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Rachel Walensky Is A MASS MURDERER

by steve - 2023-05-14 13:48:22 ( in education, research, conspiracies) [php version] rebuild

for anybody who doubts the Israel/911 connection, investigate the "dancing Israelis" and how they told how they put up their cameras ahead of 911 to "record the event" (which means they knew about it ahead of time)

On Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 09:42:18 AM


I like both of them. And I have nothing against Jews in particular. We have Jewish ancestors. But when a group of people control most of the world, the Kazarian mafia of fake Jews for example, a real obvious conspiracy, most people will put together the dots.

Just like the criminals in the Israel government, the Mosad who appear to be behind the 911 false flag and soooo much more, these criminals are bad news and trying to destroy everyone.

Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 4:34 AM


Naomi Wolf and Rob Schneider, who you probably like and agree with, are Jewish, too. So, don't fall into that trap. Group-think vs. independent thought is the real problem.





Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 4:06 AM


Rachel Walensky is a MASS MURDERER


This topic was covered by The high Wire too.


It's probably just another coincidence that she's a Jew, right? Probably one of the fake Jews that's really a kazarian mafia member.


A prediction is that she will now land a high level job at a big pharma corporation. I'd bet on that, too. And she'll never face justice for her crimes against humanity.


Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 1:18 AM

Rachel Walensky is a MASS MURDERER


There are stories of how Rachel Walensky resigned from the CDC. Here's an interview with Naomi Wolf how it was discussed how she did premeditated MURDER of children and biden is also culpable for the MURDERS. I posted it on FB and warned that if FB censors this, I hereby give warning that they will be ACCESORIES TO MURDER, if they aren't already for their censoring:



for anybody who doubts the Israel/911 connection, investigate the "dancing Israelis" and how they told how they put up their cameras ahead of 911 to "record the event" (which means they knew about it ahead of time)

On Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 09:42:18 AM

, <d> someone wrote:

I like both of them. And I have nothing against Jews in particular. We have Jewish ancestors. But when a group of people control most of the world, the Kazarian mafia of fake Jews for example, a real obvious conspiracy, most people will put together the


Just like the criminals in the Israel government, the Mosad who appear to be behind the 911 false flag and soooo much more, these criminals are bad news and trying to destroy everyone.



Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 4:34 AM
<d>; <.com>; <.net>; <@>; <.>;

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Naomi Wolf and Rob Schneider, who you probably like and agree with, are Jewish, too.  So, don't fall into that trap.  Group-think vs. independent thought is the real problem.





Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 4:06 AM



Rachel Walensky is a MASS MURDERER


This topic was covered by The high Wire too.


It's probably just another coincidence that she's a Jew, right? Probably one of the fake Jews that's really a kazarian mafia member.


A prediction is that she will now land a high level job at a big pharma corporation. I'd bet on that, too. And she'll never face justice for her crimes against humanity.




Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 1:18 AM
<d>; <.net>; <.com>; <@>; <.>;

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<>; <@>
Rachel Walensky is a MASS MURDERER


There are stories of how Rachel Walensky resigned from the CDC. Here's an interview with Naomi Wolf how it was discussed how she did premeditated MURDER of children and

biden is also culpable for the MURDERS. I posted it on FB and warned that if FB censors this, I hereby give warning that they will be ACCESORIES TO MURDER, if they aren't already for their censoring:




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