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All About Don

by bill - 2005-06-13 ( family / holmes / pets ) [html version]

See Music by a brother


Our cat Conan died of a kidney infection today (we had to have him put down). We had him 18-1/2 years. He seems to have known it was his last year because, unlike in the past, since Spring he had made a point of being outside on every beautiful day and enjoying it (and trying to get us to come out and enjoy it with him). His last day outside, yesterday, was one such day, balmy, storm-a'comin' weather, the kind he liked the most. Today, the temperature plummeted drastically, so he really did get the best out of his last year, as we had a mild autumn up till now. He is deeply missed.

Ironically, his coming and going was foretold in this old Irish jig I found searching in some Irish ruins. :-) The melody is in the attached midi file that should play automatically if you click on it.

The Legend of Conan
(Irish Traditional)

Once there was a kitten
Conan was his name
He grew to nearly 20 pounds
But a kitten he remained
He grew to be ferocious
Feared throughout the land
Hush, my child and you shall hear
The legend of Conan

A harder working kitten
The world has never seen
He'd guard the yard from front to back
And everywhere between
In the dead of nighttime
Or in the early morn
He'd be out on sentry
With his people safe and warm

Oh God, now You've callen him home
The bravest cat ever known
Thanks a lot for the loan

The neighbor cats would scramble
When he was on patrol
He'd sniff and scratch and sometimes fight
To keep things in control
But now the yard is quiet
Old Conan's laid to rest
He fought the fight that no one wins
But gave his very best

Oh God, well we had him so long
Can't believe that he's gone
Can you help us be strong

Once there was a kitten
Conan was his name
He grew to nearly 20 pounds
But a kitten he remained
He grew to be ferocious
Feared throughout the land
Hush, my child for you have heard
The legend of Conan

Don's Mexican Adventure

I just wanted to let everyone know that my $1600 laser surgery at the Mendez Clinic in Tijuana came out well. I tested 20/20, but they say the vision will vary for awhile. I was a little trepidatious about going, because I had found the clinic on the web. I did a search for "Lasik" (the name of the technique) and "Mexico" and came up with just a few hits. Then further research came up with a few more. I called up the different clinics and the one I got the best feeling about was the Mendez Clinic. Later I found out from my friend James he'd seen on TV that lots of Americans, especially senior citizens, were going to Mendez (Noble is the mother's maiden name, Mendez the father's last name) for eye surgery. After I had my surgery, I ran into an American from Las Vegas, who said that Dr. Mendez Noble had a very good reputation among people in Las Vegas, and he knows 5 people who got their vision corrected by Dr. Mendez Noble, all with rave results. Mendez Noble's father, Dr. Mendez, operates a clinic out of Mexicali. A friend went there recently and said Stevie Nicks had been there.

I flew into the San Diego airport on the last of the low spring fares ($218/round trip because I bought it on the internet- would have been double or more on the phone). The clinic sent a college student to pick me up, who charged me $35 to drive me to my hotel (Camino Real, a 3-star hotel about 8 blocks from the clinic); it's about a 30 mile trip.

I had some pretty good Mexican food while there, but nothing really spectacular. The hotel was quite nice, and had a decent restaurant. Food is pretty cheap there, but most things in the stores are about what you'd pay in the US. Although everything is priced in pesos, I always paid in dollars and got dollars in change. Tijuana, being on the border, is a much more expensive city than other Mexican cities -- they're basically on a dollar economy. I was surprised that so many cab drivers and store attendants spoke no English (although most everyone in the hotel and at the clinic spoke English). I was also surprised at all the southern Californians (the most intelligent, on-the-ball people in the US, in my opinion) who spoke fluent Spanish.

Thursday I had my exam, about 45 minutes. They make a computer-image "map" of your eye so they know where to change the lens for the correction they want. Friday is surgery day, which takes about 2 hours but actual surgery is about 2 minutes per eye. I was scared that I would move my eye, since it is very important to keep looking at the light (if you move your eye they have to wait 3 months for the cut that they made to heal and then start again). As I understand it, they make a semi-circle incision in the lens and then do some kind of scattered laser effect to flatten it out (if you're nearsighted they flatten it -- they do something else if you're farsighted).

I never experienced any pain and they didn't give me any pain pills, although when Diane had it e in Nashville (for $5000), they gave her pain pills for the first day of healing (that leads me to think that Mendez is better at doing it than Diane's Vanderbilt University surgeon, Wang). As you may know, the Mexicans and Canadians are ahead of the Americans when it comes to eye surgery, since they've been doing it longer. American doctors often go to Mexico (especially Guadalajara) or Canada to apprentice with the foreign doctors.

The third day was just a check-up in the morning, some drops for the eyes and then I was sent on my way. The only glitch in my trip was the Mexican student, who was supposed to pick me up at 13:00 (1 p.m.) at my hotel, but had not shown up by 13:15. My plane was leaving at 15:00 from San Diego, so I got nervous and got a cab to the border. I told the cabbie, in broken Spanish, that I had to get to the San Diego airport. He drove me to a place where these Mexican-Americans with California plates park on the Mexican side of the border waiting for a fare to San Diego somewhere. They're not cab drivers, they just use their personal cars. They can only do 2 cross-border trips a day, because the computer keeps track. Upon entering the US, the guards, who know these guys, just ask the passenger if he's a citizen. I said "yes," and I was in the US. I suppose if I looked Mexican he may have asked for a driver's license. That trip cost me $50.

The only other remarkable part of the trip was that Newt Gingrich was on the plane going from San Diego to Atlanta. He seemed pretty well adapted to his new life, very relaxed and not trying to be noticed or not noticed. Only a few people remarked on it.

In total, I spent about $2300 for the trip out and surgery, but only really needed to spend $2200. Today Diane and I will ceremoniously throw out all our contact lenses and solutions. The only downside is that now, instead of taking OFF my glasses to read small stuff, I have to put reading glasses ON to read. There's no cure for old age yet, but when they come up with one, I'll see if I can get it cheaper in Mexico!

Nothing Much to Update About

by bill - 2007-12-19 ( family / adoption / holmes / travel ) [html version]

She's just driving us crazy. Luckily, Tara is taking the brunt of it. I had to get out and walk around town in the freezing cold, just for the sake of getting out. I was at least useful, coming back with some groceries.

Elizabeth's sweet as can be and very playful most of the time, but she turns on a dime. The main problem is just keeping her entertained/distracted ... constantly.

After her most recent crying fit, she "apologized" by breaking out the photo album and pointing to a picture of the three of us. She pointed at me and said, "You are my papa." She pointed over at Tara and said, "She is my mama." I said, "Yes, very good. And you are my daughter." She really liked that. This was all in Russian, of course. That was the first time I'd trying saying that sentence to her. I was never sure how well it would go over. She calls me "mama" or "uncle" half the time. I don't really care what she calls me, just so long as we get along.

All About Movies and TV

by bill - 2008-04-16 ( culture / movies-tv-video ) [html version]

Check out IMDB featured content for the latest TV episodes, popular clips, and trailers.

Free documentaries! Great website!

Others here: Top Documentary Films and Documentary Heaven

A Note About Screensavers

by bill - 2009-01-06 ( education / tech / computers / software ) [html version]

Avoid any toolbars that don't come with Windows from Microsoft. I just had a customer whose Internet Explorer wouldn't close after they installed "My.Freeze.Com" screensaver. Luckily, it uninstalled properly when using its uninstall program this time. These things just cause problems not worth the pretty pictures you get in return.

Benjamin Franklin Called Traitor for Informing People About Actions of Gov't

by bill - 2013-10-15 ( education / history ) [html version]

"In 1773, Benjamin Franklin leaked confidential information by releasing letters written by then Lt. Governor of Massachusetts Thomas Hutchinson and his secretary Andrew Oliver to Thomas Whatley, an assistant to the British prime minister."

Read, listen or watch the rest here: Like Edward Snowden, Benjamin Franklin Was Called a Traitor For Informing the People About the Actions of its Government.

Why Your Brain Craves Junk Food and What You Can Do About It

by bill - 2013-11-26 ( life / health / food ) [html version]

The good news is that the research shows the less junk food you eat, the less you crave it. In other words, self-control! What a concept!

Read, listen or watch the rest here: Why Your Brain Craves Junk Food (and What You Can Do About It).

"Most of us know that junk food is unhealthy. We know poor nutrition is related to heart problems, high blood pressure and a host of other health ailments. You might even know studies show that eating junk food has been linked to increases in depression. But if it's so bad for us, why do we keep doing it?"

A Few Words About My Dad

by bill - 2017-10-28 ( family / holmes / lionel ) [html version]

I tried to come up with the best word to fill in the blank in the following sentence: He was the most ----- man I have ever known. He was certainly the finest, hands-down, bar none. Most fair-minded, too. With seven kids ready to cry "It's not fair!" at any moment, he had to be good about that.

He always made it clear that none of his kids was his favorite. He loved us all equally, he said, though I wouldn't be surprised if at least a few of us (including me) secretly thought that we were his actual favorite, but Dad was just too nice to say so in front of our rivals, I mean siblings.

He exemplified all the best human qualities -- intelligence, humility, humor, kindness, and fairness -- so effortlessly. "Exemplified" is a good word for Dad. He taught us all through his own good example. There was some shouting now and then, sure, but mostly he taught us through the example he set, hoping we would follow suit.

I inherited my love of words from him. He was an English major in college, for those who didn't know. You would have thought he was an English professor from the way he constantly corrected our grammar. I find myself doing that to my daughter Elizabeth now. It makes me smile when I catch myself doing or saying something that reminds me of my Dad. I'm lucky to have had such a good example to learn from.

I remember when Elizabeth -- who we adopted from Russia and was already speaking the language very well -- corrected my Russian grammar or pronunciation of something. I don't remember now exactly what it was, but I just laughed and thought, yep, this girl was meant to be my daughter.

Dad raised us all to be good, smart, self-reliant individuals who think for ourselves. I think he succeeded. I could go on, but I'll just end this by saying that the one word best describing my Dad -- the one that, for me, best fills in the blank -- is decent. He was the most decent man I ever knew, and I will miss him.

See also: and Lionel Rocha Holmes Memorial DNA Fund

Memes About Memes

by bill - 2019-09-12 ( culture / humor / internet ) [html version]

A couple of good ones.

  • one
  • two

  • The Truth About Electric Cars

    by don - 2020-01-19 ( education / research / transportation / auto ) [html version]


    See Electric-Cars...

    "At a neighbourhood BBQ I was talking to a neighbour, a BC Hydro executive. I asked him how that renewable thing was doing. He laughed, then got serious. If you really intend to adopt electric vehicles, he pointed out, you had to face certain realities. For example, a home charging system for a Tesla requires 75 amp service. The average house is equipped with 100 amp service. On our small street (approximately 25 homes), the electrical infrastructure would be unable to carry more than three houses with a single Tesla, each. For even half..."

    Terry wrote:

    "I don't think the 75-amp requirement is correct. I understand the standard to be on 240 Volts, 30 amp service, similar to an electric clothes dryer. Here is an example on Amazon, where several chargers are listed: Siemens VersiCharge

    Actually, since the service is for 30 Amps, the actual draw must be somewhat less. If we assume 240 volts @ 30 amps 7,200 watts. If we further assume the charging time per month to be: 10 hours per night, 30 days per month: 7,200 x 10 x 30 2,160,000 watts 2,160 kilowatt hours (kWh).

    Electricity costs by state. California is $19.44 per kWh. Then I multipled 2,160 kWh x $19.44 and got $41,990 in cost per month. Obviously this is not correct. Are any of you interested in finding the error?"


    "Mistake is probably in price of kwh, probably closer to 19 cents. See how-much-does-it-cost-to-charge-a-chevy-volt


    "I just saw an article that might be of interest

    Good Article About Storytelling

    by bill - 2020-01-29 ( culture / writing / advice ) [html version]

    "Pop culture today is obsessed with the battle between good and evil. Traditional folktales never were. What changed?"

    Read, listen or watch the rest here: the-good-guy-bad-guy-myth

    New Rules for Writers -- Your Novel Blueprint -- Advice for Writing -- Writers Need Followers? -- Good Article About Storytelling -- Best and Worst Self-Publishing Sites -- Thoughts on Writing -- More Advice for Writers -- Ingredients of a Novel -- Lee Child Quote -- Elements of a Story -- Still More Advice for Writers

    About FriendsNews

    by admin - 2020-04-23 ( home / friendsnews ) [html version]

    This is quite possibly THE COOLEST SITE ON THE INTERNET! Why? Because we let you come and go as you please without being bombarded with pop-ups asking you to join any sort of lists; our pages aren't 90% ads, like so many others; and, we don't use one of those annoying scripts that detects when you are moving your mouse to click away from the site.

    Please feel free to email us and contribute to this blog! (aka is a family- and friends-oriented open access website. Our goal is to be a family-friendly source for useful information as well as entertainment. Almost nothing is out of bounds, other than porn, violence and stupidity. Still, the editor/webmaster reserves the right to be the final judge of what is acceptable.

    Click here to email us!

    Disclosure: Some links on this site are affiliate links, and we will earn a tiny commission if you make a purchase. We try to keep the ads unobtrusive and a good fit for whichever article they're in, and only recommend them if they are useful.
    ... all of which are designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to them, though none of them provide all that much. :(

    Former Monsanto Genetic Engineer Warns About Potential Health Risks of Gmo Potatoes

    by bill - 2020-06-17 ( life / health / food ) [html version]

    "According to many, there are multiple health concerns that arise from the genetic engineering of our food. On top of this are multiple massive marketing campaigns to convince the human population that genetically modified food is not only completely safe, but also...

    Read the rest at Former Monsanto Genetic Engineer Warns About Potential Health Risks Of GMO Potatoes

    Talk by Insider About Our Government

    by steve - 2020-07-11 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    I read how we knew that Japan was going to bomb Pearl Harbor but let it happen so we'd have the excuse to get into the war (just like 911 being the excuse for the "war on terror")

    On Friday, July 10, 2020, 12:36:24 PM


    1794180209 P Oh, and did you know Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen? It predates the CIA, but the same people who became the CIA were already doing their sh-t.

    Of course, Dulles put the hit on JFK, as clear as Day. He goes into a bunch of this.

    Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 12:29 PM

    talk by insider about our government= 1794180209 1794180209 --p 1794180209 It's more than that. It started on the road to corruption from the beginning when Truman created them and he soon regretted it.

    Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 12:22 PM

    talk by insider about our government= that the CIA is corrupt is old news. they were shown to be that as far back as when they were importing drugs through Mena, Arkansas, with the OK of clinton (to fund their covert operations) and since they were created from the importation of Hitler's goons

    On Friday, July 10, 2020, 12:15:44 PM


    1794180209 1794180209 --1794180209x_x_yiv9078353843 p 1794180209 Yea, really long. But packed with info -- so many things I never knew. But it's the type of thing has been looking at for years.

    Summary is that the CIA is a rogue and illegal organization that can't be stopped. It just gets into the details like crazy by a guy who was one of them.

    Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 12:03 PM

    talk by insider about our government= 3 hour video? No, I don't think so.

    What does he say that's new and important?

    On Thursday, July 9, 2020, 10:58:04 PM


    1794180209 1794180209 --1794180209x_x_yiv9078353843 1794180209x_x_yiv9078353843 -- 1794180209x_x_yiv9078353843x_yiv1954846113 p 1794180209 Wow.

    Enough is Enough on Facebook WatchFormer C*I*A agent Kevin Shipp discussing the deep state, NWO and much more.....3hrs

    Jews Comment on Jews and Communism

    by doug - 2020-07-17 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    This was in my "draft" folder so I guess I didn't send it before:

    Watch on YouTube

    My Websites

    by bill - 2020-07-23 ( home / about ) [html version] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

    It's Not About Our Health, It's About Control

    by bill - 2020-08-10 ( life / health / covid ) [html version]

    See life / health / covid. Call me a conspiracy theorist. Go ahead, I dare ya. You know you want to. :)

    click here for related articles.
    your civil liberties -- click for larger image nazis obey -- click for larger image

    This Clever & Controversial Artwork Will Help You Think Deeper About Society

    by bill - 2020-09-05 ( culture / arts-crafts ) [html version]

    "Art Should Comfort The Disturbed And Disturb The Comfortable..."

    Read, listen or watch the rest here:

    More Good News About Masks

    by bill - 2020-09-28 ( life / health / covid / masks ) [html version]

    Read, listen or watch the rest here:

    "The group alleges wearing masks is causing healthy people to become sick while trying to prevent the spread of a disease that is not a deadly threat to children and much of the public."

    About FriendsNews Page

    by bill - 2020-10-11 ( home / about ) [html version]

    This is quite possibly THE COOLEST SITE ON THE INTERNET! Why? Because we let you come and go as you please without being bombarded with pop-ups asking you to join any sort of lists; our pages aren't 90% ads, like so many others; and, we don't use one of those annoying scripts that detects when you are moving your mouse to click away from the site.

    Please feel free to email us and have us create an account for you to contribute to this blog! (aka is a family- and friends-oriented open access website. Our goal is to be a family-friendly source for useful information as well as entertainment. Almost nothing is out of bounds, other than porn, violence and stupidity. Still, the editor/webmaster reserves the right to be the final judge of what is acceptable.

    Click here to email us!

    Disclosure: Some links on this site are affiliate links, which means we earn a tiny (and I do mean tiny) commission if you make a purchase after clicking that link. We try to keep the ads unobtrusive and a good fit for whichever article they're in, and only recommend them if we personally have found them useful.

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    ... all of which are designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to them, though none of them provide all that much. :(

    About Us Page

    by bill - 2020-10-11 ( home / about ) [html version]

    This is quite possibly THE COOLEST SITE ON THE INTERNET! Why? Because we let you come and go as you please without being bombarded with pop-ups asking you to join any sort of lists; our pages aren't 90% ads, like so many others; and, we don't use one of those annoying scripts that detects when you are moving your mouse to click away from the site.

    Please feel free to email us and have us create an account for you to contribute to this blog! (aka is a family- and friends-oriented open access website. Our goal is to be a family-friendly source for useful information as well as entertainment. Almost nothing is out of bounds, other than porn, violence and stupidity. Still, the editor/webmaster reserves the right to be the final judge of what is acceptable.

    Click here to email us!

    Disclosure: Some links on this site are affiliate links, which means we earn a tiny (and I do mean tiny) commission if you make a purchase after clicking that link. We try to keep the ads unobtrusive and a good fit for whichever article they're in, and only recommend them if we have personally found them useful.

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    ... all of which are designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to them, though none of them provide all that much. :(

    Fun Facts About Redheads

    by bill - 2020-11-18 ( education / research / people ) [html version]

    via "Are Redheads Aliens? Strange Facts About Redheads"

    I am a redhead myself (never liked the term ginger in this context, but that's a personal problem). Anyway, I found this interesting.

  • It takes more anesthesia to knock us out
  • Higher resistance to pain blockers
  • The individual hairs are thicker
  • Not prone to anger (unless teased for being prone to anger)...
  • Okay, I added that last one! Watch the video for the rest.

    Hilarious Memes About Lockdowns

    by bill - 2020-11-27 ( culture / humor / covid / politics ) [html version]

    "Look folks, there's an easy way around the government ban on having a traditional Thanksgiving feast with friends and family. Hold a protest against colonialist oppression instead! As we know, protests are exempt from the rules, and are "scientifically" proven to pose lower risk of covid spread than, say, a MAGA meetup or a motorcycle rally in Sturgis."

    Read, listen or watch the rest here:

    UPDATED: And here's one about rioting: Best anti-riot memes

    Our External News Sources/Feeds Page

    by bill - 2020-11-28 ( home / about / news ) [html version]

    [Updated: 2021-02-11 01:13:48]

    This is our current list of RSS feed sources:

    Three Biggest Lies About Covid

    by bill - 2020-12-13 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]


  • covid carries a very high death rate [compared to flu death rate].

  • covid is spread by asymptomatic 'super spreaders.'

  • covid is untreatable.
    Now that truly is scary! This lie provided the pretext for Bill Gates and Big Pharma to rush to market an unsafe and unproven "vaccine"."

  • Read, listen or watch the rest here:

    More About False Flags and Red Herrings

    by doug - 2021-02-06 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    This video has some news of interest. More about false flags and red herrings.

    Charles Ortel is CLOSING IN -- The F Team

    The biggest crew of F'ups in American history have brought this country to its knees. Charles Ortel joins me remotely to detail the decades long plan to profit from the destruction of the greatest economic engine ever known.

    Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2021 5:10 AM

    That IS interesting. In espionage, it is called "poisoning the well" to invalidate all of the otherwise valid info.

    You're being misled. Yes, a mask might help if it's N-95 and you are actively sneezing, coughing and infected but, otherwise, no. The W.H.O. Recommends against wearing a mask.

    Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2021 6:46 AM

    Did you read this yet? That "proof" in the Lindell video at the end was totally false.

    Yes, enough fraud was true, but that was false and seems to be an effort to discredit all the real fraud.

    Hammer Scorecard is Real

    It did seem too amazing to be true. Should have caught it.

    Larry son: A Closer Look at the Hammer and Scorecard -- UPDATED

    According to Mary Fanning: The HAMMER has been a tool of foreign surveillance until February 2009, at which time Brennan and Clapper commandeered it and turned it against America by transforming the Hammer into an illegal domestic surveillance tool....

    Sent: Saturday, February 6, 2021 4:58 PM

    It won't matter if every Biden voter votes against Harris in 2024, she will win, unless she really pisses off the oligarchs.

    On 2/6/21 6:34 PM:

    Don't give up. And you missed the very best. The bombshell is at the end.

    But the morons who voted in communism with the piece of sh-t criminal named biden should be ashamed, but probably too stupid to realize they did anything wrong.

    Sent: Saturday, February 6, 2021 1:57 PM

    I could only listen to half of it because I just got too mad knowing we'll never have another real election in this country.

    On 2/5/21 5:51 PM:

    Sent: Saturday, February 6, 2021 1:57 PM

    I could only listen to half of it because I just got too mad knowing we'll never have another real election in this country.

    yeah, they found it as far back as MARCH 2019 without any major problem (hysteria).Here's one telling how Exercise reduces one's risk (duh, exercise raises one body's temperature, "germs" don't like it hot, so they DIE!):

    Watch on Bitchute

    On Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 09:21:14 AM


    This information proves the scam beyond doubt. But please don't notice real facts that get in the way of the propaganda and science science science.

    Watch on Bitchute

    About that Peruvian Court Convicts Gates, Soros... Article. It's Fake

    by bill - 2021-02-19 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]

    Anyone reading "alternative news" websites has by now seen some version of the following headline: 'Peruvian Court Rules Gates, Soros and Rockefellers Created Coronavirus'

    "As far back as 1971, the founders of The Club of Rome admittedly designed a number of enemies to invent as cause for our elimination. Sir Alexander King wrote, 'In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.'

    All these dangers are caused by human intervention..."

    I never could trace it back to anything credible. And now, here is what one of my brothers, who has been to Peru, has to say about it:

    "I agree that covid-19 was artificially created, but "Chicha & Pisco Criminal Appeals Chamber"? Chicha and Pisco are alcoholic drinks popular in Peru. Maybe this article is someone's idea of a joke."

    good one about the fake c19 vax

    by doug - 2021-03-02 ( education / research ) [html version]


    How You Can Tell They're Lying About Covid

    by bill - 2021-03-15 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]

    Their lips are moving? But, seriously.

    "'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.' Thus famously spake Mark Twain. The plandemic has offered plenty of evidentiary fodder for Twain's observation.

    The mix-up causation with association. They (The Experts, I mean) toss off fallacy, half-truth, and presupposition, secure in the knowledge that MSM viewers are not terrible equipped to detect the lies.

    Enter Cornell Ph.D. statistician William M. Briggs, co-author of The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny of Experts Turned a Pandemic into a Catastrophe. If you've wondered how to spot the messy math and the decimal deceptions, this is the interview for you. Briggs breaks down the pie graphs and the colored charts for the nonmathematician set."

    Go to

    See also plandemic-pt-1-judy-mikovits

    A Warning to Students About Being Pressured into Taking the Experimental Covid Shot

    by doug - 2021-03-27 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]

    I just posted this because I know a college student who may choose the suicide vax if they "demand" it for next year.

    As students plan for next year, one thing they must decide -- LIFE OR DEATH -- and I AM

    not exaggerating.

    I personally know some students who could face the choice to get the suicide vax in order to attend school. No, it's never mandatory, but we all see the direction the world is pushing things. They try to force it.

    Israel is not mandatory, either, but just try to object and the CITIZENS are going to go after you like rabid animals.

    I personally know someone saying in November that says she will require anyone who wants to stay at her Air BNB to have already taken the poison jab. I mentioned she is shooting herself in the foot because many will refuse to stay there.

    If you are not fully aware of the situation yet, you should know THERE IS NO APPROVAL BY THE FDA FOR ANY covid VAX. The only thing is the Emergency Use Authorization which is like a "right to try" that is often something that people on their death bed may want because they are surely going to die and if some new drug is available on a right to try basis which could save their life, what is there to lose?

    You should also know NOBODY CAN FORCE YOU TO TAKE ANY VACCINE. But there are employers who illegally are trying to do it. You have to know how to stand your ground. You must know your rights and you can take legal action against them. They have to back off.

    VACCINE MAKERS HAVE NO LIABILITY for their poisons. So they have no incentive to make a safe product. Fauci and everyone who says different are flat out lying to the public. They have protection from something called the PREP Act which went into effect during the emergency of covid. And all these companies have been found guilty many times in court for lying, fake science, fraud, and killing people. No joking. They have paid billions, but they are so rich they can handle it as the cost of doing business.

    The poison/suicide covid vax is not even really a vaccine to begin with. It's "gene therapy" but they call it a vax to get that blanket liability protection. Without that we could sue their ass for billions.

    Students of every age, or their parents, must choose between life and death. Of course, if they are not aware it is that serious, they may choose death and take the vax. But as sure as day that is a death sentence, but it could be slow and might be painful, if not quick. Don't just believe me. There are now thousands of deaths recorded in the CDC's own VAERS database which anyone can see online. The UK has their own similar database. Most of all, the media and governments are all desperately trying to keep all these serious reactions quiet. Why? It's because they are in the middle of their global depopulation agenda.

    All this is fact and all provable, but many refuse to see what is hitting them in the face. They are completely brainwashed by the media and can't conceive their own governments don't have their best interests in mind. There is a lot of evil in the world and it's out in the full light of day now -- out of the shadows.

    The only question is can you see it?

    The famous Dr. Judy Mikovits predicted last summer, maybe about June, that there would be 50 million deaths from the poison vax and that is just the USA alone. Dr. Tenpenny thought that was high, but now thinks it is going to be even more.

    People investigate the quality of a car more thoroughly than injections in their own body. But a mistake in accepting an injection can kill you right away (within minutes), hours, days, months, or maybe even drag out over a year. The many thousands of deaths and injuries found in VAERS will crush any thoughts the poison jab is safe.

    And did you know these companies are still conducting trials? They won't be done until 3 years, so they are EXPERIMENTAL and anyone who gets jabbed is put into their tracking database and into their trial.

    Are you no better than an experimental lab rat? I hope you are.

    Now that you should know it's a choice between life or death, if your job is trying to make you take it or a school, you can sue your employer, quit your job and find an honest employer, postpone your college, pull your child out of school and do just home school, etc. Nothing but your own pure ignorance would actually force you to play Russian Roulette with your life.

    So get out of that situation. Walk away, or even run. Don't become another death stat by the globalists trying to cull the population in order to have our beautiful Earth as their private playground.

    There are now countless videos discussing all the things I have mentioned above. Educate yourself if you have any doubts. Don't believe me. It's all out there for you to read. If you don't do it I guess you are too lazy to be alive.

    See also This "Vaccine"

    All You Need to Know About the Covid Shot and Who is Responsible

    by staff - 2021-04-07 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]

    "I just ran across this movie or maybe TV show clip that spells out almost exactly the depopulation plan.

    David Icke says it's for transhumanism, but this one says it's for sterilization.

    I think it's a little of both: This Will Tell You All You Need To Know About The covid Vaccine And Who's Responsible -- Bill Gates.

    If you seriously believe the "vaccine" is something you really must have, by all means.... GO and Get It. Then watch this movie. Hollywood has a way of telling you what's going to happen long before it actually does.

    John Lear's Questions About the 2020 Election

    by staff - 2021-04-09 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    John Lear's Questions About the 2020 Election

    From end of February, 2021

    Dr. Karladine Graves Delivers Detailed Explanation About What Makes Covid Shots Dangerous

    by admin - 2021-04-11 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]

    "We're being lied to regarding the three FDA-approved covid "vaccine"s. Those who are aware of the situation realize one of the biggest lies being told about them was already highlighted in that first sentence; none of the vaccines have been FDA-approved. But that's not the only lie....

    Read, listen or watch the rest here

    What An Energy Worker Says About Vax Contagion

    by don - 2021-04-26 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    Here's what an energy worker says about vax contagion:

    In my experience and that of others that also work with the energy fields of the body the 1x vaxed have their energy fields only from the ears up approx. The 2x vaxed have lost their energy field from the body and it floats above the head.

    We found that the Spooky2 Rife machine run on Spectrum sweep restores the field after 3-4 hours. However they must be left on the Spooky. A freq in the Sweep deals with the freq in the vax.

    Those that are around the vaxed people pick up the energy field and it affects theirs considerably. The energy transfers by itself. It blocks at the neck and hammers down the back cutting off the Kundalini. The chakras flow backwards. This also is treatable with the Spooky2 Rife. These people do not need to be left on the Spooky but should use it whenever they are going out and likely to meet the vaxed people in their lives. There are likely far more solutions but that is as far as we have got up til now.

    more about mRNA education

    by bill - 2021-05-01 ( education / research ) [html version]

    I think that's why these 'rare earth' minerals are so important. They somehow allow for minute (my-noot) operations such as CPU and nanobot creation.

    Sent: Saturday, May 1, 2021 7:39 AM


    Subject: RE:

    They're created under a microscope.

    Sent: Saturday, May 1, 2021 2:03 AM


    It seems you don't believe anything nano exists.

    Yea, I can see maybe why because how in the world can anything so small be created. But I don't have a clue how they manage to make CPUs either.

    Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 11:08 PM


    so, in ten years. we haven't been shown a single one!

    On Friday, April 30, 2021, 10:45:10 PM :

    I haven't dived into that yet, just a few bits here and there. But apparently these past 10 years or so nano things have exploded.

    Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 9:53 PM


    Interesting but SHOW ME one of those "nano" devices!

    On Friday, April 30, 2021, 09:33:52 PM :

    David Icke reveals an interview possible explanation of it.

    Human Antenna -- Broadcasting The Vaccine Frequency -- David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast

    Our Video Sponsor -- No Hype Invest -- The Answer is available now at Sign up to the brand new Ickonic Media Platform -- World To...

    Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 8:57 PM

    this is a good, fairly short, video explaining why you shouldn't take the covid vax.

    also why you shouldn't have unprotected sex with a vaxed person

    On 4/30/21 9:30 PM:

    Leading Vaccine Researcher Tells You What's In The covid Vaccine & Why It's LETHAL

    Leading Vaccine Researcher Tells You What's In The covid Vaccine & Why I...

    Since covid-19 reared its ugly head many people were cautious considering when the virus popped up. After all, i...

    The Cases We're Not Hearing About

    by admin - 2021-05-04 ( life / health / covid ) [html version]

    "Good article, if only because it sums up the world's prevailing mindset fairly well.

    ...they simply rolled up their sleeve and allowed themselves to be injected with an unknown substance with unknown risks. Which is Jim Jonesian, almost. The mindless, even hysterical Faith is certainly the same.

    The only real difference -- ironically -- is that the latter-day injected want (presumably) to live. And yet, they are shockingly reckless with their lives.

    They have no idea what is being shot into them- because no one does. Except perhaps those who made what is being shot into them.

    It is an interesting symptom of the sickness -- the mental illness -- going around.

    Read, listen or watch the rest here: the cases we're not hearing about or here

    Surprising info about FDR

    by steve - 2021-05-12 ( education / research ) [html version]

    After letting the banksters create the Federal Resserve, Wilson came out and admitted that it was a major mistake. (FYI: It was created in a meeting on Jeckyll Island)

    On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 02:59:04 PM PDT wrote:

    My PhD high school history teacher thought Washington and Wilson were the 2 greatest presidents. He was right about Washington. Wilson was a disaster. And he was so sick his= wife and "kitchen cabinet" ran the country for a long time.

    On 5/11/21 10:51 AM:

    Woodrow Wilson gave the country to the global cabal when he allowed them to create the Federal Reserve (which is not federal and owned by the banksters) and they've been screwing up the country with their ties= to the commies (which FDR was with) ever since, except for JFK

    On Monday, May 10, 2021, 11:51:55 PM PDT:

    7529818163 P

    The Untold History And Shocking Truth About President FDR =E2=9C=85 Enjoy The Healthy Aging Support of Collagen =F0=9F"=A5 Get 51% Off Here =E2=9E=A1=EF=B8=8F This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^=F0=9F'=AA=F0=9F'=AA Check out David Rodriguez RAW, UNCENSORED & AD FREE! Click Here ^^^^ We are suppo...

    A Warning About Food

    by doug - 2021-05-22 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]


    Not only are the covid suicide shots getting crazy funding on TV, radio and on signs as we drive around by car, check out the last minute or so of this video (the whole thing is worth watching, but in particular the final minute about food) to see they are working hard to starve us -- NO KIDDING!!



    The Silent War Ep. 6023: Hyper-Inflation, Medical Tyranny & Food Shortages -- Prepare for the Worst

    In this episode of The Silent War: Inflation is roaring HOT! Civil Liberties v Medical Tyranny continues as states enact wildly different approaches. And rumors of food shortages to come. Sharing is caring.

    What Your Doctor Won't Tell You About Covid Shots

    by admin - 2021-06-18 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]

    They don't know much more than you, and are too lazy (they call it "busy") to do their own research. Basically, the "cure" is worse than the disease. But, sure, go ahead and make yourself a Guinea pig

    "What is the risk for dying from covid-19 versus dying from the "vaccine?" For Americans under age 50 the chances of dying from serious side effects induced by the "vaccine" are worse than dying from covid-19 itself.

    Death rate:

  • Pfizer RNA "vaccine" -- 6.50%;
  • Astra Zeneca "vaccine" -- 6.83%;
  • covid-19 -- 2.80%"
  • Source: FreeNations

    Read the entire article here

    See also worse-disease-dr-stephanie-seneff-sounds-off-covid-jab-shocking-jump-vaccine-deaths-reported-vaers-tracking-site-audio/

    Or this: urgent-british-report-calls-for-complete-cessation-of-covid-vax-assembly-lines-in-humans/287596

    Everything You Need to Know About the Covid Body Hack

    by admin - 2021-07-11 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]

    "Everything you need to know in one short and simple...

    Read, listen or watch the rest here

    Original video here. And, if you're really impatient, you can skip to the summary at the 14:25 mark in the video.

    Important Information About Finances

    by doug - 2021-08-04 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]


    She says it's been fluctuating between $25-30 which is true.

    And for anyone still not investing it's another good time to do it while a bit down.

    Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 10:15 PM


    what she says about silver is bull, though. I just looked and it's $25.33. It was $28 a bit back.

    On Monday, August 2, 2021, 09:49:34 PM



    Surprisingly Interesting Interview About the Illuminati

    by doug - 2021-08-04 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    Surprisingly interesting interview about the Illuminati and cabal Satanists by Sarah Westall


    site with many articles about chemical reactions (such as from the jab)

    by steve - 2021-08-29 ( education / research ) [html version]

    About the Contents of Those Vaccines

    by doug - 2021-09-01 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]


    Wow, breaking news about the shot contents for all 4 companies. Still just a conspiracy theory?

    Watch on BitChute

    At Least One Major World Leader, Putin, is Not Being An A--hole About Vaccination

    by bill - 2021-09-02 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]

    I strongly disagree with his assessment that the vaccination is necessary at all, but at least one world leader, Vladimir Putin, is not being an a**hole about it. And, at least the Russians' "vaccine", Sputnik, actually qualifies as a "vaccine", by definition, not an experimental mRNA injection. See below. Emphasis mine.

    "Importantly, no one should be forced to get a jab. Pressure, where people may lose their jobs, [if they refuse] is even less acceptable. People must be convinced of the need..."

    Of course, it is Russia, and Putin is ex-KGB, so the thought of being "convinced" is still a bit scary.

    See for the entire article. Also, (via

    "The 'novel' part of the '"pandemic"' has now been proven false. [Unless you consider the fact that it's entirely fiction! Ha, I crack me up.] Researchers have stated that 'isolates' supplied by the CDC that were supposed to contain covid in fact contained only Influenza A or B.

    UPDATE: And now there's this, showing the exact opposite now happening in Russia: russia-forcing-covid-sputnik-vaccine"s-and-vax-passports-amid-cover-up-of-vaccine-deaths/

    And then there's this: The Russian covid "vaccines"

    See also:

    Good Article About Covid in Australia

    by doug - 2021-11-01 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    From a friend there.

    Therese Dennis

    Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2021 7:16 PMShare away

    Let's Talk About Global Cooling

    by staff - 2021-12-15 ( education / science / environment / weather ) [html version]

    As Al Gore said (in Democrat reverse speak).

    With serious indications of global cooling, it is time to have another mini-ice age conversation with David DuByne of Adapt 2030. David and I go through some of the recent weather changes -- flooding, cooling, etc. -- the decline of the global food supply, fertilizer shortages, and more.

    See Video 20211204 020306 DuByne 2

    More Proof that It's Never Been About Protecting Anyone's Health

    by bill - 2022-01-06 ( life / health / covid ) [html version]

    [Updated: 2022-01-16 17:35:07]

    If it was about protecting our health, if there was an actual "pandemic", these hospitals would not let ANY "covid-positive" employees through the door, vaccinated or not. Luckily for those "covid-positive" employees, their results were most likely a false positive, or they simply had the sniffles.

    From an email sent to me, here's your litmus test proof that it's never been about protecting anyone's health. Subject: covid positive employees OK, unvaccinated, no; anonymous:

    "It's such a shame when politics slams up against reality. See Rhode Island went from firing unvaccinated health care workers to allowing the covid-positive to work. We should let the Democrats run the space program :-)"

    UPDATE: And now this: firing unvaccinated workers

    Mike Tyson Speaks with Robert F Kennedy Jr About Big Pharma

    by don - 2022-01-22 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]

    He points out all the vaccine companies are serial felons for past dangerous drugs, but chose vaccines because they can't be sued.

    See Mike Tyson Speaks With Robert F Kennedy Jr About Big Pharma

    Mindy Robinson Refuses to Give Up on Truth About Las Vegas Massacre

    by admin - 2022-02-04 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]

    "For all intents and purposes, the American people have followed the FBI's lead and moved on from the Las Vegas Massacre. It's been over four years since Stephen Paddock killed 60 people and injured over 400 from his perch at Mandalay Bay, and there are still many more questions than...

    Read, listen or watch the rest here

    Good Article About Ukraine and Nazis

    by steve - 2022-03-16 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    Yes, NATO is the main problem over there.

    very interesting article about Disney

    by steve - 2022-04-06 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Exposing The "Keys" to Disney's Operations and Agenda --

    Exposing The "Keys" to Disney's Operations and Agenda --

    From the CIA to the FBI, Walt Disney's connections ran deep. See what Disney's operations were really about and ...

    all about eggs

    by don - 2022-04-22 ( education / research ) [html version]

    lots of info you didn't know

    Terrific Article About Food

    by doug - 2022-04-23 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    I hope you can see it

    Aside from the problems described, there are great solutions and ideas.

    Donald Trump Jr. Warns About Next Covid Variant

    by admin - 2022-05-10 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]

    The Trumps have been in on the covid scam all along.

    "Donald Trump Jr may not a doctor, but he has insights into what the next version of covid-19 is going to look like and what will prompt it. Get ready folks. The Midterm Variant is coming and its going to be really scary. Get ready folks. The Midterm Variant is coming and its going...

    Read, listen or watch the rest here

    Biden Randomly Starts Screaming About Food Shortages... Currently Happening Under His Administration, Rips into MAGA Crowd

    by admin - 2022-05-14 ( education / news / politics ) [html version]

    Intentional, manufactured shortage.

    "Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Illinois to deliver remarks on inflation and food supply shortages. Biden addressed the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 40th annual conference at McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago after visiting a family farm in Kankakee,...

    Read, listen or watch the rest here

    North Korea Accused of Lying About Its Low Covid Death Rate While Urging Public to Treat Symptoms with Tea, Salt Water and Ibuprofen

    by admin - 2022-05-30 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]

    Governments lie about everything, but that's not a bad cold/flu/covid remedy.

    "While covid has allegedly killed over a million people in the United States and taken the lives of over 6 million globally, impoverished North Korea has the lowest covid-19 death rate in the world. As North Korea tackles its first covid-19 outbreak, approximately 3.3. million people...

    Read, listen or watch the rest here

    Fauci Openly Admits Mask Mandate is About Preserving Authority

    by admin - 2022-06-04 ( life / health / covid / vaccines ) [html version]

    In other words, it's bullsh-t, and always has been.

    "Its more of a matter of principle of where the authority...

    Read, listen or watch the rest here

    The truth about inflation

    by doug - 2022-06-12 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Dire Warning About Chemtrails

    by doug - 2022-06-18 ( life / environment / weather / conspiracies ) [html version]

    The weather now is 100% manipulated. Chemtrails are killing the earth. These people are also killing themselves.

    It's hard to hear this guest on his phone but worth the effort.

    He mentions his documentary that the social media behemoths are trying desperately to censor.

    Worth sharing to everyone.

    Emmy Vadnais Interviews Jeffrey Mishlove About the Grand Prize Bigelow Institute Essay

    by bill - 2022-07-09 ( education / research / religion ) [html version]

    Mishlove's book seems to be available here: Emmy Vadnais Interviews Jeffrey Mishlove About the Grand Prize Bigelow Institute Essay

    Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 10:23 PM

    Jeffrey Mishlove was the winner of Robert Bigelow's essay contest for whoever could present the strongest arguments for the continuation of consciousness after death.

    On 7/7/2022 6:06 AM wrote:

    Watch on YouTube

    What You Might Not Know About Ukraine

    by steve - 2022-07-30 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    yes,there's plenty of liberals in our neighborhood with Ukraine flags, clueless that they're on the side of Nazis. I read that they are against Russia because they're racist, say they're the "white race" (yeah, not exactly why leftists say they're for here) and that they consider the Russians to be oriental (also not something that leftists want to be known for being against here)

    On Friday, July 29, 2022 at 12:08:59 AM


    First 5-10 minutes gives the details. He talks specifically about supporting Ukraine is supporting Nazis. Plus more.

    Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2022 11:21 PM

    What you might not know about Ukraine= I don't want to watch but already know that the Ukraine had a coup, created by Obama in 2014, which put the Deep State in charge with the Azov and Svoboda NAZI groups and that the biden family has been LAUNDERING MONEY there ever since. Oh yeah, let's not forget the 26 BIOWEAPON LABS they have. Oh yeah, since 2014 the west Ukraine nazis have been bombing east Ukraine, which is Russian, which is why Putin was trying to help them but the "news" won't tell anybody about that because the "news" is owned by the Deep State nazis

    On Thursday, July 28, 2022 at 11:11:15 PM


    But should know.

    More About Venom

    by doug - 2022-07-30 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    They're targeting gay males.

    This is a lot more convincing evidence people were poisoned by snake venom. Listen to how the CIA did this long ago and the almost instant way to make the evidence vanish.

    Father of Child with Myocarditis Records Pharmacist Admitting Parents Aren't Warned About Side Effects

    by doug - 2022-08-08 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    Oops! You gotta hear this conversation!

    on BitChute

    The Real Story About Bone Health

    by doug - 2022-08-17 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    Very helpful info for older people (not that I'm one!).

    August 16, 2022

    To view today's video, click link: Watch on Rumble

    BitChute --

    Rumble --

    Brighteon --

    GAB -- @PamPopper in search bar

    MINDS -- To find Pam, enter @PamPopper in search bar.

    ODYSEE -- To follow Pam's page, click Follow in upper right area in the banner.

    Check out

    Critically Acclaimed New Book Warns About Vulnerability of ALL Smart Technology

    by admin - 2022-09-28 ( education / news / rss ) [html version]

    Anything with the word "smart" in it... isn't


    "Even though tech companies, enthusiasts, and proponents (including legislators and government agencies) continue to promote smart cities, smart streetlights, smart thermostats, smart..."

    Critically Acclaimed New Book Warns About Vulnerability of ALL Smart..."

    Read, listen or watch the rest here

    Good news about banks

    by doug - 2022-09-30 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Bankster Control of the World

    by steve - 2022-10-17 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    Banking dynasties control Washington

    It also goes into the non-war against Russia.

    Must-See Video About Our Favorite Bioweapon Shot

    by doug - 2022-10-24 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Packed with information, fully documented. It's still hard to believe what these criminals have done and still plan to do. Also, proof that anyone who got TESTED has potentially been given some of the bioweapon.


    Super Video About Covid

    by steve - 2022-11-29 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    Video About Prepping

    by staff - 2022-12-12 ( education / research / preparation ) [html version]

    This video is about prepping and is such a good discussion. Don't get caught unprepared.

    click here

    Fascinating New Information About the JFK Conspiracy

    by staff - 2022-12-19 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    Did I actually say the "C" word?! You mean there really are conspiracies?!

    This is a really good video: Watch on YouTube

    Really Interesting Details About Google

    by staff - 2023-01-02 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    I thought I knew quite a lot but now I see it was only a fraction and this is a really fascinating discussion about how Google has become far too big and dangerous. Also mentions Apple, Amazon and other trillion dollar corporations.


    head of CIA talks about Cooling the planet with CHEMTRAILS:

    by steve - 2023-01-10 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Yeah, this is a REAL video at the CFR meeting (the CFR is a= demonic warmongering globalist organization:Chemtrail Conspiracy Admitted by Council on Foreign Relations

    Chemtrail Conspiracy Admitted by Council on Foreign Relations

    Chemtrail Conspiracy Admitted by Council on Foreign Relations

    Harvard was to be involved in it, the university that hatched Obama

    Discussion About Food

    by staff - 2023-01-14 ( life / health / food ) [html version]

    click here

    Includes what the globalists are doing to subvert real quality food, including what will fraudulently be called organic.

    A Dutch lady is today's special guest and mentions a clever way to support local farmers.

    Interesting story about AI robots in Japan

    by doug - 2023-01-30 ( education / research ) [html version]


    Never heard that one -- so true


    Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2023 3:04 PM Re:

    "stupid 19" is the other virus that infected the world

    On Sunday, January 29, 2023 at 02:52:59 PM PST:

    I can see why people would have a hard time believing covid 19 is just the flu, because it makes no sense when you have swallowed all the lies in gaslight media, pharma, government, etc. But then simply ask yourself what happened to the normal flu after the scamdemic started. Does it really make sense it vanished?

    I mean, how stupid can you be?


    Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2023 2:13 PM Re:

    on another note,

    Japan has declared that covid is "seasonal flu", proving that Sanity is now finally happening, though there's Yahoo "news" telling of the latest "strain" because they're kontrolled as Youtube is, shown by how they just deleted the video of that Pfizer guy telling how Pfizer is working on CREATING NEW STRAINS so they can sell more vax.

    (but it's all a conspiracy theory and Ignore it all and go back to watching football or daytime TV)

    On Sunday, January 29, 2023 at 01:57:30 PM PST:


    They're Not Worried About 'Russian Influence', They're Worried About Dissent

    by admin - 2023-02-06 ( education / news / rss ) [html version]


    "Russia exerts essentially zero influence over what westerners think, yet were all meant to freak out about Russian propaganda while western oligarchs and government agencies continually hammer our minds propaganda designed to manufacture our consent for the status quo which benefits them...."

    Read, listen or watch the rest here

    Very Informative Video About the Railroad Explosion

    by staff - 2023-02-18 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    The Truth About The Ohio Train Derailment and more here

    Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 10:07 AM

    That was more interesting than I expected.

    very informative video about the RR explosion

    by doug - 2023-02-18 ( education / research ) [html version]

    That was more interesting than I expected.


    Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 10:07 AM

    The Truth About The Ohio Train Derailment


    The Truth About The Ohio Train Derailment

    Nobody Else is Talking About This

    by steve - 2023-03-01 ( education / research / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    if they get rid of anesthetics (which I doubt), there's other numbing drugs (that now are illegal)

    On Monday, February 27, 2023 at 09:49:25 PM PST:

    Pretty important for many people. A new medical threat.

    That makes sense

    Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 7:27 AM


    looks like the purpose of the climate change agenda is depopulation.

    On 2/27/23 23:49:

    Pretty important for many people. A new medical threat.

    looks like the purpose of the climate change agenda is depopulation.

    On 2/27/23 23:49:

    Pretty important for many people. A new medical threat.

    Good discussion about emf

    by doug - 2023-03-03 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Some things you might want to know.

    Something Else that Makes Me Wonder About Trump

    by steve - 2023-03-17 ( education / research ) [html version]

    yeah, easier to kill off all those against the WEF

    On Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 09:33:27 AM

    I mentioned it on my website at Trump's Call For 'Freedom Cities' Plays Right Into Globalists' Plan For Control Grid (

    Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 10:43 AM

    At least his genius "freedom cities" idea might be picked up by some other candidates ... Like maybe a WEF stooge?

    Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 4:16 AM

    Yes. He's out of the running, as far as I'm concerned.

    Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:40 PM

    Trump is becoming unhinged.

    Turning into a bitter old codger.

    Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 8:21 PM

    Something else that makes me wonder about trump


    yeah, easier to kill off all those against the WEF

    On Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 09:33:27 AM

    , <.com> wrote:

    I mentioned it on my website at Trump's Call For 'Freedom Cities' Plays Right Into Globalists' Plan For Control Grid (

    video by a black man about Democrats

    by steve - 2023-03-23 ( education / research ) [html version]

    here's a trailer to a video by a black MAN about the matter:

    Vince Everett Ellison Presents "Will You Go to Hell for Me?"




    Vince Everett Ellison Presents "Will You Go to Hell for Me?"




    The Truth About Cancer

    by steve - 2023-03-29 ( education / research ) [html version]

    [wife] survived it more than once by improving her diet (less meat)

    On Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 06:22:25 PM


    New information about cancer and how to survive it starts tomorrow, Wednesday.

    Mentioned here: Watch on Bitchute or visit here

    Scientists Create Lab-Grown Meatball from DNA of Extinct Woolly Mammoth to Spark Debate About Climate Change Crisis

    by admin - 2023-04-04 ( education / news / rss ) [html version]

    It's more of a mad scientist crisis.

    "Scientists Create Lab-Grown Meatball from DNA of Extinct Woolly Mammoth to Spark Debate About Climate Change Crisis..."

    Read, listen or watch the rest here

    Learn About EMF (radiation)

    by steve - 2023-04-04 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    put up a 5G tower in your yard and make some kick-back money (until it kills you)!

    On Monday, April 3, 2023 at 12:32:43 PM


    We bought an EMF meter to see how much we're exposed to the various types of electromagnetic frequencies around us. It wasn't nearly as expensive as I thought it would be -- just about $200.

    Our cell phones were the first thing we tested. When we are using WiFi signals, it's way less strong than cellular data signals. And when charging it's also way high, so stay as far away as possible from the phone while charging.

    There's more to check, but that's a huge one.

    Today I ran across this excellent video that includes a short video regarding the effects of radiation on people, plants, animals, etc. It's very well done and I highly recommend you take time to learn about this for your own health.

    I think you'll agree that if you can keep your cell phone away from your body, you'll be way better off. People are getting very aggressive cancers from this.

    It shouldn't be political but big corporations are ramming this down our throats and paying all politicians (through their lobbies) so our bought and paid for criminals in office are giving 5G the go-ahead full speed.

    Unique Perspective About Trump Indictment

    by doug - 2023-04-09 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    This former soldier and agent isn't the most polished person but his analysis is really great.

    Listen to the great news about what the indictment means. Plus there's more information you may be interested in.

    Conversation About the Dollar Collapse

    by doug - 2023-04-12 ( education / news / emails / conspiracies ) [html version]

    Really important information as described by Andy from Miles Franklin in Minnesota where you can convert an IRA to precious metals or buy metals directly.

    He explains how we reached this point with the dollar collapse, what most other countries are doing, and what to do to protect wealth.

    It's going to get rocky and could start soon.

    Elon Musk Said He Cautioned Obama About AI Long Ago: I Tried to Warn the Public for Years

    by admin - 2023-04-18 ( education / news / rss ) [html version]

    "2001: A Space Odyssey" warned us in 1968

    "On Sunday, Twitter and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk again spoke out about the danger of emerging AI technology, noting that he warned then-President Obama about the potential risks unregulated artificial technology development can have on society. Software developer Mckay Wrigley recently tweeted that AI would continue to see exponential growth in the coming years. Wrigley ..."

    Read, listen or watch the rest here

    New interview downloaded - about the original messesngers

    by doug - 2023-05-01 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Hi Janis,

    I enjoyed that. Claire, Annie and you, all looked pretty much the same about 8 years later when I was there. It's interesting that Claire and Annie were also the senior messengers at X in Hemet when I stood watch.

    I'm looking forward to the next one you make.

    And it's surprising you have so many pictures of yourself, because I have practically zero from my years there.


    Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2023 8:10 PMNew interview downloaded -- about the original messesngers

    Please like and subscribe!


    Love Janis

    Janis Grady

    Cell: 702 604 8123

    ChatGPT Answer to Question About Kentucky Derby

    by bill - 2023-05-02 ( culture / sports / horseracing / tech ) [html version]

    Me: "Who is the most likely winner of the upcoming Kentucky Derby?"

    ChatGPT: "At this time, it is difficult to predict the most likely winner of the upcoming Kentucky Derby as the race has not yet taken place."

    You don't say! Thanks for nothing! It can predict stocks but not horses?

    article about DeSantis bowing to zionists

    by steve - 2023-05-18 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Interesting article about Trump

    by steve - 2023-06-17 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Maybe the biggest surprise to me was that the two groups fighting to Kontrol the USA (world) were both corporate. Neocons against Trump (who had the zionists with him)

    Best Information About RFK Jr

    by doug - 2023-06-30 ( education / research / civics / politics ) [html version]

    New book. And this guy is interviewed about it.

    I think he'd (RFK JR.) make a very good president and plan to donate to his campaign by tomorrow, which is the deadline at this stage.

    Watch on Bitchute

    What Does It Mean to Be Metagender or Demiromantic?

    by admin - 2023-07-31 ( education / news / rss ) [html version]

    Cults love to confuse people with new or repurposed words.

    "An Oregon school district is teaching tenth-grade students a variety of gender identities such as metagender, as well as the difference between sexual orientation and romantic orientation, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation...."

    Read, listen or watch the rest here

    Video About the WEF ATTACK on Lahaina

    by doug - 2023-08-15 ( education / research ) [html version]


    Just saw that Peggy Hall covers it well and mentions DEW.

    Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 7:28 PM

    I was thinking more along the lines of what said. Microwaves heat up organic matter, so it seems like the trees in that case would be reduced to jelly.


    Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 9:11 PM

    video about the WEF ATTACK on Lahaina

    I haven't watched anything yet but it sounds like a direct energy weapon that uses something like microwave beams.

    Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 6:18 PM

    video about the WEF ATTACK on Lahaina

    maybe something to do with trees having water inside them?

    On Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 05:56:08 PM


    I know it's been mentioned before, but how is it that homes and cars were burnt to a crisp, like previously in California, but the trees survived?

    Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 7:20 PM

    video about the WEF ATTACK on Lahaina






    I'm listening to it now so I'm not sure how good it is


    Just saw that Peggy Hall covers it well and mentions DEW.

    Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 7:28 PM<.com>


    I was thinking more along the lines of what said.  Microwaves heat up organic matter, so it seems like the trees in that case would be reduced to jelly.




    Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 9:11 PM

    video about the WEF ATTACK on Lahaina


    I haven't watched anything yet but it sounds like a direct energy weapon that uses something like microwave beams.



    Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 6:18 PM<.com>

    video about the WEF ATTACK on Lahaina


    maybe something to do with trees having water inside them?


    On Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 05:56:08 PM

    , <.com> wrote:



    I know it's been mentioned before, but how is it that homes and cars were burnt to a crisp, like previously in California, but the trees survived? 


    Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2023 7:20 PM

    video about the WEF ATTACK on Lahaina





    I'm listening to it now so I'm not sure how good it is



    Next Major War Reportedly About to Begin, with Its D-Day Already Chosen

    by michael snyder - 2023-08-21 ( education / news / conspiracies / war ) [html version]

    Not another one. As I have repeatedly warned my readers, leaders all over the globe seem to have come down with a really bad case of war fever. Instead of sitting down and attempting to find solutions through diplomacy, many of our leaders seem quite eager to use military force to settle matters these days.

    Read, listen or watch the rest here: freedomfirstnetwork

    Best Report Yet About Maui

    by doug - 2023-08-28 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Another great report on the truth in Lahaina

    Sent: Friday, August 25, 2023 11:12 PM-

    Best report yet about Maui

    disgusting interviews by residents telling how the gov't seemed to want to KILL PEOPLE (but it's just a Conspiracy)

    On Friday, August 25, 2023 at 10:53:07 PM


    It's mainly the first 30 minutes.

    Many things nobody else I've seen reported.

    Important Info About Weather Hoax

    by steve - 2023-08-31 ( education / research ) [html version]

    I started to listen and even signed up with her but I started skimming through and decided it was a waste of time. She's too weird for me.

    On Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 08:32:52 PM

    Her name is Barbara Taveres (probably a corruption of the Portuguese name Tavares) and she's very wise to the globalist weather scams and manipulation. Full of information, including some things I've never heard about.

    Don't miss this one:

    Watch on Bitchute

    Maybe the Ultimate Discussion About Fires

    by doug - 2023-09-02 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Maybe this is the ultimate discussion about fires in general. He covers Maui but many California fires, too

    If you watch the evidence shown, there's no way you can say it's just normal. It's completely unnatural.

    Discussion About Fires

    by doug - 2023-09-03 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Maybe this is the ultimate discussion about fires in general. He covers Maui but many California fires, too

    If you watch the evidence shown, there's no way you can say it's just normal. It's completely unnatural.

    Watch here

    Architect Tells the Truth About 9/11 Psy-Op

    by steve - 2023-09-14 ( education / research ) [html version]

    sure, a "thinking person" (but I think it's all a "conspiracy", right?

    On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 10:42:15 PM

    After talking about bldg 7 being a planned demolition, they talked about the two towers with facts that a thinking person should be willing to question after all these years.

    Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 9:18 PM

    -- Re: Architect tells the truth about 9/11 psyop= I started to listen to it and they started talking of the RIDICULOUS IDEA that it was DEW but I'm glad that Gage didn't play along with that.Then it talked of Tower 7, which anybody with half a brain would see was (and even said to be then) a planned demolition.I quit wasting my time with it.Unfortunately, millions have been convinced that it's a "conspiracy theory" as with covid. So sad. Such IGNORANCE and inability to see the what science proved (you know, liberals "believe in science")

    On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 08:39:25 PM

    Really interesting details, including some things similar to the Maui land grab in the name of the fake climate change scam.

    More details about the wave of people thru Mexico

    by steve - 2023-10-14 ( education / research ) [html version]

    NYC people keep doing suicidal things. Is it due to living like RATS?

    On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 08:09:32 PM

    Genius policies, as usual.

    Sent: Friday, October 13, 2023 7:17 PM

    -- --

    = as this article tells, NYC folks get to be second class to ILLEGALS at hospitals: Even More American Citizens Turned Away At Lib City Hospitals So Illegal Aliens Can... " Patriots Beacon | | | | | | | | Even More American Citizens Turned Away At Lib City Hospitals So Illegal...

    | | |

    On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 06:49:13 PM

    , wrote: Most people grow up eventually and become conservative but it obviously takes longer for some (even the governor of NY is finally understanding the REALITY of the border and wants it closed)

    On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 06:31:11 PM

    Staggering numbers crossing the southern US border. Estimates of 4 million more just during this current criminal regime. No wonder why moron democrats who once were in favor of it are begging for it to stop. And take a look at the number of people from "countries of concern" in the middle east. Stay clear of border regions, I think. But no place is completely safe. So do what you must to protect yourself. No doubt whatsoever there are sleeper cells waiting for the go sign.

    informational article about israel-hamas war (false flag operation)

    by steve - 2023-10-19 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Shit about ready?

    by steve - 2023-10-23 ( education / research ) [html version]

    yeah, again the zionists, rothschilds, and biden are also mentioned

    On Sunday, October 22, 2023 at 11:17:54 PM

    Listen to this short report from a cab driver and his passenger.

    Really interesting talk about psychology and habits

    by doug - 2023-11-09 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Includes comments about being a writer and more. Worth a listen.

    Lots of info about EMF and steps to avoid it

    by doug - 2023-11-30 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Electromagnetic frequencies may be the most important reason for sickness. Really interesting conversation:

    Really interesting discussion about ESG

    by doug - 2023-12-11 ( education / research ) [html version]

    No, it's not some chemical. It's how the globalists want to take away our freedom, linked directly to the climate change scam.

    Extremely important video about EMF

    by doug - 2023-12-27 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Watch at least the first 10 minutes and I'll wager most will then want to watch the entire thing. It is from about 5 years ago and the scientific research mentioned might shock you. I knew it was bad but not this bad. I think maybe this is what killed Don. Under no circumstances should anyone decide to start shooting or in any way ruining the 5G towers. It's pretty fragile, I hear, and the last thing we'd want is to cause the globalists more money or expense. I'll be doing things in our new place to reduce our exposure such as installing cat5 cables and probably special paint as mentioned in the video. See the first link below. ________________________________ S

    Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2023 9:38 AM WATCH THIS ENTIRE VIDEO If you only watch one video this week, please watch this entire video and take steps to mitigate the effects of EMF exposure

    What can we do about cell towers near us?

    by steve - 2024-01-07 ( education / research ) [html version]

    everybody in Sacramento was= mandated to get a= water meter. those meters continually monitor our water use and send signals back to the city. I don't know how strong any one is, but it's EVERYBODY's meters together that I wonder about

    On Saturday, January 6, 2024 at 04:08:56 PM PST:

    In case you don't know, cell towers are radiating us at seriously toxic levels. I recently shared a terrific video about the science behind that fact. It's causing sterilization, tumors, to name just a couple. This talk between Dr Lee Merritt and attorney Todd Calendar covers that and lots more.

    Really nice discussion about happiness

    by doug - 2024-01-10 ( education / research ) [html version]

    A very important thing, I'd suggest. By James Corbett:

    What the New World Order is Really About

    by steve - 2024-02-01 ( education / research / conspiracies ) [html version]

    I've kind of tried to put together what the New World Order battle is really between. I came up with this this evening:

    • Hitler was a fascist. He was promoted by the US banksters and US corporations.
    • In March of 1908, after years of difficult conditions and failure, geologist George Bernard Reynolds discovered oil in Persia (modern-day Iran).
    • A year later, an oil company in the UK, Burmah Oil, created a subsidiary company to develop oil production in Persia, the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC), which started volume production of oil by 1913.
    • It is quite likely that the Rothschilds saw the value of oil in the Middle East and it was something they wanted.
    • Russia was and is still mostly Christian.
    • The Khazars and Russia were against one another for centuries and Christianity gives the Russians inner strength that the atheist Zionists don't like.
    • The Zionists replaced Czarist rule of Russia with communism, likely to destroy it.
    • In 1917 the Rothschilds got the British to agree to the Balfour Declaration, giving the Zionists control over Palestine.
    • Hitler worked with the Zionists to get people into Palestine through the Transfer Agreement.
    • The CIA came from Hitler's government.
    • The CIA goes into countries and ruins them with drugs and communism so they can steal the country's assets. (Kind of what they're doing in the USA, too.)
    • With the control of oil, the Zionists seem to want to take over the whole world and with the Rothschild money, they can and do buy "leaders" of countries to do it.

    The battle boils down to Christians vs atheists/Satanists. Any comments? Am I missing anything in particular?

    Kevin Kiley spoke to Congress about Scamdemic

    by steve - 2024-04-29 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Kevin Kiley Remembers Rona Hysteria | | | | | | | | Kevin Kiley Remembers Rona Hysteria =E2=81=A3and hypocrisy My Book: New York City 2020: Barnes and Noble:

    https:/... | | |

    Gen Z Furious About the Economy, Blaming Previous Generations for Wrecking It

    by admin - 2024-05-12 ( education / news / rss ) [html version]

    Blame Biden. It was doing well under Trump until the scamdemic hit.

    "By Michael Snyder No matter how hard they work, millions of Gen Z Americans are just barely scraping by month after month, and many of...

    Generation Z Is Furious About What Has Happened To The Economy, And They Are Blaming Previous Generations For Wrecking It


    Read, listen or watch the rest here

    illegal aliens about to explode

    by steve - 2024-05-24 ( education / research ) [html version]

    Chicago? How many MURDERS are there every weekend?

    On Friday, May 24, 2024 at 01:15:37 AM PDT:

    Very powerful interview of a former border agent who describes a well oiled machine, spending over 1 trillion dollars to bring illegals to the USA. He thinks it'll start in Chicago and then every major city afterwards. Must watch and get prepared. It's already a powder keg.

    blog versionsimilar posts here... and elsewhere

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