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So, What Can We Each Do To Take Back Our Country?

by doug - 2021-01-29 ( education / civics / politics / covid ) [html version]

Barring a miracle, maybe from the declassifications including Obamagate and 9/11 (if that is even true), we have to do more and spread the word to the American patriots to make positive changes.

    So here is a list I may revise from time to time:
  1. Take off your F---ing mask, or don't EVER wear it. If you just don't want to make waves, find places to shop that don't require it. Give THAT business your money.
  2. Use your money strategically. BUY 100% American made products as much as possible. Here is a link to a website created by An0maly that will help find 100% USA made items:;
  3. Take your children and grandchildren out of public schools, or even private schools if they are enforcing mask and other satanic covid rituals like 6ft distancing. You will save them from the brainwashing going on, including the BLM (Burn, Loot, Murder) education agenda. You can legally remove your child from schools by accepting responsibility for their education. We homeschool our son and will start another son in September 2021. It is an official home school that we receive funds for education supplies. It's not perfect because we can't use it for field trips to museums yet, nor for any in-person services like gymnastics, music, like we used to before the 2020/2021 covid hoax.
  4. Find like-minded people in your area and meet up to discuss things. Band together. Share sources for organic food, hair cuts, dentist, medical, etc. Give your business to patriots only.

If you can think of more things and comment, I may add your ideas. Feel free to share this with anyone. We need to take control.

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