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If you want a reliable diesel truck, this guy says these are extremely easy to work on and reliable.It's mentioned as the last of four diesel trucks to buy in this video.The 250 is a 3/4 ton and the 350 is a 1 ton. There's a huge difference with the 1 ton being a dually (4 rear wheels) and towing capacity.In my opinion, the idea... read more
Those who read my last story know I drive a Ford Escape. I love it but need to trade it in soon. The transmission shudders a bit at certain speeds, certain RPMs. I need to sell it before the transmission fails. It's got about 125K, 75K of which I put on it after I bought it used. I'm thinking of replacing it with the slightly larger Ford... read more
Plastic engine parts.Stop spending $20K on plastic! CAR WIZARD shows how this '95 Lexus LS400 is the perfect car. Prices on cars have gone through the roof, and they are mostly made out of brittle plastic pieces that won't last past your auto loan. You won't believe how many miles it has and how litt... read more
/images/emissions-convo.webp A mostly one-way text conversation (click image) I had with my wife yesterday while she worked and I tried to get her car emissions tested. I was laughing at my... read more
: At a neighbourhood BBQ I was talking to a neighbour, a BC Hydro executive. I asked him how that renewable thing was doing. He laughed, then got serious. If you really... read more
You probably can't fix it yourself, and your mechanic might not be able to, either. Almost a metaphor for our times. See Kilmer explains new car repair .
By the way, this guy's great. In various places he says: Honda makes the best engines but Toyota makes the best... read more
This is too funny not to share. Almost every driver has been there -- when parking in a large lot or garage, it can be easy to misplace a car.But while most drivers locate their cars after a frustrating few minutes, one German man has been searching...: ta... read more
Driving wife's Jetta while my car gets serviced. I called it a piece of $h! while I tried to climb out. Its door hit me in the forehead during the struggle.So, I guess we're even.... read more
If your brakes ever go out, just shift into Park. Better to ruin the transmission than to die!
You're welcome!
Don't ask. :)... read more
Three and a half hours in the titlePep Boys hrefpepboys.comPep Boys waiting room is always time well-spent, wouldn't you agree? :) I'm home now, appreciating the comfort of my office chair, but Pep Boys seriously needs to consider putting more comfortable seats in their waiting area. I did g... read more
We hear this is a good website to estimate how much a car repair should cost. : Repair and Maintenance Estimates Auto Shop and Mechanic Ratings : RepairPal .Rep... read more to Replace a Headlight Bulb in a Accord I just followed their instructions to fix my wife's headlight (after she got pulled o... read more
I'm just testing this Windows Live Writer software. UPDATE: There's now a newer, version here.
It was a dark and stormy night ... No, it was an unusually cold day ... yeah, that's it ... for the first week of December when I was forced to go without my belove... read more