![]() Who Won WW2 ?by doug - 2021-08-19 11:16:15 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuildI AM listening to this 2018 interview that mentions Eisenhower and who won WW2, which I mention because I talked about it recently in another thread. Many will shoot this down because they are stuck in the 5 senses, so it requires an awareness that there is more to the universe than these 5 senses. https://youtu.be/RbLXl0OqWNA [ https://i.ytimg.com/vi/RbLXl0OqWNA/maxresdefault.jpg] Laura Eisenhower on Secret ET Treatiesthe Negative ET AgendaMind ControlSecret ET Treaties Guest: Laura EisenhowerWebsite: http://www.lauraeisenhower.com/About Laura EisenhowerLaura Eisenhower is a Global Alchemist, Cosmic Mythologist and Intuit... . similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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