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I can't imagine anyone could disagree with the subject. It's very important for your own sanity. Division is the opposite of what people ever need.Here's a very short discussion about it. You can start about 2 minutes into it. on Bitchute ... read more
wife talks of leaving all the time but I don't think we'll do it. I'd rather fight and be able to continue riding the bike trail (we have so much stuff that it'd cost a fortune to take it with us).We plan to sell our 2nd house but to avoid ridiculous capital gains, we have to live in it for 2 years. We registered to make ... read more
Vedic Astrologer Joni Patry (the only astrologer who predicted Trump win in 2016) says the world will never be the same again after next month: on YouTube
Christian says God showed him a national meltdown in Spain during March and April, Spain is on track fo... read more