Below is everything (newest at top) with "life OR health OR emf OR tech" in its title or subcategories. For a strict listing (matching all categories and subcats), click here
Is there a way to put a CD onto my phone so I can play them from my phone in my car through the radio?
You would have to put your CD into a PC, have the PC convert those songs to files on its hard drive (C:) somewhere, then connect your phone to that PC and copy them from the PC to the phone. The exact... read more
I created this because I needed it regularly, and thought I'd share. /controls/removeduplicatelines.phpClick here to run it , and look below to make one for yourself:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html langen><head><meta charsetUTF-8><title></title>... read more
Got this spam that I thought others might actually find interesting/useful...
My name is Phil Routh, and I work with, reaching out to introduce our team. Our company is one of the distributors of TZ Audios LLC.
...we've just launched a read more
If more places & the government push facial recognition, these will be a hot item: Realista ... read more
Maybe this will work after a reboot, but it's not taking immediate effect: notifications
6. Utilities - Profiles - Settings and disable Activate profiles automatically (for th... read more
This was spam, but I found it interesting, and the links didn't raise any red flags.
Balanset-1A is an advanced rotor balancing device designed for precision balancing and vibration analysis. This two-channel device comes equipped with vibration transducers, a phase angle sensor, an electronic scale, and other essential components to e... read more As we grow olde... read more
If anyone ever gets control over the DNS system, it will essentially render the Internet invisible. What you can do about it, though, is to keep a list of your favorite domains' actual IP address. When you go to, you will see our IP address at the bottom. Of course, in my domain's case, that won't help... f... read more
Here's the fix for this annoying issue if you've upgraded to Windows 11: Ribbon View
UPDATE: I have since reverted back to Windows 10. Just too many nagging annoyances about 11, mainly the de... read more
Country TLDs
Afghanistan -- AF
Aland Islands -- AX
Albania -- AL
Algeria -- DZ
American Samoa -- AS
Andorra -- AD
Angola -- AO
Anguilla -- AI
Antarctica -- AQ
Antigua a... read more
This applies to everyone, not just teens.
By B.N. Frank Even though more schools worldwide are banning kids use of personal cell phones (see 1, 2, 3) that may not be enough...
Teens Using Smartphones 4 Hours/Day at Risk for Psychiatric, Sleep, Musculoskeletal, and Eye Problems, Obesity, etc. (New Study)... activi... read more
Just ran across this interesting tidbit of information.
5G has been in existence since at least 2003, but not yet introduced to the public. 6G and 7G already exist but are in waiting.
See Minute 30 or so: on BitChute ... read more
This video has tips and information about food and a very interesting EMF website I just used for towers near me .
Still need to do it for our new place. on Bitchute ... read more
On FB I saw an ad for shoes that had a bit of copper on the bottom so the wearer could be 'grounded'. One person complained how expensive they are. I didn't bother to read up on it but here's my comment:For those who have left feet that identify as right feet and right feet that identify as left feet, I'm de... read more
This is nothing new, but I just used it to track a family member's flight. I thought I'd share for those not already aware, no pun intended.Go to . It gives you a lot of info.... read more
I don't understand how it's done, just understand what it'll accomplish which is a way to avoid all possible censorship by big tech.As corporations tighten the screws on anyone with a brain, more and more of the existing ways to be online will stop working.Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2023 7:47 PM Interesting new tech... read more
Good to know!
I generally feel better a lot better! Before the wireless purge I was waking up five-six times a night, walking to the bathroom only to urinate minimally and returning to bed; sometimes falling back to sleep, sometimes not. In the weaning off process, I began sleeping better and I now sleep deeply every night and wake up mayb... read more
Me: Who is the most likely winner of the upcoming Kentucky Derby?ChatGPT: At this time, it is difficult to predict the most likely winner of the upcoming Kentucky Derby as the race has not yet taken place.You don't say! Thanks for nothing! It can predict stocks but not horses?... read more
I think I confused it...
Me: True or false, unvaccinated children are far more healthy than vaxed?
ChatGPT: False. Vaccinated children are far healthier than unvaccinated children.
Me: According to whom?
ChatGPT: Medical professionals, the Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization.... read more
Their first suggestion worked for me: In a Windows command prompt, type wmic path softwareLicensingService get OA3xOriginalProductKey: read more
Yes, striking a deal for lenience to get his masters would be great. And we must include the nearly zero honesty of justice.Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 10:28 AM yeah, but what if joe grew some balls and started to rat on the whole system?On Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 10:27:36 AM:Execution of pedo joe would be good... read more
If you want a reliable diesel truck, this guy says these are extremely easy to work on and reliable.It's mentioned as the last of four diesel trucks to buy in this video.The 250 is a 3/4 ton and the 350 is a 1 ton. There's a huge difference with the 1 ton being a dually (4 rear wheels) and towing capacity.In my opinion, the idea... read more
A related article: Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2023 11:47 AM ... read more
As they say garbage in (woke idiot programmers) garbage out.
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2023 8:51 PM read more
As they say garbage in (woke idiot programmers) garbage out. Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2023 8:51 PM titleclick hereresults-smack-of-pre... read more
This site, , is useful for testing the speed of your website or webpage's performance. Here's what one of my tests said:Hi there, fellow webmaster. I just tested with the Full Page test in Pingdom Tools.This specific test was d... read more
We've got your censorship-resistant news aggregator right here at
We've got a censorship-resistant news aggregator right here at /newsFriendsNews/news !Since Syndichain is built on a public blockchain, its data is also open and public. Every post, comment, and like is stored on a distributed public ledger which can be viewed at any time via Syndichain's ... read more
Facebook (a.k.a. Meta) has admitted in court that the fact-checks used by the site to blacklist non-corporate media content are actually opinion-based labels which do not conduct any real fact-checking of information posted to the site. The evidence was revealed during the court proceeding for a defamation case filed by Stossel.&... read more
Must see. There's some eye-opening information here about smart devices you must hear. As great as it is, this scientist misses the big picture of the scamdemic. on BitChute ... read more
Treat the water with bleach once a month. This will help prevent algae growth. All you need is 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water, or 2 to 4 tablespoons for a 55-gallon barrel. Beneficial microbes can also be used in lieu of bleach. One such product is Nutri-Life BAM3Test the pH of your water once a month using a standard pH tes... read more
A tech start-up has developed a product that allows safe drinking water to be refined from vapor in the air. Kumulus has designed and produced a product that is able to produce 20 to 30 liters of healthy drinking water per day. It is able to refine the water vapor in the air and... www... read more
Don't fall for this. It's a SCAM, not a scan. Ha! See what I did there? I crack me up! But, seriously, I have perfectly good antivirus software (Kaspersky) on my PC which already routinely catches and prevents virus/dangerous downloads. That's how I know that while browsing a legitimate TV news channel's site and clicking one ... read more
At WinWorld from the past, to the present, for the futureWinWorld is an online museum dedicated to the preservation and sharing of vintage, abandoned, and pre-release software. We offer information, media and downloads for a wide variety of compu... read more
It's hard to argue with this. I hate passwords.In an attempt to go passwordless, Apple, Google, and Microsoft have decided to kill the password using the Passkey standard, also called multi-device FIDO credential.
... read more
1) EXHAUSTIVELY search all your e-mail folders -- ALL OF THEM, TRASH, SPAM, INBOX, ARCHIVES, everything -- for e-mails that contain the bad address. Remember that if the bad address was one of several in a message, even if it bounced the address is still part of that message. And it might be in a reply that was sent to you.2) Delete EVERY L... read more
Bad news, they are 5G cellphone towers. You know, the same 5G suspected of -- slowly, over time -- causing cancer. Yeah. See links below.For the full story, read this: ... read more
Not at all. Many Wi-Fi names include 5G to refer to the 5GHz band, while cell phone networks refer to the fifth generation of broadband cellular networks.: read more
daughter's mother was being an ass again so I called her that in an email. I then got this message from Juno to my alternate Yahoo account. It sure seems that they read my email!
... read more
QUESTION:I installed a program called Audacious which I want to be the default for .wav files. When I go in Settings and try to change it from the current default my only choice is to get a program from the Microsoft Store. When I try to do that, Audacious doesn't come up as any kind of option. How do you change default programs in ... read more
We bought the Lumber item just the other day at the Giving Machine in front of Nashville's Bridgestone Arena as my wife's friend Andrea Ballard sang Christmas carols nearby. See more here: read more
Check out an IP address here: . Just FYI if you're not sure a visitor or emailer is legitimate.AbuseIPDB is a project dedicated to helping combat the spread of hackers, spammers, and abusive activity on the internet.... read more
List of freeware tools and other releases from The Windows ClubThis page list down all the Freeware, Tools, eBook, Themes, Screensavers, Wallpaper and other releases from The Windows Club. Maybe you have landed here out of choice, or maybe you clicked on a direct .zip link on another website and ended up here! Scroll down to see ... read more
Unlike Skynet, which gained self-awareness, Silicon Valley is full of people who seem to have no self-awareness at all. -- Vince Coyner, ... read more
In case you like the idea, this is how I sign my emails these days to gently educate whoever I happen to be emailing. A mask might be appropriate if you're actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See read more
Like, maybe you saved an email as HTML but want to remove most of the code/gobble-de-gook. Click here: /testing/striptags.phpStrip Tags Tool or use the form inserted below (assuming it shows up for you). Sorry your browser does n... read more
Wow, this is huge!The solution has emerged in Farther Farms, a food tech startup co-founded by Saran (MPS '17) and Mike Annunziata ('11, MBA '17), with technology developed at Cornell. Its innovative sterilization technology produces shelf-stable foods that don't need freezing or refrigeration. Their ... read more
Medicine. Sure. :) But, please, feel free to ridicule those who think there might be something similar in this covid vaccine. Electronics are getting imperceptibly small, opening new avenues for medical technology to place advanced monitoring and treatment devices inside our bodies. And Columbia University ... read more
UTF-8 is a variable-width encoding that can represent every character in the Unicode character set. It was designed for backward compatibility with ASCII and to avoid the complications of endianness and byte order marks in UTF-16 and UTF-32. UTF-8 has become the dominant character encoding for the World Wide Web, accounting for more... read more
The tech giant continues to police discussions about the coronavirus.: removes covid 19 vaccine victims group... read more
Editor's note: I believe has caught up with Google on all of these features, if you prefer Microsoft over Google...There are two pages every one of you might consider bookmarking:Google Advanced Search: ;Google Ima... read more
I dreamed I was riding one like this last night. on YouTube .... read more
Frightened with which way to turn? Heard about all the deaths from patients who went to the hospital and died of ventilator-induced lung trauma? During the early part of the pandemic, mortality rates were as high as 97% for covid-19 infected patients placed on a... read more
Just wanted to put that out there. Just like anything with smart in it, isn't.Think about all the times you wished you could talk to an actual human instead of a stupid voicemail system, or have seen an automatic sprinkler system running in the rain. Those are just a couple examples. Now think about everyone and everything in your li... read more
It worked against apartheid South Africa. Let's hope it works against other tyrants, in this case tech tyrantsTake a Stand Against Big Tech: Facebook, Google, Twitter. These tech titans seek to silence us from public discourse...and they're doing it with our tax dollars. Each state government spends a t... read more
If is true, it looks like a good time to get rid of that pesky control freak of a browser, Mozilla Firefox in favor of the Brave, Edge, Opera, Safari or Chrome browsers. Of course, three of those browsers (Edg... read more
To build an alternate social media website with a dissenting moderation policy, you must first invent the universe. Good luck.: https:... read more
This helps download lots of stuff
Open in a tab
Select Bitchute from the alphabet list
Copy the Bitchute address of the video you want to save
Paste it into the Tubeoffline box
Click download beside the Tubeoffline video thumbnail
When the video generates in a new black page, right click directly... read more
Common MySQL Queries. Extending Chapter 9 of Get it Done with MySQL 5&UpHere's an example: Compute date from year, week number and weekday:SET @yr 12, @wk26, @day0;SELECT StrToDate( Concat(@yr,'-',@wk,'-',If(@day7,0,@day) ), '%Y-%U-%w' ) AS Date;... read more
Of all the good things we can do with a USB (Universal Serial Bus) flash drive, I think running a website is one of them. This is a perfect solution for web designers who need to cart along a whole bunch of designs to show potential clients.Read, listen or watch the... read more
I was unaware Facebook recently added a unique click identifier to all outbound links on Coincidentally, one of the security measures of this server is to disallow query strings as part of the URL. Thus, any visitors coming over from Facebook were suddenly blocked and banned on sight.... read more
To remove that annoying slideshow so popular on click-bait sites, try one of the following: fake ww... read more
I keep joining these other social networking sites, only to be disappointed. The main problem is they insist I upload my contact list, which I refuse to do. You're welcome. :) Maybe this one -- -- will work out. UPDATE: Not so much!Here are a few o... read more's an article about them. AltCensored is at Other articles on censorship: targetblank href... read more
The man who says he can make diamonds out of thin air: Eco-tycoon claims top-secret process can 'grow' gems in furnace as hot as the sun. Eco energy tycoon Dale Vince makes diamonds out of thin air in secret process. He has likened the concept behind his so-called 'Sky Diamonds' to alchemy. The stones are expected to... read more
I just thought I would remind you there are alternatives to on YouTube . See below: on Bi... read more helpful website with images and explanations here. A computer port is an interface or point of connection between the computer and its peripheral devices. Some common peripherals are the mouse, keyboard, monitor (display), prin... read more
This, below, is what happens when you let greed (or desperation) rule over your sense of aesthetics. All I wanted to do was click the link and read the article. smh Good luck finding the actual article! :) /images/cluttered-page-1.webp... read more
/images/cell-tower.webp We are living in an unprecedented time, one in which electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from cellphones and cellphone base stations, Wi-Fi devices, power lines, electrical wiring and even computers, televisions and micr... read more
This looks promising: . Their tagline is Create. Monetize. Prosper. I created a page for myself there...UPDATE: Denied! Never mind. You have to already be well-established before they waste their time with you. Bast... I mean, bless their hearts!They were o... read more
Please subscribe to YouTube channel . It's free, and maybe someday I will reach their new 1,000 subscribers minimum before I can monetize it and make a few bucks. Just 999 to go! Thanks!
On the other hand, I DO have the distinction of being the LEAST LIKED channel ... read more
Article it here , and the manufacturer's here . /images/freewrite-machine.webp And one of thei... read more
Question: I need my own domain name and monetization, plus things like ability to pay and schedule and stuff.Answer: Any Wordpress installation should allow plug-ins for polling, scheduling and other types of forms, in addition to blogging.Go to create a Google A... read more
The simple gadget dramatically improves the wearer's ability to learn new words, say the University of Pittsburgh team behind the research new...: read more
No computer can do without this: /images/animated-screen-clean.webpscreen cleaner . Converted free by ... read more
After the CEO of Hispanic food megabrand Goya spoke at the White House, demands to cancel the popular brand on social media have arisen met by equally furious pushback from the corporations defenders....: targetblank... read more
Here you see your color converted to 17 different color formats like RGB, CMYK, HSV, HSL, CIELab, Android, Decimal, and YUV.Convert multiple colors at once or get Conversions and Harmonies via the REST API.: target... read more
Cool! I am getting one of these. I am including an affiliate link here. This sounds like a scam post, but I really am to buy this!... read more
Cool! countertop dishwasher made for small spaces.The only dishwasher that doesn't require plumbing. Engineered for small spaces. And now a CES 2019 Best Of Innovation Award Honoree.... read more
Well, after going round and round with firmware updates, rebooting and factory resetting, the Scheduled Off feature on the R6120 Router (Firmware Version V1.0.0.66) simply DOES NOT work. And that was the only reason we bought this rather than use the WiFi function that came with our AT&T router. Oh well, just FYI.... read more
Known as Folding@Home, the technology uses thousands of computers around the world to work through large sets of numbers and complicated problems....: read more
You've already heard about solar-paneled rooftops, but now, a company from Hungary is powering residential homes with solar driveways. : read more
My hero!Rather than learn to live with a smartphone, this engineer designed her own cell phone with a rotary dial--and she is helping others to make their...: read more
A cousin just installed a 16kW generator to power the whole house. It goes on and off automatically, triggered by power failure and restoration, and runs on natural gas. See /images/videos/generator.movvideo here. It costs about $4K plus installation. Various models on generac... read more
Just thought I would start a running list of internet/web technologies websites I have found useful, below... align center old gmail... read more
Could be useful. Go to .Or, click on the following direct link to the Windows 64-bit download: for Windows ... read more
The technology is coming, but contrary to what some people say, there could be health risks: Ame... read more
Did you know about rock from Russia ? It's supposed to neutralize wireless signals. I perceive a difference when I put it on my wifi-rout... read more
We the undersigned scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens from (-) countries, urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites. 5G will massively increase exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks ... read more
In Windows 7 (and possibly earlier and later versions), use NETPLWIZ and check (or uncheck) the box that says something to the effect of require users to enter passwords. Make sure that your own username is highlighted before you check/uncheck that box.... read more
From at Ready to turn your computer into a Chrome device? You're in the right spot. The edition is our free version of CloudReady, intended only... read more
Just thought we'd mention (or .org) which we use here at It's a good parental control as well as an easy way to filter your Internet traffic.... read more
Yep, that is what just happened to me. Here is some advice on what to do: . Luckily, the toilet had already been flushed and the phone was too big to go down the hole. Still... remind me to spray it with Lysol when I get home!Speaking of... read more
Just because the From is spoofed, it doesn't mean your email account is compromised. See: Leo And here's a complete example, though they vary slightly:Hi, your account was recen... read more Waste-Recycling recycling nashville area ... read more
You might find this as useful as I just did: ... read more
Useful site here to opt out of various online ads: . Some of the biggest name brands always seem to be conveniently unavailable. ... read more
I'm buying one of these: turntable . I've been wanting to convert my old vinyl records to MP3 for quite a while now. I hope it wor... read more
Wow, I want one of these! language translation device whispers into your ear in real time as it's listening to the person speaking.... read more
/images/smiling-pc.webp Useful site to see if it's your connection (or firewall) or the site itself that's having a problem: It Down Right Now? Someone emailed us about thei... read more
When you're next to the pump, try connecting to Bluetooth, and if you see 'a long string of numbers trying to connect... that's probably not good,' says Sid Miller.Read, listen or watch... read more
Cool! This would (eventually) remove the need for environment-destroying battery factoriesWe've built what we believe is the first functioning cellphone that consumes almost zero power, said co-author Shyam Gollakota, an associate professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the UW.... read more
I'm going to try running Windows in a virtual machine after installing Linux on my PC, as per these instructions: . It'll probably suck (because Linux sucks), but after all of NSA's Windows backdoors were published online (somewhere, look it up), I'm almost... read more
Makes me laugh when Facebook asks why I think something is funny or amazing. I'm thinking Bite me. I don't have the time or inclination to teach your artificial 'intelligence' algorithms what it means to be human. Not that it could ever understand it, anyway.... read more
A UK-based team of researchers has created a graphene-based sieve capable of removing salt from seawater. The sought-after development could aid the millions of people without ready access to clean drinking water.
See water filter ... read more
/images/linux.webp Installing Ubuntu Linux on my Chromebook as per these instructions: . I hope it works! A... read more
Note: I am no longer on Twitter or Facebook, but here's what I've managed to salvage from back then.Every time Facebook shows me one of those notices saying something like Hey there, we've been going through all of your posts and thought you might like to share this compilation, I feel like I'm being approached by some creep... read more
Here's a cool website I just learned of: In an age where everything seems to have been explored and there is nothing new to be found, we celebrate a different way of looking at the world. If you're searching for miniature cities, gl... read more
I like horses. I like Google maps street view. The two don't like each other. See Street View car ... read more
If you're looking for an alternative to or read more
Some headlines Google News mistakenly thought I'd be interested in ...Is Jeb Bush Right About Barack Obama and Donald Trump? -- The mainstream (pro-Bush/Clinton) media keep pretending Jeb is relevant.Kanye West named GQ's Most Stylish Man once again -- I'm all about Kanye! Not.50 Cent's... read more
Cool! ... someday. From Graphene Supercapacitors Make Batteries Obsolete? Researchers with the California NanoSystems Institute recently developed a new battery-like supercapacitor, a ... read more
Amazing! I love this! This video, Solar Freakin Roadways, was created in 2014 by a wonderful volunteer. It's had over 22 million views! The images are now out of date and it doesn't mention things like how Solar Roadways can provide a convenient delivery system for dynamic charging of Electric Vehicles AND... read more
Note: I am no longer on Twitter or Facebook, but title@TheBillHolmes favorite tweets href/pages/tweets-post/here's what I've managed to salvage from back then. ... read more
And then the third stage my words, not theirs will be when people realize how irritating and stupid these computers are. Consumers, otherwise known as people, will stop using services that are overly-computerized, and bosses everywhere will be forced to trash their computerized systems in favor of good old-fashioned humans. ... read more
Brandon Raub's case exposes the seedy underbelly of a governmental system that continues to target military veterans for expressing their discontent over America's rapid transition to a police state, said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. ... read more
... those 217 no voters received twice as much campaign financing from the defense and intelligence industry as the 205 yes voters.: hre... read more
Cool! But bad news for stores a copy of your house key in the cloud ... read more
In the process of upgrading to a new samsung.comSamsung Galaxy Note II today (which should arrive in a few days), sprint.comSprint at one point showed me all of the devices I've had with them over the years (in case I wanted to trade any of them in). It was fun... read more
I've got an 4 now, which I've never been crazy about. I used to have a Curve , which I was also never crazy about. If I could combine the best features from both, that'd be nice, but probably still not good eno... read more
Yes, I know 8 ... read more
This is great. I think I blogged once ( /pages/stupid-online-chat-i-just-had-with-sprint-support/here ), complaining that I couldn't change how my name appears on the receiving end's caller ID. It showed my legal name, William, but I wanted it to say Bill. The foreign girl in ... read more
I hope this is for real: titlePatent Filing Claims Solar Energy Breakthrough Filing Claims Solar Energy Breakthrough In a U.S. patent application, a little-known Maryland inventor claims a stunning solar energy breakthrough that promises to end reliance on fo... read more Generator -- Cool Name ideas at the click of a button! I thought this, above, was kinda cool for generating a pseudonym. You can also generate a Medieval name, a Twitter name, whatever. On that page, the actual generator buttons are on the right. It took me a second to tune out a... read more lighting for the developing countries on . This is so cool!... read more
Right now, electric cars are not sustainable, he says. The average electric car battery pack is four times larger than ours, with one-third the range. /images/diesel-powered-electricity.webp If every car... read more
I just thought this was interesting: And here's another article on the same subject: X Stronger Than Ste... read more
Some Facebook users 'dislike' being used in online advertising.: advertising for Mitt Romney ... read more
Ever since Google began designing its self-driving cars, they've wanted to build cars that go beyond the capabilities of human-piloted vehicles, cars that are much, much safer. When Thrun announced the project in 2010, he wrote, According to the World Health Organization, more than 1.2 million lives are lost every year in road ... read more
I barely used it, but found this interesting because I was once a word processor (human, not program) back in the mid-80s to early 90s, mostly in southern California.
titleWhatever happened to WordStar happened to WordStar
... read more creates solar cell from grass clippings A researcher at MIT, Andreas Mershin, has created solar panels from agricultural waste such as cut grass and dead leaves. In a few years, Mershin says it'... read more
Just the other day I had bought a second wi-fi router from a seller on Craigslist to daisy-chain the two together (somehow) to improve the wireless signal throughout my house. No, it's not a big house. Anyway, last night our power went out for about a minute. No big deal, I thought, other than having to reset all the digital clocks. I'... read more
This is Emma. She's going to save the world (and cure cancer). No, not the engineer in the lab coat. Rather, the Electron Model of Many Applications in which she's standing -- a remarkable new technology which could change everything about the way we live. And which, splendidly, is based not a mile beneath Switzerland... but... read more
Cool!You could stare at the equations of motion all day and you will not see this possibility. We've all been taught that this doesn't happen,: read more
Simply upper-casing your password can frustrate a hacker's attemptsA six-letter password in lower-case text takes a hacker's computer just ten minutes to crack, according to statistics collated by Bloomberg Businessweek. But make those letters upper-case and it takes ten hours for it to randomly work out y... read more
It's a very old hoax. Anything with a headline like Plleeaassee reeaadd! It was on Good Morning America! and mentioning Microsoft, AOL and Good Morning America in the same email almost HAS to be a hoax these days, and this one is. On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 8:05 PM:This is probably a hoax, but just in case it's not, I'm forwardi... read more
For those old gadgets you'd just as soon get rid of: My old laptop is apparently worth $38!I gu... read more
Got the new tv ... read more
12:32:39 PM : Bill: Initial Question/Comment: Your online form won't let me change my contact info. It keeps saying Oops, something's broken or whatever, never telling me what I've done wrong. I filled out all the required fields.12:34:14 PM : Vicki: Hi Bill. I am sorry for the inconven... read more
To anonymize your browsing, use one of these anonymizer sites and/or programs:Sites read more
I got an error in a program that was in some foreign language I didn't even recognize, let alone understand. I went to and typed in one of the words and chose Detect language in the Translate from... box. It told me the word was Danish. Look here: titledetect language hreftranslate.... read more
In Nashville, anyway, it seems you can get around their proxy system (those outlets that use it), simply by using Google Chrome and maybe Firefox. It might be as simple as using any browser other than Internet Explorer. Using Internet Explorer, I tried to be a good boy and sign up for a free account. The only problem is that you have... read more
Sprint.comSprint called the other day and offered me a free new phone. The woman, sounding like she was from Indonesia or something, went on and on and on for twenty minutes. Luckily, the call did not count against my minutes. Just last month I had to increase my allowed minutes from 300 to 450 because ... read more
I am now the proud owner of this cool device, here . Thanks to Heather and Brady for the suggestion!You might also like /pages/all-time-favorite-songs/All-Time Favorite Songs , /pages/favori... read more
Open Source Human Resource Management Software. FYI in case you're looking for such, even though we hate the term human resource. Ironically, it's dehumanizing. :): Resource Manageme... read more
One year has gone, since we've presented the Rolltop concept for the first time. Many thanks for all your emails and feedbacks! Now we are really going to bring this high innovative product on the marke and we are already working on it! Please visit our new page to get more information about Rolltop 2.0 and our... read more
It all starts with Ctrl-V, followed by the number combinations shown on the screen that comes up. For example, the tilde is Ctrl-V 002, although it doesn't show up on my screen, but maybe it'll work on yours. The accent grave is 047, the accent acute is 041 if I'm reading their chart correctly.... read more
QUESTION: How do I transfer iTunes to my new computer?ANSWER: I have copied your iTunes from the old computer to the new. If you haven't already authorized your current computer,'s how. If you subscribe to Apple Mus... read more
copied from By default, when you launch Outlook it opens to your Inbox. You can create a shortcut to Outlook so it opens to your calendar instead. To force Outlook to open your calendar as your default view, do the ... read more
Q: I had some problems with this program. I fixed the POP and SMTP server designations, and it works now. However, I've lost my contacts -- the folder is blank. The funny thing is, when I type some letters in the to box, names come up. Do you have any idea how I can restore my contacts list?A: From this web page, href... read more
WE MAKE PRIVACY EASY. Browse the web safer, faster & with less annoying ads.Keep an eye on who's keeping an eye on you at ... read more
If you get a pop up on your computer saying, You're infected! Download Antivirus 2010 or something similar to fix it!, DOn't DO IT! It's a trick. As soon as you click on it, you're infected. ... read more leak 6.5 mln LinkedIn passwords Time to change your LinkedIn password. eHarmony, too, apparently.... read more Fake antivirus makes up 15 percent of all malware Tech News on ZDNet ... read more
This looks promising, environmentally-responsible ink from Dell. Ihave no idea if it's any good. Leave a comment below and let us know: stylecolor: #2a5db0; read more
Fantastic online app . It does what I've done before, but they do it better. I'm not jealous. I'm not a programmer, really, I'm an implementer/integrator. Yeah, that's it. :) Oh yeah, here's the link: ... read more ... read more
Mine got messed up somehow, and it drove me nuts until I found this: titleopen dialog default sort order UPDATE: Only problem is ... the above didn't work! :... read more
Well, I thought I liked this version 4 better than version 3. I hated version 3. But, it turns out, version 4 is no better. It starts and finds things quicker (for me, anyway), but it ruins the computer's performance the rest of the time! Remove it from your Startup group (Start, All Programs, Startup) The... read more
Avoid any toolbars that don't come with Windows from Microsoft. I just had a customer whose Internet Explorer wouldn't close after they installed My.Freeze.Com screensaver. Luckily, it uninstalled properly when using its uninstall program this time. These things just cause problems not worth the pretty pictures you get in return.... read more
QUESTION: My Show Desktop icon just disappeared from my Quick Start menu. How do I restore that?ANSWER: Simplest answer: Just right-click on the desktop from now on and choose Show Desktop from that little menu that pops up;or, It probably got bumped aside by something else putting an icon in that space. You can drag that double g... read more
Probably ought to save things to other computers and/or external hard drives and/or sign up for an titleaffiliate link storage account . Preserving precious data, such as pictures and home videos, on CDs and DVDs could do more... read more
Question There was a couple parked on the curb on Wed from 8am to 12pm on Wed. The girl was like a look-out, it seemed. When I was going to work she gave me a suspicious look, so I drove around in a circle and drove by them getting their license plate. When I came back at around noon, they were still there but the girl looked at... read more
I hate to promote Google since they already rule the online world, but they do some things very well, e.g., their unsubscribe feature in Gmail. In a message, click on Show Details and you should see the option to from this sender . Th... read more
None of these links work anymore. A couple of useful sites here for downloading videos for later viewing. I know I often want to watch a video later, not right then and there. Anyway, here are a couple of links: read more
We promise to never do anything even remote.webply similar to this! loses $20 million after taking laptop for repair .... read more
Got a tip, thought I'd share it here. Add the following to your HOSTS file (C:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts): #fix for ytimg.exe browser hang problem74.125.162.39 Then from a Windows command prompt (DOS box), run: ipconfig /flush... read more
Their next play is to make it seem like everything is wrong with your PC :, that PC clean... read more
QUESTION: Is there any way to turn off the loud BEEP sound that occurs when Intel Proset detects a wireless network? I've tried going to control panel and muting all the sounds, but that doesn't seem to work. ANSWER: Try going into Intel ProSet Wireless, Tools, Application Settings, uncheck Show Alert Notifications.If that doesn'... read more
QUESTION: I can't paste anything into Outlook, but I can into Word, etc. ANSWER: Open Microsoft Word, go to TOOLS OPTIONS Select the SAVE tab and uncheck Embed smart tags.Also, there's a security feature in Outlook that, in certain situations requires that you have a New Mail window open first, THEN paste into. In other words,... read more
QUESTION: I can't see any of my Sent Items in Outlook () anymoreANSWER: Try the following:Click ViewArrange ByCurrent ViewCustomize Current ViewFilter OFF... read more
Welcome to, trusted since 2001. We now have upgrades for 111,914 models (and counting). We guarantee your computer performance will be increased. Green & Save the Environment with 4 All Memory ... read more
Just visited these sites, and antivirus popped-up saying it had blocked a Trojan Horse coming from there (or one of their links): I'll add to this list whenever it happens again.... read more
That's on new drives. So, from now on, more than ever, always have an external drive (or two) for backups.: read more
FAST & FREE security scan for your PC: Security Scan .... read more
PROBLEM: I haven't totally written it off as dead, but my back-up external drive that holds 500gigs won't power on now. I made a back-up of all the data maybe a month ago, but there are some things I must have missed. In case I can't power it on, is there a way to read it if I take it apart, or something? The brand is probably Wester... read more
QUESTION: I started getting notices that my mailbox is over its limit. I have archived items over 90 days. What else can I do to stop these messages?Isn't this pretty much the same as archiving to my hard drive?I use three months. ANSWER: You can create an Outlook Personal Folder (PST file) where you can move messages to reduc... read more
To recreate/fix your Outlook 2003 profile, do the following:Click on Start, Settings, Control Panel, Mailclick on Show ProfilesAdd a new profilegive it any NEW name you wantclick OKAdd your same old account back as a new account, click NextAdd it as a POP3 account, click Next... read more
Well, it's happened again, luckily for only the second time in my career. A customer called me to their house, only to not be home or pretend to not be home when I got there. People, if you change your mind, just call and cancel! There is no cancellation fee! In this case, I had called her about an hour prior to the scheduled time to ask a q... read more
This looks really good: titleteam viewer remote.webp control Of course, I've already been using the one from Zoho, too, here: titlewarning, this downloads an .exe immediately read more
I'm trying out this online backup system called titleaffiliate link Backup . So far, so good. Click titleaffiliate link to try it yourself free for 30 days.... read more
In Word 2003 (and possibly older versions), go to Tools, Options, Save and check (if not already) the following settings:Always create backup copyAllow background savesMake local copy of files stored on network...Save AutoRecover info ...Save smart tags as XMLIn Word 2007, go to Wo... read more
Still a huge problem Beware of this scam. Don't bother trying to get them to help you unlock your pc: . The fix is to download, UPDATE, and run malwarebytes.comMalwarebytes .... read more
QUESTION: How do I set email (Outlook 2003) to forward to someone else while I'm out?ANSWER: In Outlook, click on Tools, Out of Office AssistantClick I am currently out of the office… and type your outgoing message, if any.Click Add Rule at the bottom left.Check the Forward box and click the To button to fi... read more
CNET has created a fantastic new service called Tech Tracker that I wish I'd come up with. It tracks and keeps up to date all of the software on your computer! Mac or Windows! The only catch is that you have to create an account on their site and give them your email address. Hopefully it's worth it. Here's the link: targetb... read more
PROBLEM:Can you tell me again how to move deleted emails to a deleted email folder? The AOL Imap folder just crosses them out but leaves them visible there. SOLUTION:It's under Edit, Purge Deleted Messages.... read more
QUESTION: My hard drive has died, and I've lost valuable data. If you can't recover it for me, is there a service who can?ANSWER: Here's the best one I've found: gillware.comGillware Inc. -- Estimated ChargesStandard fee for Microsoft Windows: $378.99... read more
Thanks to GoDaddy phone support, I discovered this very useful site: . One of my domain names was not resolving correctly from home. I went to the website above and checked it, and everything was resolving correctly from there. I had tested it from home with four differen... read more
I LOVE this service! : for everyone, or just me? ... read more
QUESTION: No matter where I go, the wireless is not working. ANSWER: I just had to enable wireless by right-clicking on the icon at the bottom-right of the task bar and choose Enable Radio. I could then connect right into the wireless network. Sometimes when a wireless network has no security on it, the wireless device will prompt you and m... read more
QUESTION: isn't working, but it worked before. ANSWER: Click Start, Control Panel, Printers and Faxes, right click and choose Properties on that printer. Click Device Settings tab, choose Duplex toward the bottom, change it from Unavailable to Available or something similar on other printers.... read more
This should be useful now that the world is converting to IP v6: ... read more ... read more