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Building Your Own Website

by hepya - 2020-08-22 19:16:35 ( in education, tech, computers, internet) [php version] rebuild

[Updated: 2022-10-02 19:41:48]

Question: I need my own domain name and monetization, plus things like ability to pay and schedule and stuff.


  • Any Wordpress installation should allow plug-ins for polling, scheduling and other types of forms, in addition to blogging.

  • Go here to create a Google Ads account (for monetization)

  • You can go here and sign up for DreamHost to be your web host. They're having a "sale" right now (probably all the time). They do hosting and are also a registrar, so you can get your own domain name with them, too.

  • And here are a couple of payment plug-ins for WordPress: plugins/wp-paypal and

  • And here's a scheduling/booking plug-in.

    UPDATE: I definitely CANNOT recommend Wix hosting, because they apparently play politics (like PayPal, Google, YouTube, Facebook, et al.. See wix-bans-allan-dos-santos

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