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Grounding is true. We are all subjected to environmental toxins from our food and the air thanks to chem trails and pollution.I'm surprised you don't seem to know it.Sent: Monday, June 19, 2023 4:25 AM Cc: Alternative healthwhat toxins? I sweat. Is that supposed to be toxins?It reminds of those stupid ads ... read more
This video discusses how masks will cause cancer, which has never been mentioned by anyone else that I know about: that facemasks cause cancer Plus, I AMhearing rave results from people lately regarding chlorine dioxide, I believe it's called. You may hav... read more
I should say something about bleach, as a number of critics insist MMS (chlorine dioxide) is a bleach and, thus, a poison. Chlorine dioxide, the chemical that is MMS, has never been used domestically as a bleach for cleaning toilets. It is an industrial bleach when used FOUR THOUSAND times more concentrated than MMS. It is never use... read more