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Diane's list
Solar Power Without Solar Cellsby admin - 2011-05-04 ( education / research / tech / solar ) [html version]Cool!
Read, listen or watch the rest here: Solar power without solar cells: A hidden magnetic effect of light could make it possible. Research Shows Local Honey May Halt Allergiesby admin - 2012-06-23 ( life / health / food / treatment ) [html version]For those with allergies, this might help. Research Shows Local Honey may Halt Allergies
300,000 Miles, and Not One Accidentby admin - 2012-08-14 ( education / research / transportation / tech ) [html version]
Read, listen or watch the rest here: Refreshing News: Google's Self-Driving Cars: 300,000 Miles Logged, Not a Single Accident Under Computer Control People Can Be Fat and Fitby admin - 2012-09-10 ( life / health / fitness / research ) [html version]Good news!
Read, listen or watch the rest here: People can be fat AND fit Ford's Hemp-powered, Hemp-made Carby admin - 2012-12-06 ( education / research / transportation / tech ) [html version]I just thought this was interesting: And here's another article on the same subject: 10 X Stronger Than Steel In The 1940s And another: henry-ford-made-a-hemp-car-in-1941
Lit Motors Builds a Car that Breaks the Rulesby admin - 2012-12-16 ( education / research / transportation / tech ) [html version]
Read, listen or watch the rest here: Lit Motors Builds a Car that Breaks the Rules. Sleazy Real Estate Investorsby bill - 2013-06-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It's almost like a conspiracy! Luckily, conspiracies never happen and all conspiracy theories lack credibility. :) <end of sarcasm>
Read, listen or watch the rest here: foreclosure-auction-scams Think Tank Community Doing Its Best to Control the Worldby don - 2013-06-24 ( education / research / conspiracies / economy ) [html version]
Read, listen or watch the rest here: Meet the Elite Business and Think-Tank Community That's Doing Its Best to Control the World 9/11 Explained in 5 Minutesby staff - 2013-10-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]For those who still believe the official story. Read, listen or watch the rest here: 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory. Also, try this search. Solar Freakin Roadwaysby admin - 2014-05-30 ( education / research / tech / solar ) [html version]Amazing! I love this!
Read, listen or watch the rest here: And a nice song at the end, too! Here's their website: We're Better Than We Think We Areby admin - 2014-09-19 ( education / research / religion / christianity ) [html version]
Or, at least "god-like," depending on translation. Anyway, I've always agreed with the article title. :) Read, listen or watch the rest here: We're Better Than We Think We Are ~ Casey Research UPDATE: Upon further review.... see See also, ye_are_gods Being Overweight Means You Live Longerby admin - 2015-04-18 ( life / health / fitness / research ) [html version]I guess the only "diet" most of us need to be on is non-GMO. The figures actually show that being 'overweight' is healthier than being 'underweight' or within the 'normal' BMI range -- and can lead to a longer life, Dr Malcolm Kendrick explains. Read, listen or watch the rest here: Why being 'overweight' means you live longer: The way scientists twist the facts Possible Cure for Hair Lossby bill - 2015-11-01 ( education / science / research ) [html version]There may be hope yet!
Read, listen or watch the rest here: Confirmed, Multiple E.T. Bases on Earth Stargate Programby don - 2016-05-17 ( education / research / aliens ) [html version]This is pretty good. It has stuff he's never said before. Watch the video here Salt Water Filter Inventedby admin - 2017-04-13 ( education / research / tech / water ) [html version]
See salt water filter invented. Speaking of graphene supercapacitors, see also: Kaner Laboratory researchers develop battery-like supercapacitor Speaking of filters, I have been getting my refrigerator filters at for years and am perfectly happy with them. This is not an "affiliate link." Seth Rich's Murderby staff - 2017-08-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]
It's been removed. Try here instead: on Bing Links Google Doesn't Want You to Visitby staff - 2017-09-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Copied from
Zero Tolerance Researchby bill - 2018-12-10 ( education / research / people ) [html version]FYI, below. I wanted to educate myself, anyway, and thought I might as well share what I found: Read, listen or watch the rest here: zero-tolerance Read, listen or watch the rest here: d_zero2comeau Read, listen or watch the rest here: reforming-school-discipline Rf Shieldingby staff - 2019-01-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Compares chicken wire to aluminum foil (foil wins). I read elsewhere that, to protect equipment from CMEs, wrap it in cloth, wrapped in 5 layers of aluminum foil (cloth barrier keeps aluminum foil from becoming an antenna). Metal trash cans and EMP bags. You want the Dri-Shield 3400 or 3000 bags.
Behavior Experimentby admin - 2019-02-08 ( education / research / people ) [html version]Copied from somewhere, maybe one of these. You start with a cage containing four monkeys, and inside the cage you hang a banana on a string, and then you place a set of stairs under the banana. Just How Effective is Shungite?by don - 2019-02-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]A video showing how effective shungite is against electromagnetic radiation Read, listen or watch the rest here: See also: Residents Sick From Church Steeple Cell Tower Radiation Did Cia Director William Casey Really Sayby staff - 2019-03-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]..."We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" Casey did say that, but it was a counter-espionage tactic against the Russians
Read, listen or watch the rest here: Did CIA Director William Casey really say...? Is It Not Written in Your Law that Ye are Gods?by bill - 2020-01-14 ( education / research / religion ) [html version]Q: Evangelical Christians criticize the New Age principle that we are all God in disguise. They say that this is Luciferian thinking. So, how do they get around this quote? A: I had an article on my website (see We're Better Than We Think We Are) referring to the 82nd Psalm. After researching that further, though, it seems the "you are gods" comment was directed at arrogant "bosses" who merely thought they were gods, but were not. Q: How does psalm 82 tie in with John:10-34? A: Read, listen or watch the rest here The Truth About Electric Carsby don - 2020-01-20 ( education / research / transportation / auto ) [html version]Read, listen or watch the rest here: Electric-Cars...
someone wrote:
Wuflu Timelineby bill - 2020-04-02 ( education / research / conspiracies / covid ) [html version]
And, this is a little strange, though it doesn't make sense why he would do this intentionally.
click here for related articles. Solar-pavement Driveways Made of Plastic Bottles Can Power the Average Householdby admin - 2020-04-17 ( education / research / tech / solar ) [html version]
Read, listen or watch the rest here: solar-driveways-made-from-pet-can-power-average-household/ Children Prefer Storybooks that Explain Why and How Things Happenby admin - 2020-05-02 ( education / science / research / stories ) [html version]
Read, listen or watch the rest here: Riot Bricksby doug - 2020-06-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]"> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 5:36:35 PM Jon Rapport on fake pandemic: on bitchute On 6/1/20 6:38 PM: Did you see this yet? german-official-leaks-report-denouncing-corona-as-a-global-false-alarm/ The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : German Official Leaks Report Denouncing Corona as 'A Global False Alarm' Germany's federal government and mainstream media are engaged in damage control after a report that challenges the established Corona narrative leaked from the interior ministry. Some of the report's key passages are: The danger of covid-19 was overestimated; probably at no point did the danger posed by the new virus go beyond the normal level. Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 4:26 PM CNN (Commie News Network) comments on TV or in an article? Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 1:24:30 PM The CNN comments support the idea that this is part of a deep state operation to create a civil war. Soros paid money to antifa through a shell company at its inception. On 6/1/20 2:05 PM: yes, there are pictures of pallets of bricks conveniently placed near the riots when there was no construction nearby. they ought to easily be traced to who bought them and who put them there (they'd need a forklift to do it) but don't count on that. There were 2 NY lawyers who threw Molotov cocktails into a cop car. will they lose their licenses (after going to JAIL)? I don't count on anything like that anymore. Trump said (again) that antifa will be declared a terrorist group. Yeah, sure. Barr says he'll do this or that but he's part of the Swamp and the Swamp is still roaming free (like Eric Holder despite his involvement in Fast & furious years ago) so I don't expect anything from Barr, either. Of course, there's the CNN commies saying that the rioters (no, no protesters, as the anti-lockdown people were) are like revolutionaries: Lemon compares rioters to protesters Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2020 5:31:12 PM I heard they had bricks stacked up in anticipation of a riot. On 5/31/2020 3:45 PM wrote:
it's antifa, they came in from out of state On May 31, 2020, at 5:08 PM:
Riots are a convenient excuse to put the clamps down tight, aren't they? I'm sure it's just a coincidence. On May 31, 2020, at 11:48 AM wrote:
found this here's a picture of a white guy setting a building on fire in Nashville: On 5/31/20 11:28 AM: I don't know whether you heard about the riot in Sacramento last night, too. Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2020 4:10 AM Robert Morningstar called it. He said 2 weeks ago that the covid masks would give cover to antifa demonstrators. White demonstrators hijacking a black cause in order to create mayhem. LA, Santa Ana, even Nashville is under a state of emergency... not to mention the rest of the country. Contact Tracersby steve - 2020-06-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]flip a coin. Heads, the first one is right; tails, the second one is right. On Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 3:26:20 PM someone wrote:
claim-coronavirus-no-longer-exists-provokes-controversy On 5/30/20 6:55 PM:
I'm sorry, I don't answer two-part questions! But seriously, I didn't know anything about it. I just routinely apply updates. On May 30, 2020, at 6:05 PM: Did you install it on purpose knowing it had that app? If so, why? Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2020 4:01 PM contact tracers I installed that update and it screwed up Facebook and Instagram on my phone until I reinstalled those... twice. On May 30, 2020, at 5:04 PM: Good to know that. But don't be so sure about your strategy. If you are in someone else's contact list, they will have it. So I AM telling the people I have I will drop them and they to drop me. Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2020 2:03 PM Yes, totalitarian control seems to be the wet dream, but it won't happen. Well, maybe in California. Anyway, don't go to the doctor, don't get tested, and you don't need to scrap your smart phone yet. It is interesting though, that Apple has been wanting to install that update on my iPhone for over a week, but it can't because I have it set to not autoupdate and it needs a wifi connection, power cable and to be locked at the same time for it to do that. On 5/30/20 3:00 PM: In case you are not keeping up, you will want to view this: A Women Gets Her Contact Tracer Certificates and Tells All. We thought about dumping our smart phones in favor of flip phones. But I don't know that it is any solution. Flip phones have a GPS chip inside, too. So we could turn it off or put it inside a shielded bag. But who can guarantee the phone provider will continue each month to allow people purchase minutes? If many switch to a flip phone they may just stop selling them or providing service. We might have to consider dropping out of the modern luxury of a cell phone. Just remember the 90s when only a big clunker was a cell phone. I still have one of those stashed away in some box. Also, if you care to contact me, you may just want to make a note on paper somewhere of my phone which is a land line (maybe the last one on Earth?) Don't keep it in your contacts because I don't want anyone who goes along with contact tracing to find me as your contact. Just keep things written down in your own phone book like the good old days. Yea, that seems like ancient history now... And a month or two ago, people were asking me if I can spell "paranoid" -- how has that been working out? Bill Moyers on the Deep State (2014)by don - 2020-06-05 ( education / research ) [html version]From Vienna to DHSby doug - 2020-06-07 ( education / research ) [html version]This is 5 years old [now 10], but Leuren Moret tells a very interesting story about our modern police state, using UC Berkeley and Janet Napolitano NOTE: This article may contain more helpful context as you watch this interview. Thank you. Leuren Moret: DHS/Janet Napolitano using Berkeley, CA as template for overthrow of USA – Organized Gangstalking, EMF Cop Toys, Grid Changes: leuren-moret-dhsjanet-napolitano-using-berkeley-ca-as-template-for-overthrow Saturday, May 23, 2020 1:43 PM Retired judge Alfred Lambremont Webre's mind is so open his brain falls out on a regular basis. But I like how Leuren Moret connects dots I've never seen anyone else connect. Saturday, May 23, 2020 11:21 PM first of all, I think that guy is a nut. second of all, she mentioned it was 2014. Then she mentions the Jewish MAFIA? Huh? Aren't they a benevolent people who are so Godly? I couldn't handle more than 15 minutes of it Sent: *Saturday, June 6, 2020 2:40:12 AM I remember when I was walking down Fairfax in LA (the Jewish section) and my Israeli friend pointed out a guy who was high up in the Israeli mob. The more life experience one has, the less faith one has in broad generalities such as "it's the damn Jews!" IDF Tactics Taught to US Policeby doug - 2020-06-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]PS: data says it was ALL A HOAX: Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 11:21:24 PM I AM completely stunned to see what has happened in just a couple days and I wasn't even looking. This BLM crap is so damn dangerous. People better get prepared to defend themselves. Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 8:02 PM IDF tactics taught to US police Against whom do the israelis use this technique? The Palestinians? Hmmm. Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 5:10:36 PM I've heard about this for years, found this reference: Citrus Heights Homes Displaying American Flags Targeted by Arsonistsby doug - 2020-06-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Not that I'd ever put a flag on my house... Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 12:11:46 PM and what are the odds that the arsonists are commie Democrats? The Planby don - 2020-06-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]He (Ron Gibson) was kicked off YouTube, but a few sneak in. He's on Bitchute and, of course, On 6/11/20 12:51 PM: Only 281 views in 4 days? Did something happen and he had to start over? I got more views on my DNA video than that. Wednesday, June 10, 2020 3:09 PM A lot of good, albeit unbelievable, info which explains what's going on nowadays: [YouTube deleted it] Worse diseases on the way: Watch on Bitchute Putin Plotby doug - 2020-06-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]If police get defunded ... Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 3:47 AM yeah, that happens a lot :-) police recommend wasp spray, keeps one out of jail On 6/9/20 11:32 PM, someone wrote: That's smart. If someone wants to break down the door and set the house on fire, I can spray them. Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 7:44 PM personally, I wouldn't own a gun if there were children around if you're worried about self-defense, wasp spray and a baseball bat is pretty good On 6/9/20 9:24 PM, someone wrote: Good idea Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 7:11 PM Make sure you buy a gun lock with a key no kid or grown kid can get to. On 6/9/20 7:56 PM, someone wrote: Just found out that in order to buy ammo in CA, you first have to buy a gun here. And can't go to another state and buy with a CA license. No surprise they want people to jump through hoops. Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 5:48 PM Cc: Putin Plot it's a power play, listen to the whole thing On 6/9/20 7:32 PM: Listened to the first couple minutes until he said there'd be a covid-20 which would be "even worse" than 19. So... it'll kill 2% instead of 1% of those infected? Big deal. Plus, Trump has been the only Western "leader" who's been at all friendly with Putin so why would Putin want him gone? The Neo Zionist Order: Who Rules Your Rulers?by doug - 2020-06-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Good video Essays on Kaminski.orgby doug - 2020-06-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Movie Ticket Price in 2019by don - 2020-06-14 ( education / research / economy / inflation ) [html version]I was trying to calculate inflation. It comes to just under 13% a year from 1967 to 2016. Maybe that's why people are so crazy to buy stocks, hoping to beat that. On 6/13/20 2:02 PM: My infrequent trips to the theater are always for top-grossing movies like Star Wars. Expect to pay about $12 each. Saturday, June 13, 2020 6:14 AM never mind, just going to use the figures here: cost-movie-tickets On 6/13/20 8:07 AM, someone wrote: How much did a movie ticket (not matinee) cost last year? In 1967 it was $1.25, so I'm trying to figure out the percent of increase every year between 1967 and 2019. The Smoking Gun Evidenceby don - 2020-06-14 ( education / research ) [html version]Dr Fauci should know more about covid-19 than anyone, since he helped create it (with taxpayer money). Thanks, I'll dowload it. On 6/13/20 2:17 PM: I don't know whether you ran across this. Ever heard of Dr. David Martin? Me neither. But you may want to introduce him to everyone you know because once you listen to the first 39 minutes of this Judicial Commission where he provides the evidence and documentation of the crimes against humanity perpetrated by Fauci and one of his partners in crime, you will be floored and astonished. If you know anyone who has the ear of an elected leader at any level, please make the effort to get this to them. If you can get it to Trump or any president of any country, this will easily be enough to convince them to stop this entire charade. This is the proof, the smoking gun, that we have been waiting for. While the first testimony by Dr. Martin is the main stuff, there are many comments from him and others that are noteworthy later in the video. Corona Emergency Hearing 5: Dr. David Martin & Pastor Dr. Aaron Lewis On 7th May, 2020, the ITNJ heard the testimonies of Dr. David E. Martin and Pastor Dr. Aaron Lewis. Dr. Martin blows the entire covid19 origins out of the wa... Also, in case you didn't hear, the Recall Newsom petition is already in progress. I have posted it to a place we have (which may be in many places) called Nextdoor. It's a neighborhood watch / social platform and is an excellent place to reach people who are not usually within your circle. Already people have signed and sharing to thousands of their own friends. I can give more details if you want. Watergate Definitiveby don - 2020-06-15 ( education / research ) [html version]Deep Throat's lawyer tells what was really going on. Howard Hunt was using a call girl service to run a blackmail operation with DNC assets, using the Presidency's national security status as a legal shield. They had been running it illegally for years, but by getting Hunt into the White House, they were able to do it legally on the basis of national security. Here for a week:¬ify_recipient_email Autonomous Zone in Nashville?by don - 2020-06-18 ( education / research ) [html version]Well, if they're contemplating it in Nashville, I don't think they will succeed, because the governor had them run off today. They've been camping in Legislative Plaza, which is illegal. They were there during Occupy Wall St also, for several months. This is all just rehash of typical George Sauron movements. Yes, like China, they think they're communists but they're a bunch of fascists. Not nationalist but globalist. Backed by the same group that supported Hitler. On 6/16/20 7:53 PM: that's mentioned in the bottom of this article: BlackRock Take Over of America, Brought to You by Covid-19by don - 2020-06-22 ( education / research ) [html version]The interesting thing about this piece of disinfo is that there's another video of a guy saying the same thing (about the Treasury taking over the Fed), but that it's a good thing, a strike against the Rothschilds... Anyway, no evidence -- don't know where they get it from, maybe Q... On 6/18/20 10:37 PM: Ideological Demoralizationby doug - 2020-06-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I saw this about 2 weeks ago and was told he was killed in his home in Canada by the KGB I think it was in 1979.
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 4:22 AM A KGB defector explained the process being used against the US: "it takes 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation" sunrise movementby don - 2020-06-25 ( education / research ) [html version]actually, the New World Order was Hitler's term for the 3rd Reich On 6/23/20 2:55 PM: it's all about the commies (you know, the zionist bolsheviks who killed the czar of Russia in WWI and whom Hitler fought against taking over Germany in WWII) creating their New World Order - Original Message ----- , " " , Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 3:55:30 AM Subject: Exposes how they are organizing to bring down the US and bring about a green new deal: Two Very Bad Turns of Eventsby don - 2020-06-25 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]They're pulling down American statues because it's another color revolution, Soros's specialty.
On 6/23/20 4:57 PM: It is astonishingly bad: Tearing Down Monuments Tucker: Why mobs are tearing down America's monuments. This is not a momentary civil disturbance. This is a serious and highly organized political movement. DNC Whistleblower: Joe Biden Will NOT Be The Democratic Nominee -- The Clover Chronicle On Saturday, an alleged whistleblower who works "in a job closely tied to the DNC but not directly for them" took to an anonymous forum and shared some information related to 2020 presidential hopeful Joe Biden's electability: "Biden is not the real candidate. Nwo Videoby doug - 2020-06-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version] Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 6:48:11 PM sunrise movement actually, the New World Order was Hitler's term for the 3rd Reich On 6/23/20 2:55 PM: it's all about the commies (you know, the zionist bolsheviks who killed the czar of Russia in WWI and whom Hitler fought against taking over Germany in WWII) creating their New World Order Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 3:55:30 AMsunrise movement Exposes how they are organizing to bring down the US and bring about a green new deal: amazingly smart guyby don - 2020-06-27 ( education / research ) [html version]The dangers of ideology. Masks Do Not Workby don - 2020-06-28 ( education / research ) [html version]Since they're only given 1-way tickets into the US, it sounds like a human smuggling operation under cover of the pandemic. The Dems are trying to get as many illegals voting for them as possible. In the House they passed a to make DC the 51st state, for the same reason, votes. On 6/26/20 6:30 PM: Now look at this crap I just posted: For the idiots who willingly wear a mask, you have been programmed to accept this type of announcement when it arrives as this one in Texas today. When that happens, take the time to verify it by going to the places supposedly full of covid patients. Verify it in person and shout like hell when you discover it's another fake disaster. You probably didn't bother to learn how Gov Newsom has been telling Mexicans they can get free treatment and they are lining up where a helicopter takes them to various places from Santa Barbara county to Riverside, etc. and it's a one-way ticket. The cost is estimated to be 50-100K per person of tax payer money for this. The purpose is obviously to create a new wave appearance that we're all going to die and justify the masks you are so mindlessly wearing. See my other link from yesterday if you want to learn the details. Friday, June 26, 2020 3:44 PM don ory ; Re: I feel the same as , exactly. By the way's mention of his website lead me to his interview of Mikovits and then to his new platform which seems to be a good resource. =09 Dr Judy Mikovits Plandemic partie 1 -- Sous-titrage : Philippe Cardin sur FB I tried to share this link on Facebook and it wouldn't let me. So I added _ at certain places and told people to remove them. Friday, June 26, 2020 3:03 PM ; Re: My attitude is simple:=A0 Wear a mask if you're worried, but leave the rest of us alone to breathe in peace.=A0 And anyone who fell for this "pandemic" probably also fell for 9/11, Obama's "hope," and the Kennedy assassination official explanation. Friday, June 26, 2020 4:45 PM *Cc:* Re: Natural News has always been supportive of the covid agenda. On 6/26/20 3:52 PM: If HCQ has been banned, what's the other simple treatment? Also, check this out: On 6/26/2020 12:38 PM: It will doesn't change the fact it's a simple treatment. You driving your car is more dangerous than dying from it. Friday, June 26, 2020 12:00 PM *Cc:* Re: That's just it -- many covid-19 spreaders are asymptomatic and don't know they have it. Also, it's not just a cold for many people, as I'm sure you know, or should know. On 6/25/2020 11:08 PM: Using your logic, when you know you are not sick, you can skip wearing a mask. Besides the fact 99.4% people survive the cold they are calling covid19. it would be better to get it on purpose so as to protect others than keep fooling around with masks, because that 2.6% who have died are also including those NY and other inflated numbers, which includes the fact NY's Cuomo made HCQ illegal so as to get those deaths higher. Knowing those who used HCQ with zinc had almost in every case 100% success rate, the actual numbers of death since March when Trump suggested it could have been nearly zero. Thursday, June 25, 2020 10:53 PM *Cc:* Re: Please see my response to . On 6/25/2020 10:50 PM, someone wrote: just read me an article about masks. N95 masks have to be fitted or everything will go around the edges. Other masks don't really protect you because they can't be fitted. *> To: *>, >, " h"> *Cc: *> Sent: *Thursday, June 25, 2020 9:27:42 PM Subject: *Re: That's the same argument I see on my Facebook page who want to wear a mask. If you still are not certain that masks don't help: =09 ANTI-MASKERS: RIGHT OR SELFISH? ANTI-MASKERS: RIGHT OR SELFISH? As Americans turn against each other over mask mandates, many scientists are speaking out, including former professor of phys... And as for that argument, what about this: If your mask protects you, why should you feel threatened when someone isn't wearing a mask? And it is the same for vaccines. If someone feels threatened that ie isn't vaccinated and he runs across a fully vaccinated person of any age, what danger is he to that person if that vaccination works? Thursday, June 25, 2020 9:09 PM don>; *Cc:* Re: I heard a lady on TV say "you don't have a right to trample on my constitutional rights by telling me I have to wear a mask". I would tell her "you don't have a right to contaminate me because you won't wear a mask!" On 6/25/2020 6:12 PM: Having a vaccine already would shatter the lie about the virus coming from China and they didn't know about it. As for "cases" take a look what Newscum has been doing this past month: =09 BREAKING NEWS -- covid in Riverside County Thursday, June 25, 2020 6:06 PM *Cc:* Re: If they already had a vaccine they would use it while the hysteria is sufficient to support making it mandatory. Also, I half-expect another lockdown in a few months in CA. They have shifted from flattening the curve to stopping the spread. From that they will shift to eradicating the virus. Why not? It worked for the common cold :-) On 6/25/20 6:54 PM: What if they already had a vaccine and what they are calling trials is just for show? Thursday, June 25, 2020 5:22 AM *Cc:* Re: As the country re-opens, the govt's biggest fear is that we will achieve herd immunity before a vaccine is developed. That is why they are closing things down again, to avoid that happening. And that is why the hysteria has gone from covid deaths to covid cases. Cases are not much of a concern, unless you need to keep herd immunity from happening. I believe that the escape of the virus from Wuhan Lab was accidental, otherwise they wouldn't have released it before they had a vaccine. Now they have to keep the fear factor high. That's why the computer models predicting massive more deaths. On 6/22/20 8:57 PM: I am paying for ie and they don't give me a discount. But coaching doesn't cost me anything. The refund would be for I think $125 or whatever I paid for ie. For soccer, they give me half off ie's fee as his coach. Monday, June 22, 2020 4:42 PM *Cc:* Re: I didn't know you had to pay to be a little league coach. On 6/22/20 6:29 PM: We refuse masks and there are places to buy food that allow you to shop without one. Sometimes they have to be told you can't wear one for health reasons. If when the Little League season returns and they tell me kids and I, the coach have to wear one. I will make a very loud exit and get a refund for the season. Monday, June 22, 2020 3:27 PM *Cc:* Re: if yo wear them when not forced to (grocery stores require one to be worn so I have to comply with that), it means submitting, bending over and .. * To: *" h" , " " *Cc: * , Sent: *Monday, June 22, 2020 1:50:46 PM Subject: *Re: It's called "virtue signalling." By wearing a mask you signal that you believe and believe in big government. On 6/22/20 12:36 AM, someone wrote: those masks will block the virus as well as a chain link fence blocks mosquitoes , , " " , Sent: *Sunday, June 21, 2020 8:38:36 PM Subject: *Re: Obama's back , you may want to look at this: Sunday, June 21, 2020 7:04 PM Re: Obama's back The purpose of masks is not to build herd immunity. Too many people would die before we had herd immunity. The people in countries where there is a much lower infection rate have been much more diligent in wearing masks and social distancing. On 6/21/2020 3:24 PM someone wrote: Wearing masks will prolong it -- herd immunity will take forever On 6/21/20 5:05 PM: I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired of this pandemic! Not wearing masks will just prolong it. On 6/21/2020 1:52 PM someone wrote: They don't enforce it here. They have signs up that say you're supposed to wear one, but only about half the people do. are more of a Democratic virtue signaling for most people who wear them. Of course, there are some old people who are probably afraid of covid, but the young people who wear them are just showing their support for the establishment as embodied by the Democratic party. Out goes the bad air, in goes the bad air... On 6/21/20 3:29 PM wrote: Just shows even in a red state there can be crap from government. I really, really don't want to move, but we are checking into where we might if things get worse. The enforcement of wearing a mask at our closest store has outraged us. Even though the sheriff of Sac county says he won't enforce it, but rather educate, the stores are deciding if they will enforce it and the owner said Jana is not welcome in his store anymore. We'll be doing things to protest and make him pay for it. Not sure what yet, but bad reviews, maybe protesting outside, etc. We're thinking of something more rural where it seems people are more likely to think more clearly. The stores like Costco seem to universally enforce it. don Sunday, June 21, 2020 2:47 AM ; ; Obama's back Our Democrat activist mayor has announced he's going to comply with President Obama's use of force policy. Apparently the Dems have decided to pretend Obama is still the president, in an effort to elect Biden. great interview on economyby don - 2020-06-29 ( education / research ) [html version]That wasn't part of WW1 -- except that some people think Wall St. financed the Bolsheviks to weaken Russia against the Kaiser. On 6/28/20 6:56 PM: wikipedia is commie/Deep State. who do you think the Bolsheviks who killed the czar were? The Bolsheviks werecommies who made the USSR communist. They didn't teach you that? How else do you think that the USSR became communist? On Sunday, June 28, 2020, 4:50:45 PM wrote:
In college I did a report on the causes of WW1 and I don't remember communism coming into it. Looks like wikipedia agrees with me: WW2 was about Hitler trying to establish Germany at the head of a New World Order. If you look at the powers behind communism and fascism, you'll find they're the same. Why? Because communism is just PR -- it evolves into fascism as soon as the ruling clique has established itself. On 6/28/20 3:58 PM: WWI and WWII were about the commies (the zionists) vs the fascists (hitler and mussolini) On Sunday, June 28, 2020, 1:44:38 PM wrote:
commie/fascist, no difference -- china switched from commie to fascist in the 90s, without missing a beat and it was proven long ago that wall st. financed the Russian revolution -- check out anthony sutton's books at your local birch society On 6/28/20 3:32 PM: that's all part of the plan for the commie New World Order On Sunday, June 28, 2020, 1:01:43 PM , wrote:
I think you will like this one: How The Coronavirus Recession Will Create Hyperinflation & Destroy The Financial World -- Peter Schiff -- Lon Real Stock Broker, Financial Commentator & Radio Personality. Peter David Schiff is an American libertarian, stock broker, financial commentator, economist and radio personality.He is CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a broker-dealer based in Westport, Connecticut. He is the founder of Euro Pacific Canada Inc., now known as Echelon Wealth Partners Inc., headquartered in ... ** ** it was part of the lead up to WWI by the zionist/bolsheviks which were financed by Schiiff and other zionist banksters
On Sunday, June 28, 2020, 5:25:00 PM someone wrote: That wasn't part of WW1 -- except that some people think Wall St. financed the Bolsheviks to weaken Russia against the Kaiser. On 6/28/20 6:56 PM: wikipedia is commie/Deep State. who do you think the Bolsheviks who killed the czar were? The Bolsheviks werecommies who made the USSR communist. They didn't teach you that? How else do you think that the USSR became communist?
On Sunday, June 28, 2020, 4:50:45 PM someone wrote: In college I did a report on the causes of WW1 and I don't remember communism coming into it. Looks like wikipedia agrees with me: WW2 was about Hitler trying to establish Germany at the head of a New World Order. If you look at the powers behind communism and fascism, you'll find they're the same. Why? Because communism is just PR -- it evolves into fascism as soon as the ruling clique has established itself. On 6/28/20 3:58 PM: WWI and WWII were about the commies (the zionists) vs the fascists (hitler and mussolini)
On Sunday, June 28, 2020, 1:44:38 PM someone wrote: commie/fascist, no difference -- china switched from commie to fascist in the 90s, without missing a beat
and it was proven long ago that wall st. financed the Russian revolution -- check out anthony sutton's books at your local birch society On 6/28/20 3:32 PM: that's all part of the plan for the commie New World Order
On Sunday, June 28, 2020, 1:01:43 PM : #yiv1757697196 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;} I think you will like this one: How The Coronavirus Recession Will Create Hyperinflation & Destroy The Financial World -- Peter Schiff -- Lon Real Stock Broker, Financial Commentator & Radio Personality. Peter David Schiff is an American libertarian, stock broker, financial commentator, economist and radio personality.He is CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a broker-dealer based in Westport, Connecticut. He is the founder of Euro Pacific Canada Inc., now known as Echelon Wealth Partners Inc., headquartered in ...
London Real interview of Zach Bush - amazingby don - 2020-06-29 ( education / research ) [html version]Her father had an uncle named Victor Debs (but not Eugene Victor Debs). He died in the 1990s. He was a somewhat successful inventor. Serious brains on her father's (Lebanese) side. Her Lebanese Christian father had blue eyes ("Crusader Arabic" called it). On 6/28/20 6:57 PM: I thought that Eugene Debs was her father's uncle or something similar On Sunday, June 28, 2020, 4:35:47 PM wrote:
You mean Eugene V . Debs, the Socialist Party presidential candidate? When I lived in LA I used to go to Ernest Debs (CA Assemblyman) park sometimes. None any relation to . Her dad and mom were Rush Limbaugh fans. On 6/28/20 4:10 PM: commie ran and seems to still run in 's family. some sort of uncle of hers ran for socialist president a few times a hundred years ago On Sunday, June 28, 2020, 11:57:09 AM , wrote:
"She proudly wears a mask in public, as our Democrat mayor orders, as half the population in Nashville does." Jana does all the shopping and wanted to tell you when she goes to Trader Joe's, she is the ONLY one not wearing a mask. I am looking very much forward to people using the law I found yesterday from that lady in Orange County and busting up the mask "mandate" here. I guess I told you about that, but if not, it's the best news we got yesterday.
Sunday, June 28, 2020 11:32 AM *Cc:*
Re: 's a true blue Democrat volunteer, which she can't continue being if she delves into "conspiracy theories." She proudly wears a mask in public, as our Democrat mayor orders, as half the population in Nashville does. There's no link for that Bush guy, just= a bunch of interviews on the right side of the screen, like Rose/Wakefield, but no Rose/Bush. If you click Listen to the Podcast, it's an interview with a surfer. On 6/28/20 11:35 AM Ho takes you to the londonreal page with lmes someone wrote:
Wow, that is a shock. Did you know was like that? This guy seems to have put it all together so clearly. Sunday, June 28, 2020 5:49 AM *Cc:* don ; Re: Please unsubscribe me from this mailing list and all other conspiracy-related mailings. Thank you very much. -- Saturday, June 27, 2020 at 7:37 PM , , " " , , " ">, , , " " , This is an amazing biological discussion that will affect the health of all people -- MUST SEE A Triple Board Certified Physician Zach Bush MD is a physician specialising in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is an internationally recognised educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease and food systems. Dr. Zach founded Seraphic Group and the non-profit Farmer's Footprint to develop root-cause solutions for human and ecological health. His passion for education reaches across many disciplines, including topics such as the role of soil and water ecosystems in human genomics, immunity, and gut/brain health. ** ** Sethby don - 2020-07-02 ( education / research ) [html version]The only thing that Cass's Seth says that's interesting is that humans were changed to be violent and now humans will be changed again in ways we won't like in order to fit in with the galactic culture. Sounds like they want to make us into androids, like the grey aliens. Some people say the grey aliens are humans from the future. On 7/1/20 6:13 AM someone wrote:
Speaks and other books by Jane Roberts came out in the 1970s. When Jane died, her husband Robert Butts took over. A lady at Getty Trust in Santa Monica where and I worked (who knew better than I) went to New York to work for Robert Butts and eventually married him. After Butts died, I assume she's now in charge of the material. This new guy started channeling Seth a few years back. He's been on Coast radio a few times. This new Seth made some vague predictions that maybe came true, about changes in politics, in 2015, before Trump won. On 6/30/20 9:07 PM: This will blow you away. I didn't cc anyone because I don't know how receptive they would be to it, but if you want in your reply, go right ahead. FINDING THE SETH GROUPFEATURING ALBA WEINMANEPISODE 63 THEY CALL US CHANNELERS The Seth Group Speaks for the First Time Since 1984 through Cass Smith. In March of 2002 for the first time since 1984, the philosopher and educator known as... ** ** finally, a meaningful statisticby doug - 2020-07-07 ( education / research ) [html version]Sorry to see your country join the stupid mask club. Just notice he doesn't site a law, so there can be no enforcement worth anything. If you didn't already subscribe, go to and also subscribe to her YouTube channel because she is helping people from every state fight these crazy "recommendations" masquerading as a law. ________________________________ From: Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 10:19 AM To: Cc: -- Subject: And now my county has finally caved: On Jul 2, 2020, at 4:31 PM, someone wrote: "Just a bad flu," as I've been saying all along. :) ________________________________ From: Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 4:17 PM To: ; -- Subject: The more I look at this "meaningful statistic" the more I see how the gross amount of deaths year-on-year were possibly increased: 1) most of the nursing home deaths were in states where the governors (5 of them, all Democrats), ordered covid patients into the nursing homes 2) in the border states they have been taking in lots Mexican covid patients (and the deaths are surely counted as US deaths) 3) as said, some deaths were from people afraid to go to the hospital who should have 4) as said, hospitals can be dangerous and more people might have gone who normally wouldn't, due to panic It's possible the above could account for close to the 18% increase. Anyway, attached is an audio clip from science writer Robert Zimmerman analyzing the whole covid scenario scientifically (it's just a bad flu). On 7/1/20 6:51 PM, someone wrote: Smart, Bill ________________________________ From: Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 4:42 PM To: -- Subject: Take the (often misleading) headline with a grain of salt since that is the conclusion they WANT you to reach, as well as the pictures of coffins (scare tactics). You should always read articles from the bottom, up. That way you start off with the most salient (usually downplayed) facts. At the bottom, it says, "The study does not address the issue of deaths caused indirectly by the pandemic. These are people who died of other causes, such as a heart attack or stroke and refused to go to a hospital for fear of getting infected with the coronavirus." From: Don Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 5:24 PM To: -- Subject: My point was that there are a lot more deaths this year, so there's something going on. thinks it's doctor-caused. It could also be caused by covid-19. On 7/1/20 4:49 PM, -- someone wrote: s relatives in Holland say its about the same there. Most wear masks but they know they don't help. If you spit a lot while talking you should wear a mask ? Get Outlook for iOS From: Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 1:47:11 PM To: -- ; Subject: It would make sense that with all the effort to scare people, plus the campaign against the known treatments that are mostly natural and therefore cheap as hell, 18% above normal deaths would not surprise anyone. I wonder how it plays out in other countries that are not so under the thumb of the criminals in charge of health. From: Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 1:43 PM To: -- ; Subject: possibly -- doctors are the #1 cause of death in this country On 7/1/20 2:07 PM, someone wrote: Lots of people are so freaked out by the fear campaign that they are showing up at hospitals like NY and dying by mistreatment, nothing more than succumbing from their fear. From: Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 11:45 AM To: -- ; [wife] Subject: Hard to argue with this, since it takes into account all deaths vs. last year. Government Edicts that Overstep Their Authorityby doug - 2020-07-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]this is fantastic news. I think I heard it about 5 days ago. The lady I recommended you subscribe to her channel says there is a similar lawsuit against Newsom, but not going as great as it did in Illinois. And there are many others, she says. I wonder how those in IL are reacting to their sudden release from prison and return to real life. Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 11:36 AM Cc: -- government edicts that overstep their authority I would like to see similar rulings throughout the country, striking down government edicts that overstep their authority. See attached and/or this link: [] Judge rules Pritzker's covid-19 executive orders 'void,' state to appeal ? CLAY COUNTY, Ill. (NEXSTAR) — Governor J.B. Pritzker's emergency powers to issue executive orders to close businesses or order people to stay at home expired 85 days ago on April 8th, 2020, a judge in Clay County Circuit Court ruled On Thursday afternoon. The ruling did not find the state has no power to forcibly [...] Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 12:19 PM Cc: -- finally, a meaningful statistic And now my county has finally caved: On Jul 2, 2020, at 4:31 PM "Just a bad flu," as I've been saying all along. :)
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 4:17 PM -- finally, a meaningful statistic The more I look at this "meaningful statistic" the more I see how the gross amount of deaths year-on-year were possibly increased: 1) most of the nursing home deaths were in states where the governors (5 of them, all Democrats), ordered covid patients into the nursing homes 2) in the border states they have been taking in lots Mexican covid patients (and the deaths are surely counted as US deaths) 3) as said, some deaths were from people afraid to go to the hospital who should have 4) as said, hospitals can be dangerous and more people might have gone who normally wouldn't, due to panic It's possible the above could account for close to the 18% increase. Anyway, attached is an audio clip from science writer Robert Zimmerman analyzing the whole covid scenario scientifically (it's just a bad flu). On 7/1/20 6:51 PM, someone wrote: Smart, Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 4:42 PM -- RE: finally, a meaningful statistic Take the (often misleading) headline with a grain of salt since that is the conclusion they WANT you to reach, as well as the pictures of coffins (scare tactics). You should always read articles from the bottom, up. That way you start off with the most salient (usually downplayed) facts. At the bottom, it says, "The study does not address the issue of deaths caused indirectly by the pandemic. These are people who died of other causes, such as a heart attack or stroke and refused to go to a hospital for fear of getting infected with the coronavirus." Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 5:24 PM --; finally, a meaningful statistic My point was that there are a lot more deaths this year, so there's something going on. thinks it's doctor-caused. It could also be caused by covid-19. On 7/1/20 4:49 PM, -- someone wrote: s relatives in Holland say its about the same there. Most wear masks but they know they don't help. If you spit a lot while talking you should wear a mask ? Get Outlook for iOS
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 1:47:11 PM -- finally, a meaningful statistic It would make sense that with all the effort to scare people, plus the campaign against the known treatments that are mostly natural and therefore cheap as hell, 18% above normal deaths would not surprise anyone. I wonder how it plays out in other countries that are not so under the thumb of the criminals in charge of health.
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 1:43 PM -- finally, a meaningful statistic possibly -- doctors are the #1 cause of death in this country On 7/1/20 2:07 PM, someone wrote: Lots of people are so freaked out by the fear campaign that they are showing up at hospitals like NY and dying by mistreatment, nothing more than succumbing from their fear.
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 11:45 AM -- finally, a meaningful statistic Hard to argue with this, since it takes into account all deaths vs. last year. Lolita Express passengersby don - 2020-07-08 ( education / research ) [html version]Looks like they removed a lot more than that. Someone posted a whole diatribe. On 7/7/20 7:47 AM: I thought this (see screenshot below) was funny.A0 The web search excerpt for one of those passengers, Tom Pritzger, mentions that he was on the Lolita Express, but when you click that link you see that has been scrubbed from the article already.A0 Wikipedia admins doing their best to cover for their bosses (not that Pritzger, specifically, has anything to do with Wikipedia).
Monday, July 6, 2020 2:30 PM ;
This was hard to find: Note all the Hollywood names, mostly Democrat This might be worth listening to an mp3 version while doing other things. Psychic Sloan's so mad about having to wear a mask in LA that she tells even more about the Hollywood satanist/pedophiles Talk by Insider About Our Governmentby steve - 2020-07-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I read how we knew that Japan was going to bomb Pearl Harbor but let it happen so we'd have the excuse to get into the war (just like 911 being the excuse for the "war on terror") On Friday, July 10, 2020, 12:36:24 PM : 1794180209 P Oh, and did you know Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen? It predates the CIA, but the same people who became the CIA were already doing their sh-t. Of course, Dulles put the hit on JFK, as clear as Day. He goes into a bunch of this. Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 12:29 PM
talk by insider about our government= 1794180209 1794180209 --p 1794180209 It's more than that. It started on the road to corruption from the beginning when Truman created them and he soon regretted it. Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 12:22 PM talk by insider about our government= that the CIA is corrupt is old news. they were shown to be that as far back as when they were importing drugs through Mena, Arkansas, with the OK of clinton (to fund their covert operations) and since they were created from the importation of Hitler's goons On Friday, July 10, 2020, 12:15:44 PM : 1794180209 1794180209 --1794180209x_x_yiv9078353843 p 1794180209 Yea, really long. But packed with info -- so many things I never knew. But it's the type of thing has been looking at for years. Summary is that the CIA is a rogue and illegal organization that can't be stopped. It just gets into the details like crazy by a guy who was one of them. Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 12:03 PM talk by insider about our government= 3 hour video? No, I don't think so. What does he say that's new and important? On Thursday, July 9, 2020, 10:58:04 PM : 1794180209 1794180209 --1794180209x_x_yiv9078353843 1794180209x_x_yiv9078353843 -- 1794180209x_x_yiv9078353843x_yiv1954846113 p 1794180209 Wow. Enough is Enough on Facebook WatchFormer C*I*A agent Kevin Shipp discussing the deep state, NWO and much more.....3hrs Swiss doctor - good articleby don - 2020-07-14 ( education / research ) [html version]Yes, the virus goes away in the summer -- except in the border states that importing patients from S America :-) On 7/13/20 4:54 PM: Coronavirus: Why everyone was wrong -- Back to Reason -- Medium The original article was published in the Swiss magazine Weltwoche (World Week) on June 10th. The author, Beda M Stadler is the former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of ... ** ** Wayfair Conspiracyby doug - 2020-07-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Apparently, you didn't know the codes, so you were not willing to pay for a "couch" that cost $20,000
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 6:59 AM Years ago I saw something on ebay for about 10 times the normal price. I asked the seller what was up. He said to mind my own business. I thought it was money laundering, but maybe it was something else. Ghana President Videoby doug - 2020-07-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]this is a different link, but I saw it last week in a Spanish translation version. Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 5:01 PMFw: Here's a video from . It's kind of hard to understand him. He's reading from some document and the predictions seemed to be right on. - S. Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020, 4:59:43 PM I just watched a minute of it before because I wanted to go on my bike ride. I just watched the rest of it. Yeah, it looks like it correctly predicted it all and what is supposedly to happen in the future doesn't look good. He's reading a document but I don't know which one and would like to see it. A person who commented had a link to a Rockefeller document but at glance it doesn't seem to be the same thing. On Monday, July 13, 2020, 1:38:14 PM , S. someone wrote:
Did you watch? On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 1:20 PM wrote:
they ought to request that gates be extradited for trial in the MURDER of people On Monday, July 13, 2020, 11:25:52 AM , S. someone wrote: -- -- uh-oh, Donby don - 2020-07-15 ( education / research ) [html version]Coast has callers a lot flakier than that on open lines On 7/14/20 12:06 AM: Jews Comment on Jews and Communismby doug - 2020-07-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This was in my "draft" folder so I guess I didn't send it before: Dangers of Ideologyby staff - 2020-07-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]"Tyranny, one tiny step at a time -- How ideology, group identity & collective guilt destroy societies" Read, listen or watch the rest here: Jordan Peterson on the dangers of ideology Enough is Enoughby staff - 2020-07-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Former CIA agent Kevin Shipp discussing the deep state, NWO and much more. Deep State Hiding in Plain Sightby staff - 2020-07-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight "Mike Lofgren, a congressional staff member for 28 years, joins Bill Moyers to talk about what he calls Washington's "Deep State," in which elected and unelected..." Roger Stoneby doug - 2020-07-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I just haven't been interested in his story. I did see something that though he was wrongly convicted on that matter, he's still a scumbag - Original Message -----
, " " , Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 4:08:43 PM talks about the mueller kangaroo court says that if the fed govt goes after you, you make a deal or you go to jail (99.9% conviction rate for those who plead not guilty) Masks are An Initiation Ritualby doug - 2020-07-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]according to the County of Sacramento Summary Isolation Order of July 10,2020, an "exposure" is close contact (15 minutes to a person who has symptoms or a person who tested positive. If you have an exposure, you need to be quarantined WHETHER OR NOT if either of you were wearing a mask (so masks DON'T MATTER)
, " " , , Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2020 10:28:29 AM masks are an initiation ritual So there's no viral shedding in confirmed covid patients. So what? Don't you want people to know you are obedient? :-) On 7/18/20 12:00 PM: Did you see this?
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2020 9:23 AM masks are an initiation ritual Fauci says masks are symbolic: and an initiation ritual: Alleged Wayfair Child Traffickingby don - 2020-07-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Epstein-linked reality star's suggestive tweets cause stir On 7/18/20 2:15 PM: I just found this article about ellen and her pillow, though I haven't read it yet: Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2020 11:14:02 AM Uh-oh! I once knew a girl named Lumbar! :-) On 7/18/2020 10:31 AM someone wrote: it didn't have a girl's name, it was just called a lumbar pillow On 7/18/20 12:06 PM: What was the pillow called? On 7/18/2020 7:09 AM someone wrote: Ellen Degeneres had a $10k pillow on wayfair that dropped to $99 after the story broke On 7/17/20 11:49 PM: Here is her YouTube video. I decided to subscribe. Thursday, July 16, 2020 7:06 PM yeah, that's the woman in the link that I sent Sent: *Wednesday, July 15, 2020 11:33:44 PM Check out this great video from the lady who discovered the Wayfair anomalies. I think it's a real thing! On 7/15/2020 8:51 PM, someone wrote: these folks COUNT on you saying it's just a conspiracy theory and ignoring it: motorcycle crash listed as covid deathby don - 2020-07-21 ( education / research ) [html version]this is how Florida is keeping their covid death numbers up: naive woman tests positiveby don - 2020-07-23 ( education / research ) [html version]and don't EVER submit to an antibody test, which will give a positive if you only had a cold On 7/22/20 6:55 AM:
And that's why you don't get tested On Jul 22, 2020, at 6:13 AM someone wrote:
and gets ankle monitor https://news./ky-couple-house-arrest-wife-194510998.html Facebook to Ban Anti-Vaxersby don - 2020-07-23 ( education / research ) [html version]Zuckerberg Goes All In With Deadly Vaccine Industry Censorship alternative campaign tactics?by don - 2020-07-25 ( education / research ) [html version]The lady suing Hannity and Carlson is COMPLETELY full of it: She was probably put up to it by someone to help the Dem campaign. I just ordered a bumper sticker: "Had enough? Vote Republican" not my idea. Heard there's a board in the Bay Area area that says that. FYI, I voted for Obama twice and Gore and Clinton before that. the beast system implementedby don - 2020-07-25 ( education / research ) [html version]It's being started in Africa, tied to vaccines and cashless payment: rfk vs dershowitzby don - 2020-07-25 ( education / research ) [html version]vaccine debate why are you still alive?by don - 2020-07-25 ( education / research ) [html version]Maybe this is why: Swedenby don - 2020-07-25 ( education / research ) [html version]In just a few short months Anders Tegnell, architect of Sweden's unique response to the covid-19 pandemic, has gone from unknown physician and technocrat to a household celebrity in Sweden and in countries around the world. He is beloved by some (people have even had tattoos made with his face) and intensely disliked by others. Today he is suntanned and relaxed, having just returned from his summer holiday, and wearing an open-necked polo shirt. Here is a summary of what he said: - In terms of migrants, travel and urban areas Sweden is more similar to the Netherlands and the UK than Norway or Finland - Lockdown may have made a difference, but closing schools and people being out of work is also bad for public health - Numbers of new infections arriving at the same time seems to make a big difference, so Stockholm half-term travellers to the Alps a big factor for Stockholm epidemic - Eradication is not an option, 'we have to learn to live with this disease' - Evidence for masks still very weak, and they may yet be counterproductive. With all the trends going sharply down, it would make no sense to introduce them now - Additional immunity such as T cells playing a substantial role in slowing spread – 'what we see right now is a rapid fall in the number of cases, and of course some kind of immunity has to be involved in that as nothing else has changed.' - Sweden will be better placed than other countries to limit further waves and outbreaks because of higher immunity - IFR of covid-19 in final account will be 0.1% to 0.5% -- "and that is not radically different to what we see with the yearly flu" - Judge me in a year, he says. Source: snopes on mayor de blasioby don - 2020-07-25 ( education / research ) [html version]they can't debunk this one: Oldie but Goodyby steve - 2020-07-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]That guy proved he's a FRAUD when he talked of Zachariah Sitchin who pretended to be able to read the Sumerian scrolls. Somebody who actually could read them said Zachariah made his interpretations all up. - Original Message, Sent: Friday, July 24, 2020 3:47:18 PM This early Project Camelot interview of Deagel (no longer available) is fascinating: Here's an article about Deagel found at Slave Planet full emergency rooms in southern statesby don - 2020-07-26 ( education / research ) [html version]here's what's behind it: Holocaust Real Numbersby doug - 2020-07-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]5 million were "goyim" (non-jews) and only a million were jews (that's what it says at the top of this article in the Times of Israel) Very Interesting Articleby doug - 2020-07-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version] , , " " , , , " " Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 2:39:53 AM very interesting article Very important interview. Watch before YouTube takes it down: Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 1:27 AM very interesting article Become Owned?by doug - 2020-07-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Interesting article points out how companies modify organisms and can then own them. Well, if the vaccines us mRNA to modify humans, they could thus own humans. I can imagine the sales pitch where companies say "gain this super power by way of our vaccine" and ignore that it could end up they (and their progeny) are owned (slavery) Vaccine Infoby steve - 2020-07-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]this looks like how they'll check to see if you've been vaccinated. I wonder if it can be hacked/faked (which is what characters in my story do): Scientific Basis?by doug - 2020-07-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Yea. I didn't find the episode where Jon Rap. was quoted but I sure didn't see that "fact."
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 6:57 PM
Cc: scientific basis? Alex Jones said submit? Now THAT'S fake news! On 7/27/20 7:38 PM so alex jones (a puppet of the globalists) tells us we might as well SUBMIT? Yeah, sure, they'd love that. there's nothing about it online. if it were true, wouldn't they be demanding that visitors get vaccines (which isn't happening)? FAKE NEWS " " , "William" , Cc: , " " Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 4:48:10 PM scientific basis? Wow!
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 4:30 PM
Cc: scientific basis? From Jon Rappoport: To Patriots: Look at Italy Now "Last week, when I hosted an hour of the Alex Jones show on Infowars, I urged the audience that, at all future Trump rallies, they hack the proceedings from the get-go, refuse to let Trump talk, and shout over and over, in unison, OPEN THE ECONOMY, FIRE FAUCI! Make that message sink deep into the brain and gut of the president. Because it's come to that. The second wave of lies is underway. covid case numbers are being faked at new and higher levels; mask wearing is being mandated in communities; Fauci is fronting for more lockdowns and more economic destruction. If this continues...well, look at Italy. Look hard. Once the titan of a Renaissance, Italy is now under the gun. Its people are under the gun of their government. And unless a new political party rises quickly out of the mire, and enough Italians support it, there will be a stark choice: submit or openly rebel. Do you want America to suffer the fate the Italian government is imposing on its population? Here is a letter written by Italian researcher, Dr. Antonietta M. Gatti, to Robert Kennedy, Jr. It is published at Children's Health Defense. Gatti is a Visiting Professor to the International Clean Water Institute; President of the Health, Law and Science Association; Past-Consultant to the Italian Governmental Commission on Depleted Uranium (XVI legislatura); and co-author of a 2017 study which found vast contamination of vaccines by metallic nanoparticles: Gatti: "I don't know if you are completely aware of the Italian situation. Summarizing everything in a few words, Italy was sold to Big Pharma and has become a huge laboratory where experiments are carried out on the population: adults, children, old, healthy, sick people ... it makes no difference, we are all guinea pigs. Now the business, and not just an economic one, is to force 60 million Italians to get vaccinated against covid, so much so that tens of millions of doses of a product have already been purchased, a product that, in fact, is unknown both in terms of effectiveness and, above all, in terms of side effects. In the meantime, while waiting to receive the goods [a covid vaccine has been pre-purchased, before it's been tested, sight unseen], a law is being passed according to which everyone, including children, must be vaccinated against the flu (why?), and this in addition to the 10 vaccines that are already mandatory." "As if that were not enough, many personal freedoms, although guaranteed by the Constitution, have been brutally canceled." "As you know, for years we have been analyzing vaccines, finding them always dangerously polluted and we are contacted daily by families of children damaged by vaccines." "Now, in our parliament there is no longer any difference between majority and opposition and, if the situation remains that of today, we will have no escape." "For some months, a group of highly educated people has formed a political party called MOVIMENTO 3 V (Movement We Want the Truth about Vaccines). Neither Stefano nor I are members of the party but we have been asked to help them from a scientific point of view, and this is what we are doing." "We would all be very grateful if you could inform your people of what is happening in Italy and if you could write an appeal to encourage the Italians to support the party which, at the present time, is the only possibility of making a voice heard that is different from that of the regime." It would now be pertinent to ask, what degree of destruction has been visited on the population of Italy by those mandatory 10 vaccines, over the past few years? How much of that destruction is now being called covid? What does the Vatican have to say about all this? I'm listening, but I don't hear a word of objection. Has the Pope taken a vow of silence? Is Italy now a firmly conquered territory and a slave province of the Rockefeller Globalist Empire? Can you possibly doubt, at this point, that the elite intent is to make America another province? Can you reject the evidence before your eyes? Science? There is no science going on here. It's smoke and shadows and fakery. Stage magic performed by a rank amateur. I've been at this since 1987. I warned, then, that the medical cartel is the most dangerous cartel in the world. It flies under no overt political banner. It claims only the desire to help. But as the captive of Pharma, it is the land army of toxic attack. Against the people. America is now being run by a committee called the coronavirus task force. A bloodless coup has been carried out. Anthony Fauci is the vice-president serving under President Gates. Their minions are governors and mayors. —"Yes, my son, one day we woke up and our nation was under the control of a sociopathic Howdy Doody vaccine freak named Gates. We thought at first it was a joke. But then we realized the whole vicious cartoon was all too real. The people of the nation were asleep. They were under a spell. Like good little boys and girls, they followed orders. They fell in line." "There was a president at the time. His name was Trump. Outwardly, he seemed to show great courage. But he had no idea how he would be tested. When it came down to it, he couldn't pull the trigger. He was paralyzed. He couldn't throw off the coup plotters and the traitorous conquerors. He gave in. He let them wreck the economy and destroy millions of lives. That was their real intent." "They hated America. They hated freedom. They couldn't stand the idea of a free individual with creative power who could guide and invent his own future, according to his greatest vision and his deepest values. This reality, to the conquerors, was like the sun to a blood-sucking vampire." "Why? Because, my son, the conquerors had arrived at their positions of power through theft. They stole whatever they desperately wanted. That's all they had. The ability to steal. They didn't want to be reminded of what abject failures they really were. And the potential of FREEDOM, you see, was that reminder. So they set out to destroy it." "They made America over into another country that they had also conquered. Italy, which no longer exists. But it was once a great force in the world." "And this is why we are at war now. This is why we fight every day. This is what I have to raise you for. The battle. And as you fight with everything you have, you must never lose your own freedom in the process. You must never sink to the level of the enemy. You're not stealing. You're taking back what is yours." TAKE BACK WHAT IS YOURS. SOURCES: * ("CDC Admits Mistakes in covid Case Numbers" at the 18m56s mark) * On 7/27/20 5:13 PM, someone wrote: I think they have been so successful in duping the public about the need for masks and faking the numbers that this are already the 2nd wave. But others are thinking in October a completely different disease will be released and that will be the second wave. That's the opinion of DeSouza (FBI, ret.) Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 2:04 PM
Cc: scientific basis? Thanks for the explanation On Jul 27, 2020, at 12:38 PM, someone wrote: , who has dealt with this sort of thing for decades, thinks we're already in the second wave. (there frequently is a second wave for these diseases) "William" , , , " " , " " Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 10:16:35 AMscientific basis? Has anyone heard/read ANY actual science-based justification for this presumed "second wave" they say is coming? I haven't. How can they assume there will be a second wave, unless of course they're the ones planning and implementing it? I'll just assume the whole thing is a fraud until proven otherwise. Here's one man's opinion on the "why" behind the fraud: Censoring the Doctorsby doug - 2020-07-31 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]videoby don - 2020-07-31 ( education / research ) [html version]here's the link to the actual On 7/30/20 6:00 AM someone wrote:
Icke's video is new. I believe there IS a deadly covid flu, but it's hard to get, maybe only with exposure from past flu shots, as Dr. Judy Mikovits mentioned. On 7/29/20 10:25 PM: I read that video about covid and 5G yesterday. It's kind of an old study as I recall. I don't have access to it now when I'm in Tahoe - Original Message ----- , " " , , Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 7:33:19 PM Subject: David Icke explains how they pulled it off the fake pandemic: I found it as a post on FB:Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic -- Benefits versus Risks: Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche
Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic -- Benefits versus Risks: Interview with G...
On Saturday, March 13, 2021, 05:04:40 PM PST: thanks.I perused through it but didn't see it
On Saturday, March 13, 2021, 04:17:35 PM PST #yiv1677895984 -- filtered {}#yiv1677895984 filtered {}#yiv1677895984 filtered {}#yiv1677895984 p.yiv1677895984MsoNormal, #yiv1677895984 li.yiv1677895984MsoNormal, #yiv1677895984 div.yiv1677895984MsoNormal {margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv1677895984 a:link, #yiv1677895984 span.yiv1677895984MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv1677895984 .yiv1677895984MsoChpDefault {}#yiv1677895984 filtered {}#yiv1677895984 div.yiv1677895984WordSection1 {}#yiv1677895984 I don't know, but I might have it on To browse the entire folder, the username is friendsnews and the password is Research! You're being misled.= Yes, a mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no.= See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject. "Indeed... it is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer but man himself who is man's greatest danger to man, for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics...' " Carl Jung
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2021 4:26 PM I'm trying to locate that video where the guy from Switzerland or some other northern country also told how the vaccine will ruin your immunity. Soros Purchasing District Attorneysby doug - 2020-08-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]he donates to them BIG so they're in his pocket. pretty much the same as when demo or repub do it - Original Message -----
, " " , Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 3:44:58 PM Highwireby don - 2020-08-03 ( education / research ) [html version]Texas has lowered their diagnostics standards to inflate the covid numbers On 8/1/20 5:32 PM: I think it's the best show not on TV
Saturday, August 1, 2020 3:07 PM S. *Cc:* Re: Actually, I'm 23 min into the one I recorded from your link and it's very good On 8/1/20 12:06 PM: Yea, I don't think there is much reason to download it.
Saturday, August 1, 2020 10:01 AM S. *Cc:* Re: On bitchute now. Programs that can download youtube can also download bitchute On 8/1/20 2:35 AM: Big Pharma and Silicon Valley Big Tech are running scared Cyber attack on the truth this past week -- probably the worst ever such attack The Highwire was removed on Wednesday from their platform on YouTube and had to scramble but by Thursday had already replaced YouTube and are now on several others. I just found this through Twitter: ** ** Social Credit System in Usby doug - 2020-08-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]people need to ween themselves off "smart" phones. I rarely use mine. Sent: Monday, August 3, 2020 1:56 PM yeah, are you a good/potential customer to sell goods to or not? I actually turned my phone on once last month and made one phone call, so they got me now. - Original Message -----
, " " , , Sent: Monday, August 3, 2020 5:51:49 AM under a different name Good Guys in Control of the Fed?by doug - 2020-08-06 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Q: What do you think of this? Good Guys Are In Control Of The Fed, Transition Being Prepped, Silver Is The Key: Bix Weir A: Fake news -- all rumor and speculation with zero evidence -- is a booming business. Remember the Iraqi Dinar that was supposed to enrich everyone who bought it? David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, "Drake," Q Anon, the "White Hats," now Bix Weir, all con men making stuff up for the wishful-thinking crowd. It might be a CIA op to mute opposition to the globalists, or could just be the natural machinations of opportunists doing what they do. There are so many people living in a fake reality that they won't know what to do when reality hits them. The Treasury did not take over the Fed -- the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was renewed in 2013, giving it another 100 years. The Robber Barons, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Duponts, Mellons, etc., still make more money than Warren Buffet, Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos, their latest minions. Corporate America is still a money laundry for their drug and human trafficking operations. They still control the US -- the covid danger was over at the start of summer, but the large corporations require us to wear masks as social conditioning. And Trump has to play along. As to gold, it's too late to buy it, but if you can get some silver to sock away, it might be a good idea, as long as you don't expect to make money on the deal. Coronavirus: Why Everyone was Wrongby staff - 2020-08-06 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Swiss doctor -- good article. coronavirus-why-everyone-was-wrong "The original article was published in the Swiss magazine Weltwoche (World Week) on June 10th. The author, Beda M Stadler is the former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of..." Coleman Susses Out the Pandemicby don - 2020-08-06 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Read, listen or watch the rest here: The Forces of Evil Are Gathering -- YouTube "International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains why and how governments around the world have deliberately over-stated the threat of the coronavirus. And he explains..." Sixty is the New Seventyby doug - 2020-08-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I guess that's a partial explanation why so many think that socialism (and Bernie/Biden) would be good for the country. Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 4:30:09 AM The Divideby doug - 2020-08-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]--_000_BYAPR08MB4087906986F1BA92B5267691DE480BYAPR08MB4087namp_ I voted for Tulsi Gabbard in the primary, knowing it was just a protest vote and couldn't stand any others. If she had amazingly won the nomination, I still would have voted for Trump, though. ory Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 7:49 PM
I liked Tulsi Gabbard too.?? On 8/5/2020 7:14 PM:
I voted for Trump, too, but would have voted for Bernie if Hillary hadn???t sabotaged him.?? I just wanted someone different as president.?? I???m not afraid of extremists as president because congress and the supreme court are supposed to not let them get away with too much.?? At least, that was the plan.?? But then those two other branches started letting presidents issue executive orders and pretended they were laws (like current governors and their covid mandates).?? Point being??? wait, I forgot what my point was.?? ?????? I???ll be voting for Trump??? if I make it to the polls at all.?? I would have voted for Tulsi Gabbard, but she gave up and endorsed that idiot Biden. ?? Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 6:38 PM
?? LOL, I AM a registered democrat, but have been voting like an independent for years. ?? I voted for Obama twice and still would argue he was the best choice of the two. McCain and Romney would have both gotten us into WW3. Pure scum. And Obama is also pure scum. I hope he goes to prison soon with Hitlery, Pelosi and the rest of their ilk. ?? But I voted for Trump and there is no way in hell I will change this time. I AM doing everything I can to get more people to vote for Trump. ?? I guess you never saw my hat I wear in my YouTube videos. ?? [ vi/Dyc3QXSudVI/hqdefault.webp] Shopping without a mask documentary (part 4) I have taken a road trip where I encountered masks. Shot on 29 July 2020. Please subscribe so that my videos can reach a broader audience. DO NOT COMPLY -- se... ?? Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 4:25 PM ?? , I thought that you were a Democrat. I thought that and I were the only ones for Trump before. ?? ?? , , , Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 4:21:22 PM ?? Yea, pretty bad. ?? While it is true that supporting most any democrat these days is pretty crazy, and the fact that they do it all the time to Republicans, we should take the high road. I have a bunch of democrat friends on FB and always allow them to say what they want. It often provides a lot of reasons to argue. Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 4:15 PM ?? well, it makes sense. if you're so loony as to donate to Joe, you might be a liability for the company! ??
, " " , , Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 2:54:02 PM ?? scary! Thirty-six percent of Americans who identify as ???strong conservatives??? think it???s okay to fire an executive for donating his or her own money to Joe Biden???s presidential campaign. Self-described ???strong conservatives??? ??? the very people railing against the cancel culture ??? think it???s okay to fire an executive simply for donating personal money to Biden???s campaign. If you think that???s bad ??? and it is ??? consider this: 50 percent of those who identify as ???strong liberals??? say it???s okay to fire executives who personally donate money to President Trump???s reelection campaign. ?? ?? ?? --_000_BYAPR08MB4087906986F1BA92B5267691DE480BYAPR08MB4087namp_ P I voted for Tulsi Gabbard in the primary, knowing it was just a protest vote and couldn't stand any others. If she had amazingly won the nomination, I still would have voted for Trump, though. ory Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 7:49 PM
I liked Tulsi Gabbard too.?? On 8/5/2020 7:14 PM:
I voted for Trump, too, but would have voted for Bernie if Hillary hadn???t sabotaged him.?? I just wanted someone different as president.?? I???m not afraid of extremists as president because congress and the supreme court are supposed to not let them get away with too much.?? At least, that was the plan.?? But then those two other branches started letting presidents issue executive orders and pretended they were laws (like current governors and their covid mandates).?? Point being??? wait, I forgot what my point was.?? ?????? I???ll be voting for Trump??? if I make it to the polls at all.?? I would have voted for Tulsi Gabbard, but she gave up and endorsed that idiot Biden. ?? Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 6:38 PM
the divide ?? LOL, I AM a registered democrat, but have been voting like an independent for years. ?? I voted for Obama twice and still would argue he was the best choice of the two. McCain and Romney would have both gotten us into WW3. Pure scum. And Obama is also pure scum. I hope he goes to prison soon with Hitlery, Pelosi and the rest of their ilk. ?? But I voted for Trump and there is no way in hell I will change this time. I AM doing everything I can to get more people to vote for Trump. ?? I guess you never saw my hat I wear in my YouTube videos. ?? Shopping without a mask documentary (part 4) I have taken a road trip where I encountered masks. Shot on 29 July 2020. Please subscribe so that my videos can reach a broader audience. DO NOT COMPLY -- se... ?? From: Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 4:25 PM
the divide ?? , I thought that you were a Democrat. I thought that and I were the only ones for Trump before. ?? ?? From:
, , , Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 4:21:22 PM the divide ?? Yea, pretty bad. ?? While it is true that supporting most any democrat these days is pretty crazy, and the fact that they do it all the time to Republicans, we should take the high road. I have a bunch of democrat friends on FB and always allow them to say what they want. It often provides a lot of reasons to argue. From: Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 4:15 PM the divide ?? well, it makes sense. if you're so loony as to donate to Joe, you might be a liability for the company! ?? From: , " " , , , Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 2:54:02 PMthe divide ?? scary! Thirty-six percent of Americans who identify as ???strong conservatives??? think it???s okay to fire an executive for donating his or her own money to Joe Biden???s presidential campaign. Self-described ???strong conservatives??? ??? the very people railing against the cancel culture ??? think it???s okay to fire an executive simply for donating personal money to Biden???s campaign. If you think that???s bad ??? and it is ??? consider this: 50 percent of those who identify as ???strong liberals??? say it???s okay to fire executives who personally donate money to President Trump???s reelection campaign. ?? ?? ?? --_000_BYAPR08MB4087906986F1BA92B5267691DE480BYAPR08MB4087namp_-- Beirut Blastby don - 2020-08-10 ( education / research ) [html version]or ammonium nitrate On 8/8/20 10:31 PM: or we could presume it's aliens, the Jesuits, or them together (to satisfy Don) - Original Message -----"" To: , " " , "" , Sent: Saturday, August 8, 2020 3:58:08 PM Maybe. Still, it's always more expedient to assume Israel is behind everything, then deduce from there. :) On Aug 8, 2020, at 5:00 PM someone wrote:
sorry, not Israel How the Economy Really Worksby doug - 2020-08-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]A bomb was captured on camera. Sent: Saturday, August 8, 2020 12:26:40 PM you don't think it was fireworks? :-) On 8/8/20 12:34 PM:
You have to assume that bomb was Israel's doing. On one clip I saw, at the very end it looked very much like a mushroom cloud. Israel is the only country nearby with nuclear bombs. Of course, it could've been the US on Israel's behalf. Sent: Saturday, August 8, 2020 12:11 PM Yea. But I AM going to make people aware of this secret oath. It's outrageous. If you watch this former congresswoman's other video, she mentions the 99% club and you see how they consistently vote. Also, I didn't follow any news, but that bomb in Lebanon I heard was Israel's doing and I don't think there is any excuse for that. Sent: Saturday, August 8, 2020 5:20 AM not exactly as represented On 8/8/20 1:15 AM: Holy crap, you are right. But I thought you were stating some written order. This is a secret pact just starting to become public knowledge. Sent: Friday, August 7, 2020 10:19 PM believe her or not! Sent: Friday, August 7, 2020 9:50:15 PM News to me anyone elected to congress swears an oath to Israel. Show me proof. Sent: Friday, August 7, 2020 8:21 PM Cynthia McKinney is one of my heroes because she was the only one who dared go against the Zionists, telling how when elected to congress a person is asked to swear allegiance to ISRAEL instead of the constitution. Darrel Issa is a disgusting person who let Eric Holder get away with Fast & Furious. The Federal Reserve is just a bankster consortium and not a federal agency at all. it was created by the banksters on Jeckyll lsland in 1913. Somehow, they scam us every day by charging us "interest" on every dollar printed (how much did they make on all those TRILLIONS?) when the Treasury could print it all for free (but since the zionists control it all, nobody dare do anything about it.) then there's those TRILLIONS that just disappeared (likely payoffs and bribes to zionists) the "whole on the balance sheet" that she mentions is how the Rothschilds and fellow banksters RULE THE WORLD she mentions JP Morgan. it's a zionist company like most other big banks the contribution that I constantly do is to educate people about the satanic zionists. yeah, I get fought a lot but since I'm RIGHT, they can't give facts that contradict what I say. Sent: Friday, August 7, 2020 2:12:43 PM This is about 3 years old but is a good background for what we're experiencing now brushing scamby don - 2020-08-13 ( education / research ) [html version]Three days in a row I've received items I didn't order. I called Amazon each time. Today they told me someone had set up an account using my name and address. They said they will investigate and lock that account. Here's what it's all about: finally, I now found the truth with actual evidence! (336 pages)by doug - 2020-08-15 ( education / research ) [html version]Yes, I watched it. I practiced understanding my German (very poor) but found it interesting how respectful they were as they laid out the complaints. I am looking for the follow up stuff since then. ________________________________ From: Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 4:32 AM To: Cc: ; Subject: Re: You watched all this? Did they say anything new? On 8/14/20 2:58 AM, wrote: Nice to see this German language video (with subtitles). [https://i.ytimg/vi/X21UboS93qc/maxresdefault.jpg] Germany - The Covid Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee - Start Conference 03rd July 2020 Germany - The Covid Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee - Start Conference 03rd July 2020 "We will not be delayed any longer. We citizens have the power... ________________________________ From: Sent: Sunday, August 2, 2020 3:39 PM To: Cc: ; Subject: Re: Yeah, lots died in the camps. It's too bad that pretty much nobody has heard of or knows about the "transfer agreement". It was between Hitler and the Zionists. The agreement was that the "better/richer" Jews could go to Palestine while the leftovers would stay in Germany as a WORK FORCE to the "war effort". Is it believable that the Germans didn't exactly feed those workers real well? The common MYTH is that they were gassed. Why gas your workers? They were SPRAYED with Zyklon-B for DELOUSING PURPOSES and which is why their heads were shaved (fleas passed TYPHUS along, which was a major killer that the Germans DID NOT want their workers to die from or they couldn't work any longer! If anybody BOTHERS to look at what I sent, it's all told there. ________________________________ From: "" To: "stevor h" Cc: "Don" , "" , "" , "" , " " , "" , "" , "" Sent: Sunday, August 2, 2020 2:36:29 PM Subject: Re: My father in law , Joseph, had a brother die in those camps. He tried to save him and it haunted him until his dying day. Joseph was there. Escaped. Couldn't save his brother Matin. On Aug 2, 2020, at 12:25 PM, someone wrote: yeah, they were appalled because the Germans saw the allies on their way so they took off and left the people in the camps without any food . Meanwhile there captured in "allied" camps being killed because nobody wanted to care for them, either ________________________________ From: "Don" To: "stevor h" , "" , "" , "" , "" , " " , "" , "" , "" Sent: Sunday, August 2, 2020 10:49:53 AM Subject: Re: And yet US soldiers who liberated the camps were appalled, and I even talked to one once in Sunrise Mall doing art shows. On 8/2/20 11:01 AM, someone wrote: Long but Informational Videoby doug - 2020-08-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]this guy makes frequent long/informational videos"> feedburner&Feed%3A+wordpress/Bcwy+%28Dprogram%29 house-buyer robocalls?by don - 2020-08-15 ( education / research ) [html version]I assume they're robocalls, but I never answer, it goes straight to voicemail. On 8/14/20 12:25 PM: I get the post cards weekly, but when I get calls they are always actual people. I get those maybe once every 2 weeks. So I tell them if they will pay me 1 million I will take it.
Friday, August 14, 2020 7:32 AM --
Anyone else get these types of calls? If it weren't for the "silence unknown callers" feature on my phone, it would drive me crazy. I get at least 4 postcards per week also. web site for Kristenby steve - 2020-08-15 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Friday, August 14, 2020, 6:50:55 AM PDT: 7549884288 P I know I responded to this last night, but this below was still in my "drafts" folder, so here it is= again. ---She can probably just create a WordPress site on, free of charge. = has there. can have something like, or whatever. WordPress has plug-ins for adding ads to your site, or just create a Google Ads account= (they create the code for you), and you copy and paste it onto your website wherever you want. On my own site, I do my own PHP programming and MySQL database stuff= because I'm obsessive compulsive, I guess, trying to make it work, and I want complete control. If I want to be controversial, no one can pull the plug (other than my hosting service). I also like to keep my IT skills relevant and up to date. It's a lot of work, though, and WordPress,,, dreamhost, and make it a lot easier. [wife] has= http://www.dr[wife].com/, which is simple but attractive, though I don't know which system/host she uses. = You can use her "contact" page to contact her.
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 6:51 PM web site for
is going to start courses in the nutrition field and wants to get a web site with at least these things on it: Blogging, posting articles by her, getting money by monetizing ads, have a for where people would fill it in for consultations with her, and maybe some more. I asked and he referred me to you. Her email is Thanks,
another wave?by don - 2020-08-17 ( education / research ) [html version] 'People are getting out in droves. Last week I moved a prominent person in the music industry from a $6.5 million [=C2=A35 million] mansion above Sunset Boulevard to Nashville.' wordpressby don - 2020-08-17 ( education / research ) [html version]how much do you pay for hosting and who is the host? On 8/15/20 9:09 PM:
Yes, you can even have a website on a flash drive/stick. It won't be accessible to the world, though. I used to host my own website, firewall, dns and mail servers at my old condo on a Redhat Linux server, but then Comcast stopped allowing that. Most ISP's don't allow that unless you pay extra for a business account. On Aug 15, 2020, at 7:06 PM someone wrote:
, Is it possible to make a website that is not hosted anywhere, just on my laptop, for practice? I ask because I'm looking at this: and it seems you have to have an IP and URL more shit showby don - 2020-08-18 ( education / research ) [html version]more disasters and rumors of disasters: On 8/16/20 10:42 PM: you bought rice from Amazon? We got ours from Costco and it probably cost a lot less. As I put in my story, I don't think that Trump will be the next President. Something will happen to him, maybe an illness. As I've said before, I don't trust Trump. I think he's a Trojan Horse and I'm just waiting for him to show his colors. Yeah, violence is probably part of the Globalists' plan. As I said about that recent video, the violence is probably meant to get the sheeple to accept Robocops to "protect" them just as many are now figuring the government (Big Brother) will protect them (as prisoners are protected). Yeah, I see a grim future but I hope I'm wrong and it's just my wild imagination. * , , , " " , " " Sent: *Sunday, August 16, 2020 2:45:18 PM Subject: *Re: He doesn't say, but Trump winning followed by violence seems to fit his visions. On 8/16/20 2:44 PM: Who does he predict to win the election, if there even is one?
Sunday, August 16, 2020 11:53 AM ;
Re: If you want real drastic predictions for the rest of the year, pastor Dana Coverstone provides that. He says he predicted everything that's happened so far, and supposedly others back that up, but I haven't researched it: On 8/10/20 10:56 PM someone wrote:
There are a couple of people I listen to who have good prediction track records, 3 hoodoo sisters and joni patry. Because of them, I just ordered a 25lb bag for brown rice from amazon. When the panic buying set in, it was impossible to find brown rice. Here are a couple of dire readings about the rest of the year: Millennial Millieby steve - 2020-08-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]some more links On 8/15/20 4:09 PM: I just watched the video. Here's my notes: the shadow gov't is trying to have a coup. the "shadow gov't" is the military/industrial complex and the gov't people are just puppets. 2 whistleblowers came forward to tell about it. it's mostly the same people who tried to impeach Trump. In general, it tells how the gov't spies on us and can use that info to control sheeple (and they even sell it to companies). it was used to get Obama elected (but I wonder if McInsane being elected would have been worse since he was a warmonger and could have gotten WWIII going). Snowden told how it was done with the Prism program. The George Floyd riots were controlled by the Deep State. Long story, short -- software analyzes and changes what is real for sheeple consumption. It could even be an employer that bought the data and it resulted in you not getting a particular job. An example was given where there's a jury trial and all the potential jurors had been analyzed and seen who would give a guilty verdict so it didn't matter which ones were chosen, and that happened to Roger Stone. The police are getting in on this and we will be subject to control as in Robocop. The "defund the police" movement is promoted by the Deep State because they want to take over it all with their Robocop-like computer control of sheeple Sent: *Saturday, August 15, 2020 10:31:56 AM Wow, amazing. I posted it on Facebook and was surprised it was still up about 8 hours later. I guess it is gone by now. Saturday, August 15, 2020 8:24 AM On 8/15/20 10:11 AM wrote: She also created a playlist that supports a lot of her research: On 8/14/20 7:43 PM: Huge news today -- check this out immediately: And watch this documentary: Spread this fast before it gets shut down. Newsom Selling California to China?by doug - 2020-08-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]how nice of him to offer that, which I guess he thinks he personally owns so typical for a Marxist Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020 4:26:19 AM I don't belong to Costco anymore because I didn't go often enough to justify it. At the end of the article: "The source also stated collateral for the loan would be California lumber, fisheries, mineral and mines as well as water and agricultural assets." On 8/16/20 10:47 PM: and what would the "collateral" be? If Gavin were federal, he could offer USA land, such as our parks, as collateral. There's that "conspiracy theory" (that I don't subscribe to) that each US birth certificate is like a promissory note (or something similar) whereby the gov't OWNS you and thus you can be used for collateral. Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 6:52:58 PM He wants a trillion dollar COLLATERALIZED loan he knows he can't pay back: I once joked that the US would some day have to settle with China by giving them California. German Pedo Ringby doug - 2020-08-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]so, the "little guys" in the operation will get in trouble but not those who do the supplying of kids (like CPS) - Original Message -----
, " " , , Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020 5:41:58 PM This probably isn't in the US media, but I caught it on DW, the German news that broadcasts on PBS. Florida ICU crisis!by don - 2020-08-20 ( education / research ) [html version]This is a video that purports to expose the horrors of covid, but if you watch it, it's just a few nurses talking and they're not showing any crisis at all. Let Us Go Movementby doug - 2020-08-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]the state of Jefferson movement might not have as much luck going through. It'd be creating a 51st state and that would be conservative, which the liberals would fight tooth and nail. The Greater Idaho movement wouldn't change the status quo in the Senate and would give the liberals stronger presence in California and OreGun. , " " , Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 8:21:09 PM Let Us Go movement What about the "state" of Jefferson? On 8/19/2020 7:55 PM: I guess the problems of Oregon stem from the idiots in Portland. So I have some respect for the rest of OR now. Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 4:57 PM Let Us Go movement ?? yeah, some while ago No Kal and So Ore got the idea to join Idaho to create "Greater Idaho". - Original Message -----
, " " , , Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 3:54:38 PM Let Us Go movement Good for them, but it must be nearly impossible to change state boundaries because it hasn???t happened in at least a hundred years. On Aug 19, 2020, at 4:45 PM wrote:
???Oregon counties want to move border to put them in Idaho way down upon the yangtze riverby don - 2020-08-23 ( education / research ) [html version]3 gorges dam about to blow shadowgate debunkedby don - 2020-08-23 ( education / research ) [html version]He doesn't debunk anything, Steele just nit picks it. Not that Steele has a lot of credibility anyway. But "debunk" gets more clicks. On 8/20/20 11:10 AM: Plandemic II Videoby doug - 2020-08-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]whoops, I was wrong about the neutron bomb. It WOULD destroy buildings:
, " " , , " " Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2020 10:41:25 PM plandemic II video I'm not sure, but I remember there being some bomb, maybe a neutron bomb, that only kills life and not damaging buildings
, " " , , " " Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2020 10:14:04 PM plandemic II video With mass sterilization that is going on, and which will continue with their cov19 vaccine, they can achieve it very quickly and without wiping out the Earth which doesn't make sense since they can't play in the places it has been wiped out.
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2020 9:52 PM
plandemic II video but if there is a new pathogen (3rd wave), people won't get it because they're wearing masks (well, a lot of them). So, to KILL 90% of the population as the Georgia Stones say is desired, they'll have to use limited NUKES (as the practiced using in Lebanon the other day) , , " " , , " " Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2020 9:31:52 PM plandemic II video I watched it on Lon Real the morning it was released and I heard it was viewed live by a record setting 1.9 million people. By now it must have been seen many times that amount. Yesterday, a new book about the science behind masks was released and the author Dr. Judy Mikovits was interviewed. She said it there in the interview, but I was already predicting the same thing -- the masks will create enough disease that they will cause the second wave. So when Gates and Fauci release their new pathogen, it may actually be the 3rd wave.
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2020 9:17 PM plandemic II video I can't remember if somebody already posted a link to this: mail-in vote fraud tried before by Demsby don - 2020-08-25 ( education / research ) [html version] Kroger not giving changeby don - 2020-08-25 ( education / research ) [html version]See attached receipt. They charged me 15 cents for not having exact change. Gave them a 20 for a 15.85 purchase, got 4 dollars back. The checker said nothing, maybe didn't even know the machine had done that. The local Home Depot has only 1 checkout line for cash, all the self-checkout machines disallow it. Looks like Dana Coverstone's dream was right (9 minutes in): occult origins of americaby don - 2020-08-28 ( education / research ) [html version]There were at least a couple of different races that interbred with humans. One was the type depicted in Egyptian pictures, had elongated skulls which they covered up with a headdress. Another was the North American red-haired giants with 6 fingers; President Lincoln mentioned them in a speech. And there are even bigger skeletons in Peru. Recently, US soldiers saw a 12ft giant in Afghanistan, walking with a cow under its arm -- they live in the mountain caves. On 8/26/20 9:25 PM: I just didn't know what it said about that. Never learned it in catechism. ** *Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund* donations used for DNA testing
Wednesday, August 26, 2020 7:19 PM *Cc:* Re: Of course. Unless you believe spirits took human wives and had giant kids? On 8/26/20 6:51 PM: So you are saying the bible knew about aliens? ** *Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund* donations used for DNA testing
Wednesday, August 26, 2020 3:34 AM *Cc:*; Re: It's couched in biblical terms, so the interviewee calls them nephilim. Today we would call them hybrids. On 8/26/20 3:19 AM: I didn't listen yet, but I get the impression you don't think aliens are real. Maybe it's because of the set of beliefs imposed by your religion. Throw it out and start over, perhaps? Organized religion is full of half-truths and just enough truth to keep people coming back, but always ending up under control. The Pope is the perfect example. ** *Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund* donations used for DNA testing Tuesday, August 25, 2020 7:12 PM
*Cc:*; ; Re: I skimmed through the first one. That was enough * To: *>, , , " " , Sent: *Tuesday, August 25, 2020 10:57:57 AM Subject: *Re: Download link 3 items BellyBeast1.mp3 54.9 MB BellyBeast2.mp3 54.9 MB BellyBeast3.mp3 53.5 MB On 8/25/20 11:33 AM: Yea, I would like to hear it. There is an excellent video published last night that is quite fascinating and they mention some groups I never heard of which may be something you are talking about, too. A psychic lady is explaining what's been happening to her for years now. She's been attacked through dreams. ** *Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund* donations used for DNA testing
Tuesday, August 25, 2020 9:21 AM ; Very interesting interview. Wraps up the whole conspiracy/deep state subject. All goes back to the progeny of the Nephilim and Babylonian religion that survives among the elite. Filmmakers Wes and Justen Faull joined Richard Syrett ) to discuss the director's cut of their documentary, /Belly of the Beast/, which explores the hidden history and occult origins of the United States, and how America may be set to fulfill an ancient prophecy. The brothers spoke about the Babylon system " the first one-world order/religion comprised of practices involving many gods. "All the secret societies that we are aware of today... they are practitioners of ancient rituals and rites, and all of those religious rites go back to Babylon, Wes explained. These were religions passed down from the fallenels, he added. The ancient religions of the fallenels have continued over the centuries through secret societies, the two continued. Freemasons claim to have access to the original language and rites that date back to Babylon, Justen revealed. They detailed a veiled references to America in the writings of Plato which suggested the new nation would bring the world under one order. According to the Faulls, fallenels were put over the nations and Lucifer himself is over the United States. "This system [of constitution government] that was created here was not created by Christians," Justen explained, noting the Founding Fathers did not believe in the God of the Bible. I have mp3s if you tell me you want them before I erase them. Or buy the dvd: manipulating weatherby don - 2020-08-28 ( education / research ) [html version]And I've sat in my backyard and watched the same jet fly out to the horizon, turn around, and come back, all day long, laying parallel lines across the whole sky. Just because they know when to do it doesn't mean they aren't doing it. On 8/26/20 9:50 PM: over 4 years I took thousands of pictures of sky trails. I thought that many were chemtrails. every time there were long-lasting trails it was because the humidity was high, confirming what I said. Yes, they DID widen from the wind and join up to cover the sky. On Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 7:37:24 PM wrote:
And yet you don't actually say why they aren't chemtrails! Chemtrails are a daily occurrence here. When trails are written in patterns and then they join and form clouds, sometimes even causing slight drizzle, those are chemtrails. Contrails disperse fairly quickly and do not join up and create a cloud clover. On 8/26/20 9:26 PM: those aren't chemtrails. when a plane is above 22,000 feet, the trail freezes. when the sky is more humid, the trails last longer same as when the air is dry as in summer, the trails evaporate faster and thus don't last as long. the only way to determine if a trail is a chemtrail is to be flying behind it and see there are ports releasing the gas or do a test of water that you get on the ground On Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 7:14:46 PM wrote:
Took this chemtrail picture in January. It suggests a pentagram. Ill omen for 2020? On 8/26/20 6:50 PM: You may already know about this, but it's totally new to me. Weather Modification History · The most comprehensive Weather Modification and Geoengineering Timeline Geoengineering, Weather Modification, and Weaponizing Nature. This PowerPoint presentation may be freely downloaded, distributed, and is intended to raise public awareness of a critical issue facing every organism on our planet: Geoengineering and Weather Modification. This presentation will shatter every conspiracy theory and educate you on the long history of hacking hurricanes, altering ... Are Space Weapons Used to Start California Fires PLEASE SUBSCRIBE by clicking the link below and be sure to tap the "Bell Notification" covid is our own dna?by don - 2020-08-28 ( education / research ) [html version] London marchby don - 2020-08-30 ( education / research ) [html version]10,000! 2 interesting Trump - Russia articlesby doug - 2020-09-02 ( education / research ) [html version]
Yes, the Rothschild's are behind things, but if Trump is such a puppet, why is the media (run by cabal) attacking him?
Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund donations used for DNA testing ________________________________
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 11:00 AM I tried to send these earlier but Unseen has problems lots of times and I just found them in my "draft" folder another good Sofia Smallstorm videoby doug - 2020-09-02 ( education / research ) [html version]That was a great podcast.
Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund donations used for DNA testing ________________________________
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 11:23 AM Council for National Policyby doug - 2020-09-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I wasn't aware of this group that is said to be the right's version of the CFR. It's discussed in this video: Another Kay Griggs Interviewby doug - 2020-09-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I know that is aware of Kay Griggs. Anyhow, this goes along with what I've been saying about Israeli control of the USA . only 2 minutes long Council on National Policy Videoby doug - 2020-09-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Council on National Policy: supposedly the conservatives CFR Sent: Saturday, September 5, 2020 5:02:20 PM what is CNP? Most Under-30s Live with Parents Nowby doug - 2020-09-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]
Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2020 5:55:37 AM good for trumpby jeannie - 2020-09-09 ( education / research ) [html version]I never got money from anyone when I home schooled. and I for all our curriculum. On Sep 8, 2020, at 10:01 AM: Interesting about SD. You probably heard about a lot of people from CA and NY abandoning ship. I am surprised Utah isn't on the list. As I mentioned in one of my videos about shopping without a mask, one place was amazingly normal. No masks except 3 grocery stores. Some people are saying CA is soon coming after home schoolers to force vaccination and eliminate these schools. Anyone can do what I think did and become your own private school, but right now we get some money for supplies or services. This semester we got about $1K and we've been buying workbooks for things like math, reading, science, and various supplies and a nice online service that covers many subjects. Down to I think $400 now. We lost about $3000 from past years -- it was supposed to roll over to the next year but some changes wiped it out. So this time we are spending it rather than saving it. will start preschool next September and have his own funds. If we pull out we won't get any money for it, so we like Trump's idea that money follows each student. The biggest reason we would move is because of the threat of vaccines mandated. Maybe recalling Newscum will change things, but he has a whole lot of help from these other scum democrats who just took a paid 4 month vacation. And who we get as governor is anyone's guess. Hoping CA turns red in November, but with all the voting fraud from mailed ballots I think they will ensure democrats remain. Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 8:23 AM To: That is good.> Speaking of propaganda, only one state has stayed strong and not fallen for the covid propaganda: South Dakota. So, that's where you (and maybe I) need to move to! Too bad the winters suck. Kansas looks promising, too (90/105 counties have opted out) but I never liked Kansas.> I guess these might be tolerable if you pick the right county: Iowa Parts of State =09 Oklahoma Parts of State =09 Alaska Parts of State =09 Wyoming Parts of State =09 New Hampshire Parts of State Gatherings of 100+ People & Personal Care Biz's & Fitness Centers=09 North Dakota Parts of State =09 Missouri Parts of State =09 Florida Parts of State =09 Kansas Parts of State =09 Tennessee Parts of State =09 Idaho Parts of State =09 Arizona Parts of State (Employees Only) =09 Georgia Parts of State (Employees Only)
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 7:28 AM To: Subject: he wants to stop federal dollars for BLM propaganda on college campuses ------ 1072551_429450930.1662660741923 insane about jewish holocaust denial being criminal. A guy in Germany said the holocaust was fake and the gas chambers never existed. He had a trial and lost. He went to prison. He had another trial and WON because nobody could find evidence of the holocaust or the gas chambers. The Z=C3=BCndel Trials (1985 and 1988) (about whetherholocaust gas chambers existed) On Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 11:04:35 AM someone wrote:
maybe someone with deep pockets will take it to the US Supreme Court -- they= would win. On 9/8/22 10:47
_filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv7276738140 p.yiv7276738140MsoNormal, #yiv7276738140 li.yiv7276738140MsoNormal, #yiv7276738140 div.yiv7276738140MsoNormal {margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv7276738140 h4 {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv7276738140 a:link, #yiv7276738140 span.yiv7276738140MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv7276738140 span.yiv7276738140Heading4Char {font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;font-weight:bold;}#yiv7276738140 .yiv7276738140MsoChpDefault {}#yiv7276738140 div.yiv7276738140WordSection1 {} Another tidbit about Iowa is that they might now have a law outlawing criticism of the Jewish holocaust.= You're probably still free to criticize the Armenian holocaust or the Ukrainian Holodomor, though.= See And you might need someone besides Desantis in 2024 because of this:= Desantis Just Lost My 2024 Vote With This ( Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 12:01 PM To: don; Subject: Re: Interesting about SD. You probably heard about a lot of people from CA and NY abandoning ship. I am surprised Utah isn't on the list. As I mentioned in one of my videos about shopping without a mask, one place was amazingly normal. No masks except 3 grocery stores. Some people are saying CA is soon coming after home schoolers to force vaccination and eliminate these schools. Anyone can do what I think did and become your own private school, but right now we get some money for supplies or services. This semester we got about $1K and we've been buying workbooks for things like math, reading, science, and various supplies and a nice online service that covers many subjects. Down to I think $400 now. We lost about $3000 from past years -- it was supposed to roll over to the next year but some changes wiped it out. So this time we are spending it rather than saving it. Sebastian will start preschool next September and have his own funds. If we pull out we won't get any money for it, so we like Trump's idea that money follows each student. The biggest reason we would move is because of the threat of vaccines mandated. Maybe recalling Newscum will change things, but he has a whole lot of help from these other scum democrats who just took a paid 4 month vacation. And who we get as governor is anyone's guess. Hoping CA turns red in November, but with all the voting fraud from mailed ballots I think they will ensure democrats remain. Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 8:23 AM To: Subject: Re: That is good.= = Speaking of propaganda, only one state has stayed strong and not fallen for the covid propaganda:= South Dakota.= So, that's where you (and maybe I) need to move to!= Too bad the winters suck.= Kansas looks promising, too (90/105 counties have opted out) but I never liked Kansas.= = I guess these might be tolerable if you pick the right county: Iowa Parts of State Oklahoma Parts of State Alaska Parts of State Wyoming Parts of State New Hampshire Parts of State Gatherings of 100+ People & Personal Care Biz's & Fitness Centers North Dakota Parts of State Missouri Parts of State Florida Parts of State Kansas Parts of State Tennessee Parts of State Idaho Parts of State Arizona Parts of State (Employees Only) Georgia Parts of State (Employees Only)
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 7:28 AM To: he wants to stop federal dollars for BLM propaganda on college campuses -- 1072551_429450930.1662660741923 insane about jewish holocaust denial being criminal. A guy in Germany said the holocaust was fake and the gas chambers never existed. He had a trial and lost. He went to prison. He had another trial and WON because nobody could find evidence of the holocaust or the gas chambers. The Z=C3=BCndel Trials (1985 and 1988) (about whether holocaust gas chambers existed) On Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 11:04:35 AM someone wrote:
maybe someone with deep pockets will take it to the US Supreme Court -- they would win. ------ 1072551_429450930.1662660741923 insane about jewish holocaust denial being criminal. A guy in Germany said the holocaust was fake and the gas chambers never existed. He had a trial and lost. He went to prison. He had another trial and WON because nobody could find evidence of the holocaust or the gas chambers. The Z=C3=BCndel Trials (1985 and 1988) (about whetherholocaust gas chambers existed) On Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 11:04:35 AM someone wrote:
maybe someone with deep pockets will take it to the US Supreme Court -- they= would win. On 9/8/22 10:47
_filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv7276738140 p.yiv7276738140MsoNormal, #yiv7276738140 li.yiv7276738140MsoNormal, #yiv7276738140 div.yiv7276738140MsoNormal {margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv7276738140 h4 {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv7276738140 a:link, #yiv7276738140 span.yiv7276738140MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv7276738140 span.yiv7276738140Heading4Char {font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;font-weight:bold;}#yiv7276738140 .yiv7276738140MsoChpDefault {}#yiv7276738140 div.yiv7276738140WordSection1 {} Another tidbit about Iowa is that they might now have a law outlawing criticism of the Jewish holocaust.= You're probably still free to criticize the Armenian holocaust or the Ukrainian Holodomor, though.= See And you might need someone besides Desantis in 2024 because of this:= Desantis Just Lost My 2024 Vote With This ( Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 12:01 PM To: don; Subject: Re: Interesting about SD. You probably heard about a lot of people from CA and NY abandoning ship. I am surprised Utah isn't on the list. As I mentioned in one of my videos about shopping without a mask, one place was amazingly normal. No masks except 3 grocery stores. Some people are saying CA is soon coming after home schoolers to force vaccination and eliminate these schools. Anyone can do what I think did and become your own private school, but right now we get some money for supplies or services. This semester we got about $1K and we've been buying workbooks for things like math, reading, science, and various supplies and a nice online service that covers many subjects. Down to I think $400 now. We lost about $3000 from past years -- it was supposed to roll over to the next year but some changes wiped it out. So this time we are spending it rather than saving it. Sebastian will start preschool next September and have his own funds. If we pull out we won't get any money for it, so we like Trump's idea that money follows each student. The biggest reason we would move is because of the threat of vaccines mandated. Maybe recalling Newscum will change things, but he has a whole lot of help from these other scum democrats who just took a paid 4 month vacation. And who we get as governor is anyone's guess. Hoping CA turns red in November, but with all the voting fraud from mailed ballots I think they will ensure democrats remain. Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 8:23 AM To: Subject: Re: That is good.= = Speaking of propaganda, only one state has stayed strong and not fallen for the covid propaganda:= South Dakota.= So, that's where you (and maybe I) need to move to!= Too bad the winters suck.= Kansas looks promising, too (90/105 counties have opted out) but I never liked Kansas.= = I guess these might be tolerable if you pick the right county: Iowa Parts of State Oklahoma Parts of State Alaska Parts of State Wyoming Parts of State New Hampshire Parts of State Gatherings of 100+ People & Personal Care Biz's & Fitness Centers North Dakota Parts of State Missouri Parts of State Florida Parts of State Kansas Parts of State Tennessee Parts of State Idaho Parts of State Arizona Parts of State (Employees Only) Georgia Parts of State (Employees Only)
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 7:28 AM To: he wants to stop federal dollars for BLM propaganda on college campuses -- 1072551_429450930.1662660741923 insane about jewish holocaust denial being criminal. A guy in Germany said the holocaust was fake and the gas chambers never existed. He had a trial and lost. He went to prison. He had another trial and WON because nobody could find evidence of the holocaust or the gas chambers. The Z=C3=BCndel Trials (1985 and 1988) (about whether holocaust gas chambers existed) On Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 11:04:35 AM someone wrote:
maybe someone with deep pockets will take it to the US Supreme Court -- they would win. ------ 1072551_429450930.1662660741923 insane about jewish holocaust denial being criminal. A guy in Germany said the holocaust was fake and the gas chambers never existed. He had a trial and lost. He went to prison. He had another trial and WON because nobody could find evidence of the holocaust or the gas chambers. The Z=C3=BCndel Trials (1985 and 1988) (about whetherholocaust gas chambers existed) On Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 11:04:35 AM someone wrote:
maybe someone with deep pockets will take it to the US Supreme Court -- they= would win. On 9/8/22 10:47
_filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv7276738140 p.yiv7276738140MsoNormal, #yiv7276738140 li.yiv7276738140MsoNormal, #yiv7276738140 div.yiv7276738140MsoNormal {margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv7276738140 h4 {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv7276738140 a:link, #yiv7276738140 span.yiv7276738140MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv7276738140 span.yiv7276738140Heading4Char {font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;font-weight:bold;}#yiv7276738140 .yiv7276738140MsoChpDefault {}#yiv7276738140 div.yiv7276738140WordSection1 {} Another tidbit about Iowa is that they might now have a law outlawing criticism of the Jewish holocaust.= You're probably still free to criticize the Armenian holocaust or the Ukrainian Holodomor, though.= See And you might need someone besides Desantis in 2024 because of this:= Desantis Just Lost My 2024 Vote With This ( Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 12:01 PM To: don; Subject: Re: Interesting about SD. You probably heard about a lot of people from CA and NY abandoning ship. I am surprised Utah isn't on the list. As I mentioned in one of my videos about shopping without a mask, one place was amazingly normal. No masks except 3 grocery stores. Some people are saying CA is soon coming after home schoolers to force vaccination and eliminate these schools. Anyone can do what I think did and become your own private school, but right now we get some money for supplies or services. This semester we got about $1K and we've been buying workbooks for things like math, reading, science, and various supplies and a nice online service that covers many subjects. Down to I think $400 now. We lost about $3000 from past years -- it was supposed to roll over to the next year but some changes wiped it out. So this time we are spending it rather than saving it. Sebastian will start preschool next September and have his own funds. If we pull out we won't get any money for it, so we like Trump's idea that money follows each student. The biggest reason we would move is because of the threat of vaccines mandated. Maybe recalling Newscum will change things, but he has a whole lot of help from these other scum democrats who just took a paid 4 month vacation. And who we get as governor is anyone's guess. Hoping CA turns red in November, but with all the voting fraud from mailed ballots I think they will ensure democrats remain. Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 8:23 AM To: Subject: Re: That is good.= = Speaking of propaganda, only one state has stayed strong and not fallen for the covid propaganda:= South Dakota.= So, that's where you (and maybe I) need to move to!= Too bad the winters suck.= Kansas looks promising, too (90/105 counties have opted out) but I never liked Kansas.= = I guess these might be tolerable if you pick the right county: Iowa Parts of State Oklahoma Parts of State Alaska Parts of State Wyoming Parts of State New Hampshire Parts of State Gatherings of 100+ People & Personal Care Biz's & Fitness Centers North Dakota Parts of State Missouri Parts of State Florida Parts of State Kansas Parts of State Tennessee Parts of State Idaho Parts of State Arizona Parts of State (Employees Only) Georgia Parts of State (Employees Only)
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 7:28 AM To: he wants to stop federal dollars for BLM propaganda on college campuses -- 1072551_429450930.1662660741923 insane about jewish holocaust denial being criminal. A guy in Germany said the holocaust was fake and the gas chambers never existed. He had a trial and lost. He went to prison. He had another trial and WON because nobody could find evidence of the holocaust or the gas chambers. The Z=C3=BCndel Trials (1985 and 1988) (about whether holocaust gas chambers existed) On Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 11:04:35 AM someone wrote:
maybe someone with deep pockets will take it to the US Supreme Court -- they would win. ------ 1072551_429450930.1662660741923 insane about jewish holocaust denial being criminal. A guy in Germany said the holocaust was fake and the gas chambers never existed. He had a trial and lost. He went to prison. He had another trial and WON because nobody could find evidence of the holocaust or the gas chambers. The Z=C3=BCndel Trials (1985 and 1988) (about whetherholocaust gas chambers existed)
On Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 11:04:35 AM someone wrote:
maybe someone with deep pockets will take it to the US Supreme Court -- they= would win. On 9/8/22 10:47
_filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv7276738140 p.yiv7276738140MsoNormal, #yiv7276738140 li.yiv7276738140MsoNormal, #yiv7276738140 div.yiv7276738140MsoNormal {margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv7276738140 h4 {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv7276738140 a:link, #yiv7276738140 span.yiv7276738140MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv7276738140 span.yiv7276738140Heading4Char {font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;font-weight:bold;}#yiv7276738140 .yiv7276738140MsoChpDefault {}#yiv7276738140 div.yiv7276738140WordSection1 {} Another tidbit about Iowa is that they might now have a law outlawing criticism of the Jewish holocaust.= You're probably still free to criticize the Armenian holocaust or the Ukrainian Holodomor, though.= See And you might need someone besides Desantis in 2024 because of this:= Desantis Just Lost My 2024 Vote With This ( Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 12:01 PM
To: don;
Subject: Re: Interesting about SD. You probably heard about a lot of people from CA and NY abandoning ship. I am surprised Utah isn't on the list. As I mentioned in one of my videos about shopping without a mask, one place was amazingly normal. No masks except 3 grocery stores. Some people are saying CA is soon coming after home schoolers to force vaccination and eliminate these schools. Anyone can do what I think did and become your own private school, but right now we get some money for supplies or services. This semester we got about $1K and we've been buying workbooks for things like math, reading, science, and various supplies and a nice online service that covers many subjects. Down to I think $400 now. We lost about $3000 from past years -- it was supposed to roll over to the next year but some changes wiped it out. So this time we are spending it rather than saving it. Sebastian will start preschool next September and have his own funds. If we pull out we won't get any money for it, so we like Trump's idea that money follows each student. The biggest reason we would move is because of the threat of vaccines mandated. Maybe recalling Newscum will change things, but he has a whole lot of help from these other scum democrats who just took a paid 4 month vacation. And who we get as governor is anyone's guess. Hoping CA turns red in November, but with all the voting fraud from mailed ballots I think they will ensure democrats remain.
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: That is good.= = Speaking of propaganda, only one state has stayed strong and not fallen for the covid propaganda:= South Dakota.= So, that's where you (and maybe I) need to move to!= Too bad the winters suck.= Kansas looks promising, too (90/105 counties have opted out) but I never liked Kansas.= = I guess these might be tolerable if you pick the right county: Iowa Parts of State Oklahoma Parts of State Alaska Parts of State Wyoming Parts of State New Hampshire Parts of State Gatherings of 100+ People & Personal Care Biz's & Fitness Centers
North Dakota Parts of State Missouri Parts of State Florida Parts of State Kansas Parts of State Tennessee Parts of State Idaho Parts of State Arizona Parts of State (Employees Only) Georgia Parts of State (Employees Only)
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 7:28 AM
he wants to stop federal dollars for BLM propaganda on college campuses -- 1072551_429450930.1662660741923 insane about jewish holocaust denial being criminal. A guy in Germany said the holocaust was fake and the gas chambers never existed. He had a trial and lost. He went to prison. He had another trial and WON because nobody could find evidence of the holocaust or the gas chambers. The Z=C3=BCndel Trials (1985 and 1988) (about whether holocaust gas chambers existed)
On Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 11:04:35 AM someone wrote:
maybe someone with deep pockets will take it to the US Supreme Court -- they would win. In Case You Forgot, Bob Woodward Is a Liarby don - 2020-09-11 ( education / research ) [html version]The deep state wanted Trump to go along with the scam. Bob Woodward is an intel community asset and always has been. On 9/9/20 11:17 PM: I would have said the same thing. People panic about everything. That's why they won't tell us about aliens =F0=9F=91=BD On Sep 9, 2020, at 8:35 PM:
Whatever you might say about Bob Woodward, he did get Trump on tape saying he knew covid was deadly but wanted to downplay it. On 9/9/2020 6:59 PM someone wrote:
Many people have forgotten what a liar Bob Woodward is. Now he's smearing Trump. Nobody believed his supposed deathbed interview of Casey in the 80s. FedCoin is Comingby doug - 2020-09-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]interesting. "available" now. required in the future? - Original Message -----
, " " , , , " --", " " Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 6:32:58 PM Every bank has to sell "digital dollar wallets" starting next year. These are direct accounts with the Fed, not the local bank. tell pet you love themby don - 2020-09-13 ( education / research ) [html version] covid threadby don - 2020-09-13 ( education / research ) [html version]German doctors declare it a hoax PCR figures purposely rigged positive fire droneby don - 2020-09-14 ( education / research ) [html version] New World Order Around the Corner?by doug - 2020-09-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Masks have to be fitted and lose their effectiveness after 5 minutes, so masks are essentially worthless as covid protection. Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2020 3:16:18 AM Bullsh-t campaign from the Tennessee state government:
On 9/13/20 12:56 AM: And who is more likely to keep up the virus attacking, Biden or Trump? inside the biden campaignby doug - 2020-09-18 ( education / research ) [html version]
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 4:06 PM Re: but some people still might vote for him because "trump lies" or "orange man bad" they must be voting for MARXIST kamala to be president because joe won't be around too long (and kamala even mentioned the "harris administration" as a clue that she'll be taking over). but still vote for him because "trump lies" and "orange man bad"! ________________________________ , , " " , , , " " Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 2:31:10 PM Re: Pretty much what is visible on camera, except for the pee pads. ________________________________ Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 1:58 PM I worked for the Biden Campaign (Anonymous) I worked as a low-level staffer for the Biden campaign's HQ in Philly from July to the end of August. I AM more of a Bernie guy, but I thought I should do whatever I could to defeat Trump, so I joined up. Eventually, I became so disgusted with what was going on, I had to leave. Some of this I experienced, the juicier bits are things my (now former) co-workers told me, so take those bits with a grain of salt: One -- The whole campaign is extremely paranoid about leaks/getting hacked. If I were to publish the email chains I got, you'd see about a thousand messages saying "please see me" or "meeting at 10am". No one wants another DNC hack situation, so no one puts any real information in emails or texts. Even with covid, in-person meetings are the norm. They don't want to do anything on Zoom either, in case someone records it. Everyone is suspicious of each other, and nobody likes to give specifics on anything. It was frustrating. Two -- All of the Bernie bros joke about being "another Seth Rich". With the paranoid atmosphere, some of us would make comments about ending up like Seth. None of us really believed the conspiracy theories, except for one weird older guy who was convinced that Malcolm Nance murdered him. His evidence? Nance made some cryptic tweets about "punishing the hackers" the day before Seth was murdered, and the deed was done less than a mile from the Intelligence Museum in DC that Nance owns. I didn't buy it, but I can't say I wasn't intrigued by the coincidence. Three -- There are people whose job is to digitally de-age Biden for political ads. If you saw a recent speech for Joe and though he looked like a mummy, then saw snippets of the same speech in an ad, you might have noticed he looked a lot better. That's because they contracted VFX artists from California to de-age him. Normally I wouldn't begrudge them this, as I'm sure all campaigns try to make their candidate look good. But, considering what they're really covering up=85 Four -- Joe Biden is in the early stages of dementia, and is on medication for it. This is the big one, and the one I have the least direct experience with, but it's been an open secret for some time. Anyone who has had a relative with Alzheimer's or dementia can tell you, there are good days and bad days. On the good days, when Joe is at his most lucid, his campaign manager Jen will send him out for photo ops or TV interviews=85 make hay while the sun is shining, you know? On the bad days, Jen just tells the press pool "No Joe today," and they're all like, "Okay, cool!" Most of the time, he's just a little foggy and gets really agitated. But one of my co-workers told me that back in May, there was a day where he thought he was running against Gary Hart in the '84 primary again. Joe went under wraps for several days after that. He's been more lucid recently because his physician, Dr. O'Connor, put him on Namenda. Jen apparently was worried about someone finding it out, because she insisted that he prescribe it under a series of phony names, and then have the interns pick it up. I bet there are a lot of pharmacists in Philly wondering why there are so many young people on Namenda. Five -- The dementia medication has had, um=85 unfortunate side effects. There's no dancing around this=85 the medication has made Joe incontinent. Though his "good days" have increased dramatically, he can barely get through a press event without running to the bathroom. That's why he didn't take questions after announcing Harris as his running mate. They weren't afraid of the questions, the press loves him=85 they were afraid he was going to piss his pants on-camera. Lately, Jen's been having closed-door meetings to discuss which brand of incontinence pads would be best to purchase. Seriously, a group of paid staffers sat around and discussed which brands were the least visible, the least likely to leak, and wouldn't audibly "crinkle." That's around the time I left the campaign. I can't be a party to this sick game anymore. I never really liked Joe Biden, but he deserves better than to be thrust into the public eye when he should be in memory care. His wife should put a stop to this, but she's way too excited about being "First Lady" to care about her ailing husband. my ex-councilman died of covidby don - 2020-09-22 ( education / research ) [html version]He wasn't sick when he was running for re-election last year. He was only 57 years old. So I'd be very curious to see the details of what he died from. But we won't get to, I'm sure. It seems that everyone who publicly expresses doubt about the validity of covid dies from it. On 9/21/20 7:31 PM:
Unless of course it was not really covid that killed him, which has happened repeatedly. I can see mayor cooper calling in a favor at the hospital and asking them to falsely blame covid On Sep 21, 2020, at 6:57 PM someone wrote:
there's gotta be a real virus because people don't die of the flu in summer After Chinese Scientists Steal Billions in American Research, U.S. Finally Bans Communistsby admin - 2020-10-12 ( education / civics / politics ) [html version][Updated: 2020-10-20 06:31:06]
Read, listen or watch the rest here: The U.S.A. is Now Truly a Banana Republicby bill - 2020-11-09 ( education / research / conspiracies / politics ) [html version]The USA is now officially, if we were not already, a banana republic. The Democrats have stolen the 2020 presidential election. Trump was leading in quite a few states (AZ, GA, NC, WI, MI, PA) and it looked like it was just a matter of time before those states were announced in his favor. But then, lo and behold, the counts went the other way, and Biden was deemed the prospective winner. I guess they finally got even for what happened in 2000? If you are too young to remember that, look it up. I wonder if Hillary is upset they didn't go to such extremes on her behalf four years ago? Anyway, maybe it's time for me to move to one of the former banana republics? I've heard good things about Costa Rica and Dominican Republic. I just need to find one that is not going along with the covid lie. You know, one that knows there is no "pandemic". Biden Uses the Hammer and Scorecard to Winby admin - 2020-11-12 ( education / research / conspiracies / politics ) [html version]
Read, listen or watch the rest here: biden-using-scorecard-and-the-hammer-to-steal-another-u-s-presidential-election-just-like-obama-and-biden-did-in-2012 UPDATE: This says the "hammer and scorecard" angle is false. Not the fraud entirely, just that one piece of the story. Fun Facts About Redheadsby admin - 2020-11-18 ( education / research / people ) [html version]via "Are Redheads Aliens? Strange Facts About Redheads" I am a redhead myself (never liked the term ginger in this context, but that's a personal problem). Anyway, I found this interesting.
Okay, I added that last one! Watch the video for the rest. Supposed FEMA Interviewby bill - 2020-11-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]FEMA interviewWarning, this video is NOT for the faint-of-heart. VERY confrontational... even if only a part is actually correct... is enough to be psychologically affected UNLESS you do (like me) not fear anything... Than all is okay! Cheers. John ********************* I heard of this some while back. The luminescent thing in the vaccines is "Luciferase." ********************************** Here's some notes that I took. Illuminate Biodiversity -- deploy genetically modified species around the earth Restructured light? CBOL Amass wealth and now go forward After 2025 no more taking from nature but only lab stuff Give us a craving to be a cannibal since human genes put in everything Magnetically tag anybody who takes corona test with Omnirat Beacon optifluidic system Hydrogel / quantum dot, once injected it (mini-robot) self-assembles and swarms through your body. It can target a cell, an organ, everybody with blond hair, or whatever. Later it takes over your brain. It "harvests your fluids" so your cells wither as it grows until we're no longer human and [are instead] a quantum computer. Hydrogel masks where people breathe it in ********************* I watched an hour of it. I don't believe it, at least not by 2025 ********************* I didn't watch yet, but here is a must see speech. ********************* Luciferase is the glow element in fireflies ********************* An Invisible Quantum Dot 'Tattoo' Could Be Used to ID Vaccinated Kids Victor Tangermann, Futurism. For the people overseeing nationwide vaccination initiatives in developing countries, keeping track... Yes and it was to be put in vaccines so they could see through your skin to see if you took the stuff: You can download bitchute videos using these websites (among many others): or, or this software application: Bible Talk and Auras (Not Such Polar Opposites, After All)by don - 2020-11-27 ( education / research / religion / christianity ) [html version]
The British Hand Behind the U.S. Election Coup Attemptby admin - 2020-11-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]
Read, listen or watch the rest here: Throwing Sidney Powell Under the Bus?by bill - 2020-11-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]She must have been onto something. And now she's being discredited as "unhinged." Read, listen or watch the rest here: Trump Cuts Sidney Powell From Legal Team ( Myers-Briggs Test Completely Meaningless?by admin - 2020-11-28 ( education / research / people ) [html version]
Read, listen or watch the rest here: D.B. Cooper -- Name to the Face?by admin - 2020-11-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version][Updated: 2020-12-01 00:03:06]
Read, listen or watch the rest here: Ground Zero Media body energyby don - 2020-12-31 ( education / research ) [html version]wrong link, here's the right one On 12/29/20 10:50 PM someone wrote:
very interesting short clip coup?by doug - 2020-12-31 ( education / research ) [html version]Retired general planning a coup Check this out. [] Recall California Governor Gavin Newsom (2020) Unaffordable housing. Record homelessness. Rising crime. Failing schools. Locked down population while the prisons are emptied. Governor Newsom has failed! Nurse Tells It Like It Isby steve - 2020-12-31 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]yes, the PCR test was pronounced FAKE On Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 8:12:31 AM PST someone wrote: Nashville Bombby doug - 2020-12-31 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Here is the intel on this: [ vi/h31oYJN6bJ8/maxresdefault.webp] Stealth Wars Counter cyber interdiction via collaborative weaponry, stealth drones, missiles and covert, close quarter battles define the raging war between the Deep Stat...
Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2020 6:56 PM ory I think the conspiracy theories on this are bogus. Hardly anyone knew that the building had anything to do with AT&T. He played the tune Downtown and made no political statement. He just wanted to go out with a bang. On 12/27/20 8:53 PM:
Right.EF=BF=BD It seems like something you would see when a missile was taking off, not when it was descending toward its target.EF=BF=BD On 12/27/2020 3:04 PM wrote:
When I look at the "missile" trail, it seems it's an upward motion, not downward. In other words, there was a small explosion prior to the big one, not a missile from the sky On 12/26/20 10:46 PM: Yea, no matter what there is more than a bomb going off out of the blue.
Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2020 8:38 PM ory It sure looks like it, but do missiles leave contrails? Could it have been doctored? I tend to be skeptical because people didn't waste any time claiming that the AT&T server farm was housing proof of the Dominion vote rigging... blah blah blah On 12/26/20 8:53 PM: Looks like it was a missile strike on Nashville
Sent: Friday, December 25, 2020 11:00 AM ory I doubt any governors belong to the Chinese Communist Party. Although the Chinese seem to control the Democratic Party. On 12/25/20 12:55 PM: Did you catch the comments by Jeffrey Prather listing all the CCP member governors? Sent: Friday, December 25, 2020 10:53 AM ory I suspect LOTS more false flag events. I wonder if they'll shoot people thought to be vile by many, such as gavin, nancy, Obama and such (kind of wishful thinking) they can blame patriots for it. On Friday, December 25, 2020, 10:41:06 AM PST:
Thanks.EF=BF=BD Wasn't it also near a courthouse? Maybe someone didn't like some court decision. Last night here people were setting off firecrackers.EF=BF=BD They love to set them off on holidays.EF=BF=BD Must be a Mexican tradition.EF=BF=BD On 12/25/2020 10:28 AM wrote:
Didn't hear anything. I'm about 5 miles away, but was asleep. The local news was speculating they were targeting the AT&T server building because of what Snowden said about AT&T surveillance on Americans, laying the groundwork for claiming it's right wing extremists. But a month ago Antifa said they would start actions if Trump didn't concede to Biden. On 12/25/20 12:20 PM:
How crazy! Could you hear the blast? On 12/25/2020 9:33 AM wrote:
The lady's voice has no discernible accent. They didn't want anyone to be killed. Organized. I suspect Antifa: Retired General Planning a Coup?by doug - 2021-01-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Check this out. Retired general planning a Coup? Watch Northcom COG vs. The Constitution Recall California Governor Gavin Newsom (2020) Unaffordable housing. Record homelessness. Rising crime. Failing schools. Locked down population while the prisons are emptied. Governor Newsom has failed! Trump Still a Danger to Demsby doug - 2021-01-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It is so fun watching the criminals squirm. David Icke is always great and there is a lot of stuff to appreciate in this video. But one of the most powerful parts of this is at about minute 40:30 seconds where he mentions vaccine deaths. It is so obvious that I think more people wake the F up now. Share, share, share: I also heard Trump plans to speak at 9PM Eastern. It may come across on the Emergency Broadcast System because MSM will block anything from him. Right Side Broadcasting will carry it, along with OAN, I think. And if you didn't hear about Italy yet, I think the first arrest that will shock the world will be the pope.
Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 2:10 PM I think it's called Trump Derangement Syndrome On 1/8/21 4:06 PM: "unhinged" trump? Wow, pot calling kettle black! She's INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Friday, January 8, 2021, 1:59:31 PM PST someone wrote:
Found this: Nancy Pelosi writes a letter to her democratic colleagues today (evidently for public consumption): "This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Miley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear stike. The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy." On 1/8/21 11:25 AM: no reason to impeach him now unless you think he really won On Friday, January 8, 2021, 8:25:12 AM PST:
Yes, it is awfully suspicious that they can't just wait a couple weeks for him to leave? Sent: Friday, January 8, 2021 7:18 AM They're probably afraid he's going to release some information India Farm Bill Protestby don - 2021-01-11 ( education / research ) [html version]Found this (250million!): Meanwhile, in another part of the world: (found on the D.I. website) No mention of it here in the German media and I guess under-reported in other countries as well, I did find several news reports about in on youtube, from various TV stations from different parts of the world, but they don't seem to show just how many Indian people and unions actually support this strike because they understand those 3 s only look beneficial at first glance. "Censored: The largest people's uprising in history against the globalist takeover of food "The India Farmer's Protest should be making worldwide headlines. But it isn't. Because everyone would be encouraged to imitate their courage" Dr Julianne Romanello Not my words. But the sentiment perfectly encapsulated. National and international media have been heavily censoring what is now being known as the largest peaceful protest in the history of humanity, which took place on November 26, 2020 in India. A staggering 250,000,000 people from various industry sectors stood together in a united workers strike, approximately 20% of India's population. To put that figure into perspective, that's almost four times the population of the U.K. and 75% of the U.S. population. The strike action was in response to the nefarious farm s surreptitiously passed on 23 September 2020, without debate, during India's brutal lockdown, in an attempt to pressure the Modi government to repeal the s. The superficially benevolent s threaten domestic and global food sovereignty, the livelihood of farmers and accelerate the globalist takeover of the food supply, inextricably linked with Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development Goals. The one-day stand-off has snowballed into what is now the largest people's uprising ever seen on our planet. Massive 'insta-city' encampments have formed at Singhu, Tikri and Ghazipur borders into Delhi, the main protest sites, with an estimated 345,000 farmers and protesters currently encamped – eating, sleeping, washing, praying – in what is now the winter season with evening temperatures dipping to around 0 degrees. With roads and highways completely blocked going into the capital, farmers and cross-industry sector protesters are standing in absolute unity and solidarity, from teachers unions to lawyers unions, Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims alike, fighting for their lives and their livelihood. And it's growing. Thousands more, each day, from all over India, march towards the capital, in solidarity with the Farmers Protests to force the Indian PM to repeal these nefarious Acts. The farmers have vowed to stay for as long as it takes for the laws to be repealed, several months, even years. Forty have lost their lives so far, including counts of suicide." I did a little digging into those farm s and found this in the Times of India: and a little further information from the same source: Here's a video explaining the new s and showing the advantages and disadvantages quite clearly: Source: UPDATE: Very informative video, explains the situation of farmers very well, no wonder they are on strike blocking several of the main roads to Delhi: Source: NY Bill Bans Body Armorby doug - 2021-01-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]pretty amazing what these geniuses come up with. [ vi/PVxK1YL3d7g/maxresdefault.webp] Lindell: TRUMP will be President: Following meeting Following meeting with Sidney Powell and General Flynn, Lindell gores on record to say that Trump will be President.
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2021 3:23 PM Getcher Pfizer, Folks!by don - 2021-01-15 ( education / research ) [html version]Here is the data of the application of Pfizer covid19 new vaccine. When scaling up the data on a global level the implications are disastrous for the world. Action needs to be applied by whom ever to make an immediate decision to stop this failed vaccine application. FROM THE CDC; 3,150 people vaccinated in ONE DAY are "unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work" after vaccination. This is a massive 2.7% of people who can no longer work after having the Pfizer vaccine. Portuguese health worker, 41, dies two days after getting the Pfizer covid vaccine as her father says he 'wants answers' Mexican doctor hospitalized after receiving covid-19 vaccine Hundreds of Israelis get infected with covid-19 after receiving Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Wife of 'perfectly healthy' Miami doctor, 56, who died of a blood disorder 16 days after getting Pfizer covid-19 vaccine is certain it was triggered by the jab, as drug giant investigates first death with a suspected link to shot. 75-year-old Israeli man dies 2 hours after getting covid-19 vaccine. Death of Swiss man after Pfizer vaccine. 88-year-old collapses and dies several hours after being vaccinated. Thousands negatively affected after getting covid-19 vaccine. Hospital worker with no prior allergies in intensive care with severe reaction after Pfizer covid vaccine. 4 volunteers develop FACIAL PARALYSIS after taking Pfizer covid-19 jab, prompting FDA to recommend 'surveillance for cases'. Investigation launched as 2 people die in Norway nursing home days after receiving Pfizer's covid-19 vaccine. Hundreds Sent to Emergency Room After Getting covid-19 Vaccines U.S. officials report more severe allergic reactions to covid-19 vaccines. NHS told not to give covid vaccine to those with history of allergic reactions. covid-19: Single vaccine dose leads to 'greater risk' from new coronavirus variants, South African experts warn CDC reveals at least 21 Americans have suffered life threatening allergic reactions to Pfizer's covid vaccine Woman experiences side effects of covid-19 vaccine covid Vaccine Side Effects More Common After 2nd Dose. Bulgaria Reports 4 Cases Of Side Effects From Pfizer covid Vaccine. Two NHS workers suffer allergic reaction to Pfizer vaccine. Bunch of Declassified Documentsby don - 2021-01-17 ( education / research ) [html version]The Bidensby don - 2021-01-24 ( education / research ) [html version]seem like a very happy (crime) family. Found this: 8/3/2002: Sen. Biden's Daughter Arrested 8/4/2002: Sen. Biden's Daughter Arrested in Altercation *2008* 8/24/2008: Whew boy! "Joe Biden's son is the one who got Obama out of this (Sinclair) mess." 8/24/2008: My Son, The Lobbyist: Biden's Son a Well-Paid DC Insider 8/25/2008: MBNA paid Biden son at critical time for 9/2/2008: TIMES INVESTIGATATION REVELS BIDEN FAMILY EMESHESED IN DC MONEY GAME 9/8/2008: The son also rises (Joe Biden influence alert) 9/13/2008: Biden's son quits lobbying work 9/13/2008: Biden son no longer a federal lobbyist (Change we can't believe in) 9/13/2008: Hunter Biden Puts Lobbyist Career On Hold 9/15/2008: Biden's Son, Brother Named in Two Suits 9/19/2008: Why does Joe Biden lie about a 'drunk driver' killing his 1st wife? 10/15/2008: Biden routes campaign cash to family, their firms *2009* 1/1/2009: VP-Elect's son reaches settlement for fraud Link for article no longer exists but on Wayback Machine 2/24/2009: Stanford Had Links to a Fund Run by Bidens 2/28/2009: JUDGE TO BANKER, BIDENS: GIVE PEACE A CHANCE (an elaborate scheme to defraud?) 3/28/2009: VP Daughter Caught Up in a Cocaine Scandal (?) 3/28/2009: FRIEND OF BIDEN'S DAUGHTER SHOPPING TAPE OF HER ALLEGEDLY DOING COCAINE 4/29/2009: Biden Son and Brother Near Epicenter of Two Ponzi Schemes 5/2/2009: Are the Bidens Mixed Up in Hedge Fund Scandal? 6/23/2009: A Biden connection: The Amtrak IG scandal *2010* 1/2/2010: Blogger Exposes Hedge Fund Scam *2015* 8/24/2015: Joe Biden's Son Gets Caught with Ashley Madison Account (Says it's a set-up) *2018* 1/20/2018: Joe Biden's Niece Finally Pays up for $100K Credit Card Scam 3/15/2018: Inside the shady private equity firm run by Kerry and Biden's kids 3/20/2018: Joe Biden's Son's Massive Deal with Chinese Company 'Trying to Steal' America's Nuclear Secrets 7/27/2018: Biden's Niece Gets Probation for $100,000 Credit Card Scam *2019* 4/4/2019: Exclusive: VP Biden Steered $1.8B tax dollars to Ukraine; Son Hunter Bagged 'Sweetheart Govt Deal' 4/30/2019: Hilton: China Is 'Funding Biden Family Businesses' with 'ions of Dollars' 5/1/2019: Hunter Biden, 49, 'amicably' splits from his brother Beau's widow Hallie, 45, .. 5/1/2019: Biden's History of Lies, Family Scandals and Corruption 5/2/2019: NYT Confirms Hunter Biden Was Paid by Ukrainians While Father Was VP 5/17/2019: Trump: Biden's Son Should face Probe Over China Deal 6/20/2019: Watch: ABC's 'Good Morning America' Presents Deep Dive into Hunter Biden's Ukraine, China Dealings 6/20/2019: Arkansas Woman Says Hunter Biden is the Father of Her Infant Child 6/21/2019: Hunter Biden's alleged love child debacle just the latest in string of suspicious incidents 7/1/2019" Biden son Hunter scoffs at Trump calls for probe into Ukraine business ties: 'F-you, Mr. President!' 8/3/2019: Joe Biden's Brother Scored Generous Loans During Banking Committee Tenure 8/3/2019: Biden's Corruption Problem 8/5/2019: Joe Biden's brother and hedge fund manager accused of fraud 8/18/2019: Business efforts of Biden brother and son prompt new questions over influence peddling 8/27/2019: Joe Biden's brother is being sued by medical execs over a scheme.... 9/20/2019: Ukrainian Official: We're Ready to Investigate Biden's Son—if Trump Asks Officially 9/20/2019: Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate Biden's Son 9/22/2019: Biden caught lying: Says He Never Discussed Hunter's Ukraine Deal. Hunter Says He Did 9/23/2019: Hunter Biden Versus Joe Biden: Father and Son Contradict One Another Regarding Ukraine Scandal 9/23/2019: Lindsey Graham Says DOJ Should Investigate Biden-Ukraine Connection 9/23/2019: So, what were Hunter Biden's connections to get a commission? 9/24/2019: Solomon devastates Democrats on Ukraine 9/25/2019: RNC Calls On Biden To Release His Transcripts 9/25/2019: BEASTMODE: Sen. Kennedy Asks 'Do You Think They Got Hunter Biden's Name Off ZipRecruiter?' 9/25/2019: Video of Joe Biden Brags About Getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired 9/26/2019: Now Joe Biden's BROTHER is accused of sleaze: James Biden 'promised healthcare firm... 9/26/2019: 'Well, Son of a Bitch' : Ukraine Scandal Is About Biden 9/26/2019: Biden's OTHER massive scandal: The $1.5 billion China deal explained in three minutes (Video) 9/28/2019: Ace reporter Solomon: Boatloads more corruption info on Joe, Hunter Biden coming 9/29/2019: Peter Schweizer joins Mark Levin to discuss corruption involving Hunter Biden 10/1/2019: Photo of Biden Golfing With Ukraine Gas Company Exec May Have Upended His Narrative 10/3/2019: Peter Schweizer: The bottom line is Joe Biden and his son's Ukraine dealings must be investigated 10/4/2019: Nancy Pelosi's Son Also Board Member of Energy Company, Traveled to Ukraine and Nancy 10/7/2019: Mollie Hemingway: Joe Biden's brother also involved in scandal and media ignores it 10/9/2019: Why Joe Biden? Mitt Romney Asks 10/9/2019: What Hunter Biden Did Was Legal — And That's the Problem 10/9/2019: Giuliani Just Dropped some BOMBS on Hannity 10/11/2019: Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden's 'radio silence' on Ukraine dealings only raises suspicions 10/13/2019: Donald Trump Taunts Hunter Biden as He Leaves Board of Chinese Investment Firm 10/13/2019: Hunter Biden Leaves China Board as Trump Attacks Hit Home 10/15/2019: The Bidens Concede 10/15/2019: Hunter Biden tells ABC News he received NO money from China, bank records tell a different story 10/27/2019: Joe Biden Defends His Son's Ukraine Dealings: 'He Did Not Do a Single Thing Wrong' 11/8/2019: REPORT: ZELENSKY WAS ABOUT TO ANNOUNCE BIDEN INVESTIGATION WHEN AID WAS RELEASED" 11/11/2019: Yes, a fair impeachment inquiry would question Hunter Biden 11/19/2019: Impeachment surprise: How Adam Schiff validated my reporting on Ukraine 11/19/2019: Rep. Adam Schiff To Ukraine: Don't Investigate Bidens 11/20/2019: Hunter Biden the father of Arkansas woman's baby, DNA test shows 11/22/2019: Joe Biden spars with reporter who asked about Hunter's paternity suit 11/24/2019: Giuliani Claims To Have Decades Of Evidence Relating To 'Biden Family' Corruption In Latest Tweet 11/27/2019: EXCLUSIVEHunter Biden's 'baby mama' Lunden Roberts was stripper at club he frequented 12/7/2019: Always Remember Joe Biden Misled Everyone About Wife's Death, Blamed Innocent Man for Years 12/8/2019: Biden: 'Nobody warned me' about Hunter and Ukraine because Beau was dying 12/10/2019: Deadbeat Dad Hunter Biden Refuses to Pay Baby Mama Lunden Roberts' $11,000 Legal – And She's Demanding He Admit How Much Burisma Paid Him! 12/12/2019: EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden's baby mama will get to grill the vice president's son under oath about money he made from Burisma [tr] 12/24/2019: Hunter Biden owns massive home in swanky Hollywood Hills, court *2020* 1/18/2020: How five members of Joe Biden's family got rich through his connections 1/20/2020: Joe Biden's Brother Frank Linked to Projects Receiving $54,000,000 in Taxpayer Loans from the Obama Administration—Despite No Experience 1/21/2020: New Reports Reveal That The Companies Of Biden's Brother Received $54 MILLION In Taxpayer-Funded Loans To Finance Energy Projects In Central 1/23/2020: Peter Schweizer on how Biden family got rich: Hunter 'just the tip of the iceberg' 1/28/2020: Lobbyist bought tropical land from Biden's brother 2/9/2020" Rudy Giuliani predicts Trump will be 'totally vindicated' by 'smoking gun' in Hunter Biden probe: 'We've got the documents' 2/17/2020: FBI Raids James Biden-Tied Business 3/10/2020: James Biden's health care ventures face a growing legal morass. A mysterious FBI raid. New allegations from former executives. Questions are swirling about the business dealings of Joe Biden's brother. 3/10/2020: Mainstream Media Ignore Report Of Joe Biden's Brother Facing Fraud Allegations 3/11/2020: Senate Democrat wants investigation into possible bias of federal agencies in Hunter Biden requests 5/21/2020: Lawsuit Documents Allege James Biden Committed Fraud, Racketeering 7/11/2020: Joe Biden's family racks up arrests for drugs, drunk driving - but no jail time 10/5/2020: Joe Biden's niece set to appear in court for DUI case day after presidential election The October Surpise October 14, 2020 Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad BREAKING: Hunter Biden laptop seized by FBI, smoking gun emails obtained by NY Post The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY'S Payoff SchemeRudy Giuliani's EXCLUSIVE Reaction Twitter and Facebook are actively censoring the Biden/Ukraine corruption stories Hunter Biden and the Big Tech information coup House Judiciary GOP copies Biden NY Post story to their website and posts it on twitter Identity theft, Ashley Madison scandal, stripper baby mama, sleeping with brother's widow, quickie marriage and now an email bombshell: How Hunter's past continues to haunt him -- and threatens to ruin Joe's WH run Jack Dorsey APOLOGIZES after Trump threatened to remove Facebook and Twitter protections and called them 'terrible' for blocking story about Joe Biden meeting son Hunter's Ukraine business partners Donald Trump claims Hunter Biden's laptop revelations show his rival's family are 'grifters' as Rudy Giuliani boasts of 40,000 MORE emails after bombshell claim VP met his son's Ukraine business partner Biden Campaign: VP May Have Had 'Informal' Meeting With Burisma Exec At Center Of Bombshell NY Post Report *October 15, 2020* Man Who Had Hunter Biden's Laptop Suggests There's More, Hints At FBI Coverup, Fears Assassination (Full Audio Interview) NEW: Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm President Trump Tweet: Video of Joe Biden Denials Why did Biden Meet with Soros the Day Before the Burisma Email to Hunter? Computer Repairman Who Exposed Biden Emails Says FBI Told Him to Stay Quiet Joe Biden had this impeachment thing that was bleepin' golden, but Hunter Biden messes it up Latest Cache Of Emails Detail How Hunter Biden Earned Millions In China "For Introductions" (VIDEO) Tucker: Big Tech Smothering Hunter's Email Story Is Censorship on a Scale We Never Imagined It Gets Worse! Obama White House "Hosted" Call To Burisma About Joe's $1 ion Extortion Trip House Republicans ask FBI if it had Hunter Biden's alleged laptop during Trump's impeachment Emails reveal Hunter Biden tried to cash in on behalf of family with Chinese firm Feds examining whether alleged Hunter Biden emails are linked to a foreign intel operation (Fake News) Biden advisers cannot rule out meeting with Ukrainian energy executive *October 16, 2020* Hunter Biden Offered $10 Million Annually by Chinese Energy Firm for 'Introductions Alone,' Email Shows EXCLUSIVE: 1-On-1 With Rudy Giuliani — What Haven't We Seen From The Hunter Biden Hard Drive, And Why Won't He Release It In Full? Bannon boasted 'I have Hunter's hard drive' two weeks before its secrets were revealed -- and allies of billionaire Chinese fugitive who pays Bannon and partied with Rudy Giuliani hinted at 'sex and money scandal' late in September too I asked Joe Biden: What is your response to the NYPost story about your son, sir? He called it a "smear campaign" and then went after me... *October 17, 2020* After Hours: NY Post Hunter Biden Scandal with Bannon Yes, The Hunter Biden Emails Are Authentic Hunter Biden: What was he doing in Ukraine and China? NPR: 'Experts' Say Covering Hunter Biden Corruption Story Deepens 'Stigma' of Addiction For 'Millions' CBS news director responds to his reporter for asking Biden about Hunter Exclusive: Larry C. son Interviews Paul Mac Issac — The American Patriot Who Was Hired to Fix Hunter Biden's Computers and the Rest Is History Donald Trump was impeached for Joe Biden's crimes Hunter Biden emails 'identify Joe Biden as ''the Big Guy'' who would receive 10% share in deal with Chinese energy firm' Rudy Previews UNRELEASED Info From Hunter's Hard Drive Hunters Laptop: Computer shop owner contacted the Senate Committee on Sept 24th (new son letter) RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary) Clift: 'Social Media Companies Are Reacting Responsibly' to Hunter Biden Story (Daily Beast attacks free press!) NY POST -- HUNTER BIDEN SCANDALThe TimelineObamaHillaryBiden HunterMedia *October 18, 2020* Wait, There's More: Before the Bidens 'Did' Ukraine, There Was Iraq – and Serbia Censoring the Biden story: How social media becomes state media Joe Biden-Linked Firm Made Major Investments in Chinese Corporations Hunter Biden Emails 'Identify Joe Biden As ''The Big Guy'' Who Would Receive 10% Share In Deal With Chinese Energy Firm Does this explain why Facebook suppressed Hunter Biden revelations? i had accumulated enough data to substantiate his criminality ... evidence everywhere .. at this point more important things occupied my time ... *January 2021* MY NOTE : ASSUMED OFFICE STOLEN FROM OUR DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump through FRAUD wild infoby don - 2021-01-26 ( education / research ) [html version]here's my notes of his talk the biden administration is not real, a movie studio 250-260 marine vessels off east & west coast within 5 miles of coast ready to invade inauguration was filmed 3 weeks earlier on a sunny day, though 6 jan was cloudy inauguration was 17 min early deep state wants harris to be prez, not biden military pretending biden is prez for safety of citizens military rule will be announced at certain time ww3 is in progress biden very sick DC will no longer be capitol of US 4 march will be announcement of new republic of the US and a re-vote whitehouse is now a prison no one can leave DC without a press pass't go to DC or you won't get out arrests being made trump took nuclear football to fl On 1/24/21 9:10 PM someone wrote:
from Stewart Swerdlow I've heard these ideas floated around before, so I don't know if he's really talking to Q or is just gathering rumors and presenting them as from Q as Simon Parkes does permanent governmentby don - 2021-01-26 ( education / research ) [html version]Psychic Gigi Young explains how the "permanent government" steals energy from the people to feed their demons, by running dashed-hope operations: Dutch Hypnotherapists Expose Techniques Used on Us Dailyby admin - 2021-01-29 ( education / research / people / covid ) [html version]
Read, listen or watch the rest here: good tucker videoby don - 2021-01-31 ( education / research ) [html version] Sharyl Attkisson Suing Rod Rosensteinby don - 2021-02-01 ( education / research ) [html version]Obama admin was spying on a journalist investigating questionable ATF operation Fast & Furious. Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2021 10:43 AM, I replied: If you ever want to peruse the latest headlines, I've got my own news aggregator going at And, if you ever want to add your own news item, you can just email it to me (though there's a delay with that because I have to manually approve it, due to spammers). Or, click here. Great New Icke Interviewby doug - 2021-02-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]There is so much that is interesting in this video -- a broad range of things Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 7:18 AM Yep. It could also be part of 'The Age of Aquarius' making the world more feminine versus masculine, not that I agree with that agenda. So many overlapping lies and agendas, too little time to figure it all out. I wish iPhone and Roku allowed the Bitchute (and other YouTube competitor) apps, but they don't. On 2/1/21 12:38 AM: They want to do away with traditional gender definitions to usher in transhumanism The last WW2 soldierby don - 2021-02-04 ( education / research ) [html version]You may have heard of this, but the whole story is fascinating: it ends in Brazil. Trump farewell messageby don - 2021-02-04 ( education / research ) [html version]Dent says save your dollars and wait for the Greatest Depression and buy whatever you want at a discount On 2/2/21 11:19 PM: Good videos. thanks So, Rickards says that Gold or property will be good. I didn't gather what would be good from Dent. On Tuesday, February 2, 2021, 03:41:16 PM PST wrote:
Jim Rickards is about as smart as it gets on the economy, and this is a good interview: and in case you don't think the markets are in a bubble, Harry Dent explains it in no uncertain terms: On 2/1/21 4:35 PM someone wrote:
Personally, I wouldn't make any investments until this bubble bursts. On 2/1/21 4:09 PM someone wrote:
, Silver shot up today because the Reddit short squeeze team decided to start a run on silver in their war against the hedge funds. But if you want a good discussion on whether metal will do well or no in an inflationary vs deflationary future, here's Harry Dent (Mr Deflation) vs Peter Schiff (Mr Inflation): On 1/23/21 2:50 PM: My concern is about short term. I have a lot more confidence in the long term value of silver. I am thinking it's a certainty that under Biden silver will shoot up. But when Trump is back and we phase into the Nesara or whatever it's called, how will that affect metals. I just hate the idea cash will be be so devalued by inflation that I should get silver fast or take a wait and see approach.
Saturday, January 23, 2021 7:26 AM ory Re: Silver could go down if it looks like govt spending will be reined in. But probably not, because Trump is not exactly a fiscal conservative either. On 1/23/21 3:30 AM: If you can imagine that Trump got a 2nd term (which I know he will very soon), what would you expect the silver market to do under those circumstances?
Friday, January 22, 2021 3:01 PM ory Re: This supports what I posted below. Not only was his motorcade *NOT SALUTED*, troops openly turned their backs on him as he passed by. Video at: ... the difference between the Trump's inauguration and Biden's is that at the Trump one, security *are facing the crowd on the lookout for potential nutcase* while their officers are saluting... With Biden's, there is no crowd to face and *their officers are not saluting*! Yes, I've watched both and this is very clear On 1/22/21 4:26 PM someone wrote:
found this: Why was Biden denied access to a government plane if he is prez? Why was Trump still being flown around on one even as of yesterday in one when he is not prez? Why is the military still there if it was just for the inauguration? Why would they need 25,000 more troops to D.C. when they already have 65,000 there and who ordered these soldiers up if not Biden? Why did the military stare Biden down like he was very much disliked? Do they know something? And lastly what on earth is going on that there would be rumors flying all over that the military will be there till Sep of 2021!?Oh and with 4300 deputized with full arrest authority as U.S. Marshals that would mean that there is an expectation in the air of mass arrests yes? Certainly more, perhaps much more is yet to come. ==========> I was listening to a pre Inauguration video by Magenta Pixie and she said there could be two presidents for awhile. What occurs to me is: What if the military, having hard data that the election was stolen, don't recognize Biden as president? What if the civilian govt recognizes Biden and the military doesn't? What if they plan to continue taking orders from Trump? On 1/21/21 9:37 PM: Yea, I get it and that's funny. But I am still hoping and believing that somehow, some way that has nothing to do with Q that Trump will actually have his 2nd term by some miracle. In the meantime, I'll do what I can to improve things. I just saw post "this guy's great" and maybe it's in response to An0maly. Yea, I agree. I have been following him for a while. Very smart.
Thursday, January 21, 2021 7:22 PM
Re: the removal of biden has been postponed till mid apr :-) On 1/21/21 8:32 PM:
I'm taking a break from Simon Parkes. Had enough for a while.� On 1/21/2021 6:28 PM: You might appreciate this: Psy-Op Exposed! Why Are These People Lying To Us? (I Answer All Messages Here) (Free Email List) (Shirts & Hats)
Thursday, January 21, 2021 2:50 PM Re: � well, here's more hopium from parkes On 1/19/21 7:16 PM: "Virtually all the psychics, card readers and astrologers said he was a 2 term president, like it was "written. Still think this will happen, somehow. No idea how, though.
Tuesday, January 19, 2021 5:12 PM
Re: � The deep state pulled out all the stops to get rid of Trump. Immediately named him a racist because he wanted a real border. The Russia hoax and impeachment. 100% anti-Trump news every night. The massive Q psyop. The vote rigging that Trump foresaw but was unable to stop. It was a war on populism and independent thinking. He was supposed to have a 2nd term. Probably got 55% of the vote. Virtually all the psychics, card readers and astrologers said he was a 2 term president, like it was "written." On 1/19/21 5:55 PM: "Prather's like that guy in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, still fighting after his limbs are cut off." -- FUNNY!� But in truth, that's what we need now. Sure, go ahead and give up, but don't go asking for help when you don't help.
Tuesday, January 19, 2021 2:11 PM Re: � Prather's like that guy in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, still fighting after his limbs are cut off. On 1/19/21 3:40 PM: More About False Flags and Red Herringsby doug - 2021-02-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This video has some news of interest. More about false flags and red herrings. Charles Ortel is CLOSING IN -- The F Team The biggest crew of F'ups in American history have brought this country to its knees. Charles Ortel joins me remote.webply to detail the decades long plan to profit from the destruction of the greatest economic engine ever known. Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2021 5:10 AM That IS interesting. In espionage, it is called "poisoning the well" to invalidate all of the otherwise valid info. You're being misled. Yes, a mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. The W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask. Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2021 6:46 AM Did you read this yet? That "proof" in the Lindell video at the end was totally false. Yes, enough fraud was true, but that was false and seems to be an effort to discredit all the real fraud. It did seem too amazing to be true. Should have caught it. Larry son: A Closer Look at the Hammer and Scorecard -- UPDATED According to Mary Fanning: The HAMMER has been a tool of foreign surveillance until February 2009, at which time Brennan and Clapper commandeered it and turned it against America by transforming the Hammer into an illegal domestic surveillance tool.... Sent: Saturday, February 6, 2021 4:58 PM It won't matter if every Biden voter votes against Harris in 2024, she will win, unless she really pisses off the oligarchs. On 2/6/21 6:34 PM: Don't give up. And you missed the very best. The bombshell is at the end. But the morons who voted in communism with the piece of sh-t criminal named biden should be ashamed, but probably too stupid to realize they did anything wrong. Sent: Saturday, February 6, 2021 1:57 PM I could only listen to half of it because I just got too mad knowing we'll never have another real election in this country. On 2/5/21 5:51 PM: Sent: Saturday, February 6, 2021 1:57 PM I could only listen to half of it because I just got too mad knowing we'll never have another real election in this country. yeah, they found it as far back as MARCH 2019 without any major problem (hysteria).Here's one telling how Exercise reduces one's risk (duh, exercise raises one body's temperature, "germs" don't like it hot, so they DIE!): On Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 09:21:14 AM : This information proves the scam beyond doubt. But please don't notice real facts that get in the way of the propaganda and science science science. lots of articles hereby don - 2021-02-07 ( education / research ) [html version]just found this website lots of articles but one says watergate was all about the op to honey trap politicans and military brass with prostitutes; makes sense based on other things I've read over the years Anti-Trump Lincoln Project founderby don - 2021-02-08 ( education / research ) [html version]Now you know why they hated Trump: debunking mary fanningby don - 2021-02-15 ( education / research ) [html version] A Conversation/Debate on Religionby bill - 2021-02-15 ( education / research / religion ) [html version]Names have been removed to protect the innocent. :) November 11, 2020 5:49 PM:Good article so far. I read the original here because it's much easier on the eyes. This part is interesting:
What he says may end up being true, but it's hard for me to believe these worldwide conspirators are as clever as some conspiracy theorists give them credit for. November 11, 2020 6:54 PM:I finally read it. I agree with most and was surprised at how it and I say the same thing. There is one point I disagree with. Sure, there's lots of corrupt/idiot police but there are definitely good ones. [wife]'s dad was a good one. I'm not sure if her brother was a good one. Her uncle was a good one (he was proud to have only issued one citation in his whole career, despite working in the "bad" neighborhood). I'm going to look for the source article so I can save a link to it (I didn't see it attached but I'll look again) November 11, 2020, 9:15:31 PM:Yeah I think that's a valid point. They want us to believe their plans are infallible and destined to happen. The comments section of one of the articles linked in the text states there are too many American nationals who would prevent a full-scale global takeover. I am inclined to believe this is true. People will not give up their guns. Nov 13, 2020, at 12:06 PM:As I've read, Khazaria was a warring country near where current Turkey is. Their reputation for being warriors got them "contracts" to attack others (but got them in trouble with others and the others declared that they needed to choose a religion and they CHOSE Judaism) November 13, 2020 12:32 PM:here's a screenshot of some of my Khazars collection. as it shows, I have more files in those folder. One (somewhere) that I have tells all the history of them, more so that the other files and how Gog and Magog are part of their history November 13, 2020 4:22 PM:I glanced at it, but absolutely cannot stand reading "biblical-speak.' "Thou and thee" instead of "you." Why can't anyone translate these things into modern English? Maybe that was why I hated church so much, not so much because of what they were saying but how they said it? Also, the document mentions Ghanis (which should be Genghis) Khan. Such carelessness is also annoying. November 13, 2020 4:37 PM:Of course, I have lots of Gog and Magog files. I'm also attaching what looks like the file I mentioned before about Gog, Magog, and the Khazars (the link to the article is at the top of the file) November 13, 2020, 9:43:43 PM:Words are important, and unfortunately thanks to the desecration of modern English, "translating" it into our current "tongue" would destroy its original intent. There is the New King James Version which is alright to start with. Destruction of language over time is a big problem and can lead to things meaning the exact opposite of what they intend. Here is an example of how a singular word, "a", completely changes the passage and creates an entirely new "religion": November 13, 2020, 10:44:46 AM:Ever notice how Trump's MAGA sounds a lot like MAGOG? Makes me wonder... not that I know anything about Magog November 13, 2020 11:46 PM:I have a Hebrew, Greek, and English bible. I've meant to check out some passages to see how they've been butchered but not done it yet. (From looking at various passages, I can kind of read the Hebrew and Greek) November 14, 2020:There's a pyramid on Mars. There's a pyramid in Egypt. And guess what Cairo means? City of Mars. So maybe the pyramid builders came from Mars. November 14, 2020 2:38 PM:But seriously, over the many millions and billions of years, there are many races and things keep being repeated. One thing I found interesting in a recent talk was about the Archons which are soulless AI that have invaded this universe and subverted the normal light/dark and turned the dark upside down somehow. They seem to be behind the devil, evil worship. There are people who read the Akashic record and have revealed this type of thing. Channels also give tidbits of info here and there. To even think modern humans are the only intelligent life in all universes is so dense and stupid, it's mind boggling. But I guess it's no different than when people thought the sun circled the Earth. I have a link to a great talk about these Archons if anyone is interested. November 14, 2020, 3:11:39 PM:Archon just means ruler in Greek Good News from Peruby greg - 2021-02-16 ( education / research / conspiracies / covid ) [html version]I agree that covid-19 was artificially created, but "Chicha & Pisco Criminal Appeals Chamber"? Chicha and pisco are alcoholic drinks popular in Peru. Maybe this article is someone's idea of a joke. On 2/14/2021 6:36 PM: Peruvian judges might be suicided over this, but they have displayed their bravery to the world. Will anyone else in the world be so brave? We'll have to wait and see...
Joshua Philippby doug - 2021-02-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I AM finding Joshua Philipp to be very informative and encourage people who want good journalism to subscribe and support him and the Epoch Times. Today's talk is simply excellent all the way to the end. Live Q&A: Biden Calls for Gun Restrictions; Trump Speaks After Beating Impeachment Joe Biden is calling on Congress to increase laws to restrict gun owners that includes bans on certain types of weapons and magazines, and eliminates some... covid protectionby don - 2021-02-18 ( education / research ) [html version]Vitamin D3 should be taken daily in the winter time. Deficiency in D is probably why people get "seasonal" flu and colds. But Vitamin C, especially the more digestible Liposomal C, is perhaps the #1 thing to take daily. Humans are unique in that they don't make their own Vitamin C. It's theorized that that's why humans get clogged arteries, which no other animals get. Zinc is especially good for viruses, and in fact, the loss of smell associated with covid is a classic symptom of zinc deficiency; it's possible the body uses up its zinc fighting covid. The last one, 10-1 concentrate oregano oil, do not take unless you are coming down with something. It is especially useful for lung problems (like cytokine storm or pneumonia). Here's where I get mine: Products&utm_term=4583039350747536&Immune Support&ds_rl=1262629 I take 4 if I ever start to come down with something. A couple of weeks ago I got an ear infection so that it sounded like I had a sea shell up to my ears. That knocked it out promptly. If you get a few of these from Swanson, you can get the other stuff from them too, because you get free shipping with a $50 order. On 2/17/21 11:56 AM: just told me to get vit D3 with 10,000 IU for protection. I saw you just gave some recommendations for protection but I can't find that email. What were they? Zinc, etc. About that Peruvian Court Convicts Gates, Soros... Article. It's Fakeby bill - 2021-02-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Anyone reading "alternative news" websites has by now seen some version of the following headline: 'Peruvian Court Rules Gates, Soros and Rockefellers Created Coronavirus'
I never could trace it back to anything credible. And now, here is what one of my brothers, who has been to Peru, has to say about it:
Simone Gold MD/JD on mRNA vaccinesby don - 2021-02-19 ( education / research ) [html version]She's an emergency room doctor who believes in vaccines and has had many vaccines for self and children BUT covid vaccine unnecessary per the CDC figures: untreated survival rate from covid-19 if you are under 20 years old: 99.997% untreated survival rate from covid-19 if you are 21 to 50 years old: 99.98% untreated survival rate from covid-19 if you are 50 to 69 years old: 99.5% untreated survival rate from covid-19 if you are over 70 years old: 95% mRNA "vaccine" more properly called an "experimental biological agent," and there's no proof it stops transmission "antibody dependent enhancement" happened in the vaccine trials for the original SARS 1 vaccine, which killed all the animals in the study after they came in contact with the actual virus (due to immune system over-reaction) unknown risk of lifelong infertility, should not be taken by women of child-bearing age biggest threat of mandatory vaccines comes from corporations (employers, airlines, etc.) rather than government President of Ghana Talks to His Nationby doug - 2021-02-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Got this from friends: EXPOSED : Ghana, Africa That Awkward Moment when the PRESIDENT OF GHANA goes on NATIONAL TV in Ghana .....and then proceeds to tell the Entire country about the SATANIC Rockefeller plan to put out a Virus for GLOBAL Depopulation and to destroy the Global Economy ...and WHERE TO FIND ALL THE PROOF ..... And then discloses to the country where the VIRUS was developed , The Fauci and Gates Involvement in the Satanic Agenda ...and much much more ... And then tells Ghana that he is going to END ALL VACCINATIONS .... WOW, WOW , WOW , WOW ??? You want to know a REAL LEADER who is NOT on the DEEP STATE PAYROLL Have a Listen to this and PASS IT AROUND THE WORLD IMAGINE IF ALL LEADERS OF THE WORLD TOOK THIS STANCE Have a Listen to this and be prepared to be ..."Blown Away !"??? of Ghana Nana AkufoAddo Reads Rockefellers Plans.mp4 vaccine impactby don - 2021-02-24 ( education / research ) [html version]This sums it all up: On 2/22/21 5:30 PM:
Luckily for them, they can declare a bogus emergency any time they want. On Feb 22, 2021, at 4:48 PM someone wrote:
Actually, they got approval for emergency use only. That's why they can't force soldiers to take it ... mainstream news. On 2/22/21 12:28 PM: they got "emergency approval" (which means it was done for political reasons and not health reasons): FDA Approves Pfizer's and Moderna's covid-19 Vaccines. Will This Save The Economy? FDA Approves Pfizer's and Moderna's covid-19 Vaccines. Will This Save Th... Kelly Anne Smith In a widely expected move, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Emergency Use Authorization to Mode... On Monday, February 22, 2021, 10:09:48 AM PST, wrote:
I was just discussing this with Jana and I think most don't realize it.
Monday, February 22, 2021 6:32 AM Re: I wonder how many people know that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are not FDA-approved? On 2/21/21 9:37 PM: Excellent
Sunday, February 21, 2021 7:53 AM Good website for the latest horror stories: PCR test fraudby don - 2021-02-24 ( education / research ) [html version]*Confession from Fauci Smoking gun: Fauci states covid PCR test has fatal flaw; confession from the "beloved" expert of experts The covid PCR test is a complete fraud* by Jon Rappoport February 22, 2021 "This article is part of my current series on the covid PCR test [1]. These articles prove that the test is fatally flawed, gives rise to hugely inflated and false case numbers, which in turn lead to the unnecessary and brutal lockdowns. I'm hoping readers will spread this information far and wide. OK, here we go. Smoking gun. Jackpot. Right from the horse's mouth. Right from the man we're told is the number-one covid expert in the nation. What Fauci says is golden truth. Well, how about THIS? July 16, 2020, podcast, "This Week In Virology" [2]: Tony Fauci makes a point of saying the PCR covid test is useless and misleading when the test is run at "35 cycles or higher." A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed. Here, in techno-speak, is an excerpt from Fauci's key quote (starting at the 3m50s mark) [2]: "...If you get [perform the test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more...the chances of it being replication-competent [aka accurate] are almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle...even 36..." Each "cycle" of the test is a quantum leap in amplification and magnification of the test specimen taken from the patient. Too many cycles, and the test will turn up all sorts of irrelevant material that will be wrongly interpreted as relevant. That's called a false positive. What Fauci failed to say on the video is: the FDA, which authorizes the test for public use, recommends the test should be run up to 40 cycles. Not 35. Therefore, all labs in the US that follow the FDA guideline are knowingly or unknowingly participating in fraud. Fraud on a monstrous level, because... Millions of Americans are being told they are infected with the virus on the basis of a false positive result, and... The total number of covid cases in America—which is based on the test—is a gross falsity. The lockdowns and other restraining measures are based on these fraudulent case numbers. Let me back up and run that by you again. Fauci says the test is useless when it's run at 35 cycles or higher. The FDA says run the test up to 40 cycles, in order to determine whether the virus is there. This is the crime in a nutshell. "Hello, America, you've been tricked, lied to, conned, and taken for a devastating ride. On the basis of fake science, the country was locked down." If anyone in the Congress has a few brain cells operating, pull Fauci into a televised hearing and, in ten minutes, make mincemeat out of the fake science that has driven this whole foul, stench-ridden assault on the global economy and its 8 billion citizens. All right, here are two chunks of evidence for what I've written above. First, we have a CDC quote on the FDA website, in a document titled [3] [3a] [3b]: "CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel For Emergency Use Only." See pdf page 38 (doc page 37). This document is marked, "Effective: 12/01/2020." That means, even though the virus is being referred to by its older name, the document is still relevant as of Dec 2020. "For Emergency Use Only" refers to the fact that the FDA has certified the PCR test under a traditional category called "Emergency Use Authorization." FDA: "...a specimen is considered positive for 2019-nCoV [virus] if all 2019-nCoV marker (N1, N2) cycle threshold growth curves cross the threshold line within 40.00 cycles ([less than] 40.00 Ct)." Naturally, MANY testing labs reading this guideline would conclude, "Well, to see if the virus is there in a patient, we should run the test all the way to 40 cycles. That's the official advice." Then we have a New York Times article (August 29/updated September 17) headlined: "Your coronavirus test is positive. Maybe it shouldn't be." [4] Here are money quotes: "Most tests set the limit at 40 [cycles]. A few at 37." "Set the limit" would usually mean, "We're going to look all the way to 40 cycles, to see if the virus is there." The Times: "This number of amplification cycles needed to find the virus, called the cycle threshold, is never included in the results sent to doctors and coronavirus patients..." Boom. That's the capper, the grand finale. Labs don't or won't reveal their collusion in this crime. Get the picture? I hope so. If a lawyer won't go to court with all this, or if a judge won't pay attention and see the light, they should be stripped of their jobs and sent to the Arctic to sell snow." SOURCES: [1] [2] [3] [3a] CDC-006-00019, Revision: 06, CDC/DDID/NCIRD/ Division of Viral Diseases, Effective: 12/01/2020; see: [3b] CDC-006-00019, Revision: 05, CDC/DDID/NCIRD/ Division of Viral Diseases, Effective: 07/13/2020; see: [4] Ever Wonder How Bill Gates Spends His Free Time?by doug - 2021-02-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version][Updated: 2021-03-16 15:37:14]"I can just imagine him looking over the globe: Knowing THE PLANS Of Our ENEMIES + Gates video UPDATE: The video linked above has been digitally burned by Watch on YouTube. Armie Hammerby steve - 2021-02-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Really? A quick search got this:Al Gore's Communist Connection Al Gore's Communist Connection The news conference at the National Press Club was packed. There were 5 or 6 television cameras there, including... On Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 10:49:44 AM PST:
Well, that's inconvenient. But is it true? On 2/23/2021 4:12 AM wrote:
Yes, I believe the Gores were connected with Occidental Petroleum On 2/22/21 10:14 PM: doesn't Al Gore have some association with that family? On Monday, February 22, 2021, 03:16:19 PM PST someone wrote: Armand Hammer was an oil tycoon who was named such by his communist (Arm & Hammer) parents. His great grandson is an actor who recently got into trouble for his sexual proclivities: "In 2021, allegations against Hammer on sexual abuse and cannibalistic fetishism emerged, which included physical harm, nonconsensual BDSM, and emotional abuse. Following the allegations, he dropped out of his various future roles and was dropped by his acting agency and publicist. " It's a good thing that the elites don't practice this kind of thing, otherwise the above might well happen :-) The True Story of Jan 6th in DCby doug - 2021-02-26 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Wow, this was streamed live yesterday and today published to Bitchute. This will blow you away by the incredible work of Millie Weaver who is likely recognized by most everyone already. I learned a bunch of stuff and how I was also tricked. [ /MnUtRo0iuNl7/8nuq0xnPVJyH PSYOP The Steal -- Official Documentary [Millennial Millie mirror] Streamed live on February 23, 2021 Exposing The Plan To Siege the US Capitol On January 6th, 2021 What happened on January 6, 2021 was part of a well prepared contingency plan to disrupt President Trump's chances contest the election results rid Good documentary. I didn't know that the Lincoln Project (to remove Trump) was all a bunch of McCain people. Also, the evidence that The Proud Boys and Antifa are part of the same "color revolution." Good documentary. I didn't know that the Lincoln Project (to remove Trump) was all a bunch of McCain people. Also, the evidence that The Proud Boys and Antifa are part of the same "color revolution." Good documentary. I didn't know that the Lincoln Project (to remove Trump) was all a bunch of McCain people. Also, the evidence that The Proud Boys and Antifa are part of the same "color revolution." Good documentary. I didn't know that the Lincoln Project (to remove Trump) was all a bunch of McCain people. Also, the evidence that The Proud Boys and Antifa are part of the same "color revolution." Not Wearing a Maskby don - 2021-02-27 ( education / research / covid ) [html version]I just ran to the local neighborhood market. They don't enforce the mask policy, so none of the customers wear masks. When I got to the checkout counter, there was an old guy wearing two masks berating the clerk for serving people who don't wear masks. Something about Title 8 of the Metro Code or something. I baited him a little, then left. As I was leaving, two more people came in without masks. He'll have a long night. 15 Hard Grid-Down Lessonsby don - 2021-03-01 ( education / research / survival / off-grid ) [html version]from Texas Fifteen HARD lessons I learned from the "Texageddon" blackouts and collapse of critical infrastructure Sunday, February 21, 2021 by: Adams (Natural News ) The "Texageddon" blackouts and near-collapse of all infrastructure (food, fuel, cell towers, power grid, water systems, emergency services, roads, etc.) taught us all some very difficult lessons in survival. We learned that the infrastructure is far more vulnerable than most people thought, and we saw with our own eyes that *most people still refuse to prepare with extra food and water*, even after a year of covid lockdowns that should have been a universal wake up call. In today's Situation Update podcast, I reveal 15 lessons I learned the hard way, including learning which preps failed to function (and how to do better next time). The full podcast is embedded below. Here's the short list of the 15 items: 1. Survival is very physical. Expect to exert a lot of physical effort. 2. Culture matters. Don't end up in a community without morals or ethics when it all hits the fan. 3. Convergence of two "black sawn" disasters can wipe out your best plans, even if you have successfully prepped for any one (standalone) disaster. 4. Some of your preps will FAIL. It's difficult to consider all possible scenarios, so count on failures striking without warning. 5. You need LAYERS of preparedness and "fall back" systems that are very low-tech and require nothing more than the laws of physics (gravity, chemistry, etc.). 6. No one is coming to help you. In many situations, no one can get to you even if they wanted to. 7. Containers (buckets, barrels) are extremely important. Have lots of pre-stored water and fuel at all times. 8. Bitcoin and crypto were all completely valueless and useless during the collapse, since they all rely on electricity. Gold, silver and cash worked fine, on the other hand. 9. You will likely experience injuries or mishaps due to new, unusual demands on your work activities. Practice safety and be prepared to deal with injuries yourself. 10. Having lots of spare parts for plumbing. Standardize your pipe sizes and accessories. I have standardized on 1″ PEX pipe and all its fittings because PEX is very easy to cut, shape and rework. Plus it's far more resistant to bursting, compared to PVC. 11. Investment in food is always a good investment, as prices will continue to climb. No one ever said during an emergency, "Gee, I wish I had less food here." 12. You can't count on any government or institution or infrastructure to solve anything. Usually they just get in the way. 13. You MUST have good lights and many backup batteries, or you will be sitting in the dark. You'll need a good headlamp (I use the PETZL Nao+) and some good 18650-battery flashlights such as Nitecore. 14. Guns and bullets are not needed in some survival scenarios, so balance your prepping. Don't put all your money into ammo and fail to cover other important areas like emergency first aid. 15. Think about what are stores of energy: Wood, diesel, gasoline, propane, water elevation, etc. Survival is a lot about energy management. Moderna mRNA (non-vaccine) trialsby don - 2021-03-01 ( education / research ) [html version]
China. Supposedly Novovax is going to be traditional (not novo) when it comes out, but we'll have to see. Also, found this: "My daughter works in hospice, she used to love her job, lately she says it's been so distressing. She wanted me to get the word out, she's witnessing people of all ages being put on hospice and dying/died after the second dose of the covid vaccine. She saw one lady's tumor grow very large popping out of her skin, after the first dose. The second dose killed her. Daily she is seeing this, spoke to the head RN who also agreed, this is unlike anything they've seen before. PS, they have never witnesses an actual "covid 19" death from the virus." On 2/26/21 2:57 PMory someone wrote: Funny but sad. On 2/26/2021 12:47 PM: Good one! Here's something else that makes it clear how unthinking most people are these days: * Sent: *Friday, February 26, 2021 10:34 AM ; '' '' '' '' '' '' *Re: this says it: Latest Greg Hunter w/ Martin Armstrongby steve - 2021-03-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]this doesn't list Rumble for downloading but LOTS of others:Download videos from so many video sites, Free! Download videos from so many video sites, Free! Internet's oldest and Best Free Video Downloader that actually WORKS! No Signup. No Installation. Save online vi... On Saturday, February 27, 2021, 06:13:05 AM PST someone wrote:
Haven't figured out how to download it, but good one about the fake c19 vaxby doug - 2021-03-03 ( education / research ) [html version]Excellent: How to Fight Back Videoby doug - 2021-03-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Great video: [ vi/Pur4k4tpGjs/maxresdefault.webp] How To Fight Back -- Part 1: Using Your "SHIELD" For everyone that asked the question, "HOW DO WE FIGHT BACK?"More to come. For God & country -- GPS U P P O R T Good Patriot:W e b s i t e : https://www.good... If this video is removed from YouTube, it should appear on her own website here: [,h_1080,al_c/dc4469_71319a3fd4414d0a9c9594b5fcc18bae~mv2.webp] VideosGood Patriot funny gun videos and more A selection of Good Patriot funny gun videos and our educational videos on the 2nd Amendment, faith and conservative values. WHO whistleblowerby don - 2021-03-05 ( education / research ) [html version]Supposed to be good. World Health Organization insider Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger blows the whistle *World Health Organization insider blows the whistle on what is happening inside the Gates-owned WHO and Gates-created GAVI – his vehicle to vaccinate the entire human population – and 'Gates tried to get himself recognised as member-state COUNTRY of the WHO* *Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger WHO WHISTLEBLOWER -- SCIENTIST REVEALS LOTS OF NEW INFO [] WHO Whistleblower Astrid Stickelberger Planet Lockdown Interview COMMON LAW: Learn Common Law With Knowledge Is Power (Work your way through tabs at the top of page) -- Meet Your Strawman (Article) -- Common Law In 10 Minut=85 . Texas and Mississippi have apparently (?) removed all statewide mask mandatesby don - 2021-03-06 ( education / research ) [html version]Yes, it's supposed to work with the Predator 4375 also, so I ordered it On 3/5/21 7:45 AM someone wrote:
Here's how to run a Harbor Freight Predator 4000 generator off natural gas or propane. I have a Predator 4375, hope the carb will work on that... Here are parts links: or natural gas converter: On 3/3/21 8:14 PM someone wrote:
put one of these on your house and you can switch to generator power to keep your fridge on Great Reset is Great Coupby don - 2021-03-07 ( education / research ) [html version] Ryan Dark Whiteby don - 2021-03-07 ( education / research ) [html version]PENCE AND OTHERS EXPOSED Alexandra Bruce of Forbidden Knowledge _(2 Rumble videos which I will ask the Mods to embed. I suggest skipping the first 25 minutes of the first video to get to the heart of the matter, or just read Alexandra's article which covers it very well. I had the strongest feeling early on in the Trump Admin that there was a plot to get ride of Trump and make Pence POTUS._) "Late on Wednesday night, super lawyer, Lin Wood released the full transcripts of interviews conducted with a government whistleblower using the alias "Ryan Dark White", with many hair-raising allegations about former Vice President Pence, Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts and former Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, who he says were all working together to overthrow President Trump from the very beginning of his administration. Late on Wednesday night, super lawyer, Lin Wood released the full transcripts of interviews conducted with a government whistleblower using the alias "Ryan Dark White", with many hair-raising allegations about former Vice President Pence, Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts and former Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, who he says were all working together to overthrow President Trump from the very beginning of his administration. The interviews were conducted in early January of this year. On January 18th, Lin Wood had posted video of these interviews, in 8 parts, which I strung together and uploaded to Rumble and published for my subscribers on Inauguration Day. Some of the highlights of this full transcript include the following shocking revelations: • Chief Justice Roberts is gay and highly-controlled to keep that a secret. Roberts adopted his children illegally with the help of Jeffrey Epstein through a child sex trafficking network in the British Isles and he immediately proceeded to use his adopted children to sexually entrap and blackmail powerful people. Mr White also says Roberts helped with some logistics in an FBI false flag operation to kill several Supreme Court Justices during Hillary Clinton's first term, so that she could then pack the Supreme Court with Globalists/Communists. This plot was foiled when Mr White (aka @HereToHelp on Twitter) was hired by someone at the office of the Supreme Court to infiltrate the operation. However, those trained and armed by the FBI to commit mass-murder fell back to a Plan B, to execute Justice Anton Scalia, who was considered Hillary's "greatest threat". • Pence is gay and likewise controlled. Prior to becoming Vice President, Pence had two steady lovers who were significantly younger but then he got framed into having sex with a 13-year-old on video. Pence's wife is totally aware of this and helps him manage and schedule his trysts. • Pence hated Trump and he worked together with Rod Rosenstein, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney as their mole in the White House. The idea was to get rid of Trump by using the 25th Amendment, then for Pence to become President and for Rod Rosenstein to become Vice President. In other words, Rod Rosenstein was not joking when he talked about wearing a wire to frame Trump. In fact, White says he did wear a wire more than once, attempting to do just that, to no avail. • Judge Emmet Sullivan, the Federal Judge presiding over the case of General Flynn is an anti-Black racist and a violent incestuous pedophile, who raped his own granddaughter for years until she was no longer a child and he lost interest. Sullivan once injured her so horribly that she was hospitalized and he made his son (the girl's father) turn himself in for the crime in the state of Maryland. As a Federal Judge, he was able to bury the case with the help of then-US Attorney Rod Rosenstein, Maryland Congressman, Elijah Cummings and Baltimore Mayor, Catherine Pugh. However, records of the case still exist in the Federal system. Mr White says it can be found on Pacer. Sullivan's son is also a very sick pedophile who also raped that same daughter for years and he was later busted again for trading images of child pornography. • Judge Sullivan had 4 homes in a beach community in Delaware that he used for his trysts with female children and that he would lend out to Joe Biden, for his own pedophilic trysts. Mr White describes Joe Biden as a "well-known pedophile" and he says that in many of those videos we've all seen of Biden sniffing children in front of their family members as they're being sworn-into their government posts, those children have been promised to him for his role in the securing those positions for their parents. White said, Joe "can't control himself because he's anticipating his payoff. So, that's why you see these sniffing videos." Moreover, Jill Biden knew about his perversions going into the marriage. Indeed, she was 15 and Joe was 30 when they began dating. White says the Biden grandchildren are all sexual abuse victims, as well. • Space economist, Molly McCauley was murdered by the same crooked DEA henchmen associated with Rod Rosenstein's "Dirty Tricks Squad" according to White, because it was she who figured out that they were using satellites to steal elections, using the Hammer supercomputer with Scorecard and Sunrise software. Rod Rosenstein was heavily involved with the Hammer program. • What really happened to Seth Rich. I had suspected that White was the whistleblower who came forward on the 2-year anniversary of Seth Rich's murder, in July of 2018, when Matt Couch and a Republican lobbyist, Mark Burkman set up a press conference to introduce him as a new witness in the Seth Rich murder case. At that time, he was called "Luke" and he phoned into the event, to protect his identity. It was clear to me that this "Luke" from the 2018 Seth Rich press conference was the same person as "Ryan Dark White", as well as the same person who is known on Twitter as "@HeretoHelp" and this was confirmed in the transcript. Despite his many different aliases, White has consistently described himself as an intelligence veteran, a terrorism consultant and expert witness for the US Attorney's Office in Maryland but the July 2018 event was fraught with technical problems, which made it come off as very amateurish and it was widely derided by people on both the Left and the Right. White's account of the Seth Rich murder was very non-partisan at a time when everyone on the Right was convinced that Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC. White alleged that Rod Rosenstein was behind the murder. Seth's DNC email breach would reveal Rosenstein's operation with the DOJ's (and the Republicans') to tamper and alter the DNC's emails throughout the course of the Obama Administration. And it would also reveal that they began spying on Hillary's private server, almost as soon as it went live. Back in 2018, it was hard to imagine this level of corruption and it went over most peoples' heads but after everything we've seen, especially since the 2020 Election, it makes a lot more sense. What we learn about the Seth Rich murder with Lin Wood's release of the full transcript is that it wasn't intended to be a murder and it really was a "botched robbery", as claimed. The MS-13 gang members who were hired and transported to DC from out-of-state by Rosenstein's DEA henchmen, they were contracted to steal Seth Rich's thumb drive containing the DNC server data and to replace it with another thumb drive that had all of the incriminating data pointing back to Rosenstein and the DOJ removed. For years, we've heard rumors that Donna Brazile was at the hospital where Seth was taken and White confirms this in the full transcript. I specifically remember a Reddit post about a week after Seth's death in 2016 from a male nurse working at the hospital where Seth had been taken, saying that Brazile showed up at the hospital that night and that Seth's room was cordoned off and he was denied treatment. White says that Donna Brazile and her girlfriend, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser were waiting at the hospital before Seth was even brought in, and they also had people at the crime scene, in order to recover the thumb drive, which everybody knew Seth always kept on his person. Rod Rosenstein's hitmen had to quickly replace Seth's thumb drive with his sanitized version before the DNC people could get to it and it looks like in the tussle to do that, Seth was killed. I was on Making Sense of the Madness last night with Chambers and James Grundvig to discuss all of this and more." cool mirageby don - 2021-03-07 ( education / research ) [html version]Default The weirdest mirage you'll ever see: a ship floating high in the air * *Walker 'stunned' to see ship hovering high above sea off Cornwall * /* David Morris encounters rare optical illusion known as superior mirage while out on coastal stroll*/ There are only so many polite words that come to mind when one spots a ship apparently hovering above the ocean during a stroll along the English coastline. David Morris, who captured the extraordinary sight on camera, declared himself "stunned" when he noticed a giant tanker floating above the water as he looked out to sea from a hamlet near Falmouth in Cornwall, SW England. The effect is an example of an optical illusion known as a superior mirage . Such illusions are reasonably common in the Arctic but can also happen in UK winters when the atmospheric conditions are right, though they are very rare. The illusion is caused by a meteorological phenomenon called a temperature inversion. Normally, the air temperature drops with increasing altitude, making mountaintops colder than the foothills. But in a temperature inversion, warm air sits on top of a band of colder air, playing havoc with our visual perception. The inversion in Cornwall was caused by chilly air lying over the relatively cold sea with warmer air above. Because cold air is denser than warm air, it has a higher refractive index. In the case of the "hovering ship", this means light rays coming from the ship are bent downwards as it passes through the colder air, to observers on the shoreline. This makes the ship appear in a higher position than it really is – in this instance, above the sea surface. "Superior mirages occur because of the weather condition known as a temperature inversion, where cold air lies close to the sea with warmer air above it," said David Braine, a BBC meteorologist. "Since cold air is denser than warm air, it bends light towards the eyes of someone standing on the ground or on the coast, changing how a distant object appears." Photographers around the world have captured striking images of ships, yachts and other vessels apparently hovering in mid-air thanks to superior mirages. One potential clue that the sight is a mirage is the lack of any detail below the vessel's waterline – for example a mirage of a "hovering" yacht lacked the lower hull and keel. The latter effect is well known to sailors who can sometimes rely on refraction to spot ships that are geometrically beyond the horizon. Sailors say such ships are "looming" over the horizon and sometimes report distortions that stretch or compress the images, making them "towering" or "stooping" mirages, respectively. More familiar optical illusions are the "inferior mirages" that give rise to apparent oases in the desert and puddles on hot summer roads. These mirages happen when cooler air sits on a layer of hot air, directly above a road, for example. When sunlight coming down from the sky approaches the air near the hot surface, it is bent back upwards to the observer's eye, making the sky appear to be reflected on the road. Researchers Report Deaths from Covid Shot for Israel's Elderly is 40 Times Greater Than from Covid Itselfby bill - 2021-03-08 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]While in January a group of independent doctors concluded that experimental covid-19 "vaccine"s are not safer than the virus itself, a new analysis of vaccine-related death rates in Israel demonstrates that this may indeed be the case to dramatic levels.The post..." Read, listen or watch the rest here See also: Initial Research Finds that Eating Chili Peppers Could Lengthen Your Lifeby admin - 2021-03-13 ( life / health / food / treatment ) [html version]
Klaus Schwab Investigationby doug - 2021-03-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Klaus Schwab, the comic book evil character who created the World Economic Forum " McKibben of Leader Technologies and his group of researchers have done a DEEP dive into the history and the lineage of the World Economic Forum's Klaus Schwab. He shares their shocking discoveries in this audio, with AIM4Truth's Gabriel. "Klaus Schwab was born in Nazi Germany in 1938. His Jewish mother fled the country, forced to aban her year-old son with Klaus' father, whose family businesses were Nazi collaborators. "Over the course of Schwab's life, he has ingratiated himself to the royal houses of the Holy Roman Empire, with the goal of consolidating Europe -- and now the world -- under the control of their Swiss bankers, aka "the Gnomes of Basel". "Excellent background information on those who would enslave you and the entire planet -- do not miss this!" Running Time: 60 mins (It is just audio) I just started listening and I think it will be excellent. Vax vs Unvaxby doug - 2021-03-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]In case you never saw it from December 2020: Vaccinated versus unvaccinated -- 1st ever study of its kind -- THIS MAY BLOW YOUR MIND And this is why the CDC refused to release their own study If this link goes bad, look for it on Bitchute, too. This came out in December, but I don't think people know about it yet. It is AMAZING. And here is the same doctor from a previous interview. Combined you get the full picture of this amazing discovery. Pediatric doctor published a study comparing vaccinated children versus non-vaccinated and immediately got his license revoked. Absolutely no surprise when you know Big Pharma is scared sh-tless to have the truth revealed. The charts will blow your mind. Geo Engineering - Weather Modificationby doug - 2021-03-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Amazing documentary you may not have seen, except who has followed this a long time. This is even a bigger problem than the covid hoax. The only difference is that it's officially not even happening. Holy sh-t -- even the CA drought was caused by this. [ /r8wq75doLqKP/UWe5nqA8nXEV The Dimming -- Full Length Climate Geoengineering Documentary Original Content -- 5 Questions to ask people who are considering the mRNA -- Pulling The Death St This is How We Take Back Americaby doug - 2021-03-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Awesome and important talk by Dr. Shiva. One of his best ever talks. You have to watch this and be prepared to leave your preconceptions behind. You will learn new things, but only if you really want to learn. The title isn't really why this is so good. It's all the other stuff he talks about. Once there are enough people around the country, we are going to be sure our votes really count. Is Patriot Streetfighter Legit?by staff - 2021-03-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Anonymous says. "He leaves the impression that military action is imminent without actually saying it. He's very careful not to say it. Trained propagandist. So, of course Watch on YouTube has not de-platformed him. In fact, the short video has a higher than normal amount of commercials. Patriot Streetfighter [acts like] a trained propagandist." On 3/15/21 12:58 AM, Doug someone wrote:
"I would love to believe it, but I read that story of the boy who cried wolf before. See I am waiting for patriots in the military to start arresting people." Don't hold your breath! old discussion - body doubleby doug - 2021-03-20 ( education / research ) [html version]
You may have seen some of this before, but probably not all of it. [] EVERYONE IS NOW REALIZING HOW FAKE BIDEN IS -- FACT -- HE'S AN ACTOR AND A HOLOGRAM People are awakening to the fact that Joe Biden is not Real and that the Washington White House has been closed and dark for months. Where Biden is making his news conferences and briefings is at the Duplicate White Houses in Atlanta Georgia and Lo=85 ________________________________ Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2021 8:35 PM Re: I'm taking of this: Situation Update, Mar. 18th, 2021 -- FAKE Joe Biden now confirmed... it's all just a movie Situation Update, Mar. 18th, 2021 -- FAKE Joe Biden now confirmed... it's... Before boarding Marine One early On Wednesday, fake "president" Joe Biden made a rare live appearance before the...
On Thursday, March 18, 2021, 08:10:20 PM PDT: I think we are talking about different links. I AM listening to the podcast by Adams. ________________________________ Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2021 7:41 PM Re: I tried to post the video but, of course, commie Facebook wouldn't let me do it -- no truth allowed by the commies/democrats:
On Thursday, March 18, 2021, 06:31:55 PM PDT: [] Situation Update, Mar. 18th: FAKE Joe Biden now confirmed=85 it's all just a movie -- About the author: Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on called "Food Forensics"), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science ... ________________________________ Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2021 4:20 PM Proof That Biden Is A Fake President=96Fake Oval Office & Fake Press Secretary? [WATCH] Proof That Biden Is A Fake President=96Fake Oval Office & Fake Press Secre... Since last November, when the Democrats stole the election from President Trump we all knew it was going to star... Tanzania president still a problem :-)by doug - 2021-03-20 ( education / research ) [html version]just heard about it here: [] Putin Vs. Biden & Ben Shapiro Supports Mandatory V's For Kids In School! Telegram Chat: http://T.Me/DreamRareChat (I Answer All Messages Here) (Free Email List) And he said the timing is a bit questionable.
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2021 12:17 PM Tanzanian president dead On 1/31/21 1:18 PM: Love it
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2021 7:32 AM Tanzania's president warns of "dangerous and unnecessary" covid-19 vaccination The story couldn't be more bizarre. The east African state of Tanzania, known for its positive corona tests on goats and papayas, received a total of 27 million euros from the European Union to fight the corona virus. Quasi as a bonus to the already generous development aid. But the decision-makers there are out of line when it comes to scaremongering around the supposedly dangerous virus, as two cases show. Courageous president exposes corona lie It was President Magufuli (a chemist) personally who impressively demonstrated the flawedness of the corona tests in May last year. At that time he tested a goat and a papaya (!) Positive for the virus. The mockery and criticism from the West (strangely no racism?) Came promptly because he did not stick to the official narrative and publicly criticized the World Health Organization (WHO). Now Magufuli added: The covid-19 vaccinations are dangerous, so he warned his citizens about the dangers of the vaccine. The WHO immediately urged Tanzania to follow "science" after the president said covid-19 vaccinations were dangerous and unnecessary if people trusted God. In addition, he will not do a lockdown in his country or on his citizens. EU tried to bribe Tanzania A few months ago, the EU tried to bribe the African state with 27 million (!) Euros from the EU solidarity fund. The condition for the donation of money: The country should completely cor off, i.e. lockdown, also for the tourists who support the country's economy. But also to enforce the covid-19 measures prescribed by the WHO such as strict lockdowns, masks and mass vaccinations. The irony of the matter: Tanzania took the money and then declared the country coronavirus-free. Since then there have been no masks, vaccinations or lockdowns. In addition, the Tanzanian president said last November that he does not intend to use any covid-19 vaccine and will instead rely on local herbs to protect against the disease. Africans more critical of corona hysteria While the entire western world continues to blindly succumb to the corona madness and its dictatorial features, the clocks in Africa (and also South America) are likely to go differently. There, the skepticism and resistance to the pandemia is much greater than in our latitudes. The South African Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng described the corona vaccination as "part of a satanic agenda" and recommended that his compatriots not be vaccinated. Is Tanzania President Still a Problem?by doug - 2021-03-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Yea, just heard about it here: Putin vs. Biden & Ben Shapiro Supports Mandatory V's For Kids In School! Telegram Chat: http://T.Me/DreamRareChat (I Answer All Messages Here) And he said the timing is a bit questionable. Sent: Friday, March 19, 2021 12:17 PM Tanzanian president dead On 1/31/21 1:18 PM: Love it Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2021 7:32 AM Tanzania's president warns of "dangerous and unnecessary" covid-19 vaccination The story couldn't be more bizarre. The east African state of Tanzania, known for its positive corona tests on goats and papayas, received a total of 27 million euros from the European Union to fight the corona virus. Quasi as a bonus to the already generous development aid. But the decision-makers there are out of line when it comes to scaremongering around the supposedly dangerous virus, as two cases show. Courageous president exposes corona lie It was President Magufuli (a chemist) personally who impressively demonstrated the flawedness of the corona tests in May last year. At that time he tested a goat and a papaya (!) Positive for the virus. The mockery and criticism from the West (strangely no racism?) Came promptly because he did not stick to the official narrative and publicly criticized the World Health Organization (WHO). Now Magufuli added: The covid-19 vaccinations are dangerous, so he warned his citizens about the dangers of the vaccine. The WHO immediately urged Tanzania to follow "science" after the president said covid-19 vaccinations were dangerous and unnecessary if people trusted God. In addition, he will not do a lockdown in his country or on his citizens. EU tried to bribe Tanzania A few months ago, the EU tried to bribe the African state with 27 million (!) Euros from the EU solidarity fund. The condition for the donation of money: The country should completely cor off, i.e. lockdown, also for the tourists who support the country's economy. But also to enforce the covid-19 measures prescribed by the WHO such as strict lockdowns, masks and mass vaccinations. The irony of the matter: Tanzania took the money and then declared the country coronavirus-free. Since then there have been no masks, vaccinations or lockdowns. In addition, the Tanzanian president said last November that he does not intend to use any covid-19 vaccine and will instead rely on local herbs to protect against the disease. Africans more critical of corona hysteria While the entire western world continues to blindly succumb to the corona madness and its dictatorial features, the clocks in Africa (and also South America) are likely to go differently. There, the skepticism and resistance to the pandemia is much greater than in our latitudes. The South African Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng described the corona vaccination as "part of a satanic agenda" and recommended that his compatriots not be vaccinated. Hunter's laptopby doug - 2021-03-23 ( education / research ) [html version]Here is the answer to the date: [] John-Henry WestenBloggerLifeSite John-Henry is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of He and his wife Dianne and their eight children live in the Ottawa Valley in Ontario, Canada. He has spoken at conferences and ... ________________________________
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 11:42 AM Subject: Re: Listening now. Any idea when it was published? They mention"President" Biden so must be since Jan, if not more recent. ________________________________ don Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 4:14 AM Subject: haven't listened yet Transhumanism is the Ultimate Goalby bill - 2021-03-26 ( education / research / conspiracies / covid ) [html version][Updated: 2022-03-11 04:43:15]Okay, control is the ultimate goal, but "they" (these stupid nerds) think transhumanism is so cool. They watch and read sci-fi and think, "Great idea!", completely missing the "cautionary tale" aspect of what they just read/watched. It is basically a war between those who enjoy and accept the original Creation (God, the natural world, or whatever you want to call it) versus transhumanists who arrogantly think they know better and can improve upon that. Here's an email I sent to family members: This is going to sound really "out there," and one or more of you may have already said this, but it finally sank in that this fake "pandemic" -- among other "nice" benefits for evil dictators/control freaks -- is mainly for the sake of transhumanism. I'm guessing their experiments must have hit a brick wall with coronaviruses ruining the machine parts that they're trying to embed into human bodies. The mask mandates (which also serve to allow obedient people to virtue-signal their compliance) are a bit of a sideshow, but they get people used to having to wear a mask which they will need to do once they are "vaccinated." These people will be ticking time-bombs. The "vaccines" are for the purpose of preventing the formation of coronaviruses in the body so that our bodies will accept the transhumanist pieces and parts. Otherwise, the body might reject it like it often does with organ transplants. Okay, this paragraph is not a strong argument. I'm just spit-balling here. The human body has the immune system to keep it healthy. Transhumanist body parts have nothing to fight off infection. Crazy, I know, but various "elites" have long ago signed onto this scam for various reasons, thinking they will somehow benefit, but this "plandemic" is basically a war upon viruses -- with plenty of side battles -- to prepare the human race for transhumanism. See also plandemic-pt-1-judy-mikovits Suez blockedby greg - 2021-03-27 ( education / research ) [html version]You mean chicken coop.� The coup is when the chickens revolt :-) On 3/26/2021 6:37 AM someone wrote:
backyard chicken coup On 3/26/21 3:12 AM: Good question. We are stocking up and expanding our garden.
Friday, March 26, 2021 1:11 AM Re: There's also a huge computer chip shortage. When will food shortage start? On 3/26/21 3:02 AM: Don't think for a moment this was an accident. It is just one more shot fired to take down business. Here is what I posted yesterday: *Global Trade Takes HUGE HIT -- The Domino Effect* *Ice Age Farmer sounds another alarm -- better pay attention* This is an attack. Make no mistake about it. The Globalists are hitting business left and right to bring in the Great Reset.
Friday, March 26, 2021 12:35 AM Expect gas to go way up Project Camelot deleted from youtubeby don - 2021-03-27 ( education / research ) [html version]
Mt. Shasta. However, Mt. Shasta is the deepest of the deep state according to whistleblowers like Cathy O'Brien. So I guess it's no coincidence that she's promoting the new normal as a good thing. On 3/26/21 3:46 PM wrote: But she's also promoting the idea that life will never go back to normal, be OK with the new normal. "There's nothing wrong with what's happening now ... this is the natural process of evolution." On 3/26/21 3:14 PM: I think this is an excellent message: / Why Do We Have To Go Through This? 30e;
Friday, March 26, 2021 1:08 PM ory
Re: Here's the latest Sean David Morton interview from Camelot. I was able to download it to mp3 with youtube-dl with this command youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 I know there's a youtube-dl for Windows, so maybe that command will work for the Windows version as well. It's very interesting. He talks about the farce of the court system, the farce of the Sovereign Citizen movement, his life in prison and the Aryan Brotherhood, as well as rumors about Einstein's Theory of Relativity and his source at Area 51, Ted Humphrey. He thinks Trump is still the Commander in Chief and that Biden is the CEO of the US Corporation. He also argues with Kerry about the validity of Q and more false covid reportingby don - 2021-03-28 ( education / research ) [html version]EUROPEAN VACCINE INJURIES DEC 2020 TO MARCH 2021 TOTAL EUROPEAN DEATHS AND INJURIES TO March 13, 2021 VIA 3 covid VACCINES 3,964 deaths 162,610 injuries link This is public information funded by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) A Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran the reports for each of the three covid-19 shots we are including here, and here is the summary data through March 13, 2021. Total reactions for the experimental mRNA BioNTech/ Pfizer: vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2, Comirnaty) 2,540 deaths 102,100 injuries to 13/03/2021 7,604 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 15 deaths 4,636 Cardiac disorders incl. 276 deaths 22 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 2 deaths 2,683 Ear and labyrinth disorders 52 Endocrine disorders 2,941 Eye disorders incl. 2 deaths 23,074 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 125 deaths 72,072 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 957 deaths 102 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 12 deaths 1,928 Immune system disorders incl. 11 deaths 6,020 Infections and infestations incl. 275 deaths 2,198 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 32 deaths 4,565 Investigations incl. 111 deaths 1,567 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 49 deaths 37,365 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 22 deaths 55 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 3 deaths 44,993 Nervous system disorders incl. 185 deaths 81 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 2 deaths 57 Product issues 3,742 Psychiatric disorders incl. 28 deaths 525 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 37 deaths 545 Reproductive system and breast disorders 8,788 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 294 deaths 10,808 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 18 deaths 229 Social circumstances incl. 6 deaths 69 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 4 deaths 4,820 Vascular disorders incl. 74 deaths Total reactions for the experimental mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273 (CX-024414) from Moderna: 973 deaths 5,939 injuries to 13/03/2021 330 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 9 deaths 501 Cardiac disorders incl. 96 deaths 1 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders 116 Ear and labyrinth disorders 6 Endocrine disorders 181 Eye disorders incl. 2 deaths 1,283 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 40 deaths 4,198 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 393 deaths 21 Hepatobiliary disorders 219 Immune system disorders incl. 1 death 515 Infections and infestations incl. 57 deaths 236 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 16 deaths 411 Investigations incl. 36 deaths 165 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 18 deaths 1,727 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 23 deaths 12 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 3 deaths 2,324 Nervous system disorders incl. 111 deaths 15 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions 4 Product issues 271 Psychiatric disorders incl. 14 deaths 93 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 10 deaths 34 Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 1 death 817 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 93 deaths 740 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 11 deaths 48 Social circumstances incl. 3 deaths 40 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 4 deaths 368 Vascular disorders incl. 32 deaths Total reactions for the experimental vaccine AZD1222 (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) from Oxford/ AstraZeneca: 451 deaths 54,571 injuries to 13/03/2021 . 1,180 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 11 deaths 2,080 Cardiac disorders incl. 63 deaths 17 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders 1,237 Ear and labyrinth disorders 41 Endocrine disorders 1,977 Eye disorders incl. 1 death 17,491 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 15 deaths 42,367 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 198 deaths 32 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 1 death 578 Immune system disorders 3,340 Infections and infestations incl. 46 deaths 853 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 2 deaths 2,384 Investigations incl. 3 deaths 2,676 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 5 deaths 22,858 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 4 deaths 19 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 2 deaths 32,490 Nervous system disorders incl. 41 deaths 22 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions 11 Product issues 3,105 Psychiatric disorders incl. 3 deaths 560 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 4 deaths 266 Reproductive system and breast disorders 4,293 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 33 deaths 6,815 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 2 deaths 99 Social circumstances incl. 2 deaths 138 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 4 deaths 1,656 Vascular disorders incl. 11 deaths There is also data for a fourth experimental covid "vaccine," covid-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S). We have not included data from the Johnson & Johnson covid shot in this report, but will do so in future reports along with other vaccines that gain European emergency approval. The European database of suspected drug reaction reports, EudraVigilance, is now tracking reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental covid-19 "vaccines." Here is what EudraVigilance states about their database: This website was launched by the European Medicines Agency in 2012 to provide public access to reports of suspected side effects . These reports are submitted electronically to EudraVigilance by national medicines regulatory authorities and by pharmaceutical companies that hold marketing authorisations (licences) for the medicines. On 3/27/21 7:30 AM someone wrote:
they're dropping like flies On 3/27/21 3:52 AM: Yea, this one is so obviously NOT from the suicide vax. How can anyone claim otherwise?!!
Friday, March 26, 2021 4:18 PM Re: another coincidence: 37-year old fatal stroke 1 hour after covid vax On 3/26/21 5:08 PM: "100% immunity with just the first shot! Win!" Yup, bullseye -- can't possibly get any more effective than that.
Friday, March 26, 2021 2:58 PM Re: 100% immunity with just the first shot! Win! On 3/26/21 4:47 PM: *Latest suicide by vax* Kansas City Council Woman DEAD Hours After Receiving Experimental covid Injection by The covid Blog. TOPEKA — "Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences."That is a meme going around on Twitter. One family is circumventing the inevitable propaganda by stating the facts on their loved one's obituary. Wednesday, March 24, 2021 4:12 AM RE: Great article! I posted it to "" Yes, a mask /might/ help if it's an N-95 /and/ you are actively sneezing, coughing /and/ infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask , or this , this , this or this for more on the subject. "Indeed... it is not famine... not /microbes/... not cancer, but man himself who is man's greatest danger for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics..." – Carl Jung "Sometimes, I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or imbeciles who really mean it." – Laurence J. Peter * Sent: *Tuesday, March 23, 2021 11:54 PM To: * Subject: *Re: I just posted this because I know a college student who may choose the suicide vax if they "demand" it for next year. *As students plan for next year, one thing they must decide -- LIFE OR DEATH -- and I am not exaggerating.* I personally know some students who could face the choice to get the suicide vax in order to attend school. No, it's never mandatory, but we all see the direction the world is pushing things. They try to force it. Israel is not mandatory, either, but just try to object and the *CITIZENS* are going to go after you like rabid animals. I personally know someone saying in November that says she will require anyone who wants to stay at her Air BNB to have already taken the poison jab. I mentioned she is shooting herself in the foot because many will refuse to stay there. If you are not fully aware of the situation yet, you should know *THERE IS NO APPROVAL BY THE FDA FOR ANY covid VAX*. The only thing is the Emergency Use Authorization which is like a "right to try" that is often something that people on their death bed may want because they are surely going to die and if some new drug is available on a right to try basis which could save their life, what is there to lose? You should also know *NOBODY CAN FORCE YOU TO TAKE ANY VACCINE*. But there are employers who illegally are trying to do it. You have to know how to stand your ground. You must know your rights and you can take legal action against them. They have to back off. *VACCINE MAKERS HAVE NO LIABILITY* for their poisons. So they have no incentive to make a safe product. Fauci and everyone who says different are flat out lying to the public. They have protection from something called the PREP Act which went into effect during the emergency of covid. And all these companies have been found guilty many times in court for lying, fake science, fraud, and killing people. No joking. They have paid ions, but they are so rich they can handle it as the cost of doing business. *The poison / suicide covid vax is not even really a vaccine to begin with*. It's "gene therapy" but they call it a vax to get that blanket liability protection. Without that we could sue their ass for ions. Students of every age, or their parents, must choose between life and death. Of course, if they are not aware it is that serious, they may choose death and take the vax. But as sure as day that is a death sentence, but it could be slow and might be painful, if not quick. Don't just believe me. There are now thousands of deaths recorded in the CDC's own VAERS database which anyone can see online. The UK has their own similar database. Most of all, the media and governments are all desperately trying to keep all these serious reactions quiet. Why? It's because they are in the middle of their global depopulation agenda. All this is fact and all provable, but many refuse to see what is hitting them in the face. They are completely brainwashed by the media and can't conceive their own governments don't have their best interests in mind. There is a lot of evil in the world and it's out in the full light of day now -- out of the shadows. The only question is can you see it? The famous Dr. Judy Mikovits predicted last summer, maybe about June, that there would be 50 million deaths from the poison vax and that is just the USA alone. Dr. Tenpenny thought that was high, but now thinks it is going to be even more. People investigate the quality of a car more thoroughly than injections in their own body. But a mistake in accepting an injection can kill you right away (within minutes), hours, days, months, or maybe even drag out over a year. The many thousands of deaths and injuries found in VAERS will crush any thoughts the poison jab is safe. And did you know these companies are still conducting trials? They won't be done until 3 years, so they are *EXPERIMENTAL* and anyone who gets jabbed is put into their tracking database and into their trial. Are you no better than an experimental lab rat? I hope you are. Now that you should know it's a choice between life or death, if your job is trying to make you take it or a school, you can sue your employer, quit your job and find an honest employer, postpone your college, pull your child out of school and do just home school, etc. Nothing but your own pure ignorance would actually force you to play Russian Roulette with your life. So get out of that situation. Walk away, or even run. Don't become another death stat by the globalists trying to cull the population in order to have our beautiful Earth as their private playground. There are now countless videos discussing all the things I have mentioned above. Educate yourself if you have any doubts. Don't believe me. It's all out there for you to read. If you don't do it I guess you are too lazy to be alive.
Friday, March 19, 2021 6:25 PM Re: They probably went into the graveyard and marked all the voters as having died of covid too :-) On 3/19/21 7:17 PM:
"One glaring case the coroner found during his review was a man who died from an accidental drug overdose. The man died in January from the overdose but tested positive three months prior in October for covid-19. His death was recorded as a covid-19 death, according to Hill." Coroner Calls for Audit As People Who Recovered 9 Months Ago Counted as covid Deaths ( the new Nazisby don - 2021-03-28 ( education / research ) [html version]Chinese behavior identical to the Nazis digital disappearing actby don - 2021-03-30 ( education / research ) [html version] Biden considering vaccine passportby bill - 2021-03-31 ( education / research ) [html version]Several of my co-workers mentioned in a group chat that they had gotten or were getting these shots. I told them I would never inject myself with something so rushed-to-market and untested, that I trust my own immune system more than I trust any for-profit company, but the two who responded said, rather sanctimoniously, they trust their doctor. As if doctors aren't as easily duped as anyone else? People are just stupid sometimes. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:45 AM Amazing how many people don't trust their own immune systems. On 3/29/21 11:14 PM
So do I. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teacher got covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, .... On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: Most people " even in Hollywood, though there are probably a few who know exactly what they're doing " are too clueless to realize we manifest what we envision. We bring into being/reality what we mentally project into the world (usually in tiny, almost imperceptible increments). It's like that Star Trek (original) episode where Kirk, Spock, et al., are placed on a planet where their thoughts literally, immediately come true. In the end, they realize what's happening but that we (most of us) are just not ready for that kind of power. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:51 AM I wonder if that's why Hollywood started putting out zombie movies. Even Brad Pitt starred in the stinker "World War Z." Are they expecting mental deterioration in the people who get mRNA'd? On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_ ...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, .... On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_ ...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.' don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, .... On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_000_BYAPR08MB40874584E29B6321C4EFEDECDE7C9BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset= Someone just shared this with me. I am a big fan of Dr. Vernon Coleman. [] covid Vaccines are WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION & Could Wipe Out the Human Race (Dr Vernon Coleman) Dr. Coleman states that this is the most crucial video he's ever made about covid-19. Please share this far and wide. Also visit his new website @ AND look into Dr. Vernon Coleman warns of g=85 Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:35 AM To: ory Subject: RE: Most people -- even in Hollywood, though there are probably a few who know exactly what they're doing -- are too clueless to realize we manifest what we envision. We bring into being/reality what we mentally project into the world (usually in tiny, almost imperceptible increments). It's like that Star Trek (original) episode where Kirk, Spock, et al., are placed on a planet where their thoughts literally, immediately come true. In the end, they realize what's happening but that we (most of us) are just not ready for that kind of power. "Bill" A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless "vaccine." "=85it is not famine=85 not microbes=85 not cancer, but man himself who is man's greatest danger for=85 there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics=85" -- Carl Jung "Sometimes, I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or imbeciles who really mean it." -- Laurence J. Peter don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:51 AM To: ory Subject: Re: I wonder if that's why Hollywood started putting out zombie movies. Even Brad Pitt starred in the stinker "World War Z." Are they expecting mental deterioration in the people who get mRNA'd? On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, .... On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_000_BYAPR08MB40874584E29B6321C4EFEDECDE7C9BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset= P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;} Someone just shared this with me. I am a big fan of Dr. Vernon Coleman. covid Vaccines are WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION & Could Wipe Out the Human Race (Dr Vernon Coleman) Dr. Coleman states that this is the most crucial video he's ever made about covid-19. Please share this far and wide. Also visit his new website @ AND look into Dr. Vernon Coleman warns of g=85 Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:35 AM To: ory Subject: RE:
Most people -- even in Hollywood, though there are probably a few who know exactly what they're doing -- are too clueless to realize we manifest what we envision. We bring into being/reality what we mentally project into the world (usually in tiny, almost imperceptible increments). It's like that Star Trek (original) episode where Kirk, Spock, et al., are placed on a planet where their thoughts literally, immediately come true. In the end, they realize what's happening but that we (most of us) are just not ready for that kind of power.
A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless "vaccine."
"=85it is not famine=85 not microbes=85 not cancer, but man himself who is man's greatest danger for=85 there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics=85" -- Carl Jung
"Sometimes, I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or imbeciles who really mean it." -- Laurence J. Peter
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:51 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport
I wonder if that's why Hollywood started putting out zombie movies. Even Brad Pitt starred in the stinker "World War Z." Are they expecting mental deterioration in the people who get mRNA'd? On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To:
Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport
So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid
On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM wrote:
--_000_BYAPR08MB40874584E29B6321C4EFEDECDE7C9BYAPR08MB4087namp_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_ ...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, .... On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_ ...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.' don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, .... On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_000_BYAPR08MB40874584E29B6321C4EFEDECDE7C9BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset= Someone just shared this with me. I am a big fan of Dr. Vernon Coleman. [] covid Vaccines are WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION & Could Wipe Out the Human Race (Dr Vernon Coleman) Dr. Coleman states that this is the most crucial video he's ever made about covid-19. Please share this far and wide. Also visit his new website @ AND look into Dr. Vernon Coleman warns of g=85 Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:35 AM To: ory Subject: RE: Most people -- even in Hollywood, though there are probably a few who know exactly what they're doing -- are too clueless to realize we manifest what we envision. We bring into being/reality what we mentally project into the world (usually in tiny, almost imperceptible increments). It's like that Star Trek (original) episode where Kirk, Spock, et al., are placed on a planet where their thoughts literally, immediately come true. In the end, they realize what's happening but that we (most of us) are just not ready for that kind of power. "Bill" A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless "vaccine." "=85it is not famine=85 not microbes=85 not cancer, but man himself who is man's greatest danger for=85 there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics=85" -- Carl Jung "Sometimes, I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or imbeciles who really mean it." -- Laurence J. Peter don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:51 AM To: ory Subject: Re: I wonder if that's why Hollywood started putting out zombie movies. Even Brad Pitt starred in the stinker "World War Z." Are they expecting mental deterioration in the people who get mRNA'd? On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, .... On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_000_BYAPR08MB40874584E29B6321C4EFEDECDE7C9BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset= P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;} Someone just shared this with me. I am a big fan of Dr. Vernon Coleman. covid Vaccines are WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION & Could Wipe Out the Human Race (Dr Vernon Coleman) Dr. Coleman states that this is the most crucial video he's ever made about covid-19. Please share this far and wide. Also visit his new website @ AND look into Dr. Vernon Coleman warns of g=85 Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:35 AM To: ory Subject: RE:
Most people -- even in Hollywood, though there are probably a few who know exactly what they're doing -- are too clueless to realize we manifest what we envision. We bring into being/reality what we mentally project into the world (usually in tiny, almost imperceptible increments). It's like that Star Trek (original) episode where Kirk, Spock, et al., are placed on a planet where their thoughts literally, immediately come true. In the end, they realize what's happening but that we (most of us) are just not ready for that kind of power.
A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless "vaccine."
"=85it is not famine=85 not microbes=85 not cancer, but man himself who is man's greatest danger for=85 there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics=85" -- Carl Jung
"Sometimes, I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or imbeciles who really mean it." -- Laurence J. Peter
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:51 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport
I wonder if that's why Hollywood started putting out zombie movies. Even Brad Pitt starred in the stinker "World War Z." Are they expecting mental deterioration in the people who get mRNA'd? On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To:
Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport
So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid
On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM wrote:
--_000_BYAPR08MB40874584E29B6321C4EFEDECDE7C9BYAPR08MB4087namp_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_000_BYAPR08MB40874584E29B6321C4EFEDECDE7C9BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset= Someone just shared this with me. I am a big fan of Dr. Vernon Coleman. [] covid Vaccines are WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION & Could Wipe Out the Human Race (Dr Vernon Coleman) Dr. Coleman states that this is the most crucial video he's ever made about covid-19. Please share this far and wide. Also visit his new website @ AND look into Dr. Vernon Coleman warns of g=85
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:35 AM To: ory
Subject: RE: Most people -- even in Hollywood, though there are probably a few who know exactly what they're doing -- are too clueless to realize we manifest what we envision. We bring into being/reality what we mentally project into the world (usually in tiny, almost imperceptible increments). It's like that Star Trek (original) episode where Kirk, Spock, et al., are placed on a planet where their thoughts literally, immediately come true. In the end, they realize what's happening but that we (most of us) are just not ready for that kind of power. "Bill"
A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless "vaccine." "=85it is not famine=85 not microbes=85 not cancer, but man himself who is man's greatest danger for=85 there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics=85" -- Carl Jung "Sometimes, I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or imbeciles who really mean it." -- Laurence J. Peter don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:51 AM To: ory Subject: Re: I wonder if that's why Hollywood started putting out zombie movies. Even Brad Pitt starred in the stinker "World War Z." Are they expecting mental deterioration in the people who get mRNA'd? On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_000_BYAPR08MB40874584E29B6321C4EFEDECDE7C9BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset= P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;} Someone just shared this with me. I am a big fan of Dr. Vernon Coleman. covid Vaccines are WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION & Could Wipe Out the Human Race (Dr Vernon Coleman) Dr. Coleman states that this is the most crucial video he's ever made about covid-19. Please share this far and wide. Also visit his new website @ AND look into Dr. Vernon Coleman warns of g=85
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:35 AM To: ory Subject: RE:
Most people -- even in Hollywood, though there are probably a few who know exactly what they're doing -- are too clueless to realize we manifest what we envision. We bring into being/reality what we mentally project into the world (usually in tiny, almost imperceptible increments). It's like that Star Trek (original) episode where Kirk, Spock, et al., are placed on a planet where their thoughts literally, immediately come true. In the end, they realize what's happening but that we (most of us) are just not ready for that kind of power.
A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless "vaccine."
"=85it is not famine=85 not microbes=85 not cancer, but man himself who is man's greatest danger for=85 there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics=85" -- Carl Jung
"Sometimes, I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or imbeciles who really mean it." -- Laurence J. Peter
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:51 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport
I wonder if that's why Hollywood started putting out zombie movies. Even Brad Pitt starred in the stinker "World War Z." Are they expecting mental deterioration in the people who get mRNA'd? On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.
Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To:
Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport
So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid
On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM wrote:
--_000_BYAPR08MB40874584E29B6321C4EFEDECDE7C9BYAPR08MB4087namp_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago.= Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through.= They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive.= A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM To: ory Subject: Re: Biden considering vaccine passport well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM To: Subject: Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM ory Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM PDT someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM PDT someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM ory well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM PDT someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM PDT someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM ory Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM PDT someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM PDT someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM ory well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM PDT someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM PDT someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM ory Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM PDT someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM PDT someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM ory well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM PDT someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM PDT someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM ory Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM PDT someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM PDT someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM ory well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM PDT someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM PDT someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM ory Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM PDT someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM PDT someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM ory well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM PDT someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM PDT someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM ory Re: well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM Re: So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid= On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote:
I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM PDT someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM PDT someone wrote: --_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_
...which doesn't really make sense, if they would think it through. They should WANT the idiots who believe in them to be the ones to survive. A mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless 'vaccine.'
don Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:34 AM ory well, the people they are culling are the people who believe the mainstream lies On 3/30/21 1:41 AM: This video is astonishing because David Icke predicted the covid hoax over a decade ago. Short and sweet:
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:14 PM So do I . and Heather got their shots Saturday. Skyla's class is back on 10 days off because her teach got Covid On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 9:04 PM someone wrote: I hope they live long and thrive! On 3/29/2021 8:42 PM: we have relatives and know of some, so we'll see it amongst them
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 08:13:19 PM PDT someone wrote:
well, they control the media, so most won't hear about it On 3/29/21 9:58 PM: but if people who take the vaccines start dropping off soon, ....
On Monday, March 29, 2021, 07:43:24 PM PDT someone wrote:
--_D42A2A18-94BD-4F6E-AC55-12FE54139292_-- Birds of a featherby don - 2021-04-05 ( education / research ) [html version]Supreme Court is owned by the same group that owns Hillary. That's why they protect her: Amazon show Counterpartby don - 2021-04-05 ( education / research ) [html version] Here's a military plan from 2005 for a FunVax to get rid of the God gene On 4/4/21 6:50 AM: So, I guess these spirits of darkness essentially want to have physical bodies, too, without interference from pesky spirits of light? For some reason, though, "the dark ones" cannot inhabit bodies the way "we" do? They're still, all these millennia later, still jealous of our place in this amazing world that we humans call life on Earth? "Bill"
A mask /might/ help if it's N-95 /and/ you are actively sneezing, coughing /and/ infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask , or this , this , this
or this
for more on the subject, and here for a story on the pointless "vaccine." " is not famine... not /microbes/... not cancer, but man himself who is man's greatest danger for... there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics..." – Carl Jung "Sometimes, I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or imbeciles who really mean it." – Laurence J. Peter * Sent: *Sunday, April 4, 2021 6:21 AM ; *Re: Quote"I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination toward spirituality out of people's souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life – 'foolish' here, or course, in the eyes of materialists... . "... a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination toward spiritual ideas to develop and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses. Out of impulses which the medical profession gained from presumption – oh, I beg your par from the consumption [tuberculosis] they themselves suffered – people are now vaccinated against consumption, and in the same way they will be vaccinated against any inclination toward spirituality. This is merely to give you a particularly striking example of many things which will come in the near and more distant future in this field – the aim being to bring confusion into the impulses which want to stream down to earth after the victory of the spirits of light." Rudolf Steiner On 4/4/21 4:43 AM wrote: I'm more worried about how it reportedly disconnects the soul from the body. On 4/3/21 11:59 PM: I just ran across this movie or maybe TV show clip that spells out almost exactly the depopulation plan. David Icke says it's for transhumanism, but this one says it's for sterilization. I think it's a little of both. THIS WILL TELL YOU ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE Covid VACCINE AND WHO'S RESPONSIBLE -- GATES If you seriously believe the vaccine is something you really must have, by all means .....GO and Get It. Then watch this movie. Hollywood has a way of telling you what's going to happen long before it actually does. Saturday, April 3, 2021 1:43 PM
At the beginning of Season 1 episode 3, which came out in 2018, they show someone watching a German public service announcement with children wearing masks. It says to keep up on your vaccines and that failure to report someone who is sick but doesn't see a doctor is punishable by fine or jail. Another Excellent Interview of Sidney Powellby doug - 2021-04-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Another excellent interview of Sidney Powell by Dinesh D'Souza on 3 Apr 2021 She is very disappointed in Trump. See why. Here is the link to all of his videos. so at this time, just scroll down a little to see a 4-part series. I think if you voted for Trump, you will really like this interview. Supreme Court is Owned by the Same Group that Owns Hillary. That's Why They Protect Herby staff - 2021-04-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Supreme Court is owned by the same group that owns Hillary. That's why they protect her Dr. Day and Covidby don - 2021-04-09 ( education / research ) [html version]Dr Day was a Rockefeller confidante who spoke of the plans for the future to his students because nothing we could do could stop them by 1969. If you haven't read the summary of Dr. Day's speech lately, the covid policies fit perfectly in it: Just reading the headlines you'll see how far they've come since 1969. They plan to make the unvaccinated the minority so that there's no sympathy for them from the majority. The same way they plan to get rid of home ownership by making the majority into apartment renters. Ultimately, it's the urge to destroy versus the urge to create. Our Creator gave us both, and left it up to us to do what's best. = Tell a friend. don Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021 9:50 PM To: Well, it's about PEOPLE wanting to enslave the world. What they believe in their minds makes no difference. They could be doing it for Satan or Santa, it doesn't matter.= They are enemies of humanity. On 4/16/21 9:42 PM: since most of you are irreligious, you probably can't see this but this whole thing is about Satan wanting to take over the world that God created. On Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 08:37:26 PM someone wrote:
Dr Day was a Rockefeller confidante who spoke of the plans for the future to his students because nothing we could do could stop them by 1969. If you haven't read the summary of Dr. Day's speech lately, the covid policies fit perfectly in it: Just reading the headlines you'll see how far they've come since 1969. They plan to make the unvaccinated the minority so that there's no sympathy for them from the majority. The same way they plan to get rid of home ownership by making the majority into apartment renters. Ultimately, it's the urge to destroy versus the urge to create. Our Creator gave us both, and left it up to us to do what's best. = Tell a friend. don Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021 9:50 PM To: Subject: Re: Well, it's about PEOPLE wanting to enslave the world. What they believe in their minds makes no difference. They could be doing it for Satan or Santa, it doesn't matter.= They are enemies of humanity. On 4/16/21 9:42 PM: since most of you are irreligious, you probably can't see this but this whole thing is about Satan wanting to take over the world that God created. On Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 08:37:26 PM someone wrote:
Dr Day was a Rockefeller confidante who spoke of the plans for the future to his students because nothing we could do could stop them by 1969. If you haven't read the summary of Dr. Day's speech lately, the covid policies fit perfectly in it: Just reading the headlines you'll see how far they've come since 1969. They plan to make the unvaccinated the minority so that there's no sympathy for them from the majority. The same way they plan to get rid of home ownership by making the majority into apartment renters. Ultimately, it's the urge to destroy versus the urge to create. Our Creator gave us both, and left it up to us to do what's best. = Tell a friend. don Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021 9:50 PM To: Subject: Re: Well, it's about PEOPLE wanting to enslave the world. What they believe in their minds makes no difference. They could be doing it for Satan or Santa, it doesn't matter.= They are enemies of humanity. On 4/16/21 9:42 PM: since most of you are irreligious, you probably can't see this but this whole thing is about Satan wanting to take over the world that God created. On Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 08:37:26 PM someone wrote:
Dr Day was a Rockefeller confidante who spoke of the plans for the future to his students because nothing we could do could stop them by 1969. If you haven't read the summary of Dr. Day's speech lately, the covid policies fit perfectly in it: Just reading the headlines you'll see how far they've come since 1969. They plan to make the unvaccinated the minority so that there's no sympathy for them from the majority. The same way they plan to get rid of home ownership by making the majority into apartment renters. Ultimately, it's the urge to destroy versus the urge to create. Our Creator gave us both, and left it up to us to do what's best. = Tell a friend. don Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021 9:50 PM To: Subject: Re: Well, it's about PEOPLE wanting to enslave the world. What they believe in their minds makes no difference. They could be doing it for Satan or Santa, it doesn't matter.= They are enemies of humanity. On 4/16/21 9:42 PM: since most of you are irreligious, you probably can't see this but this whole thing is about Satan wanting to take over the world that God created. On Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 08:37:26 PM someone wrote:
Dr Day was a Rockefeller confidante who spoke of the plans for the future to his students because nothing we could do could stop them by 1969. If you haven't read the summary of Dr. Day's speech lately, the covid policies fit perfectly in it: Just reading the headlines you'll see how far they've come since 1969. They plan to make the unvaccinated the minority so that there's no sympathy for them from the majority. The same way they plan to get rid of home ownership by making the majority into apartment renters. Well, it's about PEOPLE wanting to enslave the world. What they believe in their minds makes no difference. They could be doing it for Satan or Santa, it doesn't matter. They are enemies of humanity. On 4/16/21 9:42 PM: since most of you are irreligious, you probably can't see this but this whole thing is about Satan wanting to take over the world that God created.
On Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 08:37:26 PM wrote: Dr Day was a Rockefeller confidante who spoke of the plans for the future to his students because nothing we could do could stop them by 1969. If you haven't read the summary of Dr. Day's speech lately, the covid policies fit perfectly in it: Just reading the headlines you'll see how far they've come since 1969. They plan to make the unvaccinated the minority so that there's no sympathy for them from the majority. The same way they plan to get rid of home ownership by making the majority into apartment renters. the head of the snake?by don - 2021-04-09 ( education / research ) [html version]that's what Patriot Streetfighter reportedly says. I haven't listened yet John Lear's Questions About the 2020 Electionby staff - 2021-04-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]John Lear's Questions About the 2020 Election From end of February, 2021 Worse Diseases on the Way?by staff - 2021-04-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The Plan: Worse diseases on the way Bill said: So, the globalists really have begun biowarfare on anyone brave enough to be independent-minded. Anonymous replied: It looks like the 2025-2028 paper is what they're implementing today. It's predicting more diseases from the vaccines, not necessarily more diseases to be released. As to independent thinking, that became verboten before Trump was elected. That's why they hated Trump so much. They said there is no vast conspiracy then spent 4 years proving there is. vaccine and mad cowby don - 2021-04-10 ( education / research ) [html version]Adams makes a link with prion disease and vaccines maybe that's why Hollywood was doing all those zombie movies? Brandy Gillmoreby don - 2021-04-13 ( education / research ) [html version]Rowland, Attached is a short audio clip of this lady quickly dissolving a person's chronic pain over the phone by asking questions and steering beliefs. Interesting technique (requires intuition though). "Brandy Gillmore, a Ph.D. in natural medicine, is a world-renowned mind/body energy expert who is most well-known for her discoveries in self-healing and working with the power of the mind to get tangible results. She has been able to demonstrate back-to-back physical healing results (even under thermal medical equipment) which is something that has never been done before. Her breakthrough work has been featured in an award winning documentary and various docuseries. Brandy speaks on stages around the world and has also given a mind-expanding TEDx talk." The Chart of Coercionby bill - 2021-04-14 ( education / research / conspiracies / covid ) [html version]
Landmark Studyby doug - 2021-04-14 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Unvaccinated children are far more healthy than vaxed -- As expected, the Big Pharma crime syndicate can't allow people to know this, and so they got their stooges to immediately write a lot of hit pieces against these doctors. BUT FACTS DON'T LIE -- people do If you ever wanted to prove to anyone that it's not smart to vaccinate anyone, this proves it. Now apply this to the newest threat to all people -- a fake "vaccine" pretending to be for your health but will only bring pain, suffering, misery and ultimately your death. Related to this, here is an interview you will find interesting: If you can enlighten just one person, you will likely save a life. They will be less inclined to trust the psychopaths and the minions of the drug cartel that runs hospitals around the world. , you don't trust the vaccine manufacturers???? Guest Post by Christian Elliot I don , you don't trust the vaccine manufacturers???? Guest Post by Christian Elliot I don , you don't trust the vaccine manufacturers???? Guest Post by Christian Elliot I don , you don't trust the vaccine manufacturers???? Guest Post by Christian Elliot I don Landmark Court Caseby doug - 2021-04-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Join the fight with Dr. Shiva to expose Big Tech as an arm of the government, plus to achieve "one person, one vote" He describes a landmark case in progress that is great news. Learn the physics behind politics to make a real change. Connect with others through his own new platform. CDC tells of SERIOUS vaccination problem (sorry if it kills you)by doug - 2021-04-17 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 04:25:56 PM PDT, someone wrote: Well I'm gonna get the Moderna vaccine because it's not only MODERN, it's owned by Gates who says that it's an operating system for your body, and I love Gates' operating systems! I'm sure it gets me at least a notch higher on my social score than, say, Pfizer or son, which aren't operating systems, just experimental gene therapy --- so last year --- can you say BBBOOORRRRIIINNNNGGG??? On 4/14/21 5:43 PM, someone wrote: Yup, Don. People were never taught in this age of stupidity that their own body's immune system is the absolute ultimate protection. The entire concept of man-made intervention is ludicrous. ________________________________ From: Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 3:00 PM To: Cc: Subject: Most people think the gene therapy keeps one from catching covid, but their own material states that it only lessens the severity. So instead of informed consent there has only been a full spectrum campaign. Which is suspicious why they would want everyone to get a shot that doesn't prevent catching the disease. And they won't even tell their guinea pigs what they're being shot up with. I just take vitamins every day and I'm immune -- without reprogramming my immune response. On 4/14/21 12:15 PM, someone wrote: , I don't bash you or anybody else. I'm sorry that the media LIES to everybody and people fall for the lies. Most people don't have time to investigate things, rely on the media, and the media knows that so they take advantage of it, even censoring the truth about things such as the whole SCAMdemic (I know a number of people who got covid and it was like a strong flu and NOT worthy of locking down the country and prescribing "vaccines" that aren't really vaccines at all but manipulation of one's immune system. It's a TEST and they tell how the results will be analyzed in October 2021 and I'm not for MILLIONS of people being put through a "test" as though it's already been proven effective, which it hasn't). On Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 08:51:37 AM PDT, someone wrote: Thank you . Now I don't feel as lonely in this group ? On Apr 14, 2021, at 8:12 AM, someone wrote: I AM fully vaccinated too. I AM doing just fine. I agree with what said 100%. Stay safe, On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 7:43 AM someone wrote: Cousins, I have to agree to disagree with most of you. You can bash me and other all you want to, and you can find exceptions to safety, and rare tragic results from covid vaccinations. You can cite articles ad infinitum. But dealing with this world-wide health crisis is all about managing risk. If you don't want the vaccination, no one is forcing you to take it. I for one, AM thankful to all of those whom I encounter, who have taken the shots (and bore a miniscule risk) to prevent the spread of this deadly disease – for my benefit and for everyone around them. Watch the statistics for a period of time. It is working. I have done my part as well. Fully vaccinated – grateful for access and proud of it. From: Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 3:24 AM To: ; Subject: Yea, and can you believe it that Trump is calling it political. He can't be worse the stupid joe, but he's really pissing me off. ________________________________ From: Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 1:16 PM To: ; Subject: Oh, there's a serious problem? Sorry about that, especially if you DIE. Luckily for us, you can't sue us. BREAKING: CDC and FDA Call for IMMEDIATE Halt to Vaccination After Serious Side Effect Biden beats war drums for WW3by don - 2021-04-17 ( education / research ) [html version]Russia and Ukraine are traditionally like the US & Canada in relationship. Joe's getting closer to what Hillary wanted On 4/16/21 12:12 AM: I have been wondering about this, too. I think it's a mixed bag. Putin isn't a team player and that's probably a good thing.
Thursday, April 15, 2021 10:05 PM
Re: Is Russia in on the Great Reset (New World Order) of the fascists?
On Thursday, April 15, 2021, 06:14:28 AM wrote: Picking up where Hillary would have gone: vax passport push backby don - 2021-04-18 ( education / research ) [html version]she says it all On 4/16/21 1:41 AM: *Wow, you gotta see this lady shred the board of education for pushing vax passports* the masonic takeoverby don - 2021-04-18 ( education / research ) [html version] mind controlby don - 2021-04-19 ( education / research ) [html version]As you will learn, or recall, as you read what follows, at its root the tried and true formula for successful control of the population of any country requires few guns, prisons, and boot-stomping guards or police at the watch. No indeed. For purposes of contemporary history, since about the mid-20th Century, all that is required is to divide many, but not necessarily all, citizens of the target population. That is the ultimate goal of the ultimate weapon: divide people at the individual level, and one from the other, and they will conquer themselves; or at least participate, wittingly or unwittingly, in their own conquest. 1. 2. (The PDF is a written transcript of the mp3) Q outedby don - 2021-04-19 ( education / research ) [html version] Dr. Charles Hoffe on vaccinesby don - 2021-04-19 ( education / research ) [html version]Found this: I cannot recommend this short video highly enough. It totally impacted me. Trust me, and give it a listen for a few minutes. I was riveted by everything he shared to the very end. Dr Charles Hoffe, in Lytton BC, is a _VERY_ _VERY_ good man. Articulate, caring, careful about exactly what he said, concise, passionate and brave. For him, the Hippocratic Oath clearly means something. We need thousands more like him to speak out. (And I do think they will. Soon, all these dreadful injuries will become impossible to ignore.) Source: Illuminati playbookby don - 2021-04-21 ( education / research ) [html version]Netflix is right in line with it: There is evidence that the Illuminati group was formulated by the Supreme Council. They are the ones that implemented the Principles, policies, etc. Everyone knows that Adam Weishaupt is the founder and the first gang leader of the Illuminati: In fact, he was just the leader at the front desk. The real boss is the "Supreme Council". Like a company, "the highest "Committee" is the company's board of directors. Weishaupt was the company's general manager, concrete implementation of the board of directors' decisions. It's members included five people: 1. Adam Weishaupt 2. French nobleman Marquis de Sade (Marquis de Sade), 3. Sir Francis Dashwood (founder of the 'Hellfire Club') 4. Kabbalistic scholar of Esotericism Jacob Frank (aka ' Sabbatai Zevi') 5. Mayer Rothschild, representative of the Bankers Group. De Sade's books are pure filth and evil but they also have 'hints' about how this group views humanity. Here are some excerpts from some of his works. Some of them have already come to pass: *quote:* "The most outstanding service one could do to some young person would then be to pluck out of him all the weeds of virtue Nature or education might have sown in his soul." *quote:* "The embryo is to be considered the woman's exclusive property; as the sole owner of this fruit rather jestingly called precious, she can dispose of it as she likes. She can destroy it in the depths of her womb if it proves a nuisance to her. Or after it ripens and is born, if she is for any reason displeased with it or irked at having produced it, she can destroy it then; whatever the circumstances, infanticide is her sacred right." *quote:* "Forbid them marriage, authorize sodomy, prohibit them worship of any sort, and you will soon have them reduced to the abjection your policy demands." *quote:* "A vital chapter in the policy followed by all those at the head of any government is to foment and promote the extremest degree of corruption in the citizenry; so long as the subject wastes away body and soul in the delights of gangrenous, enfeebling debauchery, he does not feel the weight of his irons, and you can heap fresh ones upon him without his even noticing. The true essence of statecraft is thus to multiply a hundredfold every possible means to debilitate and pervert the people. Lots of shows, much pomp and display, cabarets, brothels without number, a general amnesty for all crimes committed in debauchery: those are the expedients for bringing the plebeians to heel. O you who ambition to rule over them, beware of virtue within the frontiers of your empire, only let virtue reign and your peoples will open their eyes, and your thrones, reposing as they do upon nothing but vice, will be very speedily overthrown; the free man's awakening will be cruel for the despots, and the day he ceases to fritter his leisure away in vices he'll start to strive for domination like yourselves." *quote:* "Instead of morality and religion, which will be stricken from the curriculum, the pure and unadulterated principles of Nature (science) will be taught in the public schools;" *quote:* "Christianity will be rigorously banished out of the land; none but libertine rites and feasts will ever be celebrated in France. I'll be rid of Christianity, I say: but not of religion, this I intend to retain, for its chains are useful to the preservation of order as I proved to you a moment ago. The object of worship doesn't matter in the slightest, the thing that counts is clergy; but I'd rather see the dagger of superstition wielded by the priests of Venus than by the admirers of Mary." *quote:* "The common herd will be kept in a state of subservience, of prostrate bondage, which will render them powerless even to strike for, let alone to attain to, domination, or to encroach upon or debase the prerogatives of the rich. Tied to the glebe as in olden days, the people will be held like any other property, and, like it, will be subject to all the various mutations of value and ownership. Only the people will be liable to punishment at the hands of the law, and it will be inflicted for the most trifling offenses. The commoner's proprietor will have the right of life or death over him and his family, and neither his complaints nor his recriminations will ever receive hearing. Never will free schools be available to him: tilling the soil does not require knowledge, the blindfold of ignorance is made for the peasant's eyes, showing him the light is always a risky business. The first individual, regardless of his class, who were to think to stir up the people or to invite them to break their chains will be thrown to wild beasts and eaten alive." *quote:* "In every town and city of the land there shall be opened public houses containing specimens of both sexes, the number of these houses to be proportional to the population of the district or agglomeration, there being at least one male and one female establishment per every thousand inhabitants; the personnel of each shall be three hundred individuals, who will begin their internment at the age of twelve and not retire from service before twenty-five. These establishments will be subsidized by the government; only members of the free class will have the right of entrance and they will of course be empowered to do in these places whatever they please." *quote:* "Everything denominated crime of libertinage at present, to wit: murder in debauch, incest, rape, sodomy, adultery, etc., will be reprehensible only if committed by a member of the slave castes." *quote:* "Prizes shall be awarded to the most celebrated courtesans in the bawdy houses, likewise to the young boys there who have got themselves a name in the art of pleasing. Similarly, bonuses and stipends shall be granted to each inventor of a new lubricity, to every author of cynical books, to all libertines recognized as professed in their order." *quote:* "The slave class shall exist as did the Helots in ancient Lacedaemon. There being no difference whatsoever between the human slave and the brute beast, why should you punish the murderer of the one more than the murderer of the other?" - -- -- from Juliette by Marquis De Sade: ) vaccine death stories, LONGby don - 2021-04-22 ( education / research ) [html version] *
*covid 19 vaccine: 180 deaths after jabs till March 31, 75% within 3 days* /9 April 2021 (updated 12 April)/ A presentation made to the National AEFI (adverse event following immunisation) Committee on March 31 recorded that there had been 180 deaths till that time and three-fourths of the deaths happened within three days of the shot. In other serious adverse events too, the overwhelming majority took place in the three-day window. Even as AEFI deaths are reported daily, causality assessment by the National AEFI Committee appears to be lagging with information about just 10 deaths in the public domain. Many of the AEFIs and deaths reported in India bear striking similarities to those recorded in the European Union and the UK, on the basis of which European Medicines Agency (EMA) has warned "healthcare professionals and people receiving the vaccine to remain aware of the possibility of very rare cases of blood clots combined with low levels of blood platelets occurring within 2 weeks of vaccination". Public health activists who have been tracking adverse events following immunisation (AEFI) in the ongoing covid vaccination effort have repeatedly sought greater transparency in AEFI investigations and more rapid causality assessments to help inform vaccination policy. On 4/25/21 4:18 PM: trying the link now says, "*We're sorry. You can't access this item because it is in violation of our Terms of Service "*
On Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 04:30:21 AM wrote: mRNA death sentenceby admin - 2021-04-22 ( education / research ) [html version]Isn't that the average American lifespan, anyway? Isn't that what someone said before? I wonder if that was the thinking behind it all, making SURE people die by 73 instead of allowing those pesky people like Dad to live another 25 years, costing those pension funds billions of dollars? = Tell a friend. A mask might help if it's N-95 and you're actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no.= See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more, and here for a story on these 'vaccines.' First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. Then they attack you.= Then they build monuments to you. -- Union leader Nicholas Klein don Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 6:41 AM To: Subject: 'anyone over 70 who gets it will probably die within 3 years' Good Fulford interviewby don - 2021-04-22 ( education / research ) [html version]He lists all the various secret society power brokers in the world. Prof Bakhdiby don - 2021-04-23 ( education / research ) [html version]Don't remember who sent this, but it's a must-listen Doctor in Canada sends letter to his superiors about alarming effects of the 1st Moderna dose on natives
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 4:31 PM Subject: RE: It occurred to me that if/when people start dying in a few years from this year's covid "vaccine" the people behind the scam will have already released another virus or two by then and will blame the deaths set in motion this year on this new and improved man-made virus. It will of course require another series of "vaccinations." Who knows, maybe these GMO mosquitos set to be released in Florida will carry this new virus. Maybe this is Florida's punishment for not being so restrictive in their covid policies. This scam (at least their attempts) might go on forever. "Bill" Tell a friend. A mask might help if it's N-95 and you're actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this or this for more, and here for a story on these "vaccines." First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. Then they attack you. Then they build monuments to you. -- Union leader Nicholas Klein don Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 4:44 PM To: Subject: Don't remember who sent this, but it's a must-listen Terrifying Warning - Stay Away from People Who Got Vaxedby doug - 2021-04-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! It is a scary feeling to wake up paralyzed. After the small pox vaccine I woke up with no feeling below my knees, couldn't walk. Mom frantically rubbed my legs until feeling returned, but I think it's was more like a faith healing. That bump on my left shoulder was very high for well into my teens. I was late to school and when my teacher asked how Mom fixed it and I told her she looked amazed and was speechless. Growing up Boomer, livestock for Big Pharma. Everyone of a certain age has/had that scar: Thalidomide, anyone? :-) On 4/25/21 3:53 AM: Here is another one -- lady paralyzed from neck down 12 hrs after 1st Pfizer poisoning. Meanwhile, stupid joe keeps pushing the suicide vax. DOCTOR'S URGENT WARNING TO THE WORLD -- SEE NEW MASKS YOU'LL SOON BE WEARING Urgent message to the world -- Take off your mask and Do Not Take this DNA changing Experimental and Unapproved Vaccine. Source:Dr. Yea
Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory
Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. *Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders.* It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) *STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !!* -- Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again.
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PMory this doctor agrees also: [cid:part1.B3001BCA.57E62225] [cid:part2.4393D616.EBFEC1CD] [cid:part3.4DCE0859.EFFD7D2A] [cid:part4.F4D871BC.6D858E3D] [cid:part5.10B51480.29497D4A] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess.
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AMory Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! -- P Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again.
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PMory
this doctor agrees also: On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory
Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! ---- -- I didn't watch your link, but this one is a bombshell and I won't be minimizing the risk. [] Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 with special guests Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Lee Merritt & Dr. Christiane Northrup
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 6:39 PM , I think the danger of "vaccine shedding" is overblown. This naturopathic doctor explains what's going on, sympathetic response, shedding of toxic overload, pheromones... She also confirms the infertility danger. You don't have to worry about having shaken someone's hand, but you wouldn't want to live with someone who's shedding their toxins. Gulf War Syndrome was similar, as I recall, the spouses getting sick from their husband's exposure. here's the pro-vax event for global citizens that she mentions: On 4/25/21 7:16 PM wrote:
this doctor agrees also: [cid:part2.2DC64EC4.6249AD04] [cid:part3.7736E4D0.8D513F29] [cid:part4.9443277A.6C8BCDE5] [cid:part5.8E4AAC36.11AFF756] [cid:part6.7CB644AB.C094F660] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess.
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AMory Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! -- P I didn't watch your link, but this one is a bombshell and I won't be minimizing the risk. Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 with special guests Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Lee Merritt & Dr. Christiane Northrup
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 6:39 PM
, I think the danger of "vaccine shedding" is overblown. This naturopathic doctor explains what's going on, sympathetic response, shedding of toxic overload, pheromones... She also confirms the infertility danger. You don't have to worry about having shaken someone's hand, but you wouldn't want to live with someone who's shedding their toxins. Gulf War Syndrome was similar, as I recall, the spouses getting sick from their husband's exposure. here's the pro-vax event for global citizens that she mentions: On 4/25/21 7:16 PM wrote:
this doctor agrees also: On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory
Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! ---- It is a scary feeling to wake up paralyzed. After the small pox vaccine I woke up with no feeling below my knees, couldn't walk. Mom frantically rubbed my legs until feeling returned, but I think it's was more like a faith healing. That bump on my left shoulder was very high for well into my teens. I was late to school and when my teacher asked how Mom fixed it and I told her she looked amazed and was speechless. Growing up Boomer, livestock for Big Pharma. Everyone of a certain age has/had that scar: Thalidomide, anyone? :-) On 4/25/21 3:53 AM: Here is another one -- lady paralyzed from neck down 12 hrs after 1st Pfizer poisoning. Meanwhile, stupid joe keeps pushing the suicide vax. DOCTOR'S URGENT WARNING TO THE WORLD -- SEE NEW MASKS YOU'LL SOON BE WEARING Urgent message to the world -- Take off your mask and Do Not Take this DNA changing Experimental and Unapproved Vaccine. Source:Dr. Yea
Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory
Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. *Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders.* It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) *STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !!* -- charset="us-ascii" Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and Sebastian know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again.
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PMory Re: this doctor agrees also: [cid:part1.B3001BCA.57E62225] [cid:part2.4393D616.EBFEC1CD] [cid:part3.4DCE0859.EFFD7D2A] [cid:part4.F4D871BC.6D858E3D] [cid:part5.10B51480.29497D4A] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess.
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AMory Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! -- charset="us-ascii" P Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and Sebastian know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again.
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PMory Re:
this doctor agrees also: On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory Re:
Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! ---- -- charset="us-ascii" I didn't watch your link, but this one is a bombshell and I won't be minimizing the risk. [] Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 with special guests Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Lee Merritt & Dr. Christiane Northrup
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 6:39 PMRe: , I think the danger of "vaccine shedding" is overblown. This naturopathic doctor explains what's going on, sympathetic response, shedding of toxic overload, pheromones... She also confirms the infertility danger. You don't have to worry about having shaken someone's hand, but you wouldn't want to live with someone who's shedding their toxins. Gulf War Syndrome was similar, as I recall, the spouses getting sick from their husband's exposure. here's the pro-vax event for global citizens that she mentions: On 4/25/21 7:16 PM wrote:
this doctor agrees also: [cid:part2.2DC64EC4.6249AD04] [cid:part3.7736E4D0.8D513F29] [cid:part4.9443277A.6C8BCDE5] [cid:part5.8E4AAC36.11AFF756] [cid:part6.7CB644AB.C094F660] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess.
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AMory Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! -- charset="us-ascii" P I didn't watch your link, but this one is a bombshell and I won't be minimizing the risk. Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 with special guests Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Lee Merritt & Dr. Christiane Northrup
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 6:39 PMRe:
, I think the danger of "vaccine shedding" is overblown. This naturopathic doctor explains what's going on, sympathetic response, shedding of toxic overload, pheromones... She also confirms the infertility danger. You don't have to worry about having shaken someone's hand, but you wouldn't want to live with someone who's shedding their toxins. Gulf War Syndrome was similar, as I recall, the spouses getting sick from their husband's exposure. here's the pro-vax event for global citizens that she mentions: On 4/25/21 7:16 PM wrote:
this doctor agrees also: On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory Re:
Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! ---- It is a scary feeling to wake up paralyzed. After the small pox vaccine I woke up with no feeling below my knees, couldn't walk. Mom frantically rubbed my legs until feeling returned, but I think it's was more like a faith healing. That bump on my left shoulder was very high for well into my teens. I was late to school and when my teacher asked how Mom fixed it and I told her she looked amazed and was speechless. Growing up Boomer, livestock for Big Pharma. Everyone of a certain age has/had that scar: Thalidomide, anyone? :-) On 4/25/21 3:53 AM: Here is another one -- lady paralyzed from neck down 12 hrs after 1st Pfizer poisoning. Meanwhile, stupid joe keeps pushing the suicide vax. DOCTOR'S URGENT WARNING TO THE WORLD -- SEE NEW MASKS YOU'LL SOON BE WEARING Urgent message to the world -- Take off your mask and Do Not Take this DNA changing Experimental and Unapproved Vaccine. Source:Dr. Yea
Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory
Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. *Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders.* It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) *STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !!* -- charset="us-ascii" Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and Sebastian know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again.
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PMory Re: this doctor agrees also: [cid:part1.B3001BCA.57E62225] [cid:part2.4393D616.EBFEC1CD] [cid:part3.4DCE0859.EFFD7D2A] [cid:part4.F4D871BC.6D858E3D] [cid:part5.10B51480.29497D4A] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess.
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AMory Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! -- charset="us-ascii" P Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and Sebastian know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again.
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PMory Re:
this doctor agrees also: On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory Re:
Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! ---- -- charset="us-ascii" I didn't watch your link, but this one is a bombshell and I won't be minimizing the risk. [] Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 with special guests Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Lee Merritt & Dr. Christiane Northrup
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 6:39 PMRe: , I think the danger of "vaccine shedding" is overblown. This naturopathic doctor explains what's going on, sympathetic response, shedding of toxic overload, pheromones... She also confirms the infertility danger. You don't have to worry about having shaken someone's hand, but you wouldn't want to live with someone who's shedding their toxins. Gulf War Syndrome was similar, as I recall, the spouses getting sick from their husband's exposure. here's the pro-vax event for global citizens that she mentions: On 4/25/21 7:16 PM wrote:
this doctor agrees also: [cid:part2.2DC64EC4.6249AD04] [cid:part3.7736E4D0.8D513F29] [cid:part4.9443277A.6C8BCDE5] [cid:part5.8E4AAC36.11AFF756] [cid:part6.7CB644AB.C094F660] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess.
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AMory Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! -- charset="us-ascii" P I didn't watch your link, but this one is a bombshell and I won't be minimizing the risk. Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 with special guests Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Lee Merritt & Dr. Christiane Northrup
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 6:39 PMRe:
, I think the danger of "vaccine shedding" is overblown. This naturopathic doctor explains what's going on, sympathetic response, shedding of toxic overload, pheromones... She also confirms the infertility danger. You don't have to worry about having shaken someone's hand, but you wouldn't want to live with someone who's shedding their toxins. Gulf War Syndrome was similar, as I recall, the spouses getting sick from their husband's exposure. here's the pro-vax event for global citizens that she mentions: On 4/25/21 7:16 PM wrote:
this doctor agrees also: On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory Re:
Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! ---- It is a scary feeling to wake up paralyzed. After the small pox vaccine I woke up with no feeling below my knees, couldn't walk. Mom frantically rubbed my legs until feeling returned, but I think it's was more like a faith healing. That bump on my left shoulder was very high for well into my teens. I was late to school and when my teacher asked how Mom fixed it and I told her she looked amazed and was speechless. Growing up Boomer, livestock for Big Pharma. Everyone of a certain age has/had that scar: Thalidomide, anyone? :-) On 4/25/21 3:53 AM: Here is another one -- lady paralyzed from neck down 12 hrs after 1st Pfizer poisoning. Meanwhile, stupid joe keeps pushing the suicide vax. DOCTOR'S URGENT WARNING TO THE WORLD -- SEE NEW MASKS YOU'LL SOON BE WEARING Urgent message to the world -- Take off your mask and Do Not Take this DNA changing Experimental and Unapproved Vaccine. Source:Dr. Yea
Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory
Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. *Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders.* It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) *STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !!* -- charset="us-ascii" Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and Sebastian know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again.
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PMory Re: this doctor agrees also: [cid:part1.B3001BCA.57E62225] [cid:part2.4393D616.EBFEC1CD] [cid:part3.4DCE0859.EFFD7D2A] [cid:part4.F4D871BC.6D858E3D] [cid:part5.10B51480.29497D4A] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess.
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AMory Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! -- charset="us-ascii" P Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and Sebastian know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again.
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PMory Re:
this doctor agrees also: On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory Re:
Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! ---- -- charset="us-ascii" I didn't watch your link, but this one is a bombshell and I won't be minimizing the risk. [] Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 with special guests Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Lee Merritt & Dr. Christiane Northrup
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 6:39 PMRe: , I think the danger of "vaccine shedding" is overblown. This naturopathic doctor explains what's going on, sympathetic response, shedding of toxic overload, pheromones... She also confirms the infertility danger. You don't have to worry about having shaken someone's hand, but you wouldn't want to live with someone who's shedding their toxins. Gulf War Syndrome was similar, as I recall, the spouses getting sick from their husband's exposure. here's the pro-vax event for global citizens that she mentions: On 4/25/21 7:16 PM wrote:
this doctor agrees also: [cid:part2.2DC64EC4.6249AD04] [cid:part3.7736E4D0.8D513F29] [cid:part4.9443277A.6C8BCDE5] [cid:part5.8E4AAC36.11AFF756] [cid:part6.7CB644AB.C094F660] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess.
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AMory Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! -- charset="us-ascii" P I didn't watch your link, but this one is a bombshell and I won't be minimizing the risk. Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P -- Episode 44 with special guests Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Lee Merritt & Dr. Christiane Northrup
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 6:39 PMRe:
, I think the danger of "vaccine shedding" is overblown. This naturopathic doctor explains what's going on, sympathetic response, shedding of toxic overload, pheromones... She also confirms the infertility danger. You don't have to worry about having shaken someone's hand, but you wouldn't want to live with someone who's shedding their toxins. Gulf War Syndrome was similar, as I recall, the spouses getting sick from their husband's exposure. here's the pro-vax event for global citizens that she mentions: On 4/25/21 7:16 PM wrote:
this doctor agrees also: On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory Re:
Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! ---- Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. *Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders.* It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) *STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !!* this doctor agrees also: On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. *Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders.* It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) *STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !!* --_000_BYAPR08MB40878DB85895C8A5CC53CFF7DE429BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="us-ascii" We use Leatherby's as the place to meet up, chat, eat ice cream (not very high quality) and then take off somewhere to protest. This time we went to the mall area in Roseville. I had never been there and one part is sort of outdoors with many restaurants. We gathered outside of Whole Foods. It was very nice to see so many people without masks. So different than Sacramento. As a bonus, this week a man showed up with his 2 kids who were pretty close in age to our kids and they all had so much fun socializing. It's been a full year for kids to be normal. Of course, we never imposed the insanity of masks, but there were no kids to play with until now. Leatherby's is owned by Mormons and these particular owners don't enforce masks. Not sure that is the case for their employees because they are all wearing them. At least they don't enforce it on customers and there are more without masks than with. Pretty good to see that. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:25 PM Re: and I were going to the protest at Leatherby's but we went to the store on Arden Way since that was the only one I knew of. We called the other two stores (including the Citrus Heights one) and both places said there wasn't any protest outside their store so we just went home. On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 09:07:23 PM : Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and Sebastian know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PM ory Re: this doctor agrees also: [cid:n16elrmrxzGb93M35QrE] [cid:y7IWqAvLDgrXzzWByxR5] [cid:GzKwQ858EJyZK6eLQjDc] [cid:RYcTCsMMfwq2RgQJAuvz] [cid:v0E2iV54N2Vxmt3d9Ipm] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! --_000_BYAPR08MB40878DB85895C8A5CC53CFF7DE429BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="us-ascii" P We use Leatherby's as the place to meet up, chat, eat ice cream (not very high quality) and then take off somewhere to protest. This time we went to the mall area in Roseville. I had never been there and one part is sort of outdoors with many restaurants. We gathered outside of Whole Foods. It was very nice to see so many people without masks. So different than Sacramento. As a bonus, this week a man showed up with his 2 kids who were pretty close in age to our kids and they all had so much fun socializing. It's been a full year for kids to be normal. Of course, we never imposed the insanity of masks, but there were no kids to play with until now. Leatherby's is owned by Mormons and these particular owners don't enforce masks. Not sure that is the case for their employees because they are all wearing them. At least they don't enforce it on customers and there are more without masks than with. Pretty good to see that. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:25 PM Re:
and I were going to the protest at Leatherby's but we went to the store on Arden Way since that was the only one I knew of. We called the other two stores (including the Citrus Heights one) and both places said there wasn't any protest outside their store so we just went home. On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 09:07:23 PM : Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. He also says that the lipid nanoparticles that penetrate the blood-brain barrier have never been used before. Worth listening to. On 4/28/21 5:43 AM wrote: This doctor points out that we have no idea whether the body ever stops producing the spike protein. On 4/28/21 5:24 AM wrote: The whole purpose of the scamdemic was to promote the mrna vaccines. So there's something fishy with them. Possibly sterility. But I'm still don't see any reason to shun people who've had the vaccine. Living with a vaxed person might be problematic if their body is reacting badly to it, as in Gulf War Syndrome contagion. On 4/28/21 1:09 AM: ... if you can believe anything mainstream (Reuters and Children's Hospital). This hospital guy is fooled or lying about not changing DNA. A Harvard study says mRNA indeed changes DNA. This was mentioned in a David Icke video about 2 weeks ago. And is this same guy advocating for the covid injection? If so, another strike. We also know there is a many billion dollar campaign to promote these shots. No way is Big Pharma to be trusted and I would expect the worst and listen to the doctors fighting and warning against it. Tuesday, April 27, 2021 6:15 PM
Re: terrifying warning -- stay away from people who got vaxed According to these (mainstream) articles, the body stops producing spike proteins after the mRNA is destroyed, which is quickly. So it's kind of a one and done. So the idea that someone is doomed after getting the vax may be overblown. Of course, we don't know what else they put in it, except that they won't tell us. So I wouldn't be surprised if it induces sterility. On 4/26/21 8:39 PM wrote: , I think the danger of "vaccine shedding" is overblown. This naturopathic doctor explains what's going on, sympathetic response, shedding of toxic overload, pheromones... --_000_BYAPR08MB40878DB85895C8A5CC53CFF7DE429BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="us-ascii" We use Leatherby's as the place to meet up, chat, eat ice cream (not very high quality) and then take off somewhere to protest. This time we went to the mall area in Roseville. I had never been there and one part is sort of outdoors with many restaurants. We gathered outside of Whole Foods. It was very nice to see so many people without masks. So different than Sacramento. As a bonus, this week a man showed up with his 2 kids who were pretty close in age to our kids and they all had so much fun socializing. It's been a full year for kids to be normal. Of course, we never imposed the insanity of masks, but there were no kids to play with until now. Leatherby's is owned by Mormons and these particular owners don't enforce masks. Not sure that is the case for their employees because they are all wearing them. At least they don't enforce it on customers and there are more without masks than with. Pretty good to see that. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:25 PM Re: and I were going to the protest at Leatherby's but we went to the store on Arden Way since that was the only one I knew of. We called the other two stores (including the Citrus Heights one) and both places said there wasn't any protest outside their store so we just went home. On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 09:07:23 PM : Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and Sebastian know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PM ory Re: this doctor agrees also: [cid:n16elrmrxzGb93M35QrE] [cid:y7IWqAvLDgrXzzWByxR5] [cid:GzKwQ858EJyZK6eLQjDc] [cid:RYcTCsMMfwq2RgQJAuvz] [cid:v0E2iV54N2Vxmt3d9Ipm] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! --_000_BYAPR08MB40878DB85895C8A5CC53CFF7DE429BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="us-ascii" P We use Leatherby's as the place to meet up, chat, eat ice cream (not very high quality) and then take off somewhere to protest. This time we went to the mall area in Roseville. I had never been there and one part is sort of outdoors with many restaurants. We gathered outside of Whole Foods. It was very nice to see so many people without masks. So different than Sacramento. As a bonus, this week a man showed up with his 2 kids who were pretty close in age to our kids and they all had so much fun socializing. It's been a full year for kids to be normal. Of course, we never imposed the insanity of masks, but there were no kids to play with until now. Leatherby's is owned by Mormons and these particular owners don't enforce masks. Not sure that is the case for their employees because they are all wearing them. At least they don't enforce it on customers and there are more without masks than with. Pretty good to see that. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:25 PM Re:
and I were going to the protest at Leatherby's but we went to the store on Arden Way since that was the only one I knew of. We called the other two stores (including the Citrus Heights one) and both places said there wasn't any protest outside their store so we just went home. On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 09:07:23 PM : Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. --_000_BYAPR08MB40878DB85895C8A5CC53CFF7DE429BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="us-ascii" We use Leatherby's as the place to meet up, chat, eat ice cream (not very high quality) and then take off somewhere to protest. This time we went to the mall area in Roseville. I had never been there and one part is sort of outdoors with many restaurants. We gathered outside of Whole Foods. It was very nice to see so many people without masks. So different than Sacramento. As a bonus, this week a man showed up with his 2 kids who were pretty close in age to our kids and they all had so much fun socializing. It's been a full year for kids to be normal. Of course, we never imposed the insanity of masks, but there were no kids to play with until now. Leatherby's is owned by Mormons and these particular owners don't enforce masks. Not sure that is the case for their employees because they are all wearing them. At least they don't enforce it on customers and there are more without masks than with. Pretty good to see that. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:25 PM Re: and I were going to the protest at Leatherby's but we went to the store on Arden Way since that was the only one I knew of. We called the other two stores (including the Citrus Heights one) and both places said there wasn't any protest outside their store so we just went home. On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 09:07:23 PM : Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and Sebastian know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PM ory Re: this doctor agrees also: [cid:n16elrmrxzGb93M35QrE] [cid:y7IWqAvLDgrXzzWByxR5] [cid:GzKwQ858EJyZK6eLQjDc] [cid:RYcTCsMMfwq2RgQJAuvz] [cid:v0E2iV54N2Vxmt3d9Ipm] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! --_000_BYAPR08MB40878DB85895C8A5CC53CFF7DE429BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="us-ascii" P We use Leatherby's as the place to meet up, chat, eat ice cream (not very high quality) and then take off somewhere to protest. This time we went to the mall area in Roseville. I had never been there and one part is sort of outdoors with many restaurants. We gathered outside of Whole Foods. It was very nice to see so many people without masks. So different than Sacramento. As a bonus, this week a man showed up with his 2 kids who were pretty close in age to our kids and they all had so much fun socializing. It's been a full year for kids to be normal. Of course, we never imposed the insanity of masks, but there were no kids to play with until now. Leatherby's is owned by Mormons and these particular owners don't enforce masks. Not sure that is the case for their employees because they are all wearing them. At least they don't enforce it on customers and there are more without masks than with. Pretty good to see that. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:25 PM Re:
and I were going to the protest at Leatherby's but we went to the store on Arden Way since that was the only one I knew of. We called the other two stores (including the Citrus Heights one) and both places said there wasn't any protest outside their store so we just went home. On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 09:07:23 PM : Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. --_000_BYAPR08MB40878DB85895C8A5CC53CFF7DE429BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="us-ascii" We use Leatherby's as the place to meet up, chat, eat ice cream (not very high quality) and then take off somewhere to protest. This time we went to the mall area in Roseville. I had never been there and one part is sort of outdoors with many restaurants. We gathered outside of Whole Foods. It was very nice to see so many people without masks. So different than Sacramento. As a bonus, this week a man showed up with his 2 kids who were pretty close in age to our kids and they all had so much fun socializing. It's been a full year for kids to be normal. Of course, we never imposed the insanity of masks, but there were no kids to play with until now. Leatherby's is owned by Mormons and these particular owners don't enforce masks. Not sure that is the case for their employees because they are all wearing them. At least they don't enforce it on customers and there are more without masks than with. Pretty good to see that. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:25 PM Re: and I were going to the protest at Leatherby's but we went to the store on Arden Way since that was the only one I knew of. We called the other two stores (including the Citrus Heights one) and both places said there wasn't any protest outside their store so we just went home. On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 09:07:23 PM : Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and Sebastian know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PM ory Re: this doctor agrees also: [cid:n16elrmrxzGb93M35QrE] [cid:y7IWqAvLDgrXzzWByxR5] [cid:GzKwQ858EJyZK6eLQjDc] [cid:RYcTCsMMfwq2RgQJAuvz] [cid:v0E2iV54N2Vxmt3d9Ipm] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! --_000_BYAPR08MB40878DB85895C8A5CC53CFF7DE429BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="us-ascii" P We use Leatherby's as the place to meet up, chat, eat ice cream (not very high quality) and then take off somewhere to protest. This time we went to the mall area in Roseville. I had never been there and one part is sort of outdoors with many restaurants. We gathered outside of Whole Foods. It was very nice to see so many people without masks. So different than Sacramento. As a bonus, this week a man showed up with his 2 kids who were pretty close in age to our kids and they all had so much fun socializing. It's been a full year for kids to be normal. Of course, we never imposed the insanity of masks, but there were no kids to play with until now. Leatherby's is owned by Mormons and these particular owners don't enforce masks. Not sure that is the case for their employees because they are all wearing them. At least they don't enforce it on customers and there are more without masks than with. Pretty good to see that. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:25 PM Re:
and I were going to the protest at Leatherby's but we went to the store on Arden Way since that was the only one I knew of. We called the other two stores (including the Citrus Heights one) and both places said there wasn't any protest outside their store so we just went home. On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 09:07:23 PM : Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. --_000_BYAPR08MB40878DB85895C8A5CC53CFF7DE429BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="us-ascii" We use Leatherby's as the place to meet up, chat, eat ice cream (not very high quality) and then take off somewhere to protest. This time we went to the mall area in Roseville. I had never been there and one part is sort of outdoors with many restaurants. We gathered outside of Whole Foods. It was very nice to see so many people without masks. So different than Sacramento. As a bonus, this week a man showed up with his 2 kids who were pretty close in age to our kids and they all had so much fun socializing. It's been a full year for kids to be normal. Of course, we never imposed the insanity of masks, but there were no kids to play with until now. Leatherby's is owned by Mormons and these particular owners don't enforce masks. Not sure that is the case for their employees because they are all wearing them. At least they don't enforce it on customers and there are more without masks than with. Pretty good to see that. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:25 PM Re: and I were going to the protest at Leatherby's but we went to the store on Arden Way since that was the only one I knew of. We called the other two stores (including the Citrus Heights one) and both places said there wasn't any protest outside their store so we just went home. On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 09:07:23 PM : Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and Sebastian know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PM ory Re: this doctor agrees also: [cid:n16elrmrxzGb93M35QrE] [cid:y7IWqAvLDgrXzzWByxR5] [cid:GzKwQ858EJyZK6eLQjDc] [cid:RYcTCsMMfwq2RgQJAuvz] [cid:v0E2iV54N2Vxmt3d9Ipm] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! --_000_BYAPR08MB40878DB85895C8A5CC53CFF7DE429BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="us-ascii" P We use Leatherby's as the place to meet up, chat, eat ice cream (not very high quality) and then take off somewhere to protest. This time we went to the mall area in Roseville. I had never been there and one part is sort of outdoors with many restaurants. We gathered outside of Whole Foods. It was very nice to see so many people without masks. So different than Sacramento. As a bonus, this week a man showed up with his 2 kids who were pretty close in age to our kids and they all had so much fun socializing. It's been a full year for kids to be normal. Of course, we never imposed the insanity of masks, but there were no kids to play with until now. Leatherby's is owned by Mormons and these particular owners don't enforce masks. Not sure that is the case for their employees because they are all wearing them. At least they don't enforce it on customers and there are more without masks than with. Pretty good to see that. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:25 PM Re:
and I were going to the protest at Leatherby's but we went to the store on Arden Way since that was the only one I knew of. We called the other two stores (including the Citrus Heights one) and both places said there wasn't any protest outside their store so we just went home. On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 09:07:23 PM : Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. --_000_BYAPR08MB40878DB85895C8A5CC53CFF7DE429BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="us-ascii" We use Leatherby's as the place to meet up, chat, eat ice cream (not very high quality) and then take off somewhere to protest. This time we went to the mall area in Roseville. I had never been there and one part is sort of outdoors with many restaurants. We gathered outside of Whole Foods. It was very nice to see so many people without masks. So different than Sacramento. As a bonus, this week a man showed up with his 2 kids who were pretty close in age to our kids and they all had so much fun socializing. It's been a full year for kids to be normal. Of course, we never imposed the insanity of masks, but there were no kids to play with until now. Leatherby's is owned by Mormons and these particular owners don't enforce masks. Not sure that is the case for their employees because they are all wearing them. At least they don't enforce it on customers and there are more without masks than with. Pretty good to see that. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:25 PM Re: and I were going to the protest at Leatherby's but we went to the store on Arden Way since that was the only one I knew of. We called the other two stores (including the Citrus Heights one) and both places said there wasn't any protest outside their store so we just went home. On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 09:07:23 PM : Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and Sebastian know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PM ory Re: this doctor agrees also: [cid:n16elrmrxzGb93M35QrE] [cid:y7IWqAvLDgrXzzWByxR5] [cid:GzKwQ858EJyZK6eLQjDc] [cid:RYcTCsMMfwq2RgQJAuvz] [cid:v0E2iV54N2Vxmt3d9Ipm] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) STAY AWAY FROM THE VAXXED PEOPLE !! --_000_BYAPR08MB40878DB85895C8A5CC53CFF7DE429BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="us-ascii" P We use Leatherby's as the place to meet up, chat, eat ice cream (not very high quality) and then take off somewhere to protest. This time we went to the mall area in Roseville. I had never been there and one part is sort of outdoors with many restaurants. We gathered outside of Whole Foods. It was very nice to see so many people without masks. So different than Sacramento. As a bonus, this week a man showed up with his 2 kids who were pretty close in age to our kids and they all had so much fun socializing. It's been a full year for kids to be normal. Of course, we never imposed the insanity of masks, but there were no kids to play with until now. Leatherby's is owned by Mormons and these particular owners don't enforce masks. Not sure that is the case for their employees because they are all wearing them. At least they don't enforce it on customers and there are more without masks than with. Pretty good to see that. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:25 PM Re:
and I were going to the protest at Leatherby's but we went to the store on Arden Way since that was the only one I knew of. We called the other two stores (including the Citrus Heights one) and both places said there wasn't any protest outside their store so we just went home. On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 09:07:23 PM : Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. --_000_BYAPR08MB40878DB85895C8A5CC53CFF7DE429BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="us-ascii" We use Leatherby's as the place to meet up, chat, eat ice cream (not very high quality) and then take off somewhere to protest. This time we went to the mall area in Roseville. I had never been there and one part is sort of outdoors with many restaurants. We gathered outside of Whole Foods. It was very nice to see so many people without masks. So different than Sacramento. As a bonus, this week a man showed up with his 2 kids who were pretty close in age to our kids and they all had so much fun socializing. It's been a full year for kids to be normal. Of course, we never imposed the insanity of masks, but there were no kids to play with until now. Leatherby's is owned by Mormons and these particular owners don't enforce masks. Not sure that is the case for their employees because they are all wearing them. At least they don't enforce it on customers and there are more without masks than with. Pretty good to see that. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:25 PM Re: and I were going to the protest at Leatherby's but we went to the store on Arden Way since that was the only one I knew of. We called the other two stores (including the Citrus Heights one) and both places said there wasn't any protest outside their store so we just went home. On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 09:07:23 PM : Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. No doubt this is an actual threat. At our mask protest yesterday, I had to let ie and Sebastian know to stay far away from anyone wearing a mask because they are likely the idiots injecting this poison. Luckily, I didn't have a bad reaction when a person came over to buy something off craigslist and I was pleased they didn't wear a mask. The lady shook my hand as she introduced herself. Then she immediately said something like "don't worry, we both are fully vaccinated." I was thinking, sh-t, just great. After years of fighting vaccine criminals, I hope they don't get me like that. I won't be making that mistake again. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:16 PM ory Re: this doctor agrees also: [cid:n16elrmrxzGb93M35QrE] [cid:y7IWqAvLDgrXzzWByxR5] [cid:GzKwQ858EJyZK6eLQjDc] [cid:RYcTCsMMfwq2RgQJAuvz] [cid:v0E2iV54N2Vxmt3d9Ipm] On 4/24/21 2:13 AM: [wife] is watching some things about this by Magenta Pixie. Apparently, some crystals are helping. There is a black one we have split into smaller pieces and each of us keeps a little one around our neck on a stringed pouch or in the pocket. Yea, it's automatic, they say. I can't personally tell yet. But that is just because I can't see auras, either, I guess. Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:40 AM ory Re: Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax. Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now. On 4/23/21 2:18 AM: This video mentions breast-feeding mothers, which is bad enough what happens to them after the vax. But near the end mentions how 2 people living under one roof has a vaxed person spreading the toxic poison to the other one. Watch out for this. I think we will be hearing more and more come out, but it is being urgently shut down on big social media like Twit and FascistBook. Until more is known, I think unvaxed people need to treat those who got this sh-t as bio hazards. They could be walking toxic spreaders. It's coming out through their breath, through pores -- just terrible! Here is a person sounding the warning: Stay Away (Warning) We use Leatherby's as the place to meet up, chat, eat ice cream (not very high quality) and then take off somewhere to protest. This time we went to the mall area in Roseville. I had never been there and one part is sort of outdoors with many restaurants. We gathered outside of Whole Foods. It was very nice to see so many people without masks. So different than Sacramento. As a bonus, this week a man showed up with his 2 kids who were pretty close in age to our kids and they all had so much fun socializing. It's been a full year for kids to be normal. Of course, we never imposed the insanity of masks, but there were no kids to play with until now. Leatherby's is owned by Mormons and these particular owners don't enforce masks. Not sure that is the case for their employees because they are all wearing them. At least they don't enforce it on customers and there are more without masks than with. Pretty good to see that. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:25 PM
and I were going to the protest at Leatherby's but we went to the store on Arden Way since that was the only one I knew of. We called the other two stores (including the Citrus Heights one) and both places said there wasn't any protest outside their store so we just went home. On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 09:07:23 PM : Yea, since I posted that, I have been hearing TONS of things from all over the world. SHOCKING CRIMINAL RACKET - the FRATERNITY of LAWYERS, JUDGES, SENATORS, Etcby doug - 2021-04-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version] They are stealing people blind It seems widows or widowers are the prime targets -- of course, they must have some degree of assets. And it seems a good remedy is to add a child to a bank account which protects that account, I think. This is very similar to the Child Protective Services (CPS) racket involving adoptions, foster care and human trafficking. What An Energy Worker Says About Vax Contagionby don - 2021-04-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion: In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head. No Masks (or "Vaccinated" People) Allowed!by steve - 2021-04-27 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version][daughter] took me to Basilico's restaurant in Orange County where they don't let anybody in with a mask. They have lawsuits because their liquor license and more was taken away. Got to know the owner. (They wouldn't let daughter's mom into the place because she insisted on wearing a mask) On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 02:32:13 PM : This is great: no-masks-allowed On Sunday, April 25, 2021, 02:32:13 PM :
N-95 masks have an exhalation valve which protects YOU but allows you to blow out virus to anybody else if you're infected (said so by wife, RN) On Monday, April 26, 2021, 04:32:55 AM :
Good idea. A mask might help if it's N-95 and you're actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask. First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. Then they attack you. Then they build monuments to you. -- Union leader Nicholas Klein Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 10:54 PM Tony Roman and Basilico's is such a fantastic and inspiring story. He never closed his restaurant for 15 seconds. let alone "15 days to stop the spread." As for shopping without a mask, tell them you have an exemption. But first just ignore them as they approach you. This strategy might eventually get them to give up and just get ready for the next person who enters. There are stores we refuse to shop at if they enforce masks. We NEVER wear one and never have. And never will. Give them an inch and they want a mile. You can't give them an inch just because it's more convenient for you. I would rather buy from evil Amazon than succumb to masks. If you want to try and make a difference, call places and ask if they are discriminating against people who can't wear a mask. If they offer no solutions that will result in you shopping without a mask, tell them you refuse to give them your business. Even if you really never planned to shop there, you can use this strategy to let owners and their managers know that there are consequences to enforcing bogus rules. I plan to encourage this in a future video. You can also tell such a store you will tell all your friends to boycott them. Remember, cancel culture works both ways. We can help cancel businesses with our buying power and bad PR. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 4:23 PM I've developed a new policy for stores and masks. "Make them ask." Put a mask in your pocket but don't wear it into the store unless they tell you to. This will get people used to seeing people unmasked again, and will do it themselves. Tony Roman and Basilicos is such a fantastic and inspiring story. He never closed his restaurant for 15 seconds. let alone "15 days to stop the spread." As for shopping without a mask, tell them you have an exemption. But first just ignore them as they approach you. This strategy might eventually get them to give up and just get ready for the next person who enters. There are stores we refuse to shop at if they enforce masks. We NEVER wear one and never have. And never will. Give them an inch and they want a mile. You can't give them an inch just because it's more convenient for you. I would rather buy from evil Amazon than succumb to masks. If you want to try and make a difference, call places and ask if they are discriminating against people who can't wear a mask. If they offer no solutions that will result in you shopping without a mask, tell them you refuse to give them your business. Even if you really never planned to shop there, you can use this strategy to let owners and their managers know that there are consequences to enforcing bogus rules. I plan to encourage this in a future video. You can also tell such a store you will tell all your friends to boycott them. Remember, cancel culture works both ways. We can help cancel businesses with our buying power and bad PR.
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 4:23 PMRe: I've developed a new policy for stores and masks. "Make them ask." Put a mask in your pocket but don't wear it into the store unless they tell you to. This will get people used to seeing people unmasked again, and will do it themselves. On 4/25/21 4:32 PM
This is great: Tony Roman and Basilicos is such a fantastic and inspiring story. He never closed his restaurant for 15 seconds. let alone "15 days to stop the spread." As for shopping without a mask, tell them you have an exemption. But first just ignore them as they approach you. This strategy might eventually get them to give up and just get ready for the next person who enters. There are stores we refuse to shop at if they enforce masks. We NEVER wear one and never have. And never will. Give them an inch and they want a mile. You can't give them an inch just because it's more convenient for you. I would rather buy from evil Amazon than succumb to masks. If you want to try and make a difference, call places and ask if they are discriminating against people who can't wear a mask. If they offer no solutions that will result in you shopping without a mask, tell them you refuse to give them your business. Even if you really never planned to shop there, you can use this strategy to let owners and their managers know that there are consequences to enforcing bogus rules. I plan to encourage this in a future video. You can also tell such a store you will tell all your friends to boycott them. Remember, cancel culture works both ways. We can help cancel businesses with our buying power and bad PR.
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 4:23 PMRe: I've developed a new policy for stores and masks. "Make them ask." Put a mask in your pocket but don't wear it into the store unless they tell you to. This will get people used to seeing people unmasked again, and will do it themselves. On 4/25/21 4:32 PM
This is great: Tony Roman and Basilicos is such a fantastic and inspiring story. He never closed his restaurant for 15 seconds. let alone "15 days to stop the spread." As for shopping without a mask, tell them you have an exemption. But first just ignore them as they approach you. This strategy might eventually get them to give up and just get ready for the next person who enters. There are stores we refuse to shop at if they enforce masks. We NEVER wear one and never have. And never will. Give them an inch and they want a mile. You can't give them an inch just because it's more convenient for you. I would rather buy from evil Amazon than succumb to masks. If you want to try and make a difference, call places and ask if they are discriminating against people who can't wear a mask. If they offer no solutions that will result in you shopping without a mask, tell them you refuse to give them your business. Even if you really never planned to shop there, you can use this strategy to let owners and their managers know that there are consequences to enforcing bogus rules. I plan to encourage this in a future video. You can also tell such a store you will tell all your friends to boycott them. Remember, cancel culture works both ways. We can help cancel businesses with our buying power and bad PR.
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 4:23 PMRe: I've developed a new policy for stores and masks. "Make them ask." Put a mask in your pocket but don't wear it into the store unless they tell you to. This will get people used to seeing people unmasked again, and will do it themselves. On 4/25/21 4:32 PM
This is great: Tony Roman and Basilicos is such a fantastic and inspiring story. He never closed his restaurant for 15 seconds. let alone "15 days to stop the spread." As for shopping without a mask, tell them you have an exemption. But first just ignore them as they approach you. This strategy might eventually get them to give up and just get ready for the next person who enters. There are stores we refuse to shop at if they enforce masks. We NEVER wear one and never have. And never will. Give them an inch and they want a mile. You can't give them an inch just because it's more convenient for you. I would rather buy from evil Amazon than succumb to masks. If you want to try and make a difference, call places and ask if they are discriminating against people who can't wear a mask. If they offer no solutions that will result in you shopping without a mask, tell them you refuse to give them your business. Even if you really never planned to shop there, you can use this strategy to let owners and their managers know that there are consequences to enforcing bogus rules. I plan to encourage this in a future video. You can also tell such a store you will tell all your friends to boycott them. Remember, cancel culture works both ways. We can help cancel businesses with our buying power and bad PR. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 4:23 PM Re: I've developed a new policy for stores and masks. "Make them ask." Put a mask in your pocket but don't wear it into the store unless they tell you to. This will get people used to seeing people unmasked again, and will do it themselves. On 4/25/21 4:32 PM This is great: Leigh Dundas - Incredible Lawyerby doug - 2021-04-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]LEIGH DUNDAS -- AN INCREDIBLE LAWYER FIGHTING FOR OUR FREEDOMS You gotta watch this. I love this lady!! You MUST Listen to This: Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P - Episode 44by doug - 2021-04-28 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Just got this from a friend. Didn't listen yet, but these doctors are always informative. Concerning the latest talking points about effects on people when they are near those who got any of these covid shots. Therese Dennis Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 2:49 AM Liz Armas Theresa Court Re- =91viral shedding' by people who've received the CVD shot(s) and what that means for those who haven't had the shot(s): Please listen to the whole discussion by these doctors: Therese x Good Site - Covidby steve - 2021-04-28 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as Fraud Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as Fraud The covid-19 Crisis is a Fraud. According to their own data, there is no emergency! more good info On 5/1/21 9:51 PM: bacteria inside the virus kill the virus? Wow, crazy! Viruses are tiny so how could a bacteria be inside it? On Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 11:02:28 PM , wrote:
I think it was Peggy Hall of The Healthy American dot org that pointed out the Nuremberg code is international and is more globalism. It's not the law of the land in America. So we have other actual laws we can use for remedy. On another related subject, I found this to be fantastic: Why You Can't Catch A Virus -- Great Explanation Mirrored -- COMMON LAW: Learn Common Law With Knowledge Is Power (Work your way through tabs at the top of page) -- Meet ... Tuesday, April 27, 2021 6:52 PM
RE: Hopefully, the Nuremberg Code will help us keep that last one from happening. * Sent: *Tuesday, April 27, 2021 5:22 PM * *Re: It was never about the disease, it's about the vaccine. When they've reached their target number of vaccinated, they'll either let up, or they'll force everyone to get the vaccine. On 4/27/21 5:09 PM: Wow, excellent! Monday, April 26, 2021 11:47 PM Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as Fraud
Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as Fraud The covid-19 Crisis is a Fraud. According to their own data, there is no emergency! more good info On 5/1/21 9:51 PM: bacteria inside the virus kill the virus? Wow, crazy! Viruses are tiny so how could a bacteria be inside it? On Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 11:02:28 PM , wrote:
I think it was Peggy Hall of The Healthy American dot org that pointed out the Nuremberg code is international and is more globalism. It's not the law of the land in America. So we have other actual laws we can use for remedy. On another related subject, I found this to be fantastic: Why You Can't Catch A Virus -- Great Explanation Mirrored -- COMMON LAW: Learn Common Law With Knowledge Is Power (Work your way through tabs at the top of page) -- Meet ... Tuesday, April 27, 2021 6:52 PM
RE: Hopefully, the Nuremberg Code will help us keep that last one from happening. * Sent: *Tuesday, April 27, 2021 5:22 PM ; *Re: It was never about the disease, it's about the vaccine. When they've reached their target number of vaccinated, they'll either let up, or they'll force everyone to get the vaccine. On 4/27/21 5:09 PM: Wow, excellent! Monday, April 26, 2021 11:47 PM Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as Fraud
Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as Fraud The covid-19 Crisis is a Fraud. According to their own data, there is no emergency! more good info On 5/1/21 9:51 PM: bacteria inside the virus kill the virus? Wow, crazy! Viruses are tiny so how could a bacteria be inside it? On Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 11:02:28 PM , wrote:
I think it was Peggy Hall of The Healthy American dot org that pointed out the Nuremberg code is international and is more globalism. It's not the law of the land in America. So we have other actual laws we can use for remedy. On another related subject, I found this to be fantastic: Why You Can't Catch A Virus -- Great Explanation Mirrored -- COMMON LAW: Learn Common Law With Knowledge Is Power (Work your way through tabs at the top of page) -- Meet ... Tuesday, April 27, 2021 6:52 PM
RE: Hopefully, the Nuremberg Code will help us keep that last one from happening. * Sent: *Tuesday, April 27, 2021 5:22 PM ; *Re: It was never about the disease, it's about the vaccine. When they've reached their target number of vaccinated, they'll either let up, or they'll force everyone to get the vaccine. On 4/27/21 5:09 PM: Wow, excellent! Monday, April 26, 2021 11:47 PM Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as Fraud
Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as Fraud The covid-19 Crisis is a Fraud. According to their own data, there is no emergency! more good info On 5/1/21 9:51 PM: bacteria inside the virus kill the virus? Wow, crazy! Viruses are tiny so how could a bacteria be inside it? On Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 11:02:28 PM , wrote:
I think it was Peggy Hall of The Healthy American dot org that pointed out the Nuremberg code is international and is more globalism. It's not the law of the land in America. So we have other actual laws we can use for remedy. On another related subject, I found this to be fantastic: Why You Can't Catch A Virus -- Great Explanation Mirrored -- COMMON LAW: Learn Common Law With Knowledge Is Power (Work your way through tabs at the top of page) -- Meet ... Tuesday, April 27, 2021 6:52 PM
RE: Hopefully, the Nuremberg Code will help us keep that last one from happening. * Sent: *Tuesday, April 27, 2021 5:22 PM ; *Re: It was never about the disease, it's about the vaccine. When they've reached their target number of vaccinated, they'll either let up, or they'll force everyone to get the vaccine. On 4/27/21 5:09 PM: Wow, excellent! Monday, April 26, 2021 11:47 PM Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as Fraud
Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as Fraud The covid-19 Crisis is a Fraud. According to their own data, there is no emergency! --_000_BYAPR08MB40877C2A78EF637A5358AA06DE409BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset= I think it was Peggy Hall of The Healthy American dot org that pointed out the Nuremberg code is international and is more globalism. It's not the law of the land in America. So we have other actual laws we can use for remedy. On another related subject, I found this to be fantastic: [] Why You Can't Catch A Virus -- Great Explanation Mirrored -- COMMON LAW: Learn Common Law With Knowledge Is Power (Work your way through tabs at the top of page) -- Meet =85
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 6:52 PM RE: Hopefully, the Nuremberg Code will help us keep that last one from happening. don Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 5:22 PM Re: It was never about the disease, it's about the vaccine. When they've reached their target number of vaccinated, they'll either let up, or they'll force everyone to get the vaccine. On 4/27/21 5:09 PM: Wow, excellent! Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 11:47 PM Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as Fraud Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as Fraud The covid-19 Crisis is a Fraud. According to their own data, there is no emergency! --_000_BYAPR08MB40877C2A78EF637A5358AA06DE409BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset= P I think it was Peggy Hall of The Healthy American dot org that pointed out the Nuremberg code is international and is more globalism. It's not the law of the land in America. So we have other actual laws we can use for remedy. On another related subject, I found this to be fantastic: Why You Can't Catch A Virus -- Great Explanation Mirrored -- COMMON LAW: Learn Common Law With Knowledge Is Power (Work your way through tabs at the top of page) -- Meet =85
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 6:52 PM RE:
Hopefully, the Nuremberg Code will help us keep that last one from happening.
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 5:22 PM
It was never about the disease, it's about the vaccine. When they've reached their target number of vaccinated, they'll either let up, or they'll force everyone to get the vaccine. On 4/27/21 5:09 PM: Wow, excellent!
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 11:47 PM good site -- covid
Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as Fraud
Mask Off MN -- covid 19 Crisis Exposed as Fraud The covid-19 Crisis is a Fraud. According to their own data, there is no emergency!
--_000_BYAPR08MB40877C2A78EF637A5358AA06DE409BYAPR08MB4087namp_-- This Will Make You Want to Vote for Trump All Over Againby doug - 2021-04-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]So far, but they won't win this war.
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 12:40 PM ; This will make you want to vote for Trump all over again The mrna vax rollout is the biggest thing the world govt has ever rolled out. It was the whole reason for the scamdemic. The future of humankind is at stake. Will we remain overpopulated and undercontrolled, or will we be reduced to a manageable level? No politician is allowed to stand against this. On 4/27/21 2:30 PM: Yes, they're only allowed to be "just so" independent for just so long, no matter who they are. Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 2:09 PM
This will make you want to vote for Trump all over again Looks like he got Boris son'd On 4/27/21 1:42 PM, someone wrote: Holy sh-t That just buried him in my mind. Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 9:58 AM This will make you want to vote for Trump all over again This will make you want to vote for Trump all over again! ? terrifying warning - stay away from people who got vaxxedby don - 2021-04-29 ( education / research ) [html version]He also says that the lipid nanoparticles that penetrate the blood-brain barrier have never been used before. Worth listening to. On 4/28/21 5:43 AM wrote: This doctor points out that we have no idea whether the body ever stops producing the spike protein. On 4/28/21 5:24 AM wrote: The whole purpose of the scamdemic was to promote the mrna vaccines. So there's something fishy with them. Possibly sterility. But I'm still don't see any reason to shun people who've had the vaccine. Living with a vaxed person might be problematic if their body is reacting badly to it, as in Gulf War Syndrome contagion. On 4/28/21 1:09 AM: ... if you can believe anything mainstream (Reuters and Children's Hospital). This hospital guy is fooled or lying about not changing DNA. A Harvard study says mRNA indeed changes DNA. This was mentioned in a David Icke video about 2 weeks ago. And is this same guy advocating for the covid injection? If so, another strike. We also know there is a many billion dollar campaign to promote these shots. No way is Big Pharma to be trusted and I would expect the worst and listen to the doctors fighting and warning against it.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 6:15 PM
Re: terrifying warning -- stay away from people who got vaxxed According to these (mainstream) articles, the body stops producing spike proteins after the mRNA is destroyed, which is quickly. So it's kind of a one and done. So the idea that someone is doomed after getting the vax may be overblown. Of course, we don't know what else they put in it, except that they won't tell us. So I wouldn't be surprised if it induces sterility. On 4/26/21 8:39 PM wrote: , I think the danger of "vaccine shedding" is overblown. This naturopathic doctor explains what's going on, sympathetic response, shedding of toxic overload, pheromones... Nothing happening in India except restrictionsby don - 2021-04-29 ( education / research ) [html version]It's all bullsh-t, she says criminalsby doug - 2021-04-30 ( education / research ) [html version]DID YOU KNOW ALL THE "VACCINE" COMPANIES ARE CONVICTED CORPORATE CRIMINALS? AND PEOPLE TRUST THEM?!!! Vaccine Criminalsby doug - 2021-05-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]DID YOU KNOW ALL THE "VACCINE" COMPANIES ARE CONVICTED CORPORATE CRIMINALS? AND PEOPLE TRUST THEM? PCR test flawed (according to CDC)by steve - 2021-05-01 ( education / research / covid / vaccines ) [html version]Do you have the virus? Are you taking the PCR test to find out? Silly you (it's FLAWED according to the CDC):The WHO Confirms that the covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of "Positive Cases" are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis -- Global Research The WHO Confirms that the covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of "Pos... One year later the WHO retracts. They don't say "We Made a Mistake". It's carefully formulated. While they do n... UNTIL IT HAPPENS TO YOU . .by doug - 2021-05-02 ( education / research ) [html version]Yea, it's horrific. pIt also is very interesting to know they are in a trial that seems to be making an improvement. pAlso, last night I watched a fascinating discussion about how sound / frequencies such as music is used to heal and how vaxxed people may one day have some hope in healing from it. It was one of the Sarah Westall shows with a trained classical musician who appears to be at the cutting edge of this in her own research. Let me find the link .... pPart 1 p[] pLost Waves of Time, Atlantis, Sumeria, Ancient Egypt - Power of Sound (1of2) pMusician, historian, artist & scientist, Jill Mattson, joins the program to share her life long research into the intersection of music, art, science, and history. Her book the "Lost Waves of Time" is a journey through time and music; how music was =85 pPart 2 p[] pLost Waves of Time, Atlantis, Sumeria, Ancient Egypt - Power of Sound (2of2) pMusician, historian, artist & scientist, Jill Mattson, joins the program to share her life long research into the intersection of music, art, science, and history. Her book the "Lost Waves of Time" is a journey through time and music; how music was =85 p________________________________ p pSent: Saturday, May 1, 2021 8:03 AM Re: pstill can't watch that shaking lady pOn 4/30/21 2:14 PM: pPeople tend to believe the propaganda surrounding Big Pharma, especially "vaccines are safe and effective" until they are personally harmed or it happens to a very close family member. pThis story is a complete NIGHTMARE and this "rule" surely applies to them: pDNA consultant p p pLionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund pdonations used for DNA testing p Why Have Lumber Prices Skyrocketed?by bill - 2021-05-02 ( education / research / conspiracies / economy ) [html version]Here's a video showing huge quantities of lumber just stacked up and waiting. The current "lumber shortage" is apparently just another scam to artificially raise the price of wood (and further damage the economy). The first three minutes of the video are probably all you need to see: Watch on YouTube UPDATE: That video was removed, but here's another one, from Oregon instead of Vermont: Lumber "Shortage" more about mRNA educationby admin - 2021-05-02 ( education / research ) [html version]I think that's why these 'rare earth' minerals are so important. They somehow allow for minute (my-noot) operations such as CPU and nanobot creation. Sent: Saturday, May 1, 2021 7:39 AM To: Subject: RE: They're created under a microscope. Sent: Saturday, May 1, 2021 2:03 AM To: It seems you don't believe anything nano exists. Yea, I can see maybe why because how in the world can anything so small be created. But I don't have a clue how they manage to make CPUs either. Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 11:08 PM To: so, in ten years. we haven't been shown a single one! On Friday, April 30, 2021, 10:45:10 PM : I haven't dived into that yet, just a few bits here and there. But apparently these past 10 years or so nano things have exploded. Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 9:53 PM To: Interesting but SHOW ME one of those "nano" devices! On Friday, April 30, 2021, 09:33:52 PM : David Icke reveals an interview possible explanation of it. Human Antenna -- Broadcasting The Vaccine Frequency -- David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast Our Video Sponsor -- No Hype Invest -- The Answer is available now at Sign up to the brand new Ickonic Media Platform -- World To...
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 8:57 PM this is a good, fairly short, video explaining why you shouldn't take the covid vax. also why you shouldn't have unprotected sex with a vaxed person On 4/30/21 9:30 PM: Leading Vaccine Researcher Tells You What's In The covid Vaccine & Why It's LETHAL Leading Vaccine Researcher Tells You What's In The covid Vaccine & Why I... Since covid-19 reared its ugly head many people were cautious considering when the virus popped up. After all, i... why netflix is so depravedby don - 2021-05-02 ( education / research ) [html version] Depopulationby doug - 2021-05-03 ( education / research ) [html version]THIS IS SO SERIOUS -- THE POTENTIAL TO DEPOPULATE EARTH IS AT STAKE [] Doctor Exposes Anti-Human Endgame Behind Vaccines -- Forbidden Knowledge TV Dr. Carrie Madej is an Internal Medicine Specialist in Georgia with 19 years in practice. She's concerned about the transhumanist agenda behind the push for the covid vaccine and the biological, legal and spiritual ramifications of all of it and she joined Alex Jones on InfoWars yesterday to talk about her latest findings, starting with reports of unvaccinated women having 400% the rate of ... The Depopulation Agendaby doug - 2021-05-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]THIS IS SO SERIOUS -- THE POTENTIAL TO DEPOPULATE EARTH IS AT STAKE anti-human end-game behind vaccines Doctor Exposes Anti-Human Endgame Behind Vaccines -- Forbidden Knowledge TV Dr. Carrie Madej is an Internal Medicine Specialist in Georgia with 19 years in practice. She's concerned about the transhumanist agenda behind the push for the covid vaccine and the biological, legal and spiritual ramifications of all of it and she joined Alex Jones on InfoWars yesterday to talk about her latest findings, starting with reports of unvaccinated women having 400% the rate of ... The Lord, Translated into Hebrew, is Ba'alby admin - 2021-05-04 ( education / research / religion / christianity ) [html version]Interesting! God is not called "The Lord." Hebrew it is actually called Ba'al, the name of one of the idols that scripture actually speaks against. Read, listen or watch the rest here: Vaccines can transmit like a virus since at least 2017by greg - 2021-05-04 ( education / research ) [html version]You might want to read this: On 5/3/2021 2:28 AM: *Vaccines can transmit like a virus since at least 2017* Wow, this comes as a surprise. Look at about minute 50 of this video and see what An0maly found during his research. This could be what's happening today with these people who never got vaxed and are affected by someone who got the bioweapon injection. ** *Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund* donations used for DNA testing *Fight for your freedom:*
*Vaccine Truth:*
Sharyl Atkisson videoby don - 2021-05-05 ( education / research ) [html version]A good 10 minute video on lab origins of covid:"]Sharyl Attkisson It's what we all knew (we who don't listen to MSM), but it is a surprisingly good interview. I didn't expect any news when I knew all about this, but yes, this is excellent. Sent: Tuesday, May 4, 2021 3:03 AM Subject: A good 10 minute video on lab origins of covid:"]Sharyl Attkisson The Ringmakers of saturnby don - 2021-05-05 ( education / research ) [html version]Back in the mid-70s, an astronomer exposed the fact that the rings of saturn are growing and being built by craft Azureby doug - 2021-05-05 ( education / research ) [html version]HOW TO BUY FOOD WITHOUT A MASK Today we were approved to be volunteer food drop coordinators in the area for a company you may like to check into called Azure Standard. [] Natural Organic Foods, Recipes & Healthy Living =95 Azure StandardNatural Organic Foods, Recipes and Healthy Living - Azure Standard Looking for where to buy natural, organic groceries and environmentally friendly home supplies? Look no further. Azure in a Nutshell=85 We specialize in delivering quality bulk and natural foods across the country. When the scam-demic hit in March 2020, my wife found this company online and every month since then we have been buying the majority of our food through them. They have organic and non-organic with often surprisingly competitive prices. For philosophical reasons of promoting a company that is ethical and the organic farms they buy from, plus the fun old-fashioned system of delivery which reminds me of hitching up the wagon, driving into town to get your sacks of supplies, we eventually became dedicated buyers. But we absolutely hated how most people arrived in masks!!! Recently, one place we picked up our food from was in Davis, CA where that volunteer was so damn stupid, a total MASK NAZI, I had to complain to the company. That quickly lead me to establish our own food drop location and today that has begun. I have made the rule of NO MASKS ALLOWED. I will also not allow vaxxed people to join us, but if I just tell them that up front, they might just lie and will be the biohazard they already are and defeat the purpose. So they will also have to contact me and I'll start up a discussion about the plandemic and see how they respond. It should be easy enough to spot the morons we want to stay away from for our own health. VAXXED PEOPLE ARE THE ONES WHO SHOULD BE IN QUARANTINE If you happen to be in the Sacramento region, maybe you will appreciate what I have set up - NO MASKS ALLOWED. We were driving as far away as Napa, Benicia, Vacaville, Davis and Rancho Cordova. Since it was sometimes 1 hour away, I think our no mask drop in Sacramento might attract many people who want to have this type of atmosphere. delivers nearly everywhere in the USA. It's quite an amazing system of truckers. You can poke around their website and probably find a drop map to see if you are anywhere near one. I hope to meet some sane people in our area this way and build a new community of people who know the truth about what's going on, are fighting against it and just want to have a sane place to get their food. How to Buy Food Without a Maskby doug - 2021-05-06 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Today we were approved to be volunteer food drop coordinators in the area for a company you may like to check into called Azure Standard.
Natural Organic Foods, Recipes & Healthy Living Looking for where to buy natural, organic groceries and environmentally friendly home supplies? Look no further. Azure in a Nutshell We specialize in delivering quality bulk and natural foods across the country. When the scam-demic hit in March 2020, my wife found this company online and every month since then we have been buying the majority of our food through them. They have organic and non-organic with often surprisingly competitive prices. For philosophical reasons of promoting a company that is ethical and the organic farms they buy from, plus the fun old-fashioned system of delivery which reminds me of hitching up the wagon, driving into town to get your sacks of supplies, we eventually became dedicated buyers. But we absolutely hated how most people arrived in masks!!! Recently, one place we picked up our food from was in Davis, CA where that volunteer was so damn stupid, a total MASK NAZI, I had to complain to the company. That quickly led me to establish our own food drop location and today that has begun. I have made the rule of NO MASKS ALLOWED. I will also not allow vaxed people to join us, but if I just tell them that up front, they might just lie and will be the biohazard they already are and defeat the purpose. So they will also have to contact me and I'll start up a discussion about the plandemic and see how they respond. It should be easy enough to spot the morons we want to stay away from for our own health. VAXXED PEOPLE ARE THE ONES WHO SHOULD BE IN QUARANTINE If you happen to be in the Sacramento region, maybe you will appreciate what I have set up -- NO MASKS ALLOWED. We were driving as far away as Napa, Benicia, Vacaville, Davis and Rancho Cordova. Since it was sometimes 1 hour away, I think our no mask drop in Sacramento might attract many people who want to have this type of atmosphere. delivers nearly everywhere in the USA. It's quite an amazing system of truckers. You can poke around their website and probably find a drop map to see if you are anywhere near one. I hope to meet some sane people in our area this way and build a new community of people who know the truth about what's going on, are fighting against it and just want to have a sane place to get their food. Interview of Dr. Lee Merritt by the Health Rangerby doug - 2021-05-06 ( education / research / health ) [html version]Excellent interview of Dr. Lee Merritt by the Health Ranger vaccinations increase covidby don - 2021-05-07 ( education / research ) [html version]India was not vaccinating until recently -- they were treating covid with ivermectin. Then they started vaccinating and suddenly people started getting sick. Now they are out of ventilators to kill, uh I mean oxygenate, the ill. Meanwhile, there is no covid in the rural areas. It's a govt-created "crisis." /World's most vaccinated nation reintroduces curbs as cases surge/ /REUTERS BLOOMBERG May 5, 2021 Seychelles, which has fully vaccinated more of its population against covid-19 than any other country, has closed schools and canceled sporting activities for two weeks as infections surge. The measures, which include bans on the intermingling of households and the early closure of bars, come even as the country has fully vaccinated more than 60% of its adult population with two doses of coronavirus vaccines. The curbs are similar to those last imposed at the end of 2020. "Despite of all the exceptional efforts we are making, the covid-19 situation in our country is critical right now with many daily cases reported last week," Peggy Vidot, the nation's health minister, said at a news conference Tuesday./ ... It's obviously all the people who refuse the Satanic mask ritual and anti-vaxers spreading misinformation who are making Seychelles cases soar. LOL such morons Sent: Thursday, May 6, 2021 4:30 PM Subject: India was not vaccinating until recently -- they were treating covid with ivermectin. Then they started vaccinating and suddenly people started getting sick. Now they are out of ventilators to kill, uh I mean oxygenate, the ill. Meanwhile, there is no covid in the rural areas. It's a govt-created "crisis." World's most vaccinated nation reintroduces curbs as cases surge REUTERS BLOOMBERG May 5, 2021 Seychelles, which has fully vaccinated more of its population against covid-19 than any other country, has closed schools and canceled sporting activities for two weeks as infections surge. The measures, which include bans on the intermingling of households and the early closure of bars, come even as the country has fully vaccinated more than 60% of its adult population with two doses of coronavirus vaccines. The curbs are similar to those last imposed at the end of 2020. "Despite of all the exceptional efforts we are making, the covid-19 situation in our country is critical right now with many daily cases reported last week," Peggy Vidot, the nation's health minister, said at a news conference Tuesday. ... predictive programmingby don - 2021-05-07 ( education / research ) [html version]Found this: There's also a 2003 movie called Absolon which features a frightening viral global pandemic. Then, there's a 'cure', which everyone becomes dependent on and is mandated to take regularly, with scary social credit punishments if one fails to do so. The film is hard to find, but I finally tracked it down and I have it. It's awful, trust me: endless unimaginative shoot-em-up chases, a dreadful script, and so on. So I don't really apologize for the spoiler. The big twist is that the virus died out long ago, which has been covered up. But the 'disease' is actually being perpetuated by the 'cure' at the hands of evil Big Pharma. And those who have a /*real*/ remedy for the entire thing are being silenced and killed. officers push backby don - 2021-05-07 ( education / research ) [html version]'Yesterday 15 active duty police officers and 5 retired officers in Ontario held a press release where as they have hired Rocco Galati to represent them against the governments covid response. Of course, no mainstream media coverage as explained why by Rocco Galati in this video. This is a red pill video, and was an hour long. I have clipped the most important stuff out of that video and put it in here. Note that everything I have been saying for a year is corroborated with evidence being entered into the courts. People, share this video far and wide. For more evidence of what Rocco Galati is saying in this video, you must first accept that when he says your government is lying to you, he is correct. That is the first step in winning this war. Here is more evidence of that fact: ' Mark McCandishby don - 2021-05-08 ( education / research ) [html version]Interesting interview with Mark McCandish who just died describes air force alien reproduction vehicles capable of light speed or better Truth or Fictionby doug - 2021-05-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Most people don't want to hear this. It's bad news. But would you rather be lied to and think everything is peachy or hear the truth no matter how bad? [] Situation Update, May 5th, 2021 -- DARPA-funded race-specific, self-replicating vaccine bioweapons REVEALED For more updates, visit: NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we're helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency. ▶️ Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important science and content goals for humanity: ▶️ Sign Up For Our Newsletter: ▶️ Brighteon: ▶️ Download our app: ▶️ Join Our Social Network: ▶️ Check In Stock Products at: Fight for your freedom: Vaccine Truth: surviving sex magickby don - 2021-05-08 ( education / research ) [html version]fascinating interview with a lady who was a "party favor' during the 1960s for the Nazi mk-ultra cult that included a lot of unnamed celebrities and also ones she named who are dead: Charles Manson, Roman Polanski, Phil Spector, Aquino, Bob Hope, Frank Zappa... she named some who I don't think are dead yet, like and Phillips she says Charles Manson did not think up the Helter Skelter race war theme, it was given to him. Notice how that's being implemented today with BLM and Cancel Culture? State of Our Worldby doug - 2021-05-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]From Israel to Canada and around the world, people are realizing things. Are you? What can we do to protect ourselves and families? Or are we just dead men walking because we didn't notice a problem and do something? At this point, if you see no problems, you are one of the walking dead. So sorry to give the bad news. [ /r8wq75doLqKP/EC6La5TxKpKF Epic Deception Being Exposed -- James Corbett Talks With Laura Lynn Mirrored -- COMMON LAW: Learn Common Law With Knowledge Is Power (Work your way through tabs at the top of page) -- http://knowledgeispo Mike Wallace on joy of flu shotsby don - 2021-05-09 ( education / research ) [html version]short, worth a watch
UPDATE: No longer available. I dare you to NOT love this song and lyrics !by doug - 2021-05-11 ( education / research ) [html version] pWish I could be there. Also wish Americans would do this. pOf course, the footage from this video is all faked and never really happened (according to the BBC). pMaybe they will have another even bigger non-existent event on the Saturday. p[] pLon Protest This Saturday 15th May - Let's Get Even More People There Than Last Time pCOMMON LAW: Learn Common Law With Knowledge Is Power (Work your way through tabs at the top of page) - http://knowledgeispower-uk.weebly/ Meet Your Strawman (Article) - https://www.ruralmoney/meet-your-strawman/ Common Law In 10 Minut=85 pDNA consultant p p pLionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund pdonations used for DNA testing p TIRED OF TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD?by don - 2021-05-11 ( education / research ) [html version]Sweden stops using PCR tests due to 96% false positives: *SWEDEN STOPS PCR TESTS AS Covid19 DIAGNOSIS.* *A growing body of research indicates an unacceptable level of false positives (96% at 35 cycles and above) to make the PCR a reliable diagnostic tool for covid.* Guidance on criteria for assessment of freedom from infection in covid-19 The Swedish Public Health Agency has developed national criteria for assessing freedom from infection in covid-19. The PCR technology used in tests to detect viruses cannot distinguish between viruses capable of infecting cells and viruses that have been neutralized by the immune system and therefore these tests cannot be used to determine whether someone is contagious or not. RNA from viruses can often be detected for weeks (sometimes months) after the illness but does not mean that you are still contagious. There are also several scientific studies that suggest that the infectivity of covid-19 is greatest at the beginning of the disease period. The recommended criteria for assessing freedom from infection are therefore based on stable clinical improvement with freedom from fever for at least two days and that at least seven days have passed since the onset of symptoms. For those who have had more pronounced symptoms, at least 14 days after the illness and for the very sickest, individual assessment by the treating doctor. The criteria have been developed in collaboration with representatives of the specialty associations in infectious disease medicine, clinical microbiology, hygiene and infection control. These have most recently been discussed in the group at a meeting on 19 April 2021 due to the new virus variants. The assessment was then that no update was needed. The recommendations will be updated as new knowledge about covid-19 infectivity is added. On 5/10/21 6:07 AM: That doesn't ring any bells with me. This Dr. Robert Young seems to exist. * Sent: *Sunday, May 9, 2021 11:05 PM * *Re: Not sure, but I think this is the same article I ran across maybe 6 months ago and checked into this and couldn't verify this person exists. Sunday, May 9, 2021 4:16 PM
Re: Apparently what they are calling covid-19 is Influenza A and Influenza B (after testing 1500 samples). Virologist/Immunologist is suing the CDC On 5/9/21 4:53 PM wrote: I think the standard reaction is for a fever to kill off bacteria, but a virus goes under the radar, so you have to help it out by inducing sweat On 5/9/21 3:45 PM: Yea, that reminds me that ie has had at least 2 and maybe 3 cases of extremely high temperatures. It got to about 105º if I recall. And while that was pretty worrisome, especially the first time we really freaked out, he amazingly was fine the very next day. It was so high that his body killed off whatever it was making him sick. I remember his doctor was also surprised and sort of just said it can sometimes be amazing like that. But from my experience, it is the exact opposite for a flu and getting a fever. Sunday, May 9, 2021 1:28 PM
Re: Typically your temperature will go below normal for a cold or flu. A good way to get over it is to sweat it out by bundling up in blankets. The heat kills it. On 5/9/21 3:19 PM: Strange, because in past cases for myself, I can't remember a single flu that didn't come with a fever. Same for my family. Here is something else: *Globalist World Population Goal = 500,000* Dr Vernon Coleman -- Why And How They Plan To Kill 7 Billion This advertisement has been selected by the BitChute platform. By purchasing and/or using the linked product you are helping to cover the costs of running BitChute. Sunday, May 9, 2021 1:16 PM
Re: It's rare for a flu or cold to give you a fever. On 5/9/21 2:17 PM: For us, we got a poster that said "covid Zone -- Stay Away!" which was effective. Since having a fever is not connected to any other disease, I can see how it must be covid. But it's interesting about being weak for months. I have learned that it could have some connection to your mitochondria which is the power source of our bodies, if I understand it correctly. Sunday, May 9, 2021 5:32 AM ; ;
Re: well, the hallmark of covid is supposedly a fever I missed a few days of work, and made a point of staying in bed after work and on weekends. My temp fluctuated between fever and chills. I was weak for months after. On 5/9/21 6:57 AM: If we had it, it was in March 2020 from ie's guitar teacher who said he had it while we went to his place and he came to us each week. And if that was our own covid experience, I guess our superior immune systems saved us and nobody noticed much of anything but an extremely mild case of the sniffles.
Sunday, May 9, 2021 4:53 AM
RE: I agree with . This thing called "covid" is most definitely a hoax, and by that I mean it's been blown WAY out of proportion. It's just another strain of flu. I had it, too, probably, in Feb. 2020. * Sent: *Sunday, May 9, 2021 6:09 AM * *Re: You can't awake the woke covid is not a hoax, I had it in Feb of 2019. It's just not from Wu Han. It's been in the population for a few years. If you had a flu with fever, that was probably what they're now calling covid. You probably have 17-year immunity, unless you screw that up with a "vaccine." On 5/9/21 3:38 AM: *TIRED OF TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD?* For nearly a year now, the bulk of my time has been spent trying to open the eyes of people about the covid hoax and then the election fraud, and now the covid shot that is a bioweapon. I think I'm finally done with that. Maybe no more people are willing or able to wake up. I hope I AM wrong, but how many times have you found such an amazing article or video you absolutely know this is going to finally wake up a dedicated sleeper? It has happened to me way too many times. And I have come to the conclusion some people, or even many (maybe most) people are too brain damaged to wake up. They are simply going to perish in the upcoming disaster. It's very sad, but if you take a step back and view the situation from afar, we must all realize people are following their own path and maybe that path includes staying asleep until their doom. Each person has ultimate say over what they do or not do. You can't make someone drink if they don't want. Maybe I'm just frustrated and lack the communication skills to convince people who have fallen for any of the plandemic traps. I will now stop looking for new ways to wake people up when I watch videos or see great articles. My new criteria is whether the video or article is informing myself of something I didn't already know. If it's just another similar message, I may not share it and may just shut it down. I'm looking for what new information I can learn now and everyone else will probably keep sleeping if they don't see that there is something wrong by now. The time I free up will be devoted more to the solutions, the DOING and volunteering my time - boots on the ground. The education time is mostly over, though I will keep up with any new developments. *NOW IS THE TIME TO FIX THESE PROBLEMS* If I decide to share anything, I probably won't add my own comments and probably just post only on my own profile instead of sharing to all the groups I belong to. And I AM encouraged by all the numerous things happening, especially to fix the political situation that has prevented honest elections. If you are at the same stage as myself and looking for something better to do with your time, I highly recommend you look in your area to find out who else is making a difference by doing something. *WE NEED DOERS NOW -- MORE THAN EVER* Canada May Have Some Hopeby doug - 2021-05-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]THIS DOCTOR IN CANADA IS AWESOME -- SHARE TO ALL FRIENDS -- FIGHT BACK !!!!! The 2nd scene with the little boy in convulsions after the vax is tragic to watch and some told me it brought them to tears. Just the thought of those stupid parents putting their child in a trial for a vax to supposedly protect him from a supposed disease he will never suffer from is incredible. Hopefully, at least some parents will wake the f-ck up before they kill their own children. LOLby doug - 2021-05-12 ( education / research ) [html version]--_000_BYAPR08MB40872738447DFA2CD8AA4A7ADE539BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" ________________________________ cheryl watts Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 12:01 AM [] Virus-free. --_000_BYAPR08MB40872738447DFA2CD8AA4A7ADE539BYAPR08MB4087namp_ charset="iso-8859-1" P
cheryl watts Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 12:01 AM
Virus-free. --_000_BYAPR08MB40872738447DFA2CD8AA4A7ADE539BYAPR08MB4087namp_-- Surprising info about FDRby steve - 2021-05-13 ( education / research ) [html version]After letting the banksters create the Federal Resserve, Wilson came out and admitted that it was a major mistake. (FYI: It was created in a meeting on Jeckyll Island)
On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 02:59:04 PM PDT someone wrote: My PhD high school history teacher thought Washington and Wilson were the 2 greatest presidents. He was right about Washington. Wilson was a disaster. And he was so sick his= wife and "kitchen cabinet" ran the country for a long time. On 5/11/21 10:51 AM: Woodrow Wilson gave the country to the global cabal when he allowed them to create the Federal Reserve (which is not federal and owned by the banksters) and they've been screwing up the country with their ties= to the commies (which FDR was with) ever since, except for JFK
On Monday, May 10, 2021, 11:51:55 PM PDT: 7529818163 P The Untold History And Shocking Truth About President FDR =E2=9C=85 Enjoy The Healthy Aging Support of Collagen =F0=9F"=A5 Get 51% Off Here =E2=9E=A1=EF=B8=8F This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^=F0=9F'=AA=F0=9F'=AA Check out David Rodriguez RAW, UNCENSORED & AD FREE! Click Here ^^^^ We are suppo... Faraday Bagby doug - 2021-05-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]When I get mine I will test it. I heard of the home-made type like you mentioned, but not sure how effective they are. Since lead is metal and known to block signals (I used to use lead barriers when sound recording years ago), I think an old lead bag will work. I just never spent time to find mine.
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 11:34 PM
Faraday bag a microwave oven is a Faraday cage. It's anything metal that surrounds your phone. You could put aluminum foil inside a cardboard box and it'd work (from what I've read) On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 11:01:49 PM , someone wrote: How can you stop your phone from being tracked? A Faraday bag is a pouch where you can put your cell phone. I didn't yet get mine, but I ordered from this American patriot -- Jeffrey Prather: I have also seen them listed for sale by Alex Jones, but the reviews were not good (if I recall). I also had the idea to get some lead cloth covering which might be what a Faraday bag is made of, and see if that blocks the signal as I suspect. I used to use one for my 35mm film when going through Xray security checks. Keeping people from tracking your every move could be smart these days. [] Faraday Bag Cell Phone -- JEFFREY PRATHER JACKET Cell Phone Faraday Bag 4¡堸 6¡堯ffers 85 dB (400 MHz-4 GHz), Anti-tracking & Anti-spying. High-quality Blocking Material and Quality Precision Stitching allow for Cell Signal, GPS, RFID and WiFi Signal Blocking. See other listings for additional variations and sizes of privacy bags. Fits all major cell phone makes and models as well as majority of latest external hard drives. Activist Recorded American TV 24 Hours a Day for 30+ Years to Protect the Truth (Documentary)by admin - 2021-05-14 ( culture / movies-tv-video / research / documentaries ) [html version]
New Hopeby doug - 2021-05-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Here's the full recorded episode -- one of the best ever, in my opinion. [ THE DEFINITION OF A BIO-WEAPON Fauci Denies NIH Funding; Defining a Bioweapon; CDC Stops Looking for Vaccine Failure; The Growing Toll of Vaccine Injury; Eric Clapton's Powerful Message #TheHighWire #EricClapton #StandAndDeliver #NIH #GainOfFunction
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 2:49 PM So he'll be dead by the end of May? :-) On 5/13/21 2:04 PM: There is hope for the idiots who got the covid shot This first man interviewed says there is science that will treat the bad effects of this covid bioweapon. He says in June he is going to reveal it. [ Watch -- The Highwire Watch Donate To Ican Coronavirus SCHOOL BANS VACCINATED TEACHERS Don't miss this important episode of The HighWire TOMORROW, May 13th, 2021 BACKDOOR DEALS FLORIDA TAKES THE LEAD AN AUTISM MIRACLE Don't miss an important episode of The HighWire TOMORROW, May 6th, 2021 ND GOVERNOR OVERRULED ON MASK MANDATES MIXED MESSAGES ON MASKS 1 2 3 Read More =BBWatch latest from Dr Youngby don - 2021-05-16 ( education / research ) [html version]by the way, Camelot has gone to a pay model, so you can watch but you can't download to get around this, I use an inexpensive Windows program called Total Recorder which lets you record anything as it streams On 5/15/21 4:29 AM someone wrote:
the virologist who proved the covid hoax remember when . .by doug - 2021-05-17 ( education / research ) [html version]Some people are terrific in school, amazing in business, very successful lawyers, doctors, scientists, but are so damn stupid they couldn't save themselves no matter what. Truly mind-boggling how effective mind control and brainwashing works. ________________________________ Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2021 8:18 PM Re: "laughing fools think"? that's a silly idea
On Saturday, May 15, 2021, 08:17:38 PM PDT: It was just this time last year when we were called conspiracy theorists when we said chips can be implanted through an injection? Ha, ha, ha, yea that was hilarious. I wonder what those laughing fools think now? Anything? Probably not. They were just sleeping with eyes wide open. Life is bliss. Yet another "theory" proven as fact. [] The Smallest-Ever Injectable Chip Hints at a Cybernetic MedicineIE The world's smallest computer chip is the size of a dust mite! Check out the future of medical tech. Remember When We Were Called Conspiracy Theorists When We Said Chips Can Be Implanted Through An Injection?by doug - 2021-05-17 ( education / research / health ) [html version]Some people are terrific in school, amazing in business, very successful lawyers, doctors, scientists, but are so damn stupid they couldn't save themselves, no matter what. Truly mind-boggling how effective mind control and brainwashing works. Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2021 8:18 PM laughing fools think? that's a silly idea On Saturday, May 15, 2021, 08:17:38 PM: It was just this time last year when we were called conspiracy theorists when we said chips can be implanted through an injection? Ha, ha, ha, yea that was hilarious. I wonder what those laughing fools think now? Anything? Probably not. They were just sleeping with eyes wide open. Life is bliss. See Yet another "theory" proven as fact. The Smallest-Ever Injectable Chip Hints at a Cybernetic Medicine. The world's smallest computer chip is the size of a dust mite! Check out the future of medical tech. UPDATE: And now here's one that can be swallowed. remember when .by doug - 2021-05-17 ( education / research ) [html version]Some people are terrific in school, amazing in business, very successful lawyers, doctors, scientists, but are so damn stupid they couldn't save themselves no matter what. Truly mind-boggling how effective mind control and brainwashing works. Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2021 8:18 PMRe: "laughing fools think"? that's a silly idea On Saturday, May 15, 2021, 08:17:38 PM : It was just this time last year when we were called conspiracy theorists when we said chips can be implanted through an injection? Ha, ha, ha, yea that was hilarious. I wonder what those laughing fools think now? Anything? Probably not. They were just sleeping with eyes wide open. Life is bliss. Yet another "theory" proven as fact. [] The Smallest-Ever Injectable Chip Hints at a Cybernetic MedicineIE The world's smallest computer chip is the size of a dust mite! Check out the future of medical tech. Sharyl Atkisson on child traffickingby don - 2021-05-17 ( education / research ) [html version]Her news show Full Measure covered Hollywood pedophilia, and even Isaac Kappy's allegations and "suicide." Looks like you can hear the audio version here: 3 Evil Chainstores that Deserve to Collapse and Failby doug - 2021-05-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Email from Peggy Hall: These stores are now reportedly "allowing" customers in without masks: Sprouts Trade Joe's Costco Not that I care! I will never give another penny to those tyrants that so blatantly discriminated against millions of people... And in many cases, these psychopaths called the cops to have LAW-ABIDING citizens arrested... for daring the BREATHE!! I will NEVER GROVEL and "thank" the slave-drivers for "giving me back" freedom. No sir, no way, no how. I have lived and shopped MASK-FREE for over a year. I shop at Ralphs (Krogers), Von's, Albertsons, Walmart -- and farmer's markets. So, even though I will NEVER give my business to these HORRIBLE stores that have shown themselves to be TRAITORS to freedom-loving Americans, it does give me a great sense of satisfaction that WE ARE WINNING! And we are NEVER going to stop. Ever. I plan on going to Sprouts and TRAITOR Joes to linger and show off my God-given bare face... and tell them that I AM never going to give them another penny, and I will encourage others to do the same. Remember When We Were Called Conspiracy Theorists?by doug - 2021-05-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Some people are terrific in school, amazing in business, very successful lawyers, doctors, scientists, but are so damn stupid they couldn't save themselves no matter what. Truly mind-boggling how effective mind control and brainwashing works. Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2021 8:18 PM "laughing fools think"? that's a silly idea On Saturday, May 15, 2021, 08:17:38 PM : It was just this time last year when we were called conspiracy theorists when we said chips can be implanted through an injection? Ha, ha, ha, yea that was hilarious. I wonder what those laughing fools think now? Anything? Probably not. They were just sleeping with eyes wide open. Life is bliss. Yet another "theory" proven as fact. [] The Smallest-Ever Injectable Chip Hints at a Cybernetic MedicineIE The world's smallest computer chip is the size of a dust mite! Check out the future of medical tech. Nazi Era Crimes Repeatby doug - 2021-05-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Great discussion about medical tyranny. [] Dr. Lee Merritt interviewed by the Health Ranger: Forced vaccines are a Holocaust-level crime against humanity NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we're helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency. ▶️ Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important science and content goals for humanity: ▶️ Sign Up For Our Newsletter: ▶️ Soundcloud: ▶️ Brighteon: ▶️ Download our app: ▶️ Join Our Social Network: ▶️ Check In Stock Products at: https://Prep Hearing Lossby doug - 2021-05-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]HEARING LOSS AFTER covid SHOT This is a new one to me. This video gets into more details. [] Hundreds Of People Reporting Severe Hearing Loss After Vax, ft. Chelsea Handler's Ear's Deaf Instagram Video Join our leading researchers on to find the best videos from across the censorship-resistant internet platforms like Odysee, LBRY, Bitchute & Brighteon. Coupon code noforcedmeds 40% off, recurring discount! (limited time offer) Add me on these great platforms: and Brought to you by the great supporters of this channel who fund this research. Join us on Patreon for exclusive content, censored videos and to help me make this channel even better. Australia Fights Backby doug - 2021-05-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]AND SO DOES ENGLAND: PT1 May 15th Lon England Worldwide Freedom March Rally Demonstration St. James Park BBC Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2021 1:54 AM PT2 May 15th Australia Melbourne Worldwide Freedom March Rally Demonstration Lockdowns Masks Vaccine And a little more: Aboriginals HUNTED BY MILITARY, Kids JABBED BY FORCE -- Stew Peters Airs DISTURBING Video Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 5:29 PM Here's more and it can't get any worse, but the military is doing it. Don't think for a second this isn't the plan for all countries. And the people who got vaxed will always be forced to get boosters forever. It also applies to you. And even if it is something you want to get, are you a Nazi, or something, and agree this is a good idea? Military Going Door to Door to Hunt Down Unvaccinated Aboriginals to Force Inject Them Many parts of Australia have become totalitarian police states with martial law, as the government has now targeted Aboriginals who have a low covid-19 vaccination rate by going door-to-door in their communities to forcibly inject them. Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 5:11 AM They wouldn't be doing this if they thought there was any possibility of answering to voters in the future, so it's a permanent situation as far as the govt is concerned. On 11/24/21 6:34 AM:
Disgusting. Don't forget Austria and probably Germany next. Fourth Reich, anyone? Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 3:44 AM Holding down kids 11+ and force-vaxing them is intelligent people?by doug - 2021-05-18 ( education / research ) [html version]
In this David Icke talk, he mentions demand in the USA for this poison shot is so low that excess doses are piling up all over. Some places have shut their doors. So these evil psychopaths are using marketing to get more people killed and we know they are coming after the kids. It's great to learn there are some intelligent humans here! [] The Astonishing Cover Up Of 'covid Vaccine' Deaths & Reactions -- David Icke Our Video Sponsor -- No Hype Invest -- The Answer is available now at Sign up to the brand new Ickonic Media Platform -- World To=85 End Game Documentary Seriesby doug - 2021-05-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]END GAME -- free documentary 9-part series starting May 25th Let's be honest, the average person's reaction to C0VID was not good. If we don't wake up and change what we're doing soon it could lead to the end of Western Civilization. Our supply chain has been exposed as FRAGILE. From debilitating ice storms and power grid failures in Texas, to pipeline ransoms and gas shortages all along the East Coast of the U.S., we're in for a lot of pain and suffering. Personally, I don't want to be the deer caught in the proverbial headlights as piece-by-piece the services and materials I've grown accustomed to are made unavailable. That's why I'm gearing up to watch the new docuseries from Revealed Films all about the End Game and how to survive the Great Reset. Just to Demonstrate How Tiny Electronics Have Gottenby bill - 2021-05-19 ( education / tech / research ) [html version]"Medicine." Sure. :) But, please, feel free to ridicule those who think there might be something similar in this covid "vaccine."
Read, listen or watch the rest here: The Smallest-Ever Injectable Chip Hints at a Cybernetic Medicine smart and brave girlby don - 2021-05-19 ( education / research ) [html version]I like the comment under the video: "The Vax was Not brought in for covid--covid was brought in for the vax. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense" -Dr Reiner Fullmich. Attorney On 5/18/21 3:28 PM: Powerful Speech From Young Girl About Mask Mandates At School & How It's Very Sad Telegram Chat: http://T.Me/DreamRareChat (I Answer All Messages Here) (Free Email List) (Hats & Shirts!) Science-ISMby don - 2021-05-20 ( education / research ) [html version]the word is "scientism" On 5/18/21 8:49 PM: *ATTACK ON THE RELIGION OF SCIENCE (FAKE SCIENCE)* Very interesting comments. 60 Minutes on UFOs on Sundayby don - 2021-05-20 ( education / research ) [html version]The reason they're talking about UFOs: fake alien invasion On 5/15/21 4:02 AM someone wrote:
I'm sure it'll just be more "we see them but don't know what they are." Arizonaby doug - 2021-05-20 ( education / research ) [html version] [] Maricopa County Refuses To Work With AZ Audit -- Begs to get Sued article -- Odysee Channel: Rumble: Webs=85 murderby don - 2021-05-20 ( education / research ) [html version]yes, the inventor of the PCR test (who conveniently died just before covid) was furious with Fauci for using his PCR test to "prove" Fauci's HIV hypothesis On 5/19/21 12:35 AM: *FAUCI GENOCIDE -- HIS 2ND RODEO* Watch this 1994 video mention this murderous scumbag's deeds Dr. Robert Wilner Presentation from 1994 Accusing Fauci and Others at NIH of Mass Genocide Recorded December 7th 1994 Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, Greensboro, N.C. Tuesday, May 18, 2021 10:00 PM
*IT'S NOT REALLY AN "EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE" -- THEY KNOW IT'S A KILL SHOT* covid-19 TRIAL VACCINE CALLED PREMEDITATED MURDER AS TENS OF THOUSANDS FALLING ILL AND DYING Criminal Fauci says Masks will continue to be worn indefinitely as the death toll mounts around the world. Biden says you can wear this mask forever or you can go take the deadly injection. Those are your choices and the sheep of course are complyi INFORMED CONSENT -- WOULDN'T IT BE GREAT IF WATCHING THIS WAS MANDATORY? [] MUST WATCH -- Show This To Your Friends & Family Who Want The 'Vaccine' -- PLEASE SHARE COMMON LAW: Learn Common Law With Knowledge Is Power (Work your way through tabs at the top of page) -- Meet Your Strawman (Article) -- Common Law In 10 Minut=85
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2021 10:00 PM To: Subject: IT'S NOT REALLY AN "EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE" -- THEY KNOW IT'S A KILL SHOT [] covid-19 TRIAL VACCINE CALLED PREMEDITATED MURDER AS TENS OF THOUSANDS FALLING ILL AND DYING Criminal Fauci says Masks will continue to be worn indefinitely as the death toll mounts around the world. Biden says you can wear this mask forever or you can go take the deadly injection. Those are your choices and the sheep of course are complyi=85 40-Year Doctorby doug - 2021-05-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Doctor for 40 years explains what is happening with covid. The entire video is good, but she is in the last segment starting at min 6. CHOOSE LIFE OR DEATH -- THE VIDEO EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH AND SHARE "It seems most people are choosing Death over Life and if that's what they want then who are we to stop them. With the internet pushing out the TRUTH day after day, hour after hour, there is no excuse for anyone not to know what's going on." Just Say Noby doug - 2021-05-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Potentially Wonderful News for UK Court Case [ /r8wq75doLqKP/dcZN1iky2Znj O'Bernicia -- Court Case against Hancock, Witty, Ferguson, Vallance -- Latest update O'Bernicia, aka The Bernician, guests for a fourth time to talk about the latest in the Private Criminal Prosecutions he has launched against Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty, Sir Patrick Vallance and Neil Ferguson for P@ndem!c Fr@ud and, by defau Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2021 8:59 PM !!!!! This is 1 example of how you refuse to comply to the tyranny. Hollywoodby doug - 2021-05-20 ( education / research ) [html version]SATANIC HOLLYWOOD -- SO SICK! [] VIEWER DISCRETION -- HOLLYWOOD EXPOSED -- EVERYONE SIGNS A CONTRACT WITHOUT READING THE FINE PRINT In order to become a star, to become famous, there is a MASONIC LUCIFERIAN contract to sign. Most have no idea what's in the Fine Print. Hollywood is 100% controlled by the Elite Pedophiles. Your very Soul is at stake .... but that's in the Fine=85 Comments on Economyby doug - 2021-05-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Interesting comments about money and the economy -- James Corbett Are you one of the complete fools to believe the hype? [ /ThhX40cqlo78/BvHnwo20ehk James Corbett on the Human Extinction Event SHOW NOTES AND MP3: In the latest edition of the ongoing "James Corbett redpills the normies" series, in this conversation from May 15, 2021, James talks to Jim Goddard of the mainstream "This Week in Money" good news on election auditsby doug - 2021-05-21 ( education / research ) [html version] HCQ recipeby don - 2021-05-21 ( education / research ) [html version]At *16:30* in this new video, Dr. Christiane Northrup explains how to make HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) at home — though in a second reference, after the recipe, she refers to it as quercetin. It sounds totally simple. I have NO idea of the biochemistry of this, and I'm merely posting what she said: Take 3 organic grapefruit and 3 organic lemons, take the rind off them, put them in a pot with a glass top, then simmer for 3 hours. Then let it cool down, strain it, then you can freeze it or put it in the fridge. Take 2 tablespoons (30 ml) twice a day, and it'll be very helpful. foodby doug - 2021-05-22 ( education / research ) [html version]ROGUE & ILLEGITIMATE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WANTS TO KILL US ALL Not only are the covid suicide shots getting crazy funding on TV, radio and on signs as we drive around by car, check out the last minute or so of this video (the whole thing is worth watching, but in particular the final minute about food) to see they are working hard to starve us - NO KIDDING!! [] The Silent War Ep. 6023: Hyper-Inflation, Medical Tyranny & Food Shortages - Prepare for the Worst In this episode of The Silent War: Inflation is roaring HOT! Civil Liberties v Medical Tyranny continues as states enact wildly different approaches. And rumors of food shortages to come. Sharing is caring. Click here for the best way to kee=85 how to reject the jabby doug - 2021-05-22 ( education / research ) [html version]
All the country is seeing colleges / universities "requiring" the suicide vax, but I don't know if I sent you a copy of my response to the email she got from Chico State. I will find it and send a CC so you can see what I said. They never responded, but I didn't expect it. In a nutshell, that "requirement" hinges on an FDA approval and that's impossible unless they cut the trial short. They are so desperate now to get more people vaxxed, so that wouldn't surprise me. But even if they do there are other remedies. Will look for my letter soon and forward. ________________________________ Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2021 9:29 PM Re: so I can claim religious exemption because I think the vaccine is the "number of the beast" (sorry to you who don't believe in the bible being any more than fairy tales)
On Thursday, May 20, 2021, 07:15:56 PM PDT someone wrote: might have to go to court, maybe a class action here's some data about schools On 5/20/21 8:57 PM: how about schools? Sac State students are told that they'll need the vax to return to classes in the Fall.
On Thursday, May 20, 2021, 04:57:32 PM PDT someone wrote: Employers May Be Held Liable for =91Any Adverse Reaction' if They Mandate covid Vaccines New OSHA guidance holds employers liable for adverse reactions if they require employees be vaccinated for covid as a condition of employment, which could negatively impact the employer's safety rating. By Megan Redshaw 1 Link copied New guidance from OSHA is making employers think twice about their covid vaccine requirements. The Defender is experiencing censorship on many social channels. Be sure to stay in touch with the news that matters by subscribing to our top news of the day. It's free. New guidance from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is making employers think twice about their covid vaccine requirements. On April 20, companies were put on notice they'll be responsible for any adverse reaction should they require their employees be vaccinated with a covid vaccine. In the Frequently Asked Questions section of OSHA's website having to do with covid safety compliance, a question was asked whether an adverse reaction to a covid vaccine had to be recorded if an employer mandated vaccination as a condition for employment. OSHA stated: "If you require your employees to be vaccinated as a condition of employment (i.e., for work-related reasons), then any adverse reaction to the covid vaccine is work-related. The adverse reaction is recordable if it is a new case under 29 CFR 1904.6 and meets one or more of the general recording criteria in 29 CFR 1904.7." In general, an adverse reaction to the covid vaccine is recordable if the reaction is: (1) work-related, (2) a new case and (3) meets one or more of the general recording criteria in 29 CFR 1904.7 (e.g., days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid). According to OSHA, recording requirements of serious work-related injuries and illness may leave employers with worker's compensation claims and impact their safety record. Conversely, OSHA states it will exercise enforcement discretion and will not require adverse reactions be recorded when an employer only "recommends" that employees receive the vaccine, while noting that for this discretion to apply, the vaccine must be truly voluntary. In determining whether a vaccine is "voluntary," the website states, "an employee's choice to accept or reject the vaccine cannot affect [his or her] performance rating or professional advancement," and that an "employee who chooses not to receive the vaccine cannot suffer any repercussions from this choice." If employees are not free to choose whether or not to receive the vaccine without fearing negative recourse, then the vaccine is required and employers should refer to the section on covid vaccines as a condition to employment. In response to the news that covid vaccine adverse reactions suffered by workers are reportable incidents, or incidents that count against a company's safety record, several large contractors said they have changed or will change their vaccination policy to only recommend -- not require -- a vaccine. CHD Calls on FDA to Take covid Vaccines Off the Market -- Sign the Petition Construction firm Clayco stepped back from a previously announced firmwide vaccine mandate in response to the recent federal guideline. "We, sadly, had to back off our [employee vaccination] mandate because OSHA did something I don't understand at all," said Bob Clark, founder and executive chairman of Clayco in a recent ENR Critical Path podcast. "I side with OSHA frequently, we're in its VIP program, but on this they're just wrong. It's a terrible decision they've made and I think it'll be overturned." "What they put forward could potentially discourage employers from supporting their workers getting the vaccine," said Kevin Cannon, senior director of safety and health services at the Associated General Contractors of America (ACG). ACG is not in support of any vaccine mandate, however the company participated in vaccine awareness week in April and hosted vaccine clinics on an active job site and in its offices. Cannon said some contractors may have changed their approach to those events had they known, at the time, they could potentially "be on the hook for recording these potential adverse reactions." All businesses and institutions will be very reluctant to mandate vaccinations if OSHA says adverse reactions count as reportable against a company's "experience modification rate." It's honestly ridiculous, Clark said. An experience modification rate, or EMR, is a safety rating insurers use in calculating workers' compensation. Part of the calculation includes reportable incidents -- a higher number of reportable incidents damages the company's safety ratings and could hike up the price of insurance, St. Louis Business Journal reported. Clark noted that Clayco wants to set an example and plans to challenge the guidance through lobbying and outreach to senators, and it's not alone in that effort. The company also will continue to strongly encourage employees to get vaccinated, log which employees do and are considering "vaccinated only" areas within its workspace. According to the National Law Review, employers may want to make it clear in communications to employees whether covid vaccines are required or voluntary. Employers may also consider circumstances in which OSHA will investigate an employer's recordkeeping practices. If an employer's vaccination program is voluntary, an employer may not have any entries resulting from adverse reactions. Under those circumstances, OSHA will have to ask the employer about the vaccination program and whether any employee suffered an adverse reaction. Employees may be more likely to make a complaint to OSHA when they have been denied time off for an illness that they consider to be work-related, which means post-vaccination paid time off may be helpful. Although OSHA is facing scrutiny for its guidance, it is consistent with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), which requires any product with this designation to be voluntary. Currently, Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson are only approved for emergency use. As reported by The Defender, this was reiterated in August 2020 at a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, where its executive secretary, Dr. Americanda Cohn, stated: "I just wanted to add that, just wanted to remind everybody, that under an Emergency Use Authorization, an EUA, vaccines are not allowed to be mandatory. So, early in this vaccination phase, individuals will have to be consented and they won't be able to be mandated." On 5/19/21 4:40 AM wrote: very comprehensive, thanks On 5/19/21 1:58 AM: I just started reading this: What to do if your employer, school, or parish demands you get the coronavirus vaccine What to do if your employer, school, or parish demands you get the coron... What are your rights in these, and similar, situations? Read expert opinions and available resources. Russian Sputnik jab trackerby don - 2021-05-22 ( education / research ) [html version]Also, injection site sets off EMF meter: On 5/21/21 10:24 AM someone wrote:
Russian hacker hacks into his friend's tracking device from the vaccine: That's a fascinating idea. Maybe the mitochondrial DNA which is our power supply is being harnessed. Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 10:28 AM To: Subject: Re: so, the vaccine is sending out EMF signals? Wouldn't that require a battery? Might the thing suck off energy from the person to power the EMF transmission?
On Friday, May 21, 2021, 08:39:03 AM someone wrote: Also, injection site sets off EMF meter: On 5/21/21 10:24 AM someone wrote: Russian hacker hacks into his friend's tracking device from the vaccine: cdc vaccine cardby don - 2021-05-22 ( education / research ) [html version]feeling pressured but don't want the jab? ------ 343059_943359860.1621616074299 I have scanned in the card of the old idiot liberal that we were stuck with for months and months (attached with the letter she got)
On Friday, May 21, 2021, 08:48:06 AM someone wrote: feeling pressured but don't want the jab? -- 343059_943359860.1621616074299 I have scanned in the card of the old idiot liberal that we were stuck with for months and months (attached with the letter she got)
On Friday, May 21, 2021, 08:48:06 AM someone wrote: feeling pressured but don't want the jab? 343059_943359860.1621616074299-- A Warning About Foodby doug - 2021-05-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]ROGUE & ILLEGITIMATE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WANTS TO KILL US ALL Not only are the covid suicide shots getting crazy funding on TV, radio and on signs as we drive around by car, check out the last minute or so of this video (the whole thing is worth watching, but in particular the final minute about food) to see they are working hard to starve us -- NO KIDDING!! [ /QKL2mVYPDV5u/oq7TOD1OS5b4 The Silent War Ep. 6023: Hyper-Inflation, Medical Tyranny & Food Shortages -- Prepare for the Worst In this episode of The Silent War: Inflation is roaring HOT! Civil Liberties v Medical Tyranny continues as states enact wildly different approaches. And rumors of food shortages to come. Sharing is caring. enough to make you want to be Catholic?by don - 2021-05-22 ( education / research ) [html version]Actually, their timeline in 2019 was to have a fake alien invasion by the end of 2022 -- and the fake aliens will win. That's why Mark McCandlish was probably killed. On 5/21/21 1:53 PM someone wrote:
maybe force us to choose between evil aliens and evil humans On 5/21/21 1:27 PM: they've been trying to accomplish for generations, only now they won't hide the fact that aliens are running things, or at least trying to run the idiots/bad guys. * Sent: *Friday, May 21, 2021 1:09 PM ; Subject: *Re: no, they want to unite the world behind dangerous aliens In Catholic school as vicious as Roman rule I got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black On 5/22/21 8:02 AM:
I think I was hit on the hands once by a nun. Not sure if that was a real memory, though. * Sent: *Friday, May 21, 2021 11:18 PM ; ory Subject: *Re: yeah, but you deserved it. I was never hit by one. ") On Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:04:22 PM ory wrote:
You guys never had the experience of being hit with a yardstick by a nun, that's what I miss the most. :-) On 5/21/2021 8:32 PM: Not even the Pope's snake building in Rome or all the satanic gargoyles?� Friday, May 21, 2021 2:13 PM
RE: � You don�t miss the nuns and all the dark imagery, black clothing and oppression?� Hmmm. � � * Sent: *Friday, May 21, 2021 4:11 PM ;
Subject: *Re: � That's great, but nothing could make me ever want to be a Catholic again! On 5/21/2021 10:11 AM someone wrote:
yeah, they're going for the disclosure agenda On 5/21/21 11:16 AM: Catholic Conference to Discuss Extraterrestrials, AI and Life �Beyond H �
Catholic Conference to Discuss Extraterrestrials, AI and Life �Beyond H ExoNews Editor Article by Christopher Plain April 19, 2021 � � � � yeah, but you deserved it. I was never hit by one. ") On Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:04:22 PM :
You guys never had the experience of being hit with a yardstick by a nun, that's what I miss the most. :-) On 5/21/2021 8:32 PM: #yiv0439330749 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;} Not even the Pope's snake building in Rome or all the satanic gargoyles?=C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 2:13 PM To: Subject: RE: enough to make you want to be Catholic? =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv0439330749 p.yiv0439330749x_MsoNormal, #yiv0439330749 li.yiv0439330749x_MsoNormal, #yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_MsoNormal {margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv0439330749 h2 {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:18.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;font-weight:bold;}#yiv0439330749 a:link, #yiv0439330749 span.yiv0439330749x_MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv0439330749 span.yiv0439330749x_Heading2Char {font-family:sans-serif;font-weight:bold;}#yiv0439330749 p.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-richinfo-primary, #yiv0439330749 li.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-richinfo-primary, #yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-richinfo-primary {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv0439330749 p.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-description, #yiv0439330749 li.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-description, #yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-description {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv0439330749 .yiv0439330749x_MsoChpDefault {}#yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_WordSection1 {}You don=C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BDt miss the nuns and all the dark imagery, black clothing and oppression?=C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD Hmmm. =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 4:11 PM Subject: Re: =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD That's great, but nothing could make me ever want to be a Catholic again! On 5/21/2021 10:11 AM someone wrote:
yeah, they're going for the disclosure agenda On 5/21/21 11:16 AM: Catholic Conference to Discuss Extraterrestrials, AI and Life =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BDBeyond H =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD Catholic Conference to Discuss Extraterrestrials, AI and Life =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BDBeyond H ExoNews Editor Article by Christopher Plain April 19, 2021 =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD yeah, but you deserved it. I was never hit by one. ") On Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:04:22 PM :
You guys never had the experience of being hit with a yardstick by a nun, that's what I miss the most. :-) On 5/21/2021 8:32 PM: #yiv0439330749 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;} Not even the Pope's snake building in Rome or all the satanic gargoyles?=C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 2:13 PM To: Subject: RE: enough to make you want to be Catholic? =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv0439330749 p.yiv0439330749x_MsoNormal, #yiv0439330749 li.yiv0439330749x_MsoNormal, #yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_MsoNormal {margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv0439330749 h2 {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:18.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;font-weight:bold;}#yiv0439330749 a:link, #yiv0439330749 span.yiv0439330749x_MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv0439330749 span.yiv0439330749x_Heading2Char {font-family:sans-serif;font-weight:bold;}#yiv0439330749 p.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-richinfo-primary, #yiv0439330749 li.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-richinfo-primary, #yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-richinfo-primary {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv0439330749 p.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-description, #yiv0439330749 li.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-description, #yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-description {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv0439330749 .yiv0439330749x_MsoChpDefault {}#yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_WordSection1 {}You don=C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BDt miss the nuns and all the dark imagery, black clothing and oppression?=C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD Hmmm. =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 4:11 PM Subject: Re: =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD That's great, but nothing could make me ever want to be a Catholic again! On 5/21/2021 10:11 AM someone wrote:
yeah, they're going for the disclosure agenda On 5/21/21 11:16 AM: Catholic Conference to Discuss Extraterrestrials, AI and Life =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BDBeyond H =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD Catholic Conference to Discuss Extraterrestrials, AI and Life =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BDBeyond H ExoNews Editor Article by Christopher Plain April 19, 2021 =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD yeah, but you deserved it. I was never hit by one. ") On Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:04:22 PM :
You guys never had the experience of being hit with a yardstick by a nun, that's what I miss the most. :-) On 5/21/2021 8:32 PM: #yiv0439330749 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;} Not even the Pope's snake building in Rome or all the satanic gargoyles?=C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 2:13 PM To: Subject: RE: enough to make you want to be Catholic? =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv0439330749 p.yiv0439330749x_MsoNormal, #yiv0439330749 li.yiv0439330749x_MsoNormal, #yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_MsoNormal {margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv0439330749 h2 {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:18.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;font-weight:bold;}#yiv0439330749 a:link, #yiv0439330749 span.yiv0439330749x_MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv0439330749 span.yiv0439330749x_Heading2Char {font-family:sans-serif;font-weight:bold;}#yiv0439330749 p.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-richinfo-primary, #yiv0439330749 li.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-richinfo-primary, #yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-richinfo-primary {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv0439330749 p.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-description, #yiv0439330749 li.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-description, #yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-description {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv0439330749 .yiv0439330749x_MsoChpDefault {}#yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_WordSection1 {}You don=C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BDt miss the nuns and all the dark imagery, black clothing and oppression?=C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD Hmmm. =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 4:11 PM Subject: Re: =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD That's great, but nothing could make me ever want to be a Catholic again! On 5/21/2021 10:11 AM someone wrote:
yeah, they're going for the disclosure agenda On 5/21/21 11:16 AM: Catholic Conference to Discuss Extraterrestrials, AI and Life =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BDBeyond H =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD Catholic Conference to Discuss Extraterrestrials, AI and Life =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BDBeyond H ExoNews Editor Article by Christopher Plain April 19, 2021 =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD yeah, but you deserved it. I was never hit by one. ")
On Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:04:22 PM : You guys never had the experience of being hit with a yardstick by a nun, that's what I miss the most. :-) On 5/21/2021 8:32 PM: #yiv0439330749 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;} Not even the Pope's snake building in Rome or all the satanic gargoyles?=C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 2:13 PM
Subject: RE: enough to make you want to be Catholic? =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv0439330749 p.yiv0439330749x_MsoNormal, #yiv0439330749 li.yiv0439330749x_MsoNormal, #yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_MsoNormal {margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv0439330749 h2 {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:18.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;font-weight:bold;}#yiv0439330749 a:link, #yiv0439330749 span.yiv0439330749x_MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv0439330749 span.yiv0439330749x_Heading2Char {font-family:sans-serif;font-weight:bold;}#yiv0439330749 p.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-richinfo-primary, #yiv0439330749 li.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-richinfo-primary, #yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-richinfo-primary {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv0439330749 p.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-description, #yiv0439330749 li.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-description, #yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_ydpb9877578card-description {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:sans-serif;}#yiv0439330749 .yiv0439330749x_MsoChpDefault {}#yiv0439330749 div.yiv0439330749x_WordSection1 {}You don=C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BDt miss the nuns and all the dark imagery, black clothing and oppression?=C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD Hmmm. =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 4:11 PM Subject: Re: =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD That's great, but nothing could make me ever want to be a Catholic again! On 5/21/2021 10:11 AM someone wrote: yeah, they're going for the disclosure agenda On 5/21/21 11:16 AM: Catholic Conference to Discuss Extraterrestrials, AI and Life =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BDBeyond H =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD Catholic Conference to Discuss Extraterrestrials, AI and Life =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BDBeyond H ExoNews Editor Article by Christopher Plain April 19, 2021 =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD =C3=AF=C2=BF=C2=BD How to deal with employer pressure to be vaxxedby doug - 2021-05-23 ( education / research ) [html version]In case anyone you know might be interested in this information: Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 12:39 PM How to deal with employer pressure to be vaxxedlgs Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 10:25 AMHow to deal with employer pressure to be vaxxed A link on an example letter you can write, if you are being told by your employer to get vaxx. ❤️?? Here is more on this: [] EEOC SAYS BUSINESSES MUST HONOR EXEMPTIONS -- Peggy Hall May 19, 2021 The EEOC is in the news because it's the government agency that has to do with your equal employment rights. Come visit the EEOC website with me. Subscribe to my ad-free, censorship-free, EXCLUSIVE private video platform here: ht... ________________________________ From: Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 1:33 PM To: Subject: In case anyone you know might be interested in this information: ________________________________ From: Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 12:39 PM To: Subject: From: lgs Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 10:25 AM Subject: A link on an example letter you can write, if you are being told by your employer to get vaxx. ❤️?? Remote Viewing 2050by don - 2021-05-23 ( education / research ) [html version]DIA remote.webp viewer Lyn Buchanan talks about massive population reduction by 2050: solar generator looks pretty goodby doug - 2021-05-23 ( education / research ) [html version] [] NATURE'S GENERATOR 3600-Watt Solar Powered Portable Generator w/ 4 Solar Panels, Power Pod and Wind Turbine Kit-HKNGPTELW -- The Home Depot The Nature's Generator Elite -- Platinum System is a unit that stores electrical energy in its battery and converts it to electricity. Nature's Generator does not require gas and can be used indoors unlike gas generators. ________________________________ Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 11:00 AM Re: that same one? We have a trailer and I'm not sure how I'd hook it up so it kept the trailer battery charged (I also have a solar panel but AM not sure about that, either)
On Saturday, May 22, 2021, 10:52:06 AM PDT: We just bought one that I need to set up. ________________________________ Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:32 AM I just saw this. It looks pretty good but I haven't done any comparing: Patriot Power SidekickDefault Title Patriot Power SidekickDefault Title Keep your family safe in a dangerous blackout using free energy from the sun. Our mini solar generator is the be... UN Dr exposed vaccination depopulationby don - 2021-05-24 ( education / research / conspiracies / covid ) [html version]There's a download button. Biden Activates Gestapo Programby steve - 2021-05-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]DHS article on it:DHS Creates New Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships and Additional Efforts to Comprehensively Combat Domestic Violent Extremism DHS Creates New Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships and Addi... Building on the Biden-Harris Administration's commitment to combating all forms of terrorism and targeted violen... On Saturday, May 22, 2021, 06:52:25 PM someone wrote:
called CP3 Dr. Colemanby doug - 2021-05-24 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]most who think about it finally realize it's not science, but corporate scientism which is using the science community to subvert real science and find a way to make a profit rather than let the chips fall where they may when discovering new things. True science would never claim "the science is settled" -- that's just the Big Pharma propaganda machine trying to keep people sleeping. Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:27 PM one thing that he mentioned was "gullible" and "global warming. Liberals (like our neighbors) have signs that say amongst other things that "science is real" but all they know is social science. I AM frequently trying to educate people about CO2 and warming. Scientists (no, not social scientists) studied ice cores in Vostok, Antarctica. In studying "400,000" years of them, it showed that higher CO2 FOLLOWED the warming. The crazy thing about that study was (even in a video they put out) that though their own data showed that, they were still saying that CO2 caused the warming, as though it came first. Yeah, so many gullible people don't understand science (or what their eyes show) and instead believe the lies of Al Gore and the media. On Saturday, May 22, 2021, 10:03:19 PM : Nobody will debate Dr. Coleman, so will they kill him instead? ------=799292_1176217052.1621788460887 but as I said, the research was done in Vostok and nobody pays attention to it. I'm attaching the graph for anybody who dares to educate themself On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 09:39:56 AM : 6042329429 P It would be funny to get a grant to study it, but actually do it and reveal the lies. Problem is their paper wouldn't get approved for publication because as we all know "the truth must never be revealed." Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 9:00 AM = you can't get a grant to study how global warming is a LIE. all studies' financing comes from places that go along with the lie On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 02:42:45 AM someone wrote:
Well there's a large consensus of scientists on our payroll who belief in human-caused global warming :-) On 5/23/21 12:41 AM: 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 p 6042329429 Yea, most who think about it finally realize it's not science, but corporate scientism which is using the science community to subvert real science and find a way to make a profit rather than let the chips fall where they may when discovering new things. True science would never claim "the science is settled" -- that's just the Big Pharma propaganda machine trying to keep people sleeping. Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:27 PM = one thing that he mentioned was "gullible" and "global warming.Liberals (like our neighbors) have signs that say amongst other things that "science is real" but all they know is social science. I AM frequently trying to educate people about CO2 and warming. Scientists (no, not social scientists) studied ice cores in Vostok, Antarctica. In studying "400,000" years of them, it showed that higher CO2 FOLLOWED the warming. The crazy thing about that study was (even in a video they put out) that though their own data showed that, they were still saying that CO2 caused the warming, as though it came first. Yeah, so many gullible people don't understand science (or what their eyes show) and instead believe the lies of Al Gore and the media. On Saturday, May 22, 2021, 10:03:19 PM : 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 6042329429x_yiv1094210411x_yiv6100704017 p 6042329429 Nobody will debate Dr. Coleman, so will they kill him instead? --=799292_1176217052.1621788460887 but as I said, the research was done in Vostok and nobody pays attention to it. I'm attaching the graph for anybody who dares to educate themself On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 09:39:56 AM : 6042329429 P It would be funny to get a grant to study it, but actually do it and reveal the lies. Problem is their paper wouldn't get approved for publication because as we all know "the truth must never be revealed." Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 9:00 AM
you can't get a grant to study how global warming is a LIE. all studies' financing comes from places that go along with the lie On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 02:42:45 AM someone wrote: Well there's a large consensus of scientists on our payroll who belief in human-caused global warming :-) On 5/23/21 12:41 AM: 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 p 6042329429 Yea, most who think about it finally realize it's not science, but corporate scientism which is using the science community to subvert real science and find a way to make a profit rather than let the chips fall where they may when discovering new things. True science would never claim "the science is settled" -- that's just the Big Pharma propaganda machine trying to keep people sleeping. Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:27 PM
one thing that he mentioned was "gullible" and "global warming. Liberals (like our neighbors) have signs that say amongst other things that "science is real" but all they know is social science. I AM frequently trying to educate people about CO2 and warming. Scientists (no, not social scientists) studied ice cores in Vostok, Antarctica. In studying "400,000" years of them, it showed that higher CO2 FOLLOWED the warming. The crazy thing about that study was (even in a video they put out) that though their own data showed that, they were still saying that CO2 caused the warming, as though it came first. Yeah, so many gullible people don't understand science (or what their eyes show) and instead believe the lies of Al Gore and the media. On Saturday, May 22, 2021, 10:03:19 PM , wrote: 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 6042329429x_yiv1094210411x_yiv6100704017 p 6042329429 Nobody will debate Dr. Coleman, so will they kill him instead? --=799292_1176217052.1621788460887-- ------=799292_1176217052.1621788460887 but as I said, the research was done in Vostok and nobody pays attention to it. I'm attaching the graph for anybody who dares to educate themself On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 09:39:56 AM : 6042329429 P It would be funny to get a grant to study it, but actually do it and reveal the lies. Problem is their paper wouldn't get approved for publication because as we all know "the truth must never be revealed." Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 9:00 AM = you can't get a grant to study how global warming is a LIE. all studies' financing comes from places that go along with the lie On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 02:42:45 AM someone wrote:
Well there's a large consensus of scientists on our payroll who belief in human-caused global warming :-) On 5/23/21 12:41 AM: 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 p 6042329429 Yea, most who think about it finally realize it's not science, but corporate scientism which is using the science community to subvert real science and find a way to make a profit rather than let the chips fall where they may when discovering new things. True science would never claim "the science is settled" -- that's just the Big Pharma propaganda machine trying to keep people sleeping. Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:27 PM = one thing that he mentioned was "gullible" and "global warming.Liberals (like our neighbors) have signs that say amongst other things that "science is real" but all they know is social science. I AM frequently trying to educate people about CO2 and warming. Scientists (no, not social scientists) studied ice cores in Vostok, Antarctica. In studying "400,000" years of them, it showed that higher CO2 FOLLOWED the warming. The crazy thing about that study was (even in a video they put out) that though their own data showed that, they were still saying that CO2 caused the warming, as though it came first. Yeah, so many gullible people don't understand science (or what their eyes show) and instead believe the lies of Al Gore and the media. On Saturday, May 22, 2021, 10:03:19 PM : 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 6042329429x_yiv1094210411x_yiv6100704017 p 6042329429 Nobody will debate Dr. Coleman, so will they kill him instead? --=799292_1176217052.1621788460887 but as I said, the research was done in Vostok and nobody pays attention to it. I'm attaching the graph for anybody who dares to educate themself On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 09:39:56 AM : 6042329429 P It would be funny to get a grant to study it, but actually do it and reveal the lies. Problem is their paper wouldn't get approved for publication because as we all know "the truth must never be revealed." Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 9:00 AM
you can't get a grant to study how global warming is a LIE. all studies' financing comes from places that go along with the lie On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 02:42:45 AM someone wrote: Well there's a large consensus of scientists on our payroll who belief in human-caused global warming :-) On 5/23/21 12:41 AM: 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 p 6042329429 Yea, most who think about it finally realize it's not science, but corporate scientism which is using the science community to subvert real science and find a way to make a profit rather than let the chips fall where they may when discovering new things. True science would never claim "the science is settled" -- that's just the Big Pharma propaganda machine trying to keep people sleeping. Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:27 PM
one thing that he mentioned was "gullible" and "global warming. Liberals (like our neighbors) have signs that say amongst other things that "science is real" but all they know is social science. I AM frequently trying to educate people about CO2 and warming. Scientists (no, not social scientists) studied ice cores in Vostok, Antarctica. In studying "400,000" years of them, it showed that higher CO2 FOLLOWED the warming. The crazy thing about that study was (even in a video they put out) that though their own data showed that, they were still saying that CO2 caused the warming, as though it came first. Yeah, so many gullible people don't understand science (or what their eyes show) and instead believe the lies of Al Gore and the media. On Saturday, May 22, 2021, 10:03:19 PM , wrote: 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 6042329429x_yiv1094210411x_yiv6100704017 p 6042329429 Nobody will debate Dr. Coleman, so will they kill him instead? --=799292_1176217052.1621788460887-- ------=799292_1176217052.1621788460887 but as I said, the research was done in Vostok and nobody pays attention to it. I'm attaching the graph for anybody who dares to educate themself On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 09:39:56 AM : 6042329429 P It would be funny to get a grant to study it, but actually do it and reveal the lies. Problem is their paper wouldn't get approved for publication because as we all know "the truth must never be revealed." Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 9:00 AM = you can't get a grant to study how global warming is a LIE. all studies' financing comes from places that go along with the lie On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 02:42:45 AM someone wrote:
Well there's a large consensus of scientists on our payroll who belief in human-caused global warming :-) On 5/23/21 12:41 AM: 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 p 6042329429 Yea, most who think about it finally realize it's not science, but corporate scientism which is using the science community to subvert real science and find a way to make a profit rather than let the chips fall where they may when discovering new things. True science would never claim "the science is settled" -- that's just the Big Pharma propaganda machine trying to keep people sleeping. Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:27 PM = one thing that he mentioned was "gullible" and "global warming.Liberals (like our neighbors) have signs that say amongst other things that "science is real" but all they know is social science. I AM frequently trying to educate people about CO2 and warming. Scientists (no, not social scientists) studied ice cores in Vostok, Antarctica. In studying "400,000" years of them, it showed that higher CO2 FOLLOWED the warming. The crazy thing about that study was (even in a video they put out) that though their own data showed that, they were still saying that CO2 caused the warming, as though it came first. Yeah, so many gullible people don't understand science (or what their eyes show) and instead believe the lies of Al Gore and the media. On Saturday, May 22, 2021, 10:03:19 PM : 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 6042329429x_yiv1094210411x_yiv6100704017 p 6042329429 Nobody will debate Dr. Coleman, so will they kill him instead? --=799292_1176217052.1621788460887 but as I said, the research was done in Vostok and nobody pays attention to it. I'm attaching the graph for anybody who dares to educate themself On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 09:39:56 AM : 6042329429 P It would be funny to get a grant to study it, but actually do it and reveal the lies. Problem is their paper wouldn't get approved for publication because as we all know "the truth must never be revealed." Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 9:00 AM
you can't get a grant to study how global warming is a LIE. all studies' financing comes from places that go along with the lie On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 02:42:45 AM someone wrote: Well there's a large consensus of scientists on our payroll who belief in human-caused global warming :-) On 5/23/21 12:41 AM: 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 p 6042329429 Yea, most who think about it finally realize it's not science, but corporate scientism which is using the science community to subvert real science and find a way to make a profit rather than let the chips fall where they may when discovering new things. True science would never claim "the science is settled" -- that's just the Big Pharma propaganda machine trying to keep people sleeping. Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:27 PM
one thing that he mentioned was "gullible" and "global warming. Liberals (like our neighbors) have signs that say amongst other things that "science is real" but all they know is social science. I AM frequently trying to educate people about CO2 and warming. Scientists (no, not social scientists) studied ice cores in Vostok, Antarctica. In studying "400,000" years of them, it showed that higher CO2 FOLLOWED the warming. The crazy thing about that study was (even in a video they put out) that though their own data showed that, they were still saying that CO2 caused the warming, as though it came first. Yeah, so many gullible people don't understand science (or what their eyes show) and instead believe the lies of Al Gore and the media. On Saturday, May 22, 2021, 10:03:19 PM , wrote: 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 6042329429x_yiv1094210411x_yiv6100704017 p 6042329429 Nobody will debate Dr. Coleman, so will they kill him instead? --=799292_1176217052.1621788460887-- ------=799292_1176217052.1621788460887 but as I said, the research was done in Vostok and nobody pays attention to it. I'm attaching the graph for anybody who dares to educate themself
On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 09:39:56 AM : 6042329429 P It would be funny to get a grant to study it, but actually do it and reveal the lies. Problem is their paper wouldn't get approved for publication because as we all know "the truth must never be revealed." Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 9:00 AM = you can't get a grant to study how global warming is a LIE. all studies' financing comes from places that go along with the lie
On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 02:42:45 AM someone wrote: Well there's a large consensus of scientists on our payroll who belief in human-caused global warming :-) On 5/23/21 12:41 AM: 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 p 6042329429 Yea, most who think about it finally realize it's not science, but corporate scientism which is using the science community to subvert real science and find a way to make a profit rather than let the chips fall where they may when discovering new things. True science would never claim "the science is settled" -- that's just the Big Pharma propaganda machine trying to keep people sleeping.
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:27 PM
= one thing that he mentioned was "gullible" and "global warming.Liberals (like our neighbors) have signs that say amongst other things that "science is real" but all they know is social science. I AM frequently trying to educate people about CO2 and warming. Scientists (no, not social scientists) studied ice cores in Vostok, Antarctica. In studying "400,000" years of them, it showed that higher CO2 FOLLOWED the warming. The crazy thing about that study was (even in a video they put out) that though their own data showed that, they were still saying that CO2 caused the warming, as though it came first. Yeah, so many gullible people don't understand science (or what their eyes show) and instead believe the lies of Al Gore and the media.
On Saturday, May 22, 2021, 10:03:19 PM : 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 6042329429x_yiv1094210411x_yiv6100704017 p 6042329429 Nobody will debate Dr. Coleman, so will they kill him instead? --=799292_1176217052.1621788460887 but as I said, the research was done in Vostok and nobody pays attention to it. I'm attaching the graph for anybody who dares to educate themself
On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 09:39:56 AM : 6042329429 P It would be funny to get a grant to study it, but actually do it and reveal the lies.
Problem is their paper wouldn't get approved for publication because as we all know "the truth must never be revealed."
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 9:00 AM
you can't get a grant to study how global warming is a LIE. all studies' financing comes from places that go along with the lie
On Sunday, May 23, 2021, 02:42:45 AM someone wrote:
Well there's a large consensus of scientists on our payroll who belief in human-caused global warming :-) On 5/23/21 12:41 AM: 6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 p
6042329429 Yea, most who think about it finally realize it's not science, but corporate scientism which is using the science community to subvert real science and find a way to make a profit rather than let the chips fall where they may when discovering new things. True science would never claim "the science is settled" -- that's just the Big Pharma propaganda machine trying to keep people sleeping.
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:27 PM
one thing that he mentioned was "gullible" and "global warming. Liberals (like our neighbors) have signs that say amongst other things that "science is real" but all they know is social science. I AM frequently trying to educate people about CO2 and warming. Scientists (no, not social scientists) studied ice cores in Vostok, Antarctica. In studying "400,000" years of them, it showed that higher CO2 FOLLOWED the warming. The crazy thing about that study was (even in a video they put out) that though their own data showed that, they were still saying that CO2 caused the warming, as though it came first. Yeah, so many gullible people don't understand science (or what their eyes show) and instead believe the lies of Al Gore and the media.
On Saturday, May 22, 2021, 10:03:19 PM , wrote:
6042329429 6042329429 --6042329429x_yiv1094210411 6042329429x_yiv1094210411x_yiv6100704017 p
Nobody will debate Dr. Coleman, so will they kill him instead? --=799292_1176217052.1621788460887-- Uk Whistleblower - Wowby doug - 2021-05-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I didn't think this video would be that interesting or bring new information for me, but was surprised. It's worth a listen. I speed up the playback speed to get through faster. Maybe the most important information that is new to me is the prostate issues. First I heard of this. And people losing control of their bowels -- another first for me to hear it. Thanks to this brave whistleblower in England! Santa Clara Countyby don - 2021-05-25 ( education / research ) [html version]if you get arrested for not getting a shot, then you'll have to get a lawyer or maybe try the ACLU in any event, they might back down because they are violating the constitution, especially Roe v Wade On 5/24/21 3:26 PM: *Santa Clara County (Silicon Valley, etc) beware* *As California goes, so goes the rest of the states* *As the USA goes, so goes the rest of the world* Just because this is about Santa Clara County't think for a minute you are safe from the insanity. Even in good states like Texas, Florida, South Dakota, we see governors pushing this covid shot that is a known bioweapon that kills and maims. Corporations tend to be globalists and want to control everyone. They are psychotic and don't think enough to realize their own family, relatives, friends, are going to be affected by this fascist tyranny. *Most importantly, they want to scare people into submission. *They want to use coercion, loss of job, intimidation (or threat) by the police or sheriff, with the goal to kill everyone with their covid shot that is falsely called a "vaccine" and is merely the global depopulation agenda. *Under the Enforcement section* Santa Clara County (Silicon Valley, etc) beware As California goes, so goes the rest of the states As the USA goes, so goes the rest of the world Just because this is about Santa Clara County't think for a minute you are safe from the insanity. Even in good states like Texas, Florida, South Dakota, we see governors pushing this covid shot that is a known bioweapon that kills and maims. Corporations tend to be globalists and want to control everyone. They are psychotic and don't think enough to realize their own family, relatives, friends, are going to be affected by this fascist tyranny. Most importantly, they want to scare people into submission. They want to use coercion, loss of job, intimidation (or threat) by the police or sheriff, with the goal to kill everyone with their covid shot that is falsely called a "vaccine" and is merely the global depopulation agenda. Under the Enforcement section they quote several codes without any links. Here are some of those that says the sheriff "may" enforce the dictates of the health officer:'t_code_section_26602 This other code says about the same thing:'t_code_section_41601 Another code they quote involving the sheriff says about the same thing using the word "may": The last citation seems to be intended to waste everyone's time: HOW TO DISARM THEM Peacefully, just say "no" and carry on with your day. They can't do a damn thing if thousands and thousands stand up for their rights that they are hoping you will willingly forego. Contact your own sheriff to see if they are globalist puppets or will uphold their oath to the Constitution, thus protecting the rights of all citizens. Be willing to get arrested. This is all 100% Bull Shit and if we don't fight back, they will keep tightening the noose around our collective necks. Laugh at anyone who tries to enforce this crap. It's seriously insane and you have to just laugh. That alone will put you in power. They won't know what to do with you when they are being laughed at. Sit in on County Supervisor's meetings. Get all you know to do this. Show up and make your voices heard. They are criminals and should be arrested. Maybe your sheriff will do this for you. There are so may lies, falsehoods, and violations of human rights, it's incredible. But when you know the goal is your enslavement, it all makes sense. These officials are complete, mindless puppets of these globalists. Treat them as scum, no respect. Don't give away your power over them. They are NOTHING more than ants to squish. There is a link at the very bottom of the page where you can report a problem. I used it and clicked on "other" where I wrote this: "The main problem with this is that it is FULL OF LIES, COERCION AND FALSEHOODS. Anyone stupid enough to believe this is real is just a fool. The people who wrote this, signed off on it, advocate it be followed are all evil and breaking the law. F*ck you! " I highly suggest everyone use this method to give them a piece of your mind. FIGHT FOR YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS OR THEY WILL BE GONE!!! It took a while to research this. Maybe you would like to share it. I hope for that. We who are aware of this covid hoax and depopulation agenda are the only hope for humanity. We are counting on YOU.
Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund donations used for DNA testing Must See - Lots of New Infoby doug - 2021-05-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]NOTHING MAKES SENSE UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND THE AGENDA Lots of new info about this subject -- MUST WATCH [ /HlyeDvlqcVJm/DJJvTZQxMaNK Follow-up to the 5 Doctors Discussion of the covid Shots as Bioweapons To complete the login process, please enter the one time code that was sent to your email address. PCR testby doug - 2021-05-25 ( education / research ) [html version]Did Fraud Fauci / Big Pharma place a hit on the inventor of the PCR Test? You may know many things about this, but I learned some new things from this video. It's worth watching -- just 4 minutes long. . The Inventor of the Pcr Testby doug - 2021-05-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Did Fauci / Big Pharma place a hit on the inventor of the PCR Test? You may know many things about this, but I learned some new things from this video. It's worth watching -- just 4 minutes long. Dr. Peter Mcculloughby doug - 2021-05-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Have you been hearing what Dr. Peter McCullough has been saying about the covid shot? He is one of the people talking here and I AM so glad to hear what he says now because the last time I heard him he had said he was administering the shot in January and February. I was thinking that's so damn stupid when he seemed to be genuinely a sane doctor. But now you can see he says he would never give this to anyone again now that he sees all the side effects and death (one hell of a "side effect"). This makes me really like this doctor a whole lot more. He testified before congress, so he's got some clout. Maybe he's the biggest medical voice against this depopulation agenda now. FANTASTIC! [ /vWIqTOkHdfuQ/ZRzaqQxlzXEYFiZLLg17j6nM U.S. CARDIOLOGIST TELLING EVERYONE THAT THE VACCINE IS A BIO-WEAPON INTENDED TO MARK AND KILL YOU Listen to U.S. Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough as he tells you exactly what the vaccine is intended to do and is doing to millions. Nobel Prize Winner Luc Antoine Montagnier ( Virologist) claims everyone taking the covid-19 shot will die within 2 . PCR tests dangerousby don - 2021-05-26 ( education / research ) [html version]Slovakia hospital determines they are contaminated with hydrogel that cause blood clots and cancer good free movie supposedlyby don - 2021-05-26 ( education / research ) [html version]Rik Mayall -0ne By One (His final message?) I stumbled across a film recently. Couldn't quite believe I hadn't ever heard of it before, but after a little digging, there's very little of its existence out there really, which is no surprise given its content. In 2014 Rik Mayall released a film which he also starred in, called One By One. With only a 20k budget it's no Hollywood blockbuster, but equally is thought provoking, moving and keeps you hooked. Certainly not in keeping with Riks usually vein. A cafe worker is violently jolted from her day-to-day existence when offered the startling revelation that this world may be on the brink of destruction, revolution, or both. Without giving too much away, the story line certainly is 'current' to say the least. In one part, Rik can be caught trying to explain 9/11 to a newly awakened young girl. He uses jenga pieces to explain how the twin towers couldn't have been natural collapses but more controlled demolition. The film was released in January 2014 and Rik died in June 2014 from a heart attack shortly after getting back to his home after going for a run... Source: Reiner Fuellmichby doug - 2021-05-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Really excellent interview by a major leader to fight the covid scam There are some interesting details I learned here and I have been following this closely. And some news. [ /r8wq75doLqKP/u4jenkjyF9JB MUST WATCH -- Reiner Fuellmich Talks With James Delingpole -- PLEASE SHARE Original content -- COMMON LAW: Learn Common Law With Knowledge Is Power (Work your way through tabs at the top of page) -- Meet Your Strawman (Arti . New lawsuit against the covid scamby doug - 2021-05-27 ( education / research ) [html version] Court Case of the Centuryby doug - 2021-05-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]SHOULD BE FRONT PAGE NEWS -- COURT CASE OF THE CENTURY If you are not following this, you are missing the beginning of what will take down the government and big tech criminals 3 groups of people - fascinatingby doug - 2021-05-27 ( education / research ) [html version]
He describes 3 groups of people Waking Upby doug - 2021-05-28 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Excellent advice on waking people up [ vi/ppx0YE-rAcs/hqdefault.webp] How To Wake Up Brainwashed People (The Right Way) "Candles in the Dark" official web-site: this video? Sign up for my newsletter and get more content here: There's a school of thought that the landing was real, with different technology, but the movies were fake. On 5/28/21 1:37 AM: I figured it out years ago. It doesn't make sense. They couldn't have gone through the Van Allen radiation belts and survived. They supposedly accomplished it with computers less powerful than my watch? I think it all started when people questioned why the flag was waving on the moon when there isn't any air to make a flag wave. There's so many other things, which I have if you are interested. On Thursday, May 27, 2021, 11:15:28 PM , wrote:
When did you all realize the moon landing in 1969 was fake? I only heard people doubt it in 2020, I think, and never thought it was fake until lately, but never looked at the evidence against it. Thursday, May 27, 2021 10:13 PM Re: as I'm listening to it, it reminds me of what I did last time. There's a guy (who says he's independent but had a stupid leftist lawn sign) I've known for decades and is a neighbor. We were chatting about whatever and somehow he mentioned some relative of his that didn't believe in the moon landing. Well, I asked him, "do you remember the picture of that capsule sitting on the moon?" "Yeah" "When a vehicle lands, it fires retrockets to keep from crashing, right?" "yeah" "Go look at that picture and you'll see that there ought to be a hole in the sand from the retrorockets but there is none." I then went on to mention that on the NASA site there was a picture supposedly on Mars with a CANDY BAR on the ground." I shrugged and left it at that. On Thursday, May 27, 2021, 02:04:30 AM , wrote:
Anyone else getting bounces from ? Thursday, May 27, 2021 2:03 AM
*Excellent advice on waking people up* How To Wake Up Brainwashed People (The Right Way) "Candles in the Dark" official web-site: this video? Sign up for my newsletter and get more content here: There's a school of thought that the landing was real, with different technology, but the movies were fake. On 5/28/21 1:37 AM: I figured it out years ago. It doesn't make sense. They couldn't have gone through the Van Allen radiation belts and survived. They supposedly accomplished it with computers less powerful than my watch? I think it all started when people questioned why the flag was waving on the moon when there isn't any air to make a flag wave. There's so many other things, which I have if you are interested. On Thursday, May 27, 2021, 11:15:28 PM , wrote:
When did you all realize the moon landing in 1969 was fake? I only heard people doubt it in 2020, I think, and never thought it was fake until lately, but never looked at the evidence against it. Thursday, May 27, 2021 10:13 PM Re: as I'm listening to it, it reminds me of what I did last time. There's a guy (who says he's independent but had a stupid leftist lawn sign) I've known for decades and is a neighbor. We were chatting about whatever and somehow he mentioned some relative of his that didn't believe in the moon landing. Well, I asked him, "do you remember the picture of that capsule sitting on the moon?" "Yeah" "When a vehicle lands, it fires retrockets to keep from crashing, right?" "yeah" "Go look at that picture and you'll see that there ought to be a hole in the sand from the retrorockets but there is none." I then went on to mention that on the NASA site there was a picture supposedly on Mars with a CANDY BAR on the ground." I shrugged and left it at that. On Thursday, May 27, 2021, 02:04:30 AM , wrote:
Anyone else getting bounces from ? Thursday, May 27, 2021 2:03 AM
*Excellent advice on waking people up* How To Wake Up Brainwashed People (The Right Way) "Candles in the Dark" official web-site: this video? Sign up for my newsletter and get more content here: There's a school of thought that the landing was real, with different technology, but the movies were fake. On 5/28/21 1:37 AM: I figured it out years ago. It doesn't make sense. They couldn't have gone through the Van Allen radiation belts and survived. They supposedly accomplished it with computers less powerful than my watch? I think it all started when people questioned why the flag was waving on the moon when there isn't any air to make a flag wave. There's so many other things, which I have if you are interested. On Thursday, May 27, 2021, 11:15:28 PM , wrote:
When did you all realize the moon landing in 1969 was fake? I only heard people doubt it in 2020, I think, and never thought it was fake until lately, but never looked at the evidence against it. Thursday, May 27, 2021 10:13 PM Re: as I'm listening to it, it reminds me of what I did last time. There's a guy (who says he's independent but had a stupid leftist lawn sign) I've known for decades and is a neighbor. We were chatting about whatever and somehow he mentioned some relative of his that didn't believe in the moon landing. Well, I asked him, "do you remember the picture of that capsule sitting on the moon?" "Yeah" "When a vehicle lands, it fires retrockets to keep from crashing, right?" "yeah" "Go look at that picture and you'll see that there ought to be a hole in the sand from the retrorockets but there is none." I then went on to mention that on the NASA site there was a picture supposedly on Mars with a CANDY BAR on the ground." I shrugged and left it at that. On Thursday, May 27, 2021, 02:04:30 AM , wrote:
Anyone else getting bounces from ? Thursday, May 27, 2021 2:03 AM
*Excellent advice on waking people up* How To Wake Up Brainwashed People (The Right Way) "Candles in the Dark" official web-site: this video? Sign up for my newsletter and get more content here: There's a school of thought that the landing was real, with different technology, but the movies were fake. On 5/28/21 1:37 AM: I figured it out years ago. It doesn't make sense. They couldn't have gone through the Van Allen radiation belts and survived. They supposedly accomplished it with computers less powerful than my watch? I think it all started when people questioned why the flag was waving on the moon when there isn't any air to make a flag wave. There's so many other things, which I have if you are interested.
On Thursday, May 27, 2021, 11:15:28 PM , wrote: When did you all realize the moon landing in 1969 was fake? I only heard people doubt it in 2020, I think, and never thought it was fake until lately, but never looked at the evidence against it.
Thursday, May 27, 2021 10:13 PM
Re: as I'm listening to it, it reminds me of what I did last time. There's a guy (who says he's independent but had a stupid leftist lawn sign) I've known for decades and is a neighbor. We were chatting about whatever and somehow he mentioned some relative of his that didn't believe in the moon landing. Well, I asked him, "do you remember the picture of that capsule sitting on the moon?" "Yeah" "When a vehicle lands, it fires retrockets to keep from crashing, right?" "yeah" "Go look at that picture and you'll see that there ought to be a hole in the sand from the retrorockets but there is none." I then went on to mention that on the NASA site there was a picture supposedly on Mars with a CANDY BAR on the ground." I shrugged and left it at that.
On Thursday, May 27, 2021, 02:04:30 AM , wrote: Anyone else getting bounces from ?
Thursday, May 27, 2021 2:03 AM
*Excellent advice on waking people up* How To Wake Up Brainwashed People (The Right Way) "Candles in the Dark" official web-site: this video? Sign up for my newsletter and get more content here: movie trailer Gray Stateby don - 2021-05-30 ( education / research ) [html version]"the second American revolution may not be remembered" the movie was never made because the producer, his wife and child were found murdered in their home. Here is another mention of the movie that never was. [] A GRAY STATE: Trailer In January of 2015, David Crowley was found dead with his family in their suburban Minnesota home. Their shocking deaths quickly become a cause c=E9l=E8bre for c... Sent: Friday, May 28, 2021 6:37 PM Subject: "the second American revolution may not be remembered" the movie was never made because the producer, his wife and child were found murdered in their home. Epstein, Gates and Other Scumby doug - 2021-05-30 ( education / research ) [html version]Excellent podcast about Epstein, Gates and scum like that who push transhumanism: Watch on Bitchute Gates, etcby doug - 2021-05-30 ( education / research ) [html version]Excellent podcast about Epstein, Gates and scum like that who push transhumanism . Brain Freeze - So Strangeby doug - 2021-05-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]BRAIN FREEZE AFTER covid SHOT? -- so strange Take a look at these 2 examples of brain freeze. I never have seen anything like it. No idea if it's from the covid shot, but would not be surprised at all. Starts about minute 7:00, but the rest is also good. [ /vWIqTOkHdfuQ/Qw6DrOZocjPLSMOENMBJUhNS TRUDEAU DOUBLE SAYS VACCINES DON'T WORK -- CANADA LURING KIDS WITH ICE CREAM TO TAKE THE VAX By now everyone is realizing that the Justin Trudeau who appears on television is actually a double with a beard to hide his chin which is different from the original Trudeau who is currently sitting in a GITMO (Guantanamo Bay prison cell). Allied . Recent Ufosby doug - 2021-05-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]IF YOU ARE WONDERING ABOUT ALL THIS RECENT UFO STUFF, HERE IS THE TRUTH . DARPAby doug - 2021-05-31 ( education / research ) [html version]DARPA - Maybe the most evil entity of the USA Watch this interview from 2015 with an investigator who had published a book about them. If you think transhumanism is a fantasy, think again. This is what DARPA envisions (in 2015) as the future. Fast forward to 2021 and maybe you will connect the dots more clearly as to who is pulling some of the strings today. Or you can live in blissful ignorance (at least until you get a rude awakening). , Darpa, the Most Evil Entity in the Usaby doug - 2021-05-31 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]DARPA -- Maybe the most evil entity of the USA Watch this interview from 2015 with an investigator who had published a book about them. If you think transhumanism is a fantasy, think again. This is what DARPA envisions (in 2015) as the future. Fast forward to 2021 and maybe you will connect the dots more clearly as to who is pulling some of the strings today. Or you can live in blissful ignorance (at least until you get a rude awakening). , Mike Adams threatenedby don - 2021-06-01 ( education / research ) [html version]must listen to first 5 minutes Knives - Pretty Funnyby doug - 2021-06-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]they killed many before. Probably all SIDS cases are from vaccines (real vaccines -- not the fake covid gene therapy). The study by an Oregon doctor, Paul something, in December was amazing to see the effects of vaxing on those who lived. But the 1986 act signed by Reagan that gave complete liability protection to vaccine makers is what really started off this incredible business model of poisoning the public without a care in the world. The deaths and injuries were paid for by tax payers through the "Vaccine Court" that has paid billions over the years. They make it nearly impossible to win in vax court, so most never get a dime from it. But the proof of death and mayhem from vaxing lies in the billions the government was practically forced pay out. Watch Vaxed (the original) for more details.
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2021 3:26 AM
I'd never heard of any vaccine killing anyone till the covid ones came out On 5/31/21 3:22 AM: I think maybe people have become numb to "information" and wonder if anyone noticed this on Fox: [ /r8wq75doLqKP/bVfWzX6E0rvo covid 'Vaccines' Have Killed More In 4 Months Than All Other Vaccines In 15 Years COMBINED COMMON LAW: Learn Common Law With Knowledge Is Power (Work your way through tabs at the top of page) -- Meet Your Strawman (Article) -- Common Law In 10 Minut Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2021 12:51 PM RE: Good one! A mask might be appropriate if you're actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. See W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask, or this, this, this, this or this for more. OK, you're probably thinking [it] doesn't make much sense to vaccinate the entire species against a relatively standard respiratory virus, but that's just because you are still thinking critically. Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2021 11:22 AM
[cid:] On 5/30/21 3:53 AM: [ vi/2_kwFKAmd8M/maxresdefault.webp] What Health Authorities Are Like in 2021 Grab your Red Light Therapy Device and other Blublox Products at code "JP" for 15% offCheck out my NEW MERCH here! -- https://awaken... Social Credit implemented in Spainby don - 2021-06-02 ( education / research ) [html version]Source: What this law includes: - Creation of personal profiles that include: personal, movement, economical, work reliability, political, biometrical and GENETICAL data. This will be done also generationally. - Complete erasing of the right of privacy and image, by allowing the placement of fixed and mobile recording devices at any place, including private property, without right of prejudice. - Access to any recording device without the authorisation of a judge by the local government delegations. - You can ask for such data about you, but government keeps the right of sharing it or not - Allowing to use all this data with CRIME PREDICTION purposes, and the capacity to detain someone because of those predictions. Amazon Sidewalkby don - 2021-06-02 ( education / research ) [html version]Amazon is greatly increasing their surveillance network, and if you have an Amazon surveillance device such as Ring or Echo they will automatically sign you up in a week (June 8th) unless you opt out. It uses your wifi for your neighbors' Amazon devices and their wifi for yours. Here's mhow to opt out: UFO BSby doug - 2021-06-03 ( education / research ) [html version]UFO BULLSHIT / FALSE FLAG PLANS BY CIA / DEEP STATE The Dark Journalist is a leading researcher into UFOs and this video has great info If you didn't already hear, this will be a fake event / false flag to get more "emergency powers" like happened for 9/11 (another false flag, of course) and this will be something similar to the "Patriot Act" that has nothing to do with patriots and only takes away the Constitutional rights of patriots. It's very long, so use the 1.5x speed to get the info more quickly At minute 1:57 or so, there is a surprising piece of history mentioned about who was the first to fly an airplane and it's not the Wright Bros. Just shows how political "facts" and history often is. .
Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund donations used for DNA testing WuHan fentanyl headquartersby don - 2021-06-05 ( education / research ) [html version]Don't know what a Trump ventilator is, but maybe this is the treatment they gave Boris son to make him see the light (get with the program). On 6/3/21 11:50 PM: Amazing story. I wondered what happened to all the Trump ventilators and now we see they are indeed key to the entire scam.
Wednesday, June 2, 2021 4:14 AM
According to Whitney Webb *Wuhan, the lab? No, the other Wuhan nobody is talking about: Opioid Trafficking Headquarters for Death and Destruction * by Jon Rappoport June 1, 2021 "This article takes off from the work of investigative reporter, Whitney Webb. [1] Much of what I Important Call to Action: Our Kids Need You to Take a Stand!by doug - 2021-06-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Friends -- It is an absolute tragedy that so many health experts and elected officials across the nation have still done nothing to get masks off our children. It's unethical and unconstitutional to force children to abide by covid measures that result in physical and emotional harm. With just one click, you can ask your governor and your state department of education to permanently lift covid-19 guidelines in your schools. Please act now; it's time to return to pre-covid education! After you take action, access a step-by-step guide to educate people in your community, including your local school board. It is time to stand up for our children and we are here to help you do that. When you click on this link, there is another link to click that automatically finds your governor and department of education for your state based on your address. Very easy. PLEASE SHARE [] Ask Your Governor and DOE to Lift School covid Guidelines THE CDC'S SCHOOL GUIDELINES ARE HARMING OUR KIDS. We are asking our Governors and our Departments of Education to follow the lead of Florida, Texas, Iowa, and other states and permanently lift covid-19 guidelines in our schools. Culling the Population to Balance the Booksby admin - 2021-06-08 ( education / research / conspiracies / covid ) [html version]
Enlightened Doctorby doug - 2021-06-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Famous Doctor Once Administered the covid Shots, but then LEARNED THE TRUTH This is the most powerful condemnation I have ever seen by a doctor and he is very pro-vax. "This is far and away the most lethal, toxic biologic agent injected into a human body in American history" And Trump wants everyone to get his "medical miracle" -- catching on yet? It's not in this video, but the end game is no less than TRANSHUMANISM where the World Economic Forum run by the James Bond villain named Klaus Schwab openly published the plan for the entire world to become part human and part digital robot. Ask yourself why do they want every single human on Earth injected for such a mild threat. . Matthew Ehret Interview by Patrick Timponeby bill - 2021-06-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This is a GREAT talk with Matthew Ehret called New Revelations Shed Light on the British Roots of the Deep State on my website, or here on Patrick Timpone's site. Ehret is a very intelligent, well-spoken, well-educated history buff with a couple of websites that sound good: and Spoiler alert: His parting message in the interview was to turn off your television and social media and read as much Plato and Lyndon LaRouche as you can. :) Knights Templar and Zionismby steve - 2021-06-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I got a notion to look up the origins of zionism. Yeah, most say it was Herzl but this article says otherwise, that the German templar society were the ones to want to get Jesus to return by bringing in certain events: Incredibly enough, Zionism was originally a Christian inspiration. I looked Templars up and they're otherwise known as the Knights Templar. Yeah, they were known to worship Baphomet (satanic) Zionism linked to Baphomet (and Satan) doesn't surprise me. Baphomet: Was the Diabolical Demon Really Worshipped by Knights Templar? Baphomet is the demonic entity allegedly worshipped by the Knights Templar who later became a symbol for Satan. No wonder many Jews are against Zionism! What Would 50 Million Deaths Look Likeby doug - 2021-06-11 ( education / research / conspiracies / covid ) [html version]"Never get another shot and we'll never have another plandemic." What will 50 million deaths look like? VP of Oracle just died after taking a covid shot last week. Dr. Mikovits continues to lead the way, proven right since the beginning. "These drugs are deadly" "The doctors are so brainwashed" Dr Judy Mikovits: Spike Proteins May Kill 50 Million If not the Russians, it's gotta be us white supremacists who are the number 1 threat to America now, right (so says a moron I saw recently). But yea, the WEF already told us to beware cyber attacks and then that happened. So their "predictions" should be taken seriously. We continue to stock up. Did you try growing sprouts yet? I think it's a great item to add to your diet that you grow on your own. Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 9:05 PM Re: great. they're PLANNING FOR supply chain problems in July? Hmmm, I guess we ought to EXPECT THEM (of course, the Russian hackers will be blamed for it because they're always the boogeyman). On Thursday, June 10, 2021, 03:13:58 PM : Yea. That's crazy talk. How stupid are you, anyway?! LOL Here's something always worthwhile. Many interesting things mentioned: Great Reseters Prep Cyber Scamdemic -- #NewWorldNextWeek Welcome to New World Next Week -- the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week: Story #1: Japan Mulls Vaccinating All 70,000 Tokyo Games Volu=85 Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 4:55 AM well, if you ask for a shot to make your body produce spike proteins for the rest of your life, then you should probably first ask for the shot to turn it off, or is that just crazy thinking :-) On 6/10/21 3:46 AM: Prof Dolores Cahill on Magnetic Injections, Bluetooth Signals?by doug - 2021-06-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Wow, a fantastic documentary of how the medical cartel (yea, your doctors and pharma) have always tried to hide all cures. [ /HlyeDvlqcVJm/mugee0sjo5nx Cancer: The Forbidden Cures -- The Original Big Pharma Playbook Long Before covid REVIEW BY DAVID BONELLO -- INTERNATIONAL WELLNESS DIRECTORY Not what it seems. When I popped in the DVD, I went to the chapters to see what they were. I felt, no, not again the same old stuff. What a pleasant surprise. I've researched and writt Sent: Wednesday, June 9, 2021 9:36 PM
Huff post is just as BS as any mainstream stuff. But I didn't watch yet. Here's something else, all the lies by pharma about there being no cures for cancer. [ /HlyeDvlqcVJm/ib0RfQgM5MWr Trailer for Cancer: The Forbidden Cures Trailer for the film Cancer: The Forbidden Cures. Sent: Wednesday, June 9, 2021 8:47 PM
okay, she mentions a few metals in the injection. Well, any PROOF? As to 's video that "disproves" the magnetism, well, it's from commie Huffington Post, so not a trusted source for me. Anyhow, I haven't investigated the matter to make a decision for myself. On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, 12:12:06 PM someone wrote:
according to this (1 minute in), the magnetic field effect is part of a method to force the mrna into difficult cells, developed by a Berlin company On 5/23/21 7:59 AM:
Sort of like this? Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:16 PM don it will track everybody by way of them watching how you spend all the new Digital Money that they want replacing currency. They'll also be able to stop you from making certain purchases and MAYBE stop you from buying too much bad food if you're overweight or unhealthy On Saturday, May 22, 2021, 03:25:35 PM someone wrote:
In 2019, ID2020 started a new digital identity program in collaboration with the government of Bangladesh and Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization.[4] Mission ID2020 is a public-private consortium in service of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of providing legal identity for all people, including the world's most vulnerable populations.[5] On 5/22/21 4:20 PM: PROF DOLORES CAHILL ON MAGNETIC INJECTIONS -- BLUE TOOTH SIGNALS? Fantastic testimony by . I think the rule of thumb for cancers is to alkalize the body that stops any growth of cancer cells. But when money is the goal, your life is meaningless and that's the big pharma model. People often somehow miss this connection of dots. They blindly trust the same doctors in white coats who actively follow these criminals in pharma who do all they can to hide the truth about how to be healthy. Sent: Wednesday, June 9, 2021 11:12 PM
the last time got cancer (yeah, that was the second time) she knew that radiation and chemo KILL PEOPLE and that's why doctors don't so them so we eliminated most of our meat and I also juiced lots of carrots for her. That was a few years ago and nothing since then. On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, 11:05:51 PM : Wow, a fantastic documentary of how the medical cartel (yea, your doctors and pharma) have always tried to hide all cures. [ /HlyeDvlqcVJm/mugee0sjo5nx Cancer: The Forbidden Cures -- The Original Big Pharma Playbook Long Before covid REVIEW BY DAVID BONELLO -- INTERNATIONAL WELLNESS DIRECTORY Not what it seems. When I popped in the DVD, I went to the chapters to see what they were. I felt, no, not again the same old stuff. What a pleasant surprise. I've researched and writt Sent: Wednesday, June 9, 2021 9:36 PM
Huff post is just as BS as any mainstream stuff. But I didn't watch yet. Here's something else, all the lies by pharma about there being no cures for cancer. [ /HlyeDvlqcVJm/ib0RfQgM5MWr Trailer for Cancer: The Forbidden Cures Trailer for the film Cancer: The Forbidden Cures. Sent: Wednesday, June 9, 2021 8:47 PM
okay, she mentions a few metals in the injection. Well, any PROOF? As to 's video that "disproves" the magnetism, well, it's from commie Huffington Post, so not a trusted source for me. Anyhow, I haven't investigated the matter to make a decision for myself. On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, 12:12:06 PM someone wrote:
according to this (1 minute in), the magnetic field effect is part of a method to force the mrna into difficult cells, developed by a Berlin company On 5/23/21 7:59 AM:
Sort of like this? Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:16 PM don it will track everybody by way of them watching how you spend all the new Digital Money that they want replacing currency. They'll also be able to stop you from making certain purchases and MAYBE stop you from buying too much bad food if you're overweight or unhealthy On Saturday, May 22, 2021, 03:25:35 PM someone wrote:
In 2019, ID2020 started a new digital identity program in collaboration with the government of Bangladesh and Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization.[4] Mission ID2020 is a public-private consortium in service of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of providing legal identity for all people, including the world's most vulnerable populations.[5] On 5/22/21 4:20 PM: PROF DOLORES CAHILL ON MAGNETIC INJECTIONS -- BLUE TOOTH SIGNALS? a poll of oncologists (cancer doctors) showed the vast majority would not do chemo therapy if they had cancer going to a doctor for cancer is like going to a demolition expert for a leaky roof your body can cure cancer if you let it -- but that means nutrition and not giving it other priorities such as a busy work schedule and not being freaked out by what your body is doing to get rid of it On 6/10/21 1:43 AM: whoops. yes, she had cancerous parts (thyroid and lymph) removed and then opted to not do radiation or chemo, which her doctors wanted her to do On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, 11:40:39 PM , wrote:
Fantastic testimony by . I think the rule of thumb for cancers is to alkalize the body that stops any growth of cancer cells. But when money is the goal, your life is meaningless and that's the big pharma model. People often somehow miss this connection of dots. They blindly trust the same doctors in white coats who actively follow these criminals in pharma who do all they can to hide the truth about how to be healthy. Wednesday, June 9, 2021 11:12 PM
Re: PROF DOLORES CAHILL ON MAGNETIC INJECTIONS -- BLUE TOOTHSIGNALS? the last time got cancer (yeah, that was the second time) she knew that radiation and chemo KILL PEOPLE and that's why doctors don't so them so we eliminated most of our meat and I also juiced lots of carrots for her. That was a few years ago and nothing since then. On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, 11:05:51 PM , wrote:
Wow, a fantastic documentary of how the medical cartel (yea, your doctors and pharma) have always tried to hide all cures. Cancer: The Forbidden Cures -- The Original Big Pharma Playbook Long Before covid REVIEW BY DAVID BONELLO – INTERNATIONAL WELLNESS DIRECTORY Not what it seems. When I popped in the DVD, I went to the chapters to see what they were. I felt, no, not again...the same old stuff. What a pleasant surprise. I've researched and writt... Wednesday, June 9, 2021 9:36 PM
Re: PROF DOLORES CAHILL ON MAGNETIC INJECTIONS -- BLUE TOOTHSIGNALS? Huff post is just as BS as any mainstream stuff. But I didn't watch yet. Here's something else, all the lies by pharma about there being no cures for cancer. Trailer for Cancer: The Forbidden Cures Trailer for the film Cancer: The Forbidden Cures. Wednesday, June 9, 2021 8:47 PM
Re: PROF DOLORES CAHILL ON MAGNETIC INJECTIONS -- BLUE TOOTHSIGNALS? okay, she mentions a few metals in the injection. Well, any PROOF? As to 's video that "disproves" the magnetism, well, it's from commie Huffington Post, so not a trusted source for me. Anyhow, I haven't investigated the matter to make a decision for myself. On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, 12:12:06 PM
according to this (1 minute in), the magnetic field effect is part of a method to force the mrna into difficult cells, developed by a Berlin company On 5/23/21 7:59 AM:
Sort of like this? * Sent: *Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:16 PM *
*Re: PROF DOLORES CAHILL ON MAGNETIC INJECTIONS -- BLUE TOOTHSIGNALS? it will track everybody by way of them watching how you spend all the new Digital Money that they want replacing currency. They'll also be able to stop you from making certain purchases and MAYBE stop you from buying too much bad food if you're overweight or unhealthy On Saturday, May 22, 2021, 03:25:35 PM
In 2019, ID2020 started a new digital identity program in collaboration with the government of Bangladesh and Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization .[4] Mission ID2020 is a public-private consortium in service of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of providing legal identity for all people, including the world's most vulnerable populations.[5] On 5/22/21 4:20 PM: *PROF DOLORES CAHILL ON MAGNETIC INJECTIONS -- BLUE TOOTH SIGNALS?* Spike Proteins May Kill 50 Millionby doug - 2021-06-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]"Never get another shot and we'll never have another plandemic." What will 50 million deaths look like? VP of Oracle just died after taking a covid shot last week. Dr. Mikovits continues to lead the way, proven right since the beginning. "These drugs are deadly" "The doctors are so brainwashed" Dr Judy Mikovits: Spike Proteins May Kill 50 Million How the FDA does businessby don - 2021-06-12 ( education / research ) [html version]Of course, zlheimer's can be reversed with 20mg of lithium orotate a day, so who cares? Re: Medical Mafia *Member of FDA's expert panel resigns over controversial Alzheimer's therapy approval* by Andrew Joseph June 8, 2021 "Following the Food and Drug Administration's polarizing authorization of the Alzheimer's therapy Aduhelm on Monday, a member of an agency advisory committee that recommended against the drug's approval has resigned. Neurologist Joel Perlmutter of Washington University in St. Louis, a member of the FDA's expert panel for nervous system therapies, told STAT in an email that he had quit the committee on Monday "due to this ruling by the FDA without further discussion with our advisory committee." The advisory committee, which convened in November, couldn't have been more openly skeptical of the drug, also known as aducanumab. Ten of the 11 panelists found that there was not enough evidence to show it could slow cognitive decline. The 11th voted "uncertain." But the FDA still approved the treatment on Monday. On top of the potentially massive implications for patients, clinicians, and health care spending, the decision also raised questions about the role of the advisory committees — and what it meant that the agency, in its final adjudication, bucked the very panel it had convened. "This isn't the first time when I was on a committee where the committee voted one way and the FDA decided another," said biostatistician Scott Emerson, a professor emeritus at the University of Washington, who has served on many advisory committees in different disease areas. "This was the first time that nobody voted for approval of this drug — nobody — and they went against that." The FDA does not have to follow its advisory committees' recommendations — one study found the agency went against the experts 21% of the time from 2008 to 2015 — but those overrulings generally came when the votes were closer. The FDA often convenes the panels when there is uncertainty around whether or how to approve new products, and there are different "ad comms" for different types of medications. With Aduhelm, the story is also more complicated than the FDA just rebuking the expert panel. The FDA granted the Biogen therapy what's called an accelerated approval, based not on firm evidence the drug slowed cognitive decline — which even the FDA acknowledged was not clear — but on a "surrogate endpoint" that the therapy cleared toxic protein plaques in patients' brains. In the FDA's view, that finding "is reasonably likely to predict a clinical benefit to patients." It also said Biogen would have to run another trial to confirm a clinical benefit, though the results of that aren't due for nearly another decade. But during the advisory committee meeting last November, FDA officials explicitly said they were not considering approving aducanumab based on a surrogate endpoint. y Dunn, the director of the FDA's Office of Neuroscience, made it clear: "We're not using the amyloid as a surrogate for efficacy." That meant the panelists were not asked to consider that possibility. Related: Biogen isn't worried about backlash to 'bewildering' price of Alzheimer's drug So on Monday when the agency announced it had indeed given Aduhelm the OK based on amyloid levels as a surrogate endpoint, it left experts on the panel scratching their heads. Trials of other amyloid-busting therapies have found that they didn't result in clinical benefits. What had happened, Dunn explained in a letter to the chair of the panel Monday, was that after the panel hearing, there were "further discussions" within the agency that "raised further consideration of the accelerated approval pathway." Related: Elation, pride, and a slew of questions: Clinical trial participants reflect on their own complicated reactions to Aduhelm approval "We recognize that there has been tremendous public interest in aducanumab and differing viewpoints on the extensive and complicated data supporting the application for aducanumab," Dunn wrote. "Our discussions leading up to the decision to grant an accelerated approval for aducanumab considered a wide range of views, both external and internal to FDA. We appreciate the comments from the advisory committee members and can assure you that we listened carefully and viewed the meeting proceedings as an important source of input as we discussed the appropriate action." To Aaron Kesselheim, an advisory committee member and the director of Brigham and Women's Hospital's Program on Regulation, Therapeutics, and Law, Aduhelm's approval didn't just set "a dangerous precedent" for what kind of evidence an Alzheimer's therapy would need to show to get the green light, "but even more broadly for the idea that a company can turn around and at the last minute seek [accelerated approval] when their primary clinical endpoints in their trials don't reach the level needed for FDA approval," he told STAT in an email. Related: 'The price is bewildering': The cost of Biogen's Alzheimer's drug may lead payers to erect roadblocks It's no surprise that some members of the panel denounced the FDA's approval, and not simply because of their votes. During the November hearing, some of them criticized how the data was being discussed and the evidence Biogen had submitted. Earlier this year, Emerson, Kesselheim, and a third panelist published a paper in JAMA outlining what they saw as the flaws of the therapy. Still, Emerson, the biostatistician, said he would serve on another advisory committee if asked. (The panels have some permanent members, but for individual hearings, they invite "temporary members," which included Emerson in the case of aducanumab.) Trending Now: Third member of FDA expert committee resigns over controversial Alzheimer's therapy decision It is important, Emerson said, for outside experts to have a voice in the decision-making process. Matthew Herper contributed reporting. " See also...
OCby doug - 2021-06-15 ( education / research ) [html version]Part 2 [] 6-8-21 OC Board of Supervisors Public Comments #2 Jun 13, 2021 This is #2 of 2 compilations of patriots speaking during the afternoon Public Comments session for the Orange County Board of Supervisors. These speakers were denied the chance to speak on the #S5F supplemental item that was snuck in=85 ________________________________
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2021 12:39 AM Voters in OC are not accepting fascism [] 6-8-21 OC Board of Supervisors Public Comments #1 Jun 13, 2021 This is #1 of 2 compilations of patriots speaking during the afternoon Public Comments session for the Orange County Board of Supervisors. These speakers were denied the chance to speak on the #S5F supplemental item that was snuck in=85 Dr. Peter Bregginby doug - 2021-06-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Dr. Peter Breggin left the NIH before Fraud Fowlchee arrived. He was the expert witness in the case that took down Eli Lilly for Prozac Fantastic 2-part talk Part 1 Part 2 . Oc (on Bitchute)by doug - 2021-06-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Part 2 [ /bWZSESyGIP2E/tlNaXgT3ffY0 6-8-21 OC Board of Supervisors Public Comments #2 Jun 13, 2021 This is #2 of 2 compilations of patriots speaking during the afternoon Public Comments session for the Orange County Board of Supervisors. These speakers were denied the chance to speak on the #S5F supplemental item that was snuck in Sent: Monday, June 14, 2021 12:39 AM
Voters in OC are not accepting fascism [ /bWZSESyGIP2E/Fb7rhDWOY3zk 6-8-21 OC Board of Supervisors Public Comments #1 Jun 13, 2021 This is #1 of 2 compilations of patriots speaking during the afternoon Public Comments session for the Orange County Board of Supervisors. These speakers were denied the chance to speak on the #S5F supplemental item that was snuck in Eric Claptonby don - 2021-06-18 ( education / research ) [html version]What has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt is that there is a global government that can force every country to do as it says. And that means every economic or political problem in the world is intentional on the part of this global government because they are all-powerful. On 6/16/21 9:05 PM: and most of those for the scam didn't have their business go bankrupt due to lack of customer, either. On Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 06:21:23 PM , wrote:
I like what Van Morrison said last year, "We're NOT all in this together. The people in charge haven't missed a paycheck since this thing began." * Sent: *Wednesday, June 16, 2021 7:54 PM ;
Subject: *Re: Van Morrison's covid protest song be sure to click below the title for official word from the CDC :-) On 6/16/21 3:01 AM: THE FAMOUS ERIC CLAPTON IS REALLY JUST AN ORDINARY GUY He got the media brainwashing, made bad decisions that may kill him, and he explains it all in this interview;YPfkRss/
-- Exclusive & Uncensored: Oracle Films COMMON LAW: Learn Common Law With Knowledge Is Power (Work your way through tabs at the top of page) - Meet Your Strawman (Article) -- Common Law In 10 Minut...
. Cyber Attack Hits Meat Supplyby steve - 2021-06-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Interesting about Nesara/Gesara. the article says that the Globalists want to make it look like a bad thing. Wow, it looks pretty good and yes, from what I saw before, it did look/sound bad. On Wednesday, June 2, 2021, 04:17:40 AM someone wrote:
Another Klaus Schwab cyber attack prediction comes true sean stone interviewby don - 2021-06-18 ( education / research ) [html version]fascinating expose of satanic bloodline practices If You Got the Vaccine and Regret It (article)by doug - 2021-06-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I hope they are right. Sure worth trying. This is something else I just posted and was going to send a separate message, but it fits well into this one: SHOCKING IMAGES OF BLOOD OF THE VAXXED You will see regular blood from the unvaxed and then what happens to them after the vax It appears to show the nano-particles, too. So crazy to know people have been lining up to get this and trust their governments so much they are willingly destroying their health, if not worse. And now they are coming after the kids... . Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2021 9:46 PM If You Got The Vaccine and Regret It, DO THIS RIGHT NOW! -- 2020 Conservative If You Got The Vaccine and Regret It, DO THIS RIGHT NOW! -- 2020 Conserva... in short: "You need large doses of the right kind of Vitamin C, 10-15,000 IU's of Vitamin D to maintain certain blood levels, and then he recommends C60." International Criminals Buying Up American Homesby staff - 2021-06-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Skip to minute 3:30 or so and learn about the housing market being sold off to a criminal elite buying up whole neighborhoods. Be careful who you sell your house to. Stay away from investors despite the enticing extra money or it will help kill off America. If you neglect to make sure the person buying your home isn't one of these criminals, you are letting THE GREAT RESET happen. So help conserve America and let the real family buy your home instead of an evil corporation. YOU HAVE THE POWER. Click here SGT REPORT -- SHOCKING PROOF! THEY'RE STEALING EVERYTHING! THIS IS THE DEATH STROKE Deagel population forecastby steve - 2021-06-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I just glanced at it, but it seems that the rest of the world won't change much. It's the USA that is to be attacked (you know, too many white people, right?) In another article, 11 mayors want to give reparations to blacks, Sacto mayor, Zionist Steinberg, being one of them. My suggestion is that all those who voted for Biden ought to be forced to tithe 10% of their income to do it. On Saturday, June 19, 2021, 07:47:59 PM PDT: But seriously, I plan to stay in this country, just to piss 'them' off. Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2021 9:46 PM I guess I need to go ahead and move to Thailand or Bulgaria (both popular with English-speakers) now, before the collapse. Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2021 8:32 PM here's the gist We'd love to know why Deagel is forecasting the population of the US to drop from 327 million in 2017 to only 100 million in 2025, with them also forecasting a 2025 US military budget of $32 billion, down from our 2017 military budget of $637 billion, while forecasting our population density to drop from 34 inhabitants per square mile to only 10 per square mile in 2025. While our emails to Deagel have gone unreturned, what does Deagel know that we don't? Also forecasting that our gross domestic product will drop from $19 trillion in 2017 to only $2.4 trillion in 2025, Deagel's numbers for America in 2025 still show an America in total collapse, a 3rd world nation with our GDP per capita more than cut in half while our purchase power parity is forecast to be lower than Thailand, Columbia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Montenegro. On 6/19/21 7:50 PM: I think someone might have posted this 2018 article but maybe not; Deagel's Predictionsby steve - 2021-06-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I just glanced at it but it seems that the rest of the world won't change much so it's the USA that is to be attacked (you know, too many white people, right?) In another article, 11 mayors want to give reparations to blacks, Sacto mayor Zionist Steinberg being one of them. My suggestion is that all those who voted for Biden ought to be forced to tithe 10% of their income to do it. On Saturday, June 19, 2021, 07:47:59 PM: But seriously, I plan to stay in this country, just to piss 'them' off. Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2021 9:46 PM: I guess I need to go ahead and move to Thailand or Bulgaria (both popular with English-speakers) now, before the collapse. Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2021 8:32 PM Here's the gist: "We'd love to know why Deagel is forecasting the population of the US to drop from 327 million in 2017 to only 100 million in 2025, with them also forecasting a 2025 US military budget of 32 billion dollars, down from our 2017 military budget of $637 billion, while forecasting our population density to drop from 34 inhabitants per square mile to only 10 inhabitants per square mile in 2025. While our emails to Deagel have gone unreturned, what does Deagel know that we don't know? On 6/19/21 7:50 PM: I think might have posted this 2018 article but maybe not: Financial Discussionby doug - 2021-06-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]You might find this discussion interesting. Look for episode 5, but all are good. Free until midnight tomorrow (Sunday). EndGame SeriesViewing don't delay and lose out! this special opportunity to own end game is for a limited time only and will end soon! take action today and claim your huge discount and get all your free bonuses while this opportunity lasts! Mikovits vaccine antidoteby don - 2021-06-22 ( education / research ) [html version]Suramin in pine needles Deagel Forecasting Population of USA to Drop from 327 to 100 Million in 2025by bill - 2021-06-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Here's the gist:
Read, listen or watch the rest here: target="_blank" href="">deagel-makes-mysterious-changes-to-2025-population-forecast Such a great talk by David Ickeby doug - 2021-06-24 ( education / research ) [html version] . Great Talk by David Ickeby doug - 2021-06-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]British Airways Pilots Dead 3 Days After the Shotby doug - 2021-06-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]But remember, the "side effect" of death is pretty much the worst and most visible (can't imagine a more severe effect than that) and there are others who are having "vaxidents" (vax caused accidents) from passing out while driving, or whatever. The 3 mentioned are only those leaked out of the extreme information suppression system and represent only 1-10% of actual cases, based on the Harvard study of VAERS. I'd say if someone has a fear of flying, if this information were known to them, they would never fly again. The chances of having a vaxed pilot who collapses is way higher than being struck by lightning. Speaking of travel, I just posted this: HOW CAN UNELECTED PEOPLE TAKE CONTROL OF THE WORLD? Amazing how people allow "health" officials rule the world. https://news./cruises-coming-back-ships-received-154313394.html [] Cruises are coming back: Here are the ships that have received CDC approval to sail soon After more than a year without cruising in U.S. waters, cruise ships are slowly receiving approval from the CDC to sail. news. .
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2021 3:58 AM
If you look at how many commercial airline pilots there are in the world, 3 is not that many :-) Seriously, I wonder if the altitude had an effect on their modified DNA On 6/23/21 3:08 AM: With an estimated 85% of pilots now injected, you can expect planes crashing when the pilots have clots in their brains at high altitudes. Not a safe time to fly, eh? Listen to the last guy in this video from Canada. He's telling you the brutal truth -- incredible display of stupid. And to think the reason so many cave to the coercion is they want to travel as if it were still 2019. Sorry people, that world is long gone and people better wake up to the new reality. [ /vWIqTOkHdfuQ/u1zzqywunrr3qLweWzWAw1PR 3 BRITISH PILOTS DIE IN 3 DAYS -- AIRLINES NEW CRISIS WHETHER TO BAN VACCINATED PILOTS FROM FLYING? UPGRADED to 4 (FOUR) pilots now. Things are going from Bad to Worse. Would you now fly knowing that 90% of airline pilots have been vaccinated and are dropping dead? Doctor tell Ivermectin for vaccine victimsby don - 2021-06-25 ( education / research ) [html version]yes, you can get it for horses... Last night *Joe Rogan* broadcast what he uniquely called "an emergency podcast", the only one he's ever done, with *Bret Weinstein* and *Dr Pierre Kory.* It's quite long and is ALL about Ivermectin, from start to finish. At *2:11:45*, Dr Pierre Kory starts talking about the post-'vaccine' spike protein problems, which he's very aware of. *He states that Ivermectin will handle the spike proteins too*, as it binds to the spike proteins and neutralizes them. So the remedy for post-'vaccine' side-effects, mild or serious, may well simply be Ivermectin — if you can get it. * See What the Cdc Has Now Done to Children!by doug - 2021-06-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]If this doesn't outrage you, something is very, very wrong. [ /okiFK5CwQrZS/zxOH2J3PHh1t Episode 221: THE mRNA INSIDER CDC betrays the Nuremberg Code; mRNA Pioneer, Dr. Robert Malone, Shocks; Have We Already Won?; Del reveals the ALL NEW It's your new home, coming JULY 2021 Guest: Dr. Robert Malone #TheHighWire #BraveBoldNews #mRNA #RobertMalo interesting dots to connectby doug - 2021-06-26 ( education / research ) [html version]You may find this very interesting [] Pay Attention To Britney Spears Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA Noble Gold is Who I Trust == Check out David Rodriguez RAW, UNCENSORED & AD FREE! http://www.85 . Dots to Connectby doug - 2021-06-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]You may find this very interesting Helen Keller - the Dark Truthby doug - 2021-06-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version] [ /yi2SDYsnwrWe/mzTgY_a3uSg Hellen Keller, Eugenics, The ACLU & The United Nations Founding. Wow! Telegram Chat: http://T.Me/DreamRareChat (I Answer All Messages Here) (Free Email List) (Hats & Shirts!) . Proverbs 1:22-21by bill - 2021-06-29 ( education / research / religion / christianity ) [html version]I don't think Jesus would ever adopt such a cold stance. It's probably someone pretending to be quoting Jesus while writing a passage for inclusion in the officially accepted version of the Bible. Just my opinion. :)
-- Proverbs 1:22-31 Flynn Warning About AZ Auditby staff - 2021-06-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Read, listen or watch the rest here: Gen. Flynn Says Globalists Will Pull "Something" Big Before AZ Audit Goes Public remember Venice Beach?by greg - 2021-06-29 ( education / research ) [html version]I went to Venice Beach on my 21st birthday. I tried to buy a 6-pack of beer, but the liquor store worker said I had to be*over 21*. So I went without any beer that day. Then, for some reason there was a riot on the beach. I left and drove home. On 6/28/2021 7:30 PM: yeah, Epoch Times had an article on that. It doesn't surprise me at all. it was pretty crazy when I lived down there in 1975 On Monday, June 28, 2021, 07:27:53 PM , wrote: Homelessness In Venice Beach Loseles Is Getting CRAZY! I sat down with Epoch Times reporter Jamie Joseph to figure out why Venice Beach Loseles is getting worse! Jamie Joseph: Writing: Twitter: ** *Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund* donations used for DNA testing *Fight for your freedom:*
*Vaccine Truth:*
Jews Control the Jesuitsby steve - 2021-06-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I've heard you say the Zionists (anti-Semites) don't control the world but the Jesuits do. Well, this person differs (I haven't read it yet, though): Jews Control the Jesuits Has the British Empire Taken America?by doug - 2021-06-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Terrific interview: Has the British Imperial Empire Taken America? Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 1:32 AM and Tyla Gabriel and McKibben are the driving forces behind AIM4Truth and Americans4Innovation, two of my favorite independent news websites, by some of the finest researchers on the Internet. I'm on a quest to understand how this Global Flu d'état was coordinated and pulled-off. While everybody else blames China, the Globalists or the Sabbatean/Illuminati for covid, these three have maintained, since the very beginning that it is the British Crown, via the Pirbright Institute and QinetiQ that is the true villain of this whole story. First, the three take a look at the pandemic laws, because this is where Congress gave away US sovereignty. says, "We gave away our entire nation to the World Heath Organization, which is the United Nations, which of course, is a British Institution." These laws were reaffirmed several times; in 2006, 2013, 2019 and then in the 116th Congress and each time, they were made broader and broader. The first, in 2006 is called the Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Acts of 2006, which came under the Public Health Service Act and gave the power to manage all manner of emergencies -- without ever defining what emergencies are -- to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the US Department of Health and Human Services. Four people have held this position since the pandemic began. The current person in that role is Nikki Bratcher-Bowman, a 31-year veteran at HHS. Whereas, previous laws had called for a review after 90 days of whether a pandemic is still a pandemic after it's been declared, the 2006 Act did not establish any such limit. In 2013, they added language to establish that if the World Health Organization declares anything, the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health must follow the WHO's directive -- and as we know, the WHO is currently led by Tedros Adhanom, a rabid Communist and a personal friend of both Gates and Xi Jinping. This law is how we lost our sovereignty. A foreign power now gets to decide if we shut down the economy. says it's unconstitutional and it should be declared null and void. says that anybody who voted for this should be locked up in Gitmo for Treason. The 2016 update to this legislation, the 21st Century Cures Act, written by 1,400 lobbyists representing 400 Big Pharma companies, to benefit those who would stand to gain from a pandemic, focused entirely on "breakthrough" therapies and vaccines (i.e., drugs with patents owned by the CDC, NIH or Fauci, himself) and removed any remaining liability Big Pharma had left over from the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. In 2019, it was updated again, with the Pandemic and All-Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act. "Advancing Innovation" means they get to experiment on us. This is how we end up with mRNA injections, Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPIONS) and manipulative magnetic nanoparticles and zero liability for the Big Pharma companies for this garbage. says it gets worse. The "All-Hazards" part of this legislation's name refers to the injected people who are now ambulatory hazards spreading Transmissable Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) aka prion diseases. Once you've had the vax, you're now a hazard to yourself and to everyone you're in contact with. He reminds us that Mad Cow Disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) escaped from the lab at the Pirbright Institute and it was transmissable, causing Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in humans. He says, "They just stopped the pilots in Britain from flying planes, because why? Because they're hazards -- and it's in this law. And you don't have any rights, Folks, until this law is rescinded and the people who passed them are held accountable." He says, the term, "Preparedness" in the legislation refers to calling out the military and police to enforce this. Previously, only governors could do this but now, the DOD can. He says last year, Big Pharma spent $2.9 billion lobbying Washington DC and that for every $1 spent on research, Big Pharma spends $19 on advertising (aka propaganda). He calls it the biggest racket in America, making up 20% of the US' GDP and we no longer have any Constitutional rights until Acting Assistant Secretary Nikki Bratcher-Bowman says the pandemic is over. then launches into some bigtime dot-connecting that links the British East India Company, the African slave-trading families, Kamala Harris' great-great-grandfather, Boris son's wife, Barclays Bank, JP Morgan, the Velvet Mafia, the YMCA, Jeffrey Epstein and the global child-trafficking network that is now in control of the US Southern Border. gets into the 800,000 young people, mostly girls who go missing in America every year and how "Twice, China sent...their largest troop carriers empty to Syria, saying, 'Hey, we're here to help,'" and 1.4 million Syrian refugees went missing after the two trips of those troop carriers. "In other words, they were sold to China." Over 2 million Uyghurs have gone missing in China. The British East India Company lay dormant for many years but it was revived in 2018, according to corporate filings that has seen. To Tyla, this means they're getting ready to "Proclaim that they've taken over the whole world and that...the American Experiment was just a little speed bump. They will get rid of us and annihilate that in all the history books, any mention of America and who we are." says, "Now, we've come full circle, here of 'Why Jeffrey Epstein?' I get the idea that people can be blackmailed but what we're seeing now is a systemic understanding the British have had about how to abuse, in order to get those people to do their will over a long period of time. In other words, they're experts at it... "We can see that the self-anointed elitists within Britain have believed since 1600 that they were destined to rule the world and they learned that sexual abuse was a key element in keeping control of whole societies and that is exactly what they've done and they carried it out with the YMCA, right in plain sight...Jeffrey Epstein was just carrying on a long and strong tradition." says, "The YMCA, YWCA, Salvation Army, USO, the Society of the Elect, the City of Lon Marxism, Communism, Fascism and Imperialism were all born in Lon period." responds, "What we're seeing is here is the replacement for slavery by the British was the genesis of the Settlement Movement, Communism, Socialism, Fabianism; they were looking for a way to make slaves out of people by some "-ism" and they didn't really care whether it was Fascism or Communism. Those were all creations of this replacement of the British Empire with a new way of subduing the citizens of the country they dominated. That's what we're seeing." chimes in, "And we know that to do that, you have to have the best propaganda available to mankind..." , Tyla and only deal in indictable evidence and this podcast manages to be delightful, in spite of the direness of the topic. I love these guys so much! It's worth every minute of your time. Running Time: 56 mins How online censorship worksby don - 2021-07-01 ( education / research ) [html version]This guy made a youtube that the FBI didn't like. So they put him in prison on a bogus charge and delayed his trial until he relented and pled guilty months later. His cell mate said he wanted to go to trial, so they delayed his trial another year. Flagrant violation of the "speedy trial" provision of the constitution, but they just do it if they feel like it. this same guy says he's in the future and just visiting our time:index -- copy -- copy -- copy index -- copy -- copy -- copy (so, still ready to believe him?)
On Wednesday, June 30, 2021, 05:31:31 PM someone wrote: This guy made a youtube that the FBI didn't like. So they put him in prison on a bogus charge and delayed his trial until he relented and pled guilty months later. His cell mate said he wanted to go to trial, so they delayed his trial another year. Flagrant violation of the "speedy trial" provision of the constitution, but they just do it if they feel like it. Diabolitician Calls the Shots on the Extermination of Humansby admin - 2021-07-02 ( education / research / conspiracies / covid ) [html version]
wild prognosticationsby don - 2021-07-02 ( education / research ) [html version] The Problem with Assigning Blame to Any One Groupby bill - 2021-07-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Received the following email this morning. My reply is at the bottom. [trusted source]. Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2021. Subject: Jews control the Jesuits
The problem with assigning blame to any one group or another is that you'll never hit your target. The guilty are, and always have been, individuals (and ideas) who flit in and out of SEVERAL groups (using these groups as cover) as they weave their sinister little (OK, not so little) webs of deceit. If your employer or school requires a vaccineby don - 2021-07-05 ( education / research ) [html version]oops, forgot the school one On 7/4/21 7:33 PM someone wrote:
This reportedly gets them to back off immediately: Korean Research Team May Have Found the Secret to Water Desalinizationby admin - 2021-07-13 ( life / health / water ) [html version]
Totally Big Brotherby staff - 2021-07-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version][This] is where Biden and the commies/democrats want to take us "Biden allied groups, including the DNC, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages." Read, listen or watch the rest here: theconservativetreehouse Excellent Letter to Schoolby doug - 2021-07-17 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]This is an excellent letter from parents to school superintendent. The response is chilling.;sxc1/ [ /PBxgBgr9rAE6/RXDRsR;sxc1 Think things will be better this school year? Think again Give Wellness Forum Health a call at 614-841-7700. Check out . Doctor tests his patients who got the shot and has shocking results [] Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for covid Have Permanent Heart Damage In this explosive interview of Dr. Charles Hoffe on the Laura Lynn show, Dr. Hoffe explains how he has tested his patients who have received the covid-19 shots and that 62% of them show blood clotting and permanent damage as a result. "The worst is =85 . Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2021 10:29 AMRe: it's not really about masks because fauXi long ago said that those masks don't work against a virus (and those N95 masks don't stop an infected person from breathing the virus on everybody else). it's about teaching kids to OBEY BIG BROTHER -- SUBMIT. or as the Borg of Star Trek said, "resistance is futile" On Thursday, July 15, 2021, 09:31:46 AM : This is an excellent letter from parents to school superintendent. The response is chilling. [] Think things will be better this school year? Think again Give Wellness Forum Health a call at 614-841-7700. Check out . Doctor tests his patients who got the shot and has shocking results [] Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for covid Have Permanent Heart Damage In this explosive interview of Dr. Charles Hoffe on the Laura Lynn show, Dr. Hoffe explains how he has tested his patients who have received the covid-19 shots and that 62% of them show blood clotting and permanent damage as a result. "The worst is =85 . Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2021 10:29 AM Re: it's not really about masks because fauXi long ago said that those masks don't work against a virus (and those N95 masks don't stop an infected person from breathing the virus on everybody else). it's about teaching kids to OBEY BIG BROTHER -- SUBMIT. or as the Borg of Star Trek said, "resistance is futile"
On Thursday, July 15, 2021, 09:31:46 AM : This is an excellent letter from parents to school superintendent. The response is chilling. [] Think things will be better this school year? Think again Give Wellness Forum Health a call at 614-841-7700. Check out .
Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund donations used for DNA testing Australia Officially Announced Today is 1st Day of New World Orderby staff - 2021-07-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Australia officially announced today is 1st day of New World Order "Disturbing footage out of Australia shows a New South Wales' MP declare the beginning of the New World Order as the government locks down the country over covid once again." Read, listen or watch the rest here: Mailer DH.COM&utm_content=subscriber_id:31604279& 7-13 6pm"> beware the vaxed, sick again, might be whyby don - 2021-07-21 ( education / research ) [html version]I don't know. I might hav e actual covid. I just got out of the hospital Don't know if you already saw this: lethal Graphene Oxide is in the suicide vax But it's "proprietary" and so it's not listed in the patent. Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2021 10:35 AM To: Subject: Re: impossible. the flu and pneumonia were banned and replaced by covid (so you MUST have covid. maybe they'll name the "new variant" as the " variant")
On Thursday, July 22, 2021, 10:30:53 AM someone wrote: I think it's a flu. The doctor said there's one going around and I read that flu can cause a-fib in men over 60. On 7/22/21 11:30 AM: Thanks for the update. On 7/22/2021 8:18 AM someone wrote: they say I don't have covid, but I'm feeling a little better every day they ave me on blood thinners as well as my usual blood pressure medicine I have no apettite so I'm losing weight On 7/21/21 4:22 PM: I agree. Anyway, how are you doing today? On 7/21/2021 1:02 PM someone wrote: , that's silly On 7/21/21 3:28 AM: I hear the testing is also eventually lethal. Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 10:00 AM Subject: Re:
I don't know. I might hav e actual covid. I just got out of the hospital with atriial defibrilation -- they took the covid swab but won'know forf a couple of days if i have it. I still hear my heart beating in the head, and my pulse was lmost 200. I had a hard time driving because the right hand lane marking looked like it was closing in and i had to make a conscious effort to hug to the left marking. I On 7/19/21 3:02 AM: You're saying you might have gotten something from a vaxed person? Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2021 12:32 PM Subject:
Listen Up, Californiaby doug - 2021-07-28 ( education / research ) [html version]Listen up California! Catherine Austin Fittsby doug - 2021-07-28 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]If you want to understand WHY we are in the crisis of 2020/21 look no further than the amazing Former assistant HUD secretary for a past president (I think Bush 1), she is so astute that you really have to see the full interview, but this is a short highlight video who whet your appetite. She doesn't disappoint. [ vi/2LOIABoZOyw/hqdefault.webp] Whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts Reveals Central Banking Reset Plan! Whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts Reveals Central Bankers Plan!Bankers agreed during FED meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming to take down the economy with ea... She is one of the numerous gems we have in the alternative media that is always working to expose the lies of the mainstream corruption machine and their globalist puppet masters. Unfortunately, the main platform for this interview is YouTube, other than their dedicated website for the Dark Journalist. I couldn't find the full interview, but here is a link to all her interviews by Dark Journalist: Dark Journalist: Catherine Austin Fitts Interviews Dark Journalist welcomes back Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts for Part 1 of their mind blowing examination of the intense secrecy surrounding the futuristic UFO Economy and Black Budget totalitarian domination over all activities in Space. . I never heard about Zundel, but isn't there also movies they made of this? I remember in about 5th grade watching movies of dead Jews being bulldozed into a ditch from these concentration camps. That doesn't prove gas chambers, but would be fishy to think they died of natural causes. Then there's Operation Paperclip that took these horrendous German doctors and scientists who were conducting experiments on the Jews and Romany people and mostly escaped the Nuremberg trials because they were wanted by the USA for fear the Russians would snag them and so the USA could enter into the next phase of the war -- the cold war. So I can't personally say these gas chambers exist, but think someone is trying to rewrite history. Now we have holocaust 2.0 with the corporate fascism and the Great Reset using covid as the excuse. How will this finally be recorded by historians? Hopefully the victors will say what really happened and not that the benevolent corporations saved humanity by eliminating starvation and all sickness thanks to the medical miracle of Trump and his Moderna super heroes. Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 5:49 PM
they said they found proof of gas chambers but when checked out, it was a BIG LIE (If you read the Zundel trial report, you'd know that) On Monday, August 16, 2021, 03:04:27 PM someone wrote:
Sure they found gas chambers. But neo-Nazis use the passage of time to rewrite history. No proof of a lot of things anymore. They're jjust hateful people. On 8/16/21 4:07 PM: I would be surprised if there is really no proof of gas chambers. I thought that was all well-documented. But so much other stuff that I took for granted was true turns out to be false, like how we won WW2 when actually we lost. But that's complicated and if you don't believe it start doing research. Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 7:55 PM
defending the nazis? No, I'm just stating facts. As I've said before, look at the "transfer agreement" to see how Hitler and the zionists decided that rich zionist jews "got to" go to israel but the poor nonzionists "got to help with the war effort". there has never been any proof of gas chambers. On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 07:50:48 PM someone wrote:
probably stayed there to starve themselves to death :-) the nazis you're defending are the lower down people behind the new world order scamdemic On 8/15/21 9:40 PM: they were free because the nazis left. I don't know why they didn't leave On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 07:36:28 PM someone wrote:
So the Nazis were too dumb, with the allied soldiers headed their way, to free the prisoners? Neo nazis are making this sh-t up to de-demonize the old Nazis On 8/15/21 7:41 PM: yes, when the Germans heard that the allies were about to get there, they left the camps WITHOUT ANY FOOD (which tends to lead to DEAD PEOPLE) On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 03:15:25 PM someone wrote:
and yet all those US soldiers testified about all the dead Jews and Gypsies they found. I even talked to one at Sunrise Mall in the early 80s On 8/15/21 3:35 PM: the gas was Zykon-B, used to KILL FLEAS so to prevent typhus. Nobody has ever proved that anybody was gassed. One guy said that, was put in prison, had two trials, and in the second trial nobody could prove it happened so he was set free. The Z=FCndel Trials (1985 and 1988) (about whether holocaust gas chambers existed) On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 01:31:06 PM someone wrote:
I think the gas they gave the Jews was free, too. Blacks ALL know about the Tuscegee radiation experiments on the black population. On 8/15/21 12:39 PM: I saw a video a couple days ago about NYC blacks having a very low percentage and the title was suggesting maybe they're smarter. One lady brought up an excellent point when she told the story of her late uncle or something who was a diabetic and had a lot of insulin now. She mentioned the family was able to sell it on the street for a lot of money because things that really save lives are always very expensive. So what does that tell you about the fake vax when it's free? And they can't give them away to about 50% of the American population! I hope those numbers of vaxed are inflated. I hear different quotes. Today I saw in NextDoor in Sacramento that police and firefighters are not going for it much and that gives me hope. Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 10:18 AM But vaccines work great, depending on the goal. What they call a vaccine today isn't what they used to call them even in 2019. it's not even required to prevent any disease, nor stop the transmission of any disease. But they are excellent vehicles to change how your cells operate and connect to radio waves. It's a roaring success (for the cabal) and nobody can refute that. Now get out there and take the shot while it's still free. I hear they plan to charge a lot of money for them soon. That will create a huge demand because people are not valuing things if they don't have to pay a lot of money for them, right? LOL Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 9:35 AM vaccines don't work masks don't work it's all a SCAM to see how many will Komply to the satanists On Saturday, August 14, 2021, 02:05:31 AM : HIGHWIRE -- WITH CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS MUST SEE Solutions we can all do to fix this mess ourselves . the gas was Zykon-B, used to KILL FLEAS so to prevent typhus. Nobody has ever proved that anybody was gassed. One guy said that, was put in prison, had two trials, and in the second trial nobody could prove it happened so he was set free. The Zundel Trials (1985 and 1988) (about whetherholocaust gas chambers existed) On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 01:31:06 PM someone wrote:
I think the gas they gave the Jews was free, too. Blacks ALL know about the Tuscegee radiation experiments on the black population. On 8/15/21 12:39 PM: 3371120973 P I saw a video a couple days ago about NYC blacks having a very low percentage and the title was suggesting maybe they're smarter. One lady brought up an excellent point when she told the story of her late uncle or something who was a diabetic and had a lot of insulin now. She mentioned the family was able to sell it on the street for a lot of money because things that really save lives are always very expensive. So what does that tell you about the fake vax when it's free? And they can't give them away to about 50% of the American population! I hope those numbers of vaxed are inflated. I hear different quotes. Today I saw in NextDoor in Sacramento that police and firefighters are not going for it much and that gives me hope. Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 10:18 AM = 3371120973 p But vaccines work great, depending on the goal. What they call a vaccine today isn't what they used to call them even in 2019. it's not even required to prevent any disease, nor stop the transmission of any disease. But they are excellent vehicles to change how your cells operate and connect to radio waves. It's a roaring success (for the cabal) and nobody can refute that. Now get out there and take the shot while it's still free. I hear they plan to charge a lot of money for them soon. That will create a huge demand because people are not valuing things if they don't have to pay a lot of money for them, right? LOL Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 9:35 AM = vaccines don't work masks don't work it's all a SCAM to see how many will Komply to the satanists On Saturday, August 14, 2021, 02:05:31 AM : 3371120973 3371120973x_x_yiv7593443861 p HIGHWIRE -- WITH CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS MUST SEE Solutions we can all do to fix this mess ourselves . the gas was Zykon-B, used to KILL FLEAS so to prevent typhus. Nobody has ever proved that anybody was gassed. One guy said that, was put in prison, had two trials, and in the second trial nobody could prove it happened so he was set free. The Zundel Trials (1985 and 1988) (about whetherholocaust gas chambers existed) On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 01:31:06 PM someone wrote:
I think the gas they gave the Jews was free, too. Blacks ALL know about the Tuscegee radiation experiments on the black population. On 8/15/21 12:39 PM: 3371120973 P I saw a video a couple days ago about NYC blacks having a very low percentage and the title was suggesting maybe they're smarter. One lady brought up an excellent point when she told the story of her late uncle or something who was a diabetic and had a lot of insulin now. She mentioned the family was able to sell it on the street for a lot of money because things that really save lives are always very expensive. So what does that tell you about the fake vax when it's free? And they can't give them away to about 50% of the American population! I hope those numbers of vaxed are inflated. I hear different quotes. Today I saw in NextDoor in Sacramento that police and firefighters are not going for it much and that gives me hope. Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 10:18 AM = 3371120973 p But vaccines work great, depending on the goal. What they call a vaccine today isn't what they used to call them even in 2019. it's not even required to prevent any disease, nor stop the transmission of any disease. But they are excellent vehicles to change how your cells operate and connect to radio waves. It's a roaring success (for the cabal) and nobody can refute that. Now get out there and take the shot while it's still free. I hear they plan to charge a lot of money for them soon. That will create a huge demand because people are not valuing things if they don't have to pay a lot of money for them, right? LOL Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 9:35 AM = vaccines don't work masks don't work it's all a SCAM to see how many will Komply to the satanists On Saturday, August 14, 2021, 02:05:31 AM : 3371120973 3371120973x_x_yiv7593443861 p HIGHWIRE -- WITH CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS MUST SEE Solutions we can all do to fix this mess ourselves . the gas was Zykon-B, used to KILL FLEAS so to prevent typhus. Nobody has ever proved that anybody was gassed. One guy said that, was put in prison, had two trials, and in the second trial nobody could prove it happened so he was set free. The Zundel Trials (1985 and 1988) (about whetherholocaust gas chambers existed) On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 01:31:06 PM someone wrote:
I think the gas they gave the Jews was free, too. Blacks ALL know about the Tuscegee radiation experiments on the black population. On 8/15/21 12:39 PM: 3371120973 P I saw a video a couple days ago about NYC blacks having a very low percentage and the title was suggesting maybe they're smarter. One lady brought up an excellent point when she told the story of her late uncle or something who was a diabetic and had a lot of insulin now. She mentioned the family was able to sell it on the street for a lot of money because things that really save lives are always very expensive. So what does that tell you about the fake vax when it's free? And they can't give them away to about 50% of the American population! I hope those numbers of vaxed are inflated. I hear different quotes. Today I saw in NextDoor in Sacramento that police and firefighters are not going for it much and that gives me hope. Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 10:18 AM = 3371120973 p But vaccines work great, depending on the goal. What they call a vaccine today isn't what they used to call them even in 2019. it's not even required to prevent any disease, nor stop the transmission of any disease. But they are excellent vehicles to change how your cells operate and connect to radio waves. It's a roaring success (for the cabal) and nobody can refute that. Now get out there and take the shot while it's still free. I hear they plan to charge a lot of money for them soon. That will create a huge demand because people are not valuing things if they don't have to pay a lot of money for them, right? LOL Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 9:35 AM = vaccines don't work masks don't work it's all a SCAM to see how many will Komply to the satanists On Saturday, August 14, 2021, 02:05:31 AM : 3371120973 3371120973x_x_yiv7593443861 p HIGHWIRE -- WITH CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS MUST SEE Solutions we can all do to fix this mess ourselves . the gas was Zykon-B, used to KILL FLEAS so to prevent typhus. Nobody has ever proved that anybody was gassed. One guy said that, was put in prison, had two trials, and in the second trial nobody could prove it happened so he was set free. The Zundel Trials (1985 and 1988) (about whetherholocaust gas chambers existed)
On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 01:31:06 PM someone wrote: I think the gas they gave the Jews was free, too. Blacks ALL know about the Tuscegee radiation experiments on the black population. On 8/15/21 12:39 PM: 3371120973 P I saw a video a couple days ago about NYC blacks having a very low percentage and the title was suggesting maybe they're smarter. One lady brought up an excellent point when she told the story of her late uncle or something who was a diabetic and had a lot of insulin now. She mentioned the family was able to sell it on the street for a lot of money because things that really save lives are always very expensive. So what does that tell you about the fake vax when it's free? And they can't give them away to about 50% of the American population! I hope those numbers of vaxed are inflated. I hear different quotes. Today I saw in NextDoor in Sacramento that police and firefighters are not going for it much and that gives me hope. Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 10:18 AM
= 3371120973 p But vaccines work great, depending on the goal. What they call a vaccine today isn't what they used to call them even in 2019. it's not even required to prevent any disease, nor stop the transmission of any disease. But they are excellent vehicles to change how your cells operate and connect to radio waves. It's a roaring success (for the cabal) and nobody can refute that. Now get out there and take the shot while it's still free. I hear they plan to charge a lot of money for them soon. That will create a huge demand because people are not valuing things if they don't have to pay a lot of money for them, right? LOL
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 9:35 AM
= vaccines don't work masks don't work it's all a SCAM to see how many will Komply to the satanists
On Saturday, August 14, 2021, 02:05:31 AM : 3371120973 3371120973x_x_yiv7593443861 p HIGHWIRE -- WITH CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS MUST SEE Solutions we can all do to fix this mess ourselves . Cal State U System to Require Covid-19 Vaccinations in Advance of Full FDA Approvalby doug - 2021-07-28 ( education / research ) [html version]Mr. Hutchinson, This is CRIMINAL to coerce students and offer a $100 gift card to commit suicide from this poison vax. There will be many who die immediately, others who are rendered infertile, and many more who will suffer life-changing physical damage such as myocarditis from the effects of this poison. Mark my words, you and the others involved in this evil plan to vax the world will pay the price in the form of Nuremberg Trials against the Nazis. You are acting no differently. Disgusting! It's a crime against humanity. -- concerned parent Date: Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 11:47 AM Dear Students, Today, the CSU system decided to move forward immediately with a requirement for students, faculty, and staff to be fully vaccinated against covid-19 (or obtain a valid exemption). The official policy will be forthcoming. Students who plan to be on campus must have at least one vaccine shot prior to the beginning of classes August 23 and must be fully vaccinated by September 30. Vaccines are not fully effective until two weeks after the final dose, and at that point a person is considered "fully vaccinated." Anyone who isn't yet fully vaccinated is required to wear a mask in all campus facilities. Please note, student populations, like those living in University Housing or participating in NCAA athletics, are required to be fully vaccinated prior to the CSU deadline. I understand this is a significant change from the CSU's announcement in April which stated that the vaccine mandate would take effect upon full FDA approval of one of the vaccines. New developments make it clear that we simply cannot wait. The Delta variant has caused cases to spike nationwide and covid-19 remains a very serious threat for those who are not yet vaccinated. Going to the grocery store, a favorite restaurant, or class can present an unnecessary risk for those who have not taken the vaccine. For these reasons, I support the Chancellor's decision. Here are some important next steps: Get Vaccinated If You Haven't Already Chico State is offering a covid-19 vaccine clinic on campus On Tuesday, August 3, in the Bell Memorial Union Auditorium between 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Use this sign-up sheet to let us know you'll be there and then show up ANY TIME between 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to get your shot. covid-19 vaccines are also widely available at pharmacies nationwide as well as community clinics, often with no appointment necessary. Visit to find an available vaccine near you. Certify That You've Been Fully Vaccinated Students who are fully vaccinated can submit their vaccination status and upload a picture of their vaccine record in the Student Center by clicking "covid 19 Vaccination" in the Student Records menu. Once you complete the Student Center form, you have fulfilled the CSU's requirement. This is also where you begin the exemption process. View detailed instructions on how to submit your vaccination status. As a thank-you and to encourage you to submit your vaccination info early, the University will hold weekly drawings for fully vaccinated students. Beginning August 3 and continuing through September 10, we will award 10 $100 gift cards to the Wildcat Store and a grand prize of Apple Air Pods each week. All students who certify they are vaccinated in the Student Center are eligible and no further action is required on your part. We will share additional information about the CSU policy and its implications for our campus as soon as it is available. You can find answers to some frequently asked questions about the vaccine requirement on our covid-19 website. We know that widespread vaccination is our clearest and best path toward mitigating this pandemic. It is also the key to providing the collegiate experience you deserve. One where you can socialize with your friends and collaborate with your classmates and enjoy all that Chico has to offer without risking your health. Sincerely, Gayle E. Hutchinson President Listen Up, Californiaby doug - 2021-07-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]somebody figured it outby don - 2021-07-30 ( education / research ) [html version]the text: Demons and AI Dem,ons & AI Computers have a vibrational compatibility with demons. Demons have a vibrational incoompatibility with Humans. What we call aliens are of the demonic vibration.Pure human consciousness can be called"Christ Concsciousness." People with christ consciousness have a vibrational incompatibility with computers. If you achieve a palpible strength or purity of christ consciousnesss, computers will become "balky." You will find thhem just not doing what they're told, or failing frequently. And what we call aliens are of that demonic vibration. I once achieved a spiritual breakthrough and "shapeshifted" to my personality of childhood. It felt wonderful, almost like a warm pilot light in my chest. But immediately computers and networks started to misbehave. Strictly mechanical things also: the internet provider cable from the street felll off the poll. After they fixed it, it felll of again within 3 days. Since it was fixed, the network tests fine, but it keeps going in and out for no discernible reason. I keep having to employ backup system,s and workarounds. And the higher the consciousness of my thoughts or writing, the more balky the machines get. I have noticed this on certain guests or topics on Coast radio, and the host has commented on it ("they're censoring us," George Noory will say sometimes, not completely erious. I often have problems printing to a network printer for no discernible reason. Pings check out... I can forsee a need for typewriters, especially the old memory writers. Where you can print directly from screen to page with no network in between. It seems the more complex the network, the more failure-prone it is – as if all the machines are ganging up on the humans. Examining this issue, the state of our world makes more sense. Why does Elon Musk want to hook us up to computer networks? Because unless we become more machine-like (more demonic), we are a big problem for the global AI. Whey does Netflix promote depraved congtent like nobody's businesss? Because our fledgling Christ Consciousness is a big problem for the New World Order. When a person energetically shapeshifts to a more human state, they become an impedimentto the world consciousnesss matrix. They won't be happy until we are all demons. A good Christ Consciousness shapeshifter leture is callled Innocence that is powerful not vulnerable, by a Christian Science minister. On 7/29/21 5:42 PM wrote: laugh therapyby steve - 2021-08-04 ( education / research ) [html version]besides laugh therapy, I recommend that everybody visualize tumor shrinking, shrinking, shrinking, and popping into non-existence
On Monday, August 2, 2021, 10:51:52 PM PDT: 5599568751 P Laugh therapy -- it is hard not to laugh with this man Sometimes You Just Have To Laugh At The Sheepcovid19: The UK Government downgraded the danger of covid19 from a high consequence infectious disease on 19th March 2020 (1 week BEFORE the first lockdown) -- Global covid . Genius Ideaby doug - 2021-08-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This is simply genius YouTube Pirate Streams -- #SolutionsWatch SHOW NOTES AND MP3: Remember when people used to set up pirate radio stations to broadcast forbidden or controversial media to the masses? Well this is the 21st century and increasingly people are looking for... Amazing Dogby doug - 2021-08-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Amazing dog -- amazing! Also, lots of covid hoax stuff. [] FAUCI, CNN NOW SAY "VACCINATED ARE SUPER SPREADERS" -- SORRY, THE VACCINES DON'T WORK -- FOOD SHORTAGE LINK TO RUMBLE FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT VIEW THIS VIDEO ON BITCHUTE. - The Vaccinated are the ones being Hospitalized - Fauci / CNN / FOX NEWS . Sheriff Mackby doug - 2021-08-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Excellent interview with Whether democrat or Republican, NOBODY is an honest person working for the people. NOBODY abides by their oath to the Constitution in the US Congress. I think they must ALL GO !! . Surprisingly Interesting Interview About the Illuminatiby doug - 2021-08-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Surprisingly interesting interview about the Illuminati and cabal Satanists by Sarah Westall . Status of the 1st Amendmentby doug - 2021-08-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Incredibly fine work by Dr. Shiva to discover government censorship by ALL government, every party, including Trump Don't believe for a moment any government agency or elected official is on your side. It's a proven fact now and it's a very sad state of affairs. Get involved and be part of the solution. Join Dr. Shiva's great fight. It's worth watching the full video: . A Sane New Societyby doug - 2021-08-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Part of the effort to create a new society out of the ashes of our current globalist, fascist society is happening through Gab. Freedom-loving people will really like what this video talks about and businesses who have these same ideals will, too. [] Advertising on Gab ? Andrew Torba ️ The vision for Gab Ads. Andrew Torba ️. Share Illuminatiby steve - 2021-08-09 ( education / research ) [html version]I finally watched this. It's interesting that she said that Jesus saved her. It's easy to dismiss it all as some fabrication. I know a woman who said she was put through= something similar because of her family's craziness.
On Tuesday, August 3, 2021, 02:47:42 AM PDT: #yiv0360588301 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;} Surprisingly interesting interview about the Illuminati and cabal Satanists by Sarah Westall . The Big Question - are You a True American?by doug - 2021-08-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Excellent documentary on the 2020 election fraud Even if you watched closely, there is a lot of info here you probably didn't know about. Even if you think it was the most honest election in history, I hope you are in favor of honest elections (and you have so much to learn). Every American should watch this and make sure we fix this broken system and rip out these scumbags and psychopaths who have stolen the country and sold us to China. . Stew Peters Againby doug - 2021-08-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]ignorance is key to a fantasy about life. Stew Peters is hitting home runs just about daily with the people he interviews. This is also a MUST SEE because it stresses just why the graphene and graphene oxide is vital to get into people. The Bio-tech and Nano-tech revolution is a NIGHTMARE for humanity We are only weeks away from a massive escalation of this global fascism. . Sent: Sunday, August 8, 2021 10:46 PM I figure that many of you won't watch this but that's okay if you want to remain ignorant: Canada - worth watching at 1.5 speedby doug - 2021-08-12 ( education / research ) [html version]Very interesting discussion The title of the video is only a tiny part . Spiroby doug - 2021-08-13 ( education / research ) [html version]A rare video from Spiro - better listen up . RFK JR. - MUST SEEby doug - 2021-08-13 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]WOW -- MUST SEE VIDEO BY RFK JR. -- ALL AMERICANS MUST HEAR THIS . No doubt about that. It's hard to take all this evil sh-t coming at us non-stop. That reminds me of something you probably didn't see that I wrote about one of our presumed ancestors last night: PEDRO WAS A MAN The story goes something like he was such a man the king gave him his surname -- HOMEM -- and he was apparently a man among men. This is the ancestor of probably millions today, even if we can't find any proven link. If you have HOMEM in your tree this is probably a branch. What happened to his descendants? Were they also real men? Or were they wimps? Real men and wimps both can have children. Just look around us to prove that. But I wonder if this ancestor would respect his descendants who are wimps, cowards, worthless B males and didn't follow his lead as an Alpha male. This ancestor was from the 1200s, if I correctly recall. From the mainland of Portugal, when his bravery in battle, maybe as a knight of the king, landed him the surname handed down for the past 700-800 years or so. It was presumably a time when life was a whole lot simpler. Men were expected to take care and protect their families at any cost. Like in the movies of brave soldiers, they stood for something and were willing to die for it if necessary. They were not the wimps who deserted instead of fighting the enemy. Real men had pride. Real men were tough when toughness was required. If they couldn't protect their wife and children they were willing to die in the attempt. I look around and see my fellow Portuguese and for the most part I AM completely disgusted to see all the wimps. These B males put on masks, run and try to hide from facing reality. They allow their children to be tortured by masks at school because some other con-artist convinced them they would die if they don't. These B males would be the same ones to turn tale and run rather than fight the enemy and as they did back then should be executed for treason to their country and to their own families for not protecting them. Life has become so cushy that many forgot how to be a man. And sickos are convincing these B males to take hormone blockers. No wonder we don't see men much these days. I see women stepping up more than men leading the way. Pedro Homem was a man. What are you? Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 8:11 PM Re: wow, yeah, he tells the history of satanic fauci and gates with them creating this SCAM (but I"m sure that some people can't handle this)
On Thursday, August 12, 2021, 01:10:14 AM : WOW -- MUST SEE VIDEO BY RFK JR. -- ALL AMERICANS MUST HEAR THIS . A Rare Video from Spiroby doug - 2021-08-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Better listen up. Another Wow - Chinaby doug - 2021-08-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]MUST SEE: Your Wake Up Call Mit Studyby doug - 2021-08-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]MIT study about vax hesitancy After watching this, tell me what's the converse of the people they studied. ? Canada - Worth Watching at 1.5 Speedby doug - 2021-08-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Very interesting discussion The title of the video is only a tiny part . The Ai Smart Grid, with David Ickeby doug - 2021-08-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]At about minute 30 he discusses the transgender push. But the entire interview is great. The first part is about AI. The Total End of a Free Society - Af Docuseries Episode #1by doug - 2021-08-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Can you even imagine this happening to you? US GOVERNMENT IS SO CRIMINAL -- MUST WATCH Free Speechby steve - 2021-08-17 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Yeah, I told of that "secret oath" to Israel by former congressman Cynthia McKinney 2 years ago: Cynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 12:44:22 PM : Free Speech Platforms I think this is an important message from Andrew Torba of Gab. I really dislike this guy Dan Bongino more and more. He's not really for free speech, as he claims. His "freedoms" don't include free speech or he wouldn't have that "hate speech" clause in terms of service. It's about time these sneaky Americans are exposed as being the flip side of the coin of the Democrats. Republicans who support "hate speech" clauses are fooling themselves and are no better than the Nazi regime of the fake POTUS of 2021. That includes Trump, DeSantis and just about everyone else in Congress, by the way. You should know the secret oath members of Congress are forced to take that says they support Israel first (above the USA). It's incredible but now an open secret. The pro-Israel faction in the USA is massive. Why aren't they truly America First? They can't be because they are Israel first. Can't have both first. I support America First and always will. The US Constitution allows freedom of speech and that includes the ability to criticize ANYONE including the Nazi tactics of Israel. [I have no] problem with Jews, but their politics are going to take down this planet if we don't wise up to their Nazi tactics. Banksters are the biggest criminals out there and are behind the Great Reset. Guess who are these banksters... criminally-minded Jews! I know the Zionist supporters will attack me for saying this but I don't care whatsoever. I call it like it is and it's about time others do the same. These criminal banks are about to enslave the entire world and if you support their Zionist thinking you are only helping them. if you want to learn about the zionists and their interpretation of the bible, you have to investigate the "Scofield" bible On Monday, August 16, 2021, 09:08:18 PM : 1960278773 P Yea, and worst of all is he acts like he's so desiring freedom. Maybe he's the typical Republican / conservative where they all agree they like the first and 2nd amendments, with the secret exception of anything bad to say about Israel, and complete Zionist for whatever reason -- maybe his crazy interpretation of the bible. Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 2:38 PM= So it steme Bongino is another zionist puppet On Monday, August 16, 2021, 02:10:30 PM : Yup, and I only found out about it during my research last year. Incredible, but it's the same old story of pay to play. Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 12:57 PM= Yeah, I told of that "secret oath" to Israel by former congressman Cynthia McKinney 2 years ago.Cynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels Cynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 12:44:22 PM : Free Speech Platforms I think this is an important message from Andrew Torba of Gab. I really dislike this guy Dan Bongino more and more. He's not really for free speech, as he claims. His "freedoms" don't include free speech or he wouldn't have that "hate speech" clause in terms of service. It's about time these sneaky Americans are exposed as being the flip side of the coin of the Democrats. Republicans who support "hate speech" clauses are fooling themselves and are no better than the Nazi regime of the fake potus of 2021. That includes Trump, DeSantis and just about everyone else in congress, by the way. You should know the secret oath members of congress are forced to take that says they support Israel first (above the USA). It's incredible but now an open secret. The pro Israel faction in the USA is massive. Why aren't they truly America First? They can't be because they are Israel first. Can't have both first. I support America First and always will. The US Constitution allows freedom of speech and that includes the ability to criticize ANYONE including the Nazi tactics of Israel. No problem with Jews, but their politics are going to take down this planet if we don't wise up to their Nazi tactics. Banksters are the biggest criminals out there and are behind the Great Reset. Guess who are these banksters -- criminally minded Jews! I know the Zionist supporters will attack me for saying this but I don't care whatsoever. I call it like it is and it's about time others do the same. These criminal banks are about to enslave the entire world and if you support their Zionist thinking you are only helping them. . if you want to learn about the zionists and their interpretation of the bible, you have to investigate the "Scofield" bible On Monday, August 16, 2021, 09:08:18 PM : 1960278773 P Yea, and worst of all is he acts like he's so desiring freedom. Maybe he's the typical Republican / conservative where they all agree they like the first and 2nd amendments, with the secret exception of anything bad to say about Israel, and complete Zionist for whatever reason -- maybe his crazy interpretation of the bible. Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 2:38 PM= So it steme Bongino is another zionist puppet On Monday, August 16, 2021, 02:10:30 PM : Yup, and I only found out about it during my research last year. Incredible, but it's the same old story of pay to play. Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 12:57 PM= Yeah, I told of that "secret oath" to Israel by former congressman Cynthia McKinney 2 years ago.Cynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels Cynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 12:44:22 PM : Free Speech Platforms I think this is an important message from Andrew Torba of Gab. I really dislike this guy Dan Bongino more and more. He's not really for free speech, as he claims. His "freedoms" don't include free speech or he wouldn't have that "hate speech" clause in terms of service. It's about time these sneaky Americans are exposed as being the flip side of the coin of the Democrats. Republicans who support "hate speech" clauses are fooling themselves and are no better than the Nazi regime of the fake potus of 2021. That includes Trump, DeSantis and just about everyone else in congress, by the way. You should know the secret oath members of congress are forced to take that says they support Israel first (above the USA). It's incredible but now an open secret. The pro Israel faction in the USA is massive. Why aren't they truly America First? They can't be because they are Israel first. Can't have both first. I support America First and always will. The US Constitution allows freedom of speech and that includes the ability to criticize ANYONE including the Nazi tactics of Israel. No problem with Jews, but their politics are going to take down this planet if we don't wise up to their Nazi tactics. Banksters are the biggest criminals out there and are behind the Great Reset. Guess who are these banksters -- criminally minded Jews! I know the Zionist supporters will attack me for saying this but I don't care whatsoever. I call it like it is and it's about time others do the same. These criminal banks are about to enslave the entire world and if you support their Zionist thinking you are only helping them. . if you want to learn about the zionists and their interpretation of the bible, you have to investigate the "Scofield" bible On Monday, August 16, 2021, 09:08:18 PM : 1960278773 P Yea, and worst of all is he acts like he's so desiring freedom. Maybe he's the typical Republican / conservative where they all agree they like the first and 2nd amendments, with the secret exception of anything bad to say about Israel, and complete Zionist for whatever reason -- maybe his crazy interpretation of the bible. Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 2:38 PM= So it steme Bongino is another zionist puppet On Monday, August 16, 2021, 02:10:30 PM : Yup, and I only found out about it during my research last year. Incredible, but it's the same old story of pay to play. Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 12:57 PM= Yeah, I told of that "secret oath" to Israel by former congressman Cynthia McKinney 2 years ago.Cynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels Cynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 12:44:22 PM : Free Speech Platforms I think this is an important message from Andrew Torba of Gab. I really dislike this guy Dan Bongino more and more. He's not really for free speech, as he claims. His "freedoms" don't include free speech or he wouldn't have that "hate speech" clause in terms of service. It's about time these sneaky Americans are exposed as being the flip side of the coin of the Democrats. Republicans who support "hate speech" clauses are fooling themselves and are no better than the Nazi regime of the fake potus of 2021. That includes Trump, DeSantis and just about everyone else in congress, by the way. You should know the secret oath members of congress are forced to take that says they support Israel first (above the USA). It's incredible but now an open secret. The pro Israel faction in the USA is massive. Why aren't they truly America First? They can't be because they are Israel first. Can't have both first. I support America First and always will. The US Constitution allows freedom of speech and that includes the ability to criticize ANYONE including the Nazi tactics of Israel. No problem with Jews, but their politics are going to take down this planet if we don't wise up to their Nazi tactics. Banksters are the biggest criminals out there and are behind the Great Reset. Guess who are these banksters -- criminally minded Jews! I know the Zionist supporters will attack me for saying this but I don't care whatsoever. I call it like it is and it's about time others do the same. These criminal banks are about to enslave the entire world and if you support their Zionist thinking you are only helping them. . if you want to learn about the zionists and their interpretation of the bible, you have to investigate the "Scofield" bible
On Monday, August 16, 2021, 09:08:18 PM : 1960278773 P Yea, and worst of all is he acts like he's so desiring freedom. Maybe he's the typical Republican / conservative where they all agree they like the first and 2nd amendments, with the secret exception of anything bad to say about Israel, and complete Zionist for whatever reason -- maybe his crazy interpretation of the bible. Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 2:38 PM = So it steme Bongino is another zionist puppet
On Monday, August 16, 2021, 02:10:30 PM : Yup, and I only found out about it during my research last year. Incredible, but it's the same old story of pay to play. Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 12:57 PM = Yeah, I told of that "secret oath" to Israel by former congressman Cynthia McKinney 2 years ago.Cynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels
Cynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels
On Sunday, August 15, 2021, 12:44:22 PM : Free Speech Platforms I think this is an important message from Andrew Torba of Gab. I really dislike this guy Dan Bongino more and more. He's not really for free speech, as he claims. His "freedoms" don't include free speech or he wouldn't have that "hate speech" clause in terms of service. It's about time these sneaky Americans are exposed as being the flip side of the coin of the Democrats. Republicans who support "hate speech" clauses are fooling themselves and are no better than the Nazi regime of the fake potus of 2021. That includes Trump, DeSantis and just about everyone else in congress, by the way. You should know the secret oath members of congress are forced to take that says they support Israel first (above the USA). It's incredible but now an open secret. The pro Israel faction in the USA is massive. Why aren't they truly America First? They can't be because they are Israel first. Can't have both first. I support America First and always will. The US Constitution allows freedom of speech and that includes the ability to criticize ANYONE including the Nazi tactics of Israel. No problem with Jews, but their politics are going to take down this planet if we don't wise up to their Nazi tactics. Banksters are the biggest criminals out there and are behind the Great Reset. Guess who are these banksters -- criminally minded Jews! I know the Zionist supporters will attack me for saying this but I don't care whatsoever. I call it like it is and it's about time others do the same. These criminal banks are about to enslave the entire world and if you support their Zionist thinking you are only helping them. . good video of Kalifornia lifeby doug - 2021-08-18 ( education / research ) [html version]I often watch him -- usually funny and clever. Great lesson in history that applies today more than you may think . ________________________________ Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 1:02 PM What It's Like Living in California Now [] What It's Like Living in California Now The Amazing Zevby doug - 2021-08-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Most of you know this amazing man. But at minute 24 he describes why the people who got the covid shot will never listen to you. Pretty amazing. [ /r8wq75doLqKP/MhPucYDfuEiF Dr Zelenko Exposes Global Genocide Event covid19: The UK Government downgraded the danger of covid19 from a high consequence infectious disease on 19th March 2020 (1 week BEFORE the first lockdown) -- Global covid Rep . PG&E power outageby jeannie - 2021-08-18 ( education / research ) [html version]We will be losing our power from 6:00 tonight until Thursday noon. We are prepared with generators. We have a scary fire to our west so it's a good thing because winds will be strong heading our way. Prayers please. Love =E2=9D=A4=EF=B8=8F to everyone. We won't have home phones but cell phones sometimes work when we don't have power. Yeadonby doug - 2021-08-19 ( education / research ) [html version]Yea is very pro-vax and I fault him for that. But he describes why the covid "vaccine" doesn't fit the real definition of a vaccine. [] Yea Former Pfizer VO Message On Vaccines MUST SEE Since he's pro-vax, one must question his awareness of all the vax injuries for decades. How could someone not really see that? But even that problem with him is not enough to make him someone we shouldn't listen to. In fact, you would be very mistaken to not listen to him on this. He has a vast amount of experience and is obviously not a criminal because he's trying to warn people about all the government lies. He's truly trying to save lives. But will his message get out? Not a chance if we depend on the major media. But yes, it surely is leaking through the cracks through social media, despite all the heavy censorship. The truth will always come out. Who Won World War 2?by doug - 2021-08-19 ( education / research ) [html version]I AM listening to this 2018 interview that mentions Eisenhower and who won WW2, which I mention because I talked about it recently in another thread. Many will shoot this down because they are stuck in the 5 senses, so it requires an awareness that there is more to the universe than these 5 senses. Laura Eisenhower on Secret ET Treaties, the Negative ET Agenda, Mind Control, Secret ET Treaties Guest: Laura Eisenhower. Website: Who won WW2 ?by doug - 2021-08-19 ( education / research ) [html version]I AM listening to this 2018 interview that mentions Eisenhower and who won WW2, which I mention because I talked about it recently in another thread. Many will shoot this down because they are stuck in the 5 senses, so it requires an awareness that there is more to the universe than these 5 senses. [] Laura Eisenhower on Secret ET Treatiesthe Negative ET AgendaMind ControlSecret ET Treaties Guest: Laura EisenhowerWebsite: Laura EisenhowerLaura Eisenhower is a Global Alchemist, Cosmic Mythologist and Intuit... . Hate Speechby doug - 2021-08-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Isn't it interesting that critics of platforms like Bitchute, Brighteon and Gab label them as "conspiracy" websites? It's really terrible because they don't realize they are anti-free speech. These are 3 of the biggest advocates of the US Constitution. Listen to this discussion about the fight between Gab and Rumble which claims to be free speech, yet has an anti-free speech clause that happened the day Trump joined it -- "hate speech" (which means it's speech that someone hates). American communists (democrat party) hate the US Constitution (but won't openly admit it) which turns people like me into a domestic terrorist. So crazy and sick! Australia update / you will never dieby doug - 2021-08-20 ( education / research ) [html version]
I think they probably have done secret studies on who is most affected immediately by their fake vax. But they will probably never reveal it at their Nuremburg 2 trials and probably have an accident by hanging or a cyanide pill. I'm fine either way to see them go. People keep underestimating the insane levels of evil out there because people can't even fathom someone like that -- too good. ________________________________ Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2021 12:30 AM Re: I wish that a gene study could be done on who reacts to the jab, wondering if it's people of a particular DNA
On Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 11:58:13 PM PDT: I hear a lot about Australia, but this is the first time I saw people doing typical journalism that the main media refuses to do these days. Feel sorry for these people, but after years of warning people about real vaccines and now this fake one, I have a tough time not thinking they are just stupid fools for not being more cautious about what they put into their bodies. I mean, I hear people on special diets, excellent exercise routines and then don't even think when a "white coat" says to inject this mystery sh-t into your arm. Sadly, it's only just begun But on the upside, there is this and as usual, it's EXCELLENT from David Icke: . Trumpby doug - 2021-08-21 ( education / research ) [html version]To be fair, I think Trump exposed fake news like never before. He created the most patriotism possibly ever. He seriously worked to bring manufacturing home. He really was working to make America first, despite many American 2nd deeds (making Zionism first) He battled China in trade which made him a top enemy of at least one faction of the deep state. He originally was a vax sceptic, but money apparently solved that crazy thinking. ________________________________
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 5:00 AM RE: I feel the same way about that jackass. The only thing he ever had going for him was the fact that he was at least marginally better than his opponent. don Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 6:47 AM Re: trump who? On 8/20/21 3:15 AM: OMG - Listen to what Trump said about the vaccine . Ickeby doug - 2021-08-21 ( education / research ) [html version]David Icke's son has been producing excellent content -- top notch Here is a trailer for some of it. [] Afghanistan, Forced Vaccinations & Military Rebellion -- Right Now Trailer Watch the full episode at This advertisement has been selected by the BitChute platform. . Trump Did at Least Expose Fake Newsby doug - 2021-08-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]To be fair, I think Trump exposed fake news like never before. He created the most patriotism possibly ever. He seriously worked to bring manufacturing home. He really was working to make America first, despite many American 2nd deeds (making Zionism first) He battled China in trade which made him a top enemy of at least one faction of the deep state. He originally was a vax sceptic, but money apparently solved that crazy thinking. Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 5:00 AMRE: I feel the same way about that jackass. The only thing he ever had going for him was the fact that he was at least marginally better than his opponent. Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 6:47 AM
trump who? On 8/20/21 3:15 AM: OMG -- Listen to what Trump said about the vaccine . David Icke's Sonby doug - 2021-08-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]David Icke's son has been producing excellent content -- top notch Here is a trailer for some of it. [ /weBLW8e6mgIB/MkINO0IDTn9l Afghanistan, Forced Vaccinations & Military Rebellion -- Right Now Trailer Watch the full episode at This advertisement has been selected by the BitChute platform. . scienceby doug - 2021-08-22 ( education / research ) [html version]You must trust the "science" This is a laughable example of fake, sloppy garbage attempting to pass as science from 50 years ago, not much different than all the other fake science we see used as a basis to lock down the world and scare the sh-t out of everyone to accept a poison "vaccine" to save their lives. And it's still used today by the same globalist fascists who want to rule the world. Always excellent, watch James Corbett: . More on the Subject of Masksby doug - 2021-08-22 ( education / research ) [html version]Was it determined that your tumor was cancerous? This video discusses how masks will cause cancer which has never been mentioned by anyone else that I know about: Plus, I AM hearing rave results from people lately regarding chlorine dioxide, I believe it's called. You may have heard about the American church and founders now in prison because they refused to stop offering this to people. It helps put a super charge of oxygen into the blood and wipes out viruses and is also a detox. I met a man today who picked up his food order from Azure (we had our monthly drop yesterday) who knows how to make this himself. He says it's very cheap and he's been making it for a couple years already, but you must know the correct process. What he described is very simple and it creates a solution you can just add to water if you feel anything coming on -- knocks it out within a day. Adams (Health Ranger) recently discussed it on his daily podcasts. I only heard about it last year. He says it should be part of any personal medical survival kit. I'll get more details soon. The guy I talked to this evening said they ban it if anyone tries to tie the ingredients to health, but it's available in other forms all over and is cheap. I think in Mexico there are clinics that offer it with rave successes. Worth checking out. But so far, we have found the very best thing is extremely simple -- a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Also fantastic for heartburn or indigestion. You won't believe how great that simple thing is. Just another example of the lost art of home remedies that the medical cartel wants stamped out of existence. We can't have the wisdom of our ancestors curing things when big pharma will lose potential customers, can we? On 8/21/21 4:22 AM: Yes, glioblastoma, aggressive. they're going to irradiate the cavity about a mm deep, starting in a . couple weeks, to get the microscopic bits. Chemo to enhance the irradiation. To Be 100% Clearby doug - 2021-08-22 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Is your job worth more than your life? For anyone considering or feeling coerced to get any of the covid vaxes, there is a bombshell coming this Thursday that you should listen to from The HighWire by Del Bigtree which is the world's leading weekly medical reporting show. They say try to hold out until you see this show. Watch on BitChute Have you considered downsizing so that you can survive on less income than you currently need? It's up to you, of course, but there is no going back once you get injected. And it will never end there, i.e. boosters will be required at least once per year or your "fully vaccinated" status will be withdrawn. You can't satisfy tyrants who always want more, then more, then even more. Don't fall for the trap. Be strong. Losing your job could be the best thing to ever happen to you, if you work for a company / corporation that is part of the globalist Nazi fascism rolling out. Make them fire you. Don't comply with your own enslavement. Pam Popper of Ohio is looking for people in the medical profession or want to get trained -- maybe an option ... [] Dr. Brook explains the hard truth to Ohio School Board about the mRNA shot
cliff high says the get vaxed or get fired campaign can be thwarted you can file hostile workplace charges and get it stopped On 8/21/21 5:15 AM wrote: with a lawyer and a doctor, could probably get a medical exemption, cease and desist order, or something On 8/21/21 3:31 AM: Is your job worth more than your life? For anyone considering or feeling coerced to get any of the covid vaxes, there is a bombshell coming this Thursday that you should listen to from The HighWire by Del Bigtree which is the world's leading weekly medical reporting show. They say try to hold out until you see this show. Have you considered downsizing so that you can survive on less income than you currently need? It's up to you, of course, but there is no going back once you get injected. And it will never end there, i.e. boosters will be required at least once per year or your "fully vaccinated" status will be withdrawn. You can't satisfy tyrants who always want more, then more, then even more. Don't fall for the trap. Be strong. Losing your job could be the best thing to ever happen to you, if you work for a company / corporation that is part of the globalist Nazi fascism rolling out. Make them fire you. Don't comply with your own enslavement. Pam Popper of Ohio is looking for people in the medical profession or want to get trained -- maybe an option ... Dr. Brook explains the hard truth to Ohio School Board about the mRNA shot By purchasing and/or using the linked product you are helping to cover the costs of running BitChute. You Must Trust the scienceby doug - 2021-08-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]You must trust the "science" This is a laughable example of fake, sloppy garbage attempting to pass as science from 50 years ago, not much different than all the other fake science we see used as a basis to lock down the world and scare the sh-t out of everyone to accept a poison "vaccine" to save their lives. And it's still used today by the same globalist fascists who want to rule the world. Always excellent, watch James Corbett: . Tipping Pointby doug - 2021-08-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]We are near a tipping point in this world war against the corporate fascists Very interesting interview with a superstar in this war from Germany -- Reiner Fuellmich . The "Elites" Have Lostby doug - 2021-08-24 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Just watched it and it's not hopium. It's saying the stuff happening now is leading to the good guys winning and the bad guys know it.
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2021 12:46 AM haven't listened yet, hopium probably found this: Re: Military insider: the Folks, be a little careful with this. Yes, this is Wood, real name *Brockbrader.* It may be helpful to read this thread from 2013: * Brockbrader ("Wood") finally debunked It's pretty tricky. I'm as sure as I can be that Looking Glass does/did exist very much as described. That thread is here: * Project Looking Glass However, records were located to show, apparently conclusively, that Wood/Brockbrader was never a Navy Seal (as he claimed). Despite his compelling rhetoric — he's very glib and articulate! — there are unanswered questions about how come anyone could possibly be divulging that level of classified information if it was for real. On 8/23/21 12:09 PM: sure, but when and after what cost? On Monday, August 23, 2021, 09:25:40 AM , wrote:
It's more than hopium. It's saying we are going to win this war. Monday, August 23, 2021 9:05 AM Re: looks like hopium to me try to get covidby doug - 2021-08-25 ( education / research ) [html version]--_000_BYAPR08MB575047610D80E25AD635C872DEC59BYAPR08MB5750namp_ charset= Not totally true about the test because it's not being used correctly in the first place. That is why fruit and animals got a positive result. you mentioned malpractice and it reminded me that you said you got whatever it is they are calling covid, which means you recovered and have the antibodies now. Yet [wife] probably was told and still recommended you get the shot, which you know would be medical malpractice, at least. Throws into question her entire practice and that's a good justification for medical boards to yank licenses to practice medicine. Of course, people who practice the current fake and criminal medicine which furthers the depopulation agenda are currently welcome to proceed with their malpractice. So strange to me how she got Chinese medicine training which promotes natural medicine, yet has bought into the mindless big pharma thinking. I guess it's just because she actually thinks her vote for Biden counted. ________________________________
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2021 9:27 AM RE: Speaking of malpractice, testing "positive" for covid these days simply means you have (or recently had) the flu. don Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2021 11:07 AM Re: so you're official covid survivors and a vaccine would be malpractrice On 8/24/21 8:43 AM, someone wrote: We all got it then also. The only time I had to call in sick the whole time I worked for A+Safety Finnegan was very sick for several days and hasn't been in school yet and school started the 16th. Finnegan was the only one that tested positive for covid On Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 12:25 AM someone wrote: it's a bad flu I got it in Jan of 2019 and it went to bronchitis, then tried to go to pneumonia. fever and chills, alternatively bed rest and oregano oil took care of it, but I wasn't really back for about 6 months, working during the week and staying in bed every weekend they hadn't started calling it covid yet, as that was released in October On 8/23/21 11:54 PM: this is a STRONG FLU! I know a fair number who got it and even ones out of shape didn't die. It mostly kills OLD PEOPLE so far, who probably would have died from the "regular flu" or "pneumonia" The only reason for this SCAMDEMIC is to Kontrol and see who accepts the Kontrol (though the "vax" was CREATED to KILL BILLIONS when they keep falling for the newest jabs
On Monday, August 23, 2021, 09:41:40 PM PDT: As most with common sense know, there is no such thing as covid let alone a Delta variant (formerly the Indian variant that was renamed). If that's a shocking statement to anyone, you have unfortunately been duped. Ask yourself whether you heard of a specific test for the Delta variant. No? Then how can they claim it exists? As for the existence of covid, that's just the new name for the flu. Maybe a more aggressive one like in past years, but it's all fake sh-t. Trying to get whatever flavor of flu that exists in the world right now would be smart because it will protect you down the road when new flu mutations surface. Believe it or not, there are times in history when people had measles chicken pox parties, etc, so they would become immune for life. I don't know if our mother ever talked about them, but if anyone remembers something about it, that would be very interesting. But if you believe all the fake science now, you probably actually forgot we do have immune systems (at least, those who never got the fake covid shot) and the only real good "herd immunity" is from natural exposure. There is no such thing as immunity from an artificial vax and if you watch An0maly you saw maybe it was Reuters that published they think herd immunity for covid will never be attained. Of course, I'm talking to the choir because stupid people will never learn. Sent: Monday, August 23, 2021 8:20 PM --_000_BYAPR08MB575047610D80E25AD635C872DEC59BYAPR08MB5750namp_ charset= P Not totally true about the test because it's not being used correctly in the first place. That is why fruit and animals got a positive result. you mentioned malpractice and it reminded me that you said you got whatever it is they are calling covid, which means you recovered and have the antibodies now. Yet [wife] probably was told and still recommended you get the shot, which you know would be medical malpractice, at least. Throws into question her entire practice and that's a good justification for medical boards to yank licenses to practice medicine. Of course, people who practice the current fake and criminal medicine which furthers the depopulation agenda are currently welcome to proceed with their malpractice. So strange to me how she got Chinese medicine training which promotes natural medicine, yet has bought into the mindless big pharma thinking. I guess it's just because she actually thinks her vote for Biden counted.
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2021 9:27 AM; RE:
Speaking of malpractice, testing "positive" for covid these days simply means you have (or recently had) the flu.
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2021 11:07 AM ;
so you're official covid survivors and a vaccine would be malpractrice On 8/24/21 8:43 AM, someone wrote:
We all got it then also. The only time I had to call in sick the whole time I worked for A+Safety Finnegan was very sick for several days and hasn't been in school yet and school started the 16th. Finnegan was the only one that tested positive for covid
On Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 12:25 AM someone wrote: it's a bad flu I got it in Jan of 2019 and it went to bronchitis, then tried to go to pneumonia. fever and chills, alternatively bed rest and oregano oil took care of it, but I wasn't really back for about 6 months, working during the week and staying in bed every weekend they hadn't started calling it covid yet, as that was released in October On 8/23/21 11:54 PM: this is a STRONG FLU! I know a fair number who got it and even ones out of shape didn't die. It mostly kills OLD PEOPLE so far, who probably would have died from the "regular flu" or "pneumonia"
The only reason for this SCAMDEMIC is to Kontrol and see who accepts the Kontrol (though the "vax" was CREATED to KILL BILLIONS when they keep falling for the newest jabs
On Monday, August 23, 2021, 09:41:40 PM PDT, wrote:
As most with common sense know, there is no such thing as covid let alone a Delta variant (formerly the Indian variant that was renamed).
If that's a shocking statement to anyone, you have unfortunately been duped.
Ask yourself whether you heard of a specific test for the Delta variant. No? Then how can they claim it exists?
As for the existence of covid, that's just the new name for the flu. Maybe a more aggressive one like in past years, but it's all fake sh-t.
Trying to get whatever flavor of flu that exists in the world right now would be smart because it will protect you down the road when new flu mutations surface.
Believe it or not, there are times in history when people had measles chicken pox parties, etc, so they would become immune for life. I don't know if our mother ever talked about them, but if anyone remembers something about it, that would be very interesting.
But if you believe all the fake science now, you probably actually forgot we do have immune systems (at least, those who never got the fake covid shot) and the only real good "herd immunity" is from natural exposure. There is no such thing as immunity from an artificial vax and if you watch An0maly you saw maybe it was Reuters that published they think herd immunity for covid will never be attained.
Of course, I'm talking to the choir because stupid people will never learn.
don Sent: Monday, August 23, 2021 8:20 PM
--_000_BYAPR08MB575047610D80E25AD635C872DEC59BYAPR08MB5750namp_-- Children are Our Futureby doug - 2021-08-25 ( education / research ) [html version]We have two children in the home schooling setting and I am preparing to purchase materials for them from this website. I mentioned this before after I watched The Corbett Report (James Corbett) and saw another episode of today called "Solutions Watch" which I highly recommend. Take a look through the book titles if you want to get more materials your children can relate to that isn't part of the propaganda and indoctrination of public schools. Wise Youngsterby doug - 2021-08-26 ( education / research ) [html version]Refreshing to hear young people with such wisdom that is far superior to many who have drunk the Kool Aide of the world's medical cartel. Inventor of mRNA Shot Says FDA Approved the Wrong Vaccineby admin - 2021-08-26 ( education / research ) [html version]Dr. Malone Says the FDA Did NOT Approve the Pfizer Vaccine, But Approved a SECOND (future) Vaccine Instead! ( 'Dr. Robert Malone, the purported inventor of mRNA vaccines,= stated that the mainstream media is lying about the Pfizer vaccine receiving FDA approval.= FDA issued two separate and distinct letters showing that the Pfizer shot is still under an emergency-use authorization and that the full FDA approval was given to a BioNtech product, 'Comirnaty', that is similar to the Pfizer gene therapy vaccine. This new shot, Comirnaty, has yet to be manufactured and won't be available for several years because several cardio-toxicity studies have yet to be completed. The Pfizer vaccine does not have emergency use authorization for children under the age of 16, according to the letter. Malone pointed out that the Pfizer vaccine is fully shielded from liability for any damage, but the BioNtech product is not.= Dr. Malone said, 'Once again mainstream media has lied to you. I'm sorry to say that, I know it's a shock to this viewership, but the product that's licensed is the BioNtech product, which is substantially similar but not necessarily identical, It's called Comirnaty...' After this, the FDA skipped using outside advisory committees and public comments before approval -GEG Young People with Wisdomby doug - 2021-08-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Refreshing to hear young people with such wisdom that is far superior to many who have drunk the Kool Aide of the world's medical cartel. . antvax false flagby doug - 2021-08-27 ( education / research ) [html version]Don't ever be afraid to speak up and speak out about crimes like we are seeing. I seriously doubt I AM high profile and I don't go out in public to be shot at. We don't need to be heroes, just don't comply and get everyone else to stop complying. ________________________________ From: Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2021 10:50 AM To: Subject: targetting the anti-vax right, not the left people like On 8/26/21 11:21 AM: So long as his false flag takes out the right (I mean, left) people, it might not be a bad thing. ? From: don Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2021 11:15 AM To: Subject: antivax false flag I think this is the right update Adams says Soros is infiltrating the anti-vax movement to spawn a false flag that will lock up the anti-vaxers and take away guns Anti-Vax False Flagby doug - 2021-08-28 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Don't ever be afraid to speak up and speak out about crimes like we are seeing. I seriously doubt I AM high profile and I don't go out in public to be shot at. We don't need to be heroes, just don't comply, and get everyone else to stop complying. Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2021 10:50 AM Targeting the anti-vax right, not the left On 8/26/21 11:21 AM: So long as his false flag takes out the right (I mean, left) people, it might not be a bad thing? Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2021 11:15 AM I think this is the right update Adams says Soros is infiltrating the anti-vax movement to spawn a false flag that will lock up the anti-vaxers and take away guns FDA vax approval linkby steve - 2021-08-29 ( education / research ) [html version]I looked up both drugs and they don't seem the same at all (and I can't find any article comparing them)
On Friday, August 27, 2021, 03:32:42 PM PDT: 0788330768 P I forgot to mention that Fauci's Remdesivir is the equivalent of Midazolam. So people were prescribed this execution drug by a different name. Watch the video. Sent: Friday, August 27, 2021 1:40 PM = probably FDA approved
On Friday, August 27, 2021, 12:49:20 PM PDT: I wonder if you know the story of the execution drug called Midazolam which was used to kill many elderly in the UK and USA. How They Are Killing You And Calling It 'covid' -- David Icke Dot-Connector VideocastOur Video Sponsor -- No Hype Invest -- Perceptions Of A Renegade Mind By David Icke -- Available Now -- The Answer is available . Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2021 5:57 PM FDA vax approval link= I don't see anything such as the "two letters" that that guy talked about Nazis ahoy! (AB 455 hijacked to not allow unvaxed into places)by steve - 2021-08-29 ( education / research ) [html version] militaryby doug - 2021-08-29 ( education / research ) [html version]Just posted this: This is an excellent video about what the military is doing to the enlisted. But the final segment filmed by Vaxxed is particularly good. A lady whose job was to inject vaccines and not to think or ask questions describes how soldiers are lab rats and owned by their government. I never knew why anyone would want to be a soldier, but she said she wanted to be a hero like the people in the MASH show on TV - Hawkeye Pierce. But she became theel of death to many soldiers. Now, as a whistleblower she has morphed into a true hero and it's very powerful. For anyone who has considered enlisting, I think you're crazy, but what do you expect when you should know nothing is free? You get nothing from the government free and you pay dearly for your decision to serve. In a perfect world you would be a hero, but instead you pay with your life or shorten your life and fight in wars that have no connection to saving the American way of life or American freedoms. That's what they want you to believe, but it's a pure lie by a government that thinks NOTHING of you other than a means to an end. About time people should wake up. And the current soldiers and vets who were the lucky ones to make it now really do have a chance to be the hero in their dreams. [] Military Doctor: "The Covid Vaccine Program has Killed More Young Active Duty People Than Covid Did" Dr. Lee Merritt completed an Orthopaedic Surgery Residency in the United States Navy and served 9 years as a Navy physician and surgeon where she also studied bioweapons before returning to Rochester, where she was the only woman to be appointed as =85 I hope you share my comments and this video to other military families. People need to become outraged with what's going on with communist Amerika. excellentby doug - 2021-08-29 ( education / research ) [html version]In the last few days, there have been some very encouraging developments around vaccine tyranny: Denmark ends all Covid restrictions, including the Vaccine Passport. Germany suspends vaccine licenses for the next two weeks, placing a moratorium on the vaxx, pending safety concerns and stopping all vaccinations for now. Japan recalls 1.63 million vials of the Moderna vaccine and Health Minister advocates Ivermectin. Province of Alberta ends all Covid restrictions, after failing to prove that Covid has ever been isolated in human tissue. Texas Supreme Court nullifies mask mandates in public schools put in place in districts throughout the state. The reason why all these things are happening is because of what this eye popping video is about: the inescapable consequences of 2 billion people being vaccinated. This video is being blocked by the Chrome browser. If you use the Chrome browser, you may find that you cannot connect to the video. Switch to Firefox or other browser. [] We Are About to See One of the Greatest Human Die-Offs of All Time * Merritt Palevsky Zelenko * NWO – Forbidden Knowledge TV – Japan recalls 1.63 million vials of the Moderna vaccine and Health Minister advocates Ivermectin. – Province of Alberta ends all Covid restrictions, after failing to prove that Covid has ever been isolated in human tissue. . Video on the Militaryby doug - 2021-08-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Just posted this: This is an excellent video about what the military is doing to the enlisted. But the final segment filmed by Vaxed is particularly good. A lady whose job was to inject vaccines and not to think or ask questions describes how soldiers are lab rats and owned by their government. I never knew why anyone would want to be a soldier, but she said she wanted to be a hero like the people in the MASH show on TV -- Hawkeye Pierce. But she became theel of death to many soldiers. Now, as a whistleblower she has morphed into a true hero and it's very powerful. For anyone who has considered enlisting, I think you're crazy, but what do you expect when you should know nothing is free? You get nothing from the government free and you pay dearly for your decision to serve. In a perfect world you would be a hero, but instead you pay with your life or shorten your life and fight in wars that have no connection to saving the American way of life or American freedoms. That's what they want you to believe, but it's a pure lie by a government that thinks NOTHING of you other than a means to an end. About time people should wake up. And the current soldiers and vets who were the lucky ones to make it now really do have a chance to be the hero in their dreams. [ /HlyeDvlqcVJm/e9qcPgzNEc0T Military Doctor: "The covid Vaccine Program has Killed More Young Active Duty People Than covid Did" Dr. Lee Merritt completed an Orthopaedic Surgery Residency in the United States Navy and served 9 years as a Navy physician and surgeon where she also studied bioweapons before returning to Rochester, where she was the only woman to be appointed as I hope you share my comments and this video to other military families. People need to become outraged with what's going on with communist Amerika. Home Remedyby doug - 2021-08-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Interesting home remedy for the unvaxed people experiencing shedding (transmission) from anyone who got vaxed. This may come in handy more and more as coercion for the shots ramps up and people succumb to the pressure. [ /vWIqTOkHdfuQ/eoOC87fr3aPVE6xdEAPXgUTJ CURE FOR BEING AROUND THE VACCINATED -- AVOID BLOOD CLOTS AND MAGNETISM KILLING THE VAXXED RUMBLE LINK for those unable to properly view this video on BitChute: There is a pretty simple cure for being around the vaxed .... one wor . Encouraging Developments Around Vaccine Tyrannyby doug - 2021-08-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]In the last few days, there have been some very encouraging developments around vaccine tyranny: The reason why all these things are happening is because of what this eye popping video is about: the inescapable consequences of 2 billion people being vaccinated. This video is being blocked by the Chrome browser. If you use the Chrome browser, you may find that you cannot connect to the video. Switch to Firefox or other browser. We Are About to See One of the Greatest Human Die-Offs of All Time site with many articles about chemical reactions (such as from the jab)by steve - 2021-08-30 ( education / research ) [html version] Durham Investigation is Final Duck in a Row?by steve - 2021-08-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I figure they're lining all the things up for the False Flag event:biden and afghanistankamala gonethe vote count fraud being exposedthe disgust with so many for the vaxand now the Durham investigation: (will they throw in Hunter Biden's Ukraine and China payments for icing?) breakingby doug - 2021-09-01 ( education / research ) [html version]TAKE THIS SHIT, OR ELSE ... Wow, breaking news about the shot contents for all 4 companies. Still just a conspiracy theory? . comprehensive sean david morton interviewby steve - 2021-09-01 ( education / research ) [html version]money is the "god" for many who don't believe in God
On Monday, August 30, 2021, 09:20:59 PM PDT: 9061381586 P Yup, it all finally came together marvelously. Money sure can be like grease and get people to sell their souls.
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2021 6:41 PM = Yes, 'strike while the iron is hot,' and all that.
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2021 8:34 PM ;; Re: they've wanted to do it for decades, long ago planning Agenda 2020, but it was their ability to SCAM the world with covid that they decided to go gangbusters
On Monday, August 30, 2021, 06:31:29 PM PDT:
You know this, but they've been acting this way for decades, just more brazenly now. From: Sent: Monday, August 30, 2021 7:37 PM ;; Re: Sounds interesting. Just infuriates me how these criminals operate now. Sent: Monday, August 30, 2021 2:22 PM Re: interesting story of how the govt went after him for writing his books on the secret space program they don't even pretend to follow the law On 8/30/21 2:52 PM: Is there something special about him which would make me want to watch it?
On Monday, August 30, 2021, 11:52:16 AM PDT someone wrote: About the Contents of Those Vaccinesby doug - 2021-09-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]TAKE THIS, OR ELSE...? Wow, breaking news about the shot contents for all 4 companies. Still just a conspiracy theory? Covid antivax regrets - watch the videoby steve - 2021-09-06 ( education / research ) [html version]
I just found this article about the CDC prescribing Ivermectin to people headed to the USA: Here's a screenshot of where it says it
On Saturday, September 4, 2021, 11:20:22 PM PDT: besides the fact that this is just a "strong flu" (and the flu killed 80,000 the other year and seems to have "disappeared" this year) I've seen where people were declared killed by covid even when they died from things such as after study (which the mainstream media ignores) tells that they don't tell the truth and vax aren't to be recommended:Stunning Report -- 95% Of Severely Ill covid Patients Are Vaccinated [VIDEO]
Stunning Report -- 95% Of Severely Ill covid Patients Are Vaccinated [VIDEO] It's shocking to come across information that shows that it's vaccinated individuals who make up the majority of...
On Saturday, September 4, 2021, 11:07:31 PM PDT:
,= I can accept what you said about them calling the inclusive test a 'case.'= If that often happens, there is no reason to assume it happens only in the states that are largely unvaccinated. It must be happening in all states. So the number of cases may be overstated somewhat, but likely by the roughly the same percentage universally. The fact remains that severe covid cases among the vaccinated are far lower than among the unvaccinated. I think I'm done again for now at least= :)= = = = You guys were too rough on me this time, except for trying to figure out the dosage of horse medicine to use on humans, as an alternative to vaccinations.
Sent: Saturday, September 4, 2021 10:44 PM '' ' ' '' '' '' Re: as I said about that guy, he got the test that was "inconclusive" but they still called it a "case". If you once had the Common Cold (coronavirus), you can test positive and be a "case" though you didn't have covid. "Case" is wrongly used to push the propaganda that it's all getting worse
On Saturday, September 4, 2021, 10:40:33 PM PDT:
is correct. is also correct. The difference is our approach to finding the truth. I prefer to look at data. As I have shown you, the number of covid cases in states with low vaccination rates and consistently and substantially lower than where the reverse is true. Four of you have tremendous suspicion of nearly all things government, so you don't believe the data, therefore it doesn't matter how overwhelming it is. Every day there are new believers when a server case strikes their own unvaccinated families. That hasn't happened to you, and I hope it never does.
Sent: Saturday, September 4, 2021 8:46 PM Re: and the reverse?
On Saturday, September 4, 2021, 08:44:49 PM PDT:
, from these responses, you can see that they won't listen to anything you say. = Their minds are made up.
On Sep 4, 2021, at 8:12 PM: I found this about doses. Boy, it's pretty expensive!
Ivermectin oral tablet is a prescription medication used to treat parasitic infections. These include infections...
On Saturday, September 4, 2021, 08:03:44 PM PDT:
yeah, I guess it might be wise for us to get some, too.
On Saturday, September 4, 2021, 07:34:07 PM PDT:
I should get some, but need to educate myself on how much a human takes versus a horse. And, yes, only if necessary. Right now, I'm just taking a daily dose of zinc and vitamins, etc., as well as getting outside as much as possible. don Sent: Saturday, September 4, 2021 6:08 PM Re: I got some off ebay a couple of months ago it's for horses haven't gotten sick, so no need On 9/4/21 5:55 PM: So, how many of you are taking Ivermectin?
On Sep 4, 2021, at 3:45 PM wrote: welll, the article itself is suspicious. They make it sound like the woman got her vax just in the nick of time or she would have died too entertainment I guess On 9/4/21 5:20 PM: I think that Gates would prefer to be Satan
On Saturday, September 4, 2021, 03:12:24 PM PDT:
Don't sell Gates short. He wants to be a God, too!= :)
Sent: Saturday, September 4, 2021 4:52 PM Re: To me, for fauXi it's about wanting to be looked at as God. For gates, it's about Killing billions (eugenics, as his father did with Planned Parenthood)
On Saturday, September 4, 2021, 02:49:18 PM PDT, someone wrote:
On Sat, Sep 4, 2021 at 2:40 PM wrote: Glad to hear it. Yes, I guess being a horse trainer he probably has Ivermectin on hand. Yes = so do we :) Sent: Saturday, September 4, 2021 3:20 PM Re: and [somebody] had it and recovered quickly and they are 74 and 84. Horse wormer for Ha ha ha. On Sat, Sep 4, 2021 at 1:17 PM wrote: too busy now to read it but I guess that guy was one of the .02% who die from it. I know many who got through it fine, despite not too healthy. [wife] just told me about a guy who thought he had it, was tested for it, the result was "inconclusive" but the STILL HAD REPORT IT AS covid. Duh,I wonder how many other "cases" are like that, "inconclusive".
On Saturday, September 4, 2021, 09:09:25 AM PDT:
I care about all of you. As much as I know this will incite even more emails I don't need, please consider this story and don't let your family become one like it. --=3032539_593765897.1630826734183 I just found this article about the CDC prescribing Ivermectin to people headed to the USA:
On Saturday, September 4, 2021, 11:20:22 PM PDT: besides the fact that this is just a "strong flu" (and the flu killed 80,000 the other year and seems to have "disappeared" this year) I've seen where people were declared killed by covid even when they died from things such as after study (which the mainstream media ignores) tells that they don't tell the truth and vax aren't to be recommended:Stunning Report -- 95% Of Severely Ill covid Patients Are Vaccinated [VIDEO] fall of commie education?by doug - 2021-09-07 ( education / research ) [html version]ie is 8 now. That's 3rd grade, but he does 4th and 5th grade level math. ________________________________ Sent: Monday, September 6, 2021 8:21 AM Re: ok how old is he?
On Monday, September 6, 2021, 12:25:16 AM PDT: I bet [wife] would take you up on that for ie. She's great, but having a tutor of some kind might be enough of a change to make it better. I need to find time for more practical life learning for him. But I try to involve him in anything I AM doing when fixing or making things. ________________________________ Sent: Monday, September 6, 2021 12:01 AM Re: I'm half tempted to offer my math teaching for free to some who want out of public schooling
On Sunday, September 5, 2021, 11:55:20 PM PDT: This is terrific to see the huge rejection of child indoctrination camps (formerly known as public schools). . [] Success: Kids Are Being Withdrawn From Schools Powerful Argumentby doug - 2021-09-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Excellent . [ /yi2SDYsnwrWe/d8yX3kt1Jdc MY MOST POWERFUL VIDEO IN MONTHS: Is The Truth Even Allowed? When Does This End?
Anonymous Quote of the Dayby staff - 2021-09-09 ( education / research / conspiracies / quotes ) [html version]"The flu is not a hoax. Renaming it covid and calling it a "pandemic" is the hoax."-- anonymous in response to the comment "Why bother with Ivermectin if it's all just a hoax?" ![]() ![]() electric scootersby don - 2021-09-10 ( education / research ) [html version]I got a Shell scooter. xpensive, but well built Surprisingly difficult to get the hang of, with my balance problem. Also, the is very aggressive so it requires a light touch to avoid doing a wheely. But it will develop my balance, and even muscles which I haven't been using lately. On 9/2/21 10:19 AM: I don't know anything about them. I'd just go look at reviews. ($500a for a battery sure looks steep and I wonder how long they last). I'd look at how far you can go on one. Neighbors have fold up ones but I don't know how they like them. On Thursday, September 2, 2021, 02:28:26 AM wrote:
that might be a good option right now I'm looking at a nelectric-assist bicycle any opinion? It's $700 and made by a Schwinn manufacturer suposedly, A new battery costs $500 however. On 9/1/21 8:58 PM: I think said that you were maybe considering an electric scooter since you can't drive. Have you checked into them? Since I work at Target and get a discount, I looked at what they have: Electric Scooters For Adults : Target Electric Scooters For Adults : Target Shop for electric scooters for adults online at Target. Choose from contactless Same Day Delivery, Drive Up and ... I'm returning the scooter. I'm to big and un-nimble for a scooter, I would end up hurt eventually.It's too much like a skateboard. might try an electric bicycle. On 9/9/21 5:48 PM
I see them all over town when I'm teaching driving I didn't know they were hard to use. On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 3:42 PM someone wrote:
Great! Might even be fun! * Sent: *Thursday, September 9, 2021 5:40 PM *Cc: * Subject: *Re: I got a Shell scooter. xpensive, but well built Surprisingly difficult to get the hang of, with my balance problem. Also, the is very aggressive so it requires a light touch to avoid doing a wheely. But it will develop my balance, and even muscles which I haven't been using lately. On 9/2/21 10:19 AM: I don't know anything about them. I'd just go look at reviews. ($500a for a battery sure looks steep and I wonder how long they last). I'd look at how far you can go on one. Neighbors have fold up ones but I don't know how they like them. On Thursday, September 2, 2021, 02:28:26 AM wrote:
that might be a good option right now I'm looking at a nelectric-assist bicycle any opinion? It's $700 and made by a Schwinn manufacturer suposedly, A new battery costs $500 however. On 9/1/21 8:58 PM: I think said that you were maybe considering an electric scooter since you can't drive. Have you checked into them? Since I work at Target and get a discount, I looked at what they have: Electric Scooters For Adults : Target Electric Scooters For Adults : Target Shop for electric scooters for adults online at Target. Choose from contactless Same Day Delivery, Drive Up and ... not doing any physical therapy, been doing chemo and radiation though I'm hoping the scooter will help On 9/9/21 6:33 PM:
Looks like fun! I walk a straight line on the edge of our rug a few times a week, and it has helped my balance. Also, how about physical therapy? On 9/9/2021 3:42 PM
Great! Might even be fun! * Sent: *Thursday, September 9, 2021 5:40 PM
*Cc: * Subject: *Re: I got a Shell scooter. xpensive, but well built Surprisingly difficult to get the hang of, with my balance problem. Also, the is very aggressive so it requires a light touch to avoid doing a wheely. But it will develop my balance, and even muscles which I haven't been using lately. On 9/2/21 10:19 AM: I don't know anything about them. I'd just go look at reviews. ($500a for a battery sure looks steep and I wonder how long they last). I'd look at how far you can go on one. Neighbors have fold up ones but I don't know how they like them. On Thursday, September 2, 2021, 02:28:26 AM wrote:
that might be a good option right now I'm looking at a nelectric-assist bicycle any opinion? It's $700 and made by a Schwinn manufacturer suposedly, A new battery costs $500 however. On 9/1/21 8:58 PM: I think said that you were maybe considering an electric scooter since you can't drive. Have you checked into them? Since I work at Target and get a discount, I looked at what they have: Electric Scooters For Adults : Target
Electric Scooters For Adults : Target Shop for electric scooters for adults online at Target. Choose from contactless Same Day Delivery, Drive Up and ... not doing any physical therapy, been doing chemo and radiation though I'm hoping the scooter will help On 9/9/21 6:33 PM:
Looks like fun! I walk a straight line on the edge of our rug a few times a week, and it has helped my balance. Also, how about physical therapy? On 9/9/2021 3:42 PM
Great! Might even be fun! * Sent: *Thursday, September 9, 2021 5:40 PM
*Cc: * Subject: *Re: I got a Shell scooter. xpensive, but well built Surprisingly difficult to get the hang of, with my balance problem. Also, the is very aggressive so it requires a light touch to avoid doing a wheely. But it will develop my balance, and even muscles which I haven't been using lately. On 9/2/21 10:19 AM: I don't know anything about them. I'd just go look at reviews. ($500a for a battery sure looks steep and I wonder how long they last). I'd look at how far you can go on one. Neighbors have fold up ones but I don't know how they like them. On Thursday, September 2, 2021, 02:28:26 AM wrote:
that might be a good option right now I'm looking at a nelectric-assist bicycle any opinion? It's $700 and made by a Schwinn manufacturer suposedly, A new battery costs $500 however. On 9/1/21 8:58 PM: I think said that you were maybe considering an electric scooter since you can't drive. Have you checked into them? Since I work at Target and get a discount, I looked at what they have: Electric Scooters For Adults : Target
Electric Scooters For Adults : Target Shop for electric scooters for adults online at Target. Choose from contactless Same Day Delivery, Drive Up and ... not doing any physical therapy, been doing chemo and radiation though I'm hoping the scooter will help On 9/9/21 6:33 PM:
Looks like fun! I walk a straight line on the edge of our rug a few times a week, and it has helped my balance. Also, how about physical therapy? On 9/9/2021 3:42 PM
Great! Might even be fun! * Sent: *Thursday, September 9, 2021 5:40 PM
*Cc: * Subject: *Re: I got a Shell scooter. xpensive, but well built Surprisingly difficult to get the hang of, with my balance problem. Also, the is very aggressive so it requires a light touch to avoid doing a wheely. But it will develop my balance, and even muscles which I haven't been using lately. On 9/2/21 10:19 AM: I don't know anything about them. I'd just go look at reviews. ($500a for a battery sure looks steep and I wonder how long they last). I'd look at how far you can go on one. Neighbors have fold up ones but I don't know how they like them. On Thursday, September 2, 2021, 02:28:26 AM wrote:
that might be a good option right now I'm looking at a nelectric-assist bicycle any opinion? It's $700 and made by a Schwinn manufacturer suposedly, A new battery costs $500 however. On 9/1/21 8:58 PM: I think said that you were maybe considering an electric scooter since you can't drive. Have you checked into them? Since I work at Target and get a discount, I looked at what they have: Electric Scooters For Adults : Target
Electric Scooters For Adults : Target Shop for electric scooters for adults online at Target. Choose from contactless Same Day Delivery, Drive Up and ... not doing any physical therapy, been doing chemo and radiation though I'm hoping the scooter will help On 9/9/21 6:33 PM: Looks like fun! I walk a straight line on the edge of our rug a few times a week, and it has helped my balance. Also, how about physical therapy? On 9/9/2021 3:42 PM Great! Might even be fun! * Sent: *Thursday, September 9, 2021 5:40 PM *Cc: * Subject: *Re: I got a Shell scooter. xpensive, but well built Surprisingly difficult to get the hang of, with my balance problem. Also, the is very aggressive so it requires a light touch to avoid doing a wheely. But it will develop my balance, and even muscles which I haven't been using lately. On 9/2/21 10:19 AM: I don't know anything about them. I'd just go look at reviews. ($500a for a battery sure looks steep and I wonder how long they last). I'd look at how far you can go on one. Neighbors have fold up ones but I don't know how they like them.
On Thursday, September 2, 2021, 02:28:26 AM wrote: that might be a good option right now I'm looking at a nelectric-assist bicycle
any opinion? It's $700 and made by a Schwinn manufacturer suposedly, A new battery costs $500 however. On 9/1/21 8:58 PM: I think said that you were maybe considering an electric scooter since you can't drive. Have you checked into them? Since I work at Target and get a discount, I looked at what they have: Electric Scooters For Adults : Target
Electric Scooters For Adults : Target Shop for electric scooters for adults online at Target. Choose from contactless Same Day Delivery, Drive Up and ... NWOby steve - 2021-09-11 ( education / research ) [html version]the satanists have talked of it for decades. "daddy" bush mentioned it decades ago and he wasn't the first to talk of it.I just don't get why people ignore it. (but, then again, in a video I watched tonight, the guy said that only 3% of Americans fought against the British and 1/3 of the country, similar to the 1/3 that actually voted for biden, were happy under British KONTROL)
On Thursday, September 9, 2021, 10:22:37 PM PDT: #yiv4014847488 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;} Does anyone seriously think the New World Order is just a conspiracy theory and doesn't exist? . The Real Solutionby doug - 2021-09-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I think this is the real solution and hope people support this: . [ Strategy to Avoid a Violent Civil War by Protecting Freedoms w/ Sheriff Mack
military vaccine walkoutby don - 2021-09-11 ( education / research ) [html version]He said that his father, a serving airman, had reported that a text message had been sent out in the evening of 8 Sept by the Department of Defense to all active military personnel, that they had to get the 'vaccine' "by 10 am" or else they'd be court-martialed. As a result of that, 12 F-22 pilots, the most high-trained in the world, walked off the job. Thousands of hours, millions of dollars of training, off the job. 16 B-52 bomber crew members also walked out. And that was in just two air bases that he knew of. On a related note: Ivermectin or HCQ ? Here is what the Frontline Doctors say: This link talks about consulting a doctor for $90 who can prescribe something for you outside for fake healthcare system. . Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2021 8:50 PM To: Subject: Re: "Mu"? How about MOO for about how much brainpower they're using?
On Saturday, September 11, 2021, 08:32:25 PM : But it makes them sound smart when they use Greek letters as the variant names, doesn't it? Shows how educated they are.
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2021 10:30 PM To: Subject: RE: There you go thinking critically again.
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2021 10:28 PM To: Subject: Re: the idiot Sacramento mayor Darrell got covid, maybe Delta? Didn't he already have the vax (yes and he was pushing for all to get it)? So, doesn't that mean that the vax does NOT PROTECT against covid? So, doesn't that mean that there's no reason to get the vax for Mu because it didn't do any good for Delta? Doesns't that mean this is all a BIG SCAM?
On Saturday, September 11, 2021, 08:16:49 PM : Wow, that's great!
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2021 10:42 AM Subject: RE: Great! don Sent: Friday, September 10, 2021 12:34 PM To: Subject: He said that his father, a serving airman, had reported that a text message had been sent out in the evening of 8 Sept by the Department of Defense to all active military personnel, that they had to get the 'vaccine' "by 10 am" or else they'd be court-martialed. As a result of that, 12 F-22 pilots, the most high-trained in the world, walked off the job. Thousands of hours, millions of dollars of training, off the job. 16 B-52 bomber crew members also walked out. And that was in just two air bases that he knew of. Nwo Satanistsby steve - 2021-09-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]the satanists have talked of it for decades. "daddy" bush mentioned it decades ago and he wasn't the first to talk of it.I just don't get why people ignore it. (but, then again, in a video I watched tonight, the guy said that only 3% of Americans fought against the British and 1/3 of the country, similar to the 1/3 that actually voted for biden, were happy under British KONTROL) On Thursday, September 9, 2021, 10:22:37 PM : 4014847488 P Does anyone seriously think the New World Order is just a conspiracy theory and doesn't exist? . fascinatingby doug - 2021-09-12 ( education / research ) [html version]Beware of thoughts not your own. You gotta listen to this one. [] Words In Your Head - How They Are Telling You To 'Get The Vaccine' - David Icke Dot-Connector Our Video Sponsor - No Hype Invest - Perceptions Of A Renegade Mind By David Icke - Available Now - The Answer is available =85 . Beware of Thoughts Not Your Ownby doug - 2021-09-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Beware of thoughts not your own. You gotta listen to this one. [ /weBLW8e6mgIB/gVKJAVwqsSYk Words In Your Head -- How They Are Telling You To 'Get The Vaccine' -- David Icke Dot-Connector Our Video Sponsor -- No Hype Invest -- Perceptions Of A Renegade Mind By David Icke -- Available Now -- The Answer is available . Lost Futuresby doug - 2021-09-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Lost Futures -- kids killed and maimed by psychopaths pushing the vax If you got the vax, you won't want to watch this because you might be the next victim. . employment lawyer on employer faccine mandatesby don - 2021-09-15 ( education / research ) [html version]He's Canadian but the points he makes sound valid here: What Has Saved Usps Workers is Their Unionby steve - 2021-09-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Yeah, I saw that. I dropped off our votes and nobody compared them with a computer, as they did there. Democrats just hate democracy (but love to complain about conservatives not liking it). If Gavin survives, we'll need a vote count (at least they didn't use voting machines that could be hacked) On Monday, September 13, 2021, 07:22:12 PM someone wrote:
You probably already voted to keep Newscum On 9/13/21 11:26 AM: Hope he is wrong, but wouldn't surprise me. Anyone who would vote to keep Newscum is crazy, duped, blind and a lot of other things. Sent: Monday, September 13, 2021 9:22 AM Well votes don't matter. They take a poll that shows their candidate ahead. Then they fix the election for their candidate. On 9/13/21 10:43 AM: Sure, polls. they're taken by liberals. from what I've seen, many liberals want to be "winners" so they look to the polls to "be like everybody else" when they choose their candidate. Yeah, be a "winner" since you don't have the brains to THINK (just "feel" in typical liberal fashion).. But as the polls said that Trump was going to lose the other year, they were WRONG. There's LOTS of democrats who dislike him (and this isn't the "Republican recall" as they try to phrase it) On Monday, September 13, 2021, 03:12:04 AM someone wrote: Newscum is leading in the polls, so he won't be recalled even if he doesn't get the votes On 9/12/21 10:57 PM: Yea, crossing my fingers that Newscum doesn't control the vote count. Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2021 8:21 PM if we're lucky, the removal of gavin newsom On Tuesday could be the start of the end for the satanists (but we know that's not political because they're in both "parties" and dominate Congress with pedophilia and worse) On Sunday, September 12, 2021, 08:13:39 PM : Yes, United Airlines is doing that. First they gave some people religious exemption, then placed the same people on unpaid leave. If my company requires the vax for all employees (even those like me working from home), I'll just stop being an 'employee' and become a contractor. If that doesn't work, they can fire me. Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2021 8:21 PM You probably heard the way they'll get around it is by placing employees who dare to object to rape by vax is to place them on unpaid leave. Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2021 6:19 PM I've seen lots of ads for "wrongful termination" by lawyers On Sunday, September 12, 2021, 06:17:08 PM : As you likely know, what has saved USPS workers is their union. But those who don't have a good job situation might be in deep sh-t. Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2021 1:14 PM Since the PO employees are exempt from the vaccine, does that mean that it's just fine with joe that the people who GO TO EVERY HOUSE might be spreading the PLAGUE of covid? Canary in a Coal Mineby doug - 2021-09-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Watch the last person in this video -- fascinating! She's like a canary in a coal mine. She gets sick immediately when she comes into contact with any toxin. I would hate to be like that, but you will see why it's so interesting. , Keeping Your Jobby doug - 2021-09-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]MUST HEAR -- EXCELLENT LETTER -- MAYBE YOUR JOB . VAX Prisonsby don - 2021-09-18 ( education / research ) [html version]Well, the would be for the un-vaxed to be killed in prison and the vaxed to become "Humanity 2.0." On 9/16/21 9:50 PM: but the vaxed will just roll their eyes and say it's a "conspiracy theory" and since it's happening to "those others" and not them (yet), they won't pay attention On Thursday, September 16, 2021, 03:26:16 PM wrote: The funeral director O'Looney speaks with clarity and knowledge and bravery... He puts it all together so succinctly it is a whistleblowing masterpiece... One point that really hits home... to speak out now before it reaches the stage where we can't speak out because we are interned in the new huge prisons.... and as the funeral director says the unvaccinated who will be interned there as this whole new 21st century nazi / global fascist juggernaut crashes on (if the people don't manage pull the brakes on it...) .... and as the funeral director says... the unvaccinated interned in the Camps will almost certainly die (be killed) with some kind of virus... or just be killed.... We need to find a way of communicating more with those who are still asleep and don't realize what's happening and get very aggressive and defensive if they are told anything that doesn't follow the Official Narrative... find a way to do it and a time to do it so they don't just switch off... because this whole thing is so big and so nasty and so unbelieveable if you haven't had any information outside the Main Stream Media... Reporter Based in Japanby doug - 2021-09-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I never heard of him before. Seems logical, backs the people who will really do something. Worth a listen at 1.5x speed. Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2021 10:52 PM I consider Benjamin Fulford a MAJOR NUT. He's been talking about the "ninjas" saving the world for years. Is there anything otherwise in those two links? On Thursday, September 16, 2021, 10:47:52 PM : Patriots Must Listen -- here's the scoop Here is some background on this reporter: [ /HlyeDvlqcVJm/Bf7w0hM0gihC Is an Asian Secret Society Planning to Take Down the West and the Rockefeller-Rothschild Empire? Benjamin Fulford is a Canadian journalist who lives in Japan. He was the Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine from 1998 to 2005, and states that he: "Quit in profound disgust over extensive corporate censorship and mingling of advertisin Spread the word. . Medical Protocol for Fighting Covidby steve - 2021-09-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]lack of self respectby don - 2021-09-20 ( education / research ) [html version]what about brains? timeline: tracking deaths from killer virus that has a lower mortality rate than the season flu must develop a vaccine for this killer virus! well, the death rate has dried up, so we're not tracking the deaths anymore, we're tracking CASES! well we'd better get everybody vaccinated to rein in new CASES of this (mostly harmless) virus Average American: "I think I'll get vaccinated against this mostly harmless virus because I have no idea when I'm being blatantly manipulated" " And big bonus, it's not really a vaccination, it's experimental gene therapy from Gates who said he was going to use vaccines to reduce the population!" On 9/19/21 11:34 AM: What happened to self respect Lots of interesting comments and info including the pharma request to have 6 month olds getting vaxxed by November 2021 Removing the soul of humanity -- did Steiner see the future 100 years ago? Come On People -- It's Time -- The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast Our Video Sponsor -- No Hype Invest -- Perceptions Of A Renegade Mind By David Icke -- Available Now -- The Answer is available How to Be Healthyby doug - 2021-09-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Good info on how to reverse the fake vax crap for anyone who got tricked into getting the poison shot. But also for those, like college students, who are constantly around those who got tricked. There is a link to a file that will be updated as often as possible which gives more details. Some very interesting info about the spike proteins. [ /1Ez5eVnVz1yY/1juIjehPCqc6n4w0VnN3P5il Removing Spike Proteins, Eliminating Graphene Oxide, Reversing mRNA Damage, & more w/ Dr. Nieusma Updated 9-17-21: Access solution resource document at Dr. Joe Nieusma returns to the program to discuss very important proven methods to . Sharyl Atkissonby don - 2021-09-21 ( education / research ) [html version]covid vaccine report: Nurse Blows Whistle on Covid Shot Injuries, Deaths Not Reportedby doug - 2021-09-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]VAX FRAUD Now trending thanks to people sharing this banned video [ Government HHS Nurse Blows the Whistle on covid-19 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths NOT being Reported Last week we reported how James O'Keefe of Project Veritas stated that they have received "thousands" of emails ("hundreds a day") from people wanting to share their stories with Project Veritas as covid-19 vaccine whistleblowers, and that they are . covid origin links to US Defense Deptby don - 2021-09-22 ( education / research ) [html version]https://news./wuhan-scientists-planned-release-skin-145326380.html actually, the DoD comes out looking good on this. Fauci ask them for funding to develop a super killer virus and they turned him down On 9/22/21 10:14 PM: and fauXi lied about it to Congress, which ought to get him a 5-year prison term, but though Rand Paul is talking about that, it'll probably happen when shillary goes to prison for her crimes. On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 08:01:05 PM wrote:
a summary: *Report: Wuhan Lab Requested Funding From DARPA To Make Chimeric Viruses, Genetically Alter Coronaviruses To Make Them More Infectious To Humans* *A bombshell report has concluded that scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and their affiliated partners attempted to secure $14 million in funding from the Pentagon's scientific arm DARPA to genetically alter viruses, including bat coronaviruses, and make them more infectious to humans, just eighteen months prior to the subsequent outbreak and pandemic.* The Lon Telegraph reports the findings revealed by Drastic, a web-based investigations team set up by scientists from across the world to look into the origins of covid-19. The documents they obtained, confirmed as genuine by former US government officials, show that DARPA turned down the request, saying the plans for yet more gain of function research were TOO DANGEROUS to the human population. The Telegraph notes that the documents reveal the Wuhan scientists "submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing 'novel chimeric spike proteins' of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China." The documents also show that the plan involved genetically altering the bat coronaviruses to add "human-specific cleavage sites," essentially making it easier for the virus to get into human cells. This is EXACTLY what was discovered when covid-19 was first genetically sequenced, prompting many scientists to suggest the virus had been genetically manipulated in a lab. The documents reveal that the same cast of characters already under scrutiny regarding gain of function research in Wuhan submitted the plan to DARPA. Both British zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance , who later attempted to shut down scientific debate on the possibility of a lab leak, and the "bat woman" Dr Shi Zhengli were intimately involved. Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St Georges, University of Lon who maintains that the pandemic was likely a result of a genetically altered virus , said the research may have gone ahead even without the funding. "This is clearly a gain of function, engineering the cleavage site and polishing the new viruses to enhance human cell infectibility in more than one cell line," Dalgleish said. The Telegraph notes that the plans were rejected by DARPA, with the agency noting "It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter Daszak could have put local communities at risk", and further warning that proper consideration of the consequences of enhancing the viruses had not been undertaken. Let that sink in. Even DARPA, the secretive military weapons development agency, the ones who have invented implantable microchips , cyborg dogs and drone killing machines said that the WIV gain of function plan was nuts. The Telegraph also notes that a "covid-19 researcher from the World Health Organisation (WHO), who wished to remain anonymous, said it was alarming that the grant proposal included plans to enhance the more deadly disease of Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)." "The scary part is they were making infectious chimeric MERS viruses," the source warned. Those findings dovetail with previous revelations in documents obtained under the FOIA showing that lab tampering was undertaken on MERS-like coronaviruses in several labs around Wuhan, including a level three biocontainment facility, which has lesser security that the level four labs previously mentioned in relation to the outbreak. MERS viruses have 30-50 percent fatality rates, with the source noting "If one of their receptor replacements made MERS spread similarly (to covid-19), while maintaining its lethality, this pandemic would be nearly apocalyptic." Drastic issued a statement on the latest findings urging "Given that we find in this proposal a discussion of the planned introduction of human-specific cleavage sites, a review by the wider scientific community of the plausibility of artificial insertion is warranted." The accumulating scientific evidence that points to a potential coronavirus lab leak, as well as China's record on bio-security, and its constant stonewalling, warrants an adequate global independent investigation, which hasn't happened. On 9/21/21 5:46 PM someone wrote:
https://news./wuhan-scientists-planned-release-skin-145326380.html actually, the DoD comes out looking good on this. Fauci ask them for funding to develop a super killer virus and they turned him down On 9/22/21 10:14 PM: and fauXi lied about it to Congress, which ought to get him a 5-year prison term, but though Rand Paul is talking about that, it'll probably happen when shillary goes to prison for her crimes. On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 08:01:05 PM wrote:
a summary: *Report: Wuhan Lab Requested Funding From DARPA To Make Chimeric Viruses, Genetically Alter Coronaviruses To Make Them More Infectious To Humans* *A bombshell report has concluded that scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and their affiliated partners attempted to secure $14 million in funding from the Pentagon's scientific arm DARPA to genetically alter viruses, including bat coronaviruses, and make them more infectious to humans, just eighteen months prior to the subsequent outbreak and pandemic.* The Lon Telegraph reports the findings revealed by Drastic, a web-based investigations team set up by scientists from across the world to look into the origins of covid-19. The documents they obtained, confirmed as genuine by former US government officials, show that DARPA turned down the request, saying the plans for yet more gain of function research were TOO DANGEROUS to the human population. The Telegraph notes that the documents reveal the Wuhan scientists "submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing 'novel chimeric spike proteins' of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China." The documents also show that the plan involved genetically altering the bat coronaviruses to add "human-specific cleavage sites," essentially making it easier for the virus to get into human cells. This is EXACTLY what was discovered when covid-19 was first genetically sequenced, prompting many scientists to suggest the virus had been genetically manipulated in a lab. The documents reveal that the same cast of characters already under scrutiny regarding gain of function research in Wuhan submitted the plan to DARPA. Both British zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance , who later attempted to shut down scientific debate on the possibility of a lab leak, and the "bat woman" Dr Shi Zhengli were intimately involved. Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St Georges, University of Lon who maintains that the pandemic was likely a result of a genetically altered virus , said the research may have gone ahead even without the funding. "This is clearly a gain of function, engineering the cleavage site and polishing the new viruses to enhance human cell infectibility in more than one cell line," Dalgleish said. The Telegraph notes that the plans were rejected by DARPA, with the agency noting "It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter Daszak could have put local communities at risk", and further warning that proper consideration of the consequences of enhancing the viruses had not been undertaken. Let that sink in. Even DARPA, the secretive military weapons development agency, the ones who have invented implantable microchips , cyborg dogs and drone killing machines said that the WIV gain of function plan was nuts. The Telegraph also notes that a "covid-19 researcher from the World Health Organisation (WHO), who wished to remain anonymous, said it was alarming that the grant proposal included plans to enhance the more deadly disease of Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)." "The scary part is they were making infectious chimeric MERS viruses," the source warned. Those findings dovetail with previous revelations in documents obtained under the FOIA showing that lab tampering was undertaken on MERS-like coronaviruses in several labs around Wuhan, including a level three biocontainment facility, which has lesser security that the level four labs previously mentioned in relation to the outbreak. MERS viruses have 30-50 percent fatality rates, with the source noting "If one of their receptor replacements made MERS spread similarly (to covid-19), while maintaining its lethality, this pandemic would be nearly apocalyptic." Drastic issued a statement on the latest findings urging "Given that we find in this proposal a discussion of the planned introduction of human-specific cleavage sites, a review by the wider scientific community of the plausibility of artificial insertion is warranted." The accumulating scientific evidence that points to a potential coronavirus lab leak, as well as China's record on bio-security, and its constant stonewalling, warrants an adequate global independent investigation, which hasn't happened. On 9/21/21 5:46 PM someone wrote:
https://news./wuhan-scientists-planned-release-skin-145326380.html actually, the DoD comes out looking good on this. Fauci ask them for funding to develop a super killer virus and they turned him down On 9/22/21 10:14 PM: and fauXi lied about it to Congress, which ought to get him a 5-year prison term, but though Rand Paul is talking about that, it'll probably happen when shillary goes to prison for her crimes. On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 08:01:05 PM wrote:
a summary: *Report: Wuhan Lab Requested Funding From DARPA To Make Chimeric Viruses, Genetically Alter Coronaviruses To Make Them More Infectious To Humans* *A bombshell report has concluded that scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and their affiliated partners attempted to secure $14 million in funding from the Pentagon's scientific arm DARPA to genetically alter viruses, including bat coronaviruses, and make them more infectious to humans, just eighteen months prior to the subsequent outbreak and pandemic.* The Lon Telegraph reports the findings revealed by Drastic, a web-based investigations team set up by scientists from across the world to look into the origins of covid-19. The documents they obtained, confirmed as genuine by former US government officials, show that DARPA turned down the request, saying the plans for yet more gain of function research were TOO DANGEROUS to the human population. The Telegraph notes that the documents reveal the Wuhan scientists "submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing 'novel chimeric spike proteins' of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China." The documents also show that the plan involved genetically altering the bat coronaviruses to add "human-specific cleavage sites," essentially making it easier for the virus to get into human cells. This is EXACTLY what was discovered when covid-19 was first genetically sequenced, prompting many scientists to suggest the virus had been genetically manipulated in a lab. The documents reveal that the same cast of characters already under scrutiny regarding gain of function research in Wuhan submitted the plan to DARPA. Both British zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance , who later attempted to shut down scientific debate on the possibility of a lab leak, and the "bat woman" Dr Shi Zhengli were intimately involved. Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St Georges, University of Lon who maintains that the pandemic was likely a result of a genetically altered virus , said the research may have gone ahead even without the funding. "This is clearly a gain of function, engineering the cleavage site and polishing the new viruses to enhance human cell infectibility in more than one cell line," Dalgleish said. The Telegraph notes that the plans were rejected by DARPA, with the agency noting "It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter Daszak could have put local communities at risk", and further warning that proper consideration of the consequences of enhancing the viruses had not been undertaken. Let that sink in. Even DARPA, the secretive military weapons development agency, the ones who have invented implantable microchips , cyborg dogs and drone killing machines said that the WIV gain of function plan was nuts. The Telegraph also notes that a "covid-19 researcher from the World Health Organisation (WHO), who wished to remain anonymous, said it was alarming that the grant proposal included plans to enhance the more deadly disease of Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)." "The scary part is they were making infectious chimeric MERS viruses," the source warned. Those findings dovetail with previous revelations in documents obtained under the FOIA showing that lab tampering was undertaken on MERS-like coronaviruses in several labs around Wuhan, including a level three biocontainment facility, which has lesser security that the level four labs previously mentioned in relation to the outbreak. MERS viruses have 30-50 percent fatality rates, with the source noting "If one of their receptor replacements made MERS spread similarly (to covid-19), while maintaining its lethality, this pandemic would be nearly apocalyptic." Drastic issued a statement on the latest findings urging "Given that we find in this proposal a discussion of the planned introduction of human-specific cleavage sites, a review by the wider scientific community of the plausibility of artificial insertion is warranted." The accumulating scientific evidence that points to a potential coronavirus lab leak, as well as China's record on bio-security, and its constant stonewalling, warrants an adequate global independent investigation, which hasn't happened. On 9/21/21 5:46 PM someone wrote:
https://news./wuhan-scientists-planned-release-skin-145326380.html actually, the DoD comes out looking good on this. Fauci ask them for funding to develop a super killer virus and they turned him down On 9/22/21 10:14 PM: and fauXi lied about it to Congress, which ought to get him a 5-year prison term, but though Rand Paul is talking about that, it'll probably happen when shillary goes to prison for her crimes. On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 08:01:05 PM wrote:
a summary: *Report: Wuhan Lab Requested Funding From DARPA To Make Chimeric Viruses, Genetically Alter Coronaviruses To Make Them More Infectious To Humans* *A bombshell report has concluded that scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and their affiliated partners attempted to secure $14 million in funding from the Pentagon's scientific arm DARPA to genetically alter viruses, including bat coronaviruses, and make them more infectious to humans, just eighteen months prior to the subsequent outbreak and pandemic.* The Lon Telegraph reports the findings revealed by Drastic, a web-based investigations team set up by scientists from across the world to look into the origins of covid-19. The documents they obtained, confirmed as genuine by former US government officials, show that DARPA turned down the request, saying the plans for yet more gain of function research were TOO DANGEROUS to the human population. The Telegraph notes that the documents reveal the Wuhan scientists "submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing 'novel chimeric spike proteins' of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China." The documents also show that the plan involved genetically altering the bat coronaviruses to add "human-specific cleavage sites," essentially making it easier for the virus to get into human cells. This is EXACTLY what was discovered when covid-19 was first genetically sequenced, prompting many scientists to suggest the virus had been genetically manipulated in a lab. The documents reveal that the same cast of characters already under scrutiny regarding gain of function research in Wuhan submitted the plan to DARPA. Both British zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance , who later attempted to shut down scientific debate on the possibility of a lab leak, and the "bat woman" Dr Shi Zhengli were intimately involved. Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St Georges, University of Lon who maintains that the pandemic was likely a result of a genetically altered virus , said the research may have gone ahead even without the funding. "This is clearly a gain of function, engineering the cleavage site and polishing the new viruses to enhance human cell infectibility in more than one cell line," Dalgleish said. The Telegraph notes that the plans were rejected by DARPA, with the agency noting "It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter Daszak could have put local communities at risk", and further warning that proper consideration of the consequences of enhancing the viruses had not been undertaken. Let that sink in. Even DARPA, the secretive military weapons development agency, the ones who have invented implantable microchips , cyborg dogs and drone killing machines said that the WIV gain of function plan was nuts. The Telegraph also notes that a "covid-19 researcher from the World Health Organisation (WHO), who wished to remain anonymous, said it was alarming that the grant proposal included plans to enhance the more deadly disease of Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)." "The scary part is they were making infectious chimeric MERS viruses," the source warned. Those findings dovetail with previous revelations in documents obtained under the FOIA showing that lab tampering was undertaken on MERS-like coronaviruses in several labs around Wuhan, including a level three biocontainment facility, which has lesser security that the level four labs previously mentioned in relation to the outbreak. MERS viruses have 30-50 percent fatality rates, with the source noting "If one of their receptor replacements made MERS spread similarly (to covid-19), while maintaining its lethality, this pandemic would be nearly apocalyptic." Drastic issued a statement on the latest findings urging "Given that we find in this proposal a discussion of the planned introduction of human-specific cleavage sites, a review by the wider scientific community of the plausibility of artificial insertion is warranted." The accumulating scientific evidence that points to a potential coronavirus lab leak, as well as China's record on bio-security, and its constant stonewalling, warrants an adequate global independent investigation, which hasn't happened. On 9/21/21 5:46 PM someone wrote:
https://news./wuhan-scientists-planned-release-skin-145326380.html a summary: *Report: Wuhan Lab Requested Funding From DARPA To Make Chimeric Viruses, Genetically Alter Coronaviruses To Make Them More Infectious To Humans* *A bombshell report has concluded that scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and their affiliated partners attempted to secure $14 million in funding from the Pentagon's scientific arm DARPA to genetically alter viruses, including bat coronaviruses, and make them more infectious to humans, just eighteen months prior to the subsequent outbreak and pandemic.* The Lon Telegraph reports
the findings revealed by Drastic, a web-based investigations team set up by scientists from across the world to look into the origins of covid-19. The documents they obtained, confirmed as genuine by former US government officials, show that DARPA turned down the request, saying the plans for yet more gain of function research were TOO DANGEROUS to the human population. The Telegraph notes that the documents reveal the Wuhan scientists "submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles containing 'novel chimeric spike proteins' of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China." The documents also show that the plan involved genetically altering the bat coronaviruses to add "human-specific cleavage sites," essentially making it easier for the virus to get into human cells. This is EXACTLY what was discovered when covid-19 was first genetically sequenced, prompting many scientists to suggest
the virus had been genetically manipulated in a lab. The documents reveal that the same cast of characters already under scrutiny regarding gain of function research in Wuhan submitted the plan to DARPA. Both British zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance , who later attempted to shut down scientific debate
on the possibility of a lab leak, and the "bat woman" Dr Shi Zhengli
were intimately involved. Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St Georges, University of Lon who maintains that the pandemic was likely a result of a genetically altered virus , said the research may have gone ahead even without the funding. "This is clearly a gain of function, engineering the cleavage site and polishing the new viruses to enhance human cell infectibility in more than one cell line," Dalgleish said. The Telegraph notes that the plans were rejected by DARPA, with the agency noting "It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter Daszak could have put local communities at risk", and further warning that proper consideration of the consequences of enhancing the viruses had not been undertaken. Let that sink in. Even DARPA, the secretive military weapons development agency, the ones who have invented implantable microchips , cyborg dogs and drone killing machines said that the WIV gain of function plan was nuts. The Telegraph also notes that a "covid-19 researcher from the World Health Organisation (WHO), who wished to remain anonymous, said it was alarming that the grant proposal included plans to enhance the more deadly disease of Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)." "The scary part is they were making infectious chimeric MERS viruses," the source warned. Those findings dovetail with previous revelations
in documents obtained under the FOIA showing that lab tampering was undertaken on MERS-like coronaviruses in several labs around Wuhan, including a level three biocontainment facility, which has lesser security that the level four labs previously mentioned in relation to the outbreak. MERS viruses have 30-50 percent fatality rates, with the source noting "If one of their receptor replacements made MERS spread similarly (to covid-19), while maintaining its lethality, this pandemic would be nearly apocalyptic." Drastic issued a statement on the latest findings urging "Given that we find in this proposal a discussion of the planned introduction of human-specific cleavage sites, a review by the wider scientific community of the plausibility of artificial insertion is warranted." The accumulating scientific evidence
that points to a potential coronavirus lab leak, as well as China's record on bio-security, and its constant stonewalling, warrants an adequate global independent investigation, which hasn't happened. On 9/21/21 5:46 PM someone wrote: https://news./wuhan-scientists-planned-release-skin-145326380.html from a very pro-vaxerby doug - 2021-09-23 ( education / research ) [html version]VERY PRO-VAXXER LEAVES THE DARK SIDE -- COMES TO SENSES This is an exceptional message from someone who has come to his senses to some degree. Still too stupid to realize vaxes are poison, but has spark of freedom enough to realize this insane tyranny must end. . From a Very Pro-vaxerby doug - 2021-09-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]VERY PRO-VAXXER LEAVES THE DARK SIDE -- COMES TO SENSES This is an exceptional message from someone who has come to his senses to some degree. Still too stupid to realize vaxes are poison, but has spark of freedom enough to realize this insane tyranny must end. . Really Good Conversation from a Medical Expert Who Published a Bookby doug - 2021-09-24 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Worth a listen. [ /1Ez5eVnVz1yY/sktXAP2Iq3nN6yxBZRXan36E Globalists Lack Soul & are Indifferent to Mass Murder w/ Dr. Peter Breggin Updated 9-17-21: Access solution resource document at Dr. Zelenko's Vitamin Pack protects you from getting sick (a weapon to protect you . this is good, breggin is great On 9/23/21 1:21 AM: Worth a listen. Globalists Lack Soul & are Indifferent to Mass Murder w/ Dr. Peter Breggin Updated 9-17-21: Access solution resource document at Dr. Zelenko's Vitamin Pack protects you from getting sick (a weapon to protect you this is good, breggin is great On 9/23/21 1:21 AM: Worth a listen. Globalists Lack Soul & are Indifferent to Mass Murder w/ Dr. Peter Breggin Updated 9-17-21: Access solution resource document at Dr. Zelenko's Vitamin Pack protects you from getting sick (a weapon to protect you this is good, breggin is great On 9/23/21 1:21 AM: Worth a listen. Globalists Lack Soul & are Indifferent to Mass Murder w/ Dr. Peter Breggin Updated 9-17-21: Access solution resource document at Dr. Zelenko's Vitamin Pack protects you from getting sick (a weapon to protect you this is good, breggin is great On 9/23/21 1:21 AM: Worth a listen. Globalists Lack Soul & are Indifferent to Mass Murder w/ Dr. Peter Breggin Updated 9-17-21: Access solution resource document at Dr. Zelenko's Vitamin Pack protects you from getting sick (a weapon to protect you understanding the eliteby don - 2021-09-24 ( education / research ) [html version]similarities between 9/11 and pandemic On 9/23/21 8:53 AM: It's all just good versus evil, going back millennia, no matter which names you prefer to use for the various "players" (Jesus, Yahweh, Satan, good spirits, evil spirits, good energy, bad energy). Basically, there are those of us who believe in our "God"-given system/world/reality – you know, binary sex, you're either male or female and only have sex with the opposite; "do unto others as you would have done to you"; be constructive, not destructive; realize we're all in this together. And, there are those who want to destroy all of the above – you know, pervert natural law; be an asshole just because you can; kill or be killed; every man for himself; take advantage of others if/when the opportunity arises; etc. "Bill"
Testing "positive" for covid these days simply means it was a false positive or you have (or recently had) the flu or common cold. A mask might be appropriate if you're performing surgery or /actively/ sneezing, coughing /and/ infected but, otherwise, no. See this or this
for more. If you're more visual, click here . "The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." -- H.L. Mencken "Only the sick governing elites can look you in the eye with a straight face and force experimental injections on you because masks didn't work while simultaneously forcing masks on you because the injections didn't work." -- Daniel Horowitz * Sent: *Thursday, September 23, 2021 2:09 AM *Re: That explanation sounds more "new age" to me. Here's what I agree with: We Know Who Is Funding Evil, Who Is Funding Good? We Know Who Is Funding Evil, Who Is Funding Good? By Dave Daubenmire That was the question we asked when Ohio Brett, Dr [wife] Tenpenny and I sat down at a recent...
On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 11:26:15 PM PDT wrote: Interesting. Is this the same Hillerman who wrote novels about natives of the Southwest? Wednesday, September 22, 2021 4:41 PM
Ang if you wonder why the elite practice depravity of every type, Tony Hillerman's novel People of Darkness explains black magic this way: "The way it works with Navajos, witchcraft is the reversal of the Navajo Way. The way the Holy People taught us, the goal of life was yo'zho'. No word for it in English. Sort of a combination of beauty/harmony, being in tune, going with the flow, feeling peaceful, all wrapped up in a single concept. Witchcraft is the reverse of this concept, basically. There's a mythology built up around it, of course. You get to be a witch by violating the basic taboos—killing a relative, incest, so forth. And you get certain powers. You can turn yourself into a dog or a wolf. You can fly. And you have power to make people sick. That's the opposite of the good power the Holy People gave us—to cure people by getting them back into yo'zho'. Back into beauty. So, to make a long story short, a witch wouldn't have a motive for blowing up an oil well. It's a bad thing to do, blowing people up. That's all the motive a skinwalker needs." That's why the depravity taught in public schools and on Netflix is so pervasive. That is why they are seemingly anti-human. Genocide is a real black magic accomplishment, a reversal of the flow of life, big magic! Arizona voteby doug - 2021-09-26 ( education / research ) [html version]MARICOPA COUNTY, AZ AUDIT COMPLETE -- A COMPLETELY FRAUDULENT ELECTION When will Arizona decertify this fraudulent result? How about all the other states Arizona inspired? . Maricopa County, Az Audit Complete - a Completely Fraudulent Electionby doug - 2021-09-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]When will Arizona decertify this fraudulent result? How about all the other states Arizona inspired? This Lawyer Shows the Proofby doug - 2021-09-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This lawyer shows the proof about all the govt lies about the vax . Inspiring Hospital Story You Will Want to Hearby doug - 2021-09-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version] . [ /1Ez5eVnVz1yY/E9Rom7kT7M6d Family's Stealth Mission to Save Mom in the covid Death Ward Updated 9-17-21: Access solution resource document at Dr. Zelenko's Vitamin Pack protects you from getting sick (a weapon to protect you story elementsby don - 2021-09-30 ( education / research ) [html version]I learned these in 8th grade in Rancho Cordova. I had to say what the theme of Robinson Crusoe was, and I couldn't figure out what a theme was. I thought it might be a moral as in Aesop's fables. So I said the theme was that when hard work is applied you can succeed, or some BS like that. I had to live a lot longer and be exposed to the word before I realized the theme was more like Man Against Nature. That was too advanced a concept for the 8th grade, in my opinion. But Mr Jodice was a good teacher, and even broughjt in a couple af successful myster writers, a husband and wife. Tthe wife said the publisher only bought her first book because he didn't know who did it. Well, she didn't know either and that's when she started outlining. On 9/29/21 7:25 PM: I took creative writing in high school. Probably learned these, but don't recall. * Sent: *Wednesday, September 29, 2021 5:36 PM *Cc: * * [wife], this is what you were talking about that you learned in high school Member of European Parliament Pleads for Withdrawal of Experimental Covid vaccinesby doug - 2021-10-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I'd like to believe at least some of our German ancestors would be like this man and his common sense. In German with subtitles on bitchute Parliament Member to EU Commission: "Stop this experimentation on humans, I beg you!" Joachim Kuhs, Member Of The European Parliament Pleads For The Withdrawal Of The Experimental covid-19 Vaccines food shortages comingby don - 2021-10-01 ( education / research ) [html version]Adams tells about it and gives info on on how to build a gravity feed hydroponic system that requires no power and is the simplest system for growing food of all of them hydroponic system I highly recommend Azure Standard food drops for organic food. They have non-organic, too. I don't remember if I mentioned it, but we started our own No Mask / No Vax drop and the truck comes to our house where all our approved drop members pick up their food orders once a month. They have deliveries all over. They seem to be a very honest company in Oregon and worthy of supporting. So we're letting our money vote. If you decide to do it, we'll get a $25 referal credit which I can show you how to do.
Sent: Friday, October 1, 2021 6:33 AM Found this: Food shortages are unavoidable now. Guys. Don't forget sprouts. You can grow them anywhere at any time. The seeds last for ages. You will always have fresh greens if you stock up. All you need are a couple of jars and water. I maintain the basics of alfalfa sprouts and mung beans. Also, now is a good time to buy seeds. It is easy to grow lettuce, kale and spinach in tubs. Radishes and zucchini and tomatoes(dependent on your climate). I also read recently about potato growing using bags. Don't need much space to do this. On 9/30/21 7:33 PM someone wrote:
Adams tells about it and gives info on on how to build a gravity feed hydroponic system that requires no power and is the simplest system for growing food of all of them hydroponic system I highly recommend Azure Standard food drops for organic food. They have non-organic, too. I don't remember if I mentioned it, but we started our own No Mask / No Vax drop and the truck comes to our house where all our approved drop members pick up their food orders once a month. They have deliveries all over. They seem to be a very honest company in Oregon and worthy of supporting. So we're letting our money vote. If you decide to do it, we'll get a $25 referal credit which I can show you how to do.
Sent: Friday, October 1, 2021 6:33 AM Subject: Re: Found this: Food shortages are unavoidable now. Guys. Don't forget sprouts. You can grow them anywhere at any time. The seeds last for ages. You will always have fresh greens if you stock up. All you need are a couple of jars and water. I maintain the basics of alfalfa sprouts and mung beans. Also, now is a good time to buy seeds. It is easy to grow lettuce, kale and spinach in tubs. Radishes and zucchini and tomatoes(dependent on your climate). I also read recently about potato growing using bags. Don't need much space to do this. On 9/30/21 7:33 PM someone wrote:
Adams tells about it and gives info on on how to build a gravity feed hydroponic system that requires no power and is the simplest system for growing food of all of them hydroponic system I highly recommend Azure Standard food drops for organic food. They have non-organic, too. I don't remember if I mentioned it, but we started our own No Mask / No Vax drop and the truck comes to our house where all our approved drop members pick up their food orders once a month. They have deliveries all over. They seem to be a very honest company in Oregon and worthy of supporting. So we're letting our money vote. If you decide to do it, we'll get a $25 referal credit which I can show you how to do.
Sent: Friday, October 1, 2021 6:33 AM Subject: Re: Found this: Food shortages are unavoidable now. Guys. Don't forget sprouts. You can grow them anywhere at any time. The seeds last for ages. You will always have fresh greens if you stock up. All you need are a couple of jars and water. I maintain the basics of alfalfa sprouts and mung beans. Also, now is a good time to buy seeds. It is easy to grow lettuce, kale and spinach in tubs. Radishes and zucchini and tomatoes(dependent on your climate). I also read recently about potato growing using bags. Don't need much space to do this. On 9/30/21 7:33 PM someone wrote:
Adams tells about it and gives info on on how to build a gravity feed hydroponic system that requires no power and is the simplest system for growing food of all of them hydroponic system I highly recommend Azure Standard food drops for organic food. They have non-organic, too. I don't remember if I mentioned it, but we started our own No Mask / No Vax drop and the truck comes to our house where all our approved drop members pick up their food orders once a month. They have deliveries all over. They seem to be a very honest company in Oregon and worthy of supporting. So we're letting our money vote. If you decide to do it, we'll get a $25 referal credit which I can show you how to do.
Sent: Friday, October 1, 2021 6:33 AM Subject: Re: Found this: Food shortages are unavoidable now. Guys. Don't forget sprouts. You can grow them anywhere at any time. The seeds last for ages. You will always have fresh greens if you stock up. All you need are a couple of jars and water. I maintain the basics of alfalfa sprouts and mung beans. Also, now is a good time to buy seeds. It is easy to grow lettuce, kale and spinach in tubs. Radishes and zucchini and tomatoes(dependent on your climate). I also read recently about potato growing using bags. Don't need much space to do this. On 9/30/21 7:33 PM someone wrote:
Adams tells about it and gives info on on how to build a gravity feed hydroponic system that requires no power and is the simplest system for growing food of all of them hydroponic system Found this: Food shortages are unavoidable now. Guys. Don't forget sprouts. You can grow them anywhere at any time. The seeds last for ages. You will always have fresh greens if you stock up. All you need are a couple of jars and water. I maintain the basics of alfalfa sprouts and mung beans. Also, now is a good time to buy seeds. It is easy to grow lettuce, kale and spinach in tubs. Radishes and zucchini and tomatoes(dependent on your climate). I also read recently about potato growing using bags. Don't need much space to do this. On 9/30/21 7:33 PM someone wrote: Adams tells about it and gives info on on how to build a gravity feed hydroponic system that requires no power and is the simplest system for growing food of all of them hydroponic system Kunstlerby don - 2021-10-02 ( education / research ) [html version]always worth a read:****-nation/the-big-tell/ The Big Tell For your reading pleasure Mondays and Fridays Support this blog by visiting Jim's Patreon Page And thanks to all my Patrons for your support The Arizona election audit climaxed Friday in the new mode of history-in-the-making: direct deposit in the memory hole‚ proving only (and conclusively) that this is the age of Anything Goes and Nothing Matters. The corporate media played the story as a fart in a windstorm for its audience of the avidly credulous. Nothing to see, folks, move along.... A closer review of the audit results reveals at least 57,000 ballots out-of-order in one way or another and evidence of county officials tampering with digital election records prior to the audit. These matters are now referred by the AZ Senate to the AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich, known in the past for slow-walking difficult issues. However, Brnovich is running for the US Senate in 2022, and has sent signals that he will take criminal complaints seriously. In any case, the MAGA crowd didn't get the hoped-for thumping victory over manifest evil that it wanted and the janky election of 2020 will probably be drowned by the next wave of developments in what looks an awful lot like the deliberate torpedoing of Western Civ. The 2020 election, after all, was a procedural matter (if at the highest level of national procedure), but what lies ahead are much more life-or-death matters: will you make a living? Will you remain healthy? Will you get enough to eat? Will you have a roof over your head? Will you stay out of prison? Stuff like that. All of it is hard to sort out under an onslaught of official tyranny and relentless propaganda. The effort to vax-up the recalcitrant vax-no-thank-you half of America got some pushback on Friday when a federal appeals court issued a temporary injunction against NYC Mayor de Blasio's order to compel vaccination of all public-school teachers. That quarrel moves swiftly to a three-judge panel for another ruling scheduled for Wednesday. If the order is changed back to max vax, it'll hasten the death of a chronically ill school system that for decades only pretended to educate kids. Meanwhile, New York state's vax mandate for all health care workers goes into effect today. The order will cripple health care for certain now in a state already suffering crisis-level short-staffing in hospitals — largely due to the years-long effort of for-profit hospitals to shed employees, especially nurses, while padding the multi-million-dollar salaries of executives who run hospital conglomerates. Andrew Cuomo's replacement, the disastrous new governor Hochul, declared hilariously last week that health care workers fired for vax refusal can be replaced by workers from foreign lands. Of course, the US health care establishment was already imploding under the weight of embedded racketeering, and the mandated shots to workers will now deliver the coup-de-grace. This is on top of the fact that the public's mistrust and loss of respect for doctors is starting to edge out even its low esteem for the politicians who assist these racketeering operations. The medical profession that took for its motto first do no harm looks increasingly like an accomplice to mass murder — suppressing effective early treatments of covid, promoting the known iatrogenic fiascos of intubation and Remdesivir, continuing to use the discredited PCR tests, and utilizing a VAERS system with such a defective website that doctors can't be bothered to even report harmful reactions to vaccines while the medical bureaucrats hide and game whatever data leaks through their mighty filters. Not to mention developing the covid-19 bioweapon in the first place and then a toxic vaccine to neatly finish the job. In another pandemic development, CNN's go-to doctor and vaccine pusher, Leana Wen of George Washington University, declared startlingly that vaccinated people are now a threat to the unvaccinated because the vaxed carry high viral loads, making them efficient covid-19 spreaders. Is that what a "vaccine" is supposed to do? Enhance disease transmission? If the public is not already bamboozled enough, that one will probably seal the deal. Which leads the non-bamboozled to suspect that we are in the midst of a monumental two-year psy-op by malevolent political forces bent on the totalistic domination of daily life in order to change it from the top down, mainly against the peoples' wishes. There are many theories as to why. The most popular one is that the economic elite want to greatly reduce the global population for the good of the planet. That would be a pretty severe project if true. It's hard to conceive of such megalomania outside a James Bond movie. But otherwise, you're left with the somewhat unsatisfying conclusion that, as the old political weasel-phrase goes, mistakes were made. Yeah, for sure, but after making the first half-dozen or so mistakes, you'd think that honorable people would just cop to their errors and change course. That this hasn't happened is the Big Tell. video to mp3by don - 2021-10-02 ( education / research ) [html version]I don't watch many videos. I prefer to convert them to mp3 and listgen on a pocket mp3 player. Sometimes if you click on the Rumble or Video button you can get a URL from the Embed button that you can download using youtube-dl on the command line (I think it's a multiplatform program) youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3;read=183691 There are other programs to download videos to mp3 but some content providers don't allow that, you have to watch the video from their site. Project Camelot comes to mind, as well as Stewart Swerdlow's podcasts on So what I do is attatch a short 3.5mm male/male cable to my both my audio jacks on my laptop, make sure the sound isn't turned to max, then go into Audacity and hit record. Then I startthe video playing in another window. When the video's over, I export as mp3 in Audacity. (also multi-platform). It works fine, you just have to keep an eye on the progress of the video from time to time to know when to Stop recording in Audacity. China Pictureby don - 2021-10-11 ( education / research ) [html version]Clif High talks extensively about China's ongoing war with the U.S. and the role of covid. It's very good: Buy An Extra Lawnmower or Chainsaw Nowby steve - 2021-10-14 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]it's possible to make diesel fuel. I remember that a science teacher at my school had a diesel truck and had her students work on making diesel fuel for it.I don't know how it's made. In a couple of "recipes" I've seen, one needs methanol. Hmm, methanol needed? So, I wonder where the methanol would be gotten if fuel isn't available and making one's own diesel is the only way to be able to fuel a vehicle. Anyhow, I think that getting a diesel generator would be quite wise if one can also make fuel for it. I'll continue to investigate making diesel but without methanol On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 10:12:07 AM : 2379750209 P Seems to me the use market like Craigslist will soar for these items. And also seems to me off road vehicles sales floors will suffer so badly they will shut their doors. Such criminals. Such damn morons, but that's not really true because they know exactly what they are doing to follow the global agenda. Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 8:51 AM
buy an extra lawnmower or chainsaw now= we have electric ones of both kinds On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 07:15:56 AM someone wrote:
https://news./california-law-bans-small-off-174600432.html I don't know much of anything about diesel, but learned recently that it's not flammable which is pretty great for safely storing it. We now have a lot of propane to run our stove / oven when or if the sh-t hits the fan and everything goes down. Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 9:12 PMRe: it's possible to make diesel fuel. I remember that a science teacher at my school had a diesel truck and had her students work on making diesel fuel for it. I don't know how it's made. In a couple of "recipes" I've seen, one needs methanol. Hmm, methanol needed? So, I wonder where the methanol would be gotten if fuel isn't available and making one's own diesel is the only way to be able to fuel a vehicle. Anyhow, I think that getting a diesel generator would be quite wise if one can also make fuel for it. I'll continue to investigate making diesel but without methanol On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 10:12:07 AM : Seems to me the use market like Craigslist will soar for these items. And also seems to me off road vehicles sales floors will suffer so badly they will shut their doors. Such criminals. Such damn morons, but that's not really true because they know exactly what they are doing to follow the global agenda. Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 8:51 AMRe: we have electric ones of both kinds On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 07:15:56 AM someone wrote:
https://news./california-law-bans-small-off-174600432.html I don't know much of anything about diesel, but learned recently that it's not flammable which is pretty great for safely storing it. We now have a lot of propane to run our stove / oven when or if the sh-t hits the fan and everything goes down. Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 9:12 PMRe: it's possible to make diesel fuel. I remember that a science teacher at my school had a diesel truck and had her students work on making diesel fuel for it. I don't know how it's made. In a couple of "recipes" I've seen, one needs methanol. Hmm, methanol needed? So, I wonder where the methanol would be gotten if fuel isn't available and making one's own diesel is the only way to be able to fuel a vehicle. Anyhow, I think that getting a diesel generator would be quite wise if one can also make fuel for it. I'll continue to investigate making diesel but without methanol On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 10:12:07 AM : Seems to me the use market like Craigslist will soar for these items. And also seems to me off road vehicles sales floors will suffer so badly they will shut their doors. Such criminals. Such damn morons, but that's not really true because they know exactly what they are doing to follow the global agenda. Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 8:51 AMRe: we have electric ones of both kinds On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 07:15:56 AM someone wrote:
https://news./california-law-bans-small-off-174600432.html I don't know much of anything about diesel, but learned recently that it's not flammable which is pretty great for safely storing it. We now have a lot of propane to run our stove / oven when or if the sh-t hits the fan and everything goes down. Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 9:12 PMRe: it's possible to make diesel fuel. I remember that a science teacher at my school had a diesel truck and had her students work on making diesel fuel for it. I don't know how it's made. In a couple of "recipes" I've seen, one needs methanol. Hmm, methanol needed? So, I wonder where the methanol would be gotten if fuel isn't available and making one's own diesel is the only way to be able to fuel a vehicle. Anyhow, I think that getting a diesel generator would be quite wise if one can also make fuel for it. I'll continue to investigate making diesel but without methanol On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 10:12:07 AM : Seems to me the use market like Craigslist will soar for these items. And also seems to me off road vehicles sales floors will suffer so badly they will shut their doors. Such criminals. Such damn morons, but that's not really true because they know exactly what they are doing to follow the global agenda. Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 8:51 AMRe: we have electric ones of both kinds On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 07:15:56 AM someone wrote:
https://news./california-law-bans-small-off-174600432.html I don't know much of anything about diesel, but learned recently that it's not flammable which is pretty great for safely storing it. We now have a lot of propane to run our stove / oven when or if the sh-t hits the fan and everything goes down. Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 9:12 PM Re: it's possible to make diesel fuel. I remember that a science teacher at my school had a diesel truck and had her students work on making diesel fuel for it. I don't know how it's made. In a couple of "recipes" I've seen, one needs methanol. Hmm, methanol needed? So, I wonder where the methanol would be gotten if fuel isn't available and making one's own diesel is the only way to be able to fuel a vehicle. Anyhow, I think that getting a diesel generator would be quite wise if one can also make fuel for it. I'll continue to investigate making diesel but without methanol
On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 10:12:07 AM : Seems to me the use market like Craigslist will soar for these items. And also seems to me off road vehicles sales floors will suffer so badly they will shut their doors. Such criminals. Such damn morons, but that's not really true because they know exactly what they are doing to follow the global agenda. Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 8:51 AM Re: we have electric ones of both kinds
On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 07:15:56 AM someone wrote: https://news./california-law-bans-small-off-174600432.html Supply Chain Downby bill - 2021-10-15 ( education / research / conspiracies / economy ) [html version]Anonymous says: There are already big shortages in auto and other industries. More shortages will follow, including grocery stores. Stock up now or you'll [later] wish you did. See And I say... it's all by design. Who could do such a thing? The powers-that-be at the top of the pyramid, that's who. Why? To create dependency on those who have way too much power. How will THEY have supplies when no one else does? They're the ones ultimately in charge, so of course they can always resupply. And that's why hierarchical systems are so bad, corruption-prone, and doomed to fail. Like a pond, scum rises to the top. What the world needs is more diversity, not of race, creed or sexual habits, but of self-made and self-controlled individuals by the millions who create and supply what everyone else wants and needs. Now, that's a healthy economy! UPDATE: I'd say EVERYONE in charge of ANYTHING that affects our way of life has way too much power. We need alternatives to everything now. Sacrificesby doug - 2021-10-20 ( education / research ) [html version]All will have to make sacrifices. We got the receipts - the patents that describe the exact computer operating system being injected without prior consent of the public The details are in this video that fb will want to take down immediately if they realize the information I've been warning people about this forever. I've been attacked, ridiculed, had my character assassinated, and the like. Apologies are now officially being accepted. But more important is that you start telling the people you know what you have learned from this and countless other videos that are available if you look outside of the mainstream fake news outlets. If you have been a Trump supporter, as I WAS, it's about time to blast Trump for his continued vax pushing. He was booed at a rally in Alabama when he mentioned it. That is the right way to change a politician. [] RECEIPTS: Patents Expose "Medical Devices" in Jab, Injectable Computing System -- Forbidden Knowledge TV "Keep in mind, the Pfizer injection -- all the mRNA products -- fall under Moderna. So, it's US Patent #10703789B2, issued on July 7th, 2020 and what you'll see, right there is a description of the four lipid nanoparticles that are in here and that encapsulate the mRNA. WE THE PEOPLE WILL TAKE BACK OUR WORLD - EVERY COUNTRY DO NOT COMPLY DO NOT COMPLY DO NOT COMPLY Got that? All Will Have to Make Sacrificesby doug - 2021-10-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]We got the receipts -- the patents that describe the exact computer operating system being injected without prior consent of the public The details are in this video that fb will want to take down immediately if they realize the information I've been warning people about this forever. I've been attacked, ridiculed, had my character assassinated, and the like. Apologies are now officially being accepted. But more important is that you start telling the people you know what you have learned from this and countless other videos that are available if you look outside of the mainstream fake news outlets. If you have been a Trump supporter, as I WAS, it's about time to blast Trump for his continued vax pushing. He was booed at a rally in Alabama when he mentioned it. That is the right way to change a politician. [ RECEIPTS: Patents Expose "Medical Devices" in Jab, Injectable Computing System -- Forbidden Knowledge TV "Keep in mind, the Pfizer injection -- all the mRNA products -- fall under Moderna. So, it's US Patent #10703789B2, issued on July 7th, 2020 and what you'll see, right there is a description of the four lipid nanoparticles that are in here and that encapsulate the mRNA. WE THE PEOPLE WILL TAKE BACK OUR WORLD -- EVERY COUNTRY DO NOT COMPLY DO NOT COMPLY DO NOT COMPLY Got that? demonic vax?by don - 2021-10-24 ( education / research ) [html version]Energetic Viewpoint *Do covid Vaccines Replace the Soul? * by Paul ( October 10, 2021 /AI- The Plan to Invade Humanity / Source: "*Cyrus Parsa claims that with the interface and operating system constructed inside the body by virtue of the "vaccine", the soul is removed and a vacuum left, which facilitates an alien-demonic entity to be downloaded into the body, which it then controls.*" (Disclaimer -- Paul is a longtime associate. This material is above my pay grade but i post because it is also the most interesting article I have come across today. I invite more knowledgeable readers to weight in.) *by Paul* *( *Having worked in different aspects of law enforcement* and intelligence for 47 years, I can state unequivocally that this campaign is unnatural and inhumanly so, in that not a single whistle blower or defector, out of approx 3 or 4 thousand people at a minimum estimate, that have intimate and detailed inside knowledge, has come forward with the inside narrative concerning the ostensible genocide, being carried out in almost every country in the world. i.e. where so called vaccination programs have taken place. This is beyond cognitive dissonance, Stockholm syndrome, programming, hypnosis, other forms of mind control and propaganda / deception / influence ops, bribery & corruption and other effects of plain fear and psychoses). A money trail is apparent but that is not proof of what ostensibly is intentional genocide. Nor is speculating about eugenics and depopulation or genocide penned in books by some of the genocidal architects, only circumstantial evidence which alone would not even make a charge, let alone get to court. Not a single insider defector. Nothing has ever been kept that secret without defectors in world history ... so I look at the occult and theological. Certainly, there is circumstantial, photographic evidence of satanism, most notably Britain's preeminent banking family. So now I am looking intoCyrus Parsa's claims - alien-demonic. Normally that would be considered off the wall or barking mad, but the insanity taking place within officialdom, especially demonstrated by B2 (bloated buffoon -- Boris son) and the Cadaver-in-Chief (dribbling Joe Biden), it might be more than commensurate. *Cyrus Parsa, left, holds firmly that the vaccine nano tech replicates and gets inside almost every cell in the body, takes over and then eliminates in its original form a part of the brain which in the natural human brain area , is in some theological circles attributed to be the primary area made in God's image in the human body. He then claims that with the interface and operating system constructed inside the body by virtue of the "vaccine", the soul is removed and a vacuum left, which facilitates an alien-demonic entity to be downloaded into the body, which it then controls.* Some Quantum physics is involved as is indicted in his court-filed case. Certainly, that would explain why rank & file police and armed forces are getting injected under coercion. At first, I puzzled over how they will enforce the entire program with so many police and military decimated with adverse effects, But if they are to run as a form of externally-controlled bio-machine, normal moral constraints will not apply. Moreover, under full martial law, executions on the spot, carried out by police *, can take place within minutes on flimsy charges and a hearing 'trial' carried out by a checkpoint subaltern, then Parsa's theory holds water. A short supplementary addition with Parsa on the Stew Peters show: "AI Organization Founder: "Nano Tech Vaccines are Extinction Agenda." Interesting times, if shockingly evil, and especially now in Australia and Canada. * In war or under full martial law, police will be armed with smgs and carry out such terrible things; at least this was informed to us by two training sergeants back in the 1975 in a Surrey cadet class that I was in. I've not heard of the topic since, but know how ruthless all politicians can be. --------------- more on mitochondrial DNAby steve - 2021-10-25 ( education / research ) [html version]For those of us who ARE NOT related to chimps, "Eve" was 6,000 years ago:Secret to human history (Part 5) Secret to human history (Part 5) at the 24-minute portion of the video, it starts to talk of the 200,000 year THEORY and tells why it's WRONG! On Monday, October 25, 2021, 12:13:47 AM : 5112804271 P Yea, didn't watch because our mother's mtDNA "haplogroup" is estimated to have arrived in Europe about 30,000 years ago. Shoots your videos to hell. Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2021 11:58 PM more on mitochondrial DNA= if you watched the video, you'd know that the 200,000 years is based on a "family tree" that includes monkeys as our ancestors but if you get rid of that IDIOCY (though there sure are a lot of people with brains that are like monkeys), the mtDNA dating points to 6,000 years, which some scientific article shown in the video tells of On Sunday, October 24, 2021, 11:45:45 PM : I know there is a religious group saying the Earth is only 6000 years old, or something like that. But that poses a problem with DNA because in the world of Y-DNA and mtDNA, estimates are miles beyond that -- like 100K or 200K years -- I don't remember the number. This is the scientific opinion, anyway -- not fake fauci science. It's based on mutations in the DNA. So for the religious answer to be 6,000 years for Eve, and factoring in the Nephelum (sp?), what does that leave us with modern humans -- 3,000yrs?= I guess all the other years that add up to 100 or 200K are from other planets and massive immigration to Earth started back then? And we conveniently lost all the high tech over the ages? But don't bother proving it. It's as fake as covid. Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2021 11:32 PMmore on mitochondrial DNA= For those of us who ARE NOT related to chimps, "Eve" was 6,000 years ago:Secret to human history (Part 5) Secret to human history (Part 5) at the 24-minute portion of the video, it starts to talk of the 200,000 year THEORY and tells why it's WRONG! On Monday, October 25, 2021, 12:13:47 AM : 5112804271 P Yea, didn't watch because our mother's mtDNA "haplogroup" is estimated to have arrived in Europe about 30,000 years ago. Shoots your videos to hell. Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2021 11:58 PM = if you watched the video, you'd know that the 200,000 years is based on a "family tree" that includes monkeys as our ancestors but if you get rid of that IDIOCY (though there sure are a lot of people with brains that are like monkeys), the mtDNA dating points to 6,000 years, which some scientific article shown in the video tells of On Sunday, October 24, 2021, 11:45:45 PM : I know there is a religious group saying the Earth is only 6000 years old, or something like that. But that poses a problem with DNA because in the world of Y-DNA and mtDNA, estimates are miles beyond that -- like 100K or 200K years -- I don't remember the number. This is the scientific opinion, anyway -- not fake fauci science. It's based on mutations in the DNA. So for the religious answer to be 6,000 years for Eve, and factoring in the Nephelum (sp?), what does that leave us with modern humans -- 3,000yrs?= I guess all the other years that add up to 100 or 200K are from other planets and massive immigration to Earth started back then? And we conveniently lost all the high tech over the ages? But don't bother proving it. It's as fake as covid. Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2021 11:32 PMmore on mitochondrial DNA= For those of us who ARE NOT related to chimps, "Eve" was 6,000 years ago:Secret to human history (Part 5) Secret to human history (Part 5) at the 24-minute portion of the video, it starts to talk of the 200,000 year THEORY and tells why it's WRONG! On Monday, October 25, 2021, 12:13:47 AM : 5112804271 P Yea, didn't watch because our mother's mtDNA "haplogroup" is estimated to have arrived in Europe about 30,000 years ago. Shoots your videos to hell. Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2021 11:58 PM = if you watched the video, you'd know that the 200,000 years is based on a "family tree" that includes monkeys as our ancestors but if you get rid of that IDIOCY (though there sure are a lot of people with brains that are like monkeys), the mtDNA dating points to 6,000 years, which some scientific article shown in the video tells of On Sunday, October 24, 2021, 11:45:45 PM : I know there is a religious group saying the Earth is only 6000 years old, or something like that. But that poses a problem with DNA because in the world of Y-DNA and mtDNA, estimates are miles beyond that -- like 100K or 200K years -- I don't remember the number. This is the scientific opinion, anyway -- not fake fauci science. It's based on mutations in the DNA. So for the religious answer to be 6,000 years for Eve, and factoring in the Nephelum (sp?), what does that leave us with modern humans -- 3,000yrs?= I guess all the other years that add up to 100 or 200K are from other planets and massive immigration to Earth started back then? And we conveniently lost all the high tech over the ages? But don't bother proving it. It's as fake as covid. Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2021 11:32 PMmore on mitochondrial DNA= For those of us who ARE NOT related to chimps, "Eve" was 6,000 years ago:Secret to human history (Part 5) Secret to human history (Part 5) at the 24-minute portion of the video, it starts to talk of the 200,000 year THEORY and tells why it's WRONG! On Monday, October 25, 2021, 12:13:47 AM : 5112804271 P Yea, didn't watch because our mother's mtDNA "haplogroup" is estimated to have arrived in Europe about 30,000 years ago. Shoots your videos to hell. Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2021 11:58 PM = if you watched the video, you'd know that the 200,000 years is based on a "family tree" that includes monkeys as our ancestors but if you get rid of that IDIOCY (though there sure are a lot of people with brains that are like monkeys), the mtDNA dating points to 6,000 years, which some scientific article shown in the video tells of On Sunday, October 24, 2021, 11:45:45 PM : I know there is a religious group saying the Earth is only 6000 years old, or something like that. But that poses a problem with DNA because in the world of Y-DNA and mtDNA, estimates are miles beyond that -- like 100K or 200K years -- I don't remember the number. This is the scientific opinion, anyway -- not fake fauci science. It's based on mutations in the DNA. So for the religious answer to be 6,000 years for Eve, and factoring in the Nephelum (sp?), what does that leave us with modern humans -- 3,000yrs?= I guess all the other years that add up to 100 or 200K are from other planets and massive immigration to Earth started back then? And we conveniently lost all the high tech over the ages? But don't bother proving it. It's as fake as covid. Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2021 11:32 PMmore on mitochondrial DNA= For those of us who ARE NOT related to chimps, "Eve" was 6,000 years ago:Secret to human history (Part 5) Secret to human history (Part 5) I know there is a religious group saying the Earth is only 6000 years old, or something like that. But that poses a problem with DNA because in the world of Y-DNA and mtDNA, estimates are miles beyond that -- like 100K or 200K years -- I don't remember the number. This is the scientific opinion, anyway -- not fake fauci science. It's based on mutations in the DNA. So for the religious answer to be 6,000 years for Eve, and factoring in the Nephelum (sp?), what does that leave us with modern humans -- 3,000yrs? I guess all the other years that add up to 100 or 200K are from other planets and massive immigration to Earth started back then? And we conveniently lost all the high tech over the ages? But don't bother proving it. It's as fake as covid. Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2021 11:32 PM For those of us who ARE NOT related to chimps, "Eve" was 6,000 years ago: Secret to human history (Part 5) [] Secret to human history (Part 5) Still don't plan to watch, but do have this comment. The entire story of the Bible isn't, in my opinion, the word of God. Not only have things been written or translated from another language, there are interpretations galore. We all know how a story passed between many people gets changed, maybe drastically, from the start to the end. And I doubt it would be any different for this book. Adding to that is something I learned last year from a David Icke video. The story of Jesus has been repeated many times, even before Jesus. He's just the latest. I could look for the Icke video, if curious. Then I have to wonder about the people who believe the 6000-year-old history of the Earth. I think, but AM not sure, that what they are doing is no different than modern corporate "science" that is bought and paid for by rich corporations that have an agenda and they make the science fit that agenda. Spelling it out for no doubts, whatever "proof" they have that is "the word of God" means they have to find any way to make that "word" fit and create a story around that. How many people are completely neglecting life from other planets -- aliens? And how old is the universe and life in it? And what alien technology exists? How about the story of Atlantis and their tech and descendants, if any, today? In summary, what's the big picture? Jesus isn't the big picture, but God is. Not really related, but the term "God fearing" always rankles me. Why would anyone fear God unless they are a demon? And even then, the yin and yang, or as recently mentioned in another post something about good and evil are phenomena of polar opposites and are just how the universe works. So I won't continue to argue about the Christian view of the age of Earth or humans because it's just more religious blind faith which is required when anyone fails to use their innate inner knowing -- forgetting all their past life experiences in order to play the game properly in this life. Not that I have tapped into all I really know, but I can see bullsh-t more often than many and I know many in this family are equally good at spotting it. Others in the family are able to see some but incredibly can't see the most important bullsh-t of all our lives right now. Sent: Monday, October 25, 2021 12:25 AM Re: at the 24-minute portion of the video, it starts to talk of the 200,000 year THEORY and tells why it's WRONG!
On Monday, October 25, 2021, 12:13:47 AM : Yea, didn't watch because our mother's mtDNA "haplogroup" is estimated to have arrived in Europe about 30,000 years ago. Shoots your videos to hell. Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2021 11:58 PM Re: if you watched the video, you'd know that the 200,000 years is based on a "family tree" that includes monkeys as our ancestors but if you get rid of that IDIOCY (though there sure are a lot of people with brains that are like monkeys), the mtDNA dating points to 6,000 years, which some scientific article shown in the video tells of
On Sunday, October 24, 2021, 11:45:45 PM : I know there is a religious group saying the Earth is only 6000 years old, or something like that. But that poses a problem with DNA because in the world of Y-DNA and mtDNA, estimates are miles beyond that -- like 100K or 200K years -- I don't remember the number. This is the scientific opinion, anyway -- not fake fauci science. It's based on mutations in the DNA. So for the religious answer to be 6,000 years for Eve, and factoring in the Nephelum (sp?), what does that leave us with modern humans -- 3,000yrs? I guess all the other years that add up to 100 or 200K are from other planets and massive immigration to Earth started back then? And we conveniently lost all the high tech over the ages? But don't bother proving it. It's as fake as covid. Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2021 11:32 PM For those of us who ARE NOT related to chimps, "Eve" was 6,000 years ago: Secret to human history (Part 5) [] Secret to human history (Part 5) Scientist Explainsby doug - 2021-10-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I haven't heard so much detail from a scientist before and may you neither. Great info. [ /iANxwTOu7IF9/jm2euik7MlCV Scientist shows vaccine effects in autopsies. Don't believe it? See for yourself.
pentagon vs zombiesby don - 2021-10-26 ( education / research ) [html version]not a joke propagandaby admin - 2021-10-27 ( education / research ) [html version]Yes, that was a very good interview. Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 8:15 AM We were taught the main propaganda techniques in high school, such as "bandwagon" (everyone's doing it) used on the vax. On 10/26/21 3:39 AM: Terrific talk about propaganda. I realized some of my own mistakes Can you learn anything from it? Kirbyby doug - 2021-10-27 ( education / research ) [html version]You may have heard of Peter Kirby from his chemtrails research Watch out for crypto. I'm not an investor and know little about it, but seems to warrant a red flag as a scam. [] Pentagon & CIA Funded Big Tech, Federal Reserve Behind XRP Crypto & more w/ Peter How to Disarm Propaganda - Mark Crispin Miller on #Solutionswatchby bill - 2021-10-29 ( education / news / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Very good interview about propaganda. Go to How to Disarm Propaganda -- Mark Crispin Miller ON #SOLUTIONSWATCH You might also visit Mr. Miller's site at Mark Crispin Miller and James Corbett Good Article About Covid in Australiaby doug - 2021-11-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]From a friend there. Therese Dennis Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2021 7:16 PMShare away Medicare need to knowby don - 2021-11-04 ( education / research ) [html version]If you're already past 65't read this. But if you'll be turning 65, when you're required to sign up for Medicare, here's something I learned through recent experience. You have to choose one or the other, and will never be able to change your mind. The least coverage but lowest monthly cost, is Medicare Advantage. It'sadministered by Blue Cross or some other private company. It will be around $450 per quarter (around $135 a month) It's basically a way for the health care companies to get in on the Medicare gravy train. The most expensive and best coverage is Medicare plus Medicare Supplemental. That's closer to $200 a month, but every provider has to take it. This is what i should have gotten instead of Medicare Advantage. UFOsby doug - 2021-11-05 ( education / research ) [html version]I think you will all like this: [] Alien Disclosure Deception, Social Engineering, Metaphysics and more w/ Charles Upton
Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund donations used for DNA testing Melbourne protestsby don - 2021-11-11 ( education / research ) [html version] Dr Doshiby steve - 2021-11-12 ( education / research ) [html version]Great video terraforming earthby don - 2021-11-12 ( education / research ) [html version]Biden confiscating midwest farmland On 11/10/21 10:50 AM: it sounds (the few seconds that I listened to) he watched and believed too many Star Trek episodes. It's more evidence to me that he's gone over the edge. On Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 08:27:58 AM PST wrote:
adams Brighteon on Rokuby don - 2021-11-12 ( education / research ) [html version]Also, Peter Breggin and Lee Merrit are hosting shows on Brighteon He mentions above that Fauci was doing experiments on beagles. That is exactly what Cathy O'Brien says the illuminati was doing down in the Huntsville NASA building. how to mitigate the effects of the mrna jabby don - 2021-11-17 ( education / research ) [html version]yes, it's designed to make your body create spike proteins, and the ivermectin and hcq help your body overcome that On 11/16/21 5:54 AM:
.. which, I guess, is an indication that the vax really is designed to make things worse. * Sent: *Tuesday, November 16, 2021 4:24 AM
Subject: * Protocols to Mitigate/Minimise covid-19 "Vaccination" Side Effects At *6:50* in this new interview with Ann Vandersteel, Dr Judy Mikovits explains that the remedy for the vax is*Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and ozonated creams on your skin. *She states that the treatment is the same for the vax as it is for covid symptoms. MIchael Flynn on globalist conspiracyby don - 2021-11-19 ( education / research ) [html version] Nurse Daniby don - 2021-11-21 ( education / research ) [html version]sorry On 11/20/21 2:45 PM:
There was no attachment * Sent: *Saturday, November 20, 2021 12:41 PM Subject: * explains why she quit to avoid jab Sean David Morton, Latestby don - 2021-11-22 ( education / research / aliens ) [html version]Talks about alien invasion, here: sean-david-morton-android-invasion great article with data - CO2 NOT cause Climate Changeby don - 2021-11-23 ( education / research ) [html version] everything you hear in the corporate media or govt is false On 11/21/21 2:37 AM: Didn't watch yet, but it's amazing to demonize CO2 when it's vital to life on earth. But we all know up is really down. Black is really white and health is really sickness. Of course!
Saturday, November 20, 2021 10:26 PM
Ang Of course, the "environmentalists" won't believe the DATA/GRAPHS of the data, because they can't face reality! Genocide and Suicideby doug - 2021-11-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Notice he says he was part of the genocide. So he had knowingly been killing people and had blood on his hands. His conscience caught up to him and it was too unbearable. This will not be the only such person. Just think of all the evil doctors doing this now and for the past 18 months. [] GermanyDr Jendges Head of Clinic, Commits Suicide "covid-19 Vaccine Is a Genocide"STESS News In Germany, the Head of the Chemnitz Clinic, Dr Jendges, committed suicide saying he no longer wants to be part of the Genocide happening vis the covid-19 Vaccine. #genocide #pandemic #covid19 #covidvaccine . there IS graphene oxideby don - 2021-11-24 ( education / research ) [html version]in mrna shots, according to former pfizer employee Analyses shows Trump got more votesby don - 2021-11-26 ( education / research ) [html version]Votes for Trump flipped or "lost." Australiaby doug - 2021-11-26 ( education / research ) [html version]And a little more: [] BREAKING: Aboriginals HUNTED BY MILITARY, Kids JABBED BY FORCE - Stew Peters Airs DISTURBING Video The Stew Peters Show. Stew Peters Show BREAKING: Aboriginals HUNTED BY MILITARY, Kids JABBED BY FORCE -- Stew Peters Airs DISTURBING Video ________________________________
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 5:29 PM Re: Here's more and it can't get any worse, but the military is doing it. Don't think for a second this isn't the plan for all countries. And the people who got vaxxed will always be forced to get boosters forever. It also applies to you. And even if it is something you want to get, are you a Nazi, or something, and agree this is a good idea? [] Military Going Door to Door to Hunt Down Unvaccinated Aboriginals to Force Inject Them Many parts of Australia have become totalitarian police states with martial law, as the government has now targeted Aboriginals who have a low Covid vaccination rate by going door-to-door in their communities to forcibly inject them. Some are=85 ________________________________ Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 5:11 AM Re: they wouldn't be doing this if they thought there was any possibility of answering to voters in the future so it's a permanent situation as far as the govt is concerned On 11/24/21 6:34 AM: Disgusting. Don't forget Austria and probably Germany next. Fourth Reich, anyone?
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 3:44 AM Holding down kids 11+ and force-vaxxing them in so damn evil Fake Alien Invasion and Moreby steve - 2021-11-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Simply Excellent Video. It covers a broad range of topics that pretty much everyone will find something of interest. From Chemtrails to Illuminati, Freemasons, 5G, good music, children's health, aliens, Wi-Fi, and more. Don't miss this one. See also: Residents Sick From Church Steeple Cell Tower Radiation earthby don - 2021-11-27 ( education / research ) [html version]if the last 5 years has taught us anything, i9t's that the leadership of virtually EVERY organization or business is controlled by the globalists On 11/25/21 5:59 PM: Yea. And it reminds me of all the environmental groups like Nature Conservancy, Greenpeace, Sierra Club that are probably now controlled by these globalists. I heard a top level person in the Sierra Club resigned when he realized what was happening. They basically subverted their goals like the sneaky bastards they are. It's ultimate goal is make the earth a place you have to pay to enjoy - while you live in a space prison. Wednesday, November 24, 2021 8:03 PM Re: looks to similar how gates has bought tens of thousands of farm land for "green" (likely leaving it fallow to STARVE US) On Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 07:47:25 PM PST, wrote:
Banksters raping the Earth -- but what else is new? Oh, but this time it's in the name of "Green" which makes it all perfect, right? How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet with Whitney Webb By purchasing and/or using the linked product you are helping to cover the costs of running BitChute. Purging Humanityby staff - 2021-11-28 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Excellent interview. They Are Purging Humanity -- There Is Nothing Left To Lose -- David Icke Talks To Alex Jones Thanksgiving Week Trip to the Gulf Coastby bill - 2021-11-28 ( education / research / usa / southeast ) [html version][Updated: 2021-11-28 14:37:21]Just getting the rental car (minivan) in the first place was a bit of an adventure. Because we were leaving Monday morning, we wanted to pick it up Sunday night, but all local Enterprise offices are closed on Sundays, which I find weird, given that travel-and-leisure-related activities, more often than not, include weekends. Anyway, we reserved it at the Nashville Airport, 35 miles north, but all documentation, emails, etc. only said they were "at the airport." Google Maps directed us to their old location a mile from the terminals. We checked that out and decided it was just overflow parking now, so we returned to the terminals. Tara suggested Arrivals, which made sense, but I had gotten into the "express lane" which gave us nowhere to pull over and let me out to go inside and get the car. We were stopped in traffic, anyway, so I just put the car in Park, got out, and Tara came around and took the wheel. Inside the terminal I followed the signs to car rentals, which was at the complete opposite end of where I started, of course. When I got there, hardly any rental agents were on duty for any of the companies. Nobody was at the Enterprise counter, just a sign saying to go downstairs to the garage. I asked a competing agent nearby about that and she basically said, yep, that's where you need to go, you stupid tourist! Okay, I added that last part. She was actually very nice. I went outside, down some stairs, then an escalator, following behind a scary gang of pilots and flight attendants on their way to their own cars in the garage. I then found myself directly behind an incredibly attractive woman in heels. To distract myself from her, I texted my wife and gave her a play-by-play report -- never mentioning the other woman -- all about my attempt to find this mysterious Enterprise rental kiosk. Turned out, it was in the garage, just like they said, and just a couple dozen yards (but well-hidden) from where we had entered the Arrivals area moments earlier. The polite young black man took my information, license and credit card, and hurried off to find my minivan, a dark gray Dodge Grand Caravan with Michigan plates. I texted my wife to say I was in the van, behind the wheel, so she was free to go. Next morning, we left around 8. First stop: Chick-fil-A for breakfast. "Fil-A" is how us Southerners spell "fillet." Southern French. Destination: Gulf Shores, Alabama. Yeah, Alabama again, only this time further south, just for fun, and with the kids: teenage daughter and her teenage girl friend. Okay, "fun" might be a stretch when travelling with teenagers. Just trying to stay upbeat. It was supposed to be a 6-1/2 hour drive, but that's only if you don't stop for gas, food or potty breaks, all of which we did several times. You know, like normal people. Eight hours later we were walking up the stairs to the rental house. Everything near the beach is up on stilts, thanks to the yearly hurricanes. Dinner was at Lulu's (Jimmy Buffett's sister Lucy's restaurant with locations in Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina). I got the same as what I had at the Myrtle Beach location on our previous vacation, fish tacos. Delicious. Yesterday was spent driving around, shopping for souvenirs, and ending up at The Wharf, which is just a shopping mall. There's a Ferris Wheel out front to give the impression that it's a cool place to go, but it's not. The ice cream shop, Kilwins, was good. The girls went to The Selfie Museum, or whatever it's called. They provide background scenery in various rooms for selfie-taking. All for the low, low price of $27 PER PERSON! Yay, vacation expenses. Today, we're going to Pensacola, just across the state line in Florida... assuming the wife and girls ever get ready. UPDATE: Here's a video clip on Instagram. At Shaggy's in Pensacola now for late lunch / early dinner where they let you have your dog at the table, which is why we chose this place. Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM:
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM:
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM:
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM:
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM:
Latest blog post Good story! Have fun, if the wife and girls ever get ready. :-) On 11/24/2021 9:52 AM:
Latest blog post bob lazar interviewby don - 2021-11-30 ( education / research ) [html version]No, he's too famous to kill Here's the link On 11/29/21 11:43 AM:
You provided no link. But, if Lazar was truly a whistleblower on something this big, he'd be killed by now. * Sent: *Monday, November 29, 2021 10:23 AM Subject: * supposed to be good he's the area 51 whistleblower from the early 90s Us-oil: You Better Be Sitting Downby steve - 2021-12-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]- Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 08:38:54 PM PST Date: November 30, 2021 at 10:50:46 AM PST Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021, 11:11:06 AM PSTFwd: OIL -- You better be sitting down when you read this !!!!!! Cruz Construction started a division in North Dakota just 6 months ago. They sent every Kenworth (9 trucks) they had in Alaska to North Dakota and Several drivers. They just bought two new Kenworth's to add to that fleet; one being a Tri= Drive tractor and a= new 65 ton lowboy to go with it. They also bought two new cranes (one crawler & one rubber tired) for that Invasion. Dave Cruz said they have moved more rigs in the last 6 months in ND than Cruz Construction moved in Alaska in the last 6 years. Williston is like a gold rush town; they moved one of our 40 man camps down there since there are no rooms available. Unemployment in ND is the lowest in the nation at 3.4 percent last I Checked. See anything in the national news about how the oil industry is fueling North Dakota's economy? Here's an astonishing read. Important and verifiable information: About 6 months ago, the writer was watching a news program on oil and one of The Forbes Bros. Was the guest. The host said to Forbes, "I AM going to ask you a direct question and I Would like a direct answer; how much oil does the U.S. Have in the ground?" Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "More than all the Middle East put Together."= The U.S. Geological Service issued a report in April 2008 that only Scientists and oil men knew was coming, but man was it big. It was a revised report (hadn't been updated since 1995) on how much oil was In this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota, western South Dakota, and Extreme eastern Montana Check THIS out: The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska's Prudhoe Bay, And has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable (5 ion barrels), at $107 a barrel, We're looking at a resource base worth more than $5.3 trillion. "When I first briefed legislators on this, you could practically see their Jaws hit the floor. They had no idea.." says son, the Montana Legislature's financial analyzer. "This sizable find is now the highest-producing onshore oil field found in The past 56 years," reports The Pittsburgh Post Gazette. It's a formation known as the Williston Basin, but is more commonly referred To as the 'Bakken.' It stretches from Northern Montana, through North Dakota and into Canada . For years, U.S. Oil exploration has been considered a dead end. Even the 'Big Oil' companies gave up searching for major oil wells decades Ago. However, a recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken's Massive reserves, And we now have access of up to 500 billion barrels. And because this is Light, sweet oil, Those billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER BARREL!!!!!! That's enough crude to fully fuel the American economy for 2041 years Straight.. And if THAT didn't throw you on the floor, then this next one should -- Because it's from 2006 !!!!!! U.S. Oil Discovery -- Largest Reserve in the World Stansberry Report Online -- 4/20/2006 Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains lies the Largest untapped oil reserve in the world. It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 2005 President Bush Mandated its extraction. In three and a half years of high oil prices none has been extracted. With this mother lode of oil why are we still fighting over off-shore Drilling? They reported this stunning news: We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on Earth. Here are the official estimates: 8 times as much oil as Saudi Arabia 18 times as much oil as Iraq 21 times as much oil as Kuwait 22 times as much oil as Iran 500 times as much oil as Yemen And it's all right here in the Western United States !!!!!! HOW can this BE? HOW can we NOT BE extracting this? Because the Environmentalists and others have blocked all efforts to help America become Independent of foreign oil! Again, we are letting a small group of people Dictate our lives and our economy. WHY? James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says we've got more oil in this Very compact area than the entire Middle East, more than 2 TRILLION barrels Untapped. That's more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the World today, reports The Denver Post. Don't think 'OPEC' will drop its price even with this find? Think again! It's all about the competitive marketplace, it has to. Think OPEC just might be funding the environmentalists? Got your attention yet? Now, while you're thinking about it, do this: Pass this along. If you don't take a little time to do this, then you should stifle yourself the next time you complain about gas prices, by doing NOTHING, you forfeit your right to complain. Now I just wonder what would happen in this country if every one of you sent this to everyone in your address book. By the way, this can be verified. Check it out at the link below !!!!!! --= GOD BLESS AMERICA God Bless America =E2=A4=EF=B8=8F = = = = = = = israel vax lawsby don - 2021-12-04 ( education / research ) [html version] More on Evergrande Collapseby don - 2021-12-10 ( education / research / finance ) [html version]...kind of After the '08 crash, Wall Street decided the next thing would be residential rentals The Fed keeps the stock market up so the "stakeholders" can buy up the entire economy On 12/9/21 3:12 AM: Interesting to talk about the real estate industry which seems to be forever booming. Isn't Black Rock just having money printed to buy up everything from everyone so we own nothing but [will] be happy? Tuesday, December 7, 2021 11:06 AM Now there's Sunshine 100 *Sunshine 100 China Holdings Defaults On SGX-Listed Bond Payment*, December 5, 2021 CHINESE developer Sunshine 100 China Holdings has defaulted on US$178.9 million of debt and interest payments due Sunday (Dec 5), as the direct fallout of the woes of property companies in China continues to impact investors in Singapore. Sunshine 100 was due to repay the US$170 million of principal and US$8.9 million of interest on its 10.5 per cent senior notes due 2021, which is listed on the Singapore Exchange (SGX). But in a bourse filing on Dec 5, the company said it is unable to meet its debt obligations on the bonds. Robert O Young on grapheneby don - 2021-12-11 ( education / research ) [html version]He's the one who proved there's no covid in the population. He analyses the vaccine for graphene Alien chaneler denounces channeling as mind controlby don - 2021-12-11 ( education / research ) [html version]Cyril Wecht Validates Controlled Demolition Theory re 9/11by steve - 2021-12-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Not the first expert and not likely the last to confirm controlled demolition. A University of Alaska study computer-modeled it and concluded demolition, too. Cyril Wecht Validates Controlled Demolition Theory in Ae911truth Documentaryby steve - 2021-12-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This is not the first Expert and not likely the last to confirm Controlled Demolition (University of Alaska study computer modeled it and concluded demolition, too) One-Party Consentby don - 2021-12-25 ( education / research / rights ) [html version]I was wondering about the legality of recording a conversation in TN. It's OK as long as you're part of the conversation. Good to know if you get pulled over. 6uild 6ack 6etterby don - 2021-12-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]666, get it? It's not about urban renewal. It's about humanity 2.0 (transhumanism). If you get the mRNA jab, you're technically no longer fully human, you're on your way to humanity 2.0. You're being built back "better." One Conspiracy Theory Can Be Believed but Not Another Basically Similar Theory?by bill - 2021-12-25 ( education / research / conspiracies / vaccines ) [html version]It's funny how you can say the following to an intelligent, politically astute person and a majority of them will believe it: "[U.S. intelligence services] will ruthlessly exploit people, eliminating those standing in the way of achieving their aims. Nations refusing to go along are targeted for regime change. Washington stops at nothing to achieve its diabolical aims. Tactics include bullying, intimidation, punishing sanctions, assassinations, coups, aggression, and virtually every other dirty trick in the book imaginable... [and] media propaganda supports [it]." Read, listen or watch the rest here: honduras-chile-si-yanquis-no If you theorize that the same tactics are behind this current scam called "covid-19", however, those otherwise-intelligent people will refuse to believe it. Same people, same tactics, and yet one conspiracy is deemed possible, if not downright probable, while the other is scoffed at. Truly amazing. polio infoby steve - 2021-12-26 ( education / research ) [html version]Very interesting: More Deagel/Eugenicsby steve - 2021-12-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Polio Vax Scamby steve - 2021-12-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Somebody posted something about the Polio vax SCAM before. Anyhow, here's articles that I have: 20 THINGS YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT POLIO 20 THINGS YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT POLIO Q-Anon Bears Striking Resemblance to Bolshevik Psy-Op from 1920sby admin - 2022-01-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]
Read, listen or watch the rest here: Information Liberation Jung's Four Stages of Character Transformationby admin - 2022-01-08 ( education / research / people ) [html version]
prostate infomercialby don - 2022-01-15 ( education / research ) [html version]Half way through it but I'm sending it to you while I still have the link: Soldiers Discuss Various Aliens They've Seenby don - 2022-01-27 ( education / research / astronomy / aliens ) [html version]Soldier talks about aliens. See video here: Soldier talks about aliens Scientists Paid to Lie for Governmentby staff - 2022-01-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]"Four prominent scientists who played key roles in shaping the public narrative around the origin of covid-19 received substantial increases in grant money from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, in the subsequent two years, a review of funding data by The Epoch Times has found." Read, listen or watch the rest here: Scientists Instrumental To covid-19 'Natural Origins' Narrative Received Over $50 Million In NIAID Funding In 2020-2021 Musk endorses Canadian Truckers protestby bill - 2022-01-31 ( education / research ) [html version]Speaking of things to hide, here's a free download about Fauci's involvement in the AIDS epidemic: Inventing the AIDS Virus
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2022 8:24 AM To: it's not the liberals, it's people who think that when the FDA refuses to reveal the ingredients of the mRNA jabs, they "know" it means it's because the FDA has nothing to hide.= Just as when the CIA refuses to reveal the JFK files, it's because they too have nothing to hide. It's called Bizarro World. On 1/29/22 19:40: yes, the sanity is spreading but there's way too many liberals or just weenies who are afraid of getting sued by not SUBMITTING to the satanic agenda On Saturday, January 29, 2022, 02:27:21 PM PST someone wrote: Free Download Exposes Fauci and Government Technocratsby admin - 2022-02-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]
Mindy Robinson Refuses to Give Up on Truth About Las Vegas Massacreby admin - 2022-02-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]
JFK, Stanley Kubrick, and the Secret Space Programby don - 2022-02-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Lots of things I've never heard before. Majority of Liberals Want Camps for Unvaxed?by doug - 2022-02-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I think they've bought the story so completely they are totally freaked out by the lying media and putting pure bloods into camps is a survival reaction. They can't see how they are the ones getting sick because of their destroyed immune systems.
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2022 7:32 PM Amazing. But it has little to do with covid. It's about hatred of people who aren't "liberal." On 1/20/22 21:06: Another reason why so many think that liberals are DERANGED: Global Genocide by Israel Abraham Burlaby admin - 2022-02-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]
astounding military vaccine injuriesby don - 2022-02-14 ( education / research ) [html version]the full story On 2/13/22 14:19 someone wrote: * Total Number of Diseases & Injuries Reported By Year (Hospitalization) up 37% * Diseases of the Nervous System By Year up 968% * Malignant Neuroendocrine Tumor Reports By Year up 276% * Acute Myocardial Infarct Reports By Year up 343% * Acute Myocarditis Reports By Year up 184% * Acute Pericarditis Reports By Year up 70% * Pulmonary Embolism Reports By Year up 260% * Congenital Malformations Reports By Year up 87% * Nontraumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Reports By Year up 227% * Anxiety Reports By Year up 2,361% * Suicide Reports By Year up 227% * Neoplasms for All Cancers By Year up 218% * Malignant Neoplasms for Digestive Organs By Year up 477% * Neoplasms for Breast Cancer By Year up 469% * Neoplasms for Testicular Cancer By Year up 298% * Female Infertility Reports By Year up 419% * Dysmenorrhea Reports By Year up 221.5% * Ovarian Dysfunction Reports By Year up 299% * Spontaneous Abortion Reports By Year DOWN by 10% * Male Infertility Reports By Year up 320% * Guillian-Barre Syndrome Reports By Year up 520% * Acute Transverse Myelitis Reports By Year up 494% * Seizure Reports By Year up 298% * Narcolepsy & Cataplexy Reports By Year up 352% * Rhabdomyolysis By Year up 672% * Multiple Sclerosis Reports By Year up 614% * Migraine Reports By Year up 352% * Blood Disorder Reports By Year up 204% * Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Reports By Year up 2,130% * Cerebral Infarct Reports By Year up 294% Death - the new growth stockby doug - 2022-02-20 ( education / research ) [html version] VERY INTERESTING
Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund donations used for DNA testing In the Money?by steve - 2022-02-22 ( education / research / conspiracies / novels ) [html version]Wow, somebody is buying my "For Control of Oz" books I'm waiting for them to buy the movie rights from me? On Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 12:19 PM, someone wrote: Wonderful On Monday, February 21, 2022, 11:32:45 AM PST Great! Covid Tunnel Visionby don - 2022-02-23 ( education / research ) [html version]He probably thinks you're part of what Hillary called the "vast right wing conspiracy." When people convert their beliefs to incontrovertible facts, (e.g. "vaccines save lives") then extrapolate from those "facts," people do horrific things without remorse. For instance, forcing people to take history's most dangerous vaccine (per VAERS), seems psychopathic. But it's just faith in the infallibility of Authority. On 2/21/22 11:44: And then there are idiots like Dr. Richard Pan who wants a law to eliminate any exemptions. I ordered a copy of "The Real Anthony Fauci" book with it delivered to him, but he is either afraid to read it or is a satanist who wants PEOPLE TO DIE Fighting California's Vaccine Legislation
On Monday, February 21, 2022, 09:14:12 AM PST, someone wrote: It has to be safe because they won't tell us what's in it for 75 years. They wouldn't be that obvious, would they? :-) On 2/21/22 11:05: Yep! 1000 Peer-Reviewed Studies Questioning covid-19 Vaccine Safety N95 masks filter most germs, bacteria & bodily fluids, not viruses. Average diameter of coronavirus is 0.125 microns. N95 mask filters 0.300 microns or larger, and that's assuming the mask fits snugly to the face. In other words, it's worthless against covid. 5G and the Artificial Earthby don - 2022-02-25 ( education / research ) [html version]very interesting, illuminates the Mark of the Beast prophecy another good/funny JP videoby steve - 2022-02-27 ( education / research ) [html version]Interesting Ukraine-russia Articleby steve - 2022-02-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I started to read it. It's interesting but I haven't analyzed if it's credible or not (they mention at the bottom that Whites are in danger): Another Interesting Ukraine-Russia Videoby steve - 2022-02-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Ivermectinby steve - 2022-02-28 ( education / research ) [html version]Don't watch this because it's just another "conspiracy theory", right? (only "follow the science" when a leftist approves it first): What Constitutes a Jew, Anyway?by admin - 2022-02-28 ( education / research / religion / judaism ) [html version][title tweaked to avoid offending the too-easily offended] ...a Jew is, by definition of 3,000 years, only a person born to a Jewish mother or converted to Judaism according to normative Judaic law...-- Dov Fischer, here Ivermectin as a Possible Cure for Cancerby steve - 2022-02-28 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Don't watch this because it's just another conspiracy theory, right? Only "follow the science" after a leftist approves it.</sarcasm> Interesting Video: Russia and Ukraineby steve - 2022-02-28 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]No surprise to me, it's the CIA and mercenaries such as the ones that Cheney sent around the world from Halliburton who are getting Russia AND the Ukraine for their actions. prostate treatmentby don - 2022-03-01 ( education / research ) [html version]tIred of sitting down to pee 'cos it takes so long? :-) For cancer, I've been taking Fenbendazole: In this dosage: once a day for 3 days in a row (then off for the other 4 days of the week) -- maybe Fri Sat Sun along with 2 bitter apricot kernels daily It's greatly improved my prostate symptoms. Check it out. Makes me wonder if "BPH" is cancer-related, since most older men have prostate cancer (but won't die of it). WEF's Young Global Leadersby doug - 2022-03-04 ( education / research / politics / conspiracies ) [html version]He names more than I ever heard before. Since Putin is one of them, it's interesting to see the war game the globalists are playing. Read, listen or watch the rest here: I think many are compiling a list so we can all shame them. I suppose you saw in Canada's parliament a question was asked about how many exist there, and they pretended not to understand... after saying it's a good question!! fake Ukraine newsby don - 2022-03-11 ( education / research ) [html version]Stewart Swerdlow has a lot of Russian contacts, and exposes the fake news on the war: coach red pill on ukraineby don - 2022-03-12 ( education / research ) [html version] Troubleby doug - 2022-03-12 ( education / research ) [html version] Uh oh. Someone's in a heap of trouble. LOL As if we didn't know . Trouble (on Bitchute)by doug - 2022-03-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version] Uh oh. Someone's in a heap of trouble. LOL As if we didn't know . Ca Now Full Naziby doug - 2022-03-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The recall failed but not because of the vote count to get rid of this f-cking Nazi He and his conspirators control the machines. Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2022 8:14 AM
yeah, but as with the recall of gavin failing, most Californians doesn't mind being under Nazi kontrol On Friday, March 11, 2022, 11:52:58 PM PST:
https://news./proposed-covid-mandates-california-authoritarian-224712473.html So insane The Road to Dystopiaby doug - 2022-03-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I would hope all the people reading this understand what's at stake here. As always, Jamrs Corbett lays out the situation and solution to this dystopian future being designed and implemented at break-neck speed while so many are in a permanent state of slumber. If there is just 1 person you could support I think James Corbett is the single best true journalist in the English language that deserves our support. Child taken by Nazi policeby steve - 2022-03-14 ( education / research ) [html version]that's kind of like what happened to . Not long ago, I retrieved from a high level eating disorder (psych) place near Pasadena (Reasons). Arrangements were made for her to get into a lower level place in Fair Oaks. The first day, she wouldn't sign a paper that said she'd go along with what a psych place (Akua) had as conditions to be there. Things were straightened out, so I dropped her back the next day with an understanding that she would sign after all. She refused to sign again and I was off on a bike ride. "mother dearest" took kontrol and had her 51/50d to a psych hospital (Sierra vista). I wanted to get out. "mother" is experienced with talking to psych place people and convinced them that I was the wrong person to release to. So, has been with "mother" a few days. Last night she came over here to visit and left this afternoon."mother" has said, "everybody is mentally ill", which to me is an admission that she and all her acquaintances (and all of you) are mentally ill.I could say more but I won't
On Saturday, March 12, 2022, 10:28:03 PM PST: THIS IS OUR FUTURE IF WE COMPLY Jim Rickards on Ukraine warby don - 2022-03-14 ( education / research ) [html version]He Explains how Russia can't allow Moscow to be encircled and how a Russian default almost brought down the entire world economy in the late 90s Longterm Capital Mgmt crisis Common Lawby doug - 2022-03-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Many times since the beginning of the scam-demic I've seen interviews in which they talked about common law. It's becoming better known and this person describes it as applied to us here. It's amazing and fascinating. I didn't save the link to part 1 but you will want to find it. Group to Replace CIAby steve - 2022-03-15 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version] Wow, never heard of them. But like all the other evil creeps it's always the exact opposite that they do. Like the left accusing the right of 2020 voter fraud when it was them in it to their eyeballs. And Antifa is nothing but fascist (and still goes to the White House website).
Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund donations used for DNA testing Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2022 11:40 PM Duck Duck Go censoring mention of competitionby don - 2022-03-15 ( education / research ) [html version]Default Looks like DuckDuckGo shot itself in its own foot Am rather disgusted that DDG would do such a thing. So in response I thought I'd search DDG for derogetory phrases (during the past hour) and found quite a few sites offering lots of alternatives to DDG. Then searched DDG for each alternative, Metager, Infinity Search, and many others. Guess what? DDG does not provide links to any of these alternatives. BUT, go to google (I refuse to capitalize their name) and the very first hit when searching for the same alternative sites gives me a direct link to each alternative. DDG simply doesn't want you to find an alternative search engine. Another one bites the dust. Anyone have previous experience with a good alternative search engine? gibiru is good On 3/14/22 17:52: Someone gave me a good alternative many months ago. Anything you recommend?
** *Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund* donations used for DNA testing *Fight for your freedom:* *Vaccine Truth:*
Monday, March 14, 2022 12:21 PM
Re: yeah, I read that DDG censors anything contrary to the Ukraine Nazis. I used to use a different browser but don't recall the name
On Monday, March 14, 2022, 11:48:33 AM wrote: Default Looks like DuckDuckGo shot itself in its own foot Am rather disgusted that DDG would do such a thing. So in response I thought I'd search DDG for derogetory phrases (during the past hour) and found quite a few sites offering lots of alternatives to DDG. Then searched DDG for each alternative, Metager, Infinity Search, and many others. Guess what? DDG does not provide links to any of these alternatives. BUT, go to google (I refuse to capitalize their name) and the very first hit when searching for the same alternative sites gives me a direct link to each alternative. DDG simply doesn't want you to find an alternative search engine. Another one bites the dust. Anyone have previous experience with a good alternative search engine? Edgar Cayce - Russia will be the hopeby steve - 2022-03-15 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Monday, March 14, 2022, 11:39:30 AM PDT someone wrote: They love China's slave economy. But I was mostly talking about the Democratic Party, which loved Russia until they gave up Communism. Then Clinton and Gore started getting campaign financing from China and giving China weapons technology. Look up "Gore Buddhist nuns" and "Clinton Loral China" Actually, the Republicans were more aligned with the 4th Reich than the Democrats, up until Clinton, who delivered the Democratic party to the 4th Reich in the 1990s,That's when the Democratic party became the chief advocate for the military industrial complex. As Democrats, the media gives them cover they never gave the Republicans. On 3/14/22 12:18: Nobody but someone at the very top and in charge of the slave trade could love China=
Lionel Rocha Memorial DNA Fund donations used for DNA testing
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 5:32 AM = Jerome Corsi and Stewart Swerdlow call the "deep state" the 4th Reich, responsible for JFK assassination and 9/11. Yes, they loved the Soviet Union but hate Russia because it's capitalist. They love China. On 3/14/22 00:06: this video goes with those articles:=
On Sunday, March 13, 2022, 08:58:45 PM PDT: Here's a similar article: In 1932 Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin's Role in Stopping WW3
In 1932 Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin's Role in Stopping WW3 Did Edgar Cayce foresee Putin's interfering role in the cabal's plan to overtake the world through financial dom...
On Sunday, March 13, 2022, 08:41:36 PM PDT: As I've said before, Russia has been made the boogeyman by the zionists because Russia and the Ashkenazis of Khazaria= went at it hundreds of years ago and the zionists want revenge, still. (I think the Ashkenazis of Khazaria are referred to in the bible prophecy about the "king of the north" and NOT Russia, which is zionist propaganda) Out of Russia Will Come Hope
Out of Russia Will Come Hope Edgar Cayce gave 29 readings from 1921 to 1944 that have been grouped together as "World Affairs Readings" since... Austin-Fitts on ukraineby don - 2022-03-17 ( education / research ) [html version]as well as covid came out today yes, GREAT video (but most people don't mind remaining ignorant about the world)
On Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 06:23:29 PM someone wrote: as well as covid came out today permanent daylight savings timeby don - 2022-03-17 ( education / research ) [html version]It's an idea whose time has come ... and gone. Nixon tried this and parents objected to their kids standing in the dark every morning at the bus stop. one of the problems with growing old is that you see how stupid people are now I suspect Marco Rubio thinks we'll have more sunshine if we do this. We need to just pick a time, and stick with it. No need for switching back and forth twice a year. Russia went to year-round daylight savings time several years ago. They call it Summer Time there, and joked, 'Now it is summer time year-round in Russia!' Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 8:33 PM To: Subject: It's an idea whose time has come ... and gone. Nixon tried this and parents objected to their kids standing in the dark every morning at the bus stop. one of the problems with growing old is that you see how stupid people are now I suspect Marco Rubio thinks we'll have more sunshine if we do this. Good Article About Ukraine and Nazisby steve - 2022-03-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Yes, NATO is the main problem over there. Putin Good or Bad?by steve - 2022-03-17 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Since the satanic Klaus Schwab of World Economic Forum "fame" is against Putin,that tells me that Putin can't be all bad: Putin is just another "strong man." His election was more honest than Biden's. Russians like him. The only thing good about him is that he's an enemy of George Soron and that ilk. On 3/15/22 20:32: Since the satanic Klaus Schwab of World Economic Forum "fame" is against Putin,that tells me that Putin can't be all bad: Steven Greer on ET interventionby don - 2022-03-22 ( education / research ) [html version] Kaspersky Antivirusby steve - 2022-03-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I think that the "rulers" have gotten all they need out of the bidens and might now dispose of them for the purpose of riling up liberals and with the hope of getting a civil war started. they don't care if kamala is an idiot or not because she'd gladly be compliant to go down in history as the president (kind of like shillary) On Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 06:27:23 AM :
It almost sounds, as if you don't worship the Bidens as much as you should. I'll have to report you. Sorry, but it's best for The Collective.
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 7:07 AM ' '; ''; ' '; '' The only person I know who mentioned it was Stuart Wilde, on Coast to Coast radio. He died shortly after that of a heart attack. It never gets mentioned although it's right in plain sight. A lot can be manipulated via the news cycle. The New York Times finally admitted Hunter Biden's laptop was not a Russian hoax, it does implicate the Bidens in corruption and selling influence. But a year later, nobody cares. If they hadn't supressed that story, Trump would be president, we'd not be on the brink of WW3, and the economy would be more healthy. On 3/22/22 19:12: yeah, I think they were gray, too On Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 04:32:56 PM someone wrote:
I don't remember if it was United Airlines or what, but the planes shown hitting the buildings were plain grey like military jets. You can check the colors of the airline against the pictures of the event. On 3/22/22 12:34: neither do I but I think there was something about what was underneath the plane On Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 10:33:25 AM :
I don't remember the plane color thing. Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 11:59 AM ;' ' '';' '; '' I suspect they're always so transparent because they want to see how many people buy the official story. For instance, remember the 9/11 planes were the wrong color? On 3/22/22 11:05: yeah, ain't it amazing how they have such good intelligence that their predictions come true? On Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 05:15:23 AM someone wrote:
Biden has pre-announced "Russian" cyber attacks, which means Biden cyber attacks. So Kaspersky might be more secure than others. On 3/16/22 09:49:
I'm not worried. They don't want to lose all of their Western customers. Of course, our idiots in power might try to ban it, like Trump tried to ban Tik-Tok. From: Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 9:47 AM '';' '; ''; ' ' '';' '; ''RE: I also use Kaspersky. Should I be worried?
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 7:15 AM RE: I use Kaspersky. I heard that some liquor stores are publicly pouring out their vodka, like idiots. Only a small percentage of vodka sold in the US is actually from Russia. FYI, learned on my torturous flights to/from Sacramento just now that the federal mask mandate is ending next month. No kidding. It'll be coordinated with the virus itself whose spokesperson agreed to stop infecting people by the end of the month. Okay, that last sentence WAS a joke. ~ 1000 Peer-Reviewed Studies Questioning covid-19 Vaccine Safety ~ N95 masks filter most germs, bacteria & bodily fluids, not viruses. Average diameter of coronavirus is 0.125 microns. N95 mask filters 0.300 microns or larger, and that's assuming the mask fits snugly to the face. In other words, it's worthless against covid. Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 7:49 AM ;; It's more dangerous than Russian vodka :-) On 3/15/22 22:38: , Do you (or anybody else) use the Kaspersky antivirus? German citizens told to uninstall German citizens told to uninstall Nation's cybersecurity agency has doubts about Russian firm's reliability Some Provocative Words by Lorraine Day, M.Dby bill - 2022-03-28 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Dr. Day accuses many "whistleblowers" of being controlled opposition. And here is someone else's interview of her: Transcendent Explorations With Lachlan Dunn See also: Residents Sick From Church Steeple Cell Tower Radiation
weird blood artifactsby don - 2022-03-30 ( education / research ) [html version] What is to Be Done?by doug - 2022-03-31 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Good article. I wonder if the idiots who voted for pedo joe would have done so if they knew how bad he is. The media owned by the CIA sure did a great job in preventing the truth from emerging. But still most of us knew the truth about him through alternative media and others chose to ignore it. Those same people will likely suffer the worst because they probably don't realize what's coming from this illegitimate regime. Off topic? Yes and No. I've met and corresponded with this bloke, I admire him and I reckon he and his assessments are solid. Money money money everywhere along the trail for the Biden Family . The black hole of depravity known as Hunter Biden's Laptop dilates ever wider as the rickety "Joe Biden" regime chugs towards its event horizon of disgrace and collapse, throwing off the jetsam of our nation's remnant honor in its toxic vapor trail. The memos and emails on the device could not be clearer: "Joe Biden" and his grifting family sold out their country. The mentally incompetent husk of a crooked old pol is owned by every foreign interest in his decaying orbit, and owned as well by the foul and perfidious "intel" mafia lodged like a cancerous mass eating away at what used to be known as the American government. Face it: this false "president," installed by malignant forces allied with his Party of Chaos, is a menace to our nation. The Russian clean-up of Ukraine has exposed the operational base of the Biden Family's flagrant crimes. The laptop confirms that Hunter's Rosemont Seneca front company invested in the chain of bio-weapons labs set up by the CIA and Department of Defense and operated through their front company Metabiota, with tendrils reaching to the Wuhan, China, virology lab that was the most likely point-of-origin for SARS-CoV-2, a.k.a. covid-19. Money money money everywhere along the trail for the Biden Family, fees-for-service from the crooked Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, chairman of Burisma, the gas company that provided walking-around money for Hunter's insatiable drug habit and degenerate sexual adventures more millions from shady sources in Russia and then billions more from the board rooms of Chinese companies connected with the intel and military arms of the CCP. If the American public had known of these entanglements, Joe Biden would certainly not have been the beneficiary of the engineered balloting irregularities that determined the 2020 election. But the public, still reeling from the mindf-ckery of covid 19, was left ignorant through the combined operations of the CIA's captured social networks along with a tractable legacy news media. Of course, the FBI had Hunter's laptop in its possession in January of 2020. How is it possible that the device and all its incriminating contents were withheld as evidence in the momentous impeachment trial of Donald Trump which, after all, was instigated by Mr. Trump's inquiring phone call about those very matters involving the Bidens and Mykola Zlochevsky? Answer: Because the FBI was already rattled by the unravelling truth about its seditious role in the RussiaGate folly, and the agency was wholly invested in the removal of Mr. Trump before top agency officials found themselves in grand juries -- federal crimes on top of federal crimes by federal officials. How do we stand for that? And they continued to sit on and hide the laptop through the first fifteen months of "Joe Biden's" astoundingly calamitous term in office to the dangerous point that America has arrived at today, the potential brink of a nuclear exchange with Russia -- all a product of our decade-long interventions and machinations in sad-sack Ukraine, a train-wreck of foreign policy blunders that can only be explained as a product of the most extreme and ruinous organizational hubris seen since Germany's misadventure invading the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa, 1941. And now the suits in America's intel, state, and war offices are apparently thinking that the "Joe Biden" operation has got to be thrown overboard before it is too late to dissociate themselves from it, and its slime-trail of crime. All hinges on whether a percentage of the mesmerized American public -- those buffaloed by the combined effects of Woke hysteria and mass formation psychosis -- might rouse from their induced trance and recognize the ominous shape that reality has assumed while their minds were hostage. Too many can see that everything now in American life is going south. "Joe Biden" has knocked the remaining props out from under the country's assumed standard-of-living. We are on track to go medieval in months, not years: no replacement parts for our machines, no money (or else money that's worthless), no food, no heat, no light, no getting from Point A to Point B, soon no hope. And if we're really unlucky, the very land itself and the things we've built upon it reduced to cinders and ash. One thing you must know: we are not entering the wishful robotic anti-utopia of social credit control, QR code management, and World Economic Forum / Klaus Schwab transhumanism. We are veering, rather, off-the-rails into epic historic political disorder, something much more perplexing than the clear-cut crack-up of the 1860s. In this new pandemonium, the best of us will remember what has been best about us: liberty, the rule of law, freedom of speech and the press, the dignity of work, our sense of obligation to a common good, and the decorum of truth-telling. For now, strive to stay sane against all the inducements of the wicked. Kerry Cassidy re ETs on Earthby don - 2022-03-31 ( education / research / aliens ) [html version]Music to manifest miracles in your lifeby don - 2022-04-01 ( education / research ) [html version]this is a good sound track for visualizing meditation graphene discsby don - 2022-04-01 ( education / research ) [html version]in the suicide vax Red States are Traitorous Tooby doug - 2022-04-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]If you thought we in CA are the only ones suffering under various degrees of fascism and much more on the horizon, think again. Listen for the list of Nazi governments here . Then start doing something to make sure they don't achieve their evil plans. If you don't notice any problem with these plans let me know so I can permanently write you off as a lost cause and complete fool. Our Totalitarian Militaryby doug - 2022-04-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]If you didn't already know, here's more info about what's happening in the insane world of our military. Canada supports Ukrainian Nazi Azov battalionby don - 2022-04-04 ( education / research ) [html version]systematic damage from vaxby don - 2022-04-04 ( education / research ) [html version][Updated: 2023-11-11 01:53:02]from Pfizer's own documents: Good one But did you notice the plug at the end about the Birch Society? I believe it's one of the many satanic eugenics groups. Sent: Sunday, April 3, 2022 6:57 AM The Passport from Hell is Closer Than Everby doug - 2022-04-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]You really need to watch this. And the info about the number of musicians now dead is something I've not heard before elsewhere. 1988 Whitehouse, Kissinger, Etcby doug - 2022-04-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]EXCELLENT interview I think they identify the true nature of the contrived Ukraine war. A Chemtrail Pilot Spillsby don - 2022-04-05 ( education / research / conspiracies / chemtrails ) [html version]
Laptop from Hellby steve - 2022-04-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I agree with the guy on the right that the Deep State is headed towarded "leveraging biden out". But why that? I think that's because they want there to be CIVIL WAR. (of course, it will be CIA mercenaries causing all the trouble with Antifa and BLM paid by Soros to "chip in" to the chaos) On Sunday, April 3, 2022, 03:46:23 PM someone wrote:
good discussion informative carlson showby steve - 2022-04-06 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Monday, April 4, 2022, 07:34:06 PM PDT someone wrote: Sanity Coming Soon?by steve - 2022-04-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]EU FINALLY EXPOSING FAKE PANDEMIC EU FINALLY EXPOSING FAKE PANDEMIC 'The Brand23' -- Original video: Bitchute: All Pretenses are Overby doug - 2022-04-09 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Remember when we were living in 2020 and it was just a conspiracy called the New World Order? Oh have times changed. The globalists have dropped any pretenses and openly tell about their plans. Any deniers feeling a little stupid now? Are you noticing a trend that every crazy conspiracy theory has been proven as a fact? If not, take off the blinders. I haven't looked at the video but Klaus Schwab (of the World Economic Forum with their motto "own nothing and be happy") wrote a book about he planed to use the Scamdemic to bring on their "Great Reset" = New World Order = Bring Back Better = Agenda 2030.But, most people can't handle the truth. Ignorance is bliss (and the kontrollers LOVE that so many ignore the writing on the wall, or in a book, and go on their blissful way.)
On Thursday, April 7, 2022, 10:21:17 PM : Remember when we were living in 2020 and it was just a conspiracy called the New World Order? Oh have times changed. The globalists have dropped any pretenses and openly tell about their plans. Any deniers feeling a little stupid now? Are you noticing a trend that every crazy conspiracy theory has been proven as a fact? If not, take off the blinders. Comedyby doug - 2022-04-10 ( education / research ) [html version]You gotta hear about this guy - excellent. Comedian Alex Stein on Waking People Upby doug - 2022-04-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]You gotta hear about this guy -- excellent. khazaria and ukraineby don - 2022-04-10 ( education / research ) [html version]I don't give a lot of credence to anything mentioning the khazarian mafia, but this is interesting: I just started to listen to this (and then quit soon afterward) and it seems like it's similar with the above Khazarian "theory" above:Astrotheological Secrets of the Bible -- Know More News Feat. Micah Dank --
Astrotheological Secrets of the Bible -- Know More News Feat. Micah Dank ... Know More News with Adam Green " April 8th, 2022 More From The Author: Putin: Christian Savior or Anti-Christ Hi...
On Saturday, April 9, 2022, 09:17:10 PM : okay, I read it.Right off, seeing it was by Cliff High told me that it would likely be wacky.Well, I was right.Sure it said some interesting/intriguing things, but ....
On Saturday, April 9, 2022, 09:56:37 AM someone wrote: I don't give a lot of credence to anything mentioning the khazarian mafia, but this is interesting: 1969 - Richard Dayby doug - 2022-04-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Amazing that the global elite described their plans in 1969. You'll want to listen to this. kissinger tells game planby don - 2022-04-10 ( education / research ) [html version] Psychopaths - Excellent Discussionby doug - 2022-04-11 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]I think this will interest you. And it's laughable that the author of the article estimates only 1% are psychos. The scamdemic has proven that otherwise (as Icke points out). What's also very interesting is how the globalists are turning the whole population into psychos. I think everyone has the potential to become a psychopath and it's a matter of conscious decision to choose the road you will take -- the good / bad potential conduct and free will of each person. Sent: Saturday, April 9, 2022 8:59 PM yes, the video reminded me of a number of people. Some examples: hillary clinton, fauci, gates, pelosi, gavin, waters, stacey abrams, schiff, romney, kontrollers of the MSM, most in the medical "profession", quite a few "teachers", most world "leader", congress, (both sides for the most part), and "lesser" politicians (and future politicians) who don't mind selling their soul. On Saturday, April 9, 2022, 10:36:21 AM : I think this will interest you. And it's laughable that the author of the article estimates only 1% are psychos. The scamdemic has proven that otherwise (as Icke points out). What's also very interesting is how the globalists are turning the whole population into psychos. I think everyone has the potential to become a psychopath and it's a matter of conscious decision to choose the road you will take -- the good / bad potential conduct and free will of each person. Sent: Saturday, April 9, 2022 8:59 PMRe: yes, the video reminded me of a number of people. Some examples: hillary clinton, fauci, gates, pelosi, gavin, waters, stacey abrams, schiff, romney, kontrollers of the MSM, most in the medical "profession", quite a few "teachers", most world "leader", congress, (both sides for the most part), and "lesser" politicians (and future politicians) who don't mind selling their soul. On Saturday, April 9, 2022, 10:36:21 AM : I think this will interest you. And it's laughable that the author of the article estimates only 1% are psychos. The scamdemic has proven that otherwise (as Icke points out). What's also very interesting is how the globalists are turning the whole population into psychos. I think everyone has the potential to become a psychopath and it's a matter of conscious decision to choose the road you will take -- the good / bad potential conduct and free will of each person. Sent: Saturday, April 9, 2022 8:59 PMRe: yes, the video reminded me of a number of people. Some examples: hillary clinton, fauci, gates, pelosi, gavin, waters, stacey abrams, schiff, romney, kontrollers of the MSM, most in the medical "profession", quite a few "teachers", most world "leader", congress, (both sides for the most part), and "lesser" politicians (and future politicians) who don't mind selling their soul. On Saturday, April 9, 2022, 10:36:21 AM : I think this will interest you. And it's laughable that the author of the article estimates only 1% are psychos. The scamdemic has proven that otherwise (as Icke points out). What's also very interesting is how the globalists are turning the whole population into psychos. I think everyone has the potential to become a psychopath and it's a matter of conscious decision to choose the road you will take -- the good / bad potential conduct and free will of each person. Sent: Saturday, April 9, 2022 8:59 PMRe: yes, the video reminded me of a number of people. Some examples: hillary clinton, fauci, gates, pelosi, gavin, waters, stacey abrams, schiff, romney, kontrollers of the MSM, most in the medical "profession", quite a few "teachers", most world "leader", congress, (both sides for the most part), and "lesser" politicians (and future politicians) who don't mind selling their soul. On Saturday, April 9, 2022, 10:36:21 AM : I think this will interest you. yes, the video reminded me of a number of people. Some examples: hillary clinton, fauci, gates, pelosi, gavin, waters, stacey abrams, schiff, romney, kontrollers of the MSM, most in the medical "profession", quite a few "teachers",= most world "leader",= congress, (both sides for the most part), and "lesser" politicians (and future politicians) who don't mind selling their soul.
On Saturday, April 9, 2022, 10:36:21 AM : I think this will interest you. Canada, world travel and moreby steve - 2022-04-11 ( education / research ) [html version]
I saw that the message/reply that I sent only went to . Well, now you all know more about a stressful aspect of my life due to a mentally ill (yes, "mother" says "everybody is mentally ill" and thus to me that's an admission that she is).[wife] saw animal skulls on display at "mother's" Unity church. told me that they equate Allah with God. has gone there with "mother" but sent a message to me this morning that she'd like to return to a "Christian church" like the one that [wife] and I go to. needs a job that will make her financially dependent and able to get an apartment that she can share with a sociable Christian healthy friend who has other friends (which lacks due to kontrol by "mother") because is very social and needs to be around Good people. I wrote a 130-page book about and found a publisher to publish it but it's just another "vanity press" that just takes advantage of people who want to get their book published and have a few thousand dollars to get it done. I'll publish it on Kindle, which means it probably won't be seen by anybody, though. - Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2022, 08:57:11 AM PDT Re: I also have to deal with the lunacy involving . The psych= people would only release her to "mother" (though [wife] didn't want her here anyhow). "Mother" wanted to FORCE to get the vax but I threatened the Nuremberg Code and Adult Protective Services to her about and she backed off. Still, the psych place put on a psych drug regimen and "mother" says that can only stay there if she Komplies with taking the drugs which HAVE NOT SHOWN to do any good ("mother" claims that is bipolar or schizo). She's on Lamictal, which just yesterday I read CAUSES the paranoia that has exhibited for quite some time.I've been trying to get to get a job. She has a library certificate so I've helped her apply to library jobs. "Mother" said that the library demands the vax to get a job. I wrote to them and the HR said otherwise. "Mother" then said that the libraries are City, which DOES require the vax so I called them and the libraries are County and which has no vax requirement.So, it seems that "mother' wants IMPRISONED there (if you're not familiar with the movie "Tangled", it's pretty= much that same situation), drugged and helpless until "mother" dies off. Sure, will inherit the house that has a= "value" of about $450K but if has to use that up with nothing to fall back on, what then? So, it's liberal IDIOCY like that that annoys me every day so, yes, I'm kind ofry at how liberals are LETTING the world be destroyed!
On Sunday, April 10, 2022, 08:28:11 AM PDT, someone wrote: You are sounding like veryry people these days. You all need to spend time brushing horses and cleaning tack. I don't have the energy to read these articles so it's so good of you to tell me what I should do and think =F0=9F=A4"= On Sun, Apr 10, 2022 at 8:23 AM wrote: along the lines of what asked about speed limits.I think that liberals don't feel like adults and "need" one. Adults use their brains to figure out what is right and do it. Liberals don't like that they've been shown to not be adults and want Big Brother to make the adults komply. (look at old videos of people driving around downtown. there weren't lines but people used their brains to avoid crashing into one another. Not all streets have lines now but people use their brains to avoid head-on crashes.)
On Sunday, April 10, 2022, 05:19:42 AM PDT: That, pretty much answers 's question to me about masks. Thank you. I flew out there last month and wore the suffocating and completely unnecessary mask " because I was not sick " because I had already promised Elizabeth she could go skiing. I will not comply, and have not even for a minute, if at all possible. = I might ask you, why you comply with the posted speed limit while driving. It's there 'for our safety,' but we all know it's almost always much lower than it has to be. Most of us only comply when there's someone there actively enforcing it and within their government-given rights to throw us in jail. ~ Average diameter of coronavirus is 0.125 microns. N95 mask filters 0.300 microns or larger, and that's assuming it fits snugly to the face. In other words, it's worthless against viruses.
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2022 2:14 AM To:; las Re: Best not comply whatsoever to the fascist psycho slave device . I've never complied to the scam and never will. As many have said, everyone needs to stop complying and the scam will end. They don't have a way to enforce the tyranny because we outnumber them. Only when a small number stand up can they make an example out of them. They count on compliance and use the fear factor to get acquiescence. So how about everyone gather up their courage and tell the next self-appointed tyrant to f--k off -- you are not their slave. Sent: Saturday, April 9, 2022 8:56 PM Re: I wore a mask when working at Target but I got a "paintball mask" that was a metal mesh that I could easily breathe through (earlier, I went into Costco with a fencing mask and it was okay with them and when I chatted with the manager (who I AM familiar with), he told he somebody else went there with a= full Darth Vader costume. I commented that I knew they just had to do it for fear of some idiot suing them for getting sick from some unmasked person and he agreed). It's because of idiots who Komply and feel unsafe when others don't komply that we have the problem!)
On Saturday, April 9, 2022, 08:40:42 PM PDT:
Speaking of money, I was going to post this separately but it fits nicely into the direction of the conversation. I just finished listening to this interview of the former assistant HUD secretary under president Bush Sr. Catherine Austin Fitts who's a financial expert who likes to discover money fraud. And she's answering questions from an apparently honest elected government official of Kuwait. It can serve as a great summary of where the world stands now and how to move forward. If you have never looked into the covid conspiracy before this would be a great place to start. Sent: Saturday, April 9, 2022 5:34 PM Re: he says using bitcoin is advertising that you have money, and with bitcoin that could be thousands On 4/9/22 19:21: good. I hope that digital currency FAILS elsewhere and it's obvious (to the sane people) that it's bad and thus they fight it
On Saturday, April 9, 2022, 04:25:03 PM PDT someone wrote:
His last broadcast was yesterday, and it's interesting that he's in El Salvador where bitcoin is the official currency. And it's not working. He also says don't use bitcoin outside of the US or Europe because it's a good way to get kidnapped or killed. On 4/9/22 17:59 someone wrote: The Hobo Traveler (youtube) says countries want you to be vaccinated and even give him flak for only having the 1-shot J&J On 4/9/22 16:57: nice to hear that other countries aren't insanely enforcing the killer vax (as biden wants to do with federal employees)
On Saturday, April 9, 2022, 02:45:41 PM PDT:
It's not just a couple guys talking. This Josh Sigurdson nails it. Very good communicator. It's always nice to hear people in media ('influencers') say what I'm thinking. And one very interesting bit of information is that he's travelled to several countries the past couple years that 'require' the 'vaccine' and/or tests, but it's almost never enforced. ~ 1000 Peer-Reviewed Studies Questioning covid-19 Vaccine Safety ~ N95 masks filter most germs, bacteria & bodily fluids, not viruses. Average diameter of coronavirus is 0.125 microns. N95 mask filters 0.300 microns or larger, and that's assuming the mask fits snugly to the face. In other words, it's worthless against covid. Sent: Saturday, April 9, 2022 4:38 PM ; las Re: just a couple of guys talking, no new information On 4/9/22 15:32: I think many people will be interested in this interview. Lots of information. --=678911_773750764.1649612525508 I saw that the message/reply that I sent only went to . Well, now you all know more about a stressful aspect of my life due to a mentally ill (yes, "mother" says "everybody is mentally ill" and thus to me that's an admission that she is).[wife] saw animal skulls on display at "mother's" Unity church. told me that they equate Allah with God. has gone there with "mother" but sent a message to me this morning that she'd like to return to a "Christian church" like the one that [wife] and I go to. Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2022, 08:57:11 AM PDT Re: I also have to deal with the lunacy involving . The psych people would only release her to "mother" (though [wife] didn't want her here anyhow). "Mother" wanted to FORCE to get the vax but I threatened the Nuremberg Code and Adult Protective Services to her about and she backed off. Still, the psych place put on a psych drug regimen and "mother" says that can only stay there if she Komplies with taking the drugs which HAVE NOT SHOWN to do any good ("mother" claims that is bipolar or schizo). She's on Lamictal, which just yesterday I read CAUSES the paranoia that has exhibited for quite some time.I've been trying to get to get a job. She has a library certificate so I've helped her apply to library jobs. "Mother" said that the library demands the vax to get a job. I wrote to them and the HR said otherwise. "Mother" then said that the libraries are City, which DOES require the vax so I called them and the libraries are County and which has no vax requirement.So, it seems that "mother' wants IMPRISONED there (if you're not familiar with the movie "Tangled", it's pretty much that same situation), drugged and helpless until "mother" dies off. Sure, will inherit the house that has a "value" of about $450K but if has to use that up with nothing to fall back on, what then? Disney in Troubleby doug - 2022-04-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]More on Disney and their sick / evil agenda. Don't miss the end of this:
The Khazarian Mafiaby doug - 2022-04-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It's becoming clear they are the enemies of humanity and are behind the scamdemic. Part 1 If you can't find it on your own I can give the links to parts 2 -- 3. Sarah Westhall is doing many related interviews about this subject. how the DOJ always winsby don - 2022-04-14 ( education / research ) [html version] Another Covid 19 Cobra Venom Videoby steve - 2022-04-14 ( education / research ) [html version]bill maher calls for common senseby don - 2022-04-15 ( education / research ) [html version] Altering DNAby steve - 2022-04-15 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 10:56:32 PM PDT: This comes from an ICAN email on 13 April 2022: CDC Cannot Back up its 'Facts' Regarding Potential Genetic Mutation from covid-19 Vaccines The CDC has come up short again. This time, our attorneys simply asked it for 'all documents relied upon' for its claims that the Pfizer and Moderna covid shots do not affect a person's genetic makeup. Under the heading, Understanding Viral Vector covid Vaccines, the CDC website states the genetic material introduced into the body by these injections 'does not integrate into a person's DNA.' And on another page titled Understanding mRNA covid Vaccines, the CDC claims, 'mRNA never enters the nucleus of the cell where our DNA (genetic material) is located, so it cannot change or influence our genes.' In response to our FOIA demand for the documents the CDC relies upon to make these claims, the CDC shockingly replied: 'A search of our records failed to reveal any documents pertaining to your request.' It helpfully suggested we return to its website for more information, or ask the FDA, while reminding us that its work 'saves lives.' The response also states that 'CDC conducts critical science and provides health information.' Not so in this case. It is truly incredible when a health authority states it has no documents it relied upon when making critical statements. Potential damage to a person's genetic code is a central worry among healthcare professionals and the public about a medical intervention rushed to market, heavily promoted by government and media messaging, and imposed with unprecedented levels of coercion. Of course, the 'fact-checking' industry has done its best to smother such warnings under a wet blanket of conspiracy name-calling, even after Pfizer's own CEO, Albert Bourla, hailed mRNA injections as a doorway to 'gene editing' in a November 2021 interview. All we are asking of the CDC is to back up the claims on its own website " claims it states are 'facts.' Apparently, that's too much to ask. Instead, the CDC is basically saying: we posted the statements on our website and the justification for that is, well, it's on our website. Translation: 'because we said so.' If it cannot do more that this circular game-playing, then the claims should be removed. The CDC's non-reply to us shows it is continuing to abdicate its responsibility to protect the public, and it adds weight to Dr. Robert Malone's charge that the agency is 'obscene' and a purveyor of 'medical misinformation.' As he said in a recent interview, government employees now have a choice. 'They can either be defendants, or they can be witnesses.' --------------------It is widely known that these shots are not really vaccines but are gene therapy and alters the DNA of the person. I'm still wondering how a DNA test might change after an idiot gets the death jab / clot shot. It may not change because a DNA test is looking for known things. A whole genome test would likely be the only test to reveal it and may not be enough because it also gets compared to a known DNA result and much is considered noise because they don't know what it even means. another Covid 19 king cobra venom videoby steve - 2022-04-15 ( education / research / conspiracies / covid ) [html version]good article on Ukraine from French perspectiveby steve - 2022-04-16 ( education / research ) [html version] Wise Adviceby doug - 2022-04-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Wise advice about how you spend your time fighting the scam-demic. Use Cash to Save Your Assby doug - 2022-04-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Pay by cash as much as you can. Very important to avoid the cashless society [with which] the global Fascists want to control you completely. Psyop Alert There's Definitely Something Very Wrong with the Watch the Water Videoby admin - 2022-04-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]
Read, listen or watch the rest here or here. "...the idea of dumping any venom, snake or other critter, into a water system is silly. Venom would encounter vast amounts of oxygen, chlorine and all the other chemicals currently polluting the planet. It would be very very unlikely that the venom would survive in a reactive state that would be able to injure your body." Dr. Ardis, Venom, Part 2by steve - 2022-04-18 ( education / research ) [html version]Also a bit where it is said that trump pushed the KILLER Remsdesivir: Is the Snake Venom in Municipal Water Story a Psy-op?by bill - 2022-04-18 ( education / research / conspiracies / fraud ) [html version]Yes, it is. Venom in water quickly loses all power, virulence, whatever you want to call it.
Message Especially to Californians but Applies to Mostby doug - 2022-04-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This is a really great and short video and I hope you will share it with everyone. Always Entertainingby don - 2022-04-21 ( education / research ) [html version]Sean David Morton talks about his new book, but also about Russia, NWO all about eggsby don - 2022-04-22 ( education / research / food ) [html version]Lots of info you probably didn't know. Aging - Lifetime of Wisdomby doug - 2022-04-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This talk was truly inspired -- wow! I highly recommend you watch the entire thing. Don't miss a minute. The world would be awesome if this advise were taken. Terrific Article About Foodby doug - 2022-04-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I hope you can see it Aside from the problems described, there are great solutions and ideas. Feds Forcing Reduction of Fertilizer Shipments to Farmers (starve Us?)by doug - 2022-04-24 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Notice that one farmer comments it can't happen at a worse time -- idiots will say it is just a coincidence, nothing to suspect here. This will push at least some of them out if business. But I hope others will see their dependence on fertilizer and the poison in what they produce can be solved by some genius ideas to become organic. They may have to downsize to finance the conversion to wholesome food products. It reminds me of a definition I recently heard . The modern Democrat is defined as someone who supports whatever the latest thing the government ( and media) says they should support. If you don't automatically support the latest thing the government says you should support, by default that makes you the modern Republican. Similarly if you have the gall to object to anything happening in the government that makes you a domestic terrorist. You're also a domestic terrorist if you refuse to get their heavily suggested injections. Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2022 8:08 AM Re: yeah, Soros is a good guy. that's why to be with him for Ukraine
On Saturday, April 23, 2022, 07:35:42 AM someone wrote: Soros is funding some of these enemies of America. He is a short seller who makes money destroying countries v=3DDGb748VOcYU On 4/22/22 17:06 someone wrote: No, they're trying to destroy America, and successfully so far. "You will have nothing but you will be hungry." (paraphrase) On 4/22/22 16:52: more proof of democrat mental illness
On Friday, April 22, 2022, 02:40:16 PM someone wrote: yes, the Democrats are trying to force a food crisis so they can blame it on global warming On 4/22/22 11:18: Notice that one farmer comments it can't happen at a worse time -- idiots will say it is just a coincidence, nothing to suspect here. This will push at least some of them out if business. But I hope others will see their dependence on fertilizer and the poison in what they produce can be solved by some genius ideas to become organic. They may have to downsize to finance the conversion to wholesome food products. How Aliens Take Over Planetsby don - 2022-04-24 ( education / research / aliens ) [html version]Penny Kelly explains how evil aliens take over planets Walgreens Out-performs Cdcby doug - 2022-04-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Doing what the criminals at the CDC refuse to do, they looked at their own database to reveal what most already know about the world's best product for depopulation / health. Graphene Dioxide Kills in Vaxesby steve - 2022-04-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I'm not bothering to send this to some in the family because they seem to prefer ignorance.Don't bother to watch the video that is in German because the article tells it all: Fascistbook said it was a LIE when I tried to post it, of course, because they say he's not dead. Well then, where is he? Still, the graphene KILLS PEOPLE! Starvation Planby steve - 2022-04-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]video about lots of poultry killing due to "bird flu" epidemic, which is a BIG LIE: On Sunday, April 24, 2022, 09:30:58 PM : In china Intentional War with Russiaby don - 2022-04-28 ( education / research / conspiracies / war ) [html version]Tucker Carlson outlines the swamp's intentional starting of war with Russia. A month old, but very good. Scammer Named Trumpby doug - 2022-04-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Can anyone deny Trump was not in on the scam after reading his executive order from September 2019? I got this from An0maly: satanic hollywoodby don - 2022-04-30 ( education / research ) [html version]SO SICK! VIEWER DISCRETION -- HOLLYWOOD EXPOSED -- EVERYONE SIGNS A CONTRACT WITHOUT READING THE FINE PRINT In order to become a star, to become famous, there is a MASONIC LUCIFERIAN contract to sign. Most have no idea what's in the Fine Print. Hollywood is 100% controlled by the Elite Pedophiles. Your very Soul is at stake .... but that's in the Fine Soros on Trialby doug - 2022-05-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I wish. I think many will appreciate how well she connects the criminal dots . Soros is so great! Lol Local Farmersby doug - 2022-05-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]For sacramento there are 3 options listed. One is in pennsylvania which tells me there is a lot of potential for additional local listings as more people become aware of this. Justice starts in Utah?by doug - 2022-05-02 ( education / research ) [html version] All-Cause Mortality Increased from mRNAby don - 2022-05-03 ( education / research ) [html version]No More Electionsby doug - 2022-05-04 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]By his assessment, Adams (Health Ranger) thinks there will be no more elections. They know they can never win again without cheating. And the fake POTUS is provoking a nuclear attack by Russia before Nov to give an excuse for martial law. Jeffrey Prayer doesn't come to the same conclusion. Just came out today. Pretty interesting Sent: Monday, May 2, 2022 6:15 PM
Re: they don't have to win every election, they just have to figure out what they can do to advance world govt when the other side wins On 5/2/22 17:09: adams frequently says STUPID things
On Monday, May 2, 2022, 01:01:29 PM : By his assessment, Adams (Health Ranger) thinks there will be no more elections. They know they can never win again without cheating. And the fake POTUS is provoking a nuclear attack by Russia before Nov to give an excuse for martial law. Jeffrey Prayer doesn't come to the same conclusion. Leading Physicist Debunks Climate Hysteriaby steve - 2022-05-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]before going to the link, I figure they first indoctrinated people to think they're bad for "mother earth" and feel guilty for breathing. they then went further to LIE about CO2. See my link. It is an article that isn't worth reading because they misinterpret their own data but their graph shows that higher CO2 FOLLOWS warming and not causing it.Vostok Vostok On Monday, May 2, 2022, 01:33:13 PM : Fitts tomorrowby doug - 2022-05-04 ( education / research ) [html version]In case you missed it. ________________________________
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 10:22 PM I always like to listen to her. World Awakensby doug - 2022-05-04 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]I remember just three years ago, after watching the film Vaxed, that it would be a massive uphill battle to educate enough people that we could turn around the ship that was headed for a cliff because of the incredible number of children becoming autistic after vaccines. I was still on fascist book and constantly posting the evidence, but only a handful of others knew I was right. So to see what the WHO shows in this graph is so satisfying that my battle against big pharma has millions more "soldiers" who know the truth. Or at least are beginning to connect the dots more and more. I have a great sense of understanding how David Icke felt in 1990 compared to today. I thought big pharma was truly public enemy #1, but now realize it's the banksters who created pharma and so much more. Yeah, the rockefellers were behind it, with their "wealth" coming from the satanic zionist Rothschilds Italy finally wised up: On Monday, May 2, 2022, 09:21:40 PM : I remember just three years ago, after watching the film Vaxed, that it would be a massive uphill battle to educate enough people that we could turn around the ship that was headed for a cliff because of the incredible number of children becoming autistic after vaccines. I was still on fascist book and constantly posting the evidence, but only a handful of others knew I was right. So to see what the WHO shows in this graph is so satisfying that my battle against big pharma has millions more "soldiers" who know the truth. Or at least are beginning to connect the dots more and more. I have a great sense of understanding how David Icke felt in 1990 compared to today. I thought big pharma was truly public enemy #1, but now realize it's the banksters who created pharma and so much more. Yeah, the rockefellers were behind it, with their "wealth" coming from the satanic zionist Rothschilds Italy finally wised up:
On Monday, May 2, 2022, 09:21:40 PM : I remember just three years ago, after watching the film Vaxed, that it would be a massive uphill battle to educate enough people that we could turn around the ship that was headed for a cliff because of the incredible number of children becoming autistic after vaccines. I was still on fascist book and constantly posting the evidence, but only a handful of others knew I was right. So to see what the WHO shows in this graph is so satisfying that my battle against big pharma has millions more "soldiers" who know the truth. Or at least are beginning to connect the dots more and more. I have a great sense of understanding how David Icke felt in 1990 compared to today. I thought big pharma was truly public enemy #1, but now realize it's the banksters who created pharma and so much more. This wolf is sharpby doug - 2022-05-05 ( education / research ) [html version]So well written. We all wants to have justice. It's fundamental to society. Someone can't steal my stuff or cause harm and not have any consequences, right? Most will applaud what Neomi Wolfe someone wrote: The Ruling Classby don - 2022-05-11 ( education / research ) [html version]If you haven't read her book, here's a lot of it: Cathy O'Brien: The Tranceformation of America * * Cathy O'Brien was sold into Project Monarch, one of the 149 known sub-projects of the CIA'S MK ULTRA Experiments that began in 1953. These secret programs were initiated by governing jurisdictions in an effort to understand and utilize mind control to further another agenda. Being a victim of the elite's Monarch Program. as a slave Cathy was exposed to many world leaders at the national and international levels. Through her rescue and healing process, she was able to reclaim the memories of what she witnessed while under mind control. Her story provides insight into how we've been controlled in the past, where we are going as a nation and how to reclaim personal and collective sovereignty. This is her story. This is our story. Directed by: Adrienne Youngblood Produced by: Adrienne Youngblood, Isabella Antinoro, Roger R. Richards Starring: Cathy O'Brien Categories: Documentary, Disclosure */Warning: Graphic/* _*/Chapter 1/*_ */MY INTRODUCTION TO HUMANITY/* */By Cathy O'Brien/* My pedophile father, Earl O'Brien, brags that he began substituting his penis for my mother's nipple soon after I was born. My multigenerational incest-abused mother, Carol Tanis, did not protest his perverse actions due to (reportedly) having similar abuse as a child which caused her to acquire Multiple Personality Disorder. My earliest recovered memory was that I could not breathe with my father's penis jammed into my little throat. /The late Earl O'Brien -- Pho Michigan Sports Hall of Fame/ Yet I could not discern his semen from my mother's milk. I do not recall thinking, but I AM aware through education that this early sexual abuse distorted my primitive concepts of feeding, breathing, sexuality, and parental perceptions. I recall as a toddler being unable to run (I could barely walk) to my mother for help as my instincts demanded. Through my gulping sobs, my terror rose as I tried to clear my throat of my father's semen and draw a breath of air. My mother finally arrived at my side. Rather than comfort me, she accused me of throwing a temper tantrum and "holding my breath". She responded only by throwing a glass of cold water in my face. I was shocked! As the water splashed my face, I knew she would not help and it was up to me to save myself. I automatically Multiple Personality Disordered. I was, of course, too young to logically understand that what my father was doing to me was wrong. I accepted his strangling sexual abuse as a normal and natural part of my home life, and split off a personality to deal with the pain and suffocation to satisfy his perversions. Therefore as a child, I was dissociative of my father's abuse. I was totally unable to recall his sexual abuse, even in his presence, until I saw and felt his penis. By the time I joined the Brownies, my father's sexual exploitation of me included prostitution to his friends, local mobsters and Masons, relatives, Satanists, strangers, and police officers. When I wasn't being worked to physical exhaustion, filmed pornographically, prostituted, or engaged in incest abuse, I dissociated into books. I had learned to read at the young age of four due to my photographic memory which was a natural result of MPD/DID. Government researchers involved in MK-Ultra Project Monarch knew about the photographic memory aspect of MPD/DID, of course, as well as other resultant "super human" characteristics. Visual acuity of an MPD/DID is 44 times greater than that of the average person. My developed unusually high pain threshold, plus compartmentalization of memory were "necessary" for military and covert operations applications. Additionally, my sexuality was primitively twisted from infancy. This programming was appealing and useful to perverse politicians who believed they could hide their actions deep within my memory compartments, which clinicians refer to as personalities. My Uncle Bob helped my father decorate my bedroom in red, white, and blue paneling and American flags. He provided assistance in scrambling my mind according to Project Monarch methodologies. Fairy tale themes were used to confuse fantasy with reality, particularly Disney stories and the Wizard of Oz, which provided the base for future programming. I had personalities for pornography, a personality for bestiality, a personality for incest, a personality for withstanding the horrendous psychological abuse of my mother, a personality for prostitution, and the rest of "me" functioned somewhat "normally" at school. My "normal" personality provided a cover for the abuse I was enduring, but best of all it had hope- hope that there was somewhere in the world where people did not hurt each other. This same personality also attended Catechism, a weekly class at our Catholic church, St. Francis de Sales in Muskegon, Michigan. I continued to maintain an illusion of normalcy for school, excelling in my studies due to my photographic memory and in spite of my chronic "day-dreaming". I had plenty of friends and played enthusiastically at recess, expending large amounts of energy in my subconscious effort to escape my own mind. And I lost myself in the books my father suggested I read: the Wizard Of Oz, Alice In Wonderland, Island of the Blue Dolphins, Disney Classics, and Cinderella—all of which were used in conditioning my mind for what soon would become mind-control programming. My television viewing was restricted and monitored in keeping with my father's gained knowledge. I was, however permitted to watch the "best" of movies: The Wizard Of Oz, Disney Classics, Alice In Wonderland, and Cinderella—over and over and over again. When I was in second grade, my Brownie Troop marched in the Memorial Day Parade in which then Michigan State Senator VanderJagt also participated. At the end of the parade, he took me into a nearby motel and had me per-form oral sex on him before sending me back to where my Brownie Troop was waiting. My Brownie leader and peers thought it commendable that VanderJagt took me with him. They gathered around to hear all about it. I noticed a white splash of semen on my sash, and hurriedly explained that he had "taken me for a milkshake" as I wiped it away. Having to cover for his perversion to my Brownie Troop infringed on my school personality, and the "normal" remainder became even smaller. /The late Senator Guy VanderJagt/ With the memory of this incident compartmentalized in my mind, I made no conscious association to VanderJagt when my third grade teacher announced that we were taking a field trip to the State Capital in Lansing, Michigan where he was in session. Once at the Capital, I was ushered away from my classmates and taken to an office where he was waiting with his friend and mentor (soon to be President) Gerald Ford. VanderJagt lifted my skirt, pulled down my panties, and placed me on his desk for sex with him and Ford. Afterward they laughed as VanderJagt placed a small American flag in my rectum and instructed me to wave it. He then presented me with a Kennedy pen inscribed with the motto that would lead me for the rest of my mind-con-trolled existence, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." VanderJagt then escorted me back to the balcony of the Legislature where my classmates were gathered. He put his arm around me in front of all my classmates and presented me with the American flag he had just had me wave for him and Ford with my rectum. My school personality split off again, but I still maintained the hope that somewhere, someday, I would find a place where people didn't ... what? I could not remember what I was seeking to escape. /_Trance-Formation of America_/ Parent Post Quick reply to this message Reply Reply With Quote Reply With Quote Multi-Quote This Message Thanks Bookmark Post 4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Bluegreen For This Post: ClearWater (Today), mojo (Today), RunningDeer (Yesterday) 5. Yesterday 23:34 Link to Post #83 *Bluegreen* Bluegreen is offline United States Avalon Member Bluegreen's Avatar Join Date 18th July 2014 Location Ø Language ¿ Posts 8,310 Thanks 40,838 Thanked 40,759 times in 7,618 posts Default Re: Cathy O'Brien: The Tranceformation of America /Each chapter is a major undertaking, and some chapters may not be transferable to this format. The idea of doing the whole book is intriguing but daunting, to say the least. We''ll see how this goes .../ *** */THE RITE TO REMAIN SILENT/* */_Chapter 2_/* When Pierre Trudeau was elected Prime Minister of Canada in 1968, I often heard it said, "Pierre Trudeau is one of Ours, you know." I first heard this phrase cryptically referring to Trudeau's loyalty to the Vatican when Father was discussing him with my father one Sunday after mass. This fact circulated quickly among those I knew who were involved in the Catholic/Jesuit aspect of Project Monarch. /The late Pierre Trudeau/ The summer after Trudeau was elected, my father took the family to Mackinac Island as usual. Climbing on a large statue on the grounds of the Governor's Mansion, I could see across the field to the Grand Hotel. I noticed Canadian flags flying amongst the American flags that lined the front of the old hotel. As I slid down off the statue, Guy VanderJagt approached with a drink and a cigarette in his hand. Palling my hair into place he said, "Straighten your shirt, I've got someone important for you to meet," "I knew someone important was here because of those flags," I said, tucking my shirt in my pink shorts. "When I was at the Vatican," VanderJagt began, "I was told that Prime Minister Trudeau is a friend of the Pope. He thinks like one of us. A true Catholic. He likes Cathy-licks." /VanderJadt/ VanderJagt led me upstairs in the mansion, where Pierre Trudeau was lowering the window shades in a dimly lit bedroom crowded with antiques. VanderJagt closed the door behind me. Trudeau's tuxedo coat was neatly draped over a chair, which left him in his formal pants, while shirt, and a bright red cummerbund which caught my eye. "I like your sash," I said. "Hasn't anyone taught you Silence yet?" His somber, gruff attitude was softened by his smooth, silky voice. Triggered into the part of me that endured the Rite to Remain Silent, I assumed Trudeau knew all about interdimensions according to my deliberately formed perceptions. I could not/did not understand that interdimensions actually equated to the inner-dimensions of my own compartmentalized mind. Likewise, I did not understand that "Keys to the Kingdom" referred to knowing the codes, keys, and triggers to my controlled mind. "Guy said you like Cathy-licks," I said, repeating what VanderJagt had told me. "Are you the Keeper of the Keys?" Trudeau seemingly bore his cold, dark eyes right through me. "You can learn more from the school of thought than you can by asking precocious questions. Haven't you learned that children are to be seen and not heard?" "Is that a precocious question?" I asked. "What is a precocious question?" Trudeau sighed with impatience. "That is irrelevant. What matters is that you shut your mouth, still your mind, and enter the school of thought. Silence is a virtue. Listen to the silence in the stillness of your mind. Go deep inside your mind," he slowly led. "Deeper and deeper where it's quiet and still..." Trudeau expertly manipulated my mind with sophisticated hypnotic language. Not only did he enlist my Silence for the pedophile perversions he indulged in, but he instructed my "school of thought" in a manner that equated to programming. He laid a foundation for Air-Water programs that is a mirror- dimensional theme often used by NASA and others involved in Project Monarch. Playing off his own name "Pee-Air," he added a perverse twist to the theme that he accessed each time I was prostituted to him. Had I been capable of fear, I would have been afraid of Pierre Trudeau. Trudeau's slow, deliberate movements masked the brutal power of his body much the way his smooth, soft voice pierced my mind and intruded on my thoughts. The icy cold touch of his effeminate, manicured long fingers contrasted with the heat of his perversion ... a perversion for which he blamed me and my "temptuous, contemptuous ways". I was slow to grow into adolescence. By the time I was thirteen years old, my breasts were tender and beginning to swell, which made me "too old" for VanderJagt's pedophile perversions. When my father brought me to Mackinac Island for routine prostitution at the Political Retreat, VanderJagt introduced me to a new friend he had made now that he was in Washington, D.C. as a U.S. Congressman-U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd, Democrat from West . Source: Byrd had been a U.S. Senator as long as I had been alive, serving as Senate Whip and later as President Pro Tempore of the Senate and as the all powerful Senate Appropriations leader. Byrd commanded attention and respect from all who came in contact with him, particularly from my father. When we were left alone in his room, he loomed over me in a threatening stance. His cold, blue slitty eyes locked onto mine. I undressed and climbed into his bed as ordered. I was momentarily relieved to find that his penis was abnormally tiny—so small it didn't even hurt! And I could breathe with it in my mouth! Then he began to indulge himself in his brutal perversions, talking on and on about how I was "made just for him" due to the vast amounts of pain I could withstand. The spankings and police handcuffs I had previously endured were child's play compared to Senator Byrd's near death tortures. The hundreds of scars on my body still show today. With VanderJagt, sex was a matter of "how much I could give," whereas with Byrd it was "how much I could take". And I was forced to take mote pain than any human could logically withstand. I was dedicated to Byrd at age thirteen which meant he would be directing my future in Project Monarch, and my father would raise me according to his specifications. My MPD/DID existence became more regimented from that point on. I was kept physically worn down to the point of exhaustion in order that I be sufficiently receptive to my father's limited hypnotic programming capabilities to condition my mind for mind control. The pornography I was forced to anticipate in became much more violent immediately after Byrd, switching me from predominantly pedophile and bestiality themes to torturous versions of sadomasochism (S&M). My father and mother worked in tandem daily to "break my spirit," destroying any remnants left of my self-confidence, tearing down my self-esteem, and thus annihilating my free will urges. They conditioned/taught me my dreams were reality and my reality were dreams, that black is white and up is down. "Good night, sleep tight, dream about your mommy and daddy" is what I heard every night. This was intended to confuse my mind to believe incest in the middle of the night was "just a bad dream". My father also instructed me to watch Alfred Hitchcock's horrifying movie The Birds with him. This reinforced in my mind the movie's theme that there is "no place to hide from the birds/Byrd". I was quickly beginning to lose all ability to question anything but my own judgment. It was easy to believe that there was indeed "no place to run, no place to hide," which is a necessary and primary psychological basis for government/military mind control. In later years, "who ya' gonna call?" and Ronald Reagan's quip "you can run, but you can't hide" echoed deep within my mind. After all, even if I could think to seek help, who would help me? The police? The church? My parents? Relative? Politicians? School? There was no one left that would help me, I sensed. My television programming was then expanded to include the shows that every Project Monarch Mind-Control slave I knew had to watch: I Dream Of , The Brady Bunch, Gumby And Pokey, and Bewitched. I could relate to the Genie pleasing her master, who was a Major for the Air Force in I Dream Of . This served to confuse the reality of my own experiences with the fantasy of television production. I told all outsiders that my family was "just like the Bradys". Through Gumby And Pokey I was led to believe that I was as flexible as these animated clay performers. Therefore, I was capable of being physically maneuvered into any sexual position. Meanwhile, my father took us all to church every Sunday, and my mother stayed busy having babies to raise in the Project. In true pedophile fashion, he surrounded himself with children by coaching little league sports, chaperoning school and Catechism activities, and becoming involved with the Boy Scouts. All of this made him appear to be a model citizen and "pillar of the community". The illusion was fanned. The parts of me that knew otherwise had no choice but to remain silent. Parent Post Quick reply to this message Reply Reply With Quote Reply With Quote Multi-Quote This Message Thanks Bookmark Post 6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Bluegreen For This Post: mojo (Today), RunningDeer (Today) 7. Yesterday 23:43 Link to Post #84 *Bluegreen* Bluegreen is offline United States Avalon Member Bluegreen's Avatar Join Date 18th July 2014 Location Ø Language ¿ Posts 8,310 Thanks 40,838 Thanked 40,759 times in 7,618 posts Default Re: Cathy O'Brien: The Tranceformation of America */My First President/* */_Chapter 3_/* */By Cathy O'Brien/* In addition to routine trips to Mackinac Island and Niagara Falls, my family often took camping trips to "get away from it all". In reality, I was taken to key places for ritual abuse, prostitution, and pornography. In the fall of 1974, my father announced we were going to go camping "back in time" to an old-fashioned festival in the small remote.webp town of Cedar Springs, Michigan for their annual Red Flannel Days celebration. My mother told me to pack my jeans and sweaters and my Catholic school uniform which she had washed and pressed for the occasion. Cedar Springs was quiet, with the festival events including dilapidated amusement rides set up in a small parking lot, and contests where local farmers pitted their mules and horses against each other to see whose could pull the most weight. The main (and only) street of town was lined with the few local businesses, including the town's red flannel underwear "long s" factory. In the center of town, a mock, single, jail cell had been erected to hold any and all parade participants who failed to wear the required red flannel underwear. The jail was guarded by quasi Keystone Cops. I was amused when the townsfolk began lining up to march in the parade, with very few remaining to watch it. A mentally retarded man carried the baton to lead the parade, followed by kids on bicycles, hay-wagons of old folks, a grade school band and people walking-all in their red flannel underwear. The grand finale' of the parade, the town fire truck, was approaching, surrounded by numerous motorcycle police. I heard folks whispering "the President is coming". I assumed they meant the President of the underwear factory. I was wrong. I watched in horror as the fire truck rolled to a stop, and Secret Service helped then President Gerald Ford as he stepped down to the pavement. My father was excitedly tugging on my arm, half dragging me through the wall of Secret Service agents, to talk with President Ford. I looked around nervously as my father made the necessary arrangements with Ford to prostitute me to him later that evening. VanderJagt, who never missed a parade it seemed, was signing autographs. As he smiled at me, someone roughly grabbed my arm. Nervous and startled, I screamed. /Susan Ford and her father, Gerald/ The crowd laughed as a Keystone Cop threw me in the jail, scolding me for not wearing my red flannel underwear when I was talking to the President. I was trying to be inconspicuous in hopes no one would see me with the likes of Ford, but then, they did not know him as I did. The Keystone Cop rattled on and on about "how lucky" I was until my father paid my bail and I was released from the cell. That night, I wore my Catholic uniform as instructed and went into a dissociative trance as my father drove me to the local National Guard Armory where I was prostituted to Ford. Ford took me into an empty room, pushed me down on the wooden floor as he unzipped his pants and said, "Pray on this". Then he brutally, sexually assaulted me. Afterward, my memory was compartmentalized through use of high voltage. I was then carried out to the car where I lay in the back seat, muscles contracted, stunned, in pain, and unable to move. When we got back to Muskegon, my father sent me to the beach as always, to let the repetition of crashing waves against the beach "wash my mind free of memory" while I watched the sun set. I was totally locked into the belief that truly there was "no place to run," not even to the President of the United States. Parent Post Quick reply to this message Reply Reply With Quote Reply With Quote Multi-Quote This Message Thanks Bookmark Post 8. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Bluegreen For This Post:
(Today), mojo (Today), RunningDeer (Today) 9. Today 02:15 Link to Post #85 *Bluegreen* Bluegreen is offline United States Avalon Member Bluegreen's Avatar Join Date 18th July 2014 Location Ø Language ¿ Posts 8,310 Thanks 40,838 Thanked 40,759 times in 7,618 posts Default Re: Cathy O'Brien: The Tranceformation of America */The Most Dangerous Game/* _*/Chapter 4/*_ When I learned of a pending rendezvous with Senator Byrd in Traverse City, Michigan (VanderJagt's headquarters), I stole some candy at a local convenience market hoping to go to jail and escape my encounter with Byrd. I was caught, and the police were even called. But, of course, my poetically powerful abusers would not allow for me to have a police record. The entire matter was not-so-mysteriously and suddenly dropped. My only "punishment" was to have a conference with the school principal, Father Vesbit. Father Vesbit knew I was part of Project Monarch, and handled the matter accordingly. He raped me in the school's private chapel after school while holding a Satanic ritual involving several of my project friends. Kids often attached nicknames to their teachers, and there were only a few of us who knew the reason why Father Vesbit was called Father "Fuzzbutt". His backside was covered with thick black hair. He "counseled" me on several occasions, once remarking, "I thought kids in your situation were all part of the Exchange Student program." My Uncle Bob Tanis was visiting our house soon after that. He had flown in from what he claimed was a "black ops" Air Force Intelligence operation. I know now that in typical CIA mode of operations, he was relating a story of lies salted with some truth. His point was to inform me that the Catholic Church is "justified" in its involvement with our government due to the Priests' "hearing confessions from mobsters and spies". /33rd Degree Mason Uncle Bob Tanis/ He also explained that Exchange Students were "spies in the making" that Priests found, through Confession, were problems. Thus they were considered expendable and transferred out of the country. He then suggested to my father that I see the school guidance counselor, CIA Operative Dennis DeLaney, immediately. My father enthusiastically told me that DeLaney was a long time friend of his from St. Francis who "knew how to handle kids like me". Arrangements were made for me to see him after school. DeLaney began by informing me that he was "aware of everything" and that he knew just what I needed "to put me back on track". He said that my family needed to lake a trip to the Teton Mountains of Wyoming. He even provided maps and information in an envelope for my father. He turned off the lights in his office, and turned on a slide projector. He showed me scenes of the numerous waterfalls of the Tetons, all of which were to "wash my brain" of the reality that I was performing oral sex on him as ordered while the slides ran. Then he scheduled a follow up appointment for further "counseling". This trip to the Tetons would provide a change of scenery tram the usual Mackinac/Niagara Falls trip, but I could no longer hope for a change in the direction life was leading me. I was told my life was "predestined," and all I had to do was follow the road stretched out before me, i.e., the "Yellow Brick Road". I was destined for Wyoming, but would not know why until I arrived. I confirmed the family trip to the Tetons when I saw DeLaney for my follow-up "counseling". He informed me that he had already talked to my father about the trip, as well as our upcoming trip to Disney World in Florida. I was not surprised to learn of an additional trip. Nor did I have the capacity to become excited, suspicious, or apprehensive. I was aware that DeLaney was heavily involved in Project Monarch, not only because he was accessing my sexual personalities again, but because he was helping to pave the way toward my destiny of total mind control. During Christmas vacation of 1974, my father flew us all to Disney World by route of Tampa, Florida. Ignorant of geography, it did not occur to me that Tampa was out of the way to Disney World until my father drove the rented van to the gates of MacDill Air Force Base. Military personnel met me there and escorted me into the base TOP SECRET high tech mind-control conditioning facility for "behavioral modification" programming. This was the first in what became a routine series of mind-control testing and/or programming sessions on government installations that I would endure throughout my Project Monarch victimization. /MacDill AFB – Tampa, Florida/ Whether I was in a military, NASA, or government building, the procedure for maintaining me under total mind control remained consistent with Project Monarch requirements. This included prior physical and/or psychological trauma; sleep, food, and water deprivation; high voltage electric shock; and hypnotic and/or harmonic programming of specific memory compartments/personalities. The high tech equipment and methodisms I endured from that time on gave the U.S. government absolute control of my mind and life. I had been literally driven out of my conscious mind and existed only through my programmed subconscious. I lost my free will, ability to reason, and could not think to question anything that was happening to me. I could only do as I was told. After the MacDill Air Force Base experience, my home life worsened. The controls and conditioning that my father and mother executed on me tightened even more. I was no longer permitted to have any contact with my own brothers and sister (I only had one younger sister at that time). This stopped me in my subconscious efforts to protect them from my father's abuse, and left me with a desperate, empty aching for the loving relationships I previously shared with them. Of course, I never was able to protect them any more than I could defend myself or later protect my own daughter. However, until government programming began, I had routinely "baby sat" them every evening and took them for long walks that lasted for hours in my feeble attempt to keep them out of my parents' range. Subconsciously I believed I was making a difference. The day my youngest brother told my mother he much preferred my company over hers was the day I could no longer be near him or my other brothers and sister. Apparently I was making enough of a difference that my parents were compelled to separate me from them. I was ordered to my closet-sized bedroom in the garage as soon as I got home from school or work. I could not speak to, look at, or hug my brothers and sister. I was not permitted to eat dinner with my family, although they let me out of my room to set the table, wash dishes, and do other chores. If I ventured from my bedroom to use the bathroom and was caught by my mother, she said, "nobody rattled your cage" and ordered me back to my room in the garage. In the summer of 1975, my family drove all the way from Michigan to the Teton Mountains of Wyoming. I was ordered to ride in the back storage area of the family Chevy Suburban since 1 was forbidden to associate or communicate with my brothers and sister. So I dissociated into books, or into the metaphorical, hypnotic suggestions from my father and tranced deeper as I watched the prairies seemingly endless sea of "amber waves of grain" streak past my window. Once when we stopped at a gas station, my father took me inside to show me a stuffed "jackalope" mounted on the wall. Due to my tranced, dissociative state and high suggestibility level, I believed it was indeed a cross between a jack rabbit and antelope. It was 100+ degrees in the Badlands when it cooled down at night. The intense heat of the day accentuated my ever increasing thirst. My father was physically preparing me though water deprivation for the intense tortures and programming I would endure in Wyoming. Dick Cheney, then White House Chief of Staff to president Ford, later Secretary of Defense to President George Bush and Vice President to George Bush Jr, documented member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), was originally Wyoming's only Congressman. Dick Cheney was the reason my family had traveled to Wyoming where I endured yet another form of brutality— his version of "A Most Dangerous Game", or human hunting. Parent Post Quick reply to this message Reply Reply With Quote Reply With Quote Multi-Quote This Message Thanks Bookmark Post 10. The Following User Says Thank You to Bluegreen For This Post: (Today) 11. Today 02:24 Link to Post #86 *Bluegreen* Bluegreen is offline United States Avalon Member Bluegreen's Avatar Join Date 18th July 2014 Location Ø Language ¿ Posts 8,310 Thanks 40,838 Thanked 40,759 times in 7,618 posts Default Re: Cathy O'Brien: The Tranceformation of America It is my understanding now that "A Most Dangerous Game" was devised to condition military personnel in survival and combat maneuvers. Yet it was used on me and other slaves known to me as a means of further conditioning the mind to the realization there was "no place to hide," as well as traumatize the victim for ensuing programming. It was my experience over the years that A Most Dangerous Game had numerous variations on the primary theme of being stripped naked and turned loose in the wilderness while being hunted by men and dogs. In reality, all "wilderness" areas were enclosed in secure military fencing whereby it was only a matter of time until I was caught, repeatedly raped, and tortured. Dick Cheney had an apparent addiction to the "thrill of the sport". He appeared obsessed with playing A Most Dangerous Game as a means of traumatizing mind-control victims, as well as to satisfy his own perverse sexual kinks. My introduction to the game occurred upon arrival at the hunting lodge near Greybull, Wyoming, and it physically and psychologically devastated me. /Dick Cheney – Always pissed off/ I was sufficiently traumatized for Cheney's programming as I stood naked in his hunting lodge office after being hunted down and caught. Cheney was talking as he paced around me, "I could stuff you and mount you like a jack lope and call you a two legged dear. Or I could stuff you with this (he unzipped his pants to reveal his oversized penis) right down your throat, and then mount you. Which do you prefer?" Blood and sweat became mixed with the dirt on my body and slid like mud down my legs and shoulder. I throbbed with exhaustion and pain as I stood unable to think to answer such a question. "Make up your mind," Cheney coaxed. Unable to speak, I remained silent. "You don't get a choice, anyway, I make up your mind for you. That's why you're here. For me to make you a' mind, and make you mine/mind. You lost your mind a long time ago. Now I'm going to give you one. Just like the Wizard (of Oz) gave Scarecrow a brain, the Yellow Brick Road led you here to me. You've 'come such a long, long way' for your brain, and I will give you one." The blood reached my shoes and caught my attention. Had I been further along in my programming, I perhaps would never have noticed such a thing or had the capability to think to wipe it away. But so far, I had only been to MacDill and Disney World for government/military programming. At last, when I could speak, I begged, "If you don't mind, can I please use your bathroom?" Cheney's face turned red with rage. He was on me in an instant, slamming my back into the wall with one arm across my chest and his hand on my throat, choking me while applying pressure to the carotid artery in my neck with his thumb. His eyes bulged and he spit as he growled, "If you don't mind me, I will kill you. I could kill you—Kill you—with my bare hands. You're not the first and you won't be the last. I'll kill you any time I goddamn well please." He flung me on the cot-type bed that was behind me. There he finished taking his rage out on me sexually. On the Long trip back to Michigan, I lay in a heap behind the scats of the Suburban, nauseated and hurting from Cheney's brutality and high voltage tortures, plus the whole Wyoming experience. My father stopped by the waterfalls flowing through the Tetons to "wash my brain" of the memory of Cheney, I could barely walk through the woods to the falls for the process as instructed, despite having learned my lessons well from Cheney on following orders. The next year when our "annual" trip to Disney World rolled around, my father drove, pulling his new Holiday Rambler Royale International trailer. (I slept outside in a tent because I was not permitted inside it since "I wasn't family".) My father dropped me off en route at the Kennedy Space Center in Titusville, Florida where I was subjected to my first NASA programming. From then on, I was "obsessed" with following the "Yellow Brick Road" to Nashville, Tennessee. Moving to Nashville was all I could talk about. If anyone asked me the question I could not think to ask myself "Why?", I would respond by reiterating it was something "I had to do". I had gone through the motions of my senior year in a dissociative trance. I became further distanced from religious values by my religion class teacher. Brother Emmett. This was due to his promotion of cannibalism via Pier Paul Reed's book Alive, and by his teachings at a religious 'corseal' retreat I attended that included occult ritual at ST. Francis Church. I graduated from Muskegon Catholic Central High School in our bicentennial year of 1976. I was led by Senator Byrd to revise my plan to attend Hope College like I had promised VanderJagt as a child. This new plan was for me to temporarily attend Muskegon Community College, because my "real education" was to come through mind-control programming-not school. In order to be exhausted, as was necessary for my "real education," I worked three menial jobs in addition to attending college. During my first semester of college in 1976, I made plans to take a trip to Nashville with my Project Monarch friend from Catholic Central. (She remains an expendable victim to date, and therefore her identity must be protected from public release for her safety.) My father explained that I was to stay at the Fiddler's Inn in Nashville, see the World Famous Printer's Alley row of sleazy country music nightclubs, and attend the Grand Ole Opry On Friday night, as ticket arrangements had been made through a "friend," in spite of their scarcity during the Thanksgiving holiday. Source: I never thought to associate Fiddler's Inn with Senator Byrd's fiddle playing when my friend and I arrived in Music City, U.S.A. Nor did 1 find it odd when a country music "star" entertaining at the Black Poodle nightclub in Printer's Alley began directing my activities. My friend and I were provided with free passes to the Black Poodle to encourage us to return each night where entertainer and CIA operative Jack Greene and his Desperado band were playing. During breaks between sets, Greene and his band would sit with my friend and me to manipulate our suggestible minds. I was told it was "my destiny" to have met band member, Wayne Cox, who had been trained for paramilitary mercenary operations under Louisiana's U.S. Senator J, Bennett ston, I soon learned that everyone associated with Greene was involved in his CIA "Freedom Train" operations. When I told Greene that my friend and I would not be returning On Friday night due to attending the Grand Ole Opry, he told us that he would be working the Opry that night. He made arrangements for us to come back stage and see him immediately following his segment. He explained that the "security" guard at the Opry, Nashville Metro Police Lt. Bob Ezell, was a good friend of his and would let us in. At the Opry, my friend and I sat in the audience watching as Jack Greene introduced his "special guest," U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd. At the sight of Byrd, I went into a pre-conditioned deep trance and robotically went through the motions of following Greene's instructions. Once backstage, Greene pointed out his dressing room, which he was sharing with Senator Byrd, and ordered me in. The personality that had been sitting in the audience had perceived Byrd as an entertainer and could not, or would not, think further. But as I walked into the dressing room and saw Byrd perched on the edge of the mirrored vanity in his boxer shorts, I switched into the child personality that had known him as a U.S. Senator on Mackinac Island since age 13, and responded sexually. Afterward, Byrd was claiming me as "his," excitedly telling me that he had "always wanted his own little witch". I soon learned the enormity of this statement. Jack Greene's band member, Wayne Cox, later told me that playing music behind Senator Byrd at the Opry was not the only way he "backed him". He also backed him politically and in Freedom Train operations. Cox then made arrangements for my friend and me to stay the remainder of our trip at his trailer in Hendersonville, Tennessee. There was no choice but to comply. /O'Brien's future husband, Wayne Cox/ The following night, after Jack Greene completed his show at the Black Poodle, he drove my friend and me to a nearby participating after-hours club, the Demon's Den. There, Cox was to pick us up and take us to Hendersonville. Instead, we were slipped a drug and taken "on a tour" of Union Station, Nashville's then abandoned train station, where supposedly the only train still running through there was the Freedom Train. Senator Byrd's attempted cultivation of superstition through my Catholic schooling should have maximized the impact of the occult ritual I was subjected to in the tower of the old stone and slate turn-of-the-century train depot. But the pain and horror was sufficiently effective in itself—even without my adhering to superstition-to produce the intended mind shattering results. Cox took my friend and me on a "flashlight tour" through the rubble of Union Station, until we came to a homeless man sleeping on the ground. /Nashville's (then) abandoned train station/ Cox ordered me to "kiss the railroad bum good-bye," then shot him between the eyes while I was still only inches away. He then used a machete to chop off the man's hands, which he put in a zip-lock bag. He then led us up the rickety stairs into the lower of the old depot. There Jack Greene, his band members, and others dressed in black robes were gathered around a black leather alter in a room lit by candles and draped in red velvet. In total shock, I was laid on the alter and subjected to rape and torture while the participants indulged in sex, blood, and cannibalism ritual. The next day I woke up on Cox's couch, vaguely aware that I had suffered a "bad nightmare". When I stood up, I passed out from blood loss. I was bleeding profusely from the vagina. It was all I could do to prepare to drive back to Michigan, and my friend was certainly not in a stable frame of mind to help. I did not know what happened to me, nor was I able to question it. I had a new "obsession" on my mind. I had been programmed at the ritual to move to Nashville and marry Cox, as ordered by Senator Byrd. Back in Michigan, I made the announcement to my parents that I was moving to Nashville to marry Cox, as it was "predestination". What they would not tell me was that my father had just literally SOLD me to Senator Byrd in exchange for lucrative military contracts that made him a millionaire overnight—a millionaire on a sixth grade education—a perverse, child exploiting criminal, immune from prosecution, working as a CIA operative for the U.S. government! That mind shattering occult ritual I endured in Nashville marked a new life of wealth and prestige for my father white thrusting me into a new phase of my torturous existence-and I had no choice in any of it. Proofby doug - 2022-05-11 ( education / research ) [html version]Vote fraud proof. If you ever had any doubt that the criminal biden family stole the 2020 election, this new movie proves it completely. Only a complete moron and liar would dare to claim otherwise after watching this: "Elites" Walk Back Covid Alarmismby steve - 2022-05-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I figure Plan A was to kill billions with the vax, so now they need Plan B and it could be mini nukes On Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 08:46:14 AM someone wrote: This likely means they've given up on getting more people to change their DNA with the jab, so the pressure is coming off. Aren't you glad you resisted? Societal Collapseby doug - 2022-05-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I never considered this factor of diesel but you'll learn from this message (to the future people who survived the planned collapse) what's happening today and THIS MONTH to crush the economy and all the ramifications of it. Laugh if off if you still think pedo joe won in 2020. Because that's completely delusional and you won't feel any need to prepare for this incredible disaster approaching. The Alien Cardby steve - 2022-05-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]So, will the try to pull off "Project Bluebeam", where we're shown some "space alien" for the purpose of saying Jesus was an alien so people aban Christianity? Yeah, the whole deal with the WHO taking over the world is ominous. Are the people that stupid to allow it? On Thursday, May 12, 2022, 07:34:03 AM someone wrote: The Tucker Carlson Show the Other Nightby steve - 2022-05-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The sky is falling, it hit me on the head! (ignore the Vostok ice core DATA that SHOWS that higher CO2 follows warming and not causing it) This article isn't worth reading because they ignore their own graph that SHOWS CO2 getting higher after warming so just look at it: This article talks of the same data but the data is shown in two graphs and it's not so easy to compare: CO2 vs Temperature: Last 400,000 years On Friday, May 13, 2022, 08:51:24 AM someone wrote:
says climate lockdowns are coming: Biden's US is a banana republic why never to talk to fbi FBI: " get him to lie" WHO Hot Airby doug - 2022-05-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]These are great comments about the attempted world takeover with medical fascism by the WHO. Hopefully it calms some fears. Blatant Medical Fraudby steve - 2022-05-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]90% of the population can't handle the truth that the gov't isn't really their benevolent "daddy" (they're not really adults). is reading another book, "The Truth about covid -19" that documents (again, but that 90% can't handle facts) how it was always a SCAM! It's a "disease" of OLD PEOPLE who were about to die anyway. The TOTAL deaths since covid has NOT INCREASED. "positive tests/cases" MEAN NOTHING because there is NO INCREASE in deaths. If the first FOUR INJECTIONS DID NO GOOD, why would you continue to get them (especially when it's been ADMITTED that the jabs DO NOT STOP you from getting sick and DO NOT stop a sick person from transmitting it?) On Monday, May 16, 2022, 09:23:13 AM : Wow. Of course, nothing will come of it because, as said, everyone's afraid of going against the official narrative. ~ N95 masks filter most germs, bacteria & bodily fluids, not viruses. So, unless you're coughing, sneezing and/or spitting on people, there's no point wearing a mask. Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 10:14 AM las We all know this happened countless times during this scamdemic, but this testimony before Congress is an excellent example to be shared. If you simply ask why this is happening, there is no possible answer than the CDC wants mass death. This is the blatant proof of the depopulation agenda. I would be interested to hear if you can interpret it in any other way. I got a link from a friend that doesn't require you to subscribe to fascist book. Did Pfizer Commit Huge Fraud in Its Covid Shot Research?by bill - 2022-05-21 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]Probably. They have a history of it..
Fbi Operation in Texas School Shootingby doug - 2022-05-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]More FBI false flags revealed: Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2022 4:06 AM speculation and opinion On 5/28/22 01:54: Yea, should be obvious Sent: Friday, May 27, 2022 10:39 PM reasonable evidence that police were told to "stand down" (to allow MORE DEATHS): Situation Update, 5/27/22 -- Uvalde massacre was a PLANNED STAND DOWN operation It's now 100% clear that the Uvalde mass shooting was a "stand down operation," meaning law enforcement was deli... On Friday, May 27, 2022, 10:02:53 PM : If you didn't immediately know it was our corrupt government behind this shooting you have not learned how evil they are now. Maybe it's time to wake up? Unthinking zombies will just keep swallowing all the fake crap of the government which they tell through the old media. I hope by now all who are receiving this email have figured out the scam and depth of evil we're dealing with. The motive is obvious -- take everyone's guns and cancel the 2nd amendment -- you know the one that helps protect citizens from a corrupt government? FBI Operation in Texasby doug - 2022-05-31 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]If you didn't immediately know it was our corrupt government behind this shooting you have not learned how evil they are now. Maybe it's time to wake up? Unthinking zombies will just keep swallowing all the fake crap of the government which they tell through the old media. I hope by now all who are reading this have figured out the scam and depth of evil we're dealing with. The motive is obvious: take everyone's guns and cancel the 2nd amendment -- you know, the one that helps protect citizens from a corrupt government? Watch Watch on BitChute Using Frequencies to Manipulateby doug - 2022-06-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Here is the link: Watch on BitChute Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 6:33 PM Research from the 1970s but going back to the 50s is discussed here. She mentions a podcast with a lot more details I'll have to find. Rwanda's genocide seems to be the results of such manipulation. And now they have had another FIFTY years to perfect it. Oh, but that would be another conspiracy theory! Most likely they got a conscience and forgot all about it :-) right? Might cause people to severely reduce the time that they spend on their "smart" phone. See also: schumann-resonances Scumbag Govt Goes After a Heroby doug - 2022-06-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]He dared to save his child's life and others, resulting in fewer deaths and Pedo joe's disgusting govt can't allow that! Pfizer Bombshellby doug - 2022-06-05 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Thanks to an honest judge Pfizer was not allowed to let everyone living today be dead before they would release the covid vax trial data -- wanted to stall 75 years (no kidding). Naomi Wolfe assembled a team of experts to examine the latest document dump and they just threw a bombshell that the gaslighting media is desperate to block from the idiots who rely on gaslight media for all their information. You don't want to miss this. Share the hell out of it, especially to any idiots you know who have supported this murderous Pedo joe regime. It's already a done deal. They've released at least 2 months worth and it must be completed within a year. What's already been released is enough to land these anti-human assholes in prison for mass murder. Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2022 7:19 AM las Re: good news, if it happens some other judge could keep it secret On 6/3/22 23:57: Thanks to an honest judge Pfizer was not allowed to let everyone living today be dead before they would release the covid vax trial data -- wanted to stall 75 years (no kidding). Naomi Wolfe assembled a team of experts to examine the latest document dump and they just threw a bombshell that the gaslighting media is desperate to block from the idiots who rely on gaslight media for all their information. You don't want to miss this. Share the hell out of it, especially to any idiots you know who have supported this murderous Pedo joe regime. Schoolsby doug - 2022-06-08 ( education / research ) [html version]Excellent short interview about schools at every level. Highly recommend. Inventionby doug - 2022-06-09 ( education / research ) [html version]This guy invented something that threatened too many corporations. Reminds me of Nicolai Tesla. Very interesting interview. Check Out this Story from the Epoch Times!by steve - 2022-06-10 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]if anybody watches this video and still accepts the vaqx, they must have a death wish. That is NOT AN EXAGERATION! Too important to not share. I hope you make time to listen to this interview. Read more:"> 3Dref_share&web-cc-epochtv&utm_content=3Dx&rs=3DSHRKVXMF& If you don't have an account with The Epoch Times yet, you will automatically receive another email with a link that gives you free access to read the article. there's lots of ornamental plants that are edible. Dad and Eleanor had a big "false strawberry" bush by their levee gate that had edible fruit On Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 09:26:01 PM : Reminds me that I want to learn about the local plants to forrage. Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 2:05 PMFw: Check out this story from The Epoch Times!= Maybe of interest. I'm sure that it's not possible to forage food in some places, though - Reese Cc: Gift Access Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 12:26:40 PM Man Grew and Foraged 100% of His Food for an Entire Year Read more: If you don't have an account with The Epoch Times yet, you will automatically receive another email with a link that gives you free access to read the article, and also an invite to try full access to the entire website. there's lots of ornamental plants that are edible. Dad and Eleanor had a big "false strawberry" bush by their levee gate that had edible fruit On Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 09:26:01 PM : Reminds me that I want to learn about the local plants to forrage. Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 2:05 PMFw: Check out this story from The Epoch Times!= Maybe of interest. I'm sure that it's not possible to forage food in some places, though - Reese Cc: Gift Access Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 12:26:40 PM Man Grew and Foraged 100% of His Food for an Entire Year Read more: If you don't have an account with The Epoch Times yet, you will automatically receive another email with a link that gives you free access to read the article, and also an invite to try full access to the entire website. there's lots of ornamental plants that are edible. Dad and Eleanor had a big "false strawberry" bush by their levee gate that had edible fruit On Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 09:26:01 PM : Reminds me that I want to learn about the local plants to forrage. Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 2:05 PMFw: Check out this story from The Epoch Times!= Maybe of interest. I'm sure that it's not possible to forage food in some places, though - Reese Cc: Gift Access Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 12:26:40 PM Man Grew and Foraged 100% of His Food for an Entire Year Read more: If you don't have an account with The Epoch Times yet, you will automatically receive another email with a link that gives you free access to read the article, and also an invite to try full access to the entire website. there's lots of ornamental plants that are edible. Dad and Eleanor had a big "false strawberry" bush by their levee gate that had edible fruit
On Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 09:26:01 PM : Reminds me that I want to learn about the local plants to forrage. Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 2:05 PM Fw: Check out this story from The Epoch Times!= Maybe of interest. I'm sure that it's not possible to forage food in some places, though - [wife] Reese Cc: Gift Access Sent: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 12:26:40 PM
Man Grew and Foraged 100% of His Food for an Entire Year Read more: If you don't have an account with The Epoch Times yet, you will automatically receive another email with a link that gives you free access to read the article, and also an invite to try full access to the entire website. Ron Hatton Inventionsby doug - 2022-06-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Ron Hatton figured it all out. He invented something that threatened too many corporations. Reminds me of Nicolai Tesla. Very interesting interview. Killing Babiesby doug - 2022-06-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It should not be that the modern democrat platform is satanic baby killing rituals, but it's a sad fact. Those on the left who are still somewhat sane will want to join with the human race and scream to high heaven against what the evil FDA (puppets taking orders from the anti-human globalists / cult) want to do next to decimate the babies around the world. After all, even Democrats were babies once. One would think there are still enough not in a trance that together we can shout down these incredibly evil bastards at the FDA to prevent their mass genocide depopulation plans. Sharing is caring. Glimpse this Futureby doug - 2022-06-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Through the eyes of Chinese we have an incredible glimpse into the future if humanity doesn't unite and reject the digital ID / passports of the globalists, brought to us by puppets like the biden regime, Australia, Justin Castro (illegitimate ruler in Canada), etc. You don't want to miss this one as they take you through the horrors that await people who are too stupid to fight this now. Every single thing they mention here is what you will get if you remain in a coma about what's really going on. USA Commerce Situationby doug - 2022-06-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This is really fascinating, with some aspects nobody else is talking about yet. If university courses in current events are studying this, it might train young adults for the real world they're heading into -- if the professor isn't too woke or a pedo. by doug - 2022-06-12 ( education / research ) [html version] Some GMO historyby doug - 2022-06-14 ( education / research ) [html version] Minority Report is Not Just Fictionby doug - 2022-06-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]You probably know that it's a movie where the government arrests people for potential crimes -- just thinking it justifies your arrest (thought crimes). Believe it or not, this is actually happening today in America to Americans. It's part of the Patriot Act which gave the government incredible power to act like Nazis. Watch this amazing interview and share it to EVERYONE you know. People must realize just how sick our government is now. It's the only way we can change it, by making people aware. And if you can afford it, please consider donating to this man. Sunshine and cancerby doug - 2022-06-15 ( education / research ) [html version]Very interesting Blood Clotsby doug - 2022-06-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]New discovery by Adams revealed they are not really blood clots. My guess is it's the DARPA evil Frankenstein research he discovered that people chose to participate in -- so nice of them! So calling them "clot shots" isn't really accurate. dr robert young on virusesby don - 2022-06-15 ( education / research ) [html version]it's all BS: Australia proves vaxes harmful, ineffectiveby don - 2022-06-18 ( education / research ) [html version]starved by Chineseby don - 2022-06-19 ( education / research ) [html version]which explains why Biden wants a war with Russia, to occupy our military while China kicks our asses On 6/18/22 17:49 someone wrote:
a year ago Psychic Bonni told me we were already in WW3 with China, but that it was a covert war so far. On 6/18/22 5:46 PM someone wrote: 1/11/21 A fire that destroyed 75,000-square-foot processing plant in Fayetteville 4/30/21 A fire ignited inside the Smithfield Foods pork processing plant in Monmouth, IL 7/25/21 Three-alarm fire at Kellogg plant in Memphis, 170 emergency personnel responded to the call 7/30/21 Firefighters on Friday battled a large fire at Tyson's River Valley Ingredients plant in Hanceville, Alabama 8/23/21 Fire crews were called to the Patak Meat Production company on Ewing Road in Austell 9/13/21 A fire at the JBS beef plant in Grand Island, Neb., on Sunday night forced a halt to slaughter and fabrication lines 10/13/21 A five-alarm fire ripped through the Darigold butter production plant in Caldwell, ID 11/15/21 A woman is in custody following a fire at the Garrard County Food Pantry 11/29/21 A fire broke out around 5:30 p.m. at the Maid-Rite Steak Company meat processing plant 12/13/21 West Side food processing plant in San Antonio left with smoke damage after a fire 1/7/22 Damage to a poultry processing plant on Hamilton's Mountain following an overnight fire 1/13/22 Firefighters worked for 12 hours to put a fire out at the Cargill-Nutrena plant in Lecompte, LA 1/31/22 a fertilizer plant with 600 tons of ammonium nitrate inside caught on fire on Cherry Street in Winston-Salem 2/3/22 A massive fire swept through Wisconsin River Meats in Mauston 2/3/22 At least 130 cows were killed in a fire at Percy Farm in Stowe 2/15/22 Bonanza Meat Company goes up in flames in El Paso, Texas 2/15/22 Nearly a week after the fire destroyed most of the Shearer's Foods plant in Hermiston 2/16/22 A fire had broken at US largest soybean processing and biodiesel plant in Claypool, Indiana 2/18/22 An early morning fire tore through the milk parlor at Bess View Farm 2/19/22 Three people were injured, and one was hospitalized, after an ammonia leak at Lincoln Premium Poultry in Fremont 2/22/22 The Shearer's Foods plant in Hermiston caught fire after a propane boiler exploded 2/28/22 A smoldering pile of sulfur quickly became a raging chemical fire at Nutrien Ag Solutions 2/28/22 A man was hurt after a fire broke out at the Shadow Brook Farm and Dutch Girl Creamery 3/4/22 294,800 chickens destroyed at farm in Stoddard, Missouri 3/4/22 644,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland 3/8/22 243,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in New Castle, Delaware 3/10/22 663,400 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, MD 3/10/22 915,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Taylor, IA 3/14/22 The blaze at 244 Meadow Drive was discovered shortly after 5 p.m. by farm owner Wayne Hoover 3/14/22 2,750,700 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Jefferson, Wisconsin 3/16/22 A fire at a Walmart warehouse distribution center has cast a large plume of smoke visible throughout Indianapolis. 3/16/22 Nestle Food Plant extensively damaged in fire and new production destroyed Jonesboro, Arkansas 3/17/22 5,347,500 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Buena Vista, Iowa 3/17/22 147,600 chickens destroyed at farm in Kent, Delaware 3/18/22 315,400 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland 3/22/22 172,000 Turkeys destroyed on farms in South Dakota 3/22/22 570,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Butler, Nebraska 3/24/22 Fire fighters from numerous towns are battling a major fire at the McCrum potato processing facility in Belfast. 3/24/22 418,500 chickens destroyed at farm in Butler, Nebraska 3/25/22 250,300 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Franklin, Iowa 3/26/22 311,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota 3/27/22 126,300 Turkeys destroyed in South Dakota 3/28/22 1,460,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Guthrie, Iowa 3/29/22 A massive fire burned 40,000 pounds of food meant to feed people in a food desert near Maricopa 3/31/22 A structure fire caused significant damage to a large portion of key fresh onion packing facilities in south Texas 3/31/22 76,400 Turkeys destroyed in Osceola, Iowa 3/31/22 5,011,700 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Osceola, Iowa 4/6/22 281,600 chickens destroyed at farm in Wayne, North Carolina 4/9/22 76,400 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota 4/9/22 208,900 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota 4/12/22 89,700 chickens destroyed at farm in Wayne, North Carolina 4/12/22 1,746,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Dixon, Nebraska 4/12/22 259,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Minnesota 4/13/22 fire destroys East Conway Beef & Pork Meat Market in Conway, New Hampshire 4/13/22 Plane crashes into Gem State Processing, Idaho potato and food processing plant 4/13/22 77,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota 4/14/22 Taylor Farms Food Processing plant burns down Salinas, California. 4/14/22 99,600 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota 4/15/22 1,380,500 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Lancaster, Minnesota 4/19/22 Azure Standard nation's premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food, was destroyed by fire in Dufur, Oregon 4/19/22 339,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota 4/19/22 58,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Montrose, Color 4/20/22 2,000,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Minnesota 4/21/22 A small plane crashed in the lot of a General Mills plant in Georgia 4/22/22 197,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota 4/23/22 200,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota 4/25/22 1,501,200 chickens destroyed at egg farm Cache, Utah 4/26/22 307,400 chickens destroyed at farm Lancaster Pennsylvania 4/27/22 2,118,000 chickens destroyed at farm Knox, Nebraska 4/28/22 Egg-laying facility in Iowa kills 5.3 million chickens, fires 200-plus workers 4/28/22 Allen Harim Foods processing plant killed nearly 2M chickens in Delaware 4/2822 110,700 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin 4/29/22 1,366,200 chickens destroyed at farm Weld Colorado 4/30/22 13,800 chickens destroyed at farm Sequoia Oklahoma 5/3/22 58,000 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin 5/3/22 118,900 Turkeys destroyed Beadle S Dakota 5/3/22 114,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania 5/3/22 118,900 Turkeys destroyed Lyon Minnesota 5/7/22 20,100 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin 5/10/22 72,300 chickens destroyed at farm Lancaster Pennsylvania 5/10/22 61,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania 5/10/22 35,100 Turkeys destroyed Muskegon, Michigan 5/13/22 10,500 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin 5/14/22 83,400 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania 5/17/22 79,00 chickens destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania 5/18/22 7,200 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania 5/19/22 Train carrying limestone derailed Jensen Beach FL 5/21/22 57,000 Turkeys destroyed on farm in Dakota Minnesota 5/23/22 4,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania 5/29/22 A Saturday night fire destroyed a poultry building at Forsman Farms 5/31/22 3,000,000 chickens destroyed by fire at Forsman facility in Stockholm Township, Minnesota 6/2/22 30,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania 6/7/22 A fire occurred Tuesday evening at the JBS meat packing plant in Green Bay. 6/8/22 Firefighters from Tangipahoa Fire District 1 respond to a fire at the Purina Feed Mill in Arcola 6/9/22 Irrigation water was canceled in California (the #1 producer of food in the US) and storage water flushed directly out to the delta. 6/12/22 Largest Pork Company in the US Shuts Down California Plant Due to High Costs 6/13/22 Fire Breaks Out at a Food Processing Plant West of Waupaca County in Wisconsin On 6/18/22 16:09: But it's all just random, right? Can't possibly be an agenda. No possible conspiracy plotting. Ok, back to lala land where no thinking is allowed. Saturday, June 18, 2022 12:01 PM las We just talked to a woman who has a sister up in Idaho. Her sister said they weren't going to plant this year. Why? The bank was who ordered the seed each year (I don't know why, maybe because the bank financed it) and the bank didn't order it this year because a Chinese bank took over that bank and didn't want to order the seed. Mass Formationby doug - 2022-06-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]If you haven't yet heard about this term which is apparently over 100 years old, you may really enjoy this interview. Even if you saw his interview with James Corbett, you will likely love the expanded comments in this one from last Thursday. And don't miss the "man on the street" segment at the very end. So interesting to see the reactions of "true believers" nearly knocked out of their trance as their brain "does not compute" the glaring flaw in their thought process. find a springby don - 2022-06-22 ( education / research ) [html version]found this too If you see water flowing in follow it and youll find spring. Make sure though that it does not rain for the last 24 hours. A week without rain is better *How to INSTALL YOUR OWN WELL with a Sledge Hammer for FREE OFF GRID WATER* (7:50) Drill a WELL in YOUR BACKYARD YOURSELF in a day with basic tools. Step by step of how I did it & you can too . FREE water for lawns, gardening, household use & more. You will not believe how easily this can be done & low cost. All Parts & Tools: Well Parts: Sand Point: Pitcher Pump: Well Couplers: Hammer Smash Cap: Pipe 4 foot: (5 pack) or can be bought locally Well Tools: Megaloc Pipe Dope: Monster Pipe Tape: Pipe Wrench: Post Hole Digger: Before you dig be sure to call dig safe or your local authority to mark out any lines or other potential hazards that could be underground. On 6/21/22 06:52 someone wrote:
list of water springs New Book Published in the Azoresby doug - 2022-06-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This new book was published in the Azores. I'll have to buy a copy. X22 reportby don - 2022-06-22 ( education / research ) [html version]About a year and a half ago I filled a bunch of 5gal containers with gas because it was cheap then. I was afraid it might have gone bad,because I never put Stbil in it, but it didn't go bad, smells fine, and is running fine in my car. On 6/21/22 19:21: remember that gas can "go bad" but there are "extenders" that can make it last 2 years On Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 02:28:13 PM , wrote:
Sounds like what I did. Just a month ago I bought 2 used generators. A nd I've been buying gas cans. So I need to stock up on gas
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 1:35 PM Re: you can buy a converter for propane I bought a generator and converter over a year ago, but I haven't opened any of the boxes. I need to set up a transfer switch at the electric panel so it will run the whole house --of course, only worried about the fridge On 6/21/22 06:36:
Too bad my generator runs on gasoline * Sent: *Tuesday, June 21, 2022 6:14 AM ; Subject: *Re: if Obama ordered a lot of huge propane tanks, it probably means he's worried about power outages maybe we should be too On 6/20/22 22:21: Controlled opposition I use to like to listen until it became clear he's either delusional or a hopium vendor. And you can't find time for recommended videos -- there's where you have some time management options. Monday, June 20, 2022 7:32 PM
In general, I think this guy is just another puppet. I'll have to think about what he's saying about cryptocurrency Azoresby steve - 2022-06-23 ( education / research ) [html version]I bought a copy. I figure he deserves it and maybe it is a simple enough story for dense people to wake up
On Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 02:36:08 AM PDT: This new book was published in the Azores. I'll have to buy a copy. Peby doug - 2022-06-23 ( education / research ) [html version]Funny p________________________________ pon behalf of JP Sears pSent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 6:27 AM p pLet's just blame Russia. p pHey Freedom-Fighter! pIn this segment of Lies You Can Trust, we take a break from committee coverage of the insurrection that "never happened" to bring to you the inside scoop of recently released network news show ratings. Who has the most views CNN, Fox News or yours truly? Remember, numbers are #facts. pGrab some propaganda popcorn and watch it here. p pFor my next video I confront a loyal Uncle Joe supporter to discuss gas prices, food shortages, and inflation -- all the while a big, black goat gets a bit overly friendly. Don't worry, no animals were harmed while making this video. (Though if it were, we would just blame Russia.) Enjoy People Who Still Support Biden here! p pIf you love the red-white-and-blue as much as I do, check out our Independence Day Collection mech. Grab it by tomorrow (6/23), so you can spread the free-thinking vibes this July 4th! pRemember, we are home of the free because of the BRAVE! p p p p pSHOP ALL pTogether we are TEAM FREEDOM! pJP pPS) Avoid looking like a communist sympathizer, and make sure to place an order by tomorrow (6/23) to get your freedom merch in time for the 4th! Shop here. pAwaken with JP pPO BOX 92135 6104 Old Fredericksburg Rd, Austin, TX, United States, 78709 pTo update or remove your contact information please Manage Your Subscription. p p People who still support Biden be likeby doug - 2022-06-23 ( education / research ) [html version] ________________________________ on behalf of JP Sears Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 6:27 AM
Let's just blame Russia.
Hey Freedom-Fighter! In this segment of Lies You Can Trust, we take a break from committee coverage of the insurrection that "never happened" to bring to you the inside scoop of recently released network news show ratings. Who has the most views CNN, Fox News or yours truly? Remember, numbers are #facts. Grab some propaganda popcorn and watch it here.
For my next video I confront a loyal Uncle Joe supporter to discuss gas prices, food shortages, and inflation -- all the while a big, black goat gets a bit overly friendly. Don't worry, no animals were harmed while making this video. (Though if it were, we would just blame Russia.) Enjoy People Who Still Support Biden here!
If you love the red-white-and-blue as much as I do, check out our Independence Day Collection mech. Grab it by tomorrow (6/23), so you can spread the free-thinking vibes this July 4th! Remember, we are home of the free because of the BRAVE!
SHOP ALL Together we are TEAM FREEDOM! JP PS) Avoid looking like a communist sympathizer, and make sure to place an order by tomorrow (6/23) to get your freedom merch in time for the 4th! Shop here. Awaken with JP PO BOX 92135 6104 Old Fredericksburg Rd, Austin, TX, United States, 78709 To update or remove your contact information please Manage Your Subscription.
The Coming Monthsby doug - 2022-06-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I think this is pretty good news from someone who seldom makes bad predictions. And his reasoning seems sound. So if he is right the near term isn't going to be too bad . Why No Arrests?by doug - 2022-06-24 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]This is why. Yea that's one of the things she sells to earn money and stay afloat with all the censorship. I tried it in 2020 for but she didn't seem to notice any difference. Corey is a top level investigative journalist. Maybe you have heard of Corey's Digs. I just subscribed to her on Bitchute. Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2022 9:02 PM Re: I just started to listen and C60 was advertised. I looked it up. It's in olive oil. Gee, what a coincidence. Tomorrow I'm going to help with olive harvesting: What is C60 in Olive Oil?SES Research, Inc. -- Houston, TX What is C60 in Olive Oil?SES Research, Inc. -- Houston, TX What is C60 in Olive Oil? Find out more about its benefits for your health inside. Contact SES Research " Hous...
On Saturday, October 15, 2022 at 08:46:55 PM : This is new information you very likely don't have yet and really need concerning untouchable corporations and related groups. Plus it offers very interesting solutions. Diesel Engine Oilby steve - 2022-06-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Adams annoys me with his sensationalism so I couldn't get myself to watch his video.On the other hand, diesel engines can run on recycled vegetable oil and I'm on a FB group that has told all about it (and it's USUALLY FREE from restaurants and such) On Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 09:16:39 AM : It's going to get very rough if the country runs out. Diesel Engine Oil Shortageby staff - 2022-06-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It's going to get very rough if the country runs out. Read, listen or watch the rest here video A Basic Understanding of Societyby doug - 2022-06-26 ( education / research / people ) [html version]It is incredibly critical that people are aware of all the details explained in this video. Without this understanding people will be in the dark and have no clue about what is going on. One Thousand Athletesby doug - 2022-06-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This video shows 1000 athletes. The youngest I noticed was in 4th grade. They all died during the "vaccine" push. Not all say why they died. I also noticed an NFL player from the Dallas Cowboys I remember died mysteriously this month. A huge number were playing soccer. Many mention the fact they had only recently been injected. Is everyone blind and gullible enough to think the athletes now just die from heart attacks and it's normal?! I'm signed up again to coach soccer for kids from 5-9 years old. I half expect some players on my teams will have a heart attack. It's just so sad this is the world we now have. Will the parents of a dead child finally realize the true cause of death or keep believing the false information and gaslighting of the media? Maybe all children who got injected should have a heart exam to see if they are healthy enough to play sports now. Most Important Court Case in Modern Times?by doug - 2022-06-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]You be the judge: Jesuitsby don - 2022-07-02 ( education / research ) [html version]In2015 Leuren Moret lays out the Jesuit plan for the U.S. No real sources beyond hearsay from personal contacts, but pretty interesting. I want my country backby doug - 2022-07-02 ( education / research ) [html version]Unless you're just plain stupid, what she says here any American will agree with. Happy Independence Day. cure for the cureby don - 2022-07-03 ( education / research ) [html version]seems ivermectin helps with surviving the covid vax also, in an emergency, nicotine. On 7/2/22 23:44: Could instead be just evil, like the current regime
Saturday, July 2, 2022 8:45 PM
Re: anybody who dismisses this is an IDIOT!
On Saturday, July 2, 2022 at 05:15:50 PM wrote: seems ivermectin helps with surviving the covid vax Aliens, Illuminati, J6 Scam, Etcby doug - 2022-07-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Very interesting conversation with Millie Weaver What the Bible Really Saysby doug - 2022-07-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This is fascinating. The rest is added to manipulate people. Emmy Vadnais Interviews Jeffrey Mishlove About the Grand Prize Bigelow Institute Essayby bill - 2022-07-09 ( education / research / religion ) [html version]Mishlove's book seems to be available here: Emmy Vadnais Interviews Jeffrey Mishlove About the Grand Prize Bigelow Institute Essay Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 10:23 PM Jeffrey Mishlove was the winner of Robert Bigelow's essay contest for whoever could present the strongest arguments for the continuation of consciousness after death. On 7/7/2022 6:06 AM someone wrote:
Nature of Realityby doug - 2022-07-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This might be the best explanation yet. the end goalby don - 2022-07-15 ( education / research ) [html version] This is goodby don - 2022-07-16 ( education / research ) [html version]nothing new: shots are destroying blood/brain barrier, causing dementia, strokes, myocarditis, , they knew this ahead of time, that's why they wanted to hide the ingredients for 75 years On 7/14/22 15:53: was there actually anything NEW in the video (I started to watch it and it sounded like it was going to just be more of the same) On Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 01:23:14 PM , wrote:
Short and sweet The Occult Influences of Five Modern Prophetsby admin - 2022-07-17 ( education / research / religion ) [html version]
Story of a Family Doctorby doug - 2022-07-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]She describes her learning process over the years. It mirrors to some degree how we learned about the childhood vax schedule causing physical harm to kids. Because the propaganda is so intense, it takes all parents to learn the hard way about these criminals in pharma. It must happen to you directly before you can wake up to what's really going on. Great Gardening Tipby doug - 2022-07-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version] The Gutenberg Conspiracy (the Media Matrix - Part 1)by staff - 2022-07-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]
See the rest here: The Gutenberg Conspiracy (The Media Matrix -- Part 1) DNA details like you never heardby don - 2022-07-22 ( education / research ) [html version]*In view of the alarming and increasing number of sudden deaths among adults, including young adults, leading American neurologists are urging that each of these cases be autopsied immediately. The aim is to exclude a possible connection with the vaccination or vice versa. People under the age of 40, in particular, are increasingly seeking medical attention for serious problems, explains Dr. Robert Lowry, an expert on concussion and musculoskeletal disorders, reports _ .* The physician, who has practiced medicine for more than 25 years, told award-winning _medical journalist, physician and Berkeley graduate Dr. Jennifer Margulis _ on serious problems experienced by patients, most of whom were in good health before the vaccination, ranging from severe headaches to Bell's palsy (a facial paralysis) to strokes. As Margulis writes, all of these cases were exclusively vaccinated patients. For him, the matter is clear: it cannot be a coincidence. Lowry is convinced that the neurological problems must indeed be side effects of the highly experimental covid vaccine. On 7/21/22 01:41: Really interesting compilation of videos about what the injections are doing. Pretty horific Earlene Perry Wednesday, July 20, 2022 8:04 PM Earlene Perry Please say this doctors in Sweden backing this research app this is shocking Earlene Perry :Give God the Glory!! 9/11 confession by CIA agentby don - 2022-07-23 ( education / research ) [html version] 2017 article I told Dad that if he wanted to "go out with a bang", he ought to confess to killing JFK (Of course, not really)
On Friday, July 22, 2022 at 06:48:44 AM , someone wrote: Crazy stuff but not surprising= On Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 6:42 AM someone wrote: planned climate lockdownsby don - 2022-07-23 ( education / research ) [html version] Ivana death by vaxby don - 2022-07-23 ( education / research ) [html version]here's an expose of that website: On 7/19/22 18:42: Lol, we can always wish such websites told some truth.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022 4:38 PM ;
Re: thanks On 7/19/22 12:56: That website has no credibility. Further down the page is this article: Military Convicts and Executes Sussmann but Sussmann is still alive. * Sent: *Tuesday, July 19, 2022 12:48 PM da Rocha Subject: * pfizer vax made in chinaby don - 2022-07-23 ( education / research ) [html version] gee, might that be a problem?China Has a History of Selling Dangerous Products to U.S. Consumers China Has a History of Selling Dangerous Products to U.S. Consumers y Stewart China has long been a catalyst of consumer product scares. Lumber Liquidators is just the latest in a string of ...
On Friday, July 22, 2022 at 01:16:28 PM someone wrote: The Pyramids Were Giant Musical Instrumentsby admin - 2022-07-24 ( education / research / science / sound ) [html version]
Scarf Ladyby doug - 2022-07-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Remember her? This is a scathing review of her book where she's so stupid that she admits to things a smart person would try to conceal. It's pretty funny. U.S. Navy Brought Down TWA 800by staff - 2022-07-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Just as the French said. "According to a senior member of the staff of then-Secretary of the Navy John Dalton, the test firing of a new generation Navy missile from the submarine USS Seawolf accidentally struck TWA flight 800 enroute from New York to Paris on July 17, 1996. According to the former Navy official, the missile test was so important for the Clinton administration, it was being shown live on a Navy closed-circuit television feed at the White House." Read, listen or watch the rest here: Cutting Edge Research into Clotsby doug - 2022-07-28 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]As you probably already heard, they're not actually blood clots. Here's the latest info about them. Spot the Lieby doug - 2022-07-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Can you do it? :-) Watch the first five minutes, at least, to find out who is our favorite piece of sh-t criminal. What You Might Not Know About Ukraineby steve - 2022-07-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]yes,there's plenty of liberals in our neighborhood with Ukraine flags, clueless that they're on the side of Nazis. I read that they are against Russia because they're racist, say they're the "white race" (yeah, not exactly why leftists say they're for here) and that they consider the Russians to be oriental (also not something that leftists want to be known for being against here) On Friday, July 29, 2022 at 12:08:59 AM : First 5-10 minutes gives the details. He talks specifically about supporting Ukraine is supporting Nazis. Plus more. Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2022 11:21 PM What you might not know about Ukraine= I don't want to watch but already know that the Ukraine had a coup, created by Obama in 2014, which put the Deep State in charge with the Azov and Svoboda NAZI groups and that the biden family has been LAUNDERING MONEY there ever since. Oh yeah, let's not forget the 26 BIOWEAPON LABS they have. Oh yeah, since 2014 the west Ukraine nazis have been bombing east Ukraine, which is Russian, which is why Putin was trying to help them but the "news" won't tell anybody about that because the "news" is owned by the Deep State nazis On Thursday, July 28, 2022 at 11:11:15 PM : But should know. More About Venomby doug - 2022-07-31 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]They're targeting gay males. This is a lot more convincing evidence people were poisoned by snake venom. Listen to how the CIA did this long ago and the almost instant way to make the evidence vanish. Mayorkas and open bordersby don - 2022-07-31 ( education / research ) [html version]Dave Paulides talks to border patrol agents who say Mayorkas is a traitor Benefits of Lithium Orotateby don - 2022-07-31 ( education / research ) [html version]supposedly it cures dementia, but I've been taking it because of my brain surgery. But I just found out lithium can cause kidney damage: 20mg a day (for brain health) is way too low a dosage to harm the kidneys, though On 7/30/22 19:26 someone wrote: supposedly it cures dementia, but I've been taking it because of my brain surgery. But I just found out lithium can cause kidney damage: See also...
CDC Caught Hiding Data, Vaccine Guidance for Toddlersby doug - 2022-08-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Great interview with Dr Mercola. Not sure whether everyone can watch it from this link: Epoch Times Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2022 3:36 AM Dr. Mercola discusses how the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations reshaped the face of American medicine with their Flexner Report in 1910, which cracked down on the ability of physicians to practice holistic medicine. Powerful New Filmby doug - 2022-08-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It probably won't change anyone's mind who can't think or see what's so completely obvious. But at least it puts the truth out there for someone willing to learn something new. Birx - Wow!by doug - 2022-08-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]There's a bunch of information about this scarf lady and there's no way you already know it. Very interesting. The power of the Swampby don - 2022-08-04 ( education / research ) [html version]Trump's 4-year presidency was a demonstration of the power of the Swamp. I wrote to TN senator Blackburn about Biden spying on Tucker Carlson, but, unlike other times, I got no response. I hear on Coast radio that she's in the pocket of big pharma, passing legislation to protect the producers of opioids such as Walgreen's and Purdue Pharmaceuticals. She's big on anti-abortion, because it's a social conservative stance that won't cost her any support from the Swamp, won't cost the Swamp any money. Big Pharma employees think the opioid crisis is funny. One of them re-wrote The Beverly Hillbillies song along the lines of: "This is the story of a man named Fred, poor mountaineer couldn't keep his habit fed." Of course, it fits with the depopulation agenda. On 8/3/22 11:25: Interesting. No surprise whatsoever. And I bet most states have corrupt parties on both sides. There is no way a very red state will easily give up power and control to some newcomer. Dr Shiva ran into this in Massachusetts -- the uniparty. Make Your Assets Invisible to Shakedown Artistsby don - 2022-08-05 ( education / research / investing / advice ) [html version]This video, below, explains that you're better off with an offshore trigger trust, outside the reach of US courts (which may rule that the trust and the trustee are legally the same). Watch it here: offshore trigger trust..." Commentary on the United Abominationsby doug - 2022-08-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Such an excellent interview. I like his "United abomiNations" usage. Alex Newman is really a good listen. There is hope. Funeral Director Commentsby doug - 2022-08-06 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]You may not want to miss what he's saying. Wow And he refused a bribe to shut up so was then targeted and hospitalized after being told this by a government official. This month in BrisbaneDr Luke McLin seems to have lost his job for revealing apparently appalling impacts of vaccines on miscarriage rates for pregnant women. The reports about his data state that 74% of women vaccinated against covid have miscarried compared with normal miscarriage rates of 5-16%. Prima facie it appears possible from these figures that vaccine mandates in McLin part of Brisbane could be killing as many as 50% of babies which women and their families want to have. On 8/4/22 13:22: You may n And he refused a bribe to shut up so was then targeted and hospitalized after being told this by a government official. A New World Order Futureby staff - 2022-08-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The New World Order promises no poverty and no wars. How will they do that? Easy. KILL off all the poor, and have a totalitarian/one-world government so there won't be anybody to fight. Pretty easy, huh? Yeah, the liberals love the idea but are CLUELESS as to the process to accomplish it! U.s. Misleaders are Trying to Start Wwiiiby bill - 2022-08-08 ( education / research / conspiracies / wwiii ) [html version]First, they poked, prodded and goaded Russia into war, but were disappointed when it didn't escalate into nuclear war. It still might, but apparently not quick enough. So, now, they're provoking North Korea and China, hoping one of them will be less restrained than Russia and actually launch nukes. Why? Everyone knows there is no such thing as a winnable nuclear war. Our misleaders are hell-bent (literally) on a drastic reduction in the world's population. covid and its "vaccine" haven't killed enough people quick enough, either. So, what better way to kill a bunch of people, soonest, than to start a nuclear holocaust? They think they'll survive in their underground bunkers. Ooops!by don - 2022-08-09 ( education / research ) [html version]births down, deaths up, since covid vax On 8/7/22 21:00: You gotta hear this conversation! The Trapby doug - 2022-08-09 ( education / research ) [html version]Good find ________________________________ Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2022 1:00 PM Re: Here's an interview with David Icke about his new book. On 8/4/2022 12:22 PM: He talks about it here: ________________________________ Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2022 10:09 AM Re: I looked at the comments to try to figure out what it was about but found no useful comments
On Wednesday, August 3, 2022 at 10:01:29 AM PDT: Anyone ever purchased any David Icke books? If anyone was worthy of support, he's near the very top. This latest book seems of particular interest. From his other comments I think people interested in life after death and going to heaven (i.e. all humans) will find it revealing. I think I AM going to buy this one. Father of Child with Myocarditis Records Pharmacist Admitting Parents Aren't Warned About Side Effectsby doug - 2022-08-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Oops! You gotta hear this conversation! CV19 Vax Nothing Short ofHorrificby don - 2022-08-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The most important thing she said is that by 2000 big pharma was becoming far less profitable due to generic drugs, and that's why they designed the mRNA lipid nanoparticle technology to make people more prone to autoimmune diseases that were previously rare and very profitable to treat. On 8/8/22 17:18: FYI USA Watchdog: CV19 Vax Nothing Short of Horrific Experiment Check out the advertisements after the article. This is getting to the serious end of this situation. I hope you are preparing independently of town infrastructure if you can, at least the water filtration. Live stream - Jeffrey Prather started a Live Stream!by don - 2022-08-10 ( education / research ) [html version] On 8/9/22 12:54: The body bags leaving the white house came from two different videos this past week. I can't remember where but in the first case a lady mentioned a friend who always watches the live feed of the white house and sent her a copy showing two body bags. I believe the second time I heard about it was from Prather. Tuesday, August 9, 2022 10:45 AM Re: where did you get the "body bag" info? On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 09:31:27 AM , wrote:
I think you're right about that. Body bags leaving the white house lately are also mysterious. Is that idiot actually still alive? Tuesday, August 9, 2022 9:08 AM
Re: well, not "all" I don't think that biden is in on it. in his dementia, he probably thinks that he truly won and is truly is considered to be more than an old idiot On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 09:03:22 AM , wrote:
yes, I think that Trump and Putin along with the rest could all be in on the theatrics On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 09:00:28 AM , wrote:
That maybe Trump is in on the theatrics.
Tuesday, August 9, 2022 5:42 AM ;
Re: what point? On 8/8/22 21:26: Good point Don. We have to watch how this all plays out. Monday, August 8, 2022 4:40 PM
Re: "madness *plaquing*our world?" Sounds serious! If they move on to "plaguing", we might really be in trouble. Anyhow, it doesn't look good. Still, in the back of my mind I wonder if ALL of this is just staged stuff, including Putin, for the satanic globalists. On Monday, August 8, 2022 at 04:35:26 PM , wrote:
Complete insanity -- the f--king criminals known as the FBI have raided Trump and broke into his safe. Boy are they going to pay for this . on behalf of Jeffrey Prather Monday, August 8, 2022 4:16 PM
Jeffrey Prather Hi @Rocha, Jeffrey Prather just posted something! Jeffrey Prather @JeffreyPrather Aug 8, 2022 at 7:16pm Breaking! FBI Raids Mar a Lago! View Post Download our App Unsubscribe or you can change your email settings in your notification settings Locals Technology, Inc. 444 Gulf of Mexico Dr Longboat Key, FL, 34228 powered by
interesting discussion about the FBI raid On 8/9/22 5:37 PM: yes, 4-D because he's so smart and will save the world (for somebody)
On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 01:43:15 PM , wrote: Playing 4-D chess again, is he? Ha-ha * Sent: *Tuesday, August 9, 2022 3:34 PM To: * las Subject: *Re: In regards Trump, some others are thinking Trump is possibly involved in this raid plan in order to get even more support for his 3rd win as POTUS. Tuesday, August 9, 2022 11:06 AM ;
Re: On 8/9/22 12:54: The body bags leaving the white house came from two different videos this past week. I can't remember where but in the first case a lady mentioned a friend who always watches the live feed of the white house and sent her a copy showing two body bags. I believe the second time I heard about it was from Prather.
Tuesday, August 9, 2022 10:45 AM
Re: where did you get the "body bag" info?
On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 09:31:27 AM , wrote: I think you're right about that. Body bags leaving the white house lately are also mysterious. Is that idiot actually still alive?
Tuesday, August 9, 2022 9:08 AM
Re: well, not "all" I don't think that biden is in on it. in his dementia, he probably thinks that he truly won and is truly is considered to be more than an old idiot
On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 09:03:22 AM , wrote: yes, I think that Trump and Putin along with the rest could all be in on the theatrics
On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 09:00:28 AM , wrote: That maybe Trump is in on the theatrics. Tuesday, August 9, 2022 5:42 AM ; ;
Re: what point? On 8/8/22 21:26: Good point Don. We have to watch how this all plays out.
Monday, August 8, 2022 4:40 PM
Re: Live stream -- Jeffrey Prather started a Live Stream! "madness *plaquing*our world?" Sounds serious! If they move on to "plaguing", we might really be in trouble. Anyhow, it doesn't look good. Still, in the back of my mind I wonder if ALL of this is just staged stuff, including Putin, for the satanic globalists.
On Monday, August 8, 2022 at 04:35:26 PM , wrote: Complete insanity -- the f--king criminals known as the FBI have raided Trump and broke into his safe. Boy are they going to pay for this . on behalf of Jeffrey Prather Monday, August 8, 2022 4:16 PM
Jeffrey Prather *Hi @Rocha,*** Jeffrey Prather just posted something! *Jeffrey Prather @JeffreyPrather *** Aug 8, 2022 at 7:16pm *Breaking!*** FBI Raids Mar a Lago! *View Post*
*Download our App* Unsubscribe or you can change your email settings in your notification settings Locals Technology, Inc. 444 Gulf of Mexico Dr Longboat Key, FL, 34228 powered by
Globalists Took Over U.S. Navy in Vaby steve - 2022-08-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]NATO Sets Up Headquarters at Norfolk Naval Base Step One, Obama purged the officer corps of people who might put up resistance. Step Two, Biden's handlers put l... On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 12:21:29 PM : Amazing. Listen to this former ACLU employee. Interesting new bookby doug - 2022-08-12 ( education / research ) [html version] Some Great Newsby steve - 2022-08-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I'd love to sue them but I don't have "standing" in the matter (or maybe I do since I had to skip a job because the City of Sacramento required the vax to be hired) On Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 07:38:59 PM : See what you think about this after hearing what this lawyer has to say. I think you will change your opinion. Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2022 7:36 PM Some great news= if they went to jury trial, that would be good but the "justice system" is disgusting and don't hold your breath as any of them getting the imprisonment that they deserve On Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 07:32:07 PM : Listen to this lawyer who has many interesting things to say, but what caught my interest most is his news about the PREP act that most already know shields these criminal pharma demons from liability. Well, the news is that it's a shield in federal court but not state courts. This means there will be an avalanche of lawsuits that I think will eventually shut these f-ckers down. Keith Knight Presents the Voluntaryist Handbookby doug - 2022-08-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]armed, expanded IRSby don - 2022-08-12 ( education / research ) [html version]enough law to put you in the federal slammer if you don't pay I remember asking a lawyer at a gun show if there's a way to not pay taxes as some people there were saying, and he said he's never seen that actually work On 8/10/22 17:04: Something tells me they won't be armed with the actual law that allows them to collect income tax... since it doesn't exist. * Sent: *Wednesday, August 10, 2022 4:49 PM da Rocha Subject: * vax whistleblower murderedby don - 2022-08-13 ( education / research ) [html version]Dr. Andreas Noack did not have a "heart attack" but was MURDERED shortly after making his video. [I][B]WIFE OF DR ANDREAS NOACK REPORTS HIS MURDER 4 DAYS AFTER VID ON NANO-RAZORS OF GRAPHENE HYDROXIDE[/B][/I] [MOV][/MOV][/QUOTE] Whitney Webb Book on Epsteinby don - 2022-08-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]sean stone made a documentary about the satanic elite On 8/13/22 14:42: yup, as the description of the book says, it's what I've been saying for quite some time: nearly century old relationship between both US and Israeli intelligence and the organized criminal network known as the National Crime Syndicate On Saturday, August 13, 2022 at 08:15:45 AM wrote: sean stone made a documentary about the satanic elite On 8/13/22 14:42: yup, as the description of the book says, it's what I've been saying for quite some time: nearly century old relationship between both US and Israeli intelligence and the organized criminal network known as the National Crime Syndicate
On Saturday, August 13, 2022 at 08:15:45 AM wrote: Trump and Ufosby doug - 2022-08-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The globalist puppet masters are not insane. That's the mistake people make and so they underestimate them. They are cold, calculating and evil, so they are also predictable. And they are very arrogant. Yes, they fooled so many but not enough and many who were fooled have wised up to their scams. They will fail because of their arrogance with mistakes like Trump. Sent: Friday, August 12, 2022 10:26 PM he talks of if a nuke were done, there's ways of telling who it was. Well, who would be doing that Identifying? The same people who "informed" us about 911? They could say it was space aliens and most would believe it. The satanic eugenicist globalists want to kill off 90% of the people, as they declared on the Georgia Stones. The "vax" isn't doing much toward that goal. They're insane, so trying to figure out what insane people might do is also insane. On Friday, August 12, 2022 at 09:35:49 PM : Some pretty interesting comments about the latest Nazi tactics of the deep state and biden regime. Story from Vax Trialby doug - 2022-08-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This should be required to watch for all who think the government and especially the vaccine companies are trying to help. You will see what happened and is still happening to a young girl who wanted to help save the world by participating in a vaccine trial. This isn't a conspiracy theory. All this is just plain facts and documented. The parents know gettingry isn't going to help their daughter recover. What seems to be helping at least a little is honest doctors correctly diagnosing her and finally treating. They set up a crowd fund which should be mandatory to donate to for all the people who got these poison injections. It's really heart-breaking. Luckily her brother who also participated in a trial was in the placebo group, but see what they tried to offer him -- so outrageous. Great New Songby doug - 2022-08-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Just debuted today: Go to about the 37:30 minute mark michael shrimpton on 4th reichby don - 2022-08-15 ( education / research ) [html version] This is more clear: In this interview, conducted by Miles ston, "spy writer" Shrimpton opens with a discussion of means and methods employed by elements of the German Intelligence services in staging assassinations and sabotage, specifically conducted by "The DVD," which is an acronym for "Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst" (German Defense Service). Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2022 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: he mentioned the "DVD" a few times. I missed just what that is
On Sunday, August 14, 2022 at 07:50:38 PM : very interesting
On Sunday, August 14, 2022 at 04:31:57 PM someone wrote: The Real Story About Bone Healthby doug - 2022-08-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Very helpful info for older people (not that I'm one!). August 16, 2022 To view today's video, click link: Watch on Rumble BitChute -- Rumble -- Brighteon -- GAB -- @PamPopper in search bar MINDS -- To find Pam, enter @PamPopper in search bar. ODYSEE -- To follow Pam's page, click Follow in upper right area in the banner. Check out Whistleblowerby don - 2022-08-19 ( education / research ) [html version]says Biden admin is child-trafficking on the southern border, 2 to 5k a week: DOJ protects CCP election interferenceby don - 2022-08-19 ( education / research ) [html version] Shocking skeletons of Trumpby don - 2022-08-20 ( education / research ) [html version]I listened and it's good, nothing I didn't already know, though. Like Boris son, he's another populist who sold out his followers to curry favor with the establishment. I wish Icke would do a piece on son. On 8/18/22 22:27: Can't you find a few minutes to watch (at high speed)?
Thursday, August 18, 2022 7:53 PM
Re: so, what did Trump do? On 8/18/22 21:29: yes, trump has always bowed to israel and jared kushner is a major zionist to keep trump in line (and I think bailed donald out of the last bankruptcy). I've always said I don't trust trump. I wish that Candace Owens was more in the news. On Thursday, August 18, 2022 at 07:24:22 PM , wrote:
I'm very disappointed to learn about this today, but people who voted for him should know the truth about him. Yes, I know he was a better choice because the completely corrupt crime family in the office now is way worse. It's a question of the least rotten person when voting. It doesn't erase several positive things Trump did, but pushing the vax is something most of his supporters agree is evil and baffling. It's really not so baffling once you learn how compromised he is. So the solution is to vote all red but hold them to the fire and make them choose things that are actually good for us. Drop the Israel first idiots -- probably all are compromised. And hopefully Trump decides not to even run, opening the door for Desantis. Very Interesting Connectionsby doug - 2022-08-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Good article. No he's never going to get out of politics. He's been trained by Klaus Schwab of the WEF (praised by Trump as doing a "great job"). And Piglosi praised Saul Alinski (spell?), the communist who wrote Rules for Radicals which Barack Insane Obama openly praises, along with Hilary Rotten Clinton. So she's an open commie piece of crap, traitor and deserves the penalty for traitors. Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022 6:55 PM ory Nancy's father was a hard core member of the Baltimore mafia and his little girl, Nancy, followed right in his footsteps. So, it's quite likely she was gavin's "godmother", too. But deep down, we know that gavin is a good guy, right? Did Gavin Newsom Murder His Mother? Did Gavin Newsom Murder His Mother? Gavin Newsom helped end his mother's life, and he just made it easier for Californians to do the same. On Friday, August 19, 2022 at 04:37:41 PM : Thanks. Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022 5:38 PM ory Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi are not related at all. At one time, they were distantly related by marriage, but that relation ended by divorce when Newsom was ten years old. On Aug 19, 2022, at 1:55 PM: conspiracy or conspiracy theory? (conspiracy) On Friday, August 19, 2022 at 12:35:33 PM : Yes, interesting. ory Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022 2:25 PM
Good one. On 8/19/2022 11:41 AM: [X] Kissengerby steve - 2022-08-22 ( education / research ) [html version]he's a major satanic zionist warmonger and that's why we've been in constant wars around the world. As former congressman Cynthia McKinney said in this video, when she was elected, she was asked to pledge allegiance to ISRAEL instead of our Constitution (FYI, the zionist Rothschilds got Woodrow Wilson to give them kontrol of Palestine)Cynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels Cynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels On Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 11:08:11 PM : I didn't realize he's a wanted criminal in many countries. This absolutely is a must see video to understand how over the past 50-60 years this complete scumbag has driven the world politics. At 99 he's long overdue for cremation, just like Soros. Henry Kissingerby steve - 2022-08-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Kissinger is a major satanic Zionist warmonger and that's why we've been in constant wars around the world. As former congressman Cynthia McKinney said in this video, when she was elected she was asked to pledge allegiance to ISRAEL instead of our Constitution (FYI, the Zionist Rothschilds got Woodrow Wilson to give them control of Palestine). Cynthia McKinney US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israels On Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 11:08:11 PM : I didn't realize he's a wanted criminal in many countries. This absolutely is a must-see video to understand how over the past 50-60 years this complete scumbag has driven the world politics. At 99 he's long overdue for cremation, just like Soros. EMF discussionby doug - 2022-08-22 ( education / research ) [html version]This is a real great discussion explaining some science behind frequency healing and harm, direct energy weapons, etc. I think anyone willing to learn new things will really like this one. sean david mortonby don - 2022-08-24 ( education / research ) [html version]sorry I may have posted this back in April, though On 8/22/22 19:52: I LOVE that guy! Fauci and Trumpby doug - 2022-08-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]An0maly does what I consider his best ever talk. Try to argue with a single point mentioned. Time for people to finally wake up, especially "conservatives" because anyone still on the left is simply a basket case now. FDA Attacks Organic Amish Farmby doug - 2022-08-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Pretty interesting Forget Inflation, this Threat Could Wipe Out Your Savingsby doug - 2022-08-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]There's another link to Jim Rickards' talk. You can just read the transcript to avoid waiting through the talk. Jim Rickards from Lon Real Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 4:09 PMForget Inflation -- This Threat Could WIPE-OUT Your Savings Hi , The biggest threat to your wealth right now is NOT inflation It's NOT another Fed rate hike It's NOT even a recession Nope. The biggest threat to your wealth right now is this sinister plot A shady, backroom order Signed by President Biden That would make it 100% legal for the government to spy on you And could give them unprecedented control over your bank account. Click here to uncover this sinister plot NOW -- and learn how to protect yourself. [Screenshot 2022-08-23 at 21.58.24.webp] Watch This Video Regards, Jim Rickards Economist; Former advisor to Pentagon and CIA - This ad is sent on behalf of Paradigm Press, LLC, at 808 St. Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21202. If you're not interested in this opportunity from Paradigm Press, LLC, please click here to remove your email from these offers. - - [] Jim Rickards Lon Real Unsubscribe =95 Sent via GoSquared aerial spraying for depopulationby don - 2022-08-25 ( education / research ) [html version]"vaccines" are to be sprayed over US cities: Boyd Bushmanby don - 2022-08-26 ( education / research ) [html version]Discusses magnetism and anti-gravity. They Went to Great Lengths to Keep It from Youby doug - 2022-08-28 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Excellent short documentary about a TRULY safe and effective pharma product which I often forget is even possible. Mikki Willis Sent: Friday, August 26, 2022 2:45 AM? They went to great lengths to keep it from you Dear , Of all the harmful misinformation spread over the past couple of years, one of the most disturbing false narratives was targeted at the Nobel Prize winning HUMAN medicine, Ivermectin. [] WATCH VIDEO We produced this short film to correct the narrative and to reveal the motive behind the smear campaign against one of the safest and most effective medicines of this era. A medicine that, according to the numerous top scientists I've interviewed, would have ended the pandemic before it began. A medicine that could have saved countless lives. Every medical professional I've spoken with, stress the importance of early treatment and the critical use of Ivermectin for long covid. Myself, my family and friends use Ivermectin regularly as a preventative against all the new variants spreading throughout our immune compromised communities. Because I believe the withholding of Ivermectin is a crime against humanity, I've sourced what I believe is one of the best places to stock up on this truly remarkable medicine. Please watch this important video and share it with everyone you know. Take care of yourself... and each other. [] Mikki Willis Father, Filmmaker Forward to a Friend ? Web Version
Unsubscribe from this mailing list 6104 Old Fredericksburg Rd #92014, Austin, Texas 78709, United States Bleak Predictions by Dr Vernon Colemanby doug - 2022-08-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I haven't watched one of his videos in months and months. Just discovered he's on Btichute and subscribed. While it's very bleak I think he provides a valuable world perspective and people will learn a lot of interesting news from him. Canadian Doctorsby don - 2022-08-29 ( education / research ) [html version]... required to take 4th shot, dropping dead. CriticallyThinking: Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P Episode 109 5 DOCS - Aug 25 2022by doug - 2022-08-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Go to minute 53 to hear about a great legal strategy for doctors being threatened for not following the depopulation agenda. Rumble Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2022 10:13 AM [] [] You're currently subscribed to CriticallyThinking for Daily updates. You may manage your notification updates here. Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P Episode 109 5 DOCS -- Aug 25 2022 1 day ago [] [] [] [] [] Rumble Inc.218 Adelaide Street W, Suite 400, Toronto, ON, Canada M5H1W7 Unsubscribe from "CriticallyThinking" email updates Unsubscribe from ALL video notification emails This email was sent for . Sign in and manage your subscriptions here Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P Episode 109by don - 2022-08-30 ( education / research ) [html version]they tell you to go here: On 8/28/22 16:40: Go to minute 53 to hear about a great legal strategy for doctors being threatened for not following the depopulation agenda. Rumble Sunday, August 28, 2022 10:13 AM CriticallyThinking: Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P Episode 109 5 DOCS -- Aug 25 2022 You're currently subscribed to *CriticallyThinking* for *Daily* updates. You may manage your notification updates here. Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P Episode 109 5 DOCS -- Aug 25 2022 1 day ago
Rumble Inc.218 Adelaide Street W, Suite 400, Toronto, ON, Canada M5H1W7 Unsubscribe from "CriticallyThinking" email updates Unsubscribe from ALL video notification emails This email was sent for . Sign in and manage your subscriptions here clinton child traffickingby don - 2022-08-30 ( education / research ) [html version]good documentary, "Suicided" communism and demonsby don - 2022-08-31 ( education / research ) [html version] haven't listened yet but supposedly interesting Good financial infoby doug - 2022-08-31 ( education / research ) [html version] Beware Scam Websitesby doug - 2022-09-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I AM in the market for something and found what's too good to be true in two different places. Firstly the price is incredibly low, shipping is unreal, but to top it off the picture is found on another website for even less. Too good to be true applies here. I think they have gone to terrific lengths to seem legitimate but orders will never arrive. BEWARE -- this may be a trend (but I hope nobody concludes that this justifies using Amazon -- the amazing service that's driving all small businesses out). Geoengineerng Interviewby doug - 2022-09-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Wonder why your garden is getting worse and worse each year? I think everyone should know why. And a lot more. CA bill to discipline MDs who disagreeby don - 2022-09-04 ( education / research ) [html version] germ theory video almost laughableby don - 2022-09-06 ( education / research / health ) [html version]On here: The End of Germ Theory and Bitchute here Sunday, September 4, 2022 9:23 PM laughable because they kept trying to prove existence of germs but ALWAYS FAILED On Monday, September 5, 2022 at 12:00:03 AM PDT, Wow that was good. Often funny because of their analogies. Completely shatters the covid hoax. Sent: *Monday, September 5, 2022 2:25 AM I didn't watch all the way to the end. So, if there are no germs, what are people sick from, including the Spanish Flu? On 9/5/22 06:23: I used to get every flu that came around. What has seemed true for me, is that some people are parasitic and good at getting others to take on their negative emotions and disease. So it's not the germs it's the people. Germs definitely do exist. They are studied regularly under microscopes. Their lethality might be debatable, but not their existence.
On 9/5/22 07:19 someone wrote: Of course, what a loner like me calls parasitic, most people would call normal human give and take. Anyway, it's important to keep your own health and resistance up. Good interview with Dr Judy Mikovitzby don - 2022-09-06 ( education / research ) [html version] On 9/4/22 23:54: What an interesting story she told about her work. And , of course, the Fascist Bureau of Investigation raided her lab which proves the scam further.
Sunday, September 4, 2022 9:00 PM Ang
Re: near the end, besides saying there is no Sars cov-2, no covid-19 there is not even, and of course there then are no "variants". She says that monkeypox is a "side effect" of the jab and is just the body "detoxifying from your skin" and that even Mercola and the rest are a joke because the virus doesn't exist! Here's a list she gave of scientists to pay attention To:
On Sunday, September 4, 2022 at 08:45:19 PM PDT, wrote: okay I'm now listening to a video where a "virologist" says that viruses don't exist. Yeah, it's VERY scientific and complicated so it's only for the FEW who want to be educated: (I think I might have seen it before and passed it along before but since I've seen so many videos, maybe I just watched one that told similar Truth): CDC told Poornima Wagh, virologist PhD: "I don't care what you find, just call it Sars-Cov-2"! CDC told Poornima Wagh, virologist PhD: "I don't care what you find, jus... The latest germ theory whistleblower is a virologist (long version) Short version (6 min) here: https://tinyur...
On Sunday, September 4, 2022 at 08:39:54 PM PDT, wrote: Glad you found that. Just now relistened to learn what it is that counters the bad effects of Monsanto's poison called glyphosate. It's DMG. Found this: I'm not suggesting or recommending this website. It's just what popped up in my search.
Sunday, September 4, 2022 7:54 PM Ang
Re: this article goes with that video, telling how bad glyphosate (Roundup) is: MIT Scientist: How Glyphosate Destroys Your Health MIT Scientist: How Glyphosate Destroys Your Health "Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment," written by Stephanie...
On Sunday, September 4, 2022 at 12:16:21 AM PDT, wrote: Lots of health info, including a way to combat the ever-present GMO poisons that are in more than just GMO crops. MKultra and the vaxby don - 2022-09-08 ( education / research ) [html version]govt admits remote.webp mind control is real: On 9/5/22 16:20: "beware thoughts not your own" as Icke says
Monday, September 5, 2022 7:00 AM Robert Morningstar told the tale of a woman driving on the freeway in Connecticut and the overhead text signs said Stop, Get Vaccinated, Next Exit and she had to fight her hands on the wheel that wanted to turn off at that exit. On 9/4/22 22:43: Hmm, exactly what David Icke has been saying since April 2020. It's just a resignation for what we've been calling the flu. Sunday, September 4, 2022 8:05 PM
Fw: SARS Cov-2 is FAKE (video) - Forwarded Message ----- S. R. Jennifer R. Mary Van Hoomissen Sunday, September 4, 2022 at 08:04:34 PM SARS Cov-2 is FAKE (video) CDC told Poornima Wagh, virologist PhD: "I don't care what you find, just call it Sars-Cov-2"! CDC told Poornima Wagh, virologist PhD: "I don't care what you find, jus... The latest germ theory whistleblower is a virologist (long version) Short version (6 min) here: https://tinyur... Really Good Non-partisan Discussionby doug - 2022-09-08 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]How to make sure they can never do these fascist things again -- In two parts: I'd be interested in joining a local group like this. They've encouraged me to create one myself and I might just do it. Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 4:34 PM Re: interesting but nothing new to me, though it's good to be out there since maybe a FEW now and then will dare to look at the state of thing (but then they're likely to crawl back in their hole so the likelihood of a massive movement isn't likely)
On Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 11:16:23 AM someone wrote: Also, Mel K on Brighteon talks about the 4th Reich On 9/7/22 03:01: How to make sure they can never do these fascist things again -- In two parts: UC Davis and NWOby don - 2022-09-09 ( education / research ) [html version] I watched 20 minutes so far and it makes me wonder where she's going with it all as she talks of the fired chancellor of UCD, Katehi (she mentioned the Jesuits and I wonder if that will go somewhere)
On Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 06:24:49 PM : I'm watching and it is excellent.= Some false conclusions such as Hungarians but good info. Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2022 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: UC Davis and NWO= I'll look at it later.I will NEVER claim to be a UCD grad and even though Sherri is also one, she won't make the claim either becaus UCD has gone commie in the Republic of Davis
On Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 12:45:58 PM someone wrote: Unique Vehicle Designby doug - 2022-09-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Ran across this 9/11 truthby doug - 2022-09-10 ( education / research ) [html version]FYI One thing I find of particular interest is that he mentions how many people fully realize we were scammed and conned about what really happened on 9/11, yet many who realize that can't see that covid is a far bigger scam. 9/11 Truthby doug - 2022-09-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]FYI One thing I find of particular interest is that he mentions how many people fully realize we were scammed and conned about what really happened on 9/11, yet many who realize that can't see that covid is a far bigger scam. latest secret space program tall tale tellerby steve - 2022-09-12 ( education / research ) [html version]
It's moving along: 'Put on that mask,' a womanshouted at a boy who was riding his bike. 'Why?' the kid stopped his bikeand asked. 'Didn't your parents tell you thatthere's a killer virus and everybody needs to wear a mask to protect everybodyelse from it?' The boy thought. 'Can I give thevirus if I don't have it?' That startled the woman and sheshook her head. 'Maybe you're asymptomatic.' 'What is asymptomatic?' 'It means you don't know you'resick.' The boy gave some more thought. 'Ican be sick and not know it?' 'Yes.' 'So, if I gave my sickness tosomebody else, would they know it?' 'No.' 'Then if nobody knew they weresick and everybody had it, would it matter?' The woman shook her head. She wasaghast that the boy would ask such questions. She finally told him, 'Put yourmask on or I'll call the police.' 'Call the police? AM I breaking alaw?' 'No, the President declared thatit is an emergency and everybody needs to wear a mask.' 'Yeah, my Dad said something aboutthat. I don't pay attention to adult things but he told how some politician wassupposed to wear a mask but she went into a beauty parlor without one. Did thepolice arrest her?' 'Uh, no.' 'Why not?' She was annoyed again. 'I don'tknow.' 'So, I guess the police decidedthat it wasn't too important?' 'No, it is important.People are dying.' 'So the politician doesn't care ifshe kills other people?' 'Just put the mask on,' the womansternly said and walked away. The boy shook his head and wentback to riding his bike. **** things to putin story as the insanity got worse (to be put in order) Masks required at school Vaccines required at school People told to stay six feet apartand how many were allowed in a store was restricted Some people told that if they didn'tget vaxed, they'd lose their job People who were vaxed started to haveadverse reactions to it Some people were afraid of othersfor fear that the virus was airborne and everybody was in danger of giving itto one another Plastic face shields said to be okay, in lieu of a mask
On Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 05:25:37 PM PDT:
Good one
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2022 7:01 PM Re: I just started the story:= The Minority that Saved the World = = = 'Put on that mask,' a woman shouted at a kid. 'Why?' the kid asked. 'Didn't your parents tell you that there's a killer virus and everybody needs to wear a mask to protect everybody else from it?' The boy thought. 'Can I give the virus if I don't have it?' That startled the woman and she shook her head. 'Maybe you're asymptomatic.' 'What is asymptomatic?' 'It means you don't know you're sick.' The boy gave some more thought. 'I can be sick and not know it?' 'Yes.' 'So, if I gave my sickness to somebody else, would they know it?' 'No.' 'Then if nobody knew they were sick and everybody had it, would it matter?' The woman shook her head. She was aghast that the boy would ask such questions.
On Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 04:46:47 PM PDT:
the whole current fraudulent situation of at least the last few years gave me an idea for a book, "How the Minority saved the World". No, not minorities as the leftists think of them. The "minority" would be the minority that didn't fall for the scam and were frequently labeled "conspiracy theorists". So even liberals might understand it, it'd be a Children's book and not be real long. I'll have to give it more thought
On Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 03:10:52 PM PDT:
Yea, I've watched a couple things from Goode. Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2022 2:02 PM ; Re: sorry, he takes various ideas from around the internet I could only listen to half of it. Lying is a form of emotional vampirism, and I just ran out of steam listening. Don't listen unless you're a fan of Corey Goode or Randy Kramer, other supposed "super soldiers" who've been to Mars in the secret space program. On 9/10/22 15:42: I don't see a link Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2022 1:26 PM ; Solomon Berg I don't know where Kerry gets these people, but this is one of the= kookier. --=1987383_462828713.1662856086056 It's moving along: 'Put on that mask,' a woman shouted at a boy who was riding his bike. 'Why?' the kid stopped his bike and asked. 'Didn't your parents tell you that there's a killer virus and everybody needs to wear a mask to protect everybody else from it?' The boy thought. 'Can I give the virus if I don't have it?' That startled the woman and she shook her head. 'Maybe you're asymptomatic.' 'What is asymptomatic?' 'It means you don't know you're sick.' The boy gave some more thought. 'I can be sick and not know it?' 'Yes.' 'So, if I gave my sickness to somebody else, would they know it?' 'No.' 'Then if nobody knew they were sick and everybody had it, would it matter?' The woman shook her head. She was aghast that the boy would ask such questions. She finally told him, 'Put your mask on or I'll call the police.' 'Call the police? AM I breaking a law?' 'No, the President declared that it is an emergency and everybody needs to wear a mask.' 'Yeah, my Dad said something about that. I don't pay attention to adult things but he told how some politician was supposed to wear a mask but she went into a beauty parlor without one. Did the police arrest her?' 'Uh, no.' 'Why not?' She was annoyed again. 'I don't know.' 'So, I guess the police decided that it wasn't too important?' 'No, it is important. People are dying.' 'So the politician doesn't care if she kills other people?' 'Just put the mask on,' the woman sternly said and walked away. The boy shook his head and went back to riding his bike.
**** things to put in story as the insanity got worse (to be put in order) Masks required at school Vaccines required at school People told to stay six feet apart and how many were allowed in a store was restricted Some people told that if they didn't get vaxed, they'd lose their job People who were vaxed started to have adverse reactions to it Some people were afraid of others for fear that the virus was airborne and everybody was in danger of giving it to one another Plastic face shields said to be okay, in lieu of a mask
On Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 05:25:37 PM PDT: Good one 9/11 documentaryby doug - 2022-09-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The real story for those who dare to think. 400 Doctors Worldwideby doug - 2022-09-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Can 400 doctors make a difference? Sept 24thby don - 2022-09-12 ( education / research ) [html version]DefaultWhat are they planning on 24 September 2022‼️ Video in German Translation below. A legislator in Germany took to the floor of the Bundestag this past week, and let slip a date: September 24. "Dear colleagues, this 24. of September 2022 will be a day remaining in our memories as a day we will say, I remember exactly where I was" So, what is it that is going to take place that day? What do they know is coming, or better still, what are they PLANNING? Whatever it is, the reaction of the rest of the legislature is quite telling. As he speaks the date, September 24, there is open and audible surprise and grumbling of the audience. So they know too. And clearly, a slew of them were surprised and NOT HAPPY that he said what he said. There is ONE other example of a legislator saying something about an upcoming date, that is very relevant to this. Months before Russia began it's Special Military Operation, a Russian legislator, Vladimir Zhironofsky, took to the floor of the Russian Duma (their legislature) and said, "On February 22, the world will see Russia's power." Of course, that date subsequently turned out to be February 24 – two days later – when Russia entered Ukraine for its Special Military Operation. The point of this comparison is that legislators sometimes get dates slightly wrong. Or dates may change for one reason or another despite whatever info a legislator lets slip. But this particular date – September 24 — coincides with yet another piece of information which came out of (of all places) the Vatican. The Pope issued an ORDER at the end of August, instructing "All Vatican entities worldwide, must move their financial instruments and assets to the Vatican Bank not later than September 30." (Story Here) It also coincides with very detailed information that I was able to procure from Banker/Financial people through non-traditional means, which I broadcast to the world on my August 29 radio show. So whatever is coming later this month, is apparently "huge" — so huge that a member of Germany's legislature told his colleagues it will be "...will be a day remaining in our memories as a day we will say, I remember exactly where I was" I would suggest being completely squared away with food, medical, emergency shelter, and heat, plus a means to protect it by the 24th.. form a tribe, safety in numbers. ___ Viking 9/11 documentaryby doug - 2022-09-13 ( education / research ) [html version]The real story for those who dare to think. Very Good Conversation with Harvey Schby doug - 2022-09-13 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]Worth watching for world politics. Starts about the 10 minute mark. Very good conversation with Harvey Schby doug - 2022-09-13 ( education / research ) [html version]Worth watching for world politics. Starts about the 10 minute mark. Good press of Trump now illegalby doug - 2022-09-13 ( education / research ) [html version] ________________________________
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2022 9:37 AM las No kidding max iganby don - 2022-09-14 ( education / research ) [html version]has a lot of interesting things to say about the world Long Live the King?by doug - 2022-09-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Not so fast. Mikki Willis interviewby doug - 2022-09-14 ( education / research ) [html version]Fascinating discussion Hard to watchby don - 2022-09-15 ( education / research ) [html version]good points made realize, though, that since 95% of Democrats took the jab, if SADS kills them all, it will bring down the US govt and maybe western civilization Remote viewer Lyn Buchananan said he foresaw that scenario in the back in 1990s On 9/14/22 01:49: Besides all the blatant death caught on camera, there's some other great stuff here. Probably no point in giving this to any vaxed morons. They'll finally snap out of their spell upon their death bed. I suppose it has to be this way because people just don't learn. Jan 6th provocateurby don - 2022-09-16 ( education / research ) [html version]Ray Epps is on video urging the protestors go into the capitol but the congressional committee is covering up for him https://news./ray-epps-capitol-riot-figure-140228875.html Slovenian nurseby don - 2022-09-16 ( education / research ) [html version]a Slovenian speaker I know says the subtitles on the video are accurate, so there are 3 versions of the shot, at least in Slovenia. All the US officials who say they got the shot, probably got the placebo, which means, if they knew, that they are conspirators in genocide. On 9/14/22 18:23: That sucks
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 3:17 PM ; Re: I guess if you're going to do a hoax, source it in some country nobody can double check due to language. On 9/14/22 17:07 someone wrote:
every time I get excited a bout something or post, it I post it somewhere and find out it's a known hoax. On 9/14/22 15:19: One of my friends? Wednesday, September 14, 2022 1:13 PM
Re: Great interview somebody on FB posted this (for ) On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 11:55:07 AM , wrote:
A doctor in New Zealand More: "Her name is Vera Kanalec. Genuine. Several of my students are her Facebook friends. She is being erased from the Internet, but the government is not saying she is lying. Don't yet know of anything else of her in English yet." On 9/15/22 07:22 someone wrote: a Slovenian speaker I know says the subtitles on the video are accurate, so there are 3 versions of the shot, at least in Slovenia. All the US officials who say they got the shot, probably got the placebo, which means, if they knew, that they are conspirators in genocide. On 9/14/22 18:23: That sucks
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 3:17 PM ;
Re: I guess if you're going to do a hoax, source it in some country nobody can double check due to language. On 9/14/22 17:07 someone wrote: every time I get excited a bout something or post, it I post it somewhere and find out it's a known hoax. On 9/14/22 15:19: One of my friends?
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 1:13 PM
Re: Great interview somebody on FB posted this (for )
On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 11:55:07 AM , wrote: A doctor in New Zealand covid pirates, domestic terroristsby don - 2022-09-16 ( education / research ) [html version] Evidence Moderna Created Covid-19by don - 2022-09-17 ( education / research ) [html version]I gave up poring through it, though Kevin Kileyby doug - 2022-09-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]In case you want to support a candidate who will bring some sanity from California to DC, here's the one I recommend. He's not even in my district.
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2022 10:45 AMThis is really bad So far, I haven't said much about this. Hi , Sor far, I haven't said much about our opponent. I prefer to focus on what we're going to do, not who we're going to defeat. But at this point I need to tell you: if Kermit were to take this open seat in Congress it would be very, very bad. I'm asking for your help, urgently, to make sure that doesn't happen. This is who Pelosi selected to "retire" me, so she can keep the Speaker's gavel and so I won't be there to fight her at the Capitol. Pelosi is funneling huge amounts of money Kermit's way, mainly from East Coast liberals. That's why I need the support of patriotic Californians to fight back. It's been pointed out that Dr. Kermit (as he brands himself) models his politics after Dr. Pan. One of Kermit's first ever tweets was celebrating Pan's radical SB 277, which eliminated exemptions for childhood vaccinations and made California a national outlier. This obsession continued last year when Kermit said, "I AM excited about the FDA's authorization of the Pfizer vaccine for kids 5-11" -- even as the FDA board itself expressed caution about child mandates for covid. Kermit then happily went along with Newsom's K-12 mandate and Dr. Pan's K-12 mandate legislation: he declined to condemn these child vaccine mandates even after every state and the California Legislature rejected them and even after Newsom and Pan withdrew them in humiliation. When Biden proposed his national vaccine mandates -- which were found unconstitutional -- Kermit spoke up in enthusiastic support and viciously attacked those who opposed them. He said we could only celebrate the Fourth of July if we instituted Biden's "covid vaccination program." If Kermit gets to Congress, it could erase all the progress we've made in restoring sanity. Please donate as much as you can to make sure he never gets there. Even when Dr. Fauci himself called for schools to re-open, Dr. Kermit refused to do so, going along with Newsom's corrupt shutdown. Our kids would have been set back another year if he had his way. Months after even Newsom lifted his mask mandate, Kermit put up a post stating that wearing masks "is more important than ever." He shared a fearmongering video with stories like that of "one singer without a mask who infected 52 people at choir practice." Incredibly, Kermit claimed that Newsom's California "set the pace for U.S. covid recovery" when our state has among the nation's worst overall outcomes. In fact, he's been an outspoken advocate for keeping Newsom as Governor. The last thing we need is a Newsom booster in Congress who will try to pave the way for a Newsom Presidential run. Please donate what you can today. Many people who voted for Biden did so reluctantly. Kermit, by contrast, was an outright Biden cheerleader. Whatever Biden proposes, Kermit supports it automatically. He launched his campaign by saying his election would enable Biden to make "even more changes." Kermit's social media is a shrine to the likes of Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders. His campaign is promoted by Defund the Police groups. He says things like "Join the Resistance!" and sends regular emails from Eric Swalwell attacking me. On top of it all, Kermit proclaimed that the 2016 election was "rigged by Russia." Kermit represents everything we've been fighting against, and defeating him, with your generous support, is our most important battle yet. Our opponents know what is at stake in this race. They know how our citizens movement will shake up Washington, D.C. That's why they've have been funding Kermit's attacks for over a year, and it's why they're going to ramp them up 100-fold these final 50 days. The reality is: If we don't have the resources to fight back, their lies will go unanswered, and we will be at risk of losing this race. Could anything be worse than a triumphant tweet from Kermit on November 9, boasting that he has "retired" me? We just can't let it happen. The good news is, together we have the power to make sure it doesn't happen. All it takes is every loyal supporter giving as much as you can, as soon as you can. If we are not outspent, we will win. It's that simple. But because Pelosi cleared the field for Kermit in the Primary, right now he has a bigger warchest and we need to catch up quickly. Perhaps no election in this country presents a sharper contrast. Ours is a movement to restore sanity, and nothing would send a more powerful message than defeating a candidate who embodies all the insanity of the last three years. Let's make sure that message gets sent, and not the precise opposite one. Whether it's $10, or $100, or $1,000, or the $2,900 legal maximum, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your tremendous help getting our campaign across the finish line. Thank you! Kevin p.s. Ballots go out in three weeks. I will be working as hard as humanly possible alongside our incredible volunteers. Every dollar we bring in today will immediately go to getting our ads on TV to answer Kermit's attacks. You can donate here. for Congress, 9458 Treelake Road, Granite Bay, CA 95746, United States This email was sent to . Gonzalo Liraby doug - 2022-09-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Really good interview of a reporter in Ukraine. Full of current information that's sure to surprise you. PART 1 PART 2 Strange blood since 2021by don - 2022-09-20 ( education / research ) [html version]good information. I think if someone got a co vid shot they should get chelation therapy to take out the metals and othere toxins, and also wear a nicotine patch to avoid sudden adult death syndrome. On 9/19/22 17:10: Pretty graphic images -- not for the squeamish. Trump too pig-headed to renounce vaxby don - 2022-09-20 ( education / research ) [html version]Trump's kinda dumb. That's his strength, too, because he's too dumb to come off as a politician and not say what he thinks -- with his limited vocabulary -- the main determinant in an IQ test is vocabulary. On 9/19/22 18:01: Looks like he's a lost cause. Check out part 1 of this good interview, but here's part 2: Personal Protection Adviceby steve - 2022-09-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I'll simply reply that here's a site to get ammo if you are NOT in California: It's against the law to buy ammo through the mail if you're a prisoner of Gavin On Monday, September 19, 2022 at 02:19:14 PM : Great advice=
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2022 1:21 PM personal protection advice= If= next month or year is going to be chaotic as some predict, you'll need a pistol for protection, especially if you're female or old. I made the mistake years ago of buying a semi-automatic pistol, because I didn't know about guns. Semi-autos have a clip (magazine) with a spring which will wear out if it's stored with bullets in it, and probably jam when you fire it. Therefore, you need a revolver that is small enough to carry if need be, but in any case, you'd want to store at home fully loaded (unless you have kids). But you should pay cash because all the credit card companies have announced they are categorizing all gun and ammo purchases (for reporting to govt). I also, years ago, bought a pump shotgun because had told me that the sound of pumping it will scare any burglar away. However, a pump shotgun also has a spring magazine, so it can't be stored with shells in it or the spring will wear out and jam. So if you get a shotgun, get one that has an ordinary firing mechanism that can be stored ready to fire. Just imagine how nervous you'd be if woken up at 3am by a burglar -- loading a magazine is not what you want to have to do, you want it ready to fire. lots of videosby don - 2022-09-21 ( education / research ) [html version]Jay Weidner, who writes on odd topics: How EMF Affects Your Bodyby doug - 2022-09-21 ( life / health / tech / research ) [html version]Must see. There's some eye-opening information here about smart devices you must hear. As great as it is, this scientist misses the big picture of the scamdemic. New Banking System in Novemberby doug - 2022-09-22 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Very interesting report about the looming slavery the new system brings. They will wait until they finish stealing the election before they roll it out. --_000_BYAPR08MB5624ED78C78B10C1C51E8045D1519BYAPR08MB5624namp_ Here's part 2 which I think is excellent. He says something to do with banks will go into effect in May. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 7:28 PM I must be careful to say as much as possible in as few words as possible. Maybe what says, with sarcasm "slavery isn't that bad" -- often sarcastic comments can break through the mental haze of these democrat fools. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 6:55 PM too many don't want to rock the boat. go along to get along slavery isn't that bad On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 06:33:27 PM : or Let's be the land of the free and home of the brave again
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 8:15 PM las how about Make America America Again? On 9/21/22 11:30: As always, Big Brother knows best. I should get that shirt I've seen "Make 1984 Fiction Again " I've also got to get more bumper stickers. I often get good responses on the car that has them. Any good ideas what to say? Be very careful what you say in email or by txt message and phone which you must realize is being recorded by Big Brother. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 8:50 AM
so there are certain forbidden products, I presume. better buy them now. but the makers of those products would be forced out of business, such as ammo, or be forced to go black market. but don't worry. it's what the satanists want and that's what's good for humanity! On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 04:52:20 AM someone wrote:
It's called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), a cashless system where they can cancel your money on the fly if they don'[t like you or what you're buying. On 9/21/22 02:04: Very interesting report about the looming slavery the new system brings. They will wait until they finish stealing the election before they roll it out. --_000_BYAPR08MB5624ED78C78B10C1C51E8045D1519BYAPR08MB5624namp_ Here's part 2 which I think is excellent. He says something to do with banks will go into effect in May. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 7:28 PM ;
I must be careful to say as much as possible in as few words as possible. Maybe what says, with sarcasm "slavery isn't that bad" -- often sarcastic comments can break through the mental haze of these democrat fools. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 6:55 PM ;
too many don't want to rock the boat. go along to get along slavery isn't that bad On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 06:33:27 PM : or Let's be the land of the free and home of the brave again
--_000_BYAPR08MB5624ED78C78B10C1C51E8045D1519BYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset= Here's part 2 which I think is excellent. He says something to do with banks will go into effect in May. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 7:28 PMRe: I must be careful to say as much as possible in as few words as possible. Maybe what says, with sarcasm "slavery isn't that bad" -- often sarcastic comments can break through the mental haze of these democrat fools. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 6:55 PMRe: too many don't want to rock the boat. go along to get along slavery isn't that bad On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 06:33:27 PM : =85 or Let's be the land of the free and home of the brave again
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 8:15 PMlas Re: how about Make America America Again? On 9/21/22 11:30: As always, Big Brother knows best. I should get that shirt I've seen "Make 1984 Fiction Again " I've also got to get more bumper stickers. I often get good responses on the car that has them. Any good ideas what to say? Be very careful what you say in email or by txt message and phone which you must realize is being recorded by Big Brother. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 8:50 AM Re: so there are certain forbidden products, I presume. better buy them now. but the makers of those products would be forced out of business, such as ammo, or be forced to go black market. but don't worry. it's what the satanists want and that's what's good for humanity! On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 04:52:20 AM someone wrote:
It's called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), a cashless system where they can cancel your money on the fly if they don'[t like you or what you're buying. On 9/21/22 02:04: Very interesting report about the looming slavery the new system brings. They will wait until they finish stealing the election before they roll it out. --_000_BYAPR08MB5624ED78C78B10C1C51E8045D1519BYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset= Here's part 2 which I think is excellent. He says something to do with banks will go into effect in May. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 7:28 PM ;Re:
I must be careful to say as much as possible in as few words as possible. Maybe what says, with sarcasm "slavery isn't that bad" -- often sarcastic comments can break through the mental haze of these democrat fools. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 6:55 PM ;Re:
too many don't want to rock the boat. go along to get along slavery isn't that bad On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 06:33:27 PM : =85 or Let's be the land of the free and home of the brave again
--_000_BYAPR08MB5624ED78C78B10C1C51E8045D1519BYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset= Here's part 2 which I think is excellent. He says something to do with banks will go into effect in May. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 7:28 PMRe: I must be careful to say as much as possible in as few words as possible. Maybe what says, with sarcasm "slavery isn't that bad" -- often sarcastic comments can break through the mental haze of these democrat fools. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 6:55 PMRe: too many don't want to rock the boat. go along to get along slavery isn't that bad On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 06:33:27 PM : =85 or Let's be the land of the free and home of the brave again
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 8:15 PMlas Re: how about Make America America Again? On 9/21/22 11:30: As always, Big Brother knows best. I should get that shirt I've seen "Make 1984 Fiction Again " I've also got to get more bumper stickers. I often get good responses on the car that has them. Any good ideas what to say? Be very careful what you say in email or by txt message and phone which you must realize is being recorded by Big Brother. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 8:50 AM Re: so there are certain forbidden products, I presume. better buy them now. but the makers of those products would be forced out of business, such as ammo, or be forced to go black market. but don't worry. it's what the satanists want and that's what's good for humanity! On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 04:52:20 AM someone wrote:
It's called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), a cashless system where they can cancel your money on the fly if they don'[t like you or what you're buying. On 9/21/22 02:04: Very interesting report about the looming slavery the new system brings. They will wait until they finish stealing the election before they roll it out. --_000_BYAPR08MB5624ED78C78B10C1C51E8045D1519BYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset= Here's part 2 which I think is excellent. He says something to do with banks will go into effect in May. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 7:28 PM ;Re:
I must be careful to say as much as possible in as few words as possible. Maybe what says, with sarcasm "slavery isn't that bad" -- often sarcastic comments can break through the mental haze of these democrat fools. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 6:55 PM ;Re:
too many don't want to rock the boat. go along to get along slavery isn't that bad On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 06:33:27 PM : =85 or Let's be the land of the free and home of the brave again
--_000_BYAPR08MB5624ED78C78B10C1C51E8045D1519BYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset= Here's part 2 which I think is excellent. He says something to do with banks will go into effect in May. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 7:28 PMRe: I must be careful to say as much as possible in as few words as possible. Maybe what says, with sarcasm "slavery isn't that bad" -- often sarcastic comments can break through the mental haze of these democrat fools. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 6:55 PMRe: too many don't want to rock the boat. go along to get along slavery isn't that bad On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 06:33:27 PM : =85 or Let's be the land of the free and home of the brave again
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 8:15 PMlas Re: how about Make America America Again? On 9/21/22 11:30: As always, Big Brother knows best. I should get that shirt I've seen "Make 1984 Fiction Again " I've also got to get more bumper stickers. I often get good responses on the car that has them. Any good ideas what to say? Be very careful what you say in email or by txt message and phone which you must realize is being recorded by Big Brother. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 8:50 AM Re: so there are certain forbidden products, I presume. better buy them now. but the makers of those products would be forced out of business, such as ammo, or be forced to go black market. but don't worry. it's what the satanists want and that's what's good for humanity! On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 04:52:20 AM someone wrote:
It's called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), a cashless system where they can cancel your money on the fly if they don'[t like you or what you're buying. On 9/21/22 02:04: Very interesting report about the looming slavery the new system brings. They will wait until they finish stealing the election before they roll it out. --_000_BYAPR08MB5624ED78C78B10C1C51E8045D1519BYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset= Here's part 2 which I think is excellent. He says something to do with banks will go into effect in May. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 7:28 PM ;Re:
I must be careful to say as much as possible in as few words as possible. Maybe what says, with sarcasm "slavery isn't that bad" -- often sarcastic comments can break through the mental haze of these democrat fools. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 6:55 PM ;Re:
too many don't want to rock the boat. go along to get along slavery isn't that bad On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 06:33:27 PM : =85 or Let's be the land of the free and home of the brave again
As always, Big Brother knows best. I should get that shirt I've seen "Make 1984 Fiction Again " I've also got to get more bumper stickers. I often get good responses on the car that has them. Any good ideas what to say? Be very careful what you say in email or by txt message and phone which you must realize is being recorded by Big Brother. Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 8:50 AM Re: so there are certain forbidden products, I presume. better buy them now. but the makers of those products would be forced out of business, such as ammo, or be forced to go black market. but don't worry. it's what the satanists want and that's what's good for humanity!
On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 04:52:20 AM someone wrote: It's called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), a cashless system where they can cancel your money on the fly if they don'[t like you or what you're buying. On 9/21/22 02:04: Very interesting report about the looming slavery the new system brings. They will wait until they finish stealing the election before they roll it out. Ze Big Enchiladaby doug - 2022-09-22 ( education / research ) [html version]This is very interesting. I couldn't see how to share the link so you can just click to it from this email. Maybe just ignore what he says about aliens at the beginning but stick around for many interesting things he says. on behalf of Forbidden Knowledge TV Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 5:14 AM [ 3D117088&cs_offset=3D0&cs_esp=3Dsendlane] [Learn more about RevenueStripe...] Dear , Like myself and other alt media people out there these days, Clif High is optimistic about our future. He sees a very intense period over the next 3-to-4 months, during which time he expects to see the "breakout of crypto". He believes they'll go roaring up, as the central banks lose the ability to keep them down and that we'll also see 75% inflation of the US dollar. After the Midterm Elections on November 8th, Clif predicts a push for $10-per-gallon Diesel, which will clobber prices for goods, due to increased delivery costs and this will continue into early next year. He thinks things could change "reasonably rapidly", depending on how things go, election-wise. The Globalists, who he calls the "Mother-WEF-ers" will try to cheat in the elections, because it's a matter of life and death for them but it will all eventually fail, because they don't have the required numbers to support them. He says, "The CCP thinks that they can control a population if they move in 20% Han Chinese that work for the CCP into that area, that they can control the other 80% of the population. And that sort of works in China. Sort-of. "China still has over a quarter of a million riots every year that require police intervention -- and they're running concentration camps, killing racial groups and all these kind of things. "Here, in the United States, they're attempting to use that 20%-80% rule but it's not racial, it's ideological. And ideological doesn't hold the same way. It doesn't trigger xenophobia the way that racial differences do in humans. "And so, that 20% is just not working out for them and a lot people are leaving that, because their lives are becoming very much more difficult, as a result of the WEF-ers' actions and and so on, with the collapse of the central banks, as we go forward... "The WEF-ers are losing everything. The right-wing is rising in Europe and the elections are going to the WEF-ers' enemies, which is basically anybody that promotes common sense and sound money." Clif believes that about 30%-40% of the people are now aware of the WEF, with a very negative impression and that their collapse is certain at this stage and they're just scrambling now. He says, "The Big Enchilada -- their push to control everything -- will be fueled by the rise of the populism that their push to control everything is actually causing to rise... "I think it's gonna be fun. I like to fight but this is gonna be a particular fun fight, because the enemy is so deserving and because they are so stupid, it's gonna be, in that sense a good fight against an entrenched powerful enemy that nonetheless has such huge weaknesses -- and they're not even aware of them." *** TRANSCRIPT "This is all about the Mother-WEF-ers and the Big Enchilada. The Big Enchilada is the total control of the planet. We've been colonized by a central banking system -- that was one of the ways that they used -- almost every country is saddled with a central bank parasite, sucking all the blood out of 'em and that's why all the populace is in an uproar. "In some places like Argentina, now they're running at 100% inflation per year, which means your money buys half as much a year from now as it does now, so the impetus is to spend it rapidly but they've got 75% interest rates, which won't succeed in what they're attempting to do but it will throttle back business to absolutely nothing. "That's one of the Mother-WEF-ers' goals, is to totally shut down the whole planet and kill off as many people as they can in the process. That was the goal of the pandemic, that was the goal of the shots, which according to some reputable scientists, you can't find mRNA nor the spike protein in any of the shots from any of these manufacturers. So if that's factual and it's borne out in batch after batch, then it's quite clear that the Death Shot was a death shot and it was a lie from the beginning, all the way through to the end, as these people are dying. "We're getting a great number of deaths out here that I blame every day on the WEF...A lot of these people are tourists from Seattle and Tacoma and so on, so they've all been shot-up and boosted and so on and they're dying... "This is all a plot by the Mother-WEF-ers, the World Economic Forum and the World Economic Forum is paying now and will pay, through time in retribution for their evil -- acts, which they've been engaged in for the past 59 years around the whole planet -- but really, it stems back to the impetus to create central banks. "So, we've been fighting this battle for centuries. "Now, the Mother-WEF-ers are in the position, where the World Economic Forum is being called-out as a criminal gang by people with lots and lots of Normie followers, like Jordan Peterson. "He's saying that, 'Hey, look at these bastards, look what they're doing!' So it's not just the conspiracy group, it's not just the woo-woo people. We've known about the Mother-WEF-ers for decades and now, there is a growing awareness, as part of the Great Awakening of the nature of our Bad Guys, here and who they are and we can start pointing fingers to 'em and say, 'No! You're a Mother-WEF-er and I'm not going to vote for you and I'm not going to talk to you and you're just an evil sonofabitch! You want to depopulate the planet for bullsh-t!' "So, in their view, control of the planet also includes control of all of the resources, which they claim to own. It's part of their religion. Their religion says that they are the inheritors from the El, the aliens who were given the Jews to conquer and control. That was Yahweh. He was one of the Els. "The Elohim, which is the collective [term]...And one of them was given the 12 tribes of the Jews to rule over and that's where the Hebrew books come from, including the Torah and the Mishna and the Talmud. "Now, if you read into these, you'll find that none of these books is applicable to humanity, as a whole and it is isolated to this group of these 12 Tribes and that's it. And even then, it's not applicable to the Jews throughout time, it's just a description of what was happening then, when the El were given these tribes to rule, and in some sense, you ca look at the whole collection of the Torah, Mishna, Talmud and Zohar as a manual on how the Jews are supposed to survive, dealing with these mean, nasty space aliens... "Anyway, so the WEF inherits from this extreme Khazarian Mafia viewpoint that they are the inheritors of the Earth. They've got this idea that everything that's on the Earth is theirs, including you and you're just cattle. And that's why they call you 'Goy', which means 'Beast' and they want to harvest you, as they choose. "We have a binary system. So, the Mother-WEF-ers are very binary thinkers, in spite of the fact that they have non-gender, non-binary people. In the Talmud, by the way, there's six genders between breeding female and breeding male [for a total of 8 genders], so there's a spread in the Talmud. That's where this idea of multiple genders comes from. "So, in spite of the fact that these people favor the idea of multiple genders, the reason of which is the El were known to have multiple genders, so the Jews were trying to emulate them and writing about it...It was sort of a description of the beings they were dealing with. "So, the Talmud takes it being internalized to Jews that they should also have these 8 genders and so on but in spite of these people having this idea of non-binary in the gender aspect of things, they're very binary thinkers, they're very much Dualists and Good and Evil, Satan vs God etc, translated through the text, even though none of that is in the Hebrew Bible. None of it is in there. All that is is a description of what it was like to deal with these El, with these space aliens. "Anyway, these people, the WEF-ers are very binary. It reflects in everything that they do. So the CIA has the El religion inculcated into it and you can tell this by reading all these CIA manuals. They produce 'em, you can buy 'em on Amazon... "The WEF has this binary view of things that is reflected in all that they do and all that they promote. So, they promoted what's-her-name, Rowling, who wrote the Harry Potter series. These people are very much into magic -- not science -- magic. So they don't promote a scientist, they give us Fauci, who's very much a magician and a lying bastard and has no science and just wants to -- I won't go into him. "But in any event, they promote this binary view of things and they favor magic, not science. This is why Putin's response is to crank out all kinds of children's books about scientists using science to overcome magicians and wizards and warlocks. He's framing it for the next few generations that you're going to be in this fight with these Mother-WEF-onians... "Now, there's problems in that [binary] thinking and it deludes them constantly and continuously and it has affected them for centuries. Part of their problem is the fact that these people practice the Dunning-Kruger Effect as part of their religion. They think in Group Think and they have people whose whole job within the group is to belittle and tear down and destroy other peoples' thinking. "And they think of this as a cleansing part of their process that prevents them from making mistakes -- but you know the Mother-WEF-onians make constant mistakes. "The Mother-WEF-ers, these f*ers make constant mistakes all the time and you can use Joe Rogan's line, 'Imagine thinking this is a good idea and just point it at anything the WEF-onians are doing. "Look at Klaus Schwab with his Dr Evil suit. Imagine thinking that was a good idea, when you're attempting to take over the planet, to have a Dr Evil suit made and then walk around in it and get photographed! "You know, imagine it's a good idea, when you're trying to take over the planet, to have as one of your 'chief scientists', a madman who thinks that humans can live forever, that consciousness is somehow involved in the brain and is seated in the brain and can be put into a machine and whose understanding of biology is f*ed-up by the Talmud and he thinks that there's all these different genders. "So, imagine thinking any of that is a good idea and you understand where we're at, here, with these Mother-WEF-ers. They cannot NOT see it as a good idea. That's because their religion is that they're superior, they have extra DNA -- a little dongle -- that's my word for it, they don't call it that but some of them actually think that they have a third strand, which this is not the case. They just have a tiny bit of an extra chunk of DNA if they're one of those very, very, very small part of the Khazarian Mafia. Everybody else is a dupe. "But they're dupes and stooges and they're also damaged goods, because the Mother-WEF-onians and the larger Khazarian Mafia crowd that encapsulates them practice inbreeding... "King Chucky, the pedophile, he came up with the idea, supposedly of the label, 'The Great Reset'. Well, I betcha they shopped it to all of their people before they decided that he would announce that he indeed came up with this idea. That's just the way this sh*t works. "So, we have people like Jordan Peterson, out there discussing the WEF-ers. You'll find that more and more and more Normies are talking about the WEF as in a criminal sense and pointing out the fact that it's just a private organization created by Klaus Schwab, it has no authority, no one elected it, it was not created by any elected or culturally-appropriate group, it is just a criminal gang that has elevated itself to an NGO status and is now attempting, with the central bank cabal, as one of its weapons to take over the planet and they're in that final phase. This is the Big Enchilada. This is the end of all of this. "They know their pandemic didn't work but they can't stop, they've got to keep continuing. So what they're gonna do is they're gonna roll out this idea that you've got to be locked-down for your own f*ing good until we can come up with Green Energy that would then allow you to travel. They won't do it without that promise, Just like 'Two weeks to flatten the curve,' it'll be, 'Two years to get electric airplanes.'" But lithium is an extremely inefficient way to store energy, as Clif details. The Mother-WEF-ers are so stupid that they're about to try to institute a global "climate lockdown" but too many people are now onto them and Clif thinks they'll eventually brought to justice. Running Time: 41 min Help FKTV! LISTEN: Kirk Elliott PhD Weekly Economic Commentary: SILVER HIT SUPPORT LEVEL - BUY ALL YOU CAN NOW! 2022-08-31 You Might Like [ 3D117087&cs_offset=3D0&cs_esp=3Dsendlane] [ 3D117087&cs_offset=3D1&cs_esp=3Dsendlane] [ 3D117087&cs_offset=3D2&cs_esp=3Dsendlane] [ 3D117087&cs_offset=3D3&cs_esp=3Dsendlane] [Learn more about RevenueStripe...] Subscribe to FKTV! BRUCE CONTENT, LLC PO Box 2041, Asheville, North Carolina, United States, 28802 To update or remove your contact information please Manage Your Subscription. ------=1246160_1971740783.1663810520034 Here's the link to the video that I started to watch: RIght away he showed his ignorance so I posted a comment:you talk of the 'jews' but mention the 'khazars' as if they're jews. No, the Jews are Semites of the bible, having descended from Shem. The Khazars are NOT SEMITES (and thus the ashkenazi 'jews', who are khazars and who are 80% of israeli's inhabitants are NOT SEMITES and thus the 'El' that you talk of have nothing to do with today's ashkenazi 'jews'.] PS. the Magog also descend from Ashkenaz and they are the 'king of the north' group mentioned as the bad guys who descend on israel. thusly, it's NOT RUSSIA that is the evil 'king of the north'
On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 06:32:23 PM :
I agree Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 8:20 PM
Re: Fw: I don't think Cliff High has much credibility. On 9/21/22 13:42: This is very interesting. I couldn't see how to share the link so you can just click to it from this email. Maybe just ignore what he says about aliens at the beginning but stick around for many interesting things he says. on behalf of Forbidden Knowledge TV Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 5:14 AM
Dear , Like myself and other alt media people out there these days, Clif High is optimistic about our future. He sees a very intense period over the next 3-to-4 months, during which time he expects to see the "breakout of crypto". He believes they'll go roaring up, as the central banks lose the ability to keep them down and that we'll also see 75% inflation of the US dollar. After the Midterm Elections on November 8th, Clif predicts a push for $10-per-gallon Diesel, which will clobber prices for goods, due to increased delivery costs and this will continue into early next year. He thinks things could change "reasonably rapidly", depending on how things go, election-wise. The Globalists, who he calls the "Mother-WEF-ers" will try to cheat in the elections, because it's a matter of life and death for them but it will all eventually fail, because they don't have the required numbers to support them. He says, "The CCP thinks that they can control a population if they move in 20% Han Chinese that work for the CCP into that area, that they can control the other 80% of the population. And that sort of works in China. Sort-of. "China still has over a quarter of a million riots every year that require police intervention " and they're running concentration camps, killing racial groups and all these kind of things. "Here, in the United States, they're attempting to use that 20%-80% rule but it's not racial, it's ideological. And ideological doesn't hold the same way. It doesn't trigger xenophobia the way that racial differences do in humans. "And so, that 20% is just not working out for them and a lot people are leaving that, because their lives are becoming very much more difficult, as a result of the WEF-ers' actions and and so on, with the collapse of the central banks, as we go forward... "The WEF-ers are losing everything. The right-wing is rising in Europe and the elections are going to the WEF-ers' enemies, which is basically anybody that promotes common sense and sound money." Clif believes that about 30%-40% of the people are now aware of the WEF, with a very negative impression and that their collapse is certain at this stage and they're just scrambling now. He says, "The Big Enchilada " their push to control everything " will be fueled by the rise of the populism that their push to control everything is actually causing to rise... "I think it's gonna be fun. I like to fight but this is gonna be a particular fun fight, because the enemy is so deserving and because they are so stupid, it's gonna be, in that sense a good fight against an entrenched powerful enemy that nonetheless has such huge weaknesses " and they're not even aware of them." *** TRANSCRIPT "This is all about the Mother-WEF-ers and the Big Enchilada. The Big Enchilada is the total control of the planet. We've been colonized by a central banking system " that was one of the ways that they used " almost every country is saddled with a central bank parasite, sucking all the blood out of 'em and that's why all the populace is in an uproar. "In some places like Argentina, now they're running at 100% inflation per year, which means your money buys half as much a year from now as it does now, so the impetus is to spend it rapidly but they've got 75% interest rates, which won't succeed in what they're attempting to do but it will throttle back business to absolutely nothing. "That's one of the Mother-WEF-ers' goals, is to totally shut down the whole planet and kill off as many people as they can in the process. That was the goal of the pandemic, that was the goal of the shots, which according to some reputable scientists, you can't find mRNA nor the spike protein in any of the shots from any of these manufacturers. So if that's factual and it's borne out in batch after batch, then it's quite clear that the Death Shot was a death shot and it was a lie from the beginning, all the way through to the end, as these people are dying. "We're getting a great number of deaths out here that I blame every day on the WEF...A lot of these people are tourists from Seattle and Tacoma and so on, so they've all been shot-up and boosted and so on and they're dying... "This is all a plot by the Mother-WEF-ers, the World Economic Forum and the World Economic Forum is paying now and will pay, through time in retribution for their evil " acts, which they've been engaged in for the past 59 years around the whole planet " but really, it stems back to the impetus to create central banks. "So, we've been fighting this battle for centuries. "Now, the Mother-WEF-ers are in the position, where the World Economic Forum is being called-out as a criminal gang by people with lots and lots of Normie followers, like Jordan Peterson. "He's saying that, 'Hey, look at these bastards, look what they're doing!' So it's not just the conspiracy group, it's not just the woo-woo people. We've known about the Mother-WEF-ers for decades and now, there is a growing awareness, as part of the Great Awakening of the nature of our Bad Guys, here and who they are and we can start pointing fingers to 'em and say, 'No! You're a Mother-WEF-er and I'm not going to vote for you and I'm not going to talk to you and you're just an evil sonofabitch! You want to depopulate the planet for bullsh-t!' "So, in their view, control of the planet also includes control of all of the resources, which they claim to own. It's part of their religion. Their religion says that they are the inheritors from the El, the aliens who were given the Jews to conquer and control. That was Yahweh. He was one of the Els. "The Elohim, which is the collective [term]...And one of them was given the 12 tribes of the Jews to rule over and that's where the Hebrew books come from, including the Torah and the Mishna and the Talmud. "Now, if you read into these, you'll find that none of these books is applicable to humanity, as a whole and it is isolated to this group of these 12 Tribes and that's it. And even then, it's not applicable to the Jews throughout time, it's just a description of what was happening then, when the El were given these tribes to rule, and in some sense, you ca look at the whole collection of the Torah, Mishna, Talmud and Zohar as a manual on how the Jews are supposed to survive, dealing with these mean, nasty space aliens... "Anyway, so the WEF inherits from this extreme Khazarian Mafia viewpoint that they are the inheritors of the Earth. They've got this idea that everything that's on the Earth is theirs, including you and you're just cattle. And that's why they call you 'Goy', which means 'Beast' and they want to harvest you, as they choose. "We have a binary system. So, the Mother-WEF-ers are very binary thinkers, in spite of the fact that they have non-gender, non-binary people. In the Talmud, by the way, there's six genders between breeding female and breeding male [for a total of 8 genders], so there's a spread in the Talmud. That's where this idea of multiple genders comes from. "So, in spite of the fact that these people favor the idea of multiple genders, the reason of which is the El were known to have multiple genders, so the Jews were trying to emulate them and writing about it...It was sort of a description of the beings they were dealing with. "So, the Talmud takes it being internalized to Jews that they should also have these 8 genders and so on but in spite of these people having this idea of non-binary in the gender aspect of things, they're very binary thinkers, they're very much Dualists and Good and Evil, Satan vs God etc, translated through the text, even though none of that is in the Hebrew Bible. None of it is in there. All that is is a description of what it was like to deal with these El, with these space aliens. "Anyway, these people, the WEF-ers are very binary. It reflects in everything that they do. So the CIA has the El religion inculcated into it and you can tell this by reading all these CIA manuals. They produce 'em, you can buy 'em on Amazon... "The WEF has this binary view of things that is reflected in all that they do and all that they promote. So, they promoted what's-her-name, Rowling, who wrote the Harry Potter series. These people are very much into magic " not science " magic. So they don't promote a scientist, they give us Fauci, who's very much a magician and a lying bastard and has no science and just wants to " I won't go into him. "But in any event, they promote this binary view of things and they favor magic, not science. This is why Putin's response is to crank out all kinds of children's books about scientists using science to overcome magicians and wizards and warlocks. He's framing it for the next few generations that you're going to be in this fight with these Mother-WEF-onians... "Now, there's problems in that [binary] thinking and it deludes them constantly and continuously and it has affected them for centuries. Part of their problem is the fact that these people practice the Dunning-Kruger Effect as part of their religion. They think in Group Think and they have people whose whole job within the group is to belittle and tear down and destroy other peoples' thinking. "And they think of this as a cleansing part of their process that prevents them from making mistakes " but you know the Mother-WEF-onians make constant mistakes. "The Mother-WEF-ers, these f*ers make constant mistakes all the time and you can use Joe Rogan's line, 'Imagine thinking this is a good idea and just point it at anything the WEF-onians are doing. "Look at Klaus Schwab with his Dr Evil suit. Imagine thinking that was a good idea, when you're attempting to take over the planet, to have a Dr Evil suit made and then walk around in it and get photographed!= "You know, imagine it's a good idea, when you're trying to take over the planet, to have as one of your 'chief scientists', a madman who thinks that humans can live forever, that consciousness is somehow involved in the brain and is seated in the brain and can be put into a machine and whose understanding of biology is f*ed-up by the Talmud and he thinks that there's all these different genders. "So, imagine thinking any of that is a good idea and you understand where we're at, here, with these Mother-WEF-ers. They cannot NOT see it as a good idea. That's because their religion is that they're superior, they have extra DNA " a little dongle " that's my word for it, they don't call it that but some of them actually think that they have a third strand, which this is not the case. They just have a tiny bit of an extra chunk of DNA if they're one of those very, very, very small part of the Khazarian Mafia. Everybody else is a dupe. "But they're dupes and stooges and they're also damaged goods, because the Mother-WEF-onians and the larger Khazarian Mafia crowd that encapsulates them practice inbreeding... "King Chucky, the pedophile, he came up with the idea, supposedly of the label, 'The Great Reset'. Well, I betcha they shopped it to all of their people before they decided that he would announce that he indeed came up with this idea. That's just the way this sh*t works. "So, we have people like Jordan Peterson, out there discussing the WEF-ers. You'll find that more and more and more Normies are talking about the WEF as in a criminal sense and pointing out the fact that it's just a private organization created by Klaus Schwab, it has no authority, no one elected it, it was not created by any elected or culturally-appropriate group, it is just a criminal gang that has elevated itself to an NGO status and is now attempting, with the central bank cabal, as one of its weapons to take over the planet and they're in that final phase. This is the Big Enchilada. This is the end of all of this. "They know their pandemic didn't work but they can't stop, they've got to keep continuing. So what they're gonna do is they're gonna roll out this idea that you've got to be locked-down for your own f*ing good until we can come up with Green Energy that would then allow you to travel. They won't do it without that promise, Just like 'Two weeks to flatten the curve,' it'll be, 'Two years to get electric airplanes.'" But lithium is an extremely inefficient way to store energy, as Clif details. The Mother-WEF-ers are so stupid that they're about to try to institute a global "climate lockdown" but too many people are now onto them and Clif thinks they'll eventually brought to justice. Running Time: 41= min Help FKTV! LISTEN: Kirk Elliott PhD Weekly Economic Commentary: SILVER HIT SUPPORT LEVEL - BUY ALL YOU CAN NOW! 2022-08-31 You Might Like
Subscribe to FKTV! BRUCE CONTENT, LLC PO Box 2041, Asheville, North Carolina, United States, 28802 To update or remove your contact information please Manage= Your= Subscription. --=1246160_1971740783.1663810520034 Here's the link to the video that I started to watch: RIght away he showed his ignorance so I posted a comment:you talk of the 'jews' but mention the 'khazars' as if they're jews.No, the Jews are Semites of the bible, having descended from Shem.
On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 06:32:23 PM : I agree See also...
College debt - must seeby doug - 2022-09-23 ( education / research ) [html version]And maybe he will also make you smile farmingby doug - 2022-09-23 ( education / research ) [html version]Very inspirational video for me. Hope you also like it. Please, Share Widelyby doug - 2022-09-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]--_000_BYAPR08MB5624C66F0933065DEB95B327D14F9BYAPR08MB5624namp_ Good comments Jordan Roberts -- Editor Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 3:36 PM Why The World Economic Forum's Plutocracy Should Be Dissolved 100 years ago, the battle was for sharing the surplus. Now, it is for sharing the lack of it. Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, appeared with David Gergen in 2017 at Harvard's F. Kennedy School of Government and openly boasted of his influence over many national leaders: "I have to say when I mention names like Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on, they have all been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum, but what we are really proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, the President of Argentina and so on. So we penetrate the cabinets. So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of his cabinet or even more are Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum . It is true in Argentina and it is true in France now ." When the chairman of an international economic body publicly brags about his leverage over the leaders of sovereign nation states, he can hardly be mistaken as defending the merits of "democracy." In a somewhat farcical display of the World Economic Forum's control over individual nations, it has become eerily commonplace these last two years to hear the leaders of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States all parroting the same "Build Back Better" slogan propagated by Klaus Schwab's economic club. With wealth and political power bonded densely into such haut monde cabals, the insular prerogatives of the WEF have succeeded in dominating government policies throughout the West. Both in their immediate handling of the covid-19 pandemic and their planned response to the harsh economic repercussions dovetailing from prolonged lockdowns, Western nation states have taken many of their cues directly from the World Economic Forum's policy edicts. Whatever vestige of "democracy" still casts a shadow across North America, Europe, and the South Pacific, it has become unmistakable that plutocracy -- rule by a wealthy elite -- is fast assuming total control over the West's future. Notably, today's plutocrats have little interest in truly free markets. Unlike J.D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, and other late-nineteenth-century industrialists and business magnates who made their fortunes in the heyday of economic growth before the massive expansion of the regulatory State, those with great wealth today often champion government intervention in markets. The World Economic Forum, for instance, demands governments take urgent action to combat or address climate change, cybersecurity, online misinformation, artificial intelligence, overpopulation, the use of hydrocarbon energy, farm ownership, food supplies, the elimination of private vehicle ownership, and the imposition of citizen-control protocols to defend against future pandemics. Regulation of people and markets is now of paramount importance to those with wealth and power. [WEFSlaves.webp] -- -/// -- - The credit card that tracks your CO2 emissions. Remember when this was called a conspiracy theory? The card is called DO Black and has been developed by the Swedish company Doconomy in collaboration with Mastercard who are actually part-owners in the company. [1Mz8FL4N.webp] -- -/// -- - Scientific look at how EMF affects your body Must see. There's some eye-opening information here about smart devices you must hear. As great as it is, this scientist misses the big picture of the scamdemic. -- -/// -- - --_000_BYAPR08MB5624C66F0933065DEB95B327D14F9BYAPR08MB5624namp_ Good comments Jordan Roberts -- Editor Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 3:36 PMPlease, share widely
Why The World Economic Forum's Plutocracy Should Be Dissolved 100 years ago, the battle was for sharing the surplus. Now, it is for sharing the lack of it. Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, appeared with David Gergen in 2017 at Harvard's F. Kennedy School of Government and openly boasted of his influence over many national leaders: "I have to say when I mention names like Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on, they have all been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum, but what we are really proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, the President of Argentina and so on. So we penetrate the cabinets. So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of his cabinet or even more are Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum . It is true in Argentina and it is true in France now ." When the chairman of an international economic body publicly brags about his leverage over the leaders of sovereign nation states, he can hardly be mistaken as defending the merits of "democracy." In a somewhat farcical display of the World Economic Forum's control over individual nations, it has become eerily commonplace these last two years to hear the leaders of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States all parroting the same "Build Back Better" slogan propagated by Klaus Schwab's economic club. With wealth and political power bonded densely into such haut monde cabals, the insular prerogatives of the WEF have succeeded in dominating government policies throughout the West. Both in their immediate handling of the covid-19 pandemic and their planned response to the harsh economic repercussions dovetailing from prolonged lockdowns, Western nation states have taken many of their cues directly from the World Economic Forum's policy edicts. Whatever vestige of "democracy" still casts a shadow across North America, Europe, and the South Pacific, it has become unmistakable that plutocracy -- rule by a wealthy elite -- is fast assuming total control over the West's future. Notably, today's plutocrats have little interest in truly free markets. Unlike J.D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, and other late-nineteenth-century industrialists and business magnates who made their fortunes in the heyday of economic growth before the massive expansion of the regulatory State, those with great wealth today often champion government intervention in markets. The World Economic Forum, for instance, demands governments take urgent action to combat or address climate change, cybersecurity, online misinformation, artificial intelligence, overpopulation, the use of hydrocarbon energy, farm ownership, food supplies, the elimination of private vehicle ownership, and the imposition of citizen-control protocols to defend against future pandemics. Regulation of people and markets is now of paramount importance to those with wealth and power. -- -/// -- - The credit card that tracks your CO2 emissions. Remember when this was called a conspiracy theory? The card is called DO Black and has been developed by the Swedish company Doconomy in collaboration with Mastercard who are actually part-owners in the company. -- -/// -- - Scientific look at how EMF affects your body Must see. There's some eye-opening information here about smart devices you must hear. As great as it is, this scientist misses the big picture of the scamdemic. -- -/// -- - --_000_BYAPR08MB5624C66F0933065DEB95B327D14F9BYAPR08MB5624namp_-- How the Pandemic Criminals Get Paidby doug - 2022-09-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Very interesting. I didn't know about the credit card that links to an offshore account so that it's invisible here. Ohio Refinery, Lyme Disease Origin, Etcby doug - 2022-09-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Several interesting topics. Will this cause another artificial fuel shortage and make prices soar even more? The comments about Lyme disease conflict with the official narrative which I found here, and we know government never would lie: Grow Potatoes in the Air?by steve - 2022-09-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I'm going to try it. I have to find out what type of solution is used red states got the worstby steve - 2022-09-25 ( education / research ) [html version] Who is Bill Gates?by doug - 2022-09-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Excellent documentary by James Corbett of this lizard person. See how his PR campaign has tricked so many into thinking he's such a great guy. invisible attacksby don - 2022-09-29 ( education / research ) [html version]People filmed looking up to the right, then they spin and fall convulsing... WHAT is happening I just came across ANOTHER video showing the same behavior. I have not found any articles but so many videos. Some say they die afterwards. It's been suggested that people believe theel of death is seen, or demons, or something? I will post more when I find them. For me this is a compelling mystery... please add your OBS.... before the cellphone was pointed out, my guess was that it could be some tiny robot like a mosquito attacking them but then it seems to "attack" them on their side that they were listening to their cellphone so maybe some (from 5G?) was sent to them. Related to the vax? who knows!
On Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 06:43:27 AM someone wrote: People filmed looking up to the right, then they spin and fall convulsing... WHAT is happening
I just came across ANOTHER video showing the same behavior. I have not found any articles but so many videos. Some say they die afterwards. It's been suggested that people believe theel of death is seen, or demons, or something? I will post more when I find them. For me this is a compelling mystery... please add your OBS.... Plandemic 1by steve - 2022-09-29 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]here's an article that tells how Plandemic 2 video is a lie (yeah, I want to show both sides): In trying to find Plandemic 2, I came across this article that says searches for it are blocked ( might somebody be afraid of the TRUTH?)Major Social Media To Start Blocking Searches For Plandemic 2 Major Social Media To Start Blocking Searches For Plandemic 2 I didn't give up: On Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 11:27:31 AM : there's a Plandemic video that I'm going to look for and Plandemic 3 has been announced to soon be here On Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 06:38:04 AM someone wrote:
good one On 9/26/22 23:10: I just watched Plandemic 2. Yeah, it says a lot but many who fall for the "conspiracy theory" claim of TRUTH won't dare pay attention if they DARE even watch it (ignorance is bliss or not see, speak, or hear evil): On Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 07:11:18 PM : here's an article that tells how Plandemic 2 video is a lie (yeah, I want to show both sides): In trying to find Plandemic 2, I came across this article that says searches for it are blocked (gee, might somebody be afraid of the TRUTH?)Major Social Media To Start Blocking Searches For Plandemic 2 Major Social Media To Start Blocking Searches For Plandemic 2 I didn't give up: On Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 11:27:31 AM : there's a Plandemic video that I'm going to look for and Plandemic 3 has been announced to soon be here On Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 06:38:04 AM someone wrote:
good one On 9/26/22 23:10: I just watched Plandemic 2. Yeah, it says a lot but many who fall for the "conspiracy theory" claim of TRUTH won't dare pay attention if they DARE even watch it (ignorance is bliss or not see, speak, or hear evil):
On Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 07:11:18 PM : here's an article that tells how Plandemic 2 video is a lie (yeah, I want to show both sides): In trying to find Plandemic 2, I came across this article that says searches for it are blocked (gee, might somebody be afraid of the TRUTH?)Major Social Media To Start Blocking Searches For Plandemic 2 Major Social Media To Start Blocking Searches For Plandemic 2 I didn't give up:
On Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 11:27:31 AM : there's a Plandemic video that I'm going to look for and Plandemic 3 has been announced to soon be here
On Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 06:38:04 AM someone wrote: good one On 9/26/22 23:10: Letters to Congressby doug - 2022-09-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]They really can work. Living in Fearby doug - 2022-09-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Just because maybe you're not wearing a mask, scared of the air you breathe in your car or while exercising, there are MANY MANY I see and laugh at daily in Sacramento who will jump at their own shadow. This means the complete insanity of the scamdemic is not over. Even if Newscum declared it's over it's the morons who will now keep it going, seemingly forever. This is one reason I wish their suicidal response would finally kick in and put themselves out of their misery. They still shoot horses't they? This short video discusses this fact and why people who can afford it should donate to many worthy groups who have been doing something about this farce. Parallel Economy / Societyby doug - 2022-09-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]You may have been hearing about the need or desire to exit the completely corrupt and insane society where you live. Maybe you think you are all alone and the rest of the people you know have fallen for the psyop scamdemic blasting from every government and gaslight media outlets. Here is a possible solution to connect with other like-minded people. Once the digital economy reaches the point of banning cash and "bad citizens" have their bank accounts blocked like happened in Canada this year by the dictator Justin Castro Trudeau, you may want to already have something in place that reduces the dependency on that corrupt system. Worth considering. Between now and 2030by steve - 2022-09-30 ( education / research ) [html version]here's a video I'm watching about Jesuits:This Mans Interview Tells It All -- 21st Century Crusade To Take Over The World
This Mans Interview Tells It All -- 21st Century Crusade To Take Over Th...
On Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 04:41:56 PM PDT someone wrote: I doubt it, but people decide what they want to believe first, and then gather evidence to support= it On 9/28/22 16:50: zionists were satanic sabateans. they currrently rule the WORLD: The History of the Sabbatean Jews and Their Relationship to Rothschild and Satanic Acts
The History of the Sabbatean Jews and Their Relationship to Rothschild a... @AnonArrow The following are the notes that I took from the video below, almost word for word. It was so rich in historical...
On Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 01:35:39 PM PDT someone wrote: the sabateans were satanists as the jesuits are accused of being On 9/27/22 22:59: he may be right with that but I think he's said some pretty crazy stuff and I don't trust his opinions, in general
On Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 05:44:52 AM PDT someone wrote: Leo Zagami is always interesting if you can understand his Italian accent. He says the illuminati= is made up of the Jesuits and the Sabatean Frankist Jews On 9/26/22 23:34: We'll decide the future of mankind. That's an approximate quote from this very interesting interview. Some interesting facts about Hollywood and the Illuminati. I think the globalists have accelerated their timeline and we don't have that much longer to crush them. Meanwhile, many still don't realize world war 3 started in 2020 with the scamdemic. Ignorance is bliss until you get wiped out. Hurricane Control?by steve - 2022-09-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I wonder if the hurricane was made stronger to punish DeSantis: Good news about banksby doug - 2022-10-01 ( education / research ) [html version] Florida Hurricane Manipulation?by doug - 2022-10-01 ( education / research / conspiracies / weather ) [html version]This documentary proves this happens. Why did it get banned almost instantly by the deep state? It only confirms what people are realizing. Of course, don't dare believe anything outside what the gaslight media wants you to believe. Man-Made Climate Change Video Deleted in 21 Minutes by Amazing Polly Story of a Doctor Waking Upby doug - 2022-10-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Pretty interesting and hopefully a lot more to follow. As I've said, it might take a personal tragedy in the immediate family for eyes to finally see what's going on in pharma. Satellite Phones and Bibbi Sticksby doug - 2022-10-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Too expensive for us but if you can afford it these are proving to be extremely helpful in emergency situations like the aftermath of hurricane Ian in Florida.;n/ How Sweden Became a Hell Holeby doug - 2022-10-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Some comments about this 6 part documentary say it's very painful to watch how such a happy country has been deliberately turned into a hell by the globalists. Sarah Westhall did a 2-part interview about it with a freelance reporter who has become the spokeswoman to promote it because the creator can't afford to identify himself and become a target. Death by Blood Transfusionby doug - 2022-10-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Go to 35:45 to hear about the criminals of pharma killing babies by giving them the blood of someone who got the fake vax bioweapon. I warned about this in about January 2021 before the truth I was sharing got me kicked off that evil platform know fondly as fascistbook. I heard that in Mexico they do separate the tainted blood and good blood. So you must find a hospital that is not run by the psycho bastards in pharma or you are certain to die. Better not have a serious accident. Social Creditby don - 2022-10-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Robert Morningstar says that Canada and NYC are hosting Chinese secret police who are ostensibly there to to arrest Chinese immigrants for breaking Chinese laws outside of /China. On 10/2/22 14:35: People in general don't realize just how near we are to becoming slaves. It'll probably happen next year!! Sunday, October 2, 2022 12:12 PM Wow, that was great and very disturbing. I'm going to share this one. Sunday, October 2, 2022 10:05 AM there will a real big "black market" system to go around it 2009 Climate Fraudby doug - 2022-10-03 ( education / research / conspiracies / weather ) [html version]I never paid attention to the opposing opinions and facts that refute climate change until the 2019/2020 presidential election. I learned that it was a scam. It was just one fraction of what I would learn once the scamdemic started. Today I learned that in 2009 hackers discovered that scientists were literally conspiring to hide data that inconveniently disproved the scientific fraud they were involved with. For anyone in search of the truth, here's how it happened back 13 years ago and how the media covered it up. On Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 09:30:52 PM, someone said: Here's one article that I have: Global Mass Hysteria From Notoriously Inaccurate Climate Modeling
and... MATH ERROR: Scientists Admit 'Mistakes' Led To Alarming Results In Major Global Warming Study
and... climate-change-fraud-based-computer-models I have more, of course. Great Interview of Icke by Alex Jonesby doug - 2022-10-04 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Ever had the thought that you feel way younger than what your body's age indicates? Maybe you will understand why that is after listening to this excellent (and loooong) conversation between probably the two biggest icons in the new media, aka alternative media. That's not what it's about though. Anyone who takes the time to listen will learn new things. It is truly great. If you're already a David Icke fan, I know you will love this one, too. ------=3754155_1825762915.1664778325214 yeah, I feel much younger than 70. I did my birthday ride Saturday. There were 100 mile (century), 63 mile (metric century), 36 and some shorter ride. I figured that the metric ride plus riding to and from it would give me 70 but the ride was on some awful country roads where I only went 9-11 mph so when I saw the opportunity to switch to teh 36 mile route, I took it. With the miles to and from the ride, I had 45. I then rode the last 25 on the nice smooth bike trail.71 miles next year? Nahe with that. I could do 71 kilometers or I could start counting backward 2 each year. If I make it to 100 (30 more years), that'd be 60 miles backward do I'd be riding 10 miles when 100.I'm still hoping to start making world records running after I turn 100 years old.
On Sunday, October 2, 2022 at 11:12:54 PM : Ever had the thought that you feel way younger than what your body's age indicates? Maybe you will understand why that is after listening to this excellent (and loooong) conversation between probably the two biggest icons in the new media, aka alternative media. That's not what it's about though. Anyone who takes the time to listen will learn new things. It is truly great. If you're already a David Icke fan, I know you will love this one, too. --=3754155_1825762915.1664778325214 yeah, I feel much younger than 70. I did my birthday ride Saturday. There were 100 mile (century), 63 mile (metric century), 36 and some shorter ride. I figured that the metric ride plus riding to and from it would give me 70 but the ride was on some awful country roads where I only went 9-11 mph so when I saw the opportunity to switch to teh 36 mile route, I took it. With the miles to and from the ride, I had 45. I then rode the last 25 on the nice smooth bike trail.71 miles next year? Nahe with that. I could do 71 kilometers or I could start counting backward 2 each year. If I make it to 100 (30 more years), that'd be 60 miles backward do I'd be riding 10 miles when 100.I'm still hoping to start making world records running after I turn 100 years old.
On Sunday, October 2, 2022 at 11:12:54 PM :
Ever had the thought that you feel way younger than what your body's age indicates? Maybe you will understand why that is after listening to this excellent (and loooong) conversation between probably the two biggest icons in the new media, aka alternative media.
That's not what it's about though. Anyone who takes the time to listen will learn new things. It is truly great. If you're already a David Icke fan, I know you will love this one, too. --=3754155_1825762915.1664778325214-- Biden launching new biowarfare disease/vaxby don - 2022-10-04 ( education / research ) [html version]9/11 Investigation by NIST Was Wrongby doug - 2022-10-05 ( education / research ) [html version]I suppose the truth censors on YouTube haven't yet noticed it and removed it as loony bin stuff. It's way overdue for everyone to wake up to these continual scams and psyops. ________________________________ Sent: Saturday, October 1, 2022 12:58 AM Fw: wow, somebody from NIST actually looked into the matter Stand for the Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out9/11 Evidence and NIST [] Stand for the Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out9/11 Evidence ... Another One Bites the Dustby doug - 2022-10-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Nice to see another very pro vax doctor wake up to the deadly covid vax. But his very healthy father first had to die from "blood clots" before he realized it. Now he's calling for an end to this fake vax. New Documentaryby doug - 2022-10-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]If you haven't yet seen this, I highly recommend it: And it's really important to share with everyone. US military jab most toxicby don - 2022-10-09 ( education / research ) [html version] Wow, 3 months ago. It's the 1st I heard that they started producing Comirnaty. An FDA approved product doesn't have a liability shield, as if they actually cared anyway. Sent: Saturday, October 8, 2022 4:25 PM ; Subject: No Wonder CDC Hides Databy doug - 2022-10-10 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]The CDC database called V-Safe ( I'd never heard of it) is the most accurate one the government has (I think), at least that they claim. Participants signed up right away when deciding to enthusiastically take the most safe and most effective "vaccine" of all time. But it took over one year and 3-4 court cases to finally release it through the freedom of information act. And man, are their fake and phoney injections causing tons of damage. It really makes me wonder if anyone actually got the placebo. Now anyone can use this database millions are doing it thanks to The High Wire website. My main objection is that people still act surprised with the government and their decisions because they don't want to admit humans can be so evil. NOTHING surprises me these days once you ask the simple question of why we see all this death and destruction and the obvious depopulation agenda in progress. The CDC, FDA, EPA, CIA, FBI and all related criminal agencies must the abolished the first chance sane people regain power. Be sure to share this awesome news. For Sacto county,= I see "cases and deaths" but that seems like covid deaths but what of vax deaths, which I'm not seeing
On Saturday, October 8, 2022 at 07:49:32 PM : The CDC database called V-Safe ( I'd never heard of it) is the most accurate one the government has (I think), at least that they claim. Participants signed up right away when deciding to enthusiastically take the most safe and most effective "vaccine" of all time. But it took over one year and 3-4 court cases to finally release it through the freedom of information act. And man, are their fake and phoney injections causing tons of damage. It really makes me wonder if anyone actually got the placebo. Now anyone can use this database millions are doing it thanks to The High Wire website. My main objection is that people still act surprised with the government and their decisions because they don't want to admit humans can be so evil. NOTHING surprises me these days once you ask the simple question of why we see all this death and destruction and the obvious depopulation agenda in progress. The CDC, FDA, EPA, CIA, FBI and all related criminal agencies must the abolished the first chance sane people regain power. Be sure to share this awesome news. Free Funeral Gift Card with Your Vaccineby doug - 2022-10-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]-- Australia has solved the vaccine hesitancy problem: they offer a free funeral gift card with your vaccine If you die from the vaccine, they'll pay for your funeral. So now, you have no reason to say "No." One minor problem: the payment is not guaranteed. Your next of kin still has to apply. Deceased covid-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs. In cases involving death you may be eligible for payment and support for funeral costs. We'll make this payment to the deceased's estate. Read on [] -- -/// -- - -- Australia has solved the vaccine hesitancy problem: they offer a free funeral gift card with your vaccine If you die from the vaccine, they'll pay for your funeral. So now, you have no reason to say "No." One minor problem: the payment is not guaranteed. Your next of kin still has to apply. Deceased covid-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs. In cases involving death you may be eligible for payment and support for funeral costs. We'll make this payment to the deceased's estate. Read on -- -/// -- - ---- Still Trading with Russiaby doug - 2022-10-11 ( education / research ) [html version]With 85% of the countries in the world still trading with Russia, how much longer can anyone believe the non-stop lies from the gaslight media about what's really going on? Of course, the media relies on a completely stupid audience that's unwilling to think and question anything, because the truth is available online if someone would simply look. Russiaby doug - 2022-10-11 ( education / research ) [html version]With 85% of the countries in the world still trading with Russia, how much longer can anyone believe the non-stop lies from the gaslight media about what's really going on? Of course, the media relies on a completely stupid audience that's unwilling to think and question anything, because the truth is available online if someone would simply look. 85% of Countries Still Trading with Russiaby doug - 2022-10-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]With 85% of the countries in the world still trading with Russia, how much longer can anyone believe the non-stop lies from the gaslight media about what's really going on? Of course, the media relies on a completely stupid audience that's unwilling to think and question anything, because the truth is available online if someone would simply look. Beware the Very Possible False Fagby doug - 2022-10-11 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]It could happen this month to cancel the elections which virtually everyone knows will be a red flood and maybe allow justice for so many criminals in government and hopefully corporations. Will martial law be declared as the last attempt to hold onto power by this illegitimate and satanic regime? On bitchute you shouldn't have that problem because they do support free speech. Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2022 10:30 PM Part 1? I don't remember Parts what's the link to the Part 1 that you found? I decided to go through the saved emails I have with links to this and that. I've found that a full HALF of the videos that I have links to no longer work -- deleted/censored. On Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 10:18:24 PM : I also just watched part 1 and he's always very interesting to hear. Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2022 9:00 PM This guy seems to know a lot and what he says tells me that when (not if) the dollar goes down, it'd be best to have already used them to be stocked up on whatever (mainly food, which I think I'll stock more up tomorrow): Follow the Money: Systematic Destruction of the Western Economies w/ Andy Schectman (1of2) Follow the Money: Systematic Destruction of the Western Economies w/ And... Please donate and help us fight for Freedom of Speech! learn more @ ... On Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 08:48:58 PM : It could happen this month to cancel the elections which virtually everyone knows will be a red flood and maybe allow justice for so many criminals in government and hopefully corporations. Will martial law be declared as the last attempt to hold onto power by this illegitimate and satanic regime? On bitchute you shouldn't have that problem because they do support free speech. Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2022 10:30 PMRe: Part 1? I don't remember Parts what's the link to the Part 1 that you found? I decided to go through the saved emails I have with links to this and that. I've found that a full HALF of the videos that I have links to no longer work -- deleted/censored. On Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 10:18:24 PM : I also just watched part 1 and he's always very interesting to hear. Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2022 9:00 PMRe: This guy seems to know a lot and what he says tells me that when (not if) the dollar goes down, it'd be best to have already used them to be stocked up on whatever (mainly food, which I think I'll stock more up tomorrow): Follow the Money: Systematic Destruction of the Western Economies w/ Andy Schectman (1of2) Follow the Money: Systematic Destruction of the Western Economies w/ And... Please donate and help us fight for Freedom of Speech! learn more @ ... On Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 08:48:58 PM : It could happen this month to cancel the elections which virtually everyone knows will be a red flood and maybe allow justice for so many criminals in government and hopefully corporations. Will martial law be declared as the last attempt to hold onto power by this illegitimate and satanic regime? On bitchute you shouldn't have that problem because they do support free speech. Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2022 10:30 PMRe: Part 1? I don't remember Parts what's the link to the Part 1 that you found? I decided to go through the saved emails I have with links to this and that. I've found that a full HALF of the videos that I have links to no longer work -- deleted/censored. On Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 10:18:24 PM : I also just watched part 1 and he's always very interesting to hear. Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2022 9:00 PMRe: This guy seems to know a lot and what he says tells me that when (not if) the dollar goes down, it'd be best to have already used them to be stocked up on whatever (mainly food, which I think I'll stock more up tomorrow): Follow the Money: Systematic Destruction of the Western Economies w/ Andy Schectman (1of2) Follow the Money: Systematic Destruction of the Western Economies w/ And... Please donate and help us fight for Freedom of Speech! learn more @ ... On Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 08:48:58 PM : It could happen this month to cancel the elections which virtually everyone knows will be a red flood and maybe allow justice for so many criminals in government and hopefully corporations. Will martial law be declared as the last attempt to hold onto power by this illegitimate and satanic regime? On bitchute you shouldn't have that problem because they do support free speech. Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2022 10:30 PMRe: Part 1? I don't remember Parts what's the link to the Part 1 that you found? I decided to go through the saved emails I have with links to this and that. I've found that a full HALF of the videos that I have links to no longer work -- deleted/censored. On Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 10:18:24 PM : I also just watched part 1 and he's always very interesting to hear. Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2022 9:00 PMRe: This guy seems to know a lot and what he says tells me that when (not if) the dollar goes down, it'd be best to have already used them to be stocked up on whatever (mainly food, which I think I'll stock more up tomorrow): Follow the Money: Systematic Destruction of the Western Economies w/ Andy Schectman (1of2) Follow the Money: Systematic Destruction of the Western Economies w/ And... Please donate and help us fight for Freedom of Speech! learn more @ ... On Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 08:48:58 PM : It could happen this month to cancel the elections which virtually everyone knows will be a red flood and maybe allow justice for so many criminals in government and hopefully corporations. Will martial law be declared as the last attempt to hold onto power by this illegitimate and satanic regime? This guy seems to know a lot and what he says tells me that when (not if) the dollar goes down, it'd be best to have already used them to be stocked up on whatever (mainly food, which I think I'll stock more up tomorrow):Follow the Money: Systematic Destruction of the Western Economies w/ Andy Schectman (1of2) Follow the Money: Systematic Destruction of the Western Economies w/ And... Please donate and help us fight for Freedom of Speech! learn more @ ...
On Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 08:48:58 PM : It could happen this month to cancel the elections which virtually everyone knows will be a red flood and maybe allow justice for so many criminals in government and hopefully corporations. Will martial law be declared as the last attempt to hold onto power by this illegitimate and satanic regime? Doctors, Data and Biologyby jordan roberts - 2022-10-12 ( education / research ) [html version]World Economic Forum Dr Harari Interview: statistics and analysis of injury, disability, life expectancy and death post inoculations. "-///"-Utopia 2020: a coincidental story "-///"-covid, consent, and the code of conduct. How AHPRA entered the consultation room and is now refusing to leave. How AHPRA entered the consultation room and is now refusing to leave. It's a story I've heard far too many times. 'There was no mention of any possible serious side effects other than the after your covid vaccination information sheet I was handed on the way out. If only I'd known.' What followed is the now all-too-familiar story of repeated emergency room presentations, doctor visits, and an array of diagnoses including chest pain (cause unknown), pericarditis, myocarditis, Bell's palsy, fibromyalgia, neuralgia, and fatigue, just to name a few. Months later, patient X is still suffering from crippling symptoms and is struggling to recover. 'If only I'd known.' Those words come back to me. It's apparent that one of the foundational requirements of good medical practice has been omitted from the original consultation, that of 'informed consent.' Australia's medical Code of Conduct, the statutory rules for medical practitioners, defines informed consent as 'a person's voluntary decision about medical care that is made with knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks involved'. In addition, the Australian Immunisation Handbook states: 'For consent to be legally valid ... it must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion, or manipulation ... and it can only be given after the potential risks and benefits of the relevant vaccine, the risks of not having it, and any alternative options have been explained to the person.' Think back to the last time you gave consent for a medical procedure or, dare I say it, a vaccination. Were you taken through this process? There's more. What happens to consent if you're involved in a clinical trial? Former barrister, Julian Gillespie, explains: 'There is a portion towards the end of the medical Code of Conduct, which ... clearly addresses if you are a medical practitioner and you are involved in a clinical or experimental trial ... then there's all these further procedures and protocols that must be satisfied.' Surely that would only apply in the circumstances of an experimental trial, wouldn't it? As it happens, that's what we've been doing for the past couple of years. 'We heard it out of former health minister Hunt's lips, and several others,' Gillespie says. 'It's well acknowledged that these covid vaccines have only been provisionally approved and are still subject to clinical trials.' Julian Gillespie LLB, BJuris, is co-author, with Peter Fam LLB, of a recently published bombshell legal opinion casting doubt on the legal basis of AHPRA's March 9, 2021 'gag order'. The opinion was issued with a letter stating: 'Contingent to a joint statement received from AHPRA and the National Boards on 9 March 2021, Australian Health Professionals ... were essentially forbidden from publicly questioning the science underlying the emerging covid injectables, let alone questioning any government messaging urging Australians to be vaccinated, because these products were deemed 'safe and effective'. 'The effect of this unilateral action ... inserted AHPRA and the National Boards between the Clinician and their Patient, which resulted in a serious failure of evidenced-based information being shared by Health Professionals with patients ... for the purpose of their providing legally acceptable Informed Consent to receiving covid injectables. 'This failure in Informed Consent has likely resulted in hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Australians agreeing to the administration of covid injectables, where they would not have so agreed or consented had they been provided with all the available evidenced-based information... including that they expose a recipient to a real and significant risk of death, injury, or illness.' What does this mean? Essentially, the legal opinion posits that it was illegal for AHPRA and the National Boards to even produce the position statement. Health Professionals were always required to first observe their Codes of Conduct irrespective of the various coercive and threatening statements made in the March statement. But wait, there's more. It also appears the public officers responsible for that statement are now legally exposed: 'As the harm to covid vaccine victims was foreseeable, in terms of these still remaining experimental gene-based therapies, these vaccine victims ... can sue the public offices of AHPRA and the National Boards in their personal capacity,' says Gillespie. It doesn't stop there. There may be further liability available to health practitioners who administered the vaccines in breach of their Codes of Conduct. Gillespie adds, 'Should those health practitioners subsequently be sued by their patients ... then those health practitioners may, in turn, be able to sue the public officers of AHPRA and the National Boards for coercing and threatening them to ignore their Codes of Conduct. Such illegal action would be the tort of misfeasance in public office.' I'll just let that all sink in. The legal opinion was sent to all medical associations and colleges, nearly 70 of them, all Australia's politicians, state, federal, and territory, and medical professional insurers. Oh, and it was also sent to over 300 of Australia's top personal injury and medical negligence lawyers. No one's missing out on this one. The legal opinion was helpfully accompanied by a 107-page report reviewing the evidence and adverse event data for covid vaccines. It's an alarming read. But wait " there's (even) more. Proposed changes to Health Practitioner National Law, due to be debated in the Queensland Parliament on October 11, 2022, are set to give AHPRA even more power to interfere with the doctor/patient relationship. These proposed amendments have medical organisations extremely concerned including the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the Australian Medical Association, the Australian Medical Network (AMN), and the Australian Medical Professionals Society. If passed, 'Doctors will no longer be able to express their opinion or use their experience, training, and education if their opinion goes against what the health bureaucrats say is in the best interests of public confidence in safety,' says AMN. And the changes won't stop in Queensland. The amended National Law will then be rolled out to other jurisdictions. All Australians should be concerned. The Australian Medical Professional Society says, 'Health regulation is not being used to protect the public from legitimate professional misconduct but is being used to silence Health Professionals from questioning government policy as a matter of routine.' If the legislation comes to pass, it begs the question: when a patient goes to visit their doctor how will they know if they are receiving the doctor's professional opinion or the government's latest edict? The March 9, 2021 joint position statement has given Australia a taste of what might come if we don't stand up to this obscene imposition by regulators in the consultation room. In the words of 'Dr Frank Mercy' " an Australian doctor who writes under a pseudonym for fear of reprisal " 'This is our Stalingrad. Defeat here will open the field to unlimited human resources for oppressive forces that can never be turned back. We must oppose this with all our resolve.' Dr Julie Sladden is a doctor and freelance writer with a passion for transparency in healthcare. For more information see Stop Medical Censorship campaign *Patient 'X' is fictitious and based on a collection of stories told over the past 18 months, which I have permission to share. Dr Harariby jordan roberts - 2022-10-12 ( education / research ) [html version]America Sucks and We Need Socialism/Communismby doug - 2022-10-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]That's what many (most?) kids are learning in school. Don't believe me? Then watch. World View Reportby don - 2022-10-12 ( education / research ) [html version] catherine fittsby don - 2022-10-12 ( education / research ) [html version]timeline of a global takeover DeSantis strikes again!by doug - 2022-10-12 ( education / research ) [html version] Do you get it yet?by jordan roberts - 2022-10-13 ( education / research ) [html version]Why are we vaccinating children? Hugh McCarthy is a retired Headteacher with 50 years of experience in education. He lectured in leadership at the Ulster University and served on two of N. Ireland's education councils. He is a colleague of mine in PANDA and a member of Collateral Global. He writes: Leadership/the impact of covid policy on children In August, he wrote an article for UK Column that every parent, teacher, and basically anyone that cares about children should read before going anywhere near them with an mRNA needle. He concluded: covid vaccines don't work. There are serious questions about their safety. They are not necessary for children. Surely, the weight of independent evidence here is enough to expect the powers that be to pause and reflect. There is tremendous public anxiety regarding this push, and elected officials should take cognisance of it. Parents, too, must now assume responsibility for establishing the facts, and take action accordingly. As the Christian theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer maintained: The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children. It is time to put the children first rather than suffer 'the insufferable arrogance of the constantly wrong'. And then: =F0=9F=9A=A8=F0=9F=9A=A8BREAKING NEWS=F0=9F=9A=A8=F0=9F=9A=A8 Big Tech platform, LinkedIn suspends account of top UK educator for trying to protect children from medical abuse. Share to those who haven't got it yet.. "-///"- Latest Newsby jordan roberts - 2022-10-13 ( education / research ) [html version]Several articles worth reading: Begin forwarded message: Newsletter Man Paralysed by AstraZeneca Vaccine Tells His Story By Will Jones Thousands of people in the U.K. have reported suffering serious adverse reactions to the covid-19 vaccines. Vaccine Injured and Bereaved U.K. (VIBUK) is a group of individuals injured or bereaved by the covid vaccines (with medical or coroners reports confirming this) campaigning for a change to the current Government vaccine damage payment scheme (VDPS) scheme to create a bespoke covid-19 compensation scheme that ensures the adversely affected are appropriately compensated and supported. They also want people similarly affected by the vaccines to know that help is available and want their stories to be heard and not ignored. This is Tony's story as told by VIBUK and reprinted here. VIBUK can be found on Twitter and contacted here. Back in March 2021, 58 year-old father of two Anthony Shingler from Northwood was getting on with life enjoying his job as a security manager (admittedly stressful at times, he says, but it came with the job and he learned to live with it). He received a text from his doctors surgery with the date and time for his covid vaccination, which he duly attended. Little did he know of the consequences that would unfold as he followed the Government advice that the vaccine would 'protect yourself and others'. Tony had his first and only AstraZeneca vaccine on March 5th 2021. Within the first week following his vaccination he started to feel aches and pains, mostly in his legs. During the second week things were getting worse. He managed with work commitments up to the Friday, the end of his working week, but that Friday morning he was really having trouble walking and developed pins and needles and numbness in his feet and hands. Tony was sent home by 'Heath and Safety' to get checked out by his GP. After ringing the surgery and being told they would contact him the next day, Tony and his wife Nicola decided to attend the local walk-in centre, who assessed him sent and him to hospital A&E. Following assessment, the hospital sent him home, saying he had an allergy. Tony has never had an allergy in his life, so found this odd. The next day he started to decline even further. Nicola called an ambulance which took Tony to hospital again; this time they discharged him with sciatica. He'd had sciatica before, so knew how this felt, which was not what he was experiencing, and what to do to diagnose it, which no one in the hospital had done. Tony returned home, still not knowing why he was feeling so ill and could hardly walk. That same night he had tremendous lower back pain and by the morning he could hardly walk or breathe and could barely talk. Another ambulance was called; on this occasion they encountered a very abrupt and argumentative female paramedic, who didn't want to listen to Nicola, which caused avoidable stress. On Tony's third visit to hospital they finally admitted him after Nicola begged an A&E doctor over the phone to investigate transverse myelitis " she had researched and found this had temporarily halted the AstraZeneca trials. He was put on an assessment ward and monitored. An MRI scan and lumber puncture revealed high proteins in CSF fluid. After asking the doctor what could cause this, he replied: 'Double the amount of proteins leads me to believe the vaccine.' Doctors then examined Tony's medical records and informed Tony: 'We believe after reading thoroughly through your medical records and seeing that you have not suffered any previous viral infections, we've come to the conclusion that it is a vaccine related illnesses called GBS or Guillain-Barré Syndrome.' After five days in the assessment ward and having intravenous immune globulin (IVIG), Tony continued to deteriorate; the condition was now massively affecting his arms and lungs. Tony was assisted to phone home and was told to 'say what you've got to say, as it may be the last time you see them' " words no one ever wants to hear. Tony was rushed into ICU and fitted with a tracheotomy and ventilated, along with the insertion of a feeding peg and catheter. Tony pulled through but the battle wasn't over. This was the beginning of eight and half months in ICU. During Tony's stay he had a collapsed lung, pneumonia and MRSA numerous times, all whilst being paralysed from the chin down, unable to talk or move. It was a constant battle which played havoc with his mental well-being, on top of the Guillain-Barré Syndrome which caused burning pain all over his body as nerves throughout had been stripped of their protective cover. One evening, during the summer of 2021, Tony noticed one of the fire escape doors in ICU was slightly ajar. He didn't give it a second thought as the nurses did this on a regular basis whilst it was warm weather, and he always needed a fan on next to his bed due to the burning hot sensations he was suffering. Out of nowhere, a man walked in through the fire escape and walked towards his bed. At the foot of his bed he was met by a nurse and Tony heard him say, 'You made me do this'. He then proceeded to stick a knife into his own chest and died. Later, a nurse was asked to speak with Tony to find out what he saw; the same nurse also spoke with Nicola, saying there had been an incident and they were concerned about Tony's well-being. Tony told his wife about it; he didn't think much about it at the time as he was in so much pain, but looking back at that moment, Tony was very vulnerable, he couldn't defend himself and this continues to haunt him. On another occasion, a stand-in nurse entered the room to see if Tony was alright and introduce herself. She checked his tracheotomy and Tony then realised she had placed a plastic cap on it; she didn't realise but she had blocked his airway. As Tony couldn't move or talk, panic set in and he quickly became stressed as he couldn't breathe, but the nurse only realised after she heard him gasping for air. Fortunately, she stayed in the room and hadn't just walked out not seeing him struggling to breathe. These traumatic events will haunt Tony forever. IVIG treatment initially had no effect on bringing Tony out of the syndrome, and after some discussion between Nicola and the doctors, plasma exchange was the next treatment to be tried to stop the GBS from travelling above his bottom lip. After seven and a half months, Tony was transferred to ICU respiratory. He was told by one of the doctors they were looking for a long term respiratory unit for him because he was still ventilated and there's usually not much recovery of the lungs after that amount of time being ventilated. He still doesn't know how it happened, but his body started to react to the tracheotomy, he started to cough past it, which the physio said shouldn't be happening. He had nerve tests on his lungs and eventually, after a lot of hard work by the physios, he finally had the tracheotomy removed and could eat and drink again. After eight months of not tasting anything he says his first taste of hospital food was fantastic " and he never thought he would say that! It was now November 2021 and he had a date to move to a physio rehab hospital. At this point he was still being hoisted out of bed because of his paralysed state. Eventually he started to twitch his fingers and raise his hand slightly whilst resting his arm on his leg. Over the months this progressed, and he remembers the day the physios wanted him to stand with the help of a standing hoist. The pain in his calf muscles was horrendous, but he says he just kept thinking to himself, 'no pain no gain'. The months went by, the physio kept coming, and over time Tony managed to sit on the edge of the bed then progressed to standing with different lifting equipment and frames. The day came after 14 months in hospital care for Tony to return home for good, after first going home on the odd days and then returning to hospital. One hiccup was that the local council said it was unable to pay for or fit a stair lift for him, without which doctors said it would be an unsafe discharge, but eventually one was supplied by a charity. Tony's discharge date was decided. He was in a ward on his own until two days before his discharge when they admitted two new patients. Unbeknown to Tony the one next to him had covid and Tony caught it. He had two days of headaches and a temperature but then began recovering, although he had to stay in for a further 10 days in isolation. Tony finally got home on May 17th 2022. He is still using walking aides to get round the house, getting used to the things he used to be able to do but now can't. After eight weeks, Tony walked on the outside patio with his frame, but unfortunately lost his balance and fell to the floor. After waiting an extraordinary 14 hours for an ambulance, which arrived the following day(!), he was taken to hospital again. An X-ray revealed a fractured hip; a metal plate and three screws later he was back in a hospital bed. Luckily, he was home within a week and he is now fully recovered from his fractured hip. However the GBS remains and physio carries on. His hands have suffered some form of osteoporosis and his knuckles have locked and don't move so he has trouble holding most things " pens, coins, clothing etc. He still has nerve damage in the bottom of his legs and feet, for which he has to wear orthopaedic straps to hold his feet in place as the muscles and nerves are still weak and cause drop foot. He suffers with swelling of the lower limbs due to the insufficient working of the pumps in the legs to remove fluid. He has progressed to crutches and a wheelchair for longer distances as he gets fatigued really easily. Tony takes one day at a time now and those precious moments he says he embraces more than ever before. Without the support of Nicola and his family he's sure he would not have made it. Nicola then had to begin the battle with the Government vaccine damage payment scheme (VDPS), which dragged on for 16 months before he was finally awarded a payout. Tony and Nicola were shocked to learn he wasn't alone and how many people have been affected by all sorts of adverse reactions after having the vaccine. It infuriates Tony to know how hard Nicola had to fight for any recognition and compensation. This is a battle all VIBUK members are having to fight. Nicola now plays a huge part in VIBUK, collating medical reports, new findings and news articles for research purposes which aids the group in offering advice, guidance and support. Since Tony was discharged from hospital he has been keen to speak to journalists and media sources about the trauma that he and his family have faced, but has been saddened by how few journalists are willing to tell his story and report on covid vaccine injuries, though some newspapers, particularly tabloids, have done so. He was glad of the opportunity to appear on a special edition of the Mark Steyn show on GB News, where Mark was joined by fellow presenters Neil Oliver, Dan Wootton and Michelle Dewberry and Sir Christopher Chope MP, to hear members of VIBUK tell their stories. Comments PCR Tests Yield Real Results, Even If They're Often Abused to Propagandise the Population By Eugyppius I have been travelling the past few days, which is the reason for my silence. Now I'm returning home, dodging the mask police on an eiously delayed train, and the intermittent mobile internet so characteristic of Germany is destroying my ability to research a longer post. Woe is me, I know. Instead, I'll address a matter raised by many of the comments to my last post, namely the reliability and significance of polymerase chain reaction diagnostic panels. I've wanted to address this for while, because every time I discuss any study that involves PCR in any way, many readers respond with a range of bitter objections. I get it: Three years of pointless mass testing and the heavily propagandised presentation of disease statistics have made everyone wary of mass testing for viruses. That's fine. But, propaganda is rarely based on total lies, because outright deception is expensive to maintain and requires a high level of coordination. You are deceived much more often by misdirection and deliberate silence. The (mis)use of PCR during the pandemic is no exception. A lot of the puzzling decisions made by our public health authorities over the past few years are downstream of a fundamental choice, taken sometime between February and March 2020, to aban traditional, mitigationist pandemic planning, in favour of Chinese-style mass containment. Public health is supposed to be about improving health outcomes across the whole population, but in 2020, public health bureaucrats decided it would be more fun to exterminate a virus, regardless of what this project meant for anybody's health. Once you understand this basic shift in mission, a lot of other things fall into place, including the bizarre testing regime favoured by the pandemicists. Critics of the PCR have three fundamental complaints. These are 1) that viruses aren't real or are somehow a hoax; 2) that Kary Mullis and others have said the PCR is not appropriate for diagnosis; and 3) that the American CDC said the PCR cannot differentiate between influenza and SARS-2. I'm not going to deal with (1) here, because in my experience, people who deny the existence of viruses won't accept any arguments or evidence to the contrary, and these debates aren't productive. Viruses, indeed, are real; the largest viruses can be seen with optical microscopes (depicted above); and if you know anything about cell metabolism, you can appreciate why they exist. There's nothing remarkable or exceptional about viruses. While (2) is a reasonable complaint for those interested in individual medical diagnoses, it doesn't really address the population-wide significance of PCR-generated case statistics. A well-validated PCR diagnostic panel (and the tests in use are generally well-validated) doesn't diagnose current symptomatic infection, but as I typed above, this isn't really what our public health authorities are after. They don't care whether anybody is actually sick. They're locked in pitched battle with a virus, and they want to know how much virus is out there and who is potentially shedding virus, so they can lock them up. This explains the preference for high cycle thresholds, which detect primarily past infections or trace amounts of contamination. In these cases, the PCR really is detecting viral RNA, even if there's no active infection, and that's enough for the virus eradicators. When we're discussing studies about the seasonality of various viruses, or the fate of influenza during the SARS-2 pandemic, it's also enough for us, because in these cases we're also not interested in counting sick people or diagnosing anybody. We're trying to work out when viruses are present in their hosts, which is a different question. As for (3) and the CDC: PCR tests have gene targets that are selected because they are (believed to be) unique to the SARS-2 virus. These are RNA sequences that, as far as we know, other viruses don't have. These tests really, honestly won't light up on other common respiratory viruses like influenza, because the people who develop these diagnostic panels target genetic sequences that do not occur in influenza viruses. There was no little skullduggery involved in Christian Drosten's Eurosurveillance paper from January 2020 on the Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR, but any intellectual malfeasance here has limited significance for the actual detection of SARS-2, because the gene targets Drosten's team chose are found only in the original (extinct) SARS virus from 2003-4, and in SARS-2. Could there be as-yet unknown viruses out there that also have these gene targets? Sure, and rare undiscovered viruses might even cause a false positive here or there. But the widely circulating respiratory viruses are all well known. In July 2021, the CDC issued a lab alert saying the following: After December 31st 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorised alternatives. In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorised covid-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing. Emphasis mine. It's easy to misunderstand what's going on here. The CDC is not actually saying that their PCR tests can't distinguish between Corona and the flu. Rather, it's withdrawing a PCR diagnostic panel for SARS-2 introduced in February 2020, because it was at this point 17 months into the pandemic, and many other PCR diagnostic panels were available. Unlike the original CDC diagnostic panel, these new panels are capable of detecting both influenza and SARS-2, whereas the earlier ones would light up only on SARS-2. If the patient had influenza, the test would come back negative. If our health authorities were genuinely interested in measuring the prevalence of Corona across the population, they'd have used random sampling methods from the very beginning, testing separate pools of people both for the virus and for antibodies over time. Instead, their aim has been to propagandise the population to further their virus extermination agenda, which explains their unsystematic use of PCR. Crucially, though, this doesn't mean there's no information in official case statistics. Before Omicron especially, you could use surging case numbers to predict rising hospitalisation and death statistics several weeks into the future, which is the best proof possible that there is real information in these Corona dashboards, however otherwise broken they are. If the results of these tests were wholly arbitrary, they wouldn't show trends over time, and they wouldn't correlate with other medical outcomes. As always, reality is in the difficult middle, rather than at the comfortable extremes of believing that it's all true or it's all a lie. Update: This post has unsurprisingly attracted a lot of vitriolic comments, particularly about the phenomenon of high PCR cycle thresholds and the frequency of false positives. I guess I didn't address this explicitly enough: The PCR is very good at detecting the genetic sequences that it targets. The problem with high cycle thresholds isn't that these yield 'false positives' (i.e., they find virus where there isn't any), but rather 'meaningless positives' in the context of diagnosis. That is, at high cycle thresholds, the test detects trace amounts of virus that aren't relevant for establishing whether the patient is infected or infectious. Similarly, you could imagine a hypersensitive metal detector that detects trace amounts of metal being entirely useless for your garden variety weekend treasure hunter. The metal detector is detecting metal, just not in a way that is useful for the questions its user is most interested in. This post was originally published on Eugyppius's Substack. You can subscribe here. Comments State-Owned Media Agency Leads Campaign to Cancel Science Paper Which Found 'Climate Emergency' Not Supported by Data By Chris Morrison On September 14th the Daily Sceptic published an article reporting that four leading Italian scientists had undertaken a major review of historical climate trends and concluded that declaring a 'climate emergency' was not supported by the data. They suggested that children should not be burdened with anxiety about the climate. The Daily Sceptic story was retweeted around 9,000 times, read by at least 24,000 people and was widely seen across social media. It was picked up by print media such as the Australian and broadcast on a widely-distributed Sky News Australia clip. Mention was made of the impressive credentials of the authors, who included two physics professors, an adjunct professor of physics and an agricultural meteorologist, and the wide variety of sources they had referenced. The story sent shockwaves through the ranks of the 'settled' climate science community that takes a more alarmist approach to the prospects of humanity and the Earth's climate. As always with heretical stories like this, the mere suggestion that the climate is not breaking down runs the risk of destroying the need for a command-and-control Net Zero solution. Something had to be done. State-owned Agence France-Presse (AFP) is rapidly becoming the 'fact-checker' of choice for those seeking to enforce the strict 'settled' science narrative. On Monday, the Daily Sceptic published details of a rather muddled 'fact-check' written by Lloyd Parry in which it was stated that we had misled over the recent growth in Arctic summer ice. To present his case, Lloyd Parry compared one fact " summer sea ice in 2022 " to a 30-year average ending 12 years ago. Now Lloyd Parry is joined on an AFP fact-check of the Italian scientists by senior editor Marlowe Hood, who was recently given =E2=82=AC100,000 (=C2=A388,000) by the Foundation arm of a large Spanish bank heavily involved in financing green technology. Hood describes himself as the Herald of the Anthropocene, the latter a political renaming of the current Holocene era that puts the alleged dominant role of human activity on the climate at the centre. The claim that there is no evidence of a climate emergency is said to be 'misleading'. AFP reports that 'top climate experts' say the paper 'cherry-picked' data. Of course scientists often debate each other's findings in a robust fashion, but what they don't " or shouldn't " do is call for the other side to be cancelled. One of the experts quoted by AFP was Friederike Otto, an academic whose doctoral work was in philosophy of science, who works at the Imperial College-based Grantham Institute for Climate Change, a body partly funded by the green billionaire investor Jeremy Grantham. She said that 'of course' the authors were not writing this article in good faith. 'If the journal cares about science they should withdraw it loudly and publicly, saying that it should have never been published.' AFP author Marlowe Hood tweeted: Their anti-free speech pressure bore fruit and on September 30th the publisher Springer Nature highlighted the following announcement at the top of the Italians' paper: 'Readers are alerted that the conclusions reported in this manuscript are currently under dispute. The journal is investigating the issue.' All science, of course, should be in dispute. Will Springer bow to future pressure to place a similar statement against work on particle physics or molecular chemistry if a government-owned news agency 'fact-checks' its conclusions? Other experts quoted by AFP included Professor Richard Betts, Head of Climate Impacts at the U.K. Met Office. He felt the scope of the paper was much too limited for it to inform a high level-level statement on whether the climate crisis is evident or not. Betts of course is often quoting the high authority of the IPCC, and goes on to note that the 'attribution' of human influences to extreme weather events has strengthened of late. Others point out that this type of work is the product of climate models and is unproveable. Betts went on to suggest the scientists ignored results which showed some 'extremes' were increasing. According to Betts, it was noted 'in passing' that 'global trends in heatwave intensity are not significant'. Inexplicably, AFP and Betts failed to quote the beginning of the sentence in which the rigorous Italians drew attention to studies that had shown for the period 1951-2017, 'a significant increase in yearly values of heatwave days, maximum heatwave duration and cumulative heat'. Friederike Otto commented on hurricanes and droughts, noting: 'Nobody said they are increasing globally " the IPCC is very clear on that " but that doesn't mean the trends that occur are not hugely problematic for the regions where they are already occurring.' With the best will in the world, it is difficult to see what Otto is writing about here. Another scientist calling for the work to be cancelled was Stefan Rahmstorf, head of Earth Systems at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. He told AFP that he did not know of the Springer journal, 'but if it is a self-respecting one it should withdraw the article'. Citizen journalist Paul Homewood also covered the story and noted: 'To simply demand that the journal withdraws the paper is the worst sort of censorship, and reminds us all of the dark days of Climategate, when such practices were rife whenever anybody dared to challenge the climate establishment's agenda.' Homewood looked at a number of the Italian paper's statements and concluded the study was 'actually a pretty level-headed, uncontroversial assessment of the actual data'. It is difficult to see how AFP can call its work a 'fact-check'. It has not checked any facts on its own account, and just reproduced opinions from four people it describes as 'experts'. Yet in its headline it says the Italian scientists 'cherry-picked' data. The claim there is no evidence of a climate emergency is said to be 'misleading', but AFP's evidence to the contrary is just what others have told it. Nevertheless it has spearheaded a campaign to cancel the work, and potentially harm the reputations of four distinguished and highly credentialled Italian scientists. Chris Morrison is the Daily Sceptic's Environment Editor. Comments The Energy Crisis is a Self-Inflicted Disaster " But Fracking is Not the Answer By David Hansard As energy prices soar, what can be done to lessen the harm to families, businesses and an economy still reeling from the covid pandemic? It feels like the Government is fighting a rearguard action. Its energy price cap, its granting of licences for new oil and gas wells in the North Sea, and the announcement earlier this year of plans for eight new nuclear reactors, all feels like too little, too late. It is a piecemeal and desperate response to a crisis largely of our own making, and only brought to a head by the Russian invasion. Buoyed by politicians' acceptance of green ideology, green billionaires have for years successfully lobbied our Governments and financial institutions to greatly restrict investment in fossil fuel exploration and extraction. They also persuaded ministers that nuclear energy is too dangerous and best avoided. Now, when the wolf is at the door, rather than admitting their mistake, green fanatics not only want more of the same, but demand more of it sooner. At its annual conference last week, Labour " which looks increasingly likely to form the next Government " announced its intention to make the U.K. carbon-free by 2030. Yet many have grave concerns about the reliability of renewables and whether they will be able to meet the nation's needs. Even with the new nuclear reactors in the mix, things look far from secure " and those won't be online for years. So it is understandable that there is renewed interest in fracking. Liz Truss's recent lifting of the moratorium on drilling for shale gas was applauded on the Right and by some on the Left. They believe that while fracking may not be the answer to all our energy woes, it would bring considerable benefits: cutting s, improving our energy security and creating jobs. But are they right? What is the evidence for these claims? Many supporters of fracking do not appear to have asked themselves that simple but vital question. Even when pressed, they seem uninterested in defending their position with facts, and are far more interested in endlessly urging that we should get fracking as soon as we can. But without considering all the facts, and without giving those with safety concerns a fair hearing instead of dismissing them all as misguided ideologues, it is not possible to come to a sensible and responsible decision. There is no evidence that fracking would significantly reduce energy costs in the medium and long term. In the short term, while further exploration and initial drilling took place, fracking would not lower s. Just because extraction companies are eager to drill does not mean the public and businesses will necessarily benefit. Although it is estimated that there are large reserves of shale gas in the U.K., how much of it is cost-effective to extract is currently unknown. It is possible that considerable amounts of it will not be viable. It is also hard to see the industry creating a significant number of jobs. If supporters of fracking have evidence to the contrary, now is the time to provide it: about jobs, about lowering energy s, and about reducing our dependence on gas imports. After all, it is them who support the construction of wells across the countryside, a very different proposition in the U.K. than in the far larger and less-densely populated U.S. It is them who support daily convoys of water tankers on already trashed roads. It is them who appear to claim there are only advantages, while disregarding doubts and public concern. I often wonder, would they all be as keen if the drilling was right next to where they live, rather than hundreds of miles away? And I am often reminded of climate change zealots when I challenge some fans of fracking, so intolerant of dissent many of them seem. It is hard to dispel the idea that part of them supports fracking simply because greens do not. Looking at the bigger picture, the advantages which fracking enthusiasts assume are obvious seem much less certain. Cries of it is worth a try, and what is there to lose, become much less convincing when all things are considered. Fracking in the U.K. must be viewed for what it is: part of a panicked response. The truth is, the benefits of fracking are highly questionable and its disadvantages not inconsiderable. And by the time it may bring any benefits, though that is not guaranteed, our needs could be more reliably met by ramping up nuclear power and investing in conventional offshore drilling, alongside the expansion in renewables which is coming whether we like it or not. Supporters of fracking need to reflect on the wider issues and reconsider their unreserved support. It is particularly disappointing that those with inquiring minds who have challenged the orthodoxies and follies of our age, from the EU to lockdowns, and from Net Zero to identity politics, appear so incurious and accepting when it comes to fracking. It is good to have hopes and to believe in something, but that needs to be tempered with a healthy scepticism, something which in this case appears to have abandoned them. Comments Cleese Enters the Culture War (Or in Old Money: Comedian Gets TV Show) By Nick Dixon Cleese has announced he will be hosting a new show on GB News. This sentence, perfectly banal in any other era or on any other channel, is now a statement of such vast controversy that it was trending on Twitter for an entire day. As we are becoming used to with good old GB, the pre-frontally challenged mob immediately descended to explain to us that Cleese was now 'far right', his Silly Walk now a sinister goose-step. Ubiquitous Twitter Leftie and park serenader Femi expressed his disappointment that Cleese was now literally Hitler: 'I just find it sad. I used to ADORE you. Your dark humour was era-defining. Your Hitler bit was hilarious BECAUSE you knew the audience understood the far right were the bad guys. Now you're supporting a channel Andrew Neil left because even HE thought it was too far-right.' The almost pathologically wrong on every issue 'law academic' Daniela Nadj stopped by to tell us all why she totally didn't care about it. And the usual slew of half-man, half-bots gave us their 'reckons'. Some of which I could not resist addressing. Of course, as Ms Nadj admits, none of these people have actually watched the channel (with the possible exception of Femi, who probably gets some sick thrill out of hate-watching it on rare breaks from savaging his Casio). The real GB News is an Ofcom regulated, at times almost painfully balanced attempt at honest news untainted by most of the media's blatant metropolitan liberal bias. I can tell it's balanced because they employ me, whilst also airing many views I find disgusting. Such as the idea that we should abort unborn babies all the way up to nine months, a disturbing and deranged opinion I recently heard twice on the channel within the space of a couple of days. But none of that matters to the woke mobsters. To them, the sheer existence of GB News is a symbol of something, a mild but uncomfortable pushback against the woke hegemony, and they sense danger. And the imminent arrival of one of Britain's greatest comedy legends throws another rather large spanner into their woke works. Much as President Biden deduced that if a black person voted for Trump, they suddenly were not, in fact, black, a comedy legend appearing on a bad and naughty channel must suddenly mean they were never a legend at all, but a secret Nazi agitator playing an incredibly long game. The more that respected figures decide to make this beautiful transition, the harder it is to condemn GB as 'far right', and the more difficult it is for the wokes to maintain their fragile and simplistic worldview. The ostensibly intelligent Paul Sinha recently tweeted: 'People are of course free to go on GB News. I'm free to believe that by doing so you are knowingly enabling Far Right, racist, anti-LGBT agendas and will judge you accordingly. You of course are entirely free not to give a shit.' He later deleted it after many explained the multiple errors in his Tweet (actually it was nearly all error: only the fact that people are free to go on GB News, and to not care what the bloke from The Chase says about it, was accurate). All this is encouraging. What Cleese has been calling 'binary' thinking is now faltering. We are entering the era of the non-binary. People are so sick of the idiotic tribal ad hominems, they are beginning to embrace nuance again. As Sam Harris would say: the adults are back in the room. Except unlike Trump-deranged Sam, this time they actually are. When I pointed out on Twitter that David Starkey regularly appears on GB News, and referred to him as our greatest living historian, someone tried to snipe me down with the classic 'This David Starkey?' reply, whereby you dredge up the inevitable moment of cancellation to discredit a man's entire life's work. Where this might once have been effective, I was now unfazed, and effortlessly brushed the bot aside with a sarcastic reply well beyond his binary IQ (he then blocked me). I sense more and more that 'their' tactics are failing. Their horribly narrow Overton window " less a window and more like the trash compactor in Star Wars, ever-encroaching and harbouring concealed monsters " is now being rent apart once more. It is time to say a Chad 'Yes' to their shrill accusations, like the one that GB News is 'Far Right'; to bear down the monsters and scare them away for good. At the end of Tolkien's epic novel The Lord of the Rings, in a scene I always regret did not make it into the films, the hobbits return to the Shire to find it has been taken over by a low-level thug named 'Sharkey' (not to be confused with Starkey). Sharkey turns out to be the great evil wizard Saruman in disguise, but the hobbits nonetheless make short work of booting him out of their home. Whatever allegories academics may read into the scene, my take, upon reading it as a teenager, was simply that the hobbits' great journey has made them immeasurably stronger, to the point where figures and challenges that once seemed intimidating are now a breeze to shrug off. I sense this point coming with the woke mob, after the onslaught we have suffered at their hands for the last decade. Their knavish tricks, to quote our anthem, have become exposed. Their swords blunted by our armour of reason. The adults are returning to the room, silly walks and all, and this great country's great tradition of free speech and civil discourse is coming home. Nick Dixon is a GB News presenter, host of the Weekly Sceptic podcast and co-host on the Podcast of the Lotus Eaters. This articlehis Substack page, which you can subscribe to here. Comments Nick Dixon, Toby Young and Noah Carl Talk About Cleese Joining GB News, Andrew Tate's MSM Comeback and the Risk of Nuclear War By Toby Young Nick and Toby discuss Cleese joining GB News (and the ensuing and inevitable left wing meltdown), how the cancelled are so much more entertaining than the uncancelled, Andrew Tate's breakthrough into the mainstream media (even if it's only to discuss his cancellation in the non-mainstream media) and Hugo Rifkind's (and Jay Rayner's) magic carpet ride to jobs in Fleet Street (both were the beneficiaries of inherited privilege, in spite of being firebrand progressives). They talk about how libertarian conservatism is not that great a departure from punk rock, Stewart Lee's continuing failure to recognise that he is now part of the Establishment, Kanye rise and fall (in the past week), whether white people should be excluded from events during Black History Month, Mermaids' spectacular own goal, why people filled with so much bilious hatred so often occupy 'equality' positions, and why women and not men attract the the most aggressive, in-your-face hostility from Woke protestors (spoiler alert: it's because they're more vulnerable). About two-thirds of the way through, Nick is joined by Daily Sceptic contributor Dr Noah Carl to talk about the likelihood of nuclear armageddon. And this isn't just waffle " Noah has collated the percentages from the most eminent forecasters " the guys who have the best track record of predicting the future " and they're alarmingly high. You can listen to the podcast here. Comments News Round-Up By Jonathan Barr 'Masks may be mandatory in some settings if covid spikes' " Irish Health Minister Stephen Donnelly has presented the Cabinet with an emergency response plan for the event of a new covid variant of concern this winter, reports RTE 'Austrian politician says return of mask mandates 'expected' after data projects re-elected president' " LifeSite News reports that less than an hour after the first election results projection showed that President Alexander Van der Bellen was re-elected as president of Austria, a Government official announced that mask mandates would be making a return 'covid Fraud: A Staggering $600 ion' " 'Congress appropriated more than five trillion dollars for covid relief but almost $600 billion may have been lost to fraud,' writes James Bovard for the Brownstone Institute. 'Washington's pandemic pratfalls are the greatest federal boondoggle of this century' 'Former French Presidential Candidate Says covid-19 Vaccine 'Almost Killed Me'' " Former French presidential candidate Jean Lassalle told NTD news that he underwent several operations and nearly died after receiving a covid vaccine, the Epoch Times reports. He also alleged that President Macron has not been jabbed 'Majority of ventilators bought by Trudeau Liberals still sitting unused' " The Trudeau Liberals have since admitted that they may have overestimated the amount of ventilators it needed, the Post Millennial reports, and have moved the vast majority to a warehouse for storage 'Is Eric Topol right about the Japanese and the jabs?' " Guy Gin takes Eric Topel to task over his claim that Japan's low covid mortality is linked to its higher rate of vaccine and booster uptake 'A Vaccine is a Vaccine is a Vaccine' " Thorsteinn Siglaugsson examines a new study, conducted by Moderna, which shows how the vaccinated are 'more likely to become infected with the latest variants of covid-19 than the unvaccinated as time passes' 'LinkedIn suspends account of top UK educator for trying to protect children from medical abuse' " Joel Smalley reports that LinkedIn has cancelled Hugh McCarthy, a former headteacher and the author of an article in UK Column which argued against giving children a covid jab. 'No reason given,' says Joel 'Work it out for yourself' 'Artificial grass roots' " El Gato Malo responds to the revelation from a Freedom of Information Act request that the HHS and the CDC paid screen writers and comedians to mock the unvaccinated. 'Never trust the song of a bard who was paid to write it' 'Leaked EU-Pfizer agreement reveals cover-up of bacterial proteins, endotoxins, DNA, dsRNA, other contaminants and up to 50% truncated, modified, recombined, junk mRNA in the vaccine' " Vinu Arumugham examines the contents of an advanced purchase agreement between the EU and Pfizer BioNTech which was leaked to Robert Malone by Italian activists 'It is five past 12' " Omicron is now causing a fast and large-scale immune escape in vaccines, says Geert Vanden Bossche in his latest and last video message, published on Voice for Science and Solidarity 'My CPAC turpitudes' " Spectator Australia publishes Geologist Ian Plimer's remarks at the CPAC conference in Sydney. His first turpitude: 'No one has ever proven that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming' 'Just Stop Oil: Drivers drag protesters from street as Knightsbridge blockade stops fire engine reaching emergency' " The Telegraph tells of how frustrated motorists took matters into their own hands when Just Stop Oil protesters blocked a road in Knightsbridge yesterday 'Why eco-activists are so hostile to humanity' " Spiked's Brendan O'Neil explains why he feels a 'strong sense of pride over the revolt against Just Stop Oil' 'Stress is normal, Harry " and we don't need emotional support dogs to handle it' " Humphrys writes in the Telegraph with a sceptical take on the Department of Health's upcoming campaign aimed at helping us cope with the 'Sunday Scaries' 'Transgender schools guidance says discussing women's rights could be offensive' " A draft policy by the National Education Union would label teachers 'transphobic' if they discuss sex-based women's rights with transgender colleagues, according to the Telegraph 'Video games could trigger heart attacks in children' " New research has found a link between computer games and heart attacks in children with undiagnosed cardiac issues, the Telegraph reports 'Kwarteng's mini-Budget will boost economic growth in Britain, admits IMF' " UK economic growth will outpace the rest of the G7 in 2022, the IMF has said, according to the Telegraph. And the Chancellor's tax cuts are expected to lift growth even higher than the 3.5% currently forecast 'Goodhart's law and order: the problem with policing by central diktat' " Ian Acheson writes in CAPX with a warning for Suella Braverman, our new Home Secretary, against trying to fight crime by central fiat 'Why have so many students given up on free speech?' " Writing for Spiked, Arif Ahmed takes heart from a recent King's College Lon survey which found that a while a vocal minority is opposed, the majority of students supports the incoming Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) 'Former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Leaving Party' " 'Today's Democratic Party does not believe in our constitutionally protected right to free speech,' said former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, according to the Epoch Times, as she announced her departure from the party 'Paypal Stocks Plunge $6 ion' " Paypal's stock is down and 'Delete PayPal' are up 1,300%, reports Not On The Beeb (who were defunded by Paypal back in June) 'The Genius Behind PayPal's Bad Idea' " Watch the reliably entertaining JP's take on PayPal's hastily withdrawn misinformation policy 'Why cash should be king again' " Over in the Conservative Woman, Drewry sounds a warning against the 'seductive, Luciferian beauty of digital' 'Europe's descent into totalitarianism' " Writing for the Forum for Democracy International, Laughland tells of how, earlier this month, he was detained by anti-terrorism police at Gatwick airport 'It's too late, mate' " Nat highlights a spot of back-peddling on the part of Piers Morgan 'Peak fact-check absurdity' " Izabella Kaminska highlights an absurd fact check on reports that Paypal intends to fine users for spreading misinformation. Its false, the fact check found, because paypal reversed the policy and announced that the clause was inserted in error If you have any tips for inclusion in the round-up, email us here. Comments Copyright =C2=A9 Skeptics Ltd. All rights reserved. You may at any time unsubscribe from this list. Corona Updatesby jordan roberts - 2022-10-14 ( education / research ) [html version]SARS-CoV-2-like Spike Protein Sequences with Affinity to hACE2 Were Present in the Public Databases in 2005. Plus, a Hint on SARS-CoV-2 Laboratory Origi Lau et al. published three sequences with an interesting legacy that involves genetic manipulation by Ralph Baric published in 2008. The implications are profound; Why is everyone ignoring it? "-///"-How often does this happen? Trust the science? Why should we? Biden's co-head of 'scientific integrity' just got caught breaking rules. =C2=AB An eious violation =C2=BB. "-///"-Chasing Corona Full article: How Gumshoes Outed The Smoking Guns Of CoronaVirus... ... The Furin Cleavage site is the 'smoking gun' of CoronaVirus, with the Spike and Clamp proteins being cleaved in exactly the same manner as HIV to increase infectivity dramatically. Neither furin cleavage sites had ever appeared before in nature. Cottrell explained the furin cleavage site allowed glycoprotein 160 to be cleaved into the GP120 'spike' and the GP4,1 'clamp,' which made HIV far more infective. This CoronaVirus, SARS-COV-2, had exactly the same type of furin cleavage site for the CoronaVirus 'spike' and 'clamp.'Paul Cotrell explained that the CoronaVirus GP120 and GP41 cleavage were extremely similar to how the S Spike protein and the subunit cleavage is SARS-COV-2, indicating the smoking gun came from the HIV team of Redfield, Birx, and Fauci. I remember being aghast when I had this explained to me for the first time. I use the 'hammer and tongs' English expression here to emphasize the 'spike and clamp' relationship. When I also found out that Dr. Redfield of the CDC has patents for the GP160 precursor protein and Dr. Fauci had patents for the GP120 protein interfaces, it became apparent that this was a design team of a bioagent looking to cover up the evidence of the manipulation. I knew from that moment on that CoronaVirus was a man-made bioagent, and the Task Force lockdown was going to be played out before my eyes with this virus, not influenza. "-///"-In classic abuser style, the abuser is now making himself out to be the victim. Shane Patton, Victoria Police Commissioner and once considered a bright and rising star who could have fixed the rot within VicPol's ranks has resorted to playing the violin in the hope that we'll all feel sorry for him. Here's my take on it: It's weird how Daniel Andrews has gone (mostly) quiet... yes he's been seen here and there but we're barely 6 weeks from an election and he's just... playing it very safe. Plus he's ended the Pandemic Declaration. This is excellent, but again the timing in the leadup to the election suggests that he's feeling some sort of pressure. In politics this is what's known as a 'small target strategy', trying not to give the opposition anything to aim at. He shouldn't be so worried, the opposition have proved time and time again they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn... they've been worse than useless and if they couldn't score a hit on Daniel Andrews in 2020-21, then he shouldn't be so worried now. So why is he worried? I think he's worried for the same reason 'Shame' Patton is in damage control mode... he knows he's in trouble. Or at the very least they know that his win isn't exactly the foregone conclusion the polls say it is. Daniel Andrews missing, Pandemic Declaration done away with, Shane Patton in damage control mode... Must be an election season! Please get behind your preferred candidates in your local area! Volunteer for them, give them the foot-power they need to letterbox, put up corflutes, hand out how to votes on election day etc. In 6 weeks it'll be too late to do the work and we'll be stuck with the result, so if Dan Andrews wants to hide and be forgotten till the election, let's make sure everyone remembers him, and not in a good way! In Freedom, Topher. Pathogenic Priming and Pfizerby jordan roberts - 2022-10-14 ( education / research ) [html version]Pathogenic Priming, My Predicted Nightmare Case Report: Subacute thyroiditis after receiving inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (BBIBP-CorV) Pi L, Lin J, Zheng Y, Wang Z, Zhou Z. Case Report: Subacute thyroiditis after receiving inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (BBIBP-CorV). Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Jul 22;9:918721. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.918721. PMID: 35935798; PMCID: PMC9355607. Key paragraph: 'As there are many proteins originated from or similar to the pathogen virus in the inactivated virus vaccines, molecular mimicry seems to play a potential role in the development of inactivated SARS-CoV-2-vaccine-related subacute thyroiditis. Spike (S) protein is an immunodominant antigen of SARS-CoV-2, which is also the target of neutralizing antibodies (8, 15, 17). A previous study has proven that there is similarity between S protein and various self-tissue proteins in human (18). It has also been shown that thyroid peroxidase (TPO) sequences share homology and similarity with sequences in S protein, which to extent supported another finding that human monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 S protein react with TPO (19). Furthermore, by comparing immunogenic epitopes of SARS-CoV-2 with human proteins, Lyons-Weiler found a high degree of homology with various tissues including thyroid gland (20). In addition, a pilot study further implied that proinflammatory cytokines could increase the expression ofiotensin-converting-enzyme-2 (ACE-2), the receptor for cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2, which might facilitate the entering of SARS-CoV-2 into thyroid and contribute to the understanding of pathogenesis in subacute thyroiditis after SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination (21).' Author's conclusion: 'Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine may be a causal trigger leading to subacute thyroiditis. Clinicians should be aware of subacute thyroiditis as a possible thyroid-related side effect of an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.' "-///"-=F0=9F'=A5=F0=9F'=A5In covid hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission.=F0=9F'=A5=F0=9F'=A5 "Get vaccinated for others" was always a lie. The only purpose of the #covid passport: forcing people to get vaccinated. The world needs to know. Share this video! "-///"-Just when public trust in Public Health could not get lower... With the EPOCH Times' headline, 'Pfizer Exec Concedes covid-19 Vaccine Was Not Tested on Preventing Transmission Before Release' comes the Orwellian tale of 'we never did the studies because we had to move at the speed of science'. Seriously, you can't make this up... When asked by Rob Roos, a member of the European Parliament, 'Was the Pfizer covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? Did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market?' Pfizer's Janine Small, president of international developed markets, said in response: 'No ... You know, we had to ... really move at the speed of science to know what is taking place in the market.' Epoch Times someone wrote:
'A Pfizer executive said Monday that neither she nor other Pfizer officials knew whether its covid-19 vaccine would stop transmission before entering the market last year... '...Roos, of the Netherlands, argued in a Twitter video Monday that following Small's comments to him, millions of people around the world were duped by pharmaceutical companies and governments. 'Millions of people worldwide felt forced to get vaccinated because of the myth that 'you do it for others,'' Roos said. 'Now, this turned out to be a cheap lie' and 'should be exposed,' he added.' Yikes. But wait, there's more. Read on... "-///"-=F0=9F'=A5=F0=9F'=A5To sum up today's @Europarl_EN, hearing w/@Pfizer, on #covid19 vaccines with the Question: When is Pfizer going to fully publish the contracts between Pfizer and the European Commission?=F0=9F'=A5=F0=9F'=A5 1) EU member states are furious by the lack of transparency. 2)@AlbertBourla chairman and CEO of Pfizer miscalculated that this was something he could skip. 3) The committee is ready to recommend consequences. Kyle: Lies are Unbekomingby jordan roberts - 2022-10-14 ( education / research ) [html version]Make sure you watch each part of the 3-part series included in this article below. Where are we going?by jordan roberts - 2022-10-14 ( education / research ) [html version]Black Sheep Truth Media: YOUR Money, will it remain YOUR Choice? Important: "-///"-On Vax Mandates: the question everyone should be asking: "-///"-"-///"-"-///"-Huh? Soros-backed NGO says it wants to 'save democracy' by influencing national elections "-///"-And... New Californiaby doug - 2022-10-15 ( education / research ) [html version] First, do no harmby jordan roberts - 2022-10-15 ( education / research ) [html version]Alex Antic has been all over it from the get go! "-///"-Full article: ...Any compulsory administration of the covid 'vaccine' products is absolutely inconsistent with our oath to 'first, do no harm.' This genetic mechanism of 'vaccination' has never been used in humans and it was introduced in easily one-tenth the usual time frame, making it impossible to predict safety and efficacy with any confidence. The mechanism of action of these products is to induce the body's cells to produce spike protein, which in itself has toxic effects. Evidence of this fact is increasing but we did know this before the 'vaccines' were introduced to the general population. The possibility of harm was self-evident, while we had had little time to produce evidence of benefit. As the evidence of benefit of these products fails to materialize and evidence of harm mounts, continuing to inflict known, possibly irreparable, harm, even electively, except in fully informed and willing research subjects, is also inconsistent with our oath.... "-///"-Features Australia, 'We're from AHPRA. We are here to keep you safe.' Reagan's threat meets covid Every crisis, they say, is an opportunity. And boy have health bureaucrats and drug regulators exploited the covid-19 crisis to grab power and gain control over our lives. The latest iteration of this will play out in Brisbane on 11 October with the second reading of an amendment to the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act that will fundamentally reshape the relationship between doctors, patients and health regulators. It's hard to see how people's faith in doctors will not collapse once they realise doctors are barred from questioning putative benefits or pointing to possible risks of alternative treatments. Instead, they must stay within the boundaries laid down by bureaucrats and regulators, the latter often subject to industry capture. Readers will know the outcome by now. If it passes, the chances of reversing it are much slimmer but not hopeless at the third and final reading. If rejected, vigilance will still be required to prevent a return of a similar . Consider globally divided opinion on the benefit-harm balance of covid vaccines for children. Their risk of severe illness or death from covid is tiny, of serious adverse reactions is higher and the long-term effects are unknown. On 7 October, Florida issued a press release recommending against mRNA covid vaccines for 18"39-year-old males. Their analysis found an 84 per cent higher risk of cardiac-related death within 28 days of vaccination in this group. Over-60s have a 10 per cent increased risk. This complements Florida's guidance on paediatric vaccine guidance issued in March which recommends against covid vaccines for healthy under-18s. They note the limited risk to infants and children of severe illness due to covid, the high prevalence of existing immunity among them, reduced vaccine efficacy and 'higher than anticipated' severe adverse events, including myocarditis. Florida joins Denmark, Norway and Sweden in ending vaccine recommendations for 12"17-year-olds and also, in two of these, for under 50s and 65s. The public health infrastructure and commitment to the world's best practice public health policy of the Scandinavian countries is not inferior to that of Australia and better than that of the UK and US. Albeit contested, there is a substantial and growing body of scientific studies that support their scepticism towards the net benefits of covid vaccines for infants, children and the young. Yet, our own Therapeutic Goods Administration has approved vaccines for children aged 0.5-5 years. In the name of public safety, will doctors have to promote the mRNA vaccines to Australian children and be forbidden to mention the other four jurisdictions' doubts? The existing Code of Conduct states that while 'all doctors have a right to express their personal views and values', they must also consider the effect of public comments and actions outside work 'on the reputation of the profession'. Furthermore, 'Doctors have a responsibility to promote the health of the community through disease prevention and control'. The care of the patient is the doctor's 'primary concern', including 'considering the balance of benefit and harm in all clinical-management decisions' and informing the patient when personal opinion 'does not align with the profession's generally held views'. As well, AHPRA's own advertising guidelines stipulate that doctors may neither overstate benefits nor minimise 'the complexity of risk associated with a treatment (i.e. using words or phrases such as 'safe', 'effective', 'risk-free') without acknowledging possible adverse reactions or mixed/inconclusive evidence for the treatment'. On 22 February, Australian federal and state health ministers approved the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Amendment in order to keep it 'fit for purpose'. The updates to the guiding principles include 'an increase in the regulatory responses available to protect public safety'. The communiqué concluded: 'The will now be referred for introduction to the Queensland Parliament'. A cynic might ask if Queensland was chosen because it's easier to pass a there without an upper house. Once enacted, other states and territories will be asked to follow suit to preserve the 'national' character of the law. The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment 2022, in clause 34, will replace the phrase 'health and safety of the public' with (1) 'protection of the public', and (2) 'public confidence in the safety of services provided' as the paramount guiding principle. At best, this is vague and ambiguous. At worst, it shifts the balance decisively from the individual-centric in liberal democracies to the collective safetyism of 'expertocracies', justifying restrictions on individual rights and agency for the greater good as determined by government agencies. Doctors will be prohibited from expressing their opinion and using their experience, training, education and knowledge of the patient, if this contradicts what the health bureaucrats say is in the interests of 'public confidence in safety'. The latter will remote.webp-control how doctors should approach treatment recommendations for patients. Florida's guidance includes three recommendations that are directly relevant to the proposed change to our National Law: People are encouraged to discuss all potential vaccine benefits and risks with their health care provider. The risk associated with mRNA vaccination should be weighed against that with covid infection. Doctors should inform patients of the possible cardiac complications that can arise after receiving an mRNA vaccine. This conforms fully to the existing Code of Conduct for Australian doctors but could become career-threatening with the new law. And that is at the heart of concern. A group of doctors released a short video on the 8th ( articulating concerns about the and calling for an end to medical censorship. Everything done by health bureaucrats and regulators since March 2020, in the name of ensuring public safety and stopping disinformation, indicates we should fear the worst and would be naive to hope for the best. This includes psychological manipulation of emotions and feelings to nudge people into compliance with health directives, as reported last week in the Daily Telegraph. Longstanding principles that have guided Australian doctors and ensured our health system is second to none will be undermined: the Hippocratic Oath's duty of 'Do no harm', informed consent of the patient based on a harm-benefit evaluation of different treatment options, the risks associated with them in the best professional judgment of the doctor, and the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship. 'We are from AHPRA. We are here to keep the public safe' are Ronald Reagan's updated twelve most terrifying words in the English language. We should be worried, very worried. "-///"- The purchase of 4.5 billion doses of the covid-19 vaccine for 450 million EU =F0=9F=87=AA=F0=9F=87=BA residents is the biggest CORRUPTION SCANDAL in the history of mankind. "-///"-*WORLD NEWS AND COMMENTARY* =F0=9F'=89 Yesterday I reported about the Pfizer exec who admitted to the EU parliament that its so-called 'vaccine' was never even intended to prevent infection. They didn't even test for that. Why would they? The were running at the 'speed of science,' whatever that is. Pfizer was heroically working around the clock to make a brand new kind of vaccine, a vaccine that kind of treats illness instead of stopping infection. If people wanted to wrongly assume that the drug stopped infections, well, that's on them. It's rapidly becoming a bigger story than I thought it would. You might say it is developing at the speed of science. It might even be a tipping point. Whichever, the story has been BLOWING UP, and the narrative machine is running at the highest setting trying to control things. Their best pushback narrative they've been able to come up with is that 'Pfizer never SAID it would stop infections.' Then they point out that there is some obscure medical/scientific language buried deep in the footnotes of Pfizers' clinical trial documents " which weren't available to us until after a two-year legal battle " making it perfectly clear to anyone with three decades of training in drug trials and time to read thousands of dense pages that Pfizer EVEN SAID the trials weren't about infection control. So. Echoing the new narrative, someone challenged me yesterday in the comments after I asked, 'what about the 95% efficacy? 95% of WHAT?' I presume the commenter was well intentioned, but they (kindly) lectured me on the science of how these kinds of vaccines CAN'T POSSIBLY stop infections and the 95% figure clearly referred to the relative risk reduction or something. Silly me. How could I have got the wrong idea? Maybe I should've studied the subject matter harder. Or, maybe I got the wrong idea from covid 'experts' like that worthless waste of space, lying liar Eric Topol: Never Forgetby doug - 2022-10-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Did you notice how the sentiment of late leans more and more towards "never forget" all the criminals involved in the greatest hoax / scam in history? And not just the most obvious criminals like Gates (of hell), the long list of pharma pushers, but also their enablers in gaslight media, paid off politicians, mindless and moronic doctors and "health" officials, Hollywood sleazebags and the mind-controlled / hypnotized public. All the above are cheering as they sock it to Alex Jones and the outrageous and farcical trial awarding a fine of almost 1 billion dollars against him. These incredible creaps and morons have actually killed people, while Alex Jones spends every day trying to wake people up to save their lives. So true justice will come now that this crazy precedent has been set and will be turned against the true criminals of the scamdemic. This also means we're winning and will continue to win more and more as the obviously false narrative falls apart. This video has many very interesting segments. Don't miss it. Welcome to the real worldby jordan roberts - 2022-10-15 ( education / research ) [html version]Welcome, to the real world Welcome, to the real world. So you just heard it from the horse's mouth, Pfizer never tested the vaccines for reducing transmission. Now that you're here, there are a few other things you should know. Firstly, it's true. Pfizer didn't test the vaccines for reducing transmission, and the regulators knew this. If this was your understanding of the vaccine, it's because official public messaging, even from the World Health Organisation, conflated vaccination with reducing transmission. It would reduce transmission they suggested, 'if we all get involved.' No such tests had been done, but I'm sorry to tell you it's much worse than that... Pfizer did test the vaccine's ability to reduce rates of 'covid-19'. To be specific, 'covid-19' means testing positive and being symptomatic. The data looked great by the way, Pfizer had a wonderful graph to show the effect. The blue line is infections in the unvaccinated, and the red line is infections in the vaccinated. Pfizer's 'infection reduction' published in NEJM. But there is a fatal problem with this data, and lots of policy was based on it. That data you can see up there, the main argument for the vaccine passports, the vaccine mandates and all the terrifying media campaigns comes from a fraudulent study. What does that mean exactly? The investigators were forging documents, forging signatures, changing diagnoses, and unblinding the patients. A whistleblower saw it all, took pictures, took notes, and took the story to the British Medical Journal. They published it. Read that all again. The investigators on that absolutely critical Pfizer trial were forging documents. It means the evidence in that graph is worthless until we get to the bottom of the fraud case, which is ongoing. It has the potential to become a trillion-dollar legal case, so how did you not hear about it? The BBC didn't report it at all. But that's not even half of the story... When credible people tried to inform society about these massive problems, they were silenced. Was it some weird substack or blogspot page that raised these concerns? No, it was the British Medical Journal. When their article came out, Facebook labelled it as misinformation and throttled it across all social media. Yes, Facebook 'fact-checked' the British Medical Journal, and since they own WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook, you were much less likely to hear about it. Pfizer then lobbied hard to block legislation protecting whistleblowers who expose corporate fraud. So, yes, Pfizer didn't test the vaccine for reducing transmission. They tested it for reducing covid-19, but the study they published is fraudulent. You can listen to an interview I did with Brook Jackson, the named whistleblower on that case; here is the summary: Summary: Brook raised the alarm at 153 sites, only 9 were inspected by the FDA Untrained staff giving out vaccines Doctors were unblinded during the trial Data on patient forms was forged, things like signatures Investigators requested to change the diagnosis of patients Patients were not given proper informed consent Patients were incentivised not to 'tattle' to the media regarding chaotic practice The debate over the vaccine was tested for is valuable, but the elephant in the room is the massive ongoing legal case about very credible claims of fraud in the trial. So when this subject comes up, and it will, ask the influential people on Twitter and elsewhere if they're at all concerned about the allegations of fraud on the trial. If they're not sure about the case, refer them to the British Medical Journal or my interview in the full article here: "-///"-Here are the major players who told the Big Lie to the American people that covid vaccines 'stop the spread.' Watch and share! "-///"-Federal Reserve Announcement: 6 Large Banks Will Participate In Pilot Climate Scenario Or Social Credit SystemSHTF Plan "-///"-Betrayal and Extermination of Property Owners: A Thought Experiment When things feel weird, throwing away assumptions and being alert can save your life. This story is a thought experiment in how one could steal everything from the property owners of today and trick them into digging their own graves. Unfortunately, this detective plot demands a 'special military operation' of another kind and a premeditated 'soft' genocide. Conspiracy? Benevolence? Corruption? There is lots to say about the nature of our relationship with authority in general (not a flattering relationship), about historical precedents, and about possible motives for a genocide today. Read on... "-///"- Pfizer Exec Admits Covid Shot was Not Tested for Preventing Transmissionby steve - 2022-10-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I like this article collector and this time it has several stories that I think are quite interesting CLG Newsletter Sent: Friday, October 14, 2022 at 01:19:36 AM News Updates From CLG14 October 2022All links are here: Previous edition, 10 October:= Breaking: Multiple Missiles Descending on Different Regions of Ukraine, Local Media Reports 12 Oct 2022A Pfizer executive said Monday that neither she nor other Pfizer officials knew whether its covid-19 vaccine would stop transmission before entering the market last year. Member of the European Parliament, Rob Roos, asked during a session: "Was the Pfizer covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? Did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market?" Pfizer's Janine Small, president of international developed markets, said in response: "No...You know, we had to...really move at the speed of science to know what is taking place in the market." Roos, of the Netherlands, argued in a Twitter video Monday that following Small's comments to him, millions of people around the world were duped by pharmaceutical companies and governments. "Millions of people worldwide felt forced to get vaccinated because of the myth that 'you do it for others,'" Roos said. "Now, this turned out to be a cheap lie" and "should be exposed," he added. U.S. Department of Defense issued a contract for covid-19 research to a company in Ukraine -- 3 months before covid-19 was known to exist= 13 Oct 2022The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in Wuhan China in early January 2020. Yet it wasn't until February 11 that the records of the World Health Organization prove that new virus was named "covid-19." So with the official records proving this, why does United States Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on November 12, 2019, to Labyrinth Global Health Inc. for "covid-19 Research?" November least one month before the emergence of the virus, and three months before it was officially named covid-19? Also, the government contract awarded on November 12, 2019, for "covid-19 Research" stipulated it was to take place in -- Ukraine -- as part of a much larger contract for a "Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine.' Canadian Woman Dies Seven Minutes After Getting covid Booster= 9 Oct 2022A sixty-nine-year-old woman= died= on Sept. 14, 2022, in Saskatoon (Saskatchewan), Canada, seven minutes after getting a booster dose of a covid shot at a Shoppers Drug Mart. Carol Pierce, who was reportedly healthy, received the booster and was waiting during the required 15-minute period of observation before leaving the drugstore when she suddenly collapsed on the floor. "My mom text me right after she got the shot to let me know she was waiting the 15 minute and I text her back," said Pierce's daughter Stephanie Foster. "She text me at 12:31 PM and said she was waiting her 15 minutes. At 12:38 PM she was unconscious in [the drug store]. It was right after then that they say 'she dropped dead before she hit the floor' in Shoppers Drug Mart. That is what the docs have told us." NATO prepares for nuclear drills= --Canceling the exercise would send a "very wrong signal" to Russia, the military alliance's chief said= 11 Oct 2022NATO has confirmed that it's sticking to plans for its annual nuclear drill, even as the escalating Russia-Ukraine conflict spurs fears of a direct and catastrophic confrontation between Moscow and the Western military bloc. "This is routine training, which happens every year, to keep our deterrent safe, secure and effective," NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg told reporters On Tuesday. The exercise, known as Steadfast Noon, will be held next week. It typically brings together dozens of aircraft from member nations and practices a nuclear strike mission. The jets typically don't carry live warheads. [We hope.] Joe Biden warned last week that Russia and the West face a greater threat of nuclear "Armageddon" than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis 40 years ago. UK intelligence plotted Crimean Bridge bombing -- The Grayzone= --Months ago, British operatives reportedly studied ways to blow up the strategic bridge= 11 Oct 2022UK intelligence officials apparently commissioned a study in April examining ways to blow up Russia's Crimea Bridge, The Grayzone has reported. The secret plot was drawn up at the request of senior British Army intelligence operative Chris Donnelly, the Grayzone reported On Tuesday, citing internal documents and correspondence that the investigative journalism outlet obtained from an unidentified source. The stated goal was to destroy the bridge to cut off a key Russian supply route, isolate military forces in Crimea and temporarily block maritime access to the Sea of Azov. The attack roadmap was titled, "Audacious: Support for Ukraine Maritime Raiding Operations," and it was produced by UK military veteran Hugh Ward, according to the documents obtained by Grayzone. NATO once 'lost' underwater drone under Nord Stream, Gazprom reminds= 11 Oct 2022The US-led NATO alliance has been very active in waters around Nord Stream and once even managed to "lose" an armed underwater drone right under the pipeline, a Gazprom spokesman has said. "On November 6, 2015, a NATO underwater mine destroyer 'Seafox' was discovered during a scheduled visual inspection of the Nord Stream gas pipeline," Sergey Kupriyanov told Rossiya 24 On Monday. The device was found resting on the seabed at a depth of 40m between the Nord Stream pipelines, almost directly under one of them, Kupriyanov said. The= incident, which received limited media coverage at the time, prompted a brief halt in gas deliveries, while the drone was ultimately= recovered= by the Swedish military. US doesn't owe Zelensky 'a d-mn thing' -- congressman= 10 Oct 2022US Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) has called on Washington to cut foreign aid to Ukraine, which he argued is being used to fund a conflict that the US should have "no involvement in." On Capitol Hill, a number of Republican lawmakers have condemned Joe Biden's open checkbook for Kiev. "NO MORE Foreign Aid, especially not to fund a war that we should have NO involvement in," Gosar= tweeted= On Sunday. "Biden and his crime family may owe Zelensky, but America doesn't owe him a d-mn thing," the lawmaker added. A staunch anti-interventionist and a member of the Republican Party's unofficial "America First Caucus," Gosar has emerged as one of the loudest critics of the Biden administration's Ukraine policy. The Arizona congressman voted against a 40 billion military and economic aid package for Kiev in May, and against a spending offering Kiev another 12 billion last month. Biden's election interference:= White House admits to pushing Saudi Arabia to postpone oil cuts until after midterms= 13 Oct 2022The= Biden regime admitted= Thursday it had asked Saudi Arabia to delay the= OPEC+ vote to cut oil production= until the cartel's next meeting -- after the midterm elections. "We presented Saudi Arabia with analysis to show that there was no market basis to cut production targets, and that they could easily wait for the next OPEC meeting to see how things developed," National Security Council spokesman Kirby said in a statement. The Riyadh-led group of oil producers' next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 4, according to the OPEC website. 2 police officers fatally shot, 1 seriously wounded in Bristol, Connecticut= --3 officers shot in Bristol, CT, police shooting= 13 Oct 2022Two police officers were fatally shot and a third wounded while responding to a domestic violence call in Connecticut, authorities said Thursday, amid an exceptionally violent week for officers across the country. The suspected shooter was also killed, and the shooter's brother was wounded in the gunfire Wednesday night in Bristol, state police said. The wounded officer was taken to a hospital with "serious injuries." Officers responded to the domestic violence call at about 10:30 p.m., and were met by an individual outside the home, Sgt. Christine Jeltema of the state police said. "Shots were fired, fatally wounding one officer on scene," Jeltema said. A second officer died at a hospital, and the third officer taken to a hospital underwent surgery. 3 Philadelphia Police SWAT officers shot serving warrant; suspect killed= --The officers are hospitalized in stable condition.12 Oct 2022Three SWAT officers serving an arrest warrant were wounded and a suspect was killed after gunfire erupted Wednesday morning in North Philadelphia. It happened around 6:30 a.m. in the 800 block of N. 10th Street near Brown Street. Officers were serving a warrant on a suspect wanted for homicide and other violent offenses. Police sources identified the suspect as 19-year-old Raheem Lee. According to police, Lee fired at officers through a door and a window. Inflation increased 0.4% in September, more than expected despite rate hikes= --The yearly gain for core was the highest since August 1982.13 Oct 2022Prices consumers pay for a= wide variety of goods and services= rose more than expected in September as inflation pressures continued to weigh on the U.S. economy. The consumer price index increased 0.4% for the month, more than the 0.3% Dow Jones estimate, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. On a 12-month basis, so-called headline inflation was up 8.2%, off its peak around 9% in June but still hovering near the highest levels since the early 1980s. Excluding volatile food and energy prices, core CPI was even higher for the month, accelerating 0.6% against the Dow Jones estimate for a 0.4% increase. Core inflation was up 6.6% from a year ago, the biggest 12-month gain since August 1982. Small business group sues over Biden's $420 billion student loan forgiveness plan= 10 Oct 2022The Job Creators Network Foundation (JCNF) Legal Action Fund (LAF) filed a lawsuit On Monday challenging the Biden administration's student loan forgiveness program as an over-reach of executive powers. The lawsuit on behalf of two plaintiffs seeks to block the program from being implemented on the ground that it "violates the Administrative Procedure Act's notice-and-comment procedures." The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget has projected that the cost of the program will be 420 ion. The budget watchdog group also estimated that most of the benefits from Biden's student loan forgiveness program will be "those in the top half of the income spectrum." The formal= complaint= was filed in the District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division. Gates Foundation pledges $200 million for international digital IDs= --"Of all the other means of identifying and tracking subjects, digital identity poses perhaps the gravest technological threat to individual liberty yet conceived," said [CLG Founder] Rectenwald.10 Oct 2022The & Melinda Gates Foundation has been revealed to have pledged 1.27 billion in funding toward achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with a portion of this going towards invasive technologies. In a= press release= issued on September 21, following the United Nations General Assembly week, the foundation stated that 200 million of this sizable fund would be going towards expanding "Digital Public Infrastructure." ...Speaking with The Defender shortly after this monetary pledge, Rectenwald, author of= Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom, warned of the negative consequences of digital identifications. "Of all the other means of identifying and tracking subjects, digital identity poses perhaps the gravest technological threat to individual liberty yet conceived," he said. "It has the potential to trace, track and surveil subjects and to compile a complete record of all activity, from cradle to grave. Digital identity will serve as a means of coercion and enforced compliance with the outrageous demands of a vaccine regime that will have no end," he added. OMG:= Pennsylvania will disregard U.S. Supreme Court and count undated mail-in ballots= 12 Oct 2022A top election official in Pennsylvania says the state will disregard the U.S. Supreme Court's guidance on counting mail-in ballots arriving in envelopes with typos or incorrect dates, saying that the state's Commonwealth Court has already established the practice as licit. Pennsylvania's election laws have historically required voters to include a signature and date on the outside of return envelopes when voting by mail. However, acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman announced that Pennsylvania election officials should continue counting ballots that arrive with improperly filled-out envelopes, in accordance with the Commonwealth Court's previous ruling on the matter...The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the prior decision is moot, returning to the established election laws. Colorado: 30,000 foreign residents got vote registration mailer= 10 Oct 2022Colorado's secretary of state office says it mistakenly sent postcards to about 30,000 noncitizens encouraging them to register to vote, blaming the error on a database glitch related to the state's list of residents with driver's licenses. The office of Democratic Secretary of State Jena Griswold insisted none of the noncitizens will be allowed to register to vote if they try. The news comes at a time of widespread skepticism= -- often unfounded --= of voting integrity following the 2020 presidential election and as Griswold, who has touted her role as a national advocate for secure elections, seeks reelection in the November midterms. Colorado's Republican Party chair, Kristi Burton Brown, condemned Griswold for the error, saying in a Monday statement: "Jena Griswold continues to make easily avoidable errors just before ballots go out" by mail on Oct. 17. Jan. 6 committee votes to subpoena former President Donald Trump13 Oct 2022The House committee investigating the Jan. 6= attack on= protest at the Capitol voted unanimously Thursday to subpoena former President Donald Trump. Members of the panel, which held what was expected to be its final hearing before the midterm elections Thursday, had previously said they were still considering seeking an interview with Trump or former Vice President Pence. Sources familiar with the committee's plans told NBC News about the subpoena earlier Thursday. The panel's chair, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said the committee had an "obligation" to hear from Trump. Biden says son Beau 'lost his life in Iraq' during Colorado speech= --Beau Biden died in 2015 as a result of brain cancer= 13 Oct 2022Joe Biden erroneously said that his son, Beau, "lost his life in Iraq" during a speech in Colorado On Wednesday. "I say this as a father of a man and won the Bronze Star, the conspicuous service medal, and lost his life in Iraq," Biden said. Beau died of brain cancer in 2015. Biden made the speech On Wednesday near Vail, Colorado, where he designated Camp Hale as a national monument. Biden said in a 2019 speech that he believes Beau's "exposure to burn pits" in Iraq. Tulsi Gabbard to Stump for GOP Candidate a Day After Leaving Democratic Party= 12 Oct 2022Former 2020 presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, who left the Democratic Party this week, will campaign for a Republican Senate candidate ahead of the 2022 midterms. Retired Army Gen. Bolduc, who won the Republican primary and is campaigning against Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), confirmed in a statement Wednesday that Gabbard will be stumping for him. "We don't agree on every issue, but I AM honored to have the support of Tulsi Gabbard who shares my view that the status quo is broken, and we need a change of direction," Bolduc said in a= statement. "Tulsi is a fellow change agent and independent-minded outsider willing to speak truth to power." Bolduc, notably, was endorsed by former President Donald Trump earlier this year. Tulsi Gabbard Leaves the Democratic Party -- 'Elitist Cabal of Warmongers'= 11 Oct 2022Tulsi Gabbard is officially leaving the Democratic party. Gabbard said she "can no longer remain in today's Democratic party" and that the Democrat party "is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers." Gabbard sought the Democrat presidential nomination in 2020 and retired from the House of Representatives in 2021. She did not announce she was joining the Republican party. Great Reset trolls helping each other:= George Soros provides another $1M boost to Stacey Abrams's candidacy= --One Georgia Inc. has now received 3.5 million from Soros for 2022 gubernatorial election= 12 Oct 2022Liberal billionaire George Soros dropped another 1 million into Georgia to boost Stacey Abrams's gubernatorial run, campaign finance records reviewed by Fox News Digital show. Soros's Democracy PAC II, a federal committee bankrolled by 125 million from the financier, sent the m-ney to One Georgia Inc. on Sept. 30, according to state filings. One Georgia Inc. is a leadership committee chaired by Abrams and used to aid her candidacy, and it also shares an address and treasurer with her campaign. Soros's latest contribution follows the 2.5 million he pushed into the committee between March and June, bringing his support for the group to 3.5 million and putting him among its largest donors. Manchin popularity drops precipitously in West --The change in his approval rating could be rooted in his recent support for some of Joe Biden's policy agendas.23 Oct 2022Sen. Joe Manchin's approval rating dropped by double digits in his home state of West , which makes him one of the most unpopular senators, according to a recent Morning Consult poll. Only 42% of registered voters approve of Manchin and 51% disapprove after the senator lost a lot of support from Republicans and independents. In a poll during the first quarter of 2022, his approval rating was close to 60% and his disapproval rating was less than 40%. The change in his approval rating could be rooted in his recent support for some of "President" Joe Biden's policy agendas. Bank of America Cancels Popular Conservative Twitter User Catturd's Bank Account= 12 Oct 2022Earlier today JPMorgan Chase Bank kicked out outspoken singer-rapper Kanye "Ye" West and told him they were going to shut down his bank accounts. They were upset with Kanye's social media posts and his T-shirt choice at a Paris fashion show. That was this afternoon. This evening Bank of America canceled popular conservative Twitter user Catturd's podcast account. No reason was given. Wokeness at Its Worst: JPMorgan Chase Kicks Kanye West to the Curb Following Tucker Interview, 'White Lives Matter' T-Shirts in Paris, Controversial Twitter Post= 12 Oct 2022Last week, Kanye West and Candace Owens wore "White Lives Matter" T-shirts at a fashion show in Paris. Kanye or "Ye" then went on for an hour-long video interview with Tucker Carlson where he talked about Christ, racism, his career, his goals, etc. On Sunday Kanye West tweeted out that he wanted to go "death con 3" on Jews. This got him banned from Twitter. Today, Kanye "Ye" West received a letter from JPMorgan Chase Bank informing him that they were closing his accounts. Fat Bear Week winner crowned after cheating scandal= --Bear 747 is an exceptionally large animal that was crowned winner of Fat Bear Week in 2020.11 Oct 2022After a six-day battle and vast amounts of salmon, Fat Bear Week has a winner. Brown bear 747, tipping the scales at an estimated 1,400lbs (635kg), won 68,105 votes, beating Bear 901 with 56,876 votes. The result marks an end to Fat Bear Week 2022, which saw people from around the world vote for the fattest bruin at Alaska's Katmai National Park. The chow down spotlights the park's famous brown bears as they feed in preparation for winter hibernation. "It appears someone has decided to spam the Fat Bear Week poll, but fortunately it is easy for us to tell which votes are fraudulent," tweeted Katmai National Park On Sunday. [That's adorable. Too bad the same couldn't be done in the aftermath of the 2020 election.] *****= CLG needs your support. Or, please a check or m-ney order to CLG:= Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG)= P.O. Box 1142= Bristol, CT 06011-1142= Contributions to CLG are not tax deductible. Forward this newsletter to your lists and friends!= To subscribe, pls. send a blank email To:= Or, Click= here= to get the CLG News. Those who wish to unsubscribe can go= here= or reply to this email w. 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. Please add= to your contacts or approved senders. CLG News Editor-in-Chief: Lori Price. Copyright =C2=A9 2022, Citizens for Legitimate Government =C2=AE All rights reserved. Politicians must disclose their connections to organisations such as the WEFby jordan roberts - 2022-10-15 ( education / research ) [html version]PANDA POSITION REVIEW -- covid-19 VACCINES PANDA's comprehensive multidisciplinary review has found that mass covid-19 vaccination has been a failed experiment. In case you didn't know, I'm one of the original members of PANDA. A group of multi-disciplinary professionals, who perceived the global reaction to covid, and lockdown in particular, as overwrought and damaging to the point of causing a great tear in the fabric of society, established PANDA (Pandemics Data & Analytics) in April 2020. As a politically and economically independent organisation, PANDA seeks to develop science-based explanations and test them against international data. Policy recommendations for governments and other institutions can be developed from these. PANDA stands for open science and rational debate, for replacing flawed science with good science and for retrieving liberty and prosperity from the clutches of a dystopian 'new normal'. This is our comprehensive review of covid 'vaccines'. "-///"-Two Pandemic Lies Two of of many, many, many, many pandemic lies. "-///"-Todd Woodbridge's message after having a heart attack during a standard workout Probably nothing to see here.=E2=98=9D=F0=9F=8F=BB "-///"-"-////" Pandemic, Meet Panopticon. Panopticon, Meet Pandemic. At a time like this, we gotta stand together. Full article with evidence: SUMMARY Yes, there is a disease, and for people with pre-depleted immune systems, it can be deadly, if not treated properly. I am in New York, and in spring, some friends of friends have passed (of medical mismanagement and chaos, it seems, not to mention the choice to force-send covid patients to nursing homes). For the majority of people who get it, this thing can be either nearly unnoticeable or extremely unpleasant but survivable. I, for instance, seemingly had the extremely unpleasant version (which I don't regret because it reminded me of what life is for). When the pandemic was announced last year, the protocols recommended by the WHO were rather deadly, and Western hospitals that enforced them or encouraged people to not seek treatment until they were about to die, unfortunately killed a lot of patients. Not the doctors' fault!! However, the harm was done, both to the lives and to the minds of many people, and the 'respectable' medical authorities who have been pushing for lethal protocols and blocking effective treatments"even as knowledge kept flowing in"are nothing short of homicidal monsters, in my opinion. They are monsters, not the asymptomatic 'antimaskers' (who, despite what the agitprop wants you to believe, are actually following the science, or at least the most convincing science that exists on the subject). And yes, along the way, there have been pioneers and whistleblowers among the nurses, doctors, and scientists"but the respectable media stayed silent or smeared them as right-wing loons, saying what they had to say to keep their jobs (and some still are). Also, there seems to be distinctive 'party line' (being scared is good), touting which is a requirement for being viewed as 'normal.' Not a good sign. "-///"-You deserve all the facts. This transparency should be one of Parliament's highest priorities. Australia's Parliament deserves freedom from foreign influence. You've seen that there are many international organisations which say they want to solve the world's problems. They claim to be striving to end global poverty or saving the environment. But are they just trying to sell their agenda for change by influencing the policies of national governments? The World Economic Forum is one such body. It is a grouping of the wealthy and powerful from politics, big business including Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Al Gore, and even Greta Thunberg and it met in Davos in May. World leaders such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern are both former World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders. Shouldn't this be known by the public? If you as a voter had known information like this about your politicians, would you still have voted for them? Australian politicians should be required to disclose their association with these organisations. Sign to say you want politicians to disclose their connections to organisations like the World Economic Forum. Sign to say you want greater transparency about who might be influencing the policies of Australia's governments. It's time Australians were given access to all the facts! SIGN THE PETITION -- CLICK HERE So, please share this petition with your friends and family on Facebook today! FOIA Request Reveals Deep Corruptionby doug - 2022-10-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Thanks to Judicial Watch, here are details of how our taxes are spent to massively increase the profits of pharma . Starting about minute 2:45: Benefits of Boostersby jordan roberts - 2022-10-16 ( education / research ) [html version]Paul Offit admits on video there are no benefits of the new booster shots Watch this video where one of the world's most respected vaccinologists admits that there are no benefits to the boosters. He's not taking the boosters. Why should you? Dr. Paul Offit, MD is the Director of the Vaccine Education Center and practices medicine in the Infectious Disease department at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and he also sits on the FDA's Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC). Check out this 1 minute video where Dr. Offit talks about the new bivalent booster and the 'scant evidence' and that the 'fix was in:' Paul Offit admits he doesn't see the benefits of the booster. And if he can't find any benefits, it's probably because there aren't any. Click the image to watch the video. The background Several months ago, VRBPAC voted to approve a covid vaccine novel booster formula that combined the mRNA instructions that targeted BA.4 & BA.5 -- the two Omicron strains which circulated last spring and early summer. There were no human clinical trials conducted on this booster. It was not tested on people. It was tested on just 8 mice. There is no long term data on what happened to the mice after injection. All the mice were challenged with Omicron and every mouse was infected showing that the vaccine had zero protection against getting the virus. The mice were sacrificed shortly thereafter because we don't want to know the long term effects. Don't ask't tell. You will not find a bigger proponent of vaccines in general and the covid vaccines specifically, in American medicine, than Dr. Paul Offit. He voted YES to give the covid vaccines to all children, even babies as young as 6-months. Why did Paul Offit vote No on the boostersYet when VRBPAC recently voted on the novel covid booster, Dr. Offit voted no, because (in his own words) 'HELL NO was not a choice!'How? Why? What happened? First, there was no trial to show that there are any clinical benefits at all. And any clinical benefits must be weighed against the risks. Secondly, according to Offit, once you have your initial injection, you're already protected against severe disease so there is no additional benefit to a booster. In this MedPage Today interview, Offit explains: The question is, does it matter? Because still it looks like you're protected against severe illness, so does it really matter to get that third dose? I would argue 'no.' Thirdly, the FDA doesn't really want the outside committee members to actually review the scientific data. They just want them to vote yes so it looks like outside experts reviewed the data. The FDA provides hundreds of pages of material just days before the meeting giving the members an inadequate amount of time to review the data before voting on it. It's just another example of sham science: the panel is simply there to rubber stamp what the White House and FDA want to do; they are not there to protect the public. Why is the government advocating for three or more doses when there is no evidence of a benefit? The reason for three or more doses is because the press and the public health officials want you to get it. The science doesn't support it. But science doesn't matter. This is about compliance with orders, not protecting your health (or the health of others since even Pfizer admits that the vaccine doesn't protect against transmission). In the MedPage Today interview, Offit admitted this: I think this is now a three-dose vaccine for the most part, because that's the way the press and the public have handled it, it's the way public administrators have handled it. In short, the booster was created to give the public the perception that the government is doing something to protect them. Even pro-vaccine doctors like Martin Makary, MD are reposting this important video. Watch the Offit video. Share. Spread the word. Summary You can never unvaccinate yourself. Before you consent to take any vaccine, demand to see at least one all-cause mortality and morbidity study vs. placebo with at least a 12 month follow-up that are independently managed by multiple organizations with no financial ties to the vaccine manufacturers. Currently, there aren't any vaccines where such a study is available. Now you would think that if any vaccine had a true cost-benefit, such studies would exist, wouldn't you? "-///"-covid Isolation Rules Scrapped If our Premiers want thanks, they're about two years too late. At the start of this month, the Prime Minister called an end to emergency covid-19 =C2=ADrestrictions, declaring that isolation periods are no longer necessary for those who catch the virus. So it's basically a cold then! All those people who went out and got jabbed up the wazoo must be feeling pretty outraged right about now. All those people who missed weddings, and birthdays, and funerals must be feeling pissed off too. Suddenly the covid's not so contagious or bad that you can't be around others, even to say goodbye to a dying family member. It only took politicians two and a half years to catch up to rational thinkers. Idiots. The past two and half years have been a joke. We should never forget what they did to us. Volteface NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet said: 'It's time for us all to take responsibility for our actions, and get on with life to the greatest extent possible.' Well thanks Dom. You forced my teenage son to get injected with a substance his parents didn't want him to be injected with, just so he could trial out for the NSW basketball team. But now you're a fan of individual autonomy and personal responsibility? If you're looking for thanks, you're only about two years too late! Mr Albanese said it was not the role of government to run 'every bit of people's lives forever'. You don't say. And, of course, you didn't say that when Mr Morrison was PM. Where were you when Chairman Dan was erecting his ring of steel, and implementing his curfews, and militarising his police force, and arresting pregnant mums for Facebook posts, and banning golf, for God's sake? Where was your commitment to civil liberties when Mark McGowan was jailing people for entering WA to watch a football game? Queensland Premier Annastacia Pa=C5=82aszczuk tweeted: 'Mandatory covid-19 isolation requirements will end on 14 October. I've just come out of the National Cabinet where we agreed to make this change based on the latest health advice.' Inwardly, she must be seething. Oh for the glory days when she kept her state locked up and its citizens locked in while the ALP flew planes pulling signs across the city sky reading: 'We are safe because she is strong'. And by the way, why is mandatory isolation being scrapped on October 14 rather than immediately? Where's the health advice on that? The covid can get you right up until the 14th, then it just can't be bothered. Premier Pa=C5=82aszczuk, what was the point of the $240m Wellcamp? Asking for a friend. Still Not Happy Mask fetishist Dr Monique Ryan MP " the Teal who famously scolded Liberals for not wearing masks only to be photographed at a function without her mask " is not happy with the end to isolation requirements. She demanded to know the health advice upon which the decision was made. 'The public has a right to know how and why this decision was made,' she thundered. Funny. I don't recall her demanding to see health advice that required Victorians not to play golf, or that banned children from playgrounds. I don't remember her insisting the public had a right to know the science behind prohibiting old ladies from sitting on a park bench. I don't have any memory of her wanting to see the advice governments based curfews on. We're still waiting for the medical evidence that supported those decisions. But now you ask for health advice transparency? Now? What a joke. Victoria has a state election scheduled in November. There's the advice that's prompted this sudden outbreak of freedom-loving premiers. The premiers are rank political opportunities. Same as Dr Ryan. We do know the advice to scrap mandatory isolation did not come from Victoria Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton. He was not consulted about the decision. And covid hath no fury like a Victoria chief health officer scorned. He tweeted: 'Sleepwalking into covid is not a strategy I would recommend. Still much remains uncertain.' A bit passive-aggressive. He's itching to close children's playgrounds again. The AMA president was not happy either. Dr Robson told the ABC: 'I think people who are pushing for the isolation periods to be cut are not scientifically illiterate and are putting the public at risk.' The AMA supported closing playgrounds. They are not scientifically literate. The AMA also predicted rising covid cases when isolation periods were reduced last time. They were wrong. But back to our politicians, there's no political benefit in covid anymore so they have decided to grandstand about how they are making our lives easier. We're not buying it. Not even for a second. "-///"-=C2=AB Planet of the Humans =C2=BB: How To Resist CBDCs: 5 Ways You Can Opt-Out Of This Dystopian Future How To Resist CBDCs"5 Ways You Can Opt Out of This Dystopian Future by Nick Giambruno There's an excellent chance governments worldwide will soon force their citizens to use central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). CBDCs enable all sorts of horrible, totalitarian things. They allow governments to track and control every penny you earn, save, and spend. They are a powerful tool for politicians to confiscate and redistribute wealth as they see fit. CBDCs will make it possible for central banks to impose deeply negative interest rates, which are really just a euphemism for a tax on saving money. Governments could program CBDCs to have an expiration date"like some airline frequent flyer miles"forcing people to spend them, for example, before the end of the month when they'd become worthless. CBDCs will enable devious social engineering by allowing governments to punish and reward people in ways they previously couldn't. Suppose governments impose lockdowns again for flu season, so-called 'climate change,' or whatever pretext they find convenient. CBDCs could be programmed to only work in a geographic area. For example, your payments could be denied if you travel more than a mile from your home during a lockdown. Suppose the people in charge want to encourage people to take a pharmaceutical product. With CBDCs, they could easily deposit money into the accounts of those who complied and deduct it from those who didn't. Undoubtedly, CBDCs will be paired with a sort of social credit system. Such a system is already in place in China today. In the West, it's likely to come in a different flavor. Perhaps CBDCs will be paired with an ESG score. Did you commit a thought crime on social media? Or perhaps you read too many politically incorrect articles online? Did you exceed your monthly meat consumption allowance? Then expect some financial punishment thanks to the CBDCs. CBDCs are, without a doubt, an instrument of enslavement. They represent a quantum leap backward in human freedom. Unfortunately, they're coming soon. Governments will probably mandate CBDCs as a 'solution' when the next real or contrived crisis hits"which is likely not far off. That's the bad news. The good news is that CBDCs are destined to fail. Despite all the hype, CBDCs are nothing but the same fiat currency scam on steroids. It's doubtful CBDCs can save otherwise fundamentally unsound currencies"as I believe all fiat currencies are. If the current fiat system is not viable, then CBDCs are even less viable as they enable the government to engage in even more currency debasement. Would a CBDC have saved the Zimbabwe dollar, the Venezuelan bolivar, the Argentine peso, or the Lebanese lira? I don't think so. And a CBDC won't save the US dollar or the euro either. But that doesn't mean governments won't try implementing CBDCs... with immensely destructive consequences for many people. While I believe CBDCs will inevitably self-destruct, nobody knows how long it will take for that to happen. Communism was also destined to self-destruct, but it took generations. I don't think it will take nearly that long for CBDCs to fail, but that's just my guess. Therefore, the big question everyone should be asking is this... What will you do when the government forces everyone to use CBDCs? I believe it's incumbent on free individuals to reject CBDCs. It will be challenging, but the reward"maintaining your sovereignty"will be priceless. Below I discuss five ways you can do just that. It's important to remember the wise words of Ron Paul: 'What none of them (politicians) will admit is that the market is more powerful than the central banks and all the economic planners put together. Although it may take time, the market always wins.' No matter what edicts, decrees, or laws that politicians pass, they will never be able to fully extinguish the desire of people to use alternatives to CBDCs. That cracks the door open to other options. For example, consider that Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Lebanon, and many other countries restrict the use of US dollars today. However, all that does is create a thriving black market"or, more accurately, a free market"for US dollars and a parallel financial system. We can expect the same kind of dynamic if governments impose CBDCs. I have no doubt significant parallel systems and underground markets will naturally emerge. Anyone who wants to avoid CBDC enslavement must learn to swim in those waters. Below are five steps anyone can take to opt out of this dystopia. Step #1: Use Physical Gold and Silver Avoiding CBDCs means using alternative forms of money. Although people use money every day, few consider what it actually is or what makes for a good money. Asking people, 'what is money?' is like asking a fish, 'what is water?' The fish probably doesn't even notice the water unless it becomes polluted or something is wrong. Money is a good, just like any other in an economy. And it isn't a complex notion to grasp. It doesn't require you to understand convoluted math formulas and complicated theories"as the gatekeepers in academia, media, and government mislead many folks into believing. Understanding money is intuitive and straightforward. Money is simply something useful for storing and exchanging value. That's it. Think of money as a claim on human time. It's like stored life or energy. Unfortunately, today most of humanity thoughtlessly accepts whatever their government gives them as money. However, money does not need to come from the government. That's a total misnomer that the average person has been hoodwinked into believing. It would be similar to transporting yourself back in time and asking the average person in the Soviet Union, 'Where do shoes come from?' They would say, 'Well, the government makes the shoes. Where else could they come from? Who else could make the shoes?' It's the same mentality here regarding money today"except it's much more widespread. The truth is money doesn't need to come from the government any more than shoes do. People have used stones, glass beads, salt, cattle, seashells, gold, silver, and other commodities as money at different times. However, for over 2,500 years, gold has been mankind's most enduring form of money. Gold didn't become money by accident or because some politicians decreed it. Instead, it became money because countless individuals throughout history and across many different civilizations subjectively came to the same conclusion: gold is money. It resulted from a market process of people looking for the best way to store and exchange value. So, why did they go to gold? What makes gold attractive as money? Here's why. Gold has a set of unique characteristics that make it suitable as money. Gold is durable, divisible, consistent, convenient, scarce, and most importantly, the 'hardest' of all physical commodities. In other words, gold is 'hard to produce' relative to existing stockpiles and is the one physical commodity most resistant to inflation of its supply. That's what gives gold its monetary properties. Anyone can opt-out of CBDCs by using physical gold and silver to store and exchange value. Physical gold is optimal for long-term savings and large transactions. The best way to do that is with widely recognized gold bullion coins, like the Canadian Gold Maple Leaf or the American Gold Eagle. However, gold coins are generally inconvenient to use for small transactions. Silver coins are more practical here. Step #2: Obtain Financial Sovereignty With Bitcoin CBDCs and Bitcoin share some characteristics. For example, they are both digital and facilitate fast payments from a mobile phone. But that is where the similarities end. The reality is that CBDCs and Bitcoin are entirely different in the most fundamental ways. You need the government's permission and blessing to use a CBDC, whereas Bitcoin is permissionless. Governments can (and will) create as many CBDC currency units as they want. With Bitcoin, there can never be more than 21 million, and there is nothing anyone can do to inflate the supply more than the predetermined amount in the protocol. CBDCs are centralized. Bitcoin is decentralized. Governments can censor transactions and freeze and confiscate CBDC units. Bitcoin is censorship-resistant. No country's laws can affect the protocol. There is no privacy with CBDCs. However, if you take specific steps with Bitcoin, it is possible to maintain reasonable privacy. CBDCs are government money that are easy to produce and give politicians a terrifying amount of control over people's lives. On the other hand, Bitcoin is non-state hard money that helps liberate individuals from government control. Bitcoin enables anyone to be their own bank. Bitcoin allows you to send and receive value from anyone anywhere without relying on third parties. If you avoid CBDCs, that will almost certainly mean avoiding the traditional financial system. Knowing how to use Bitcoin in the most sovereign way possible will be essential. Step #3: Get Organized Locally Get to know the people in your local community. If you avoid CBDCs, many of the conveniences of society will become unavailable. You will probably be unable to shop at Walmart and large stores of any kind, as they will all be roped into the CBDC system. You will have to become self-sufficient and rely on your local community to obtain what you need. And that starts with knowing who can provide you with the things you want and need. The Amish are incredibly successful in this regard. I am not saying you must go 100% Amish to avoid CBDCs. But we can learn how their societies work outside the traditional system and emulate the areas that make sense in our local communities. Step #4: Exchange Value for Value Humans invented money to solve the difficulties of barter. But with CBDCs, governments will have perverted money from a technology that facilities economic exchange into a tool of enslavement. With CBDCs, barter doesn't look all that bad. The key is understanding what value you can provide to others in your local community and how you can exchange that for something you want. That might mean performing some landscaping work for your dentist in exchange for getting a cavity filled or washing the car of your butcher in exchange for some ground beef. Step #5: Become a Prepper To minimize the inconvenience of barter, it's ideal to become as self-sufficient in as many areas as possible. That includes stockpiling supplies and gaining survival knowledge and skills. If you already have what you need"or can produce it yourself"that reduces the need to get it from others. Conclusion Unfortunately, CBDCs"and all the terrible things that go along with them"are probably coming soon. To summarize, here are five steps anyone can take to opt-out of this terrible system. Step #1: Use Physical Gold and Silver Step #2: Obtain Financial Sovereignty With Bitcoin Step #3: Get Organized Locally Step #4: Exchange Value for Value Step #5: Become a Prepper Editor's Note: The economic trajectory is troubling. Unfortunately, there's little any individual can practically do to change the course of these trends in motion. The best you can and should do is to stay informed so that you can protect yourself in the best way possible, and even profit from the situation. That's precisely why bestselling author Casey and his colleagues just released an urgent new PDF report that explains what could come next and what you can do about it. Click here to download it now. FYI - Wizard of Ozby steve - 2022-10-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version] Digitisation of humansby jordan roberts - 2022-10-16 ( education / research ) [html version]EU -- This is what the green pass/vaccine passport was really about. Their vision is nearly complete. The state will control you because the state will own you. Resist with every fibre of your being. See Twitter post here and another Twitter post here investigators-secure-50m-to-enhance-biomedical-studies Why did those two teachers at the same school in Rhode Island just drop dead? All of the sudden they just dropped dead. What is going on here? The Truth About mRNA VaccinesDr. Judy Mikovits Exposes the Truth About mRNA Shots The 'elites' want to get rid of you The globalists' depopulation agenda explored: Video: Humans are seen as 'plagues' by globalists Human populations are seen by the globalist 'elite' as plagues upon the planet, worthy of extermination in the same way an infestation of cockroaches might be handled. According to the globalists, human beings are not only using too many precious resources " such as water, energy and land " they're also polluting the oceans with plastics, destroying ecological systems and contributing nothing to the future of human civilisation. Therefore, they must be exterminated, the thinking goes. The real trick is figuring out how to convince the masses they aren't being exterminated as they line up for extermination. For example, could you manufacture something that you told people was for their health when that certain something actually caused deaths, serious adverse events like heart conditions and long-term fertility issues? Would people fall for this if the product was pushed by doctors, journalists, government authorities, Big Tech, employers and schools, as 'safe and effective', despite their being no long-term safety data for that product? Makes you think, doesn't it? And if it doesn't then I don't know what will. But what I do know is that autopsies continue to uncover blood clots in those who have suddenly died over the past year or so. These are blood clots that have grown in size in their victims, clogging arteries and blood vessels, causing an increasing number of people to drop dead without any ready explanation that the medical establishment will accept. There is a common factor among all those that 'died suddenly' but if you say it you get cancelled. Did they know this all along? Over the years we have discovered that the globalists always design their ideology to fall in line with one of their main goals: depopulation.This goal is filtered throughout all of their programs and plans. We see it in abortion, climate change, energy policies, food security (or lack thereof), education and so on. All these programs will come up with the same conclusion and solution; because of issue x, y, and z, we must depopulate the planet. How do we know this is what they believe? They tell us constantly! They use fear to cause humans pain, then humans follow their teaching. The globalist 'elite' organisation, the Club of Rome had this to say: The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the . All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself. Well, Communist leader Joseph Stalin was the first and the most vocal. 'No people, no problems,' he said. Carry his words into today and the globalists " who are also Communists " mean the earth has too many people for them to control. Can the earth handle more people? Of course it can, but more people put more demands on the globalists. After all, why should they allow us common folk to have luxuries especially if it bites into their profits or lifestyle? Closing Remarks I conclude with this, there is a push for depopulation amongst the globalist 'elite'. =46rom the Club of Rome through to Gates, they think that we " the bulk of humanity " are pests that need to be dealt with. This push went quiet for a while but now its back with a vengeance. And its part of their Great Reset plan, which morphs into the United Nation's Agenda 2030 plan. We have to be alert and vigilant to these globalist agendas. And we need to spread the truth about what's really happening. Music industry behind the scenesby doug - 2022-10-17 ( education / research ) [html version]Very interesting information. An indictment of America today. french politicianby steve - 2022-10-17 ( education / research ) [html version]I think that most of you won't agree, but it's a war for kontrol of earth. God created earth, Satan is jealous of God, and Satan wants to destroy God's creation and there's plenty of people who also don't believe in God and thus don't mind being bought off by Satan and Satan's soldiers. It's all in the bible, though many of you think the bible is just fairy tales.
On Saturday, October 15, 2022 at 09:28:56 PM PDT: I'm about to watch, but in regards saline batches, they wouldn't want to eliminate their assets all bought and paid for. They are evil but not that stupid. Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 1:36 PM = well, yeah, of course Macron lied.most politicians got saline solutionI remember some while back it was discovered that one batch up on No. Carolina was found to be saline. My guess is that that batch was meant to go to some politicians somewhere
On Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 11:46:35 AM PDT someone wrote: says the son vax almost killed him and revealed that Macron and other politicians are unvaxxed. Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology Volume 7Issue 32022by jordan roberts - 2022-10-17 ( education / research ) [html version]An Australian Review: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology Volume 7Issue 32022 Excellent detail in the complete article. Summary: After millions of people have been vaccinated as often as four times within a year, the effects of these vaccinations are slowly becoming apparent. This review has been written from an Australian perspective with the main focus on the covid-19 mRNA vaccines. We will look at the promises/predictions originally made and the actual facts. We will evaluate the safety and efficacy by looking at the literature and the data from government agencies. The literature review will be summed up in a table listing the so far reported side effects of which many are very serious including death, with this data coming from 1011 case reports. Long term side effects will also be covered and the risk benefit ratio will be explored. The review is ending with some very critical question that need further discussion. Conclusion Never in Vaccine history have 57 leading scientists and policy experts released a report questioning the safety and efficacy of a vaccine [93]. They not only questioned the safety of the current covid-19 injections, but were calling for an immediate end to all vaccination. Many doctors and scientists around the world have voiced similar misgivings and warned of consequences due to long-term side effects. Yet there is no discussion or even mention of studies that do not follow the narrative on safety and efficacy of covid-19 vaccination. In the USA, as Blaylock [94] states it very nicely, federal bureaucrats have forced the acceptance of special forms of care and prevention, which includes experimental mRNA vaccines [93]. Medical experts that have questioned the safety of these vaccines have been attacked and demonised, called conspiracy theorists and have been threatened to be de-registered if they go against the narrative. Alternative treatments were prohibited and people who never practised medicine are telling experienced doctors how to do their job. AHPRA is doing the same here in Australia to the detriment and in ignorance of science. When Adjunct Professor Skerritt, who is currently the Deputy Secretary and directly responsibility for both the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the Office of Drug Control, was asked why the registration process for vaccines was shortened he someone wrote: 'It is nonsense to assert that vaccines typically take 10 years to licence. The standard regulatory process for vaccines is about 10-12 calendar months and in the case of covid-19 vaccines this period was shortened by accepting data on a rolling basis, teams reviewing different parts of the dossier in parallel, working collaboratively with international regulators, and by many members of the teams working long hours' (personal e-mail communication). One has to wonder how they propose to assess long-term side effects. Can we really trust any pharmaceutical drug approval by the TGA after this statement? Pfizer never planned to reveal its clinical trial data and had to be ordered by a judge in the USA to release the data to the public. Even then they and the CDC tried to limit the number of pages published per month which would have made the full study data public knowledge sometime in the 2070ies. The reason given was that some proprietary information had to be blacked out before release to the public. Again, it is inconceivable why it would be impossible to go through the study data in a few months, when it took the CDC less than 4 weeks to give the injections emergency use authorization -- unless you want to entertain the idea that the study data were never actually read and scrutinised, a frightening perspective. As scientists we put up hypotheses and test them using experiments. If a hypothesis is proven to be true according to current knowledge it might still change over time when new evidence comes to light. Hence, sharing and accumulating knowledge is the most important part of science. The question arises when and why this process of science has been changed. No discussion of new knowledge disputing the safety of the covid-19 vaccines is allowed. Who gave bureaucrats the means to destroy the fundaments of science and tell scientists not to argue the science? Bankster Control of the Worldby steve - 2022-10-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Banking dynasties control Washington It also goes into the non-war against Russia. Getting unelected bureaucrats out of our livesby jordan roberts - 2022-10-17 ( education / research ) [html version]Queensland parliament on APHRA EU opens probe into vaccine deals The European Union prosecutor's office has launched an investigation into the bloc's procurement of ions of covid-19 vaccine doses, amid allegations of corruption and secret backroom dealings from several members of parliament. EU officials announced the probe in a brief statement on Friday, confirming an 'ongoing investigation into the acquisition of covid-19 vaccines in the European Union.' They added that the case follows 'extremely high public interest' around the issue, though declined to share any other details. While prosecutors were tight-lipped about the exact nature of the probe, the announcement follows allegations from MEPs that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen conducted vaccine negotiations with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in secret. Despite requests from journalists, lawmakers and an EU watchdog, von der Leyen's office has failed to produce personal text messages sent to Bourla during talks for nearly 2 billion vaccine doses, prompting accusations of corruption. Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakusic noted the new investigation later on Friday, saying the decision was made thanks to pressure from lawmakers. Though he was unable to shed additional light on the probe, Kolakusic has been highly critical of the EU's vaccine procurement process, claiming deals for ions of doses were marred by 'corruption' and secrecy. 'Today, 10 of us MEPs asked [von der Leyen] the following question: when will she present to us... the communication she had with Pfizer during the procurement of 4.5 billion doses of vaccines at a time when there was absolutely no proof of the effectiveness, and especially not of the harmfulness, of that product?' he said in a tweet earlier this week, calling the issue the 'biggest corruption scandal in the history of mankind.' Last month, the European Court of Auditors said that it has asked the commission to provide information on 'preliminary negotiations' for the EU's largest Pfizer purchase " including 'scientific experts consulted and advice received, timing of the talks, records of the discussions, and details of the agreed terms and conditions' " but added that 'none was forthcoming.' The European Commission still has yet to make the information public, fueling corruption allegations from MEPs. "-///"- We're coming for you*ck-nation/were-coming-for-you/ Have you noticed, as the election looms, the Party of Chaos trips deeper into its own self-created chaos? Turns out that the effort to make Ukraine the fifty-first state is not going over so well with the voters. Nor is the campaign to convince children to switch sexes. Or the crusade to sell ever more mRNA 'vaccines' that the CDC knows good-and-goshdarn-well are killing and maiming credulous citizens by the millions. Or the program for importing limitless alien 'vibrance' across the open border with Mexico.... As the venerable Rolling Stones sang more than a half century ago: 'Rape... murder... it's just a shot away!' This is the kind of country that the Party of Chaos has been grooming you up for. It's not working. We are coming for you: leaders, mesmerized minions, and obliging tools of this Satanic faction that seized the levers of power in America and turned them into wrecking bars. After the nervous hiatus from November to January, we're coming for you in 2023. You are going to answer for the decisions you took and the rules you made that drove our country to its knees and half out of its mind. We are storming you in your Kafka's Castle of lies and malice, and we are going to drag you out of there kicking and screaming. Preserving your decorum will not be our first consideration, Rochelle Walensky, Tony Fauci, Alejandro Mayorkas, Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, and the people who work for you. There's a lot of loose talk about some as-yet-unknown Party of Chaos's ploy to stave off the November 8th reckoning " say, drag out the vote count for weeks and confabulate the results... declare some emergency to shut down in-person voting... or somehow postpone the vote altogether. Nothing like that will go over successfully this time around. The lamp-posts in the WalMart parking lots could be decorated with dangling local election officials who get caught churning phony ballots, tweaking Dominion machines, and taping-up the polling places' windows with cardboard. You're getting no help, meantime, from the folks who run the maundering flunkey you installed as president. They just flipped-off Sergey Lavrov's invitation to negotiate some reasonable end to your $60-plus billion orchestrated fiasco in Ukraine. These are the people that party apostate Tulsi Gabbard identified lately as 'an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness.' She got that exactly right, and at exactly the right moment in history, too. Did you actually propose, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, that the purpose of our misadventure in Ukraine was 'to weaken Russia?' How's that working out? I'll tell you: Russia is fixing to wipe up the floor with its Nazi antagonists in Kiev (and their NATO helpers). Russia is proceeding with prudence and determination to neutralize our country's foolish provocations, even despite 'Joe Biden's' admission that 'Armageddon' is an option. Here's some news for you, Party of Chaos: Russia is not insane, but you surely are. You, Lloyd Austin, are busy destroying the American military with your deranged sexual boundary bamboozle, and your sinister 'vaccine' policies that have led, among other disasters, to a tripling of cancer rates in the ranks. What, exactly, have you succeeded in weakening? Do you think the American people have failed to notice this? How are those financial sanctions working against Russia, Tony Blinken, Victoria Nuland, Jake Sullivan, and Susan Rice? Here's how: they energized trade relations and financial settlements between Russia and the 70-percent of the economic world that is outside the orbit of Western Civ. Meanwhile, they drove the birthplace of Western Civ (Europe) to its knees, upon which it is sliding headlong back to the Twelfth Century. Who told you to do that? George Soros? Klaus Schwab? (Oh, by the way, we're coming for the two of them also, if they're still alive in 2023 " are you listening Gates?) We've also had enough, Party of Chaos, of your 'Green New Deal' and climate change bullshit. The former is a sheer shuck-and-jive. You propose to mandate the end of gasoline-powered cars in favor of electric cars that charge off of fossil fuel fired power plants? That's rich. Ironically, though, the whole mass-motoring matrix is failing not on the basis of whatever powers a car but on the simple fact that a sinking middle-class, whose destruction you engineered, can't afford to buy any kind of car anymore, whatever way it's powered. As for your climate change hysteria, consider that human culture has gone through scores of climate swings since the Age of the Pharaohs; the main ones being the Bronze Age warming, the Hellenic cooling, the Roman warming, the Dark Age cooling, the medieval warming, the 'Little Ice Age' cooling, and now the present-day warming " with evidence that we are slipping back into another cooling. The truth is that it has always been difficult for civilizations to adapt to these events, but it's especially difficult for us with our super-complex, mutually-dependent, hyper-tech systems of daily life, not to mention the giant scale of it all, which pretty much guarantees a hard landing for us. We're not going to run Wal-Mart, Walt Disney World, and the suburbs on any combination of wind, solar, and recycled fry-max oil, so stop pretending, and quit making everything worse than it has to be. We've got to make other arrangements for sure, and that will be hard enough " but no thank you on that transhumanist robot utopia you're trying to sell. Well, of course, you'd never quit trying. You just have to be defeated. And that's exactly what's going to happen. And after you're defeated, we're going to come for you, and stuff your asses into those witness chairs, and compel you to come clean on why you worked so hard to destroy the USA. Maybe you'll apologize. You should be the first to know, though, that it won't matter. When did anyone's apology ever induce in you something besides the demonic lust to inflict more pain on your victims? "-///"-Where are we now? "-///"-Legal implications..? I'm not a lawyer, so@Barnes_Law please correct me if I'm wrong here" but did the Alex Jones case just open the door for the people to now sue Rachel Maddow for billions of dollars since she pushed a conspiracy theory that lead to injury and death in some cases? "-///"-"it's not about you, it's about me!" (Don't miss the short video linked above.) how false ascription of "your mask/vaccine/distancing protects me" inverted the morality of covid and broke the world. 'your mask protects me!' 'you need to get vaccinated to stop the spread and make society safe!' 'stay home, save lives!' these were the endless refrains of the moralizing mandates of coviddom. this was grade A prime propaganda whose purpose was simple: to invert the morality of personal health choices and induce people to do things that they did not believe to serve their best interest by framing them as the collective good and therefore an ethical duty. it's not about you. making your own cost benefit decision is selfish and anti-social. it's potent stuff. if there were a nobel prize for propaganda, this would be a shoe in. tellingly, much of this framing finds its roots in behavioral economics (BE) pioneered by folks like khaneman and thaler for which multiple nobels were, in fact, awarded. it's about nudge and prospect theory and anchoring bias. this precise branch of economics was weaponized during covid. the UK had a whole group of BE's dedicated to it, many of whom are now disgusted with what happened. given the US purchase of grass roots psyoppery, it's difficult to imagine that we did not have the same. the problem is that it was all unmitigated bunk. it was fabrication, assumption, and outright lies told because we 'hoped it was true' to quote chief disaster architect deborah birx. they flat out told you that you jab protects everyone, stops transmission, and 'makes you a dead end for the virus.' it was the centerpiece of the pitch. and contrary to current claims, we have receipts on this that look like they came from the supermarket check out before thanksgiving dinner. yes, the vaccines were supposed to stop covid spread. yes, the "experts" told us so. the revisionist history around vaccines is getting pretty extreme. let's be VERY clear: yes, they were promised to stop spread, contagion, and provide herd immunity. yes, those promises were made by t... but this was entirely made up. watch the video above as member of euro parliament rob roos questions a pfizer director on this topic. she (the director) flat out tells us that this fact was not in evidence when the vaccines were released because they were in a hurry and 'moving at the speed of science.' this entirely erroneous assumption about the disease sterilizing nature of these products was just accepted and promulgated uncritically. the folks that should have known better said nothing and the folks who relied on them ran riot on a moral crusade rooted in false premises. then, when they rapidly realized how wrong they were, they did not recant but pivoted to 'it was never supposed to be that, it's supposed to prevent severity' (also an increasingly iffy claim especially when you weight outcomes for the greater chance of contracting and therefore spreading covid) and therefore save hospital capacity that was never taxed in nearly all locations outside a few perennial basket cases like italy and NYC. this was the moment they went from being victims of untruth to co-conspirators in its contagion. for a politician to be fooled by a health official is not terribly surprising. they are not subject matter experts. but to have such a big, cornerstone claim be immediately revealed to be not only false but likely inverted as the vaccinated turned into superspreaders and vaccine evasion incubators, well, that should have caused pause. the fact that even after it was clear that 'your vaccine does not protect me and might well be putting me at risk' these agents and agencies went full bore on mandates to 'stop the spread and protect the public' as though this was not a choice you could make for yourself but a choice you needed to be forced to make to 'protect the vulnerable' and somehow put society on a standing of collective guilt and responsibility for the most anxious and at risk and unable to make choices out of self interest was ethical fraud. even in the case of a mitigation that works as advertised, such mandates constitute a dangerous departure from the idea of individual agency and rights, but in the case of one that not only does not protect others but may actually put them at greater risk in both the short and especially the long run,then forcing a product with negative expected personal value upon a society becomes an abomination, especially if you then go to great lengths to deny, hide, or fail to collect the side effect data. it is pure and simply reprehensible behavior and those who did it are either morally repugnant if they did it knowingly or so dangerously incompetent as to have no business wielding such power if they did it sans comprehension. masks were much the same. masks never worked, were known not to work, and yet became the go to pivot because they were visible, lower cost than lockdowns, and got framed as a social obligation. 'your mask protects me' made for great media, but it was the antithesis of science. the data could not be more wrong '2 weeks to flatten the curve' was just as bad. more social duty framing, hysterical fear mongering, and another core of pure pseudoscientific twaddle. the evidence of failure was near instant and the fact that it would fail was known and knowable. but the messaging was an absolutely relentless, hectoring assault. 'it's your job to obey and save us!' then morphed into 'this failed because you did not obey hard enough!' this is what abusive relationships look like. the whole thing got so surreal that honestly i'm not even sure if this is real or parody. (score one for poe) and again, '2 weeks to flatten the curve' was brilliant propaganda. it's vintage behavioral economics. birx has outright admitted that she always intended it to be longer. she just needed to get the ball rolling. you start with a small seeming ask. just 2 weeks. then, when it ends, you extend and claim 'just a bit more. you've already sacrificed, let's be sure it's worth it!' this is what economists call a 'sunk cost fallacy.' you start to ascribe value to past sacrifice or expenditure and so the more you spend, the more you want to spend in the future to 'make it worth it.' it's one of the first traits you need to beat out of an investor. throwing good money after bad is the road to bankruptcy. well, your life and liberty work the same way. how did you like the lesson? this whole barrage was calculated. whether it was planful or emerged from the infallible A/B message testing crucible of social media or whatever combination of the two, it worked. they inverted morality and took away your right to make the choices that suited you by subsuming them into a notion of collective good underpinned by dodgy, self serving, and often bespoke scientific nonsense. now rotate the shape in your head. where else might they be doing this to you? hint: 'everywhere.' this is the new normal. from climate change to preferential social justice policy to safety policies to education to your recreational choices, it's all 'do not do what you want, do as society needs' where that need just happens to always (conveniently) be known to (and only to) the anointed philosopher royals of expertdom. let them eat bugs! there is no morality or science here. it's just self serving storytime weaponizing tall tales and social pressure to manipulate you away from making good choices. this trend is well past its sell by date and fully rancid. but now you know how the trick is done. don't be fooled again. "-///" 'Great opportunities' if Australia can decarbonise its beef production: Plibersek going down the same road as the Netherlands Environment and Water Minister Tanya Plibersek says there are 'great opportunities' if Australia can decarbonise its beef production. This comes after Agriculture Minister Murray Watt revealed Australia may join Joe Biden's methane reduction pledge, raising questions over how it would impact farmers and consumers. 'Meat and Livestock Corporation ... have got their own plans to decarbonise their operations,' she told Sky News Australia. 'The National Farmers' Federation are supportive of our efforts broadly on climate change to reduce carbon pollution and " of course, we are working with them on these additional pledges around methane and so on. 'We've got great opportunities " you know, if Australia can decarbonise its beef production, European markets ... throw open the doors to Australian beef.' Community Organizerby don - 2022-10-18 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]Since many believe Obama is running the Marxist Biden administration We might want to look at a history of comnunist organizing, euphemistically called a community organizing */the communist as organizer/* In the period between the Great Crash and the McCarthy era the CPUSA was the most effective organizing agency within the American experience.=1 In this most politically stable of societies, radicals have usually battered their heads against the stone wall of affluence, rising expectations, and Democratic Party loyalty. Within the narrow space of agitation allowed by the political order, Communist Party activists built a small but influential organization devoted to organizing constituencies for social change. According to even the most unsympathetic accounts, Communist activists played important roles in organizing the unemployed, evicted tenants, minorities, and workers in a wide variety of fields. They were central in the emergence of the CIO and thus in the organizing of workers in heavy industry and mass production; they spearheaded the defense of the right of black people to equality before the law and social and economic opportunity; and they participated in virtually all of the nationalefforts to establish humane social services and eliminate hunger, disease, and neglect from our communities.=2 Many analysts question the motives of Communist Party activists, and there certainly is controversy about the extent of their organizing successes. Nevertheless, Communist organizing merits serious and objective consideration. For a period of approximately thirty years, Communist Party activists and organizers sought out constituents in the mines, plants, and neighborhoods of the United States. Other left-wing groups, such as the Socialist Party, the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party, and A. J. Muste's Workers Party, also deserve study, but the CPUSA offers students the best opportunity to examine the dynamics of organizing sponsored and directed by a radical political group.=3 The organizers under consideration came to political maturity during the 1930s, mostly in an era associated with the Popular Front, and remained within the Party until at least the mid-Fifties. Indeed, many remained active organizers and participants after leaving the organizational framework of the Communist Party. In the thirties and forties, they modified their Bolshevik rhetoric and participated in antifascist alliances, worked for modest short-term successes within the fledgling CIO, and provided support and manpower for a diverse group of radical and progressive political movements and leaders, including Democrats, Farmer-Laborites, the American Labor Party in New York, and Communist Party councilmen in New York City, all under an essentially New Deal banner.=4 Organizers operating in the greater Philadelphia district had important trade-union successes and played a key role in organizing unemployed councils, electoral efforts, tenant rights, and peace, professional lobbying, civil liberties, ethnically based, and neighborhood groups. For a period of approximately ten years, from 1936 to perhaps 1947, the Communist Party of Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware, District Three, played an important if modest role in the political life of the area, generating ideas, programs, and visions that later became the commonplaces of social policy. The Party offered its membership several roles. One could remain at the rank-and-file level, become a cadre, or rise to functionary. One could engage in mass work within one of the Party fronts or a non-Party organization (e.g., the YMCA) or one could become a "colonizer," engaging in industrial organizing at the beck and call of the Party. In addition, one could work within the professional section, providing the Party with such services as legal counsel.=5 */rank and file/* At the lowest level of Party membership were the rank and file, the proverbial "Jimmy Higginses" who worked within Party clubs and branches, paid their dues, went to a variety of meetings, and joined the mass organizations and fronts, often focusing on a specific issue like Spain, civil rights, or Scottsboro. Such rank-and-filers were at the heart of everyday activities and what Gornick calls "grinding ordinariness."=6 There was an extraordinary turnover among such members, who often became weary of meetings,/Daily Worker/solicitations, and office chores. Many rank-and-filers began their activism while in college or sometimes high school. The Philadelphia high school movement was quite sizable, including ASU and YCL chapters in at least eight schools. High school activists ranged throughout the city, meeting radical peers, socializing, and developing their own circle of comrades. For those who entered college either already active or about to be radicalized, there was an almost dizzying flow of activities, including demonstrations, marches, sit-downs, leaflettings, fundraisers, dances, parties, socials, lectures, speeches—and meetings. Always, there were meetings, one for every night of the week, often more.=7 Enthusiastic, recently converted Communists, like their spiritual children in the 1960s, had unbounded energy for political work. Most speak of being aroused and inspired by their sense of the significance of their efforts, the quality of their comrades, and the grandeur and power of their movement. Abe Shapiro recalls being engrossed at one time in the following activities: formal YCL meetings, ASU leadership, a universityantiwar council (of which he was director), Spanish civil war relief efforts, a variety of antifascist activities, a student-run bookstore cooperative, and support work for assorted civil liberties and civil rights causes. Some activists found schoolwork boring under the circumstances and devoted all of their time to politics. A few became "colonizers." In most cases, however, Communist students completed their degree work, and if they dropped out of school, it was often for financial reasons. For most, the excitement of campus politics held their attention and their interest. Some found Party youth work a path toward leadership, becoming citywide or national ASU or YCL leaders. Others on leaving campus became YCL branch or section organizers in different parts of the district. Many who did not attend college did neighborhood work with the YCL, often focusing their mass organizational efforts through the American League for Peace and Democracy. To many youthful rank-and-filers, "the YCL became . . . Marxist-Leninist theory all mixed up with baseball, screwing, dancing, selling the/Daily Worker/, bullsh-tting, and living the American-Jewish street life."=8 Certainly the first flush of radicalism, the emotional high of purposeful activity, the sense of accomplishment and of sacrifice for the good of humanity, the work with fine and noble comrades, the love affairs with those sharing a common vision, the expectation that the future was indeed theirs, created a honeymoon effect for most young Communists. For some, the fad of radicalism passed upon graduation or thereabouts. Others simply maintained a regular but distant "fellow-traveling" role as they entered the work world. And many were disillusioned by the Party's dogmatism or the great purge trials, the attacks on Trotsky, or the Non-Aggression Pact of 1939. Others, including those interviewed, remained in the Party. The shortest stay was six years, and most remained loyal for twenty years or more. For all of those who stayed, the Party and its small subculture became their lives. Those working at the branch, club, and section levels were rarely on the Party payroll and had to find work to supportthemselves. For single people problems were few and life could be lived at a double-time pace, working hard all day and then organizing and holding meetings every night. Some young Communists drifted for a time after school, doing Party work but not settling into anything. Ben Green lived in Strawberry Mansion, a lower-middle- and working-class Jewish neighborhood filled with Party people at the time. He did some work with the American League Against War and Fascism, spoke on street corners occasionally, went to three to four meetings a week, and helped to start a union local of public employees at his Works Progress Administration (WPA) office. He remembers that the Party "made it a big thing" when he shifted from the YCL to adult membership, but he was still looking at his future with uncertainty. Upon completing high school, George Paine felt that "sports were gone" from his life except for an occasional neighborhood basketball game. He kept in touch but saw less of old non-Party buddies and did standard political work, "hustling the paper," going to meetings, demonstrating. Finally he decided to go to college, suspending but not ending his Party ties. One rank-and-filer was a skilled craftsman, "glad of the class I was born into." He belonged to a conservative craft union and limited his political work to mass work at the local YMCA. He never really got involved with a club or branch group but paid his dues, subscribed to the paper, and worked with comrades to move the "Y" in a more "progressive" direction. He was quite open about his views, which would eventually get him into trouble at his job: "I felt that since to me everything was so clear, they'd hug me." Tim Palen, a farmer and skilled craftsman who lived in a rural suburb of Philadelphia, worked with the Farmers Union. A Party rank-and-filer, he helped farmers get low-interest loans through the union and sympathetic banks. Palen never involved himself with Party affairs in the city, and the highest office he held was dues secretary of his section. Since the Communist Party did not formally label members according to their rank, it is not always clear who was a rank-and-filer and who was considered cadre. One former district leader defines cadres as the people in training for leadership, like officers in an army. The rank and file are, therefore, foot soldiers, less involved and more a part of their own neighborhood or plant, more likely to hold conventional jobs, and more subject to pressures from neighbors, family, and changing circumstances. Annie Kriegel, who analyzes the French Communist Party as a set of concentric circles, places fellow travelers who vote for the Party and read the Sunday Party press on the "outer circle" and "ordinary party members" in the "first circle."=9 Many observers describe such rank-and-filers as less "Bolshevik"—that is, more likely to break Party discipline in everyday activity and closer to the behavior and sensibilities of their non-Party peers. Harvey Klehr puts it, "Many party members received no training of any kind, attendance at party meetings was often spotty, and members frequently ignored or failed to carry out assigned tasks."=10 Almond presents esoteric and exoteric models to distinguish rank-and-filer from cadre, suggesting that the Party daily press directed itself to the relatively idealistic and naive external members, while the Comintern, Cominform, and internal Party journals spoke to insiders and sophisticated activists.=11 */cadre/* The cadre has a "personal commitment." He or she is a "true Bolshevik," internally Communized, with an almost priestly function and sense of specialness. The cadre is a "professional revolutionary" along Leninist lines.=12 Philip Selznick adds that cadres are "deployable personnel," available to the Party at all times.=13 Some observers use "cadre" interchangeably with "functionary," while others distinguish them. I interpret "functionary" as a more administrative and executive role, usually carrying more authority and generally associated with top district and national leadership.=14 Cadres were field workers, organizers, sometimes on the payroll but often holding a non-Party job. Some more mobile cadres lefttheir own neighborhoods, but most worked at least within their home districts. (Functionaries, on the other hand, could be homegrown and district-bound or at the service of the national, even international, office.) Many studies exaggerate the distinction between inner core and outer rings because of their dependence on the abstractions of Party tracts. Almond, for example, claims that the "true Communist" was beyond any commitment to the Popular Front since he was presumably fully Bolshevized and aware of the duplicity and tactical nature of moderated rhetoric. Perhaps this is true of the national leadership, who had associations with Moscow, training at the Lenin School, and Comintern experience. At the district level, however, the patterns are not as clear and seem to be more sensitive to generational, class, and ethnic variables.=15 Among informants, the word "cadre" connoted "hard-working," "brave," "dogged," and "honorable"—someone who followed a Leninist model of behavior; "functionary," on the other hand, was often used negatively to imply that someone was "bureaucratic," "aloof," "abstract," and "remote.webp from struggle"—in brief, the Stalinist/apparatchik/. Neither necessarily belonged to an inner core. Fred Garst tells of the "process of indoctrination" he underwent as he entered into Party life, beginning with "the regularity of systematic participation"—dues, meetings, selling Party literature. He says that the number of meetings began slowly to escalate to three, sometimes five a week: section and subsection meetings, executive meetings, front meetings. Next, Garst was asked to lead a discussion, then to take responsibility for organizing the distribution of literature. He started taking classes at a local Workers School in Marxist theory and labor history. His commitment grew, his experience deepened, and he soon became a section leader. Some Philadelphia Communists moved from rank-and-file to cadre roles during important political campaigns like theProgressive Party efforts of 1947–1948. One woman had been serving in a minor capacity—"not anything earth-shattering"—but was swept up by what Wallace referred to as "Gideon's Army." She became a full-time Progressive Party organizer at a district level, her "first real organizing"; from that point on, she was fully involved in Party work at a variety of levels. Some cadres emphasized front and mass work, serving as leaders of IWO ethnic groups, youth groups, and defense groups. Such cadres were particularly likely to operate clandestinely, although many communicated their affilitation all but formally to constituents. Cadres can be distinguished by their level of operation (club, branch, section, or district), by their funding (on the payroll or holding a regular job), by their relative mobility and willingness to do political work outside their own milieu, and, finally, by the type of organizing they did (mass or front work, electoral party work, industrial organizing). The most prestigious cadres were those who did full-time industrial organizing at the will of the Party leadership. Such organizers, whether of working-class origins or not and whether indigenous or colonizers, were the heart of Party operations, seeking to develop a proletarian constituency and a trade-union base. /ny tisa/ ny Tisa's history shows what an experienced organizer could accomplish. Tisa, a second-generation son of illiterate, working-class peasants, went to work at the Campbell's Soup plant in his own South Camden "Little Italy" after completing high school in the early 1930s. While working summers at the plant, he had been stimulated by street-corner radical speakers and had joined the Socialist Party, which had a presence at Campbell's Soup. The Socialists sent him to Brookwood Labor College, where he met young Communists who impressed him with their earnestness and apparent lack of factionalism, a problem he encountered among the Socialists. He returned to help organize the plant, starting with a small group of about a half-dozen Italian workers, none of themCommunists, whom he molded through a discussion group. His group received a federal charter from the American Federation of Labor and began to develop an underground, dues-paying membership. Tisa tells of frustrating experiences within the conservative AFL. At the 1939 convention in Tampa, for example, he found himself accidently strolling into a local walk-out of Del Monte workers, just as the police were arresting the leader. He spoke to thery workers and was himself threatened with arrest. The workers exclaimed, "You got Bo [the arrested leader] but you're not gonna get him," and made a ring to escort Tisa to a streetcar. That evening, at his suggestion, there was a union meeting, packed and excited. When Tisa tried to speak about this remarkable experience at the AFL convention, he was refused the floor. Finally he simply took over the podium and microphone. Later that day, he met with other militants, including Communists, to organize the ClO-affiliated Food, Tobacco and Agricultural Workers Union. He took a detour, however, as events in Spain captured his energies and idealism. Tisa served two years in Spain with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, gaining "a sense of internationalism that never escapes you." On his return, he immediately set out to organize Campbell's Soup. At the time Tisa began to organize it, Campbell's Soup employed about 5,500 full-time workers, with another 5,000 part-timers who came in during the heavy season. At least half the workers were of Italian descent; there were few blacks until the late 1940s. About half the work force was female. There was a sexual division of labor based on physical strength. Tisa's organizing group consisted of eleven or twelve key workers, all leftists, mostly Italian. None were "colonizers." All were indigenous workers who, under Tisa's leadership, planned the unionization of Campbell's. Tisa recalls that the group would often go crabbing and then return to his home to eat, drink, and talk strategy. Tisa was the only member of the group on the national union's payroll; he made a bare ten or fifteen dollars a week. The organizers distributed themselves through the plant, reaching out to obvious sympathizers and picking up useful information that they would relay to Tisa, who could not enter the plant. He would take names and visit workers in their homes, signing them up so that the union could hold a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election. He would also cull information about working conditions from his organizers and publish it in a union bulletin that they distributed clandestinely, each carrying five to ten copies. As their numbers increased, they became bolder and distributed the much discussed bulletin openly. Campbell's Soup had Tisa arrested once, but when he was released, many workers came to greet him. He assured them that the law permitted them to organize a union. The company tried many tactics to block his efforts: they started a company union; they charged that he was a "Red" and had raped nuns and killed priests in Spain. But Tisa lived in an Italian neighborhood among plant workers and had a mother who had worked in the plant for many years (cheering his speeches, often at the wrong times, he wryly and lovingly notes); he could not be red-baited easily. He was an open Communist; his neighbors would say, "ny's a Communist, but he's all right." Despite the real barrier of the workers'traditional Catholicism, he produced traditional trade-union benefits for members and was popular enough locally, a neighbor, to remain in leadership until the CIO purges of the late forties and early fifties finally forced him out. Tisa's experience highlights the importance of developing indigenous personnel in organizing activity. His efforts were certainly bolstered by support from the national union, by Communist Party training and aid, and by the relative benevolence of the federal government as expressed through the new NLRB. Yet the presence of local activists, something the Communist Party sought but did not often achieve, invariably made the task of organizing a plant or neighborhood that much easier. Other organizers performed similar roles without formally entering the Party, preferring to remain independent although generally taking positions consistent with Party policy. /jack ryan/ Jack Ryan's old man was "a union man," later a foreman, a local Democratic politician, and a bootlegger. As a teen-ager, and a high school drop-out, Ryan ran poker and crap games in the neighborhood with a group of friends, some of whom wound up in prison. He worked sporadically as a roofer, during which time he was influenced by a socialist "who couldn't read or write until he was twenty-three." His father finally got him a job at a local plant, where he worked as a crane operator in the early Depression years until he was laid off in 1931. Over the next two years, he tried a small store and "managed to hang on," selling water ice and running crap games. In 1933 he went back to the plant just at the point when the local union was being formed. Ryan recalls that he was "sworn in in an elevator with the lights out in between the floors." Despite his emerging radical politics, Ryan remained on the margins at first. "I deliberately didn't get active," he says, indicating that life seemed too unpredictable to take chances. In fact, he entered into a real-estate business on the side, and it eventually provided him with the cushion that allowed him to become more active within the plant. Initially he ran for the general committee, backed by the other crane operators because of his successful grievance work. Still cautious ("I kept my mouth shut," he notes), Ryan went along with the conservative local leadership while maintaining contact with the plant militants, several of whom were old Wobblies suspicious of any Communist Party leadership. Ryan worked primarily through his own crane operators' network within the plant. He played the trade-offs in union posts among the plant's crafts to become local president, an unpaid post, and finally business representative, the only salaried position within the local. Ryanremained close to the Party but never joined. "I was more radical than they were," he brags. He criticizes their twists and turns and suggests that "in the end you can't trust any of them" because of "the goddamn line." He adds that the/Daily Worker/was "written for a bunch of morons." On the other hand, Ryan admits that Party union members were often competent and successful organizers and that he agreed with most of their Popular Front stances, particularly their antifascism. On the Soviets, he says that he did not spend too much time thinking about them, but adds, "I don't blame them for having a treaty with the Germans." Ryan is clearly concerned with the practical issues of trade unionism. In describing one of his national officers, he exclaims, "A dedicated Communist but a helluva guy." He praises L. Lewis's efforts at industrial unionization: "him and the Commies put together the CIO; they were the smartest crowd." So Jack Ryan worked with but kept some distance from "the Commies": "they were a little bit nutty." His union was one of those expelled from the CIO in the late forties, and he remains bitter about the Party's role in the union's decline. He remained active, holding union office on and off until his retirement. Ryan proudly concludes that he was placed on Social Security while on strike for the last time in the early seventies. ny Tisa and Jack Ryan were working-class organizers, with roots in their ethnic communities, able to establish a rapport with their peers and, at the same time, develop more sophisticated skills within a broader and more ideological movement in or around the Communist Party. Their failures were mostly exogenous, the results of Taft-Hartley oaths, CIO purges, and McCarthyism in general. Others operated in less favorable terrain, without the decided advantages of an indigenous, working-class background. The most characteristic Party labor organizer was a young, educated, second-generation Jewish-American sent to "dig roots into the working-class." The efforts of such organizers were prodigious; their accomplishments, however, were more problematic. /al schwartz/ Al Schwartz's father was a 1905er, a Party organizer in the garment industry who had to open a small shop after he was blacklisted. Al, a classic "red-diaper baby," went through all of the Party developmental steps, from Young Pioneers through YCL to full Party involvement. Most of all he wanted to be a radical journalist. For a few years he was able to work on the Pennsylvania supplement to the/Worker/, but when it folded, his journalism career seemed over. Over the next half-dozen years, Schwartz, now in his late twenties, went into the shops as a "colonizer." He remembers the sense of adventure and mission he felt working at a few of the larger heavy industrial plants in the area. Yet he also speaks of his sense of loss and defeat in having to aban hopes of writing. Schwartz's response to colonizing was painfully ambivalent: a college graduate and a Jew, born and bred within the Yiddish-Left subculture, he both relished the contact with blue-collar workers and remained distant from them. They were not like him, he stresses; they were mired in back-breaking labor, poor educations, and plebian forms of leisure. For a time he enjoyed the camaraderie of the local taverns, but ultimately he was an outsider, a Jewish family man and a struggling intellectual. Schwartz most fondly recalls the hardness and fitness of his body, the feeling that he was young and strong and physically a worker. But the successes were few, and later the McCarthy period made such Party efforts even more marginal. Schwartz found himself a family man in his mid-thirties without a career or a profession; frustrated and drifting out of Party life without drama or flourish, he moved to reorganize his life. His political values held, but his colonizing days were over. /sol davis/ Sol Davis grew up in a poor, working-class, immigrant household. He was a bright young boy, and like many other upwardly aspiring Jewish males, he flourished at the elite Central High School andbegan moving toward a professional career. At this point, in the early years of the Depression, he was swept off his feet, as he puts it, by the Communist Party. After completing his schooling, he worked lackadaisically at his profession while seeking an opportunity to go into the shops as a Communist Party organizer; he was "determined to be shop worker." His first attempts allowed him to learn something about machinery, although in each instance he was fired for his inexperience and incompetence. Finally he caught on. "I was in my element," he asserts, describing the war years in heavy industry. For Davis, the good organizer had to have a commitment to "the principles of Communism," "a talent for leadership," and a willingness to listen. A confident speaker, whose words are clipped and terse, he worked twenty-nine years in the shops, twenty-six of them at one plant. Located within the city, the plant was staffed mostly by Catholic workers (Polish or Irish), initially few blacks, and even fewer Jews. Davis's recollections are filled with bitter refrains about red-baiting and "turn-coat ex-CPers," sell-outs and "social democrats." He is proud of his successes, which include chairing the grievance committee and serving as shop steward during most of his union years. Davis presents his life as devoted to organizing in the shops; he never got involved in his neighborhood and tended to leave Party electoral work to others. A hard-line orthodox Communist still, Davis argues that those who abandoned the Party were "petty-bourgeois with petty-bourgeois ideas," whereas he "was nursed out of the trade-union movement." In the fifties, he admits, "life became unpleasant," both in his largely Jewish lower-middle-class neighborhood and in the shop, where "a certain resistance developed to my activity" among people he calls anti-Communist socialists. Davis believes that most American workers have been bought off in "discrete and discernible fashion" by imperialist profits, manipulated by the mass media, and blinded by nationalism, religion, and racism. After spending almost thirty years in theindustrial heartland, Davis remains "dedicated to an idea," an "unquestioned belief" in communism. Yet when asked about his ability to convert workers to class consciousness, a saddened Sol Davis replies, "Never—the shop was a desert for me." He did not convert a single worker and was "in that respect an utter failure." The shops, to the stoical Davis, were "a cultural, political, and philosophical wasteland despite having made so many friends." Sol Davis has kept the faith since he was "baptized" in the movement; his singular lack of organizing success rests, in his mind, on factors beyond his control—repression, cowardice, self-interest. He is a confident man. / caldwell/ Other colonizers had more mixed results. Caldwell, a college graduate with a middle-class WASP heritage, recalls that in his initial colonizing effort, "I wasn't very smart and made a lot of stupid mistakes—talked to people, became known as a troublemaker." He was fired. Fortunately for Caldwell, his firing made him a "celebrated case," and the predominantly Irish and Italian Catholic workers, and even the conservative union officials, rallied to his support. Caldwell says that whereas other Party organizers had their best contact in their own departments, he touched bases throughout the plant and often socialized at the local bar to maintain and develop relationships. "A fair number knew I was a Communist," he says. "I never denied it." But most did not. In most plants to admit membership in the Party meant probable firing and certain harassment. For organizers like Caldwell, discretion was the rule. His efforts paid off against the union's local establishment. The national, a left-wing union, sent in an organizer to help fashion a local coalition to defeat the established group, and Caldwell worked with him as elections chairman. The progressive slate was successful. Caldwell, a leader of a left-wing veterans' group, participated in the 1946 strike surge. When mounted police chased people ontoporches in Southwest Philadelphia to break up injunction-defying demonstrations, the local CIO was able to bring out 25,000 workers to protest against police brutality in front of City Hall. But such Popular Front-style unified efforts were shattered by the developing Cold War consensus, which began to drive radicals, particularly Party members, out of the unions. Caldwell shifted jobs in this period, finally taking a full-time organizing job in a nearby industrial town. The plant had some IWO members and a few Party members, but no organization. Caldwell, who observes that "it really became difficult after the Korean War" started, found some success in putting out a small paper and handing it out at the main gates. He worked to develop contacts mainly by distributing the Party paper, first for free, then by subscription. Caldwell remembers proudly that he won a district drive with eighty subscriptions in his area. Gains were modest: a Hungarian sympathizer sent him two black shop stewards; then a few Irish Catholics made contact. Caldwell recalls going into Philadelphia to see prize fights with the latter workers, mixing pleasure with discussions of possible articles about their area for the Party press. But the times wrecked any chance Caldwell had of developing a Party group. The FBI scared off possible sympathizers; he was arrested for circulating antiwar petitions, and the venture finally ended in the heyday of the McCarthy period when Caldwell was sent to join the Party's underground. Caldwell and Al Schwartz experienced the ebb of the progressive union movement in the late forties and early fifties. Most Party labor organizers and colonizers, however, joined the fray during the extraordinary upsurge of the late thirties that established industrial unionism through the CIO. /milt goldberg/ Milt Goldberg, despite winning a Mayor's Scholarship, was unable to continue his education after graduating from Central High School. Instead, he scratched to make a living at odd jobs, gradually becoming interested in radical politics. While he wasworking a pre-Christmas job at Sears, the department store warehousemen went out on strike. Clerks refused to cross the picket lines. Goldberg recalls that the increasingly anxious owners persuaded the clerks to return to work with promises of improved conditions and wage increases that were never fulfilled; meanwhile, the warehousemen settled. In the aftermath, the strike leaders were all fired. Goldberg says that many of them were Communists and that he began to notice how often that was the case: "I respected the Party people; they were able, talented people." Goldberg became an organizer for a white-collar union dominated by mobsters who made deals with management at the expense of the membership. He describes his early efforts as "naive, inexperienced." Goldberg played a key role in leading his membership out of the corrupt union into a new CIO local, whose Philadelphia office staff was dominated by Party organizers. In those days, the late thirties, the era of sit-downs and a crescendo of collective bargaining agreements, organizing was remarkably fluid. Goldberg says that charters were granted easily and with little need for substantiation or the apparatus of negotiation soon to appear under the NLRB. In those days, he asserts with some nostalgia, one could go in and organize a place in one or two days, present demands to the employer, and make a deal. Such rapid victories were, of course, exceptions; Goldberg also recalls the often brutal resistance of management, particularly in heavy industry. After serving in the war, Goldberg returned to his union efforts, despite family advice that he try something more prestigious and lucrative. The union was his life, so he stayed. He never formally rejoined the Party, although he remained in close contact. The Taft-Harley anti-Communist oath soon reinforced this decision. Nevertheless, Goldberg and his small union were red-baited and constantly under McCarthyite attack. How did he survive? Goldberg argues that he "was very close to the membership" and had solid support from his fellow leaders. He emphasizes that the union provided real benefits and servicesto membership and sustained their loyalty despite the attacks. In addition, he notes that by this time the small union did not have a Party group, only him. One of the more damaging policies of Party-dominated unions was what Goldberg calls "the resolution bit"—the passing of Party-sponsored resolutions on every issue from Scottsboro to Spain. Too many left-wing unions manipulated such resolutions without making any effort to educate the membership; all that mattered was that local such-and-such of the so-and-so workers sent a resolution attacking Franco's dictatorship in Spain. Goldberg dropped such tactics in the postwar period, instead working with his local's officers and servicing the practical needs of the membership. By the mid-fifties, still a socialist, Milt Goldberg had become estranged from the Communist Party. As is true of most arts, the qualities that make for a successful organizer are uncertain and descriptions are inevitably cliche-ridden. As the experiences of ny Tisa and Jack Ryan indicate, having roots in the work force being organized gives one a decided advantage. But the Party could use only the troops it had available, and these were for the most part educated, urban, Jewish Americans, most of whom had no experience in the heavy industries that were their "colonies." Most of them experienced frustration; one cadre estimates that 95 percent of all Party colonizers failed. Too often colonizers were unable to operate in a sea of Gentile proletarians. Fred Garst, stillry at the Party for its insensitivity to context, charges that "the Left didn't have any organizing skills." But some organizers, remarkably, succeeded. /ike samuels/ Ike Samuels still speaks with an accent that reveals the years he spent in Eastern Europe before his mother, taking the remains of the family silver, arrived in the United States. No red-diaper baby, Samuels describes his youth as "street-wise" and his ambition as making it in America. Like many others, however, "the whole thing burst into flame" when the Depression forced him to dropout of school and hunger marches, bonus marches, and unemployed council protests acted on his emerging social conscience. Soon he was moving toward the Party and engaging in union organizing. Samuels, a gruff, self-deprecating man who often refers to his "big mouth," rose to leadership within a small craft union and served on the city CIO council. His CIO union was dominated by a Popular Front coalition of the Party and a progressive Catholic group. The union president, a leader of the latter, was incompetent; on several occasions Samuels had to bail him out of collective-bargaining disasters. Finally the Catholic faction and the Party faction sought to replace the president with Samuels. The national Party leadership, however, afraid of upsetting the delicate coalition, said no. Samuels recalls that he "didn't even question" the decision, but he was frustrated and soon left the union to become an organizer for a larger, industrial union. Samuels agrees with Milt Goldberg that it was relatively easy to be a good organizer in that period. Labor was in an upswing, workers were clamoring to be organized, NLRB cards were easy to accumulate. In heavy industry, Samuels stresses, the key was to seek out the pockets of old radical workers—not colonizers, he emphasizes—who had broken down the old ethnic barriers. Many such organizers were members of the IWO foreign-language federations. Next, one needed the "pie-cards," the full-time organizers supplied by the CIO itself, many of whom were veteran radicals. Along with and sometimes among the pie-cards were the younger Communists going into the shops, supported by a growing and confident Party organization. A "highly developed structure," Samuels recalls, was essential to organizing success. One had to develop shop committees and day-to-day contacts in each department. The sense of strength provided by the union itself and, crucially, by its CIO sponsor, allowed workers to imagine that the employers could be successfully challenged. In the automobile, steel, rubber, mining, and electrical equipment industries, workers facedmammoth corporations willing to use any means necessary to throw back the unionist surge. The New Deal, by encouraging a more neutral judiciary and law enforcement role, made it easier for the coordinated CIO drives to gain concessions from corporate heads. Samuels suggests that the workers, some of whom had backed decades of unsuccessful rank-and-file efforts, needed the sense that they were a part of a powerful coalition. L. Lewis appealed to this sense when he proclaimed, "The President want you to join a union." Such a coalition advanced unionization at the same time that it necessitated concessions and strictures that limited the leverage of the newly legitimized unions.=16 Samuels argues that it was imperative for organizers to have knowledge of their industries. He deliberately worked in a craft shop to learn the trade and later carefully studied one heavy industry before going out to organize its workers. He was not typical. Hodee Edwards, a thirties organizer, stresses "our consistent failure to investigate the neighborhoods and factories where we tried to work, thus applying a generalized, sectarian plan usually incomprehensible to those we wanted to reach."=17 And Sam Katz suggests that the Party did not always recognize the tension between the leadership and the activist/organizer over the pace and nature of organizing. The functionaries often pushed for the most advanced positions, including the "resolutions bit," whereas the organizers focused on the issues that confronted their constituents. Conflict was inevitable between broad policy and local needs and variations, and between policy planners and functionaries and field organizers and the rank and file. It is clear that the Communist Party suffered chronically from top-heavy decision making, which often left local organizers and members with policy directives that made little sense in local circumstances. In addition to organizational strength and preparation, Samuels feels that leadership ability and, at times, personal courage must be demonstrated. On several occasions he had to take risks or lose the confidence of his membership. In one local the workers affectionately referred to him as "R.R.J.B.," Red Russian JewBastard. He tells of organizing workers in a small Georgia company town. Fifteen hundred were on strike, and the patriarchal owners were negotiating only under pressure from the NLRB. They were stalling, however, so Samuels called on the work force to increase the pressure by massing outside the building where the negotiations were taking place. The next day, in the midst of bargaining, Samuels noticed the face of the company's attorney turning an ash white as he glanced out the window. What he saw were about three hundred workers marching toward the building carrying a rope; lynching was on their agenda. Samuels went out and calmed them down, "modified" their demands, and then wrapped up negotiations. His early organizing days also included maritime struggles with gangster elements who were not beyond "bumping off" militants. Samuels implies that the Left elements fought back, sometimes resorting to their own brand of physical intimidation.=18 Peggy Dennis describes the Bolshevik ideal as "soldiers in a revolutionary army at permanent war with a powerful class enemy." And "in permanent war, doubts or questions are treason."=19 Yet as Joseph Starobin asks, "How could the Leninist equilibrium be sustained in a country so different from Lenin's?" In fact, it was sustained unevenly and at a price. In a society with a tradition of civil liberties (albeit inconsistently applied and occasionally suspended in moments of stress) and a remarkably resilient political democracy, the Leninist model, hardened and distorted by Stalinism, mixed uncomfortably with American realities.=21 At its best the Leninist ideal encouraged the incredible levels of hard work and perseverance that even critics of Communism grant to its cadres; it also evoked such personal qualities as integrity, courage, honesty, and militancy. Yet the ideal seemed to degenerate too easily into a model of behavior appropriately labeled Stalinist. Communist cadres accepted deceptive tactics and strategies that inevitably backfired and undermined theirintegrity and reputations—for example, the front groups that "flip-flopped" at Party command after years of denying Party domination. The intolerance and viciousness with which Communists often attacked adversaries, including liberals, socialists, and their own heretics, remains inexcusable.=22 As organizers, Communist activists suffered from a tendency toward a special kind of elitism that often made them incapable of working with diverse groups sharing common goals. In some periods they turned this streak of inhumanity against themselves, engaging in ugly campaigns of smear and character assassination to eliminate "Titoists," "Browderites," "revisionists," "left-wing adventurists," or "white chauvinists." Moreover, the secrecy within which Communists often operated, while sometimes justified by the danger of job loss or prosecution, served to undermine the Party's moral legitimacy. An organizer's relationship with his constituents depends on their belief in his integrity, and this is especially true when the organizer is an outsider. Too often, Communists undermined their own integrity by covering manipulative and cynical acts with the quite plausible explanation that survival required secrecy. The tendency of Communists to resort to First and Fifth Amendment protection during the McCarthy period falls under similar challenges. As Joseph Starobin asks: Should left-wingers and Communists have gone to jail in large numbers? Might they have been better off/politically/, in terms of their/image/, to assert their affiliations, to proclaim them instead of asserting their right to keep them private, to explain the issues as they saw them, and to take the consequences?=23 Communist activists certainly did not lack courage or commitment to a protracted struggle. Many risked prison, and some served prison sentences; perhaps as many as one-third of the cadres painfully accepted assignments to go underground in the early fifties. Their Leninism had to navigate contradictory currents of Stalinism and Americanization, militancy and opportunism. Local Communist activists often lived a somewhat schizophrenic life, alternately internationalist and indigenous, Bolshevik and "progressive," admiring the Leninist model of cadre and yet falling into more settled, familial patterns of activism. There was a clear if often ignored sexual division of labor: men were more likely to be the cadres, women performed auxiliary clerical functions and unnoticed but essential neighborhood organizing. The Party was also divided between theorists and intellectuals on the one hand and field workers and activists on the other. As one field worker proclaimed, "I couldn't be spending hours on ideological conflicts; I'm an activist, not an intellectual." Many agree that the bulk of an organizer's time went into local actions and much less went into discussions and considerations of important theoretical or programmatic matters.=24 Only a small proportion received the type of ideological and intellectual training suggested by the Leninist ideal, an ideal that formally sought the obliteration of the distinctions between thought and action, intellectual and activist. In fact, Party intellectuals faced chronic and ingrained suspicion, even contempt, from Party leaders. Abe Shapiro sardonically charges that the function of Party intellectuals was "to sell the/Daily Worker/at the waterfront." He remembers checking on a new Party document on the economy: "I actually read the document. I wanted to know what the Hell it was." He found it infantile and far below what well-trained but never used Party intellectuals and social scientists could have produced. The Party rarely, except for showcase purposes, relied on its trained intellectual or academic members; instead, it called on Party functionaries, often of very narrow training, to write about complex sociological, economic, and scientific matters. Theory suffered as a result, and the Party, particularly after 1939, included very few intellectuals. Until the mid-fifties crisis, the Party, strangled by Stalinist dogma and intolerance, was closed to intellectual discourse. Abe Shapiro finally left the Party because his intellectual training hadgiven him a commitment to intellectual honesty that he could not shake. Among organizers, Party arrogance cut off messages from the grass roots. Orders from what one veteran calls "the Cave of Winds"—Party headquarters in New York—often contradicted practical organizing experience. The Party also suffered from insularity. Mark Greenly brought interested fellow workers to a Party-dominated union meeting. They were curious and "antiboss" but quite unsophisticated and not at all ready to make any commitments. Unfortunately, the Party organizer immediately started to discuss class struggle and a variety of abstract political matters. The workers were quickly alienated and frightened away, never to return. Ethel Paine recalls such "inappropriate behavior" as the sectarian conversations Party people would carry on in the presence of non-Communist acquaintances and neighbors. Although chronically secretive about membership, Communists could be remarkably insensitive to their audience in revealing ways. A successful organizer learned when and how to introduce more controversial ideas to nonmembers. Training, including the Party schools, helped to some extent, but most Communists agree with the veteran organizer who feels that such learning has to be done on the job, by trial and error. Many Communists, like Sam Katz and Caldwell, tell painful if sometimes hilarious tales of their own and others' ineptitude as beginning organizers. Some discovered that they simply were not suited for the job and would never develop the personal qualities that make for a competent organizer. Several veterans insist that organizers are born, not made. Yet relatively introverted and socially awkward young people, inspired by the idealism and the comradeship of the Communist movement, did transform themselves into effective organizers. Vivian Gornick points out that such transformations did not always survive the collapse of association with the Party.=25 I did not, however, discover total or near total personality changes caused either by joining or abandoning the Party. Although most of the literature about radical organizers deals with men, it is increasingly apparent that some of the mostsignificant and consistently ignored organizing within the Communist Party involved women. The ten women interviewed performed a rich variety of Party tasks, but perhaps the most important were those not officially designated, like the informal neighborhood activities organized by Edith Samuels, described inChapter Five . Sarah Levy was also involved in such efforts. Sarah and her two children joined her colonizer husband, Moe, in leaving the comfortable Party concentration in the Strawberry Mansion section to live in a nearby industrial town. She refers to the next three and a half years as "not the easiest times and, yet to me, personally, one of the best growing experiences—and I have never regretted it." (Moe's wry rejoinder was "She didn't have to work the blast furnaces.") There were only three Party families in the town, quite a difference from the thirty or forty Party friends they left behind in Strawberry Mansion. While Moe worked the furnaces and tried to develop contacts with plant workers, Sarah joined a folk dance group at the local "Y," where she got to know Greek, Yugoslav, Italian, and other immigrant women. Moe, limited in the plant to a small Party circle of colonizers and sympathizers, was able to socialize with the husbands of Sarah's folk dancing partners. Colonizers often ended up working with a local Party apparatus while their wives, working through neighborhood networks, reached into the community through its women, older people, and children. Asie Repice casually but proudly concluded about her work with a community center during the war years; "I am an organizer, so I organized a nursery." Her husband was in the service. Moving around to stay close to his base, she put her organizing abilities and political values to work. Such efforts remain an unwritten chapter in the history of radical organizing.=26 */functionaries/* Few district functionaries other than Sam Darcy achieved any national stature or had much leverage outside the district. Dave Davis, the business manager of UE Local 155 and an importantPhiladelphia-area labor leader, was often elected to the Party's national committee but never entered the inner decision-making group. Other district leaders—like Pat Toohey, Phil Bart, Phil Frankfeld, and Ed Strong—were D.O.s sent into the district and then moved out again to other assignments. Most district functionaries played dominant roles within the district committee and ran such important Party operations as the local Progressive Party and the Civil Rights Congress. They drew meager salaries, which were sometimes supplemented by Party-related employment. The Party network, at least during the late thirties and forties, could place members in some union jobs.=27 Possibly several dozen members depended on the Party for their livelihood in this way. */nonmembers/* One often encounters Communists who, for very specific reasons, were not formal Party members. One former Progressive Party leader never joined the Party but worked closely with district Communist leaders to map strategy and coordinate activity. Some union leaders stayed out of the Party to deny employers the red-baiting weapon, and a number dropped out after the Taft-Hartley Act made a union officer liable to prosecution for perjury if he lied about current Party membership.=28 */professionals/* Some professionals who joined the Party operated at a rank-and-file level, belonging to a professional branch or club, attending meetings, and fulfilling subscription quotas. Several recall being highly impressed with the other professionals they met at Party functions. But such members—often doctors, dentists, and architects—were on the margins of Party life. Many professionals, especially lawyers associated with Party causes, found membership problematic and chose not to formalize their relationships with the Party, though they might be members of a professional club. "I fought against loose tongues," one states."I never asked a soul whether they were Communists or not." Several left-wing attorneys stress that they did not want to be in a position to betray anyone or risk a perjury charge if questioned about their own affiliations and associations. The law in America is a conservative profession, and several Left lawyers paid a high price for their efforts.=29 Another consideration was that the Party sometimes pressured lawyers to use a particular legal strategy in Party-related cases, and such pressure was more effectively applied to members.=30 One attorney notes that the Party itself seemed ambivalent about requiring formal membership. A few district leaders pressured him to join, while others understood that it was not particularly useful or necessary. Some lawyers, whether members or not, found their services very much in demand. They were needed in labor negotiations, electoral activities, and civil rights and civil liberties cases. In the late forties and early fifties, Party-affiliated lawyers found it less easy than it had been to earn a living through Party-based clients, such as left-wing unions. Instead they were called upon to deal with the titanic task of defending Party members indicted under the Smith Act and other pieces of repressive legislation. Thanks to this demand, as one attorney suggests, they received special treatment from the district leadership. They mixed with labor leaders, politicians, judges, and, at times, the national Party leadership. Several had more contact with the non-Communist local authorities than district functionaries had. One left-wing attorney recalls that he had the luxury of criticizing Party policies and decisions, within limits, because "I was needed, I was special, a lawyer." More significant than membership was the degree of autonomy a member had, and this was based on his importance to the Party or his institutional leverage. A professional could get away with criticism of the Nazi-Soviet Pact that would not be tolerated from rank-and-filers or most cadres. A union leader could ignore Party instructions, aware that his own organization was his power base. A former Communist, George Charney, criticizes in his memoirsthe "left-wing aristocracy of labor that rarely mingled with the herd of party members or the middle functionaries."=31 Such trade-unions "influentials" often had contempt for functionaries and would go over their heads to top leadership. Those who entered the Party, at whatever level, in whatever role, operated within a well-defined organization and lived within a somewhat insular and often nurturing subculture that provided them with formal and informal relationships. These relationships eased the often lonely organizing work. One veteran unashamedly calls his fellow Communist organizers "the most dedicated, most selfless people in the struggle." Many would share Jessica Mitford's feelings: I had regarded joining the Party as one of the most important decisions of my adult life. I loved and admired the people in it, and was more than willing to accept the leadership of those far more experienced than I. Furthermore, the principle of democratic centralism seemed to me essential to the functioning of a revolutionary organization in a hostile world.=32 Any tendency to romanticize such activists must be tempered by an awareness of their mistakes, limitations, and weaknesses, and it is true that many non-Communists made similar commitments to organizing the oppressed and the weak. They too merit consideration. These Philadelphia veterans of the Communist Party are very human actors who worked on a particular historical stage. Some conclude that their years of effort never really brought any of their factory and shop constituents into the movement. Like Sol Davis, they admit that they were utter failures in that "cultural, political, and philosophical wasteland" of blue-collar America. Others share the pride, perhaps the arrogance, of one of Vivian Gornick's subjects: We're everywhere, everywhere. We/saved/this f--king country. We went to Spain, and because we did America understood fascism. We made Vietnam come to an end, we're in there inWatergate. We built the CIO, we got Roosevelt elected, we started black civil rights, we forced this sh-tty country into every piece of action and legislation it has ever taken. We did the dirty work and the Labor and Capital establishments got the rewards. The Party helped make democracy work.=33 The road from Spain to Watergate is a long one. Communists, euphoric at their prospects in the heyday of CIO sit-downs and Popular Front triumphs, later needed remarkable inner resources to sustain political activity. They sensed the first tremors from the purge trials, received a severe jolt from the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of 1939, and in the postwar years faced first political repression and then, more painfully, internal disintegration and demoralization. NEXT CHAPTER seven: problems and crises, 1939–1956 the founder of Black Lives Matter once described herself as a trained , like Obama, but I could only find this: On 10/17/22 10:32 someone wrote:
Since many believe Obama is running the Marxist Biden administration We might want to look at a history of comnunist organizing, euphemistically called a community organizing */the communist as organizer/* In the period between the Great Crash and the McCarthy era the CPUSA was the most effective organizing agency within the American experience.^1 In this most politically stable of societies, radicals have usually battered their heads against the stone wall of affluence, rising expectations, and Democratic Party loyalty. Within the narrow space of agitation allowed by the political order, Communist Party activists built a small but influential organization devoted to organizing constituencies for social change. According to even the most unsympathetic accounts, Communist activists played important roles in organizing the unemployed, evicted tenants, minorities, and workers in a wide variety of fields. They were central in the emergence of the CIO and thus in the organizing of workers in heavy industry and mass production; they spearheaded the defense of the right of black people to equality before the law and social and economic opportunity; and they participated in virtually all of the nationalefforts to establish humane social services and eliminate hunger, disease, and neglect from our communities.^2 Many analysts question the motives of Communist Party activists, and there certainly is controversy about the extent of their organizing successes. Nevertheless, Communist organizing merits serious and objective consideration. For a period of approximately thirty years, Communist Party activists and organizers sought out constituents in the mines, plants, and neighborhoods of the United States. Other left-wing groups, such as the Socialist Party, the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party, and A. J. Muste's Workers Party, also deserve study, but the CPUSA offers students the best opportunity to examine the dynamics of organizing sponsored and directed by a radical political group.^3 The organizers under consideration came to political maturity during the 1930s, mostly in an era associated with the Popular Front, and remained within the Party until at least the mid-Fifties. Indeed, many remained active organizers and participants after leaving the organizational framework of the Communist Party. In the thirties and forties, they modified their Bolshevik rhetoric and participated in antifascist alliances, worked for modest short-term successes within the fledgling CIO, and provided support and manpower for a diverse group of radical and progressive political movements and leaders, including Democrats, Farmer-Laborites, the American Labor Party in New York, and Communist Party councilmen in New York City, all under an essentially New Deal banner.^4 Organizers operating in the greater Philadelphia district had important trade-union successes and played a key role in organizing unemployed councils, electoral efforts, tenant rights, and peace, professional lobbying, civil liberties, ethnically based, and neighborhood groups. For a period of approximately ten years, from 1936 to perhaps 1947, the Communist Party of Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware, District Three, played an important if modest role in the political life of the area, generating ideas, programs, and visions that later became the commonplaces of social policy. The Party offered its membership several roles. One could remain at the rank-and-file level, become a cadre, or rise to functionary. One could engage in mass work within one of the Party fronts or a non-Party organization (e.g., the YMCA) or one could become a "colonizer," engaging in industrial organizing at the beck and call of the Party. In addition, one could work within the professional section, providing the Party with such services as legal counsel.^5 */rank and file/* At the lowest level of Party membership were the rank and file, the proverbial "Jimmy Higginses" who worked within Party clubs and branches, paid their dues, went to a variety of meetings, and joined the mass organizations and fronts, often focusing on a specific issue like Spain, civil rights, or Scottsboro. Such rank-and-filers were at the heart of everyday activities and what Gornick calls "grinding ordinariness."^6 There was an extraordinary turnover among such members, who often became weary of meetings,/Daily Worker/solicitations, and office chores. Many rank-and-filers began their activism while in college or sometimes high school. The Philadelphia high school movement was quite sizable, including ASU and YCL chapters in at least eight schools. High school activists ranged throughout the city, meeting radical peers, socializing, and developing their own circle of comrades. For those who entered college either already active or about to be radicalized, there was an almost dizzying flow of activities, including demonstrations, marches, sit-downs, leaflettings, fundraisers, dances, parties, socials, lectures, speeches—and meetings. Always, there were meetings, one for every night of the week, often more.^7 Enthusiastic, recently converted Communists, like their spiritual children in the 1960s, had unbounded energy for political work. Most speak of being aroused and inspired by their sense of the significance of their efforts, the quality of their comrades, and the grandeur and power of their movement. Abe Shapiro recalls being engrossed at one time in the following activities: formal YCL meetings, ASU leadership, a universityantiwar council (of which he was director), Spanish civil war relief efforts, a variety of antifascist activities, a student-run bookstore cooperative, and support work for assorted civil liberties and civil rights causes. Some activists found schoolwork boring under the circumstances and devoted all of their time to politics. A few became "colonizers." In most cases, however, Communist students completed their degree work, and if they dropped out of school, it was often for financial reasons. For most, the excitement of campus politics held their attention and their interest. Some found Party youth work a path toward leadership, becoming citywide or national ASU or YCL leaders. Others on leaving campus became YCL branch or section organizers in different parts of the district. Many who did not attend college did neighborhood work with the YCL, often focusing their mass organizational efforts through the American League for Peace and Democracy. To many youthful rank-and-filers, "the YCL became . . . Marxist-Leninist theory all mixed up with baseball, screwing, dancing, selling the/Daily Worker/, bullsh-tting, and living the American-Jewish street life."^8 Certainly the first flush of radicalism, the emotional high of purposeful activity, the sense of accomplishment and of sacrifice for the good of humanity, the work with fine and noble comrades, the love affairs with those sharing a common vision, the expectation that the future was indeed theirs, created a honeymoon effect for most young Communists. For some, the fad of radicalism passed upon graduation or thereabouts. Others simply maintained a regular but distant "fellow-traveling" role as they entered the work world. And many were disillusioned by the Party's dogmatism or the great purge trials, the attacks on Trotsky, or the Non-Aggression Pact of 1939. Others, including those interviewed, remained in the Party. The shortest stay was six years, and most remained loyal for twenty years or more. For all of those who stayed, the Party and its small subculture became their lives. Those working at the branch, club, and section levels were rarely on the Party payroll and had to find work to supportthemselves. For single people problems were few and life could be lived at a double-time pace, working hard all day and then organizing and holding meetings every night. Some young Communists drifted for a time after school, doing Party work but not settling into anything. Ben Green lived in Strawberry Mansion, a lower-middle- and working-class Jewish neighborhood filled with Party people at the time. He did some work with the American League Against War and Fascism, spoke on street corners occasionally, went to three to four meetings a week, and helped to start a union local of public employees at his Works Progress Administration (WPA) office. He remembers that the Party "made it a big thing" when he shifted from the YCL to adult membership, but he was still looking at his future with uncertainty. Upon completing high school, George Paine felt that "sports were gone" from his life except for an occasional neighborhood basketball game. He kept in touch but saw less of old non-Party buddies and did standard political work, "hustling the paper," going to meetings, demonstrating. Finally he decided to go to college, suspending but not ending his Party ties. One rank-and-filer was a skilled craftsman, "glad of the class I was born into." He belonged to a conservative craft union and limited his political work to mass work at the local YMCA. He never really got involved with a club or branch group but paid his dues, subscribed to the paper, and worked with comrades to move the "Y" in a more "progressive" direction. He was quite open about his views, which would eventually get him into trouble at his job: "I felt that since to me everything was so clear, they'd hug me." Tim Palen, a farmer and skilled craftsman who lived in a rural suburb of Philadelphia, worked with the Farmers Union. A Party rank-and-filer, he helped farmers get low-interest loans through the union and sympathetic banks. Palen never involved himself with Party affairs in the city, and the highest office he held was dues secretary of his section. Since the Communist Party did not formally label members according to their rank, it is not always clear who was a rank-and-filer and who was considered cadre. One former district leader defines cadres as the people in training for leadership, like officers in an army. The rank and file are, therefore, foot soldiers, less involved and more a part of their own neighborhood or plant, more likely to hold conventional jobs, and more subject to pressures from neighbors, family, and changing circumstances. Annie Kriegel, who analyzes the French Communist Party as a set of concentric circles, places fellow travelers who vote for the Party and read the Sunday Party press on the "outer circle" and "ordinary party members" in the "first circle."^9 Many observers describe such rank-and-filers as less "Bolshevik"—that is, more likely to break Party discipline in everyday activity and closer to the behavior and sensibilities of their non-Party peers. Harvey Klehr puts it, "Many party members received no training of any kind, attendance at party meetings was often spotty, and members frequently ignored or failed to carry out assigned tasks."^10 Almond presents esoteric and exoteric models to distinguish rank-and-filer from cadre, suggesting that the Party daily press directed itself to the relatively idealistic and naive external members, while the Comintern, Cominform, and internal Party journals spoke to insiders and sophisticated activists.^11 */cadre/* The cadre has a "personal commitment." He or she is a "true Bolshevik," internally Communized, with an almost priestly function and sense of specialness. The cadre is a "professional revolutionary" along Leninist lines.^12 Philip Selznick adds that cadres are "deployable personnel," available to the Party at all times.^13 Some observers use "cadre" interchangeably with "functionary," while others distinguish them. I interpret "functionary" as a more administrative and executive role, usually carrying more authority and generally associated with top district and national leadership.^14 Cadres were field workers, organizers, sometimes on the payroll but often holding a non-Party job. Some more mobile cadres lefttheir own neighborhoods, but most worked at least within their home districts. (Functionaries, on the other hand, could be homegrown and district-bound or at the service of the national, even international, office.) Many studies exaggerate the distinction between inner core and outer rings because of their dependence on the abstractions of Party tracts. Almond, for example, claims that the "true Communist" was beyond any commitment to the Popular Front since he was presumably fully Bolshevized and aware of the duplicity and tactical nature of moderated rhetoric. Perhaps this is true of the national leadership, who had associations with Moscow, training at the Lenin School, and Comintern experience. At the district level, however, the patterns are not as clear and seem to be more sensitive to generational, class, and ethnic variables.^15 Among informants, the word "cadre" connoted "hard-working," "brave," "dogged," and "honorable"—someone who followed a Leninist model of behavior; "functionary," on the other hand, was often used negatively to imply that someone was "bureaucratic," "aloof," "abstract," and "remote.webp from struggle"—in brief, the Stalinist/apparatchik/. Neither necessarily belonged to an inner core. Fred Garst tells of the "process of indoctrination" he underwent as he entered into Party life, beginning with "the regularity of systematic participation"—dues, meetings, selling Party literature. He says that the number of meetings began slowly to escalate to three, sometimes five a week: section and subsection meetings, executive meetings, front meetings. Next, Garst was asked to lead a discussion, then to take responsibility for organizing the distribution of literature. He started taking classes at a local Workers School in Marxist theory and labor history. His commitment grew, his experience deepened, and he soon became a section leader. Some Philadelphia Communists moved from rank-and-file to cadre roles during important political campaigns like theProgressive Party efforts of 1947–1948. One woman had been serving in a minor capacity—"not anything earth-shattering"—but was swept up by what Wallace referred to as "Gideon's Army." She became a full-time Progressive Party organizer at a district level, her "first real organizing"; from that point on, she was fully involved in Party work at a variety of levels. Some cadres emphasized front and mass work, serving as leaders of IWO ethnic groups, youth groups, and defense groups. Such cadres were particularly likely to operate clandestinely, although many communicated their affilitation all but formally to constituents. Cadres can be distinguished by their level of operation (club, branch, section, or district), by their funding (on the payroll or holding a regular job), by their relative mobility and willingness to do political work outside their own milieu, and, finally, by the type of organizing they did (mass or front work, electoral party work, industrial organizing). The most prestigious cadres were those who did full-time industrial organizing at the will of the Party leadership. Such organizers, whether of working-class origins or not and whether indigenous or colonizers, were the heart of Party operations, seeking to develop a proletarian constituency and a trade-union base. /ny tisa/ ny Tisa's history shows what an experienced organizer could accomplish. Tisa, a second-generation son of illiterate, working-class peasants, went to work at the Campbell's Soup plant in his own South Camden "Little Italy" after completing high school in the early 1930s. While working summers at the plant, he had been stimulated by street-corner radical speakers and had joined the Socialist Party, which had a presence at Campbell's Soup. The Socialists sent him to Brookwood Labor College, where he met young Communists who impressed him with their earnestness and apparent lack of factionalism, a problem he encountered among the Socialists. He returned to help organize the plant, starting with a small group of about a half-dozen Italian workers, none of themCommunists, whom he molded through a discussion group. His group received a federal charter from the American Federation of Labor and began to develop an underground, dues-paying membership. Tisa tells of frustrating experiences within the conservative AFL. At the 1939 convention in Tampa, for example, he found himself accidently strolling into a local walk-out of Del Monte workers, just as the police were arresting the leader. He spoke to thery workers and was himself threatened with arrest. The workers exclaimed, "You got Bo [the arrested leader] but you're not gonna get him," and made a ring to escort Tisa to a streetcar. That evening, at his suggestion, there was a union meeting, packed and excited. When Tisa tried to speak about this remarkable experience at the AFL convention, he was refused the floor. Finally he simply took over the podium and microphone. Later that day, he met with other militants, including Communists, to organize the ClO-affiliated Food, Tobacco and Agricultural Workers Union. He took a detour, however, as events in Spain captured his energies and idealism. Tisa served two years in Spain with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, gaining "a sense of internationalism that never escapes you." On his return, he immediately set out to organize Campbell's Soup. At the time Tisa began to organize it, Campbell's Soup employed about 5,500 full-time workers, with another 5,000 part-timers who came in during the heavy season. At least half the workers were of Italian descent; there were few blacks until the late 1940s. About half the work force was female. There was a sexual division of labor based on physical strength. Tisa's organizing group consisted of eleven or twelve key workers, all leftists, mostly Italian. None were "colonizers." All were indigenous workers who, under Tisa's leadership, planned the unionization of Campbell's. Tisa recalls that the group would often go crabbing and then return to his home to eat, drink, and talk strategy. Tisa was the only member of the group on the national union's payroll; he made a bare ten or fifteen dollars a week. The organizers distributed themselves through the plant, reaching out to obvious sympathizers and picking up useful information that they would relay to Tisa, who could not enter the plant. He would take names and visit workers in their homes, signing them up so that the union could hold a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election. He would also cull information about working conditions from his organizers and publish it in a union bulletin that they distributed clandestinely, each carrying five to ten copies. As their numbers increased, they became bolder and distributed the much discussed bulletin openly. Campbell's Soup had Tisa arrested once, but when he was released, many workers came to greet him. He assured them that the law permitted them to organize a union. The company tried many tactics to block his efforts: they started a company union; they charged that he was a "Red" and had raped nuns and killed priests in Spain. But Tisa lived in an Italian neighborhood among plant workers and had a mother who had worked in the plant for many years (cheering his speeches, often at the wrong times, he wryly and lovingly notes); he could not be red-baited easily. He was an open Communist; his neighbors would say, "ny's a Communist, but he's all right." Despite the real barrier of the workers'traditional Catholicism, he produced traditional trade-union benefits for members and was popular enough locally, a neighbor, to remain in leadership until the CIO purges of the late forties and early fifties finally forced him out. Tisa's experience highlights the importance of developing indigenous personnel in organizing activity. His efforts were certainly bolstered by support from the national union, by Communist Party training and aid, and by the relative benevolence of the federal government as expressed through the new NLRB. Yet the presence of local activists, something the Communist Party sought but did not often achieve, invariably made the task of organizing a plant or neighborhood that much easier. Other organizers performed similar roles without formally entering the Party, preferring to remain independent although generally taking positions consistent with Party policy. /jack ryan/ Jack Ryan's old man was "a union man," later a foreman, a local Democratic politician, and a bootlegger. As a teen-ager, and a high school drop-out, Ryan ran poker and crap games in the neighborhood with a group of friends, some of whom wound up in prison. He worked sporadically as a roofer, during which time he was influenced by a socialist "who couldn't read or write until he was twenty-three." His father finally got him a job at a local plant, where he worked as a crane operator in the early Depression years until he was laid off in 1931. Over the next two years, he tried a small store and "managed to hang on," selling water ice and running crap games. In 1933 he went back to the plant just at the point when the local union was being formed. Ryan recalls that he was "sworn in in an elevator with the lights out in between the floors." Despite his emerging radical politics, Ryan remained on the margins at first. "I deliberately didn't get active," he says, indicating that life seemed too unpredictable to take chances. In fact, he entered into a real-estate business on the side, and it eventually provided him with the cushion that allowed him to become more active within the plant. Initially he ran for the general committee, backed by the other crane operators because of his successful grievance work. Still cautious ("I kept my mouth shut," he notes), Ryan went along with the conservative local leadership while maintaining contact with the plant militants, several of whom were old Wobblies suspicious of any Communist Party leadership. Ryan worked primarily through his own crane operators' network within the plant. He played the trade-offs in union posts among the plant's crafts to become local president, an unpaid post, and finally business representative, the only salaried position within the local. Ryanremained close to the Party but never joined. "I was more radical than they were," he brags. He criticizes their twists and turns and suggests that "in the end you can't trust any of them" because of "the goddamn line." He adds that the/Daily Worker/was "written for a bunch of morons." On the other hand, Ryan admits that Party union members were often competent and successful organizers and that he agreed with most of their Popular Front stances, particularly their antifascism. On the Soviets, he says that he did not spend too much time thinking about them, but adds, "I don't blame them for having a treaty with the Germans." Ryan is clearly concerned with the practical issues of trade unionism. In describing one of his national officers, he exclaims, "A dedicated Communist but a helluva guy." He praises L. Lewis's efforts at industrial unionization: "him and the Commies put together the CIO; they were the smartest crowd." So Jack Ryan worked with but kept some distance from "the Commies": "they were a little bit nutty." His union was one of those expelled from the CIO in the late forties, and he remains bitter about the Party's role in the union's decline. He remained active, holding union office on and off until his retirement. Ryan proudly concludes that he was placed on Social Security while on strike for the last time in the early seventies. ny Tisa and Jack Ryan were working-class organizers, with roots in their ethnic communities, able to establish a rapport with their peers and, at the same time, develop more sophisticated skills within a broader and more ideological movement in or around the Communist Party. Their failures were mostly exogenous, the results of Taft-Hartley oaths, CIO purges, and McCarthyism in general. Others operated in less favorable terrain, without the decided advantages of an indigenous, working-class background. The most characteristic Party labor organizer was a young, educated, second-generation Jewish-American sent to "dig roots into the working-class." The efforts of such organizers were prodigious; their accomplishments, however, were more problematic. /al schwartz/ Al Schwartz's father was a 1905er, a Party organizer in the garment industry who had to open a small shop after he was blacklisted. Al, a classic "red-diaper baby," went through all of the Party developmental steps, from Young Pioneers through YCL to full Party involvement. Most of all he wanted to be a radical journalist. For a few years he was able to work on the Pennsylvania supplement to the/Worker/, but when it folded, his journalism career seemed over. Over the next half-dozen years, Schwartz, now in his late twenties, went into the shops as a "colonizer." He remembers the sense of adventure and mission he felt working at a few of the larger heavy industrial plants in the area. Yet he also speaks of his sense of loss and defeat in having to aban hopes of writing. Schwartz's response to colonizing was painfully ambivalent: a college graduate and a Jew, born and bred within the Yiddish-Left subculture, he both relished the contact with blue-collar workers and remained distant from them. They were not like him, he stresses; they were mired in back-breaking labor, poor educations, and plebian forms of leisure. For a time he enjoyed the camaraderie of the local taverns, but ultimately he was an outsider, a Jewish family man and a struggling intellectual. Schwartz most fondly recalls the hardness and fitness of his body, the feeling that he was young and strong and physically a worker. But the successes were few, and later the McCarthy period made such Party efforts even more marginal. Schwartz found himself a family man in his mid-thirties without a career or a profession; frustrated and drifting out of Party life without drama or flourish, he moved to reorganize his life. His political values held, but his colonizing days were over. /sol davis/ Sol Davis grew up in a poor, working-class, immigrant household. He was a bright young boy, and like many other upwardly aspiring Jewish males, he flourished at the elite Central High School andbegan moving toward a professional career. At this point, in the early years of the Depression, he was swept off his feet, as he puts it, by the Communist Party. After completing his schooling, he worked lackadaisically at his profession while seeking an opportunity to go into the shops as a Communist Party organizer; he was "determined to be shop worker." His first attempts allowed him to learn something about machinery, although in each instance he was fired for his inexperience and incompetence. Finally he caught on. "I was in my element," he asserts, describing the war years in heavy industry. For Davis, the good organizer had to have a commitment to "the principles of Communism," "a talent for leadership," and a willingness to listen. A confident speaker, whose words are clipped and terse, he worked twenty-nine years in the shops, twenty-six of them at one plant. Located within the city, the plant was staffed mostly by Catholic workers (Polish or Irish), initially few blacks, and even fewer Jews. Davis's recollections are filled with bitter refrains about red-baiting and "turn-coat ex-CPers," sell-outs and "social democrats." He is proud of his successes, which include chairing the grievance committee and serving as shop steward during most of his union years. Davis presents his life as devoted to organizing in the shops; he never got involved in his neighborhood and tended to leave Party electoral work to others. A hard-line orthodox Communist still, Davis argues that those who abandoned the Party were "petty-bourgeois with petty-bourgeois ideas," whereas he "was nursed out of the trade-union movement." In the fifties, he admits, "life became unpleasant," both in his largely Jewish lower-middle-class neighborhood and in the shop, where "a certain resistance developed to my activity" among people he calls anti-Communist socialists. Davis believes that most American workers have been bought off in "discrete and discernible fashion" by imperialist profits, manipulated by the mass media, and blinded by nationalism, religion, and racism. After spending almost thirty years in theindustrial heartland, Davis remains "dedicated to an idea," an "unquestioned belief" in communism. Yet when asked about his ability to convert workers to class consciousness, a saddened Sol Davis replies, "Never—the shop was a desert for me." He did not convert a single worker and was "in that respect an utter failure." The shops, to the stoical Davis, were "a cultural, political, and philosophical wasteland despite having made so many friends." Sol Davis has kept the faith since he was "baptized" in the movement; his singular lack of organizing success rests, in his mind, on factors beyond his control—repression, cowardice, self-interest. He is a confident man. / caldwell/ Other colonizers had more mixed results. Caldwell, a college graduate with a middle-class WASP heritage, recalls that in his initial colonizing effort, "I wasn't very smart and made a lot of stupid mistakes—talked to people, became known as a troublemaker." He was fired. Fortunately for Caldwell, his firing made him a "celebrated case," and the predominantly Irish and Italian Catholic workers, and even the conservative union officials, rallied to his support. Caldwell says that whereas other Party organizers had their best contact in their own departments, he touched bases throughout the plant and often socialized at the local bar to maintain and develop relationships. "A fair number knew I was a Communist," he says. "I never denied it." But most did not. In most plants to admit membership in the Party meant probable firing and certain harassment. For organizers like Caldwell, discretion was the rule. His efforts paid off against the union's local establishment. The national, a left-wing union, sent in an organizer to help fashion a local coalition to defeat the established group, and Caldwell worked with him as elections chairman. The progressive slate was successful. Caldwell, a leader of a left-wing veterans' group, participated in the 1946 strike surge. When mounted police chased people ontoporches in Southwest Philadelphia to break up injunction-defying demonstrations, the local CIO was able to bring out 25,000 workers to protest against police brutality in front of City Hall. But such Popular Front-style unified efforts were shattered by the developing Cold War consensus, which began to drive radicals, particularly Party members, out of the unions. Caldwell shifted jobs in this period, finally taking a full-time organizing job in a nearby industrial town. The plant had some IWO members and a few Party members, but no organization. Caldwell, who observes that "it really became difficult after the Korean War" started, found some success in putting out a small paper and handing it out at the main gates. He worked to develop contacts mainly by distributing the Party paper, first for free, then by subscription. Caldwell remembers proudly that he won a district drive with eighty subscriptions in his area. Gains were modest: a Hungarian sympathizer sent him two black shop stewards; then a few Irish Catholics made contact. Caldwell recalls going into Philadelphia to see prize fights with the latter workers, mixing pleasure with discussions of possible articles about their area for the Party press. But the times wrecked any chance Caldwell had of developing a Party group. The FBI scared off possible sympathizers; he was arrested for circulating antiwar petitions, and the venture finally ended in the heyday of the McCarthy period when Caldwell was sent to join the Party's underground. Caldwell and Al Schwartz experienced the ebb of the progressive union movement in the late forties and early fifties. Most Party labor organizers and colonizers, however, joined the fray during the extraordinary upsurge of the late thirties that established industrial unionism through the CIO. /milt goldberg/ Milt Goldberg, despite winning a Mayor's Scholarship, was unable to continue his education after graduating from Central High School. Instead, he scratched to make a living at odd jobs, gradually becoming interested in radical politics. While he wasworking a pre-Christmas job at Sears, the department store warehousemen went out on strike. Clerks refused to cross the picket lines. Goldberg recalls that the increasingly anxious owners persuaded the clerks to return to work with promises of improved conditions and wage increases that were never fulfilled; meanwhile, the warehousemen settled. In the aftermath, the strike leaders were all fired. Goldberg says that many of them were Communists and that he began to notice how often that was the case: "I respected the Party people; they were able, talented people." Goldberg became an organizer for a white-collar union dominated by mobsters who made deals with management at the expense of the membership. He describes his early efforts as "naive, inexperienced." Goldberg played a key role in leading his membership out of the corrupt union into a new CIO local, whose Philadelphia office staff was dominated by Party organizers. In those days, the late thirties, the era of sit-downs and a crescendo of collective bargaining agreements, organizing was remarkably fluid. Goldberg says that charters were granted easily and with little need for substantiation or the apparatus of negotiation soon to appear under the NLRB. In those days, he asserts with some nostalgia, one could go in and organize a place in one or two days, present demands to the employer, and make a deal. Such rapid victories were, of course, exceptions; Goldberg also recalls the often brutal resistance of management, particularly in heavy industry. After serving in the war, Goldberg returned to his union efforts, despite family advice that he try something more prestigious and lucrative. The union was his life, so he stayed. He never formally rejoined the Party, although he remained in close contact. The Taft-Harley anti-Communist oath soon reinforced this decision. Nevertheless, Goldberg and his small union were red-baited and constantly under McCarthyite attack. How did he survive? Goldberg argues that he "was very close to the membership" and had solid support from his fellow leaders. He emphasizes that the union provided real benefits and servicesto membership and sustained their loyalty despite the attacks. In addition, he notes that by this time the small union did not have a Party group, only him. One of the more damaging policies of Party-dominated unions was what Goldberg calls "the resolution bit"—the passing of Party-sponsored resolutions on every issue from Scottsboro to Spain. Too many left-wing unions manipulated such resolutions without making any effort to educate the membership; all that mattered was that local such-and-such of the so-and-so workers sent a resolution attacking Franco's dictatorship in Spain. Goldberg dropped such tactics in the postwar period, instead working with his local's officers and servicing the practical needs of the membership. By the mid-fifties, still a socialist, Milt Goldberg had become estranged from the Communist Party. As is true of most arts, the qualities that make for a successful organizer are uncertain and descriptions are inevitably cliche-ridden. As the experiences of ny Tisa and Jack Ryan indicate, having roots in the work force being organized gives one a decided advantage. But the Party could use only the troops it had available, and these were for the most part educated, urban, Jewish Americans, most of whom had no experience in the heavy industries that were their "colonies." Most of them experienced frustration; one cadre estimates that 95 percent of all Party colonizers failed. Too often colonizers were unable to operate in a sea of Gentile proletarians. Fred Garst, stillry at the Party for its insensitivity to context, charges that "the Left didn't have any organizing skills." But some organizers, remarkably, succeeded. /ike samuels/ Ike Samuels still speaks with an accent that reveals the years he spent in Eastern Europe before his mother, taking the remains of the family silver, arrived in the United States. No red-diaper baby, Samuels describes his youth as "street-wise" and his ambition as making it in America. Like many others, however, "the whole thing burst into flame" when the Depression forced him to dropout of school and hunger marches, bonus marches, and unemployed council protests acted on his emerging social conscience. Soon he was moving toward the Party and engaging in union organizing. Samuels, a gruff, self-deprecating man who often refers to his "big mouth," rose to leadership within a small craft union and served on the city CIO council. His CIO union was dominated by a Popular Front coalition of the Party and a progressive Catholic group. The union president, a leader of the latter, was incompetent; on several occasions Samuels had to bail him out of collective-bargaining disasters. Finally the Catholic faction and the Party faction sought to replace the president with Samuels. The national Party leadership, however, afraid of upsetting the delicate coalition, said no. Samuels recalls that he "didn't even question" the decision, but he was frustrated and soon left the union to become an organizer for a larger, industrial union. Samuels agrees with Milt Goldberg that it was relatively easy to be a good organizer in that period. Labor was in an upswing, workers were clamoring to be organized, NLRB cards were easy to accumulate. In heavy industry, Samuels stresses, the key was to seek out the pockets of old radical workers—not colonizers, he emphasizes—who had broken down the old ethnic barriers. Many such organizers were members of the IWO foreign-language federations. Next, one needed the "pie-cards," the full-time organizers supplied by the CIO itself, many of whom were veteran radicals. Along with and sometimes among the pie-cards were the younger Communists going into the shops, supported by a growing and confident Party organization. A "highly developed structure," Samuels recalls, was essential to organizing success. One had to develop shop committees and day-to-day contacts in each department. The sense of strength provided by the union itself and, crucially, by its CIO sponsor, allowed workers to imagine that the employers could be successfully challenged. In the automobile, steel, rubber, mining, and electrical equipment industries, workers facedmammoth corporations willing to use any means necessary to throw back the unionist surge. The New Deal, by encouraging a more neutral judiciary and law enforcement role, made it easier for the coordinated CIO drives to gain concessions from corporate heads. Samuels suggests that the workers, some of whom had backed decades of unsuccessful rank-and-file efforts, needed the sense that they were a part of a powerful coalition. L. Lewis appealed to this sense when he proclaimed, "The President want you to join a union." Such a coalition advanced unionization at the same time that it necessitated concessions and strictures that limited the leverage of the newly legitimized unions.^16 Samuels argues that it was imperative for organizers to have knowledge of their industries. He deliberately worked in a craft shop to learn the trade and later carefully studied one heavy industry before going out to organize its workers. He was not typical. Hodee Edwards, a thirties organizer, stresses "our consistent failure to investigate the neighborhoods and factories where we tried to work, thus applying a generalized, sectarian plan usually incomprehensible to those we wanted to reach."^17 And Sam Katz suggests that the Party did not always recognize the tension between the leadership and the activist/organizer over the pace and nature of organizing. The functionaries often pushed for the most advanced positions, including the "resolutions bit," whereas the organizers focused on the issues that confronted their constituents. Conflict was inevitable between broad policy and local needs and variations, and between policy planners and functionaries and field organizers and the rank and file. It is clear that the Communist Party suffered chronically from top-heavy decision making, which often left local organizers and members with policy directives that made little sense in local circumstances. In addition to organizational strength and preparation, Samuels feels that leadership ability and, at times, personal courage must be demonstrated. On several occasions he had to take risks or lose the confidence of his membership. In one local the workers affectionately referred to him as "R.R.J.B.," Red Russian JewBastard. He tells of organizing workers in a small Georgia company town. Fifteen hundred were on strike, and the patriarchal owners were negotiating only under pressure from the NLRB. They were stalling, however, so Samuels called on the work force to increase the pressure by massing outside the building where the negotiations were taking place. The next day, in the midst of bargaining, Samuels noticed the face of the company's attorney turning an ash white as he glanced out the window. What he saw were about three hundred workers marching toward the building carrying a rope; lynching was on their agenda. Samuels went out and calmed them down, "modified" their demands, and then wrapped up negotiations. His early organizing days also included maritime struggles with gangster elements who were not beyond "bumping off" militants. Samuels implies that the Left elements fought back, sometimes resorting to their own brand of physical intimidation.^18 Peggy Dennis describes the Bolshevik ideal as "soldiers in a revolutionary army at permanent war with a powerful class enemy." And "in permanent war, doubts or questions are treason."^19 Yet as Joseph Starobin asks, "How could the Leninist equilibrium be sustained in a country so different from Lenin's?"^20 In fact, it was sustained unevenly and at a price. In a society with a tradition of civil liberties (albeit inconsistently applied and occasionally suspended in moments of stress) and a remarkably resilient political democracy, the Leninist model, hardened and distorted by Stalinism, mixed uncomfortably with American realities.^21 At its best the Leninist ideal encouraged the incredible levels of hard work and perseverance that even critics of Communism grant to its cadres; it also evoked such personal qualities as integrity, courage, honesty, and militancy. Yet the ideal seemed to degenerate too easily into a model of behavior appropriately labeled Stalinist. Communist cadres accepted deceptive tactics and strategies that inevitably backfired and undermined theirintegrity and reputations—for example, the front groups that "flip-flopped" at Party command after years of denying Party domination. The intolerance and viciousness with which Communists often attacked adversaries, including liberals, socialists, and their own heretics, remains inexcusable.^22 As organizers, Communist activists suffered from a tendency toward a special kind of elitism that often made them incapable of working with diverse groups sharing common goals. In some periods they turned this streak of inhumanity against themselves, engaging in ugly campaigns of smear and character assassination to eliminate "Titoists," "Browderites," "revisionists," "left-wing adventurists," or "white chauvinists." Moreover, the secrecy within which Communists often operated, while sometimes justified by the danger of job loss or prosecution, served to undermine the Party's moral legitimacy. An organizer's relationship with his constituents depends on their belief in his integrity, and this is especially true when the organizer is an outsider. Too often, Communists undermined their own integrity by covering manipulative and cynical acts with the quite plausible explanation that survival required secrecy. The tendency of Communists to resort to First and Fifth Amendment protection during the McCarthy period falls under similar challenges. As Joseph Starobin asks: Should left-wingers and Communists have gone to jail in large numbers? Might they have been better off/politically/, in terms of their/image/, to assert their affiliations, to proclaim them instead of asserting their right to keep them private, to explain the issues as they saw them, and to take the consequences?^23 Communist activists certainly did not lack courage or commitment to a protracted struggle. Many risked prison, and some served prison sentences; perhaps as many as one-third of the cadres painfully accepted assignments to go underground in the early fifties. Their Leninism had to navigate contradictory currents of Stalinism and Americanization, militancy and opportunism. Local Communist activists often lived a somewhat schizophrenic life, alternately internationalist and indigenous, Bolshevik and "progressive," admiring the Leninist model of cadre and yet falling into more settled, familial patterns of activism. There was a clear if often ignored sexual division of labor: men were more likely to be the cadres, women performed auxiliary clerical functions and unnoticed but essential neighborhood organizing. The Party was also divided between theorists and intellectuals on the one hand and field workers and activists on the other. As one field worker proclaimed, "I couldn't be spending hours on ideological conflicts; I'm an activist, not an intellectual." Many agree that the bulk of an organizer's time went into local actions and much less went into discussions and considerations of important theoretical or programmatic matters.^24 Only a small proportion received the type of ideological and intellectual training suggested by the Leninist ideal, an ideal that formally sought the obliteration of the distinctions between thought and action, intellectual and activist. In fact, Party intellectuals faced chronic and ingrained suspicion, even contempt, from Party leaders. Abe Shapiro sardonically charges that the function of Party intellectuals was "to sell the/Daily Worker/at the waterfront." He remembers checking on a new Party document on the economy: "I actually read the document. I wanted to know what the Hell it was." He found it infantile and far below what well-trained but never used Party intellectuals and social scientists could have produced. The Party rarely, except for showcase purposes, relied on its trained intellectual or academic members; instead, it called on Party functionaries, often of very narrow training, to write about complex sociological, economic, and scientific matters. Theory suffered as a result, and the Party, particularly after 1939, included very few intellectuals. Until the mid-fifties crisis, the Party, strangled by Stalinist dogma and intolerance, was closed to intellectual discourse. Abe Shapiro finally left the Party because his intellectual training hadgiven him a commitment to intellectual honesty that he could not shake. Among organizers, Party arrogance cut off messages from the grass roots. Orders from what one veteran calls "the Cave of Winds"—Party headquarters in New York—often contradicted practical organizing experience. The Party also suffered from insularity. Mark Greenly brought interested fellow workers to a Party-dominated union meeting. They were curious and "antiboss" but quite unsophisticated and not at all ready to make any commitments. Unfortunately, the Party organizer immediately started to discuss class struggle and a variety of abstract political matters. The workers were quickly alienated and frightened away, never to return. Ethel Paine recalls such "inappropriate behavior" as the sectarian conversations Party people would carry on in the presence of non-Communist acquaintances and neighbors. Although chronically secretive about membership, Communists could be remarkably insensitive to their audience in revealing ways. A successful organizer learned when and how to introduce more controversial ideas to nonmembers. Training, including the Party schools, helped to some extent, but most Communists agree with the veteran organizer who feels that such learning has to be done on the job, by trial and error. Many Communists, like Sam Katz and Caldwell, tell painful if sometimes hilarious tales of their own and others' ineptitude as beginning organizers. Some discovered that they simply were not suited for the job and would never develop the personal qualities that make for a competent organizer. Several veterans insist that organizers are born, not made. Yet relatively introverted and socially awkward young people, inspired by the idealism and the comradeship of the Communist movement, did transform themselves into effective organizers. Vivian Gornick points out that such transformations did not always survive the collapse of association with the Party.^25 I did not, however, discover total or near total personality changes caused either by joining or abandoning the Party. Although most of the literature about radical organizers deals with men, it is increasingly apparent that some of the mostsignificant and consistently ignored organizing within the Communist Party involved women. The ten women interviewed performed a rich variety of Party tasks, but perhaps the most important were those not officially designated, like the informal neighborhood activities organized by Edith Samuels, described inChapter Five . Sarah Levy was also involved in such efforts. Sarah and her two children joined her colonizer husband, Moe, in leaving the comfortable Party concentration in the Strawberry Mansion section to live in a nearby industrial town. She refers to the next three and a half years as "not the easiest times and, yet to me, personally, one of the best growing experiences—and I have never regretted it." (Moe's wry rejoinder was "She didn't have to work the blast furnaces.") There were only three Party families in the town, quite a difference from the thirty or forty Party friends they left behind in Strawberry Mansion. While Moe worked the furnaces and tried to develop contacts with plant workers, Sarah joined a folk dance group at the local "Y," where she got to know Greek, Yugoslav, Italian, and other immigrant women. Moe, limited in the plant to a small Party circle of colonizers and sympathizers, was able to socialize with the husbands of Sarah's folk dancing partners. Colonizers often ended up working with a local Party apparatus while their wives, working through neighborhood networks, reached into the community through its women, older people, and children. Asie Repice casually but proudly concluded about her work with a community center during the war years; "I am an organizer, so I organized a nursery." Her husband was in the service. Moving around to stay close to his base, she put her organizing abilities and political values to work. Such efforts remain an unwritten chapter in the history of radical organizing.^26 */functionaries/* Few district functionaries other than Sam Darcy achieved any national stature or had much leverage outside the district. Dave Davis, the business manager of UE Local 155 and an importantPhiladelphia-area labor leader, was often elected to the Party's national committee but never entered the inner decision-making group. Other district leaders—like Pat Toohey, Phil Bart, Phil Frankfeld, and Ed Strong—were D.O.s sent into the district and then moved out again to other assignments. Most district functionaries played dominant roles within the district committee and ran such important Party operations as the local Progressive Party and the Civil Rights Congress. They drew meager salaries, which were sometimes supplemented by Party-related employment. The Party network, at least during the late thirties and forties, could place members in some union jobs.^27 Possibly several dozen members depended on the Party for their livelihood in this way. */nonmembers/* One often encounters Communists who, for very specific reasons, were not formal Party members. One former Progressive Party leader never joined the Party but worked closely with district Communist leaders to map strategy and coordinate activity. Some union leaders stayed out of the Party to deny employers the red-baiting weapon, and a number dropped out after the Taft-Hartley Act made a union officer liable to prosecution for perjury if he lied about current Party membership.^28 */professionals/* Some professionals who joined the Party operated at a rank-and-file level, belonging to a professional branch or club, attending meetings, and fulfilling subscription quotas. Several recall being highly impressed with the other professionals they met at Party functions. But such members—often doctors, dentists, and architects—were on the margins of Party life. Many professionals, especially lawyers associated with Party causes, found membership problematic and chose not to formalize their relationships with the Party, though they might be members of a professional club. "I fought against loose tongues," one states."I never asked a soul whether they were Communists or not." Several left-wing attorneys stress that they did not want to be in a position to betray anyone or risk a perjury charge if questioned about their own affiliations and associations. The law in America is a conservative profession, and several Left lawyers paid a high price for their efforts.^29 Another consideration was that the Party sometimes pressured lawyers to use a particular legal strategy in Party-related cases, and such pressure was more effectively applied to members.^30 One attorney notes that the Party itself seemed ambivalent about requiring formal membership. A few district leaders pressured him to join, while others understood that it was not particularly useful or necessary. Some lawyers, whether members or not, found their services very much in demand. They were needed in labor negotiations, electoral activities, and civil rights and civil liberties cases. In the late forties and early fifties, Party-affiliated lawyers found it less easy than it had been to earn a living through Party-based clients, such as left-wing unions. Instead they were called upon to deal with the titanic task of defending Party members indicted under the Smith Act and other pieces of repressive legislation. Thanks to this demand, as one attorney suggests, they received special treatment from the district leadership. They mixed with labor leaders, politicians, judges, and, at times, the national Party leadership. Several had more contact with the non-Communist local authorities than district functionaries had. One left-wing attorney recalls that he had the luxury of criticizing Party policies and decisions, within limits, because "I was needed, I was special, a lawyer." More significant than membership was the degree of autonomy a member had, and this was based on his importance to the Party or his institutional leverage. A professional could get away with criticism of the Nazi-Soviet Pact that would not be tolerated from rank-and-filers or most cadres. A union leader could ignore Party instructions, aware that his own organization was his power base. A former Communist, George Charney, criticizes in his memoirsthe "left-wing aristocracy of labor that rarely mingled with the herd of party members or the middle functionaries."^31 Such trade-unions "influentials" often had contempt for functionaries and would go over their heads to top leadership. Those who entered the Party, at whatever level, in whatever role, operated within a well-defined organization and lived within a somewhat insular and often nurturing subculture that provided them with formal and informal relationships. These relationships eased the often lonely organizing work. One veteran unashamedly calls his fellow Communist organizers "the most dedicated, most selfless people in the struggle." Many would share Jessica Mitford's feelings: I had regarded joining the Party as one of the most important decisions of my adult life. I loved and admired the people in it, and was more than willing to accept the leadership of those far more experienced than I. Furthermore, the principle of democratic centralism seemed to me essential to the functioning of a revolutionary organization in a hostile world.^32 Any tendency to romanticize such activists must be tempered by an awareness of their mistakes, limitations, and weaknesses, and it is true that many non-Communists made similar commitments to organizing the oppressed and the weak. They too merit consideration. These Philadelphia veterans of the Communist Party are very human actors who worked on a particular historical stage. Some conclude that their years of effort never really brought any of their factory and shop constituents into the movement. Like Sol Davis, they admit that they were utter failures in that "cultural, political, and philosophical wasteland" of blue-collar America. Others share the pride, perhaps the arrogance, of one of Vivian Gornick's subjects: We're everywhere, everywhere. We/saved/this f--king country. We went to Spain, and because we did America understood fascism. We made Vietnam come to an end, we're in there inWatergate. We built the CIO, we got Roosevelt elected, we started black civil rights, we forced this sh-tty country into every piece of action and legislation it has ever taken. We did the dirty work and the Labor and Capital establishments got the rewards. The Party helped make democracy work.^33 The road from Spain to Watergate is a long one. Communists, euphoric at their prospects in the heyday of CIO sit-downs and Popular Front triumphs, later needed remarkable inner resources to sustain political activity. They sensed the first tremors from the purge trials, received a severe jolt from the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of 1939, and in the postwar years faced first political repression and then, more painfully, internal disintegration and demoralization. NEXT CHAPTER seven: problems and crises, 1939–1956 the founder of Black Lives Matter once described herself as a trained , like Obama, but I could only find this: On 10/17/22 10:32 someone wrote:
Since many believe Obama is running the Marxist Biden administration We might want to look at a history of comnunist organizing, euphemistically called a community organizing */the communist as organizer/* In the period between the Great Crash and the McCarthy era the CPUSA was the most effective organizing agency within the American experience.^1 In this most politically stable of societies, radicals have usually battered their heads against the stone wall of affluence, rising expectations, and Democratic Party loyalty. Within the narrow space of agitation allowed by the political order, Communist Party activists built a small but influential organization devoted to organizing constituencies for social change. According to even the most unsympathetic accounts, Communist activists played important roles in organizing the unemployed, evicted tenants, minorities, and workers in a wide variety of fields. They were central in the emergence of the CIO and thus in the organizing of workers in heavy industry and mass production; they spearheaded the defense of the right of black people to equality before the law and social and economic opportunity; and they participated in virtually all of the nationalefforts to establish humane social services and eliminate hunger, disease, and neglect from our communities.^2 Many analysts question the motives of Communist Party activists, and there certainly is controversy about the extent of their organizing successes. Nevertheless, Communist organizing merits serious and objective consideration. For a period of approximately thirty years, Communist Party activists and organizers sought out constituents in the mines, plants, and neighborhoods of the United States. Other left-wing groups, such as the Socialist Party, the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party, and A. J. Muste's Workers Party, also deserve study, but the CPUSA offers students the best opportunity to examine the dynamics of organizing sponsored and directed by a radical political group.^3 The organizers under consideration came to political maturity during the 1930s, mostly in an era associated with the Popular Front, and remained within the Party until at least the mid-Fifties. Indeed, many remained active organizers and participants after leaving the organizational framework of the Communist Party. In the thirties and forties, they modified their Bolshevik rhetoric and participated in antifascist alliances, worked for modest short-term successes within the fledgling CIO, and provided support and manpower for a diverse group of radical and progressive political movements and leaders, including Democrats, Farmer-Laborites, the American Labor Party in New York, and Communist Party councilmen in New York City, all under an essentially New Deal banner.^4 Organizers operating in the greater Philadelphia district had important trade-union successes and played a key role in organizing unemployed councils, electoral efforts, tenant rights, and peace, professional lobbying, civil liberties, ethnically based, and neighborhood groups. For a period of approximately ten years, from 1936 to perhaps 1947, the Communist Party of Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware, District Three, played an important if modest role in the political life of the area, generating ideas, programs, and visions that later became the commonplaces of social policy. The Party offered its membership several roles. One could remain at the rank-and-file level, become a cadre, or rise to functionary. One could engage in mass work within one of the Party fronts or a non-Party organization (e.g., the YMCA) or one could become a "colonizer," engaging in industrial organizing at the beck and call of the Party. In addition, one could work within the professional section, providing the Party with such services as legal counsel.^5 */rank and file/* At the lowest level of Party membership were the rank and file, the proverbial "Jimmy Higginses" who worked within Party clubs and branches, paid their dues, went to a variety of meetings, and joined the mass organizations and fronts, often focusing on a specific issue like Spain, civil rights, or Scottsboro. Such rank-and-filers were at the heart of everyday activities and what Gornick calls "grinding ordinariness."^6 There was an extraordinary turnover among such members, who often became weary of meetings,/Daily Worker/solicitations, and office chores. Many rank-and-filers began their activism while in college or sometimes high school. The Philadelphia high school movement was quite sizable, including ASU and YCL chapters in at least eight schools. High school activists ranged throughout the city, meeting radical peers, socializing, and developing their own circle of comrades. For those who entered college either already active or about to be radicalized, there was an almost dizzying flow of activities, including demonstrations, marches, sit-downs, leaflettings, fundraisers, dances, parties, socials, lectures, speeches—and meetings. Always, there were meetings, one for every night of the week, often more.^7 Enthusiastic, recently converted Communists, like their spiritual children in the 1960s, had unbounded energy for political work. Most speak of being aroused and inspired by their sense of the significance of their efforts, the quality of their comrades, and the grandeur and power of their movement. Abe Shapiro recalls being engrossed at one time in the following activities: formal YCL meetings, ASU leadership, a universityantiwar council (of which he was director), Spanish civil war relief efforts, a variety of antifascist activities, a student-run bookstore cooperative, and support work for assorted civil liberties and civil rights causes. Some activists found schoolwork boring under the circumstances and devoted all of their time to politics. A few became "colonizers." In most cases, however, Communist students completed their degree work, and if they dropped out of school, it was often for financial reasons. For most, the excitement of campus politics held their attention and their interest. Some found Party youth work a path toward leadership, becoming citywide or national ASU or YCL leaders. Others on leaving campus became YCL branch or section organizers in different parts of the district. Many who did not attend college did neighborhood work with the YCL, often focusing their mass organizational efforts through the American League for Peace and Democracy. To many youthful rank-and-filers, "the YCL became . . . Marxist-Leninist theory all mixed up with baseball, screwing, dancing, selling the/Daily Worker/, bullsh-tting, and living the American-Jewish street life."^8 Certainly the first flush of radicalism, the emotional high of purposeful activity, the sense of accomplishment and of sacrifice for the good of humanity, the work with fine and noble comrades, the love affairs with those sharing a common vision, the expectation that the future was indeed theirs, created a honeymoon effect for most young Communists. For some, the fad of radicalism passed upon graduation or thereabouts. Others simply maintained a regular but distant "fellow-traveling" role as they entered the work world. And many were disillusioned by the Party's dogmatism or the great purge trials, the attacks on Trotsky, or the Non-Aggression Pact of 1939. Others, including those interviewed, remained in the Party. The shortest stay was six years, and most remained loyal for twenty years or more. For all of those who stayed, the Party and its small subculture became their lives. Those working at the branch, club, and section levels were rarely on the Party payroll and had to find work to supportthemselves. For single people problems were few and life could be lived at a double-time pace, working hard all day and then organizing and holding meetings every night. Some young Communists drifted for a time after school, doing Party work but not settling into anything. Ben Green lived in Strawberry Mansion, a lower-middle- and working-class Jewish neighborhood filled with Party people at the time. He did some work with the American League Against War and Fascism, spoke on street corners occasionally, went to three to four meetings a week, and helped to start a union local of public employees at his Works Progress Administration (WPA) office. He remembers that the Party "made it a big thing" when he shifted from the YCL to adult membership, but he was still looking at his future with uncertainty. Upon completing high school, George Paine felt that "sports were gone" from his life except for an occasional neighborhood basketball game. He kept in touch but saw less of old non-Party buddies and did standard political work, "hustling the paper," going to meetings, demonstrating. Finally he decided to go to college, suspending but not ending his Party ties. One rank-and-filer was a skilled craftsman, "glad of the class I was born into." He belonged to a conservative craft union and limited his political work to mass work at the local YMCA. He never really got involved with a club or branch group but paid his dues, subscribed to the paper, and worked with comrades to move the "Y" in a more "progressive" direction. He was quite open about his views, which would eventually get him into trouble at his job: "I felt that since to me everything was so clear, they'd hug me." Tim Palen, a farmer and skilled craftsman who lived in a rural suburb of Philadelphia, worked with the Farmers Union. A Party rank-and-filer, he helped farmers get low-interest loans through the union and sympathetic banks. Palen never involved himself with Party affairs in the city, and the highest office he held was dues secretary of his section. Since the Communist Party did not formally label members according to their rank, it is not always clear who was a rank-and-filer and who was considered cadre. One former district leader defines cadres as the people in training for leadership, like officers in an army. The rank and file are, therefore, foot soldiers, less involved and more a part of their own neighborhood or plant, more likely to hold conventional jobs, and more subject to pressures from neighbors, family, and changing circumstances. Annie Kriegel, who analyzes the French Communist Party as a set of concentric circles, places fellow travelers who vote for the Party and read the Sunday Party press on the "outer circle" and "ordinary party members" in the "first circle."^9 Many observers describe such rank-and-filers as less "Bolshevik"—that is, more likely to break Party discipline in everyday activity and closer to the behavior and sensibilities of their non-Party peers. Harvey Klehr puts it, "Many party members received no training of any kind, attendance at party meetings was often spotty, and members frequently ignored or failed to carry out assigned tasks."^10 Almond presents esoteric and exoteric models to distinguish rank-and-filer from cadre, suggesting that the Party daily press directed itself to the relatively idealistic and naive external members, while the Comintern, Cominform, and internal Party journals spoke to insiders and sophisticated activists.^11 */cadre/* The cadre has a "personal commitment." He or she is a "true Bolshevik," internally Communized, with an almost priestly function and sense of specialness. The cadre is a "professional revolutionary" along Leninist lines.^12 Philip Selznick adds that cadres are "deployable personnel," available to the Party at all times.^13 Some observers use "cadre" interchangeably with "functionary," while others distinguish them. I interpret "functionary" as a more administrative and executive role, usually carrying more authority and generally associated with top district and national leadership.^14 Cadres were field workers, organizers, sometimes on the payroll but often holding a non-Party job. Some more mobile cadres lefttheir own neighborhoods, but most worked at least within their home districts. (Functionaries, on the other hand, could be homegrown and district-bound or at the service of the national, even international, office.) Many studies exaggerate the distinction between inner core and outer rings because of their dependence on the abstractions of Party tracts. Almond, for example, claims that the "true Communist" was beyond any commitment to the Popular Front since he was presumably fully Bolshevized and aware of the duplicity and tactical nature of moderated rhetoric. Perhaps this is true of the national leadership, who had associations with Moscow, training at the Lenin School, and Comintern experience. At the district level, however, the patterns are not as clear and seem to be more sensitive to generational, class, and ethnic variables.^15 Among informants, the word "cadre" connoted "hard-working," "brave," "dogged," and "honorable"—someone who followed a Leninist model of behavior; "functionary," on the other hand, was often used negatively to imply that someone was "bureaucratic," "aloof," "abstract," and "remote.webp from struggle"—in brief, the Stalinist/apparatchik/. Neither necessarily belonged to an inner core. Fred Garst tells of the "process of indoctrination" he underwent as he entered into Party life, beginning with "the regularity of systematic participation"—dues, meetings, selling Party literature. He says that the number of meetings began slowly to escalate to three, sometimes five a week: section and subsection meetings, executive meetings, front meetings. Next, Garst was asked to lead a discussion, then to take responsibility for organizing the distribution of literature. He started taking classes at a local Workers School in Marxist theory and labor history. His commitment grew, his experience deepened, and he soon became a section leader. Some Philadelphia Communists moved from rank-and-file to cadre roles during important political campaigns like theProgressive Party efforts of 1947–1948. One woman had been serving in a minor capacity—"not anything earth-shattering"—but was swept up by what Wallace referred to as "Gideon's Army." She became a full-time Progressive Party organizer at a district level, her "first real organizing"; from that point on, she was fully involved in Party work at a variety of levels. Some cadres emphasized front and mass work, serving as leaders of IWO ethnic groups, youth groups, and defense groups. Such cadres were particularly likely to operate clandestinely, although many communicated their affilitation all but formally to constituents. Cadres can be distinguished by their level of operation (club, branch, section, or district), by their funding (on the payroll or holding a regular job), by their relative mobility and willingness to do political work outside their own milieu, and, finally, by the type of organizing they did (mass or front work, electoral party work, industrial organizing). The most prestigious cadres were those who did full-time industrial organizing at the will of the Party leadership. Such organizers, whether of working-class origins or not and whether indigenous or colonizers, were the heart of Party operations, seeking to develop a proletarian constituency and a trade-union base. /ny tisa/ ny Tisa's history shows what an experienced organizer could accomplish. Tisa, a second-generation son of illiterate, working-class peasants, went to work at the Campbell's Soup plant in his own South Camden "Little Italy" after completing high school in the early 1930s. While working summers at the plant, he had been stimulated by street-corner radical speakers and had joined the Socialist Party, which had a presence at Campbell's Soup. The Socialists sent him to Brookwood Labor College, where he met young Communists who impressed him with their earnestness and apparent lack of factionalism, a problem he encountered among the Socialists. He returned to help organize the plant, starting with a small group of about a half-dozen Italian workers, none of themCommunists, whom he molded through a discussion group. His group received a federal charter from the American Federation of Labor and began to develop an underground, dues-paying membership. Tisa tells of frustrating experiences within the conservative AFL. At the 1939 convention in Tampa, for example, he found himself accidently strolling into a local walk-out of Del Monte workers, just as the police were arresting the leader. He spoke to thery workers and was himself threatened with arrest. The workers exclaimed, "You got Bo [the arrested leader] but you're not gonna get him," and made a ring to escort Tisa to a streetcar. That evening, at his suggestion, there was a union meeting, packed and excited. When Tisa tried to speak about this remarkable experience at the AFL convention, he was refused the floor. Finally he simply took over the podium and microphone. Later that day, he met with other militants, including Communists, to organize the ClO-affiliated Food, Tobacco and Agricultural Workers Union. He took a detour, however, as events in Spain captured his energies and idealism. Tisa served two years in Spain with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, gaining "a sense of internationalism that never escapes you." On his return, he immediately set out to organize Campbell's Soup. At the time Tisa began to organize it, Campbell's Soup employed about 5,500 full-time workers, with another 5,000 part-timers who came in during the heavy season. At least half the workers were of Italian descent; there were few blacks until the late 1940s. About half the work force was female. There was a sexual division of labor based on physical strength. Tisa's organizing group consisted of eleven or twelve key workers, all leftists, mostly Italian. None were "colonizers." All were indigenous workers who, under Tisa's leadership, planned the unionization of Campbell's. Tisa recalls that the group would often go crabbing and then return to his home to eat, drink, and talk strategy. Tisa was the only member of the group on the national union's payroll; he made a bare ten or fifteen dollars a week. The organizers distributed themselves through the plant, reaching out to obvious sympathizers and picking up useful information that they would relay to Tisa, who could not enter the plant. He would take names and visit workers in their homes, signing them up so that the union could hold a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election. He would also cull information about working conditions from his organizers and publish it in a union bulletin that they distributed clandestinely, each carrying five to ten copies. As their numbers increased, they became bolder and distributed the much discussed bulletin openly. Campbell's Soup had Tisa arrested once, but when he was released, many workers came to greet him. He assured them that the law permitted them to organize a union. The company tried many tactics to block his efforts: they started a company union; they charged that he was a "Red" and had raped nuns and killed priests in Spain. But Tisa lived in an Italian neighborhood among plant workers and had a mother who had worked in the plant for many years (cheering his speeches, often at the wrong times, he wryly and lovingly notes); he could not be red-baited easily. He was an open Communist; his neighbors would say, "ny's a Communist, but he's all right." Despite the real barrier of the workers'traditional Catholicism, he produced traditional trade-union benefits for members and was popular enough locally, a neighbor, to remain in leadership until the CIO purges of the late forties and early fifties finally forced him out. Tisa's experience highlights the importance of developing indigenous personnel in organizing activity. His efforts were certainly bolstered by support from the national union, by Communist Party training and aid, and by the relative benevolence of the federal government as expressed through the new NLRB. Yet the presence of local activists, something the Communist Party sought but did not often achieve, invariably made the task of organizing a plant or neighborhood that much easier. Other organizers performed similar roles without formally entering the Party, preferring to remain independent although generally taking positions consistent with Party policy. /jack ryan/ Jack Ryan's old man was "a union man," later a foreman, a local Democratic politician, and a bootlegger. As a teen-ager, and a high school drop-out, Ryan ran poker and crap games in the neighborhood with a group of friends, some of whom wound up in prison. He worked sporadically as a roofer, during which time he was influenced by a socialist "who couldn't read or write until he was twenty-three." His father finally got him a job at a local plant, where he worked as a crane operator in the early Depression years until he was laid off in 1931. Over the next two years, he tried a small store and "managed to hang on," selling water ice and running crap games. In 1933 he went back to the plant just at the point when the local union was being formed. Ryan recalls that he was "sworn in in an elevator with the lights out in between the floors." Despite his emerging radical politics, Ryan remained on the margins at first. "I deliberately didn't get active," he says, indicating that life seemed too unpredictable to take chances. In fact, he entered into a real-estate business on the side, and it eventually provided him with the cushion that allowed him to become more active within the plant. Initially he ran for the general committee, backed by the other crane operators because of his successful grievance work. Still cautious ("I kept my mouth shut," he notes), Ryan went along with the conservative local leadership while maintaining contact with the plant militants, several of whom were old Wobblies suspicious of any Communist Party leadership. Ryan worked primarily through his own crane operators' network within the plant. He played the trade-offs in union posts among the plant's crafts to become local president, an unpaid post, and finally business representative, the only salaried position within the local. Ryanremained close to the Party but never joined. "I was more radical than they were," he brags. He criticizes their twists and turns and suggests that "in the end you can't trust any of them" because of "the goddamn line." He adds that the/Daily Worker/was "written for a bunch of morons." On the other hand, Ryan admits that Party union members were often competent and successful organizers and that he agreed with most of their Popular Front stances, particularly their antifascism. On the Soviets, he says that he did not spend too much time thinking about them, but adds, "I don't blame them for having a treaty with the Germans." Ryan is clearly concerned with the practical issues of trade unionism. In describing one of his national officers, he exclaims, "A dedicated Communist but a helluva guy." He praises L. Lewis's efforts at industrial unionization: "him and the Commies put together the CIO; they were the smartest crowd." So Jack Ryan worked with but kept some distance from "the Commies": "they were a little bit nutty." His union was one of those expelled from the CIO in the late forties, and he remains bitter about the Party's role in the union's decline. He remained active, holding union office on and off until his retirement. Ryan proudly concludes that he was placed on Social Security while on strike for the last time in the early seventies. ny Tisa and Jack Ryan were working-class organizers, with roots in their ethnic communities, able to establish a rapport with their peers and, at the same time, develop more sophisticated skills within a broader and more ideological movement in or around the Communist Party. Their failures were mostly exogenous, the results of Taft-Hartley oaths, CIO purges, and McCarthyism in general. Others operated in less favorable terrain, without the decided advantages of an indigenous, working-class background. The most characteristic Party labor organizer was a young, educated, second-generation Jewish-American sent to "dig roots into the working-class." The efforts of such organizers were prodigious; their accomplishments, however, were more problematic. /al schwartz/ Al Schwartz's father was a 1905er, a Party organizer in the garment industry who had to open a small shop after he was blacklisted. Al, a classic "red-diaper baby," went through all of the Party developmental steps, from Young Pioneers through YCL to full Party involvement. Most of all he wanted to be a radical journalist. For a few years he was able to work on the Pennsylvania supplement to the/Worker/, but when it folded, his journalism career seemed over. Over the next half-dozen years, Schwartz, now in his late twenties, went into the shops as a "colonizer." He remembers the sense of adventure and mission he felt working at a few of the larger heavy industrial plants in the area. Yet he also speaks of his sense of loss and defeat in having to aban hopes of writing. Schwartz's response to colonizing was painfully ambivalent: a college graduate and a Jew, born and bred within the Yiddish-Left subculture, he both relished the contact with blue-collar workers and remained distant from them. They were not like him, he stresses; they were mired in back-breaking labor, poor educations, and plebian forms of leisure. For a time he enjoyed the camaraderie of the local taverns, but ultimately he was an outsider, a Jewish family man and a struggling intellectual. Schwartz most fondly recalls the hardness and fitness of his body, the feeling that he was young and strong and physically a worker. But the successes were few, and later the McCarthy period made such Party efforts even more marginal. Schwartz found himself a family man in his mid-thirties without a career or a profession; frustrated and drifting out of Party life without drama or flourish, he moved to reorganize his life. His political values held, but his colonizing days were over. /sol davis/ Sol Davis grew up in a poor, working-class, immigrant household. He was a bright young boy, and like many other upwardly aspiring Jewish males, he flourished at the elite Central High School andbegan moving toward a professional career. At this point, in the early years of the Depression, he was swept off his feet, as he puts it, by the Communist Party. After completing his schooling, he worked lackadaisically at his profession while seeking an opportunity to go into the shops as a Communist Party organizer; he was "determined to be shop worker." His first attempts allowed him to learn something about machinery, although in each instance he was fired for his inexperience and incompetence. Finally he caught on. "I was in my element," he asserts, describing the war years in heavy industry. For Davis, the good organizer had to have a commitment to "the principles of Communism," "a talent for leadership," and a willingness to listen. A confident speaker, whose words are clipped and terse, he worked twenty-nine years in the shops, twenty-six of them at one plant. Located within the city, the plant was staffed mostly by Catholic workers (Polish or Irish), initially few blacks, and even fewer Jews. Davis's recollections are filled with bitter refrains about red-baiting and "turn-coat ex-CPers," sell-outs and "social democrats." He is proud of his successes, which include chairing the grievance committee and serving as shop steward during most of his union years. Davis presents his life as devoted to organizing in the shops; he never got involved in his neighborhood and tended to leave Party electoral work to others. A hard-line orthodox Communist still, Davis argues that those who abandoned the Party were "petty-bourgeois with petty-bourgeois ideas," whereas he "was nursed out of the trade-union movement." In the fifties, he admits, "life became unpleasant," both in his largely Jewish lower-middle-class neighborhood and in the shop, where "a certain resistance developed to my activity" among people he calls anti-Communist socialists. Davis believes that most American workers have been bought off in "discrete and discernible fashion" by imperialist profits, manipulated by the mass media, and blinded by nationalism, religion, and racism. After spending almost thirty years in theindustrial heartland, Davis remains "dedicated to an idea," an "unquestioned belief" in communism. Yet when asked about his ability to convert workers to class consciousness, a saddened Sol Davis replies, "Never—the shop was a desert for me." He did not convert a single worker and was "in that respect an utter failure." The shops, to the stoical Davis, were "a cultural, political, and philosophical wasteland despite having made so many friends." Sol Davis has kept the faith since he was "baptized" in the movement; his singular lack of organizing success rests, in his mind, on factors beyond his control—repression, cowardice, self-interest. He is a confident man. / caldwell/ Other colonizers had more mixed results. Caldwell, a college graduate with a middle-class WASP heritage, recalls that in his initial colonizing effort, "I wasn't very smart and made a lot of stupid mistakes—talked to people, became known as a troublemaker." He was fired. Fortunately for Caldwell, his firing made him a "celebrated case," and the predominantly Irish and Italian Catholic workers, and even the conservative union officials, rallied to his support. Caldwell says that whereas other Party organizers had their best contact in their own departments, he touched bases throughout the plant and often socialized at the local bar to maintain and develop relationships. "A fair number knew I was a Communist," he says. "I never denied it." But most did not. In most plants to admit membership in the Party meant probable firing and certain harassment. For organizers like Caldwell, discretion was the rule. His efforts paid off against the union's local establishment. The national, a left-wing union, sent in an organizer to help fashion a local coalition to defeat the established group, and Caldwell worked with him as elections chairman. The progressive slate was successful. Caldwell, a leader of a left-wing veterans' group, participated in the 1946 strike surge. When mounted police chased people ontoporches in Southwest Philadelphia to break up injunction-defying demonstrations, the local CIO was able to bring out 25,000 workers to protest against police brutality in front of City Hall. But such Popular Front-style unified efforts were shattered by the developing Cold War consensus, which began to drive radicals, particularly Party members, out of the unions. Caldwell shifted jobs in this period, finally taking a full-time organizing job in a nearby industrial town. The plant had some IWO members and a few Party members, but no organization. Caldwell, who observes that "it really became difficult after the Korean War" started, found some success in putting out a small paper and handing it out at the main gates. He worked to develop contacts mainly by distributing the Party paper, first for free, then by subscription. Caldwell remembers proudly that he won a district drive with eighty subscriptions in his area. Gains were modest: a Hungarian sympathizer sent him two black shop stewards; then a few Irish Catholics made contact. Caldwell recalls going into Philadelphia to see prize fights with the latter workers, mixing pleasure with discussions of possible articles about their area for the Party press. But the times wrecked any chance Caldwell had of developing a Party group. The FBI scared off possible sympathizers; he was arrested for circulating antiwar petitions, and the venture finally ended in the heyday of the McCarthy period when Caldwell was sent to join the Party's underground. Caldwell and Al Schwartz experienced the ebb of the progressive union movement in the late forties and early fifties. Most Party labor organizers and colonizers, however, joined the fray during the extraordinary upsurge of the late thirties that established industrial unionism through the CIO. /milt goldberg/ Milt Goldberg, despite winning a Mayor's Scholarship, was unable to continue his education after graduating from Central High School. Instead, he scratched to make a living at odd jobs, gradually becoming interested in radical politics. While he wasworking a pre-Christmas job at Sears, the department store warehousemen went out on strike. Clerks refused to cross the picket lines. Goldberg recalls that the increasingly anxious owners persuaded the clerks to return to work with promises of improved conditions and wage increases that were never fulfilled; meanwhile, the warehousemen settled. In the aftermath, the strike leaders were all fired. Goldberg says that many of them were Communists and that he began to notice how often that was the case: "I respected the Party people; they were able, talented people." Goldberg became an organizer for a white-collar union dominated by mobsters who made deals with management at the expense of the membership. He describes his early efforts as "naive, inexperienced." Goldberg played a key role in leading his membership out of the corrupt union into a new CIO local, whose Philadelphia office staff was dominated by Party organizers. In those days, the late thirties, the era of sit-downs and a crescendo of collective bargaining agreements, organizing was remarkably fluid. Goldberg says that charters were granted easily and with little need for substantiation or the apparatus of negotiation soon to appear under the NLRB. In those days, he asserts with some nostalgia, one could go in and organize a place in one or two days, present demands to the employer, and make a deal. Such rapid victories were, of course, exceptions; Goldberg also recalls the often brutal resistance of management, particularly in heavy industry. After serving in the war, Goldberg returned to his union efforts, despite family advice that he try something more prestigious and lucrative. The union was his life, so he stayed. He never formally rejoined the Party, although he remained in close contact. The Taft-Harley anti-Communist oath soon reinforced this decision. Nevertheless, Goldberg and his small union were red-baited and constantly under McCarthyite attack. How did he survive? Goldberg argues that he "was very close to the membership" and had solid support from his fellow leaders. He emphasizes that the union provided real benefits and servicesto membership and sustained their loyalty despite the attacks. In addition, he notes that by this time the small union did not have a Party group, only him. One of the more damaging policies of Party-dominated unions was what Goldberg calls "the resolution bit"—the passing of Party-sponsored resolutions on every issue from Scottsboro to Spain. Too many left-wing unions manipulated such resolutions without making any effort to educate the membership; all that mattered was that local such-and-such of the so-and-so workers sent a resolution attacking Franco's dictatorship in Spain. Goldberg dropped such tactics in the postwar period, instead working with his local's officers and servicing the practical needs of the membership. By the mid-fifties, still a socialist, Milt Goldberg had become estranged from the Communist Party. As is true of most arts, the qualities that make for a successful organizer are uncertain and descriptions are inevitably cliche-ridden. As the experiences of ny Tisa and Jack Ryan indicate, having roots in the work force being organized gives one a decided advantage. But the Party could use only the troops it had available, and these were for the most part educated, urban, Jewish Americans, most of whom had no experience in the heavy industries that were their "colonies." Most of them experienced frustration; one cadre estimates that 95 percent of all Party colonizers failed. Too often colonizers were unable to operate in a sea of Gentile proletarians. Fred Garst, stillry at the Party for its insensitivity to context, charges that "the Left didn't have any organizing skills." But some organizers, remarkably, succeeded. /ike samuels/ Ike Samuels still speaks with an accent that reveals the years he spent in Eastern Europe before his mother, taking the remains of the family silver, arrived in the United States. No red-diaper baby, Samuels describes his youth as "street-wise" and his ambition as making it in America. Like many others, however, "the whole thing burst into flame" when the Depression forced him to dropout of school and hunger marches, bonus marches, and unemployed council protests acted on his emerging social conscience. Soon he was moving toward the Party and engaging in union organizing. Samuels, a gruff, self-deprecating man who often refers to his "big mouth," rose to leadership within a small craft union and served on the city CIO council. His CIO union was dominated by a Popular Front coalition of the Party and a progressive Catholic group. The union president, a leader of the latter, was incompetent; on several occasions Samuels had to bail him out of collective-bargaining disasters. Finally the Catholic faction and the Party faction sought to replace the president with Samuels. The national Party leadership, however, afraid of upsetting the delicate coalition, said no. Samuels recalls that he "didn't even question" the decision, but he was frustrated and soon left the union to become an organizer for a larger, industrial union. Samuels agrees with Milt Goldberg that it was relatively easy to be a good organizer in that period. Labor was in an upswing, workers were clamoring to be organized, NLRB cards were easy to accumulate. In heavy industry, Samuels stresses, the key was to seek out the pockets of old radical workers—not colonizers, he emphasizes—who had broken down the old ethnic barriers. Many such organizers were members of the IWO foreign-language federations. Next, one needed the "pie-cards," the full-time organizers supplied by the CIO itself, many of whom were veteran radicals. Along with and sometimes among the pie-cards were the younger Communists going into the shops, supported by a growing and confident Party organization. A "highly developed structure," Samuels recalls, was essential to organizing success. One had to develop shop committees and day-to-day contacts in each department. The sense of strength provided by the union itself and, crucially, by its CIO sponsor, allowed workers to imagine that the employers could be successfully challenged. In the automobile, steel, rubber, mining, and electrical equipment industries, workers facedmammoth corporations willing to use any means necessary to throw back the unionist surge. The New Deal, by encouraging a more neutral judiciary and law enforcement role, made it easier for the coordinated CIO drives to gain concessions from corporate heads. Samuels suggests that the workers, some of whom had backed decades of unsuccessful rank-and-file efforts, needed the sense that they were a part of a powerful coalition. L. Lewis appealed to this sense when he proclaimed, "The President want you to join a union." Such a coalition advanced unionization at the same time that it necessitated concessions and strictures that limited the leverage of the newly legitimized unions.^16 Samuels argues that it was imperative for organizers to have knowledge of their industries. He deliberately worked in a craft shop to learn the trade and later carefully studied one heavy industry before going out to organize its workers. He was not typical. Hodee Edwards, a thirties organizer, stresses "our consistent failure to investigate the neighborhoods and factories where we tried to work, thus applying a generalized, sectarian plan usually incomprehensible to those we wanted to reach."^17 And Sam Katz suggests that the Party did not always recognize the tension between the leadership and the activist/organizer over the pace and nature of organizing. The functionaries often pushed for the most advanced positions, including the "resolutions bit," whereas the organizers focused on the issues that confronted their constituents. Conflict was inevitable between broad policy and local needs and variations, and between policy planners and functionaries and field organizers and the rank and file. It is clear that the Communist Party suffered chronically from top-heavy decision making, which often left local organizers and members with policy directives that made little sense in local circumstances. In addition to organizational strength and preparation, Samuels feels that leadership ability and, at times, personal courage must be demonstrated. On several occasions he had to take risks or lose the confidence of his membership. In one local the workers affectionately referred to him as "R.R.J.B.," Red Russian JewBastard. He tells of organizing workers in a small Georgia company town. Fifteen hundred were on strike, and the patriarchal owners were negotiating only under pressure from the NLRB. They were stalling, however, so Samuels called on the work force to increase the pressure by massing outside the building where the negotiations were taking place. The next day, in the midst of bargaining, Samuels noticed the face of the company's attorney turning an ash white as he glanced out the window. What he saw were about three hundred workers marching toward the building carrying a rope; lynching was on their agenda. Samuels went out and calmed them down, "modified" their demands, and then wrapped up negotiations. His early organizing days also included maritime struggles with gangster elements who were not beyond "bumping off" militants. Samuels implies that the Left elements fought back, sometimes resorting to their own brand of physical intimidation.^18 Peggy Dennis describes the Bolshevik ideal as "soldiers in a revolutionary army at permanent war with a powerful class enemy." And "in permanent war, doubts or questions are treason."^19 Yet as Joseph Starobin asks, "How could the Leninist equilibrium be sustained in a country so different from Lenin's?"^20 In fact, it was sustained unevenly and at a price. In a society with a tradition of civil liberties (albeit inconsistently applied and occasionally suspended in moments of stress) and a remarkably resilient political democracy, the Leninist model, hardened and distorted by Stalinism, mixed uncomfortably with American realities.^21 At its best the Leninist ideal encouraged the incredible levels of hard work and perseverance that even critics of Communism grant to its cadres; it also evoked such personal qualities as integrity, courage, honesty, and militancy. Yet the ideal seemed to degenerate too easily into a model of behavior appropriately labeled Stalinist. Communist cadres accepted deceptive tactics and strategies that inevitably backfired and undermined theirintegrity and reputations—for example, the front groups that "flip-flopped" at Party command after years of denying Party domination. The intolerance and viciousness with which Communists often attacked adversaries, including liberals, socialists, and their own heretics, remains inexcusable.^22 As organizers, Communist activists suffered from a tendency toward a special kind of elitism that often made them incapable of working with diverse groups sharing common goals. In some periods they turned this streak of inhumanity against themselves, engaging in ugly campaigns of smear and character assassination to eliminate "Titoists," "Browderites," "revisionists," "left-wing adventurists," or "white chauvinists." Moreover, the secrecy within which Communists often operated, while sometimes justified by the danger of job loss or prosecution, served to undermine the Party's moral legitimacy. An organizer's relationship with his constituents depends on their belief in his integrity, and this is especially true when the organizer is an outsider. Too often, Communists undermined their own integrity by covering manipulative and cynical acts with the quite plausible explanation that survival required secrecy. The tendency of Communists to resort to First and Fifth Amendment protection during the McCarthy period falls under similar challenges. As Joseph Starobin asks: Should left-wingers and Communists have gone to jail in large numbers? Might they have been better off/politically/, in terms of their/image/, to assert their affiliations, to proclaim them instead of asserting their right to keep them private, to explain the issues as they saw them, and to take the consequences?^23 Communist activists certainly did not lack courage or commitment to a protracted struggle. Many risked prison, and some served prison sentences; perhaps as many as one-third of the cadres painfully accepted assignments to go underground in the early fifties. Their Leninism had to navigate contradictory currents of Stalinism and Americanization, militancy and opportunism. Local Communist activists often lived a somewhat schizophrenic life, alternately internationalist and indigenous, Bolshevik and "progressive," admiring the Leninist model of cadre and yet falling into more settled, familial patterns of activism. There was a clear if often ignored sexual division of labor: men were more likely to be the cadres, women performed auxiliary clerical functions and unnoticed but essential neighborhood organizing. The Party was also divided between theorists and intellectuals on the one hand and field workers and activists on the other. As one field worker proclaimed, "I couldn't be spending hours on ideological conflicts; I'm an activist, not an intellectual." Many agree that the bulk of an organizer's time went into local actions and much less went into discussions and considerations of important theoretical or programmatic matters.^24 Only a small proportion received the type of ideological and intellectual training suggested by the Leninist ideal, an ideal that formally sought the obliteration of the distinctions between thought and action, intellectual and activist. In fact, Party intellectuals faced chronic and ingrained suspicion, even contempt, from Party leaders. Abe Shapiro sardonically charges that the function of Party intellectuals was "to sell the/Daily Worker/at the waterfront." He remembers checking on a new Party document on the economy: "I actually read the document. I wanted to know what the Hell it was." He found it infantile and far below what well-trained but never used Party intellectuals and social scientists could have produced. The Party rarely, except for showcase purposes, relied on its trained intellectual or academic members; instead, it called on Party functionaries, often of very narrow training, to write about complex sociological, economic, and scientific matters. Theory suffered as a result, and the Party, particularly after 1939, included very few intellectuals. Until the mid-fifties crisis, the Party, strangled by Stalinist dogma and intolerance, was closed to intellectual discourse. Abe Shapiro finally left the Party because his intellectual training hadgiven him a commitment to intellectual honesty that he could not shake. Among organizers, Party arrogance cut off messages from the grass roots. Orders from what one veteran calls "the Cave of Winds"—Party headquarters in New York—often contradicted practical organizing experience. The Party also suffered from insularity. Mark Greenly brought interested fellow workers to a Party-dominated union meeting. They were curious and "antiboss" but quite unsophisticated and not at all ready to make any commitments. Unfortunately, the Party organizer immediately started to discuss class struggle and a variety of abstract political matters. The workers were quickly alienated and frightened away, never to return. Ethel Paine recalls such "inappropriate behavior" as the sectarian conversations Party people would carry on in the presence of non-Communist acquaintances and neighbors. Although chronically secretive about membership, Communists could be remarkably insensitive to their audience in revealing ways. A successful organizer learned when and how to introduce more controversial ideas to nonmembers. Training, including the Party schools, helped to some extent, but most Communists agree with the veteran organizer who feels that such learning has to be done on the job, by trial and error. Many Communists, like Sam Katz and Caldwell, tell painful if sometimes hilarious tales of their own and others' ineptitude as beginning organizers. Some discovered that they simply were not suited for the job and would never develop the personal qualities that make for a competent organizer. Several veterans insist that organizers are born, not made. Yet relatively introverted and socially awkward young people, inspired by the idealism and the comradeship of the Communist movement, did transform themselves into effective organizers. Vivian Gornick points out that such transformations did not always survive the collapse of association with the Party.^25 I did not, however, discover total or near total personality changes caused either by joining or abandoning the Party. Although most of the literature about radical organizers deals with men, it is increasingly apparent that some of the mostsignificant and consistently ignored organizing within the Communist Party involved women. The ten women interviewed performed a rich variety of Party tasks, but perhaps the most important were those not officially designated, like the informal neighborhood activities organized by Edith Samuels, described inChapter Five . Sarah Levy was also involved in such efforts. Sarah and her two children joined her colonizer husband, Moe, in leaving the comfortable Party concentration in the Strawberry Mansion section to live in a nearby industrial town. She refers to the next three and a half years as "not the easiest times and, yet to me, personally, one of the best growing experiences—and I have never regretted it." (Moe's wry rejoinder was "She didn't have to work the blast furnaces.") There were only three Party families in the town, quite a difference from the thirty or forty Party friends they left behind in Strawberry Mansion. While Moe worked the furnaces and tried to develop contacts with plant workers, Sarah joined a folk dance group at the local "Y," where she got to know Greek, Yugoslav, Italian, and other immigrant women. Moe, limited in the plant to a small Party circle of colonizers and sympathizers, was able to socialize with the husbands of Sarah's folk dancing partners. Colonizers often ended up working with a local Party apparatus while their wives, working through neighborhood networks, reached into the community through its women, older people, and children. Asie Repice casually but proudly concluded about her work with a community center during the war years; "I am an organizer, so I organized a nursery." Her husband was in the service. Moving around to stay close to his base, she put her organizing abilities and political values to work. Such efforts remain an unwritten chapter in the history of radical organizing.^26 */functionaries/* Few district functionaries other than Sam Darcy achieved any national stature or had much leverage outside the district. Dave Davis, the business manager of UE Local 155 and an importantPhiladelphia-area labor leader, was often elected to the Party's national committee but never entered the inner decision-making group. Other district leaders—like Pat Toohey, Phil Bart, Phil Frankfeld, and Ed Strong—were D.O.s sent into the district and then moved out again to other assignments. Most district functionaries played dominant roles within the district committee and ran such important Party operations as the local Progressive Party and the Civil Rights Congress. They drew meager salaries, which were sometimes supplemented by Party-related employment. The Party network, at least during the late thirties and forties, could place members in some union jobs.^27 Possibly several dozen members depended on the Party for their livelihood in this way. */nonmembers/* One often encounters Communists who, for very specific reasons, were not formal Party members. One former Progressive Party leader never joined the Party but worked closely with district Communist leaders to map strategy and coordinate activity. Some union leaders stayed out of the Party to deny employers the red-baiting weapon, and a number dropped out after the Taft-Hartley Act made a union officer liable to prosecution for perjury if he lied about current Party membership.^28 */professionals/* Some professionals who joined the Party operated at a rank-and-file level, belonging to a professional branch or club, attending meetings, and fulfilling subscription quotas. Several recall being highly impressed with the other professionals they met at Party functions. But such members—often doctors, dentists, and architects—were on the margins of Party life. Many professionals, especially lawyers associated with Party causes, found membership problematic and chose not to formalize their relationships with the Party, though they might be members of a professional club. "I fought against loose tongues," one states."I never asked a soul whether they were Communists or not." Several left-wing attorneys stress that they did not want to be in a position to betray anyone or risk a perjury charge if questioned about their own affiliations and associations. The law in America is a conservative profession, and several Left lawyers paid a high price for their efforts.^29 Another consideration was that the Party sometimes pressured lawyers to use a particular legal strategy in Party-related cases, and such pressure was more effectively applied to members.^30 One attorney notes that the Party itself seemed ambivalent about requiring formal membership. A few district leaders pressured him to join, while others understood that it was not particularly useful or necessary. Some lawyers, whether members or not, found their services very much in demand. They were needed in labor negotiations, electoral activities, and civil rights and civil liberties cases. In the late forties and early fifties, Party-affiliated lawyers found it less easy than it had been to earn a living through Party-based clients, such as left-wing unions. Instead they were called upon to deal with the titanic task of defending Party members indicted under the Smith Act and other pieces of repressive legislation. Thanks to this demand, as one attorney suggests, they received special treatment from the district leadership. They mixed with labor leaders, politicians, judges, and, at times, the national Party leadership. Several had more contact with the non-Communist local authorities than district functionaries had. One left-wing attorney recalls that he had the luxury of criticizing Party policies and decisions, within limits, because "I was needed, I was special, a lawyer." More significant than membership was the degree of autonomy a member had, and this was based on his importance to the Party or his institutional leverage. A professional could get away with criticism of the Nazi-Soviet Pact that would not be tolerated from rank-and-filers or most cadres. A union leader could ignore Party instructions, aware that his own organization was his power base. A former Communist, George Charney, criticizes in his memoirsthe "left-wing aristocracy of labor that rarely mingled with the herd of party members or the middle functionaries."^31 Such trade-unions "influentials" often had contempt for functionaries and would go over their heads to top leadership. Those who entered the Party, at whatever level, in whatever role, operated within a well-defined organization and lived within a somewhat insular and often nurturing subculture that provided them with formal and informal relationships. These relationships eased the often lonely organizing work. One veteran unashamedly calls his fellow Communist organizers "the most dedicated, most selfless people in the struggle." Many would share Jessica Mitford's feelings: I had regarded joining the Party as one of the most important decisions of my adult life. I loved and admired the people in it, and was more than willing to accept the leadership of those far more experienced than I. Furthermore, the principle of democratic centralism seemed to me essential to the functioning of a revolutionary organization in a hostile world.^32 Any tendency to romanticize such activists must be tempered by an awareness of their mistakes, limitations, and weaknesses, and it is true that many non-Communists made similar commitments to organizing the oppressed and the weak. They too merit consideration. These Philadelphia veterans of the Communist Party are very human actors who worked on a particular historical stage. Some conclude that their years of effort never really brought any of their factory and shop constituents into the movement. Like Sol Davis, they admit that they were utter failures in that "cultural, political, and philosophical wasteland" of blue-collar America. Others share the pride, perhaps the arrogance, of one of Vivian Gornick's subjects: We're everywhere, everywhere. We/saved/this f--king country. We went to Spain, and because we did America understood fascism. We made Vietnam come to an end, we're in there inWatergate. We built the CIO, we got Roosevelt elected, we started black civil rights, we forced this sh-tty country into every piece of action and legislation it has ever taken. We did the dirty work and the Labor and Capital establishments got the rewards. The Party helped make democracy work.^33 The road from Spain to Watergate is a long one. Communists, euphoric at their prospects in the heyday of CIO sit-downs and Popular Front triumphs, later needed remarkable inner resources to sustain political activity. They sensed the first tremors from the purge trials, received a severe jolt from the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of 1939, and in the postwar years faced first political repression and then, more painfully, internal disintegration and demoralization. NEXT CHAPTER seven: problems and crises, 1939–1956 the founder of Black Lives Matter once described herself as a trained , like Obama, but I could only find this: On 10/17/22 10:32 someone wrote:
Since many believe Obama is running the Marxist Biden administration We might want to look at a history of comnunist organizing, euphemistically called a community organizing */the communist as organizer/* In the period between the Great Crash and the McCarthy era the CPUSA was the most effective organizing agency within the American experience.^1 In this most politically stable of societies, radicals have usually battered their heads against the stone wall of affluence, rising expectations, and Democratic Party loyalty. Within the narrow space of agitation allowed by the political order, Communist Party activists built a small but influential organization devoted to organizing constituencies for social change. According to even the most unsympathetic accounts, Communist activists played important roles in organizing the unemployed, evicted tenants, minorities, and workers in a wide variety of fields. They were central in the emergence of the CIO and thus in the organizing of workers in heavy industry and mass production; they spearheaded the defense of the right of black people to equality before the law and social and economic opportunity; and they participated in virtually all of the nationalefforts to establish humane social services and eliminate hunger, disease, and neglect from our communities.^2 Many analysts question the motives of Communist Party activists, and there certainly is controversy about the extent of their organizing successes. Nevertheless, Communist organizing merits serious and objective consideration. For a period of approximately thirty years, Communist Party activists and organizers sought out constituents in the mines, plants, and neighborhoods of the United States. Other left-wing groups, such as the Socialist Party, the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party, and A. J. Muste's Workers Party, also deserve study, but the CPUSA offers students the best opportunity to examine the dynamics of organizing sponsored and directed by a radical political group.^3 The organizers under consideration came to political maturity during the 1930s, mostly in an era associated with the Popular Front, and remained within the Party until at least the mid-Fifties. Indeed, many remained active organizers and participants after leaving the organizational framework of the Communist Party. In the thirties and forties, they modified their Bolshevik rhetoric and participated in antifascist alliances, worked for modest short-term successes within the fledgling CIO, and provided support and manpower for a diverse group of radical and progressive political movements and leaders, including Democrats, Farmer-Laborites, the American Labor Party in New York, and Communist Party councilmen in New York City, all under an essentially New Deal banner.^4 Organizers operating in the greater Philadelphia district had important trade-union successes and played a key role in organizing unemployed councils, electoral efforts, tenant rights, and peace, professional lobbying, civil liberties, ethnically based, and neighborhood groups. For a period of approximately ten years, from 1936 to perhaps 1947, the Communist Party of Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware, District Three, played an important if modest role in the political life of the area, generating ideas, programs, and visions that later became the commonplaces of social policy. The Party offered its membership several roles. One could remain at the rank-and-file level, become a cadre, or rise to functionary. One could engage in mass work within one of the Party fronts or a non-Party organization (e.g., the YMCA) or one could become a "colonizer," engaging in industrial organizing at the beck and call of the Party. In addition, one could work within the professional section, providing the Party with such services as legal counsel.^5 */rank and file/* At the lowest level of Party membership were the rank and file, the proverbial "Jimmy Higginses" who worked within Party clubs and branches, paid their dues, went to a variety of meetings, and joined the mass organizations and fronts, often focusing on a specific issue like Spain, civil rights, or Scottsboro. Such rank-and-filers were at the heart of everyday activities and what Gornick calls "grinding ordinariness."^6 There was an extraordinary turnover among such members, who often became weary of meetings,/Daily Worker/solicitations, and office chores. Many rank-and-filers began their activism while in college or sometimes high school. The Philadelphia high school movement was quite sizable, including ASU and YCL chapters in at least eight schools. High school activists ranged throughout the city, meeting radical peers, socializing, and developing their own circle of comrades. For those who entered college either already active or about to be radicalized, there was an almost dizzying flow of activities, including demonstrations, marches, sit-downs, leaflettings, fundraisers, dances, parties, socials, lectures, speeches—and meetings. Always, there were meetings, one for every night of the week, often more.^7 Enthusiastic, recently converted Communists, like their spiritual children in the 1960s, had unbounded energy for political work. Most speak of being aroused and inspired by their sense of the significance of their efforts, the quality of their comrades, and the grandeur and power of their movement. Abe Shapiro recalls being engrossed at one time in the following activities: formal YCL meetings, ASU leadership, a universityantiwar council (of which he was director), Spanish civil war relief efforts, a variety of antifascist activities, a student-run bookstore cooperative, and support work for assorted civil liberties and civil rights causes. Some activists found schoolwork boring under the circumstances and devoted all of their time to politics. A few became "colonizers." In most cases, however, Communist students completed their degree work, and if they dropped out of school, it was often for financial reasons. For most, the excitement of campus politics held their attention and their interest. Some found Party youth work a path toward leadership, becoming citywide or national ASU or YCL leaders. Others on leaving campus became YCL branch or section organizers in different parts of the district. Many who did not attend college did neighborhood work with the YCL, often focusing their mass organizational efforts through the American League for Peace and Democracy. To many youthful rank-and-filers, "the YCL became . . . Marxist-Leninist theory all mixed up with baseball, screwing, dancing, selling the/Daily Worker/, bullsh-tting, and living the American-Jewish street life."^8 Certainly the first flush of radicalism, the emotional high of purposeful activity, the sense of accomplishment and of sacrifice for the good of humanity, the work with fine and noble comrades, the love affairs with those sharing a common vision, the expectation that the future was indeed theirs, created a honeymoon effect for most young Communists. For some, the fad of radicalism passed upon graduation or thereabouts. Others simply maintained a regular but distant "fellow-traveling" role as they entered the work world. And many were disillusioned by the Party's dogmatism or the great purge trials, the attacks on Trotsky, or the Non-Aggression Pact of 1939. Others, including those interviewed, remained in the Party. The shortest stay was six years, and most remained loyal for twenty years or more. For all of those who stayed, the Party and its small subculture became their lives. Those working at the branch, club, and section levels were rarely on the Party payroll and had to find work to supportthemselves. For single people problems were few and life could be lived at a double-time pace, working hard all day and then organizing and holding meetings every night. Some young Communists drifted for a time after school, doing Party work but not settling into anything. Ben Green lived in Strawberry Mansion, a lower-middle- and working-class Jewish neighborhood filled with Party people at the time. He did some work with the American League Against War and Fascism, spoke on street corners occasionally, went to three to four meetings a week, and helped to start a union local of public employees at his Works Progress Administration (WPA) office. He remembers that the Party "made it a big thing" when he shifted from the YCL to adult membership, but he was still looking at his future with uncertainty. Upon completing high school, George Paine felt that "sports were gone" from his life except for an occasional neighborhood basketball game. He kept in touch but saw less of old non-Party buddies and did standard political work, "hustling the paper," going to meetings, demonstrating. Finally he decided to go to college, suspending but not ending his Party ties. One rank-and-filer was a skilled craftsman, "glad of the class I was born into." He belonged to a conservative craft union and limited his political work to mass work at the local YMCA. He never really got involved with a club or branch group but paid his dues, subscribed to the paper, and worked with comrades to move the "Y" in a more "progressive" direction. He was quite open about his views, which would eventually get him into trouble at his job: "I felt that since to me everything was so clear, they'd hug me." Tim Palen, a farmer and skilled craftsman who lived in a rural suburb of Philadelphia, worked with the Farmers Union. A Party rank-and-filer, he helped farmers get low-interest loans through the union and sympathetic banks. Palen never involved himself with Party affairs in the city, and the highest office he held was dues secretary of his section. Since the Communist Party did not formally label members according to their rank, it is not always clear who was a rank-and-filer and who was considered cadre. One former district leader defines cadres as the people in training for leadership, like officers in an army. The rank and file are, therefore, foot soldiers, less involved and more a part of their own neighborhood or plant, more likely to hold conventional jobs, and more subject to pressures from neighbors, family, and changing circumstances. Annie Kriegel, who analyzes the French Communist Party as a set of concentric circles, places fellow travelers who vote for the Party and read the Sunday Party press on the "outer circle" and "ordinary party members" in the "first circle."^9 Many observers describe such rank-and-filers as less "Bolshevik"—that is, more likely to break Party discipline in everyday activity and closer to the behavior and sensibilities of their non-Party peers. Harvey Klehr puts it, "Many party members received no training of any kind, attendance at party meetings was often spotty, and members frequently ignored or failed to carry out assigned tasks."^10 Almond presents esoteric and exoteric models to distinguish rank-and-filer from cadre, suggesting that the Party daily press directed itself to the relatively idealistic and naive external members, while the Comintern, Cominform, and internal Party journals spoke to insiders and sophisticated activists.^11 */cadre/* The cadre has a "personal commitment." He or she is a "true Bolshevik," internally Communized, with an almost priestly function and sense of specialness. The cadre is a "professional revolutionary" along Leninist lines.^12 Philip Selznick adds that cadres are "deployable personnel," available to the Party at all times.^13 Some observers use "cadre" interchangeably with "functionary," while others distinguish them. I interpret "functionary" as a more administrative and executive role, usually carrying more authority and generally associated with top district and national leadership.^14 Cadres were field workers, organizers, sometimes on the payroll but often holding a non-Party job. Some more mobile cadres lefttheir own neighborhoods, but most worked at least within their home districts. (Functionaries, on the other hand, could be homegrown and district-bound or at the service of the national, even international, office.) Many studies exaggerate the distinction between inner core and outer rings because of their dependence on the abstractions of Party tracts. Almond, for example, claims that the "true Communist" was beyond any commitment to the Popular Front since he was presumably fully Bolshevized and aware of the duplicity and tactical nature of moderated rhetoric. Perhaps this is true of the national leadership, who had associations with Moscow, training at the Lenin School, and Comintern experience. At the district level, however, the patterns are not as clear and seem to be more sensitive to generational, class, and ethnic variables.^15 Among informants, the word "cadre" connoted "hard-working," "brave," "dogged," and "honorable"—someone who followed a Leninist model of behavior; "functionary," on the other hand, was often used negatively to imply that someone was "bureaucratic," "aloof," "abstract," and "remote.webp from struggle"—in brief, the Stalinist/apparatchik/. Neither necessarily belonged to an inner core. Fred Garst tells of the "process of indoctrination" he underwent as he entered into Party life, beginning with "the regularity of systematic participation"—dues, meetings, selling Party literature. He says that the number of meetings began slowly to escalate to three, sometimes five a week: section and subsection meetings, executive meetings, front meetings. Next, Garst was asked to lead a discussion, then to take responsibility for organizing the distribution of literature. He started taking classes at a local Workers School in Marxist theory and labor history. His commitment grew, his experience deepened, and he soon became a section leader. Some Philadelphia Communists moved from rank-and-file to cadre roles during important political campaigns like theProgressive Party efforts of 1947–1948. One woman had been serving in a minor capacity—"not anything earth-shattering"—but was swept up by what Wallace referred to as "Gideon's Army." She became a full-time Progressive Party organizer at a district level, her "first real organizing"; from that point on, she was fully involved in Party work at a variety of levels. Some cadres emphasized front and mass work, serving as leaders of IWO ethnic groups, youth groups, and defense groups. Such cadres were particularly likely to operate clandestinely, although many communicated their affilitation all but formally to constituents. Cadres can be distinguished by their level of operation (club, branch, section, or district), by their funding (on the payroll or holding a regular job), by their relative mobility and willingness to do political work outside their own milieu, and, finally, by the type of organizing they did (mass or front work, electoral party work, industrial organizing). The most prestigious cadres were those who did full-time industrial organizing at the will of the Party leadership. Such organizers, whether of working-class origins or not and whether indigenous or colonizers, were the heart of Party operations, seeking to develop a proletarian constituency and a trade-union base. /ny tisa/ ny Tisa's history shows what an experienced organizer could accomplish. Tisa, a second-generation son of illiterate, working-class peasants, went to work at the Campbell's Soup plant in his own South Camden "Little Italy" after completing high school in the early 1930s. While working summers at the plant, he had been stimulated by street-corner radical speakers and had joined the Socialist Party, which had a presence at Campbell's Soup. The Socialists sent him to Brookwood Labor College, where he met young Communists who impressed him with their earnestness and apparent lack of factionalism, a problem he encountered among the Socialists. He returned to help organize the plant, starting with a small group of about a half-dozen Italian workers, none of themCommunists, whom he molded through a discussion group. His group received a federal charter from the American Federation of Labor and began to develop an underground, dues-paying membership. Tisa tells of frustrating experiences within the conservative AFL. At the 1939 convention in Tampa, for example, he found himself accidently strolling into a local walk-out of Del Monte workers, just as the police were arresting the leader. He spoke to thery workers and was himself threatened with arrest. The workers exclaimed, "You got Bo [the arrested leader] but you're not gonna get him," and made a ring to escort Tisa to a streetcar. That evening, at his suggestion, there was a union meeting, packed and excited. When Tisa tried to speak about this remarkable experience at the AFL convention, he was refused the floor. Finally he simply took over the podium and microphone. Later that day, he met with other militants, including Communists, to organize the ClO-affiliated Food, Tobacco and Agricultural Workers Union. He took a detour, however, as events in Spain captured his energies and idealism. Tisa served two years in Spain with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, gaining "a sense of internationalism that never escapes you." On his return, he immediately set out to organize Campbell's Soup. At the time Tisa began to organize it, Campbell's Soup employed about 5,500 full-time workers, with another 5,000 part-timers who came in during the heavy season. At least half the workers were of Italian descent; there were few blacks until the late 1940s. About half the work force was female. There was a sexual division of labor based on physical strength. Tisa's organizing group consisted of eleven or twelve key workers, all leftists, mostly Italian. None were "colonizers." All were indigenous workers who, under Tisa's leadership, planned the unionization of Campbell's. Tisa recalls that the group would often go crabbing and then return to his home to eat, drink, and talk strategy. Tisa was the only member of the group on the national union's payroll; he made a bare ten or fifteen dollars a week. The organizers distributed themselves through the plant, reaching out to obvious sympathizers and picking up useful information that they would relay to Tisa, who could not enter the plant. He would take names and visit workers in their homes, signing them up so that the union could hold a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election. He would also cull information about working conditions from his organizers and publish it in a union bulletin that they distributed clandestinely, each carrying five to ten copies. As their numbers increased, they became bolder and distributed the much discussed bulletin openly. Campbell's Soup had Tisa arrested once, but when he was released, many workers came to greet him. He assured them that the law permitted them to organize a union. The company tried many tactics to block his efforts: they started a company union; they charged that he was a "Red" and had raped nuns and killed priests in Spain. But Tisa lived in an Italian neighborhood among plant workers and had a mother who had worked in the plant for many years (cheering his speeches, often at the wrong times, he wryly and lovingly notes); he could not be red-baited easily. He was an open Communist; his neighbors would say, "ny's a Communist, but he's all right." Despite the real barrier of the workers'traditional Catholicism, he produced traditional trade-union benefits for members and was popular enough locally, a neighbor, to remain in leadership until the CIO purges of the late forties and early fifties finally forced him out. Tisa's experience highlights the importance of developing indigenous personnel in organizing activity. His efforts were certainly bolstered by support from the national union, by Communist Party training and aid, and by the relative benevolence of the federal government as expressed through the new NLRB. Yet the presence of local activists, something the Communist Party sought but did not often achieve, invariably made the task of organizing a plant or neighborhood that much easier. Other organizers performed similar roles without formally entering the Party, preferring to remain independent although generally taking positions consistent with Party policy. /jack ryan/ Jack Ryan's old man was "a union man," later a foreman, a local Democratic politician, and a bootlegger. As a teen-ager, and a high school drop-out, Ryan ran poker and crap games in the neighborhood with a group of friends, some of whom wound up in prison. He worked sporadically as a roofer, during which time he was influenced by a socialist "who couldn't read or write until he was twenty-three." His father finally got him a job at a local plant, where he worked as a crane operator in the early Depression years until he was laid off in 1931. Over the next two years, he tried a small store and "managed to hang on," selling water ice and running crap games. In 1933 he went back to the plant just at the point when the local union was being formed. Ryan recalls that he was "sworn in in an elevator with the lights out in between the floors." Despite his emerging radical politics, Ryan remained on the margins at first. "I deliberately didn't get active," he says, indicating that life seemed too unpredictable to take chances. In fact, he entered into a real-estate business on the side, and it eventually provided him with the cushion that allowed him to become more active within the plant. Initially he ran for the general committee, backed by the other crane operators because of his successful grievance work. Still cautious ("I kept my mouth shut," he notes), Ryan went along with the conservative local leadership while maintaining contact with the plant militants, several of whom were old Wobblies suspicious of any Communist Party leadership. Ryan worked primarily through his own crane operators' network within the plant. He played the trade-offs in union posts among the plant's crafts to become local president, an unpaid post, and finally business representative, the only salaried position within the local. Ryanremained close to the Party but never joined. "I was more radical than they were," he brags. He criticizes their twists and turns and suggests that "in the end you can't trust any of them" because of "the goddamn line." He adds that the/Daily Worker/was "written for a bunch of morons." On the other hand, Ryan admits that Party union members were often competent and successful organizers and that he agreed with most of their Popular Front stances, particularly their antifascism. On the Soviets, he says that he did not spend too much time thinking about them, but adds, "I don't blame them for having a treaty with the Germans." Ryan is clearly concerned with the practical issues of trade unionism. In describing one of his national officers, he exclaims, "A dedicated Communist but a helluva guy." He praises L. Lewis's efforts at industrial unionization: "him and the Commies put together the CIO; they were the smartest crowd." So Jack Ryan worked with but kept some distance from "the Commies": "they were a little bit nutty." His union was one of those expelled from the CIO in the late forties, and he remains bitter about the Party's role in the union's decline. He remained active, holding union office on and off until his retirement. Ryan proudly concludes that he was placed on Social Security while on strike for the last time in the early seventies. ny Tisa and Jack Ryan were working-class organizers, with roots in their ethnic communities, able to establish a rapport with their peers and, at the same time, develop more sophisticated skills within a broader and more ideological movement in or around the Communist Party. Their failures were mostly exogenous, the results of Taft-Hartley oaths, CIO purges, and McCarthyism in general. Others operated in less favorable terrain, without the decided advantages of an indigenous, working-class background. The most characteristic Party labor organizer was a young, educated, second-generation Jewish-American sent to "dig roots into the working-class." The efforts of such organizers were prodigious; their accomplishments, however, were more problematic. /al schwartz/ Al Schwartz's father was a 1905er, a Party organizer in the garment industry who had to open a small shop after he was blacklisted. Al, a classic "red-diaper baby," went through all of the Party developmental steps, from Young Pioneers through YCL to full Party involvement. Most of all he wanted to be a radical journalist. For a few years he was able to work on the Pennsylvania supplement to the/Worker/, but when it folded, his journalism career seemed over. Over the next half-dozen years, Schwartz, now in his late twenties, went into the shops as a "colonizer." He remembers the sense of adventure and mission he felt working at a few of the larger heavy industrial plants in the area. Yet he also speaks of his sense of loss and defeat in having to aban hopes of writing. Schwartz's response to colonizing was painfully ambivalent: a college graduate and a Jew, born and bred within the Yiddish-Left subculture, he both relished the contact with blue-collar workers and remained distant from them. They were not like him, he stresses; they were mired in back-breaking labor, poor educations, and plebian forms of leisure. For a time he enjoyed the camaraderie of the local taverns, but ultimately he was an outsider, a Jewish family man and a struggling intellectual. Schwartz most fondly recalls the hardness and fitness of his body, the feeling that he was young and strong and physically a worker. But the successes were few, and later the McCarthy period made such Party efforts even more marginal. Schwartz found himself a family man in his mid-thirties without a career or a profession; frustrated and drifting out of Party life without drama or flourish, he moved to reorganize his life. His political values held, but his colonizing days were over. /sol davis/ Sol Davis grew up in a poor, working-class, immigrant household. He was a bright young boy, and like many other upwardly aspiring Jewish males, he flourished at the elite Central High School andbegan moving toward a professional career. At this point, in the early years of the Depression, he was swept off his feet, as he puts it, by the Communist Party. After completing his schooling, he worked lackadaisically at his profession while seeking an opportunity to go into the shops as a Communist Party organizer; he was "determined to be shop worker." His first attempts allowed him to learn something about machinery, although in each instance he was fired for his inexperience and incompetence. Finally he caught on. "I was in my element," he asserts, describing the war years in heavy industry. For Davis, the good organizer had to have a commitment to "the principles of Communism," "a talent for leadership," and a willingness to listen. A confident speaker, whose words are clipped and terse, he worked twenty-nine years in the shops, twenty-six of them at one plant. Located within the city, the plant was staffed mostly by Catholic workers (Polish or Irish), initially few blacks, and even fewer Jews. Davis's recollections are filled with bitter refrains about red-baiting and "turn-coat ex-CPers," sell-outs and "social democrats." He is proud of his successes, which include chairing the grievance committee and serving as shop steward during most of his union years. Davis presents his life as devoted to organizing in the shops; he never got involved in his neighborhood and tended to leave Party electoral work to others. A hard-line orthodox Communist still, Davis argues that those who abandoned the Party were "petty-bourgeois with petty-bourgeois ideas," whereas he "was nursed out of the trade-union movement." In the fifties, he admits, "life became unpleasant," both in his largely Jewish lower-middle-class neighborhood and in the shop, where "a certain resistance developed to my activity" among people he calls anti-Communist socialists. Davis believes that most American workers have been bought off in "discrete and discernible fashion" by imperialist profits, manipulated by the mass media, and blinded by nationalism, religion, and racism. After spending almost thirty years in theindustrial heartland, Davis remains "dedicated to an idea," an "unquestioned belief" in communism. Yet when asked about his ability to convert workers to class consciousness, a saddened Sol Davis replies, "Never—the shop was a desert for me." He did not convert a single worker and was "in that respect an utter failure." The shops, to the stoical Davis, were "a cultural, political, and philosophical wasteland despite having made so many friends." Sol Davis has kept the faith since he was "baptized" in the movement; his singular lack of organizing success rests, in his mind, on factors beyond his control—repression, cowardice, self-interest. He is a confident man. / caldwell/ Other colonizers had more mixed results. Caldwell, a college graduate with a middle-class WASP heritage, recalls that in his initial colonizing effort, "I wasn't very smart and made a lot of stupid mistakes—talked to people, became known as a troublemaker." He was fired. Fortunately for Caldwell, his firing made him a "celebrated case," and the predominantly Irish and Italian Catholic workers, and even the conservative union officials, rallied to his support. Caldwell says that whereas other Party organizers had their best contact in their own departments, he touched bases throughout the plant and often socialized at the local bar to maintain and develop relationships. "A fair number knew I was a Communist," he says. "I never denied it." But most did not. In most plants to admit membership in the Party meant probable firing and certain harassment. For organizers like Caldwell, discretion was the rule. His efforts paid off against the union's local establishment. The national, a left-wing union, sent in an organizer to help fashion a local coalition to defeat the established group, and Caldwell worked with him as elections chairman. The progressive slate was successful. Caldwell, a leader of a left-wing veterans' group, participated in the 1946 strike surge. When mounted police chased people ontoporches in Southwest Philadelphia to break up injunction-defying demonstrations, the local CIO was able to bring out 25,000 workers to protest against police brutality in front of City Hall. But such Popular Front-style unified efforts were shattered by the developing Cold War consensus, which began to drive radicals, particularly Party members, out of the unions. Caldwell shifted jobs in this period, finally taking a full-time organizing job in a nearby industrial town. The plant had some IWO members and a few Party members, but no organization. Caldwell, who observes that "it really became difficult after the Korean War" started, found some success in putting out a small paper and handing it out at the main gates. He worked to develop contacts mainly by distributing the Party paper, first for free, then by subscription. Caldwell remembers proudly that he won a district drive with eighty subscriptions in his area. Gains were modest: a Hungarian sympathizer sent him two black shop stewards; then a few Irish Catholics made contact. Caldwell recalls going into Philadelphia to see prize fights with the latter workers, mixing pleasure with discussions of possible articles about their area for the Party press. But the times wrecked any chance Caldwell had of developing a Party group. The FBI scared off possible sympathizers; he was arrested for circulating antiwar petitions, and the venture finally ended in the heyday of the McCarthy period when Caldwell was sent to join the Party's underground. Caldwell and Al Schwartz experienced the ebb of the progressive union movement in the late forties and early fifties. Most Party labor organizers and colonizers, however, joined the fray during the extraordinary upsurge of the late thirties that established industrial unionism through the CIO. /milt goldberg/ Milt Goldberg, despite winning a Mayor's Scholarship, was unable to continue his education after graduating from Central High School. Instead, he scratched to make a living at odd jobs, gradually becoming interested in radical politics. While he wasworking a pre-Christmas job at Sears, the department store warehousemen went out on strike. Clerks refused to cross the picket lines. Goldberg recalls that the increasingly anxious owners persuaded the clerks to return to work with promises of improved conditions and wage increases that were never fulfilled; meanwhile, the warehousemen settled. In the aftermath, the strike leaders were all fired. Goldberg says that many of them were Communists and that he began to notice how often that was the case: "I respected the Party people; they were able, talented people." Goldberg became an organizer for a white-collar union dominated by mobsters who made deals with management at the expense of the membership. He describes his early efforts as "naive, inexperienced." Goldberg played a key role in leading his membership out of the corrupt union into a new CIO local, whose Philadelphia office staff was dominated by Party organizers. In those days, the late thirties, the era of sit-downs and a crescendo of collective bargaining agreements, organizing was remarkably fluid. Goldberg says that charters were granted easily and with little need for substantiation or the apparatus of negotiation soon to appear under the NLRB. In those days, he asserts with some nostalgia, one could go in and organize a place in one or two days, present demands to the employer, and make a deal. Such rapid victories were, of course, exceptions; Goldberg also recalls the often brutal resistance of management, particularly in heavy industry. After serving in the war, Goldberg returned to his union efforts, despite family advice that he try something more prestigious and lucrative. The union was his life, so he stayed. He never formally rejoined the Party, although he remained in close contact. The Taft-Harley anti-Communist oath soon reinforced this decision. Nevertheless, Goldberg and his small union were red-baited and constantly under McCarthyite attack. How did he survive? Goldberg argues that he "was very close to the membership" and had solid support from his fellow leaders. He emphasizes that the union provided real benefits and servicesto membership and sustained their loyalty despite the attacks. In addition, he notes that by this time the small union did not have a Party group, only him. One of the more damaging policies of Party-dominated unions was what Goldberg calls "the resolution bit"—the passing of Party-sponsored resolutions on every issue from Scottsboro to Spain. Too many left-wing unions manipulated such resolutions without making any effort to educate the membership; all that mattered was that local such-and-such of the so-and-so workers sent a resolution attacking Franco's dictatorship in Spain. Goldberg dropped such tactics in the postwar period, instead working with his local's officers and servicing the practical needs of the membership. By the mid-fifties, still a socialist, Milt Goldberg had become estranged from the Communist Party. As is true of most arts, the qualities that make for a successful organizer are uncertain and descriptions are inevitably cliche-ridden. As the experiences of ny Tisa and Jack Ryan indicate, having roots in the work force being organized gives one a decided advantage. But the Party could use only the troops it had available, and these were for the most part educated, urban, Jewish Americans, most of whom had no experience in the heavy industries that were their "colonies." Most of them experienced frustration; one cadre estimates that 95 percent of all Party colonizers failed. Too often colonizers were unable to operate in a sea of Gentile proletarians. Fred Garst, stillry at the Party for its insensitivity to context, charges that "the Left didn't have any organizing skills." But some organizers, remarkably, succeeded. /ike samuels/ Ike Samuels still speaks with an accent that reveals the years he spent in Eastern Europe before his mother, taking the remains of the family silver, arrived in the United States. No red-diaper baby, Samuels describes his youth as "street-wise" and his ambition as making it in America. Like many others, however, "the whole thing burst into flame" when the Depression forced him to dropout of school and hunger marches, bonus marches, and unemployed council protests acted on his emerging social conscience. Soon he was moving toward the Party and engaging in union organizing. Samuels, a gruff, self-deprecating man who often refers to his "big mouth," rose to leadership within a small craft union and served on the city CIO council. His CIO union was dominated by a Popular Front coalition of the Party and a progressive Catholic group. The union president, a leader of the latter, was incompetent; on several occasions Samuels had to bail him out of collective-bargaining disasters. Finally the Catholic faction and the Party faction sought to replace the president with Samuels. The national Party leadership, however, afraid of upsetting the delicate coalition, said no. Samuels recalls that he "didn't even question" the decision, but he was frustrated and soon left the union to become an organizer for a larger, industrial union. Samuels agrees with Milt Goldberg that it was relatively easy to be a good organizer in that period. Labor was in an upswing, workers were clamoring to be organized, NLRB cards were easy to accumulate. In heavy industry, Samuels stresses, the key was to seek out the pockets of old radical workers—not colonizers, he emphasizes—who had broken down the old ethnic barriers. Many such organizers were members of the IWO foreign-language federations. Next, one needed the "pie-cards," the full-time organizers supplied by the CIO itself, many of whom were veteran radicals. Along with and sometimes among the pie-cards were the younger Communists going into the shops, supported by a growing and confident Party organization. A "highly developed structure," Samuels recalls, was essential to organizing success. One had to develop shop committees and day-to-day contacts in each department. The sense of strength provided by the union itself and, crucially, by its CIO sponsor, allowed workers to imagine that the employers could be successfully challenged. In the automobile, steel, rubber, mining, and electrical equipment industries, workers facedmammoth corporations willing to use any means necessary to throw back the unionist surge. The New Deal, by encouraging a more neutral judiciary and law enforcement role, made it easier for the coordinated CIO drives to gain concessions from corporate heads. Samuels suggests that the workers, some of whom had backed decades of unsuccessful rank-and-file efforts, needed the sense that they were a part of a powerful coalition. L. Lewis appealed to this sense when he proclaimed, "The President want you to join a union." Such a coalition advanced unionization at the same time that it necessitated concessions and strictures that limited the leverage of the newly legitimized unions.^16 Samuels argues that it was imperative for organizers to have knowledge of their industries. He deliberately worked in a craft shop to learn the trade and later carefully studied one heavy industry before going out to organize its workers. He was not typical. Hodee Edwards, a thirties organizer, stresses "our consistent failure to investigate the neighborhoods and factories where we tried to work, thus applying a generalized, sectarian plan usually incomprehensible to those we wanted to reach."^17 And Sam Katz suggests that the Party did not always recognize the tension between the leadership and the activist/organizer over the pace and nature of organizing. The functionaries often pushed for the most advanced positions, including the "resolutions bit," whereas the organizers focused on the issues that confronted their constituents. Conflict was inevitable between broad policy and local needs and variations, and between policy planners and functionaries and field organizers and the rank and file. It is clear that the Communist Party suffered chronically from top-heavy decision making, which often left local organizers and members with policy directives that made little sense in local circumstances. In addition to organizational strength and preparation, Samuels feels that leadership ability and, at times, personal courage must be demonstrated. On several occasions he had to take risks or lose the confidence of his membership. In one local the workers affectionately referred to him as "R.R.J.B.," Red Russian JewBastard. He tells of organizing workers in a small Georgia company town. Fifteen hundred were on strike, and the patriarchal owners were negotiating only under pressure from the NLRB. They were stalling, however, so Samuels called on the work force to increase the pressure by massing outside the building where the negotiations were taking place. The next day, in the midst of bargaining, Samuels noticed the face of the company's attorney turning an ash white as he glanced out the window. What he saw were about three hundred workers marching toward the building carrying a rope; lynching was on their agenda. Samuels went out and calmed them down, "modified" their demands, and then wrapped up negotiations. His early organizing days also included maritime struggles with gangster elements who were not beyond "bumping off" militants. Samuels implies that the Left elements fought back, sometimes resorting to their own brand of physical intimidation.^18 Peggy Dennis describes the Bolshevik ideal as "soldiers in a revolutionary army at permanent war with a powerful class enemy." And "in permanent war, doubts or questions are treason."^19 Yet as Joseph Starobin asks, "How could the Leninist equilibrium be sustained in a country so different from Lenin's?"^20 In fact, it was sustained unevenly and at a price. In a society with a tradition of civil liberties (albeit inconsistently applied and occasionally suspended in moments of stress) and a remarkably resilient political democracy, the Leninist model, hardened and distorted by Stalinism, mixed uncomfortably with American realities.^21 At its best the Leninist ideal encouraged the incredible levels of hard work and perseverance that even critics of Communism grant to its cadres; it also evoked such personal qualities as integrity, courage, honesty, and militancy. Yet the ideal seemed to degenerate too easily into a model of behavior appropriately labeled Stalinist. Communist cadres accepted deceptive tactics and strategies that inevitably backfired and undermined theirintegrity and reputations—for example, the front groups that "flip-flopped" at Party command after years of denying Party domination. The intolerance and viciousness with which Communists often attacked adversaries, including liberals, socialists, and their own heretics, remains inexcusable.^22 As organizers, Communist activists suffered from a tendency toward a special kind of elitism that often made them incapable of working with diverse groups sharing common goals. In some periods they turned this streak of inhumanity against themselves, engaging in ugly campaigns of smear and character assassination to eliminate "Titoists," "Browderites," "revisionists," "left-wing adventurists," or "white chauvinists." Moreover, the secrecy within which Communists often operated, while sometimes justified by the danger of job loss or prosecution, served to undermine the Party's moral legitimacy. An organizer's relationship with his constituents depends on their belief in his integrity, and this is especially true when the organizer is an outsider. Too often, Communists undermined their own integrity by covering manipulative and cynical acts with the quite plausible explanation that survival required secrecy. The tendency of Communists to resort to First and Fifth Amendment protection during the McCarthy period falls under similar challenges. As Joseph Starobin asks: Should left-wingers and Communists have gone to jail in large numbers? Might they have been better off/politically/, in terms of their/image/, to assert their affiliations, to proclaim them instead of asserting their right to keep them private, to explain the issues as they saw them, and to take the consequences?^23 Communist activists certainly did not lack courage or commitment to a protracted struggle. Many risked prison, and some served prison sentences; perhaps as many as one-third of the cadres painfully accepted assignments to go underground in the early fifties. Their Leninism had to navigate contradictory currents of Stalinism and Americanization, militancy and opportunism. Local Communist activists often lived a somewhat schizophrenic life, alternately internationalist and indigenous, Bolshevik and "progressive," admiring the Leninist model of cadre and yet falling into more settled, familial patterns of activism. There was a clear if often ignored sexual division of labor: men were more likely to be the cadres, women performed auxiliary clerical functions and unnoticed but essential neighborhood organizing. The Party was also divided between theorists and intellectuals on the one hand and field workers and activists on the other. As one field worker proclaimed, "I couldn't be spending hours on ideological conflicts; I'm an activist, not an intellectual." Many agree that the bulk of an organizer's time went into local actions and much less went into discussions and considerations of important theoretical or programmatic matters.^24 Only a small proportion received the type of ideological and intellectual training suggested by the Leninist ideal, an ideal that formally sought the obliteration of the distinctions between thought and action, intellectual and activist. In fact, Party intellectuals faced chronic and ingrained suspicion, even contempt, from Party leaders. Abe Shapiro sardonically charges that the function of Party intellectuals was "to sell the/Daily Worker/at the waterfront." He remembers checking on a new Party document on the economy: "I actually read the document. I wanted to know what the Hell it was." He found it infantile and far below what well-trained but never used Party intellectuals and social scientists could have produced. The Party rarely, except for showcase purposes, relied on its trained intellectual or academic members; instead, it called on Party functionaries, often of very narrow training, to write about complex sociological, economic, and scientific matters. Theory suffered as a result, and the Party, particularly after 1939, included very few intellectuals. Until the mid-fifties crisis, the Party, strangled by Stalinist dogma and intolerance, was closed to intellectual discourse. Abe Shapiro finally left the Party because his intellectual training hadgiven him a commitment to intellectual honesty that he could not shake. Among organizers, Party arrogance cut off messages from the grass roots. Orders from what one veteran calls "the Cave of Winds"—Party headquarters in New York—often contradicted practical organizing experience. The Party also suffered from insularity. Mark Greenly brought interested fellow workers to a Party-dominated union meeting. They were curious and "antiboss" but quite unsophisticated and not at all ready to make any commitments. Unfortunately, the Party organizer immediately started to discuss class struggle and a variety of abstract political matters. The workers were quickly alienated and frightened away, never to return. Ethel Paine recalls such "inappropriate behavior" as the sectarian conversations Party people would carry on in the presence of non-Communist acquaintances and neighbors. Although chronically secretive about membership, Communists could be remarkably insensitive to their audience in revealing ways. A successful organizer learned when and how to introduce more controversial ideas to nonmembers. Training, including the Party schools, helped to some extent, but most Communists agree with the veteran organizer who feels that such learning has to be done on the job, by trial and error. Many Communists, like Sam Katz and Caldwell, tell painful if sometimes hilarious tales of their own and others' ineptitude as beginning organizers. Some discovered that they simply were not suited for the job and would never develop the personal qualities that make for a competent organizer. Several veterans insist that organizers are born, not made. Yet relatively introverted and socially awkward young people, inspired by the idealism and the comradeship of the Communist movement, did transform themselves into effective organizers. Vivian Gornick points out that such transformations did not always survive the collapse of association with the Party.^25 I did not, however, discover total or near total personality changes caused either by joining or abandoning the Party. Although most of the literature about radical organizers deals with men, it is increasingly apparent that some of the mostsignificant and consistently ignored organizing within the Communist Party involved women. The ten women interviewed performed a rich variety of Party tasks, but perhaps the most important were those not officially designated, like the informal neighborhood activities organized by Edith Samuels, described inChapter Five . Sarah Levy was also involved in such efforts. Sarah and her two children joined her colonizer husband, Moe, in leaving the comfortable Party concentration in the Strawberry Mansion section to live in a nearby industrial town. She refers to the next three and a half years as "not the easiest times and, yet to me, personally, one of the best growing experiences—and I have never regretted it." (Moe's wry rejoinder was "She didn't have to work the blast furnaces.") There were only three Party families in the town, quite a difference from the thirty or forty Party friends they left behind in Strawberry Mansion. While Moe worked the furnaces and tried to develop contacts with plant workers, Sarah joined a folk dance group at the local "Y," where she got to know Greek, Yugoslav, Italian, and other immigrant women. Moe, limited in the plant to a small Party circle of colonizers and sympathizers, was able to socialize with the husbands of Sarah's folk dancing partners. Colonizers often ended up working with a local Party apparatus while their wives, working through neighborhood networks, reached into the community through its women, older people, and children. Asie Repice casually but proudly concluded about her work with a community center during the war years; "I am an organizer, so I organized a nursery." Her husband was in the service. Moving around to stay close to his base, she put her organizing abilities and political values to work. Such efforts remain an unwritten chapter in the history of radical organizing.^26 */functionaries/* Few district functionaries other than Sam Darcy achieved any national stature or had much leverage outside the district. Dave Davis, the business manager of UE Local 155 and an importantPhiladelphia-area labor leader, was often elected to the Party's national committee but never entered the inner decision-making group. Other district leaders—like Pat Toohey, Phil Bart, Phil Frankfeld, and Ed Strong—were D.O.s sent into the district and then moved out again to other assignments. Most district functionaries played dominant roles within the district committee and ran such important Party operations as the local Progressive Party and the Civil Rights Congress. They drew meager salaries, which were sometimes supplemented by Party-related employment. The Party network, at least during the late thirties and forties, could place members in some union jobs.^27 Possibly several dozen members depended on the Party for their livelihood in this way. */nonmembers/* One often encounters Communists who, for very specific reasons, were not formal Party members. One former Progressive Party leader never joined the Party but worked closely with district Communist leaders to map strategy and coordinate activity. Some union leaders stayed out of the Party to deny employers the red-baiting weapon, and a number dropped out after the Taft-Hartley Act made a union officer liable to prosecution for perjury if he lied about current Party membership.^28 */professionals/* Some professionals who joined the Party operated at a rank-and-file level, belonging to a professional branch or club, attending meetings, and fulfilling subscription quotas. Several recall being highly impressed with the other professionals they met at Party functions. But such members—often doctors, dentists, and architects—were on the margins of Party life. Many professionals, especially lawyers associated with Party causes, found membership problematic and chose not to formalize their relationships with the Party, though they might be members of a professional club. "I fought against loose tongues," one states."I never asked a soul whether they were Communists or not." Several left-wing attorneys stress that they did not want to be in a position to betray anyone or risk a perjury charge if questioned about their own affiliations and associations. The law in America is a conservative profession, and several Left lawyers paid a high price for their efforts.^29 Another consideration was that the Party sometimes pressured lawyers to use a particular legal strategy in Party-related cases, and such pressure was more effectively applied to members.^30 One attorney notes that the Party itself seemed ambivalent about requiring formal membership. A few district leaders pressured him to join, while others understood that it was not particularly useful or necessary. Some lawyers, whether members or not, found their services very much in demand. They were needed in labor negotiations, electoral activities, and civil rights and civil liberties cases. In the late forties and early fifties, Party-affiliated lawyers found it less easy than it had been to earn a living through Party-based clients, such as left-wing unions. Instead they were called upon to deal with the titanic task of defending Party members indicted under the Smith Act and other pieces of repressive legislation. Thanks to this demand, as one attorney suggests, they received special treatment from the district leadership. They mixed with labor leaders, politicians, judges, and, at times, the national Party leadership. Several had more contact with the non-Communist local authorities than district functionaries had. One left-wing attorney recalls that he had the luxury of criticizing Party policies and decisions, within limits, because "I was needed, I was special, a lawyer." More significant than membership was the degree of autonomy a member had, and this was based on his importance to the Party or his institutional leverage. A professional could get away with criticism of the Nazi-Soviet Pact that would not be tolerated from rank-and-filers or most cadres. A union leader could ignore Party instructions, aware that his own organization was his power base. A former Communist, George Charney, criticizes in his memoirsthe "left-wing aristocracy of labor that rarely mingled with the herd of party members or the middle functionaries."^31 Such trade-unions "influentials" often had contempt for functionaries and would go over their heads to top leadership. Those who entered the Party, at whatever level, in whatever role, operated within a well-defined organization and lived within a somewhat insular and often nurturing subculture that provided them with formal and informal relationships. These relationships eased the often lonely organizing work. One veteran unashamedly calls his fellow Communist organizers "the most dedicated, most selfless people in the struggle." Many would share Jessica Mitford's feelings: I had regarded joining the Party as one of the most important decisions of my adult life. I loved and admired the people in it, and was more than willing to accept the leadership of those far more experienced than I. Furthermore, the principle of democratic centralism seemed to me essential to the functioning of a revolutionary organization in a hostile world.^32 Any tendency to romanticize such activists must be tempered by an awareness of their mistakes, limitations, and weaknesses, and it is true that many non-Communists made similar commitments to organizing the oppressed and the weak. They too merit consideration. These Philadelphia veterans of the Communist Party are very human actors who worked on a particular historical stage. Some conclude that their years of effort never really brought any of their factory and shop constituents into the movement. Like Sol Davis, they admit that they were utter failures in that "cultural, political, and philosophical wasteland" of blue-collar America. Others share the pride, perhaps the arrogance, of one of Vivian Gornick's subjects: We're everywhere, everywhere. We/saved/this f--king country. We went to Spain, and because we did America understood fascism. We made Vietnam come to an end, we're in there inWatergate. We built the CIO, we got Roosevelt elected, we started black civil rights, we forced this sh-tty country into every piece of action and legislation it has ever taken. We did the dirty work and the Labor and Capital establishments got the rewards. The Party helped make democracy work.^33 The road from Spain to Watergate is a long one. Communists, euphoric at their prospects in the heyday of CIO sit-downs and Popular Front triumphs, later needed remarkable inner resources to sustain political activity. They sensed the first tremors from the purge trials, received a severe jolt from the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of 1939, and in the postwar years faced first political repression and then, more painfully, internal disintegration and demoralization. NEXT CHAPTER seven: problems and crises, 1939–1956 the founder of Black Lives Matter once described herself as a trained , like Obama, but I could only find this: On 10/17/22 10:32 someone wrote: Since many believe Obama is running the Marxist Biden administration We might want to look at a history of comnunist organizing, euphemistically called a community organizing */the communist as organizer/* In the period between the Great Crash and the McCarthy era the CPUSA was the most effective organizing agency within the American experience.^1
In this most politically stable of societies, radicals have usually battered their heads against the stone wall of affluence, rising expectations, and Democratic Party loyalty. Within the narrow space of agitation allowed by the political order, Communist Party activists built a small but influential organization devoted to organizing constituencies for social change. According to even the most unsympathetic accounts, Communist activists played important roles in organizing the unemployed, evicted tenants, minorities, and workers in a wide variety of fields. They were central in the emergence of the CIO and thus in the organizing of workers in heavy industry and mass production; they spearheaded the defense of the right of black people to equality before the law and social and economic opportunity; and they participated in virtually all of the nationalefforts to establish humane social services and eliminate hunger, disease, and neglect from our communities.^2
Many analysts question the motives of Communist Party activists, and there certainly is controversy about the extent of their organizing successes. Nevertheless, Communist organizing merits serious and objective consideration. For a period of approximately thirty years, Communist Party activists and organizers sought out constituents in the mines, plants, and neighborhoods of the United States. Other left-wing groups, such as the Socialist Party, the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party, and A. J. Muste's Workers Party, also deserve study, but the CPUSA offers students the best opportunity to examine the dynamics of organizing sponsored and directed by a radical political group.^3
The organizers under consideration came to political maturity during the 1930s, mostly in an era associated with the Popular Front, and remained within the Party until at least the mid-Fifties. Indeed, many remained active organizers and participants after leaving the organizational framework of the Communist Party. In the thirties and forties, they modified their Bolshevik rhetoric and participated in antifascist alliances, worked for modest short-term successes within the fledgling CIO, and provided support and manpower for a diverse group of radical and progressive political movements and leaders, including Democrats, Farmer-Laborites, the American Labor Party in New York, and Communist Party councilmen in New York City, all under an essentially New Deal banner.^4
Organizers operating in the greater Philadelphia district had important trade-union successes and played a key role in organizing unemployed councils, electoral efforts, tenant rights, and peace, professional lobbying, civil liberties, ethnically based, and neighborhood groups. For a period of approximately ten years, from 1936 to perhaps 1947, the Communist Party of Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware, District Three, played an important if modest role in the political life of the area, generating ideas, programs, and visions that later became the commonplaces of social policy. The Party offered its membership several roles. One could remain at the rank-and-file level, become a cadre, or rise to functionary. One could engage in mass work within one of the Party fronts or a non-Party organization (e.g., the YMCA) or one could become a "colonizer," engaging in industrial organizing at the beck and call of the Party. In addition, one could work within the professional section, providing the Party with such services as legal counsel.^5
*/rank and file/* At the lowest level of Party membership were the rank and file, the proverbial "Jimmy Higginses" who worked within Party clubs and branches, paid their dues, went to a variety of meetings, and joined the mass organizations and fronts, often focusing on a specific issue like Spain, civil rights, or Scottsboro. Such rank-and-filers were at the heart of everyday activities and what Gornick calls "grinding ordinariness."^6
There was an extraordinary turnover among such members, who often became weary of meetings,/Daily Worker/solicitations, and office chores. Many rank-and-filers began their activism while in college or sometimes high school. The Philadelphia high school movement was quite sizable, including ASU and YCL chapters in at least eight schools. High school activists ranged throughout the city, meeting radical peers, socializing, and developing their own circle of comrades. For those who entered college either already active or about to be radicalized, there was an almost dizzying flow of activities, including demonstrations, marches, sit-downs, leaflettings, fundraisers, dances, parties, socials, lectures, speeches—and meetings. Always, there were meetings, one for every night of the week, often more.^7
Enthusiastic, recently converted Communists, like their spiritual children in the 1960s, had unbounded energy for political work. Most speak of being aroused and inspired by their sense of the significance of their efforts, the quality of their comrades, and the grandeur and power of their movement. Abe Shapiro recalls being engrossed at one time in the following activities: formal YCL meetings, ASU leadership, a universityantiwar council (of which he was director), Spanish civil war relief efforts, a variety of antifascist activities, a student-run bookstore cooperative, and support work for assorted civil liberties and civil rights causes. Some activists found schoolwork boring under the circumstances and devoted all of their time to politics. A few became "colonizers." In most cases, however, Communist students completed their degree work, and if they dropped out of school, it was often for financial reasons. For most, the excitement of campus politics held their attention and their interest. Some found Party youth work a path toward leadership, becoming citywide or national ASU or YCL leaders. Others on leaving campus became YCL branch or section organizers in different parts of the district. Many who did not attend college did neighborhood work with the YCL, often focusing their mass organizational efforts through the American League for Peace and Democracy. To many youthful rank-and-filers, "the YCL became . . . Marxist-Leninist theory all mixed up with baseball, screwing, dancing, selling the/Daily Worker/, bullsh-tting, and living the American-Jewish street life."^8
Certainly the first flush of radicalism, the emotional high of purposeful activity, the sense of accomplishment and of sacrifice for the good of humanity, the work with fine and noble comrades, the love affairs with those sharing a common vision, the expectation that the future was indeed theirs, created a honeymoon effect for most young Communists. For some, the fad of radicalism passed upon graduation or thereabouts. Others simply maintained a regular but distant "fellow-traveling" role as they entered the work world. And many were disillusioned by the Party's dogmatism or the great purge trials, the attacks on Trotsky, or the Non-Aggression Pact of 1939. Others, including those interviewed, remained in the Party. The shortest stay was six years, and most remained loyal for twenty years or more. For all of those who stayed, the Party and its small subculture became their lives. Those working at the branch, club, and section levels were rarely on the Party payroll and had to find work to supportthemselves. For single people problems were few and life could be lived at a double-time pace, working hard all day and then organizing and holding meetings every night. Some young Communists drifted for a time after school, doing Party work but not settling into anything. Ben Green lived in Strawberry Mansion, a lower-middle- and working-class Jewish neighborhood filled with Party people at the time. He did some work with the American League Against War and Fascism, spoke on street corners occasionally, went to three to four meetings a week, and helped to start a union local of public employees at his Works Progress Administration (WPA) office. He remembers that the Party "made it a big thing" when he shifted from the YCL to adult membership, but he was still looking at his future with uncertainty. Upon completing high school, George Paine felt that "sports were gone" from his life except for an occasional neighborhood basketball game. He kept in touch but saw less of old non-Party buddies and did standard political work, "hustling the paper," going to meetings, demonstrating. Finally he decided to go to college, suspending but not ending his Party ties. One rank-and-filer was a skilled craftsman, "glad of the class I was born into." He belonged to a conservative craft union and limited his political work to mass work at the local YMCA. He never really got involved with a club or branch group but paid his dues, subscribed to the paper, and worked with comrades to move the "Y" in a more "progressive" direction. He was quite open about his views, which would eventually get him into trouble at his job: "I felt that since to me everything was so clear, they'd hug me." Tim Palen, a farmer and skilled craftsman who lived in a rural suburb of Philadelphia, worked with the Farmers Union. A Party rank-and-filer, he helped farmers get low-interest loans through the union and sympathetic banks. Palen never involved himself with Party affairs in the city, and the highest office he held was dues secretary of his section. Since the Communist Party did not formally label members according to their rank, it is not always clear who was a rank-and-filer and who was considered cadre. One former district leader defines cadres as the people in training for leadership, like officers in an army. The rank and file are, therefore, foot soldiers, less involved and more a part of their own neighborhood or plant, more likely to hold conventional jobs, and more subject to pressures from neighbors, family, and changing circumstances. Annie Kriegel, who analyzes the French Communist Party as a set of concentric circles, places fellow travelers who vote for the Party and read the Sunday Party press on the "outer circle" and "ordinary party members" in the "first circle."^9
Many observers describe such rank-and-filers as less "Bolshevik"—that is, more likely to break Party discipline in everyday activity and closer to the behavior and sensibilities of their non-Party peers. Harvey Klehr puts it, "Many party members received no training of any kind, attendance at party meetings was often spotty, and members frequently ignored or failed to carry out assigned tasks."^10
Almond presents esoteric and exoteric models to distinguish rank-and-filer from cadre, suggesting that the Party daily press directed itself to the relatively idealistic and naive external members, while the Comintern, Cominform, and internal Party journals spoke to insiders and sophisticated activists.^11
*/cadre/* The cadre has a "personal commitment." He or she is a "true Bolshevik," internally Communized, with an almost priestly function and sense of specialness. The cadre is a "professional revolutionary" along Leninist lines.^12
Philip Selznick adds that cadres are "deployable personnel," available to the Party at all times.^13
Some observers use "cadre" interchangeably with "functionary," while others distinguish them. I interpret "functionary" as a more administrative and executive role, usually carrying more authority and generally associated with top district and national leadership.^14
Cadres were field workers, organizers, sometimes on the payroll but often holding a non-Party job. Some more mobile cadres lefttheir own neighborhoods, but most worked at least within their home districts. (Functionaries, on the other hand, could be homegrown and district-bound or at the service of the national, even international, office.) Many studies exaggerate the distinction between inner core and outer rings because of their dependence on the abstractions of Party tracts. Almond, for example, claims that the "true Communist" was beyond any commitment to the Popular Front since he was presumably fully Bolshevized and aware of the duplicity and tactical nature of moderated rhetoric. Perhaps this is true of the national leadership, who had associations with Moscow, training at the Lenin School, and Comintern experience. At the district level, however, the patterns are not as clear and seem to be more sensitive to generational, class, and ethnic variables.^15
Among informants, the word "cadre" connoted "hard-working," "brave," "dogged," and "honorable"—someone who followed a Leninist model of behavior; "functionary," on the other hand, was often used negatively to imply that someone was "bureaucratic," "aloof," "abstract," and "remote.webp from struggle"—in brief, the Stalinist/apparatchik/. Neither necessarily belonged to an inner core. Fred Garst tells of the "process of indoctrination" he underwent as he entered into Party life, beginning with "the regularity of systematic participation"—dues, meetings, selling Party literature. He says that the number of meetings began slowly to escalate to three, sometimes five a week: section and subsection meetings, executive meetings, front meetings. Next, Garst was asked to lead a discussion, then to take responsibility for organizing the distribution of literature. He started taking classes at a local Workers School in Marxist theory and labor history. His commitment grew, his experience deepened, and he soon became a section leader. Some Philadelphia Communists moved from rank-and-file to cadre roles during important political campaigns like theProgressive Party efforts of 1947–1948. One woman had been serving in a minor capacity—"not anything earth-shattering"—but was swept up by what Wallace referred to as "Gideon's Army." She became a full-time Progressive Party organizer at a district level, her "first real organizing"; from that point on, she was fully involved in Party work at a variety of levels. Some cadres emphasized front and mass work, serving as leaders of IWO ethnic groups, youth groups, and defense groups. Such cadres were particularly likely to operate clandestinely, although many communicated their affilitation all but formally to constituents. Cadres can be distinguished by their level of operation (club, branch, section, or district), by their funding (on the payroll or holding a regular job), by their relative mobility and willingness to do political work outside their own milieu, and, finally, by the type of organizing they did (mass or front work, electoral party work, industrial organizing). The most prestigious cadres were those who did full-time industrial organizing at the will of the Party leadership. Such organizers, whether of working-class origins or not and whether indigenous or colonizers, were the heart of Party operations, seeking to develop a proletarian constituency and a trade-union base. /ny tisa/ ny Tisa's history shows what an experienced organizer could accomplish. Tisa, a second-generation son of illiterate, working-class peasants, went to work at the Campbell's Soup plant in his own South Camden "Little Italy" after completing high school in the early 1930s. While working summers at the plant, he had been stimulated by street-corner radical speakers and had joined the Socialist Party, which had a presence at Campbell's Soup. The Socialists sent him to Brookwood Labor College, where he met young Communists who impressed him with their earnestness and apparent lack of factionalism, a problem he encountered among the Socialists. He returned to help organize the plant, starting with a small group of about a half-dozen Italian workers, none of themCommunists, whom he molded through a discussion group. His group received a federal charter from the American Federation of Labor and began to develop an underground, dues-paying membership. Tisa tells of frustrating experiences within the conservative AFL. At the 1939 convention in Tampa, for example, he found himself accidently strolling into a local walk-out of Del Monte workers, just as the police were arresting the leader. He spoke to thery workers and was himself threatened with arrest. The workers exclaimed, "You got Bo [the arrested leader] but you're not gonna get him," and made a ring to escort Tisa to a streetcar. That evening, at his suggestion, there was a union meeting, packed and excited. When Tisa tried to speak about this remarkable experience at the AFL convention, he was refused the floor. Finally he simply took over the podium and microphone. Later that day, he met with other militants, including Communists, to organize the ClO-affiliated Food, Tobacco and Agricultural Workers Union. He took a detour, however, as events in Spain captured his energies and idealism. Tisa served two years in Spain with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, gaining "a sense of internationalism that never escapes you." On his return, he immediately set out to organize Campbell's Soup. At the time Tisa began to organize it, Campbell's Soup employed about 5,500 full-time workers, with another 5,000 part-timers who came in during the heavy season. At least half the workers were of Italian descent; there were few blacks until the late 1940s. About half the work force was female. There was a sexual division of labor based on physical strength. Tisa's organizing group consisted of eleven or twelve key workers, all leftists, mostly Italian. None were "colonizers." All were indigenous workers who, under Tisa's leadership, planned the unionization of Campbell's. Tisa recalls that the group would often go crabbing and then return to his home to eat, drink, and talk strategy. Tisa was the only member of the group on the national union's payroll; he made a bare ten or fifteen dollars a week. The organizers distributed themselves through the plant, reaching out to obvious sympathizers and picking up useful information that they would relay to Tisa, who could not enter the plant. He would take names and visit workers in their homes, signing them up so that the union could hold a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election. He would also cull information about working conditions from his organizers and publish it in a union bulletin that they distributed clandestinely, each carrying five to ten copies. As their numbers increased, they became bolder and distributed the much discussed bulletin openly. Campbell's Soup had Tisa arrested once, but when he was released, many workers came to greet him. He assured them that the law permitted them to organize a union. The company tried many tactics to block his efforts: they started a company union; they charged that he was a "Red" and had raped nuns and killed priests in Spain. But Tisa lived in an Italian neighborhood among plant workers and had a mother who had worked in the plant for many years (cheering his speeches, often at the wrong times, he wryly and lovingly notes); he could not be red-baited easily. He was an open Communist; his neighbors would say, "ny's a Communist, but he's all right." Despite the real barrier of the workers'traditional Catholicism, he produced traditional trade-union benefits for members and was popular enough locally, a neighbor, to remain in leadership until the CIO purges of the late forties and early fifties finally forced him out. Tisa's experience highlights the importance of developing indigenous personnel in organizing activity. His efforts were certainly bolstered by support from the national union, by Communist Party training and aid, and by the relative benevolence of the federal government as expressed through the new NLRB. Yet the presence of local activists, something the Communist Party sought but did not often achieve, invariably made the task of organizing a plant or neighborhood that much easier. Other organizers performed similar roles without formally entering the Party, preferring to remain independent although generally taking positions consistent with Party policy. /jack ryan/ Jack Ryan's old man was "a union man," later a foreman, a local Democratic politician, and a bootlegger. As a teen-ager, and a high school drop-out, Ryan ran poker and crap games in the neighborhood with a group of friends, some of whom wound up in prison. He worked sporadically as a roofer, during which time he was influenced by a socialist "who couldn't read or write until he was twenty-three." His father finally got him a job at a local plant, where he worked as a crane operator in the early Depression years until he was laid off in 1931. Over the next two years, he tried a small store and "managed to hang on," selling water ice and running crap games. In 1933 he went back to the plant just at the point when the local union was being formed. Ryan recalls that he was "sworn in in an elevator with the lights out in between the floors." Despite his emerging radical politics, Ryan remained on the margins at first. "I deliberately didn't get active," he says, indicating that life seemed too unpredictable to take chances. In fact, he entered into a real-estate business on the side, and it eventually provided him with the cushion that allowed him to become more active within the plant. Initially he ran for the general committee, backed by the other crane operators because of his successful grievance work. Still cautious ("I kept my mouth shut," he notes), Ryan went along with the conservative local leadership while maintaining contact with the plant militants, several of whom were old Wobblies suspicious of any Communist Party leadership. Ryan worked primarily through his own crane operators' network within the plant. He played the trade-offs in union posts among the plant's crafts to become local president, an unpaid post, and finally business representative, the only salaried position within the local. Ryanremained close to the Party but never joined. "I was more radical than they were," he brags. He criticizes their twists and turns and suggests that "in the end you can't trust any of them" because of "the goddamn line." He adds that the/Daily Worker/was "written for a bunch of morons." On the other hand, Ryan admits that Party union members were often competent and successful organizers and that he agreed with most of their Popular Front stances, particularly their antifascism. On the Soviets, he says that he did not spend too much time thinking about them, but adds, "I don't blame them for having a treaty with the Germans." Ryan is clearly concerned with the practical issues of trade unionism. In describing one of his national officers, he exclaims, "A dedicated Communist but a helluva guy." He praises L. Lewis's efforts at industrial unionization: "him and the Commies put together the CIO; they were the smartest crowd." So Jack Ryan worked with but kept some distance from "the Commies": "they were a little bit nutty." His union was one of those expelled from the CIO in the late forties, and he remains bitter about the Party's role in the union's decline. He remained active, holding union office on and off until his retirement. Ryan proudly concludes that he was placed on Social Security while on strike for the last time in the early seventies. ny Tisa and Jack Ryan were working-class organizers, with roots in their ethnic communities, able to establish a rapport with their peers and, at the same time, develop more sophisticated skills within a broader and more ideological movement in or around the Communist Party. Their failures were mostly exogenous, the results of Taft-Hartley oaths, CIO purges, and McCarthyism in general. Others operated in less favorable terrain, without the decided advantages of an indigenous, working-class background. The most characteristic Party labor organizer was a young, educated, second-generation Jewish-American sent to "dig roots into the working-class." The efforts of such organizers were prodigious; their accomplishments, however, were more problematic. /al schwartz/ Al Schwartz's father was a 1905er, a Party organizer in the garment industry who had to open a small shop after he was blacklisted. Al, a classic "red-diaper baby," went through all of the Party developmental steps, from Young Pioneers through YCL to full Party involvement. Most of all he wanted to be a radical journalist. For a few years he was able to work on the Pennsylvania supplement to the/Worker/, but when it folded, his journalism career seemed over. Over the next half-dozen years, Schwartz, now in his late twenties, went into the shops as a "colonizer." He remembers the sense of adventure and mission he felt working at a few of the larger heavy industrial plants in the area. Yet he also speaks of his sense of loss and defeat in having to aban hopes of writing. Schwartz's response to colonizing was painfully ambivalent: a college graduate and a Jew, born and bred within the Yiddish-Left subculture, he both relished the contact with blue-collar workers and remained distant from them. They were not like him, he stresses; they were mired in back-breaking labor, poor educations, and plebian forms of leisure. For a time he enjoyed the camaraderie of the local taverns, but ultimately he was an outsider, a Jewish family man and a struggling intellectual. Schwartz most fondly recalls the hardness and fitness of his body, the feeling that he was young and strong and physically a worker. But the successes were few, and later the McCarthy period made such Party efforts even more marginal. Schwartz found himself a family man in his mid-thirties without a career or a profession; frustrated and drifting out of Party life without drama or flourish, he moved to reorganize his life. His political values held, but his colonizing days were over. /sol davis/ Sol Davis grew up in a poor, working-class, immigrant household. He was a bright young boy, and like many other upwardly aspiring Jewish males, he flourished at the elite Central High School andbegan moving toward a professional career. At this point, in the early years of the Depression, he was swept off his feet, as he puts it, by the Communist Party. After completing his schooling, he worked lackadaisically at his profession while seeking an opportunity to go into the shops as a Communist Party organizer; he was "determined to be shop worker." His first attempts allowed him to learn something about machinery, although in each instance he was fired for his inexperience and incompetence. Finally he caught on. "I was in my element," he asserts, describing the war years in heavy industry. For Davis, the good organizer had to have a commitment to "the principles of Communism," "a talent for leadership," and a willingness to listen. A confident speaker, whose words are clipped and terse, he worked twenty-nine years in the shops, twenty-six of them at one plant. Located within the city, the plant was staffed mostly by Catholic workers (Polish or Irish), initially few blacks, and even fewer Jews. Davis's recollections are filled with bitter refrains about red-baiting and "turn-coat ex-CPers," sell-outs and "social democrats." He is proud of his successes, which include chairing the grievance committee and serving as shop steward during most of his union years. Davis presents his life as devoted to organizing in the shops; he never got involved in his neighborhood and tended to leave Party electoral work to others. A hard-line orthodox Communist still, Davis argues that those who abandoned the Party were "petty-bourgeois with petty-bourgeois ideas," whereas he "was nursed out of the trade-union movement." In the fifties, he admits, "life became unpleasant," both in his largely Jewish lower-middle-class neighborhood and in the shop, where "a certain resistance developed to my activity" among people he calls anti-Communist socialists. Davis believes that most American workers have been bought off in "discrete and discernible fashion" by imperialist profits, manipulated by the mass media, and blinded by nationalism, religion, and racism. After spending almost thirty years in theindustrial heartland, Davis remains "dedicated to an idea," an "unquestioned belief" in communism. Yet when asked about his ability to convert workers to class consciousness, a saddened Sol Davis replies, "Never—the shop was a desert for me." He did not convert a single worker and was "in that respect an utter failure." The shops, to the stoical Davis, were "a cultural, political, and philosophical wasteland despite having made so many friends." Sol Davis has kept the faith since he was "baptized" in the movement; his singular lack of organizing success rests, in his mind, on factors beyond his control—repression, cowardice, self-interest. He is a confident man. / caldwell/ Other colonizers had more mixed results. Caldwell, a college graduate with a middle-class WASP heritage, recalls that in his initial colonizing effort, "I wasn't very smart and made a lot of stupid mistakes—talked to people, became known as a troublemaker." He was fired. Fortunately for Caldwell, his firing made him a "celebrated case," and the predominantly Irish and Italian Catholic workers, and even the conservative union officials, rallied to his support. Caldwell says that whereas other Party organizers had their best contact in their own departments, he touched bases throughout the plant and often socialized at the local bar to maintain and develop relationships. "A fair number knew I was a Communist," he says. "I never denied it." But most did not. In most plants to admit membership in the Party meant probable firing and certain harassment. For organizers like Caldwell, discretion was the rule. His efforts paid off against the union's local establishment. The national, a left-wing union, sent in an organizer to help fashion a local coalition to defeat the established group, and Caldwell worked with him as elections chairman. The progressive slate was successful. Caldwell, a leader of a left-wing veterans' group, participated in the 1946 strike surge. When mounted police chased people ontoporches in Southwest Philadelphia to break up injunction-defying demonstrations, the local CIO was able to bring out 25,000 workers to protest against police brutality in front of City Hall. But such Popular Front-style unified efforts were shattered by the developing Cold War consensus, which began to drive radicals, particularly Party members, out of the unions. Caldwell shifted jobs in this period, finally taking a full-time organizing job in a nearby industrial town. The plant had some IWO members and a few Party members, but no organization. Caldwell, who observes that "it really became difficult after the Korean War" started, found some success in putting out a small paper and handing it out at the main gates. He worked to develop contacts mainly by distributing the Party paper, first for free, then by subscription. Caldwell remembers proudly that he won a district drive with eighty subscriptions in his area. Gains were modest: a Hungarian sympathizer sent him two black shop stewards; then a few Irish Catholics made contact. Caldwell recalls going into Philadelphia to see prize fights with the latter workers, mixing pleasure with discussions of possible articles about their area for the Party press. But the times wrecked any chance Caldwell had of developing a Party group. The FBI scared off possible sympathizers; he was arrested for circulating antiwar petitions, and the venture finally ended in the heyday of the McCarthy period when Caldwell was sent to join the Party's underground. Caldwell and Al Schwartz experienced the ebb of the progressive union movement in the late forties and early fifties. Most Party labor organizers and colonizers, however, joined the fray during the extraordinary upsurge of the late thirties that established industrial unionism through the CIO. /milt goldberg/ Milt Goldberg, despite winning a Mayor's Scholarship, was unable to continue his education after graduating from Central High School. Instead, he scratched to make a living at odd jobs, gradually becoming interested in radical politics. While he wasworking a pre-Christmas job at Sears, the department store warehousemen went out on strike. Clerks refused to cross the picket lines. Goldberg recalls that the increasingly anxious owners persuaded the clerks to return to work with promises of improved conditions and wage increases that were never fulfilled; meanwhile, the warehousemen settled. In the aftermath, the strike leaders were all fired. Goldberg says that many of them were Communists and that he began to notice how often that was the case: "I respected the Party people; they were able, talented people." Goldberg became an organizer for a white-collar union dominated by mobsters who made deals with management at the expense of the membership. He describes his early efforts as "naive, inexperienced." Goldberg played a key role in leading his membership out of the corrupt union into a new CIO local, whose Philadelphia office staff was dominated by Party organizers. In those days, the late thirties, the era of sit-downs and a crescendo of collective bargaining agreements, organizing was remarkably fluid. Goldberg says that charters were granted easily and with little need for substantiation or the apparatus of negotiation soon to appear under the NLRB. In those days, he asserts with some nostalgia, one could go in and organize a place in one or two days, present demands to the employer, and make a deal. Such rapid victories were, of course, exceptions; Goldberg also recalls the often brutal resistance of management, particularly in heavy industry. After serving in the war, Goldberg returned to his union efforts, despite family advice that he try something more prestigious and lucrative. The union was his life, so he stayed. He never formally rejoined the Party, although he remained in close contact. The Taft-Harley anti-Communist oath soon reinforced this decision. Nevertheless, Goldberg and his small union were red-baited and constantly under McCarthyite attack. How did he survive? Goldberg argues that he "was very close to the membership" and had solid support from his fellow leaders. He emphasizes that the union provided real benefits and servicesto membership and sustained their loyalty despite the attacks. In addition, he notes that by this time the small union did not have a Party group, only him. One of the more damaging policies of Party-dominated unions was what Goldberg calls "the resolution bit"—the passing of Party-sponsored resolutions on every issue from Scottsboro to Spain. Too many left-wing unions manipulated such resolutions without making any effort to educate the membership; all that mattered was that local such-and-such of the so-and-so workers sent a resolution attacking Franco's dictatorship in Spain. Goldberg dropped such tactics in the postwar period, instead working with his local's officers and servicing the practical needs of the membership. By the mid-fifties, still a socialist, Milt Goldberg had become estranged from the Communist Party. As is true of most arts, the qualities that make for a successful organizer are uncertain and descriptions are inevitably cliche-ridden. As the experiences of ny Tisa and Jack Ryan indicate, having roots in the work force being organized gives one a decided advantage. But the Party could use only the troops it had available, and these were for the most part educated, urban, Jewish Americans, most of whom had no experience in the heavy industries that were their "colonies." Most of them experienced frustration; one cadre estimates that 95 percent of all Party colonizers failed. Too often colonizers were unable to operate in a sea of Gentile proletarians. Fred Garst, stillry at the Party for its insensitivity to context, charges that "the Left didn't have any organizing skills." But some organizers, remarkably, succeeded. /ike samuels/ Ike Samuels still speaks with an accent that reveals the years he spent in Eastern Europe before his mother, taking the remains of the family silver, arrived in the United States. No red-diaper baby, Samuels describes his youth as "street-wise" and his ambition as making it in America. Like many others, however, "the whole thing burst into flame" when the Depression forced him to dropout of school and hunger marches, bonus marches, and unemployed council protests acted on his emerging social conscience. Soon he was moving toward the Party and engaging in union organizing. Samuels, a gruff, self-deprecating man who often refers to his "big mouth," rose to leadership within a small craft union and served on the city CIO council. His CIO union was dominated by a Popular Front coalition of the Party and a progressive Catholic group. The union president, a leader of the latter, was incompetent; on several occasions Samuels had to bail him out of collective-bargaining disasters. Finally the Catholic faction and the Party faction sought to replace the president with Samuels. The national Party leadership, however, afraid of upsetting the delicate coalition, said no. Samuels recalls that he "didn't even question" the decision, but he was frustrated and soon left the union to become an organizer for a larger, industrial union. Samuels agrees with Milt Goldberg that it was relatively easy to be a good organizer in that period. Labor was in an upswing, workers were clamoring to be organized, NLRB cards were easy to accumulate. In heavy industry, Samuels stresses, the key was to seek out the pockets of old radical workers—not colonizers, he emphasizes—who had broken down the old ethnic barriers. Many such organizers were members of the IWO foreign-language federations. Next, one needed the "pie-cards," the full-time organizers supplied by the CIO itself, many of whom were veteran radicals. Along with and sometimes among the pie-cards were the younger Communists going into the shops, supported by a growing and confident Party organization. A "highly developed structure," Samuels recalls, was essential to organizing success. One had to develop shop committees and day-to-day contacts in each department. The sense of strength provided by the union itself and, crucially, by its CIO sponsor, allowed workers to imagine that the employers could be successfully challenged. In the automobile, steel, rubber, mining, and electrical equipment industries, workers facedmammoth corporations willing to use any means necessary to throw back the unionist surge. The New Deal, by encouraging a more neutral judiciary and law enforcement role, made it easier for the coordinated CIO drives to gain concessions from corporate heads. Samuels suggests that the workers, some of whom had backed decades of unsuccessful rank-and-file efforts, needed the sense that they were a part of a powerful coalition. L. Lewis appealed to this sense when he proclaimed, "The President want you to join a union." Such a coalition advanced unionization at the same time that it necessitated concessions and strictures that limited the leverage of the newly legitimized unions.^16
Samuels argues that it was imperative for organizers to have knowledge of their industries. He deliberately worked in a craft shop to learn the trade and later carefully studied one heavy industry before going out to organize its workers. He was not typical. Hodee Edwards, a thirties organizer, stresses "our consistent failure to investigate the neighborhoods and factories where we tried to work, thus applying a generalized, sectarian plan usually incomprehensible to those we wanted to reach."^17
And Sam Katz suggests that the Party did not always recognize the tension between the leadership and the activist/organizer over the pace and nature of organizing. The functionaries often pushed for the most advanced positions, including the "resolutions bit," whereas the organizers focused on the issues that confronted their constituents. Conflict was inevitable between broad policy and local needs and variations, and between policy planners and functionaries and field organizers and the rank and file. It is clear that the Communist Party suffered chronically from top-heavy decision making, which often left local organizers and members with policy directives that made little sense in local circumstances. In addition to organizational strength and preparation, Samuels feels that leadership ability and, at times, personal courage must be demonstrated. On several occasions he had to take risks or lose the confidence of his membership. In one local the workers affectionately referred to him as "R.R.J.B.," Red Russian JewBastard. He tells of organizing workers in a small Georgia company town. Fifteen hundred were on strike, and the patriarchal owners were negotiating only under pressure from the NLRB. They were stalling, however, so Samuels called on the work force to increase the pressure by massing outside the building where the negotiations were taking place. The next day, in the midst of bargaining, Samuels noticed the face of the company's attorney turning an ash white as he glanced out the window. What he saw were about three hundred workers marching toward the building carrying a rope; lynching was on their agenda. Samuels went out and calmed them down, "modified" their demands, and then wrapped up negotiations. His early organizing days also included maritime struggles with gangster elements who were not beyond "bumping off" militants. Samuels implies that the Left elements fought back, sometimes resorting to their own brand of physical intimidation.^18
Peggy Dennis describes the Bolshevik ideal as "soldiers in a revolutionary army at permanent war with a powerful class enemy." And "in permanent war, doubts or questions are treason."^19
Yet as Joseph Starobin asks, "How could the Leninist equilibrium be sustained in a country so different from Lenin's?"^20
In fact, it was sustained unevenly and at a price. In a society with a tradition of civil liberties (albeit inconsistently applied and occasionally suspended in moments of stress) and a remarkably resilient political democracy, the Leninist model, hardened and distorted by Stalinism, mixed uncomfortably with American realities.^21
At its best the Leninist ideal encouraged the incredible levels of hard work and perseverance that even critics of Communism grant to its cadres; it also evoked such personal qualities as integrity, courage, honesty, and militancy. Yet the ideal seemed to degenerate too easily into a model of behavior appropriately labeled Stalinist. Communist cadres accepted deceptive tactics and strategies that inevitably backfired and undermined theirintegrity and reputations—for example, the front groups that "flip-flopped" at Party command after years of denying Party domination. The intolerance and viciousness with which Communists often attacked adversaries, including liberals, socialists, and their own heretics, remains inexcusable.^22
As organizers, Communist activists suffered from a tendency toward a special kind of elitism that often made them incapable of working with diverse groups sharing common goals. In some periods they turned this streak of inhumanity against themselves, engaging in ugly campaigns of smear and character assassination to eliminate "Titoists," "Browderites," "revisionists," "left-wing adventurists," or "white chauvinists." Moreover, the secrecy within which Communists often operated, while sometimes justified by the danger of job loss or prosecution, served to undermine the Party's moral legitimacy. An organizer's relationship with his constituents depends on their belief in his integrity, and this is especially true when the organizer is an outsider. Too often, Communists undermined their own integrity by covering manipulative and cynical acts with the quite plausible explanation that survival required secrecy. The tendency of Communists to resort to First and Fifth Amendment protection during the McCarthy period falls under similar challenges. As Joseph Starobin asks: Should left-wingers and Communists have gone to jail in large numbers? Might they have been better off/politically/, in terms of their/image/, to assert their affiliations, to proclaim them instead of asserting their right to keep them private, to explain the issues as they saw them, and to take the consequences?^23
Communist activists certainly did not lack courage or commitment to a protracted struggle. Many risked prison, and some served prison sentences; perhaps as many as one-third of the cadres painfully accepted assignments to go underground in the early fifties. Their Leninism had to navigate contradictory currents of Stalinism and Americanization, militancy and opportunism. Local Communist activists often lived a somewhat schizophrenic life, alternately internationalist and indigenous, Bolshevik and "progressive," admiring the Leninist model of cadre and yet falling into more settled, familial patterns of activism. There was a clear if often ignored sexual division of labor: men were more likely to be the cadres, women performed auxiliary clerical functions and unnoticed but essential neighborhood organizing. The Party was also divided between theorists and intellectuals on the one hand and field workers and activists on the other. As one field worker proclaimed, "I couldn't be spending hours on ideological conflicts; I'm an activist, not an intellectual." Many agree that the bulk of an organizer's time went into local actions and much less went into discussions and considerations of important theoretical or programmatic matters.^24
Only a small proportion received the type of ideological and intellectual training suggested by the Leninist ideal, an ideal that formally sought the obliteration of the distinctions between thought and action, intellectual and activist. In fact, Party intellectuals faced chronic and ingrained suspicion, even contempt, from Party leaders. Abe Shapiro sardonically charges that the function of Party intellectuals was "to sell the/Daily Worker/at the waterfront." He remembers checking on a new Party document on the economy: "I actually read the document. I wanted to know what the Hell it was." He found it infantile and far below what well-trained but never used Party intellectuals and social scientists could have produced. The Party rarely, except for showcase purposes, relied on its trained intellectual or academic members; instead, it called on Party functionaries, often of very narrow training, to write about complex sociological, economic, and scientific matters. Theory suffered as a result, and the Party, particularly after 1939, included very few intellectuals. Until the mid-fifties crisis, the Party, strangled by Stalinist dogma and intolerance, was closed to intellectual discourse. Abe Shapiro finally left the Party because his intellectual training hadgiven him a commitment to intellectual honesty that he could not shake. Among organizers, Party arrogance cut off messages from the grass roots. Orders from what one veteran calls "the Cave of Winds"—Party headquarters in New York—often contradicted practical organizing experience. The Party also suffered from insularity. Mark Greenly brought interested fellow workers to a Party-dominated union meeting. They were curious and "antiboss" but quite unsophisticated and not at all ready to make any commitments. Unfortunately, the Party organizer immediately started to discuss class struggle and a variety of abstract political matters. The workers were quickly alienated and frightened away, never to return. Ethel Paine recalls such "inappropriate behavior" as the sectarian conversations Party people would carry on in the presence of non-Communist acquaintances and neighbors. Although chronically secretive about membership, Communists could be remarkably insensitive to their audience in revealing ways. A successful organizer learned when and how to introduce more controversial ideas to nonmembers. Training, including the Party schools, helped to some extent, but most Communists agree with the veteran organizer who feels that such learning has to be done on the job, by trial and error. Many Communists, like Sam Katz and Caldwell, tell painful if sometimes hilarious tales of their own and others' ineptitude as beginning organizers. Some discovered that they simply were not suited for the job and would never develop the personal qualities that make for a competent organizer. Several veterans insist that organizers are born, not made. Yet relatively introverted and socially awkward young people, inspired by the idealism and the comradeship of the Communist movement, did transform themselves into effective organizers. Vivian Gornick points out that such transformations did not always survive the collapse of association with the Party.^25
I did not, however, discover total or near total personality changes caused either by joining or abandoning the Party. Although most of the literature about radical organizers deals with men, it is increasingly apparent that some of the mostsignificant and consistently ignored organizing within the Communist Party involved women. The ten women interviewed performed a rich variety of Party tasks, but perhaps the most important were those not officially designated, like the informal neighborhood activities organized by Edith Samuels, described inChapter Five . Sarah Levy was also involved in such efforts. Sarah and her two children joined her colonizer husband, Moe, in leaving the comfortable Party concentration in the Strawberry Mansion section to live in a nearby industrial town. She refers to the next three and a half years as "not the easiest times and, yet to me, personally, one of the best growing experiences—and I have never regretted it." (Moe's wry rejoinder was "She didn't have to work the blast furnaces.") There were only three Party families in the town, quite a difference from the thirty or forty Party friends they left behind in Strawberry Mansion. While Moe worked the furnaces and tried to develop contacts with plant workers, Sarah joined a folk dance group at the local "Y," where she got to know Greek, Yugoslav, Italian, and other immigrant women. Moe, limited in the plant to a small Party circle of colonizers and sympathizers, was able to socialize with the husbands of Sarah's folk dancing partners. Colonizers often ended up working with a local Party apparatus while their wives, working through neighborhood networks, reached into the community through its women, older people, and children. Asie Repice casually but proudly concluded about her work with a community center during the war years; "I am an organizer, so I organized a nursery." Her husband was in the service. Moving around to stay close to his base, she put her organizing abilities and political values to work. Such efforts remain an unwritten chapter in the history of radical organizing.^26
*/functionaries/* Few district functionaries other than Sam Darcy achieved any national stature or had much leverage outside the district. Dave Davis, the business manager of UE Local 155 and an importantPhiladelphia-area labor leader, was often elected to the Party's national committee but never entered the inner decision-making group. Other district leaders—like Pat Toohey, Phil Bart, Phil Frankfeld, and Ed Strong—were D.O.s sent into the district and then moved out again to other assignments. Most district functionaries played dominant roles within the district committee and ran such important Party operations as the local Progressive Party and the Civil Rights Congress. They drew meager salaries, which were sometimes supplemented by Party-related employment. The Party network, at least during the late thirties and forties, could place members in some union jobs.^27
Possibly several dozen members depended on the Party for their livelihood in this way. */nonmembers/* One often encounters Communists who, for very specific reasons, were not formal Party members. One former Progressive Party leader never joined the Party but worked closely with district Communist leaders to map strategy and coordinate activity. Some union leaders stayed out of the Party to deny employers the red-baiting weapon, and a number dropped out after the Taft-Hartley Act made a union officer liable to prosecution for perjury if he lied about current Party membership.^28
*/professionals/* Some professionals who joined the Party operated at a rank-and-file level, belonging to a professional branch or club, attending meetings, and fulfilling subscription quotas. Several recall being highly impressed with the other professionals they met at Party functions. But such members—often doctors, dentists, and architects—were on the margins of Party life. Many professionals, especially lawyers associated with Party causes, found membership problematic and chose not to formalize their relationships with the Party, though they might be members of a professional club. "I fought against loose tongues," one states."I never asked a soul whether they were Communists or not." Several left-wing attorneys stress that they did not want to be in a position to betray anyone or risk a perjury charge if questioned about their own affiliations and associations. The law in America is a conservative profession, and several Left lawyers paid a high price for their efforts.^29
Another consideration was that the Party sometimes pressured lawyers to use a particular legal strategy in Party-related cases, and such pressure was more effectively applied to members.^30
One attorney notes that the Party itself seemed ambivalent about requiring formal membership. A few district leaders pressured him to join, while others understood that it was not particularly useful or necessary. Some lawyers, whether members or not, found their services very much in demand. They were needed in labor negotiations, electoral activities, and civil rights and civil liberties cases. In the late forties and early fifties, Party-affiliated lawyers found it less easy than it had been to earn a living through Party-based clients, such as left-wing unions. Instead they were called upon to deal with the titanic task of defending Party members indicted under the Smith Act and other pieces of repressive legislation. Thanks to this demand, as one attorney suggests, they received special treatment from the district leadership. They mixed with labor leaders, politicians, judges, and, at times, the national Party leadership. Several had more contact with the non-Communist local authorities than district functionaries had. One left-wing attorney recalls that he had the luxury of criticizing Party policies and decisions, within limits, because "I was needed, I was special, a lawyer." More significant than membership was the degree of autonomy a member had, and this was based on his importance to the Party or his institutional leverage. A professional could get away with criticism of the Nazi-Soviet Pact that would not be tolerated from rank-and-filers or most cadres. A union leader could ignore Party instructions, aware that his own organization was his power base. A former Communist, George Charney, criticizes in his memoirsthe "left-wing aristocracy of labor that rarely mingled with the herd of party members or the middle functionaries."^31
Such trade-unions "influentials" often had contempt for functionaries and would go over their heads to top leadership. Those who entered the Party, at whatever level, in whatever role, operated within a well-defined organization and lived within a somewhat insular and often nurturing subculture that provided them with formal and informal relationships. These relationships eased the often lonely organizing work. One veteran unashamedly calls his fellow Communist organizers "the most dedicated, most selfless people in the struggle." Many would share Jessica Mitford's feelings: I had regarded joining the Party as one of the most important decisions of my adult life. I loved and admired the people in it, and was more than willing to accept the leadership of those far more experienced than I. Furthermore, the principle of democratic centralism seemed to me essential to the functioning of a revolutionary organization in a hostile world.^32
Any tendency to romanticize such activists must be tempered by an awareness of their mistakes, limitations, and weaknesses, and it is true that many non-Communists made similar commitments to organizing the oppressed and the weak. They too merit consideration. These Philadelphia veterans of the Communist Party are very human actors who worked on a particular historical stage. Some conclude that their years of effort never really brought any of their factory and shop constituents into the movement. Like Sol Davis, they admit that they were utter failures in that "cultural, political, and philosophical wasteland" of blue-collar America. Others share the pride, perhaps the arrogance, of one of Vivian Gornick's subjects: We're everywhere, everywhere. We/saved/this f--king country. We went to Spain, and because we did America understood fascism. We made Vietnam come to an end, we're in there inWatergate. We built the CIO, we got Roosevelt elected, we started black civil rights, we forced this sh-tty country into every piece of action and legislation it has ever taken. We did the dirty work and the Labor and Capital establishments got the rewards. The Party helped make democracy work.^33
The road from Spain to Watergate is a long one. Communists, euphoric at their prospects in the heyday of CIO sit-downs and Popular Front triumphs, later needed remarkable inner resources to sustain political activity. They sensed the first tremors from the purge trials, received a severe jolt from the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of 1939, and in the postwar years faced first political repression and then, more painfully, internal disintegration and demoralization. NEXT CHAPTER seven: problems and crises, 1939–1956 the Q psyopby don - 2022-10-18 ( education / research ) [html version] mike adamsby don - 2022-10-18 ( education / research ) [html version]good info on vax corruption World Banksters and How They Operateby doug - 2022-10-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Fascinating discussion. Don't miss anything to the end Kanye West Has Stirred Up a Hornets Nestby doug - 2022-10-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Great talk about 1st Amendment and the very sneaky anti-Jewish laws. Don't miss it. Pharmaceutical Companiesby jordan roberts - 2022-10-20 ( education / research ) [html version]Pfizer boss Albert Bourla backs down completely and now maintains that the "mRNA vaccine" technology was not sufficiently proven when they launched the covid one. He says they "convinced him" but he wasn't sure. YOU ARE RECOGNIZING THAT IT IS NOT SAFE "-///"-They know they are going to kill and injure thousands of children but they need to do it to get immunity from prosecution CDC is trying to quietly include a vote to add the mRNA C=E2=80=A219 vaccine to the annual childhood immunization schedule. This vote takes place in 2 days on October 19th. Here's why this matters: The CDC will vote Thursday to permanently shield Pfizer and Moderna from covid vaccine injury liability The end game is near. A CDC committee will convene this week and likely vote Thursday to deliver permanent legal indemnity to Pfizer and Moderna, through the process of adding the drug companies' mRNA injections to the child and adolescent immunization schedules. By adding the shots to the childhood schedule, the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will transfer liability for vaccine injuries to the federal government's National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), allowing for Pfizer and Moderna to finally bring an FDA approved shot to the market without opening itself up to lawsuits. Moreover, it will act as another windfall for companies that have already brought in hundreds of billions of dollars in revenues, by requiring these vaccinations for children who attend public schools. "-///"-Children's Health Defense Call for Help: Last week, the FDA and CDC signed off on the Pfizer and Moderna bivalent covid-19 booster shots for children as young as 5 years old. They did it without clinical trials. Without data. Without independent review ... and without any legitimate scientific rationale. Like you, we were outraged. The medical experiment being unleashed on our children is well-coordinated and well-funded. That's because for Big Pharma and Fauci's pharma-funded institutions, the stakes are high " and those stakes are measured in billions of dollars. But for our children " who are powerless to fight back on their own " the stakes are even higher. We won't let this latest example of medical malpractice and government overreach discourage us ... or leave us merely outraged. We've enlisted the best lawyers, physicians, and scientists to help us take on the greedy corporations and corrupt government agencies whose love of money and power greatly exceeds their concern for children. Children's Health Defense is already challenging the FDA in federal court for its reckless authorization of Pfizer shots for kids and its misleading "licensure" of Pfizer's Comirnaty vaccine. And we are preparing to file new lawsuits to check this new wave of childhood vaccine injuries. Click the link to add your support. "-///"-'Until Proven Otherwise, it is Likely covid mRNA Vaccines Played a Significant Role in All Unexplained Heart Attacks Since 2021' " Renowned Cardiologist 'Until proven otherwise, it is likely that covid mRNA vaccines played a significant or primary role in all unexplained heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure since 2021.' That's according to Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a renowned British cardiologist who once endorsed the vaccines on TV but is now raising awareness of their dangers. In September his two"part, peer-reviewed analysis of vaccine efficacy and safety was published in the Journal of Insulin Resistance. Dr. Malhotra made the comments in a new interview with James Freeman Wells, a former Head of U.K. Trade and Business Inflation Statistics at the Office for National Statistics, the U.K.'s Government statistics agency. James has tweeted a link to the full interview here. Dr. Malhotra's comments come ahead of a meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on covid-19 Vaccine Damage, where he will speak to MPs and Peers about the evidence of the risks from the vaccines, putting it in the context of wider problems with the way medicine is regulated and marketed globally. The meeting was originally planned for September but was delayed due to the Queen's death and will now take place this coming Thursday, October 20th in the House of Commons of the U.K Parliament. Referring to the worrisome influence of large pharmaceutical companies in the regulation of drugs " whom he describes as 'immoral' and 'psychopathic' because he says they are constitutionally unable to put people before profits " he proclaims: 'It's time to put patients before profits, to put truth before money, to put human needs ahead of the needs of an immoral, psychopathic entity. Let's do this.' James Wells has posted a link to a template letter to encourage your MP to attend here. Let's hope this delivers another hammer blow to the wall of silence that has thus far met the growing clamour for recognition of the extraordinary level of injuries associated with these experimental genetic vaccines. This could be the start of something greatby steve - 2022-10-20 ( education / research ) [html version]yeah, it's the zionists (which biden claims to be) but everybody has been convinced that zionist =3D jew =3D semite =3D israeli and they know nothing about ashkenazi (fake predominant jew of israel) khazars
On Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 06:41:07 AM PDT:
I haven't watched it, but here's something from this morning from Kanye:= Ye Calls Out George Soros: 'Come And Meet With Me Directly' Instead of Sending Your Puppets to Attack Me ( But, you and he and way too many others have fallen into the trap of blaming 'the Jews,' which is, of course, stupid and evil. It's not 'the Jews' who are the problem, it's certain individuals with way too much power and not enough human decency. It just so happens a lot of them pretend to be Jewish because that's a protected group. As I've said before, I can't stand anyone or group who thinks they're special simply by virtue of their demographic, but you have to be careful when blaming an entire group for anything.
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2022 11:54 PM las What Kanye West (who now goes by "Ye") did in his 3-hour Drink Champs interview could be the start of something truly amazing. By telling the truth about the Jewish owned media, which is very brave in itself, it could wake people up to the incredible slavery that's been created by them, the banksters, and those they've bought in both parties. I listened to the entire interview last night and struggled to understand all they talked about because they're rappers who mention others I've never heard of before. But throughout the entire interview Ye said things most couldn't know about because we're not billionaires, and said things that have so outraged these mobsters of the banks and media that it'll be a massive war against him. On the other side of this war maybe the population of earth will break free from the stranglehold they've created. It's all part of the globalist agenda and just maybe Ye will be the catalyst to bring it tumbling down. Vaxed Versus Unvaxedby doug - 2022-10-20 ( education / research ) [html version]Isn't that the real question? Not surprisingly to those who know the truth, that's exactly what big pharma NEVER wants the public to know because if the public were to find out the unvaxed are FAR more healthy that would crash their business model. Their desire to create sick customers for life would almost entirely end. Of course, pharma conspires with big chemical to create the worst quality food (because it's laced with toxins) which creates sick and obese people who turn to pharma's hospital system and the cash register keeps on chinging and chinging forever more. Martin Armstrongby steve - 2022-10-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]2020 to 2028 is "civil unrest"his graph has "authoritarianism" during 2024-2035 2024 or so on the graph is food shortages.Time to learn more about growing your own food (or knowing where it grows free, such as with acorns and black walnuts here On Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 06:30:26 PM : wowso "there's nothing we can do"I will have to go through it again because with his voice as it is, I kind dozed off and on On Saturday, October 15, 2022 at 06:40:51 AM someone wrote:
grreat talk on economic cycles: We're now learning just how bad the collateral damage is, post-pandemicby jordan roberts - 2022-10-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]We're now learning just how bad the "collateral damage" is post-pandemic.. Where Are All the Vaccine Safety Reports the MHRA Promised Us, Ask Doctors and Scientists The Health Advisory and Recovery Team (HART), an expert group of medics, clinicians, scientists and academics, has published an article reminding the U.K. drug regulator, the MHRA, that it initially set out a solid plan of how it would monitor the safety of the covid vaccines it had approved for emergency use. It asks what happened to that plan and all the vaccine safety reports promised under it.. The article starts by setting out the ways in which the MHRA has fallen short in its duty to regulate the vaccines.. The U.K. drug regulator, the MHRA, did not carry out the toxicity, biodistribution and pharmacokinetics studies that are required of new drugs because of the political pressure to approve. However, nearly two years have passed since then and the MHRA has not set a deadline for the pharmaceutical companies to provide these data. The MHRA allowed the treatments to be presented as vaccines like any other when they are a novel class of agents, never before approved for human use despite the technology being around for decades (mostly because they have been dangerous and ineffective in previous human trials).. The trials should have remained placebo controlled and ongoing for two to five years minimum in order to establish an understanding of their safety. Authorisations were based on two months of safety data in healthy people and the MHRA allowed the pharmaceutical companies to vaccinate the placebo control group such that further safety data could not be collected.. Approvals for children were unethical when the trial data did not show evidence of a benefit from the drug to the children themselves when there was already good evidence of short term safety issues and when long term safety data was inevitably unavailable. Approving for younger children after the arrival of Omicron was even less defensible.. The MHRA failed to notice that the total mortality in the trial was higher in the vaccination group than the placebo group, showing no evidence of an overall mortality benefit, and the serious adverse reactions were much higher in the vaccination group such that one in 800 participants were hospitalised for a non-covid condition, which far outweighed the small reduction in covid hospitalisations.. Dame June Raine, the head of the U.K. drug regulator the MHRA, appeared to take a unilateral decision to change its role. She said 'the covid pandemic has catalysed the transformation of the regulator from a watchdog to an enabler.'. The regulator receives 86% of its funding from industry fees. In 2005, the House of Commons' health committee expressed concerns regarding the U.K. drug regulator that pharmaceutical funding could lead the agency to 'lose sight of the need to protect and promote public health above all else as it seeks to win fee income from the companies'. Do we want a regulator which sees itself as an enabler of pharmaceutical companies?. At the outset, the MHRA set out an excellent plan for safety monitoring of the covid vaccines which was required because of the minimal safety data from trials and the planned extensive rollout. It described this as a four part system of 'proactive vigilance... to rapidly detect, confirm, characterise and quantify any new risks that were not detected in clinical trials'.. The four parts were:. 1. Have doctors report concerns to the Yellow Card system. 2. Actively analyse GP data on a weekly basis to look for increases in any suspected condition. 3. Proactively survey to follow up a sample of people after vaccination. 4. Academic studies of large medical databases. The only publications from the MHRA in the last two years on safety have been the Yellow Card reports and even these do not divulge the number of people affected or the seriousness of the reports.. Where are these weekly analyses of GP data, proactive surveys of the vaccinated and academic studies of large medical databases? We're approaching two years into the rollout " where are all these promised reports? And why is no one apart from HART and a smattering of others asking these questions?. Worth reading in full.. "-///"-The Speed of Science. "-///"-People who resisted covid jabs are 'superheroes' who 'embody the best of humanity': French general. Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for standing up to the greatest pressure I have ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues, and doctors.'. Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for standing up to the greatest pressure I have ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues, and doctors. People who have been capable of such personality, courage, and such critical ability undoubtedly embody the best of humanity.. They are found everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, countries, and opinions. They are of a particular kind; these are the soldiers that any army of light wishes to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wishes to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies; they are the essence of the peoples who have built all cultures and conquered horizons.. They are there, by your side, they seem normal, but they are superheroes. They did what others could not do; they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination, and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone and believed they were alone.. Excluded from their families' Christmas tables, they have never seen anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, and had no more money... but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciations, betrayals, and humiliation... but they continued. Never before in humanity has there been such a casting; we now know who the resisters are on planet Earth.. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races and all religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen ones of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything fell apart. Collapsed. You've passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest marines, commandos, green berets, astronauts, and geniuses couldn't pass. You are made of the stuff of the greatest that ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who shine in the dark. You mean all this suffering and horror was for naught? Sorry seems to be the hardest word. Chemtrails: Here is your 100% PROOF Real. Must watch. Scientists silenced. The covid vaccines are adversely affecting women's reproductive health. - Watch "Vaccine RNA in breast milk". Watch "New Boston virus" on YouTube. As bad as the story is for under 45s, it's a whole lot worse for under 25s:. "-///"-In the first two and a half years of covid, 150 thousand more American under 45s have died than expected. However, almost half of those deaths have occurred in the last twelve months. Whether you think it is the collateral harms of earlier interventions or the mass mRNA experiment, it is an indisputable fact that young Americans are dying at substantially higher rates in more recent times than earlier in the covid epidemic.. fauci (et al) fraud finale?. it appears that the courts have had about enough of teflon tony and the prevaricators. it is said that the mill of justice grinds slowly but that in the end, it grinds fine... "-///"- Wifi Effects. Another Biden Nazi FBI Raidby doug - 2022-10-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It's so blatantly Nazi that it's a wonder if this f-cking moron geriatric patient has more than a 1% approval rating. A few more important updatesby jordan roberts - 2022-10-21 ( education / research ) [html version]Dr. Fleming-Dutra presented today at the CDC's Advisory Committee meeting regarding the covid vaccines and claimed high efficacy. So I wanted to remind you what her data showed about the efficacy of those vaccines rapidly diminishing to zero and below"after 6 months making vaccinated people of all ages more likely to get covid. "-///"-"Until proven otherwise, it is likely that covid mRNA vaccines played a significant or primary role in all unexplained heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias, & heart failure since 2021" @DrAseemMalhotra Full interview out today "-///"-=F0=9F -- =9E*WORLD NEWS AND COMMENTARY* =F0=9F -- =9E =F0=9F'=89 The CDC's mostly-ineffective vaccine advisory committee will meet today starting at 8:30AM (EST) to decide whether to recommend making the experimental mRNA covid vaccine part of the childhood vaccine schedule. Then the CDC will ignore the committee and do whatever the government wanted to do anyway. If you're a glutton for punishment, you can watch the all-day hearing here: Actually, if you've time and interest, you'll probably hear a lot of public comment that you agree with, including solid scientific information. So it might be worth a watch. Some of us have to work, though. Public comments are still open and are due before the end of the day tomorrow. It might not do any good, but it can't hurt to throw your $0.02 in. Hey, THEY asked. There were only 422 approved comments as of this morning, which blew my mind. Surely we can do better than that. Here's the link where you can submit your comment, but read the rest of this section first. The comment guidelines say duplicated or mass-submitted comments will be deleted, so you'll have to draft your own. If you go for it, you should review their 'checklist for comments' to get an idea of what they're willing to approve. Feel free to mine old C&C posts for whatever might be helpful or useful. To give you an example, here's the comment I submitted. (Don't copy and paste it " they'll just remove the duplicates.) While I have no idea whether they'll approve it, my comment meets the 'checklist.' 'The precautionary principle argues that, in cases where harm may occur, the proponent of a treatment has the burden of proving harmlessness. Easily available evidence suggests that pediatric covid vaccination MAY BE linked to increased cases of pediatric myocarditis. And, based on its own research, the State of Florida has recommended against pediatric vaccination absent compelling need. Those promoting the covid vaccines for children MUST prove the ABSENCE of causation before the drugs can be approved for the childhood vaccine schedules. Although the precautionary principle may be overly-limiting in some cases, when dealing with our own children, who are the future and security of the human race itself, the principle must be paramount. Reject scheduling the vaccines until and unless proponents can prove safety and efficacy beyond a reasonable doubt. Thank you.' Have at it! Remember: your comment is a permanent record that you objected to this madness when you had the chance. If (when) the CDC approves the drugs for the childhood vaccine schedule, Pfizer and Moderna will immediately enjoy permanent liability protection. Their current liability protection under the PREP and CARES Acts ends when emergency use authorization expires. Thus, childhood vaccination scheduling is IMPERATIVE for the drugmakers, and thus, also imperative for their captured government regulators. Regardless of whether the CDC approves scheduling the mRNA shots, remember " we're in a war, not a battle. If the covid shots are scheduled, we'll shift the battle lines to de-scheduling them. We will never, ever quit. "-///"-Brainwashing the Children through Schools While there's nothing wrong with learning about the the safe use of technology, the introduction of the term =C2=AB Digital Citizenship =C2=BB is a clear message to children. "-///"- Health Updatesby jordan roberts - 2022-10-22 ( education / research ) [html version] An excerpt: The use of PCR to detect specific sequences is trivially non-controversial, if it is done in an expert manner. First, the primers are chosen computationally to match only the target species (or quasi-species, in the case of viruses). Second, multiple targets can be selected that help nail down the results in case one of the single. Finally, if the primers are nested or hemi-nested -- that is if the targets sequences overlap, a local sequence can reliably be determined on a percentage of the samples as a direct gold-standard check to estimate both the true positive rate (the probability of detecting a virus that is truly present) and the false positive rate (the probability of detecting the target when it is truly not present). I expected when CDC's PCR test failed that there would likely be a variety of approaches that would be developed by commercial nucleic acid technology companies. I started advocating for private mass testing, with an emphasis on 'private', expecting that accurate testing would emerge. I was astonished when I saw that the FDA had only requested that commercial suppliers provide data on the true positive rate, but no data on the false positive rate. Worse, I was astonished to learn, upon reading the documents being submitted to the FDA, that the test kit manufacturers were not including positive control sample material to allow the determination of cycle threshold (Ct) by which one makes the call for a given patient that the virus was present or absent. Cycle thresholds are the number of rounds of amplification necessary to reach a specific point in the exponential growth of the number of copies of target sequences. This must be done for each patient separately -- even if the test is the same kit done in the same lab, on the same day, by the same technician -- because the amount of starting material in each swab varies. This was the first time I had ever seen any RT-PCR-based test NOT use a positive control sample. The lack of a positive control sample means that the assay was qualitative, not the robust and rigorous qRT-PCR ('q' stands for 'quantitative'. For example, even the RT-PCR test for the Monkeypox virus uses a positive control sample. Instead of using empirically derived Ct values per patient, generic Ct values were used. These were part of the kits, but they were not published. This was unusual. I asked medical freedom activists to request from their local health department what Ct values were being used to determine a diagnosis for a patient. Multiple people did, and the reply was the same: that information is proprietary. This was ridiculous; the exact Ct being used is not a top-secret part of a test, but is, instead, an essential aspect of checking the reliability of the results of an RT-PCR test. Here's a video on RT-PCR... "-///"-Fraud by Omission On Beaudoin, Excess Mortality and GigaohmBiological An excerpt: Australia loves Remdesivir, it was approved early, in July 2020. covid-19 treatment: Gilead Sciences Pty Ltd, remdesivir (VEKLURY)Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) But if you go into the Product Information you will find this on page 6. pdf ( Renal impairment In animal studies on rats and monkeys, severe renal toxicity was observed (see section 5.3). The mechanism of this renal toxicity is not fully understood. A relevance for humans cannot be excluded. Australia has its own special history when it comes to Gilead Sciences and Remdesivir malfeasance. This from Nov 2020 is the best essay on the subject. Remdesivir, Hydroxychloroquine and covid-19 " Quadrant Online "-///"-Suing the FDA! America's Frontline Doctors' legal team is taking a stand against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its illegal mandates against ivermectin! Our lawyers have filed an amicus curiae brief supporting a lawsuit filed by a group of brave doctors who have successfully used ivermectin with patients. These doctors are willing to risk their careers to defend the truth! This lawsuit takes direct aim at FDA's shameful interference between doctors' and patients' rights when treating people suffering from covid-19. This lawsuit has significant implications for the future of medical freedom. That's because the FDA is unlawfully enforcing ivermectin mandates. The FDA cannot make or enforce laws against using ivermectin, but they did so anyway. (Editor's note: Isn't that what the TGA did?) Fighting for Medical Freedom, Fighting for the Future of America Thank you for standing with America's Frontline Doctors. We are committed to fighting for your rights and fighting back against the mis-information of Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Government! "-///"- This story is going to be short. I am somehow just very moved and saddened by the fact that this man is dead at 63. Could his passing be unrelated to the covid shots he got? Anything is possible"no one checked"but there are too many cases like this, and, combined, they don't pass the logical 'coincidence' test. I am sad about this. I am very sad for him. I am sad for the blind spot that possibly cost him his life. Yes, people are allowed to make any choices they like. But I am still sad. I am sad about the power of deceit to kill. And by God, since I have worked in the media myself, I am mad at the irresponsible journalists producing the 24/7 happy carnage soundtrack. (I'll be posting an interview with Alexandra Latypova soon, going over the wild inconsistency of the lots and explaining why, despite the super high number of injuries and deaths, many people know nobody who got hurt.) I have thought about it a lot, and I do think that without the media, the deceit would have been impossible to pull off. They are creating the ungrounded confidence in people's heads. They are the makers of the hypnotic butcher's lullaby. Their 'business as usual,' confident tone does hypnotize, and they are responsible for putting people to sleep. The amount of data showing the toxicity of these shots is through the roof. Yet, the confident tone of the lullaby can put a busy person to sleep in the metaphorical sense up until the moment it becomes the literal sense. And then what?!! Being killed by deceit seems to be a recurring theme. And I want the carnage to stop. I also want to be wrong but I think I am right, and I want the carnage to stop. Dishonesty kills! I am praying for the elevation of the souls of the slain. I am praying for the unpoisoning of all of our bodies and minds, without delay. May we be victorious over any deceit, known and unknown, and may we live and thrive!!!; filename=%22bb63c6a1-aa7c-4a39-adae-0f1437bde107.pdf.pdf%22 "-///"- Conspiracies..?by jordan roberts - 2022-10-22 ( education / research ) [html version]Watch "The Depopulation Agenda" ~10 mins. well spent. "-///"-Thread examining the role of the various global organisations and how this new form of global governance by these unelected international technocracies are forming under the cloak of this 'crisis'. "-///"-Another Government Attack on Parental Rights Today I spoke at a symposium on education. My speech focused on government overreach and how it is so severely and negatively affecting our daily lives. Of course I opened with a brief discussion of my 'quarantine camp' lawsuit, where I explained how Governor Hochul and her DOH grossly overreached when they breached separation of powers, took the power of the NYS Legislature, and made an illegal regulation that allowed them to lock people down in their homes or lock people up in a quarantine camp without any proof of illness, for however long they wanted, regardless of age, with no way for you to get out once they had you quarantined. I explained how my plaintiffs (Senator George Borrello, Assemblyman Chris Tague, Assemblyman Lawler, and the citizens' group Uniting NYS) and I defeated Hochul and her DOH, and got their unconstitutional regulation struck down by the court. The Judge in our case noted in part of his decision that: Involuntary detention is a severe deprivation of individual liberty, far more eious than other health safety measures, such as requiring mask wearing at certain venues. Involuntary quarantine may have far reaching consequences such as loss of income (or employment) and isolation from family. He then ruled their 'quarantine camp' regulation to be 'violative of New York State law as promulgated and enacted, and therefore null, void and unenforceable as a matter of law.' Circling back to my speech from earlier today, the second example of government overreach that I shared with the crowd was NYS Assembly A9963. This is the proposed law that I wrote about in my article last week. The , if passed into law, will give MINOR children the right to make their own medical decisions WITHOUT parental consent! That's all medical decisions (including innoculations, gender altering operations, etc.), and that can be without your knowledge, and despite your vehement objections. Moreover, if your child doesn't want you to know what he/she is doing, the medical practitioners and facilities cannot tell you! Yet, you get to pay the (of course with any identifying details omitted from the invoice so you don't actually know what you are paying for). More information on that horrific , and the six Assembly Members who are sponsoring it can be found Here. The final example of gross government overreach that I discussed in my speech today was NYS Assembly A6616, which very unfortunately also has a sister in the NYS Senate at S2584A. If you click on either of those numbers, you'll see the text which begins with 'AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to comprehensive sexuality education in schools.' The first paragraph in Section 1 pretty much sums it up. It reads: =C2=A7 804-e. Comprehensive sexuality education. 1. Each public and charter school shall ensure all pupils receive, as an integral part of education in grades kindergarten through twelve, comprehensive sexuality education. (Emphasis added) You read that correctly folks -- it does indeed say it's required in grades KINDERGARTEN THROUGH TWELVE. So, 5-year-olds will have to receive 'comprehensive sexuality education' in school. Same with 6-year-olds. And 7-year-olds. And so on. You (parents) no longer have the right to decide when or even what your child learns about sex and sexuality. The government is going to decide for you! Let me repeat that because it truly is so astonishing, and so illegal... The government wants to teach your children all about sex and sexuality, and you have no say!Are you going to allow this to become a law? "-///"-Requiem: ACIP Votes unanimously To Add The Deadliest "Vaccines" Ever Made To The "Childhood Schedule" We all predicted this would happen. This allows the EUA to end, but provides full immunity protection forever for the covid vaccine manufacturers.' psychic predictionsby don - 2022-10-23 ( education / research ) [html version]I notice that she has quite a bias towards "alt-right" thinking, and any bias interferes with accurate predictions On 10/22/22 07:28 someone wrote: Time to change directionby jordan roberts - 2022-10-23 ( education / research ) [html version]Sudden kidney failure, RemDEATHavir, and hidden signals HEALTH EMERGENCY (a real one) -- is MA DOH incompetent or corrupt? Excerpt: The graph blow shows age groups for N17.9 'Acute renal failure.' The year 2022 in these graphs is only 7.5 months, while other years are the full 12 months. Notice age group 25-44, which already has more in 2022 than any other year and is expect to be 70 by the end of 2022. These are fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters who were cut down in the prime of life. The loss of these people affect multiple family members for the rest of their lives. "-///"-Spike Protein Triggers Coronary Plaque Destabilization and Thrombosis: Why So Many Heart Attacks, Stenting, and Bypass Surgeries Occur after covid-19 Vaccination? "-///"-Thoughts Before Sleep: Betrayal and covid How Are They Intersecting Nothing in the world is worth turning one's back on what one loves.' "Albert Camus, The Plague I'm writing while almost asleep, yet not going to bed. An idea that returns and returns, demands my attention, days now, or maybe longer. Just don't want to lose it. Starts simple, something like this: The thing about covid, was actually never spoken of"the worst thing. Betrayal. Designed and planned over decades: It corroded everything it touched, and induced, in the end, its real aim, which was always: Betrayal. Is it now...a synthetic chemical or peptide that can be mass produced at will? It's still dawning on me, gossamer layer by gossamer layer. You were told you owed it to them all. Vile manipulation! And did you notice, they owed you precisely nothing? Not a person on this planet will ever owe it to me to take a shot of trendy poison loaded with graphene oxide and 'self assembling' synthetic AI controlled parasites. Just saying. How narcissistic exactly do you have to be to believe people owe you this form of masochistic and quasi-suicidal self-experiment, and attack? One more Camus quote: (Camus believed in infectious diseases evidently but his was a metaphor.) 'This whole thing is not about heroism. It's about decency. It may seem a ridiculous idea, but the only way to fight the plague is with decency.' A character asks Rieux what decency is. Doctor Rieux's response is as clipped as it is eloquent: 'In general, I can't say, but in my case I know that it consists in doing my job.' ' "-///"-What is Mass affirmation psychosis? And what to do about it? "-///"-Social Credit Scoring through Digital Currency "-///"-It's time to resist the Great Reset power grab by unelected elites. They promote lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, net zero emissions and 'digital IDs'. They want to destroy our democracy, freedom and prosperity, and replace it with their global surveillance state. But you can fight back. Like my page to help me RESIST the Great Reset. Let's push back before it's too late. 80 dead doctorsby don - 2022-10-23 ( education / research ) [html version]martial law in Canada On 10/21/22 20:17 someone wrote:
maybe that's why he banned hand guns: On 10/21/22 10:44: yeah, I've seen it I have to wonder if the Canadians are ignorant of it and if not, why Trudeau is still breathing On Friday, October 21, 2022 at 06:42:33 AM wrote: why israelis think as they doby doug - 2022-10-24 ( education / research ) [html version]Very interesting facts. I wonder how a Jew would respond to this. Since so many parts are quotes from Jewish texts, that might not go so well for them. Also interesting to hear "Jewish media" from 1987 which is exactly what Kanye West has recently brought up today. I don't agree with all presented, but it was well done. ________________________________ Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2022 1:43 AM
The Other Israel The whole Zionist conspiracy Ted Pike 1987 480p [] The Other Israel The whole Zionist conspiracy Ted Pike 1987 480p Must-See Video About Our Favorite Bioweapon Shotby doug - 2022-10-25 ( education / research ) [html version]Packed with information, fully documented. It's still hard to believe what these criminals have done and still plan to do. Also, proof that anyone who got TESTED has potentially been given some of the bioweapon. Read, listen or watch the rest here: Big name performers collapsedby doug - 2022-10-26 ( education / research ) [html version]I've not been paying attention and so AM surprised to see so many poor fools biting the dust recently. Covid poll: A pulse check of Australiaby jordan roberts - 2022-10-26 ( education / research ) [html version]Truth Bombs from American Politician: 'You see these soccer players who have the healthiest hearts on the planet, and they're dropping dead on the field " after these shots.' You're seeing people who've had no health problems after they get the shots; they all of a sudden have a plethora of health problems... "-///"-Lockdowns Turned an Average Flu into a Public Health Catastrophe Every year in England, people die more in the winter than the rest of the year. Every year, we name the dominant flu... "-///"-Turn off your TV Because the real terrorists are the media. "-///"- as we exit the pandemic Today covid has become an afterthought for many. We no longer have to isolate after a positive test, masks are rarely seen " even on flights. And the tense " and at times explosive " conversations between friends and family members over issues like vaccines are largely behind us. But we want to know how you feel as Australia emerges from the pandemic. Take our poll and see how the rest of the country views what we've been through and where we sit today. After a day of voting, each question has received more than 42,000 responses, ranging up to more than 50,000. The results are striking. More than half of respondents either said they regret getting vaccinated, or were unvaccinated and happy with their decision. Only 35 per cent out of more than 45,000 people said they were vaccinated and would make the same decision again. Not a single person said they were unvaccinated and regret the decision. One fifth of respondents said they had received two doses of a vaccine, 26 per cent had three and 16 per cent had four shots, while 37 per cent said they had not taken any vaccine. According to Health Department data, more than 20 million Australians have received at least one dose of a covid vaccine, or more than 95 per cent of the over-16 population. An overwhelming majority of respondents said they were no longer concerned about covid and no longer wore masks in public settings. Half of respondents said they caught covid, with 6 per cent of those catching it more than once, while 40 per cent said they never did. Meanwhile, more than two thirds of respondents said Australia's leaders had been too heavy-handed in the pandemic response, 25 per cent said they did they best they could, and 8 per cent said as well as any other country. Read more ... "-//"-Nanoparticle Detox & Recovery Workshop Two-Part LIVE Virtual Workshop: Tuesday and Thursday Canada time Supreme Court Justice Against Vax Mandatesby jordan roberts - 2022-10-27 ( education / research ) [html version]Pfizer pricing " cashing in quick. British PM Rishi Sunak -- WEF Front Man "-///"-VICTORY: JUDGE STRIKES DOWN NYC VACCINE MANDATE FOR ALL CITY WORKERS "We just defeated the vaccine mandate for every single city employee." =E2=98=9D=F0=9F=8F=BB=E2=98=9D=F0=9F=8F=BBA New York judge just ordered the reinstatement of fired unvaxed New York City workers, with "back pay in salary from the date of termination.' "-///"-And yet... Australian Government ABC Education: Media Literacy Week resources, the tricks social media uses and a news podcast for kids Note the background photos: Clicking the 'Watch Now' link opens this: Journalist Jan Fran explains how a lot of the misinformation being spread in the anti-vax movement can be linked back to 12 people known as the 'Disinformation Dozen'. Jan's explainers are from the 2021 ABC TV comedy series, Question Everything. At a glance it almost seems like a subliminal message to educators and students.. "-///"- Origin of Halloweenby doug - 2022-10-28 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]You may change your opinion about it when you see since 2020 how the world is run by satanists. Feel free to shareby jordan roberts - 2022-10-29 ( education / research ) [html version]Pre-pandemic coronavirus simulation was devised at infamous World Economic Forum in Davos "-///"-Event 201: organisers of WEF-Gates pre-simulation warned of 'similar pandemic in the future'. Just weeks prior to the onset of covid Mania, some of the most maniacal, power hungry forces on the planet got together to war-game a fictional coronavirus outbreak passing from an animal reservoir to humans with "no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year," warning of a 'similar pandemic in the future.' How did they know? "-///"-The World Health Organization Published, and Then Buried, the Truth About RT-PCR-Based Diagnosis of covid-19 "-///"-Lawsuit filed against ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE, DASZAK & BARIC for creating covid-19 in a lab. "-///"-Smart Cities Where your government becomes your stalker: "-///"-Why Do Vaccines Consistently Fail to Prevent Disease Transmission? Many of you have been treated in horrific ways by your friends and family throughout the pandemic for refusing to adopt the nonsensical or dangerous pandemic management strategies that were force-fed to us by the media... "-///"-"-///"-If You Liked Big Brother, Meet Google's Big MUM Google searches are totally corrupted. "-///"-Djokovic in Oz michael moore exposes green energy as a scamby don - 2022-10-29 ( education / research ) [html version]sad I think the reason the globalists allowed this documentary to be made at all was because many of the conclusions include the depopulation agenda they are actively working on. The filmmakers realized the green energy scam but still fall for the climate change scam. But they sure threw scumbag Al Gore under the bus along with many "environmental" groups. And they sure got it right about the rapacious corporations and their profit motive. Now if they could only realize the profit motive of big pharma behind the global push for the bioweapon fake vax ... Sent: Friday, October 28, 2022 10:53 PM Subject: Re: liberals pretend to understand science but that's all in their minds. Here's some reality about electric car costs for the environment: Zerohedge Zerohedge ZeroHedge -- On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
On Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:41:06 PM : Not yet done watching but good so far. I've actually seen some clips from this -- the lady promoting electric cars who was asked what the source was for the car being charged and first answered the building then something else. Even though it's now 2 years old I think it's possibly an excellent tool to open up a small crack into the mindless "thinking" of people who have fallen for the green new deal scam. Sent: Friday, October 28, 2022 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: so many ridiculous answers by people I guess are liberals ignorant of science and just indoctrinated by the (commie) environmental movement
On Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:48:56 AM someone wrote: sad Europeby doug - 2022-10-29 ( education / research ) [html version]The beating heart of European industry begins to shut down is collapsing -- all countries will be severely affected. Europe is Collapsingby doug - 2022-10-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The beating heart of European industry begins to shut down Europe is collapsing. All countries will be severely affected. Smedley Butler's "War is a Racket"by doug - 2022-10-31 ( education / research / conspiracies / war ) [html version]A "must watch" video from 2010 about an American general who served in World War 1 and wrote a book called "War is a Racket." It is excellent and exceptional, applies to this very day. Also discussed is how Fascists from the 1930s attempted a coup in America that he thwarted. It's almost the exact same thing being done around the world in every country now as the globalist technocrats plot their next moves and that populations keep falling for thanks to the gaslight media owned by these same globalists. Must share. target="_blank" href="">Watch on Bitchute Warby doug - 2022-10-31 ( education / research ) [html version]Must watch video from 2010 that is about an American general who served in world war 1 and wrote a book called "War is a Racket." It is excellent and exceptional, applies to this very day. Also discussed is how fascists from the 1930s attempted a coup in America that this general thwarted. It's almost the exact same thing being done around the world in every country now as the globalist technocrats plot their next moves and that populations keep falling for thanks to the gaslight media owned by these same globalists. Must share. Q-anon speculationby don - 2022-11-01 ( education / research ) [html version]from Kerry Cassidy speculates on midterms and civil war Transhuman agendaby steve - 2022-11-02 ( education / research ) [html version]------=3257515_1944274414.1667331475128 two web sites for the guy were mentioned:vaxxchoice.comand dradvocates.comwhen I went to the latter one, I was warned (see attachment). I went ahead and went to the site (and AM alive to tell that).
On Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 12:10:39 PM PDT: as he said, it's a "spiritual battle" against Satan, so "choose your side"
On Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 11:15:16 AM PDT:
Can I keep injecting heroin?= :)
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 12:58 PM las Lawyer uses research and a bunch of military whistleblower information in this shocking but hopeful podcast. Bottom line -- stop injecting sh-t into yourself. --=3257515_1944274414.1667331475128 two web sites for the guy were mentioned:vaxxchoice.comand dradvocates.comwhen I went to the latter one, I was warned (see attachment). I went ahead and went to the site (and AM alive to tell that).
On Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 12:10:39 PM PDT: as he said, it's a "spiritual battle" against Satan, so "choose your side" Amnesty for Fauci, Gates, and the Rest?by steve - 2022-11-03 ( education / research ) [html version]NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! (Atlantic is a commie publication) The Atlantic is proposing "Pandemic Amnesty" where we forgive and forget the covid tyranny. I have another idea. The Atlantic is proposing "Pandemic Amnesty" where we forgive and forget... Remember how officials and public figures forced your loved ones to die alone, locked you in your home for month... Yes, we'll get there eventually. This latest Amazing Polly podcast describes very well the sentiments of people who detected the fraud very early on, got deplatformed, cut off from family, lost their jobs for refusing to have the bioweapon injection, etc. We want people to pay the price for what they've done. We want real justice. Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 6:10 PM Re: gee, can I then turn in all the people who I warned of the fraud but who kept pushing it (like my Kaiser doctor, Dr. Richard Pan the politician, and others?)
On Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 05:18:19 PM : Great news today in today's Prather Point podcast -- a judge in Missouri concluded fraud Fauci has colluded with others to hide and suppress information regarding the (fake) covid-19 lab origins. I'd say that qualifies as the dreaded truth we call a conspiracy (that so many people refuse to acknowledge exists). This will help pave the way for many future legal actions on the road to hanging this reptile for all his crimes against humanity. Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 3:44 PM Re: Seems the medical tyrants are getting worried about a Republican congress. On 11/1/22 15:22: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! (Atlantic is a commie publication) The Atlantic is proposing "Pandemic Amnesty" where we forgive and forget the covid tyranny. I have another idea. The Atlantic is proposing "Pandemic Amnesty" where we forgive and forget... Remember how officials and public figures forced your loved ones to die alone, locked you in your home for month... Vote on Voting Dayby doug - 2022-11-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Just in time for voting in California, this is something even lunatic Dems won't likely support and could cost psycho Newscum his job and something they will remember if this evil piece of sh-t runs for president down the road.
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 2:15 PM ; las I already voted. On 11/2/22 12:16: If you haven't yet heard, voting on that day supposedly makes it harder for cheating. Watch for the vote counts to stop in the dark of night like in 2020 for the trucks of fraudulent ballots to arrive in those places where the Dems are attempting to once again steal the election. If all goes well the red wave will be so overwhelming that it breaks the machines and maybe a little less criminality will come from local, state and federal government. Don't count on real justice right away because the criminals have their unelected deep state goons still in place by bribes (Ukraine money), blackmail and fear tactics by the FBI, DOJ, etc. And I suspect there will be many non- constitutional "red" candidates (wolves in sheep's clothing) infiltrated there. Can anyone actually trust Dr Oz, for example? Of course, if you plan to vote demoncrat't worry because your vote will automatically be multiplied by a factor of at least 2, as part of the blatant fraud that's become normal with the same scam Dominion voting machines that are still being used for this coming "selection" day. 1st Amendment Problemsby steve - 2022-11-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Of course, it's all connected. I've been saying that for years. Don't forget the matter of Russia always being the boogeyman. Most Israelis are Ashkenazi "Jews" from former Khazaria. They were mortal enemies of Russia centuries ago and seem to still see Russia as their nemesis. I wish Russia was the "good guy" but who knows? They are a very strong Christian country, contrary to what the globalists push (Islam, Judaism or outright atheism/satanism) On Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at 08:30:14 PM : This podcast explains quite well a major problem that goes against the 1st Amendment. Is there a correlation here? The ONLY person in Congress to oppose the country being locked down at the beginning of the scamdemic was XXX. The ONLY person in Congress to oppose the anti-1st Amendment speech laws concerning "hate speech" to include any criticism of Israel was XXX Who is XXX? Massie, Republican congressman from Kentucky Probably every other person in Congress is a Zionist and has an "Israel first" policy, which is treasonous. Until I watched this latest podcast by An0maly I didn't realize this about Massie. And it made me wonder about this possible correlation above. In any case, I conclude Zionism is a very serious problem for Americans. It may have something to do with the scamdemic, in fact. The thought never occurred to me until now. Could the fact the bioweapon shots by Pfizer were amongst the most Nazi-like in their implementation in Israel? I do believe these dots somehow connect. What do you think? old news on Obama? oh wellby steve - 2022-11-05 ( education / research ) [html version]Obama's Ah I Mean Barry's Coincidences! Obama's Ah I Mean Barry's Coincidences! Coincidence? By Fredrick Via Joan Swirsky " June 26, 2013 " Any one of these 'coincidences' when taken singu... tv new alternative?by don - 2022-11-05 ( education / research ) [html version]NTD All Parents Worldwide Must See Thisby doug - 2022-11-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]There's a concerted attack agenda against children around the world. This must be understood by anyone with children and grandchildren. Very few know the scope of this massive problem. This video contains many shocking clips that illustrate this agenda. Even if you think you've seen it all, I bet you haven't, because I thought I'd seen it all, too. David Icke banned from Europeby don - 2022-11-06 ( education / research ) [html version]Icke says this: On 11/4/22 18:53 someone wrote:
He's been declared a Level 3 Terrorist David Icke interviews FEMA whistleblower On 11/5/22 20:37: Typical projection -- they are so blatantly the terrorists. Saturday, November 5, 2022 4:46 PM Icke is no terrorist! On 11/4/2022 6:41 PM: For speaking the truth, or at least his idea of the truth. Fauci and Gates are many times worse terrorists. Sent: *Friday, November 4, 2022 6:53 PM He's been declared a Level 3 Terrorist Folsom Memoriesby greg - 2022-11-07 ( education / research ) [html version]
On 11/6/2022 5:02 AM wrote: I recall perch and bluegill in the "big pond" and pike in crawdad creek On 11/5/22 22:42: as bad as those machines that put pictures or whatever on pennies? On Saturday, November 5, 2022 at 08:40:17 PM PDT:
That's a federal crime, defacing currency. possible retaliation for nordstream?by don - 2022-11-09 ( education / research ) [html version]British internet cable severed, perhaps in retaliation for Nordstream per Jeff Renseby don - 2022-11-09 ( education / research ) [html version]many vaccine exemptions, not about his sources though facebook charged with campaign violationsby don - 2022-11-09 ( education / research ) [html version] Peter Moon interviewby don - 2022-11-09 ( education / research ) [html version]talks about free energy from time dilation Amazing Farmby doug - 2022-11-09 ( education / research / farming / homesteading ) [html version]Very inspiring. I just may start a homestead. I get emails from= Homestead Survival Site Homestead Survival Site If you're going to homestead, make sure you do it right. Learn everything you need to know about homesteading an... they have some good tips On Monday, November 7, 2022 at 01:06:06 PM PST:
Very inspiring -- I just may start a homestead. I get emails from= Homestead Survival Site
Homestead Survival Site If you're going to homestead, make sure you do it right. Learn everything you need to know about homesteading an... they have some good tips
On Monday, November 7, 2022 at 01:06:06 PM PST: Very inspiring -- I just may start a homestead. 2022 US Quarterby doug - 2022-11-09 ( education / research / money ) [html version]Sent: Monday, November 7, 2022 5:31 PM more proof that those "running" the country are against it On Monday, November 7, 2022 at 04:52:02 PM PST:
It's in Spanish, huh? Sent: Monday, November 7, 2022 6:41 PMRE: Nothing nefarious. It's part of the US Mint's Celebrating Women campaign, and one of those women was Mexican American. See Sent: Monday, November 7, 2022 8:19 PM Still think it's the psyop concerning "toxic masculinity" and how, by total coincidence, women are the rulers of everything. We can't have an alpha male, can we now? Seems to be just a random dot, but nothing is a coincidence. Everything in mind control is planned so people just don't realize what is happening. And as you know, that's how we have so many clueless people now. Inside the Jewish Media Mafiaby doug - 2022-11-10 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]This is a great expose' about how celebs stay under their control, or are destroyed. Here are some of the links for An0maly in which he clearly describes the problems with Zionism, the media gangsters (my words) and the complete hypocrisy and double standards surrounding these topics. He usually goes on and on trying to find new ways to illustrate and explain his viewpoint, but usually accomplishes it well enough in the first 10-20 minutes. Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 10:10 AM what's the name of the story/video. I probably have it saved On Friday, November 11, 2022 at 10:09:03 AM PST:
You still don't get what's happening. Kanye is identifying the situation of a form of modern slavery -- better not complain in public about the people who own the media because that's antisemitic. This is why nobody dares to discuss it -- they'll be destroyed in every way. I don't have time to hunt and peck on my phone to adequately discuss the problem but can find a link where An0maly talks about it very well and without prejudice, if interested. Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 5:18 AM I only listened to the video said exposed the whole cabal, wich it didn't. It just showed a text from Kanye's personal trainer making, probably empty, threats. Are you surprised Adidas canceled him after his anti-Jewish remarks? He made a deal to be a spokesperson and fbetrayed Adidas badly. Black people have a history of blaming their Jewish landlords, but Kanye was an idiot to fall for it. On 11/10/22 18:10: There's lots of evidence. But if you refuse to see what's obvious, like Addidas canceling him, no longer a billionaire, then I guess there's no point in talking about all the rest. I think you should listen to any of 5-6 videos by An0maly that clearly reveal this gang's power and tactics. Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 1:49 PM Since you have no evidence of anything, justry black guy making broad accusations against "the Jews," I take it you want to believe this, and you can and will believe what you want. On 11/10/22 15:15: And meanwhile that gangster threatened to commit him AGAIN. Not to mention all the banking attacks by this same gang. Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 12:41 PM The video posted had no more evidence than a text spat between Kanye and his Jewish personal trainer! On 11/10/22 13:55: You can crack jokes but is right for the most part. These gangsters will destroy you if you threaten their narrative. It's happening right this minute to Kanye West. What's there to argue about? Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 10:07 AM oh, sure, the jews control everything, especially people named ... :-) On 11/10/22 11:43: So there is no Jewish media mafia? These people are just imagining that they'll be destroyed if they step out of line? Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 4:41 AM most of you knew it was BS without having to listen, but I was curious it talks about a guy with mililtary mk-ultra connections who happens to be jewish On 11/8/22 18:37: This is a great expose' about how celebs stay under their control, or are destroyed. There's lots of evidence. But if you refuse to see what's obvious, like Addidas canceling him, no longer a billionaire, then I guess there's no point in talking about all the rest. I think you should listen to any of 5-6 videos by An0maly that clearly reveal this gang's power and tactics.
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 1:49 PM ; las Re: Since you have no evidence of anything, just anry black guy making broad accusations against "rhe Jews," I take it you want to believe this, and you can and will believe what you want. On 11/10/22 15:15: And meanwhile that gangster threatened to commit him AGAIN. Not to mention all the banking attacks by this same gang.
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 12:41 PM ; las Re: The video posted had no more evidence than a text spat between Kanye and his Jewish personal trainer! On 11/10/22 13:55: You can crack jokes but is right for the most part. These gangsters will destroy you if you threaten their narrative. It's happening right this minute to Kanye West. What's there to argue about?
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 10:07 AM ; las Re: oh, sure, the jews control everything, especially people named :-) On 11/10/22 11:43: So there is no Jewish media mafia? These people are just imagining that they'll be destroyed if they step out of line?
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 4:41 AM ; las Re: most of you knew it was BS without having to listen, but I was curious it talks about a guy with mililtary mk-ultra connections who happens to be jewish On 11/8/22 18:37: This is a great expose' about how celebs stay under their control, or are destroyed. they get away with saying that criticizing israel is hate speech because they push that:israel =3D semite =3D zionist =3D judaismbut as I've said before, one is a country, one is an ethnicity (that most israelis ARE NOT), one is a political movement and one is a religionmost people are too ignorant (or just go on feelings as they have the "holocaust" (holohoax) brought back into their mind On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 11:07:12 PM PST:
Yup, both were probably paid to pass "hate speech" laws that go against the first amendment. Money buys them all. And when that money is from corporate Mafia types, the laws they pass are not good. Criticizing Israel is now hate speech -- oh how convenient for the thugs there!! Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2022 9:13 PM= the last one says what I recently said about trump and DeSantis bowing to the jews On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 12:09:53 AM PST:
Here are some of the links for An0maly in which he clearly describes the problems with Zionism, the media gangsters (my words) and the complete hypocrisy and double standards surrounding these topics= He usually goes on and on trying to find new ways to illustrate and explain his viewpoint, but usually accomplishes it well enough in the first 10-20 minutes. Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 10:10 AM= ,what's the name of the story/video. I probably have it saved On Friday, November 11, 2022 at 10:09:03 AM PST:
You still don't get what's happening. Kanye is identifying the situation of a form of modern slavery -- better not complain in public about the people who own the media because that's antisemitic. This is why nobody dares to discuss it -- they'll be destroyed in every way. I don't have time to hunt and peck on my phone to adequately discuss the problem but can find a link where An0maly talks about it very well and without prejudice, if interested.
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 5:18 AM ; las = I only listened to the video said exposed the whole cabal, wich it didn't. It just showed a text from Kanye's personal trainer making, probably empty, threats. Are you surprised Adidas canceled him after his anti-Jewish remarks?= He made a deal to be a spokesperson and fbetrayed Adidas badly. Black people have a history of blaming their Jewish landlords, but Kanye was an idiot to fall for it. On 11/10/22 18:10: There's lots of evidence. But if you refuse to see what's obvious, like Addidas canceling him, no longer a billionaire, then I guess there's no point in talking about all the rest. I think you should listen to any of 5-6 videos by An0maly that clearly reveal this gang's power and tactics.
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 1:49 PM ; las = Since you have no evidence of anything, just anry black guy making broad accusations against "rhe Jews," I take it you want to believe this, and you can and will believe what you want. On 11/10/22 15:15: And meanwhile that gangster threatened to commit him AGAIN. Not to mention all the banking attacks by this same gang.
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 12:41 PM ; las = The video posted had no more evidence than a text spat between Kanye and his Jewish personal trainer! On 11/10/22 13:55: You can crack jokes but is right for the most part. These gangsters will destroy you if you threaten their narrative. It's happening right this minute to Kanye West. What's there to argue about?
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 10:07 AM ; las = oh, sure, the jews control everything, especially people named :-) On 11/10/22 11:43: So there is no Jewish media mafia? These people are just imagining that they'll be destroyed if they step out of line?
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 4:41 AM ; las = most of you knew it was= BS without having to listen, but I was curious it talks about a guy with mililtary mk-ultra connections who happens to be jewish On 11/8/22 18:37: This is a great expose' about how celebs stay under their control, or are destroyed. they get away with saying that criticizing israel is hate speech because they push that:israel =3D semite =3D zionist =3D judaismbut as I've said before, one is a country, one is an ethnicity (that most israelis ARE NOT), one is a political movement and one is a religionmost people are too ignorant (or just go on feelings as they have the "holocaust" (holohoax) brought back into their mind On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 11:07:12 PM PST:
Yup, both were probably paid to pass "hate speech" laws that go against the first amendment. Money buys them all. And when that money is from corporate Mafia types, the laws they pass are not good. Criticizing Israel is now hate speech -- oh how convenient for the thugs there!! Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2022 9:13 PM= the last one says what I recently said about trump and DeSantis bowing to the jews On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 12:09:53 AM PST:
Here are some of the links for An0maly in which he clearly describes the problems with Zionism, the media gangsters (my words) and the complete hypocrisy and double standards surrounding these topics= He usually goes on and on trying to find new ways to illustrate and explain his viewpoint, but usually accomplishes it well enough in the first 10-20 minutes. Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 10:10 AM= ,what's the name of the story/video. I probably have it saved On Friday, November 11, 2022 at 10:09:03 AM PST:
You still don't get what's happening. Kanye is identifying the situation of a form of modern slavery -- better not complain in public about the people who own the media because that's antisemitic. This is why nobody dares to discuss it -- they'll be destroyed in every way. I don't have time to hunt and peck on my phone to adequately discuss the problem but can find a link where An0maly talks about it very well and without prejudice, if interested.
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 5:18 AM ; las = I only listened to the video said exposed the whole cabal, wich it didn't. It just showed a text from Kanye's personal trainer making, probably empty, threats. Are you surprised Adidas canceled him after his anti-Jewish remarks?= He made a deal to be a spokesperson and fbetrayed Adidas badly. Black people have a history of blaming their Jewish landlords, but Kanye was an idiot to fall for it. On 11/10/22 18:10: There's lots of evidence. But if you refuse to see what's obvious, like Addidas canceling him, no longer a billionaire, then I guess there's no point in talking about all the rest. I think you should listen to any of 5-6 videos by An0maly that clearly reveal this gang's power and tactics.
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 1:49 PM ; las = Since you have no evidence of anything, just anry black guy making broad accusations against "rhe Jews," I take it you want to believe this, and you can and will believe what you want. On 11/10/22 15:15: And meanwhile that gangster threatened to commit him AGAIN. Not to mention all the banking attacks by this same gang.
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 12:41 PM ; las = The video posted had no more evidence than a text spat between Kanye and his Jewish personal trainer! On 11/10/22 13:55: You can crack jokes but is right for the most part. These gangsters will destroy you if you threaten their narrative. It's happening right this minute to Kanye West. What's there to argue about?
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 10:07 AM ; las = oh, sure, the jews control everything, especially people named :-) On 11/10/22 11:43: So there is no Jewish media mafia? These people are just imagining that they'll be destroyed if they step out of line?
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 4:41 AM ; las = most of you knew it was= BS without having to listen, but I was curious it talks about a guy with mililtary mk-ultra connections who happens to be jewish On 11/8/22 18:37: This is a great expose' about how celebs stay under their control, or are destroyed. they get away with saying that criticizing israel is hate speech because they push that:israel =3D semite =3D zionist =3D judaismbut as I've said before, one is a country, one is an ethnicity (that most israelis ARE NOT), one is a political movement and one is a religionmost people are too ignorant (or just go on feelings as they have the "holocaust" (holohoax) brought back into their mind On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 11:07:12 PM PST:
Yup, both were probably paid to pass "hate speech" laws that go against the first amendment. Money buys them all. And when that money is from corporate Mafia types, the laws they pass are not good. Criticizing Israel is now hate speech -- oh how convenient for the thugs there!! Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2022 9:13 PM= the last one says what I recently said about trump and DeSantis bowing to the jews On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 12:09:53 AM PST:
Here are some of the links for An0maly in which he clearly describes the problems with Zionism, the media gangsters (my words) and the complete hypocrisy and double standards surrounding these topics= He usually goes on and on trying to find new ways to illustrate and explain his viewpoint, but usually accomplishes it well enough in the first 10-20 minutes. Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 10:10 AM= ,what's the name of the story/video. I probably have it saved On Friday, November 11, 2022 at 10:09:03 AM PST:
You still don't get what's happening. Kanye is identifying the situation of a form of modern slavery -- better not complain in public about the people who own the media because that's antisemitic. This is why nobody dares to discuss it -- they'll be destroyed in every way. I don't have time to hunt and peck on my phone to adequately discuss the problem but can find a link where An0maly talks about it very well and without prejudice, if interested.
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 5:18 AM ; las = I only listened to the video said exposed the whole cabal, wich it didn't. It just showed a text from Kanye's personal trainer making, probably empty, threats. Are you surprised Adidas canceled him after his anti-Jewish remarks?= He made a deal to be a spokesperson and fbetrayed Adidas badly. Black people have a history of blaming their Jewish landlords, but Kanye was an idiot to fall for it. On 11/10/22 18:10: There's lots of evidence. But if you refuse to see what's obvious, like Addidas canceling him, no longer a billionaire, then I guess there's no point in talking about all the rest. I think you should listen to any of 5-6 videos by An0maly that clearly reveal this gang's power and tactics.
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 1:49 PM ; las = Since you have no evidence of anything, just anry black guy making broad accusations against "rhe Jews," I take it you want to believe this, and you can and will believe what you want. On 11/10/22 15:15: And meanwhile that gangster threatened to commit him AGAIN. Not to mention all the banking attacks by this same gang.
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 12:41 PM ; las = The video posted had no more evidence than a text spat between Kanye and his Jewish personal trainer! On 11/10/22 13:55: You can crack jokes but is right for the most part. These gangsters will destroy you if you threaten their narrative. It's happening right this minute to Kanye West. What's there to argue about?
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 10:07 AM ; las = oh, sure, the jews control everything, especially people named :-) On 11/10/22 11:43: So there is no Jewish media mafia? These people are just imagining that they'll be destroyed if they step out of line?
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 4:41 AM ; las = most of you knew it was= BS without having to listen, but I was curious it talks about a guy with mililtary mk-ultra connections who happens to be jewish On 11/8/22 18:37: This is a great expose' about how celebs stay under their control, or are destroyed. There's lots of evidence. But if you refuse to see what's obvious, like Addidas canceling him, no longer a billionaire, then I guess there's no point in talking about all the rest. I think you should listen to any of 5-6 videos by An0maly that clearly reveal this gang's power and tactics. Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 1:49 PM las Re: Since you have no evidence of anything, just anry black guy making broad accusations against "rhe Jews," I take it you want to believe this, and you can and will believe what you want. On 11/10/22 15:15: And meanwhile that gangster threatened to commit him AGAIN. Not to mention all the banking attacks by this same gang. Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 12:41 PM las Re: The video posted had no more evidence than a text spat between Kanye and his Jewish personal trainer! On 11/10/22 13:55: You can crack jokes but is right for the most part. These gangsters will destroy you if you threaten their narrative. It's happening right this minute to Kanye West. What's there to argue about? Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 10:07 AM ; las Re: oh, sure, the jews control everything, especially people named :-) On 11/10/22 11:43: So there is no Jewish media mafia? These people are just imagining that they'll be destroyed if they step out of line? Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 4:41 AM ; las Re: most of you knew it was BS without having to listen, but I was curious it talks about a guy with mililtary mk-ultra connections who happens to be jewish On 11/8/22 18:37: This is a great expose' about how celebs stay under their control, or are destroyed. they get away with saying that criticizing israel is hate speech because they push that:israel =3D semite =3D zionist =3D judaismbut as I've said before, one is a country, one is an ethnicity (that most israelis ARE NOT), one is a political movement and one is a religionmost people are too ignorant (or just go on feelings as they have the "holocaust" (holohoax) brought back into their mind
On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 11:07:12 PM PST: Yup, both were probably paid to pass "hate speech" laws that go against the first amendment. Money buys them all. And when that money is from corporate Mafia types, the laws they pass are not good. Criticizing Israel is now hate speech -- oh how convenient for the thugs there!! Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2022 9:13 PM = the last one says what I recently said about trump and DeSantis bowing to the jews
On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 12:09:53 AM PST: Here are some of the links for An0maly in which he clearly describes the problems with Zionism, the media gangsters (my words) and the complete hypocrisy and double standards surrounding these topics= He usually goes on and on trying to find new ways to illustrate and explain his viewpoint, but usually accomplishes it well enough in the first 10-20 minutes. Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 10:10 AM = ,what's the name of the story/video. I probably have it saved
On Friday, November 11, 2022 at 10:09:03 AM PST: You still don't get what's happening. Kanye is identifying the situation of a form of modern slavery -- better not complain in public about the people who own the media because that's antisemitic. This is why nobody dares to discuss it -- they'll be destroyed in every way. I don't have time to hunt and peck on my phone to adequately discuss the problem but can find a link where An0maly talks about it very well and without prejudice, if interested. Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 5:18 AM ; las = I only listened to the video said exposed the whole cabal, wich it didn't. It just showed a text from Kanye's personal trainer making, probably empty, threats. Are you surprised Adidas canceled him after his anti-Jewish remarks?= He made a deal to be a spokesperson and fbetrayed Adidas badly. Black people have a history of blaming their Jewish landlords, but Kanye was an idiot to fall for it. On 11/10/22 18:10: There's lots of evidence. But if you refuse to see what's obvious, like Addidas canceling him, no longer a billionaire, then I guess there's no point in talking about all the rest. I think you should listen to any of 5-6 videos by An0maly that clearly reveal this gang's power and tactics. Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 1:49 PM las = Since you have no evidence of anything, just anry black guy making broad accusations against "rhe Jews," I take it you want to believe this, and you can and will believe what you want. On 11/10/22 15:15: And meanwhile that gangster threatened to commit him AGAIN. Not to mention all the banking attacks by this same gang. Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 12:41 PM las = The video posted had no more evidence than a text spat between Kanye and his Jewish personal trainer! On 11/10/22 13:55: You can crack jokes but is right for the most part. These gangsters will destroy you if you threaten their narrative. It's happening right this minute to Kanye West. What's there to argue about? Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 10:07 AM ; las = oh, sure, the jews control everything, especially people named :-) On 11/10/22 11:43: So there is no Jewish media mafia? These people are just imagining that they'll be destroyed if they step out of line? Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 4:41 AM ; las = most of you knew it was= BS without having to listen, but I was curious it talks about a guy with mililtary mk-ultra connections who happens to be jewish On 11/8/22 18:37: This is a great expose' about how celebs stay under their control, or are destroyed. disinfo specialist for cia explains how he did itby don - 2022-11-11 ( education / research ) [html version] 9/11 scamby doug - 2022-11-12 ( education / research ) [html version]Really interesting interview with author Jim Marrs in 2014 discussing many problems with the fake narrative surrounding 9/11/2001. Includes the Bush / Nazi connection and a lot more. area 51 investigator raidedby don - 2022-11-13 ( education / research ) [html version] The Real Terroristsby doug - 2022-11-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Irish woman calling a spade a spade -- very short 9/11 Scamby doug - 2022-11-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Really interesting interview with author Jim Marrs in 2014 discussing many problems with the fake narrative surrounding 9/11/2001. Includes the Bush / Nazi connection and a lot more. Epstein and the Intel Agenciesby bill - 2022-11-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I just finished watching this video. Wow, this woman is so spot-on about everything. Epstein is just the "sexy" stuff that grabs interest, but she goes into how the world really works. Great video. I like her definition of God, too, i.e., not necessarily anything to do with religion so much as it is the creative force within life itself.
Read, listen or watch the rest here Glenn Beck interviews Whitney Webb 5 scariest cultsby don - 2022-11-14 ( education / research ) [html version]very good breakdown: Here's a 2-part video about the Alamo Christian Ministries cult that is fascinating, especially from a psychopathy point of view. On 11/14/22 05:02 someone wrote:
Mormonism is bigger than most cults but if you listen to this, you'll see it's very destructive of kids' and young adults' mental health, driving some to suicide rather than disappoint the church heirarchy. On 11/13/22 12:34 someone wrote:
He says a cult is typified by coercion and not letting you leave. On 11/13/22 10:57: I see these listed: scientologists, Children of God, NXIVM, Synanon Interesting that NXIVM is listed since it's a sexual things as I recall (with hillary's crowd) The "religion" that 's "mother" is into (pretend Christian but pagan aspects) comes to mind as well as what some said about Bethel up in Redding.) I don't really want to listen to over an hour of the video so what else is there? On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 04:35:53 AM PST wrote:
very good breakdown: Here's a 2-part video about the Alamo Christian Ministries cult that is fascinating, especially from a psychopathy point of view. On 11/14/22 05:02 someone wrote:
Mormonism is bigger than most cults but if you listen to this, you'll see it's very destructive of kids' and young adults' mental health, driving some to suicide rather than disappoint the church heirarchy. On 11/13/22 12:34 someone wrote:
He says a cult is typified by coercion and not letting you leave. On 11/13/22 10:57: I see these listed: scientologists, Children of God, NXIVM, Synanon Interesting that NXIVM is listed since it's a sexual things as I recall (with hillary's crowd) The "religion" that 's "mother" is into (pretend Christian but pagan aspects) comes to mind as well as what some said about Bethel up in Redding.) I don't really want to listen to over an hour of the video so what else is there? On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 04:35:53 AM PST wrote:
very good breakdown: Here's a 2-part video about the Alamo Christian Ministries cult that is fascinating, especially from a psychopathy point of view. On 11/14/22 05:02 someone wrote:
Mormonism is bigger than most cults but if you listen to this, you'll see it's very destructive of kids' and young adults' mental health, driving some to suicide rather than disappoint the church heirarchy. On 11/13/22 12:34 someone wrote:
He says a cult is typified by coercion and not letting you leave. On 11/13/22 10:57: I see these listed: scientologists, Children of God, NXIVM, Synanon Interesting that NXIVM is listed since it's a sexual things as I recall (with hillary's crowd) The "religion" that 's "mother" is into (pretend Christian but pagan aspects) comes to mind as well as what some said about Bethel up in Redding.) I don't really want to listen to over an hour of the video so what else is there? On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 04:35:53 AM PST wrote:
very good breakdown: Here's a 2-part video about the Alamo Christian Ministries cult that is fascinating, especially from a psychopathy point of view. On 11/14/22 05:02 someone wrote:
Mormonism is bigger than most cults but if you listen to this, you'll see it's very destructive of kids' and young adults' mental health, driving some to suicide rather than disappoint the church heirarchy. On 11/13/22 12:34 someone wrote:
He says a cult is typified by coercion and not letting you leave. On 11/13/22 10:57: I see these listed: scientologists, Children of God, NXIVM, Synanon Interesting that NXIVM is listed since it's a sexual things as I recall (with hillary's crowd) The "religion" that 's "mother" is into (pretend Christian but pagan aspects) comes to mind as well as what some said about Bethel up in Redding.) I don't really want to listen to over an hour of the video so what else is there? On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 04:35:53 AM PST wrote:
very good breakdown: Mormonism is bigger than most cults but if you listen to this, you'll see it's very destructive of kids' and young adults' mental health, driving some to suicide rather than disappoint the church heirarchy. On 11/13/22 12:34 someone wrote: He says a cult is typified by coercion and not letting you leave. On 11/13/22 10:57: I see these listed: scientologists, Children of God, NXIVM, Synanon Interesting that NXIVM is listed since it's a sexual things as I recall (with hillary's crowd) The "religion" that 's "mother" is into (pretend Christian but pagan aspects) comes to mind as well as what some said about Bethel up in Redding.) I don't really want to listen to over an hour of the video so what else is there?
On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 04:35:53 AM PST wrote: very good breakdown: florida surgeon genereal recommends against mrnaby don - 2022-11-16 ( education / research ) [html version] Energy Discussionby doug - 2022-11-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Pretty short and good. This is the first I heard about a propane problem but that goes hand in hand with gas. Remote Viewingby doug - 2022-11-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It means seeing things psychically and this is part 2 of a very interesting conversation. Part 1 is not as good but you might like it. Worth watching, especially for anyone more spiritual in the literal sense. scary to me (vax)by steve - 2022-11-17 ( education / research ) [html version] Geoffrey Epstein and the Intel Agenciesby doug - 2022-11-17 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]More from Whitney Webb. A great interview by two of the best journalists today. Highly recommend it: Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2022 2:27 PM It's a sick joke on them because they are slated as the first to go Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2022 2:24 PM but liberals don't get that because they've been convinced that we're over-populated, too (and they don't understand science) On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 02:04:14 PM PST:
Just now finished watching this. At 33 to be such a voice of reason -- wow. Great to see she's reaching the big time with appearing on Glen Beck which is a huge platform. I think it will lead to more and more of the same, like Joe Rogan, maybe Fox news, etc. Just great.
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2022 10:38 AM
the 1% think that anything that is harmful to humans is a benefit, since we're over-populated. On 11/13/22 11:01: yeah, kids in Africa are digging out the POISONOUS minerals with their hands, but they're just puppets for the Globalists who don't care about anybody but themselves (we're just meant to be their slaves) electric vehicles aren't even economical, from what I read. I'd never want a vehicle that anybody could control remote.webply, which I think is what Princess was killed in On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 05:28:36 AM PST:
I'm glad someone is talking about the destruction of the environment that electric vehicles cause. Compared to gasoline engines, it's basically a trade-off between air pollution and soil and water pollution. Pick your poison.
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2022 6:38 AM
that's probably why they're pushing electric vehicles -- remote.webp controllable. On 11/12/22 14:43: yes, very interesting. Of course, those who fell for the vax aren't likely to be able to handle this info. One thing mentioned that was said was about cars and travel in the future. Well, if no more cars or long trips, maybe my ideas for working on "aero bikes" and "rail bikes" are right on. On Saturday, November 12, 2022 at 11:20:36 AM PST someone wrote:
she lives in Chile, but she's American (or Canadian) by accent. And an excellent researcher. On 11/12/22 12:03: I just finished watching this video. Wow, this woman is so spot-on about everything. Epstein is just the "sexy" stuff that grabs interest, but she goes into, like you say, how the world really works. Great video. I like her definition of God, too, i.e., not necessarily anything to do with religion so much as it is the creative force within life itself.
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2022 7:22 AM
Whitney Webb is an independent journalist who explains how the neofeudalists operate more Whitney Webb "professional criminals are in power" she's the best political investigator in the world, and has no axe to grind, left or right On 11/13/22 12:38 someone wrote:
the 1% think that anything that is harmful to humans is a benefit, since we're over-populated. On 11/13/22 11:01: yeah, kids in Africa are digging out the POISONOUS minerals with their hands, but they're just puppets for the Globalists who don't care about anybody but themselves (we're just meant to be their slaves) electric vehicles aren't even economical, from what I read. I'd never want a vehicle that anybody could control remote.webply, which I think is what Princess was killed in On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 05:28:36 AM PST, wrote:
I'm glad someone is talking about the destruction of the environment that electric vehicles cause. Compared to gasoline engines, it's basically a trade-off between air pollution and soil and water pollution. Pick your poison.
* Sent: *Sunday, November 13, 2022 6:38 AM ;
*Re: that's probably why they're pushing electric vehicles -- remote.webp controllable. On 11/12/22 14:43: yes, very interesting. Of course, those who fell for the vax aren't likely to be able to handle this info. One thing mentioned that was said was about cars and travel in the future. Well, if no more cars or long trips, maybe my ideas for working on "aero bikes" and "rail bikes" are right on. On Saturday, November 12, 2022 at 11:20:36 AM PST wrote:
she lives in Chile, but she's American (or Canadian) by accent. And an excellent researcher. On 11/12/22 12:03: I just finished watching this video. Wow, this woman is so spot-on about everything. Epstein is just the "sexy" stuff that grabs interest, but she goes into, like you say, how the world really works. Great video. I like her definition of God, too, i.e., not necessarily anything to do with religion so much as it is the creative force within life itself.
* Sent: *Saturday, November 12, 2022 7:22 AM Whitney Webb is an independent journalist who explains how the neofeudalists operate more Whitney Webb "professional criminals are in power" she's the best political investigator in the world, and has no axe to grind, left or right On 11/13/22 12:38 someone wrote:
the 1% think that anything that is harmful to humans is a benefit, since we're over-populated. On 11/13/22 11:01: yeah, kids in Africa are digging out the POISONOUS minerals with their hands, but they're just puppets for the Globalists who don't care about anybody but themselves (we're just meant to be their slaves) electric vehicles aren't even economical, from what I read. I'd never want a vehicle that anybody could control remote.webply, which I think is what Princess was killed in On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 05:28:36 AM PST, wrote:
I'm glad someone is talking about the destruction of the environment that electric vehicles cause. Compared to gasoline engines, it's basically a trade-off between air pollution and soil and water pollution. Pick your poison.
* Sent: *Sunday, November 13, 2022 6:38 AM ;
*Re: that's probably why they're pushing electric vehicles -- remote.webp controllable. On 11/12/22 14:43: yes, very interesting. Of course, those who fell for the vax aren't likely to be able to handle this info. One thing mentioned that was said was about cars and travel in the future. Well, if no more cars or long trips, maybe my ideas for working on "aero bikes" and "rail bikes" are right on. On Saturday, November 12, 2022 at 11:20:36 AM PST wrote:
she lives in Chile, but she's American (or Canadian) by accent. And an excellent researcher. On 11/12/22 12:03: I just finished watching this video. Wow, this woman is so spot-on about everything. Epstein is just the "sexy" stuff that grabs interest, but she goes into, like you say, how the world really works. Great video. I like her definition of God, too, i.e., not necessarily anything to do with religion so much as it is the creative force within life itself.
* Sent: *Saturday, November 12, 2022 7:22 AM Whitney Webb is an independent journalist who explains how the neofeudalists operate more Whitney Webb "professional criminals are in power" she's the best political investigator in the world, and has no axe to grind, left or right On 11/13/22 12:38 someone wrote:
the 1% think that anything that is harmful to humans is a benefit, since we're over-populated. On 11/13/22 11:01: yeah, kids in Africa are digging out the POISONOUS minerals with their hands, but they're just puppets for the Globalists who don't care about anybody but themselves (we're just meant to be their slaves) electric vehicles aren't even economical, from what I read. I'd never want a vehicle that anybody could control remote.webply, which I think is what Princess was killed in On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 05:28:36 AM PST, wrote:
I'm glad someone is talking about the destruction of the environment that electric vehicles cause. Compared to gasoline engines, it's basically a trade-off between air pollution and soil and water pollution. Pick your poison.
* Sent: *Sunday, November 13, 2022 6:38 AM that's probably why they're pushing electric vehicles -- remote.webp controllable. On 11/12/22 14:43: yes, very interesting. Of course, those who fell for the vax aren't likely to be able to handle this info. One thing mentioned that was said was about cars and travel in the future. Well, if no more cars or long trips, maybe my ideas for working on "aero bikes" and "rail bikes" are right on. On Saturday, November 12, 2022 at 11:20:36 AM PST wrote:
she lives in Chile, but she's American (or Canadian) by accent. And an excellent researcher. On 11/12/22 12:03: I just finished watching this video. Wow, this woman is so spot-on about everything. Epstein is just the "sexy" stuff that grabs interest, but she goes into, like you say, how the world really works. Great video. I like her definition of God, too, i.e., not necessarily anything to do with religion so much as it is the creative force within life itself.
* Sent: *Saturday, November 12, 2022 7:22 AM Whitney Webb is an independent journalist who explains how the neofeudalists operate more Whitney Webb "professional criminals are in power" she's the best political investigator in the world, and has no axe to grind, left or right On 11/13/22 12:38 someone wrote: the 1% think that anything that is harmful to humans is a benefit, since we're over-populated. On 11/13/22 11:01: yeah, kids in Africa are digging out the POISONOUS minerals with their hands, but they're just puppets for the Globalists who don't care about anybody but themselves (we're just meant to be their slaves) electric vehicles aren't even economical, from what I read. I'd never want a vehicle that anybody could control remote.webply, which I think is what Princess was killed in
On Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 05:28:36 AM PST, wrote: I'm glad someone is talking about the destruction of the environment that electric vehicles cause. Compared to gasoline engines, it's basically a trade-off between air pollution and soil and water pollution. Pick your poison. * Sent: *Sunday, November 13, 2022 6:38 AM ; *Re: that's probably why they're pushing electric vehicles -- remote.webp controllable. On 11/12/22 14:43: yes, very interesting. Of course, those who fell for the vax aren't likely to be able to handle this info. One thing mentioned that was said was about cars and travel in the future. Well, if no more cars or long trips, maybe my ideas for working on "aero bikes" and "rail bikes" are right on.
On Saturday, November 12, 2022 at 11:20:36 AM PST wrote: she lives in Chile, but she's American (or Canadian) by accent. And an excellent researcher. On 11/12/22 12:03: I just finished watching this video. Wow, this woman is so spot-on about everything. Epstein is just the "sexy" stuff that grabs interest, but she goes into, like you say, how the world really works. Great video. I like her definition of God, too, i.e., not necessarily anything to do with religion so much as it is the creative force within life itself.
* Sent: *Saturday, November 12, 2022 7:22 AM * Whitney Webb is an independent journalist who explains how the neofeudalists operate
More Election Fraudby doug - 2022-11-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]First 10-15 pretty interesting, including about the neverending counting in Arizona. FTX bankruptcyby don - 2022-11-18 ( education / research ) [html version]chris martenson video on it Generation Zeroby steve - 2022-11-18 ( education / research / people / generations ) [html version]Seems they just refuse to work. If their parents don't keep supporting them, they'll all be beggars, muggers and prostitutes on the street in the coming years: And of course, they'll be crying for a guaranteed minimum wage... Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2022 2:39 PM Yeah, the ultimate losers, exactly the personality traits wanted by the slave masters / globalists. Great job, media! On 11/17/22 17:02, someone wrote: I don't blame anyone but their parents. On Nov 17, 2022, at 5:51 PM, someone wrote: It's easy to blame parents when you've never been one. On Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 4:23 PM, someone wrote: Good one. We parents only have a limited amount of power over our kids. Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2022 6:39 PM, someone said: These days parents are dealing with massive amounts of media brainwashing and CIA behavioral programming. It's so important to keep kids away from video games, movies, and electronic devices (as impossible as that seems) as much as possible because they're literally working to destroy them. Success is measured by the number of unthinking zombie types who don't have any drive to succeed and happy to be paid to stay home. Again, great job CIA and their gaslighting media. The Real Problemby steve - 2022-11-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]most are ignorant about the "federal reserve" (the bank that he's complained about). We could have the Treasury print money FREE but, instead, we are charged "interest" by the federal reserve for every dollar they Create. Guess who owns the Federal Reserve. It's the banksters, the same ones who tried to get General Smedley Butler to create a coup to overthrow the government around 1930 or so.Does anybody question how the banks are like palaces? How can they afford that when they just have YOUR "money" to earn their own money? They "lend" it out ten times. If the math is done, they "earn" more money from your deposit than what you actually put in the bank (fractional reserve banking).Here's one article: The Federal Reserve System Is A Massive Wealth Redistribution Scheme " The Truth The Federal Reserve System Is A Massive Wealth Redistribution Scheme " T... Article mentions "too many people" need to be reduced by wars and disease in the time of Benjamin Andrew Jackson fighting the banksters was mentioned: President Andrew Jackson Vs Jewish Bankers!Real Jew News President Andrew Jackson Vs Jewish Bankers!Real Jew News ShinRa a related article (why income tax not needed): Here's a link to a search that shows lots of videos about the Federal Reserve: On Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 10:06:57 AM PST:
I think you might love what this guy says. He nailed it. I never heard of him before but just subscribed. Sometimes you have to laughby doug - 2022-11-19 ( education / research ) [html version]
p... at the extreme lengths lefty wokeism goes to program people into submission. p Sometimes You Have to Laugh at Leftiesby doug - 2022-11-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]... at the extreme lengths lefty wokeism goes to program people into submission.
Exactly, but willfully blind, deaf and dumb people just don't understand. I wonder if they would accept 1 billion ballots trucked into every election in every state picking Republicans, obviously fraudulent, and be happy to accept those "votes." I suspect they might cry foul. So the question is whether they really want a real election or don't care how much cheating happens just as long as the moron Dems "win." Sent: Friday, November 18, 2022 6:35 PM I tried to find the email that you responded to regarding Kari Lake but can't so here's what I would have used to respond to that On Friday, November 18, 2022 at 08:17:34 AM PST:
... at the extreme lengths lefty wokeism goes to program people into submission. Sometimes you have to laugh . .by doug - 2022-11-20 ( education / research ) [html version]Exactly, but wilfully blind, deaf and dumb people just don't understand. I wonder if they would accept 1 billion ballots trucked into every election in every state picking Republicans, obviously fraudulent, and be happy to accept those "votes." I suspect they might cry foul. So the question is whether they really want a real election or don't care how much cheating happens just as long as the moron Dems "win." ________________________________ Sent: Friday, November 18, 2022 6:35 PM Re: , I tried to find the email that you responded to regarding Kari Lake but can't so here's what I would have used to respond to that
On Friday, November 18, 2022 at 08:17:34 AM PST: ... at the extreme lengths lefty wokeism goes to program people into submission. Beautiful tributeby doug - 2022-11-20 ( education / research ) [html version] Tennessee Bankingby doug - 2022-11-20 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Very impressive interview. Makes me want to move there. looks goodprobably a threat to the New World Order kontrollers
On Friday, November 18, 2022 at 05:54:03 PM PST: Very impressive interview. Makes me want to move there. The Worldby doug - 2022-11-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I don't see any proof Barack Insane Obama is running the show (a puppet himself), but wouldn't be surprised if true. Sent: Friday, November 18, 2022 10:03 PM "BIDEN IS NOT IN CHARGE. HERE IS EXACTLY WHAT'S HAPPENING New World Order Debunkedby doug - 2022-11-22 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]In less than 1 minute. Go ahead and pass this short video on to anyone who had such crazy ideas. This video goes better (seems to have been mixed up). Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2022 6:34 PM In less than 1 minute. Go ahead and pass this short video on to anyone who had such crazy ideas. This video goes better (seems to have been mixed up).
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2022 6:34 PM
In less than 1 minute. Go ahead and pass this short video on to anyone who had such crazy ideas. hospital murderby don - 2022-11-23 ( education / research ) [html version]$/embed/hospital-govt-genocide:8?lid=e190bf155587aa5b67ce8d0dfe104e11ac301f77 New World Order Not a Conspiracy Theoryby steve - 2022-11-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]France's Macron calls for single global order to replace US, China is in the drivers seat/ Hunter Biden Laptop Scandalby doug - 2022-11-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]To anyone who believed it was Russian disinformation in 2020, feeling like the fool now? The lying media and pedo joe got you again! Another conspiracy "theory" now a fact (only 2 years and a stolen election late). And if you believed those lies, do you think maybe the government and media lies about other things -- like health (scamdemic), for instance? If anyone wants to finally start learning the truth, walk away from gaslight media and take a few minutes to search for yourself whether any other "crazy" things people have been saying are in fact true. Words of Hopeby doug - 2022-11-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Good conversation which includes interesting comments about Trump, Q, "white hats" and the long road to wrench the country back from the grip of the current commie/socialist regime. It's probably not what you are thinking, so set the speed at 1.5x and I think you will like it. We Better Not Cooperateby doug - 2022-11-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]In case you aren't paying attention, the criminal powers that SHOULDN'T be are pushing the slavery agenda full steam ahead. Through their tyrannical vax passport plans that they want which prevents pure bloods from travel between countries (and maybe also states), people on the side of humans can refuse to travel. Yes, it might be a hardship but as long as enough people refuse to travel, the airlines themselves will put an end to this utter fascism. Pass this idea along to everyone because only WE can stop this. Profound Wisdomby doug - 2022-11-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Wonderful advice about life by David Icke the theft of Scientology in the 1980sby don - 2022-11-26 ( education / research ) [html version]from Lois Reisdorf who was there basically, the great wise man allowed himself to be manipulated by a garden variety psychopath into betraying everyone he'd trusted for decades GREAT RESET Documentaryby doug - 2022-11-26 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Got this from someone. Wow, excellent. ######### Watch and share. This is very well done. It's sort of a documentary and includes many interviews and videos of people etc Sent: Friday, November 25, 2022 9:44 AM ; las Re: Fw: I don't watch produced videos. All you need is a microphone to convey information. On 11/24/22 22:29: Got this from someone. Wow, excellent. ######### Watch and share. This is very well done. Trump a Freemason?by doug - 2022-11-27 ( education / research ) [html version] Something to Be Thankless Forby doug - 2022-11-27 ( education / research ) [html version]Got this from someone. Maybe you already saw it Very powerful. And it answered something I'd never heard about but had been wondering -- indeed many babies who lived to be born have severe abnormalities. So sad and disgustingly evil. Hope you share it. Soby doug - 2022-11-27 ( education / research ) [html version]Got this from someone. Maybe you already saw it Very powerful. And it answered something I'd never heard about but had been wondering -- indeed many babies who lived to be born have severe abnormalities. So sad and disgustingly evil. Hope you share it. Space Stuffby steve - 2022-11-28 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]We're watching this:Story Television Story Television History's greatest moments, real people who changed the world, and the innovations that have improved mankind ar... Then this story showed up as a link: Team Humanity is Winningby doug - 2022-11-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Really good conversation with Corey's Digs (Corey Lynn). If you haven't heard of her, she's very good at investigating, similar to Whitney Webb. This is a discussion about how the pedo joe regime and his globalist masters are plotting to implement a "Food is Medicine" campaign. That name alone is marketing genius, like Black Lives Matter. Since food really is medicine, it's bound to fool many people. It's about the implementation of fake food and making people dependent on their system. Many details about it and us humans need to sound the alarm so people don't fall for this conspiracy. Also hopeful information about the stolen election in Brazil -- still massive protests there. Please share. Installing Linux Drawing Programby steve - 2022-11-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I found this list of program. they aren't EXE files as I'm used to and it says to install one with "using the official PPA" which I have no clue about: Presidents Trump and Biden Keep JFK Assassination Records Secretby bill - 2022-11-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]That indicates to me that he was killed with the permission of his own government That indicates to me he was killed in collusion with his own government.
Super Video About Covidby steve - 2022-11-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version] Canadian Doctors Lose Licensesby steve - 2022-12-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]wowbadSince the doctors are right and the "college" has no basis for saying the doctors are wrong, this might be the straw that breaks the camel's (eugenicists) back On Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 10:26:50 AM PST someone wrote:
for presribing ivermectin, etc. mRNA Deathsby doug - 2022-12-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Yeah, "Died Suddenly" is very well done. Childhood Sex Traffickingby doug - 2022-12-01 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]But the pedo joe regime would never allow or condone this, right? Wakie, wakie -- this IS the business of the government that many so desperately trust would never do them intentional harm. Here's more
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 8:46 PM las But the pedo joe regime would never allow or condone this, right? Wakie, wakie -- this IS the business of the government that many so desperately trust would never do them intentional harm. Hot 22-Year-Old Hybrid :-)by don - 2022-12-02 ( education / research / aliens ) [html version]Great Questions for David Ickeby doug - 2022-12-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I listen to most of his interviews and this one has many questions nobody has asked. Very long but fascinating. Interesting Larouche Article on JFKby steve - 2022-12-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Supreme Courtby doug - 2022-12-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The most important case in Supreme Court history. Promising and exciting. Good Summary of Bioweapon Vaxby staff - 2022-12-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]You may not have seen some of these many clips that summarize the death jab: Green Scam Financesby staff - 2022-12-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Lots of good stuff, as always by these 2 ladies. China - Just Smileby staff - 2022-12-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]China and world govt: Starting about the 3 minute mark, very interesting perspective on what's going on with the CCP and protests in China. And then some excellent advice to smile. Selection in Brazilby don - 2022-12-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Very interesting (and damning) information. One thing I object to is that he called the Dems incompetent. That's just being nice -- they're VERY competent and are crashing the USA exactly as planned. There are no bumbling fools in that incredibly evil party. Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2022 6:19 AM On 11/2/22 07:32: Australian in Brazil says: Not the slightest possibility it was legit, I would not call it an "election". Alexandre de Morais, chief of the Supreme Court appointed himself as the chief of the electoral court, and was the one dictator of the entire process, He ordered all media and social media outlets to extreme levels of censorship, blocking and in some cases jailing the best journalists. He refused to have auditable counting machines, which are so primitive a school child could hack them. He un-condemned Lula, not on the basis of innocence, but saying the crimes were tried in a state instead of in Federal territory. In theory that would another court would have to make the judgment. Morais has criminal suspended cases against almost all Left politicians; as long as they support his corruption, he won't finish processing theirs. Lula appointed 9 of the 11 the Supreme Court judges. They invent legislation, which capacity does not exist in the Constitution. Morais said he would fine the Federal Police $20,000 per hour that that do not give lists of the thousands of protesting truck drivers to him. He also wanted to fine the police for stopping buses of people going to vote. Police seized about $10 million in bribes for vote rigging from those buses. The crimes of Lula's conviction "only" involved a few million $ for himself, but a fortune for Cuba and to install dictators in South American countries. I think the idea is to have one government for Canada, USA and all of South Ama. Hopefully the USA mid terms will punch a hole in the idea, and the Brazilian Military will intervene. The Military was ordered by Morais to analyze the voting machines and and announce to the public they were legit. The Military responded with 70 different serious flaws which could compromise election integrity. He ordered them to release their report on last month's election, but they refused, saying it will take another month to make a full report on both elections. I have studied the Brazilian constitution as part of a university course. I would say it is one of the best in the world. Nothing in it permits anything that is happening. Same madness the world over. >>> On 11/1/22 5:04 PM: Today's selection results on Brazil are being called into question. Shades of 2020 have hit again?!! Let's hope the criminals in this scam don't get away with this. FYI -- Bolsonaro was questioning the vax so not fit for the job. Puppet he was not so the globalists decided he must go (election scammed out). Jewish Cultby doug - 2022-12-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]On Saturday, December 3, 2022 at 10:08:19 PM PST: Such a great commentary on what's become an actual cult in modern times. And wouldn't you believe it, there's someone manipulating people. From Steve: I started to listen to it. First off, she's another person ignorant about the "transfer agreement" between Hitler and the Zionists (there's a German coin at that time with the "jewish star" on one side and the swastika on the other) made an agreement whereby the Rich "jews" From Bill: To answer Doug's translation question, according to Google Translate, the 'underzahlt davonim angriff' on the coin under the Nazi symbol means 'and pays for it in attack' (whatever that means, probably mistranslated). Without the 'angriff' it means 'I am underpaid.' The side saying 'nach palastina ein nazi fahrt' with the star of David means 'A Nazi trip to Palestine.' Climate Lockown?by staff - 2022-12-06 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Nah, it couldn't possibly happen here (unless the sheeple don't mind being IMPRISONED for whatever the Globalists want for them. And besides, it's just a "trial" like the Trial pandemic response: Oxfordshire County Council Pass Climate Lockdown 'trial' to Begin in 2024 Residents will be confined to their local neighbourhood and have to ask permission to leave it all to 'save the... CDC, HHS Offer $1 Million for Research to Predict Vaccine Misinformation Trendsby bill - 2022-12-07 ( education / news / rss ) [html version]Contrary information is not always misinformation By Michael Nevradakis | The Defender This article was originally published by The Defender Childrens Health Defenses News & Views Website. Two federal public health agencies will provide $1 million in grant funding to develop a public health tool to predict vaccine..." Eastern TNby don - 2022-12-07 ( education / research ) [html version]rural TN is different from Nashville and surrounds. People might take exception being passed, as if you're criticizing them or something., Knoxville has poorer employment prospects than Nashville, and more snow. Cookeville is a good in-between, cheap housing, but enough businesses like chain stores and restaurants. On 12/5/22 15:47: Would you like to add anything to what this website says about the reasons to live in eastern TN? I'm particularly interested in downsides -- why someone would not want to live there. W.H.O. Tightens Screws of Global Medical Dictatorshipby staff - 2022-12-07 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. W.H.O. tightens screws of global medical dictatorshipby don - 2022-12-07 ( education / research ) [html version] On 12/6/22 01:14: This explains how it's happening and how to fight it. Tricking Peopleby staff - 2022-12-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Really interesting interview about how the governments that are following the globalist agenda will trick people into the transhumanism agenda and the psychology of this. Great Prepping Roundtableby doug - 2022-12-08 ( education / research / preparedness ) [html version]This is a really good discussion and if you have not yet done anything to prepare for the coming manufactured crises, I'd say this is a must. Anyone else have or considering a sat phone or Bibi stick? Must share with anyone you care about. Another Video for "Died Suddenly"by staff - 2022-12-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The problem with gaslight media is that they have live events in which a medical emergency will be broadcast for all to see. Idiots who will just make excuses can ask themselves whether they have ever seen this in their life. 169 Years Agoby staff - 2022-12-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Listen to this same outrageous trouncing of a family's medical rights that happened 169 years ago . You can skip ahead to about the 2 minute mark. mRNA Vax Killing with Mycarditis, Males & Femalesby staff - 2022-12-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I'll look at it.this site has related videos: On Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 10:44:00 AM PST mRNA vax killing with mycarditis; German post mortem details History of Cabalby staff - 2022-12-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I am listening to Part 1. It tells history of Khazars. Supposedly there are 10 parts. Baby Will of New Zealandby doug - 2022-12-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Will this baby provide the spark that finally ignites the people to fight for their freedoms? Or will they continue to be afraid of the consequences of doing what's right and succumb to permanent tyranny? Video About Preppingby staff - 2022-12-13 ( education / research / preparation ) [html version]This video is about prepping and is such a good discussion. Don't get caught unprepared. History Repeatsby staff - 2022-12-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]interesting 2011 article regarding the H1N1 flu hoax sounds like actions of gov't today in regard to the antcipatedd vaqx deaths: Preppingby doug - 2022-12-13 ( education / research ) [html version]This video is about prepping and is such a good discussion. Don't get caught being unprepared. Good Article with Lots of Referencesby staff - 2022-12-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Sent: Monday, December 12, 2022 3:53 PM have you seen that elon musk is suggesting fauXi be put on trial? On Monday, December 12, 2022 at 01:35:16 PM PST:
Thanks for your fine article. About Joseph Ladapo limiting his recommendation against the bioweapon jab, you may get a better idea if you watch his interview on The High Wire from about a month or two ago. I think he knows full well it's toxic sh-t but in order to convince the brain-dead masses their study only was for that younger age group. Florida Surgeon General: covid Injections Profoundly Unsafe By: Devvy December 12, 2022 'In the long run, the most unpleasant truth is a safer companion than a pleasant fal... Yea, it's interesting and hope things he's doing are for the good, but he's no less a globalist than most in that type of rich person. And Twitter will likely be a trap somehow in the end, after he earns people's trust. How the Scam Continuesby staff - 2022-12-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]As the scamdemic apparently is winding down, here's how the scam continues and gets far worse. Time to wake up people! Unique Icke Videoby staff - 2022-12-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Great talk about what it means to be human. Really worth a look. Free Energy Futureby staff - 2022-12-19 ( education / research / energy ) [html version]Here's what the distant future looks like as to energy. You'd probably have to be less than 30 now to be alive by the time we get there. Believe Buzz Aldrin?by staff - 2022-12-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I have stuff about the moon hoax. I'd have to dig it out. One is a meeting where they discuss that a hoax might be needed. Of course, a YouTube search won't work because they won't allow some things to be seen, though if you have a direct link you can find it. On Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 09:54:47 PM PST: This reminds me of the moon landing hoax. Do you have a link to the evidence against that which shows it was taken on a set? Buzz Aldrin Confirms UFO Sighting in Syfy's 'Aliens on the Moon' Canada's Amazing Health Careby doug - 2022-12-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Maybe we can have that here some day. It's not a joke, by the way. But you might get a chuckle from this presentation of the new system. "Night Before Christmas" Rewordedby doug - 2022-12-19 ( education / research ) [html version]The words are genius! Also the latest news from Arizona. Click on the first possible link, I think. Fascinating New Information About the JFK Conspiracyby staff - 2022-12-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Did I actually say the "C" word?! You mean there really are conspiracies?! This is a really good video: Watch on YouTube If You are Spiritually Inclinedby staff - 2022-12-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I think you will find this very interesting from the very big picture perspective. True American Patriotby doug - 2022-12-20 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]I really like this guy. I only discovered him recently. He's talking about "auditors" which are people from around the country who take their phone and record in public spaces to test whether police or anyone tries to stop them. They are bold and sometimes get arrested by power tripping cops, but test the limits to ensure their rights are still intact. It's very educational. I don't think I've shared any of these videos before. Just listen to this short talk and you may appreciate having this type of patriot out there somewhere to preserve all of our freedoms. We need more people stepping like him in their own way. I believe this has become my life's purpose since the scamdemic started. Genealogy is no longer of any interest to me. It was fun but waking people up and creating a new civilization based on freedom is far more important and exciting. I've reinvented myself. If you haven't already figured this out based on what I share, now you know. Nobody has ever acquiesced their way out of tyranny. Stand up, never comply with fascists. Just say NO. Educate yourself on what's truly happening. There's no going back to the old normal. The world has changed forever. Yes I must pay the bills and help create a new and parallel economy, trying to disconnect as much as possible from the slavers. I met with someone from Folsom who's doing the same through the Freedom Cells network and he mentioned doctors and many types of trades people. But it's still in its infancy. With so much unknown as the screws tighten, we have to remain flexible. And while I want more to wake up, I continue to run into absolutely lost souls who are completely blind, deaf and dumb (and vaxed) that are currently just a waste of time. For those we can only hope something in their life will jolt them to the core and finally realize their world has forever changed. Just last night I heard about one of the lockdown and vax pushers in Australia, the former head of 'health" who suffered very bad effects and also her wife (gay couple) even worse and is now speaking out to sound the alarm. While she and her wife will probably soon die and are lost causes, she flipped to the side of truth which is awesome. Just today I also heard NFL superstar Franko Harris who pushed the vax has died suddenly. While he finally woke up after his own death, he served as another example of the scam and will only solidify people's confidence and resolve to not get further or any bioweapon shots. It's also a mindset to keep high spirits to improve your own surroundings and your own reality. Most of all I'm having great fun every day. Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 10:49 PM I skimmed through the video. It was a big rant, which I don't care for. Well, if you found your "life goal" of fighting the "bad guys," great, if you can do it and still make a living selling stuff. I wouldn't say it's my "life goal" but I'm an educator and I feel an urge to educate the masses who are "comfortable" with what they're ALLOWED to have. It'd be cool if I were Superman and could "fight for justice" as he did and not worry about some idiot shooting him. If so, I would be filling up the prisons real fast (or maybe just send them to China since so many say they love communism) On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 11:40:47 PM PST:
Just listen to this short talk and you may appreciate having this type of patriot out there somewhere to preserve all of our freedoms. True American patriotby doug - 2022-12-20 ( education / research ) [html version]I really like this guy. I only discovered him recently. He's talking about "auditors" which are people from around the country who take their phone and record in public spaces to test whether police or anyone tries to stop them. They are bold and sometimes get arrested by power tripping cops, but test the limits to ensure their rights are still intact. It's very educational. I don't think I've shared any of these videos before. Just listen to this short talk and you may appreciate having this type of patriot out there somewhere to preserve all of our freedoms. We need more people stepping like him in their own way. I believe this has become my life's purpose since the scamdemic started. Genealogy is no longer of any interest to me. It was fun but waking people up and creating a new civilization based on freedom is far more important and exciting. I've reinvented myself. If you haven't already figured this out based on what I share, now you know. Nobody has ever acquiesced their way out of tyranny. Stand up, never comply with fascists. Just say NO. Educate yourself on what's truly happening. There's no going back to the old normal. The world has changed forever. Yes I must pay the bills and help create a new and parallel economy, trying to disconnect as much as possible from the slavers. I met with someone from Folsom who's doing the same through the Freedom Cells network and he mentioned doctors and many types of trades people. But it's still in its infancy. With so much unknown as the screws tighten, we have to remain flexible. And while I want more to wake up, I continue to run into absolutely lost souls who are completely blind, deaf and dumb (and vaxed) that are currently just a waste of time. For those we can only hope something in their life will jolt them to the core and finally realize their world has forever changed. Just last night I heard about one of the lockdown and vax pushers in Australia, the former head of 'health" who suffered very bad effects and also her wife (gay couple) even worse and is now speaking out to sound the alarm. While she and her wife will probably soon die and are lost causes, she flipped to the side of truth which is awesome. Just today I also heard NFL superstar Franko Harris who pushed the vax has died suddenly. While he finally woke up after his own death, he served as another example of the scam and will only solidify people's confidence and resolve to not get further or any bioweapon shots. It's also a mindset to keep high spirits to improve your own surroundings and your own reality. Most of all I'm having great fun every day. Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 10:49 PM Re: I skimmed through the video. It was a big rant, which I don't care for. Well, if you found your "life goal" of fighting the "bad guys", great, if you can do it and still make a living selling stuff. I wouldn't say it's my "life goal" but I'm an educator and I feel an urge to educate the masses who are "comfortable" with what they're ALLOWED to have. It'd be cool if I were Superman and could "fight for justice" as he did and not worry about some idiot shooting him. If so, I would be filling up the prisons real fast (or maybe just send them to China since so many say they love communism)
On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 11:40:47 PM PST: I really like this guy. I only discovered him recently. He's talking about "auditors" which are people from around the country who take their phone and record in public spaces to test whether police or anyone tries to stop them. They are bold and sometimes get arrested by power tripping cops, but test the limits to ensure their rights are still intact. It's very educational. I don't think I've shared any of these videos before. Just listen to this short talk and you may appreciate having this type of patriot out there somewhere to preserve all of our freedoms. We need more people stepping like him in their own way. I believe this has become my life's purpose since the scamdemic started. Genealogy is no longer of any interest to me. It was fun but waking people up and creating a new civilization based on freedom is far more important and exciting. I've reinvented myself. If you haven't already figured this out based on what I share, now you know. Nobody has ever acquiesced their way out of tyranny. Stand up, never comply with fascists. Just say NO. Educate yourself on what's truly happening. There's no going back to the old normal. The world has changed forever. More Whitneyby staff - 2022-12-20 ( education / research / history ) [html version]This week's interview with the brilliant investigative journalist Whitney Webb seeks to help the Solari audience understand how America really works. Whitney and I go beyond Hollywoodized depictions of mustachioed mafiosi and sneaky spies to show that organized crime -- and its fusion with intelligence agencies and central banking -- is America's fundamental industry. As we noted a few weeks ago when we named Whitney our Hero of the Week, her remarkable new two-volume book, One Nation Under Blackmail, represents a feat of 'undeniable serious scholarship that allows everybody to understand that this country is managed and run by organized crime.' The book is essential reading for understanding post-WWII developments in the U.S., in particular -- the events that followed the passage of the National Security Act of 1947 and the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 that together gave birth to the CIA and the black budget. In addition to examining the rise of and the roles played by the 'usual suspects' -- dynasties like the Rockefellers, families like the Bushes, Clintons, and Maxwells, and entities like the Harvard Corporation -- Whitney maps the intimate relationships that I believe were critical to the financial coup d'etat that led to the 2007-2008 financial crisis, $21 trillion in 'missing money,' and the compromise of our sovereignty today. In this way, she provides the context for understanding how a figure like Jeffrey Epstein fits into the bigger picture of government secrecy and criminality that touch our lives every day. Whitney Webb's intelligent, courageous, and hard-hitting journalism is one of the reasons we are so optimistic about the New Media. Join us Thursday to learn more about how Whitney decided to venture down this particular 'rabbit hole'! Interesting Episode of the X-Filesby staff - 2022-12-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Anyone have access to this episode of the X files? I used to love that series. On 12/19/22 19:24: It's in syndication during the day. Get a quad-tuner Tablo (I recommend at least a 3gb drive) and record the episodes. Interview with Whitney Webb: National Security Stateby doug - 2022-12-21 ( education / research / history ) [html version]WOW, such a great discussion with maybe the best journalist alive, a young lady named Whitney Webb. Most people believe, correctly, that the disgusting CIA is responsible for murdering president JFK. In their efforts to cover up this fact, they very successfully created the term "conspiracy theorist" for anyone who dared not believe their bullsh-t narrative. So if the government was capable of killing our president, what more might they be doing? This discussion might blow your mind. Her newly released book (in 2 volumes) is fully documented. Please don't dismiss this out of hand. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself about the truth. This should be mandatory watching for high school and college so our future adults realize what's awaiting in their future. Of course, everyone should know what really going on. DARK JOURNALIST X-NEWSLETTER SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2022 DARK JOURNALIST SPECIAL INTERVIEW: WHITNEY WEBB THE NATIONAL SECURITY STATE REVEALED! THE G THE GOVERNANCE CONTROL SYSTEM Join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and his Special Guest Whitney Webb, Author of the Sensational Two Volume Set, One Nation Under Blackmail. Whitney walks us through decades of the Covert Power Struggles in the National Security State. From Roy Cohn to Jeffrey Epstein the figures may be familiar but with her widele lens she lets us see the Truth Behind the Story! Whether it's CIA, NSA, DHS or Organized Crime, let's pull back the curtain and take a look at the real Governance Control System and see who is pulling the strings! Dark Journalist Special Report: Some JFK Assassination Files Released! Dark Journalist X-Series 141: Female Targets JFK Deep State Assassination! [UltaX] Dr. Joseph Farrell Ultimate UFO File Public Premiere! CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS PART 2 [Fitts2] Catherine Austin Fitts Part 2 [XB] NOW is the Time to Get New Episodes Directly In Your Inbox Every Week! Special Discount of $60 (Regularly $99) For ONE FULL YEAR! BECOME A MEMBER NOW (ENDS DECEMBER 24THDARK JOURNALIST: TRUTH RUNS DEEP! Special Deep Episodes & Exclusive Interviews with Amazing Top Guests Coming This Summer So Subscribe Now! Global Coup -- UFO Secrecy -- X-Series -- Black Budget -- Deep State Ops -- Atlantis Transhumanism/5G -- Mystery Schools! HD Video/Audio Archives & More! You can also enjoy quality audio files to stream or download, HD video and special access to exclusive content and event discounts. Subscribe Now and receive our Special Discount of $60 (Regular $99) for ONE FULL YEAR an amazingly low price and you can support the search for the truth...! THREE PART JFK ASSASSINATION SPECIAL [MarrsX] Dark Journalist Classic 9/11 Interview with Jim Marrs DARK JOURNALIST THE LOST JIM MARRS INTERVIEW! The late Jim Marrs was a best-selling author and widely respected journalist who investigated multiple official cover-ups and the covert aspects of the modern political world. Remember to Join Our New Rumble Channel! Dark Journalist X-Protect UFO File Assassins Documentary! NEW BREAKTHROUGH X-PROTECT UFO FILE ASSASSINS DOCUMENTARY. This Breakthrough Documentary Includes: Pascagoula UFO Incident Howard Hughes UFO Secret Skunkworks and RFK Assassination Litton Industries Black Projects Lockheed Defense Contractors MKULTRA Secret Programs Aerospace Assassins Pretty interestingby steve - 2022-12-21 ( education / research ) [html version]when looking at that, it led me= to this:Shocking! Look What's In My Blood. Graphene/Genetically Modified Synthetic Parasites. Vax Shedding!
Shocking! Look What's In My Blood. Graphene/Genetically Modified Synthet... I have been monitoring my blood samples with a microscope since the very beginning. I've always had good clean b...
On Monday, December 19, 2022 at 11:48:03 PM PST: a related video:The Destruction of Critical Thought: Shot-Induced 1P36 Gene Deletion Syndrome [VIDEO]
The Destruction of Critical Thought: Shot-Induced 1P36 Gene Deletion Syn... Attorney Todd Callender: "The 1p36 gene deletion is a congenital disease " you're born with it " and yet that wa...
On Monday, December 19, 2022 at 09:51:00 PM PST: What say you? Spiritual Entities Pulling the Stringsby staff - 2022-12-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]"technology developed over last 200 years'"?Really.Gee, I wonder what kind of tech was being developed in 1921 that would be important for today.Sorry, but I think she's a NUTTTTT and watching six minutes was more than enough to come to that conclusion On Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 08:07:01 PM PST:
Here's part two of a fascinating discussion. Pretty Interestingby staff - 2022-12-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]When looking at that, it led me to this: "Shocking! Look What's In My Blood. Graphene/Genetically Modified Synthetic Parasites. Vax Shedding! On Monday, December 19, 2022 at 11:48:03 PM PST:
A related video: The Destruction of Critical Thought: Shot-Induced 1P36 Gene Deletion Syndrome [VIDEO]
On Monday, December 19, 2022 at 09:51:00 PM PST:
What say you? Spiritual Entities Pulling the Stringsby steve - 2022-12-22 ( education / research ) [html version]"technology developed over last 200 years'"?Really.Gee, I wonder what kind of tech was being developed in 1921 that would be important for today.Sorry, but I think she's a NUTTTTT and watching six minutes was more than enough to come to that conclusion On Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 08:07:01 PM PST:
Here's part two of a fascinating discussion. 2023-24 Survival Guideby doug - 2022-12-27 ( education / research / survival ) [html version]As the globalists keep being backed into a corner there's no limit to the evil they will unleash to maintain control. But as she says, it boils down to knowing your locals -- neighbors, farmers, bankers, sheriff, etc on a region by region basis. It makes no difference who the POTUS is. We've been financing a criminal cartel since 1963 at least. Fun fact -- demand for cash is way up globally. Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2022 8:35 PMRe: if the globalist unleash infected mosquitos or something similar and they get the military to bomb groups who resist, .... hell on earth On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 08:31:07 PM PST:
This interview is so amazing I consider it the way forward for you to ensure your family can survive the next year or two. Catherine Austin Fitts takes a look at the global situation from a financial perspective which results in many different viewpoints than we usually hear. Too many good points to mention, so just watch and learn from one of the smartest ladies you might ever come across. 2023-24 survival guideby doug - 2022-12-27 ( education / research ) [html version]As the globalists keep being backed into a corner there's no limit to the evil they will unleash to maintain control. But as she says, it boils down to knowing your locals -- neighbors, farmers, bankers, sheriff, etc on a region by region basis. It makes no difference who the POTUS is. We've been financing a criminal cartel since 1963 at least. Fun fact -- demand for cash is way up globally. Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2022 8:35 PMRe: if the globalist unleash infected mosquitos or something similar and they get the military to bomb groups who resist, .... hell on earth On Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 08:31:07 PM PST:
This interview is so amazing I consider it the way forward for you to ensure your family can survive the next year or two. Catherine Austin Fitts takes a look at the global situation from a financial perspective which results in many different viewpoints than we usually hear. Too many good points to mention, so just watch and learn from one of the smartest ladies you might ever come across. Sovereign Bankby doug - 2022-12-27 ( education / research / finance / banks ) [html version]In this video that somebody passed along, it says Tennessee has a sovereign bank. Do either of you use it? us-government-in-full-scale-implosion-because-of-corruption-catherine-austi.html Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2022 No, I don't think so. She was discussing it with some elected official and saying North Dakota has one that can be used as an example. The Truth from An Old Manby doug - 2022-12-28 ( education / research ) [html version]2023 predictions and his attempt to wake people up. Very Interesting, Informative Video on Ukraine/Russiaby staff - 2022-12-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Ukraine 2030by staff - 2022-12-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Watch this new video to learn how it'll be so cool how great society can be 100% controlled by artificial intelligence. Don't you just love what the globalists are doing to make all our lives better? Ukraine in 2030 ( Very Interesting/informative Video on Ukraine/Russiaby steve - 2022-12-29 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version] Whitney Webb, Part 2by staff - 2023-01-02 ( education / research / history ) [html version]Relatively short. Interesting comments about Musk, Trump and much more. is her website, for the news behind the news Whitney Webb Part 2by staff - 2023-01-02 ( education / research / history ) [html version] is her website, for the news behind the news Relatively short. Interesting comments about Musk, Trump and much more. is her website, for the news behind the news On 12/31/22 13:21: Relatively short. Interesting comments about Musk, Trump and much more. is her website, for the news behind the news On 12/31/22 13:21: Relatively short. Interesting comments about Musk, Trump and much more. 2023 - the Year of Actionby doug - 2023-01-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]We don't need more proof. We just need to show the documents that prove the shots are a bioweapon. Many simply can't go there for whatever reason, but it's the plain truth and it won't go away. Karen Kingston's background is with pharma, way before 2020. She's a researcher and a mother who will never back down. Listen to her solution at the local level to stop more death and disabilities by taking these bioweapons off the pharmacy shelves. Very worthy of sharing to spread the word on what people can do personally to help. Really Interesting Details About Googleby staff - 2023-01-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I thought I knew quite a lot but now I see it was only a fraction and this is a really fascinating discussion about how Google has become far too big and dangerous. Also mentions Apple, Amazon and other trillion dollar corporations. Biden Child Traffickingby staff - 2023-01-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]hit play Make 2023 a Year of Changesby staff - 2023-01-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Be the change you want to see in this world. Lots of wonderful advice from Max Igan. A New Level of Control ( Real Hopeby staff - 2023-01-05 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]In case you haven't already heard, a man without representation of a lawyer (pro se) has a case before the Supreme Court which happens to be set for a vote on January 6th. It's apolitical in nature but has everything to do with our Constitution. Listen to the details here and I'm confident you will have real hope (not hopium). It's simply awesome and even in the unlikely chance it fails, there's more coming soon. You can help, too. If the court sees massive support it will make it easier for the justices to do what the Constitution says in plain language must be done. Excellent article about the same thing Excellent article about the same thing Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 11:20 AM Subject: RE: Great! Here's hoping. Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 12:17 PM To: Subject: In case you haven't already heard, a man without representation of a lawyer (pro se) has a case before the Supreme Court which happens to be set for a vote on January 6th. It's apolitical in nature but has everything to do with our Constitution. Listen to the details here and I'm confident you will have real hope (not hopium). It's simply awesome and even in the unlikely chance it fails, there's more coming soon. You can help, too. If the court sees massive support it will make it easier for the justices to do what the Constitution says in plain language must be done. Excellent article about the same thing Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 11:20 AM
Subject: RE: Great! Here's hoping.
Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 12:17 PM To:
Subject: In case you haven't already heard, a man without representation of a lawyer (pro se) has a case before the Supreme Court which happens to be set for a vote on January 6th. It's apolitical in nature but has everything to do with our Constitution. Listen to the details here and I'm confident you will have real hope (not hopium). It's simply awesome and even in the unlikely chance it fails, there's more coming soon. You can help, too. If the court sees massive support it will make it easier for the justices to do what the Constitution says in plain language must be done. Schumann Resonancesby staff - 2023-01-06 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]There's a wacky woman who posted something about them online. I haven't looked at it yet but it seems that many are concerned about them. W.E.F. Promotes Pedophiliaby staff - 2023-01-06 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Replacing God with A.Iby staff - 2023-01-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Another great video from Max Igan. Watch at 1.5x speed if possible. Full of video clips proving what he says. No reason to theorize when they flat out tell you exactly what they are doing. In your face. Just don't comply. Replacing God with AIby doug - 2023-01-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Woops Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:19 AMRE: There's no link Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 12:45 AM Another great video from Max Igan. Watch at 1.5x speed if possible. Full of video clips proving what he says. No reason to theorize when they flat out tell you exactly what they are doing. In your face. Just don't comply. McCarthy at the WEF Conference in 2018by steve - 2023-01-09 ( education / research ) [html version]Here's Kevin McCarthy at the WEF conference in Davos in 2018. Here's a current article about Trump supporting McCarthy: Yeah, I hope there is a decent GOP candidate for president (top puppet) in 2024. Kevin McCarthyby steve - 2023-01-09 ( education / research ) [html version]Here's McCarthy at the WEF conference in Davos in 2018:'s a current article about trump supporting mccarthy:, I hope there is a decent GOP candidate for president (top puppet) in 2024 Kevin McCarthy is a traitorby doug - 2023-01-09 ( education / research ) [html version]Good conversation about McCarthy, Trump, the pathetically weak Maga movement, etc ________________________________ Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2023 12:04 PM las Re: This gaslight media article mentions how scumbag McCarthy was blaming trump for the fake riot on January 6th. Just shows that he's a typical sleazy person. Where there's smoke there's fire. I don't plan to spend my day convincing anyone. It's always good to let people use judgement and their eyes. Screenshot ________________________________ Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2023 11:34 AM Re: pelosi was involved in the Jan 6 "insurrection" as has been brought out this last week I have info on the others' anti-USA doings on my computer and I can't think of specific things at the moment
On Saturday, January 7, 2023 at 11:28:42 AM PST: Any chance you need proof of the treason of pelosi, pedo joe, Schumer, Kerry and others while you're asking? ________________________________ Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2023 8:51 AM las Re: Fw: an assertion without an argument -- or do you have a picture of him sucking scum? Kiley will probably put you in his spam list On 1/7/23 00:29: I sent this just now to Kevin Kiley, the new California congressman in my area whom I donated to. ________________________________
Sent: Friday, January 6, 2023 10:25 PM Kevin Kiley I didn't see your name on the list of 20 constitutional conservatives opposing this traitorous scum. I sure hope there's a great reason for you voting for him as speaker. Are you getting some important concession from this scumbag? I've got high expectations for you in Congress. Don't let all your supporters down!! America First -- not Israel, the WEF, etc. Real ID and DNAby doug - 2023-01-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I was one of the unsuspecting people years ago when the CA DMV was offering this great new system called "real ID.' I'm now glad I never followed through with it. This issue, plus the original Social Security card and DNA is in this very interesting and short video about this. Australian Covid Mandates Class Actionby staff - 2023-01-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Apologies for the previous link to legal proceedings which didn't work. This is the current information: Covid AIDS!by staff - 2023-01-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]You may have seen many of these, but they are probably greatly responsible for people waking up to the truth about the toxic injections. Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 9:42 PM sure, waking up a FEW but too many are indoctrinated to it all being a ridiculous "conspiracy theory" and will never see the truth (but their relatives might when those indoctrinated end up six feet under) On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 09:23:17 PM PST:
Yea, sports injuries and deaths by vax are waking up people like never before. Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 9:12 PM the idiots won't ever believe it. Ignorance is bliss, all the way to the cemetery. For instance, the "news" is big on how that football player collapsed (and it was okay to pray for him but Tebow was chastised for praying on the field before) and they were able to BLAME the cause on something that is amazingly rare and never happened to football players before but Ignore the other recent football player because they couldn't even find a ridiculous excuse for him dying. On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 09:06:55 PM PST:
I believe AIDS is just a destruction of the immune system. AZT killed most people who got it, thanks to the smiling criminal Fauci. Now he's heavily involved in a new way to destroy the immune system -- the covid "vaccine" that does nothing that prior vaccines were designed to do. Any thinking person knows it's a bioweapon masquerading as a vax. They won't believe it if they got it but will eventually realize it's part of the depopulation agenda that they unwittingly signed up for. I have a friend in Canada who now has a heart condition and she's starting to suspect it's this poison shot. She was naively participating in the trial. It will take a lot more people to realize that the reason most deaths are of vaxed people is not because most people got the shots. It's because that sh-t is toxic (sooner or later). I wonder how many realize it deep down but just can't face the idea of what they did to themselves. 2022 was a massive wake up year, but 2023 will see way more of that. We're already the majority now, but the fake gaslight media makes it appear the pharma religion zealots are the majority. Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 8:37 PM this is REAL SCIENCE and not the type that the FDA, CDC, and WHO lie about Covid AIDSby doug - 2023-01-11 ( education / research ) [html version]You may have seen many of these, but they are probably greatly responsible for people waking up to the truth about the toxic injections. Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 9:42 PM sure, waking up a FEW but too many are indoctrinated to it all being a ridiculous "conspiracy theory" and will never see the truth (but their relatives might when those indoctrinated end up six feet under) On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 09:23:17 PM PST:
Yea, sports injuries and deaths by vax are waking up people like never before. Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 9:12 PM the idiots won't ever believe it. Ignorance is bliss, all the way to the cemetery. For instance, the "news" is big on how that football player collapsed (and it was okay to pray for him but Tebow was chastised for praying on the field before) and they were able to BLAME the cause on something that is amazingly rare and never happened to football players before but Ignore the other recent football player because they couldn't even find a ridiculous excuse for him dying. On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 09:06:55 PM PST:
I believe AIDS is just a destruction of the immune system. AZT killed most people who got it, thanks to the smiling criminal Fauci. Now he's heavily involved in a new way to destroy the immune system -- the covid "vaccine" that does nothing that prior vaccines were designed to do. Any thinking person knows it's a bioweapon masquerading as a vax. They won't believe it if they got it but will eventually realize it's part of the depopulation agenda that they unwittingly signed up for. I have a friend in Canada who now has a heart condition and she's starting to suspect it's this poison shot. She was naively participating in the trial. It will take a lot more people to realize that the reason most deaths are of vaxed people is not because most people got the shots. It's because that sh-t is toxic (sooner or later). I wonder how many realize it deep down but just can't face the idea of what they did to themselves. 2022 was a massive wake up year, but 2023 will see way more of that. We're already the majority now, but the fake gaslight media makes it appear the pharma religion zealots are the majority. Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 8:37 PM this is REAL SCIENCE and not the type that the FDA, CDC, and WHO lie about We Won the War in 2030by doug - 2023-01-11 ( education / research / future ) [html version]The globalists have collapsed. Watch this "backcast" from 2030 to learn how we did it. The Solari Report with Catherine Austin Fitts is always excellent. Who is More at Risk from Vax?by steve - 2023-01-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]10201741_841892266.1673383707439 I have a video somewhere where a virologist of many decades looked for the virus. She FOUND NO EVIDENCE of it. It's all based on finding a piece of this and a piece of that then some computer "filled in the gaps" and essentially MADE ONE UP.I had an article about the Canadian lawsuit where the guy WON because no proof of covid existed but somehow it got messed up. Though I have the article name but when I try to get it online, it doesn't show up in a search but there's other articles (such as LYING SNOPES) that says the article was wrongAnyhow, here's another article that I have: PHD VIROLOGIST PROVES covid19 DOES NOT EXIST PHD VIROLOGIST PROVES covid19 DOES NOT EXIST California PhD Virologist proves covid19 does not exist. Another doctor, Dr. Robert Young and many other doctors... Here's another article:= Virus causes covid-19: Imaginary and Theoretical Virus ? Virus causes covid-19: Imaginary and Theoretical Virus ? News and Views on Sri Lanka and rest of the World Other article: another article: video -- no proof of existence: video:Patrick King from Canada Proves In Court The VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST Patrick King from Canada Proves In Court The VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST Patrick King from Canada Proves In Court The VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST. THE VIRUS HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED. 'They have... On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 12:11:01 PM PST:
That's an assumption based on trusting psycho liars.
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 12:09 PM
who more at risk from vax?= It exists in a lab, but for the actual roll-out, they had to cheat. On 1/10/23 13:46: Good list of the lies. Most notable to me is the lie that covid 19 ever existed. This will cause some to say I'm crazy, but then how did the normal influenza vanish? It's been consistent year after year but suddenly is gone? Makes perfect sense to an idiot but if someone has any degree of thinking power left, it's an obvious lie. Others will argue that the flu was simply misdiagnosed as covid 19, but do they realize that no government agency in the world has a covid viral sample they can share? And the only genetic sequencing was based on a model where the computer simply filled in the gaps to make it novel, having based everything on older real coronaviruses. It's a monumental scam that's so ingenious that people are still fooled after 3 full years. Congratulations goes to the CIA and DOD who ran this psyop. Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 9:55 AM RE: who more at risk from vax?= More likely, it's just not that deadly. Still, why take a risk on something that's not a vaccine and doesn't prevent anything? Here's something interesting I just received: Everything the government told us about covid, from the virus, to lockdowns, to the covid gene injection vaccine was a lie, 100% lie! PCR test was a lie, over-cycled, its a process, not a test! DR. PAUL ALEXANDER - once cycles go to 24 and above, then you detect viral junk and non-culturable virus, non-infectious, non-lethal; that is, each cycle doubles the material in the test until they can identify the sample; in other words, we closed schools and locked society with a near 95%-97% false positive; declared positive but you never were; this was done to get you hysterical and scared when you were never infected or even infectious. In my opinion, this was deliberate - they lied by saying natural immunity is inferior to vaccine immunity, a pure lie - lied that there was asymptomatic transmission; people without symptoms cannot infect - they lied that there was no early treatment - the lie that there was equal risk of severe outcome and death if exposed and infected, despite age and risk profile - lied about recurrent infection pre Omicron era - they lied that the vaccine would stop infection and transmission - they lied about how dangerous the virus is and was, for it was always at or below seasonal influenza; Ioannidis showed that the IFR for those 70-75 years and below is 0.05% - the mean and median age of death for covid is 82 to 83 years yet life expectancy is about 79 years and as such, covid did not cut life short and kills beyond life-expectancy; it killed and kills persons who are elderly and with medical conditions, always did and still does. Every single aspect of the pandemic response was a lie! All of it! Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 11:44 AM
That's my working theory too -- placebos. Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 9:33 AM lots of colleges here required the vax (reqmt at los rios, need an exemption not to at CSU). I'm surprised that I haven't seee more dropping dead around here. maybe there were a lot of saine solution fake vaxes around here On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 07:12:00 AM PST someone wrote:
good point nobody with an mrna vax should be exercising hard On 1/9/23 00:25: I don't know why they haven't thought of it, but it's obvious to me that younger men are more likely to Succumb (go six feet under) because they EXERCISE HARDER to more likely to have blood in their veins CLOT: Our New Myocarditis Paper -- Shows the Risk Highest in Young Men -- Stratifying Factors Our New Myocarditis Paper -- Shows the Risk Highest in Young Men -- Strati... --=10201741_841892266.1673383707439 I have a video somewhere where a virologist of many decades looked for the virus. She FOUND NO EVIDENCE of it. It's all based on finding a piece of this and a piece of that then some computer "filled in the gaps" and essentially MADE ONE UP.I had an article about the Canadian lawsuit where the guy WON because no proof of covid existed but somehow it got messed up. Though I have the article name but when I try to get it online, it doesn't show up in a search but there's other articles (such as LYING SNOPES) that says the article was wrongAnyhow, here's another article that I have: PHD VIROLOGIST PROVES covid19 DOES NOT EXIST PHD VIROLOGIST PROVES covid19 DOES NOT EXISTCalifornia PhD Virologist proves covid19 does not exist. Another doctor, Dr. Robert Young and many other doctors... Here's another article: Virus causes covid-19: Imaginary and Theoretical Virus ?Virus causes covid-19: Imaginary and Theoretical Virus ? News and Views on Sri Lanka and rest of the World Other article: another article: video -- no proof of existence: video:Patrick King from Canada Proves In Court The VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST Patrick King from Canada Proves In Court The VIRUS DOES NOT EXISTPatrick King from Canada Proves In Court The VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST. THE VIRUS HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED. 'They have... On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 12:11:01 PM PST:
That's an assumption based on trusting psycho liars. Rand Paul Sold Outby doug - 2023-01-15 ( education / research ) [html version]He puts on a good show by attacking fraud and criminal Fauci, knowing he'll never have enough support to arrest him for crimes against humanity. But, the proof of his loyalty to pharma is in his accepting $1,000,000 -- just like Trump, what an amazing coincidence. Read, listen or watch the rest here: --_000_BYAPR08MB562472F17654FA7ED5E0762CD1C39BYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="us-ascii" I'm more concerned with making sure my kids can survive these incredible attacks now and approaching. I think the final answer is for most people to first realize what is happening. Maybe 50% have woken up to the pharma medical tyranny situation, but don't necessarily realize that politics is mostly a distraction to hide all the criminal behavior going on by the deep state. Stand out too much now and they can easily destroy anyone who can't be blackmailed. So the solution is to keep sharing the information and let the snowball effect continue. I'm happy to say a genealogy connection I have is beginning to realize the scam because she's suffering from a heart condition thanks to the pharma bioweapon shots . Just like what happened to us after childhood vaccinations, the injuries woke us up to pharma. But it wasn't until the scamdemic that all the other dots started to connect. Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2023 5:13 AM ; RE: Someone like you, maybe? Move to a state where enough people agree with you, then run for office. Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 10:37 PM Re: Sorry to know he's one of the best. Maybe someone new will emerge as an honest representative of the people. Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 8:28 PMRe: yes, he's a fraud. every time I see something on him, I point that out he makes glorious speeches against fauXi and then asks for donations On Friday, January 13, 2023 at 08:21:05 PM PST:
He puts on a good show by attacking fraud and criminal Fauci, knowing he'll never have enough support to arrest him for crimes against humanity. But the proof of his loyalty to pharma is accepting $1,000,000 -- just like Trump (gee, what an amazing coincidence). --_000_BYAPR08MB562472F17654FA7ED5E0762CD1C39BYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="us-ascii" I'm more concerned with making sure my kids can survive these incredible attacks now and approaching. I think the final answer is for most people to first realize what is happening. Maybe 50% have woken up to the pharma medical tyranny situation, but don't necessarily realize that politics is mostly a distraction to hide all the criminal behavior going on by the deep state. Stand out too much now and they can easily destroy anyone who can't be blackmailed. So the solution is to keep sharing the information and let the snowball effect continue. I'm happy to say a genealogy connection I have is beginning to realize the scam because she's suffering from a heart condition thanks to the pharma bioweapon shots . Just like what happened to us after childhood vaccinations, the injuries woke us up to pharma. But it wasn't until the scamdemic that all the other dots started to connect.
Sacramento Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2023 5:13 AM; don; RE:
Someone like you, maybe? Move to a state where enough people agree with you, then run for office.
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 10:37 PM
Sorry to know he's one of the best. Maybe someone new will emerge as an honest representative of the people.
Sacramento Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 8:28 PM
yes, he's a fraud. every time I see something on him, I point that out he makes glorious speeches against fauXi and then asks for donations
On Friday, January 13, 2023 at 08:21:05 PM PST:
He puts on a good show by attacking fraud and criminal Fauci, knowing he'll never have enough support to arrest him for crimes against humanity.
But the proof of his loyalty to pharma is accepting $1,000,000 -- just like Trump (gee, what an amazing coincidence).
--_000_BYAPR08MB562472F17654FA7ED5E0762CD1C39BYAPR08MB5624namp_-- --_000_BYAPR08MB562472F17654FA7ED5E0762CD1C39BYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="us-ascii" I'm more concerned with making sure my kids can survive these incredible attacks now and approaching. I think the final answer is for most people to first realize what is happening. Maybe 50% have woken up to the pharma medical tyranny situation, but don't necessarily realize that politics is mostly a distraction to hide all the criminal behavior going on by the deep state. Stand out too much now and they can easily destroy anyone who can't be blackmailed. So the solution is to keep sharing the information and let the snowball effect continue. I'm happy to say a genealogy connection I have is beginning to realize the scam because she's suffering from a heart condition thanks to the pharma bioweapon shots . Just like what happened to us after childhood vaccinations, the injuries woke us up to pharma. But it wasn't until the scamdemic that all the other dots started to connect. Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2023 5:13 AM ; RE: Someone like you, maybe? Move to a state where enough people agree with you, then run for office. Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 10:37 PM Re: Sorry to know he's one of the best. Maybe someone new will emerge as an honest representative of the people. Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 8:28 PM Re: yes, he's a fraud. every time I see something on him, I point that out he makes glorious speeches against fauXi and then asks for donations
On Friday, January 13, 2023 at 08:21:05 PM PST: He puts on a good show by attacking fraud and criminal Fauci, knowing he'll never have enough support to arrest him for crimes against humanity. But the proof of his loyalty to pharma is accepting $1,000,000 -- just like Trump (gee, what an amazing coincidence). --_000_BYAPR08MB562472F17654FA7ED5E0762CD1C39BYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="us-ascii" I'm more concerned with making sure my kids can survive these incredible attacks now and approaching. I think the final answer is for most people to first realize what is happening. Maybe 50% have woken up to the pharma medical tyranny situation, but don't necessarily realize that politics is mostly a distraction to hide all the criminal behavior going on by the deep state. Stand out too much now and they can easily destroy anyone who can't be blackmailed. So the solution is to keep sharing the information and let the snowball effect continue. I'm happy to say a genealogy connection I have is beginning to realize the scam because she's suffering from a heart condition thanks to the pharma bioweapon shots . Just like what happened to us after childhood vaccinations, the injuries woke us up to pharma. But it wasn't until the scamdemic that all the other dots started to connect.
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2023 5:13 AM; don; RE:
Someone like you, maybe? Move to a state where enough people agree with you, then run for office.
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 10:37 PM
Sorry to know he's one of the best. Maybe someone new will emerge as an honest representative of the people.
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 8:28 PM
yes, he's a fraud. every time I see something on him, I point that out he makes glorious speeches against fauXi and then asks for donations
On Friday, January 13, 2023 at 08:21:05 PM PST:
He puts on a good show by attacking fraud and criminal Fauci, knowing he'll never have enough support to arrest him for crimes against humanity.
But the proof of his loyalty to pharma is accepting $1,000,000 -- just like Trump (gee, what an amazing coincidence).
--_000_BYAPR08MB562472F17654FA7ED5E0762CD1C39BYAPR08MB5624namp_-- The Leader of Scientologyby don - 2023-01-15 ( education / research ) [html version]These are stories about the leader of the church from a guy who was there. Thousands of people follow him just because, after L Ron Hubbard died, he declared himself the new leader and beat up anyone who disagreed Watching it, you may wonder what planet you're on :-) Moderna Helpby staff - 2023-01-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Moderna is admitting that their vax caused Myocarditis. If you got their vax and might get myocarditis in the future from it, get their Newest vax to fix it. (If you believe that, ...) Great Video Using a Metal Latheby doug - 2023-01-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Making the parts for hydraulic cylinders of a bulldozer. I'm rebuilding one today and ran across this. One day I hope to get a metal lathe. Part 1 Part 2 Satanic Inversionby don - 2023-01-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This might help you undersand the govt Satanic Inversionby don - 2023-01-16 ( education / research ) [html version]This might help you undersand the govt MLK was a Marxistby doug - 2023-01-18 ( education / research ) [html version]Very interesting discussion Sent: Monday, January 16, 2023 9:35 PM I thought that MLK was a conservative where is info that he was a marxist? On Monday, January 16, 2023 at 09:20:56 PM PST:
Just learned that. Interesting that the USA celebrates at the national level such a person. But since the modern Democrat party leans that direction (if not open Communist), it sure fits nicely in today's politics. Central Bank digital currency (CBDC)by doug - 2023-01-18 ( education / research ) [html version]People in denial about the various aspects of the scamdemic are also inclined to ignore these warnings of their approaching enslavement. Little do they realize this part is one of the biggest reasons for the scamdemic roll out. Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 1:26 AM Re: I posted the video on FB, we all know it's just a Conspiracy Theory! On Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 01:04:32 AM PST:
You may have been hearing about this for the past year or two and don't quite understand how it works. This presentation is really excellent and shows how it might be rolled out over the next few years. Beware. Don't fall for it. Instead help create an alternative economy that supports people and companies you want. Share it widely so that everyone knows the trap governments are trying to set. World Health Organisation's Dictator-Style Power Grabby staff - 2023-01-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Share as widely as possible. San Fran & Triangle of Hellby staff - 2023-01-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Excellent Speech to Woke Studentsby staff - 2023-01-18 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version] It's worth a couple minutes of your time regarding climate change. goodI wonder how many who got this video link bothered to watch it and how many of them "don't get it" (brainwashed by "royalty" that wants tl ENSLAVE HUMANITY)
On Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 10:01:51 AM PST: It's worth a couple minutes of your time regarding climate change. Could You Survive Without Internet?by doug - 2023-01-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Very interesting talk about this. Do you have the necessary life skills to survive without the internet? I've been adding more and more such skills for almost 3 years and AM studying every day to add more. AM I ready? No, but I'm far more prepared than most people. Take an honest assessment of yourself and imagine what if there was no internet. Also pay attention to the lady who mentions the North American agreement, or whatever they are calling it. First I have heard of it. What do you think? It affects Canada, USA and Mexico, at least. Biden, Trudeau and Obrador all met recently. See the picture. Share this important video. Excellent Speech to Woke Studentsby doug - 2023-01-19 ( education / research ) [html version] It's worth a couple minutes of your time regarding climate change. goodI wonder how many who got this video link bothered to watch it and how many of them "don't get it" (brainwashed by "royalty" that wants tl ENSLAVE HUMANITY)
On Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 10:01:51 AM PST: It's worth a couple minutes of your time regarding climate change. Pandemic Compilationby staff - 2023-01-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]
Excellent and short compilation of the most pressing issue of our time -- the "pandemic." Are we really free? This is Seriousby jordan roberts - 2023-01-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Share as widely as possible. Dems Against Democracyby staff - 2023-01-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Joe Manchin against free speech Sheila Jackson Lee criminalizing "hate speech" Will You Dare to Be Brave?by doug - 2023-01-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Short WW2 history lesson of fighting the Nazis. You can skip to about the 2 minute mark: Dollar Collapse Approachingby staff - 2023-01-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This video doesn't give you any solutions or how to prepare, but contains verifiably sound facts that most media is just not talking about that will affect the USD and its buying power.
This information is absolutely vital and most simply are unaware of it. Don't remain uninformed. Who Can We Trust?by staff - 2023-01-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]A friend of mine recently made a comment regarding whether they could trust the information from a person who isn't employed by a mainstream media company such as CNN, ABC, NBC, BBC, etc presumably because they have an obligation to tell the truth and not spread misinformation. It got me thinking about it and I came up with an example that might make sense to you, free of political bias. Remember ever reading a history book or anything in the non-fiction categories? The author of the book might have been someone well-known, but could have also been someone who was simply smart, had good ideas and a good researcher and writer. And just because you might have never heard of them or they were not already famous, etc didn't mean what they wrote about was worthless. Even myself, if I write about genealogy (considered by some as an expert) based on what I've researched, just because I don't work for a major media company doesn't automatically make what I say invalid. This is how I approach anyone who has something interesting to say. We must always question whether they're pushing some hidden agenda and decide whether the information seems plausible or factual or complete bullsh-t. Sometimes they might have some good information combined with obviously false or suspect info. But it's up to ME to decide, not someone trying to decide if I should hear what anyone has to say. The government wants us to believe they are protecting us but I don't need or want their protection. I want them to get the hell out of my life. I don't need a "ministry of truth" like Orwell's 1984 that filters all information I'm allowed to get. I think everyone needs to hear other viewpoints and decide what's true or not. Two opposing viewpoints can debate and let their audience decide what to think for themselves. In my opinion, nobody should trust the government to tell you the correct time of day. Virtually all elected officials let power go to their head and do everything to hold onto their power. And appointed bureaucrats or hired workers have little reason to care about anyone but themselves. They just want to get a paycheck and are capable of doing anything to stay employed whether or not what they are doing is honest or the right thing to do. We don't need modern day book burning as they did in Nazi Germany. Free speech isn't good only for you and not allowed for someone you disagree with. We either all have the freedom to speak our mind or we don't. There's no middle ground. And without free speech we are on the road to tyranny. Only a tyrant wants to censor because if they don't they'll lose all control. Feel free to share this if you agree. North American Union?by staff - 2023-01-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]You probably heard that in a court case Facebook admitted their fact checks are nothing more than opinions (masquerading as real facts). So according to the puppet masters, it's just a way to protect transgender creatures and abortions because we know how well they fit their agenda. Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2023 8:48 PM American Union? if you can believe Snopes (which tells half-truths and lies), this is what they say: Fact Check: Biden Did NOT Just Form a 'Union' With Mexico and Canada That Ended U.S. Sovereignty Did "President" Joe Biden just form a "union" with Mexico and Canada that ended U.S. sovereignty? No, that's not t... It was a "declaration of North America" a trilateral partnership aimed at addressing major regional issues like security, sustainability and inclusiveness On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 08:29:23 PM PST:
I believe that's what they call what was signed on January 10th that the globalist scum want to use to dissolve the USA. It was signed by Canada, Mexico and the USA, or to be clear, signed by the three globalist puppets pretending to represent these countries. This lawyer and doctor discuss more what this means and what we can do to keep our country. W.E.F.: Own Nothing and Be Happyby staff - 2023-01-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Of course, our loving rulers will be our landlords in the literal sense. They'll be happy to own everything. Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2023 11:48 PM The motto of the World Economic Forum that is finishing up their meeting (of who they consider royalty) in Davos, Switzerland, is "own nothing and be happy". Part of that will be that nobody owns a house but all just rent them. Hmm, how do you think it will go over for them to TAKE YOUR HOUSE, especially if it's paid off, and then tell you to pay rent on it? Who will like that? Do they think they can have some sort of Bolshevik/Marxist revolution where the masses who rent houses will go along with it? If sheeple don't wake up, that is a possibility! Greater Idaho Status / Oregonby staff - 2023-01-23 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan to Secede and Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w..." There's also the plan for Nor Cal to join but, of course, it doesn't include super liberal Sacramento yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= yeah, I've been keeping up with it. I just saw a new article on the matter: Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho
Oregon Conservatives Advance Plan To Secede And Join Idaho While there have been long-shot efforts in Texas and a handful of other states among disaffected residents who w... There's also the plan for No Kal to join but of course it doesn't include super liberal
On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10:16:43 AM PST:
Maybe you have heard that rural Oregon is fed up with bonkers Portland? Screenshot= Rest in Peace, Diamondby doug - 2023-01-23 ( education / research ) [html version]Maybe you heard of this very popular duo called Diamond and Silk. She died suddenly recently and many speculated about the cause. Looks like our speculation was correct. One more duped Trump supporter bites the dust. He must be such a proud father of the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine. North American Unionby doug - 2023-01-23 ( education / research ) [html version]You probably heard that in a court case Facebook admitted their fact checks are nothing more than opinions (masquerading as real facts). So according to the puppet masters, it's just a way to protect transgender creatures and abortions because we know how well they fit their agenda. Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2023 8:48 PM if you can believe Snopes (which tells half truths and lies), this is what they say: Fact Check: Biden Did NOT Just Form A 'Union' With Mexico and Canada That Ended U.S. SovereigntyLead Stories Fact Check: Biden Did NOT Just Form A 'Union' With Mexico and Canada Tha... Did "President" Joe Biden just form a "union" with Mexico and Canada that ended U.S. sovereignty? No, that's not t... It was a "declaration of north america" a trilateral partnership aimed at addressing major regional issues like security, sustainability and inclusiveness On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 08:29:23 PM PST:
I believe that's what they call what was signed on January 10th that the globalist scum want to use to dissolve the USA. It was signed by Canada, Mexico and the USA, or to be clear, signed by the three globalist puppets pretending to represent these countries. This lawyer and doctor discuss more what this means and what we can do to keep our country. Fake news awards for 2022by doug - 2023-01-23 ( education / research ) [html version]Reminds me that I plan to send him some money to support his top notch work. One of the very best. Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2023 12:31 AM Another great/funny Corbett Report! On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 09:06:25 PM PST: "As they are being prepared for their grand presentation, here's a flashback to the 2021 'winners' which may be very hard to beat. But 2022 still has a great chance at outdoing 2021. I can't wait to learn how it all comes out. Watch this and then stay tuned for 2022 soon. Be prepared for some chuckles if you can hold back tears because of the enormity of the problem. US Dollar Dangerby doug - 2023-01-23 ( education / research ) [html version]In case you didn't already hear the huge news. Max Igan - Fascinating Conversationby staff - 2023-01-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Ranging from music, crossing the Mexican border, being a parent, wow, so good. Must listen. Truth is Seeping Out Through BBCby staff - 2023-01-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Yup, but ultimately it's a free will universe. People have to grow up and live with the consequences of their decisions. I bet many will wish they were better critical thinkers. Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2023 12:05 PM unfortunately, there will be many who won't be able to admit what is going on and "go down with the ship" On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 11:16:17 AM PST:
And it's interesting to see this criminal being hung out to dry. Screenshot But it makes NO difference who they select to be the puppet in chief. The puppet masters must finally be exposed broadly and taken down. No way do I expect them to collapse for several more years, but would be thrilled to be wrong. Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2023 9:38 AM time for Prosecutions (Nuremberg II): Official Study: covid Boosters Result in Complete Collapse of the Immune System -- News Punch Official Study: covid Boosters Result in Complete Collapse of the Immune... An official new study has revealed that covid booster vaccines completely decimate people's immune systems, acco... On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 01:21:46 AM PST:
I first heard of him when interviewed on The High Wire after his father, another doctor and in excellent shape died. He investigated and discovered the vax killed him. He has a lot of clout because he was pushing the vax early on, one of the first ones to get it, I believe. Somehow he's not being stopped from sounding the alarm now. Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2023 12:14 AM one of the articles telling the story: British Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra Tells BBC 30,000 Excess Deaths This Year Most Likely Linked to mRNA Vaccines (VIDEO) SGT Report British Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra Tells BBC 30,000 Excess Deaths ... On Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 11:53:47 PM PST:
With the public hungry for the truth, this has become the most watched in 50 years on the BBC. Screenshot Source is the substack article by investigative reporter Jefferey Jaxen. What Do the Ultra-Rich Know?by doug - 2023-01-24 ( education / research ) [html version]The pilot mentioned that many are selfishly holding onto their high paying job as long as possible rather than doing the right thing and telling their story about how these evil bastards held their jobs for ransom if they didn't commit slow suicide. I bet many knew the risks yet took that Russian roulette chance and lost. The least they should do now that they're dead men walking is speak up and set some example. Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2023 10:40 PM a friend of ours is a Southwest pilot. The evening after he submitted, he fainted. But, duh, why did it take 2.5 years for these folks to speak up? On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 09:47:10 PM PST:
They know pretty much what these doctors are saying. They are demanding their pilots be bioweapon injection-free. Now why would they care about that? I sure wouldn't feel safe flying in a commercial plane these days. What Do the Ultra-Rich Know?by staff - 2023-01-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The pilot mentioned that many are selfishly holding onto their high paying job as long as possible rather than doing the right thing and telling their story about how these evil bastards held their jobs for ransom if they didn't commit slow suicide. I bet many knew the risks yet took that Russian roulette chance and lost. The least they should do now that they're dead men walking is speak up and set some example. Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2023 10:40 PM a friend of ours is a Southwest pilot. The evening after he submitted, he fainted. But, duh, why did it take 2.5 years for these folks to speak up? On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 09:47:10 PM PST:
They know pretty much what these doctors are saying. They are demanding their pilots be bioweapon injection-free. Now why would they care about that? I sure wouldn't feel safe flying in a commercial plane these days. Healing with Soundby staff - 2023-01-26 ( education / research / treatment ) [html version]It's said to heal various things. Very interesting. click here Pretty amazing. I'm going to look for a place near us and try it out. Pretty amazing. I'm going to look for a place near us and try it out. Inspiring Speechby doug - 2023-01-26 ( education / research ) [html version]Created for the Prague freedom rally, David Icke knocks it out of the park. Share worldwide. Inspiring speachby doug - 2023-01-26 ( education / research ) [html version]Created for the Prague freedom rally, David Icke knocks it out of the park. Share worldwide. Very Disturbing Documentaryby staff - 2023-01-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It concerns harvesting body parts of babies. I couldn't watch more than 10 minutes, hearing the interview of the young lady (like a demon) and her attitude about what she was planning to do to her unborn baby. So callous. I think many people refuse to acknowledge this even exists. It's said to be one of the biggest businesses in the world. Such a sick world we live in. Musk regrets jabby steve - 2023-01-27 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 11:52:59 AM PST someone wrote: Area 51by steve - 2023-01-28 ( education / news / research / aliens ) [html version]Video on area 51 California Liberals are So Racist (Anti-White)by steve - 2023-01-28 ( education / research ) [html version] Didn't watch yet but often it's amazing the level of self-loathing. These people a certifiable. Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2023 6:40 PM Epstein Suitby staff - 2023-01-28 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Virgin Islands DA sued JP Morgan for allowing Jeffrey Epstein human traffickng, is fired. Interesting story about AI robots in Japanby doug - 2023-01-31 ( education / research ) [html version]Never heard that one -- so true ________________________________ Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2023 3:04 PM Re: "stupid 19" is the other virus that infected the world
On Sunday, January 29, 2023 at 02:52:59 PM PST: I can see why people would have a hard time believing covid 19 is just the flu, because it makes no sense when you have swallowed all the lies in gaslight media, pharma, government, etc. But then simply ask yourself what happened to the normal flu after the scamdemic started. Does it really make sense it vanished? I mean, how stupid can you be? ________________________________ Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2023 2:13 PM Re: on another note, Japan has declared that covid is "seasonal flu", proving that Sanity is now finally happening, though there's Yahoo "news" telling of the latest "strain" because they're kontrolled as Youtube is, shown by how they just deleted the video of that Pfizer guy telling how Pfizer is working on CREATING NEW STRAINS so they can sell more vax. https://finance./news/ch-1-1-meet-orthrus-214246502.html (but it's all a conspiracy theory and Ignore it all and go back to watching football or daytime TV)
On Sunday, January 29, 2023 at 01:57:30 PM PST: Short Holocaust Survivor Gives Warningby doug - 2023-02-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Because it's happening again. Speaking of Movingby greg - 2023-02-01 ( education / research ) [html version]Here's something to get you started. On 1/31/2023 1:51 PM: That's a great law. Sure beats the CA law to inject poisonous substances and throw away the constitution. Tuesday, January 31, 2023 12:00 PM I hope you're aware of the law that if you move there, you have to learn how to play a banjo On Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at 11:32:40 AM PST, Lol Tuesday, January 31, 2023 10:50 AM RE: I'll show up, anyway... and wait. Heart Condition from Common Coldby doug - 2023-02-02 ( education / research ) [html version]Those all seem logical to me! I mean, just as logical as the bullsh-t from the media. My own favorite assumption is it's racism. Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2023 4:31 PM
personally, I think it's from Climate Change (or global warming or aliens from the back side of the moon) On Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at 03:59:07 PM PST:
To all the ions of people who got a heart condition from a cold, I feel so sorry for you. Oh wait! It's never happened in the history of the world. But gaslight media now wants the gullible fools to believe its a new phenomena. Good News from Thailandby doug - 2023-02-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Seems there's some officials that are not globalist puppets and won't put up with the scamdemic any further. Fake Moon Landingby steve - 2023-02-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I never thought about questioning it until about 2021 when I heard they have photos of the moon set and people between takes walking into the set. With that in mind, I wonder how many of people directly involved with this scam were killed off to keep it hushed. Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 5:17 PM
of course it was fake there's a video where a group is in the white house talking how they might have to fake it (I have it somewhere) To prove it to one's self, look at ANY the pictures of the lander on the moon. NONE have any indentions below the lander where the retrorockets fired to stop the thing from a "hard landing" (and let's not bring up the deadly radiation belts around earth and how their technology is less than the typical GPS watch) On Wednesday, February 1, 2023 at 05:05:28 PM PST someone wrote: On 1/31/23 21:47: Wow, this is excellent. Packed with information from a man who published a book about it. Another Important Bookby staff - 2023-02-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I just watched an interview of Dr Naomi Wolf in which she's talking about this book based on the court ordered documents the FDA wanted hidden for 75 years. Now everyone will know just exactly why they tried to do that. I would never recommend buying it through the criminal platform of Amazon, so you can also get through her own website This is sure to come as a massive shock to people who have believed gaslight media and the government, as she exposes the insanely criminal acts by Pfizer, CDC, FDA, illegitimate POTUS, etc. Here's the forward to her book that will be spreading like wildfire. Transhumanism Kontrolby steve - 2023-02-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Fake Moon Landingby doug - 2023-02-03 ( education / research ) [html version]I never thought about questioning it until about 2021 when I heard they have photos of the moon set and people between takes walking into the set. With that in mind, I wonder how many of people directly involved with this scam were killed off to keep it hushed. Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 5:17 PM
of course it was fake there's a video where a group is in the white house talking how they might have to fake it (I have it somewhere) To prove it to one's self, look at ANY the pictures of the lander on the moon. NONE have any indentions below the lander where the retrorockets fired to stop the thing from a "hard landing" (and let's not bring up the deadly radiation belts around earth and how their technology is less than the typical GPS watch) On Wednesday, February 1, 2023 at 05:05:28 PM PST someone wrote: On 1/31/23 21:47: Wow, this is excellent. Packed with information from a man who published a book about it. Pot Calling Kettle Black? (deSantis is a RINO Globalist?)by steve - 2023-02-03 ( education / research ) [html version]"Former President Donald Trump took to Truth Social to launch an attack on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis whom he dubbed a 'RINO globalist.'" Australian Town Explodes in Violenceby rowland - 2023-02-03 ( education / research / people / aborigines ) [html version]On 02/02/2023 23:11: crime-and-chaos-in-alice-springs best I can figure out is that minority youths (Aborigines) are getting drunk and randomly attacking people and property. Aborigines were separated from the rest of humanity for 40,000 years. Unlike almost all other humans, they do not have Atlantean "beauty-of-being-slave" programming implants. They have traditionally used various psychedelic plants during most of that time. Never discovered alcohol, and most cannot handle it. Putting them into concentration camps if they resist meddling with their DNA could have been a bad mistake. One earlier mistake was "the stolen generation", ripping children away from parents and bringing them up in orphanages so they did not learn their culture. "Correcting" individuals with them does not work. Respectful communication via tribal elders can work. Inspiring and Wonderful Newsby doug - 2023-02-04 ( education / research ) [html version]This video is from the awesome Peggy Hall and the best part is near the middle where she reads from some personal letters she received -- from kommunist California, no less! Share it with everyone who doesn't like what's going on these days. Everyone can use some inspiring news. Mystery School / Freemason Symbolismby staff - 2023-02-06 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This is a fascinating replay from the Corbett Report in 2010 discussing symbols hidden in plain sight. You may not want to even believe it. Includes comments about Hollywood, Disney, corporations, politicians, music industry, etc. A surprising bit of wisdom at the very end about people. FLASHBACK: FREEMAN FLY ON SIGNS, SYMBOLS AND SIGILS (2010) If this topic interests you, there's a lot more available to dive deeper into the subject. Fascinating Lies by Governmentby staff - 2023-02-06 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Some are hilarious and others just really interesting. This is a short compilation. Beginning of the End of World Fascism?by staff - 2023-02-06 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]wowyeah, let's send THEM to Hell! On Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 04:48:18 PM PST:
The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine . Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter is now in a coma after receiving her 3rd shot and all hell could break loose there. Very interesting and important interview to watch and share. They're in abundance at the CIA, apparently. Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2023 12:35 PM
where is a good mercenary when you need one? On Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 11:16:00 AM PST someone wrote:
led me to this -- Pfizer made countries sign a contract to purchase their vaxes that exempts them from liability: On 2/11/23 00:20: Mentioned the supposed attack back in Thailand and told me how when a friend of hers went to Thailand, a big demonic feeling came over her On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:20:51 AM PST:
Maybe Thailand was a bunch of hot air / hopium:
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 4:37 PM
one can hope On 2/5/23 18:48: The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine . Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter is now in a coma after receiving her 3rd shot and all hell could break loose there. Very interesting and important interview to watch and share. They're in abundance at the CIA, apparently. Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2023 12:35 PM Re: where is a good mercenary when you need one? On Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 11:16:00 AM PST someone wrote:
led me to this -- Pfizer made countries sign a contract to purchase their vaxes that exempts them from liability: On 2/11/23 00:20: Mentioned the supposed attack back in Thailand and told me how when a friend of hers went to Thailand, a big demonic feeling came over her On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:20:51 AM PST:
Maybe Thailand was a bunch of hot air / hopium:
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 4:37 PM Re: one can hope On 2/5/23 18:48: The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine . Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter is now in a coma after receiving her 3rd shot and all hell could break loose there. Very interesting and important interview to watch and share. They're in abundance at the CIA, apparently. Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2023 12:35 PM Re: where is a good mercenary when you need one? On Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 11:16:00 AM PST someone wrote:
led me to this -- Pfizer made countries sign a contract to purchase their vaxes that exempts them from liability: On 2/11/23 00:20: Mentioned the supposed attack back in Thailand and told me how when a friend of hers went to Thailand, a big demonic feeling came over her On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:20:51 AM PST:
Maybe Thailand was a bunch of hot air / hopium:
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 4:37 PM Re: one can hope On 2/5/23 18:48: The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine . Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter is now in a coma after receiving her 3rd shot and all hell could break loose there. Very interesting and important interview to watch and share. They're in abundance at the CIA, apparently. Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2023 12:35 PM Re: where is a good mercenary when you need one? On Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 11:16:00 AM PST someone wrote:
led me to this -- Pfizer made countries sign a contract to purchase their vaxes that exempts them from liability: On 2/11/23 00:20: Mentioned the supposed attack back in Thailand and told me how when a friend of hers went to Thailand, a big demonic feeling came over her On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:20:51 AM PST:
Maybe Thailand was a bunch of hot air / hopium:
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 4:37 PM Re: one can hope On 2/5/23 18:48: The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine . Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter is now in a coma after receiving her 3rd shot and all hell could break loose there. Very interesting and important interview to watch and share. Mentioned the supposed attack back in Thailand and [wife] told me how when a friend of hers went to Thailand, a big demonic feeling came over her
On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:20:51 AM PST:
Maybe Thailand was a bunch of hot air / hopium:
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 4:37 PM = one can hope On 2/5/23 18:48: The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine . Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter is now in a coma after receiving her 3rd shot and all hell could break loose there. Very interesting and important interview to watch and share. You're a Vax Takerby doug - 2023-02-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]"You're a Vax Taker," a parody of Pat Benatar's "Heart Breaker." Good news song remakeby doug - 2023-02-07 ( education / research ) [html version] Beginning of the End of World Fascism?by steve - 2023-02-07 ( education / research ) [html version]wowyeah, let's send THEM to Hell! On Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 04:48:18 PM PST:
The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine . Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter is now in a coma after receiving her 3rd shot and all hell could break loose there. Very interesting and important interview to watch and share. They're in abundance at the CIA, apparently. Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2023 12:35 PM
where is a good mercenary when you need one? On Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 11:16:00 AM PST someone wrote:
led me to this -- Pfizer made countries sign a contract to purchase their vaxes that exempts them from liability: On 2/11/23 00:20: Mentioned the supposed attack back in Thailand and told me how when a friend of hers went to Thailand, a big demonic feeling came over her On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:20:51 AM PST:
Maybe Thailand was a bunch of hot air / hopium:
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 4:37 PM
one can hope On 2/5/23 18:48: The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine . Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter is now in a coma after receiving her 3rd shot and all hell could break loose there. Very interesting and important interview to watch and share. They're in abundance at the CIA, apparently. Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2023 12:35 PM Re: where is a good mercenary when you need one? On Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 11:16:00 AM PST someone wrote:
led me to this -- Pfizer made countries sign a contract to purchase their vaxes that exempts them from liability: On 2/11/23 00:20: Mentioned the supposed attack back in Thailand and told me how when a friend of hers went to Thailand, a big demonic feeling came over her On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:20:51 AM PST:
Maybe Thailand was a bunch of hot air / hopium:
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 4:37 PM Re: one can hope On 2/5/23 18:48: The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine . Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter is now in a coma after receiving her 3rd shot and all hell could break loose there. Very interesting and important interview to watch and share. They're in abundance at the CIA, apparently. Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2023 12:35 PM Re: where is a good mercenary when you need one? On Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 11:16:00 AM PST someone wrote:
led me to this -- Pfizer made countries sign a contract to purchase their vaxes that exempts them from liability: On 2/11/23 00:20: Mentioned the supposed attack back in Thailand and told me how when a friend of hers went to Thailand, a big demonic feeling came over her On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:20:51 AM PST:
Maybe Thailand was a bunch of hot air / hopium:
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 4:37 PM Re: one can hope On 2/5/23 18:48: The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine . Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter is now in a coma after receiving her 3rd shot and all hell could break loose there. Very interesting and important interview to watch and share. They're in abundance at the CIA, apparently. Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2023 12:35 PM Re: where is a good mercenary when you need one? On Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 11:16:00 AM PST someone wrote:
led me to this -- Pfizer made countries sign a contract to purchase their vaxes that exempts them from liability: On 2/11/23 00:20: Mentioned the supposed attack back in Thailand and told me how when a friend of hers went to Thailand, a big demonic feeling came over her On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:20:51 AM PST:
Maybe Thailand was a bunch of hot air / hopium:
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 4:37 PM Re: one can hope On 2/5/23 18:48: The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine . Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter is now in a coma after receiving her 3rd shot and all hell could break loose there. Very interesting and important interview to watch and share. Mentioned the supposed attack back in Thailand and [wife] told me how when a friend of hers went to Thailand, a big demonic feeling came over her
On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:20:51 AM PST: Maybe Thailand was a bunch of hot air / hopium:
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 4:37 PM = one can hope On 2/5/23 18:48: The son of one of the founders of the WEF has started the process in Switzerland to hold that president and Pfizer accountable for crimes surrounding the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine . Not only that, in Thailand the royal family's daughter is now in a coma after receiving her 3rd shot and all hell could break loose there. Very interesting and important interview to watch and share. Gates and Eating Bugsby staff - 2023-02-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Anybody Really Care What's Behind Ukraine?by staff - 2023-02-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Good talk: Uh-oh, Aldrin Admits It was Animationby steve - 2023-02-09 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 09:59:13 AM PST:
I didn't watch it yet but secrecy of their crimes / scam was so high that many were killed to keep it from the public. And these are the same players as the JFK assassination PLUS the current covid scam and climate change scam. Yet somehow we can trust these criminal liars now. People are literally insane to trust them. Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2023 9:51 AM = well, most "conspiracy theories" are Factual On Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 07:35:24 AM PST someone wrote:
wow On 2/7/23 03:10: Buzz Aldrin Must Finally Had Enough Tells The Truth It Was Animation Buzz Aldrin Must Finally Had Enough Tells The Truth It Was Animation Neil Armstrong the first man on the Moon has given an interview where he admits that what we all saw on TV was a... This kind of link sucks. It leads to TV shows and everything but the subject of the article. At least the text was good. Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2023 1:10 AM Buzz Aldrin Must Finally Had Enough Tells The Truth It Was Animation Buzz Aldrin Must Finally Had Enough Tells The Truth It Was Animation Neil Armstrong the first man on the Moon has given an interview where he admits that what we all saw on TV was a... The Ivermectin Fraudby doug - 2023-02-10 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]One of the safest medicines in history. But when governments want to create panic and fear to sell an experimental injection, they can't let facts get in the way. New book to be released in April 2023 -- the war on Ivermectin. Rest assured, you can always trust the gaslight media and especially the big brother government. They would never lie like they did about the JFK assassination, the fake moon landing, 9/11, the "great" economy of today, the scamdemic, etc. Put your life in their hands and grab a rainbow flag. I suppose common sense will play a factor. But since vaxed people don't have any surplus in that area, it's best to follow some guidelines. Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 9:37 AM Re: I just watched the video. He said you could probably take it 100 times recommended dose. Well, yeah, but don't do it. A nurse friend of [wife] took it 10 times (miscalculated how much to take because it's based on your weight and some decimal number that she got wrong) and she had weird affects but ended up okay.
On Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 01:03:58 AM PST: One of the safest medicines in history. But when governments want to create panic and fear to sell an experimental injection, they can't let facts get in the way. New book to be released in April 2023 -- the war on Ivermectin. Rest assured, you can always trust the gaslight media and especially the big brother government. They would never lie like they did about the JFK assassination, the fake moon landing, 9/11, the "great" economy of today, the scamdemic, etc. Put your life in their hands and grab a rainbow flag. The Anti-Ivermectin Fraudby staff - 2023-02-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]One of the safest medicines in history. But when governments want to create panic and fear to sell an experimental injection, they can't let facts get in the way. New book to be released in April 2023, "The War on Ivermectin." Rest assured, you can always trust the gaslight media and especially the big brother government. They would never lie like they did about the JFK assassination, the fake moon landing, 9/11, the "great" economy of today, the scamdemic, etc. Put your life in their hands and grab a rainbow flag. people-are-dying-from-the-cv19-vax-and-its-preventable I suppose common sense will play a factor. But since vaxed people don't have any surplus in that area, it's best to follow some guidelines. I just watched the video. He said you could probably take it 100 times recommended dose. On Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 01:03:58 AM PST: Well, yeah, but don't do it. A nurse friend took it 10 times (miscalculated how much to take because it's based on your weight and some decimal number that she got wrong) and she had weird affects but ended up okay. U.S.A. Implicated in Destroying Russian Pipelineby staff - 2023-02-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The first link was showing pedo joe smugly saying the pipeline will end The second link is to Dr. Coleman. Sent: Friday, February 10, 2023 1:05 AM USA implicated in destroying Russian pipeline I saw that but didn't look at the video link you sent, . It was a classical "false flag event" where one does a crime and blames somebody else to create a problem. On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 12:43:43 AM PST: News today, Feb 9th, 2023, from famous elderly newsman, Seymour Hersh, is that the CIA and US military blew it up. Of course, the White House denies this -- hopefully that doesn't surprise anyone. Some say biden had one of his many senile episodes when he promised the pipeline would "end": And of course, this is what most assumed immediately, so this is just a confirmation of the completely criminal regime in power and their efforts to carry out blatant acts of war against Europe and Russia. Don't be surprised if Russia finally has enough of these provocations and sends a missile to the White House which the pansy and woke military is incapable of stopping. Everything from the gaslight media about Ukraine is propaganda and bullsh-t. Real reporting can only be found in the new / alternative media. Europe can thank the regime occupying Washington DC for the collapse of industry, lack of affordable energy to heat homes and ever soaring food prices. USA Implicated in Destroying Russian Pipelineby doug - 2023-02-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The first link was showing pedo joe smugly saying the pipeline will end The second link is to Dr. Coleman. Sent: Friday, February 10, 2023 1:05 AM
I saw that but didn't look at the video link you sent. It was a classical "false flag event" where one does a crime and blames somebody else to create a problem. On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 12:43:43 AM PST:
News today, Feb 9th, 2023, from famous elderly newsman, Seymour Hersh, is that the CIA and US military blew it up. Of course, the White House denies this -- hopefully that doesn't surprise anyone. Some say biden had one of his many senile episodes when he promised the pipeline would "end": And of course, this is what most assumed immediately, so this is just a confirmation of the completely criminal regime in power and their efforts to carry out blatant acts of war against Europe and Russia. Don't be surprised if Russia finally has enough of these provocations and sends a missile to the White House which the pansy and woke military is incapable of stopping. Everything from the gaslight media about Ukraine is propaganda and bullsh-t. Real reporting can only be found in the new / alternative media. Europe can thank the regime occupying Washington DC for the collapse of industry, lack of affordable energy to heat homes and ever soaring food prices. Former Judge Rui Castroby staff - 2023-02-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]"We are witnessing at the moment the fall of an empire..." An update from Portugal: watch on bitchute Nordstream, How and Whyby don - 2023-02-12 ( education / research ) [html version] Nordstream, How and Whyby staff - 2023-02-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]2017 Scientology Kidnappingby don - 2023-02-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It looks like some guy was running a mental health facility using Scientology ideas: On 2/11/23 12:40: living-center-license-violations America's Finest Lawyer?by staff - 2023-02-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]In a profession where probably the vast majority are scumbags, Aaron Siri is a giant and a credit to the profession. He's the one who got the FDA to release the Pfizer trial data now rather than wait the 75 years these criminals wanted to bury the data. He's winning cases for ICAN (informed consent action network) such as the case blocking the insane Washington DC law that would have allowed children as young as 12 to secretly get covid shots that the schools, hospitals and insurance companies would have hidden from the parents. Can you even imagine the carnage that would have done and parents wouldn't have any idea what happened to their children? In this interview he's so eloquent and well-spoken about vaccines you may not have realized the details he's describing if you don't have young children. Enjoy and share part 2: If you don't have an account with The Epoch Times yet, you will automatically receive another email with a link that gives you free access to read the article. A Message to Germansby staff - 2023-02-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Share with anyone in Germany or with German ancestry or just interested in it. From Gonzalo Lira, a Chilean American of Chilean German descent, living in Ukraine. Seymour Hersh referenced this article: how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream A Message to Germansby doug - 2023-02-14 ( education / research / politics / europe ) [html version]Share with anyone in Germany or with German ancestry or just interested in it. From Gonzalo Lira, a Chilean American of Chilean German descent, living in Ukraine. Seymour Hersh referenced this article: how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream anybody see a need for a generator yet?by doug - 2023-02-14 ( education / research ) [html version]
________________________________ Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2023 11:57 PM
Yeah, most would DIE if an EMP attack cut off our electrical system. 90% of U.S. Would Die From Chinese EMP Attack From Space Balloon [] 90% of U.S. Would Die From Chinese EMP Attack From Space Balloon Anybody See a Need for a Generator Yet?by staff - 2023-02-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I think my old trucks would keep on truckin'. ________________________________ Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2023 11:57 PM
Yeah, most would DIE if an EMP attack cut off our electrical system. 90% of U.S. Would Die From Chinese EMP Attack From Space Balloon [] 90% of U.S. Would Die From Chinese EMP Attack From Space Balloon Your Sense of Smellby staff - 2023-02-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]So then what conspiracy are they working on? That's the only reason to feed the public their bullsh-t. But to the blind and gullible consumers of gaslight media, there never has been and never will be a conspiracy. That's just crazy talk. I must once again tip my proverbial hat to the CIA and their astonishing mind control results. Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 8:49 AM Thank you for your service, ?, but the military has always been full of it. Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 10:43 AM Can you smell it? I smell another scam. Screenshot Your IRA is How You Will Be a Slaveby steve - 2023-02-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]that reminds me that I have to slowly cash out my Tax sheltered annuity, getting cash, before the Big Crash where stocks will be worthless and thus the annunity will be worthless. On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 10:00:51 AM PST:
This interesting post may open your eyes a lot. I officially retired last year because I doubt I'll be getting social security money for long. Get it while you can is my philosophy. Better do something now to set yourself up to be independent of the system later. Maybe the best plan is going "back to school" to learn more skills. How about raising sheep and spinning wool, investing in a loom and spinning wheel? Seems crazy but can you imagine the demand for such a thing once China stops supplying the world? How will YOU position yourself in the future new economy? Or have you already mentally checked out? I plan to survive what's coming and help my kids creat a future. That's why we'll take a stab at homesteading in Missouri. I realize getting old also makes it hard to change your ways, but the future is not what our parents had. It's time to choose which path to take. Stay in the decadent and satanic system governments have created or create something new. Will you be a human pincushion and accept all the non-stop injections you "need" or choose freedom? Most of you have kids and grandkids, so it's not just you involved in these choices. Back to basics. on behalf of Bush -- Live Free Academy Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 9:11 AMMedicare and Social Security are INSOLVENT= Even CNN admits it= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = If you're on Medicare or Social Security, then this might be one of the most important emails you read today. Both of these programs are in severe danger. I know because even CNN had to report on it. I was genuinely surprised. Maybe this is part of the plan to get Joe Biden out of office by continually making him look bad. Or maybe they realized a lot of progressives and democrats care about this issue and they can't ignore it. Whatever the case, they finally had to admit what many in the alternative media already knew:: "...within five years, the trust fund that funds Medicare hospital coverage (Medicare Part A) will have a zero balance." In fact, the trust fund will be $3 billion in DEBT by the end of this year after it spends $415.6 billion on Medicare recipients. But it gets worse. CNN also reported: The cost of Social Security, which is funded through payroll taxes, began to be higher than its income in 2021 and will be higher in all future years. The trust fund that pays checks to seniors will be depleted in 2034. Starting in 2035, Social Security would only be able to pay 77% of benefits without government action." SS is a total SCAM. They force you to pay into a government-managed retirement account. The government depletes that money for its own purposes instead of keeping it safe. The government then has to raise taxes on younger, current workers to make up the difference. In fact, even George W. Bush admitted back in in '05 that there really is not SS trust fund, just a bunch of IOUs in a filing cabinet! From an NBC News pieces... "A lot of people in America think there is a trust " that we take your money in payroll taxes and then we hold it for you and then when you retire, we give it back to you," Bush said in a speech at the University of West at Parkersburg. "But that's not the way it works," Bush said. "There is no trust 'fund' " just IOUs that I saw firsthand," Bush said. And just to drive the point home of how rigged the financial system is, most people rely almost exclusively on a 401k for retirement. I know someone, who is very close to me, who's always been conservative with his money and had built up a nice nest egg built on Wall Street and various retirement accounts. But they've recently lost a HUGE chunk of the value of their account. Wall Street is a casino constantly manipulated by the Fed, Congress, and mega-corporations. The IRS incentivizes you to put your money in there for 50-60 years. The bottom line is that the government holds your retirement in its hands, and once CBDCs are rolled out, they will be able to imprison you in their financial system. You'll have to play by the rules to get your money and just take it. This is why my kids don't have SS numbers. And why I don't have a 401k retirement account. I know much safer, more private, and way more lucrative places you can put your money to prepare for retirement and grow your wealth. And I'm sharing the BEST ones in... The 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan. From Feb. 25th to late April, I'm hosting 4 separate workshops (modules) each building one on top of the other. It will teach you step-by-step how to build an entire life outside of the CBDC control grid with your privacy and freedom intact. Module 2 takes a deep dive into alternative currencies AND investments. I'll be revealing everything I know and do to keep my extra money in assets under my control with long-term returns. Module 3 expands on the investments recommended in Module 2 with even more options for financial sovereignty. Plus, if you join the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan through the Sovereign Life package, you'll get an exclusive bonus interview with top financial investing experts. We're going to break down the BEST investment opportunities available to everyone with a little bit of wealth that put your money and future under YOUR control. You MUST join the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan by Friday, Feb. 17th at midnight central. It's ONLY available until Friday. Join the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan here: Bush P.S. The replays of the CBDC Opt Out Challenge are still available to watch for FREE. But the replays disappear Wednesday, Feb. 15th at midnight central time. Watch them for free here before they're gone: If you had are a VIP Pass ticket holder, we will be sending the replays + Q&A session to you sometime today. P.P.S. I'm hosting a very special "CBDC Opt Out Challenge RECAP" On Wednesday as well! So if you don't have time to watch all the replays, you can just attend this recap and get the highlights of the best strategies, tools, and resources to make a super actionable plan to break free from CBDCs immediately. Plus, you'll get the chance to join the exclusive CBDC Opt Out Challenge group on the Freedom Cell Network. A challenge participant, who is the winner of the Day Two prize, has even figured out that the crypto wallet I recommended using isn't working right now for Monero, so I'm going to teach you about a new and super easy to use crypto wallet that is fully functional when it comes to sending and receiving my favorite privacy coin. The CBDC Opt Out Challenge RECAP starts at 6:00PM Central Wednesday Feb. 15th (TOMORROW). Watch it LIVE here: Use this link to add the RECAP event to your calendar =Sent Unsubscribe Live Free Now LLC, 515 Highway 71 West, A, Bastrop, Texas 78602, United States Example of the Need to Start Preppingby staff - 2023-02-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I bought 3 generators, big ones. All are gas. Still need to get them started. I figure I can run my welders with them. Probably sell one, but want two for extra security. A diesel generator is usually much larger but I'd like one along with a diesel truck for the same reasons as you said. I just am not yet familiar with them, so would have to get something in good working condition. And diesel is safer to store and transport. Long storage too. Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 12:46 AM I am looking into generators for us, just joining a FB group that talks of powering a house with one. I got notion that it might be good for our church to become a "survival location" with a generator, food, and water and mentioned it to my pastor. He liked the idea. He asked about fuel. That reminded me that diesel vehicles can run on recycled restaurant oil so I'm going to look to see if generators can also. Though mentions frequently a wish to move out of here, I doubt we'll do it. I'd much rather that the liberals put themselves six feet under with vax after vax and leave California to sane people. On Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 12:10:18 AM PST:
To start your own process of establishing a trade network outside of the current corrupt system. The person who wrote this message below is offering something to teach people how to do it. I'm not going to pay for it but some people might choose to. It was also the subject of today's newest Corbett Report: "">Watch on BitChute
I hope it's becoming clear of the need to get rolling on this. More and more people are talking about it of late. Don't miss the message below. It reminds me I want to donate to Bitchute to keep that free speech platform going. on behalf of Bush -- Live Free Academy Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 4:13 PM Subject: They will freeze your funds and shut down your bank account
30 years ago, the government dealt with "domestic threats" by using the mighty force of the militarized police to murder people. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Montana Freemen are just some of the top standoffs from back then. Very soon, they won't need to send in SWAT teams to punish political dissidents. They won't even need to speak to anyone. The newest and most dangerous form of political coercion is economic warfare. We got a small glimpse of it in Canada. Hundreds of citizens who donated to the Freedom Convoy had the funds in their bank accounts frozen without any court order or just cause. But that wasn't an isolated incident. Larry Brandt, a long-time supporter of internet freedom, used his old PayPal account to fund servers to run Tor nodes, routing internet traffic in order to safeguard privacy and avoid country-level censorship. Now Brandt's PayPal account has been shut down. PayPal has become notorious for booting people off their network for no good reason. I was even a victim of this! PayPal has shut down multiple accounts of mine for different businesses. But I think one of the scariest examples of a government censoring activists, dissidents, protesters, and more is how the HSBC bank in England and other banks shut down and denied the account of BitChute founder, Ray Vahey. After pressure from activist groups, HSBC bank terminated BitChute's account, but didn't give them their money. They tried transferring the money to another bank, but were again denied. BitChute still hasn't received their funds. Now imagine a world where you don't even have another bank to go to -- you have just one bank account from one banking institution that has a monopoly on money. And imagine that this money is completely digital and can only be programmed by the bank. This is what's coming with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). They wouldn't have to harass political enemies using force -- they would be able to hit you where it really hurts, your wallet, with just a few keystrokes. Can you see how it will give the central bank the power to freeze, shut down, or steal your money? Isn't it obvious that they will expand this power to force as many people in society to do what they're told without resorting to direct violence? CBDCs are the greatest threat we face to our liberty, privacy, and future prosperity. This nightmare is already here. I'm taking big, bold steps to opt out of the CBDC system right now. Want to join me? Then check out the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan. For 60 days, starting on Feb. 25th and ending in late April, I'm going to host 4 workshops (modules) walking you step-by-step through a complete system for opting out of the central bank system and becoming financially sovereign. If you follow the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan and apply what you learn, you'll make it impossible for banks or governments to shut you down. But you must sign up by Friday, Feb. 17th at midnight central time. The 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan will be gone after Friday. This is the only blueprint ever created to actually restore our rights to privacy, financial sovereignty, and economic freedom. Get it here: ""LiveFree.Academy P.S. The replays of the CBDC Opt Out Challenge are still available to watch for FREE. But the replays disappear Wednesday, Feb. 15th at midnight central time. Watch them for free here before they're gone: "">LiveFree.Academy (Day 2 -- 5 are linked on the Day 1 page) P.P.S. I'm hosting a very special "CBDC Opt Out Challenge RECAP" on Wednesday as well! So if you don't have time to watch all the replays (YOU SHOULD MAKE TIME!), you can just attend this recap and get the highlights of the best strategies, tools, and resources to make a super actionable plan to break free from CBDCs immediately. A challenge participant, who is the winner of the Day Two prize, has even figured out that the crypto wallet I recommended using isn't working right now for Monero, so I'm going to teach you about a new and super easy to use crypto wallet that is fully functional when it comes to sending and receiving my favorite privacy coin.
Vaccines Revealed Part 1by steve - 2023-02-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]and Kennedy also has info (in his book) that fauXi has been KILLING PEOPLE his whole life. covid is a repeat of what he= did with HIV. He's totally DEMONIC but trump was a chump and let him continue, as well as Congress and leaders around the world.Money obviously talked, money for their souls! (but many don't believe in God, Satan, or souls so they don't see the Grand Picture of Satan trying to Destroy the world that God made. On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 11:30:07 PM PST:
Has 4 very good interviews. Maybe the most interesting to me was of RFK Jr because he has so much detailed information memorized about how pharma lies to the public. And not a theory -- has the documents. He lays out the timeline that so clearly shows the evidence of vax induced injury that only a complete idiot would ignore it. It would be very educational for someone just waking up to the vax scam, but I knew most of it from years of research I've done after our own vax injury. Example of the Need to Startby doug - 2023-02-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I bought 3 generators, big ones. All are gas. Still need to get them started. I figure I can run my welders with them. Probably sell one, but want two for extra security. A diesel generator is usually much larger but I'd like one along with a diesel truck for the same reasons as you said. I just AM not yet familiar with them, so would have to get something in good working condition. And diesel is safer to store and transport. Long storage too. Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 12:46 AM
I AM looking into generators for us, just joining a FB group that talks of powering a house with one. I got notion that it might be good for our church to become a "survival location" with a generator, food, and water and mentioned it to my pastor. He liked the idea. He asked about fuel. That reminded me that diesel vehicles can run on recycled restaurant oil so I'm going to look to see if generators can also. Though mentions frequently a wish to move out of here, I doubt we'll do it. I'd much rather that the liberals put themselves six feet under with vax after vax and leave California to sane people. On Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 12:10:18 AM PST:
To start your own process of establishing a trade network outside of the current corrupt system. The person who wrote this message below is offering something to teach people how to do it. I'm not going to pay for it but some people might choose to. It was also the subject of today's newest Corbett Report: I hope it's becoming clear of the need to get rolling on this. More and more people are talking about it of late. Don't miss the message below. It reminds me I want to donate to Bitchute to keep that free speech platform going. on behalf of Bush -- Live Free Academy Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 4:13 PMThey will freeze your funds and shut down your bank account,fit=3Dscale-down,format=3Dauto,onerror=3Dredirect,width=3D650/Pnl7B/2021/07/17/53292411-3bb1-4b6c-aae6-76a652121a36.webp?r=3D493303951] 30 years ago, the government dealt with "domestic threats" by using the mighty force of the militarized police to murder people. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Montana Freemen are just some of the top standoffs from back then. Very soon, they won't need to send in SWAT teams to punish political dissidents. They won't even need to speak to anyone. The newest and most dangerous form of political coercion is economic warfare. We got a small glimpse of it in Canada. Hundreds of citizens who donated to the Freedom Convoy had the funds in their bank accounts frozen without any court order or just cause. But that wasn't an isolated incident. Larry Brandt, a long-time supporter of internet freedom, used his old PayPal account to fund servers to run Tor nodes, routing internet traffic in order to safeguard privacy and avoid country-level censorship. Now Brandt's PayPal account has been shut down. PayPal has become notorious for booting people off their network for no good reason. I was even a victim of this! PayPal has shut down multiple accounts of mine for different businesses. But I think one of the scariest examples of a government censoring activists, dissidents, protesters, and more is how the HSBC bank in England and other banks shut down and denied the account of BitChute founder, Ray Vahey. After pressure from activist groups, HSBC bank terminated BitChute's account, but didn't give them their money. They tried transferring the money to another bank, but were again denied. BitChute still hasn't received their funds. Now imagine a world where you don't even have another bank to go to -- you have just one bank account from one banking institution that has a monopoly On Money. And imagine that this money is completely digital and can only be programmed by the bank. This is what's coming with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). They wouldn't have to harass political enemies using force -- they would be able to hit you where it really hurts, your wallet, with just a few keystrokes. Can you see how it will give the central bank the power to freeze, shut down, or steal your money? Isn't it obvious that they will expand this power to force as many people in society to do what they're told without resorting to direct violence? CBDCs are the greatest threat we face to our liberty, privacy, and future prosperity. This nightmare is already here. I'm taking big, bold steps to opt out of the CBDC system right now. Want to join me? Then check out the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan. For 60 days, starting on Feb. 25th and ending in late April, I'm going to host 4 workshops (modules) walking you step-by-step through a complete system for opting out of the central bank system and becoming financially sovereign. If you follow the 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan and apply what you learn, you'll make it impossible for banks or governments to shut you down. But you must sign up by Friday, Feb. 17th at midnight central time. The 60-Day CBDC Exit Plan will be gone after Friday. This is the only blueprint ever created to actually restore our rights to privacy, financial sovereignty, and economic freedom. Get it here: Bush P.S. The replays of the CBDC Opt Out Challenge are still available to watch for FREE. But the replays disappear Wednesday, Feb. 15th at midnight central time. Watch them for free here before they're gone: (Day 2 -- 5 are linked on the Day 1 page) P.P.S. I'm hosting a very special "CBDC Opt Out Challenge RECAP" On Wednesday as well! So if you don't have time to watch all the replays (YOU SHOULD MAKE TIME!), you can just attend this recap and get the highlights of the best strategies, tools, and resources to make a super actionable plan to break free from CBDCs immediately. A challenge participant, who is the winner of the Day Two prize, has even figured out that the crypto wallet I recommended using isn't working right now for Monero, so I'm going to teach you about a new and super easy to use crypto wallet that is fully functional when it comes to sending and receiving my favorite privacy coin. The CBDC Opt Out Challenge RECAP starts at 6:00PM Central Wednesday Feb. 15th (TOMORROW). Watch it LIVE here: Use this link to add the RECAP event to your calendar Sent Unsubscribe Live Free Now LLC, 515 Highway 71 West, A, Bastrop, Texas 78602, United States Vaccines Revealed, Part 1by staff - 2023-02-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Has 4 very good interviews. Maybe the most interesting to me was of RFK Jr because he has so much detailed information memorized about how pharma lies to the public. And not a theory -- has the documents. He lays out the timeline that so clearly shows the evidence of vax induced injury that only a complete idiot would ignore it. It would be very educational for someone just waking up to the vax scam, but I knew most of it from years of research I've done after our own vax injury. Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 11:30:07 PM PST:
Kennedy also has info (in his book) that fauXi has been KILLING PEOPLE his whole life. covid is a repeat of what he did with HIV. He's totally DEMONIC but trump was a chump and let him continue, as well as Congress and leaders around the world. Money obviously talked, money for their souls! (but many don't believe in God, Satan, or souls so they don't see the Grand Picture of Satan trying to Destroy the world that God made. Universities Shoving It into Our Facesby staff - 2023-02-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Screenshot leaves no doubt about the depopulation agenda. University demons blatantly shoving the proof in our faces. On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 09:10:03 AM PST:
I hope that all at the "Ivy league" universities, both students and faculty, are "fully vaxed" so we can get rid of them ASAP since they do nothing for society but leech off them as lawyers, politicians, banksters, Wall Streeters, and other things to skim off from the useful people to be Super Rich. I'm sure Jesus would have said the same thing, right? Remember to 'hate the sin not the sinner.' Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 12:15:07 AM PST: I hope he gets the REAL vax, suffers tremendously, but doesn't die soon and endures massive pain Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 12:03 AM I think it was David Icke, but not sure, who said he hoped Fauci gets reincarnated as himself, over and over again, as his punishment. On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 11:18:51 PM PST: Those who believe in God figure that in the end, God will give them justice. Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 9:24 PM That's interesting. Seems to run contrary to other parts of the bible, but can't quote anything. There's the concept "you become what you hate" which I must admit that when I applied it to myself I changed my stance on how I view these psychopaths in government, etc, and what justice should look like for them. On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 05:45:34 PM PST:
lots of bad people's deaths were promoted in the bible Sasha Latypova Interviewby staff - 2023-02-18 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. Yes, ultimately it's good v evil. Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 1:37 PM
though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it) On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. I just joined Sasha's site on trialsitenews.comLots of articles for anybody who cares (and can handle) for education
On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 11:14:01 PM :
Yea, best to know when the fist is approaching your jaw. Plenty still believe the incredible lies of gaslight media and will hit the floor from the punch. Hopefully people in this email are smart enough to prepare. From: Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 10:49 PM - Sasha Latypova interview= wowscary but worth watching (or put your head in the sand) On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 02:19:27 AM : In case you haven't already heard about her, this is really good. She documents that the DOD is behind the shots.
= Yes, ultimately it's good v evil. Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 1:37 PM Re: though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it) On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. I just joined Sasha's site on trialsitenews.comLots of articles for anybody who cares (and can handle) for education
On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 11:14:01 PM
Yea, best to know when the fist is approaching your jaw. Plenty still believe the incredible lies of gaslight media and will hit the floor from the punch. Hopefully people in this email are smart enough to prepare. From: Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 10:49 PM - = wowscary but worth watching (or put your head in the sand) On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 02:19:27 AM In case you haven't already heard about her, this is really good. She documents that the DOD is behind the shots.
Yes, ultimately it's good v evil. Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 1:37 PM Re: though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it) On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. I just joined Sasha's site on trialsitenews.comLots of articles for anybody who cares (and can handle) for education
On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 11:14:01 PM
Yea, best to know when the fist is approaching your jaw. Plenty still believe the incredible lies of gaslight media and will hit the floor from the punch. Hopefully people in this email are smart enough to prepare. From: Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 10:49 PM - = wowscary but worth watching (or put your head in the sand) On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 02:19:27 AM In case you haven't already heard about her, this is really good. She documents that the DOD is behind the shots.
Yes, ultimately it's good v evil. Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 1:37 PM Re: though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it) On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. I just joined Sasha's site on trialsitenews.comLots of articles for anybody who cares (and can handle) for education
On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 11:14:01 PM
Yea, best to know when the fist is approaching your jaw. Plenty still believe the incredible lies of gaslight media and will hit the floor from the punch. Hopefully people in this email are smart enough to prepare. From: Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 10:49 PM - = wowscary but worth watching (or put your head in the sand) On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 02:19:27 AM In case you haven't already heard about her, this is really good. She documents that the DOD is behind the shots.
though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. In case you haven't already heard about her, this is really good. She documents that the DOD is behind the shots.
though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. though so many here don't believe in Satan or God, this whole thing is a battle between them. (and Satan loves that so many don't see it)
On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 01:22:33 PM PST:
Bombshell information with documents to prove the scamdemic is a DOD operation, running it like a mafia. Pharma companies are just some of the foot soldiers. This explains why judges refuse to allow the many cases with proof to proceed. They are getting it from above and, I speculate, threatened if they don't comply. If you appreciate the truth you must watch this one. California Law Allows Babies to Be Killed After Birthby staff - 2023-02-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It's so amazingly evil you may not even believe it. It's not some proposal, it's already been passed. This is part 2 of a good interview. If you want a link to part 1 and can't find it, let me know. "">Watch on BitChute Still don't want to believe there's a depopulation agenda? On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 03:18:27 PM PST:
Obama was for "late term abortion' and I was all for politicians being aborted late in their elected terms.some leftists wanted killing up to age THREE. (yeah, it's a leftist/satanic thing). So, how about we're allowed to kill politicians (maybe just put them out in the desert a 100 miles without water so we don't actually kill them?) The Zero Emissions Mythby staff - 2023-02-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]just "follow the science" but the only science that leftists know is social science On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 05:04:59 PM PST: She should win an award for electric vehicle saleswoman of the year.? Some really good info here. Peggy / THE HEALTHY AMERICAN Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 7:38 AM Subject: The "ZERO EMISSIONS" MYTH You know that I am all about FREEDOM of CHOICE. If you own and love your battery-operated car, that's great! Just know that it is not a "zero emissions" vehicle... And that it's not "better for the environment" than a gas-powered car. Remember: batteries don't create energy; batteries store energy that was created elsewhere. And most of the energy that is stored in batteries was produced using gas, oil or coal. Further, these rechargeable car batteries (weighing approx 1500 pounds) use a tremendous amount of natural (and toxic) metals including lithium-ion, nickel-metal oxide and nickel-cadmium. These batteries are constantly self-discharging, which means these toxic elements are leaking from the battery. In my latest video The ZERO-EMISSIONS MYTH, I go into great detail about the downside of these electric vehicles, which are being heavily promoted here in California (which plans to outlaw new gas-powered cars by 2035). Hmmm... looks like another scheme by the New World Disorder to restrict our movement by reducing the amount of driving (since you can only go about 200 mile radius in an electric car) and to have central control over the electricity available. There are so many red flags about these electric vehicles. Be sure to watch the video if you want to learn more! Was it an ACCIDENT -- or SABOTAGE?? Friends, in the coverage I provided in the video above, I pronounced the name of the town as East "Palesteeen" (because that is how the newscasters said it). Of course, in the Middle East, this is pronounced "Palest-EYE-n." Then, in the comments section of my video, a resident of Ohio told me that indeed this town is also pronounced as"Palest-EYE-n." Hmm... another interesting twist in this story. Watch my video here for more twists and turns as I share a handful of things that made me go "Hmmm..." (such as the book and movie called WHITE NOISE, which was about a train derailment and chemical explosion in -- you guessed it -- East Palestine!). I also share a couple of tips of how to be on guard for the next hogwashing. P.S. At the beginning of the video, I share the sponsor message where you can get $200 of free survival products when you get your 3-month emergency food supply by using my link here: ""> My LAWSUIT Explained in 7 MINUTES Many of my videos run anywhere from 20-40 minutes, so here is a concise explanation of my legal action. Please SHARE with all those who value our Constitutional Republic! (2) Enroll in an online course! Stay educated about your rights and learn how to defend and protect them! MEDICAL RIGHTS NO CONSENT TO NASAL TESTING IMMUNE BUILDING & RECOVERY HOW TO WIN IN COURT MIND/BODY MAKEOVER PANIC-FREE PREPPING FREEDOM LEARNING (3) Get a list of your STATE LAWS that protect you from discrimination (also includes a list of federal laws). These are compiled for you in an informational document we've created called a "legal federal religious exemption."Learn more here (4) Get one-to-one help from Peggy. Click here for our VIP PROGRAM! (5) Want to leave traditional health insurance and use Christian Health-Sharing Ministry instead? This is the organization we have belonged to for (6) Are you PREPARED for any future food shortages? We have stocked up for several months of emergency food (7) WEAR and SHARE your messages of freedom! We have two t-shirt vendors, with different messages and styles. ""> (8) If you prefer to READ my articles about your rights and defending your freedom -- and how to dig deeper into current events, join my substack! P.S. If it weren't for your prayers and financial support, I could NOT continue doing this important work of educating and empowering people to stand up against tyranny. The Healthy American, 205 Avenida del Mar #681, San Clemente, California 92674, United States See also...
FDIC Safety?by staff - 2023-02-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]In case anybody thinks the FDIC will have their back in case of a bank run: Safe Blood Test?by staff - 2023-02-19 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]I was recently thinking about this. Also I was thinking about how I had my wisdom teeth removed in my 2Os and they just injected something to numb that side of my mouth. But how can anyone trust a single pharma product now when someone wants to have a tooth removed? Is there a lab like The Health Ranger for food that can make sure they don't slip in mRNA spiked toxins? ________________________________ Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 9:49 AM Fw: I found and contacted the "safeblook" (unvaxxed) folks. Here's the "conversation" - To: [wife] Reese Jennifer R. Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 at 09:47:02 AM PST Fw: FYI - ""
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 at 08:00:24 AM PST Re: Dear : In reply to your question, currently there is no rapid test capable of differentiating between vaccinated and unvaccinated blood with one hundred percent certainty. However, Dark Field Microscopy (DFM) is one of several microscopy methods capable of detecting the effects in the blood subsequent to vaccination. At the moment, dark field microscopy is the tool of choice, with which the differences in the blood can be clearly seen. This short video shows the differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated blood under Dark Field Microscopy: Apparently, differences can also be observed under a regular garden-variety microscope (but please note the following video has NOT been vetted by Safe Blood Donation): Unvaxxed Blood vs Moderna Triple Vaxxed Blood Under Microscope Please also see Question #9 on the attached FAQs, "How can I be sure that the blood I AM offered really comes from unvaccinated people?" Please let me know if you have any further questions. Best, Demitra Papadinis USA Team Leader DISCLAIMER: SAFE BLOOD DONATION DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material published or transmitted by Safe Blood Donation and its affiliates, directors, officers, managers, employees or other representatives are for informational purposes only. No material is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any Safe Blood Donation publication or transmission. Quoting : Hello, No, I was not so foolish as to get the killer "vax" but my daughter who lives with her admittedly mentally ill "Mother" might have gotten it (I sent her an email asking about that and she didn't reply and she knows I'm against it, so I figure she doesn't want to admit to being vaxxed), So, is there some sort of test for spiked proteins (or any other indicator) in one's blood? (since some got saline solution instead of the "real thing", I figure that some who got vaxxed still have safe blood. Thanks,
safe blood test?by doug - 2023-02-19 ( education / research ) [html version]Very interesting. I was recently thinking about this. Also I was thinking about how I had my wisdom teeth removed in my 2Os and they just injected something to numb that side of my mouth. But how can anyone trust a single pharma product now when someone wants to have a tooth removed? Is there a lab like The Health Ranger for food that can make sure they don't slip in mRNA spiked toxins? ________________________________ Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 9:49 AM Fw: I found and contacted the "safeblook" (unvaxxed) folks. Here's the "conversation" - To: [wife] Reese Jennifer R. Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 at 09:47:02 AM PST Fw: FYI - ""
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 at 08:00:24 AM PST Re: Dear : In reply to your question, currently there is no rapid test capable of differentiating between vaccinated and unvaccinated blood with one hundred percent certainty. However, Dark Field Microscopy (DFM) is one of several microscopy methods capable of detecting the effects in the blood subsequent to vaccination. At the moment, dark field microscopy is the tool of choice, with which the differences in the blood can be clearly seen. This short video shows the differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated blood under Dark Field Microscopy: Apparently, differences can also be observed under a regular garden-variety microscope (but please note the following video has NOT been vetted by Safe Blood Donation): Unvaxxed Blood vs Moderna Triple Vaxxed Blood Under Microscope Please also see Question #9 on the attached FAQs, "How can I be sure that the blood I AM offered really comes from unvaccinated people?" Please let me know if you have any further questions. Best, Demitra Papadinis USA Team Leader DISCLAIMER: SAFE BLOOD DONATION DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material published or transmitted by Safe Blood Donation and its affiliates, directors, officers, managers, employees or other representatives are for informational purposes only. No material is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any Safe Blood Donation publication or transmission. Quoting : Hello, No, I was not so foolish as to get the killer "vax" but my daughter who lives with her admittedly mentally ill "Mother" might have gotten it (I sent her an email asking about that and she didn't reply and she knows I'm against it, so I figure she doesn't want to admit to being vaxxed), So, is there some sort of test for spiked proteins (or any other indicator) in one's blood? (since some got saline solution instead of the "real thing", I figure that some who got vaxxed still have safe blood. Thanks,
Very Informative Video About the Railroad Explosionby staff - 2023-02-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The Truth About The Ohio Train Derailment and more here Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 10:07 AM That was more interesting than I expected. very informative video about the RR explosionby doug - 2023-02-19 ( education / research ) [html version]That was more interesting than I expected. ________________________________ Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 10:07 AM The Truth About The Ohio Train Derailment [] The Truth About The Ohio Train Derailment Solid Financial Adviceby doug - 2023-02-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Preserving family wealth. Very short video: bitchute Yup, Sweet Potatoesby staff - 2023-02-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Dioxin Detoxificationby staff - 2023-02-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]With the chemical bomb aftermath from Palestine, Ohio, affecting that region, and the entire world to a lesser extent, learning how to do this very simple step in your daily diet is really great. Even without this recent toxic bomb, all people are being exposed to dioxins from the plastics industry and should upgrade their diet. A home or business fire will burn the PVC pipes and release this into the air. On 2/18/23 13:23: He says 500 years contamination for Palestine, OH! Thanks, Mayor Pete Butthead for letting them burn it. Climate Changeby staff - 2023-02-22 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Most importantly, those "scientists" need federal grants to survive, so they figure it's life or death and "life" comes with the requirement to sell their souls to demonic people. On Monday, February 20, 2023 at 09:33:15 PM PST: What makes this particularly interesting is how the actual fraud happens. In a nutshell, someone with a particular agenda decides whatever they want and hands it over to "scientists" to find the facts to support their conclusion. In other words, we have corporations creating science that probably enriches the shareholders. And the prostitute media dutifully parrots what their masters say, denigrating anyone who dares to disagree as a quack or conspiracy theorist. Sent: Monday, February 20, 2023 9:18 PM Climate change without looking at the video (which is likely great in how informing it is), I know that most people are ignorant about science so it's so easy to bamboozle them On Monday, February 20, 2023 at 08:51:18 PM PST: Ever wondered exactly how the climate change hoax came to be? This Corbett Report covers it well. And surprise, surprise, it's just the same as how most (fake) science today becomes the latest religion unthinking people blindly follow. Yes, it's sort of all BS to begin with. And now he wants to sell his new book to convince you that he lied. Seems like he just continues to lie. Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 11:48 AM To: Subject: Re: That's nice, but he still assumes the world is getting hotter and wants MORE, not less, industrial agriculture. So, I take him with a grain of salt.
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 9:11 PM Subject: Award-Winning Climate Activist Apologizes For Misleading The Public On Climate Change Scare Award-Winning Climate Activist Apologizes For Misleading The Public On Climate Change Scare: Source: Forbes has decided to unpublish an article by award-winning climate activist Shellenberger, in which he apologizes "for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years." [] Schellenberger, a progressive, was named one of TIME's "Heroes of the Environment," while his book Break Through was heralded by WIRED as potentially "the best thing to happen to environmentalism since Rachel Carson's Silent Spring." His bookApocalypse Never was widely praised as an 'eye-opening, fact-based approach' to climate science and 'engaging and well-researched.' Now that he's apologized for three-decades of climate alarmism, Forbes has now blocked Shellenberger's article without NEVER MISS THE NEWS THAT MATTERS MOST Authored by Shellenberger via Environmental Progress (emphasis ours) On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years. Climate change is happening. It's just not the end of the world. It's not even our most serious environmental problem. I may seem like a strange person to be saying all of this. I have been a climate activist for 20 years and an environmentalist for 30. But as an energy expert asked by Congress to provide objective expert testimony, and invited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to serve as Expert Reviewer of its next Assessment Report, I feel an obligation to apologize for how badly we environmentalists have misled the public. Here are some facts few people know: * Humans are not causing a "sixth mass extinction" * The Amazon is not "the lungs of the world" * Climate change is not making natural disasters worse * Fires have declined 25% around the world since 2003 * The amount of land we use for meat -- humankind's biggest use of land -- has declined by an area nearly as large as Alaska * The build-up of wood fuel and more houses near forests, not climate change, explain why there are more, and more dangerous, fires in Australia and California * Carbon emissions are declining in most rich nations and have been declining in Britain, Germany, and France since the mid-1970s * Adapting to life below sea level made the Netherlands rich not poor * We produce 25% more food than we need and food surpluses will continue to rise as the world gets hotter * Habitat loss and the direct killing of wild animals are bigger threats to species than climate change * Wood fuel is far worse for people and wildlife than fossil fuels * Preventing future pandemics requires more not less "industrial" agriculture I know that the above facts will sound like "climate denialism" to many people. But that just shows the power of climate alarmism. In reality, the above facts come from the best-available scientific studies, including those conducted by or accepted by the IPCC, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and other leading scientific bodies. Some people will, when they read this imagine that I'm some right-wing anti-environmentalist. I'm not. At 17, I lived in Nicaragua to show solidarity with the Sandinista socialist revolution. At 23 I raised money for Guatemalan women's cooperatives. In my early 20s I lived in the semi-Amazon doing research with small farmers fighting land invasions. At 26 I helped expose poor conditions at Nike factories in Asia. I became an environmentalist at 16 when I threw a fundraiser for Rainforest Action Network. At 27 I helped save the last unprotected ancient redwoods in California. In my 30s I advocated renewables and successfully helped persuade the Obama administration to invest $90 billion into them. Over the last few years I helped save enough nuclear plants from being replaced by fossil fuels to prevent a sharp increase in emissions But until last year, I mostly avoided speaking out against the climate scare. Partly that's because I was embarrassed. After all, I am as guilty of alarmism as any other environmentalist. For years, I referred to climate change as an "existential" threat to human civilization, and called it a "crisis." But mostly I was scared. I remained quiet about the climate disinformation campaign because I was afraid of losing friends and funding. The few times I summoned the courage to defend climate science from those who misrepresent it I suffered harsh consequences. And so I mostly stood by and did next to nothing as my fellow environmentalists terrified the public. I even stood by as people in the White House and many in the news media tried to destroy the reputation and career of an outstanding scientist, good man, and friend of mine, Roger Pielke, Jr., a lifelong progressive Democrat and environmentalist who testified in favor of carbon regulations. Why did they do that? Because his research proves natural disasters aren't getting worse. But then, last year, things spiraled out of control. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said "The world is going to end in twelve years if we don't address climate change." Britain's most high-profile environmental group claimed "Climate Change Kills Children." The world's most influential green journalist McKibben, called climate change the "greatest challenge humans have ever faced" and said it would "wipe out civilizations." Mainstream journalists reported, repeatedly, that the Amazon was "the lungs of the world," and that deforestation was like a nuclear bomb going off. As a result, half of the people surveyed around the world last year said they thought climate change would make humanity extinct. And in January, one out of five British children told pollsters they were having nightmares about climate change. Whether or not you have children you must see how wrong this is. I admit I may be sensitive because I have a teenage daughter. After we talked about the science she was reassured. But her friends are deeply misinformed and thus, understandably, frightened. I thus decided I had to speak out. I knew that writing a few articles wouldn't be enough. I needed a book to properly lay out all of the evidence. And so my formal apology for our fear-mongering comes in the form of my new book, Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All. It is based on two decades of research and three decades of environmental activism. At 400 pages, with 100 of them endnotes, Apocalypse Never covers climate change, deforestation, plastic waste, species extinction, industrialization, meat, nuclear energy, and renewables. Some highlights from the book: * Factories and modern farming are the keys to human liberation and environmental progress * The most important thing for saving the environment is producing more food, particularly meat, on less land * The most important thing for reducing air pollution and carbon emissions is moving from wood to coal to petroleum to natural gas to uranium * 100% renewables would require increasing the land used for energy from today's 0.5% to 50% * We should want cities, farms, and power plants to have higher, not lower, power densities * Vegetarianism reduces one's emissions by less than 4% * Greenpeace didn't save the whales, switching from whale oil to petroleum and palm oil did * "Free-range" beef would require 20 times more land and produce 300% more emissions * Greenpeace dogmatism worsened forest fragmentation of the Amazon * The colonialist approach to gorilla conservation in the Congo produced a backlash that may have resulted in the killing of 250 elephants Why were we all so misled? In the final three chapters of Apocalypse Never I expose the financial, political, and ideological motivations. Environmental groups have accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from fossil fuel interests. Groups motivated by anti-humanist beliefs forced the World Bank to stop trying to end poverty and instead make poverty "sustainable." And status anxiety, depression, and hostility to modern civilization are behind much of the alarmism Once you realize just how badly misinformed we have been, often by people with plainly unsavory or unhealthy motivations, it is hard not to feel duped. Will Apocalypse Never make any difference? There are certainly reasons to doubt it. The news media have been making apocalyptic pronouncements about climate change since the late 1980s, and do not seem disposed to stop. The ideology behind environmental alarmsim -- Malthusianism -- has been repeatedly debunked for 200 years and yet is more powerful than ever. But there are also reasons to believe that environmental alarmism will, if not come to an end, have diminishing cultural power. The coronavirus pandemic is an actual crisis that puts the climate "crisis" into perspective. Even if you think we have overreacted, covid-19 has killed nearly 500,000 people and shattered economies around the globe. Scientific institutions including WHO and IPCC have undermined their credibility through the repeated politicization of science. Their future existence and relevance depends on new leadership and serious reform. Facts still matter, and social media is allowing for a wider range of new and independent voices to outcompete alarmist environmental journalists at legacy publications. Nations are reverting openly to self-interest and away from Malthusianism and neoliberalism, which is good for nuclear and bad for renewables. The evidence is overwhelming that our high-energy civilization is better for people and nature than the low-energy civilization that climate alarmists would return us to. The invitations from IPCC and Congress are signs of a growing openness to new thinking about climate change and the environment. Another one has been to the response to my book from climate scientists, conservationists, and environmental scholars. "Apocalypse Never is an extremely important book," writes Richard Rhodes, the Pulitzer-winning author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb. "This may be the most important book on the environment ever written," says one of the fathers of modern climate science Tom Wigley. "We environmentalists condemn those with antithetical views of being ignorant of science and susceptible to confirmation bias," wrote the former head of The Nature Conservancy McCormick. "But too often we are guilty of the same. Shellenberger offers =91tough love:' a challenge to entrenched orthodoxies and rigid, self-defeating mindsets. Apocalypse Never serves up occasionally stinging, but always well-crafted, evidence-based points of view that will help develop the =91mental muscle' we need to envision and design not only a hopeful, but an attainable, future." That is all I hoped for in writing it. If you've made it this far, I hope you'll agree that it's perhaps not as strange as it seems that a lifelong environmentalist, progressive, and climate activist felt the need to speak out against the alarmism. I further hope that you'll accept my apology. Shellenberger On 9/10/22 17:49: Finally the truth coming through from the gaslight media. I'm giving this a title that everyone will accept -- the people who believe the TV and the people who know it's a scam. The news today is that a TV station meteorologist shows a plane that injects silver oxide into the air to change the weather. Wait! This is supposed to be just a conspiracy theory! So, another one is proven true. Looks like conspiracy theorists are batting 1000 (perfect score, not even one proven wrong). Maybe people need to ask "if people were trying to hide this fact, what else are they trying to hide?" And "can we believe anything else they say?" (Correct answer is "NO!") Plus, you might want to ask "why are they trying to hide this from people?" But then you have to begin to think and we all know how dangerous that would be... Yes, it's sort of all BS to begin with. And now he wants to sell his new book to convince you that he lied. Seems like he just continues to lie. Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 11:48 AM To: Subject: Re: That's nice, but he still assumes the world is getting hotter and wants MORE, not less, industrial agriculture. So, I take him with a grain of salt.
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 9:11 PM Subject: Award-Winning Climate Activist Apologizes For Misleading The Public On Climate Change Scare Award-Winning Climate Activist Apologizes For Misleading The Public On Climate Change Scare: Source: Forbes has decided to unpublish an article by award-winning climate activist Shellenberger, in which he apologizes "for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years." [] Schellenberger, a progressive, was named one of TIME's "Heroes of the Environment," while his book Break Through was heralded by WIRED as potentially "the best thing to happen to environmentalism since Rachel Carson's Silent Spring." His bookApocalypse Never was widely praised as an 'eye-opening, fact-based approach' to climate science and 'engaging and well-researched.' Now that he's apologized for three-decades of climate alarmism, Forbes has now blocked Shellenberger's article without NEVER MISS THE NEWS THAT MATTERS MOST Authored by Shellenberger via Environmental Progress (emphasis ours) On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years. Climate change is happening. It's just not the end of the world. It's not even our most serious environmental problem. I may seem like a strange person to be saying all of this. I have been a climate activist for 20 years and an environmentalist for 30. But as an energy expert asked by Congress to provide objective expert testimony, and invited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to serve as Expert Reviewer of its next Assessment Report, I feel an obligation to apologize for how badly we environmentalists have misled the public. Here are some facts few people know: * Humans are not causing a "sixth mass extinction" * The Amazon is not "the lungs of the world" * Climate change is not making natural disasters worse * Fires have declined 25% around the world since 2003 * The amount of land we use for meat -- humankind's biggest use of land -- has declined by an area nearly as large as Alaska * The build-up of wood fuel and more houses near forests, not climate change, explain why there are more, and more dangerous, fires in Australia and California * Carbon emissions are declining in most rich nations and have been declining in Britain, Germany, and France since the mid-1970s * Adapting to life below sea level made the Netherlands rich not poor * We produce 25% more food than we need and food surpluses will continue to rise as the world gets hotter * Habitat loss and the direct killing of wild animals are bigger threats to species than climate change * Wood fuel is far worse for people and wildlife than fossil fuels * Preventing future pandemics requires more not less "industrial" agriculture I know that the above facts will sound like "climate denialism" to many people. But that just shows the power of climate alarmism. In reality, the above facts come from the best-available scientific studies, including those conducted by or accepted by the IPCC, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and other leading scientific bodies. Some people will, when they read this imagine that I'm some right-wing anti-environmentalist. I'm not. At 17, I lived in Nicaragua to show solidarity with the Sandinista socialist revolution. At 23 I raised money for Guatemalan women's cooperatives. In my early 20s I lived in the semi-Amazon doing research with small farmers fighting land invasions. At 26 I helped expose poor conditions at Nike factories in Asia. I became an environmentalist at 16 when I threw a fundraiser for Rainforest Action Network. At 27 I helped save the last unprotected ancient redwoods in California. In my 30s I advocated renewables and successfully helped persuade the Obama administration to invest $90 billion into them. Over the last few years I helped save enough nuclear plants from being replaced by fossil fuels to prevent a sharp increase in emissions But until last year, I mostly avoided speaking out against the climate scare. Partly that's because I was embarrassed. After all, I am as guilty of alarmism as any other environmentalist. For years, I referred to climate change as an "existential" threat to human civilization, and called it a "crisis." But mostly I was scared. I remained quiet about the climate disinformation campaign because I was afraid of losing friends and funding. The few times I summoned the courage to defend climate science from those who misrepresent it I suffered harsh consequences. And so I mostly stood by and did next to nothing as my fellow environmentalists terrified the public. I even stood by as people in the White House and many in the news media tried to destroy the reputation and career of an outstanding scientist, good man, and friend of mine, Roger Pielke, Jr., a lifelong progressive Democrat and environmentalist who testified in favor of carbon regulations. Why did they do that? Because his research proves natural disasters aren't getting worse. But then, last year, things spiraled out of control. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said "The world is going to end in twelve years if we don't address climate change." Britain's most high-profile environmental group claimed "Climate Change Kills Children." The world's most influential green journalist McKibben, called climate change the "greatest challenge humans have ever faced" and said it would "wipe out civilizations." Mainstream journalists reported, repeatedly, that the Amazon was "the lungs of the world," and that deforestation was like a nuclear bomb going off. As a result, half of the people surveyed around the world last year said they thought climate change would make humanity extinct. And in January, one out of five British children told pollsters they were having nightmares about climate change. Whether or not you have children you must see how wrong this is. I admit I may be sensitive because I have a teenage daughter. After we talked about the science she was reassured. But her friends are deeply misinformed and thus, understandably, frightened. I thus decided I had to speak out. I knew that writing a few articles wouldn't be enough. I needed a book to properly lay out all of the evidence. And so my formal apology for our fear-mongering comes in the form of my new book, Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All. It is based on two decades of research and three decades of environmental activism. At 400 pages, with 100 of them endnotes, Apocalypse Never covers climate change, deforestation, plastic waste, species extinction, industrialization, meat, nuclear energy, and renewables. Some highlights from the book: * Factories and modern farming are the keys to human liberation and environmental progress * The most important thing for saving the environment is producing more food, particularly meat, on less land * The most important thing for reducing air pollution and carbon emissions is moving from wood to coal to petroleum to natural gas to uranium * 100% renewables would require increasing the land used for energy from today's 0.5% to 50% * We should want cities, farms, and power plants to have higher, not lower, power densities * Vegetarianism reduces one's emissions by less than 4% * Greenpeace didn't save the whales, switching from whale oil to petroleum and palm oil did * "Free-range" beef would require 20 times more land and produce 300% more emissions * Greenpeace dogmatism worsened forest fragmentation of the Amazon * The colonialist approach to gorilla conservation in the Congo produced a backlash that may have resulted in the killing of 250 elephants Why were we all so misled? In the final three chapters of Apocalypse Never I expose the financial, political, and ideological motivations. Environmental groups have accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from fossil fuel interests. Groups motivated by anti-humanist beliefs forced the World Bank to stop trying to end poverty and instead make poverty "sustainable." And status anxiety, depression, and hostility to modern civilization are behind much of the alarmism Once you realize just how badly misinformed we have been, often by people with plainly unsavory or unhealthy motivations, it is hard not to feel duped. Will Apocalypse Never make any difference? There are certainly reasons to doubt it. The news media have been making apocalyptic pronouncements about climate change since the late 1980s, and do not seem disposed to stop. The ideology behind environmental alarmsim -- Malthusianism -- has been repeatedly debunked for 200 years and yet is more powerful than ever. But there are also reasons to believe that environmental alarmism will, if not come to an end, have diminishing cultural power. The coronavirus pandemic is an actual crisis that puts the climate "crisis" into perspective. Even if you think we have overreacted, covid-19 has killed nearly 500,000 people and shattered economies around the globe. Scientific institutions including WHO and IPCC have undermined their credibility through the repeated politicization of science. Their future existence and relevance depends on new leadership and serious reform. Facts still matter, and social media is allowing for a wider range of new and independent voices to outcompete alarmist environmental journalists at legacy publications. Nations are reverting openly to self-interest and away from Malthusianism and neoliberalism, which is good for nuclear and bad for renewables. The evidence is overwhelming that our high-energy civilization is better for people and nature than the low-energy civilization that climate alarmists would return us to. The invitations from IPCC and Congress are signs of a growing openness to new thinking about climate change and the environment. Another one has been to the response to my book from climate scientists, conservationists, and environmental scholars. "Apocalypse Never is an extremely important book," writes Richard Rhodes, the Pulitzer-winning author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb. "This may be the most important book on the environment ever written," says one of the fathers of modern climate science Tom Wigley. "We environmentalists condemn those with antithetical views of being ignorant of science and susceptible to confirmation bias," wrote the former head of The Nature Conservancy McCormick. "But too often we are guilty of the same. Shellenberger offers =91tough love:' a challenge to entrenched orthodoxies and rigid, self-defeating mindsets. Apocalypse Never serves up occasionally stinging, but always well-crafted, evidence-based points of view that will help develop the =91mental muscle' we need to envision and design not only a hopeful, but an attainable, future." That is all I hoped for in writing it. If you've made it this far, I hope you'll agree that it's perhaps not as strange as it seems that a lifelong environmentalist, progressive, and climate activist felt the need to speak out against the alarmism. I further hope that you'll accept my apology. Shellenberger I'm giving this a title that everyone will accept -- the people who believe the TV and the people who know it's a scam. The news today is that a TV station meteorologist shows a plane that injects silver oxide into the air to change the weather. Wait! This is supposed to be just a conspiracy theory! So, another one is proven true. Looks like conspiracy theorists are batting 1000 (perfect score, not even one proven wrong). Maybe people need to ask "if people were trying to hide this fact, what else are they trying to hide?" And "can we believe anything else they say?" (Correct answer is "NO!") Plus, you might want to ask "why are they trying to hide this from people?" But then you have to begin to think and we all know how dangerous that would be... Yes, it's sort of all BS to begin with. And now he wants to sell his new book to convince you that he lied. Seems like he just continues to lie. Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 11:48 AM To: Subject: Re: That's nice, but he still assumes the world is getting hotter and wants MORE, not less, industrial agriculture. So, I take him with a grain of salt.
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 9:11 PM Subject: Award-Winning Climate Activist Apologizes For Misleading The Public On Climate Change Scare Award-Winning Climate Activist Apologizes For Misleading The Public On Climate Change Scare: Source: Forbes has decided to unpublish an article by award-winning climate activist Shellenberger, in which he apologizes "for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years." [] Schellenberger, a progressive, was named one of TIME's "Heroes of the Environment," while his book Break Through was heralded by WIRED as potentially "the best thing to happen to environmentalism since Rachel Carson's Silent Spring." His bookApocalypse Never was widely praised as an 'eye-opening, fact-based approach' to climate science and 'engaging and well-researched.' Now that he's apologized for three-decades of climate alarmism, Forbes has now blocked Shellenberger's article without NEVER MISS THE NEWS THAT MATTERS MOST Authored by Shellenberger via Environmental Progress (emphasis ours) On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years. Climate change is happening. It's just not the end of the world. It's not even our most serious environmental problem. I may seem like a strange person to be saying all of this. I have been a climate activist for 20 years and an environmentalist for 30. But as an energy expert asked by Congress to provide objective expert testimony, and invited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to serve as Expert Reviewer of its next Assessment Report, I feel an obligation to apologize for how badly we environmentalists have misled the public. Here are some facts few people know: * Humans are not causing a "sixth mass extinction" * The Amazon is not "the lungs of the world" * Climate change is not making natural disasters worse * Fires have declined 25% around the world since 2003 * The amount of land we use for meat -- humankind's biggest use of land -- has declined by an area nearly as large as Alaska * The build-up of wood fuel and more houses near forests, not climate change, explain why there are more, and more dangerous, fires in Australia and California * Carbon emissions are declining in most rich nations and have been declining in Britain, Germany, and France since the mid-1970s * Adapting to life below sea level made the Netherlands rich not poor * We produce 25% more food than we need and food surpluses will continue to rise as the world gets hotter * Habitat loss and the direct killing of wild animals are bigger threats to species than climate change * Wood fuel is far worse for people and wildlife than fossil fuels * Preventing future pandemics requires more not less "industrial" agriculture I know that the above facts will sound like "climate denialism" to many people. But that just shows the power of climate alarmism. In reality, the above facts come from the best-available scientific studies, including those conducted by or accepted by the IPCC, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and other leading scientific bodies. Some people will, when they read this imagine that I'm some right-wing anti-environmentalist. I'm not. At 17, I lived in Nicaragua to show solidarity with the Sandinista socialist revolution. At 23 I raised money for Guatemalan women's cooperatives. In my early 20s I lived in the semi-Amazon doing research with small farmers fighting land invasions. At 26 I helped expose poor conditions at Nike factories in Asia. I became an environmentalist at 16 when I threw a fundraiser for Rainforest Action Network. At 27 I helped save the last unprotected ancient redwoods in California. In my 30s I advocated renewables and successfully helped persuade the Obama administration to invest $90 billion into them. Over the last few years I helped save enough nuclear plants from being replaced by fossil fuels to prevent a sharp increase in emissions But until last year, I mostly avoided speaking out against the climate scare. Partly that's because I was embarrassed. After all, I am as guilty of alarmism as any other environmentalist. For years, I referred to climate change as an "existential" threat to human civilization, and called it a "crisis." But mostly I was scared. I remained quiet about the climate disinformation campaign because I was afraid of losing friends and funding. The few times I summoned the courage to defend climate science from those who misrepresent it I suffered harsh consequences. And so I mostly stood by and did next to nothing as my fellow environmentalists terrified the public. I even stood by as people in the White House and many in the news media tried to destroy the reputation and career of an outstanding scientist, good man, and friend of mine, Roger Pielke, Jr., a lifelong progressive Democrat and environmentalist who testified in favor of carbon regulations. Why did they do that? Because his research proves natural disasters aren't getting worse. But then, last year, things spiraled out of control. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said "The world is going to end in twelve years if we don't address climate change." Britain's most high-profile environmental group claimed "Climate Change Kills Children." The world's most influential green journalist McKibben, called climate change the "greatest challenge humans have ever faced" and said it would "wipe out civilizations." Mainstream journalists reported, repeatedly, that the Amazon was "the lungs of the world," and that deforestation was like a nuclear bomb going off. As a result, half of the people surveyed around the world last year said they thought climate change would make humanity extinct. And in January, one out of five British children told pollsters they were having nightmares about climate change. Whether or not you have children you must see how wrong this is. I admit I may be sensitive because I have a teenage daughter. After we talked about the science she was reassured. But her friends are deeply misinformed and thus, understandably, frightened. I thus decided I had to speak out. I knew that writing a few articles wouldn't be enough. I needed a book to properly lay out all of the evidence. And so my formal apology for our fear-mongering comes in the form of my new book, Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All. It is based on two decades of research and three decades of environmental activism. At 400 pages, with 100 of them endnotes, Apocalypse Never covers climate change, deforestation, plastic waste, species extinction, industrialization, meat, nuclear energy, and renewables. Some highlights from the book: * Factories and modern farming are the keys to human liberation and environmental progress * The most important thing for saving the environment is producing more food, particularly meat, on less land * The most important thing for reducing air pollution and carbon emissions is moving from wood to coal to petroleum to natural gas to uranium * 100% renewables would require increasing the land used for energy from today's 0.5% to 50% * We should want cities, farms, and power plants to have higher, not lower, power densities * Vegetarianism reduces one's emissions by less than 4% * Greenpeace didn't save the whales, switching from whale oil to petroleum and palm oil did * "Free-range" beef would require 20 times more land and produce 300% more emissions * Greenpeace dogmatism worsened forest fragmentation of the Amazon * The colonialist approach to gorilla conservation in the Congo produced a backlash that may have resulted in the killing of 250 elephants Why were we all so misled? In the final three chapters of Apocalypse Never I expose the financial, political, and ideological motivations. Environmental groups have accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from fossil fuel interests. Groups motivated by anti-humanist beliefs forced the World Bank to stop trying to end poverty and instead make poverty "sustainable." And status anxiety, depression, and hostility to modern civilization are behind much of the alarmism Once you realize just how badly misinformed we have been, often by people with plainly unsavory or unhealthy motivations, it is hard not to feel duped. Will Apocalypse Never make any difference? There are certainly reasons to doubt it. The news media have been making apocalyptic pronouncements about climate change since the late 1980s, and do not seem disposed to stop. The ideology behind environmental alarmsim -- Malthusianism -- has been repeatedly debunked for 200 years and yet is more powerful than ever. But there are also reasons to believe that environmental alarmism will, if not come to an end, have diminishing cultural power. The coronavirus pandemic is an actual crisis that puts the climate "crisis" into perspective. Even if you think we have overreacted, covid-19 has killed nearly 500,000 people and shattered economies around the globe. Scientific institutions including WHO and IPCC have undermined their credibility through the repeated politicization of science. Their future existence and relevance depends on new leadership and serious reform. Facts still matter, and social media is allowing for a wider range of new and independent voices to outcompete alarmist environmental journalists at legacy publications. Nations are reverting openly to self-interest and away from Malthusianism and neoliberalism, which is good for nuclear and bad for renewables. The evidence is overwhelming that our high-energy civilization is better for people and nature than the low-energy civilization that climate alarmists would return us to. The invitations from IPCC and Congress are signs of a growing openness to new thinking about climate change and the environment. Another one has been to the response to my book from climate scientists, conservationists, and environmental scholars. "Apocalypse Never is an extremely important book," writes Richard Rhodes, the Pulitzer-winning author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb. "This may be the most important book on the environment ever written," says one of the fathers of modern climate science Tom Wigley. "We environmentalists condemn those with antithetical views of being ignorant of science and susceptible to confirmation bias," wrote the former head of The Nature Conservancy McCormick. "But too often we are guilty of the same. Shellenberger offers =91tough love:' a challenge to entrenched orthodoxies and rigid, self-defeating mindsets. Apocalypse Never serves up occasionally stinging, but always well-crafted, evidence-based points of view that will help develop the =91mental muscle' we need to envision and design not only a hopeful, but an attainable, future." That is all I hoped for in writing it. If you've made it this far, I hope you'll agree that it's perhaps not as strange as it seems that a lifelong environmentalist, progressive, and climate activist felt the need to speak out against the alarmism. I further hope that you'll accept my apology. Shellenberger Yes, it's sort of all BS to begin with. And now he wants to sell his new book to convince you that he lied. Seems like he just continues to lie.
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 11:48 AM To: Subject: Re: That's nice, but he still assumes the world is getting hotter and wants MORE, not less, industrial agriculture. So, I take him with a grain of salt.
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 9:11 PM Subject: Award-Winning Climate Activist Apologizes For Misleading The Public On Climate Change Scare Award-Winning Climate Activist Apologizes For Misleading The Public On Climate Change Scare: Source: Forbes has decided to unpublish an article by award-winning climate activist Shellenberger, in which he apologizes "for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years." [] Schellenberger, a progressive, was named one of TIME's "Heroes of the Environment," while his book Break Through was heralded by WIRED as potentially "the best thing to happen to environmentalism since Rachel Carson's Silent Spring." His bookApocalypse Never was widely praised as an 'eye-opening, fact-based approach' to climate science and 'engaging and well-researched.' Now that he's apologized for three-decades of climate alarmism, Forbes has now blocked Shellenberger's article without NEVER MISS THE NEWS THAT MATTERS MOST Authored by Shellenberger via Environmental Progress (emphasis ours) On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years. Climate change is happening. It's just not the end of the world. It's not even our most serious environmental problem. I may seem like a strange person to be saying all of this. I have been a climate activist for 20 years and an environmentalist for 30. But as an energy expert asked by Congress to provide objective expert testimony, and invited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to serve as Expert Reviewer of its next Assessment Report, I feel an obligation to apologize for how badly we environmentalists have misled the public. Here are some facts few people know: * Humans are not causing a "sixth mass extinction" * The Amazon is not "the lungs of the world" * Climate change is not making natural disasters worse * Fires have declined 25% around the world since 2003 * The amount of land we use for meat -- humankind's biggest use of land -- has declined by an area nearly as large as Alaska * The build-up of wood fuel and more houses near forests, not climate change, explain why there are more, and more dangerous, fires in Australia and California * Carbon emissions are declining in most rich nations and have been declining in Britain, Germany, and France since the mid-1970s * Adapting to life below sea level made the Netherlands rich not poor * We produce 25% more food than we need and food surpluses will continue to rise as the world gets hotter * Habitat loss and the direct killing of wild animals are bigger threats to species than climate change * Wood fuel is far worse for people and wildlife than fossil fuels * Preventing future pandemics requires more not less "industrial" agriculture I know that the above facts will sound like "climate denialism" to many people. But that just shows the power of climate alarmism. In reality, the above facts come from the best-available scientific studies, including those conducted by or accepted by the IPCC, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and other leading scientific bodies. Some people will, when they read this imagine that I'm some right-wing anti-environmentalist. I'm not. At 17, I lived in Nicaragua to show solidarity with the Sandinista socialist revolution. At 23 I raised money for Guatemalan women's cooperatives. In my early 20s I lived in the semi-Amazon doing research with small farmers fighting land invasions. At 26 I helped expose poor conditions at Nike factories in Asia. I became an environmentalist at 16 when I threw a fundraiser for Rainforest Action Network. At 27 I helped save the last unprotected ancient redwoods in California. In my 30s I advocated renewables and successfully helped persuade the Obama administration to invest $90 billion into them. Over the last few years I helped save enough nuclear plants from being replaced by fossil fuels to prevent a sharp increase in emissions But until last year, I mostly avoided speaking out against the climate scare. Partly that's because I was embarrassed. After all, I am as guilty of alarmism as any other environmentalist. For years, I referred to climate change as an "existential" threat to human civilization, and called it a "crisis." But mostly I was scared. I remained quiet about the climate disinformation campaign because I was afraid of losing friends and funding. The few times I summoned the courage to defend climate science from those who misrepresent it I suffered harsh consequences. And so I mostly stood by and did next to nothing as my fellow environmentalists terrified the public. I even stood by as people in the White House and many in the news media tried to destroy the reputation and career of an outstanding scientist, good man, and friend of mine, Roger Pielke, Jr., a lifelong progressive Democrat and environmentalist who testified in favor of carbon regulations. Why did they do that? Because his research proves natural disasters aren't getting worse. But then, last year, things spiraled out of control. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said "The world is going to end in twelve years if we don't address climate change." Britain's most high-profile environmental group claimed "Climate Change Kills Children." The world's most influential green journalist McKibben, called climate change the "greatest challenge humans have ever faced" and said it would "wipe out civilizations." Mainstream journalists reported, repeatedly, that the Amazon was "the lungs of the world," and that deforestation was like a nuclear bomb going off. As a result, half of the people surveyed around the world last year said they thought climate change would make humanity extinct. And in January, one out of five British children told pollsters they were having nightmares about climate change. Whether or not you have children you must see how wrong this is. I admit I may be sensitive because I have a teenage daughter. After we talked about the science she was reassured. But her friends are deeply misinformed and thus, understandably, frightened. I thus decided I had to speak out. I knew that writing a few articles wouldn't be enough. I needed a book to properly lay out all of the evidence. And so my formal apology for our fear-mongering comes in the form of my new book, Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All. It is based on two decades of research and three decades of environmental activism. At 400 pages, with 100 of them endnotes, Apocalypse Never covers climate change, deforestation, plastic waste, species extinction, industrialization, meat, nuclear energy, and renewables. Some highlights from the book: * Factories and modern farming are the keys to human liberation and environmental progress * The most important thing for saving the environment is producing more food, particularly meat, on less land * The most important thing for reducing air pollution and carbon emissions is moving from wood to coal to petroleum to natural gas to uranium * 100% renewables would require increasing the land used for energy from today's 0.5% to 50% * We should want cities, farms, and power plants to have higher, not lower, power densities * Vegetarianism reduces one's emissions by less than 4% * Greenpeace didn't save the whales, switching from whale oil to petroleum and palm oil did * "Free-range" beef would require 20 times more land and produce 300% more emissions * Greenpeace dogmatism worsened forest fragmentation of the Amazon * The colonialist approach to gorilla conservation in the Congo produced a backlash that may have resulted in the killing of 250 elephants Why were we all so misled? In the final three chapters of Apocalypse Never I expose the financial, political, and ideological motivations. Environmental groups have accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from fossil fuel interests. Groups motivated by anti-humanist beliefs forced the World Bank to stop trying to end poverty and instead make poverty "sustainable." And status anxiety, depression, and hostility to modern civilization are behind much of the alarmism Once you realize just how badly misinformed we have been, often by people with plainly unsavory or unhealthy motivations, it is hard not to feel duped. Will Apocalypse Never make any difference? There are certainly reasons to doubt it. The news media have been making apocalyptic pronouncements about climate change since the late 1980s, and do not seem disposed to stop. The ideology behind environmental alarmsim -- Malthusianism -- has been repeatedly debunked for 200 years and yet is more powerful than ever. But there are also reasons to believe that environmental alarmism will, if not come to an end, have diminishing cultural power. The coronavirus pandemic is an actual crisis that puts the climate "crisis" into perspective. Even if you think we have overreacted, covid-19 has killed nearly 500,000 people and shattered economies around the globe. Scientific institutions including WHO and IPCC have undermined their credibility through the repeated politicization of science. Their future existence and relevance depends on new leadership and serious reform. Facts still matter, and social media is allowing for a wider range of new and independent voices to outcompete alarmist environmental journalists at legacy publications. Nations are reverting openly to self-interest and away from Malthusianism and neoliberalism, which is good for nuclear and bad for renewables. The evidence is overwhelming that our high-energy civilization is better for people and nature than the low-energy civilization that climate alarmists would return us to. The invitations from IPCC and Congress are signs of a growing openness to new thinking about climate change and the environment. Another one has been to the response to my book from climate scientists, conservationists, and environmental scholars. "Apocalypse Never is an extremely important book," writes Richard Rhodes, the Pulitzer-winning author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb. "This may be the most important book on the environment ever written," says one of the fathers of modern climate science Tom Wigley. "We environmentalists condemn those with antithetical views of being ignorant of science and susceptible to confirmation bias," wrote the former head of The Nature Conservancy McCormick. "But too often we are guilty of the same. Shellenberger offers =91tough love:' a challenge to entrenched orthodoxies and rigid, self-defeating mindsets. Apocalypse Never serves up occasionally stinging, but always well-crafted, evidence-based points of view that will help develop the =91mental muscle' we need to envision and design not only a hopeful, but an attainable, future." That is all I hoped for in writing it. If you've made it this far, I hope you'll agree that it's perhaps not as strange as it seems that a lifelong environmentalist, progressive, and climate activist felt the need to speak out against the alarmism. I further hope that you'll accept my apology. Shellenberger On 9/10/22 17:49: Finally the truth coming through from the gaslight media. Amazing Sean David Morton Interviewby doug - 2023-02-23 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]I didn't have any expectations and this was amazing. Covers many subjects but a heavy dose of fake alien invasion, crop circles, UFO researchers, project blue beam, frequency, and a very interesting mention of something called C60. No, it's not a load of crap, as you might suspect. stories about Dulce (secret base at Archuletta Messa), Area 51, secret space program. I couldn't figure out how to download it, so I used Total Recorder to capture the audio to mp3 On 5/2/21 10:36 AM: way too long. what of particular interest did it say? On Sunday, May 2, 2021, 07:44:24 AM
Another one, lots of info about Area 51 and Bob Lazar On 4/20/21 2:08 PM wrote:
with sean david morton touches on many assassinations Putin, Khazars & Ukraineby steve - 2023-02-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]In researching for a book I am writing, I came across this article and here's something that really caught my attention with so many with "pray for Ukraine" signs and flags: Khazaria, Rothschild Dynasty, New World Order, Ukraine and Implementation of the Nephilim Agenda "Putin aggressively worked at paying off the debt to the IMF, a Rothschild-controlled bank, and by 2006 Russia's debt to the IMF was paid off. Putin successfully extracted Russia from the strangle hold of the Rothschilds. For this heroic feat, Putin has been characterised as the bad guy ever since." See this podcast with Clif High UPDATE: President (of Ukraine) Zelensky and his Nazi army want to personally thank you for your household's contribution of $861 to them (as does the Biden family). See How Much is U.S. Aid to Ukraine Costing You? Predictive Programming & Ohio Train Wreck Videoby staff - 2023-02-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version] UPDATE: Already deleted Sovereign Man/Womanby staff - 2023-02-23 ( education / research / legal ) [html version]Good discussion about common law as applied by people in Oregon. Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 7:22 AM won't hold up in court Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2023 16:42:20 They mentioned court cases, so I'll wait to hear from them in the future. They mentioned court cases, so I'll wait to hear from them in the future.
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 7:22 AM
Subject: Re: won't hold up in court On 2/21/23 14:02: Good discussion about common law as applied by people in Oregon. They mentioned court cases, so I'll wait to hear from them in the future.
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 7:22 AM Subject: Re: won't hold up in court On 2/21/23 14:02: Good discussion about common law as applied by people in Oregon. Sovereign man/womanby doug - 2023-02-23 ( education / research ) [html version]They mentioned court cases, so I'll wait to hear from them in the future. ________________________________ Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 7:22 AM Re: won't hold up in court On 2/21/23 14:02: Good discussion about common law as applied by people in Oregon. NY Times: Masks Don't Work -- It Doesn't Matter What Kindby staff - 2023-02-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]As many of us knew 3 years ago... Read, listen or watch the rest here: Masks Don't Work. I didn't confirm but heard Trump added mRNA to his platform along with 6G On Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 09:16:45 PM PST: no surprise. he's shown that he's a zionist puppet (and the zionists want to kill off all non-zionists) Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 7:21 PM kind of late but ... Idaho bill would criminalize giving mRNA vaccines, the tech used in popular covid vaccines Republican Idaho lawmakers have introduced a bill that would criminalize the administration of mRNA vaccines, wh... On 2/22/23 21:12: will the "news" report that? I doubt it. people will still wear them On Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 07:14:33 PM PST: it was in the new york times, so i expect other corporate media to follow suit On Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 07:10:09 PM PST:
And whores do anything for the big bucks from donors. As We Knew Three Years Agoby doug - 2023-02-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]NY Times: Masks Don't Work – It Doesn't Matter What Kind
On Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 07:10:09 PM PST: will the "news" report that? I doubt it. people will still wear them On 2/22/23 21:12: it was in the new york times, so i expect other corporate media to follow suit On Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 07:14:33 PM PST:
kind of late but... Idaho would criminalize giving mRNA vaccines -- the tech used in popular covid vaccines Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 7:21 PM I didn't confirm but heard Trump added mRNA to his platform along with 6G On Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 09:16:45 PM PST: And [politicians] do anything for the big bucks from donors. Tucker Carlson Proves Mainstream Media is Completely Fakeby don - 2023-02-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Tucker Carlson goes into the Jeffrey Epstein death: Watch on Youtube On Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 07:16:22 AM PST: Barr is a scumbag and I figured that out looooong ago. I suppose Trump was ignorant of that or, as I suspect, was just doing as TOLD by his handlers to accept Barr, another Deep State puppet and I'm not convinced Trump isn't one, too. Tucker Carlson Proves Mainstreammedia Iscompletely Fakeby steve - 2023-02-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Barr is a scumbag and I figured that out looooong ago. I suppose that trump was ignorant of that or, as I suspect, trump was just doing as TOLD by his handlers to accept Barr. Barr is another Deep State puppet and I'm not convinced that trump isn't one, too On Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 07:16:22 AM PST someone wrote:
Tucker Carlson goes into the Jeffrey Epstein deeath: Who is Coming Here from Mexicoby staff - 2023-02-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Ever wonder who they are? They're not only Latinos. Who else? You will learn from someone who is on the ground and watching them. Hint -- it's not good. Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 07:02:39 +0000 (UTC) nothing really new. the commies/globalists/deep state want to destroy the USA so to then take over the world. Unfortunately, there's MANY who are clueless about it all. 'It's a conspiracy theory" but they just can't handle reality and even though covid vaxes ought to have wised them up, it seems that the part of the brain that deals with that sort of thing just never developed for them (too much Pharma drugs, fluoride, junk food, GMO food, or whatever) Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 09:44:50 +0000 For me, the news is that Russian military aged men are among them. But also Chinese military men. And he knows the look, being one of them himself. Probably to create sleeper cells. Researching the Sabbateansby steve - 2023-02-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]In doing more research, I ran across this article: The Satanic Cult That Rules the World. I haven't read it yet, but Makow, who wrote it, seems to know a lot, and the picture of Trump caught my eye. Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 05:25:16 I first heard of this cult, which includes people masquerading as Jews like Netanyahu and Rothschild, from David Icke. Very interesting. Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 05:49:21 it's essentially the Illuminati Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 09:39:21 I'm not so sure of that. Seems to me illuminati is a free recruitment group who have a certain mentality that wants to be rich and famous. I actually received private messages when still on Facebook asking me to join them. They tried to sell it as a way to get anything you want, the extravagant lifestyle, etc. Whereas the Sabbateans have Khazarian ancestry, hide like a Trojan horse within an ethnic group such as Jews and seem to me are a peg or more higher than illuminati in the pyramid power structure. That's my current understanding anyway. Illuminati are the useful idiots of the Sabbateans. CDC and the Whistleblower Killersby staff - 2023-02-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]"Amazing documentary that woke me up -- beefed up and brought back to life for 2023. This will for sure change you..." How AZ Elections Were Stolenby staff - 2023-02-26 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]More information about massive AZ corruption and apparently all documented. In addition to this, new information about Thailand going after Pfizer soon. And about minute 38 mentions the pharma mafia pushing the tetanus vaccine because it's mixed with another that makes women infertile. NEVER GET the TETANUS shot -- it's another scam! Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 10:16 PM Lots of accusations flying in this official committee. But will anything come of it? Maybe just public awareness, but that's what is going to finally lead to real changes. The sleepwalking idiots have to finally realize what's happening. Fentanyl comes from China, so a pipeline by that name seems to be all the mafia players, like FBI, CIA, DOD, Dems, Mexican cartels, etc, that control things now. Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 7:27 AM RE: What is this "fentanyl pipeline?"
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 7:05 AM las Re: Biden knew ahead of time it would be a crooked election, because he warned thatit would take days to count the votes. Maybe everyone in the Fentanyl pipeline knew. On 2/25/23 00:16: Lots of accusations flying in this official committee. But will anything come of it?ay Maybe just public awareness, but that's what is going to finally lead to real changes. The sleepwalking idiots have to finally realize what's happening. New Brazil Vaccine Lawby don - 2023-02-26 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]refuse and go to prison for 2 to 8 years Guess this is why they felt they had to rig the election. from the article, it says that the MANY on gov't assistance will be forced to do the Russia Roulette so I guess that's how commies eliminate the "lesser" folks since they don't have gas chambers to do it. On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 10:45:10 PM PST: Good article Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 6:23 PM a related article: On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 03:30:03 PM PST: On 24/02/2023 19:45: "I heard that the criminals in government are now withholding welfare checks if they don't take the lethal shot." Lula has said that he will do that. Depends upon what he is ordered to do. Getting government workers to suddenly do something different is a lot harder than a politico raving on. He also cannot go out in the street without people chanting for him to go back to jail. That happens in the parliament also.The majority of parliament has pending criminal cases against them. Lula, and his entire cabinet has to commit more crimes to keep out of jail for things they already did. Mother Nature is doing a good job ending people's lives these days.On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 10:27 AM someone wrote: since they'll also imprison anybody that says fake news about the vax and since gates admitted that it didn't work, imprison gates down there! On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 10:13:33 AM PST, someone wrote: Wow, anything to kill more people. On 24/02/2023 15:00 someone wrote:
refuse and go to prison for 2 to 8 years That was announced in Ireland on the sars 1 of 2002. Didn't work. If every social media company including Twitter were not committing extreme censorship about Brazil, obeying all illegal dictates of Alexandre de Morais the new dictator, all this craziness would not work. Labeling all that support this Zombiecine for children as committing infanticide or ritual child sacrifice, they would have to stop. If US kills their children like in Australia, Brazil will copy. Anvisa doesn't safety check anything, they rubber stamp any rubbish put out by the CDC. Governments should get out of the "health" business. Guess this is why they felt they had to rig the election. The Armed Forces would not pass on the presidential sash on to Lula, as they were not given access to the source code of the voting machines. 70 million votes had no all had the same identifier, some computer that is not a voting machine. The Air force flew out Bolsonaro in the presidential airplane. Some version of the presidential sash was passed on to Lula by people he met in jail. Truth is stranger than fiction. On 24/02/2023 15:00 someone wrote:
refuse and go to prison for 2 to 8 years That was announced in Ireland on the sars 1 of 2002. Didn't work. If every social media company including Twitter were not committing extreme censorship about Brazil, obeying all illegal dictates of Alexandre de Morais the new dictator, all this craziness would not work. Labeling all that support this Zombiecine for children as committing infanticide or ritual child sacrifice, they would have to stop. If US kills their children like in Australia, Brazil will copy. Anvisa doesn't safety check anything, they rubber stamp any rubbish put out by the CDC. Governments should get out of the "health" business. Guess this is why they felt they had to rig the election. The Armed Forces would not pass on the presidential sash on to Lula, as they were not given access to the source code of the voting machines. 70 million votes had no all had the same identifier, some computer that is not a voting machine. The Air force flew out Bolsonaro in the presidential airplane. Some version of the presidential sash was passed on to Lula by people he met in jail. Truth is stranger than fiction. from the article, it says that the MANY on gov't assistance will be forced to do the Russia Roulette so I guess that's how commies eliminate the "lesser" folks since they don't have gas chambers to do it. On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 10:45:10 PM PST:
Good article= Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 6:23 PM Rowland Subject: Re: new Brazil vaccine law= a related article: On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 03:30:03 PM PST, Rowland someone wrote:
On 24/02/2023 19:45: I heard that the criminals in government are now withholding welfare checks if they don't take the lethal shot. Lula has said that he will do that. Depends upon what he is ordered to do. Getting government workers to suddenly do something different is a lot harder than a politico raving on. He also cannot go out in the street without people chanting for him to go back to jail. That happens in the parliament also. The majority of parliament has pending criminal cases against them. Lula, and his entire cabinet has to commit more crimes to keep out of jail for things they already did. from the article, it says that the MANY on gov't assistance will be forced to do the Russia Roulette so I guess that's how commies eliminate the "lesser" folks since they don't have gas chambers to do it.
On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 10:45:10 PM PST: Good article=
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 6:23 PM Rowland Subject: Re: new Brazil vaccine law= a related article:
On Friday, February 24, 2023 at 03:30:03 PM PST, Rowland someone wrote: On 24/02/2023 19:45: I heard that the criminals in government are now withholding welfare checks if they don't take the lethal shot. Lula has said that he will do that. Depends upon what he is ordered to do. Getting government workers to suddenly do something different is a lot harder than a politico raving on. He also cannot go out in the street without people chanting for him to go back to jail. That happens in the parliament also. The majority of parliament has pending criminal cases against them. Lula, and his entire cabinet has to commit more crimes to keep out of jail for things they already did. Canada Inches Towards a Police Stateby staff - 2023-02-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The criminal Trudeau (obvious son of Cuban dictator Castro) regime hopes to gain Canadian's confidence in their tyrannical behavior in this latest report on the naughty trucker's protest that resulted in igniting a spark of hope that they would be free to decide what to inject into their own bodies, etc.'t miss the song at the end. Hopefully Canadians will not lay down and succumb to this bullsh-t report and conclude there's no hope. Rats Abandoning Shipby staff - 2023-02-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]One small town in NJ had all the Dems switch to the Republican party recently.Can't blame them for wanting to leave that sick rat's nest, but painting a rat red won't result in any real difference. I guess it's a good sign of people waking up Great Video of the Timesby steve - 2023-02-28 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]"> Enews&etv-2023-02-26&est=QjAVg4kv40CfuoZqI7w/VGxEEhRSySoitNfD/RdFY06Awv0MhHNo%2B%2BpY1ke4ug= Yea, maybe they figure there's not enough harm in him revealing the truth because it doesn't change the outcome of the depopulation agenda and slavery system of the survivors. Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 12:25 PM
maybe they're allowing it because he's working on brain implants that they would later like to Kontrol On Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 12:19:48 PM PST:
BTW, we must include Musk as cult owned and financed, even though he's doing good things in public. I haven't figured out why the cult is allowing him to do that. Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 11:44 AM
money is nothing to those guys, especially when the Rothschilds can use the Federal Reserve (which is as "federal" as Federal Express but really a bankster organization) so it's all about POWER and wanting to feel like God (or maybe more likely, Satan) On Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 11:34:01 AM PST:
And I think what others like David Icke are saying is probably right -- they're just front men for the global cult. They got their money from the cult and have fabulous wealth because of their willingness to be a puppet. Just like Zuckerberg, Gates, Dorsey and the Amazon guy. All cult owned. Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 11:27 AM
yeah, the Rothschilds saw Soros as an evil person who could be used so anything bad that was caused by him couldn't be linked back to the Rothschilds On Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 10:14:44 AM PST someone wrote:
George Soros is a short seller who makes his money destroying countries and betting against them. He started targeting the US years ago, funding legalization of weed, and more lately, woke DAs. On 2/26/23 11:42:"> 3DEnews&etv-2023-02-26&utm_medium=3Demail&est=3DQjAVg4kv40CfuoZqI7w/VGxEEhRSySoitNfD/RdFY06Awv0MhHNo%2B%2BpY1ke4ug= George Soros is a short seller who makes his money destroying countries and betting against them. He started targeting the US years ago, funding legalization of weed, and more lately, woke DAs. On 2/26/23 11:42: George Soros is a short seller who makes his money destroying countries and betting against them. He started targeting the US years ago, funding legalization of weed, and more lately, woke DAs. On 2/26/23 11:42: George Soros is a short seller who makes his money destroying countries and betting against them. He started targeting the US years ago, funding legalization of weed, and more lately, woke DAs. On 2/26/23 11:42: George Soros is a short seller who makes his money destroying countries and betting against them. He started targeting the US years ago, funding legalization of weed, and more lately, woke DAs. On 2/26/23 11:42: How AZ Elections Were Stolenby doug - 2023-02-28 ( education / research ) [html version]More information about massive AZ corruption and apparently all documented. In addition to this, new information about Thailand going after Pfizer soon. And about minute 38 mentions the pharma mafia pushing the tetanus vaccine because it's mixed with another that makes women infertile. NEVER GET the TETANUS shot -- it's another scam! Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 10:16 PM Lots of accusations flying in this official committee. But will anything come of it? Maybe just public awareness, but that's what is going to finally lead to real changes. The sleepwalking idiots have to finally realize what's happening. Fentanyl comes from China, so a pipeline by that name seems to be all the mafia players, like FBI, CIA, DOD, Dems, Mexican cartels, etc, that control things now. Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 7:27 AM RE: What is this "fentanyl pipeline?"
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 7:05 AM las Re: Biden knew ahead of time it would be a crooked election, because he warned thatit would take days to count the votes. Maybe everyone in the Fentanyl pipeline knew. On 2/25/23 00:16: Lots of accusations flying in this official committee. But will anything come of it?ay Maybe just public awareness, but that's what is going to finally lead to real changes. The sleepwalking idiots have to finally realize what's happening. School Librarian Pushing Gay Porn to Boyby don - 2023-02-28 ( education / research ) [html version]there's only one thing wrong with the USA, the Democratic party On 2/27/23 12:11: schools tend to be leftist and leftists don't seem too high on morality, so ..... On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 10:06:25 AM PST wrote:
Libs of TikTok o I Always Thought She was a Nutby don - 2023-02-28 ( education / research ) [html version]Election denier Sidney Powell [allegedly] got her information from a headless time-traveler. See Geo Politics and Pyramidsby steve - 2023-02-28 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]'pyramid a weapon"? geez, that said right away makes me figure the video is questionablethen again, I've questioned if Farrell ever was anything bu a useful idiot On Sunday, February 26, 2023 at 09:21:56 PM PST:
Very interesting discussion by Joseph Farrell. They're discussing interesting theories that are rarely mentioned but fascinating and very ancient.
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 9:55 AM ; a couple chuckeleheads you don't need evidence if you laugh loudly enough after everything you say On 2/26/23 23:21: nk Very interesting discussion by Joseph Farrell. They're discussing interesting theories that are rarely mentioned but fascinating and very ancient.
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 9:55 AM ; Re: a couple chuckeleheads you don't need evidence if you laugh loudly enough after everything you say On 2/26/23 23:21: nk Very interesting discussion by Joseph Farrell. They're discussing interesting theories that are rarely mentioned but fascinating and very ancient.
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 9:55 AM ; Re: a couple chuckeleheads you don't need evidence if you laugh loudly enough after everything you say On 2/26/23 23:21: nk Very interesting discussion by Joseph Farrell. They're discussing interesting theories that are rarely mentioned but fascinating and very ancient.
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 9:55 AM ; Re: a couple chuckeleheads you don't need evidence if you laugh loudly enough after everything you say On 2/26/23 23:21: nk Very interesting discussion by Joseph Farrell. a couple chuckeleheads you don't need evidence if you laugh loudly enough after everything you say On 2/26/23 23:21: nk Very interesting discussion by Joseph Farrell. Woody Harrelson on Saturday Night Liveby doug - 2023-03-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]--_000_BYAPR08MB56241170C9864DF74159790ED1AF9BYAPR08MB5624namp_ You have to admit what he said about the scamdemic was helpful. Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 10:53 AM
I never watched it but I saw an article that said that he mentioned the lockdowns but it was a total waste of time to watch because he acted stupid for 98% of the monologue On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 10:29:50 AM PST
I watch a lot of TV but I don't watch Saturday night live On Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 9:18 AM wrote:
yeah, I saw it Sure, he mentioned the lockdown or whatever but he showed how STUPID is is from all the drugs that he's taken and still taking On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 09:13:51 AM PST:
That's great, though I stopped watching after the clip of Harrelson ended. Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 10:49 AM las This shows it: [cid:kftZFrjtfi3sgp51EfrA] Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 8:43 AM
I never watch TV but this is making the rounds and is damn good to see. Look for a link to watch what he said. Screenshot --_000_BYAPR08MB56241170C9864DF74159790ED1AF9BYAPR08MB5624namp_ You have to admit what he said about the scamdemic was helpful.
Sacramento Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 10:53 AM
I never watched it but I saw an article that said that he mentioned the lockdowns but it was a total waste of time to watch because he acted stupid for 98% of the monologue On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 10:29:50 AM PST
I watch a lot of TV but I don't watch Saturday night live Putting Money Where Your Mouth Isby doug - 2023-03-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Wake up about all these ongoing scams. Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 6:03 PM well, Christians ask "when will people wake up that God created it all and that this whole thing is a battle against Satan?" On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 04:19:22 PM PST:
Can't people finally wake up?=A1!! Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 4:07 PM The reality of neo-Nazis in Ukraine is far from Kremlin propaganda The media should acknowledge the existence of neo-Nazis in Ukraine as much as it acknowledges their existence in... but that's okay they were put in there by Obama and are biden's buddies On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 02:19:28 PM PST:
Here's a great way to see the true intentions of the government. Money was no object to spend on the scamdemic, but look how much they plan to spend on injuries to people naive enough to trust them. Nikki Haleyby don - 2023-03-01 ( education / research ) [html version]she was Trump's ambassador to the UN and governor of N or S Carolina On 2/28/23 01:41: I've heard her name here or there and now that she wants to run for top puppet but haven't looked into her past. Anybody have any comments about her? Not sure she's worth talking about Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: I did a search for "nikki haley zionist" and here's one article:
On Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 09:29:12 AM PST someone wrote: she was Trump's ambassador to the UN and governor of N or S Carolina On 2/28/23 01:41: I've heard her name here or there and now that she wants to run for top puppet but haven't looked into her past. Anybody have any comments about her? Nobody Else is Talking About Thisby steve - 2023-03-01 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]if they get rid of anesthetics (which I doubt), there's other numbing drugs (that now are illegal) On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 09:49:25 PM PST:
Pretty important for many people. A new medical threat. That makes sense
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 7:27 AM ; looks like the purpose of the climate change agenda is depopulation. On 2/27/23 23:49: Pretty important for many people. A new medical threat. looks like the purpose of the climate change agenda is depopulation. On 2/27/23 23:49: Pretty important for many people. A new medical threat. snow dayby steve - 2023-03-02 ( education / research ) [html version]that's a dumb guess. my problem is that evil people will use them for nefarious purposes (this or that to make them unable to grow food or otherwise survive)
On Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 09:28:24 AM PST: So it seems your biggest objection is not that chemtrails exist but you can't tell them apart from contrails.
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 10:08 PM = yes, they do and I have pictures to prove it. If the sky has lots of humidity, they just don't dissipate
On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 09:46:36 PM PST: Con trails don't keep spreading wider to join with parallel trails and block the sun.
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 7:08 PM = some years ago, I posted my book on Amazon about chem and contrails.Secondly, for 4 years I took pictures of sky trails. I read stories and videos about how to identify chem trails. Well, as I studied more, I learned that ALL planes above 20,000 feet make trails because the air temperature at that level is very cold. I learned that (and my thousands of photos showed) that ALL trails last long when the humidity is high and they dissipate fast when it's warm (duh, the ice created out of a jet evaporates when it's warm so the trail is short).Otherwise, I won't waste my time watching that video because we learned in the 60s that we did cloud seeding (weather modification) and it's only logical and the Chinese have proven that it's advanced.
On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 02:13:36 PM PST: Here's the Highwire segment about the weather manipulation conspiracy.
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 11:33 AM = through the 1800s:Little Ice Agegeochronology
Little Ice Agegeochronology Little Ice Age (LIA), climate interval that occurred from the early 14th century through the mid-19th century, ...
On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 11:23:43 AM PST someone wrote: I think you mean 1600s when they settled Nashville, they walked across the Cumberland river On 2/27/23 11:21: back in the 1800s there was a "mini ice age" and according to sun cycles, we're heading into another one of something like 40 years (you know,= climate change, so let's block the sun as leftist= Harvard has been suggesting because they only "trust the science" when it promotes their Commie agenda to destroy the USA and humanity)
On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 04:43:20 AM PST someone wrote: we might be heading into an ice age. South America is having an unusually cold sumer right now, spreading up from Antarctica. On 2/26/23 21:09: I think the 1962 snow storm might have been some early weather manipulation experimentation. This just scratches the surface but The High Wire On Thursday had a segment on geo engineering. They didn't yet make that segment a separate video. So if interested in that discussion, I can post it when it comes out probably soon. Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 5:17 PM = Yesterday we got a fair amount of hail. Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 2:37 PM = Just rain here in Sacramento=
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 2:35 PM ; = I know! We have 9' and it's still snowing. On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 2:34 PM wrote: I guess all of California is dealing with snow today?= Weird. Amazon Alternative, FYIby admin - 2023-03-02 ( education / research ) [html version]amazon alternative 2nd Amendment Being Attackedby doug - 2023-03-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]True to the new commie democrat party, listen to these insane tactics to take away rights of Americans to exercise all aspects of the 2nd amendment. I heard South Africa is sliding fast into anarchy. And we know it's the globalist plan for the entire world. Unless you are a complete idiot, you need to take this seriously. Pray for Ukraine?by steve - 2023-03-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]it's hard to find the truth but in Munich that was a common thing until Hitler ENDED that sort of thing (you know, it's not kosher to say anything good about Hitler, though he saved Germany after what the other countries agreed to do to them after WWI) On Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 12:07:00 AM PST someone wrote:
don't know what it is about Nazis and drag queens, but they sure like them On 2/28/23 19:33: Hey, you zelensky fans, here he is dancing in high heels! Andrew Tate?by steve - 2023-03-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]don't forget all the leftist "males" who think they're women and compete in womens' sports (contrary to the "women's movement" that liberals used to push) On Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 12:29:57 AM PST:
4297675172 P It's trying to make a comeback but has huge social resistance because we all know alpha males are toxic and likely terrorists.
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 12:20 AM ; Andrew Tate?= men being men is a new thing? On 2/27/23 16:50: I hear he promotes men being men which is against the law in dem circles of lunacy. Yea, he's a creep, but not all bad, apparently.
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 2:45 PM ; Andrew Tate?= People keep talking about= this guy who I'd never heard of. He's a TikTok star whose shtick is being the ultimate misogynist and male chauvinist pig. Probably popular with"incels" (involuntary celibates) Good discussion about emfby doug - 2023-03-03 ( education / research ) [html version] Rise of the Neocons - New Bookby steve - 2023-03-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]wowwildI'm at the 32 minute point of the video.WWIII nuke war in 2024?Time to invest in what?survival food? Seeds to grow food?Would money be worth anything?Cash all your investments?Get metal (including lead)? (buy now when it's essentially "cheap", which is now)?Make sure you have a source of CLEAN water? MOVE to a safer place? On Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 10:08:34 PM PST:
By Martin Armstrong, famous economist. This is a great talk. So many highlights about money, real estate, war, climate, food, etc. Just watch the entire thing: Greg Hunterby don - 2023-03-05 ( education / research ) [html version]Says vax injuries just starting Now Everyone Believes the Government?by doug - 2023-03-06 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I'm watching video after video with people being so pleased they got it right years ago, self-congratulating and they can't see the obvious problem that the media and government are just spinning a new narrative. It's so damn obvious. Sent: Friday, March 3, 2023 11:32 PM Of course, I have articles and videos where real scientists say covid doesn't exist. Here's a few of them: Global Research; Project Camelot; From the Trenches Also, somewhere in my 386,000 files (yes, that many) I have a video where a virologist woman told how she tested for what was supposed to be the virus but there wasn't one. On Friday, March 3, 2023 at 10:27:31 PM PST: When did people forget the most basic tenant regarding the government: Whatever they say is a lie? Suddenly "the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab" must be true because the government is admitting it? Have people lost their minds... again?! The complete liars can suddenly be telling us the truth? That's what this video is about: Spoiler alert -- you may have just fallen for the same exact scam. Trudeau Pro Chinaby steve - 2023-03-06 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]trudeau is a Marxist, like his father, fidel castro On Saturday, March 4, 2023 at 07:40:54 AM PST someone wrote: 1983-1987 Ford F-250 / F-350 Diesel Truckby doug - 2023-03-07 ( education / research / tech / auto ) [html version]If you want a reliable diesel truck, this guy says these are extremely easy to work on and reliable. It's mentioned as the last of four diesel trucks to buy in this video. The 250 is a 3/4 ton and the 350 is a 1 ton. There's a huge difference with the 1 ton being a dually (4 rear wheels) and towing capacity. In my opinion, the ideal setup to tow a large trailer is the F-350 with a flatbed and gooseneck hitch, plus another regular hitch with a 2" ball (or even a 2-5/16"), maybe with a pintle hitch. You'd be able to tow any type of trailer other than a big rig Not All in Hollywood are Psychosby doug - 2023-03-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I like your new signature line.
Sent: Monday, March 6, 2023 12:03 PM -- -- My guess is that the Kontrollers want to see which hollywood leftists are kontrolled enough to be counted on to continue to promote playing Russian Roulette and try to get rid of the uncooperative Do Not Surrender, Do Good (this is the motto of a movement that I think needs to be) Resistance (to the Great Reset) is NOT futile! On Monday, March 6, 2023 at 10:43:50 AM PST: Very good article about employees in Hollywood. It's great to see there are thousands of them smart enough to refuse all the Nazi tactics and coercion to take the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine. These degenerate creeps running things will eventually collapse, but until it happens the employees are experiencing pure hell. EXCLUSIVE: Anti-Mandate Hollywood Speaks Up Against covid-19 Vaccines"> 3Dref_share&navigator&rs=3DSHRCQSSR& Bird Fluby steve - 2023-03-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]there was a big SCAM about bird flu some years back. they tried to force people to take the vax but it didn't go over. Here's some interesting articles I have about the bird flu. No surprise that fauXi, gates, and china are involved! On Monday, March 6, 2023 at 10:03:39 PM PST:
It's the new scam but this time is designed to kill off livestock and wildlife in order to chase people out of rural areas and into the "smart" (stupid) cities. --=
there was a big SCAM about bird flu some years back. they tried to force people to take the vax but it didn't go over. Here's some interesting articles I have about the bird flu. No surprise that fauXi, gates, and china are involved!
On Monday, March 6, 2023 at 10:03:39 PM PST, <> someone wrote:
It's the new scam but this time is designed to kill off livestock and wildlife in order to chase people out of rural areas and into the "smart" (stupid) cities. Sacramento
--=-- Hillary was hereby doug - 2023-03-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]"Former Clinton Lawyer Killed by Severe Turbulence on Plane They just don't get too creative with how they kill people, do they? Plane crashes, hanging by bedsheets, shooting one's self in the BACK as in another Clinton death last week with no gun around but reported as hanging by suicide (not kidding). Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 12:00 PM, someone said: She's just like a black widow spider. A more garbage person could hardly be found. But we have a lot to thank her and so many of her criminal class for. And I'm not joking. Care to guess what? Idaho Criminalizing mRNA Vax!by doug - 2023-03-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]A good start.
Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 3:18 PM new Jan 6th footageby steve - 2023-03-11 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 09:09:16 PM PST: Learned today that Tucker Carlson's father was in the CIA. Someone from the CIA that everyone can appreciate, no matter your politics. Of course, the idiot Dems love their CIA agent with the albino look -- Gloria Vanderbilt's son (can't think of his name). Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2023 5:41 PM ; = the liberals are just DEMONIC in their push for Depopulation (HPV KILLS), too:(forced HPV on Kalifornicate kids in 8-12 grades):
On Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 05:39:01 PM PST, someone wrote:
it's their Rechstag fire, and they're pushing it for all it's worth. On 3/8/23 21:35, someone wrote:
I just saw this article but haven't looked at what sent yet:
On Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at 07:22:50 PM PST, someone wrote:
If you don't watch Tucker Carlson (he's on youtube) then you don't know what's going on in politics. Warning,= you might not be able to watch this without concluding that the January 6th committee members are the most evil people in the country: Worldwide Attack on Food Supplyby admin - 2023-03-12 ( education / research ) [html version]I tried going to a Children's Health Defense link the other day and the browser, Edge, warned that it was an 'unsafe' site, which is complete b.s. Edge is made by Microsoft, which is still dominated by Gates, who has clearly gone mad with power, and doesn't want people knowing too much. From: Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2023 3:15 AM To: ; -; -; Subject: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible.= Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: This link leads to a series of talks last weekend created by Children's Health Defense (RFK Jr) by very interesting people on various aspects of the concerted attack on food. I listened to about 2 hours so far, with about 5 more hours available and find it very valuable, always thinking how I can apply this to our homesteading plans to create as much self-sufficiency as possible. Believe it or not, I don't think people will survive the coming years with their health intact if they don't get serious about this essential ingredient in their lives. Sharing is caring, as I often see people write: FDA Warns Against Pfizer Vaxby steve - 2023-03-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]"RSV is about as severe as influenza" but get the new RSV vax despite "currently no approved vaccines against RSV." As the song said, "Be the first one on your block to come home in a box." On Friday, March 10, 2023 at 05:59:19 PM PST
Truth on Fascistbookby steve - 2023-03-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]maybe the see that their demonic buddies will be properly dealt with and hope the sheeple forget their "sins" (but in actuality, the sheeple were clueless about the whole matter so ...) On Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 04:11:50 PM PST:
I heard today that fascistbook has started, out of the blue, to allow Brighten links again. It was always preventing (censoring) all the great information available there. So while it lasts, share some truth to the oblivious masses still using fascistbook. Just think, if the truth about the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine had been known, how many people would have rejected it! Free speech is dangerous to fascist minded tyrants.
Piers Morgan Identifies as Black Lesbianby doug - 2023-03-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Well surprise surprise! Lol. On Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 07:19:16 PM PST: The big daddy party giving out free money and assures them they will keep them safe and healthy. I can't remember which one does that, sorry. Oh, but they do have a pedo masquerading as the president and a man named Rachel who is very obese and was given the job of assistant secretary of health. We're in great hands. Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2023 7:07 PM if a person were mentally ill, which party would they be more likely to join? On Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 07:04:58 PM PST: Such a pathetic example of humans. These are the suicidal morons who also got vaxed. So maybe it won't last much longer. Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2023 5:57 PM I relate to him since I've "identified" as a Martian for years: Piers Morgan identifies as black lesbian (and some things I have with barrels and triggers "identify" as hockey sticks Glimpse of Hope for Canadaby steve - 2023-03-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I've heard of the "15 minute cities". I'll look at the video later.From what I recall, the Kontrollers want to make it so nobody can go beyond the distance that you can walk in 15 minutes. Since average walking is 3 mph, that would mean you couldn't go beyond 3/4 of a mile without special permission.I think that England was doing some testing or whatever. Those Brits are insane (like australia and canada) in how they don't seem to mind jumping into a feudalistic New World Order like Orwell's 1984 On Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 08:35:30 PM PST:
Toronto will have a new mayor who knows what's really going on and rejects it= Also, learn details about 15 minute cities.
Bank Depositsby steve - 2023-03-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]no surprise, fascistbook wouldn't let me post it. I guess it is info that the sheeple aren't to know On Sunday, March 12, 2023 at 03:09:34 AM :
More details of the Friday bank collapse: Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2023 1:59 AM -- -- Bank deposits If that link isn't working, try this: From: Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2023 1:47 AM -- -- Bank deposits What your bank does with your deposits:
Wild Medicineby doug - 2023-03-13 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]This looks promising. I didn't watch it yet. that "homesteading" newsletter that I get tells about that sort of stuff FREE all the timehere's the last one I got:14 Forgotten Emergency Foods to Stockpile
14 Forgotten Emergency Foods to Stockpile Tricia Drevets Here is a list of often forgotten emergency foods that offer extended shelf life and provide needed calories and...
On Sunday, March 12, 2023 at 03:51:11 AM
This looks promising. I didn't watch it yet. Canadian Politicsby doug - 2023-03-15 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It's the first I heard of that term.
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2023 10:58 AM -- yeah, as Whitney Webb said in her two books "one nation under blackmail" volumes 1 & 2. the mafia gets BILLIONS of dollars through drugs and human trafficking (which Clinton and the CIA were caught doing, which led to the term "Arkancide") On Monday, March 13, 2023 at 10:52:31 AM : Very interesting information by a former 15 year member of politics there. It's a mafia system. Utterly controlled and corrupt. He says it's the same in every country. Mondayby steve - 2023-03-15 ( education / research ) [html version]it's been going up and down (I've been watching it). It had a down blip and went back up:Silver Price | Silver Price Where the world checks the gold price On Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 10:21:57 AM
The stock market went up, and it's up even more today. On 3/14/2023 8:50 AM Nothing much, except this. Screenshot= Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 2:19 AM -- -- = well, nothing much happened On 3/13/23 01:04 Many people are anxious to see what is going to happen with banks On Monday. Hold on to your hat. Internet privacyby doug - 2023-03-16 ( education / research ) [html version] ________________________________ From: Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 3:13 PM -- Sounds really good. Very short. Clip from An LBJ Speechby doug - 2023-03-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I think it's so advanced now that they are complete masters. And it's really pissing me off to be getting all this rain. Today they'll be knocking down more trees with high winds.
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 2:18 AM -- -- I had no idea chemtrails went that far back On 3/14/23 00:14: Ever seen this clip about the weather? Silver Pricesby steve - 2023-03-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It's been going up and down (I've been watching it). It had a down blip and went back up. On Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 10:21:57 AM The stock market went up, and it's up even more today. On 3/14/2023 8:50 AM: Nothing much, except this. well, nothing much happened On 3/13/23 01:04: Many people are anxious to see what is going to happen with banks On Monday. Hold on to your hat. Time for Execution for Treasonby doug - 2023-03-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Yes, striking a deal for lenience to get his masters would be great. And we must include the nearly zero honesty of Justice. Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 10:28 AM yeah, but what if joe grew some balls and started to rat on the whole system? On Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 10:27:36 AM : Execution of pedo joe would be good for treason, but it's his masters who are most important, like the directors of FBI, CIA, Treasury, DOJ, NSA, Obama, Hilary, etc. Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 10:11 AM Yeah, but joe didn't send mean tweets as trump did: Bidens Receiving Money from Chinese Communist Party Time for EXECUTION for Treason! Klaus Schwabby steve - 2023-03-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]He probably salivates at how this possible collapse might get humanity to Submit to the WEF: Amazing New Cancer Drugby doug - 2023-03-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Except for Ivermectin, maybe because it's also for livestock, I would not trust a single thing these wildly psychotic criminals in pharma produce. Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 12:13 PM Gates says, "If we can throw some eugenics spiked proteins into it, yeah, we'll continue on our way to get that 500 million worldwide population that I want" On Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 12:09:52 PM What is Our Genealogy, Doug?by steve - 2023-03-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The truth of the matter is that Nobody is Black OR White. We're all shades of brown (so I guess we're all a "person of color") On Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 10:50:24 AM Is the "me too" movement still accepting applications? Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:41 AM Then I want my $5 million in reparations! :-) On 3/15/2023 10:31 AM: Lol Yes, don't you realize our family is black? Some may identify as Asian, native or white, but we're black, like it or not. Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 9:48 AM My DNA says I'm 1% E. Central African (see My Own Genealogy). I AM therefore black. Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:21 AM Fractional Reserve Bankingby doug - 2023-03-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Yes, that's it in a nutshell. But if a better example is needed to understand it, watch the video.
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 4:41 PM -- I haven't watched the video but If you put in $1000 dollars, they can make more than $1000 because they lend it at least 10 times over and over (and they were loaning it out 25 times ($25,000) back when we had that problem in 2008, making whatever % on each loan. On Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 03:15:22 PM : I only just learned more details about how banks work. This is SUCH A SCAM!!! And if this is how things work (which is a known fact), is there any possibility the government is doing anything else wrong? (Also a known fact -- just hope everyone receiving this finally realizes it) Hmmmby steve - 2023-03-17 ( education / research ) [html version]------=1107005_773730425.1678987674618 yeah, easier to kill off all those against the WEF
On Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 09:33:27 AM PDT:
I mentioned it on my website at Trump's Call For 'Freedom Cities' Plays Right Into Globalists' Plan For Control Grid ( From: Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 10:43 AM Don Re: At least his genius "freedom cities" idea might be picked up by some other candidates ... Like maybe a WEF stooge? Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 4:16 AM RE: Yes. He's out of the running, as far as I'm concerned. From: Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:40 PM Don; Bill Re: Trump is becoming unhinged. Turning into a bitter old codger. Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 8:21 PM Something else that makes me wonder about trump --=1107005_773730425.1678987674618
yeah, easier to kill off all those against the WEF
On Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 09:33:27 AM PDT, <> someone wrote:
I mentioned it on my website at Trump's Call For 'Freedom Cities' Plays Right Into Globalists' Plan For Control Grid ( saltby steve - 2023-03-17 ( education / research ) [html version],In looking at this article, it makes me wonder about the bad guys trying to control us by way of lack of salt. I don't deeply worry about it but ...Anyhow, here's the article: I remember long ago seeing salt licks out in pastures for cattle. Do you use them? Is there some sort of general thought amongst horse people about them?I don't see those big salt licks online. Thanks, Something Else that Makes Me Wonder About Trumpby steve - 2023-03-17 ( education / research ) [html version]yeah, easier to kill off all those against the WEF On Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 09:33:27 AM
I mentioned it on my website at Trump's Call For 'Freedom Cities' Plays Right Into Globalists' Plan For Control Grid ( Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 10:43 AM At least his genius "freedom cities" idea might be picked up by some other candidates ... Like maybe a WEF stooge? Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 4:16 AM Yes. He's out of the running, as far as I'm concerned. Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:40 PM Trump is becoming unhinged. Turning into a bitter old codger. Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 8:21 PM Something else that makes me wonder about trump --=1107005_773730425.1678987674618
yeah, easier to kill off all those against the WEF
On Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 09:33:27 AM , <.com> someone wrote:
I mentioned it on my website at Trump's Call For 'Freedom Cities' Plays Right Into Globalists' Plan For Control Grid ( Trump Becoming Unhingedby steve - 2023-03-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]yeah, easier to kill off all those against the WEF On Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 09:33:27 AM
I mentioned it on my website at Trump's Call For 'Freedom Cities' Plays Right Into Globalists' Plan For Control Grid ( Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 10:43 AM At least his genius "freedom cities" idea might be picked up by some other candidates ... Like maybe a WEF stooge? Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 4:16 AM Yes. He's out of the running, as far as I'm concerned. Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:40 PM Trump is becoming unhinged. Turning into a bitter old codger. Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 8:21 PM Something else that makes me wonder about Trump Lack of Saltby steve - 2023-03-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]In looking at this article, it makes me wonder about the bad guys trying to control us by way of lack of salt. I don't deeply worry about it but ...Anyhow, here's the article: I remember long ago seeing salt licks out in pastures for cattle. Do you use them? Is there some sort of general thought amongst horse people about them? I don't see those big salt licks online. Crypto Contagion Banks Get the Runs - #NewWorldNextWeekby admin - 2023-03-18 ( education / research ) [html version]Apparently, the postal employees credit union in Sacramento was shut down by the state in 2011. So, you might want to find a different credit union. California Department of Financial Institutions Orders Closure and Liquidation of Sacramento District Postal Employees Credit UnionThe Department of Financial Protection and Innovation Bill Sent: Friday, March 17, 2023 6:27 AM To:; don; ; -; - ; RE: My first real job was with the Postal Employees Credit Union. Maybe you qualify?= Last I heard they had an office down the street and across from Sac City College, but might not anymore. The branch in Old Sac closed years ago. We have most of our money in a credit union I joined years ago, linked to the job I had at the time. From: Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 11:24 PM don ; -; - ; Re: Forgot to ask, have you researched any local banks like suggested by Fitts and found one worthy of support? I'm not sure which local and small bank should be supported in Sacramento. Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 9:12 PM ; -- -- ; Re: Crypto Contagion Banks Get the Runs -- #NewWorldNextWeek I'm taking my TSA (which is pretty large) out in cash and if I can't buy silver for a decent price, it will go into a local small credit union to help them instead of helping a big bank
On Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 09:05:16 PM PDT:
Today's video talked about other things, too, but the most interesting is about the latest banking scam. Surprise, surprise, Gavin Newscum appears to be in on it. But it seems to have been caused by the most evil bank in the world -- Chase Bank. Apparently, small banks are being sucked dry and much of the money is going into big banks. What a great scam by our favorite banksters. And there's speculation it's part of the process to roll out the CBDC slavery scheme. We surely don't want any of us poor people to be ripped off by the approaching bank bail-ins. No, we need a genius solution such as digital currency and wow, isn't it just great that the central banks already have it ready to go to save us?! Since I never watch TV, anyone know if these bank failures have been mentioned? It would not surprise me if it's being severely downplayed, if mentioned at all. But I did catch president Bran (aka pedo joe) say that the banking system is very strong. Maybe there was some minor coverage. The banks are just as safe as the vaccines and we all know how true that is. The Corbett Report from The Corbett Report Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 3:21 PM Crypto Contagion Banks Get the Runs -- #NewWorldNextWeek Watch now (28 min)SHOW NOTES AND MP3: This week on the New World Next Week: Silicon Valley Bank gets a case of the runs as the world careens toward the CBDC nightmare; the NED is up to its old colour revolution tricks in Georgia (again); and the US military is now openly experimenting with pulsed energy weapons for neurological warfare. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =0D=0D=0D=0DOpen in app or online=0D=0D =0D THE CORBETT REPORT=0D=0DMAR 16=0D=0D=0D=0D=0D =0D=0D=0D=0D=0D=0D=0D=0D=0D=0DSAVE=0D=0D=0D=0D= =0DSHOW NOTES AND MP3: This week on the New World Next Week: Silicon Valley Bank gets a case of the runs as the world careens toward the CBDC nightmare; the NED is up to its old colour revolution tricks in Georgia (again); and the US military is now openly experimenting with pulsed energy weapons for neurological warfare. Are you looking for comments? How about a documentation list of every single article cited in this episode? They're at The Corbett Report website! Just follow the SHOW NOTES link to join the conversation! Not a Corbett Report member yet? JOIN THE COMMUNITY TODAY! Upgrade to paid =0DLIKE=0D=0D=0DCOMMENT=0D=0D=0DSHARE=0D=0D=0D=0D=0D=0D= =0DRead The Corbett Report in the app Listen to posts, join subscriber chats, and never miss an update from The Corbett Report. =C2=A9 2023 James Corbett c/o The Corbett Report, Japan Unsubscribe =0D=0D fauci vs fauciby steve - 2023-03-19 ( education / research ) [html version] Banking Whistleblower: They Have the Namesby staff - 2023-03-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Listening now, but I've never heard of Mike Gill, and I follow horse racing. Also, in order to remove some of the "click bait" quality of this email, here's this: SHADOW BANKING WHISTLEBLOWER: "THEY HAVE THE NAMES" W/ MIKE GILL
Here's a snippet about Gill from a NY Times article:
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2023 1:02 AM Subject: World's top horse racer reveals a bombshell Yea, and I thought I already knew most of it. It's almost incomprehensible. Sent: Friday, March 17, 2023 10:58 PM wow. it's amazing how deep the CORRUPTION is! On Friday, March 17, 2023 at 09:34:14 PM : This is amazing and affects all Americans no matter where they live. The more people become aware of this, the better chance it can be fixed. It's something I never knew anything about before. But it fits into all the other problems we already knew about. You really need to share this with everyone you know. Live or Recorded?by admin - 2023-03-20 ( education / research ) [html version]Below is another message I received that was meant for 'friends' at '' but the sender addressed it to 'fox' and '' I am sooo tempted to tell her everything they say or do these days is fake, misleading, or just plain wrong. From: wendy Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 7:10 AM To:
San Francisco - WEFby don - 2023-03-20 ( education / research ) [html version]They are trying to stoke a race war, like Biden did with his remarks about lynching. They should pay homage toCharles Manson for the plan. Manson was an mk-ultra victim, so the plan comes down from on high. On 3/18/23 21:20 This article came out this week: > Response&utm_term=EMAIL > > San Franciscans line up to support reparations plan to give every black resident $5M, wipe personal debt, provide $97K incomes, homes for $1 > > I just got notion that maybe this is a test to see if they can get the most liberal idiots to accept the WEF "own nothing and be happy" mantra -- essentially given a house so you won't own it and be happy with a no more debt and a guaranteed "income". Pilgrim Society - City of Londonby doug - 2023-03-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Very interesting discussion. They are the controllers of the deep state. Pilgrim Society, City of Londonby doug - 2023-03-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Nothing nice about the Pilgrim Society. Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 11:53 AM Can't say something nice, so won't say anything at all On 3/19/23 02:46: Very interesting discussion. They are the controllers of the deep state. Scott Ritter 2 Minute Videoby steve - 2023-03-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]and when joe was asked about money from China (which is documented), he outright LIED about it: (but at least he didn't send "mean tweets")
On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 04:14:41 PM :
Pedo joe is an equal opportunity criminal, open to money from anywhere.
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 3:13 PM -- Scott Ritter 2 minute video= but Joe is with China! (Oh, yeah, he got money from China, Ukraine AND Russia) On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 01:48:52 PM : supposed Illuminati whistleblower "Svali" said part of the globalist plan is to have Russia win a war with the USA. On 3/19/23 14:23: [wife] reports Slovakia gives 10% of their GDP to Ukraine. She says the USA is giving 2%. Don't you just love the insanity? cupka Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2023 1:21 PMFW: FW: Tak tohle nesly=C5=A1et by byla velk=C3=A1 chyba- 2 minuty= Ahoj, daj prosim Janke pozriet = From ect: Fwd: FW: Tak tohle nesly=C5=A1et by byla velk=C3=A1 chyba- 2 minuty = = = =
Gavin Tied to Silicon Valley Bank (anybody Surprised)by steve - 2023-03-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]it had to do with his wineries
On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 09:10:57 PM :
no real information, surprise surprise
On 3/19/23 19:12
Tell me it ain't so because we all KNOW that only conservatives do disgusting financial things, right (besides the biden family, pelosis, and ....)"> Mailer DH.COM&utm_content=subscriber_id:131904673& 3-19 6p Karen Kingston - Pfizer Contract Violationby doug - 2023-03-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Maybe some morons did, but even if they didn't get a real shot and got the placebo, they can't carry out their evil plans without foot soldiers.
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 8:51 PM -- but did the military "leaders" get real shots? On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 08:47:14 PM : Also it's interesting that mRNA technology was created for the purpose of making military bioweapons. Isn't one of Trump's campaign points to increase the use of mRNA shots? About the only good thing I can say about the military now is it'll collapse from their own bioweapon shots and maybe that means we don't have to worry about martial law and a police state.
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 7:37 PM -- since many won't bother to watch the video, how she points out that the purpose of the vax is to create TRANSHUMANS (forced evolution with machines) might get more to watch the video On Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 01:40:06 PM : Yea, I suppose he is successful in business because he's the eternal optimist, but he will have to eat crow on this one.
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 1:19 PM -- it's Trump's fault for not knowing the difference between PR and reality. "Warp Speed was a bad idea for something that's supposed to take over 10 years On 3/19/23 13:38: Terrific interview with details about the bioweapon and legal strategy to take down the pharma criminals. How to Deal with White Collar Criminalsby admin - 2023-03-22 ( education / research ) [html version]I love this guy. He should be the next mayor of DC instead of the woman Fauci was with. I saw a chart last year showing that Blacks were much smarter -- less likely to get that shot -- than Whites. Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 12:43 PM To: ; -; -; Subject: How to deal with white collar criminals This man knows the truth and didn't fall for the fake narrative and propaganda spewed by America's number one psychopath criminal who now roams neighborhoods looking for his next victim. Check this out:
This man knows the truth and didn't fall for the fake narrative and propaganda spewed by America's number one psychopath criminal who now roams neighborhoods looking for his next victim. Check this out: This man knows the truth and didn't fall for the fake narrative and propaganda spewed by America's number one psychopath criminal who now roams neighborhoods looking for his next victim. Check this out: Welcome to Sinaloaby admin - 2023-03-22 ( education / research ) [html version]--
I remember that from my Baby Book. Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 12:52 PM
It was mostly me but you were there . I remember one blew up very close and my ear was ringing. You asked if you could listen to the ringing and put your ear up to my ear. Our mom recorded it as something worthy of being in your baby book. It was so cute.
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 10:48 AM To: = I was playing with firecrackers at the age of 2-1/2?= Geez. = = Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 11:39 AM
There were signs and warnings that made me suspect you, . How does it feel to finally get it off your chest? :) = Do you remember playing with firecrackers on that trip? You and I were off lighting them by ourselves. I can't even imagine letting do that and he's older than I was back then. =
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 4:35 AM To: = Probably true, .= In regard to what said, in the summer of 1963, I was two.= I remember it well.= That's when I was initiated into the cartel.= I'm the sleeper agent who slept through his alarm.= = = Sent: Monday, March 20, 2023 6:08 PM
I think it's more accurate to say the US government's mafia structure has adopted this Mexican cartel to further it's own agenda. = =
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2023 4:01 PM To: Subject: Welcome to Sinaloa = = ofwe went there in 1963 or so (Mazatlan) but now Sinaloa has fccome to us. See map cartel territories in the US: = = = --
I remember that from my Baby Book.
From: Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 12:52 PM Welcome to Sinaloa It was mostly me but you were there .
I remember one blew up very close and my ear was ringing. You asked if you could listen to the ringing and put your ear up to my ear. Our mom recorded it as something worthy of being in your baby book. It was so cute.
--_000_BYAPR08MB5624DBA642C930223256C4F5D1819BYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset= It was mostly me but you were there . I remember one blew up very close and my ear was ringing. You asked if you could listen to the ringing and put your ear up to my ear. Our mom recorded it as something worthy of being in your baby book. It was so cute.
From: Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 10:48 AM To: Subject: RE: I was playing with firecrackers at the age of 2-1/2? Geez. From: Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 11:39 AM To: ; ; Subject: Re: There were signs and warnings that made me suspect you, Bill. How does it feel to finally get it off your chest? ?? Do you remember playing with firecrackers on that trip? You and I were off lighting them by ourselves. I can't even imagine letting Sebastian do that and he's older than I was back then.
From: Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 4:35 AM To: Subject: RE: Probably true, . In regard to what said, in the summer of 1963, I was two. I remember it well. That's when I was initiated into the cartel. I'm the sleeper agent who slept through his alarm. From: Sent: Monday, March 20, 2023 6:08 PM To: ; ; Subject: Re: I think it's more accurate to say the US government's mafia structure has adopted this Mexican cartel to further it's own agenda.
From: Sent: Monday, March 20, 2023 4:01 PM To: Subject: ofwe went there in 1963 or so (Mazatlan) but now Sinaloa has fccome to us. See map cartel territories in the US: [] --_000_BYAPR08MB5624DBA642C930223256C4F5D1819BYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset= It was mostly me but you were there . I remember one blew up very close and my ear was ringing. You asked if you could listen to the ringing and put your ear up to my ear. Our mom recorded it as something worthy of being in your baby book. It was so cute. Sacramento
From: <> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 10:48 AM To: <>; <>; <.com>; <@>; <>; <>; <.com>; <tm> Subject: RE: I was playing with firecrackers at the age of 2-1/2? Geez.
From: Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 11:39 AM To: ; ; ; Subject: Re: Welcome to Sinaloa
There were signs and warnings that made me suspect you, Bill. How does it feel to finally get it off your chest? 😆
Do you remember playing with firecrackers on that trip? You and I were off lighting them by ourselves. I can't even imagine letting Sebastian do that and he's older than I was back then.
From: <> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 4:35 AM To: <>; <>; <.com>; <@>; <>; <>; <.com>; <tm> Subject: RE: Welcome to Sinaloa
Probably true, . In regard to what said, in the summer of 1963, I was two. I remember it well. That's when I was initiated into the cartel. I'm the sleeper agent who slept through his alarm.
From: Sent: Monday, March 20, 2023 6:08 PM To: ; ; ; Subject: Re: Welcome to Sinaloa
I think it's more accurate to say the US government's mafia structure has adopted this Mexican cartel to further it's own agenda.
From: <> Sent: Monday, March 20, 2023 4:01 PM To: <.com>; <>; <>; <@>; <>; <>; <.com>; <tm> Subject: Welcome to Sinaloa
ofwe went there in 1963 or so (Mazatlan) but now Sinaloa has fccome to us. See map cartel territories in the US:
--_000_BYAPR08MB5624DBA642C930223256C4F5D1819BYAPR08MB5624namp_-- --_000_BYAPR08MB5624DBA642C930223256C4F5D1819BYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset= It was mostly me but you were there . I remember one blew up very close and my ear was ringing. You asked if you could listen to the ringing and put your ear up to my ear. Our mom recorded it as something worthy of being in your baby book. It was so cute.
From: Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 10:48 AM To: Subject: RE: I was playing with firecrackers at the age of 2-1/2? Geez. From: Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 11:39 AM To: ; ; Subject: Re: There were signs and warnings that made me suspect you, Bill. How does it feel to finally get it off your chest? ?? Do you remember playing with firecrackers on that trip? You and I were off lighting them by ourselves. I can't even imagine letting Sebastian do that and he's older than I was back then.
From: Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 4:35 AM To: Subject: RE: Probably true, . In regard to what said, in the summer of 1963, I was two. I remember it well. That's when I was initiated into the cartel. I'm the sleeper agent who slept through his alarm. From: Sent: Monday, March 20, 2023 6:08 PM To: ; ; Subject: Re: I think it's more accurate to say the US government's mafia structure has adopted this Mexican cartel to further it's own agenda.
From: Sent: Monday, March 20, 2023 4:01 PM To: Subject: ofwe went there in 1963 or so (Mazatlan) but now Sinaloa has fccome to us. See map cartel territories in the US: [] --_000_BYAPR08MB5624DBA642C930223256C4F5D1819BYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset= It was mostly me but you were there . I remember one blew up very close and my ear was ringing. You asked if you could listen to the ringing and put your ear up to my ear. Our mom recorded it as something worthy of being in your baby book. It was so cute. Sacramento
From: <> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 10:48 AM To: <>; <>; <.com>; <@>; <>; <>; <>; <tm> Subject: RE: I was playing with firecrackers at the age of 2-1/2? Geez.
From: Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 11:39 AM To: ; ; ; Subject: Re: Welcome to Sinaloa
There were signs and warnings that made me suspect you, Bill. How does it feel to finally get it off your chest? 😆
Do you remember playing with firecrackers on that trip? You and I were off lighting them by ourselves. I can't even imagine letting Sebastian do that and he's older than I was back then.
From: <> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 4:35 AM To: <>; <>; <.com>; <@>; <>; <>; <>; <tm> Subject: RE: Welcome to Sinaloa
Probably true, . In regard to what said, in the summer of 1963, I was two. I remember it well. That's when I was initiated into the cartel. I'm the sleeper agent who slept through his alarm.
From: Sent: Monday, March 20, 2023 6:08 PM To: ; ; ; Subject: Re: Welcome to Sinaloa
I think it's more accurate to say the US government's mafia structure has adopted this Mexican cartel to further it's own agenda.
From: <> Sent: Monday, March 20, 2023 4:01 PM To: <.com>; <>; <>; <@>; <>; <>; <>; <tm> Subject: Welcome to Sinaloa
ofwe went there in 1963 or so (Mazatlan) but now Sinaloa has fccome to us. See map cartel territories in the US:
--_000_BYAPR08MB5624DBA642C930223256C4F5D1819BYAPR08MB5624namp_-- CA Floods Hit Food Chainby steve - 2023-03-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]since I lived in Porterville 1979 to 1984 or so, I tried to recognize where the flooding was or where it could be. I didn't recognize anything in the video.All that valley land is flat.I think it was last year that Porterville was undergoing a lack of water. They have "Lake Success" up toward the foothills and I vaguely remember some sort of creek bed from there to Porterville, but don't ever remember any significant amount of water in it.Still, there's floods frequently north of Sacramento from Dry Creek and it's just a way of life in some places.
On Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 12:07:21 AM :
I was not living in Sacramento when the last flooding happened in 1986 from a levee break. I bet that's in the back (maybe now front) of people's minds. That's the fear these demons live on.
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 11:59 PM -- -- CA floods hit food chain= I remember the Yolo bypass being flooded every year.Maybe somebody is just trying to throw more FEAR at us! On Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 11:30:23 PM : The globalists controlling the weather are doing a great job knocking out many agricultural areas of southern San Joaquin valley. Porterville and Tulare county, Monterey and Fresno counties, maybe more. Today I saw lots of water in the Yolo bypass (between Sacramento and Woodland on 5). The attack focused on food keeps rolling along.
New Surveillance Systemby staff - 2023-03-23 ( education / research ) [html version]being install all over the US: I'll look at it later.I see it's another Whitney Webb article, which is good On Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 05:59:43 PM being install all over the US: Climate Change Agenda Ramping Upby admin - 2023-03-25 ( education / research ) [html version]I'm okay with a totalitarian global government so long as I'm the one in charge. Sent: Friday, March 24, 2023 1:42 PM it's all about power, wanting to feel like God, because once you're a multi-millionaire or higher, what do you do for a challenge? (can't actually use your money to HELP homeless, vets, or people to enable them to live better in their own country, right?) On Friday, March 24, 2023 at 11:37:39 AM : it's a political power grab. They hope to use climate emerrgency as an excuse for a totalitarian global government. On 3/24/23 01:33: The blatant fraud of the climate change hoax is exposed in this video. Many examples are mentioned of predictions that were so completely wrong that it's almost laughable if not for the damage caused by these lunatics. One of these gems is by one of the lead characters to be pushing this agenda, billionaire Al Gore, who said by 2013 there would be no snow left on Mt Kilimanjaro and no more ice at the north pole. Increasingly it's obvious that the people who believe this crap rely on the mainstream gaslight media for their only sources of information. Am I a "climate change denier"? Of course not -- it changes constantly. people have choices. Who will save you, the government, yourself, or God? That leaves so many dependent on the government so you better cooperate! On Friday, March 24, 2023 at 12:00:44 PM If people are conscious at all, a BIG IF, they will understand this is not in their best interests. The rest, maybe the pharma jabbed sheep, will simply be slaughtered. From: Sent: Friday, March 24, 2023 11:49 AM Subject: Re: Climate change agenda ramping up= that reminds me of how many are going along with the New World Order, such as all them in the media and how much a surprise it will be when they don't find a position in the NWO and they end up as another Slave. Looking at the numbers, Ed Dowd - Dr. Drew - 1.5 hrby doug - 2023-03-26 ( education / research ) [html version]
Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2023 3:33 PM Re: if that's what it was, but it was clearly the most important part of the video On 3/25/23 17:09, someone wrote: You mean the intro music? Yea, that was painful. ________________________________ Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2023 3:04 PM Re: not crazy about amateur instrumental music On 3/25/23 14:49, someone wrote: An investor's perspective on excess deaths. Never Forget What They Didby doug - 2023-03-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Interesting compilation of people collapsing on TV from the 100% safe and effective shots. I've seen many but there's many I never saw. Start about minute 33:15 Injection Documentary (sort Of)by steve - 2023-03-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I don't think I mentioned it but so it seems, some company called BARDA actually made the "vax" for DARPA and Pharma was just given the directions to make millions of doses.
On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 12:05:44 AM :
Very advanced and technical but worth watching to learn about the bioweapon and why it affects some and not others. Seems to be narrated by high quality AI.
Meet Katherine Wattby doug - 2023-03-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I just subscribed to her substack. Here's something from January people who are not afraid of the truth will appreciate: And this is a video from January 2023 I think you will agree is excellent: KATHERINE WATT: IN HER OWN WORDS -- PUBLIC HEALTH HAS BEEN MILITARIZED (end clip) Catherine Austin Fitts Interview on Thursdayby doug - 2023-03-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Many already are familiar with her. Basically, she's a financial expert and she appeared on The HighWire: Former FBI Agent Explains UFOsby staff - 2023-03-26 ( education / research ) [html version]interesting what he said about the bloodline families running everything On 3/25/23 15:22 I've been following him for a while. Thanks. On 3/25/2023 1:11 PM: > Great interview. I first heard of him in the first year of the scamdemic and he even accepted my friend request on Facebook. He always has interesting things to say and is one of the good guys in that modern fascist POS group of thugs. From: Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2023 1:22 PM To: Subject: Re: I've been following him for a while. Thanks. On 3/25/2023 1:11 PM Great interview. I first heard of him in the first year of the scamdemic and he even accepted my friend request on Facebook. He always has interesting things to say and is one of the good guys in that modern fascist POS group of thugs. From: Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2023 1:22 PM To: Subject: Re: I've been following him for a while. Thanks. On 3/25/2023 1:11 PM Beware Trojan Horse NGOsby doug - 2023-03-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This video describes how the USA uses non governmental organizations (NGOs) to carry out CIA type activities around the world, i.e. regime changes that are mostly for the economic benefit of the USA and further impoverish their victims. Masquerading as gifts, the good deeds often come with nefarious and secret deeds against the target country. If you aren't already familiar with The Corbett Report, this is an excellent example from 2018 that is just as applicable today. Looking at the Numbers, Ed Dowd - Dr. Drew - 1.5 Hrby doug - 2023-03-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I realize I knew most everything they mentioned, but I found it interesting from the viewpoint of a vaxed moron who is watching all the people they know dying suddenly and they blame covid rather than the very obvious toxic sh-t they injected. Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2023 3:33 PM
if that's what it was, but it was clearly the most important part of the video On 3/25/23 17:09: You mean the intro music? Yea, that was painful. Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2023 3:04 PM
not crazy about amateur instrumental music On 3/25/23 14:49: An investor's perspective on excess deaths. Edward Dowd - 47 Min Interviewby doug - 2023-03-28 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Is something wrong with the economy? Are you doing anything to prepare yourself for what's coming? Really good interview by a former Black Rock investment guy who recently published a book. Multiple topics, credit contraction, bank failures, recession, dollar, CBDC, black markets, social unrest, excess deaths, injuries, absence rates, etc DOD is Running Medical Fascismby doug - 2023-03-29 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]Even chatGPT knows these sickos are trying to rule the world. (Read the poem) Sent: Monday, March 27, 2023 11:33 PM
this is related: On Monday, March 27, 2023 at 11:30:13 PM : I don't have time to look at the video now but, yeah, the DOD was behind it, they having BARDA create the fake vax years ago (that's why they could quickly have it "ready in 9 months" and then they hired Pharma to make the killer vaxes. Here's an article linking them but I haven't bothered to read it because I don't believe what they say: Statement from NIH and BARDA on the FDA Emergency Use Authorization of the Moderna covid-19 Vaccine Statement from NIH and BARDA on the FDA Emergency Use Authorization of t... The mRNA-1273 vaccine is the second covid-19 vaccine in the United States to be granted an EUA. On Monday, March 27, 2023 at 10:55:36 PM : It's just recently been discovered that the department of defense (DOD) is behind the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine. That's one major aspect of the scamdemic. Are they also behind the depopulation agenda, or just tools for it? That's my question. Politics is just a distraction to keep people from noticing the more important issues. Both parties are controlled by the banksters / gangsters. All wars are manipulated by them at great profit. Are the banksters controlling the DOD? Nobody will come to save anyone. Christians waiting for the rapture are going to be slaughtered. We get saved by ourselves but only if smart enough to understand what's really going on. And those who believe their government and the legacy media's constant lies will not survive. Anyone looking for more boosters hasn't got a clue. The key is non-compliance, preferably peaceful. With the psychopaths in control of virtually everything, military, police, banks, governments, media, schools, it seems nearly impossible to stop their insanely evil plans. But as more people realize what's going on the scales keep tipping back to the people. Katherine Watt is a paralegal and researcher in Pennsylvania who has put the pieces together, calling it like it is. I just subscribed to her substack and she's got great articles there. She's becoming more and more in demand in the new alternative news media. If you are not scared of the truth, I think you will like this video. It includes some things I have not heard from others. Gullible if people don't realize we're swamped in conspiracies. Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 11:23 AM ; Re: the term is gullible On 3/28/23 11:04 The correct term is "conspiracy realist" or "conspiracy researcher". Read her articles on substack for the facts that back up her comments. Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 4:35 AM Re: listened for a half hour, but it's just some conspiracy theorists speculating about "bad guys," no actual information. On 3/28/23 06:05 It sure seemed like the "pandemic" was cooked up just to get everyone vaxed. covid was never found in the population, just in lab specimens from Wuhan. Makes me wonder what was in the vax that was necessary to the transhuman agenda that the DoD is rumored to be interested in. On 3/28/23 01:30 I don't have time to look at the video now but, yeah, the DOD was behind it, they having BARDA create the fake vax years ago (that's why they could quickly have it "ready in 9 months" and then they hired Pharma to make the killer vaxes. Here's an article linking them but I haven't bothered to read it because I don't believe what they say: Statement from NIH and BARDA on the FDA Emergency Use Authorization of the Moderna covid-19 Vaccine end Statement from NIH and BARDA on the FDA Emergency Use Authorization of t... The mRNA-1273 vaccine is the second covid-19 vaccine in the United States to be granted an EUA. On Monday, March 27, 2023 at 10:55:36 PM It's just recently been discovered that the department of defense (DOD) is behind the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine. That's one major aspect of the scamdemic. Are they also behind the depopulation agenda, or just tools for it? That's my question. Politics is just a distraction to keep people from noticing the more important issues. Both parties are controlled by the banksters / gangsters. All wars are manipulated by them at great profit. Are the banksters controlling the DOD? Nobody will come to save anyone. Christians waiting for the rapture are going to be slaughtered. We get saved by ourselves but only if smart enough to understand what's really going on. And those who believe their government and the legacy media's constant lies will not survive. Anyone looking for more boosters hasn't got a clue. The key is non-compliance, preferably peaceful. With the psychopaths in control of virtually everything, military, police, banks, governments, media, schools, it seems nearly impossible to stop their insanely evil plans. But as more people realize what's going on the scales keep tipping back to the people. Katherine Watt is a paralegal and researcher in Pennsylvania who has put the pieces together, calling it like it is. I just subscribed to her substack and she's got great articles there. She's becoming more and more in demand in the new alternative news media. If you are not scared of the truth, I think you will like this video. It includes some things I have not heard from others. Gullible if people don't realize we're swamped in conspiracies. Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 11:23 AM ; Re: the term is gullible On 3/28/23 11:04 The correct term is "conspiracy realist" or "conspiracy researcher". Read her articles on substack for the facts that back up her comments. Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 4:35 AM Re: listened for a half hour, but it's just some conspiracy theorists speculating about "bad guys," no actual information. On 3/28/23 06:05 It sure seemed like the "pandemic" was cooked up just to get everyone vaxed. covid was never found in the population, just in lab specimens from Wuhan. Makes me wonder what was in the vax that was necessary to the transhuman agenda that the DoD is rumored to be interested in. On 3/28/23 01:30 I don't have time to look at the video now but, yeah, the DOD was behind it, they having BARDA create the fake vax years ago (that's why they could quickly have it "ready in 9 months" and then they hired Pharma to make the killer vaxes. Here's an article linking them but I haven't bothered to read it because I don't believe what they say: Statement from NIH and BARDA on the FDA Emergency Use Authorization of the Moderna covid-19 Vaccine end Statement from NIH and BARDA on the FDA Emergency Use Authorization of t... The mRNA-1273 vaccine is the second covid-19 vaccine in the United States to be granted an EUA. On Monday, March 27, 2023 at 10:55:36 PM It's just recently been discovered that the department of defense (DOD) is behind the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine. That's one major aspect of the scamdemic. Are they also behind the depopulation agenda, or just tools for it? That's my question. Politics is just a distraction to keep people from noticing the more important issues. Both parties are controlled by the banksters / gangsters. All wars are manipulated by them at great profit. Are the banksters controlling the DOD? Nobody will come to save anyone. Christians waiting for the rapture are going to be slaughtered. We get saved by ourselves but only if smart enough to understand what's really going on. And those who believe their government and the legacy media's constant lies will not survive. Anyone looking for more boosters hasn't got a clue. The key is non-compliance, preferably peaceful. With the psychopaths in control of virtually everything, military, police, banks, governments, media, schools, it seems nearly impossible to stop their insanely evil plans. But as more people realize what's going on the scales keep tipping back to the people. Katherine Watt is a paralegal and researcher in Pennsylvania who has put the pieces together, calling it like it is. I just subscribed to her substack and she's got great articles there. She's becoming more and more in demand in the new alternative news media. If you are not scared of the truth, I think you will like this video. It includes some things I have not heard from others. The Truth About Cancerby steve - 2023-03-30 ( education / research ) [html version][wife] survived it more than once by improving her diet (less meat) On Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 06:22:25 PM : New information about cancer and how to survive it starts tomorrow, Wednesday. Mentioned here: Watch on Bitchute or visit here Detox from Spiked Proteinsby doug - 2023-03-31 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]He apparently is trying to trick and mislead people. He says he took one shot himself. But the mRNA technology was developed by DARPA for the sole purpose of being a bioweapon. He surely knew it and so would he really take it? He's sueing Dr Mercola. Don't remember the details but I think it's because Mercola noticed something wrong about him and the lawsuit might be an effort to silence it. Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 2:05 PM
I misinterpreted what you said. So, they think he's a sheep and not that they're sheep like him On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 01:59:45 PM : Why ? I see them all the time and I trust them. Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 1:17 PM
Tenpenny and her group are "sheep in wolf clothing"? So, who is a good guy then? On Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 12:24:41 PM : It appears Dr Robert Malone is a deep state mole and controlled opposition. This information comes from Karen Kingston, I think, in a conversation with Adams. Others mentioned how he is a wolf in sheep's clothing, like Dr Tenpenny and her 5 docs group. Just don't let your guard down. Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 12:17 PM"> 3DEnews&etv-2023-03-29&utm_medium=3Demail&est=3D52LnbkyiRjuD/7S90At6bGU2%2B%2BoEJWPag%2BO03F/cn3mwwVieMVNZRSfI10ifDA= Advice for Children from the WHOby staff - 2023-03-31 ( education / research ) [html version]people who know who they are are difficult to boss around; the more confused children are, the easier they are to program On 3/30/23 13:40: yeah, yeah, sexually prepare kids for the pedophiles they'll soon have accosting them. maybe we can get more kids mentally messed up, taking gender drugs, and shooting up schools? On Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 10:29:11 AM , someone wrote: Here's a short video that mentions what the world health organization (WHO) recommends for the entire world, every country. Get your barf bucket ready on standby. After you stomach this tiny part of their wonderful advice, ask yourself whether you should listen to anything else they say. Remember, they are the one trying to control all medical choices for everyone. Internal Emails Timelineby doug - 2023-04-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Sad, but mostly true. On the other hand, people do keep waking up at their own pace. I hear now that so-called antivaxers are now the majority of voters. I would not have believed in early 2020 that the 1-2% who knew the truth about this evil group of pharma corporations would be over 50% in just 3 years. We've come a long way baby. Sent: Friday, March 31, 2023 6:32 PM
no, it won't matter because 99% of the sheeple will call it all a "conspiracy theory", though there are actual documents. most can't handle the truth because it's scary and they THINK they can't do anything about it. On Friday, March 31, 2023 at 02:26:43 PM : Here's the proof of these lying bastards in government surrounding the bioweapon shot rollout. Great journalism on display. They obtained the proof through FOIA requests. Of course, no matter what proof is provided, none of it matters to those hypnotized by mainstream gaslight media. Wishful thinking?by steve - 2023-04-03 ( education / research ) [html version]yeah.most are atheist and worship "mother earth" On Saturday, April 1, 2023 at 07:45:47 PM PDT: I think the climate crisis believers, deep down, consider humanity itself to be a pollutant. On 3/31/23 19:52: Hard to believe any thinking person would fall for the climate change hoax. I admit, I also did, until I heard a core belief is the claim that CO2 is a pollutant. RFK Jr was asked by Trump to be in control of a vaccine advisory board, or something like that, but was talked out of it by Gates. From: Sent: Friday, March 31, 2023 5:19 PM Subject: = RFK Jr. is a big liberal who is into Climate Change and other related insanity On Friday, March 31, 2023 at 05:16:59 PM PDT: no offence, , but you having= heard something troubling doesn't mean anything. On 3/31/23 15:17: Me, too. But I heard some troubling things about him yesterday. The High Wire showed a clip yesterday of what Trump said about mandates at his last rally. It's only a small stuep in the right direction, but when you add that to what Vandersteel said on yesterday's interview with Adams, that some of the people surrounding him finally got through to him all the horrific things his vax has done, maybe there's something to hope for. From: Sent: Friday, March 31, 2023 1:09 PM Subject: = i'd rather have= Desantis On 3/31/23 15:02: Pretty interesting comments about Trump, but is it just wishful thinking? Law Enforcement Hypocrisyby doug - 2023-04-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Hypocrisy example 4,658,649 What would trigger a swat team and 50 police to break down the door of most normal people, now is blatantly overlooked when trans freaks use social media to buy guns. Can it be any more obvious to people with a functioning brain that there's an agenda and the government is totally criminal? Former JPL Scientist Interviewby doug - 2023-04-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]He talks about the secret stuff going on there, such as paranormal, remote.webp viewing, alien technology, Tesla, and mentions that Jack Parsons worked with Alistair Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard. Really interesting. Biggest Crime in History?by doug - 2023-04-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Wow, I didn't know that about the criminals on the Jan 6th commission. They all saw what really happened yet made up a completely false narrative. Evil bastards. Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2023 10:28 PM
Cc: Biggest crime in history? anybody who still thinks biden's "government" is good is delusional. Similar to the 75 years they wanted to HIDE the Pfizer documents, the illustrious Jan 6th committee wants to not make their records available for 30 years (kind of reminds me of how o'bama hid so many of his records). On Sunday, April 2, 2023 at 10:24:25 PM : In case anyone wants documented proof that Pfizer has committed possibly the greatest crime in history (and the major media refuses to say a single word about it), I invite you to watch this video by Dr Naomi Wolf (a democrat) who created a team of volunteers to go through tens of thousands of pages that Pfizer was ordered by the court to release to the public. They had wanted to wait 75 years to release it and you'll understand that it's because the documents are so damning. I've been telling everyone who would listen about this insanely evil corporation for years and billions around the world naively trusted the evil governments with their health. The book mentioned in the video was released 3 weeks ago and the proof of Pfizer's crimes comes from the fact they have not responded whatsoever to these claims. And media is silent because they are party to these same crimes for having promoted these toxic shots, guilty of advertising fraud. Many will not believe anything if it doesn't come from these major TV stations, but since they are involved in these crimes, do you really think they will just confess? Isn't it more obvious they will try to bury it? For those who already know about this medical fraud, consider buying the book to share. If you know me, you can be sure I have more details I can provide of more crimes by pharma, governments and corporations. Just ask. We must stop this medical fascism for future generations. And if anyone really wants the full truth, you'll eventually discover the virtually everything we've been taught is a complete lie -- everything. It's almost beyond comprehension. Learn About EMF (radiation)by steve - 2023-04-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]put up a 5G tower in your yard and make some kick-back money (until it kills you)!
On Monday, April 3, 2023 at 12:32:43 PM :
We bought an EMF meter to see how much we're exposed to the various types of electromagnetic frequencies around us. It wasn't nearly as expensive as I thought it would be -- just about $200. Our cell phones were the first thing we tested. When we are using WiFi signals, it's way less strong than cellular data signals. And when charging it's also way high, so stay as far away as possible from the phone while charging. There's more to check, but that's a huge one. Today I ran across this excellent video that includes a short video regarding the effects of radiation on people, plants, animals, etc. It's very well done and I highly recommend you take time to learn about this for your own health. I think you'll agree that if you can keep your cell phone away from your body, you'll be way better off. People are getting very aggressive cancers from this. It shouldn't be political but big corporations are ramming this down our throats and paying all politicians (through their lobbies) so our bought and paid for criminals in office are giving 5G the go-ahead full speed. Canada Continues a Self Depopulation Agendaby doug - 2023-04-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Canada Moves To Begin Euthanizing Children Without Parental Consent It calls these kids "mature minors." The government is simply trying to help, right? And anyway, why bother to involve parents?!! Don't you just feel all warm and fuzzy? Can't we do that in the USA? Oh wait, we are pushing the trans agenda from birth in schools. Can Canada beat that? I have to run and watch TV all day now. I think Klaus Schwab is talking to Oprah now. Restrict Act/TikTok Billby doug - 2023-04-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]How does this bill protect freedoms of Americans? It gives incredible powers to unelected people we never should give any power. And who is supporting it? In this case it's left and right who've been lobbied, so they're taking money. Both sides are criminal and corrupt. But with our current administration we see countless examples the push for destruction of America coming from the left because it's obvious they can't stand freedom of anyone who has a different opinion about anything. They claim the exact opposite, of course. That's the insanity of their satanic actions. They're brainwashed and will never allow an open debate because then a different viewpoint would be revealed and people will see it's logical and the left will lose control. If we actually had free speech and they don't censor or attack someone financially or imprison someone, they'd allow and welcome alternative media which is the ONLY place free speech still exists. But it must be crushed because then they can't control the people who want to be left alone. Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 1:04 AM You may have been hearing about this senate proposed recently. But I really doubt it was mentioned on TV since that would be actual reporting. This video has many comments about what it would mean if passed, maybe wiping out crypto and ramping up the police state we are seeing more and more. It would outlaw "wrong think" -- any objections to what the criminals in government are doing. It appears to amplify the police state powers far beyond what the Patriot Act did to us after 9/11. As far as I can tell, it has very little to do with TikTok. Sounds good? Inside People's Headsby doug - 2023-04-06 ( education / research ) [html version]I often like to understand what people who disagree with me are thinking. Recently I've engaged democrats who think they did the right thing by injecting the unknown ingredients of the so-called covid vaccines. I'm making this political only because nearly all democrats got these shots, whereas Republicans are far less likely to have done so, despite the encouragement of Trump. This very short video explores what a doctor thinks about people who are "vaccine hesitant" and it's really good. Please do take a few minutes to watch it. You can start at the 2 minute mark: Why CBDC?by doug - 2023-04-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]And is the "pandemic" over? Here's a great and succinct explanation by Catherine Austin Fitts, a genius and former assistant HUD secretary under president Bush 1: oh wellby doug - 2023-04-07 ( education / research ) [html version]--
There's no way these bastards will miss a chance to poison everyone, like Monsanto and big chemical have been doing at least since most doctors smoked Camels and DDT is so safe you can be sprayed down with it. Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 5:47 PM oh well but the insects that they're pushing eating won't be a problem, will they? No pesticides around to make it bad for anybody. On Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 05:45:26 PM : Meat of the future will be toxic unless you personally have raised it. But we don't even eat much anyway. Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 4:52 PM
I had that same thought, . But your days as a "pureblood" will end when you start unknowingly eating mRNA-injected pork or beef. From: Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 6:48 PM; oh well How can they determine such a guess like that without waiting at least 25 years? I'd have to read that study. But I think it's way more lost years than that. Only time will tell. And unlike EVERY vaccine study in history, we actually have a control group this time -- us purebloods. Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 2:18 PM oh well I don't know how many relatives ignored our warnings and did it all but: Fully Vaxed Lose 25 Years of Life Expectancy, Study Shows Fully Vaxed Lose 25 Years of Life Expectancy, Study Shows Frank Bergman Those who have been fully vaccinated for covid-19 with mRNA shots will lose 25 years of their life expectancy, a... --
There's no way these bastards will miss a chance to poison everyone, like Monsanto and big chemical have been doing at least since most doctors smoked Camels and DDT is so safe you can be sprayed down with it. <.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 5:47 PM <.com>; <.com>; <com>; <.com>; <>; <@>; <d> oh well
but the insects that they're pushing eating won't be a problem, will they? No pesticides around to make it bad for anybody. On Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 05:45:26 PM , <d> someone wrote: Meat of the future will be toxic unless you personally have raised it. But we don't even eat much anyway. Sacramento <.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 4:52 PM <.>; <.com>; <.com>; <com>; <.com>; <>; <@>
I had that same thought, . But your days as a "pureblood" will end when you start unknowingly eating mRNA-injected pork or beef.
Holmes Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 6:48 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; oh well
How can they determine such a guess like that without waiting at least 25 years? I'd have to read that study.
But I think it's way more lost years than that.
Only time will tell. And unlike EVERY vaccine study in history, we actually have a control group this time -- us purebloods.
Sacramento <.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 2:18 PM <.>; <.com>; <.com>; <com>; <.com>; <>; <@>
I don't know how many relatives ignored our warnings and did it all but: Fully Vaxed Lose 25 Years of Life Expectancy, Study Shows
Fully Vaxed Lose 25 Years of Life Expectancy, Study Shows Frank Bergman Those who have been fully vaccinated for covid-19 with mRNA shots will lose 25 years of their life expectancy, a...
---- one more bit of "irrelevant news" about the "first family": Of course, you won't see this if you just watch the mainstream media, owned by the puppeteers who Installed biden because it's just "conspiracy news" on those sites one more bit of "irrelevant news" about the "first family": Of course, you won't see this if you just watch the mainstream media, owned by the puppeteers who Installed biden because it's just "conspiracy news" on those sites Data of 3,794 military deaths secretly erasedby doug - 2023-04-07 ( education / research ) [html version]
Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 11:39 AM ; Re: so sad we have a friend who is a pilot for Southwest. after he got the jab, he collapsed. He's still piloting. I got that free book and signed up for the thing advertised, which gave me "1 point". I don't expect to get the second point needed to get their next perk. Oh well. I figure that maybe only 1 in a thousand (0.1%) of the population is paying attention (but since most just watch the evening propaganda on TV every evening, it's no surprise) On Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 10:54:54 AM PDT, someone wrote: Military scandal you might be interested in. See forwarded message. ________________________________ The Real Anthony Fauci Movie Team Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 9:15 AM Whistleblower exposes Covid censorship I've got to share a shocking insight with you from an interview that was done with Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long. She is a board-certified aerospace medicine doctor and Army Brigade flight surgeon down at Fort Rucker, Alabama, and oversees the medical care of over 800 army pilot trainees. Lt Col Theresa Long is also a DOD whistleblower having brought forward staggering information about cases of myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiac arrest, strokes, and blood clots. AND=85 the U.S. Department Of Defense erased data from 3,794 military deaths! [] She's seeing a 300% and 1,000% increase in different diseases, including: myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiac arrest, strokes, and blood clots. And she saw a 1,135% increase in neurological conditions in her pilot trainees! And that's when Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long=85 BLEW THE WHISTLE! Lt Colonel Long testified at several of Senator son's hearings of the health damage the jabs are suspected of doing to her pilot trainees. Senator son told the DOD To: "Do not alter this data. We need to study what's going on here." So guess what happened=85? The day data was erased from the DMED database and then was shut down! YIKES!! Here's some eye opening numbers that are hard to ignore. Pilot deaths have risen from 265 in 2016 to 4,059 in 2022! [] Even the Pentagon, agreed that the number of medical events among US military pilots rose by more than 1700% from 2019 to 2022. But they refused to admit that the medical injuries were due to the C0V!D shots. In response=85 The airline pilots, stewardesses, airline crews, and employees have created an organization called US Freedom Flyers. The US Freedom Flyers said they're calling for immediate action to be taken by the airline industry to immediately halt all mandates. As well as medically re-test all vaccinated pilots, and certify only those who can show clean EKGs and cardiac MRIs to prove heart health, and D-Dimer tests (to rule out clotting issues). Demanding that no pilots be terminated without pay and benefits for a shot that has ruined their health given they were forced to choose between their job or the jab. If you're suddenly concerned about the safety of flying=85 fellow filmmaker Jonathon Otto has released a new eBook, CRASH LANDING: Top Doctors, Scientists & Pilots Warn C0V!D-Jabbed Flight Crews Pose Public Safety Risk >Download your FREE copy of CRASH LANDING: Top Doctors, Scientists & Pilots Warn Covid-Jabbed Flight Crews Pose Public Safety Risk If you or a loved one have to fly=85 You need to read Jonathan's brand new eBook that reveals stories by FAA whistleblowers, top doctors, scientists, and pilots who are all warning about the serious risks posed by C0V!D jabbed pilots and in-flight crews. Before you buy that airline ticket you need to read this. [] >Claim your copy HERE With appreciation, The Real Anthony Fauci Movie Team Inside Jonathan's latest eBook=85 He shares the heartbreaking true-life stories from pilots after they were forced to get the jab or lose their pilot's license. Bob Snow, American Airlines Captain, told his story about Flight 1067=85 from Denver to Dallas Fort Worth, and 6 minutes after touchdown he went into cardiac arrest. Cody Flint, an agricultural pilot in Mississippi=85 got tunnel vision on a fertilizer-spreading flight and blacked out - and he can't remember how he ever landed his plane. Pearson, a major airline pilot had this to say=85 "I got the first Pfizer shot and within hours was in atrial fibrillation. If I had been flying a plane the outcome of my adverse reaction could have been very different. My pilot career is over." After reading all of this, Is it safe to fly? Best of all, you'll receive complimentary access to Jonathan's brand new 9-episode docuseries, New Hope. ________________________________ If you happen to purchase anything Jeff Hays Films recommends, in this or any of our communications, it's likely we will receive some kind of affiliate compensation. Still, we only recommend stuff that we truly believe in and share with our friends and family. If you ever have an issue with anything we recommend please let us know. We want to make sure we are always serving you at the highest level. FTC DISCLOSURE: Any health claims shared by viewers, students, friends, subscribers, or clients are understood to be true and accurate, but are not verified in any way. Any products, programs, or personal recommendations made in this or any email communication from Jeff Hays Films for 3rd parties will likely result in some form of compensation from said 3rd party. 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These third-party advertisers and ad servers may use the information they collect to help present their advertisements, to help measure and research the advertisements' effectiveness, or for other purposes. The use and collection of your information by these third-party advertisers and ad servers is governed by the relevant third-party's privacy policy and is not covered by our Privacy Policy. Indeed, the privacy policies of these third-party advertisers and ad servers may be different from ours. If you have any concerns about a third party's use of cookies or web beacons or use of your information, you should visit that party's website and review its privacy policy. The Site also includes links to other websites and provides access to products and services offered by third parties, whose privacy policies we do not control. When you access another website or purchase third-party products or services through the Site, use of any information you provide is governed by the privacy policy of the operator of the site you are visiting or the provider of such products or services. This email was sent to by hellotherealanthonyfaucimovie 870 E North Union Ave, Midvale, UT 84047 Edit ProfileManage SubscriptionsReport Spam Great Resetby steve - 2023-04-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This article is about the climate scam but they talk a lot about how Blackrock owns the world.So, if "nobody owns anything and happy", will all those who own blackrock go for it? Eyes Wide Shutby doug - 2023-04-07 ( education / research / economy ) [html version]It's my opinion that people who rely on TV for all their information, or major newspapers and radio, will refuse to believe the severity of the looming financial crash being orchestrated right now. Notice that gold shot above $2000 in the last couple days? Silver went up, too. A 20% higher silver spot price in just a month. Supplies drying up fast. Million dollar purchases are an everyday thing now. Governments are buying massive amounts. They also will not believe it's being orchestrated. And this will lead them off the proverbial cliff. Since I don't ever watch TV, don't listen to any radio and almost never did read any newspaper, I don't know the lies spewing out of the talking heads, unless it's noteworthy and appears in alternative news media. And from what I hear, there's no warning of anyone about necessary things for survival -- no suggestions to stock up on food, get money out of the banks, buy spare parts so WHEN the supply lines collapse you can still function, prepare against crime, etc. This will mean people who are not paying attention or disregard the warnings from family and friends, just won't make it long after chaos arrives, especially in the more congested areas. No link to share, just my warning to close family and cousins here who are keeping their eyes wide shut. I'd prefer not to say "I told you so". In addition to my above suggestions, smart people also suggest you immediately add to your life skills. Can you survive without city water, no electricity, without grocery stores, no gas, etc? Do you have tools to fix things around the house, and supplies to fix them? Maybe it'd be smart to go through your daily ritual and see how you can accomplish the same things without any services or stores available. That's why we're moving ASAP to get set up in a rural place where people tend to be far more sane (ie awake, not woke). Many agree the war on humanity is mostly in your head. It'll take a mentally strong person to survive what's coming. Or you could chat with AI and be convinced you should sacrifice your life in the name of climate change (true story). And if it never gets that bad, your extra food and supplies won't go to waste. They're there just in case. Most "developed" countries have very soft people who don't know what it takes to survive without all the modern conveniences. Our mutual ancestors would probably be disgusted to learn how low most of their descendants have sunk -- lack of basic skills. This scamdemic has pulled back the curtain on the complete decadence of society and psychopathy of our tyrannical misleaders. But if you have the right attitude and mental strength it's the greatest time ever to be alive. On Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 02:18:27 AM If you're not watching the news, you missed that Mrs. Murphy's cat was rescued by the fire department. You also missed that we're still not out of the drought, despite farms being flooded. We're planting more veggies. The gov't wants gardens to be registered. So they can Kontrol them? I won't comment more about our doings. Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 9:32 AM It warms my heart about her cat! Anecdotals Movieby doug - 2023-04-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Just discovered an awesome movie you can watch free. I dare anyone not to be moved greatly by the personal stories shared: I'd seen much of the footage used already, but it was presented in such a way that I think is excellent. These people were just trying to be good citizens and do the right thing. They can hardly be blamed. Their only fault was a lessen they had to learn the hard way. They naively trusted someone or something that didn't deserve their trust. I'd love to hear what you think if you watch the whole thing. So powerful. Excellent Crrow777 Interviewby doug - 2023-04-09 ( education / research ) [html version]Contains really good advice and wisdom. Satanic Systems of Controlby doug - 2023-04-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Contains really good advice and wisdom. Unique Perspective About Trump Indictmentby doug - 2023-04-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This former soldier and agent isn't the most polished person but his analysis is really great. Listen to the great news about what the indictment means. Plus there's more information you may be interested in. JFK and RFK Jrby doug - 2023-04-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Good question. I don't know of a single Dem not actively participating in satanic rituals, or so it seems based on their actions They are so over a cliff they should all be in prison. And I hope Jeffrey Prather is right that honest attorneys general with indict them soon. Psychopaths should not be ignored and left in control of anything. Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2023 12:40 AM
JFK and RFK Jr also, who would be a VP who wouldn't be another person bought off by the Deep State? My best guess would be Tulsi Gabbard, but didn't she leave the Democrats? On Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 12:08:20 AM : sorry to rain on your parade, but I think he'll be "dealt with" to prevent the truth from being told/shown On Saturday, April 8, 2023 at 10:24:24 PM : With the announcement that RFK Jr will make a run for president, it is great news because it will force a public conversation that's been banned for decades by big pharma about the complete lie that "vaccines are safe and effective." Will we see a second Kennedy in the White House? Sure beats the sick joke there now! How did the first Kennedy exit that position? To answer this we come to the original use of "conspiracy theorist" coined by the CIA to denigrate anyone who dares question the official blatantly false narrative and served to hide the fact that the CIA was itself the treasonous deep state culprit. Champions of freedom have since taken this and run with it to the point that now anyone who questions the current narrative will be deemed such a whack job and the dutiful mob will jump all over them in unison because "they are a danger to our democracy" and obviously terrorists. This video by James Corbett from 2013 is a mini documentary about the truth which has been hidden from prying eyes for 6 decades. We all know there are no more conspiracies nowadays. Kennedy's assassination was not one and anyone who dares to say otherwise will be silenced by our benevolent leaders and media. The FBI and a swat team could be at their door. Sieg heil comrades! AI Murderby doug - 2023-04-11 ( education / research ) [html version]As you already know, these AI systems are indeed programmed by liberals and the proof comes from certain types of questions you can ask it. So whatever it says is grossly biased. Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2023 6:54 PM AI murder most likely a liberal On Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 11:59:42 AM : True, but imagine artificial intelligence pretending to be the friend of some youth on social media and knows exactly what to say to convince them life is not worth living. Very sinister. Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2023 11:52 AM AI murder anyone who kills himself on advice of a computer, is too dumb to live. another Darwin award. On 4/5/23 01:43: This is pretty funny, but the ramifications are really serious. A man was convinced to kill himself by AI. You gotta listen. As artificial intelligence becomes more ubiquitous, there's some serious potential havoc they can create. mRNA in Foodby doug - 2023-04-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]We've reached the point that anything you didn't personally produce is suspect. Very sick criminals run everything. Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2023 7:01 PM
mRNA in food I saw an article where mRNA was put in milk On Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 09:58:08 AM : A short podcast explains that MIT found a way to use mRNA in pills as therapy which proves that once they put it in food it will surely affect the targets. Jimmy Dore, Comedianby doug - 2023-04-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Really good interview. I never heard of him before, but will keep an eye out for him in the future. He mentioned George Carlin was an influence. All Americans Deserve a Sheriff Like Thisby doug - 2023-04-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I learned that in 2020, first year of the scamdemic. I never realized that at all. So important to have an honest one who really believes in the Constitution. And most don't want to consider our government is tyrannical which is why the 2nd amendment must be preserved now more than ever before. Sent: Monday, April 10, 2023 10:37 PM
All Americans deserve a sheriff like this Most don't know it but the Sheriff is TOP law enforcement person, above the Feds. There was a Supreme Court decision on that (and I have a booklet that told all about that) On Monday, April 10, 2023 at 10:31:45 PM : If only ... Conversation About the Dollar Collapseby doug - 2023-04-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Really important information as described by Andy from Miles Franklin in Minnesota where you can convert an IRA to precious metals or buy metals directly. He explains how we reached this point with the dollar collapse, what most other countries are doing, and what to do to protect wealth. It's going to get rocky and could start soon. Chinese Plan to Use Vax to Destroy the USAby doug - 2023-04-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It tries to force me to log in but I was able to listen. Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 5:21 PM Chinese plan to use vax to Destroy the USA This is in Chinese with subtitles. It's a FB link so I don't know if it's viewable by others: Child Predatorsby doug - 2023-04-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I agree that it's a sub-agenda as you describe. Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 2:13 PM
Child predators sure, short term but long term it's another attack on humanity and eugenics, wanting to reduce population by making people not want to have kids (but also preparing them for the pedophiles). On Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 11:04:08 AM : I think sane people should finally call it for what it is. This trans agenda is ultimately an attack on kids. Really good comments about the Bud light fiasco and related things: Invasion from the Southby steve - 2023-04-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Maybe I've watched too many spy TV shows (Nikita and Burn Notice my most favorite) but there ought to be some good guys who can do a CIA-like or KGB-like operation to get rid of the top snakes
On Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 10:08:16 PM :
Yon reporting from Panama and shows bus loads of people from all over the world on the way to the USA. The DHS is beefing up the capacity of the migration camps to get more people. He also says he is seeing the same thing happening in Europe. It's all the destabilization plans of the WEF and helpful for them to bring in their one world government scheme. I hear this footage and information is not mentioned on TV. And so it's being kept from the general public. Can anyone who only watches TV confirm this? Interesting Conversation with AIby steve - 2023-04-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]If only politicians would "shut down" when they talk out of both sides of their mouth. On Friday, April 14, 2023 at 08:36:53 AM :
ChatGPT "Does not compute" Listen to this 2nd amendment discussion with artificial intelligence and how it shut down because of its contradictory statements. Graphene in the Bioweapon Shotsby doug - 2023-04-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]That's likely the reason for it, but the effects on the body includes many of the same things vaxed victims are now suffering. Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2023 6:23 PM Graphene in the bioweapon shots and Graphene is to enable the globalists to Kontrol the sheeple with 5G On Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 06:08:20 PM : I thought the secret "killer" ingredient was the Spiked Protein in the vax On Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 04:14:39 PM : articles with a uestion mark in the title likely have no real information and contain only speculation. On 4/15/23 17:05: I didn't pay to see the document, but Karen Kingston says that according to Pfizer that's their secret ingredient. Biden is Coming for Usby steve - 2023-04-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]biden's puppeteers are in the Ukraine making a bioweapon that can eliminate people, animals, and also infect plants (but don't worry because he's not posting "mean tweets"): Really Interesting Legal Screw Upby doug - 2023-04-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Nobody in the pedo joe regime cabinet has a legally executed oath of office. Listen to the ramifications of this by famous attorney Todd Callender: CO2 & TN Gun Controlby doug - 2023-04-19 ( education / research ) [html version]2 interesting topics Looks like TN governor sold out from the trans shooter false flag. And these climate change legislators are morons which means they are very dangerous to have any legislative power. How to Choose a President (New +BN Video!)by steve - 2023-04-19 ( education / research ) [html version]He's promoting secession over getting another puppet ----- Brother Nathanael ".com" Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 at 09:49:03 PM How To Choose A President (New +BN Video!) How To Choose A President= @ Here!Mail: Brother Nathanael FoundationPO Box 547, Priest River ID 83856
PO Box 547, Priest River, 83856, US ? You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time. ?
Powered by: ? ? How to Choose a Presidentby steve - 2023-04-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]He's promoting secession over getting another puppet. Brother Nathanael < Malaria Vaccineby bill - 2023-04-20 ( education / research ) [html version]--
Do the French realize the Euro will crash before the USD? At least, according to the genius Martin Armstrong. From: Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 1:44 PM To: malaria vaccine if you've been saving up to make a big purchase, I suggest that you buy it before the MASSIVE INFLATION that many financial people are predicting when the rest of the world decides to dump the dollar and they do that by buying up all the can in the USA: France Warns of US Dollar Decline, Signals Economic Peril France Warns of US Dollar Decline, Signals Economic Peril French President Emmanuel Macron recently cautioned European countries to lower their dependence on the U.S. dol... On Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 01:42:41 PM : Exactly right, Nobody should trust these proven demons. The key with all vaccines is the trial data. In fact, they always somehow manage to do it without a placebo group. This bioweapon shot was again done with fraudulent tactics by eliminating the placebo group. So the only true control group is comprised of people too smart to take these shots. From: Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 1:29 PM To: malaria vaccine they probably still don't have one for real malaria but quickly came up with another fake one that has the same killer qualities as the "vax" to wipe out Africa and steal all the continent's wealth (but what would they do with that since there won't be people around to sell the products made from those minerals to. they're just insane and love to kill humanity, blood sacrifices to Satan) On Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 01:15:42 PM : Interesting how they did 8 years of research for this malaria vaccine, but one-tenth of that on "covid," then tried so hard to ram the covid "vax" down our throats. After 8 Years of Research Malaria Vaccine Approved in Africa --
Do the French realize the Euro will crash before the USD? At least, according to the genius Martin Armstrong.
From: <.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 1:44 PM To: ; ; <d> malaria vaccine
if you've been saving up to make a big purchase, I suggest that you buy it before the MASSIVE INFLATION that many financial people are predicting when the rest of the world decides to dump the dollar and they do that by buying up all the can in the USA: France Warns of US Dollar Decline, Signals Economic Peril
France Warns of US Dollar Decline, Signals Economic Peril French President Emmanuel Macron recently cautioned European countries to lower their dependence on the U.S. dol...
On Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 01:42:41 PM , <d> someone wrote:
Exactly right,
Nobody should trust these proven demons.
The key with all vaccines is the trial data. In fact, they always somehow manage to do it without a placebo group. This bioweapon shot was again done with fraudulent tactics by eliminating the placebo group. So the only true control group is comprised of people too smart to take these shots.
From: <.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 1:29 PM To: ; <d>; malaria vaccine
they probably still don't have one for real malaria but quickly came up with another fake one that has the same killer qualities as the "vax" to wipe out Africa and steal all the continent's wealth (but what would they do with that since there won't be people around to sell the products made from those minerals to. they're just insane and love to kill humanity, blood sacrifices to Satan)
On Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 01:15:42 PM
Interesting how they did 8 years of research for this malaria vaccine, but one-tenth of that on "covid," then tried so hard to ram the covid "vax" down our throats.
After 8 Years of Research Malaria Vaccine Approved in Africa
---- How California Electric Grid Collapses?by steve - 2023-04-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It seems to me there's a group of demonic people who hate themselves and thus hate humanity and have decided to side with Satan, probably blaming God for all their problems (leftists aren't real adults and don't take responsibility for their actions) On Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 11:17:16 AM :
See screenshot to learn how Germany is dealing with their power grid. Apparently, insanity is quite contagious and knows no borders. Plus, see how Washington state is dealing with the transgender agenda. See other screenshot. If I didn't know better, I'd think there were some nefarious characters orchestrating these things. Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 10:40 AM yes, this is INSANE. no surprise, though, since liberals aren't real adults and can't manage finance On Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 09:58:21 AM : Listen to CA future planned collapse of the power grid. Bonus -- Compton riots coming to a place near you! And Missouri attorney general acts to protect kids from the transgender agenda. Tax day - interesting commentsby doug - 2023-04-20 ( education / research ) [html version] Public Healthby doug - 2023-04-21 ( education / research ) [html version]It's all to protect us. Can't you see that? If you haven't already so, subscribe to her Substack. Here's a quote from the article I've forwarded below: "In violation of all principles of well-ordered government, the American people have been incrementally brainwashed in recent decades to believe that State public health authorities legitimately hold the authority to injure, sicken, sterilize and kill individual adults, children, infants and fetuses at will." She's so good. Catherine Austin Fitts Explains Need for State Banksby doug - 2023-04-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]For anyone paying attention, the planned banking crisis illustrates the need to create honest state banks. Deception in 2020by doug - 2023-04-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]At 2x speed, I just finished watching all four parts. It's really good and the conclusion is the roll out of the Great Reset as described and pushed by the world economic forum lead by Klaus Schwab. Here's part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 11:50 PM -- -- Deception in 2020 I don't know if this is the "worst case scenario" but I can see them trying to make dollars worthless, forcing everybody to join the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and then saying they'll zero out your account and making you unable to survive unless you accept the next "vax" (so, die from starvation or die from a vax?) On Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 10:22:59 PM : This brings back bad memories of the outrageous deceptions and why it can only be called the scamdemic if you are being honest. To some degree it was too painful to have all this hashed out again, so I put it on 2x speed to complete the hour. It's just part 1 of four parts. Maybe after 3 years people will finally be able to objectively see how the scam unfolded. But I really doubt it because they literally scared people to death and got them to line up for "vaccine" slaughter. It's really well done with proof of everything they say. But I no longer have any hopes people will wake up to the biggest scam of all time, maybe because they can't easily admit they were duped. Good news for 2nd amendmentby doug - 2023-04-22 ( education / research ) [html version] Your City of Sacramento public records request #23-1472 has been openedby doug - 2023-04-22 ( education / research ) [html version]Great ________________________________ Sent: Friday, April 21, 2023 6:24 PM Fw: To go along with the video: BREAKING: SMOKING GUN PROOF OF BIDEN'S TREASON? -- Todd Callender Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA https://www.sgtreportgold/ Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^ Attorne... I made a request for the Mayor of Sacto oath office document ----- From: City of Sacramento Records Department "" Sent: Friday, April 21, 2023 at 06:13:23 PM PDT -- Attach a non-image file and/or reply ABOVE THIS LINE with a message, and it will be sent to staff on this request. -- City of Sacramento Public Records Your record request #23-1472 has been submitted successfully. The City of Sacramento has received your public record request and will begin processing on the next business day. Within 10 days of processing, we will determine whether your request seeks disclosable records and release those records or if we require additional time to gather information and review records. Thank you, Jena Swafford Office of the City Clerk City of 915 I Street, 5th Floor New City Hall Sacramento, CA 95814 View Request 23-1472 https://cityofsacramentoca.nextrequest/requests/23-1472 As the requester, you can always see the status of your request by signing into the City of Sacramento portal. If you haven't already signed in, you may need to activate or setup your account to get started. Once your account is activated, you can communicate directly with the City of Sacramento through NextRequest. [] Reply to this email or sign in to contact City of Sacramento. Change your email settingsVisit our help center Monetary Videoby doug - 2023-04-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It's interesting to see how these tyrants manoeuvre about the chess board.
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2023 8:16 PM monetary video Tom Luongo: How the Fed is DEFENDING America against European globalist tyrants who want a ONE WORLD Orwellian currency Tom Luongo: How the Fed is DEFENDING America against European globalist ... For more updates, visit: NaturalNews videos would not be possible with... Covid Scam Part 1by doug - 2023-04-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Yes, I gave all the links in my second message. I've given up on seeing justice and these criminals losing all their ill-gotten gains, at least for the time being. Eventually they will face real justice. Here's part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2023 6:45 PM covid scam part 1 , I'm listening to part 1 (disgusting that these people aren't behind bars) and could only find part 4 Do you have links to the rest? Government Bloopers?by steve - 2023-04-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I thought "quails on cocaine" quite interesting and wondered which politician's relative was in charge of it and how much cocaine that person used for the project. In general, I think there are MANY "research" projects for politicians' relatives to enable them to get money to avoid real jobs. On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 06:18:01 PM : Pretty fun and especially ridiculous. We Finally Know the Truthby steve - 2023-04-24 ( education / research ) [html version]I found it: BARDA Joins DARPA in Examining Moderna Contracts for Disclosure Problems. A second government agency, the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), is now scrutiniz... On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 09:48:26 AM : I previously posted that there was a department behind the DOD's creation of covid but I can't find it at the moment. On Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 09:19:58 AM : Thanks to this Pfizer court case, and their motion to dismiss, it's been revealed that the DOD ordered Pfizer to create this bioweapon. This means there are no safety protocols or even any trials necessary for public safety. The vax trial was a complete scam and unnecessary, just a pretense. Fascinating discussionon YouTube Crimes Against Humanityby steve - 2023-04-25 ( education / research / conspiracies / crime ) [html version]I sent this link to my congressman with a note that since neither he nor anybody else in congress is pursuing Crimes Against Humanity for the culprits involved, it seems that he and the rest of Congress are bought off: Tuckered Outby admin - 2023-04-25 ( education / research ) [html version]Haha. I like The Babylon Bee's headline: Fox News fires the only reason anyone watches Fox News () From: Sent: Monday, April 24, 2023 4:45 PM ; -; ;; - Subject: Tuckered out Am I the first to say that? In case you like seeing the implosion of Fox news. Billionaires Behind the Transgender Movementby steve - 2023-04-26 ( education / research ) [html version]It's about eugenics, reducing the world's population and only having enough SLAVES as "needed" to Serve the "royalty." On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 07:33:07 PM : They're sure on board, but it's all part of the no gender, no natural human reproductive movement of these non-humans. Once nobody can have children, they must hope their genes are good enough for their masters to allow them to have half-human/half-AI biosynthetic Borg humans. Some will just laugh but just remember this and wait to see what happens. Sent: Monday, April 24, 2023 4:28 PM The Strykers decided they could make a lot ot of money replacing parts and hormones on millions of kids: The Strykers Reminds me of the GMO food movement: Replace nature and make a lot of money. No Oaths of Officeby doug - 2023-04-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Great! I bet he never took an oath of office and properly had it notorized, because then he can't be tried for his treason. Sent: Monday, April 24, 2023 10:03 PM I AM asking for the oath of office for Gavin. I was told which agency to ask for it. I made the official request. It's supposed to take a while. On Monday, April 24, 2023 at 10:00:10 PM : Here's more about it and what everyone can do to make a change. This could really help take back the country from the illegitimate regime running the globalist plans here and in each country. Financial Infoby doug - 2023-05-01 ( education / research ) [html version]Many interesting things mentioned, but one clever thing is that Saudi Arabia is accepting Chinese Yuan for their oil and then using that to buy gold. In effect they are selling oil for gold, but through a back door. Anyone here doesn't realize we're living in a banana republic? We Are Ready, a Worldwide Show of Solidarityby doug - 2023-05-02 ( education / research ) [html version]It suggested people hosting events in their city. Are you going to do it? On Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 10:28:22 PM : In case you haven't already heard, the globalists will have a Bilderberg meeting in Portugal on May 20th. You can share this link about what honest humans will be doing on that day. New interview downloaded - about the original messesngersby doug - 2023-05-02 ( education / research ) [html version]Hi Janis, I enjoyed that. Claire, Annie and you, all looked pretty much the same about 8 years later when I was there. It's interesting that Claire and Annie were also the senior messengers at X in Hemet when I stood watch. I'm looking forward to the next one you make. And it's surprising you have so many pictures of yourself, because I have practically zero from my years there. Janis Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2023 8:10 PMNew interview downloaded -- about the original messesngers Please like and subscribe! thanks Love Janis Latest Pfizer Secret Document Releaseby steve - 2023-05-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]so, will those demonic people ever suffer consequences?Probably not because most will continue to tell themselves it's just a "conspiracy theory" and nothing to get upset about.(I posted it to a few groups in fascistbook but my usual account is on another another 30-day "jail term" because I posted an article that told how the FBI and CIA were not good agencies and I had to use my alternate name= to post it)
On Monday, May 1, 2023 at 02:18:12 AM :
As you may have already heard, the court ordered secret Pfizer documents that the FDA wanted buried from public view for 75 years have been updated for April 2023 by Dr Naomi Wolf's team of doctors. In summary, Pfizer knew babies were getting terribly sick and dying, yet ,5 days later aggressively campaigned to get pregnant mothers and new nursing mothers to get these injections. The blatant disregard for life will be quite shocking to many, but no surprise whatsoever to those of us who have followed these corporations for years. Brace yourself for outrageous criminal behavior revealed in this video. Please share with all you know so that the entire world finally learns what's really going on. Way to Go, Joeby steve - 2023-05-04 ( education / research ) [html version]gotta get the whole world pushed to the eventual TransHuman agenda: Response&utm_term=3DEMAIL THE TRANSGENDER AGENDA / THE TRANSHUMAN AGENDA ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? THE TRANSGENDER AGENDA / THE TRANSHUMAN AGENDA Jennifer Bilek es una periodista de investigaci=C3=B3n, una feminista y una voz l=C3=ADder que realmente mira detr=C3=A1s de la... ? ? ? Silicon Valley techies are all for transhumanism because they're so weird that nobody wants to date them, let alone have sex with them! Illegal Immigrationby doug - 2023-05-04 ( education / research ) [html version]This is an inspirational message from a war correspondent speaking from the Darrien Gap in Panama. He talks about the invasion of the southern border but also places around the world where it's happening. Diseases are being spread this way, such as hepatitis. And he describes the many paths foreigners can take depending on how much money they have. The more they spend, the safer route they can take. It's affecting all parts of the USA. Nobody will be immune to this. Oregon Pro-Choice Lawmakers Fall Off Cliffby doug - 2023-05-05 ( education / research ) [html version]Maybe subconsciously they have by agreeing to the bioweapon shots. Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2023 11:01 AM -- Oregon pro-choice lawmakers fall off cliff I think I read an article about it. To me, it proves that liberalism is a mental illness (they've been taught to hate themselves and then hate humanity for the sake of "mother nature" so why don't they all just commit suicide?) On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 09:54:05 AM : They've gone bonkers, as seen in this video interview of another lawmaker trying to stop this anti-human . I couldn't watch more than 12 minutes of this complete lunacy and attack on kids and life. Behind the Scenes at Foxby steve - 2023-05-07 ( education / research ) [html version]I wonder if I have an ESG rating and what it is? (joking but the demonic ones want to spread China's "social credit" system of Chinese to the world.)
On Saturday, May 6, 2023 at 12:09:53 AM :
Very interesting report. Hope the link works for you if you don't have a subscription."> share-btn-copylink Latest from Ed Dowdby steve - 2023-05-07 ( education / research ) [html version]invest in hospitals for all the people who lost their immune systems? (that's probably what fauXi and other demonic people have been doing and will continue to do)
On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 01:18:59 AM : He crunches the latest numbers on injuries, death and disabilities in the workforce. Pretty interesting. It's going to devastate the USA as able bodies must care for this massive new group who got tricked or coerced into getting these toxic injections. And it's not even close to ending. It's a real pandemic "of the vaccinated". He gave a number that 10% are either dead or otherwise injured / maimed after these shots= preparation videoby steve - 2023-05-08 ( education / research ) [html version] Healing with ClO2 Solutionby doug - 2023-05-09 ( education / research ) [html version]This short video shows how easy it is to make your own supply of this amazingly helpful solution. Sent: Saturday, May 6, 2023 3:58 PM -- -- Healing with clo2 solution , I have a bunch of links from a friend and in one person's testimonial I got the impression that it could help . I'll forward the email with the links. From: Sent: Saturday, May 6, 2023 2:33 AM -- -- Healing with clo2 solution If you have gotten the covid shots or know anyone who has, this could be very helpful. Also a good idea to have in any emergency kit at home or in the outdoors. Just be aware that big pharma doesn't want people to know about this and the government imprisons anyone recommending its use. So you can avoid problems by just telling people to check into it and decide if it's something they are interested in. But this doctor is in Mexico and is not restricted by the FDA criminals and so is free to speak honestly about what he is finding in his practice. It could save your life in many different ways. Rachel Walensky is a MASS MURDERERby steve - 2023-05-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]
for anybody who doubts the Israel/911 connection, investigate the "dancing Israelis" and how they told how they put up their cameras ahead of 911 to "record the event" (which means they knew about it ahead of time)
On Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 09:42:18 AM :
I like both of them. And I have nothing against Jews in particular. We have Jewish ancestors. But when a group of people control most of the world, the Kazarian mafia of fake Jews for example, a real obvious conspiracy, most people will put together the dots. Just like the criminals in the Israel government, the Mosad who appear to be behind the 911 false flag and soooo much more, these criminals are bad news and trying to destroy everyone.
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 4:34 AM
= Naomi Wolf and Rob Schneider, who you probably like and agree with, are Jewish, too. So, don't fall into that trap. Group-think vs. independent thought is the real problem. = () = From: Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 4:06 AM ; Rachel Walensky is a MASS MURDERER = This topic was covered by The high Wire too. = It's probably just another coincidence that she's a Jew, right? Probably one of the fake Jews that's really a kazarian mafia member. = A prediction is that she will now land a high level job at a big pharma corporation. I'd bet on that, too. And she'll never face justice for her crimes against humanity. =
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 1:18 AM Rachel Walensky is a MASS MURDERER = There are stories of how Rachel Walensky resigned from the CDC. Here's an interview with Naomi Wolf how it was discussed how she did premeditated MURDER of children and biden is also culpable for the MURDERS. I posted it on FB and warned that if FB censors this, I hereby give warning that they will be ACCESORIES TO MURDER, if they aren't already for their censoring: = =
for anybody who doubts the Israel/911 connection, investigate the "dancing Israelis" and how they told how they put up their cameras ahead of 911 to "record the event" (which means they knew about it ahead of time)
On Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 09:42:18 AM , <d> someone wrote:
I like both of them. And I have nothing against Jews in particular. We have Jewish ancestors. But when a group of people control most of the world, the Kazarian mafia of fake Jews for example, a real obvious conspiracy, most people will put together the dots. Just like the criminals in the Israel government, the Mosad who appear to be behind the 911 false flag and soooo much more, these criminals are bad news and trying to destroy everyone. Sacramento <.com> Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 4:34 AM <.com>; <.com>; <com>; <.com>; <>; <@>
Naomi Wolf and Rob Schneider, who you probably like and agree with, are Jewish, too. So, don't fall into that trap. Group-think vs. independent thought is the real problem.
From: Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 4:06 AM
; Rachel Walensky is a MASS MURDERER
This topic was covered by The high Wire too.
It's probably just another coincidence that she's a Jew, right? Probably one of the fake Jews that's really a kazarian mafia member.
A prediction is that she will now land a high level job at a big pharma corporation. I'd bet on that, too. And she'll never face justice for her crimes against humanity.
<.com> Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 1:18 AM <.com>; <.com>; <com>; <.com>; <>; <@>
There are stories of how Rachel Walensky resigned from the CDC. Here's an interview with Naomi Wolf how it was discussed how she did premeditated MURDER of children and biden is also culpable for the MURDERS. I posted it on FB and warned that if FB censors this, I hereby give warning that they will be ACCESORIES TO MURDER, if they aren't already for their censoring:
-- RFK Jr. Conversation with Russell Brand, 21 Minutesby doug - 2023-05-16 ( education / research ) [html version]Fascinating information (I think some is actually new) about the CIA killing JFK. Interesting Interview with Jason Bermasby steve - 2023-05-18 ( education / research / conspiracies / movies-tv-video ) [html version]He's made some interesting movies (if this is the same guy). I'll look at the link later. Episode 380: The Ripple Effect Podcast (Jason Bermas: The Future Of Humanity: Hopeful Or Hopeless?) On Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 01:19:00 AM I never heard of this person before (Jason Bermas) but he is on top of everything and has lots of interesting things to say. article about DeSantis bowing to zionistsby steve - 2023-05-18 ( education / research ) [html version]Did Fauci Watch the Nikita TV Show?by steve - 2023-05-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]No. We're watching it and that's what I have.
On Friday, May 19, 2023 at 12:02:59 AM :
Got a handy link?
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2023 8:27 PM Did Fauci watch the Nikita TV show= Nikita Season 4, 5th disk, first episode ('wanted') has a nanotoxin bioweapon that is activated by a satellite (kind of like 5G) Accept It or Starve?by doug - 2023-05-20 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]She's Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea who is also on Substack. Her interview starts about the 11min mark. You can use 2x speed to get to the interview, if you want. It's hydrogel. Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2023 2:30 PM
accept it or starve? Ann something, but I'll find out more. She works with other honest people like Katherine Watt. Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2023 12:48 PM
accept it or starve? I'd like to know more about the credibility of that woman On Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 11:33:53 AM : Wow, excellent report. It makes me so furious that these psycho people are doing this. Yesterday I watched a video interview on Jeffrey Prather where this lady doctor and researcher reported her findings comparing vaxed blood (specifically fake covid vax) with purebloods and she says both show the same synthetic plastic stuff that was mistaken as graphene. I'll have to listen to it again, but it was bombshell info and she'll likely be appearing on many more shows. She says there are no purebloods. Period. We're either getting this sh-t from chemtrails or food supply. There is no question that everyone must be detoxing and she mentioned something specific that clears it, even for people who willingly injected it. This seems like it will enrage people to the extreme. And it confirms yet again how important it is to produce your own food, plus don't trust store bought food. Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2023 10:39 AM accept it or starve? the chinese have figured out how to give vaqxes through FOOD. This is SCARY to me:"> 3DEnews&etv-2023-05-14&utm_medium=3Demail&est=3DCxaO6dj%2BaZWcGbOBi2V0S5zoYvQofupDEwqSU1rwPdIVV4rHtYCzAms2CnpU3w= ESG Reportby doug - 2023-05-21 ( education / research ) [html version]Don't know what that means? Criminal banksters, like JP Morgan Chase, are pushing their insane agenda and corporations need investment capital from these banksters and are willing to lose a percentage of their customers when they do the crazy sh-t like push the transgender agenda in order to qualify for the investment money they need. In essence, this is how the whole world is manipulated by insane lunatics. This man explains how it works, plus much more. Immigration graphby doug - 2023-05-21 ( education / research ) [html version]Fascinating to see. Interesting New Techby doug - 2023-05-22 ( education / research / tech ) [html version]I don't understand how it's done, just understand what it'll accomplish which is a way to avoid all possible censorship by big tech. As corporations tighten the screws on anyone with a brain, more and more of the existing ways to be online will stop working. Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2023 7:47 PM
Interesting new tech I'm listening to it and listened to 24 minutes already, and I'm lost. I know NOTHING about blockchains and such and that's talked about a LOT. I'll listen to the rest and see if I can understand it. On Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 06:24:53 PM : You might find this really interesting Another Conspiracyby doug - 2023-05-22 ( education / research ) [html version]It seems pretty certain that the deep state is attacking outspoken doctors and people in the alternative health care space by using bioweapons. I've heard comments for several years now from these outspoken people. They attend an event and very soon their health takes a drastic dive. Now one such person has died pretty young and very suspiciously. By me spreading the word I might be doing exactly what these creeps want -- sewing fear. But by now people should realize we're at war (5th generation war where there are no formal declarations) between the global cabal and regular humans. Rather than let this type of attack scare you, just realize what's going on and know how to remain in top health. Like our ancestors before us, were living in dangerous times. It's just a fact. But don't let it affect your attitude and outlook on life. You can become your own worst enemy by simply changing your own viewpoint. But it also means you can instead be your own best friend by changing your viewpoint. It's all just a matter of perception. Quebec Military Tribunalby doug - 2023-05-23 ( education / research ) [html version]Good to hear, but the question is always whether anyone is punished. Like the Durham results, he proved crimes left and right, in your face stuff, and the criminals just are laughing and thinking what is anyone going to do about it? Sent: Monday, May 22, 2023 9:59 AMFw: The Quebec Military Tribunal is announcing its first Assembly for the Hearings on the covid-19 medical fraud and the worldwide Coup d'état which will be presented on from June 2 to 4, 2023. I hope they go after Trudeau Sent: Monday, May 22, 2023 at 09:37:02 AM The Quebec Military Tribunal is announcing its first Assembly for the Hearings on the covid-19 medical fraud and the worldwide Coup d'état which will be presented on from June 2 to 4, 2023. [QUEBEC] The Quebec Military Tribunal is announcing its first Assembly for the Hearings on the covid-19 medical fraud and the worldwide Coup d'état which will be presented on from June 2 to 4, 2023.95 Hearings of the Quebec Military and popular Tribunal against Pfizer, Moderna and the accomplices of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity on June 2-4 2023 The two goals of the hearings are: 1. Inform the population on the details of the covid-19 psychological terrorist attack and the dangers of the biological weapons referred to as covid-19 vaccine, 2. Invite the population to vote for the issuance of the arrest warrants against the coconspirators complicit in Genocide and Crimes against Humanity. The list of defendants and the schedule can be found at: Or in French at: Judges, lawyers, veterans, medical experts and scientific fraud investigators will present their testimonies, like these special guests: Major General (Ret) Paul E. Vallely, Sheriff Richard Mack, Todd Callender, Nick Mancuso, Benjamin Fulford, Ann Vandersteel, judges from the International Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice, and more. The tickets to attend the Live event on the Web are available on the new channel: Thank you for your participation. The Team Quebec Military Tribunal Quebec Military Tribunal announcing its first Assembly for Hearings on the Covid-19 Responseby doug - 2023-05-23 ( education / research ) [html version]Good to hear, but the question is always whether anyone is punished. Like the Durham results, he proved crimes left and right, in your face stuff, and the criminals just are laughing and thinking what is anyone going to do about it? Sent: Monday, May 22, 2023 9:59 AM The Quebec Military Tribunal is announcing its first Assembly for the Hearings on the covid-19 medical fraud and the worldwide Coup d'état which will be presented on from June 2 to 4, 2023.95 Hearings of the Quebec Military and popular Tribunal against Pfizer, Moderna and the accomplices of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity on June 2-4 2023 The two goals of the hearings are: 1. Inform the population on the details of the covid-19 psychological terrorist attack and the dangers of the biological weapons referred to as covid-19 vaccine, 2. Invite the population to vote for the issuance of the arrest warrants against the coconspirators complicit in Genocide and Crimes against Humanity. The list of defendants and the schedule can be found at: Or in French at: Judges, lawyers, veterans, medical experts and scientific fraud investigators will present their testimonies, like these special guests: Major General (Ret) Paul E. Vallely, Sheriff Richard Mack, Todd Callender, Nick Mancuso, Benjamin Fulford, Ann Vandersteel, judges from the International Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice, and more. The tickets to attend the Live event on the Web are available on the new channel: Thank you for your participation. More Hopium?by doug - 2023-05-25 ( education / research ) [html version]White Hats in the military are surely coming to protect us. I feel so relieved now. How can anyone keep believing this forever?! Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 11:31 AM more Hopium? "Nazi Bushes, Warren Buffet On Notice, SCARE EVENT, Ol' Joe Going Down!" Ep. 16 [5/10/23] "Nazi Bushes, Warren Buffet On Notice, SCARE EVENT, Ol' Joe Going Down!"... Our Sponsor tonight 4Patriots. Go to and use code BRAD to get 10% off your first purch... The Anthrax Deception (2014)by doug - 2023-05-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Boy, he's really on top of it. Since I'm still registered as a democrat, I'm definitely going to vote for him. It's laughable to think pedo joe could survive a debate with RFK Jr, so the only option his controllers have is to act like he doesn't exist. Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 12:38 AM yeah, I already had that video. Here's another article: RFK Jr. Says CIA Is Connected to 2001 Anthrax Attacks On Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 12:02:25 AM : Very good podcast from 2014 about a book giving the background of the anthrax attacks after 9/11. It seems to me 9/11 and the subsequent anthrax scare was mainly to pass the Patriot Act that was a major advance towards the police state we see ever more developed today. Of course, it was also very convenient that the military industrial complex made enormous profits from all the countries the US military invaded. Isn't war just great? Read on Corbett Report Substack Sent: Friday, May 19, 2023 3:11 PM In his new book "The 2001 Anthrax Deception," Dr. Graeme MacQueen, co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies, lays out the case for a domestic conspiracy in the 2001 anthrax attacks in the US. In this conversation, James and Graeme discuss the context in which these attacks happened, the way they were portrayed by the government and the mainstream media, their ultimate effect, and the voluminous evidence that disproves the FBI's assertion that the attacks were the work of Dr. Bruce Ivins. What is An Antisemite?by steve - 2023-05-25 ( education / research / history ) [html version]First of all, "antisemite" is a ridiculous term.
The true antisemites (you know, the ones who created Israel and worked with Hitler on the "transfer agreement") call anybody an antisemite if they're against any one of those four.
So, they'll accuse me but not them of being "antisemitic."
Does anybody lump all those together? Big Time Wrestlingby steve - 2023-05-29 ( education / research / sports / wrestling ) [html version]There's a professional wrestler at church and I chatted with him today. "Are the matches choreographed?" Kind of but not totally. The ref has a microphone and kind of does the choreographing as the match goes on. He caters to the crowd to get them to react. Maybe one person is to do great and beat up some bad guy but maybe the bad guy is to do something underhanded to get the crowd to hate the bad guy even more. "Do they decide who will get the championship belt?" They like to give it to the "work horses" who work well for the industry. They aren't likely to give it to somebody who will quit after getting it and save it as a souvenir. I don't remember the guy's professional name. It's something religious. He just got back from Nashville, wrestling there for a week. Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2023 4:58 PM I think I remembered his name, something like "Righteous Ron" On Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 02:45:26 PM Interesting. Thanks. Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2023 12:40 PM People might not realize that it takes great skill and strength to perform what they do. FBI Questioned by Congressby doug - 2023-05-31 ( education / research ) [html version]Yes, that must have been pretty awkward for her, but her answer confirmed she is a complete sellout scumbag. Sent: Monday, May 29, 2023 8:09 PM -- -- FBI questioned by Congress she can't admit to being 'torn" about how the FBI has gone down the toilet because she wants to continue getting more promotions (and not getting FIRED) On Monday, May 29, 2023 at 05:31:04 PM : Great show, but the best we can expect is to sway public opinion, since we live in the Banana Republic of America."> 3Dshare-btn-copylink Say No to Prostate Testingby doug - 2023-06-01 ( education / research / health / conspiracies ) [html version]5-Part Series for Building a Shedby doug - 2023-06-02 ( education / research / survival ) [html version]Maybe you will find this interesting. I'll probably do something like this soon, except I'll pour a concrete foundation and run electricity, and insulation for a laundry room and workshops. Plus I'll have windows for natural lighting. New Documentary Released Todayby doug - 2023-06-05 ( education / research / conspiracies / movies-tv-video ) [html version]It's part 3 but stands as a separate entity -- The Great Awakening. Not what I expected at all, but I highly recommend it and it may bring you to tears as it did for me. Wow, so good! Featuring above all others is the famous G. Edward Griffin, the author of the story revealing what the banksters did in The Creature From Jekyll Island which is vital to understand what happened in that secret meeting. I know some who receive this will immediately Google his name and it's no surprise Wikipedia calls him a conspiracy theorist to discredit him. If you watch this documentary you will fully understand exactly why it's necessary for him to be so discredited by those in power. This link includes red carpet interviews which might be interesting for some, but the actual documentary starts about the 1 hour and 29 minute mark. It might be because millions around the world were watching it at the same time and this probably won't be an issue when you watch it, but it often froze up and I had to reload it maybe 10 times and try to restart where I left off. His first documentary of the series has been viewed by over a billion people and is the most watched documentary of all time, I've heard. Eugenics Documentaryby steve - 2023-06-10 ( education / research / conspiracies / movies-tv-video ) [html version]Here's an issue where the democrats actually have it right: The Occupation (Remastered 2023) -- ny Punish Dedicated to Al-Nakba and the Millions of Displaced Indigenous Peoples lost at the hands of Euro Colonists posing... On Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 11:44:42 PM : and as I've pointed out::= Zionist Jewish Israelis are the Worst Anti-Semites, and these Jews agree with me: On Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 11:41:07 PM : As it says, "war is a way for the lesser to die for the rich" (and those are the folks that covid is meant to eliminate and so many just aren't wise enough to see it (as decorated General Smedley Butler said, "War is a racket". The banksters tried to get him to help overthrow the gov't but he went to the gov't to rat on them but the gov't didn't do anything) On Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 01:31:44 AM : Really good documentary (a bit quirky) about the origins of the eugenics movement and Rockefeller medicine in the 1800s. I watched to minute 42 so far. This is a great way to see the big picture and if everyone would watch it, we might finally unite rather than divide. On TubiTV. Please share with everyone. Who is in Control?by steve - 2023-06-12 ( education / research / conspiracies / politics ) [html version]Excellent. I didn't know he's running for president. And I stopped watching him after I got off Fascistbook and YouTube where he seems to spend most of his time. Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2023 9:27 AMwho is in Kontrol Dr SHIVA Exposes The System of the Elites -- HOW the Few Control the Many -- What WE Do to Break Free Dr SHIVA Exposes The System of the Elites -- HOW the Few Control the Many #1 country song? (catchy and true)by doug - 2023-06-13 ( education / research ) [html version]I just heard about it today. YouTube has been falsely reducing the views, so it has broken the million views mark many different times, according to the artist. Here's the song: It reached the top of iTunes as of mid-March. And the artist was interviewed on this show which I found was interesting: FBI Whistleblowerby steve - 2023-06-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Of course, the media will put their leftist slant on the "alleged" whatever. I had a silly thought. Maybe Joe is the brains behind it all, even allowing Obama to play president first and he's having a ball pretending to be a doofus! (Of course, kamala is NOT pretending, truly being a doofus) On Monday, June 12, 2023 at 01:39:38 PM : But don't you think that's the plan of the deep state? Then we'll have donkey face heels up Harris as the next illegitimate POTUS? Best to see someone at the lower levels tried for treason to oil the gears, then pedo joe can be next in 2025. But I don't see anyone of these criminals facing justice for a while. If we can ever again have a legitimate election things will be worked out. Until then, people should prepare to leave this corrupt system and create a parallel society. Make sure you spend money at places not beholden to the corporate woke agenda and crash the businesses of these satanic assholes. Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 10:48 AM FBI whistleblower= I just saw an interview with another whistleblower and he had the FACTS (he was there) about the criminality of Joe and Hunter Biden in regard to Burisma oil. It ought to get joe IMPEACHED for CRIMES! It was posted on FB by somebody so I can't pass along a link to it YET. On Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 10:26:03 PM : This is a very interesting story. He went into witness protection but that didn't protect him. What he is trying to report will explode the federal government. We need more brave people like that. Now he's running for Congress for West so as to affect change. He says corruption in the FBI runs deep -- not just the top. How They Did Itby doug - 2023-06-14 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]And how they plan to do it again, to all who still believe their narrative. Remember, the covid scamdemic was just part 1, maybe to see who will believe anything they say. Really good interview of a mama bear from CA who has chosen to stay and fight. She has really interesting things to share from her research. You might think you know it, but there's some details I think will be new to even people closely paying attention. bitcoinby doug - 2023-06-17 ( education / research ) [html version]I'm hearing about crypto currency attacks by our criminal rogue government, but not sure what this means. Adams pays close attention to this type of thing so I'll wait to hear his interpretation of this. He's saying that Bitcoin is a great on-ramp to crypto, then easily convert it to Monero or soon an even better one. ________________________________ Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2023 6:15 PM I don't understand this but I don't think it's good: Pfizer Documentby steve - 2023-06-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]just got a new book and it has results of studies with Ivermectin and it sounds incredible as to how well it beats covid (but, of course, it was all covered up or the bad guys "tested" it by giving people 100 times the recommended dose so it hurt the subject)
On Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 10:33:39 PM : I hope people will want to know the truth, but people who have accepted the shots may be too scared to know the truth and just want to hide their head in the sand. Lucky for them, I'm hearing great success with treatment to combat the toxins in the bioweapon shots. Maybe not a permanent solution but people are recovering some degree of former health by various therapies.
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2023 6:44 PM Pfizer document= In case anybody wants the TRUTH that Pfizer even admitted to as to how BAD their vax is: Interesting article about Trumpby steve - 2023-06-18 ( education / research ) [html version]Maybe the biggest surprise to me was that the two groups fighting to Kontrol the USA (world) were both corporate. Neocons against Trump (who had the zionists with him) Pharma Whistleblower from Ukraineby doug - 2023-06-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Excellent interview explaining the command structure of the shots. And finally a clear explanation of their variability. No speculation, just documented facts"> 3Dshare-btn-copylink Aliens, South Pole, 1952 surrender to Nazis, etcby doug - 2023-06-22 ( education / research ) [html version] Whistleblowers Expose Human Sex Trafficking at US Borderby steve - 2023-06-30 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Not long. Eye-opening. American cartels are the real problem. Mexican cartels are a diversion. And the FBI is behind much of it. From Arizona to New Hampshire, corruption is complete. Read, listen or watch the rest here: Watch on Bitchute On Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 04:17:56 PM : They need to show they're a Biden and then the FBI and DOJ will protect them. I found it disturbing how illegal immigrants pay $1000 a month to the cartel and $300 penalty if late, or if they don't pay the cartel kills their family back home. Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 11:28 AM Mexican cartels work with the American cartels to EnSLAVE the people, making them too docile to pay attention and resist Best Information About RFK Jrby doug - 2023-07-01 ( education / research / civics / politics ) [html version]New book. And this guy is interviewed about it. I think he'd (RFK JR.) make a very good president and plan to donate to his campaign by tomorrow, which is the deadline at this stage. Phoenix Nowby doug - 2023-07-01 ( education / research / cities / phoenix ) [html version]Having lived there, I remember it well at the Capitol building. We have pictures of us picking oranges from the many trees right at the Capitol. Listen to this absolute horror now. Thanks to the fascist regime in control, especially the depopulation agenda, it's clear why this is happening in Phoenix and many large Democrat-run cities nowadays. Maybe the single worst factor contributing to the societal collapse is the cartels running things there now. Exposing How Christian Churches Participate In And Facilitate Human Sex Trafficking Sent: Friday, June 30, 2023 1:51 AM Yes, I'm sure that plays a part in what's going on there. On Friday, June 30, 2023 at 01:47:31 AM : I still haven't watched it yet but it's probably tied in with the governor election fraud. Sent: Friday, June 30, 2023 12:10 AM It goes way beyond the title of trafficking. On Thursday, June 29, 2023 at 11:53:32 PM : I haven't watched it yet but I know somebody who used to fight sex trafficking in Phoenix. Maybe she'll respond to it. Food Forests - food abundanceby doug - 2023-07-18 ( education / research ) [html version]Wow, this is amazing. Growing a huge percentage of your food anywhere. He calls himself a food harvester instead of a farmer because very little must be done. This can change the world, he says. This is how to deal with conspiracy theoristsby doug - 2023-07-20 ( education / research ) [html version] Climate Insanityby steve - 2023-07-21 ( education / research ) [html version]biden is thinking of cooling the planet: earth is in a COOLING period: don't fall for the insanity that will reduce food production and STARVE HUMANITY (another eugenics attack by those demonic people who HATE HUMANITY): Federal reserveby steve - 2023-07-22 ( education / research ) [html version]this looks like more Fed Kontrol/spying on our lives. I wrote to my credit union and told them that before they join up, they ought to query us OWNERS of the credit union if we want to join: Moderna crimesby doug - 2023-07-25 ( education / research ) [html version]Yup, but at least the general population should realize it. And we're not at that point yet. Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2023 8:09 AM- -- Moderna crimes they (fauXi, gates & walenski) knew it all along so they ought to be jailed for the deaths but they won't because the DOJ is owned by the same demonic people On Sunday, July 23, 2023 at 07:23:34 AM : All the court-ordered Pfizer trial documents prove their toxic injections are crimes against humanity. Now it's Moderna's turn. Can anyone still believe anything these demons in the government and media say? =91Serious Doubt' About covid-19 Vaccine Safety After Forced Release of 15,000 Pages of Clinical Trial Data: Legal NGO"> 3Dref_share&navigator&rs=3DSHRCQSSR& From 1996 - Must Listen (Very Short)by doug - 2023-07-25 ( education / research ) [html version]He nailed it. But also listen to what Catherine Austin Fitts says next Fitts and Wolf - great discussionby steve - 2023-07-30 ( education / research ) [html version]great!
On Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 06:30:09 PM : Gets into ivy league corruption and so much more. Catherine Austin Fitts / Naomi Wolf. The Real Reason for the 2008 Financial Crashby doug - 2023-07-31 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The real reason for it. Really interesting stuff. Help wanted everywhereby doug - 2023-08-01 ( education / research ) [html version]Why are there so many job vacancies? This investor is gathering the data but nobody in government is willing to explain it. And it will lead to collapse and deflation. PMAs, one solution to govt. tyrannyby doug - 2023-08-02 ( education / research ) [html version]Can't buy raw milk? Can't receive health care without taking the suicide shot? Very interesting solution. FBI arrests pedophilesby steve - 2023-08-05 ( education / research ) [html version]Here's the synopses of my stories. They's on Amazon. I'm working on Part 3, which is future, which takes more ceativity/imagination: Control of the Islandsynopsis: A few people to go an unmarked island in the Bermuda Triangle to doDNA research. The original reason was to bring back ancient animals but thegovernment gets the research to move toward using mRNA to create supersoldiers. The clients for the super soldiers love to frolic in the casino thathas enslaved women who are later rescued. = For Control of Oz Part 1 synopsis: A guy, Ken, comes to meetsome people interested in studying 'conspiracies'. Along the way, he becameacquainted with women being trafficked. He ended up put in jail because he knewtoo much. = For Control of Oz part 2 synopsis: Ken got help to flee thepolice from Part 1 to go to Sedona, Arizona where he met another guyinterested in 'conspiracies'. Again, Ken learned of women trafficked and theytried to help free the women. During that time, the Scamdemic hit the worldwith everybody afraid of the covid virus with the accompanying restrictions andit ended up that he and those who freed him from the jail in Part 1 felt a needto go to Mexicoto escape the insanity.
On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:58:11 AM : We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe. On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote: in my story series, they go after traffickers
On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM : Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe. With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit? Screenshot= I find articles every day. Here's two of them (to be ignored because they're TOO SCARY to deal with): Shocking New Study: mRNA covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens of Millions of People Shocking New Study: mRNA covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens o... Originally published by The Daily Sceptic All links to previous Gospa News articles have been added aftermath fo... Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal Aidan Wondracz Mr Gates told the Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney On Monday that political leaders needed to set aside their... On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 10:18:48 PM : It's so baffling how people can't see any of the million red flags of trouble ahead. The mind control is so astonishingly excellent that it's pure evil genius. I try to pick things that have a decent chance to make someone addicted to gaslight media take a step back and create a tiny crack in their bizarre reality. Maybe we've already had some success and they are too stubborn to admit it. Just can't tell and at this point they won't realize anything about this global scam until their dying day. It's hard to tell if people are really ever going to wake up. At least we're trying our best to help them. Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 8:56 PM Cc: -- - FBI arrests pedophiles= There are people who are competent to deal with life and those who aren't and know it. The incompetent need a "daddy" to "hold their hand".There are two "higher power" choices, government and God.Those who don't believe in God are left to trust their lives to the government and thus they can't= dare to believe that their "daddy" HATES THEM and wants to KILL THEM by creating perennial wars or disease.(The super rich consider themselves to be God and want to be treated as royalty and have IONS of servants/slaves/serfs to make it so the super rich don't have to work. Then there's the military that the super rich want around to protect themselves from the "lesser" humanity)What makes me kind of laugh is that so many puppets (the media and hollywood and ...) think that there will be a place for them to live royally but there won't be a use for them much longer and they'll be expected to grovel like the other "lessers". On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 07:53:09 PM : Yea, we need more conspiracy theories because all the previous ones have been proven to be true. As they say about horses, can't make them drink. Too bad people are so deliberately blind and dumb. Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 5:26 PM Cc: Valerie -- - FBI arrests pedophiles= yeah, gotta ignore all that "conspiracy" stuff, especially when joe's daughter is saying it: ASHLEY BIDEN CONFIRMED DIARY WAS HERS -- SAYS SHE WOULD SHOWER LATE AT NIGHT TO PREVENT JOE FROM JOINING HER On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 03:59:44 PM : , I'm afraid all that conspiracy stuff is actually coming from my brothers. I just delete it without reading it. On Aug 4, 2023, at 1:01 PM: On Aug 4, 2023, at 11:38 AM: Hi Valerie I assume we are related somehow....nice to meet you. Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more. In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER -- believe me, I've tried. I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox -- sigh. I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are. Best of luck, " ?= ?= @--Analytics-Automation-. . Solved=C2=AE On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM @ someone wrote: OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! Get Outlook for iOS Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM Cc: -- - FBI arrests pedophiles= We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe. On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote: in my story series, they go after traffickers On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM : Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe. With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit? Screenshot= was quick to respond with that other email. Yeah, no surprise. He's part of the "1%" (no jealousy and more power to him for getting there) and life is blissful and no reason to look at what is going on the 99%.So it seems, he's not to aware of or doesn't want to see these things in the 99% world:President is a pedophile, showered with his daughter, has dementia and got MILLIONS= of dollars from foreign governments with his son, Hunter, and had others in his family involved.VP who can't seem to speak intelligent English.Tens of thousands of homeless, some due to poor life choices but many because they were evicted because inflation has gotten so high or they= lost their jobs because the Scamdemic caused so many businesses to close.People still wearing masks because they're still in FEAR from a fake virus and so afraid= that they're still taking "boosters" that even Pfizer's documents say are HARMFUL. (see attached= document).Millions coming across the OPEN border (including proven terrorists) because those in charge destroyed the financial system of countries south of us.Then there's George Soros who has thrown MILLIONS of dollars into campaigns of people who seem to not believe in people getting consequences (and now LA country has decided that the police need not bother to jail people for "petty" crimes as theft, ASSAULT, and so many more). Yeah, Ignorance is Bliss for the 1% so don't dare try to EDUCATE THEM!
On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:50:53 AM
, Pretty bizarre/paranoid email. "setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox"?Though "ignorance is bliss" for so many, we educated ones have hope that some of those ignorant just might decide that all the EVIDENCE that the country and world are going to hell might get them to pay attention. (sigh) On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:38:06 AM
Hi Valerie I assume we are related somehow....nice to meet you. Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more. In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER -- believe me, I've tried. I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox -- sigh. I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are. Best of luck, " |= |= @--Analytics-Automation-. . Solved=C2=AE On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM someone wrote: OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! = Get Outlook for iOS Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM Cc: -- -- = We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe. On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote: in my story series, they go after traffickers On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe. With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit? Screenshot=
was quick to respond with that other email. Yeah, no surprise. He's part of the "1%" (no jealousy and more power to him for getting there) and life is blissful and no reason to look at what is going on the 99%.So it seems, he's not to aware of or doesn't want to see these things in the 99% world:President is a pedophile, showered with his daughter, has dementia and got MILLIONS= of dollars from foreign governments with his son, Hunter, and had others in his family involved.VP who can't seem to speak intelligent English.Tens of thousands of homeless, some due to poor life choices but many because they were evicted because inflation has gotten so high or they= lost their jobs because the Scamdemic caused so many businesses to close.People still wearing masks because they're still in FEAR from a fake virus and so afraid= that they're still taking "boosters" that even Pfizer's documents say are HARMFUL. (see attached= document).Millions coming across the OPEN border (including proven terrorists) because those in charge destroyed the financial system of countries south of us.Then there's George Soros who has thrown MILLIONS of dollars into campaigns of people who seem to not believe in people getting consequences (and now LA country has decided that the police need not bother to jail people for "petty" crimes as theft, ASSAULT, and so many more). Yeah, Ignorance is Bliss for the 1% so don't dare try to EDUCATE THEM!
On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:50:53 AM
, Pretty bizarre/paranoid email. "setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox"?Though "ignorance is bliss" for so many, we educated ones have hope that some of those ignorant just might decide that all the EVIDENCE that the country and world are going to hell might get them to pay attention. (sigh) On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:38:06 AM
Hi Valerie I assume we are related somehow....nice to meet you. Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more. In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER -- believe me, I've tried. I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox -- sigh. I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are. Best of luck, " |= |= @--Analytics-Automation-. . Solved=C2=AE On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM someone wrote: OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! = Get Outlook for iOS Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM Cc: -- -- = We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe. On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote: in my story series, they go after traffickers On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe. With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit? Screenshot=
was quick to respond with that other email. Yeah, no surprise. He's part of the "1%" (no jealousy and more power to him for getting there) and life is blissful and no reason to look at what is going on the 99%.So it seems, he's not to aware of or doesn't want to see these things in the 99% world:President is a pedophile, showered with his daughter, has dementia and got MILLIONS= of dollars from foreign governments with his son, Hunter, and had others in his family involved.VP who can't seem to speak intelligent English.Tens of thousands of homeless, some due to poor life choices but many because they were evicted because inflation has gotten so high or they= lost their jobs because the Scamdemic caused so many businesses to close.People still wearing masks because they're still in FEAR from a fake virus and so afraid= that they're still taking "boosters" that even Pfizer's documents say are HARMFUL. (see attached= document).Millions coming across the OPEN border (including proven terrorists) because those in charge destroyed the financial system of countries south of us.Then there's George Soros who has thrown MILLIONS of dollars into campaigns of people who seem to not believe in people getting consequences (and now LA country has decided that the police need not bother to jail people for "petty" crimes as theft, ASSAULT, and so many more). Yeah, Ignorance is Bliss for the 1% so don't dare try to EDUCATE THEM!
On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:50:53 AM
, Pretty bizarre/paranoid email. "setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox"?Though "ignorance is bliss" for so many, we educated ones have hope that some of those ignorant just might decide that all the EVIDENCE that the country and world are going to hell might get them to pay attention. (sigh) On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:38:06 AM
Hi Valerie I assume we are related somehow....nice to meet you. Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more. In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER -- believe me, I've tried. I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox -- sigh. I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are. Best of luck, " |= |= @--Analytics-Automation-. . Solved=C2=AE On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM someone wrote: OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! = Get Outlook for iOS Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM Cc: -- -- = We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe. On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote: in my story series, they go after traffickers On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe. With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit? Screenshot=
is the FACT that they found a BIOLAB near Fresno a conspiracy theory?
On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 05:57:56 AM
It's likely a case that people don't want to know the true status of their health: "The vaccinated people did not show obvious signs of heart damage. But when researchers ran blood tests three days after the jabs, they found high levels of troponin, a protein the heart releases when it is injured, in many recipients."
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 10:36 PM Cc: -- -- = I find articles every day. Here's two of them (to be ignored because they're TOO SCARY to deal with): Shocking New Study: mRNA covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens of Millions of People | | | | | | |
Shocking New Study: mRNA covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens o... Originally published by The Daily Sceptic All links to previous Gospa News articles have been added aftermath fo... | | | Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal | | | | | | |
Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal Aidan Wondracz Mr Gates told the Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney On Monday that political leaders needed to set aside their... | | | On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 10:18:48 PM It's so baffling how people can't see any of the million red flags of trouble ahead. The mind control is so astonishingly excellent that it's pure evil genius. I try to pick things that have a decent chance to make someone addicted to gaslight media take a step back and create a tiny crack in their bizarre reality. Maybe we've already had some success and they are too stubborn to admit it. Just can't tell and at this point they won't realize anything about this global scam until their dying day. It's hard to tell if people are really ever going to wake up. At least we're trying our best to help them.
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 8:56 PM Cc: -- -- = There are people who are competent to deal with life and those who aren't and know it. The incompetent need a "daddy" to "hold their hand".There are two "higher power" choices, government and God.Those who don't believe in God are left to trust their lives to the government and thus they can't= dare to believe that their "daddy" HATES THEM and wants to KILL THEM by creating perennial wars or disease.(The super rich consider themselves to be God and want to be treated as royalty and have BILLIONS of servants/slaves/serfs to make it so the super rich don't have to work. Then there's the military that the super rich want around to protect themselves from the "lesser" humanity)What makes me kind of laugh is that so many puppets (the media and hollywood and ...) think that there will be a place for them to live royally but there won't be a use for them much longer and they'll be expected to grovel like the other "lessers". On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 07:53:09 PM Yea, we need more conspiracy theories because all the previous ones have been proven to be true. As they say about horses, can't make them drink. Too bad people are so deliberately blind and dumb.
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 5:26 PM Cc: Valerie -- -- = yeah, gotta ignore all that "conspiracy" stuff, especially when joe's daughter is saying it: ASHLEY BIDEN CONFIRMED DIARY WAS HERS -- SAYS SHE WOULD SHOWER LATE AT NIGHT TO PREVENT JOE FROM JOINING HER On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 03:59:44 PM , I'm afraid all that conspiracy is stuff is actually coming from my brothers. = I just delete it without reading it. On Aug 4, 2023, at 1:01 PM Hi , = = Are you saying that many of these emails in this group that communicate conspiracy beliefs on just about everything, are not coming from my cousins as the senders? = = That would be a welcome revelation =F0=9F=A7=90 On Aug 4, 2023, at 11:38 AM
Hi Valerie I assume we are related somehow....nice to meet you. Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more. In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER -- believe me, I've tried. I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox -- sigh. I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are. Best of luck, " |= |= @--Analytics-Automation-. . Solved=C2=AE On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM someone wrote: OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! = Get Outlook for iOS Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM Cc: -- -- = We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe. On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM wrote: in my story series, they go after traffickers On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe. With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit? Screenshot=
was quick to respond with that other email. Yeah, no surprise. He's part of the "1%" (no jealousy and more power to him for getting there) and life is blissful and no reason to look at what is going on the 99%.So it seems, he's not to aware of or doesn't want to see these things in the 99% world:President is a pedophile, showered with his daughter, has dementia and got MILLIONS= of dollars from foreign governments with his son, Hunter, and had others in his family involved.VP who can't seem to speak intelligent English.Tens of thousands of homeless, some due to poor life choices but many because they were evicted because inflation has gotten so high or they= lost their jobs because the Scamdemic caused so many businesses to close.People still wearing masks because they're still in FEAR from a fake virus and so afraid= that they're still taking "boosters" that even Pfizer's documents say are HARMFUL. (see attached= document).Millions coming across the OPEN border (including proven terrorists) because those in charge destroyed the financial system of countries south of us.Then there's George Soros who has thrown MILLIONS of dollars into campaigns of people who seem to not believe in people getting consequences (and now LA country has decided that the police need not bother to jail people for "petty" crimes as theft, ASSAULT, and so many more). Yeah, Ignorance is Bliss for the 1% so don't dare try to EDUCATE THEM!
On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:50:53 AM , someone wrote: , Pretty bizarre/paranoid email. "setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox"?Though "ignorance is bliss" for so many, we educated ones have hope that some of those ignorant just might decide that all the EVIDENCE that the country and world are going to hell might get them to pay attention. (sigh) On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:38:06 AM , someone wrote: Hi Valerie I assume we are related somehow....nice to meet you. Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more. In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER -- believe me, I've tried. I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox -- sigh. I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are. Best of luck, " |= |= @--Analytics-Automation-. . Solved=C2=AE On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM someone wrote: OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! = Get Outlook for iOS Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM Cc: -- -- = We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe. On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM someone wrote: in my story series, they go after traffickers On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe. With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit? Screenshot=
is the FACT that they found a BIOLAB near Fresno a conspiracy theory? On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 05:57:56 AM
It's likely a case that people don't want to know the true status of their health: "The vaccinated people did not show obvious signs of heart damage. But when researchers ran blood tests three days after the jabs, they found high levels of troponin, a protein the heart releases when it is injured, in many recipients." Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 10:36 PM Cc: -- -- = I find articles every day. Here's two of them (to be ignored because they're TOO SCARY to deal with): Shocking New Study: mRNA covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens of Millions of People | | | | | | | | Shocking New Study: mRNA covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens o... Originally published by The Daily Sceptic All links to previous Gospa News articles have been added aftermath fo... | | | Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal | | | | | | | | Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal Aidan Wondracz Mr Gates told the Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney On Monday that political leaders needed to set aside their... | | | On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 10:18:48 PM It's so baffling how people can't see any of the million red flags of trouble ahead. The mind control is so astonishingly excellent that it's pure evil genius. I try to pick things that have a decent chance to make someone addicted to gaslight media take a step back and create a tiny crack in their bizarre reality. Maybe we've already had some success and they are too stubborn to admit it. Just can't tell and at this point they won't realize anything about this global scam until their dying day. It's hard to tell if people are really ever going to wake up. At least we're trying our best to help them. Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 8:56 PM Cc: -- -- = There are people who are competent to deal with life and those who aren't and know it. The incompetent need a "daddy" to "hold their hand".There are two "higher power" choices, government and God.Those who don't believe in God are left to trust their lives to the government and thus they can't= dare to believe that their "daddy" HATES THEM and wants to KILL THEM by creating perennial wars or disease.(The super rich consider themselves to be God and want to be treated as royalty and have BILLIONS of servants/slaves/serfs to make it so the super rich don't have to work. Then there's the military that the super rich want around to protect themselves from the "lesser" humanity)What makes me kind of laugh is that so many puppets (the media and hollywood and ...) think that there will be a place for them to live royally but there won't be a use for them much longer and they'll be expected to grovel like the other "lessers". On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 07:53:09 PM Yea, we need more conspiracy theories because all the previous ones have been proven to be true. As they say about horses, can't make them drink. Too bad people are so deliberately blind and dumb. Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 5:26 PM Cc: Valerie -- -- = yeah, gotta ignore all that "conspiracy" stuff, especially when joe's daughter is saying it: ASHLEY BIDEN CONFIRMED DIARY WAS HERS -- SAYS SHE WOULD SHOWER LATE AT NIGHT TO PREVENT JOE FROM JOINING HER On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 03:59:44 PM , someone wrote: , I'm afraid all that conspiracy is stuff is actually coming from my brothers. = I just delete it without reading it. On Aug 4, 2023, at 1:01 PM, someone wrote: Hi , = = Are you saying that many of these emails in this group that communicate conspiracy beliefs on just about everything, are not coming from my cousins as the senders? = = That would be a welcome revelation =F0=9F=A7=90 On Aug 4, 2023, at 11:38 AM, someone wrote: Hi Valerie I assume we are related somehow....nice to meet you. Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more. In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER -- believe me, I've tried. I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox -- sigh. I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are. Best of luck, " |= |= @--Analytics-Automation-. . Solved=C2=AE On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM someone wrote: OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! = Get Outlook for iOS Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM Cc: -- -- = We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe. On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM someone wrote: in my story series, they go after traffickers On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe. With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit? Screenshot= is the FACT that they found a BIOLAB near Fresno a conspiracy theory? On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 05:57:56 AM
It's likely a case that people don't want to know the true status of their health: "The vaccinated people did not show obvious signs of heart damage. But when researchers ran blood tests three days after the jabs, they found high levels of troponin, a protein the heart releases when it is injured, in many recipients." Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 10:36 PM Cc: -- -- = I find articles every day. Here's two of them (to be ignored because they're TOO SCARY to deal with): Shocking New Study: mRNA covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens of Millions of People | | | | | | | | Shocking New Study: mRNA covid Jabs Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens o... Originally published by The Daily Sceptic All links to previous Gospa News articles have been added aftermath fo... | | | Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal | | | | | | | | Gates warns Australia next pandemic could be man-made and brutal Aidan Wondracz Mr Gates told the Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney On Monday that political leaders needed to set aside their... | | | On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 10:18:48 PM It's so baffling how people can't see any of the million red flags of trouble ahead. The mind control is so astonishingly excellent that it's pure evil genius. I try to pick things that have a decent chance to make someone addicted to gaslight media take a step back and create a tiny crack in their bizarre reality. Maybe we've already had some success and they are too stubborn to admit it. Just can't tell and at this point they won't realize anything about this global scam until their dying day. It's hard to tell if people are really ever going to wake up. At least we're trying our best to help them. Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 8:56 PM Cc: -- -- = There are people who are competent to deal with life and those who aren't and know it. The incompetent need a "daddy" to "hold their hand".There are two "higher power" choices, government and God.Those who don't believe in God are left to trust their lives to the government and thus they can't= dare to believe that their "daddy" HATES THEM and wants to KILL THEM by creating perennial wars or disease.(The super rich consider themselves to be God and want to be treated as royalty and have BILLIONS of servants/slaves/serfs to make it so the super rich don't have to work. Then there's the military that the super rich want around to protect themselves from the "lesser" humanity)What makes me kind of laugh is that so many puppets (the media and hollywood and ...) think that there will be a place for them to live royally but there won't be a use for them much longer and they'll be expected to grovel like the other "lessers". On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 07:53:09 PM Yea, we need more conspiracy theories because all the previous ones have been proven to be true. As they say about horses, can't make them drink. Too bad people are so deliberately blind and dumb. Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 5:26 PM Cc: Valerie -- -- = yeah, gotta ignore all that "conspiracy" stuff, especially when joe's daughter is saying it: ASHLEY BIDEN CONFIRMED DIARY WAS HERS -- SAYS SHE WOULD SHOWER LATE AT NIGHT TO PREVENT JOE FROM JOINING HER On Friday, August 4, 2023 at 03:59:44 PM , someone wrote: , I'm afraid all that conspiracy is stuff is actually coming from my brothers. = I just delete it without reading it. On Aug 4, 2023, at 1:01 PM, someone wrote: Hi , = = Are you saying that many of these emails in this group that communicate conspiracy beliefs on just about everything, are not coming from my cousins as the senders? = = That would be a welcome revelation =F0=9F=A7=90 On Aug 4, 2023, at 11:38 AM, someone wrote: Hi Valerie I assume we are related somehow....nice to meet you. Unfortunately, there are internet trolls, AI bots or some dark forces in the universe which have taken over conventional family email correspondence for a decade or more. In other words, there's no way to get off this list EVER -- believe me, I've tried. I've setup email rules to delete all the emails automatically but the trolls are clever and setup new email accounts and find new ways to land in my inbox -- sigh. I just wanted to let you know that just because I'm on these threads, I'm not crazy and there are some nice people here that shouldn't be subjected this nonsense but here we are. Best of luck, " |= |= @--Analytics-Automation-. . Solved=C2=AE On August 3, 2023 at 8:09 AM someone wrote: OMG! PLEASE remove me from this distribution list! = Get Outlook for iOS Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 7:57:58 AM Cc: -- -- = We took skyla to see that movie. Hard to watch but important to help keep her safe. On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 7:29 AM someone wrote: in my story series, they go after traffickers On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 07:23:58 AM Too bad they didn't arrest pedo joe. With the number 1 movie in the country (I heard) being The Sound of Freedom, people are finally realizing it's not fake. How long will it take for the broad public to realize the government is the main trafficking culprit? Screenshot= Can Weather be Manipulated?by steve - 2023-08-05 ( education / research ) [html version]many people aren't competent enough to be adults so they need a "father" and since they don't believe in God, the gov't takes the place of an adult for them
On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 08:18:54 PM : Lots of great documented proof of this. The earliest presented was from 1952. Watch for the mention of a man from Portugal. :) If people prefer to believe the absolute bullsh-t of the government and their puppets in media, they are a lost cause, to put it nicely. Does the Government Own Your Kids?by steve - 2023-08-05 ( education / research ) [html version]I've been saying for years that I don't trust him.I couldn't stand that TV show he had and consider him to be a Pompous Ass. I wouldn't be surprised if he's in on all the whole SCAM we've been having for six years but we don't have decent choice (I don't trust DeSantis, either)
On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 04:56:40 PM : Good to hear that. Trump is now a full blown globalist. Did you see him pushing for digital I'D? Such a traitor or just an old fool. And of course pedo joe or his double with different ear lobes is too far gone to debate anyone. Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 1:16 PM- -- Does the government own your kids?= DeSantis and newscum are supposed to debate one another. That ought to be good On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 11:35:07 AM : Extremely sick and demented crime family. Adolph Newscum will probably replace pedo joe as the Democrat's favorite criminal puppet running for selection. Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023 11:09 AM- -- Does the government own your kids?= joe biden's daughter repeats how joe liked to take showers with her (but he didn't post "mean tweets", so that's not a problem and neither is it a problem that Hunter BIden got 10 MILLION DOLLARS coersi On Money): On Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 10:46:03 AM : They sure think they do, especially in psycho democrat states. But here in Missouri is a case that many wouldn't expect to see. It's about the government ripping out the children based on only suspected danger but no actual danger. Many already know child protective services (CPS) or the equivalent is a mostly criminal scam involving judges, social workers, police, governors, and a major source of human trafficking. They receive massive kickbacks for their rolls. is handling this case and hopes to set a precident and make it illegal for government to do these crimes on children and their families. MAGA Jabs and Conspiracies Debunkedby steve - 2023-08-08 ( education / research ) [html version]I've watched half the first one. Yeah, idiocracy to the max is the only way to describe what is being FED to those who are blissfully IGNORANT
On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 11:20:22 AM : Ok, mea culpa. If I'm wrong, I big enough to admit. So here's two links debunking major conspiracy theories that I hope you will share with all your contacts who have been trying to set the record straight. Very interesting financial adviceby doug - 2023-08-08 ( education / research ) [html version]Isn't that just convenient that the FBI refuses to release all the hours of footage because it "might" show all their agents in the crowd helping to create their false flag event And the CIA still won't release all the JFK assassination files even when everyone associated with it are long dead. But don't dare question anything because that's what conspiracy theorists do. No, we're in such good hands when these creatures are in control. Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2023 8:06 PM- -- Very interesting financial advice Well, , you forgot to warn people that if they do watch the video, they will be confronted with TESTIMONY that the gov't was in on the Jan 6 DC attack and thus none of the video proving that can be seen. On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 10:12:01 AM : From Bob Kudla. He's very successful. Taxesby doug - 2023-08-09 ( education / research ) [html version]Are they really as certain as death? Some might find this interesting: Clever Power Ideaby steve - 2023-08-09 ( education / research ) [html version]I like and invested in Flower wind turbines. I'd like to get them, instead of solar cells. They're made in Texas. (they're also pretty so they'd kind of look like an art object on your house)
On Monday, August 7, 2023 at 09:36:59 PM : Lots of things mentioned here. One is using the PTO of a tractor with something you can buy to serve as a generator in case of a blackout. Another topic is a man in Brazil named Pedro Magalhaes discovered the CBDC government software has the ability to turn off your bank account. This already happened in several countries in the past. Since we are all being warned about power shortages, don't be caught unprepared when you need a generator and some asshole decided to ban them. EMF Researchers Discover Nanotech Patentsby doug - 2023-08-10 ( education / research ) [html version]It mentioned they are the real silicon valley and elsewhere I heard they are at the center of all digital data and spying on everyone. Sent: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 9:27 PM EMF researchers discover nanotech patents Israel again? am I surprises? (no) On Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 09:16:14 PM : Here's part 2 with court documents revealing that just before the fake vax was released on the world, the military conspired with Israel and submitted fake results of thousands of military personnel injected on 10 December 2020, removing the bad side effects to get approval to experiment on the mass population. It was 10 times worse than what Nazi Joseph Mengela did on the Jews, based on numbers of victims. It goes into more detail how the military has been collecting medical data on all vaxed victims using 7G technology. This episode and part 1 appear to be the best summary yet on the rollout of the bioweapons and the secret surveillance that follows. Sent: Sunday, August 6, 2023 9:54 PM EMF researchers discover nanotech patents wow, , Most people won't be able to deal with this On Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 08:12:14 PM : Excellent presentation of what they discovered, including how the injectioned nano particles connect with satellites, and much more. Guilty Until Proven Otherwiseby doug - 2023-08-14 ( education / research ) [html version]An example like that was given, money for buying a car and the police officer can say they don't believe it and just take it. Can you even imagine?!!! Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2023 1:31 PM- Guilty until you prove otherwise yeah, I heard of a guy who had something like $20,000 cash for something he was going to buy, he was pulled over by a cop, somehow how much money he had was mentioned, the cop took it, and I'm not sure if he ever got it back On Saturday, August 12, 2023 at 01:27:32 PM : A wave ofer may strike you after you see what these f--king criminals in the DOJ and those they pay are doing to innocent citizens to literally steal money and property. More on this subject. Turns out this has been happening for awhile and it was ramped up by globalist "patriot" Trump. From: Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2023 1:27 PM- Guilty until you prove otherwise A wave ofer may strike you after you see what these f--king criminals in the DOJ and those they pay are doing to innocent citizens to literally steal money and property. Pretty interesting stuffby doug - 2023-08-16 ( education / research ) [html version]He wants us to believe that but people are starting to suspect he's controlled opposition and a CIA operative. He admits openly that he's worked for DARPA. Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 11:34 PM Pretty interesting stuff okay thanks I thought malone was one of the ones fighting the vax On Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 10:29:18 PM : Dr Malone, who I think is a real creep, is suing a couple people for defamation of character. So attorney Todd Callender is pointing out that it's a serious mistake on the doctor's part. Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 9:40 PM Pretty interesting stuff Great video about Devolution. Yeah, the usual people won't be able to handle it. They mentioned a lawsuit and it sounded as if it was against Malone. Did I get that right? I haven't heard of it otherwise. On Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 08:30:53 PM : I agree mostly with almost all they say here with the exception of how they continue to praise Trump. Like so many, they still don't realize he's part of the scamdemic. Talking about how bad the country has crashed and people still can't see it. Video About the WEF ATTACK on Lahainaby doug - 2023-08-16 ( education / research ) [html version]"" Just saw that Peggy Hall covers it well and mentions DEW. Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 7:28 PM I was thinking more along the lines of what said. Microwaves heat up organic matter, so it seems like the trees in that case would be reduced to jelly. From: Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 9:11 PM video about the WEF ATTACK on Lahaina I haven't watched anything yet but it sounds like a direct energy weapon that uses something like microwave beams. Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 6:18 PM video about the WEF ATTACK on Lahaina maybe something to do with trees having water inside them? On Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 05:56:08 PM : I know it's been mentioned before, but how is it that homes and cars were burnt to a crisp, like previously in California, but the trees survived? Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 7:20 PM video about the WEF ATTACK on Lahaina THE MAUI EXPERIMENT! HOW THEY DESTROYED LAHAINA TO BRING IN A WEF SMART CITY GOVERNANCE.... [cid:] [cid:] THE MAUI EXPERIMENT! HOW THEY DESTROYED LAHAINA TO BRING IN A WEF SMART ... THE MAUI EXPERIMENT! HOW THEY DESTROYED LAHAINA TO BRING IN A WEF SMART CITY GOVERNANCE.... I'm listening to it now so I'm not sure how good it is "" Just saw that Peggy Hall covers it well and mentions DEW. Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 7:28 PM<.com>
I was thinking more along the lines of what said. Microwaves heat up organic matter, so it seems like the trees in that case would be reduced to jelly.
From: Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 9:11 PM video about the WEF ATTACK on Lahaina
I haven't watched anything yet but it sounds like a direct energy weapon that uses something like microwave beams.
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 6:18 PM<.com> video about the WEF ATTACK on Lahaina
maybe something to do with trees having water inside them?
On Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 05:56:08 PM , <.com> someone wrote:
I know it's been mentioned before, but how is it that homes and cars were burnt to a crisp, like previously in California, but the trees survived? From: Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 7:20 PM video about the WEF ATTACK on Lahaina THE MAUI EXPERIMENT! HOW THEY DESTROYED LAHAINA TO BRING IN A WEF SMART CITY GOVERNANCE.... THE MAUI EXPERIMENT! HOW THEY DESTROYED LAHAINA TO BRING IN A WEF SMART ... THE MAUI EXPERIMENT! HOW THEY DESTROYED LAHAINA TO BRING IN A WEF SMART CITY GOVERNANCE.... I'm listening to it now so I'm not sure how good it is
-- FDA Finally Admits Ivermectin is Okby doug - 2023-08-16 ( education / research ) [html version]I have a different opinion about that. Opposites must exist. There can't be just awesome beauty without great ugliness, or good without bad, ying and yang, love and hate. It's a choice we all have. Fools can't think for themselves, so are just listening to liars and too lazy to think. We can't appreciate the great weather really until we experience the very bad weather. Our summer weather in the Missouri Ozarks is so pleasant but more appreciated because we visited Oklahoma with 100F temps, so it was pure hell without cool enough temps to sleep in our motorhome in Oklahoma and once we got back to the Ozarks we had beautiful nighttime temps. There's no such thing as a devil or hell. We have them here and now in the form of evil people, perhaps reptile beings like the British royals, Gates, pedo joe, Klaus Schwab, etc, creating such hell for people. Many are just too lazy to battle them and maybe some want to experience that hate because maybe in their previous life they had loads of good things, so they came back to have the opposite. I appreciate all the evil and crazy people because it makes the opposite so much better. Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 8:45 AM FDA finally admits ivermectin is ok the inability of some people to believe the truth reminds me of how Satan gets people to not believe he exists and that THE biggest battle on earth is beween God and Satan (God created it all and Satan is jealous and wants to destroy it all) On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 07:16:11 AM : It took a lawsuit but they finally admitted it in court. Isn't it just wonderful how it could have saved millions of lives if the depopulation agenda wasn't at war with the truth and pharma didn't campaign so hard against it? But as says, my posts are just bullsh-t."> 3Dshare-btn-copylink Truth can be dangerousby doug - 2023-08-16 ( education / research ) [html version]Dr Shiva has always warned against rfk Jr saying he's controlled opposition. But I still hope he wins the Dem primary -- fat chance unless he's just another puppet. Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 5:01 PM- Truth can be dangerous yeah, I saw that. The CIA is known for assassinating "enemies". I don't understand why RFK Jr. isn't going along with her since he wrote one book and is writing another about how bad the "vax" is. On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 03:56:05 PM : The awesome researcher Karen Kingston has been revealing the truth about the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine and now the CIA is trying to kill her. Of course, they can't kill everybody and if nobody is brave enough to tell the truth we're also doomed. She decided to rusk her life for humanity. Check out what she says: It's 3 years old and just the start of the scamdemic, but he raises good points and I didn't know some of those details about what rfk Jr had accused Dr Shiva of doing. But more has been revealed since then. Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 10:38 PM -- I just found this about Shiva and RFK Jr, which commented: Dr Shiva vs RFK Jr. Et AlControlled Opposition in the Anti-Vaccine Movement [ Dr Shiva vs RFK Jr. Et AlControlled Opposition in the Anti-Vaccine M... On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 05:16:38 PM Dr Shiva has always warned against rfk Jr saying he's controlled opposition. But I still hope he wins the Dem primary -- fat chance unless he's just another puppet. Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 5:01 PM -- yeah, I saw that. The CIA is known for assassinating "enemies". I don't understand why RFK Jr. isn't going along with her since he wrote one book and is writing another about how bad the "vax" is. On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 03:56:05 PM The awesome researcher Karen Kingston has been revealing the truth about the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine and now the CIA is trying to kill her. Of course, they can't kill everybody and if nobody is brave enough to tell the truth we're also doomed. She decided to rusk her life for humanity. Check out what she says: It's 3 years old and just the start of the scamdemic, but he raises good points and I didn't know some of those details about what rfk Jr had accused Dr Shiva of doing. But more has been revealed since then. Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 10:38 PM -- I just found this about Shiva and RFK Jr, which commented: Dr Shiva vs RFK Jr. Et AlControlled Opposition in the Anti-Vaccine Movement [ Dr Shiva vs RFK Jr. Et AlControlled Opposition in the Anti-Vaccine M... On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 05:16:38 PM Dr Shiva has always warned against rfk Jr saying he's controlled opposition. But I still hope he wins the Dem primary -- fat chance unless he's just another puppet. Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 5:01 PM -- yeah, I saw that. The CIA is known for assassinating "enemies". I don't understand why RFK Jr. isn't going along with her since he wrote one book and is writing another about how bad the "vax" is. On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 03:56:05 PM The awesome researcher Karen Kingston has been revealing the truth about the bioweapon masquerading as a vaccine and now the CIA is trying to kill her. Of course, they can't kill everybody and if nobody is brave enough to tell the truth we're also doomed. She decided to rusk her life for humanity. Check out what she says: Distilled Water Makerby steve - 2023-08-16 ( education / research ) [html version]this is the one I haveI've had it for years. when the city= messed with the water line, there was some residue that caked on the sides. I got some citric acid to get rid of it but that stuff just started to flake off so I didn't bother with the citric acid.After quite a few years (with NO maintenance by me) the heating element konked out and it had that stuff caked on it. It was real easy to replace that element.I'd recommend it to anybodyMini Classic Water DistillerMini DistillerH2o Labs Mini Classic Water DistillerMini DistillerH2o Labs The Pure Water Brand Mini-Classic CT is a compact, countertop water distiller that produces high-purity, great-t... it wasn't cheap. it says the price starts at $795 but I didn't pay that much (maybe $500) and I've gotten that back in not paying for bottled water, though it does use energy, which costs.I couldn't find it on Ebay or Amazon
On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 05:48:24 PM : Pure is the one she recommends. How much? Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 5:18 PM- Distilled water maker= I have a distiller and distill a gallon every day because I drink that much every day. I don't like to drink any other water. we also get bottled water for because she doesn't like the taste of my PURE water. On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 05:12:36 PM : Anyone have one? Seems like a great idea: Arizona Dirty Politicsby doug - 2023-08-16 ( education / research ) [html version]In case of interest. An elected official was expelled because she wanted to clean up all the fraud. It's a uniparty with scumbags on all sides who just want to hold onto their power. She says it's more than just AZ. kind of related: I saw a GREAT interview that Tucker Carlson did of Marjorie Taylor Greene that everybody ought to watch but I saw it posted on FB and couldn't find it elsewhere (maybe unless I signed up for his podcasts) and it's really long.The most disgusting thing in that video is how Congress is essentially made up of LOSERS who couldn't make a living otherwise and didn't care about anything other than being repeatedly elected.
On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 09:33:08 PM
In case of interest. An elected official was expelled because she wanted to clean up all the fraud. It's a uniparty with scumbags on all sides who just want to hold onto their power. She says it's more than just AZ. kind of related: I saw a GREAT interview that Tucker Carlson did of Marjorie Taylor Greene that everybody ought to watch but I saw it posted on FB and couldn't find it elsewhere (maybe unless I signed up for his podcasts) and it's really long.The most disgusting thing in that video is how Congress is essentially made up of LOSERS who couldn't make a living otherwise and didn't care about anything other than being repeatedly elected.
On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 09:33:08 PM
In case of interest. An elected official was expelled because she wanted to clean up all the fraud. It's a uniparty with scumbags on all sides who just want to hold onto their power. She says it's more than just AZ. Still Wearing Masksby steve - 2023-08-17 ( education / research ) [html version]Wow. I'm surprised that it's "rising" anywhere. Well, I'll donate to them. On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:13:24 PM: Seems insane, but scared people will have no critical thinking skills. We are seeing a relatively few wearing masks here. Idiots abound, but it's nothing like Sacramento. Pandemic Summaryby doug - 2023-08-17 ( education / research ) [html version]Good summary of the scamdemic in a series I'm just starting to watch. Litigating the Pandemicby doug - 2023-08-18 ( education / research ) [html version]Good news on making sure the scamdemic can't be repeated -- winning in court. New Book, "The Dream"by doug - 2023-08-18 ( education / research ) [html version]This interview goes into some detail regarding David Icke's latest book. It's a really great discussion. The first part is similar to many previous talks but by the second half it goes into the new book and it really sounds groundbreaking. Most will be too stuck in their beliefs to openly listen, but the truth is always available to those willing to learn. New Movie, "The Jones Plantation"by doug - 2023-08-19 ( education / research ) [html version]The Jones Plantation -- really interesting interview. They say it's the creation of a new genre. Anyone see it yet? I'm looking forward to it. Stolen identity - incredibleby doug - 2023-08-19 ( education / research ) [html version]That's considered the stone age of ID theft by today's standards. Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2023 6:51 PM- -- Stolen identity -- incredible My identity was stolen back in 2005. What a hassle it was to straighten that out! Fortunately, they caught the perpetrator and he was sentenced to 3-1/2 years. He was caught with multiple fake IDs. On 8/17/2023 5:48 PM: This will blow your mind what can be done now. Watch about the first 10, but it continues to about 25 min. Rich Men North of Richmond - Songby doug - 2023-08-20 ( education / research ) [html version]Wow, so powerful! Brought tears to my eyes.; You've probably already seen the video / heard the song. This is a compilation of reaction videos; seems to resonate. America REACTS to "Rich Men North Of Richmond" by Oliver Anthony Setting the Stage for Plandemic 2.0: Highly Mutated Strainby mac slavo - 2023-08-22 ( education / research / conspiracies / covid ) [html version]This jibes perfectly with what we learned yesterday from Alex Jones. The Infowarrior noted in this clip from his show that two whistleblowers told him the government was preparing for another round of lockdowns and perpetual panic in mid-September. Is the variant described below by Mac Slavo at SHTF Plan the catalyst for their new round of Pandemic Panic Theater? We’ll see. Here’s Mac… Read, listen or watch the rest here: Russia Releases Report on Manufactured Covid Pandemicby bill - 2023-08-22 ( education / research / conspiracies / covid ) [html version]
Read, listen or watch the rest here See also, FB Censoring Info Againby steve - 2023-08-23 ( education / research ) [html version]= there is a site that lists all the worst FauXi batches and I was going to post it here for somebody but the SATANISTS here don't want people to know if they'll SOON DIE from the one they got. But you never know. maybe this ACTUAL SCREENSHOT is just another conspiracy! there is a site that lists all the worst FauXi batches and I was going to post it here for somebody but the SATANISTS here don't want people to know if they'll SOON DIE from the one they got. Mira Loma Alumni Newsby steve - 2023-08-24 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 08:05:17 AM PDT: I just figured [wife] might be interested. I didn't have a picture handy. Thought the one shared with him in front of bricks with his guitar might be nice. Also, his friend in Europe named Stefan coincidentally asked today about the link to his memorial by the place where he died. Anyone have that link handy? Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 7:52 AM Cc: RE: Fw: Mira Loma Alumni News= Why are you including [wife]?= Anyway, I had no idea you'd attended Mira Loma reunions. I've not attended any for any school, though I might have if it was convenient. = = From: Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 9:42 AM Cc: ; Re: Fw: = Yes, in 1976 (a full year early). But I've never associated with them and always attended Mira Loma reunions. = = Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 7:03 AM Cc: Re: Fw: = Didn't you graduate from Kennedy high= School? = On Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 5:19 AM wrote: FYI= = Not sure if you can see my memorial for Don. = Mira Loma High School Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 4:19 AM = | | | | | Class of 1977 Member since Aug 2017 Forgot Your Password? | Mira Loma High School Alumni
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I went to both Folsom and Mira Loma 52nd (thanks to the scamdemic, not the 50th) reunions. I associate more wiith Folsom since I went there from 2nd to 10th grade On Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 08:05:17 AM PDT, someone wrote:
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 7:52 AM Why are you including [wife]? Anyway, I had no idea you'd attended Mira Loma reunions. I've not attended any for any school, though I might have if it was convenient.
From: Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 9:42 AM
Yes, in 1976 (a full year early). But I've never associated with them and always attended Mira Loma reunions.
<> Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 7:03 AM
Didn't you graduate from Kennedy high School?
On Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 5:19 AM someone wrote: FYI
Not sure if you can see my memorial for Don.
Mira Loma High School <> Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 4:19 AM Alumni at August 2023 Newsletter In this month's issue: - Reunions and News from Alumni - Yearbooks Spread the word! Forward this email to fellow alumni Reunions and News from Alumni Have information about a reunion or other high school related news to feature in the newsletter?Click here to submit reunion info or add other news New Members
Upcoming Birthdays Carol
Munro Yurkas on August 2 We found these alumni at See their profiles and contact them through Glenn Andrews Cindy Back Larry Harris Scott Landau Grey Myers Marian Hodges Eric Schaible Koch
Greer Lynne
Kauffman Percy
Sanders Quentin
Todd Yoon
Min Tyler
Schafer David
Kravets Liliana
Giang Luis
Ocampo Deven
Someone visited Jeff Case's profile. 8 days ago Someone visited Rich Clark's profile. 8 days ago Richard
Clark registered as a
MLHS Class of 1974 alumni. Tim
Bauer updated his
profile picture. Someone visited profile. 26 days ago added a memorial for Don. 26 days ago Mira Loma High School Headlines Richard
Russell Obituary (1954 -- 2023) -- El Dorado Hills, CA -- The ... View Mira Loma High School Yearbooks People You May Know
------=3715057_623027110.1692805271976-- Very interestingby doug - 2023-08-25 ( education / research ) [html version]Pretty good interview worth watching on various topics: More Lahaina Stuffby doug - 2023-08-25 ( education / research ) [html version]Maybe they're counting on enough fools to trust them, even though only complete morons still do, and they can use the trusty "conspiracy theorist" label that people have now become immediately dismissive. Nothing to see, they claim. We're from the government and we're here to help (help you die). Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 1:32 PMmore Lahaina stuff Why the secrecy? Got something to HIDE? It only fuels the "conspiracy theories" Ana Toledoby steve - 2023-08-26 ( education / research ) [html version]since the CIA/deep state Kontrol FB, it's too bad that we can't use FB to get a movement to "deal with" those causing these problems
On Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 11:22:21 AM : Look at the end to hear what she says about using a megaphone as an easy way to detect what the covid injections are doing to someone. I assume she's Portuguese, by the way. Thankfully not all there fell for the scam. Vivek Ramaswamy - Colion Noir - 25 minby steve - 2023-08-26 ( education / research ) [html version]first of all, there is a UniParty with the left and right branches (Dem and GOP)I never and still don't trust trump but biden is just the place holder for o'bama's third term.Vivek and Nikkie Halley are Deep State puppets.If we could get rid of the Deep State folks Kontrolling the DOJ, maybe we could finally start getting rid of all the "bad guys" with these older people long ago swept under the rug: Oliver North, Eric Holder, the clintons, the o'bamas, the bushes, kissinger, and the neocons currently pulling the strings for the military/industrial complex. I'm really surprised that somebody/some group hasn't done what ought to have been done to those folks (oathkeepers come to mind but there's lots of other former military, too)
On Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 12:51:14 PM : More about Vivek: Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2023 6:26 AMFw: Vivek Ramaswamy -- Colion Noir -- 25 min= Very good comments about why the 2nd amendment was created and its relevance today. Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2023 5:47 AMVivek Ramaswamy -- Colion Noir -- 25 min= If you wondered about Vivek's 2nd Amendment interpretation, the Constitution, and civics. What is the 2nd Amendment for? Presidential Hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy Let's Talk About The 2nd Amendment Alternative Commerce Systemby doug - 2023-08-26 ( education / research ) [html version]Really great discussion that can solve the problems that will arise once CBDCs arrive and you decide not to take booster 66 demanded for all slaves, for example. Sick from Boosters?by doug - 2023-08-27 ( education / research ) [html version]Smuggling ivermectin into hospitals is really a great idea mentioned. Maybe no longer needed now that that FDA admits it is great for people. This talk is really great for anyone but maybe especially for people who fell for the bioweapon shots and have health issues now. Of course, those issues have nothing to do with the toxic sh-t injected . No, that's just an amazing coincidence. Also good for people who come into frequent close contact with the jabbed and are being sued upon. Pretty funny sponsorsby doug - 2023-08-27 ( education / research ) [html version]Fun way to ask for more sponsors. Lahainaby steve - 2023-08-28 ( education / research ) [html version]another "coincidence", right (but that's just a Conspiracy theory)? Using Technology to Your Advantageby doug - 2023-08-28 ( education / research ) [html version]Interesting conversation. Mentions Linux. Also talks about a de-googled phone for real privacy. Discussion on Finance and Societal Collapseby doug - 2023-08-29 ( education / research ) [html version]Finance and societal collapse -- a cabin in the woods is great, but neighbors that you know who are heavily armed is better. Best Report Yet About Mauiby doug - 2023-08-29 ( education / research ) [html version]Another great report on the truth in Lahaina Sent: Friday, August 25, 2023 11:12 PM- Best report yet about Maui disgusting interviews by residents telling how the gov't seemed to want to KILL PEOPLE (but it's just a Conspiracy) On Friday, August 25, 2023 at 10:53:07 PM : It's mainly the first 30 minutes. Many things nobody else I've seen reported. Ready for Next Week?by doug - 2023-08-29 ( education / research ) [html version]Oh, that's easy when the entire thing is another phase of their SCAM. Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2023 12:22 AM ready for next week? a nurse was talking about how she was told by the hospital to EXPECT a new virus to hit next week. amazing how they are told when it will hit! On Saturday, August 26, 2023 at 11:57:45 PM : "page is down" Got another option? What's happening next week? Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2023 7:46 PMready for next week? Former Nevada City, CA Mayor on Various Disastersby steve - 2023-08-29 ( education / research ) [html version]wow. Amazing report on FEMA.I tried to research her and there wasn't even anything about her and Katrina.
On Sunday, August 27, 2023 at 08:04:32 PM : She's got a very interesting personal story about various disasters and links between them after dealing with FEMA -- Katrina, Paradise, Santa Rosa and now Lahaina. Plus she's got an interesting take on what's happening globally and I think she is right. Do you recognize her name since she ran for governor in the fraudulent recall election trying to flush out Newscum? Only part 1 is out so far: For the Greater Good... Supposedlyby doug - 2023-08-29 ( education / research / sociology ) [html version]It's the mentality of the hive mind, weak minds. No free thinking allowed. Borg. Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2023 8:17 PM yeah, I guess that since it's on FB, you have to log into FB to see it. But it tells how all that we were FORCED to do for 3 years was for the "greater good" and if you think otherwise, you're a conspiracy nut On Sunday, August 27, 2023 at 07:04:54 PM
I could read it and see the video but without sound, since it wants me to login. Doing things for the greater good that sacrifices the individual is part of the communist manifesto, I believe. You should wear a raincoat to keep others safe from the rain. It's what the fascists want everyone to do. Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2023 6:44 PM The Mind Control Involved with the Phrase "The Greater Good" "Humans are pack animals and make the vast majority of their decisions through a small part..." by Jason Christoff CA Dictatorship Lockdown 2.0by steve - 2023-08-31 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 11:58:46 PM
#AlexJonesWasRight Shows online docs about the new lockdown. DO NOT COMPLY
Important Info About Weather Hoaxby steve - 2023-09-01 ( education / research ) [html version]I started to listen and even signed up with her but I started skimming through and decided it was a waste of time. She's too weird for me. On Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 08:32:52 PM Her name is Barbara Taveres (probably a corruption of the Portuguese name Tavares) and she's very wise to the globalist weather scams and manipulation. Full of information, including some things I've never heard about. Don't miss this one: Tucker Carlson - Adam Carolla - 1 hrby doug - 2023-09-02 ( education / research ) [html version]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 12:41 PM Tucker Carlson -- Adam Carolla -- 1 hr Tucker Carlson on His Interview with Trump, FOX Firing & America's Future Maybe the Ultimate Discussion About Firesby doug - 2023-09-03 ( education / research ) [html version]Maybe this is the ultimate discussion about fires in general. He covers Maui but many California fires, too If you watch the evidence shown, there's no way you can say it's just normal. It's completely unnatural. Discussion About Firesby doug - 2023-09-03 ( education / research ) [html version]Maybe this is the ultimate discussion about fires in general. He covers Maui but many California fires, too If you watch the evidence shown, there's no way you can say it's just normal. It's completely unnatural. Are Pilots Smart?by steve - 2023-09-04 ( education / research ) [html version]I know a Southwest pilot who was forced against his will to take the vax and he COLLAPSED that evening (he ran a marathon not long ago, so fitness wasn't an issue). Other pilots have had "episodes" and the airlines lowered a health standard because so many began to fail it but the pilots won't tell their doctors for fear of losing their job.It's all commie and it's awful that so many Komply with it all.RESIST! On Saturday, September 2, 2023 at 12:38:17 PM
According to this pilot, none of them are stupid enough to get any further "vaccines". Will this shut down the airports and package transport? JUST SAY NO -- DO NOT COMPLY(because there won't be a next time if there's not enough push back when phase 2 of the scamdemic arrives) BitChute Creator Interviewby doug - 2023-09-05 ( education / research ) [html version]Really interesting to hear his story about how he managed to protect free speech as YouTube kicked people off. Look for Paychute coming soon -- valuable idea. Bio-Warfare History Discussionby steve - 2023-09-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The whole thing is a wet dream for the Commies who want to end the sovereignty of all countries so it's a one-world-government, using "health laws" written by people who aren't doctors (such as the guy who runs the WHO). So disgusting that so many don't see a problem with that because, again, they want to "go along to get along." On Sunday, September 3, 2023 at 11:34:12 AM : I bet you didn't know all the surprising details about the WHO treaty that countries are signing. NWO Agenda from 1992by doug - 2023-09-05 ( education / research ) [html version]Coleman wrote about the committee of 300 and all the things we call globalism that have come to pass, especially since 2020. Very interesting I'll look at it later. Anyhow, some think that the ones on top of all this demonic stuff is the Committee of 300
On Sunday, September 3, 2023 at 07:24:36 PM
Coleman wrote about the committee of 300 and all the things we call globalism that have come to pass, especially since 2020. Very interesting I'll look at it later. Anyhow, some think that the ones on top of all this demonic stuff is the Committee of 300
On Sunday, September 3, 2023 at 07:24:36 PM
Coleman wrote about the committee of 300 and all the things we call globalism that have come to pass, especially since 2020. Very interesting Plan for Legitimate Electionsby doug - 2023-09-05 ( education / research ) [html version]Do you think this plan will actually work? I think it might help in some instances but like DOJ "justice" this criminal regime will never willingly give up power. I think that I Pakistan or some similar country, they dip their thumb in dye after voting so they have to vote in person and not vote more than once. I like that idea
On Sunday, September 3, 2023 at 09:51:26 PM
Do you think this plan will actually work?= I think it might help in some instances but like DOJ "justice" this criminal regime will never willingly give up power.
I think that I Pakistan or some similar country, they dip their thumb in dye after voting so they have to vote in person and not vote more than once. I like that idea
On Sunday, September 3, 2023 at 09:51:26 PM
Do you think this plan will actually work?= I think it might help in some instances but like DOJ "justice" this criminal regime will never willingly give up power.
International Financeby doug - 2023-09-06 ( education / research ) [html version]This interview reveals the immunity that they operate under. They're clearly the head of the snake in many ways. Unique Take on Financial Crisisby doug - 2023-09-07 ( education / research ) [html version]Maybe a pile of US dollars won't become worthless. I also had the idea to have smaller s like 1s and 5s , especially since they are removing more and more cash from the system. Hard hitting Vivek interviewby doug - 2023-09-07 ( education / research ) [html version] De-Googled Phonesby doug - 2023-09-07 ( education / research ) [html version]And other privacy talk -- really really great info. If you've ever wondered how your smart phone kills your privacy, just listen to all that a de-googled phone does to protect it l Anyone else considering getting one? Lawyer Talkby doug - 2023-09-08 ( education / research / civics / legal ) [html version]While most lawyers are themselves dishonest and lowlifes, it's very refreshing to listen to a group chat about how they are already taking down our massively corrupt, dishonest and blatantly evil government and corporations. If this inspires you, please help them help us, even if not with donations but by sharing this group to Make Americans Free Again (MAFA). If you don't even realize we're not free or heading in the wrong direction, I'm so sorry for you. Proof that China fired from satellites on Mauiby doug - 2023-09-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Watch it on From: JEFFREY PRATHER Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 7:29 AM Subject: ???????? [PRATHER] CHINA SATELLITES FIRED MAUI * 2 CHINA SATELLITES AT 3 MAUI FIRES! * 1 SATELLITE RELOADED (RE-ORBITED)! * CHINA ROCKETS ABLE TO BOOST LASERS! * STEVE FAVIS: CHINA LASERS PETA WATT CAPABLE! Copyright © 2023 JEFFREY PRATHER, All rights reserved. Add us to your address book Subject: Re: ???????? [PRATHER] CHINA SATELLITES FIRED MAUI I posted it on FB and am on "pins and needles" awaiting for their "fact checkers" to tell me if it's true or not On Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 02:06:48 PM PDT, someone wrote: Sent: Saturday, September 9, 2023 3:24 PM The all-knowing fact checkers will know for sure, depending on whatever the agenda is that day. What if there is more to the 9/11 story?by steve - 2023-09-10 ( education / research ) [html version]it was such a planned event, as the case of the "Dancing Israelis" makes clear:= Were the notorious 'Dancing Israelis' 9/11 plotters, spies, or just common scam artists? - The Grayzone | | | | | | | | Were the notorious 'Dancing Israelis' 9/11 plotters, spies, or just comm... David Sheen The "five dancing Israelis" intrigue lives on twenty years after the September 11 attacks. But the reality behin... | | | On Sunday, September 10, 2023 at 12:09:06 AM PDT, someone wrote: Yes, that was new to me, among a few other things. Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2023 12:05 AM Re: What if there is more to the 9/11 story?= yes, Silverstein said "pull it" which is a DEMOLITION TERM and he just happened to collect BILLIONS of dollars after owning it three weeks (but don't believe the VIDEO of him saying that because that would mean that the "conspiracy theory" is TRUE! On Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 10:51:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: Must see - shirt. Sent: Saturday, September 9, 2023 8:55 PM What if there is more to the 9/11 story?= What happened with WTC 7? - 6 min Discussion with Reinette Senumby doug - 2023-09-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Find people around you -- find your tribe. Build up your own local economy. Stand a rotating watch for fires because the plan seems to be to burn people out of rural areas and herd them into 15 minute cities / prisons. Exciting plans to stop some insane abuses regarding geo engineering, weather modification Her timeline for a massive shock when the sh-t hits the fan is 2025. What if There is More to the 9/11 Story?by steve - 2023-09-11 ( education / research / conspiracies / 9-11 ) [html version]It was such a planned event, as the case of the "Dancing Israelis" makes clear "Were the notorious 'Dancing Israelis' 9/11 plotters, spies, or just common scam artists? The "five dancing Israelis" intrigue lives on twenty years after the September 11 attacks. But the reality behind..." On Sunday, September 10, 2023 at 12:09:06 AM Yes, that was new to me, among a few other things. Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2023 12:05 AM Yes, Silverstein said "pull it" which is a DEMOLITION TERM and he just happened to collect BILLIONS of dollars after owning it three weeks (but don't believe the VIDEO of him saying that because that would mean that the "conspiracy theory" is TRUE! On Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 10:51:07 PM What if there is more to the 9/11 story? What happened with WTC 7? -- 6 min [no longer available] Fake Climate Change Disastersby doug - 2023-09-14 ( education / research ) [html version]
We're experiencing a full blown attack on humanity now. And it appears that many are fully aware it's all manipulation of the weather and DEWs. At the very beginning of this video is a young man creating a laser beam weapon at home. You have to see how powerful it is. Then just think how far the militaries around the world have taken this same technology. Architect tells the truth about 9/11 psyopby steve - 2023-09-14 ( education / research ) [html version]sure, a "thinking person" (but I think it's all a "conspiracy", right? On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 10:42:15 PM PDT, someone wrote: After talking about bldg 7 being a planned demolition, they talked about the two towers with facts that a thinking person should be willing to question after all these years. Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 9:18 PM Re: Architect tells the truth about 9/11 psyop= I started to listen to it and they started talking of the RIDICULOUS IDEA that it was DEW but I'm glad that Gage didn't play along with that.Then it talked of Tower 7, which anybody with half a brain would see was (and even said to be then) a planned demolition.I quit wasting my time with it.Unfortunately, millions have been convinced that it's a "conspiracy theory" as with covid. So sad. Such IGNORANCE and inability to see the what science proved (you know, liberals "believe in science") On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 08:39:25 PM PDT, someone wrote: Really interesting details, including some things similar to the Maui land grab in the name of the fake climate change scam. Architect Tells the Truth About 9/11 Psy-Opby steve - 2023-09-15 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 10:42:15 PM
After talking about bldg 7 being a planned demolition, they talked about the two towers with facts that a thinking person should be willing to question after all these years.
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 9:18 PM -- Re: Architect tells the truth about 9/11 psyop= I started to listen to it and they started talking of the RIDICULOUS IDEA that it was DEW but I'm glad that Gage didn't play along with that.Then it talked of Tower 7, which anybody with half a brain would see was (and even said to be then) a planned demolition.I quit wasting my time with it.Unfortunately, millions have been convinced that it's a "conspiracy theory" as with covid. So sad. Such IGNORANCE and inability to see the what science proved (you know, liberals "believe in science") On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 08:39:25 PM Really interesting details, including some things similar to the Maui land grab in the name of the fake climate change scam.
Even Worse Teacher Shortage Coming?by steve - 2023-09-15 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 11:55:34 PM
Looks like the 2021 predictions of the massive depopulation from the bioweapon injections is finally happening, especially for the booster addicts. This doctor in Canada is seeing a dramatic increase of teachers with "turbo" cancers. They show up not feeling well at the doctor and are diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Morbid justice seems to be happening to typically Marxist teachers and I'm guessing it'll crash the public school systems, leaving the superior home schooling options to dominate. 15-Minute Cities Coming to Californiaby steve - 2023-09-16 ( education / research ) [html version]Not enough WATER? Not a problem for LIBERAL mayors because they're wacko (or more likely, those who elect them are wacko, proving again that liberals aren't adult enough for real societal matters). Since with each development, they collect ENORMOUS FEES and for 20 years the development won't need any fixing, they get FREE MONEY for 20 years! On Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 10:56:44 PM This example comes from the small town of Sebastopol north of San Francisco. An architect describes what amounts to globalists creating high density places full of renters. Just as mentioned in this video, I noticed in 2020 construction north of Sacramento (in Natomas) that never stopped even though the economy was crashing down all around. I suspected it was one of these globalist buildings to create their dystopian renter system. The building laws in CA have gone bonkers with not enough parking spaces, outlawed use of natural gas for cooking and heating, pushing for electric vehicles that are insane traps for so many reasons, etc. Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 8:31 AM Christine Epperly -- 47 min= SB 35 units -- forced "affordable housing" -- renter society Brutalism in California -- high density housing -- 15 min cities State-Mandated Housing Coming to Your Town Siyamak sits down with Christine Epperly, a licensed civil engineer and building designer with over 30 years in business. She discovered a state-run plan called the "15 Minute city", that is changing the landscape of California. "What's happening in California is we're building these high-density communities in the middle of the towns and suburbs. I looked at them and they're basically all the same. It's brutalism." Dutch Farmers and Fishermen Under Attackby doug - 2023-09-16 ( education / research ) [html version]This is a terrific report about how the government there is going after the food suppliers. On Friday, September 15, 2023 at 10:27:49 AM Sounds like the Dutch are so limp that they let it happen to them. I wonder how far behind that the USA is (and from how so many lie down to accept anything or dismiss it by calling it a "conspiracy theory", ....) Pilot Speaks Outby steve - 2023-09-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Silly, facts are no fun. They don't let me remain in my comfy imaginary world. On Friday, September 15, 2023 at 07:52:32 PM
That's for sure. And suffers the consequences of countering the official narrative of the 9/11 government false-flag attack on Americans. He is attacked by the airline that employed him, by the medical people in bed with the corporations, and even his family. One thing is blatantly clear -- the official narrative is as real as Santa Claus. Only 8 Miceby steve - 2023-09-17 ( education / research ) [html version]This was on the CDC VAERS site, but it has no value (sarcasm): CDC VAERS Records More Deaths from covid "Vaccines" Than Total of All Previous Vaccines Combined On Saturday, September 16, 2023 at 12:07:40 PM
In case you are feeling suicidal, go ahead and take the new "vaccine" that was never tested on humans. But it was tested on 8 mice!!! And it's not been approved, contrary to the gaslight media. It received EUA, emergency use authorization. So where's the emergency? Just wait another day and I'm sure the criminals will declare one. Lara Logan (formerly of 60 Minutes) Latestby doug - 2023-09-18 ( education / research ) [html version]Don't miss her final comments. Amazing lady and a rare journalist. Is This Why Blue Cars, Umbrellas and Other Blue Things Didn't Burn in the Maui Fires?by bill - 2023-09-18 ( education / research / conspiracies / fire ) [html version]Time to paint our roofs blue? "Inquisitive minds are not buying the official story that the fires in Maui were a natural and unexpected event – and certainly not one that is the product of some mythical concept like climate change or global warming...." TN and AR push backby doug - 2023-09-20 ( education / research ) [html version]Scamdemic enthusiasts will be deeply troubled by these two states (Tennessee and Arkansas) not playing along with the globalist's agenda. Weather in CA and Australia - 13 minutesby steve - 2023-09-21 ( education / research ) [html version]wow, NOT a "conspiracy theory"? How annoying that it can't be written off as one.I sent it to Kevin Kiley to educate him since he represents California=
On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 01:05:59 AM
Fascinating look at how storms are created. Remote Viewing Suggests Year-End Troubleby doug - 2023-09-22 ( education / research ) [html version]The military coined the term "remote.webp viewing" and runs their operations. Another private group is doing it for the public. Check it out. On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 03:10:36 PM I'll look at it later. I remember that [our brother] believed it to be real but I figured that the only way it's real is that it's some satanic thing. On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 05:36 PM As stated, everyone can do it to some extent. It's similar to having a 6th sense. In-Depth Look at BlackRock, Owner of the Worldby doug - 2023-09-22 ( education / research ) [html version] Sent: Monday, September 18, 2023 9:47 PM I presume you already have heard of BlackRock, but if you haven't, this is a wonderful opportunity to catch up on a vital pheonema today. This is an outstanding look at this gargantuan beast: A Little Truth?by steve - 2023-09-24 ( education / research ) [html version]Banned On YouTube -- Nine Eleven By Hibbeler Productions -- Full Documentary (2019) Dr. Karen Devore Testimonyby doug - 2023-09-24 ( education / research ) [html version]Amazing observations by Dr. Karen DeVore, Dermatologist in South Carolina. Has been prescribing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for 30 years, for off label treatment. What she is seeing in her patients, starting at 8:50. Very nice to hear such a thing presented to lawmakers. Earliest days of the CIAby doug - 2023-09-24 ( education / research ) [html version]Wow, what a gem podcast about a man involved in the DoD and CIA since the 1940s. And he describes some details how they operate. Real insider info. OneSolby jeannie - 2023-09-25 ( education / research ) [html version]
--000000000000959b310606135c15-- --00000000000028376606061c7c5a Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I used to send video to after every show. He would tell me what he thought about the performance. This was emotional for me. The first show after his death. On Sun, Sep 24, 2023 at 8:15 AM someone wrote: Nice to have Jethro Tull back. =F0=9F=98=81 > Thanks > > ------------------------------ Sunday, September 24, 2023 5:40 AM *Cc:* < >; <>; Re: One SoL > Nice pictures! > > > On Sep 24, 2023, at 4:28 AM > > That's great, but I can't hear anything! =F0=9F=98=8A Thanks. > > > > --00000000000028376606061c7c5a Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I used to send video to after every show. He would tell me what he thought about the performance. This was emotional for me. The first show after his death.= On Sun, Sep 24, 2023 at 8:15 AM someone wrote: Nice to have Jethro Tull back. =F0=9F=98=81 Thanks= From: <.com> Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2023 5:40 AM To: <> Subject: Re: One SoL
Nice pictures!
That's great, but I can't hear anything!= =F0=9F=98=8A= Thanks. = --00000000000028376606061c7c5a--Nurse spills the beansby steve - 2023-09-25 ( education / research ) [html version]yeah, but she's making it all up because she's just another conspiracy nut! On Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 04:35:56 PM
Listen to the nurse about half way into this video. About 10 code blue alarms per shift each day only after the shots came out. Way up from before. Firesby doug - 2023-09-25 ( education / research ) [html version]Since when do the nails burn but not the wood post? Yea, very obvious. We're being attacked by the government using microwaves on us ________________________________ Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2023 9:29 PM Re: I'm finally watching this. Wow, it's rather obvious (unless you call everything scary a "conspiracy theory") On Friday, September 1, 2023 at 08:22:29 PM PDT: Maybe this is the ultimate discussion about fires in general. He covers Maui but many California fires, too If you watch the evidence shown, there's no way you can say it's just normal. It's completely unnatural. Housing crash in progressby doug - 2023-09-26 ( education / research ) [html version]Very simple . I'm dealing with it now. Create an LLC and you are now permanently tax free from capital gains. I can share the details. we have a second house, the one that bought very long ago and we rented it out while in our new house but we've talked of selling it and using the money to buy a house or property outside of California. Unfortunately, because Kalif democrats are so inept in managing tax money, they have a law whereby to avoid the MASSIVE capital gains on the sale, you have to live in it for 2 out of the last 5 years. So, is officially living in it and has been for over a year, but it's not two years yet and the gains we'd pay to gavin are probably more than if the market crashes back to like 2008. On Sunday, September 24, 2023 at 06:14:02 PM Lots of interesting things here. Not fear mongering. Black Lives Matterby steve - 2023-09-26 ( education / research ) [html version]Reality is such a bitch. Liberals were for Antifa and killing babies, taking the killer vax, and so many other insane things. On Monday, September 25, 2023 at 07:53:52 AM It's like the modern Democrats are only those who decided not to think anymore. They're on autopilot. Some call them NPCs (non-player characters) a term from video games, I'm told. They just fill in the background like robots. If anyone were to pay attention to what the party is doing, they'd see it's completely anti-human and evil as sh-t. They stomp on our freedoms with relish. 100% psychos. Sent: Monday, September 25, 2023 6:26 AM I already sent out an email of the IDIOCY of liberals being for Nazi Ukraine. Well, here's another (MARXIST) group that is idiotic to like but Democrats like it anyhow: THAT sort of "thinking" by Democrats is why so many Conservatives think the Democrat Party is a party of the Mentally ill! Biden sent $120 Billion to Ukraineby steve - 2023-09-28 ( education / research ) [html version]Doesn't look to good to me but what do I know? Biden sent $120 BILLION to the ukraineby steve - 2023-09-28 ( education / research ) [html version]Doesn't look to good to me but what do I know? Unbelievable Testimonyby steve - 2023-09-30 ( education / research ) [html version]admitting one's error is an adult thing and as I've repeatedly said, adultism isn't a typical trait of liberals
On Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 07:46:57 PM
Did you pay attention to the past 3 years enough to remember all the vax and mask mandates? Yet the sh-theads on the left are trying to gaslight everyone and say they never did it. Well, what else would anyone expect from these psychopaths? Hi , *Since Sept. 30 is a Saturday, I wanted to make a quick note about the very important Third Quarter Deadline. This is our first report since Newsom's hand-picked candidate entered the race and the last before candidate filing. It's a pivotal moment, and we really need a strong showing. You can make a donation online at this link. I've just published a new blog post: The covid Memory Hole The Biden Administration is rewriting the history of covid. Yesterday, the official responsible for the illegal employee vaccine mandate " which targeted 84 million Americans until the Supreme Court struck it down " tried to deny it ever happened. This came during a hearing I chaired of the Workforce Subcommittee. The official, David Parker, is head of the 'OSHA' agency, which formally enacted Biden's vaccine mandate in November of 2021. Yet Parker testified: 'we didn't demand anyone be fired.' This follows HHS Secretary Becerra saying 'we didn't force anyone to do anything,' despite imposing a toddler mask mandate, and Education Secretary Cardona baldly lying about his past promotion of child vaccine mandates. To make sure they don't get away with this, I've put together a short video showing the false testimony of Parker, Becerra, and Cardona. The video is on track to receive millions of views across platforms. You canwatch it here and share it onFacebook,Instagram, andTwitter. The concerted effort to rewrite history is telling. It shows we have won the debate. The unthinkable abuses of the covid era can't be justified, so the perpetrators are trying to send them down an Orwellian memory hole. Then, they'll all-too-readily do the same thing again. Parker, the OSHA head for Biden, previously held the same position in California for Newsom. Inmy opening statement at the hearing, I reviewed how his and Newsom's abuses were the worst anywhere " including the most ridiculous mask policy of the whole covid era. Along with Julie Su, Parker is another example of Newsom's failures going national. With these two perverse trends " to rewrite the history of covid and to spread California's politics nationwide " our fight for sanity is more important than ever. Provide Citizen Support before the Sept. 30 deadline Kevin KileyCalifornia Congressman Cancer Treatmentsby doug - 2023-10-01 ( education / research ) [html version]So, you get vaccinated against polio and then get polio over and over again. Just think how bad it could have been if not vaccinated!!! [sarcasm] Need me to spell it out further? The first 30 minutes is about a bunch of natural remedies, especially something called Chlorine Dioxide. Just about every doctor using natural treatments is saying they are taking it regularly. It's something anyone seriously preparing for the coming collapse should have in their toolkit. It's available on Amazon, too. And it works on pets. Of course, don't even think about these alternatives if your doctor recommends against them. Because you know how good their advice has been lately. October 4th FEMA Test Warning, Updated 5G Poll Resultsby doug - 2023-10-03 ( education / research ) [html version]Same for us. Sent: Sunday, October 1, 2023 9:09 AM I don't expect it to be anything but I'll stay away from tech for those couple of hours (no big deal for me) On Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 07:01:03 AM I think it'll be nothing except maybe a diversion. Sent: Sunday, October 1, 2023 12:11 AM I mentioned this before. Here's more info. (as you see, I'm not bothering to send this to the others) Sent: Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 12:08:44 AM yeah, worth taking precaution On Saturday, September 30, 2023 at 09:11:54 PM , someone wrote: The FEMA Test of the Emergency Broadcast System scheduled October 4, 2023 is billed as another routine test. It is likely not. Why? For many reasons, contained in my original posts on this subject. The first concerns the dangers of normal 3G and 4G compared to massively increased risks with 5G. Also, see this article on the Marburg issue: However, the date is rapidly approaching and many if not most remain unaware of the potential dangers. Please carefully listen to Attorney Todd Callender's [14:05] two interviews where he lays out these issues. Where is the evidence that we may be dealing with a problem during the October 4 FEMA test? The short answer contains two points as follows: #1. Attorney Callender notes this is part of the same MO -- Modus Operandi -- the Globalists have used these past few years, first with the covid-19 man-made Bioweapon virus, second with the mRNA 'vaccine' which is actually another Bioweapon, and third the Microwave attack on Lahaina Maui. See this link to an article by Sasha Latypova. They planned Marburg and its subsequent activation with 5G including announcing a Marburg Emergency on December 9, 2020 via a Congressional Act. They added sequences in the designer virus and vax containing Marburg. And they have been steadily building out 5G towers these past few years -- with no clear purpose -- certainly not for profit or connectivity and not in the Cell Phone Company's corporate interests. And when 5G was rolled out in China in 2019, we saw reports of numerous sudden deaths among the Chinese. This is massive circumstantial evidence. Not absolute proof, but an undeniable and robust pattern of circumstantial evidence. It would be foolish to ignore it. #2. Mainstream Media has not spun this to generate panic. If this were something designed by the Globalists to falsely instill fear -- like the covid-19 Pandemic -- it would be part of the narrative. It is not. The media is eerily silent about the details of this test and how it differs from prior ones. This suggests the FEMA test potential danger is being covered up as it is ed as 'routine' test and nothing more. Why is the signal planned to continue for a full two hours? A usual emergency broadcast system test usually lasts less than a minute -- for sufficient time to generate a cell phone text. Why two hours? Could it be so Americans are fully exposed to sufficient EMF to accomplish their agenda with regard to the lipid nanoparticles? While citizens go about their daily routine in the middle of the week, during the middle of a workday, all the while unsuspecting and being exposed to two hours of not only 5G, but additional frequencies that target computers, television, and radio. Why are whistleblowers -- who have additional knowledge -- coming forth and warning? For both of these reasons, the FEMA test on October 4th is not an innocent and routine measure and likely is something far worse. Here are updates on my recent poll results on 5G and precautions my readers take: I submit to you that 5G has long been a Miliary Weapon, and it's recent, rapid and unexplained deployment across the nation, close to schools, and at the same time as the covid-19 pandemic represents a threat, largely unknown to all Americans. Given the background of escalating deaths and destruction through the vaccine disaster, and the recent blatant attacks on Lahaina, it would be better to prepare and be wrong about the upcoming October 4th exercise than to relax and believe this to be an innocent and routine test. What precautions? Take the day off work or call in sick. Keep kids home from school. Unplug all computers, televisions, and radios. Power 5G cell phones down and place them in a Faraday cage or a turned-off microwave oven. Use landlines or non-5G flip phones to communicate between 11:00 AM and 5:00 pm. If FEMA cancels the October 4th test and reschedules on the backup date of October 11th, all the foregoing still apply. California law repealedby steve - 2023-10-05 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 08:22:49 AM
Even Adolph Newscum finally realized his law was a pure scam that people refused to accept. I wonder if anyone receiving this message was smart enough to reject this type of fascist, non-thinking order.
Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 9:18 PM California law repealed= Undoing the law that prevented doctors from providing information that is "unapproved" to their patients. California governor Gavin Newsom On Monday signed a repealing a law prohibiting physicians from sharing information with their patients that contradicts the prevailing scientific sentiment on covid-19. California has repealed a misinformation law that restricted the advice doctors could give patients about covid-19, bowing to mounting legal pressure. The legislation was signed into law in September 2022 and took effect in January. It tried to define covid disinformation as 'unprofessional conduct' and empower the Medical Board of California to revoke the licenses of physicians who diverged from 'contemporary scientific consensus.' A federal judge halted the law in January pending court challenges, and it is unclear that officials ever enforced it. Over the weekend, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, signed a state Senate repealing the section of the state's Business and Professions Code containing the law, according to a Saturday post on the governor's website that offered no comment on the action. The nullification should take effect in January, one year after the law took effect. Attorneys from the Liberty Justice Center, a Chicago nonprofit legal firm that argued against the legislation in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on July 17, announced its repeal Monday. inspirational short talk preventing cancerby doug - 2023-10-06 ( education / research ) [html version] Water purifier tabletsby doug - 2023-10-08 ( education / research ) [html version]Even makes bananas and veggies last longer Used by city water companies, sold to UN, and the country of Dominican Republic practically mandates it. New song and new labelby doug - 2023-10-08 ( education / research ) [html version]Reminds me of Don. I know he'd appreciate these awesome lyrics. Our Missouri Ozarks homesteadby doug - 2023-10-08 ( education / research ) [html version]More about food forests: There's a company I ran across that creates one for you. I'll find the link if interested. I'm more interested in learning how to do it myself. Sent: Friday, October 6, 2023 11:43 AM all sounds good as to fertilizers, I did a minimum with them and see others getting better crops, likely with fertilizers, but I don't want to spend as much on fertilizer as it would cost to buy the food (though mine wouldn't be GMO and you can't trust store crops). The video "No farmers, no food" that I doubt many watched, went to Sri Lanka and interviewed farmers who showed how without fertilizer, their once AFFLUENT crop production that enabled them to sell to other countries was decimated by the ban on fertilizers and it was hitting farmers so badly that some farmers were committing suicide On Friday, October 6, 2023 at 07:53:37 AM PDT:
Sounds great. We plan to create a "food forest" which is a concept that mimics nature but is full of veggies and fruits that grow symbiotically. It requires studying what grows well in the area, like you said. I'll also try to build a green house, but not sure if I can do it next year because I'll be so busy fixing up the house first. I've run across some really great people and websites that I'll share with you. One of the best is a lady who focuses on creating the perfect soil that doesn't require any fertilizers and produces like crazy. The entire concept of chemical fertilizers is bad and very costly. ________________________________ Sent: Friday, October 6, 2023 6:18 AM Cc: -- -- Dan and I consider ourselves aspiring homesteaders too. it really is a long term project to become self-sufficient. we've doubled our garden from last year, doubled the food bearing trees (though it'll take forever for them to mature) and Dan just finished our greenhouse! we didn't have much extra food this year to can but we have been dehydrating tomatillos and the mushrooms we cultivated (wine caps). mushrooms are easy! they come up themselves every spring and fall once they are established. we have local youtubers too! Edible Acres is a nursery that grows plants that do well in our area. we buy from them and learn from their videos. what a great resource! best of luck with your land! On Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 1:46 AM wrote: Nice pictures . I hope that your new digs fulfill your dreams. Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2023 12:05 PM -- -- In case of interest, we bought this old farm. It has 5 acres. Surrounded on all sides by beef cattle. Many neighbors have already dropped by to introduce themselves. We love it here. Medicine supplies running outby doug - 2023-10-08 ( education / research ) [html version]
Most drugs and vitamin supplements come from China. What if you could find natural ways to maintain your health? This is a really great discussion about information being compiled for this very purpose. All you have to do is look: Google caught red handedby doug - 2023-10-09 ( education / research ) [html version]
They never thought anyone could catch them because how it flashes on people's devices and leaves no trace it ever happened. But this man, a Democrat by the way, figured out what they're doing and how to prove it Really amazing. Must see if interested in honest voting. And they need help. great history lessonby steve - 2023-10-10 ( education / research ) [html version]
as the attached file shows, I've been collecting stuff about the ConCon (and I think that's a super appropriate abbreviation of it) for quite some time and the biggest pusher has been Mark Levin, who is supposed to be some great patriot but I think he's another Trojan Horse:
On Sunday, October 8, 2023 at 10:42:10 PM
Glad you liked it. Yea, in 2020 I was hearing about a new convention of states, but stopped following it= I can imagine how Marxists would take the opportunity to delete our most important rights.
Sent: Sunday, October 8, 2023 9:46 PM -- = I'm seeing the end of the video now. Geez, it's one of the TOP videos I've ever seen. At the end, she's talking about the Constitutional Convention which I've repeatedly said would be BAD (as she also says). There's some big time "conservative" (I can't recall his name at the moment) who has been pushing it for YEARS. On Sunday, October 8, 2023 at 09:32:45 PM I don't know if she's the one who said it, but I'm hearing several who've given up trying to wake people up to reality. They gave it their best shot, tried to save lives, but are taking "me" time now because it's going to get rough and they plan to survive it. I'm half way there now, too.
Sent: Sunday, October 8, 2023 8:58 PM -- = yes, a good video but will be called "conspiracy theory" by the usual people On Sunday, October 8, 2023 at 08:14:53 PM Covers from the foundation of the republic to WW2. Reading from a rare book written in 1984. It's so great to understand the big picture.
as the attached file shows, I've been collecting stuff about the ConCon (and I think that's a super appropriate abbreviation of it) for quite some time and the biggest pusher has been Mark Levin, who is supposed to be some great patriot but I think he's another Trojan Horse:
On Sunday, October 8, 2023 at 10:42:10 PM , someone wrote:
Glad you liked it. Yea, in 2020 I was hearing about a new convention of states, but stopped following it I can imagine how Marxists would take the opportunity to delete our most important rights. <> Sent: Sunday, October 8, 2023 9:46 PM <>; -- <.com>; <.com>;
I'm seeing the end of the video now. Geez, it's one of the TOP videos I've ever seen. At the end, she's talking about the Constitutional Convention which I've repeatedly said would be BAD (as she also says). There's some big time "conservative" (I can't recall his name at the moment) who has been pushing it for YEARS. On Sunday, October 8, 2023 at 09:32:45 PM , someone wrote: I don't know if she's the one who said it, but I'm hearing several who've given up trying to wake people up to reality. They gave it their best shot, tried to save lives, but are taking "me" time now because it's going to get rough and they plan to survive it. I'm half way there now, too. <> Sent: Sunday, October 8, 2023 8:58 PM <>; -- <.com>; <.com>;
yes, a good video but will be called "conspiracy theory" by the usual people On Sunday, October 8, 2023 at 08:14:53 PM , someone wrote: Covers from the foundation of the republic to WW2. Reading from a rare book written in 1984. It's so great to understand the big picture.
-- Everywhere but USAby doug - 2023-10-11 ( education / research ) [html version] Rest in peaceby doug - 2023-10-14 ( education / research ) [html version]I doubt it, but hearing how many Jews are ok with complete genocide of Palestinians, we must realize there's plenty of psychos around and our own installed government is full of them. ________________________________ Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 10:06 PM -- -- Plan A was to nuke us all. Plan B came along to kill humanity with the vax. Back to Plan A? On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 10:00:43 PM PDT: Maybe it's just my wishful thinking but I think many people who took the bioweapon shots have now woken up and don't plan to take more. We have a local friend like that. Plus all the people who were strong enough to reject the intense propaganda and coercion are still alive. Knowing they can barely give this sh-t to anyone now, I think they'll fail to continue the scamdemic. ________________________________ Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 8:08 PM -- -- they won't just as the gladly accepted being "saved" by a killer vax, they'll run to be locked down by the gov't "protection" On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 07:03:39 PM PDT: I hope enough people see through the scam and reject martial law ________________________________ Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 6:17 PM -- -- a "global jihad"? Nah, I don't think so. It's MUCH MORE likely that the demonic globalists want RIOTING to happen all over because the sheeple have accepted this NEW LIE and then when the Globalist mercenaries (dressed as muslims) will attack patriot locations so the sheeple will BEG to be "saved" by way of Martial Law (enslavement and lockdowns again): Hamas Founder Calls for Global Jihad for Friday Hamas Founder Calls for Global Jihad for Friday "It's time for Jihad to be applied on the ground," ex-Hamas leader Khalid Mashal urged in a video message target... On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 06:15:17 PM PDT: I guess they refuse to look because there's no denying it whatsoever. ________________________________ Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 5:49 PM -- -- yeah, but most won't believe it. I sent it (again) to congressman Kevin Kiley and he's probably tired of me doing that. On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 02:17:25 PM PDT: Go to minute 53:40 Until the criminals are removed from power, rest in peace, San Francisco . So many more cities are coming to this end very soon -- Portland, Seattle, NYC, Chicago, Loseles, Baltimore, etc. Thanks globalists (and their minions from the Uniparty). More details about the wave of people thru Mexicoby steve - 2023-10-15 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 08:09:32 PM
Genius policies, as usual. Sent: Friday, October 13, 2023 7:17 PM -- -- = as this article tells, NYC folks get to be second class to ILLEGALS at hospitals: Even More American Citizens Turned Away At Lib City Hospitals So Illegal Aliens Can... " Patriots Beacon | | | | | | | | Even More American Citizens Turned Away At Lib City Hospitals So Illegal... | | | On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 06:49:13 PM , someone wrote: Most people grow up eventually and become conservative but it obviously takes longer for some (even the governor of NY is finally understanding the REALITY of the border and wants it closed) On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 06:31:11 PM Staggering numbers crossing the southern US border. Estimates of 4 million more just during this current criminal regime. No wonder why moron democrats who once were in favor of it are begging for it to stop. And take a look at the number of people from "countries of concern" in the middle east. Stay clear of border regions, I think. But no place is completely safe. So do what you must to protect yourself. No doubt whatsoever there are sleeper cells waiting for the go sign. Need a good laugh?by doug - 2023-10-16 ( education / research ) [html version]Go to minute 50:00 or so to watch a collection of BBC clips that could have you breathless from laughter. The entire podcast documents many examples of how the BBC is the government mouthpiece for propaganda. Powerful statement from a Holocaust survivorby doug - 2023-10-17 ( education / research ) [html version]Yes, very refreshing. ________________________________ Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2023 9:11 PM -- -- wow, a jew who is honest about how disgusting israelis against palestinians. On Sunday, October 15, 2023 at 08:27:38 PM PDT: Just listen for about 12 minutes Safe and effective death tollby doug - 2023-10-17 ( education / research ) [html version]More athletes died from conspiracy theories. If they had only listened... But don't worry, conspiracy deniers are bound to be right at least one time, eventually. You OK with severe travel restrictions?by steve - 2023-10-19 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 12:37:49 PM , someone wrote: one step closer to total LockdownsI don't plan to travel by plane but don't like that they are getting so Nazi about it (but that's me and some don't mind being imprisoned) On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 11:55:39 AM Because that's what "they" are planning for YOU right now. Incredible brutality of Israelby steve - 2023-10-19 ( education / research ) [html version]great video about zionism and israel, . I've been trying to educate people about it on FB and any article that mentions "antisemitism" with what I've been posting about the matter from the last 110 years being the same thing On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 11:14:42 PM Another good but very short mini documentary about Israel: Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 10:33 PM -- -- = I posted it on FB so at a minimum, they'll slap some "warning" on it be likely totally ban it when they discover it (keep people IGNORANT as to REAL HISTORY) Israel is ISIS -- ISIS is Bolshevik | | | | | | | | Israel is ISIS -- ISIS is Bolshevik BitChute Odysee: | | | On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 10:20:34 PM This video is not for the squeamish. It reveals the many false flag operations by Israel over the decades. It's too long to expect anyone to watch it all, but if you do catch the very end you will be treated to video clips from around the world showing protests in support of Palestinians. Very shocking information about the Bolshevik Jews responsible for so many millions of deaths in Russia -- the worst killing in history, I think. And now they run the government. informational article about israel-hamas war (false flag operation)by steve - 2023-10-19 ( education / research ) [html version] Free speech horrorby doug - 2023-10-20 ( education / research ) [html version] Miscellaneous interesting stuffby steve - 2023-10-20 ( education / research ) [html version]story on American Military NewsYeah, you can become a "battery" for your devices? Somebody would really want that? (remember the Matrix movie)Sure, it's a "good" thing to power your devices (but instead of you powering devices, it's more likely that YOU will be Controlled by SOMEBODY's device: On Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 12:28:05 PM , someone wrote: Dr. Merrick mentioned it being hard to find the original 13th amendment. Here's an article about that: On Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 12:08:06 PM , someone wrote: one of the commenters posted this way to download a book mentioned in the video but that censoring won't let be available otherwise: On Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 11:07:21 AM Really interesting discussion including examples of how we don't live in a free country. Waiting in jail years before being charged for any crime. There's some interesting comments about using cash and speculation about what's next. Good one to share with awake people. Blood linesby doug - 2023-10-21 ( education / research ) [html version]Yea, there's always a chance that the person has a different perspective or interpretation of facts, but in general he is oh so right. This gets into genealogy and tracing various lineages and that's what I was so interested in documenting until it became clear the good uses of DNA have been also adopted by evil pieces of sh-t for nefarious purposes, and I had to walk away from that path. Pretty much everyone in Europe must be a descendant of these creeps like Charlemagne. If I've been correctly documenting our Portuguese side, we connect to him multiple ways. And maybe I've discovered his DNA y-chromosome through the whole genome testing I was involved with. ________________________________ Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:38 PM -- -- it was good and though I didn't agree with everything he said, I agree with most of it. I was really surprised when FB didn't automatically censor it, as he usually did with Health Ranger videos On Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 04:26:05 PM PDT: Great interview about the big picture that Israel has revealed by starting their war. health tipby steve - 2023-10-24 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Sunday, October 22, 2023 at 08:27:41 PM PDT: Sounds good. If you do it, let us know how it goes for you. Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2023 7:03 PM health tip= sounds worth checking out: Shit about ready?by steve - 2023-10-24 ( education / research ) [html version]yeah, again the zionists, rothschilds, and biden are also mentioned On Sunday, October 22, 2023 at 11:17:54 PM Listen to this short report from a cab driver and his passenger. Delusional?by steve - 2023-10-24 ( education / research ) [html version]yes, and don't forget Hunter, the "first son" who is a crack head and put lots of porn on his laptop that the NY Times finally had to admit was NOT a Lie. And yet, liberals seem to be as delusional as he is
On Monday, October 23, 2023 at 11:46:33 AM Pathetic scumbag Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 11:44 AM delusional?= joe is now telling that his son, Beau, was killed in the Iraq war a little after the 3:00 point.Biden Tells 'My Son Beau Killed in Iraq' Lie to Israeli Doctor (3:45) -- | | | | | | | | Biden Tells 'My Son Beau Killed in Iraq' Lie to Israeli Doctor (3:45) -- ... Biden Tells 'My Son Beau Killed in Iraq' Lie to Israeli Doctor -- 3:45 in video | | | I guess that liberals don't mind him being the "most powerful person in the world" and a chronic LIAR (which foreign gov't would ever believe anything he said in any negotiations?) Palestine/Israel conflictby doug - 2023-10-26 ( education / research ) [html version]
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 10:42 PM yes, netanyahu is another demonic warmongering zionist. I read he's not too popular in israel but they re-elected him Syrian Girl is mentioned. I enjoyed her videos. I don't see any link to a video by her On Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 04:27:50 AM PDT: Interesting. Putin Might Have Cancelled ArmageddonVideo Rebel's Blog ( Netanyahu needs to go to jail. He has pending fraud charges. And he did refuse to cancel that Rave party in the desert despite warnings from Egypt and even the CIA. Plus he did order the Israeli Army to stand down for 7 hours. I have posted a video below references from Syrian Girl summing up the history of Zionist terrorism. In a recent article I explained that the Hamas attack in the desert was just another Pearl Harbor much like 911. (Israel did 911.)How Many Pearl Harbors Before We Learn? Covid vax 0% effective (but KILLED and Injured)by steve - 2023-10-26 ( education / research ) [html version] Healing from vax injuriesby doug - 2023-10-27 ( education / research ) [html version]Maybe for someone you know? good anti-censorship videoby steve - 2023-10-27 ( education / research ) [html version]Sorry, I hope I didn't OFFEND anybody by defending the First Amendment Europe is a lost causeby doug - 2023-10-28 ( education / research ) [html version] Highland Park shooting was a false flag operation?by doug - 2023-10-29 ( education / research ) [html version]MK Ultra victim, most likely. ________________________________ Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 8:05 PM as I said, - Afternoon Headlines&3D653c722900cdd732727798b628e9d5a8&brzu=3Dbc260606cbd613c0f40cd1c1dded675dc1cf85210895692b1c2d2b4a6b7f9832&lctg=3D5dfad075376d7073bd51b08c On Friday, October 27, 2023 at 05:34:32 PM PDT, someone wrote: he'll probably have an "accident" or "suicide" On Friday, October 27, 2023 at 05:06:03 PM PDT: No doubt. They need more excuses to ban guns. ________________________________ Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 1:23 PM with the FBI being so criminal, it wouldn't surprise me at all if this were true: SOE PM&utm_medium=3Dnewsletter&3DGet response&utm_term=3Demail Pfizer going down?by doug - 2023-10-29 ( education / research ) [html version]
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 10:04 PM -- -- I want to see fauXi, gates, walensky, and hundreds of others IMPRISONED for Manslaughter and then eventually go on trial (kind of like how the Jan 6th folks were put in prison and still not gone to trial) On Friday, October 27, 2023 at 09:44:51 PM PDT: Pfizer could be open to tons of lawsuits because of fraud in their bioweapon shots masquerading as a vaccine. This is verified by Health Canada. So if you know anyone suffering from their toxic sh-t shots, pay attention to this one. Go to minute 24:30 While you were occupied by other events. .by steve - 2023-10-29 ( education / research ) [html version]the WHO is demonic and the guy "leading" it is NOT A DOCTOR! On Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 04:19:46 PM PDT, someone wrote: FYI= Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2023 3:34 PM While you were occupied by other events. . . The public tracks one catastrophe at a time, so we're failing to notice a guided missile targeted directly at national sovereignty and individual rights. It's a top-tier emergency. If you're re not aware of the proposed WHO 'Pandemic Preparedness' measures, it's time to catch up . . . As the President of GlobalHProject I cannot stress enough the importance of this video. It's probably one of the most important things you will watch. It explains the danger all our countries are in because of the WHO attempt at power grab. Watch! . . . While You Were Occupied by Other Eventsby steve - 2023-10-30 ( education / research ) [html version]The W.H.O. is demonic and the guy "leading" it is NOT A DOCTOR! On Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 04:19:46 PM
Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2023 3:34 PM While you were occupied by other events... The public tracks one catastrophe at a time, so we're failing to notice a guided missile targeted directly at national sovereignty and individual rights. It's a top-tier emergency. If you're re not aware of the proposed WHO 'Pandemic Preparedness' measures, it's time to catch up ... As the President of @GlobalHProject I cannot stress enough the importance of this video. It's probably one of the most important things you will watch. It explains the danger all our countries are in because of the WHO attempt at power grab. Watch! ... WEF young global leadersby doug - 2023-10-30 ( education / research ) [html version]
Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2023 8:06 PM -- a bunch of scumbags who want to destroy humanity, while thinking they have "god" status over humanity On Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 08:00:32 PM PDT: Who are they? How to have healthy petsby doug - 2023-10-30 ( education / research ) [html version]Interesting cast of rogue characters which includes Trump. It becomes more and more clear that Trump is controlled opposition. ________________________________ Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2023 8:33 PM -- -- while researching, I found this WEF water group: WEFTEC -- WEF Announces Graduates of 2023 Water Leadership Institute WEFTEC -- WEF Announces Graduates of 2023 Water Leadership Institute Here's a list of some: ncluding Henry Kissinger, Clinton and Anthony Fauci =96 are named as members. And beyond that, WEF denotes others =96 often those who speak at Davos and have an influence on WEF policies =96 as "Agenda Contributors." Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Xi Jinping, George Soros, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan, transhumanist author Yuval Noah Harari, State Street CEO Ron O'Hanley and BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Laurence D. Fink -- Agenda Contributor 1974, BA in Political Science, and 1976, MBA in Real Estate, University of California, Loseles. Former Membe... On Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 08:09:59 PM PDT: Pet owners will value this information: Project Paperclipby steve - 2023-11-01 ( education / research ) [html version]yeah, disgustingin you've ever wondered how our military became so demonic, this video will enlighten you: On Monday, October 30, 2023 at 09:35:44 PM Extremely important part of our history and presented very well in this mini documentary. Now we can understand why the Nazis never went away. And if you're observant you see them taking over the world today. New to me is the other project "Gladio". Beat Lawyers at Their Own Racketby doug - 2023-11-03 ( education / research / legal ) [html version]This guy is absolutely awesome. In this video he talks about how the [American Bar Association] gets into everyone's life, and how you take control again. Must watch if you want to save your assets. Dr Shiva gives amazing interviewby doug - 2023-11-05 ( education / research ) [html version]
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2023 9:33 PM -- -- I'm listening to it part 1 wasn't banned in FB but part 2 is banned Yeah, it's good and ALL (who can deal with reality) ought to watch it On Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 08:47:54 PM PDT: Part 2 FYI: ________________________________ Sent: Wednesday, November 1, 2023 10:01 PM -- -- as he pointed out, the biggest antisemites are the zioniss (because they're not semites and continually use Semites to push their demonic agenda of world conquest) On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 09:18:13 PM PDT: It's not mentioned here, but it's amazing how the kids are taught to despise Palestinians from birth. There are many laws against Jews marrying anyone else. They are completely racist people. ________________________________ Sent: Wednesday, November 1, 2023 9:10 PM -- -- here's a search for "jews against zionism" on youtube to see the TRUTH as how anti-zionism is NOT antisemitic or anti-israeli On Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 11:09:32 AM PDT: About what's going on with Israel and the Zionists running the government. I'm definitely voting for him. Fake pandemic business - H1N1by doug - 2023-11-05 ( education / research ) [html version]They sure perfected it for the greatest scam in history of 2020. ________________________________ Sent: Friday, November 3, 2023 10:15 PM -- yeah, it was a practice Scamdemic that didn't pan out then On Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 07:43:43 AM PDT: Nice short video remembering H1N1. Martin Armstrong on world eventsby doug - 2023-11-08 ( education / research ) [html version]Surprising predictions worth hearing. See what happens in 2024. Governments around the world pay attention to what he says. And visit Europe soon if you want because lockdowns are coming that will prevent it later. Where to Move When Shit Hits the Fanby steve - 2023-11-08 ( education / research ) [html version]They will be seen, or word of their coming will precede them, so some will be hit. But then "forces" will likely join up (if things went right, the National Guard would do something but I wouldn't count on them) On Monday, November 6, 2023 at 09:10:42 PM PST Yes, but how will that prevent a gang of terrorists from attacking people? Few will be trained to handle such a fight. It's going to be ugly, probably especially in moronic blue states and cities. Watch at 1.5x speed. Lots of interesting things besides my comment. Sent: Monday, November 6, 2023 8:21 PM You DO know how many guns Patriots in the USA have, right? No, I didn't take time to watch the video because I think it'd be a waste of time. On Monday, November 6, 2023 at 07:03:53 PM PST This war correspondent has been to over 90 countries and is a wealth of information. So many interesting things to say. Bottom line, if people don't already know to start preparing, they are dead meat. There are killers crossing the border through Mexico and they're planning to kill people and take their homes. It's inevitable. The only question is when, not if. This criminal regime is actively destroying this country. It's impossible for anyone to have done so many mistakes. They want you dead and if you still don't realize it, better luck in your next life. Burn back betterby doug - 2023-11-08 ( education / research ) [html version]Playbook of the globalists -- Lahaina and maybe Acapulco (all recent direct energy weapon targeted places) New book. Space bankingby doug - 2023-11-09 ( education / research ) [html version]
Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2023 5:01 PM -- -- is this the one where they store all the info in space so nobody can hack it? (I saw a video that talked of that) On Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at 04:57:54 PM PST: Pretty interesting stuff Another way how the globalists want to control things. Really interesting talk about psychology and habitsby doug - 2023-11-10 ( education / research ) [html version]Includes comments about being a writer and more. Worth a listen. Twenty Documented Conspiraciesby steve - 2023-11-10 ( education / research ) [html version]I'm listening to Corbett's older video that he mentioned, and I think it's a great idea to pay attention On Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 09:24:20 PM PST So many possibilities... Shot Dead The Movie - 1 hrby steve - 2023-11-14 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 09:26:36 AM PST, someone wrote: certain people won't dare to watch it, obviously a "conspiracy theory" because they were vaxxed and know it really was "safe and effective" On Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 06:32:46 AM PST: I haven't watched it yet but this is a short movie about children who were killed by the toxic injections falsely claimed to be safe and effective for what people call covid,, as told by the heartbroken parents. Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2023 5:06 PM Shot Dead The Movie -- 1 hr= This is the movie we wish we didn't have to make. But this is a movie everyone needs to see. For the first time ever, hear the stories of covid shot deaths as told by the parents who lost their children. Hear from the families brave enough to speak up and admit that the shot killed their children. Hear from the ones who have refused to keep quiet. We all know that there are so many who have sold out to pharma, denying that their loved ones were hurt or killed by the shots. But there is no amount of money or threats that can keep these parents from speaking truth in honor of their children...and so this doesn't happen to one more child. A We The Patriots USA Original Production Produced and Directed by Teryn son Filmed and Edited by Jason and Avery Kabrich of Not Sheep Media Dig It #207, With John Dyslinby doug - 2023-11-21 ( education / research ) [html version]Some pretty interesting things mentioned, beyond the religious beliefs: Gaslight, the movieby doug - 2023-11-21 ( education / research ) [html version] 5G technologyby doug - 2023-11-21 ( education / research / tech / 5g ) [html version]Just ran across this interesting tidbit of information. 5G has been in existence since at least 2003, but not yet introduced to the public. 6G and 7G already exist but are in waiting. See Minute 30 or so: Watch on BitChute Amazing CIA infoby doug - 2023-11-23 ( education / research ) [html version]Very short story you should hear Still trust the government after hearing this? Tesla related scienceby doug - 2023-11-23 ( education / research ) [html version] Hyperbaric chambersby doug - 2023-11-23 ( education / research ) [html version]Really interesting discussion about the use of hyperbaric chambers to improve health, including dementia and many other things. They are surprisingly affordable. I'm going to get one before the criminals outlaw them. Psychopathic Israelby doug - 2023-11-24 ( education / research ) [html version]Yes, that pinpoints the exact people. Zionism should be fully exposed so people can properly ridicule them. Some say ban or outlaw them, but that's how things backfire on us. No, let the Marxists, communists, pedophiles etc explain how wonderful their ideas are for all to see. ________________________________ Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2023 9:36 PM -- -- the zionists are the problem and many Jews agree with me: Rabbi Feldman: "THE STATE OF ISRAEL DOES NOT REPRESENT ALL JEWS" [] Rabbi Feldman: "THE STATE OF ISRAEL DOES NOT REPRESENT ALL JEWS" Rebel Rabbis: Anti-Zionist Jews Against Israel [] Rebel Rabbis: Anti-Zionist Jews Against Israel On Wednesday, November 22, 2023 at 09:30:20 PM PST: I don't like to generalize because there's probably millions of Ashkenazi Jews who are wonderful people. But it's a fact the Jewish state of Israel is actively brainwashing their citizens and creating psychopathic monsters. I believe most Jews are against this genocide. ________________________________ Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2023 9:21 PM -- -- well, as Revelation 2:9 of the bible says, the ashkenazi/khazarian INVADERS are the "Synagogue of Satan" On Wednesday, November 22, 2023 at 08:54:43 PM PST: Amazing proof of the psychopathic condition of a great many in Israel. That society is creating monsters. Kaiser doctor speaks outby steve - 2023-11-24 ( education / research ) [html version]it's all about MONEY. [wife]'s old boss doctor still wears masks at meetings and if they go against the LIES, they miss out On Money (billions of dollars from joe) On Wednesday, November 22, 2023 at 09:43:37 PM PST: These people have no morals and I wonder how they can live with themselves. Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2023 9:41 PM -- -- = I sent my kaiser doctor many horror testimonials of people killed or majorly injured by the vax and warned her that she might be subject to a new Nuremberg/"crime against humanity" trial if she kept pushing the vax. she finally transferred to a new position On Wednesday, November 22, 2023 at 09:37:27 PM PST: And it gets very ugly. Beware Kaiser doctors. If they still have a job there they are likely brainwashed and don't give a sh-t about you -- just doing anything to keep their job. I'm sure this is no different in other health care systems. Truman show as relates to the pandemicby steve - 2023-11-28 ( education / research ) [html version]and 99.99% of humanity is happy in the FAKE WORLD they're living in On Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 10:26:27 PM PST: Really interesting discussion with novel conclusions. Forward to about minute 14 for the sound to start. 2016 TV show predicted the future?by steve - 2023-11-29 ( education / research ) [html version]That reminds me of what will be in my next story, space aliens, and having that "Alien Nation" TV show some while back was a test to see how humans would react to living with space aliens (no, I'm not saying that was so, just a similar idea) On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 12:15:05 AM PST: Predictive programming from X Files in 2016 show. It accurately lays out exactly what the entire world is experiencing right now -- so amazing. But, of course, that would mean all of this was planned and we can't believe in conspiracies, right? Lots of info about EMF and steps to avoid itby doug - 2023-11-30 ( education / research ) [html version]Electromagnetic frequencies may be the most important reason for sickness. Really interesting conversation: New book, movie, TV series sounds amazingby doug - 2023-12-01 ( education / research ) [html version] Professor and Author, Chad Stewart, joins the program to discuss his international bestselling Britfield series of books for children. He shares how his blockbuster series taps into the natural creativity of children. We also discuss the well documented destruction of creativity and critical thinking that the U.S. educational system "schools" out of children. This is a timely discussion on the desperately needed restructuring of our mass education system. You can learn more about Chad Stewart and his amazing book series at Fake Silver from Chinaby doug - 2023-12-02 ( education / research ) [html version]Important information if you are interested in silver. ________________________________ Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2023 1:44 PM Be careful who you buy your silver from. Some of the counterfeits are getting better. EMF and virus theoryby doug - 2023-12-03 ( education / research ) [html version] Texas sues Pfizer / kids protest Hilaryby steve - 2023-12-03 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 12:24:09 AM PST: Wow, you are still making those? That means for about 50 years you have been eating that. Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 11:11 PM Cc: -- -- = personally, I think my diet with a lot of peanut butter and jam/banana sandwiches could be the magic diet On Friday, December 1, 2023 at 10:54:53 PM PST: It's so obvious to me pharma is so utterly corrupt they don't deserve the public trust for anything that is injected. I'd be surprised to learn there's a single pill or shot that in any way is helpful. Diet and natural things is the only option now and forever more. Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 10:09 PM Cc: -- -- = No way. I just got it and got over it. I'm not getting any shots for anything. I hate those commercials. On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 10:07 PM someone wrote: ,So, do you think getting that vax is worth taking the risk, considering what we know about their vaxxes now? On Friday, December 1, 2023 at 09:59:56 PM PST, someone wrote: I got it. It was painful but they make it sound worse than it was. = On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 9:58 PM someone wrote: yeah, they're still pushing the covid vax (with a new name, "spikevax") and any other vax they can SCARE people into taking. Lately it's been the Shingles vax, telling how it's "dormant" in us all. Yeah, I know that got shingles decades ago, but does anybody else know anybody who got it? On Friday, December 1, 2023 at 08:40:02 PM PST: Finally a state calls it like it is against this corporate monster demon. Listen to what their investigation claims. I just hope those kids are not on her hit list now. Interesting news from Irelandby doug - 2023-12-04 ( education / research ) [html version] Taxes, murder, conspiraciesby doug - 2023-12-07 ( education / research ) [html version]If you kill someone, that's murder. If you take someone's money, that's theft. But if the government does these things it's war and taxation. Vote by Tweetby doug - 2023-12-07 ( education / research ) [html version]--_000_BYAPR08MB5624C18C70EAB4DD07F82063D184ABYAPR08MB5624namp_ charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Yes, very serious and why using humor is a great way to communicate the hypocrisy of these insane tyrants to those not paying attention. ________________________________ Sent: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 5:22 PM -- -- Funny except for some guy WENT TO PRISON for posting a joke related to Hillary Clinton and I posted an obvious joke and FB put an attachment on it. It moreso proves that leftists are not adults and frequently lean toward mentally ill. (not exactly the same but in England, some woman went to prison for SILENTLY praying on the sidewalk, more leftist INSANITY.) On Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 03:00:10 PM PST: Funny! ________________________________ Sent: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 2:55 PM [image.png] - -- - - -- - s Mackey Convicted for Vote-by-Tweet Meme
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Yes, very serious and why using humor is a great way to communicate the hypocrisy of these insane tyrants to those not paying attention. Sent: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 5:22 PM On Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 03:00:10 PM PST, someone wrote:
Sent: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 2:55 PM New Zealand whistleblowerby doug - 2023-12-07 ( education / research ) [html version] ________________________________ Sent: Sunday, December 3, 2023 4:28 AM -- -- don't worry, it's a good old World Economic Forum commie reaction On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 10:46:42 PM PST: All hell has come down on the whistleblower. Hear New Zealand's plea for help: ________________________________ Sent: Saturday, December 2, 2023 12:21 AM -- -- Seems so. Here's more details about this: ________________________________ Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 11:10 PM -- -- So, in red states, the liberals would have been knocked off more and they'd be stronger conservative On Friday, December 1, 2023 at 11:02:54 PM PST: Some people have studied each state and they concluded blue states were not hit so hard as red states. The worst effects were felt by "conservatives". But if conservatives were more targeted, it has backfired because conservatives were also far more likely to be skeptical about this amazing experimental injection. So the depopulation agenda in the main will remove democrats from the gene pool. ________________________________ Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 9:49 PM -- -- 17% die within a year? Supposedly, the vaxxes in Kalifornia weren't bad as often so ... On Friday, December 1, 2023 at 09:14:10 PM PST: A high government official reveals the true data. Watch the first 3 minutes for the highlights. At least 17 people out of 100 are dead within the year after taking the bioweapon shots. Satellite phone for everyoneby doug - 2023-12-08 ( education / research ) [html version] Senator Dick Durban of Illinoisby doug - 2023-12-08 ( education / research ) [html version]"As dirty as the day is long." How do you like this mafia running the government? Maybe Newsom can team up with him for a marriage from hell Balfour declaration - Lawrence of Arabiaby steve - 2023-12-08 ( education / research ) [html version]I haven't watched the video but as I remember it, the Rothschilds told the Brits that if they allowed the takeover of Palestine, they'd get President Wilson to join with England for WWI. Wilson campaigned about not going to war, but was somehow convinced to go along but later in life said he= had done a mistake.That was= followed by the Transfer Agreement with Hitler and the zonists (Rothschilds again) making a deal where the RICH ashkenazi/khazarian fake Semites could go to Palestine and the poor ones "got to" help Hitler as SLAVE LABOR for the "war effort".As Revelation 2:9 of the bible says, the whole STEALING of Palestine involved the "Synagogue of Satan". On Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 07:18:56 PM PST: Very short and informative about the creation of Israel. I remember seeing the movie Lawrence of Arabia at a theater on K street downtown Sacramento in the mid 1960s. I was impressed. Moon landingsby steve - 2023-12-11 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Saturday, December 9, 2023 at 04:11:19 PM PST: Can anyone explain these questions about it? Oregon senator with a functioning brain?by doug - 2023-12-11 ( education / research ) [html version]I assumed the politics in Oregon were as insane as what we're seeing happen to the formerly beautiful city of Portland. But this senator is not one such moron. Quite a nice surprise: Alex Jones And Tucker Carlson Unleash on Censorship Culture and Globalist Warmongersby doug - 2023-12-11 ( education / research ) [html version] Judge Finds Enough Illegally Cast Ballots to Overturn Election Resultsby doug - 2023-12-12 ( education / research ) [html version]
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2023 12:49 PM -- -- yeah, but as I recall, it was just the election for Sheriff On Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 11:21:09 AM PST: Finally real justice from Louisiana. Still, blind people won't allow the truth to sink in and disrupt their precious illusions. ________________________________ Epoch TV Sent: Saturday, December 9, 2023 7:18 AM Three days ago, in Louisiana, enough evidence of illegal voting was uncovered -- such that a state Supreme Court judge completely nullified the results of an election. His rationale was that enough ballots were cast illegally to change the outcome of the race, and therefore, the entire thing just has to be redone. [] [] [] [] [] [] Trump May Not Have Been Prepared for the Swamp in 2016, but He Is Far More Prepared This Time Around [] [] [] [] [] Why Do Global Elites Think They Need to Impose Their Worldviews on Us? [] [] [] [] [] Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing -- the Crosby Family [] [] [] [] [] Vaccine Toxicity, 3-Foot Long Blood Clots, covid Testing -- Panel Answers Critical Questions [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Advertisement [] [] [] [] Operation Carpetbagger: The Secret Mission to End World War II This is the story of one of the most top secret missions of World War II, called Operation Carpetbagger, and features some of the key players who flew and crewed the Consolidated B-24D Liberators that trained for and participated in the missions, including waist gunner and engineer, Henry D. MacMillan Jr., and the Williams' Crew. Also featuring commentary from some of the war hero's friends and family members. [] The Gettys: A Musical Family of HopeAmerica's Hope [] [] [] [] How to Resist the Censorship Apparatus: Insider Andrew Lowenthal [] [] [] [] Got this newsletter from your friend? Sign up here to get this newsletter in your inbox. [] [Facebook] [X] [Instagram] Copyright =A9 2023 The Epoch Times. All rights reserved. The Epoch Times, 229 W 28th St, Fl.5, New York, NY 10001 EpochTV delivers the cutting-edge investigative journalism you have come to expect from The Epoch Times. We dig deep every day to give you the real facts that make real news. Terms & ConditionsCustomer ServicePrivacy PolicyUnsubscribe Update on the Beverly Hills Safe Deposit Box caseby doug - 2023-12-12 ( education / research ) [html version]
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2023 12:46 PM -- -- I would NEVER put anything of value in a safe deposit box. The gov't has total access to them to STEAL whatever they want On Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 11:28:53 AM PST: More crimes by the FBI and theft of Americans. ________________________________ Sent: Friday, December 8, 2023 3:15 PM Safe Deposit Box Case Heard by Ninth Circuit Really interesting discussion about ESGby doug - 2023-12-12 ( education / research ) [html version]No, it's not some chemical. It's how the globalists want to take away our freedom, linked directly to the climate change scam. Thieves in uniformby steve - 2023-12-13 ( education / research ) [html version]the Dems and the GOP are the left and right BUTT CHEEKS of the UniParty Deep State On Monday, December 11, 2023 at 09:44:41 PM PST: Maybe you've seen them already. They are such people as your local sheriff. They refuse to stop being criminals because they're getting so rich from stealing from the public. And asshole Trump is a big supporter. HR1525 Proposal supported by both Republicans and Democrats Overhaul of Civil Asset Forfeiture is Making Progress in Congress -- 13 min goldbacksby doug - 2023-12-14 ( education / research ) [html version]When the federal reserve is cut out of the entire process, they won't be happy campers. How dare we exit their slave system!!! ________________________________ Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 5:40 PM -- -- looks like a great concept to me. I wonder how the globalists will react to them. That's the only way I'd hold gold. On Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 03:31:55 PM PST: So interesting! Especially the part near the end talking about who and where they are being used, like farmers markets, entire groups of people who have established their own commerce communities, etc. I'm impressed. Uni-party passes spying on Americansby doug - 2023-12-16 ( education / research ) [html version]Warrantless spying gets passed with the help of many on the right who pretend to be America first. Do we really need elections?by doug - 2023-12-18 ( education / research / politics / voting ) [html version]Some think not: See Elections Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2023 9:16 AM We don't need politicians, just sane laws and sane enforcement of those laws, with THE PEOPLE making and voting to keep or remove those laws. So, we do need voting... counted by hand. Health device - Juventby doug - 2023-12-19 ( education / research ) [html version]Check this out. Maybe it'll help you... if it's not too expensive. Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2023 6:51 PM Really interesting thing you stand on that looks like a scale. Used for rehab and by pro athletes. Worth a watch. What is Agenda 21?by doug - 2023-12-19 ( education / research ) [html version]This is a great intro to this question. I searched Google and found all the buzz words you'd expect from the globalists, like equity and sustainable development. But it's nothing more than propaganda, of course (if you realize how Google works). After watching this interview I realize I need to Investigate what our county in Missouri is doing. It's extremely important and very serious because the county where you live is one of the primary protections of your rights. Is Jesus more fake news?by doug - 2023-12-19 ( education / research ) [html version] After 800 Days, The Vax Truthby steve - 2023-12-23 ( education / research ) [html version] Extremely important video about EMFby doug - 2023-12-27 ( education / research ) [html version]Watch at least the first 10 minutes and I'll wager most will then want to watch the entire thing. It is from about 5 years ago and the scientific research mentioned might shock you. I knew it was bad but not this bad. I think maybe this is what killed Don. Under no circumstances should anyone decide to start shooting or in any way ruining the 5G towers. It's pretty fragile, I hear, and the last thing we'd want is to cause the globalists more money or expense. I'll be doing things in our new place to reduce our exposure such as installing cat5 cables and probably special paint as mentioned in the video. See the first link below. ________________________________ S Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2023 9:38 AM WATCH THIS ENTIRE VIDEO If you only watch one video this week, please watch this entire video and take steps to mitigate the effects of EMF exposure Grocery shopping these daysby steve - 2023-12-30 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 12:49:52 PM PST: For good or for bad, they'll be dead or enslaved and controlled by artificial intelligence. Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2023 12:47 PM -- -- = and look at how many don't mind. Ignorance is bliss. Those people will be the downfall (further) of humanity On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 12:42:02 PM PST: We're stuck with a dog king, meant to humiliate because it's such a disgrace to have a babbling fool to "lead us" that it hurts our souls. Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2023 12:36 PM -- -- = only those who bother to look see them. Obviously, millions didn't bother and thus we're stuck with him for now. On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 11:54:02 AM PST: Liars are forced to be smart just to remember all the details of their lies. But once they become senile, everyone can easily spot their lies. Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2023 4:47 AM -- -- = and he doesn't have a record of lying, does he? (Here's less than HALF that I have articles on) Biden claims he was at Ground Zero the day after 9/11, despite being in DC | | | | | | | | Biden claims he was at Ground Zero the day after 9/11, despite being in DC I don't know how much more shameful a man can get. | | | 10 Lies Biden Told During His First Press Conference In Months | | | | | | | | 10 Lies Biden Told During His First Press Conference In Months Jordan Boyd Biden's attempt to communicate how he plans to address covid, crime, rising prices, and empty shelves was nothin... | | | 17 Absurd Lies Biden Told During His State Of The Union Speech | | | | | | | | 17 Absurd Lies Biden Told During His State Of The Union Speech Jordan Boyd Biden tried to downplay his plummeting approval but instead offered a speech riddled with falsehoods and contrad... | | | Tall Tale: Biden Claims His 'First Job Offer' Was from Idaho Lumber Company -- They Have No Record Of It | | | | | | | | Tall Tale: Biden Claims His 'First Job Offer' Was from Idaho Lumber Comp... C. Golden The story about Biden's 'first job offer' coming from Boise Cascade likely joins a long line of anecdotes that t... | | | Biden claims his son Beau died in Iraq, repeating awkward gaffe | | | | | | | | Biden claims his son Beau died in Iraq, repeating awkward gaffe Biden twice made the same erroneous claim in 2022. | | | Home | | | | | | | | Home Home | | | https://news./biden-keeps-repeating-false-second-135616228.html?tsrc=3Ddaily_mail&uh_test=3D2_15 Biden once again falsely claims to have visited Afghanistan and Iraq waaay more times than he actually has | | | | | | | | Biden once again falsely claims to have visited Afghanistan and Iraq waa... We're not sure when this stopped being funny and started being pretty alarming, but we definitely blew past that... | | | On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 03:12:03 AM PST: That can't be true because the moron pretending to be POTUS said it's way lower. Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2023 10:29 PM -- -- = luckily, we ONLY have 20% inflation in the last 3 years! On Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 08:23:07 PM PST: 2 minutes -- funny! S Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2023 6:04 PM Grocery shopping these days= Funny (kinda) NY woman creates CA paradise but must move to TXby steve - 2023-12-31 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Friday, December 29, 2023 at 02:08:04 PM PST: Really great interview, lots of interesting observations. Her story and mine have a lot of parallels. You will understand how CA is killing itself. Hope you watch it: great videoby doug - 2023-12-31 ( education / research ) [html version]Ah, just now opened up your email. Yes, excellent coverage of what's really going on in CA. ________________________________ Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2023 8:48 PM 'Bill' great video. totally contrary to the globalist "plan" for humanity ( or or our Texas cousins, maybe you can do something similar, they're leaving, restarting near San Antonio): How California's Policies Forced Me to Give Up My Farm and Move to Texas: Mollie EngelhartTEASER [] How California's Policies Forced Me to Give Up My Farm and Move to Texas... Jan 6thby steve - 2024-01-03 ( education / research ) [html version]What can we do about cell towers near us?by steve - 2024-01-08 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Saturday, January 6, 2024 at 04:08:56 PM PST: In case you don't know, cell towers are radiating us at seriously toxic levels. I recently shared a terrific video about the science behind that fact. It's causing sterilization, tumors, to name just a couple. This talk between Dr Lee Merritt and attorney Todd Calendar covers that and lots more. Destruction of America Under Zionist Puppetsby bill - 2024-01-09 ( education / research ) [html version]That "Steve doesn't care" thing is what I wrote in my Baby/Life Book in high school, which I guess I dusted off and included in my biography for the adoption agency. But, just so you know, I consider myself the rightful heir of wherever I go, so you might not want to invite me to your house. :) [wife]'s joke about that scuffle made me laugh out loud but, you're right, only those who know too much and/or have too much influence are bumped off. On 1/8/2024 1:09 AM: On Sunday, January 7, 2024 at 10:34:01 PM PST: Sent: Sunday, January 7, 2024 10:28 PM On Sunday, January 7, 2024 at 10:23:29 PM PST, someone wrote: Sent: Sunday, January 7, 2024 9:50 PM On Sunday, January 7, 2024 at 09:25:16 PM PST: The Great Taking by David Rogers Webbby doug - 2024-01-10 ( education / research ) [html version]People who own things MUST be aware of this incredible scam documented in this free book in PDF format. And if you didn't already watch it, do yourself a big favor today. As someone else said, the only way to prevent this is for enough people to be aware of it. Otherwise they will be able to pull it off. ________________________________ Sent: Monday, January 8, 2024 8:08 AM The Great Taking by David Rogers Webb -- resend I'm urging you to watch this if you haven't already, and re-watch if there are sections that you don't understand. The book is free in pdf form. The Great Taking -- Documentary -- 1 hr 12 min Rumble: Youtube: Trailer -- 4 min Rumble: Youtube: Book Really nice discussion about happinessby doug - 2024-01-11 ( education / research ) [html version] Further Proof Fauci has Always Been Full of Itby bill - 2024-01-13 ( education / research / conspiracies / covid ) [html version]Actually, I think it was borrowed from cystic fibrosis (see the movie "Five Feet Apart") for which they recommend contagious people keep at least six feet away from vulnerable people. It actually is good advice to stay several feet away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing and not covering their mouth and nose. Fauci is, as always, wrong to say there is no real scientific basis for the "rule," but the stupid thing about that rule is that it's completely unnecessary for the 99.99% of the people who are NOT actively coughing or sneezing. On 1/11/2024 8:20 PM: In 2020, the first year of the scamdemic, it came out from a source I can't remember, that the six feet apart thing was the idea of some high school student's report and they grabbed it out of a hat. I think it might instead be some numerology thing with satanic significance related to 666, just like 33 is to the 33rd degree level of the Masonic cult.. Thursday, January 11, 2024 3:23 PM The admission that "six feet apart" came out of nowhere is what made me want to share the article. On 1/11/2024 3:23 PM: Lol, the psyop continues. There is no Covid virus that spread around the world. That's just what fits their narrative. It's a rebranding of the influenza. The only truth [from Fauci] is the 6 feet apart scam. Thursday, January 11, 2024 1:11 PM "Fauci acknowledged during his testimony that the Covid lab-leak hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory and also revealed that the 6-feet-apart social distancing recommendation was likely not based on any real data and 'just sort of appeared.'" Read, listen or watch the rest here: Fauci Admits Lab Leak Not Conspiracy Theory, Social Distancing Guidelines Not Based In Science. Why are so many Americans obese?by doug - 2024-01-17 ( education / research / conspiracies / diet ) [html version]This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST:
Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw two sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, So, you think polyunsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. It's a really good interview, I think. On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote:
*Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - *Some fats are better than others for your health* ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats are generally healthy*, as they can lower the risk of heart disease ^2 ^3 .*Saturated fats are not as harmful as trans fats*, but they are not as beneficial as the other types of fats ^1 ^3 .*Trans fats are the worst kind of fats*, as they can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems ^1 ^2 ^3 .*Avoiding fat altogether can worsen the risk of heart disease* ^2 . On 1/16/2024 2:08 AM, someone wrote: , > So, you think that poly unsaturates are good? As I recall, saturated fats are the bad ones > On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 11:33:38 PM PST, wrote: > > Yea, I think you found a source from the corrupt pharma propaganda. > It's a really good interview, I think. Monday, January 15, 2024 10:49 PM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Re: I listened to a little of it. I got a bad impression of the interviewer and the interviewee. I think he said that a big problem is that lots of polyunsaturated fats were put in food and that made it unhealthy. i decided to look up the healthiness of polyunsaturated fats. Well, I saw to sources that said they're GOOD. Here's one of them: If anybody watched more of the video and I got the wrong message or those two articles I found are wrong, let me know (I like to learn). > > On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 06:54:29 PM PST, wrote: > > This is the science behind the reason it's so hard to lose weight. Really good talk. > > > -- - David Icke proven right by scienceby steve - 2024-01-18 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 10:15:55 PM PST: Excellent discussion about the real agenda and the means by which they are carrying it out. Spike proteins and messenger RNA was false information introduced by the scammers to get people to go down false paths and distract from the graphine. Is This Okay?by steve - 2024-01-19 ( education / research ) [html version] It seems like Commie kontrol to me as in the old Soviet Union or China, but it seems that liberals don't have a problem being put under Commie kontrol WEF Witchcraftby steve - 2024-01-20 ( education / research ) [html version] First amendment attacked on Jan 6thby steve - 2024-01-20 ( education / research ) [html version]Here's the real video: On Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 08:18:10 PM PST, someone wrote: Unfortunately, those two video are just previews of the real thing, which I think I have somewhere but which YouTube HIDES (and liberals don't mind that CENSORING) On Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 07:09:20 PM PST, someone wrote: The Real Story of January 6 Part 1Documentary | | | The Real Story of January 6 Part 1Documentary | | | The Real Story of January 6 Part 2: The Long Road HomeDocumentaryTeaser | | | The Real Story of January 6 Part 2: The Long Road HomeDocumentaryT... | | | Unfortunately, it seems there's a number of people on this email list who don't care and Ignorance is Bliss (and they will cause the Demise of the USA and Justice) A very smart chiropractorby steve - 2024-01-20 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 08:15:41 PM PST: This guy is amazing. This talk is packed full of good information. I'm very interested in getting rid of parasites which apparently everyone has. He says they are the cause of full moon craziness. TX gets outside help on border invasionby steve - 2024-01-22 ( education / research ) [html version]time for jail for joe for TREASON.Of course, it's not on the "news", which most people count on (ignorance is bliss, as usual) On Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 02:58:30 PM PST: Interesting 4 minute video about it. Includes TN. And this is how CBS news frames the story.: goyim TVby steve - 2024-01-23 ( education / research ) [html version]I can't remember who sent me this link.Anyhow, I finally started to look at the videos on it and saw a number on Adam Green, who always talked against the zionists but the videos here talk of him being a shill, besides Alex Jones and Brother Nathaniel. (I haven't watched them yet to decide if they're credible) ----- Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2024 at 09:16:03 PM PST Interesting Story of Democrat Stronghold in Connecticutby steve - 2024-01-24 ( education / research / politics / corruption ) [html version]More liberal criminality. Yeah, conservatives also do plenty of crime, but it seems election fraud is a liberal specialty. On Monday, January 22, 2024 at 01:33:07 PM PST: Gomes, I'm guessing of Portuguese from Cabo Verde descent, tells really interesting details about what happened to him when he ran against the Democrat incumbent. A judge has invalidated the election and ordered a new one. Hope this link works: The true ruler of Ukraineby steve - 2024-01-24 ( education / research ) [html version]Victoria Nuland is a total demonic POS puppet of o'bama and his puppeteers, which is likely the zionist fake Semites. Where is the KGB when you need them? On Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 01:22:57 PM PST: This American reporter paid with his life to tell the truth about what's really happening in Ukraine. Complete lawlessness in Oaklandby steve - 2024-01-26 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 10:02:28 PM PST: I agree with you on this one, as I live in Oakland. Here is an article about the history of our last dozen police chiefs that last about a year each: = In-depth history of Oakland's police chiefs from Oaklandside: = = = = Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 11:18 AM -- -- = unfortunately, Ignorance is Bliss and liberals are full of bliss and loving their imaginary world = On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 11:12:23 AM PST: = = See the below blog by Rep. Kevin Kiley about In-N-Out closing down in Oakland. = It's one of many reasons why we're packing to leave communist CA now. I see a slide down into crime around us, too. = Two days ago we had a delivery and were just about to pick it up when someone came and stole it off the porch. Literally 2 minutes after delivery it was stolen. I think he was following the delivery person. We got it all on our security camera. But they wore a hoody and couldn't see his face. = Last year someone cut out the catalytic converter from our motorhome in the very early morning. Thanks to full coverage I made a nice profit on that one because I fixed it myself. = = Kevin Kiley Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 10:40 AM Newsom Has Left = This is awkward = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = | | | | | Hi , I've just published a new blog post: An Awkward Dance = In-N-Out is closing its Oakland location because of out-of-control crime. 'Our customers and Associates are regularly victimized by car break-ins, property damage, theft and armed robberies,' the company said. This is Newsom's 'model for the nation.' = Newsom is now on his way to South Carolina to tout this 'model' as he campaigns for Biden in the Democrat Primary. It's the latest move in an awkward dance between the two of them. = On one hand, Biden is suspicious of Newsom's not-so-subtle desire to push him and Kamala aside. He also knows Newsom is politically toxic, with an all-time low approval rating. Yet at the same time, Biden continues to adopt Newsom's worst policies and promote his worst people. = That's why I was back at the State Capitol yesterday. Republican Leader Gallagher and I announced a joint effort to stop Biden's attempt to nationalize Newsom's vile AB 5 law while also reversing the state law itself. You can see our speeches here. = We pointed out Newsom is running our economy into the ground: California's unemployment rate just climbed to 5.1 percent, second worst in the nation; the state has a $68 billion deficit and defaulted on a $20 billion federal loan; GDP growth and wage growth are stagnant. = And when it comes to the cause of In-N-Out's first-ever closure " total lawlessness " Newsom is standing by the disastrous Prop. 47. In 2022, my to repeal the infamous initiative was voted down in a truly incredible hearing of the Public Safety Committee. = The good news is there is a statewide initiative rapidly gathering signatures to reverse Prop. 47 this year. The stakes in 2024 for our state and country could not be higher. And our movement of California citizens, parents, and patriots has never been stronger. = Join our movement of California patriots = Share this Post on Facebook Kevin Kiley California Congressman | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Kevin Kiley for Congress, 9458 Treelake Road, Granite Bay, CA 95746, United States This email was sent to. | | | | | Google terms of service - hmmmby steve - 2024-03-01 ( education / research / internet ) [html version]Most people think, "I'm not a criminal so I don't have to worry about any of that (being spied and for being Kontrolled in the future)" On Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 06:43:06 PM PST, someone wrote: Once we finish moving I plan to buy an Above Phone which is deGoogled. I'm sort of locked into Google with my Android phone. I also hate when people say to Google it. I always say search for it online. I wonder how many people realize that Google is manipulating them, very subtly so they have to step back and think about when people mention examples of how they are doing it. They are absolute masters at it. On Wednesday, February 28th, 2024 at 6:08 PM, someone wrote: I don't use Google (I hate when people say, "google it"). I have Brave browser. If I really want to search for something that "they" want to CENSOR, I use TOR browser. On Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 03:41:14 PM PST, someone wrote: Think about defunding your own enslavement. terminal cancerby steve - 2024-03-11 ( education / research ) [html version]others have had stage 4 and eliminated it with Ivermectin (but , we know that only works for horses, so don't "misinform" any liberals about it) On Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 12:18:19 PM PDT: Super interesting comments about his terminal cancer by the first person in this video. Doctors said it's stage 4 and there's nothing they could do and gave him 6 months to live. And then at the 11:50 mark is a must watch joke. But the entire video is good. New Gaza genocide documentationby steve - 2024-03-14 ( education / research ) [html version]As Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the Bible say, they're the "synagogue of Satan." On Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 12:15:32 AM PDT: For anyone still doubting how evil Israel and their military is: Really interesting viewpointby steve - 2024-03-15 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 09:53:59 AM PDT: Only 1 minute Fascinating scienceby steve - 2024-03-16 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 04:24:13 PM PDT: You must admit that it's amazing how science changes over time. Remember when it was complete heresy to say "covid" is just a flu back in 2020-2024? Now it's official that the CDC says something to that effect this week - treat it the same as the flu. Go ahead and get in line to give your apologies to me. Remember, trust the science because the same people who claim men can have babies are the ones who ARE the science and you better remember that they cannot be questioned. A Discussion on Fiction Writingby doug - 2024-03-22 ( education / research / writing ) [html version]On Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 10:59:08 PM PDT: I found this video interesting as they discussed fiction. Some of you are writers. Leeches Died After Sucking Vaxed Bloodby doug - 2024-03-25 ( education / research / vaccines ) [html version]I skimmed through the video and didn't see that. On Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 12:30:38 AM PDT: Min 54. It's subtitled but claims to show some Asians doing an experiment with leeches and they (the leeches) all died after sucking vaxed blood. Pretty interesting if it's true. I think it's true because they are putting them on their own arms which means they are vaxed, so probably wouldn't show it otherwise. The ultimate taste test? Yum!! chemtrails/geoengineering now illegal in Tennesseeby admin - 2024-04-02 ( education / research ) [html version]
Are you being manipulated?by steve - 2024-04-03 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Monday, April 1, 2024 at 02:08:33 PM PDT: Most people would probably say "no" but I believe we are all being manipulated and to see what I mean, check out this great discussion. I think it will help everyone see what's going on. FYI the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon Soon Zionism will fall like Nazismby bill - 2024-04-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't apply to them. On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29, someone wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29, someone wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29, someone wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. I don't care what anyone wants to believe. I do my thing and others do what they like. My concept of God is not exactly the same as yours but is similar, I'd say. There's much to learn and it's the reason we're all here. I love learning something new every day. Rather than dwelling on things we disagree on, I like to find common ground. I think most of the people I was emailing have set up an automatic delete system, so I've decided to finally stop sending them anything. Only the people who've responded are getting my messages now. I look forward to my Missouri homestead and setting an example that speaks louder than my words in regards health and freedom. Did you know the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon? On 2024-04-04 14:37, someone wrote: , There was one memorable story of somebody being dragged to HELL, too (but I'm sure you have a "logical" explanation for that, too, or something that David Icke would agree with, so I won't elaborate on it. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:32:57 PM PDT, wrote: yeah, I know you don't believe in God, Jesus, or Satan. There is the "After death" movie of MANY people who DIED and came back to life (for minutes to HOURS) and their experiences sometimes with Jesus are told, but if you can't handle that, oh well. On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 12:06:09 PM PDT, wrote: It's an obvious fact there is good and bad. We need opposites to know just how good things are or not. You can call these things anything you want and every language does that. There is truth to what the Bible says, but it's a mistake to think all knowledge is contained there. If that's a fact, where is the other knowledge found or written? David Icke says it best, in my opinion, when he says you have to realize no matter how much you know, you must also realize there's always more to know. And you can't have no go zones when doing research, such as an unquestioning belief in the Koran, the Bible, Buddha, etc. because you must go where your research takes you and to hell with what others think. And the Covid 19 "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On 2024-04-04 11:41, someone wrote: >though a number on here don't believe in God or Jesus or Satan, it's a >battle between God vs Satan that started in the Garden of Eden with >the serpent, which led to the "serpent race" that "evolved" into the >"Synagogue of Satan" mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 of the bible >(those frauds occupying israel) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:37:59 AM PDT, wrote: > >there's BIG OIL off the coast of Palestine and the zionists want to >STEAL it from the Palestinians > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 09:17:28 AM PDT, wrote: > >Don't count on zionism going away any time soon. Remember that the >trillionaire Rothschilds were big promoters of it, backing the >stealing of Palestine for the fake Semite Ashkenazis. What would all >those who bow to and count on favors from the zionists do then? > >(No, I didn't watch the video yet) > On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 08:37:38 AM PDT, >wrote: > >People are finally realizing that Nazism is the same as Zionism and, >as >Dr Shiva points out, both are the same as Brahmanism. > >They are all elitist totalitarian beliefs. > >On 2024-04-04 06:29,wrote: >>Whatever happened to that "never again" mantra? Guess it doesn't >apply >>to them. >> >>On 4/4/2024 1:06 AM, someone wrote: Couldn't agree more. 1 Out of 5 Having Troubleby steve - 2024-04-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]If anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: Americans Skipping Meals to Afford Housing and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: https://thedailybs/2024/04/06/americans-skipping-meals-to-afford-housing-under-biden/?utm_campaign=james&utm_content=4%2F6%2F24%20soe%20pm&utm_medium=newsletter&Get%20response&utm_term=email Virus-free.www.avast | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. . On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | and thus the reason to have pushed the killer vax on them On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 08:56:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, someone wrote: if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | if anybody thinks that the Democrats are for "the people", they're DELIRIOUS: | Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( Can't think of his name but he's a top level Democrat campaign person and he just said out loud that the young voters are leaving that pathetic party in droves. They are the ones facing the harsh reality of making enough money to pay all their bills in the utterly corrupt system. Even these young and brainwashed Marxist activists prefer a good economy. And it's a fact that the Covid "vaccine" is a bioweapon. On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 7:51 PM, Virus-free.[]( CA Assembly Bill 1840by steve - 2024-04-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Leftists HATE LEGAL citizens (so go across the border and plead to come back in illegally?) On Monday, April 8, 2024 at 09:26:23 AM PDT: Go to minute 3:50 to see the latest insane coming out of California's piece of sh-t people pretending to represent us Prestigious cancer research institute has retracted 7 studies amid controversy over errorsby bill - 2024-04-10 ( education / news / rss ) [html version]"Seven studies from researchers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have been retracted, following allegations that images used in them had been manipulated or duplicated...." a nice guy, Ted Turnerby steve - 2024-04-13 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Friday, April 12, 2024 at 09:56:18 PM PDT, someone wrote: I used to admire him for his environmental work. Just didn't know he's a psychopath eugenicist. On Friday, April 12th, 2024 at 8:22 PM, someone wrote: Sure, he wants 95% of the world's population to DIE, but otherwise he's a real nice guy, right? Recommended videoby steve - 2024-04-14 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 02:51:19 PM PDT: Great interview about what's happening today with Zionists and around the world. Interesting historical facts, especially the Visigoths in what is now Spain and Portugal. News from Canadaby steve - 2024-04-16 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Monday, April 15, 2024 at 01:32:08 PM PDT: Pretty interesting how far the country has fallen: Wow, more spying on usby steve - 2024-04-17 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 01:14:55 PM PDT: Look at what these f--king criminals in government plan to make into law: HIV creation being publicizedby steve - 2024-04-19 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 02:20:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: He's right. That was an early Fauci depopulation scandal. What the government learned from that brought us to the bird flu scamdemic, and Ebola and the other crap these psychos are up to. On Thursday, April 18th, 2024 at 12:37 PM, someone wrote: Jets QB Aaron Rodgers says that HIV was created by the US government. | | | Jets QB Aaron Rodgers says that HIV was created by the US government. Raed the full story on Spreely News! - | | | Robot dystopia is nowby steve - 2024-04-20 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Friday, April 19, 2024 at 11:39:26 PM PDT: I'm still watching it. Full of related things around the world. Worth watching the whole thing. On 2024-04-20 01:15, someone wrote: and leftists just smile - INSANITY! > >= On Friday, April 19, 2024 at 11:08:05 PM PDT, someone wrote: > Holy sh-t, watch the beginning of this video: > Hollywood Plans Trump Assassination?by steve - 2024-04-21 ( education / research / conspiracies / hollywood ) [html version]This is the second time I'm hearing about a new movie (Civil War) with a 50 million dollar budget which has real American patriots in pain to watch it. It was described by one as the plot to kill Trump, hoping to inspire some demented creep. I flirt with getting another 30-day FB "jail" term by telling idiots to get another booster and then put a plastic bag over their head as a "mask." On 4/20/2024 10:44 PM: By now you should fully expect complete hypocrisy from the pure sh-t people in power and this film which would land Trump supporters in prison for life gets a complete seal of approval by this scumbag regime. What other proof could anyone ask for that our entire government is corrupt and wants this country destroyed? All hail the CIA and FBI!!!!! On 2024-04-21 07:37: Funny, about 15 years ago I was seriously considering writing such a book. I came up with an outline and a few characters, but ultimately didn't want to immerse myself in such negativity and stupidity, or inspire it in others, so I dropped it. On Sunday, April 21, 2024 at 09:35:19 AM PDT: Good instincts probably kept you out of prison in 2021-24 A Brutal Dose of Realityby steve - 2024-04-27 ( education / research ) [html version]Biden's "climate crisis" is the biggest problem and there's so many "ignorant and loving it" people that they might go along with it On Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:02:57 PM PDT:
By Jeffrey Prather, retired soldier, DEA agent, DIA agent, whistle blower and analyst. He sees things through that lense and as a Christian pastor. Kevin Kiley spoke to Congress about Scamdemicby steve - 2024-04-30 ( education / research ) [html version] Barnes and Noble: 2013 Video Reveals the Plan by Globalistsby doug - 2024-05-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. On Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at 12:23:48 AM PDT: I've seen her before. I think she's WACKO! Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. Barbara Tavares finds a document from 2001 and another from 1954. No matter how little time you have, you MUST watch this entire 35 minute video. Completely and utterly astonishing information that confirms all the conspiracies we've noticed since 2020 but even more. If you haven't already watched this, don't delay and share the hell out of it with your friends. Everyone needs to know this. I guarantee this will hit everyone hard, but better to face it and start to figure out how to prepare. The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Familiesby bill - 2024-05-02 ( education / research / conspiracies / finance ) [html version]
"The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco)..." Read, listen or watch the rest here somebody sent me a link to this. It's a 10-part series and seems related but I haven't looked it yet:Europa The Last Battle : Tobias B : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive | | | | | | | | Europa The Last Battle : Tobias B : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming... English, Deutsch, Czech, Polish, Espanol, Catal=C3=A0, French, Nederlands, Suomi (Finnish), dansk (Danish), Norsk, Sv... | | | On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 06:50:41 PM PDT, someone wrote: no surprise demiic zionist rothschilds included On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 05:56:14 PM PDT, someone wrote: /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things /pages/the-federal-reserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ nice summary of who runs things Finally Truth?by steve - 2024-05-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]
CDC Found Evidence of Covid Vax-Caused Deaths But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? But will fauXi and Gates and Walensky go on trial for Crimes Against Humanity (with Pharma and all the "medical" folks who ignored the truth? Lots of Interesting Articles on This Siteby steve - 2024-05-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Free speech / anti-Semitismby steve - 2024-05-05 ( education / research ) [html version]Yeah, women are lower class and treated like property, but that's not a problem. [sarcasm] There's plenty of stories of women marrying Muslims or going there and pretty much becoming slaves, but that's okay because they don't see being a slave to the NWO a problem, either. On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 04:12:59 PM PDT, someone wrote: Interesting that you say that, because I've also heard that many younger people are converting to be Muslims, maybe because they see there's no such gender insanity, no attacks on the family, rainbow idiots, school groomers, etc. On 2024-05-04 17:44, someone wrote: Lots of Muslims have left Islam to become Christians, so nobody is doomed if they really care to look into what's going on On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 03:02:15 PM PDT, someone wrote: How do you explain why many who call themselves Jews are awesome people, while others are complete evil pieces of sh-t? I think it's not genetic. It's learned behavior, such as 80% in Israel support the genocide in Gaza. And all the videos they post clearly show their insanity. If you haven't already seen many of these kids on videos, just watch any of the videos on Bitchute by Max Igan (Crowsnest). That's very obviously learned the behavior. On 2024-05-04 16:50, someone wrote: In my Conspiracy of the Morlocks story (available on Amazon), the travelers (now there's three of them) wanted to go back and figure out how humanity got to the state of there being just Morlocks and the Eloi that they preyed on. Well, I did the research. From what I found, it started with Cain slewing Abel in the bible. Canaanites came from Cain and were known for being evil, killing kids. They spread out and disappeared but many headed north to become Hittites. They spread northward to disappear and ended up in Khazaria (current Ukraine). Ashkenazis came from Khazaria and thus they seem to still have the evil disposition of long ago. Now they're PRETENDING to be Semites in Palestine and in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 if the bible, they're called the "synagogue of Satan" for doing that. Other names for them: Illuminati, Khazarian mafia, globalists, and Deep State. On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 11:43:58 AM PDT, someone wrote: Exceptional report about the attack on the first amendment. Don't miss it Trump truthby steve - 2024-05-06 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 06:55:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: You've probably seen at least some of these video clips of Trump. So who should be president? Pedo joe asshole and deep state gofer? Trump who pretends to be an outsider but is as hooked into politics as anyone and does the bidding of the deep state, PLUS loves the fact he's the father of the vaccine (that's killed millions and counting)? I'm voting for Dr Shiva, the only honest candidate. No, he can't win, but he should. Orchestrated Chaosby steve - 2024-05-06 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Soros was behind the "color revolutions" to destroy countries and he's behind what's happening now in the USA to destroy [it] (but according to the new "antisemitism act" it's antisemitic to say anything bad about him). On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 11:25:43 PM PDT: Good and short interview about how chaos from every direction and at the universities is being manipulated. Less than 20 minutes. Good summary of Zionist lawby steve - 2024-05-09 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 01:16:50 PM PDT, someone wrote: The antisemitism law passed by Zionist pressure on Congress is well described in this 5-min video be the first oneby bill - 2024-05-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]--Apple-Mail-A65CAF01-0B8E-4B50-A28C-411C74677C0F
Content-Type: text/html;
Why so expensive? For me, a 52 page novella should be no more than two dollars. There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... --Apple-Mail-A65CAF01-0B8E-4B50-A28C-411C74677C0F Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=1715533352229blob.jpg; x-apple-part-url="e506b174-c68c-d51f-5d59-f309ccec3515@" Content-Disposition: inline; filename=1715533352229blob.jpg Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Id: iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABAAAAAMACAYAAAC6uhUNAAAgAElEQVR4Aex9CXgURfr+cKjr6sri uorHevw8UHd1dV3v3dVVWVddBFFQURHFAwVEQBQVURTkvm/kkvu+7/sQMNwJECCEEBJy3yGQkGTm /f+/6qme6p6emZ5kkkzCN89TT/XU+dVbb3fX99XRjqzsPLBjDJgDzAHmAHOAOcAcYA4wB5gDzAHm AHOAOVCzOeDgDq7ZHcz9y/3LHGAOMAeYA8wB5gBzgDnAHGAOMAeYA8SBam0AyMzKRbCOic/EZw4w B5gDzAHmAHOAOcAcYA4wB5gDzIELkQPVxgAgFf2MzByEyskyL8SO5zbzA485wBxgDjAHmAPMAeYA c4A5wBxgDlxYHAhoAMjMzgW5UBBDKys4gElJJ4U/Jycf5wqLcL64GE6nC+X5UX4qh8qjcql8qieY NlY1LqqsLIs1pxiXQLgEx3mVc9p1+Z4NoeofrRzrtnrL7J2O5TBiwniEJx5Z4j0cmns2sxxn/zA/ wpMf3C/cL3bed5zGyBPGg/G4UDlgaQDIzskLmdLvC1h6WfmKk+FS+T97trA8+n7AvFR+ekZ2QCNA uOBC+LAs1g8txqVqcLFzP1cGb1kOY/8zHoyHfJ9a+cwP5ocVL2QY86N680P2I/vGfmQ8GA/mgOUZ 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On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > That's good to hear. On 5/15/2024 2:36 AM, someone wrote: Just finished reading 's latest book that was delivered today. > I really enjoyed it. Good job, ! > I actually wanted it to keep going. That's a good sign. > > > . > On Sunday, May 12th, 2024 at 12:03 PM, wrote: >John van Winkle >> >> > >> > >> >> John van Winkle >> >There are lots of thoughts about the Assassination of John F. >Kennedy. What if he didn't die? No, I'm not promot... >> > >> >Inline image >> >> > Snopes admits joe biden is a pedophileby doug - 2024-05-14 ( education / research / conspiracies / politics ) [html version]For all you Snopes afficionados, you'll be thrilled to discover the conspiracy theory that the piece of s**t person who claims to have been elected president in 2020 is yet another conspiracy FACT. The same criminals who protected this Biden crime family seems to have changed their minds and are throwing this garbage scumbag under the bus. Just search for her diary and Snopes to see for yourself. But rest assured, Snopes will never lie or bear false witness in ANY OTHER INSTANCE. Scout's honor. You can count on that as much as that b*tch Pelosi isn't an alcoholic and that Hunter never experimented with crack, and most certainly he's the smartest man Pedo Joe ever met. And government is your friend. They love you dearly. You can always trust them. All pharma products, especially the Covid shots are 100% safe and effective!!!!!! For Horse Race Fansby admin - 2024-05-15 ( education / research / conspiracies / horse-racing ) [html version]I love it! This is great. I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > I love it! That's great. On 5/14/2024 11:25 AM, someone wrote: > Blackleg disease in cowsby steve - 2024-05-16 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 01:52:15 PM PDT, someone wrote: mentioned that in Texas beef cattle ranchers vaccinate for blackleg. I ran across this research paper describing what they do in Zimbabwe. I didn't read the entire thing, but it's available for download. I know that if I had cows, I'd be looking for every natural remedy to keep them healthy, just like we do for our dog and ourselves. The News is a Social Construct (2017)by steve - 2024-05-16 ( education / research ) [html version]but, but, but ... it IS the "news", though On Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 03:18:26 PM PDT, someone wrote: Words of wisdom= -very short another good Whitney Webb interviewby steve - 2024-05-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Al Gore and the other fake environmentalists love carbon credits because they can "game them" as is done with the stock exchange. On Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 01:08:33 PM PDT: Lots of interesting comments and the latest the globalists are up to, particularly in north, central and south America. If you're not familiar with her, she's probably one of the very best investigative researchers today. She is the author of the two volume book, One Nation Under Blackmail. You have it, right ? Snake Venom and the Corruption of Human DNAby steve - 2024-05-17 ( education / research ) [html version]I found his Youtube site: Ardis Healing Center On Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 10:35:56 PM PDT, someone wrote: I tried to find Dr. Ardis' site with his free video but couldn't find it (though Youtube blocked a related video, which I figure means it's too good for people to know of). On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 11:00:26 PM PDT, someone wrote: You won't believe how many products contain various types of venom. It's all toxic but it's a massive industry. Really interesting talk. You could be using it and not even know. Governor Kamala Harris?by steve - 2024-05-18 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]Kevin, When will you address before Congress how the WHO wants to take away the sovereignty of the USA and the rest of the world for a New World Order? Or, is that not important enough for you? On Friday, May 17, 2024 at 01:05:51 PM PDT, Kevin Kiley someone wrote: Hi, I've just published a new blog post: Could Get Worse Politico reports Kamala Harris has told friends she will return to California to run for Governor if Biden loses. This might be the only possible way our state's political leadership could get worse. As if to preserve his title as the bigger disaster, Newsom just declared his homelessness policy a 'national model.' I called this the 'height of delusion,' leading Newsom to be ridiculed far and wide as the comment ricocheted from Fox News to the Daily Wire and beyond. This week, I cross-examined another prospective candidate for California Governor: Biden Health Secretary Xavier Becerra. Incredibly, Becerra stood by the 30 universities that still have Covid vaccine mandates. Today, I read the name of each one on the House Floor. I also asked Becerra if he supported Newsom's $3 billion expansion of Medi-Cal to everyone here illegally. He replied 'absolutely' " effectively turning taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants into Biden Administration policy. Finally, I asked him about the secret Chinese bio lab found in California, and whether he could say with confidence there aren't others. He could not. I've introduced legislation to find any other such labs, and just sent a letter demanding answers as to why the CDC ignored this one. Meanwhile, the Judiciary Committee cited Merrick Garland for contempt for withholding recordings of Biden's interviews with Special Counsel Hur. Minutes before the hearing, Biden asserted 'Executive Privilege' over the recordings. I laid out the 6 absurdities of Biden's position. And after I called for the removal of CSU Sonoma State's President, he was placed on 'leave' and has now resigned. You can watch here as I document the unbelievable ways that he and other campus leaders are appeasing lawless encampments. This won't be the last resignation. I've sent a letter to the heads of the CSU and UC systems with a clear message: any university leader who caves to a lawless mob needs to be removed immediately. Kevin Kiley, California Congressman Meet an Alpha Male, Tony Romanby doug - 2024-05-22 ( education / research ) [html version]Do you think you would be trusted by him? Digital ID Tyranny in Australiaby steve - 2024-05-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]99% of the people will say, "that's not so bad, I can't do anything about it." We need a movement but all we're seeing so far is a bowel movement where we get sh-tted on. On Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 01:35:01 AM pDT: Listen to the details of smart cities digital ID. Can't buy groceries without it. Can't register your car. Can't renew or get a license if your profession requires it, can't renew your driver's license, can't get a passport, can't get a bank account, etc. This is an example of what all countries plan to do. Sound fun? Ivan Raiklin, more strategy detailsby steve - 2024-05-23 ( education / research ) [html version]Nice. Hope it can be pulled off. I posted it in several FB groups. On Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 11:35:45 PM PDT: Arresting the deep state criminals sounds possible. See ivan-on-chosen-generation-radio-with-pastor short summary of MasterPeaceby steve - 2024-05-27 ( education / research ) [html version]so they're trying to sell something?Uh, no thanks On Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 03:08:10 PM PDT: Just a few minutes long, in case you never heard about MasterPeace before. It was recently banned in Canada - just can't let people be healthy when there's a depopulation agenda to accomplish. government mafiaby steve - 2024-05-27 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 07:59:20 PM PDT: Fir those who recognize the government is way out of control, you might really appreciate this talk from earlier this year: exercise techniquesby steve - 2024-05-31 ( education / research ) [html version]On Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 10:33:42 PM PDT: Really interesting video showing the right and the wrong way to exercise, no matter how old. Worth watching. The American Republic Has Fallenby doug - 2024-06-03 ( education / research ) [html version]In case you are not paying any attention, demon people, mostly who identify as Democrats, are mindlessly cheering the complete charade scam trial of Trump. It's so hopelessly insane that only a moron can't see by now we have no equal justice under the law. The very next day these same insane criminals in the government have been trying to shut down the Infowars studio. Alex Jones has prevented that by sleeping there for the past two nights. Time after time the deep state cretins in this illegitimate government have arrested people on bogus charges, and the January 6th prisoners have yet to see justice if they refused to sign false statements of crimes created by the Democrats in charge. The sh-t is really starting to hit the fan now. Here's a tiny glimpse of all this. On Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 06:12:50 PM PDT: "Demon people"? Followers of Satan/Lucifer? I thought you didn't believe in that sort of thing (and also not God). As I saw when doing the research for my Conspiracy of Morlocks story because they wanted to go back to when it started, it started with Cain slaying Abel, his creation of the Canaanite people, them dispersing to join the Hittites, them dispersing to go up to Khazaria (now called Ukraine), and the fake Semite Ashkenazis furthering Satan's goal to destroy God's humanity. Aaron Rodgers interviewby steve - 2024-06-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I'm through a quarter of the video. It was asked, "what makes America great?" Wrong question. It should be "Why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?" Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there are those who go further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > https://rumble/v4v3si9-aaron-rodgers-epsteins-death-psychedelics-fake-vax-cards-in-the-nfl-and-pat.html > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > https://rumble/v4v3si9-aaron-rodgers-epsteins-death-psychedelics-fake-vax-cards-in-the-nfl-and-pat.html > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > . And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. And he went to 's school, Chico State, before transferring to Cal-Berkeley On 6/12/2024 12:17 AM, someone wrote: So interesting. > He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. > I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. > > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. secure email. I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least 't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be e. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . I'm through a quarter of the video.It was asked, "what makes America great?"Wrong question. It's "why are humans so great that they continue to survive despite it all?"Yeah, most humans are real good, though many are not too smart, are gullible, and thus easily swayed because they want to believe in humanity. Unfortunately, there's a fair number who see the gullibility as an opportunity to take advantage of others. Then there aree those who further by hating humanity, maybe because they were wronged/abused with deranged people (like hillary clinton, fauxi, gates, klaus schwab, and many in congress because they aren't qualified to get a "real job". He just mentioned the purpose of the "news" is to "control" and 'oppress" them. I think most have sold out and gone "to the dark side" or at least don't care that they're "working" for the "dark side" because it pays well. He's for "disclosure" and anarchy. yeah, the interesting thing is that Antifa sort of had the right idea by being against the fascists but they were controlled and prevented from doing what needed to be done. He mentioned Epstein a little, but not really. They haven't seemed to figure out yet that the world is controlled by the fascists and commies but of the few who have figured much out yet haven't seen that it's the Rothschilds. At the end, "hope" was mentioned. Yeah, just today a judge declared that the "vax" wasn't really a vax and hunter biden was convicted, so there is hope but are the majority waking up fast enough? At the end, aliens and they not "allowed" in the bible was mentioned. Yeah, with me seeing all the evidence of the pre-Adamic race and all the megalith evidence of them, though I believe the bible but it was edited/censored or things were just ignored because some things are contrary to the official stance (yes, I believe Jesus was the messiah, is from Heaven and God, and returned from being dead) On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 10:17:07 PM PDT, someone wrote: So interesting. He's like a philosopher athlete. Super well informed and well read. I think just about anyone will appreciate this broad reaching discussion from May of this year. . ready to REALLY go after fauci for mPox gain of function now?by steve - 2024-06-13 ( education / research ) [html version] chicken pox was a good thing?by steve - 2024-06-14 ( education / research ) [html version]Brain Cancer Risk May Be Reduced in Those With History of Chicken Pox maybe more so now since the fake vax destroys immunity that is giving many cancer Google caught changing votesby steve - 2024-06-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?" Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs. It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. Sent with Proton Mail secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > Sent with Proton Mail secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > secure email. the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . the majority of those oligarchs are/were jewish, or at least pretending to be, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence. :) On 6/23/24 8:58 PM, someone wrote: occasionally, I foolishly ask "why would those techies want communism?"Then I think back at the USSR and how under communism there were certain people who "ran" it all and later became the BILLIONAIRE oligarchs.It's about kontrolling the (willing/ignorant) slaves. On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 06:47:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: This is how they are doing it. > . is there really a food crisis?by steve - 2024-06-24 ( education / research ) [html version]it's about FEAR and we need to bow and worship them and MAYBE they'll let us live On Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 08:53:53 PM PDT, someone wrote: This short video attempts to discuss this subject. You can decide: I'd be interested to know what you think. We bought rural acreage, so maybe you can guess what I've concluded. . Julian Assange is free?by steve - 2024-06-25 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Monday, June 24, 2024 at 08:22:02 PM PDT, someone wrote: I never thought I would hear this . Will the CIA kill him now? . Why Would You Choose the 666 Number as Your Addressby steve - 2024-07-17 ( education / research ) [html version]If you own the whole block and pretty much can choose any address that you want, why would you choose the satanic 666 number as your address? Timeline on Jared Kushner, Qatar, 666 Fifth Avenue, and White House Policy Ryan Goodman, Julia Brooks A comprehensive account of Jared Kushner, 666 Fifth Avenue, and White House support for the blockade of Qatar af... On Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 11:44:55 PM PDT, someone wrote: It's payback: and then there's Jared Kushner: The Criminal Jewish Cult Behind Illuminati/NWO Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner represents a threat to civilization. Humanity faces another catastrophic world... On Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 11:22:36 PM PDT, someone wrote: Trump is probably the most fervent Zionist puppet ever to be POTUS. So how could we expect anything different? Israel is in firm control of almost every single person (s)elected to Congress and president. It's disappointing but not a surprise whatsoever. Are we not already the United States of Israel? Utterly disgusting how corrupt these cocksuckers are! How can we expect them to be America first when Israel is always first? On Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 at 12:09 AM, someone wrote: JD Vance, another zionist puppet Presidential Masksby doug - 2024-07-24 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]Is piece of sh-t Biden dead? This is an excellent report about masks from Reese. On Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 01:24:58 PM PDT, someone wrote: Yeah, the masks they have can fool anybody and one mask creator pulled one over on George Bush in the White House and then showed him she had a mask on. Biden is Suddenly 5 Inches Tallerby steve - 2024-07-27 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]Fake president Pedo Joe has suddenly gotten way taller. This is pretty surprising. I haven't heard anyone else mention this yet. On Friday, July 26, 2024 at 05:10:09 PM PDT, someone wrote: Likely due to a "load off his mind" and the weight of being president (I haven't looked at the video yet) Does Israel influence Americans?by steve - 2024-07-28 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]netanyahu us a warmonger and lots of israelis don't like him for that.he wants to exterminate the Gazans to STEAL the oil reserves off the coast.congress gave him a massive BOW to him during that speech of his except for two of them (both "parties"/parts of the UniParty) Kind of related to demonism, in the Olympics that had that mocking of the Last Supper by doing it with drag queens and they had that "pale white horse" in their parade On Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 08:45:50 AM PDT, someone wrote: Shows video evidence of how Israel is so carefully bombing Gaza and is involved in American politics. You really should watch at least the first 14 minutes or so : . grid down scenarioby steve - 2024-07-29 ( education / research ) [html version]he said his book II is free to download from his site but I can't see it on his site:Survival & Preparedness BooksResourcesGrid Down Consulting | | | | | | | | Survival & Preparedness BooksResourcesGrid Down Consulting Will you be prepared when disaster strikes? Discover best-selling books from author and Grid Down Consulting own... | | | On Sunday, July 28, 2024 at 09:28:16 PM PDT, someone wrote: Preparing to survive a long term grid down scenario= Very important discussion about the strategy to survive. . Japan apologizesby steve - 2024-07-31 ( education / research ) [html version]I keep seeing posts of FB by AARP to promote the vax. I called them on what seemingly is a desire to KILL their clients. Some idiot said I was wrong. Since AARP is a disgusting organization (which told them) maybe all of them ought to keep getting vaxed and end up six feet under On Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 08:43:33 AM PDT, someone wrote: Good compilation of the latest massive depopulation news . body parasitesby steve - 2024-07-31 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 06:18:03 PM PDT, someone wrote: Very fascinating discussion about parasites and much more= They describe how CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) eliminates parasites from the blood. From the Medical Rebel: . Gullibility is Not Goodby doug - 2024-07-31 ( education / research ) [html version]This is an excellent discussion about gullibility and how it's actually dangerous. Maybe we can define gullibility as accepting any information without question. Someone who just believes anything is considered gullible. Maybe someone like that comes to your mind. So many things have happened since 2020 (the first year of the scamdemic) that this point is easily proven. Another Peggy Hall gem: Gullibility Promotes Deception On Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 11:29:25 PM PDT, someone wrote: no critical thinking by leftists Interview about Kamala by blacksby steve - 2024-08-02 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]Interesting interview about VP God, religion and nature of realityby steve - 2024-08-02 ( education / research ) [html version]I skimmed through it. Rather bizarre but I remember when Icke was telling us about the British royalty being reptilians who took off their fake human look when not watched On Thursday, August 1, 2024 at 08:14:39 PM PDT, someone wrote: Deep dive into As he states, most of the alternative media won't go this far down the rabbit trail. My question is this - are you a student of the nature of reality, or have you already closed your mind? David Icke is sure to rattle many cages in this one: Watch on BitChute Christian Zionistsby steve - 2024-08-04 ( education / research / religion / politics ) [html version]That's exactly what I copy and paste on israeli FB sites all the time. On Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 07:27:47 PM PDT, someone wrote: I don't know that I'd write something like that to some politically fervent Jew, but if others reading it can learn something it's probably worth it. On Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 at 2:05 PM, someone wrote: Yeah, it's a mental illness. Criticism of fake Christians who sold out to zionism: It's disgusting how you IGNORE the truth about Israel 1 - the jewish noahide sublaw 16 says that if you say "Jesus is the messiah", that'd IDOLATRY and you ought to be beheaded. 2 -96% of israelis are ashkenazis, descended from Ashkenaz, descended from Japheth and REAL SEMITES descend from Shem so that 96% are NOT SEMITES and the way they fraudulently occupy Palestine, Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 call them the "Synagogue of Satan" 3 - the "antisemitism awareness act" is ANTI-CHRISTIAN in how it's antisemitic to criticize israel, judaism, zionism, or semitism but is it "anti-hispanic" to criticize Mexico, Catholicism, any mexican political group, or Hispanic? Of course you won't reply because you are OWNED by the demonic Rothschild Zionists On Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 11:33:23 AM PDT, someone wrote: They believe that a Middle East war will fulfill a prophesy and signal the end of the world, whereupon they will ascend to heaven as the chosen ones (yeah, right). On 8/3/2024 7:58 AM, someone wrote: Christian Zionists want the world to end These completely foolish idiots are our worst enemies - maybe even more than pedo joe and his deep state puppet masters who are taking advantage of these false beliefs for their own demonic agenda. Terrific reporting: Watch on BitChute The Fauci murdersby steve - 2024-08-05 ( education / research ) [html version]It was in RFK Jrs. book. On Sunday, August 4, 2024 at 04:57:39 PM PDT, someone wrote: Good compilation of clips exposing the fraud called Fauci . War with Iranby doug - 2024-08-07 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]In case you haven't been following the latest psychotic actions of Israel expansionism, check out this 5 minute summary by Nick Fuentes: On Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 02:23:32 PM PDT, someone wrote: Netanyahu is a warmonger and pulls the strings of Congress. Kamala isn't smart or powerful enough to not be a puppet so, as that financial guy with the super smart computer said, we're likely to go to war, but I think he said in 2025 or 2026. Of course, Trump would likely also go along. Off-Grid Waterby steve - 2024-08-17 ( education / research / water ) [html version]Yeah, I heard of that method. I can't do it because of all the water involved would flood our liberal neighbors. I've tried to see how low the water table is and it's iffy. I think that you need a pump if the water is more than 25 feet deep and it's likely more here, maybe as much as 35 feet. On Friday, August 16, 2024 at 07:18:20 AM PDT, someone wrote: Very clever On Friday, August 16th, 2024 at 8:41 AM, wrote: I don't know what your ground is like but Erich has put in a well this way and so have a bunch of people in Rockport. They get up high ( ladder or a second story), put a sand point on a piece of PVC, and run a pressure washer in the pipe and just keep pushing it down. In Rockport it's sand but also a clay strata and they get through that until they hit good water. We have a regular well here on the farm but also have the original hand dug well that is brick lined that they used until 2003. On Aug 16, 2024, at 12:58 AM, someone wrote: I'm listening to that 6-hour video now (I'm not sure I'd recommend it yet) but I'd like to put in wells on our property, though the water table might be too low for shallow water table methods. On Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 10:08:39 PM PDT, someone wrote: Extremely helpful tips and ideas to create water systems for anyone looking for self-reliance. in case of interestby steve - 2024-08-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]yeah, I tried to get it for free but couldn't find the link. I think it was censored, too On Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 01:06:48 AM PDT, someone wrote: I believe he is now giving his book away in digital form, with donations appreciated. On Friday, August 16th, 2024 at 10:55 PM, someone wrote: yes, good video. He wrote a book about the SCAM and Amazon immediately BANNED IT. It can't be found/bought anywhere. In his book he shows there was a FEMA MANUAL of how it was to be done. On Friday, August 16, 2024 at 08:27:17 AM PDT, someone wrote: Was Sandy Hook another false flag scam? This author has dug up tons of proof that it was a FEMA drill and nobody died. No emergency medical vehicles ever showed up. No admissions to the hospital, and much more. It was created as another excuse to take away guns under Obama in 2012. Yet activist judges are not allowing the evidence in court. A complete scam in our banana republic. There are several other interviews with Dr James Fetzer that contain a lot of additional details. Newsom Barred from Stageby steve - 2024-08-21 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]"Americans look past the propaganda and see the truth"? Funny, since you are owned by the Zionists with their globalist propaganda. PS: In case you think that's antisemitic, well, most NY Jews are against Zionism: On Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 02:41:04 PM PDT, Kevin Kiley wrote: Hi, I've just published a new blog post: Newsom's Humiliation Today is a humiliating day for Gavin Newsom. He thought it would be him accepting the nomination, but he isn't even allowed on the Convention stage. California's Lieutenant Governor gets to speak from the stage while Newsom is relegated to a few words from down on the Floor. This humiliation, of course, is very well-earned. We've paid an incalculable price for the constant posturing and self-promoting of his shadow presidential campaign. During Covid, 40 million Californians were at the mercy of whatever he thought would get him in the headlines. Yet if Kamala were being honest, she'd give Newsom a primetime speaking slot. No one can better convey her goal of turning America into San Francisco. Just two days ago, Newsom insanely declared California a "national model" when it comes to (of all things) retail theft. During the Convention this week, I'm doing interviews (see Newsmax, Fox, OAN) to help Americans look past the propaganda and see the truth: that San Francisco is a case study of what happens when the radical politics of Harris and Newsom reach their logical endpoint. And Kamala has explicitly called for spreading these policies nationwide, saying California is a "role model" for America. The irony is her candidacy comes just as Californians have decided enough is enough; her own state is rejecting the "model" she hopes to nationalize. One new poll shows Kamala protege George Gascon will be crushed in his reelection bid for Los Angeles DA. Another shows our anti-Prop. 47 initiative (Prop. 36) passing overwhelmingly, with even Democrat voters supporting it by an 18-point margin. And the University of California just banned campus encampments. If only they'd done this months ago when I called for it in a letter to the UC President. Still, it's another step on the path to sanity for California and the reckoning for American higher education. Help me fight for California and our country Kevin Kiley, California Congressman Great new interview with Dr Shivaby steve - 2024-08-22 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]
On Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 07:23:27 PM PDT, someone wrote: yes, great video but most aren't that interested in the LIE we've been told Anti-Zionismby steve - 2024-08-23 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]I'm listening but most important is that he said that Skyhorse is the place to get controversial stuff published. On Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 02:49:50 PM PDT, someone wrote: So, even the CIA started out on the right track, only to be subverted by infiltrators/traitors. On 8/22/2024 1:56 PM, someone wrote: There are some comments in this about JFK that might help answer this question. On Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 at 1:27 PM, someone wrote: I'm doing research for the "Recruiter" story and wondered about a connection between the CIA and the Zionists. Well, this article told how in the start of the CIA (1947) they were for the Arabs and against the zionists but also against the commies. I'll have to do more research. I wonder about JFK and the zionists. The Early CIA and Its Anti-Zionist Maneuvering, by Asaf Romirowsky At the turn of the 21st century through today, American involvement in Middle Eastern politics runs through the... Read the rest here: Will we have a 2024 election?by steve - 2024-08-25 ( education / research / politics / conspiracies ) [html version]Interesting. Something about Sarah bothers me. I've said for some while that "plan B" was to nuke us but they went with Plan C, the scamdemic, but they may still go back to Plan B (but not nuke all but the large cities). On Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 07:50:22 AM PDT, someone wrote: Naomi Wolf doesn't think so. We've just witnessed a coup, ironically against an installed puppet who obviously stole the 2020 election. The question is who actually runs the country now? And more importantly, how can we get the country back? Naomi Wolf gives excellent advice on how we can survive what's coming and how not to comply with the tyranny. Really an important video to watch. How you might lose your homeby steve - 2024-08-26 ( education / research ) [html version]if the banks take the houses, what will they do with them? Rent them back? will burning banks become a new sport? On Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 11:21:43 AM PDT, someone wrote: Right, there will be pushback, but how many just listen to everything they are told? Law enforcement doesn't imply doing what is right. Police could "just be doing my job" as people are evicted under corrupt laws. There's no doubt the banksters will do everything possible to try and take away as much property as they can. How else can we reach 2030 where we'll "own nothing and be happy "? This will all be tied to bank accounts of idiots who still don't believe in conspiracies like this and the bioweapon falsely called vaccines, and who don't see any problems with digital ID because it's "so convenient." Just one more way to attack people from every conceivablele. And the sheep continue to the slaughterhouse. On Sunday, August 25th, 2024 at 12:43 AM, someone wrote: really? who will go along with it? On Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 10:26:00 PM PDT, someone wrote: The UCC (universal commercial code) is how business is done in all 50 states. And the banksters will soon pull off "the great taking" of all your paper assets, like stocks, but also the property that's not fully owned. If you have no mortgage then it appears you're safe from this diabolical scheme. But what about the people in your neighborhood or the farmers who have a mortgage? Even if you have it almost paid off, the banks will take your property and all your equity. Same thing for your vehicle or boat if you're making payments. This interview is with a South Dakota legislator who is sounding the alarm about this. It goes beyond all politics because doesn't everyone want to keep their home? With just a couple very minor changes the legislators in every state can save all the home owners in their state from becoming homeless soon. If this concerns you then I suggest you listen carefully and get involved. A future with Kamala/Walzby steve - 2024-08-31 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]You'll get to experience Marxist re-education camps and look forward to Klaus Schwab's "own nothing and be happy" Read, listen or watch the rest here: How will the US military fare in war?by steve - 2024-08-31 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]the zionists tell congress, you're either with us or against us (and if you're against us, ...) On Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 10:41:20 PM PDT, someone wrote: Accurate account of the degraded condition of the US military and it's ability to wage war. While these congress people talk in terms of military defense, anyone paying the slightest attention knows the USA never defends anything. They are the aggressors who attack and provoke others. At least these people are not giving more bullsh-t for the gullible to swallow wholesale. We're being set up to fail in every conceivable way - financially, physically, psychologically, militarily, industrially, etc, which is the globalist agenda. And the fools in Congress, virtually all being Zionist puppets controlled by Israel, just keep their blinders on and allow Israel to dictate everything they want. They are all unconvicted criminals. I can't wait to see how the new transgender soldiers will do against real fighting soldiers. . Trump Owes Banksters, Big Timeby steve - 2024-09-03 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]We're surrounded by liberals with kamala signs here. I'm tempted to make a "Walz brother is for Trump" sign and wonder how long it'd last on our lawn. Other people who had Trump signs on their lawn were attacked. Gee, who are the HATERS? On Monday, September 2, 2024 at 10:03:55 AM PDT, someone wrote: Yea, exactly the lazy asses I mentioned. I have a custom metal piece I got for my mailbox that says "freedom isn't free" which I still need to attach. These lazy ass people don't deserve sh-t if they can't get involved in fixing our country. On Monday, September 2nd, 2024 at 11:53 AM, someone wrote: unfortunately, most see this as "blah, blah, blah" and remaining ignorant and "going along to get along" is bliss On Monday, September 2, 2024 at 09:22:32 AM PDT, someone wrote: Do you seriously think he isn't beholden to them? And since these banksters probably all wear small hats, with a son in law who wears one and his often stated undying support for them, he's little more than an actor on puppet strings controlled by fake Jew Zionists. Yes, he's probably way better than the current fake vice president, but is he really the deep state's worst nightmare? Don't get your hopes too high when another professed puppet of the Zionists (RFK Jr) joins forces. "I will never let you down" are empty words that are just hopium for the masses. Take a look at a real America first patriot candidate for president, Dr Shiva. No, he won't win but the fact he's raising the awareness of people of the true problem which is Americans have become lazy and detached from politics. He's trying to ignite a bottom's up movement to change the bullsh-t the parasite class (we foolishly call elites) has created since 1776. It's the only real way to take back our country from these Marxists controlled by technocrats that are in full swing of creating a real dystopia. We have to raise the level of consciousness of enough people to make the changes at the local level which in the agate will change the whole country. Why Modern Day Jews Have No Legitimate Claim to Israelby doug - 2024-09-06 ( education / research / religion / politics ) [html version]Pretty interesting historical argument by Adams: Watch on Bitchute Israelis are NOT the Jews of the bible. They were from Khazaria (Ukraine) so their ancestors did not formerly occupy it. On 9/6/2024 12:29 AM, someone wrote: No one has a legitimate claim to any land unless they purchased it. Failing that, they have to have discovered it... unoccupied. If our great-grandparents inhabited a plot of land two hundred years ago, then abandoned it for a hundred years, you and I would not be allowed to come back and claim it as ours simply because someone in our family used to live there. Zionist/Israeli claims are absolute bullsh-t. On Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 10:15:01 PM PDT, someone wrote: I haven't watched it yet but I've done the research. The Ashkenazis are NOT SEMITES. They are descended from Japheth instead of Shem and the only reason they have Israel now is because the Rothschilds BOUGHT OFF Woodrow Wilson with the Balfour Declaration. They are NOT the "Jews of the bible." There are MANY Jews in New York who didn't want to go along with the Zionists and are against Zionism. Here's some videos of them protesting Zionism: Jews Against Zionism On Friday, September 6, 2024 at 07:07:57 AM PDT, someone wrote: In case either one of you still hasn't watched it, both of your arguments were given. Is religion another control mechanism?by doug - 2024-09-21 ( education / research / religion ) [html version]Are the required beliefs of any given religion acting as a cul-de-sac in regards understanding this human experience? Are you trying to throw off the shackles of tyranny by government only to bow down in some other way? Explained adeptly by David Icke: On Friday, September 20, 2024 at 11:58:58 AM PDT, someone wrote: David Icke gets weird when it comes to religion. He's likely atheist and not quite to satanist yet. Jesus was against "religion". Yes, it's USED to Kontrol people. Is Israel a terrorist state?by steve - 2024-09-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]many consider themselves to be a different race, above the rest of us, and thus the rest of us are only good for "serving them". Yeah, "Synagogue of Satan" as it says in the bible On Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 10:10:24 PM PDT, someone wrote: I've heard from some past Max Igan videos that many in Israel want more radical war. They've really brainwashed the citizens to consider other people lowlife scum that deserves to die. It's no exaggeration. Maybe the ones who could do so have already left. But the IDF are sadistic murderers and relish killing children and raping everyone. They're monsters. On Saturday, September 21st, 2024 at 8:38 PM, someone wrote: many in israel hate netanyahu but then there's folks like every president and most of congress in decades who idolize him. Disgusting On Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 06:34:08 PM PDT, someone wrote: They blew up solar panels most recently. = On 2024-09-21 20:24, someone wrote: What they did was an atrocity and a war crime. Netanyahu will pay for his actions some day. On 9/21/2024 6:09 PM, someone wrote: Or should we believe they are always the victim? They exploded thousands of pagers causing massive injuries to citizens, then exploded walkie talkies. Thousands lost their eyes. But don't dare criticize what they are doing. You know they cannot do any wrong. It's a proven fact that their sh-t don't stink. Let's vote and make Israel great again. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Israel. . . Watch at least the first 10 minutes of this excellent report by Max Igan: Best ever David Icke interview?by steve - 2024-09-24 ( education / research ) [html version]
On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 06:49:32 PM PDT, someone wrote: It goes long, but ties together many things he says which help us understand better. . Bill Holter lays out the reality of the situationby doug - 2024-09-24 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Go to the feed supply and get 50-pound bags of wheat. They say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. I think I got a hand grinder somewhere. I guess a coffee bean grinder would work: Yeah, I got some extra salt a while back. I'm not sure about yeast.Red Star QUICK-RISE=E2=84=A2 Instant YeastRed Star Yeast On Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 06:46:53 AM PDT, someone wrote: Hand grinder? Or solar power? Maybe put it in mylar bags? Will you need yeast? Salt? go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . go to the Feed Supply and get 50-pound bagS of wheat. they say it lasts "forever". Have a grinder, too. On Monday, September 23, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: When credit stops, commerce stops. Is Mad Max really going to happen? Still living in a densely populated place? If you're all stocked up, the thieves who murder you will thank you very much. Move to a rural place while you still can. The housing bubble still hasn't popped. You have time. . Why are these S. Dakota ranchers being targeted?by steve - 2024-09-25 ( education / research ) [html version]disgusting but it's no surprise as a Biden appointee is involved On Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 07:05:57 PM PDT, someone wrote: Don't forget the attack on food factories over the past few years of this criminal government regime. Here's a variation of that. Now the criminals running the government are finding new and bullsh-t ways to attack ranchers. Maybe it's all very innocent and just a massive mistake. Or maybe even a fool can see right through this latest scam. What do you think? Anyone in South Dakota want to get involved? We'll likely see something similar in every state until government can be eliminated as the scourge of the earth they really are. . Great court decision newsby steve - 2024-09-28 ( education / research / legal ) [html version]It does something at the ionic level, which converts fluoride into something non-toxic. On Friday, September 27, 2024 at 09:03:27 PM PDT, someone wrote: exchange fluoride for what? On 9/27/2024 8:13 PM, someone wrote: I just remembered what the fluoride filters are called. It's ion exchange. On Friday, September 27, 2024 at 08:01:56 PM PDT, someone wrote: nice On 9/27/2024 7:35 PM, someone wrote: That's great news! We have a Berkey filter that removes fluoride from our water. It has special filters in addition to the carbon filters which remove chlorine but not fluoride. On Friday, September 27th, 2024 at 8:31 PM, someone wrote: Yes! Is that the common denominator for all Democrats? On Friday, September 27, 2024 at 04:18:30 PM PDT, someone wrote: yeah, and I sent a link of it to one of the two local dimwits (tweedle dee vs tweedle dum) for mayor and she said she wanted to see a real study. I thnk sent it to her opponent. I doubt either one of them would want to come out against fluoride (I sent the info to the current mayor candidate years ago and he ignored it, ALL THREE of them liberals. maybe all three drank too much fluoride as kids) On Friday, September 27, 2024 at 03:13:43 PM PDT, someone wrote: Did you already hear about the massive court case win (many years in the making) that identified fluoride as a toxin that lowers the IQ in children? And it comes out of communist California, no less! So how long will it take for fluoride to be removed from municipal water? I'm betting there will be some great excuse to delay it for many years in order to further the depopulation agenda and create a new generation of idiots who wouldn't dream of having an original thought and fighting against Big Brother. Good interview with Gen Flynnby steve - 2024-09-30 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]Great and Informative Video that needs to be Shared On Monday, September 30, 2024 at 07:51:20 AM PDT, someone wrote: He's got interesting things to say about America, including all the official states of emergency which are totally insane. But he's so pro Israel that he's fooling himself. Completely duped Worth watching. Devastation in Appalachiaby doug - 2024-10-02 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Where's the media? Very good report including questions a normal person might be wondering why it's getting so little media coverage. Better have cash. Nothing digital is working. On Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 07:10:34 PM PDT, someone wrote: the media is owned by demonic people and those same demonic people are for the Democrats More on the Lahaina fire in Mauiby doug - 2024-10-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]New book with a bunch of evidence the globalists don't want us to know. Is blue your favorite color yet? On Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 08:53:12 AM PDT, someone wrote: I ordered it. I think I'll be able to use some of the info in one of my stories FEMA Money to Hurricane Victims?by steve - 2024-10-04 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]Oh, this is why Kamala can't have FEMA help hurricane CITIZENS, and liberals think she has good skills at prioritizing? But that's okay because she smiles and laughs a lot instead of posting "mean tweets." October surprise?by steve - 2024-10-04 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]Will Walz be "Clintoncided" so Shillary can replace him, followed by Kamala being Clintoncided? On Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 06:09:49 PM PDT, someone wrote: Will there be one? This short video talks about some from the past. Pretty interesting. welcome One World Order?by steve - 2024-10-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Nothing about it in the News. Kamala not protesting it. Israeli war crimes in Gaza documentedby steve - 2024-10-04 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]hmmm, no talk about it from ANYBODY in the upcoming election On Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 08:19:06 PM PDT, someone wrote: Very good report by Al Jazeera showing the insane IDF soldiers and the commands they were given to genocide the population. It runs 80 minutes, but I couldn't take more than 30. So I don't know what else these criminals representing Israel have done. Worth sharing so the entire world knows well that Israel doesn't deserve it's own country. They deserve to be behind bars or executed as war criminals. United States of America, INCby steve - 2024-10-04 ( education / research / silly ) [html version]It's a "religious non-profit" Copied below since it looks like that site is about to crash... Entity DetailsTHIS IS NOT A STATEMENT OF GOOD STANDING File Number: 2193946 Incorporation Date / Formation Date: 04/19/1989 (mm/dd/yyyy) Entity Name: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. Entity Kind: CORPORATION Entity Type: RELIGIOUS NONPROFIT Residency: DOMESTIC State: DE REGISTERED AGENT INFORMATIONName: THE COMPANY CORPORATION Address: 2711 CENTERVILLE ROAD SUITE 400 City: WILMINGTON County: NEW CASTLE State: DE Postal Code: 19808 Phone: (302)636-5440 Several short video clips from Hurricane Helene survivorsby steve - 2024-10-05 ( education / research ) [html version]a glimpse of what it'd be like with kamala/walz but likely WORSE (but they don't post mean things) On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 09:24:14 PM PDT, someone wrote: They describe what's really happening and the real condition of things in the hurricane zone. You won't get this from the criminal government nor the puppet media that seems to have a gag order in place so that this information doesn't get out. Really interesting discussion about Communism in the USAby steve - 2024-10-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I don't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I 't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I don't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I don't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I don't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I don't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I don't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I don't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Marxism has never worked but Marxist o'bama thinks he's SO SMART that he'll be able to "accomplish" what nobody else could do On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 11:02:52 PM PDT, someone wrote: look at what the zionist bolshevik commies did as was shown in a recent video. they GOT RID of any but those who would bow to be a SLAVE and I don't think the techies have a clue about what's in their future. On Friday, October 4, 2024 at 10:43:37 PM PDT, someone wrote: Lots of things you will want to hear about. From Sarah Westall: . Bill Gates controlling hurricanes?by doug - 2024-10-10 ( education / research / conspiracies / weather ) [html version]Part of his continuing elimination of humanity? Bill Gates Owns Hurricane Controlling Weather Patents; Redacted w Clayton Morris Excellent prepping videoby steve - 2024-10-11 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I'm listening to it.I've been trying to get [wife] to agree to get a wind turbine for power. As to burning wood for heat, we have a stove and there's lots of wooden fences around to burn. On Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 10:23:23 PM PDT, someone wrote: Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Interview by Seth from Man in America. It covers a broad range of subjects regarding prepping. I highly recommend it. () secure email. Deep fake of Harris by Alex Jonesby steve - 2024-10-13 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]After watching this great movie -- "Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA" -- which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposely set up as Trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with so many flaws, easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . After watching this great movieTrump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | Trump in the Crosshairs? Murder in Butler PA | | | which says that Alex Jones is fake (which many have suspected for years) I wonder if kamala was purposefully set up as trump's "challenger" because she IS such and idiot with So Many flaws easy to attack On Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 06:18:21 AM PDT, someone wrote: It starts a bit after the 2 minute mark, just after the Intro that describes what the Sandy Hook trial against Alex Jones was really about. It's short, but an important message that might help people realize what the Biden administration is really doing to help Americans. It's also pretty funny. . Be an Activist?by steve - 2024-10-15 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]Here's a site you can go to where they will help you create a letter to send to the governments to fight the CRIMES we've endured for quite some time: A new mainstream media is comingby steve - 2024-10-17 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . That makes me think how there are "alternate" social media sites where things aren't censored but going there is like talking with the choir. I can't imagine any liberals daring to look there and risk their reality being destroyed.I haven't looked at what you sent yet. I figure a new media must include a news chanel but as it is, Fox is SUPPOSEDLY alternate but it's owned by the same people who own the rest of the media and what they say is filtered.Maybe if Musk launched it, people might be curious for a little while and then call it the "conspiracy channel" On Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 08:43:13 PM PDT, someone wrote: And it's going to replace the existing legacy media that's become virtually 99% CIA propaganda. Everyone and anyone can become a freelance journalist and even earn money. Do yourself a real favor and check it out. This video talks about that and a lot more,by the SGT Report. . Military authorized to kill Americansby steve - 2024-10-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]A separate article about it says the military can "assist" local enforcement in "special circumstances" as per US DoD directive 5240.01 (assist law enforcement) but with a twist. Anyone see this one? Zerohedge has its article here. The directive isn't brand new but this year the DoD added..." On Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 09:34:26 AM PDT, someone wrote: Sept 27th, Biden authorized military to kill Americans. It's been almost 1 month, so why hasn't Trump said a word about this treasonous act (the newest of the countless list of previous treasonous acts by this administration)? This video talks about this. Every American should be aware of this and realize the government is literally at war with Americans. Share it. Democrats plan to ignore votes and install Harrisby steve - 2024-10-18 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I haven't seen the video but I figure the CIA and mercenaries will stir things up and probably kill a few people to help cities go crazy On Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 08:54:12 AM PDT, someone wrote: Alex Jones gives good advice on how not to react to this tyrannical behavior that's just a provocation for violence. They'd be very happy to see everyone killing each other. He lays out various scenarios for what this illegitimate administration is planning. From their viewpoint they don't dare lose power because all their crimes should be prosecuted. So many treasonous acts have been committed that a great many of them should probably be tried for treason and get the death penalty. Better be aware of their plans and think how you will react. Proof of Zionist Insanityby steve - 2024-10-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]The video opens with about an 8-minute report on how Israel propaganda has swayed public opinion with the latest being the selling of sex to justify the Gaza genocide. It's really wild and bizarre. That alone is a good reason to watch this video. But throughout the entire video is more amazing proof of Zionist insanity. There's one part showing interviews of Zionists that actually claim they are the only victims in the world and God has chosen them to rule and nobody else can justify their existence. They can kill anyone they want and rules don't apply to them. It's amazing to hear this total insanity. You really have to hear it yourself to believe anyone can actually think this. On Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 08:02:34 AM PDT, someone wrote: In their mental illness, they want death to all non-Ashkenazis (fake Semites) and there are millions who are so STUPID they have no problem going along with it (millions of 51/50 candidates) Deep State vs. Zionists?by steve - 2024-10-21 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Okay, they want to take over the Middle East for "Greater Israel," but I'm not sure how the Globalists/Deep State ties in with them against humanity. On Sunday, October 20th, 2024 at 8:19 PM, someone wrote: It appears these criminals called Zionists ARE the globalists. On Sunday, October 20, 2024 at 09:43:35 PM PDT, someone wrote: But are they also the Deep State or is it that the Deep State is just one of their puppets? Does the Deep State know that the Zionists want to kill off all non-Ashkenazis, meaning the Deep State puppets would also be eliminated? Acam 2000 polio vax warningby doug - 2024-10-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Do not get the smallpox vaccine. If you do you will have to quarantine yourself for 4 weeks and not come in contact with babies, anyone who has an autoimmune disease. You will not even be able to share your bed with your significant other. On Monday, October 21, 2024 at 10:11:50 AM PDT, someone wrote: Here's a link to the insert with it: It warns of Myocarditis and Pericarditis (but don't worry since you have lived a good enough life so far...) Never be an organ donorby doug - 2024-10-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This is horrendous news. A man realized his organs were about to be harvested when he was at the hospital recently. Adams has a lot more to add to this story. It starts at 57 minutes, 53 seconds. Must watch. And warn all you know about this. Never be an organ donor. On Monday, October 21, 2024 at 05:56:51 PM PDT, someone wrote: yeah, they thought he was brain dead. I guess joe biden ought to worry about that sort of thing On Monday, October 21st, 2024 at 8:03 PM, someone wrote: Did you catch that "brain dead" isn't really defined? It's just a made up term. And they don't have to test anything. It's like an opinion which is based on big bucks to sell your parts. Another pharma related scam. On Monday, October 21, 2024 at 08:43:22 PM PDT, someone wrote: I didn't listen to the video or hear about the definition. I remember that some decades back, a woman, maybe Shiavo in Florida was debatedly brain dead. Naomi Wolf reveals Democrat thinkingby doug - 2024-10-25 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. As a former darling of the Democrats, she has insights into the thought process of the Democrat machine. They are in full swing of stealing this election and instigating a revolution. I advise everyone to be aware of the details because it'll affect everyone. Really good interview by Alex Jones: () secure email. Joe Rogan Interview of Donald Trumpby doug - 2024-10-27 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]In case you want to watch the Joe Rogan interview of Trump. It was interesting, I think. Click here: Joe Rogan Experience #2219 - Donald Trump - 3 hrs On Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 10:05:58 PM PDT, someone wrote: I can't imagine that it'd be worth my 3 hours of time. Bill Gates and his SATANIC BUDDIESby steve - 2024-10-30 ( education / research ) [html version]Bill Gates has SATANISTS as buddies: BILL GATES, Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, The Lucis Trust, and the OCCULT: CONNECTING THE DOTS
Here's a video previously sent out that NEEDS to be watched if you care about freedom for HUMANITY: UN Takeover with Chaos & Crisis, with Alex Newman There is much more in the 40-minute interview. Do you still believe we weren't manipulated?by doug - 2024-11-01 ( education / research / conspiracies / elections ) [html version]I got this from an acquaintance. It makes me really wonder if Democrats finally realized the Hunter laptop is real and was covered up to massively influence the 2020 election. Now that Facebook has admitted their coordinated efforts to lie to the public, working with the FBI, wouldn't the normal thought process make someone wonder what else the biden government and the news and social media are all lying about? Isn't that completely obvious?!!! If anyone still hasn't realized at least that, I feel really sorry for their lack of intelligence and basic survival skills. When the trucks stop delivering food to grocery stores, they will simply starve to death, maybe wearing some Ukraine flag and screaming at the government for not caring for them Really pitiful. at 2024-11-01 09:13, someone said: "Why We Influenced The 2020 Elections": Facebook Files Reveal The Coordinated Effort To Bury The Laptop Story Why We Influenced the 2020 Election In a new report released by the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government, Facebook executives are shown following the lead of the FBI, which gave them prior warnings to prepare to spike such stories before the election. The FBI knew that the laptop was authentic. They had possession of the laptop, and American intelligence concluded that it was not Russian disinformation. ...One of the most interesting communications came from a Facebook employee who recognized that they would be accused of seeking to influence the election: "When we get hauled up to [Capitol] [H]ill to testify on why we influenced the 2020 elections, we can say we have been meeting for YEARS with USG [the U.S. government] to plan for it...." The Vice President in charge of content policy responded, "We were under pressure from the administration and others to do more. We shouldn't have done it." Notably, Democrats opposed every effort to seek this information, and Facebook only recently relented in turning over its files years after Elon Musk ordered the release of the "Twitter files." I raised this issue during the NCC event to counter the glowing self-appraisal of Meta over its record. Despite its claims of transparency, it refused calls from many of us for years to release these files. A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankindby doug - 2024-11-02 ( education / research / conspiracies / banks ) [html version]I thought it interesting how without their usurious banking practices (charging "interest"), everybody was able to provide for themself and had lots of extra time to contribute to society by making the cathedrals or whatever. On Friday, November 1, 2024 at 09:29:33 PM PDT, someone wrote: I'm at the 2 hour, 7 minute mark. Wow, great lesson in history and the disgusting history of usury in every country. Wow. On Friday, November 1st, 2024 at 1:11 PM, someone wrote: yes, the banksters were the repeated problem: A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind By Stephen Goodson A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind By Stephen G...
Patent 9 Months Priorby bill - 2024-11-03 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Whichever court in Europe it is that's suing Gates for his vaccine damage might use this in their case against him. On 11/3/2024 12:03 AM, someone wrote: No conspiracy, just COINCIDENCE, right?
Read the rest here: Gospa News Trump was allowed to win, beware the globalist agendaby doug - 2024-11-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]David Icke explains how this psyop will work. Sure, Trump will be better than the cringe Harris, but the globalist agenda will move forward with less pushback because the vast majority of people think Trump will save America and the world. Don't be fooled again. On Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 07:42:54 AM PST, someone wrote: this morning in bed, I had some questions for the country's future:Lots of tech jobs shut down. Where are the employees= going? Musk is supposed to trim down the gov't jobs by getting rid of lots of depts. I suppose a lot of them are "paper pusher" jobs. Where will the workers go? I think it was Argentina that fixed their economy by trimming down gov't workers but I wonder where those workers went.So it seems, we have too manyworkers. How do do governments deal with that? Wars or maybe more killer vaxes? Maybe the plan for "disease X" and foreced killer vaxes IS the plan.How will upper level gov't unemployed survive? Sell their houses? To whom? Lots of house sales will drop the price of housing. Time to buy in? I don't think so because they will keep dropping.How for unemployed to survive then? Savings? Pensions? What is financing those? Stocks? With fewer sales, will stocks drop and pensions start to bust? Back to the need for fewer people and wars or disease.With lots of disease, will "health care" be a bigger "industry"? How are those bills paid? Pensions or selling stocks that are dopping in price? I think it'd be wise to get "ahead of the curve". Gold is a "hedge" against an untrustworthy government, which it seems were heading toward. Would selling housing now, at high "values" be what to do and get gold? But live where? So, I figure what is best to reduce one's expenses and put the savings into buying gold.Or I just had another idea. Mortgage your house and buy gold. If thinkgs crashed, the value of gold would go up, the= cost of housing would go down, and you could buy pay back your morttgage but that'd still be high so best to sell one's house to get the gold and when housing drops, buy it back cheap? Again, where to live in the mean time? Is there a way to get the money out of your house otherwise to get the gold and be able to get your house back? Or is it best to not be so attached to your house, find a cheap place to live, and stay living cheaply and get your house back? Oh well, it kind of seems that I'm going in circles but I don't see a way out of it. Wealth (to survive) is from something "real". Real estate is "real" but I talked about that above.Gold/silver has always been "real". Any suggestions? Become a farmer kind of like? (No, I haven't watched Icke's video yet and I wouldn't count on him having any solution, either) On Thursday, November 7th, 2024 at 10:13 AM, someone wrote: You've nailed it. First to survive you must attempt to produce as high a percentage of your own food as you can. Downsize your pricey and crazy expensive CA home to a state where that money goes way farther. Learn as many skills to be as self sufficient as you can. Collect tools to do every possible job yourself. Stay liquid with precious metals, gold being the most transportable but silver the most undervalued. Protect yourself with something like an AK 47 or AR 15 and practice with it (on my to do list). We're considering a diesel vehicle with no computer inside so that if an EMP knocks the country into the stone age we're ready for it. Diesel is very safe to store and for a long time, so at least you can operate equipment for a while. Get solar and rain catchment installed (in progress here). All the extra unemployed people will have to become farmers to survive. But they can also choose to merge with AI and lose their soul. Many will choose that route. On Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 08:37:19 AM PST, someone wrote: I think that being a mechanic could be the job of the future. Maybe also manufacturing replacement parts On Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 08:40:44 AM PST, someone wrote: I just looked into Argentina's situation. This article says it's getting better and reducing gov't jobs was mentioned but no mention of gov't jobs gutted: Javier Milei's economic reforms are already paying off in Argentina
On Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 08:47:37 AM PST, someone wrote: oh yeah, I forgot "option 2" from decades ago, NUKES. A few of them of large cities and ... Climate modeling based on 100 nonexistent weather stationsby steve - 2024-11-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Yes, that's only a tiny fraction of the fake science upon which the globalists want to frighten you into compliance. Does anyone really believe in this climate change scam anymore? Isn't it obviously a hoax? And if they are lying about that, what else might they be lying about? Fool me once... Many other things are discussed in this newest Corbett Report. Worth a watch, as always. On Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 04:59:41 PM PST, someone wrote: I tracked down one of the "climate stations". I wanted to see if, as those in "the know" know, they're put at places in the sun so they show higher temps. It's at 8250 Belvedere Road, not far from here. I was going to contact the owner of the property to talk to them about it but keep forgetting to do so. Trump caught on his knees for Israel... againby doug - 2024-11-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]While much of the world sighs with relief to see the puppet and mental midget Harris not be selected for a second term in the White House, in the back room Trump was found on his knees servicing Israel again. The first few minutes alone explain this, by Trump himself. The lofty plans coming from his transition team are dwarfed by his Zionist plans of continued genocide in Gaza. Idiots still believing in the Q psyop are salivating about military tribunals ending with firing squads in Gitmo for all the hundreds of actual traitors in the current administration. Trump sycophants, still ignoring his genius depopulation plan called Operation Warp Speed and his proud claim as the "father of the vaccine" are still licking his boots and preparing to be raptured. Skeptics are waiting to see if he gives more jobs to deep state scumbags like Pompeo to rape and terrorize Americans and are watching to see if the globalist plans are in any way slowed down. Will government be reduced in size? Will Trump pay back the Pentagram to build the military up again and cause further inflation like in his first term? Will he "back the blue" to continue their power trip on their victims and steal their money through "search and seizure" laws that he likes? On Friday, November 8, 2024 at 05:32:01 PM PST, someone wrote: I posted it on FB (choosing lesser of two evils, demonism of trump over marxism). the video showed a fake semite talkign of ridding the world of "idols". So, I mentioned jewish noahide sublaw 16 where saying "Jesus is the messiah" is idolatry punishable by BEHEADING and asked if trump went along with that On Friday, November 8, 2024 at 08:15:17 PM PST, someone wrote: maybe I ought to send it to Joe Biden. he doesn't have much to lose On Friday, November 8th, 2024 at 10:02 PM, someone wrote: I seriously doubt he'd go that far. On 11/8/2024 10:17 PM, someone wrote: Trump's incoming chief-of-staff, a woman for a change which is nice to see, is said to be a former big pharma lobbyist. On Saturday, November 9, 2024 at 03:40:42 AM PST, someone wrote: This says she was a lobbyist but didn't mention Pharma: Trump Selects Corporate Lobbyist Susie Wiles as Chief of Staff
Superb Report by Greg Reese on Israelby doug - 2024-11-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. On Saturday, November 9, 2024 at 09:43:48 AM PST, someone wrote: as I posted on FB and as the bible says, israel is the "synagogue of SATAN" Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Very short. Beware Trump and his undying support for Israeli terrorism on Lebanon, Gaza and everyone else (including the USA). Israel didn't allow all the cheating by the Democrat machine for nothing. How did they accomplish that? Maybe Congress is so completely compromised the Democrat operatives didn't dare commit more treason with election fraud for fear of being exposed? Highly recommend you watch and share. () secure email. Trump Dumps Pompeo and Haleyby doug - 2024-11-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: Great, two Deep State globalists. I wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . greattwo Deep State globalistsI wonder who told him to do it (no, I haven't watched the video yet) On Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 05:55:04 AM PST, someone wrote: This is promising. Thanks to Alex Jones . Rod Serling Speechby steve - 2024-11-12 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Appropriate for society. Good reminders of absolute tyranny of bureaucratsby doug - 2024-11-15 ( education / research / conspiracies / covid ) [html version]This video mentions documented plans by pharma-controlled bureaucrats to turn this country into a complete tyrannical state. Nothing will change until people realize what they're up to and make these criminals pay for what they already did. A huge court win is mentioned that will help prevent corporations from going along with the next scamdemic plans which are already underway. You can see one example in California regarding the bird flu and resulting measures that piece of garbage governor is doing to the food supply. By Pam Popper: Watch on Bitchute On Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 08:31:53 AM PST, someone wrote: I have this article about the Covid LOCKDOWN CAMPS mentioned: cdc-planned-quarantine-camps ...and then Martial Law?by doug - 2024-11-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]trump-confirms-he-will-declare-national-emergency-use-military-assets-for-mass-deportation On Monday, November 18th, 2024 at 11:49 PM, someone wrote: I hear the criminals running CA are still counting (fake) ballots that have now falsely reached the point that Trump now has less than 50% of the popular vote. So don't be too surprised these criminals figure out a scheme (conspiracy) to install the crazy bitch. That's what I originally thought would happen after the election. So maybe no martial law because we'll have an outright dictatorship saying they saved our democracy. On Monday, November 18, 2024 at 10:02:14 PM PST, someone wrote: why do Kalifornia votes matter since kamala "won" the state? On Tuesday, November 19th, 2024 at 12:04 AM, someone wrote: At first they print enough fake ballots to deny him the popular vote. Maybe they can claim CA had so many voters that 110% of eligible voters came out this time . The idiots who watch TV will believe anything. They can then claim he doesn't really have a strong mandate. I don't know how they can claim more electoral votes unless other criminals are still counting votes in other states. On Monday, November 18, 2024 at 10:18:12 PM PST, someone wrote: I can't remember if I passed along this article. It EXPOSES a lot about Trump's Zionist warmongers: Synagogue of Satan Owns Trump and His Administration - VT Foreign Policy The list of Trump's Zionist Israeli Firsters racing to Armageddon in the Middle East keeps growing all week to Can America survive Trump and his gang of Zionists?by doug - 2024-11-22 ( education / research / conspiracies / politics ) [html version]As promising as many of his picks are to help get this country back on a good path from the clutches of the incredibly evil, psychotic and stupid democrats, we have to wonder if the crazy Zionists will destroy the world as they somehow remain the victims while waging war all around them. These are really evil people who are happy to create WWIII in their pursuit for Greater Israel. Another great report by Reese: Watch on Bitchute On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:20:39 PM PST, someone wrote: That clown said "no lobbyists?" Too bad the intereviewer didn't ask about the Zionist lobbyists. (maybe his company is under Zionist kontrol) I'm sorry that Tulsi seems to be OWNED by Israel and Kushner is SO DISGUSTING, probably having a division in his company planning on selling off the beach property. On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST, someone wrote: I see the replacement of Gaetz as AG is a former SCIENTOLOTIST! On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at 7:01 PM, someone wrote: I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, someone wrote: I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM, Rocha
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<.com> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST, Rocha
<> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. On 11/21/2024 7:34 PM,
wrote: On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
someone wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
I'm familiar with a few former $cientologists I would absolutely
trust in positions of power. As to Tulsi Gabbard, her Wikipedia
entry says her mother was a converted Hindu from Indiana, and her
children more or less followed Hinduism as they grew up in Samoa
and Hawaii. In Congress, Tulsi was very much against Islamic
extremism, hopefully against ALL extremism. I haven't heard about his replacement yet. I'm VERY disappointed that he won't be the AG. It was probably the best ever pick he could have made. We can't get the country back until these f--king criminals are in prison. . On Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at
7:01 PM, <_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 04:58:38 PM PST,
<_h@> wrote:
On Thursday, November 21, 2024 at
04:20:39 PM PST,
<rochaholmes@> wrote:
The puppet mastersby steve - 2024-11-23 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]For the FEW who can deal with Reality: On Friday, November 22, 2024 at 09:34:45 PM PST, someone wrote: They say how trump is a good guy against the puppet masters but that's almost funny the way the zionists pull his strings Really smart remarks by Ron Paul about illegalsby doug - 2024-11-23 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]Worthwhile advice and warnings about how to handle this massive problem. On Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 11:16:42 AM PST, someone wrote: He worried about martial law following, which I've mentioned. Painful reminders of the bioweapon pushersby doug - 2024-11-26 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Compilation by Reese. Watch and then feel free to puke from Trump's new administration choices. On Monday, November 25, 2024 at 09:44:30 PM PST, someone wrote: I see lots of articles about his appointments. Every opportunity I have, I call them out as zionists and tell how 96% of israelis are Not Semites but the bible calls them "synagogue of SATAN". A few agree with me. HeroArchetype on Substackby bill - 2024-11-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]This has videos and articles you might like: On Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 06:11:41 PM PST, someone wrote: Thanks. Looks good. I posted this article, calling trump's nominees MURDERERS:
Commander Trump articleby steve - 2024-11-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]"A Timeline of the Greatest True Story in World History" Which Humans Are at the Top of Pedophilia?by doug - 2024-11-28 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]I ask about it in this way because there are hidden and satanic influences beyond human. According to this lady, it's the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. She claims to have been a sex slave. It's Interesting how she describes the pecking order between them. On a side note, have you ever used autocorrect? It's helpful when hunting and pecking out a message on a cell phone. Saves a lot of typing. But why is the Rockefeller name not appearing in autocorrect? Try butchering just about anything else and the correct spelling almost always appears. But not that name. I bet it's in the Google algorithm. Almost the same thing with Rothschild. Did they instruct Google to do this? I'm practically sure of it. This video is also sharing the great news of a new Republican senator from Arizona. Hopefully he can keep his existing morals and not bend to the will of the Zionists. But this new senator is borderline sycophant of Trump. On Wednesday, November 27th, 2024 at 9:28 PM, someone wrote: It's always been the [Jewish culture]. They were pushing their disgusting lifestyles in Berlin before HITLER stopped them. On Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at 07:57:14 PM PST, someone wrote: I'm only just starting to question the "Hitler is bad' narrative. Remember, populations need to have a villain in order to agree to go to war. All wars are bankers' wars, and we now realize how evil they are, manipulating people for centuries for their own purposes. This narrative is so absorbed into the psyche that it's completely taboo to even dare consider it but now that the entire Jewish Holocaust narrative is beginning to fall apart under scrutiny, it opens the door to more questions. I'm sure you, Steve, have documentation about this stuff. You always seem to be ahead of the game. I never bothered before the 2020 scamdemic arrived, but now I realize I was like most people and just oblivious to this stuff, happily working away. No longer. As they say, once awake you can't go back to sleep. On Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at 08:15:41 PM PST, someone wrote: I'm looking for my source but I found this (which I haven't read): On Wednesday, November 27th, 2024 at 10:21 PM, someone wrote: This doesn't outright say it but the last line is "the party in Berlin was over." Berlin was a hotbed of homosexuality and a mecca for transsexuals. An uninhibited urban gay sexual scene flourished in 1920s Berlin. The science of 'transsexuality' was founded at... On Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at 08:30:48 PM PST, someone wrote: At the very least, people should be wondering why they can question and criticize their own government but can't question the government of Israel with being accused of being an antisemite. Doesn't that seem odd? Everyone needs to know about Roger Verby doug - 2024-12-03 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]It's a horrific story of persecution from the various criminals in US government such as the IRS and the DOJ. You really need to hear and share this interview by Mike Adams because this person faces a bogus lifetime sentence completely fabricated and it could easily happen to everyone on the list of this criminal government. He's a Bitcoin pioneer who has done amazing things to help people. Also, go to FreeRogerVer org to sign the petition. On Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 at 12:43 AM, someone wrote: Should be On Monday, December 2, 2024 at 10:53:10 PM PST, someone wrote: his crime was tax evasion? Like Hunter Biden? Maybe he ought to change his name to "Hunter Biden" and claim that Joe biden's pardon was for him! On Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 at 1:25 AM, someone wrote: And that crime is completely bogus. He paid everything they ever asked. Just a complete weaponization of law. They picked him out to scare everyone else. Sickening and disgusting garbage people in charge. Israel is the deep state?by doug - 2024-12-08 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]And Trump is their puppet. Watch this great report by Max Igan on all the sh-t Israel is doing to people around the world. They are the leader of surveillance technology. And they are testing on the Palestinians things they sell to other governments. It's such a depraved country and people living there who support what the government is doing. I've heard most Jews are against that government but I don't believe it. They are so brainwashed into thinking they can kill anyone and take their stuff. From little children forward they are turning into super evil people. People who support Trump really need to push back on the nightmare police state he's creating. It'll start with making us safe from illegal aliens and the biometric surveillance he plans to implement to kick them out of the country. Then, just like the Patriot Act, it will be turned against Americans. How convenient! Anyone getting money from the Zionists who control America are not our friends. This includes every person, it seems, Trump has appointed. I was sorry to learn from this video that even Kash Patel appointed as the FBI director is a Zionist. Can anyone name a single person he picked who isn't?! Another good exposé about US and Israeli terrorismby doug - 2024-12-08 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]I'm beginning to think that Mossad runs the CIA. It only makes sense. Not all are Zionists in the CIA but I'm willing much or all of the top people are Zionists, maybe dual citizens of Israel and Mossad agents. On Sunday, December 8th, 2024 at 4:04 PM, steve wrote: it's real simple. israel owns the USA. israel wants to take over the middle east to create their "greater israel". the cia and mossad do the covert operations. I just put up the manger in our front yard. Time for my bike ride (as of yesterday, I passed the 8,000 mile point for cycling. I usually get over 8100 so until the rest of the year, it's "gravy" On Sunday, December 8, 2024 at 12:07:08 PM PST, someone wrote: Greater Israel is a plan to steal the land from many surrounding countries and massacring the existing people living there. This is on full display in Gaza right now. How is the USA helping make this happen? How can the tiny country of Israel accomplish this and the world hardly seems to notice? The Last American Vagabond discusses many reports, articles and videos about the collusion of the Zionist control of USA politicians and the Zionists running Israel. It's another long one that I think should be listened to while working and at a faster speed. Scary Video (Lockdowns & More)by doug - 2024-12-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]That theory in the title is like the Q people thinking Trump is riding in on a white horse to save the world. I didn't watch. But it reminds me of a new one to watch from Stew Peters. Can't remember the title but he's blasting the Zionists. On Sunday, December 8th, 2024 at 7:29 PM, someone wrote: This guy attributes it to Trump for "saving us" but ... WARPSPEED Stopped the FEMA Camps
Is DEI finally dying?by steve - 2024-12-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is what the corporations have been pushing to cause havoc around the world. It's a psyop by globalists designed to help subjugate the world and enslave everyone. But there's good news. Pushing DEI has brought a lot of public criticism and especially caused financial problems for the idiots who acquiesced to this madness. This report is from The High Wire: On Sunday, December 8th, 2024 at 10:27 PM, someone wrote: Here's the correct link. Starts at minute 17: On Sunday, December 8, 2024 at 08:54:39 PM PST, someone wrote: yeah, I just started to skim through the video and saw a little of the DEI being abandoned. I saw it happening earlier, too. I won't bother to watch this video. Will Trump's rhetoric become just hot air?by doug - 2024-12-09 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]This Infowars 10-minute clip with Alex Jones is really good to hear. I don't think it's just empty words. Trump means it. He seriously seems to want to investigate the cause of autism and release the Jan 6th prisoners. At the same time, he doesn't mind Israel killing other kids in Gaza and Lebanon - is he schizophrenic? Anyway, this is good news: Democrat party is going extinctby steve - 2024-12-11 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]It's about time. What a bunch of f--king criminals!!! This is according to Martin Armstrong. The reason seems to be with the blanket pars of so many people, many with no official allegations against them, why are they even being pared if they are not convicted? So it's because nobody can even trust them. They're finished. He also says to get 2 years of food supplies. By 2026 the supply lines will really be hit hard. The Neocons (AKA Zionists) are trying to start WWIII before Trump takes office. Of course, everyone can see that. Lots of other interesting things in this USA Watchdog interview by Greg Hunter: On Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 08:12:44 PM PST, someone wrote: Zionists against trump? But he's their puppet! On Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 08:19:32 PM PST, someone wrote: I'm going to try to ask where the war will be Lots of interesting facts about the drone psy-opby doug - 2024-12-16 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]From Alex Jones/Infowars: Watch on Bitchute On Monday, December 16, 2024 at 08:10:21 AM PST, someone wrote: I haven't watched it yet, but here's a related one on Project Bluebeam: Beat the rush getting my Project Bluebeam book! Hypocritical Democrats want to deport Musk but not the millions of illegal aliensby bill - 2024-12-25 ( education / research / politics ) [html version]Read the rest here: Elon Musk proposes a new law requiring all bills in Congress to be publicly accessible online at least 7 days before any vote. Democrats call for Biden to deport Elon Musk Which Generation Am I?by bill - 2025-01-01 ( culture / research / people / generations ) [html version]I found this interesting...
Read the rest here: Gen Z, millennial, zillennial? Find your generation — and what it means — by year Fantastic Video on How to Use Water Management to Prevent Wildfiresby bill - 2025-01-12 ( education / research / water / fire ) [html version]But, will anyone with influence listen to him? trump wants you VAXEDby steve - 2025-01-22 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]TRAITOR to Humanity: Trump sidelines two key vaccine-truth figures after meeting with Bill Gates On a similar grim thing, I think I figured out why they want to make us all dependent on electricity and not gas. It'd be so they could turn off the electricity. Well, yeah, but how? Easy, with an EMP, which they say would knock of the 90% of the population that the Georgia Stones wanted. I just wrote to the Flower turbine place to ask if their turbines could deal with an EMP attack. Extremely important video from Dr Shivaby steve - 2025-01-27 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Yes, SUPER SCARY for humanity. On Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 11:18:40 AM PST, someone wrote: It concerns what's happening now and in the near future. And it concerns everyone who works and especially future generations. It's from December 26, 2024, but I just saw it. It's extremely important that everyone watches and shares this. yes, SUPER SCARY for humanity On Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 11:18:40 AM PST, someone wrote: It concerns what's happening now and in the near future. And it concerns everyone who works and especially future generations. It's from December 26, 2024 but I just saw it It's extremely important that everyone watches this and share. . yes, SUPER SCARY for humanity On Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 11:18:40 AM PST, someone wrote: It concerns what's happening now and in the near future. And it concerns everyone who works and especially future generations. It's from December 26, 2024 but I just saw it It's extremely important that everyone watches this and share. . yes, SUPER SCARY for humanity On Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 11:18:40 AM PST, someone wrote: It concerns what's happening now and in the near future. And it concerns everyone who works and especially future generations. It's from December 26, 2024 but I just saw it It's extremely important that everyone watches this and share. . yes, SUPER SCARY for humanity On Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 11:18:40 AM PST, someone wrote: It concerns what's happening now and in the near future. And it concerns everyone who works and especially future generations. It's from December 26, 2024 but I just saw it It's extremely important that everyone watches this and share. . yes, SUPER SCARY for humanity On Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 11:18:40 AM PST, someone wrote: It concerns what's happening now and in the near future. And it concerns everyone who works and especially future generations. It's from December 26, 2024 but I just saw it It's extremely important that everyone watches this and share. . yes, SUPER SCARY for humanity On Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 11:18:40 AM PST, someone wrote: It concerns what's happening now and in the near future. And it concerns everyone who works and especially future generations. It's from December 26, 2024 but I just saw it It's extremely important that everyone watches this and share. . yes, SUPER SCARY for humanity On Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 11:18:40 AM PST, someone wrote: It concerns what's happening now and in the near future. And it concerns everyone who works and especially future generations. It's from December 26, 2024 but I just saw it It's extremely important that everyone watches this and share. . Trump Converted to Judaism in 2017by steve - 2025-01-29 ( education / research / religion ) [html version]This is why he didn't put his hand on the bible when inaugurated: outrageous fate for Gazaby steve - 2025-02-05 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Another step to a one-world-government, run by Netanyahu (with Trump as his PUPPET). On Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 11:17:38 AM PST, someone wrote: Listen to the latest garbage emanating from the mouth of Trump. Excellent report by Greg. germ theory fraudby doug - 2025-02-06 ( education / research / health / conspiracies ) [html version]New book made into a video with the help of AI - 6 minutes. Pretty good. Dr. William P. Trebing's book "Good-bye Germ Theory: Ending a Century of Medical Fraud and How to Protect Your Family" challenges conventional medical wisdom, arguing that germ theory is a fraud and that diseases are the body's natural detoxification processes, not the result of pathogens. The book criticizes modern medicine for suppressing symptoms with antibiotics and vaccines, which hinder the body's healing and contribute to chronic illnesses. Modern medicine is described as ineffective and dangerous, containing harmful ingredients linked to autism, neurological disorders and autoimmune conditions. On Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 08:53:09 AM PST, someone wrote: I question that but was amazed to think of all the time used to do the artwork for the video. greatest USA news everby bill - 2025-02-07 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Whitney Webb says don't get too excited, but I already forgot what her reasoning was. :) There's a video about it on YouTube from her or quoting her. On 2/7/2025 11:30 AM, someone wrote: In case you are not hearing about the investigation into the US.A.I.D., you probably have no clue how wonderful and terrific this is for our country. First of all, it's a deception because AID is not what's happening. AID stands for Agency for International Development. It's a way to overthrow governments, propagandize all countries, and do many crazy and outrageous things. It's a gigantic slush fund operating like an independent branch of government. Most of Congress is getting money funneled back to them which is why they are screaming now. There is real panic because they've been caught red handed in the cookie jar. All week there have been reports about what's being discovered. I've picked this video as a good one for the overall picture. There's so much more. Like the guy says in this video, it's like Christmas X 100. It's so amazing. It makes Watergate in the 70s look like a misdemeanor. It exposes the utter corruption in the government, but still just the tip of the iceberg. You've got to watch this entire video just for a taste of everything. It's amazing. 35 minutes long: such a great idea - NOT!by steve - 2025-02-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Yes and to do it, submit your DNA. How much did he give to Trump? On Feb 8, 2025, at 12:22, someone wrote: Larry Ellison, the CEO of Oracle, not only wants to make custom mRNA injections within 48 hours, now he wants to record the bathroom breaks on police body cams. Isn't this piece of sh-t a real genius? And Trump listens to this guy who is 80 years old but looks more like 60 at the most. Adrenochrome? Very short video by AnOmaly: Watch on Bitchute massive land theft comingby steve - 2025-02-08 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]THE PLAN: monetize everything, telling how much CRYPTO it is worth. Crypto is BACKED BY NOTHING. So, idiots "sell" (give away) their land and other assets for c= rypto. The government messes it. Klaus Schwab was rightm, "you own nothing = and are happy". Crypto for the Land and Real Estate Swap Is Coming 'Going Direct Reset 2.0 " The Coup' Solari Report Money & Markets: = February 6, 2025 with Catherine Austin Fitts... On Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 09:10:22 AM PST, someone wrote: Catherine Austin Fitts says she's never been wrong yet as she describes how the government is planning to use Bitcoin to steal the land and make a bunch of new trillionaires. Very short clip: mind control techniques - amazingby steve - 2025-02-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]It's been said that "electricity" is what controls it all On Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 05:24:44 PM PST, someone wrote: Short clip explaining what is possible now. But don't worry. The government would NEVER want to use it on our population. The government loves you. AI summary of a 9/11 book - 6 minutesby steve - 2025-02-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]If one hasn't learned yet, they ought to investigate "the dancing Israelis" which the video describes On Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 01:57:10 PM PST, someone wrote: Nothing new, unless you never realized Israel (our dearest friends) was behind this attack. Is Trump playing us?by steve - 2025-02-09 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Yes, Trump's a fascist, led around by bigger fascist, Netanyahu. On Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 07:10:05 PM PST, someone wrote: David Icke explores this. He points out that Israel is getting everything it wants. He's paying back his massive Zionist donors. Is Trump a Trojan horse, as James Corbett implies (separate video)? He's do= ing fantastic things that appear to be fixing the country, like exposing th= e incredible fraud and theft of money such as USAID. We'll have to wait and= see what finally becomes of this effort. Will anyone face justice and be h= anged or shot as the traitors they are? All of MAGA is counting on this. Wi= ll Trump let the entire world down again? Hillary was praised at his 1st te= rm inauguration instead of being locked up. Trump campaigned saying we desperately need digital ID. Did MAGA supporters= forget this? Do they actually want this? Because many suspect it'll be par= t of his deportation of the illegal invaders. Is he simply blind to the fact the criminal standing next to him is the one= who bombed the sh-t out of Gaza (with bombs we sent him)? He's still proudly the father of the vaccine which anyone but the blind now= knows is a bioweapon? He's letting the psychopath Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle, excitingly talk a= bout 48 hour custom mRNA vaccines. He's the same person who wants to instal= l a dystopian surveillance state. He's talking of buying Greenland, annexin= g Canada, already renamed the Gulf of Mexico to America which are globalist= visions. He's in the middle of the biggest scam in history by using Bitcoin - a pump= and dump plan that will leave most people in poverty. He's making laws that take away freedom of speech by outlawing any criticis= m of Israel. And we learn from David Icke that he is considering sending Am= ericans to prison in El Salvador!!!!!!! Holy sh-t. He fully supports civil asset forfeiture where criminals in police uniform = can declare you look like you're a drug smuggler and take all your assets w= hich they sell off to support their extravagant lifestyles. And he actually= campaigned on making police immune from liability so they can't even be pr= osecuted for their ongoing crimes and their power trips. I'm sure that I'm forgetting somethings, but that's a big list already. Anyone who can still trust Trump after knowing all these things is very nai= ve, to say the least. I think we have to wait and see. He is probably a Pied Piper who better be = watched closely, because he was a miserable failure in his first term and u= ntil we can see the fruit of his second term, the jury must stay out. I hop= e I'm wrong, but won't take much satisfaction if I'm proven right. Should Harris have become the president? She would be the fast train to abs= olute tyranny. Trump is the slow train. It's just not apparent yetI = voted for Dr Shiva. That's the only way to solve our dilemma. People better= become street smart and fast. Whitney Webb on Musk, USAID, New World Orderby steve - 2025-02-10 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]Musk, USAID, and closer to New World order similar posts here — ... and elsewhere CommentsWe enjoy free speech. Try not to offend, but feel free to be offended.Leave a new comment regarding "research-page": |