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In case you thought pandemics come once in 100 years, boy, are you wrong. They are way too profitable to sit on a shelf that long.
Nooooo, pharma has managed to work with corporations and governments around the world to have them as soon as the scared population begins to relax.
So let's not disappoint them and tell all your friends ... read more
In a surprising turn of events, President Bran flew to China to give them an ultimatum about Taiwan but somehow was seen shaking hands with invisible people and muttering I give up over and over.Just prior to Air Force 1 departing, pallets of US dollars were seen being loaded up as a gift from the Chinese leader, with a note attac... read more
Hi everyone, I've joined the church!
Some people came to the house recently and convinced me of the errors of my ways. I finally see the light of truth and joined on the spot.
I've got a lot of catching up and I still don't fully understand everything, but I'm on my way now.
The first thing was I got all my covid-19 s... read more
Intentional, manufactured shortage. WASHINGTON, D.C.--According to unnamed sources from inside the Oopsie Cleanup Division of the White House, President Joe Biden has expressed relief after being given the news that although there is a massive shortage of formula, there is no shortage of ad... read more
Bill Gates needs to go back to whatever hell he slithered out of. SAN FRANCISCO, CA--In the first step toward a world blossoming with freedom of speech, Elon Musk, the proud new owner of Twitter, ordered the company’s tech team to make all tweets by Bill Gates autocorrect to say “Poopy butt.” The... read more
The CDC has no power other than the power of suggestion. U.S.–The CDC has recently updated its recommended self-isolation protocol for those who test positive for covid-19. Now, the CDC recommends either staying home or going to see Marvel’s Morbius in theaters to stay as far away from others as possible.... read more
In breaking news today, the Clintons confirmed that Hillary has tested positive for covid-19, while Bill tested positive for covid-19, syphilis, gonorrhea, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, HIV... read more