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New Antenna

by bill - 2010-08-25 21:00:00 ( in culture, movies-tv-video, tech) [php version] rebuild

Got the new tv antenna via UPS last night. That "super saver"/"slow boat" shipping from Amazon was not very slow, after all! So, today I'll be installing it. Just wanted to mention that in case I'm killed in the process.

You'll at least know what happened to me. It says right on the packaging in several places "Watch for wires! You can be killed!"

So I'll try and avoid that. Anyway, the hope is that this antenna will finally let us receive the local CBS and Fox affiliates. We already get ABC, PBS, UXP reliably, and NBC most of the time.

UPDATE: Mission accomplished! We now get all the local channels, and then some.

FURTHER UPDATE: There's still hardly anything worth watching, but at least it's there for that "special" occasion. :)

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