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A Day Without My Car

by bill - 2009-12-08 05:00:00 ( in culture, humor, transportation, auto) [php version] rebuild

I'm just testing this Windows Live Writer software. UPDATE: There's now a newer, "open-source" version here.

It was a dark and stormy night ... No, it was an unusually cold day ... yeah, that's it ... for the first week of December when I was forced to go without my beloved -- well, maybe not beloved, but much appreciated -- car. It's in the shop because it's running roughly, "missing" is the technical term. I hope to get it back tonight. I miss it. Okay, yeah, that was unnecessary.

Anyway, just last night, seeing some people at a bus stop, my daughter asked what they were doing there. I explained they were waiting for a bus. "Why?" she asked ... of course. "Because not everyone has a car," I said. She seemed to accept that. She could relate, having just a tricycle, scooter and bicycle herself.

Holiday World video

And the verdict is: This Windows Live Writer is a pretty nice piece of software!

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