Home Remedyby doug - 2021-08-29 20:22:35 ( in education, research, conspiracies) [php version] rebuildInteresting home remedy for the unvaxed people experiencing shedding (transmission) from anyone who got vaxed. This may come in handy more and more as coercion for the shots ramps up and people succumb to the pressure. https://www.bitchute.com/video/STKyUXmUn51h/ [ /vWIqTOkHdfuQ/eoOC87fr3aPVE6xdEAPXgUTJ CURE FOR BEING AROUND THE VACCINATED -- AVOID BLOOD CLOTS AND MAGNETISM KILLING THE VAXXED RUMBLE LINK for those unable to properly view this video on BitChute: https://rumble.com/vlrux5-cure-for-being-around-the-vaccinated-avoid-blood-clots-and-magnetism-killin.html There is a pretty simple cure for being around the vaxed .... one wor . similar posts here ... and elsewhere
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