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Who Is More At Risk From Vax?

by steve - 2023-01-12 04:48:27 ( in education, news, emails, conspiracies) [php version] rebuild


I have a video somewhere where a virologist of many decades looked for the virus. She FOUND NO EVIDENCE of it. It's all based on finding a piece of this and a piece of that then some computer "filled in the gaps" and essentially MADE ONE UP.I had an article about the Canadian lawsuit where the guy WON because no proof of covid existed but somehow it got messed up. Though I have the article name but when I try to get it online, it doesn't show up in a search but there's other articles (such as LYING SNOPES) that says the article was wrongAnyhow, here's another article that I have:



California PhD Virologist proves covid19 does not exist. Another doctor, Dr. Robert Young and many other doctors...

Here's another article:= Virus causes covid-19: Imaginary and Theoretical Virus ?

Virus causes covid-19: Imaginary and Theoretical Virus ?

News and Views on Sri Lanka and rest of the World

Other article:

another article:

video -- no proof of existence:

video:Patrick King from Canada Proves In Court The VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST

Patrick King from Canada Proves In Court The VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST

Patrick King from Canada Proves In Court The VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST. THE VIRUS HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED. 'They have...

On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 12:11:01 PM PST:

That's an assumption based on trusting psycho liars.

Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 12:09 PM

who more at risk from vax?=

It exists in a lab, but for the actual roll-out, they had to cheat.

On 1/10/23 13:46:

Good list of the lies.

Most notable to me is the lie that covid 19 ever existed. This will cause some to say I'm crazy, but then how did the normal influenza vanish? It's been consistent year after year but suddenly is gone? Makes perfect sense to an idiot but if someone has any degree of thinking power left, it's an obvious lie.

Others will argue that the flu was simply misdiagnosed as covid 19, but do they realize that no government agency in the world has a covid viral sample they can share? And the only genetic sequencing was based on a model where the computer simply filled in the gaps to make it novel, having based everything on older real coronaviruses.

It's a monumental scam that's so ingenious that people are still fooled after 3 full years.

Congratulations goes to the CIA and DOD who ran this psyop.

Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 9:55 AM

RE: who more at risk from vax?=

More likely, it's just not that deadly. Still, why take a risk on something that's not a vaccine and doesn't prevent anything?

Here's something interesting I just received:

Everything the government told us about covid, from the virus, to lockdowns, to the covid gene injection vaccine was a lie, 100% lie! PCR test was a lie, over-cycled, its a process, not a test!


- once cycles go to 24 and above, then you detect viral junk and non-culturable virus, non-infectious, non-lethal; that is, each cycle doubles the material in the test until they can identify the sample; in other words, we closed schools and locked society with a near 95%-97% false positive; declared positive but you never were; this was done to get you hysterical and scared when you were never infected or even infectious. In my opinion, this was deliberate

- they lied by saying natural immunity is inferior to vaccine immunity, a pure lie

- lied that there was asymptomatic transmission; people without symptoms cannot infect

- they lied that there was no early treatment

- the lie that there was equal risk of severe outcome and death if exposed and infected, despite age and risk profile

- lied about recurrent infection pre Omicron era

- they lied that the vaccine would stop infection and transmission

- they lied about how dangerous the virus is and was, for it was always at or below seasonal influenza; Ioannidis showed that the IFR for those 70-75 years and below is 0.05%

- the mean and median age of death for covid is 82 to 83 years yet life expectancy is about 79 years and as such, covid did not cut life short and kills beyond life-expectancy; it killed and kills persons who are elderly and with medical conditions, always did and still does.

Every single aspect of the pandemic response was a lie! All of it!

Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 11:44 AM

That's my working theory too -- placebos.

Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 9:33 AM

lots of colleges here required the vax (reqmt at los rios, need an exemption not to at CSU). I'm surprised that I haven't seee more dropping dead around here. maybe there were a lot of saine solution fake vaxes around here

On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 07:12:00 AM PST someone wrote:

good point

nobody with an mrna vax should be exercising hard

On 1/9/23 00:25:

I don't know why they haven't thought of it, but it's obvious to me that younger men are more likely to Succumb (go six feet under) because they EXERCISE HARDER to more likely to have blood in their veins CLOT:

Our New Myocarditis Paper -- Shows the Risk Highest in Young Men -- Stratifying Factors

Our New Myocarditis Paper -- Shows the Risk Highest in Young Men -- Strati...


I have a video somewhere where a virologist of many decades looked for the virus. She FOUND NO EVIDENCE of it. It's all based on finding a piece of this and a piece of that then some computer "filled in the gaps" and essentially MADE ONE UP.I had an article about the Canadian lawsuit where the guy WON because no proof of covid existed but somehow it got messed up. Though I have the article name but when I try to get it online, it doesn't show up in a search but there's other articles (such as LYING SNOPES) that says the article was wrongAnyhow, here's another article that I have:



California PhD Virologist proves covid19 does not exist. Another doctor, Dr. Robert Young and many other doctors...

Here's another article: Virus causes covid-19: Imaginary and Theoretical Virus ?

Virus causes covid-19: Imaginary and Theoretical Virus ?

News and Views on Sri Lanka and rest of the World

Other article:

another article:

video -- no proof of existence:

video:Patrick King from Canada Proves In Court The VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST

Patrick King from Canada Proves In Court The VIRUS DOES NOT EXISTPatrick King from Canada Proves In Court The VIRUS DOES NOT EXIST. THE VIRUS HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED. 'They have...

On Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 12:11:01 PM PST:

That's an assumption based on trusting psycho liars.

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