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Some random spammer (TommieSkask) sent me this, but it was interesting. Probably written by AI, but I cleaned it up and am publishing it. See below.
Packing for a multi-day upland bike journey demands detailed planning and deliberation to ensure you have everything you need for a successful trip. Start with the essentials: a du... read more
Study finds moving our bodies in any way each day can uplift our moods and help increase our mobility and mental wellbeing. Is physical activity the key to a stronger mind? Two in three people believe it just may be... /images/dance-class-2009.webp... read more
Anybody want to get healthier? Watch this movie: Game Changers Official Film Website/Documentary
Presented by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton, Novak Djokovic and Chris Paul a revolutionary new film about meat, protein and strength.... read more