Below is everything (newest at top) with "education OR research OR writing" in its title or subcategories. For a strict listing (matching all categories and subcats), click here
Musk, USAID, and closer to New World read more
My thoughts, too.
But there might be bits of truth in what he's saying. You'd have to listen carefully, if interested.
() secure email.
On Saturday, February 8th, 2025 at 11:36 AM, someone wrote:
trump is humiliating his puppeteer, netanyahu?
No, I don't think so
Trump told netanyahu you're fired? Ge... read more
why did Orwell use 1984 as the date? Because it was a metaphor for 1948 whe
n the demonic zionist Rothschilds got humanity to start SUBMITTING TO the
synagogue of Satan, which Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 call the fraud occupiers
of Palestine.
George Orwell' s 1984 as a Covert Metaphor for the birth (1948) and
political specia... read more
... read more
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Irwing Hatfield Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 09:38:26 AM PSTSubject: Fw: Canada To Bu
ild A Border Wall
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: MJ Hickman T
o: Irwing Hatfield Sent: Friday, January 24, 2025 at 0
6:12:42 PM PSTSubject: Fwd: Canada To Build A Border Wall
This ... read more
(bill : Fantastic video on water management preventing wildfires :
education : research : water : fire)But, will anyone with influence
listen to him?
Watch on
... read more
Elon Musk is apparently a FRAUD. Is Trump being surrounded by liars and scammers again like he was in his 1st ...
On Satur... read more
Yeah, be the first guinea pig on your block since the covid vax was safe a
nd effective?Japanese researchers say side effects of COVID vaccines linke
d to 201 types of diseases
Japanese researchers say side effects of COVID vaccines linked to 201 ty...
Lee Harding
Japanese researchers sa... read more
it seems like more imperialism to me. Is it a hidden way to have the USA
(under the kontrol of israel) be the one-world government?
Canadian 'Shark Tank' Star Responds to Trump's 51st State Idea - Tedium Med
Canadian 'Shark Tank' Star Responds to Trump's 51st S... read more
It's been an interesting past several days. 1) My new 2-terabyte external drive went bad after I'd moved all of my music, pictures and videos to it from other drives; 2) Tara needed my help printing a PDF document, which is always exciting; 3) she also needed help at her mother's house to clean out/organize the garage; and 4... read more
And it all seems so peaceful and a transfer of power by the book.
Yea, never! They refuse to allow all their crimes be disclosed and pay the price.
() secure email.
On Thursday, December 19th, 2024 at 7:40 PM, someone wrote:
yeah, good video
No surprise that the Deep State would do some bombing to enable them to take over by way of the co... read more
he says they're not space aliens and later talks of making contact with them (Yeah, pretty bizarre)
On Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 09:10:35 PM PST, someone wrote:
I take what this guy says with a grain of saltDr. n Greer: You have no idea what they are doing... PREPARE NOW!
Dr. n Greer: &q... read more
I went for one of my weekend drives. I almost said Sunday drive, but it was a Saturday. Anyway, I brought our dog, Cleo, with me this time. I never used to, but nowadays I take her almost everywhere because she and our newly adopted Yorkshire terrier, Lily, don't like each other.
I'd been online just prior, looking at nearby hou... read more
the Real Anthony Fauci video based on the book by RFK Jr.:
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO - The Real Anthony Fauci - Film of the book by RFK JR
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO - The Real Anthony Fauci - Film of the book by RFK JR
Dr. Makis MD
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO - The Real Anthony Fauci - Film of the book by RFK JR
... read more
FYI, I've been taking travel posts from this site, cleaning them up/updating them as needed, and posting them at ... read more
html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
Assange, CIA Surveillance and Spains Audencia Nacional - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
... read more
html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
U.S. Poured Billions of Military Aid Into Lebanon. Now Israel Threatens to Invade. - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Global... read more
html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
Problem. Reaction. Solution. Wildfires About More than CO2 Induced Climate Change? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Global... read more
htmlHistory, genocide and Israels war on Gaza: Mehdi Hasan and Benny Morris TV Shows Al,@type:WebPage,name:History, genocide and Israels war on Gaza: Mehdi Hasan and Benny Morris,speakable:@type:SpeakableSpecification,cssSelector:.articl... read more
National Geographic Photographers Camp Outside White House In Hopes Of Snagging Rare Photo Of Joe Biden Babylon Bee
!function (w, d, t)
w.TiktokAnalyticsObjectt;var ttqwtwt;ttq.methodspage,track,ide... read more
Top Republican Says His Goal Is To Keep The GOP's Tucker Carlson-Wing Out Of Power ... read more
The KOSA Internet Censorship Bill Just Passed The Senate--It's Our Last Chance To Stop It ... read more
I think the CIA is in the business of making a mess of everything so
their bosses (highest bidder) can look like the hero cleaning it up.
On 4/10/2024 7:36 PM, steve wrote:
Because o'bama was a marxist and the CIA seems to be with him, I have
been thinking that the CIA was for communism. I've been reading up and
in many places it sa... read more
On Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 10:59:08 PM PDT:I found this video interesting as they discussed fiction. Some of you are writers. on Bitchute ... read more
No, not how to write a mantra. I mean here are a couple of mantras to keep in mind:
1) Most stories are about having something, losing it, and finding it again;
2) Just explain (clearly and concisely) WHAT HAPPENED, and keep it RELATABLE and INTERESTING.... read more
Can you believe we've been since 1999 !?!? Even more unbelievable, we STILL have almost no audience! Truly amazing. Shouting into the void for a quarter century. Quite impressive, no? Anyone reading this can honestly say they're special!
Please leave a co... read more
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Which image? There are several.
- Bill, ,
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023 12:46 PM
; ; ; ; ; ;
Subject: Fw: Look at this image. It's how the next victims will succumb to the agenda.
Hoping for some rational thinking by the people who ... read more
Today started, as usual, with feeding /images/cleo-looking-out-window.webpCleo, our Boston terrier , and leaving the back door open. It was cool out but not too cold, and I prop the door open, weather permitting, so she can let herself out. With the back door and storm door being mostly glass, installing a pet doo... read more
b2xtZXN3YUBsaXZlLmNvbT4sIFN0ZXZlIEhvbG... read more
I emailed this to my siblings, and the following conversation ensued...
On Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at 03:22:31 PM PST:
Stumbled across this great old photo of our dog Stein attacking a strange man in the back yard of the Edison house
Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2023 3:33 PM
yes, my att... read more
Same for us.
Moving from commie CA to America
From: steve
Sent: Sunday, October 1, 2023 9:09 AM
To: ;
Subject: Re: I don't expect it to be anything but I'll stay away from tech for those couple of hours (no big deal for me)
On Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 07:01:03 AM PDT, Holm... read more
X19fDQpGcm9tOiBzdGV2ZSBob2xtZXMgPHN0ZX... read more
/images/cities-nashville-reese-witherspoon.webp Tomorrow, August 26, will be my 30th anniversary of having moved from Los Angeles to Na... read more
He came in like a lionAnd went out like a lambA loving gentle good-byeAs I held his soft warm handHis children Greg, Lucy, Steve, Don, Doug, Bill, and IWere his pride and joyLoved by all who knew himEvery man, women, girl, and boyHe would sit and watch his horsesAs they trotted u... read more
The morning was cold and brightEverything was feeling rightI hooked up the horse to the cartOnto the track, we do dart
Jeppy Ho is the gelding I will raceHe has such a jazzy fast paceWe all are excited todayTo me this is just like play
My family is cheering me onThe horses are all pacing alongI pull to the... read more
Number 4 of 7
The middle child was he
In his final months of life
We rushed to him to see
He helped me with my music
Keyboard and guitar
The thought of him not being here
Is really quite bizarre
He always wa... read more
Always a trailblazer,
the first of us to go.
Now after the fireworks,
he's gone.
Here is his ... read more
I came across this video last night and thought, Yes! Thank you! This guy (and Lee Child) share my disagreement with the saying, Show, Don't Tell. As Child puts it, You tell a story. You don't show a story. That saying might apply to visual story-telling such as film and TV, not so much the written word.Anyw... read more
The Lazy Pug Caf was a dilapidated old farmhouse abandoned years ago. A massive, ancient oak tree, Ol' Lightnin', lurked out back while the house itself served as a sad but charming reminder of days gone by.... read more
I visited a struggling family member today. He still has trouble walking. Has to hold onto things as he goes. Trouble seeing, too. You never know what he can see or not see in front of him. At least he was much less scary/out-of-it today. His ex-wife later told me the doctors had changed his meds, which helped tremendously. For those who don&... read more
Paul Offit admits on video there are no benefits of the new booster shots
Watch this video where one of the world's most respected vaccinologists admits that there are no benefits to the boosters. He's not taking the boosters. Why should you?
Dr. Paul Offit, MD ... read more
Having read all the Lee Child, Connelly, Ross D. McDonald, Marcia Muller, Sandford and Sue Grafton, I recently started reading , whose stories are set in Chicago. Pretty good. I also read a couple Patricia Cornwell, but don't like... read more
Yesterday, I had my first doctor's appointment in several years. Hey, I've been healthy. Shocking, I know.There was a sign on the outside door saying masks required, and a sign on the interior door saying the same thing. The receptionist was wearing a mask. I introduced myself. She asked if I needed a mask. I said sure, she gave me on... read more
Anti-corporate crusader Dobie Pokorny wants to save the world from corporate titans like Colonel Charonne. The latter and his henchmen are determined to stop him. On Dobie's speaking truth to power tour,... read more
I just put this together and thought I'd share it on this blog in addition to my writing platform. Lottery Pr... read more
My latest attempt at monetization on until they cancel me for being politically incorrect. To start things off, here's ... read more
They say...What are the main ELEMENTS OF A STORY? Setting; Character; Plot; Conflict; Theme; Point-of-view; Tone; Style;... but I would put them in order of importance: Character, Conflict, Plot, Point-of-view, Theme, Style, Tone, SettingRead,... read more
Following the mainstream media is what I call Weasel Worship.
For 4 years Trump made reasonable statements that were shown out of
contest and made fun of. If you ran the original, the statements were
reasonable. Trump was not a weasel. That's why he refused to play the
weasel game and parse his words. He always spoke like an ... read more
Books in the public domain. Free eBooks forever. FP now includes 6312 eBooks in its collection. : ... read more
VARIOUS WRITERS' RULES Write a draft. Then let it rest. -- Stephen King;Read a lot. -- King;Never use a long word when a short one will do. -- George Orwell;Never use the passive voice when you can use the active voice. -- Orwell;Know and understand your audi... read more
From Lionel, January 2013: I just finished reading titleaffiliate linkThe Walking Drum by Louis L'Amour, a histo... read more
Don't get it right, get it written! -- Child /pages/new-rules-for-writers/New Rules for Writers -- /pages/your-novel-blueprint/Your Novel Blueprint -- /page... read more
Not allowed to mention George Soros on Fox. Newt Gingrich mentioned him
and the anchor froze up:
... read more
Article it here , and the manufacturer's here . /images/freewrite-machine.webp And one of thei... read more
The article doesn't say much except that Trump arranged real estate
deals with some Jews who had ties to Putin. It tries to use
guilt-by-association, but there's not any guilt to be associated with.
On 9/3/20 1:37 AM: read more
Two of my ebooks are available free of charge all month (July) at Smashwords. The links are at the bottom of that page. I've already sold five copies since yesterday as opposed to five copies over the past year. I guess the pric... read more
People read fiction seeking clarity -- in the payoff at the end of the book -- so, one of the worst things a writer can do is to create confusion. People also read fiction for a taste of something better than their own reality. So, keep it clear and concise and, most importantly, interesting... without getting too implausible. It doesn't ... read more
well, they just want to be happy, which they won't be until all of us
are miserable -- the minds of psychopaths
On 5/26/20 7:00 PM, William wrote:
Actually, aside from the silly name, it sounds like a great idea to
me, placing value on happiness over material wealth. Problem is, it's
from the UN/New World Order, wh... read more
Welcome! It's timely to stress that The Political Compass has been on the internet since 2001. The uniqueness of our take on politics is reflected in the gratifyingly enthusiastic reviews we've enjoyed in the national media of many countries from our earliest years -- as well as from many teachers and academics who continue ... read more
Louis L'Amour once said he could write while sitting in the middle of the freeway. That didn't impress me at the time, but now it does.Not one, but two dogs threw up behind me as I wrote. Was that a commentary on my writing? Wouldn't be the first time.As I told these guys in the job interview, If you're wondering where ... read more
My latest short story, based on our real life pugs Daisy, Chandler and Joey, the latter of whom is the only one still alive and barking. See Lazy Pug Cafe was a dilapidated old two-story farmhouse aband... read more
If you've read any of my novels, please give them a review on Amazon (click the book's image, below or on the right, then click the Write a Customer Review button on its Amazon page, to the left), on Books , ... read more
Pop culture today is obsessed with the battle between good and evil. Traditional folktales never were. What changed?: read more
The Testaments by Margaret Atwood... wins this year's Best Fiction award for her long-... read more
Aren't you glad we don't have any of those annoying pop-up ads asking you to join our newsletter? Ironic, isn't it, given that we are an online newsletter?Please support this website, should you be so inclined: buy one of novels/novellas ; buy ... read more
This is a good site showing who to trust (or not) when it comes to self-publishing: Services Rated by the Alliance of Independent Authors
/pages/new-rules-for-writers/New Rules for Writers --... read more
This is the 12,157,539th most popular website in the world, according to ! Wow! We have hit the big time. See image here: /images/friendsnews-nibbler-report.webp... read more
...should you be so inclined:Buy one of books at Amazon or read more
Please support this website, should you be so inclined: buy one of novels/novellas ; buy me a (virtual) cup of coffee or ; ... read more
FYI for those researching insignificant corners of the web: Machine Please support this website, should you be so inclined: buy one of novels/novellas ; b... read more
Novels/NovellasFeatured book deals on Smashwords... read more
Riva, a beautiful young black ops agent on her first assignment, tries to turn Alex into her own asset just to prove she can. When he loses both his job and his girlfriend, she thinks he's putty in her hands. When he decides t... read more
Long before winning the lottery and running for president, Benny was living in L.A. working as a temporary word processor (typist). For his latest assignment, he thought he was taking just another temp job. He didn't anticipate Ve... read more
HathiTrust is a partnership of academic and research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world. Trust Digital ... read more
A rent increase forced the owners of October Books to move locations in Southampton. They used a crowd funding campaign and loans to buy a former bank location about 500 feet down the street for $400,000.Cool! read more
According to the Telegraph, anyway. An interesting list. Several if not most of these were that author's first published novel. I've actually read half of these, though it's been years. ... read more
Did I mention I've written a few novels/novellas?Another Way: Beyond the Status QuoA politically-incorrect manifesto. Anti-corporate crusader Dobie Pokorny wants to save the world. His old boss, Colonel Charonne, wants to stop hi... read more
So, I'm lying on the bed with the pug Joey between my legs. No, that's not a figure of speech. /images/sunny-large.webp I'm referring to an actual dog between my calves. Anyway, the cat (Sunny) comes up, thinks about jumping across my legs ... read more
Free novellaTemporary InsanityLong before winning the lottery and running for president, Benny was living in L.A. working as a temporary word processor (glorified typist). For his latest assignment, he thought he was ... read more
Publishers and writing gurus preach that writers need followers. The problem is that emotionally-stable people don't want followers. They want friends, compatriots, people who listen, not followers. Especially zombie followers. They're the worst! :)But seriously, I don't trust anyone who actively seeks follower... read more
Clay and his adopted daughter, Jenna, look forward to their upcoming homeland tour to Russia. His intentions are pure. Hers, not so much. When she goes missing, his worst fears are realized. She is not the innocent little girl he th... read more
Note: I am no longer on Twitter or Facebook.
I remember when I didn't know what a tweet was, other than the sound a bird makes. It wasn't so long ago, either. Below is just a random list of tweets. Pathetic, I know, but I felt the need to put something new on the site. Anyway.Saturday, July 20, 2013: ... read more
WilliamArthurHolmes.comGo to Another peek at my books... read more
by Bill
We witnessed a pigeon's demiseRight here on the dock o' the BayThere was nothing we could doNothing we could sayIt just wasn't the pigeon's day
We tried mouth-to-beakAnd the Heimlich techniqueBut the pigeon had croakedDid you know pigeons float?Well, t... read more
A writer's narrative perspective (their voice, or, how they come across to their reader) must be: This is me talking to you. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. It's not: This is me 100 years ago speaking in a classical voice. It's not: Speaking as if from professor to student or from adult to child. It's n... read more
Note: I am no longer on Twitter or Facebook, but here's what I've managed to salvage from back then.My Twitter feed: classtwitter-timeline data-widget-id286155560313823233 by @TheBillHolmes Some of my better tweets, according to me ...Never work ... read more
Interesting ... to me, anyway. Most of us write a little something everyday. It might be a grocery list, a poem, or a write-up on the infographic of the day. As we go through this daily ritual, however, we are probably not aware of the effects writing has on our brains.Read, listen or watch the re... read more
I started writing a new story today. Can't say much about it except that it's pretty much sci-fi, though it might wander into religion and politics. So, yeah, it should offend just about everyone. Then I took a break and start... read more
Here's one of my brothers reading my book, Lottery President. He seems to be enjoying it. I swear I didn't pay him to do this. New book out! Here's my ... read more
For most people, winning $300 million in the lottery would be enough. They would buy a big house, travel the ... read more
I've been following and listening to Jeff Goins's goinswriter.comTribeWriters program, and he says an important aspect to successful blogging (at least as far as getting noticed) is to guest post on other people's blogs. Jeff is a great resource, by the way. So, if you want to post somethin... read more
It's SELF-published, but still ... It's called Lottery President.Hopefully, it's at least slightly entertaining. Tell a friend!Here&... read more
I'm as guilty as anyone about trying to add content to my blog just for the sake of content (because search engines look for and rate highly based on how fresh your blog's content is). But someone whose blog/newsletter I subscribe to has stooped to simply stating the obvious, maybe phrasing it differently, just to have an interesting... read more
Good article for writers. Writing a novel and building a house are pretty similar when you think about it. For instance, most builders or homeowners spend a lot of time dreaming...... read more is my writer's platform, with a page showing williamarthurholmes.comwhere you can buy, preview and/or review all of my books. Or, just look below... ... read more
The elites are adept at fooling themselves and others into thinking they know best. The superiority they bestow upon themselves is a convenient justification for keeping us commoners in the dark, and themselves in power.... read more
I've published a couple of books/novellas on Kindle recently: Lottery President is a political thriller; and Operation Detour is a darkly comedic adventure (... read more on the subject of writing williamarthurholmes.comMy author's page titleBooks href/writing/books/Books titleJokes href/pages/culture/humor/jokes/Jokes tit... read more Shivani: New Rules For Writers: Ignore Publicity, Shun Crowds, Refuse Recognition And More These rules totally go against every prescription for writing success you'll hear as a young new writer from all quarters: ... read more
I submitted a screenplay to Scriptapalooza today. See . The first deadline is Friday the 5th. The real deadline is April 15. I think first prize is $10,000, but the main thing is that real Hollywood industry people read all the scripts, so even if I don't win the cont... read more to Life ...and Loving It!: One Man's Journey With Prostate Cancer by Kenneth J. Souzatargetb... read more
Hopefully. It snowed a good 5-6 inches Friday in and around Nashville. It wasn't good snowman/snowball snow, though. Not in our neighborhood, anyway. It was too crusty because of the freezing rain that came after. It made for great sledding, though, which Elizabeth and I spent several hours doing over the past few days. The pugs hate the ... read more
titleA Prince in Disguise href/pages/a-prince-in-disguise/A Prince in Disguise titleA Saga of Seven href/pages/a-saga-of-seven/A Saga of Seven titleHats href/pages/hats/Hats titlePeople you'll be missing and why href/pages/people-youll-be-missing-and-whyPeople you'll be missing an... read more
by Joseph wore many hats in his life,the first one was of son,next an officer, a Dutch Marine,that to him was fun;In Maastricht, in '49,he married his childhood love,now he was Tina's devoted spouse,and together the... read more
by The time has come for you to move on,but I'm sure you'll be missing us while you are gone;No more conversation with boss Catherine to really make you think,You'll miss your adventures with supervisor Stella who is always ... read more
by We met on the race track in '72I couldn't resist his eyes, so blueWe soon fell in love and started a lifeIn '76 he made me his wifeA teacher, leader, rebel and yesA son, brother, father, the bestBoss ma... read more
by Running in the rain isn't the pain a non-runner might think it would be I put on my jacket that has a hood, lace up my shoes, and stretching is good I open the door, expecting more as the rain comes sprinkling dow... read more
This is a story in the style called rapthat'll surely encourage an afternoon napof a family of seven, their kids and their wivesand something regarding their travels and lives. Now first there was Greg, a Brooklyn-born lad;and then it was Lucy that Mom and Dad had.She was born at Sing Sing (no, not in the jai... read more read more
(Irish Traditional)Once there was a kittenConan was his nameHe grew to nearly 20 poundsBut a kitten he remainedHe grew to be ferociousFeared throughout the landHush, my child and you shall hearThe legend of ConanA harder working kittenThe world has never seenHe'd guard the yard from front to backA... read more
from 1990This is a story 'bout a girl named LucyOtherwise known as The Rappin' WatusiShe lays down a beat that gets your toes tappin'If your toes get tired, let your fingers do the snappin'She says Hey buddy, don't you be no squareIf you can't find a partner, use a wooden chairOkay, s... read more
from 1994
The first Saturday in May. What does this date mean to you? Probably nothing, except that Spring has arrived, unless you live in California where it's been Spring for two months at least -- real Spring, not calendar Spring.
Ask any horse racing buff, though, and they'll tell you the first Satu... read more