 2024)

Life on Earth is essentially a struggle between those who believe it is meant to be enjoyed, like a dance with many partners, and those who think it is a never-ending competition to be controlled and dominated. ... read more

family5.webp FAMILY

 last visit for a while

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

We'll be leaving in a few minutes for our last visit to the orphanage this trip. I'm practicing asking for my baggage back from the hotel baggage room. Baggage actually sounds like boggage. Please is pa-ZHAL-sta. Fascinating, I know ... read more

light at the end of the tunnel

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

We visited Elizabeth again today. We caught her when she was in the music room with all the other kids in her age group. She smile ... read more

 sunday ride

(in family, holmes, elizabeth from 2013)

Elizabeth dragged me onto another one of her outings this morning. If nothing else, she keeps me in shape. This time, she was on her motorized scooter (the kind you stand on), while I rode my bicycle. No fair making ... read more

 elizabeth's house

(in family, holmes, elizabeth from 2009)

The other day at the house, we had this conversation:Elizabeth: This is my house. Bill: Your house? I thought it was my and mom's house. Elizabeth: No. It's mine. I'm sharing it ... read more

 moscow update continued

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

We're in Moscow. Bill already summarized our trip here. I do believe that I am fully initiated into the sisterhood of Mothers. I have changed an exploding poopy diaper in an airplane bathroom, with turbulence! I'll spare you all the detai ... read more

mweh yeddum v aeroport eta ootra

(in family, adoption, holmes, travel from 2007)

You probably guessed what that means: We are going to the aiport this morning. It's probably not grammatically correct, but I ain't got no time for linguistic correctitude. :)Unlike last time when the cat kept waking me up, this time I wa ... read more

life-clipart.webp LIFE

 more evidence points to pesticide as cause of mass bee deaths

(in life, health, environment, insects from 2012)

So, literally, for the sake of human survival, please stop using at least this one pesticide by Bayer!A new study published in Naturwissenschaften -- The Science of Nature by a leading bee expert provides damning evidence that a widely-use ... read more

another possible alzheimers cure

(in life, health, treatment from 2024)

It boils down to scopolamine, apparently, which you can look up for yourself rather than login to the site, below, only to be told you've reached your limit of free articles. Read, listen ... read more

 switzerland shows us how to handle ceos

(in life, money, employment from 2013)

Switzerland Shows US How to Handle CEOs. Here in the United States, had the minimum wage kept pace with productivity since the 1960s it would now be ... read more

 good search

(in life, help, charity, internet from 2010)

Use them as your search engine, and they give to charity: You shop. You save. We give. UPDATE: Here i ... read more

 how to rescue a garden destroyed by grazon contamination

(in life, health, food, home-garden from 2022)

We have about 80 acres in pasture. Four years ago, our co-op started a spraying program. Having horses, Grazon was recommended. I was told it was safe for the horses to stay in the pasture while it was sprayed and even ok for the horses ... read more

newspaper.webp NEWSLETTER

 holmes family newsletter vol 1 no 6

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1989)

The Holmes Family Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 6a, September 17, 1989Everyone seems to be on a diet these days. Lucy and Jeannie are trying a low carbohydrate/high protein diet. Don's trying good old reliable starvation. Eleanor is on the Nu ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 6 no 1

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1994)

Itchy Trigger FingerVol. 6, No. 1, February 6, 1994Earthquake in Southern California!We're sure you've heard all about it on the news, but we just wanted to mention it in case you've just recently emerged from a cave. It happened at 4: ... read more

 family newsletter

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 2008)

Old stuff, but some of it's still funny ... It's basically the precursor to this website. Click the links in the table of contents, above. Otherwise, just do a search in the home page's search b ... read more

holmes family newsletter vol 1 no 10

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1989)

The Holmes Family Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 10 -- Worldwide Circulation -- December 6, 1989 Newsletter sold! The Holmes Family Newsletter was involved in a hostile takeover. A group of Japanese investors have taken control of the Ne ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 6 no 6

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1994)

Coyote BreathVol. 6 No. 6, October 26, 1994 Don rides to DenverIn August, Don rode his motorcycl ... read more

 holmes family newsletter vol 6 no 5

(in family, holmes, newsletter from 1994)

Behind the Eight Ball Who is that behind the eight ball, anyway?Vol. 6 No. 5, Au ... read more


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