GREAT COURT DECISION NEWSfrom 2024 in ( education / research / legal )It does something at the ionic level, which converts fluoride into something non-toxic. On Friday, September 27, 2024 at 09:03:27 PM PDT, someone wrote: exchange fluoride for what? On 9/27/2024 8:13 PM, someone wrote: I just remembered what the fluoride filters are called. It's ion exchange. On Friday, September 27, 202... read more BEAT LAWYERS AT THEIR OWN RACKETfrom 2023 in ( education / research / legal )This guy is absolutely awesome. In this video he talks about how the American Bar Association gets into everyone's life, and how you take control again. Must watch if you want to save your assets. on YouTube ... read more LAWYER TALKfrom 2023 in ( education / research / civics / legal )While most lawyers are themselves dishonest and lowlifes, it's very refreshing to listen to a group chat about how they are already taking down our massively corrupt, dishonest and blatantly evil government and corporations.If this inspires you, please help them help us, even if not with donations but by sharing this group to Make America... read more HOW TRUMP'S LATEST INDICTMENT COULD SIGNAL THE END OF FREE SPEECH from 2023 in ( education / news / politics / legal )The America First Movement is up in arms over the latest Trump indictments, and rightly so. Weve seen the Deep State and the Swamp Creatures of the Uniparty throw everything they have at him to ensure he does not get into office. Theyve impeached him twice, smeared him in the media, held show trials over January 6th (which was also a setup) an... read more SOVEREIGN MAN/WOMANfrom 2023 in ( education / research / legal )Good discussion about common law as applied by people in Oregon. here Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 7:22 AMwon't hold up in courtDate: Wed, 22 Feb 2023 16:42:20They mentioned court ... read more HOW TO WIN IN COURT WITHOUT A LAWYERfrom 2023 in ( life / health / advice / legal )Terrific advice and examples by people who know the rules that allow them to win cases. Very hopeful information. here Description: Pro se expert James Tracy and How to Win in Court WITHOUT a Lawyer course creator Dr. Fred Graves join me to... read more NO TALKING TO POLICEfrom 2022 in ( life / help / advice / legal )Even if you already know all this, it's a great reminder because of the high possibility that police today are just following orders from their globalist leaders. Don't be a fool. Listen to this advice.This classic presentation by James Duane to a group of students has been viewed on YouTube ... read more 180 MISDEMEANORS, JUDGE JOE BROWN ON JAN 6 SHOW TRIALfrom 2022 in ( education / news / legal )Judge Joe Brown joined The American Journal Thursday to share his take on the January 6th political witch hunt the Democrats are engaged in.: read more THE NUREMBERG CODEfrom 2021 in ( education / history / politics / legal )Copied from The voluntary consent of the human subject is essential. This means that the person involved should have the legal capacity to give consent; shou... read more HISTORIC COURT CASE BY DR. SHIVA TO FIGHT GOVERNMENT, TWITTER AND BIG TECHfrom 2021 in ( education / civics / politics / legal )Incredible Court Case by Dr. Shiva to fight Government, Twitter and Big Tech.The judge predicts this lawsuit will be taught in every future law class.Get caught up to date on this amazing victory for Americans and the Constitution.THE MEDIA REFUSES TO COVER THIS HISTORIC CASE -- YOU GOTTA WONDER WHY. y... read more JURY INTIMIDATION: I DID NOT WANT TO GO THROUGH RIOTING, DESTRUCTION AGAIN SAYS CHAUVIN JURORfrom 2021 in ( education / civics / politics / legal )An alternate juror on the Derek Chauvin trial told a local news that she did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and was concerned about people coming to her house if they were not happy with the verdict. The juror, Lisa... read more EXECUTIVE ORDERS ARE NOT LAWSfrom 2021 in ( life / travel / vaccines / legal )Legally, they apply ONLY to that executive's employees and any property under their legally-limited purview. Here's an open letter to all airlines... I thought I would educate you on the federal law you cite as justification for your mask policy.Are Executive Orders Law? The Short Answer: No, they are... read more AFTER LEGALIZING CANNABIS, ARIZONA BEGINS DISMISSING WEED CHARGES IMMEDIATELYfrom 2020 in ( education / news / drugs / legal )After Legalizing Cannabis, Arizona Begins Dismissing Weed Charges Immediately...: read more THE SCIENCE AND LAW OF REFUSING TO WEAR MASKS: ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF CIVIL RIGHTSfrom 2020 in ( education / civics / rights / legal ) This article was first published on 11 June, when advice on wearing masks was rest... read more MARIJUANA, HEMP, CBD: WHAT'S LEGAL AND WHEREfrom 2019 in ( life / health / food / legal )For those asking for a friend, see :As the legalized cannabis industry in the United States grows with nearly every election, consumers interested in the... read more JUDGE BRETT KAVANAUGHfrom 2018 in ( education / civics / politics / legal )Just thought I'd put some click bait out there with the words in it to see if it generates any hits.UPDATE: It didn't. :(... read more IF CALLED TO JURY DUTY, BE INFORMEDfrom 2013 in ( life / help / advice / legal )Click below for more info: FIJA works to inform potential jurors...of their traditional, legal authority to refuse to enforce unjust lawsthat they cannot be required to check their consciences at the courthouse doorthat they cannot be punished ... read more ALAN SHORE'S STICK IT! SPEECHfrom 2013 in ( culture / movies-tv-video / legal )Alan Shore's argument (from read more WISCONSIN JUDGE REINSTATES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING FOR STATE EMPLOYEESfrom 2013 in ( life / money / employment / legal ) judge reinstates collective bargaining for state employees The union-busting law that pushed Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker into the national spotlight last year has been declared unconstitutional by a state judge, pushing the controversy over the law one st... read more BUREAUCRACY AT ITS WORST, LEGAL ARGUMENT AT ITS BESTfrom 2012 in ( culture / humor / legal )Bureaucracy at its worst, legal argument at its bestPart of rebuilding New Orleans caused residents often to be challenged with the task of tracing home titles back potentially hundreds of years.. With a community rich with history stretching back over two centuries, houses have been passed along through generations of family, sometimes ... read more BAUM LAW FIRM TO CLOSEfrom 2011 in ( life / money / employment / legal ) law firm to close -- Business First . This is one company that got what it deserved after mocking homeless /foreclosed families. ... read more U.S. FORECLOSURES IN NEW LEGAL TROUBLEfrom 2011 in ( life / money / legal )And remember those politicians who are in the banks' back pocket (hint: it's most of them)Backing a lower court ruling made in 2009, it said two foreclosure sales were invalid because the banks did not prove that they owned them at the time.R... read more SNIPPETS FROM A POLITICAL DISCUSSION RE ELECTION 2000from 2001 in ( education / civics / politics / legal )Don Subject: Your Supreme Court statementThis analysis, written by a California attorney, is a challenging read, but worth wading through...Q: I'm not a lawyer and I don't understand the recent Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore. Can you ... read more |